1 1 8k :swr"-M:T7?- . . : V As- Tim -1 i . , f .v..-.- - jf j 5uaL 'Pkone TjleP 1000 : WANT ADS Want ad received ol an -tue, bat to Insure proper ciasniMca-rton musl be presemed before 12 o'clock m. tor the evening edition ami before -7:30 fer morning and Bunday editions. Want ada receled aftox audi hour trill have their flrat Insertion under the beading '"loo Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT AD9. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 4 cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent in sertion. Each Insertion made on odd H cenU per word. fl.BO per line per month. IUtea appl to either The Dallj or Bandajr Dee. AJwsjs count tlx word to a 11m. Want ada for The Uee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your 'corner druggist" they are all branch offices for lite llee and your ad will be Inserted Just at promptly and on the Mime rates as at the main office in The I tee tiui'ding, eventeetu and Farnam streets. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Baura Drug Co., aal M. 16th St. Beranek, g. A. 104 South. 16th Bt Benson Pharmacy, bnitun. Neb. be mis Park Pharnrtcy, ifcl and Cuming. Blaka-Bradisli, Sals Sherman Av. Clifton Hill pharmacy, iia Military Av. Caughlln, c. K., 611 and Flare Sta. Crlssejr Pharmacy, i-4(b and Lak Bts. Cooney Pharmacy, KM South lath Bt Cermak, Kmll. mi- South 16th tit. Khler, P. U,, 2W2 Leavenworth be. Foster Arnoldl, 211 Uorth tbth Bt Freytag, J. J., mi Norm 24lh 6U Fregger Drug Co., 1302 Jvirth 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Green s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Greenough, O. A., 106 Sorlh 10th St. Greenough, O. A.. 10th tna Hickory Bta Gulden Pharmacy, 24 Hi and Eenvcnworto. Hayden, William, MM Farnam St Hanscom Park Ptiumucv. laol S. ith Ave. Hlmerlong Drug Co., slat Ava and Far Dam St Hoist, John, 674 North iSth St. Huff. A. U, iaii Leavenworth PL Johanann Drug Co., 24th and bpauldlng. Kln, 12. 8., 2288 Farnam Bt. Kountn Plac Pharmacy, U04 N. f4th St Mares, Fred I. Mi Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt Peyton Pharmacy, 1M bouin 16th Bt Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ava tk hatter's Cut Price Drug Store, lbih and Clilcago Bis Schaefer, August. !631 North 16th Bt Bchmldt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pnannacy. 40th and Cuming. DKAT11 AN U FUN UK it NOTICES MORRISSKY Katherlne, agod 15 years, March 17. Funeral Monday morning from residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrn. John Mor rlHsny, MS North Twenty-eeventh utrect, at 8:30 a. m., to Sacred livurt church at V o'clock. . interment St. Mary's cemetery. PARKER Fred V., Friday morning after a very brief Illness. Aged 46 years. Wife and one child survive him. lie was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and Knights of Pythias, Bt. Albans Lodge No. 17 Council Bluffs. Members of the B. of R. T. and Brother Knights of Omaha and Council Bluffs are invited to attend the funeral at 2 P. M. at Hulse 4k Klepen's Undertaking Parlors, 70 Bo. 16th Street.. . WAHITROM-John R., Friday afternoon, aged 11 years, 3 mouths, 211 days, beloved won of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wahlstrom. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from family residence, 223 Cass street. In- ternient. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. CARD OK THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neigh bors who came Into our home with kind words and deeds and so kindly assisted us in the hour of our bereavement In the loss of our husband and father. We wish especially to thank the pastor and members of McCabe Methodist Episcopal church; also the district court, members of the sheriff's office, members of the street rail way company of Tenth and Pierce house, ladles of the Grand Army, Circle No. 11, Minnehaha council, tor their beautiful floral offerings, silent messengers of sym pathy. Mrs. Martin Klrkendall, E. K. klrkendall, W. E. Klrkendall. BIRTHS AND DKATHS, Births Charles and Anna Spolek. 