I THh. I'.KK: OMAHA. SATTKPAY. MAKCH Saturday the Second Day of the Greatest Bargain Event Ever Known in Omaha All the mcrchan- FT3T1 Tl Hti , (H) T Wholesale Dry Gods and liMieMegs Si Co Manufacturing Concern disc from the Bit? of ltnn."ri.ali finn 'fi It t n -r"-c c a . J v tw.pudat.a I I T-a lit- Matchless Furnishing Bargains Saturday trom the Tibbs, Mulchings & Co.'s Stock i Mri'i llajusel Over (Shirt Me dium tad dirk colors. rerular TaJues to t:.S0, in this sale e.ftO 5i;ht hlrts, c rite mu'.lLS. cambrics, ponree. ail aire, value to $2. 50, t 49-9S Mn'i Pyjajnaa All kii.es. regu lar raises to II 50. biggest bar gains ever, at 9S MEN'S $150 SHIRTS, 9Sc Newest iSprin? 1?11 St vie and color", plain, strip-ed. figured, -arith cr without collar?, values up to at 49c and 9SC Made wlti r without coilara, all shirts trjaracteeJ perfect. tl.OO (ruling Flannel Gown. Sat urday, at 23 Tic Merino i LufrifU, a'.l sites, medium weijht atari or drawers t 25 Mra'i Snmlfm How Black or Lie a. plain or embroidered, to lie value. 3 pairs for.. 25 Mrn'a SOc Quality lliw Mercer ized or liss, in lain colors or fancies, on aaie 3 pair tor 50 Mra'i Balbriggaai rn w I 00 garment Quality, medium weirh?, in all sites, at, fr rar- inent 4J Men's Balhriggaa 1'Bderae.ar Ljpfct weight shirt or drawers, values to Il ls, on sal t rrc-4rc Nri'i $1.25 Gkrvew 4tfc Light, medium and heavy weights nearly a!l kinds, at ol price, Pi' 49 Nearly every department has joined hands with special values that were ntrer surpassed- It makes this the biggest bargain-giving event the season in Omaha. Yu must sec the assortments and examine the qual ities t realize the marvelous saving opportunities offered in this sale. High Grade Wash Goods 2 SO pieces of Wm. Anderson's genuine Scotch rephyrs Jnst ar rived, the most beautifu designs, positively known the worli over aa the finest fabrics made; sold in New York C-ty at J 5c and Jc yard on sale now at . . 2T Wm Anderson's Ivanhoe r,:cj bami. 32 leches wide, with all the styie of their itphyrs. ail the fine cije;iig and weaviag of tie Scotch gingham makes, worth Ihc. on sa!e cow 7C Lorraine Egyptian Tissue, the very best American gicghim, mad both for quality, style and tul oricf, on sale cow 2UC Siik Warp Foalarda. washable, made in Manchester. England. R B. Mc-Clay, sella in New York City at SOc yard, all dark colors; we will irtrod-jce them here t. 38 We have ailk finished Foulards " 15c We have French Batistt-, some bordered 15c We have borders in all kinds of wash latirks French cambrics French batiste Foulards, Flaxon silks, etc., at lower pri cft than you caa buy them elsewhere. here's Some Saturday Specials From the Tibbs-Hukhiajs' Stock Th3t Will Surpats Anytbiag Yoo't: Ever Been Offered ti-inch AtSrf?y!e 04-.fhm. rrrv or pr" id. prx isw "c Apron CheckJi. all tiu. fart col or, at aw lie good, nix diffroi lir.o. tu lOo l'-c r.ae !or lfta )ISr BatUlaa. f.r.m colors. at..T-iC ic r Keets. at c ."wi". at 4 c mi,rt, at tM :ic mi.r-lM. mt tM lc "I, at & H Rd oraada. aX... III t-Wit I1-1S tl.6 boi'prMJv at !- AT 1IMA. XL Or cue of In4a: Kdjim rtK(, IS j-Ii iijctt at. rer S AT t XX) . M Om case of lmp"n 4t wii. at S AT 4.0 F. at one rw of Wat Wlni. varj wida b)ea-ftS muajin wonN c yanl. It j-arda limit, . Pr var4 S AT SiOS r. at- Oi ra rf u)t of the 1-ooin, fanulae arUcia. 