1230 aoutn Jweilth stree,, boy; Ralph and Vir ginia Ream, WJi Seward street, boy; Frank Uid Josie Mukry, 2d South Eleventh street. boy; Adolph and Mary Stors, 2tH Cass ireei, ooy; rtauae and Cella Dansky, St. Catherine's hospital, girl. Deaths Morand Schutt. 7 years, I4u7 t.mtune street; Peter Borensen, 24 years, Hwedlsh Mission hospital; Henry S. Peaaa. U years. Wise Memorial hospital; Joseph i t, co years, irvington, imjLi. MARRIAGB LICENSES Permits to wed have been granted the tuiiuwuis uuupies; Uert C. Uardner. South Omaha Laura Culiumber, South Omaha lohn F. Raimers, Chalco Catherine D. Siert, Millard Kswton Dewel, Omaha Millie Sayles. Omaha Donle 8. Clark, Fremont Ueruud A. Lvvelady, Fremont ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEAIAK CO.,TNK' DUFFT Jk BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1411 MRS. CHARLES C. HUNG ATK. china U4 uis- eiv ijranueia ciof. xei. Web. 6s. k VACUUM CLEANER for rent. Phone v cosier stuu. u-244,4. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all (iu oraera. vaia.uguea free, if her man UcCoanell Drug Cu.. Omaha, Neb. MASONRY cunt r; repairs. Healy. W.-124U DOUGLAS PrinUiig Co., TsL. Douglas 644. OU8 NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and sanitary 10th Flour Oi.iaha Nat I Bank Bldg. ED KOTHEBY hiiu n. k run clgara. Cat In connecuon. Ill a 14th tit. MAUUARD Van a dtorag. Pack, roovs, Itor and ship H. H. good a. IX B-24A niter, filter repairs, lain Howard. D. ttU. JOHN CANE. 1101 S. Mh Av.. trims your U. Col stigo Co.. n. res. tut Karnata. SAT KOSHER HOM B CtMlKINQ. ARXIN9, H 8. 16TH. UPSTAIRS. CHI NAMEL Display Paint talk A color card (re. Saratoga Drug Co., h A Arae. tV tNX T per cent Wo tbaa Omaha, prtosa HOME FURNITURE CO rwanty-fourta aod L bls. South Omaha, HORNBY Blue Print Co.. Ids Bs Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 ontinued.; MONEY 1 TO LOAN LOW tAl'F. in Bums to kult. 31u Hee lildg. Phone loug. hM. UNION LOAN CO. DAVID COLK CKriAMliKli" COMPANY. KNl'JKEUBOCKEK Turkish, batnst. li7 B. Hih tiunitary; for ladles or gentlemen. Alwava upen. LLEli GltANI) JUTEL Turkish Baths Slr.V.Vward west. Bta. WANTEIV-Tn contract for uteain hreak InK In Kawlinx. Cheyenne, Shprman, Thomas counties. Kansas. per acre. U. K- Bmith, Farlln, Iowa. TO do nome out.slde gray iron casting work. Our cawtinRM ar made of No. 1 pig Iron and are perfectly nmooth. Try us. Howard Stove Work, lialston. Bell phone, lUlHton STENOGRAPHER. 40 Bee Bldg. D. 2!)7. I3A11KER BKOS. PAINT CO., Doug. 470. ind. A-3S21. ' WW, Farnam St. Stencil outfits; 5 styles; plrture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS PA I NTH. BRAS3 POLISH. LIQUID VENKEJi AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. ASH PITS EVERT BODY In dmaha has been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm here to do the work with any artificial brick, stone or concrete. Henry Heese. brick and cement contractor. Douglas 60io. LYNCH BKOS PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WOH1C 1701 Jaikson Bt. U. 1477. T Iro r ence Iron and Wire. Champion nee Co., 1.1th and Jackson Sts. Tel. Douglas 1500. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron Htid wile fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. GET MY prices for raruenter or repair work. p. CHRISTENSEN. Web. 3371. CURTAINS CLEANED Best of care, 6 years' experience. Phone Tyler 13SL E. T. Farnsworth. Att'y, 43) Be Bldg. U. F. WU1LN. optician. 4l BrandeU Bldg. Piano teacher desires pupils: Leschetlsky method; memory work. Douglas 1148. Charles 8. MeConnell, public accountant. 914 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 114. XT VP Electric Pisnos, Music Boxes, Pea- J1JJ A. r, , , , u iul A 1 1 1 1 .it 1 Uu,hlnaa I'uuli Mjwiliiiiou or paymenls. Omaha Auto nuiivullIltfH matlc Vending Machine Co.. 2124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 241 A-13. Vracuum Cleaner eb8treernt3 Phone 3409, B-Z4J4. IF. YOU have ri vt h In ir tr. 1 1.1 -AAin let me know. I give you low figures and KOOd Work. Tel. Wnhltar nr null 9 Mil rinor f?L. ... THEY are announcing diitlv that ih,v Keep barrel I a syrup in all good grocery stores. If Mrs. Denlsn Harknlnw 12 n 30th St., Will brlna- this ad to Th. Ho. within three days and identify herself she will receive an order for 14 Run eun f ti, ueucious syrup. AUTOMOBILES Smash up your auto, ' BK1D Into a poet "TEAR vour Inn " And brine It to the best 'place In Omaha " kiiius ok repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney 8 la. CAMEIiON ut0 Repair and Garag. itcMvuau e enure mm. Doug. , 62U. Trucks and autos stor-a WRITE! for Hit of nn,nkn. ILK. Fiedertckaon Auto Co., Oiualia, SPLENDID CAK CHEAP unU9In.lleir"D,fer' ho"-Pw.r. only One 1911 4-passenger. 16-horaa-nnmr as new. ' One 1I)U 4-passenger 40-horse-power, fore door, brand new; Just received from fac tory. Well known snake. None better. Will i xiere is your chance. r t,oday- No trad- -addresa L.-SM, SAVE MONEY ON YOUR AlITriMOHIi ii tiium Glance at the following prices and you can reauiiy see me nig bargains we ar offering. Siie, Price. Tubes.' Slse. Price. Tubes nxj KlU.dS x 11.88 3.15 83Mi.... 14.00 4.27 S2xSH.. lfi.2S 4.4 30x4 IIS. 60 6.11 :-x4 19.06 6. S3 !x4 19.119 6.04 34x4 2U3 6.17 3-,x4 22.38 .49 4x8H.... 17.31 4.78 By sending In difference in nrlce hetween guaranteed and unguaranteed, the tire mav be bought unguaranteed and then guaran teed after inspection; 6 per cent discount when cash accompanlee order. Auto Tire riroaeraxe t-'o., ion Irving Park Blvd., can save you 40 per cent on first quality guaranteed auto tires. Write for price list. Marquette Rubber Co., Chicago. Motor yclata. Wrifa fr "st of used motorcycles. W pans. i r.iiUABHA iis LU. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. Good condition. 11. 2'J0 S. 14th, upstairs. BUSINESS CHANCES TO (JET in or out of busineaa, oall o u a r.u r..- i au, eua no uiag. lei. v. WISHING to retire from the grain bust nesa we are offering our 40.UU0 bushel cribbed elevator, coal sheds, warehouses. etc., for sale. Price 12.0u0; beat plac on main line railroad In Nebraska for grain, lumber, flour. Hay and feed business. No farmers competition nor has any ever been aguaiea. it you ar looking lor a money matting proposition investigate this. Ad dreks Y 94 care Be. A FINK real estate and Ins. business for sale; well established and doing 1100,000 uuiuf a year. in sell outright or half Interest. Have about Z.Ouo acres of good irrlKuted land. Suletidld iinmuMv f,,r rlitht party. For full particulars address junn i. tMiipaiK, jr., l)rini. Idaho, or iha. ,ni. uuiift, ouncu liiuna. ( -y on yotir money will be guaranteed Vc t you by one of the biggest whoie II if) sal houses of Omaha, H. U. Twombly, 220 Board of Trad. A FEW hundred dollars mor needed ta complete capital stock of company being organised to engage In legitimate a.nd l ioiHao! business; aai investment. A sus. be. BACK TO THE FARM. You may not have money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy an interest In one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. Let me tell you about It W. Hi. Bee $. To $2 0H) yearly to you. Save a dime a day for Interest in a big plantation. Ex pert managements Government proofs. Flor ida Co-tperatHe Co., 10J3 Marbrldg Build lug, New York. BUSINESS CHANCES IContinued.i " We need state and district managers who can Invest $l.iK to tj.Oiio in a non-Hpi'culatlve business. Met: of average business anility can i ll-Mr J.'i.iti-J to $.il.ii per minimi. I 'niii-Hi tunable references given and re nuired. Ours Is a hU'h-class propnsitlon for high trrade men and those who don't "iTieaRiire up" need not apply. The Motograph, Hartford Bldg., Chicago.' A N OLD ESTABLISHED grocery, cen trally located, with good clean stock, will sell at a bargain. D. feS3, Bee. AN OPENING FCR A VARIETY STORE if you think of starting a store I can help you, as 1 make it my business to know the different locations where new re tail htores are needed. I know about towns, industries, population, etc., In many parts of the country. 