11 ar lirriL at. V fr irU a AT S:0 P. M One - rf (num Am.i and ttnuin Inoaaton Apron (faerk Singf.ajna. It yarna limit, at. per yaril Aa Tovvcs, Sheets Bedspreads From the Tibbs-Halchiogs' Stock Heavy bieached and unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, extra large site, worth 50c, L Hemstitched heavy Hnck Tow els, plain white or colored borders, sixe 20x40 worth JOc. each 19 Extra large hemmed Huck Toaels. worth 1 ?c each t 12Hc Full site Bed Sheets, heav-y and durable. Invisible teira. worth TSc. each 59 HeaTy Table Padding. Si inches wide, worth Jc jd., yd. 25C Fringed Bed Spreads, full sue, cut corners and assorted de s:gsa, worth f I 50, each. 82.50 Big Special Picture Purchase Goes on sale Saturday, ai prices you'll find it impos sible to duplicate for like poods. Regular 9A.OO PaH Pirtares Beautiful subject, at.. 51,89 i-SO rk-tnrea, in lx20 gUt frame, at 1.29 Beautiful Pest! Pictures Big line of subjects, handsome frames, regular value up to S .60, on sale Saturday J3.9S Pittares Virth $2.00 OvaJ gilt or mahogany frames, oa sale t 59 lletulir Pictures, in SxS. CxlO and H0 size. 1,000 of them, at, each OC Specials in Hardware Dept. If yon need a refrigerator this season, we Invite ou to look over our line. We hate them in the White MoaataOa. rang.cg in true from 743 to HS.OO. Two cars Just received. Nickel ateel wire Carpet Eeater 5c No. 7 Lisk Retinced Boiler !.! No. S Lisk Retlaned Eoikr 9l9 No Lisk Retinced Boiler $19 Ynu iil a'xa neel a f- to In p.x if t a coal rir.it. V tava a arjr ct.n:p:ta I'H id pr.cea t.lat Will f:t ytur rei CT-.air ar.jr t.it lOe lx:: Paatry JWrd S&e Mrs Potts' lrona. i pi.-ca Te BsrJ Caea. ii different stylca to K-,-t frum la Jajsanne-i ar.d tra. a i fcSw to S4-J5 Great Embroidery Sale Continues Saturday EMBROIDERIES FE01I THE TIBBS-HUTCHINGS, STOCK, AT ONE-FOURTH WORTH The imrr.en crowds attending the Opecinc S;le of the Emlroidrie.-. from thi bi wholesale tock purchase was more than we couM poibly do justice to. s we will Continue the Same Lots on Sale Saturday. The great value caused expressions t f amazement ail pleasure on everr hand. Don't mis? them Saturday 20c to $1.00 Embroideries, at. VEILINGS j rYoin the Tibbs-HntcLicpi Stock, all the odd pieces of Fancy Silk Veilines, worth to 30c, jer yard. at 7l.C 6" and 75c 'eilin2s. all silk, per yard, at. . . .25c LADIES' BELTS All fresh, new goods in Silk Elaactic Eelths. with jeweled buckles, regular 5 0c values. t 23C 5c, 10c. 15c. 19c. 25c and 35c EUCHINGS From the Tibbs-Hutchings' Stock, closing out the en tire lot. values up to .TV; and 5Cc a yard, at on price, per yard, at . . . 10c G pieces Ruchirg in ho.v. .'o values, at 19c HAND BAGS $1.(0 Hand Ba?, at. .49c $2.00 Hand Basrs, at..9Sc 'A? Shopping Dags at 19c FANCY NECKWEAR From the Tibbs Hatchings' S;xk. all the 50c and 75c Neckwear, from this big purchase, on sale, at 25c All the $1 and $1.." Fancy Xei-kwear, on Kile ..49c OTHER SPECIALS l'v Pearl Buttons per Kz'-n. at 31 C 15e Linen H'd'k?., at 712C Wait for the Lae Siile. Better Than Ever Garment Bargains for Saturday From the TibbsMutchings' Wholesale Stock. Better values even than thox' magnificent bargains we placed on sale Friday. Seldom, if ever, have such saving opportunities been offered. Pretty One-piece Dres&es Silks. Panamas, Serges, etc., in fan cies, checks, stripes and plain colors; iiiany worth to $20.i. choice $6.90 Women's Dress Skirts Xew styles, values to $7.50, in Pana mas, serges, etc. black and col ors; on sale Saturday. .