1 know many places where new stores can start with a small capital with popular priced roods pay a profit from the beginning-possibilities lim ited by your own ambition and capacity. No charge for Information, including free :HK(-pae book telllnn how to run a retail store. Address F. MO, Bee. BUSINESS man, established, wants ten kuimI people to answer who have ..K ti il tMMJ for a secured investment at 7 per cent at beginning and certainty of steady Increase to 14 per cent and even to pet cent, besides increasing In value. Best references, and the Investment one that bankers recognize as solid. Address at once, M Bin, Bee.- GOOD paying pool hall, owner golns on fun, Must be an d at onee. nargain i,iaa'. Also got another dandy place $700. GANGESTAD, Room n two diuS. $18,000 PER ANNUM sounn commercial business. British corporation anxious iu establish their wonderiui inveni on (awarded prlee meaai urusseis fxummmou 19101, In every town in me unum omicr-. and business being too gigantic win anywhere themselves; tnev purpose Minu s to one reliable person or corporation in each town; sole working license for fifteen veais. Machine capable yielding licensee above return In a single town. A safe in vestment Very little capital needed. Ll no nivmpnt DurelV nominal. I nlque op portunity for the right man. Director now In New York allotting territory. Write Immediately, giving references. Melyln Williams & Co., Ltd., Metropolitan Bldg., New York City. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Honks. Advice. Search and VIJ.F.V, List of inventions Wanted. Send sketch of model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. , Watson K. Coleman, Tat. Law r, 22 F St., N. W. Washington, l. i. mivrrn TiTSTnrrT MANAGERS En ergetic and capable men, who can furnish giltedge references, iu open business In all principal cities in the Un ited States; must invest 2.000 to o.o00 in Interest bearing profit-sharing stock of the Company as a matter oi mui ... Interest In the business; only men "'e of ernlng commissions of frorn .T,ooo to $10,000 000 per year acordlng to territory, r. wer MAPLE PRODUCTS CO., 744 i .tlonal Bank Bldg., Chicago, I1I. need lrst aim Natl .uisjim-ri 7.IMC AND LEAD MINES pay big dividends for quick profits-buy ,... ..iv:, .,eit now at fifty cents a share, Lyon Investment Co., Joplln, Mo.'" IF YOU want to get Into business for yourself and have $2,000 to $3,000 caah, you are wanted as assistant manager for a well established Omaha firm with a grow ing business; good salary and a splendid opportunity to become general manager. L. SS6. Bee. on.n riakV enneraJ merchandise; Invoice $5,000; liberal discount for cash for the next twenty days. Address Y 122, car Omaha Bee. TtTTrHii.T.Ti-)n TRADP) SEE THE MIDLAND CO.. 674 BRANDE1S BLJ3Q. "boTrDTNG HOUSE, WELL WATKD, 10 ROOM S. , HlUtt-V y ' V", ? WAYS Dll,l44ll' u " ' i V'. ING PIANO, 700. O tod. Bee. TFXA8 offers wonderful opportunities. investor, homeaeeker send 10c. lor , pom pie te Information regaromg i..' . - months'trlal subscription. Texas Invest ment Journal, McKluney, Tex. ,...,tj .ni.nriimitii atiuis April 1. Get an interest in paying publishing house Lim ited number or snaren i. ,.,.-. "... now. Conquest Co., Troy, N. Y." oni.T drug store In small western Iowa town. Clear $2,(00 year easy. Bermlt and prescribing doctors. Good deal. Address i bti, car Bee. FOR BALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker; town 4.000. Addreas Lock Box 285, Carroll. la. FOR SALE An excellent variety store; good reason for selling. Write Hiden Co.. Dcnison, la. FIRST class restaurant, best location In town, doing good business; long lease. A 876. Bee. , POOL hall. 4 pool, 1 billiard tables, all .i.i,. in irn.wi countrv town In east ern Neb.; population 5.u00; good bargain If taken by March . X-U. uee. FOR SAI.E-Only garage In city of 7.UO0 people located central or m .ninmnhlla territory very good. Reason for leaving, have other lntereeta to look after. Aaorew j. FOR BALE Crackerjack yartsty stors i In good county seat town, i, -dress Y 10. car Be. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location, ltth and Dorcas. WAFFLKS are never so fin as when i.-uir-11's fine syrup is poured over them. If jos P. Murphy, 2128 fass St. VIII brtng this ad to The Bee within thre days sjid ;.....7 i.imself he will receive an order for a 60-cent can of this fine syrup. RESTAURANT for sale at a bargain. Excellent location, goou imuo, GANGESTAD. Boon; 404 Be Bldg.' PARTIES having money to loan or In vest, houses to rent or sell .will do well t . The Oakrldge Inv. Co.. Real Estate, Loans or Insurance, till Paxton Blk. O TiV Co.. Real Estate. Loans and WoaKi Insuranc. List your prop erty for sal or rent tiulck returns. 8. W. Corner 1VU ana iuugiaa. 4i. uuji. u YOUR neighbors go to the American theater when they wish a pleasant even ing. If Joseph Langer, 1929 S. lst St., will hrtmr thla ad to 1 he Bee and Identify himself lie will receive an order for two treats at the American tneater. PATENTS secured or fee returned; II- lurtrated guide book and list of Inven tion wanted sent free to any address; in. lent secured by us advertised free In Wcrld's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans A Co., 7.4 Ninth St.. v asmug ton. D. C. ' STOCK ISSUE WANTED Am prepared to undertake financing of high grade Kt4 k or bond offering; terms moderate. UNDERWRITER, Suite, 417 Taber Build ing. New York.' FOR SALE Drug store In good Neb. town, doing JH.ouu yearly business. Address Y 1W. care Bee. FOR SALE Butcher shop, fine location. In city of lo.in); moderate amount of cash will handle IU Gillette Bros., Fremont, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. J THE UNDERSIGNED will negotiate with a responsible man with the view of perfecting an exclusive agency for the mar velous Holograph and kindred duplicating devices. 'I'll i liologiaph is Installed In the ofllees of the Standard OH Company, and oi ,iuii7.Rtlons of like standing. This ma chine has superseded all similar de lees, for the simple reason none ran compete with it In efficiency, economy and price. The Holograph sells for $10. An office boy can operate it. It Incorporates one or many colors in such relation that uO or more copies per minute can be made. No stencils or printers ink to contend with. Re-orders for supplies will greatly in crease the profits. It will require $1,000 cash to secure the sales agency and csrry the stock. To warrant attention, satisfac tory evidence of financial and business ability must be submitted In Initial let ter. Bank references exchanged. Ad-d.-tss. l.OR & BELDEN, 64 Peoples' Gas Building, Chicago. A BIG PAYING BUSINESS OPPORTU NITYA large stock of general merchan dise for sale, consisting of dry goods, gro ceries, boots and shoes, gents furnishings. furniture, hardware, farm machinery, ve hicles, pump goods, grains; a tin shop In connection. This store Is located In a thick ly settled portion of the dry farming dis trict of eastern Colorado. Average dally spies for the month of January. Pill $I7;.00. For further information address, -2, Omaha Bee.' HOME INDUSTRY If vnu have $.1,000 or mole to invest with or without services we can place you In touch with a good live proposition. Ad dress Industrial Dep't. Omaha Commercial club.' BAKERY. Steam. Wholesale ineludlns the Real Estate, Houses, Wagons, Routes, conducted by owner successfully 12 years who now wants to retire. Price John J. ODonnell, Colorado springs, Colo.' CAPITAL FOR CORPORATIONS Place for sale your Industrial and mining stock Issues for prompt action with Gordon Mal colm & Co., Cincinnati, o., r irsi jai i Bank; no advance fee.' A KANSAS CITY manufacturing com pany wants a competent man to nanaie a clean, permanent ousiness in I'limnn. Will pav from $3)0.00 to $400.00 per montn. ..... .' t . mi in iimmoo For mum imve ..win . ..-..i.,..- AA t iMiirk- hi Hotel Rome I'rv. iiii.iin " i - - - ..... any time Tuesday, March 21st.' PATENT vour ideas. U pays; send sketch Invention for free opinion. ni charge Bunyea Patents . o., oom tn, hmuihs- ton, I). C on r amn llnuor business. Can not get along with my partners. Write me. C. J. Tuttle, 1315 East 29th. St., Kansas City, Mo. . , ,. i n.,Ha llllnitls Sil.UIIO OUSlIieon V."W V", "."'w , block from car line and in the business section ot mo wilj. , "... ---" , payment, balance cash and time. Dr. Jones, 410-12 Brandeis Theater building. FOR SALE Drug stock, $2,800; Tent $25 for store and living rooms; annual cash sales, $7,000 only stoca in aniau iowi. 4u- dreBS Y 109. omana uee. fool nan Mir urn.,,, ... v. 450 population, 1700 will buy the business If taken before March 25. Address Y 103, car Bee.' rvvsBV un-to-data grocer sells UpdikVa ,. . r. 9 4l,,u,,u tlitllr If .III... H. .. Benson, will bring this ad to The Bee and identify himself he will receive an or der for a 12-pound sack of this flour. NOTICE T..nK..rn.ii vpari aeo I onened up my business agency in Omaha and In that time I have locaieo. nunureu u. vcui-c ... .,.,. , k,.ui.a. ami 1 nm still riolnir business at the ohl stand. If you are going out of business or going into business It will pay you to can on me. w iuuiaiuo, Room 411, McCague Bldg.' rs TinoM famllv hotel, dandy place for some one; for quick deal. $l.Si00. Might trade for city property or land. GANGESTAD, Koom tui uee omj. Roomlnsj' Honars For Sale. m r. . w 1 .-n flat n.ttriv f 1 1 PT1 i SllPil '. 1-iii.Riu .I-4' ' ...... ; ' , : , T, walking distance; possession Aprlle 1. P 872. Bee. . , FOR EASTER V A y'PIT? Suits made to order on short riXVOXXIV notice. t'rbana Apartment. Mrs. Lawrence. Phone Harney St34. v LIUFFNEB TAILORING COMPANY. 324 S. 15th St. Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 1714 Leaveowurth. Get our pian. Nuf said. Mrs. Kronert Now located at U0 S. Uith, formerly at 12G2 B. 13th. I will now be able to please my old friends and customers better than ever. Complete Un of spring millinery. MRS. M. T. IRWIN, 346 Brandeis theater. China decorating and firing. Eaater cards. VIRGINIA DARE WINJC 75c a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St SOL S. GOLDMTROM. liquor dealer. South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send for price list. Mnv Alnrria the' well known tailor, Mai. j-uoina makea udieil. and Ben. Uemen's suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk lOYlTNTTY easter millinery. jvvr 1XJX lils N. 24th St. Doug. 7b92. Harry Martin. Tailor, C07V Paxton block. DON'T throw away your old feathers. bring them to us; we will willow them Into willow plumes. W also steam and curl willow plumes, 75c up. Pearl Plum Co., room 1. Paxton Blk. PTTT? V "ald and garden seeds. Tounk- crmui beed Co., Co. Bluffs, la Adellgbt hair food grow balr; see Mm. Frayer, MegeatU Stat y Co., lath ft Furnjua LADIES' old hats made over; new ma terial furnished; hats, feathers and flow ers cleaned and dyed. Miss Pepper, 614 so. ZMQ bt., il iTO. DO I GET THEM. 900 more subscriptions to th Ladles Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns $2,v00 for some charily to be de cided by my, subscribers. 1 do not handle the money, but the Interest will Insure an Income of $10 a month for life. Do 1 get your renewal.- Price $1.50 each. Urgent. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN Phone Douglas 71t3, Omaha. J. KNOX O'NEILL Artist and photog raphy; pictures enlarged. Studio, lit 3. 15th St. TAILOR-MADE and dress hats. $2.60 to $5.00. ' Crosatown Millinery, 24J0 Cuming St. Dress pleatlngs. buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., io Iouglaa Block. Both 'phones. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING. 2713, lewey Ave. tir ATI We are prepared to fill orders W Aliil for the latest and beat paper at the best prhe. PAPEJt Let us atlmat for you. lose Wall Paper Co., y FAMIIA'itn-r." ouse. fulf measure pure goods, our motto. Fin II Hansen, Prop., 1223 Chicago tit. FLORISTS Now is Time to Plant Fruit Trees and Flowers Spring is here. If you expect to get an early start this year, buy your stock now, We have exceptional plants and shrubs ready to ship, Our roses are fine, having gone through winter with steady growth, they should be just right to early spring beds. We have twelve sorts, all hardy, white, pink, red, dark red. Our Orchard is Choice Ve have spent many yeara in bringing it to perfection and have made our stock up of only such trees as are adapted to this section of the cotintry. Our stock consists of hardy plants. Apple, Crab, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Pears, Peach, Graje, Currant, Uaspberry, Strawberry. "When you plant these you do not plant culls. Ornamental Trees and Hedges AVe have brought our or namental and hedge plants up to the highest possible standard. Our Catalpa, liun zein or Umbrella Trees are hardy and do well in every section around us. The kind that we are shipping now are 6 to 8 feet high and do well. The Anthony Water er, our popular hedging, produces two crops of pret ty flowers every season. , If you have not had our catalogue write us. HARRISON NURSERY CO. York, Neb. "One 4f the Oldest Nurseries in the State. FLORISTS (Continued.) Buy Your Seeds for Planting Now Spring is here. It is now time to 4 stir the soil, plant the seeds. Don't wait, if you want to be among the first to have a good garden. Our seeds are fresh and are strictly reliable. The sun shine will make them grow. Call or write us and we will attend to your wants promptly. The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb. Order Your Trees and Plants Now Here are some suggestions for spring planting: Apples, cherries, pears, peaches, currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. Ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, etc. These will be delivered during the proper planting season. Telephone or write today. If you are undecided about what to plant, ask for our complete catalogue. It will help you. Fresh home-grown block. Highest quality at lowest possible prices. F. W. MENERAY Crescent Nursery Co Phones: Bell, 872; Ind., 618. 8101-8147 Avenue A. Council Bluffs. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. X Heodsrsoa. liiii Farnsm. Douglas 1X11, i. H. BATH. 162 Uarnsy. Douglas M0. HE88 8WOBODJL, lil rarnam St. A.. DON AQHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-lil BKANLiEId cut Flower dept.; new store. YOUR grocer Is judged br the goods he keeps, lie lias Updike s. II i red Iflsoher, 1D2S Ontario Bt., will bring this ad to The Itee within thre days and Identify himself he will rwelve an order for a 12-pound seek of this flour. Flower Sara be. C. 8. HARRISON'S select nursery, York, Neb., offers home grown fruit, shade, hardy flowers, shrubbery, peoules and IrlSi catalogue ready. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Natl. Bk. D. 2m DR. ROY. 1MB rarnam Bt Douglas 4uf. DENTISTS BAlUbY AMAC11. M Oocr, Psxtso. D. 10S1 DANCING Misses Simpson ft full. V. !4!1, W. it MoltAND'S 15th and Ilnrney. Iwng DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service lv-tcctlve agency Inc., bonded, I'aMon Ulk. liuug. 131S. Ind A-lsl'.i. CAPT. T. CORMACK. M7 KAKBACH BIB. THKRK Is evrryth'nK In fludlnc out Where the host is. if John l'lm k, iv.nt llnrnev win l", thin . to The Heo within three di enn Identify himself ho will recelxr nn order '2!1H rtr- an of KmrHI's fine syrup. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster I71. COMPETFNT DRESSMAKING: satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. 214 Mason. First class tailoring & dressinkg. ISIS Dodge EDUCATIONAL B0YLES COLLEGE Omaha's larsest and most succeiaful commercial school. Dbv and night sessions. Studonts admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free Address 11. It. l:uyle. Presi dent Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent u nil n Inn i..eii. WA NTEI Sales Indies wlih experience In Kliivp uinl lace departments. The Hen neit company, W A NTE1 Several middle H.d lady deiiionstraioi s: salary and strrei car fare paid; call afternoon, '.''.'ij ldKe. f,AlY demonstrator to come to Califor nia and take oharue rf demonstrators for Hue of lollet piepurat Ions: ulve utsc ex perience and salary wanted first letter. ltUHsell Co.. Monrovia. Cal. WOMEN, f'11 KiiHr.uili cd hose. 70 tier cent profit. Make Jl'l dally. I'nll or port time. Beginners Investigate, Sln'ti KnirV Box 4ir.il, Wi-st Philadelphia, Pa Clerical anil Oft lee. Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer Bookkeeper Stenographer Typist WESTER HEK. BOND ASM N,, 754 New York Mfe Bldg. WANTEU Stenographers and Typists THE CANO AGENCY. 600 Bee Hlilg.' Stenographer Implement experience, J'jO, Stenographer (New HeinlitKton) V0. Stenographer and office clerk. $40. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 10I.V10 City National Bank Bldg. I nclory and Trndfi. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppcnbelni Parlors. ?S6-C40 City Nst'l Bank. D. 2"'M. G1R1 to press kii,ts; . good steady work. 2H0T Eeavenworth. wagps liouneUccperi iuiI Domestic. WANTED An experienced housemaid. U09 Capitol Ave. WANTKD A lady to care for children. 0 8. 33d Bt. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Harney bt. WANTED An exnerlenc d girl for gen- jf leton Ave. JLV housework; gooyr eral housework. 2711 Poppleto NICE girl to assist In hou wages. :HM Cssh St. A GOOD girl for general housework; family of three. 4oof Harney. WANTED A competent girl for general housework 114 S. 35th Ave. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; no children; small family. 230b J St., South Omaha WANTED An experienced girl; no laun dry. 4328 Grant St. WANTED A girl to work for small fam ily; farm near Blair; good home. J. W. Jacobs, Blair. Neb. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family, good wages; no chil dren. 2010 N. 14th St. COMPETENT girl for general house- work. 2121 Douglas at. WANTElJ A young girl to car for chil dren. 4S2ti Davenport St WANTED Experienced maid. general work; must be good conk and neat; refer ence required; two In family; good wages. West Farnam district. 'Phone II 17. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs Earnest E. Hart, b'A td St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. WANTKJ A good girl at th Methodist hospital, ikitb and Cuming Sts. WANTED Ad experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eial housework. 1122 8. 30th bt. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; references. 601 S. 3.th bt k ) i housework; m st- WANTKI Girl for general references, il. Gross. 601 8. w A NTKD A competent girl for general V. 1 housework; small family; good wage. UJ . 1 B. abthSt WANTED Girl for general housework; three in family. 174 bpalding Bt WANTKD An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family, ttiii a. 24tb bt- WANTED A white girl housework. 170S Ike 8t far general WANTED An experienced rirl for gen eral housework. Hli 8. 2uta 'Si. WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. &!2Vi Central Ave.. Foil Dodue. C. 11. Adaum WANTED A girl for general house 'ork must b competent, small family. .lit Wool worth Ave. Mrs. Dr. Weuine. WANTED A neat girl for general liuum Work, good wages, small family, Gerniaii preferred. IMS N. ISth St WANTED A competent girl to assist with housework. X S. ISih St. WANTED A neat girl for general hou- work.- iXfl Lfsyette Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry Work, iii Harney St. WANTEI A girl for general housework; mall family; good wagns. 120 9. 17th bt T IU 1 VTL'Tl A rniii ni't .ii t tri rl fr u u ..... 1 housework; do laundry; fsimly of twu. Giant St. WANTED A competent girl for 'house work. 1212 N. 20th St., South Ornaha. WANT EI) Young girl to ork In candv W store and restaurant combined- Louk box t Kennard, Nub. ".. ANTKI A girl for general houMWorhi four In family. T2li Miami. ' in y ...IUI IXC.