$2.95 Genuine Heath erbloom Under skirts From the big purchase, regular values to $2. at. .90c Women's Gingham Aprons Regular values to 50c; choice, at 19c Women's Percala Wrappers and House Dresses Regular $1.50 values; on sale, choice 95c Women's Crepe Kimonos, in a'.l colors, regular values to $3.00: Saturday, at, choice . . .$1.45 - 'II Mr New Bargains Every Day. Dainty New Wash Dresses Colors and white lawns, ginsr hams, etc.. trimmed with laevs. embroideries and tucks ail sizes, manv worth to $7.50: on sale $2.95 All the Children's Wash Dresses From the big purchase, made to sell to $1.5". all sizes 2 to 14 years, at 50 1 One Big Lot of Children's Rain Coats Made to sell to $7.50 Saturday at $1.95 Children's New Spring Coats Values to $10, from the Tibbs Hutchinjrs stock; on sale at . . . .$1.95. $2.95. $3.95 A Big Line of Infanta' Slips Regular values to SOc; in Sat urday's sale at, choice... 19c Silk Underskirts, worth to $7.50 Fine messalines and Jersey top, matchless bargains $3.95 Watch Our Windows and Ads. Our Big Book and Stationery Dept. row ucms iw poxzmo avooai bouts no Here's some special bargains for Saturday that will crowd the department from early morcir.: 85c Book at S.'V selection. -Big line for AT 15c Cloth bound book, arit ten by best author. Great tr.ap. Iiscvrerjr of North Pole Hand somely bound and Illustrated 25r Tjc value tt.fW O.pyricht Books. 49c Big list of titles, ail handsomely cloth bound, many illustrated anap at 49c Regular JJ.00 Teachers BibU-s on aale at OS Paper liuasd Novel Big l:st of title spt-cial values at.. 10? Postal Albums -Big assortment. vry special bargains at 10c 15C 25 10 , 75 Laaea Bx Papers All 2.V Bot Papers All lc Writing TaDleu 2?e qualities, on sale Special, Saturday at, 1 at lO for 5? Eatorday .... 25C I'r hex 9c,0c Llea Tabteu Here's Some Snaps la the S porting Gotals Scto Hrra'a ynx exue If yo waat eaaaUuK" fOoA at a vary low ansa. Kara tXay ara. pick Una out. Base iUll Marks Value to $1. all kinds, your choice, Saturday, t 39 $1.25 League liaee Bails One of the beet. known makes, on sale t 98 l(JO lUv Rail Rata They sell rrgularly to SI. 00. at. 25 One IaA. of Oolf Eag Valuta to 12.50, all go at one price 49f lU.j.- De Bll G!oe All kiis. spc-cial targaics 25. Co d 49 Big Saturday Shoe Sale Men M-00. 14.50 ar.d )) shoes, all new spring styles, all leathers, tsn and black, bluchers, buttons and bals ?2.98 Mens 3 50 and $4 00 shoes, nl leathers, siies and styles 82.50 Men's S3 00 sho. box caif, sua metal and vicl kid. Goodyt-ar weit. t S1.9S w omens patent colt, gun metal, t velvet, brown and blak. values up to 14.09 82.50 ! Women's shoes, value up to li vu, j patent colt, vi.t kid and gun . metal, button or blacher 81.98 Women's SI. 25 kid Buskira 59c Infants' SOc soft sole shoes, atson ed colors 25C Boys', youths and little gents' SI SO good school sho 81.00 JIUt' and child's school shoes, t si.oo Souvenir to each child purchas ing a pair cf shoes Saturday aal Monday in our tew department Just opened. Ladies' Furnishings and Underwear Saturday Magnificent bargaia offerings from TibbHauhingV Stock. 50c and 75c Hosiery, 2.V Lace emtroid ered or cauze. in all colors, full fash ioned, evtry pair warranted perfect, the greatest bargain ever at 25? to sell to 12. iu. Saturday at Tri-fJSa Lakes' 25c Voality Hoe In iace em broidered cr lain black colors, light and medium weight 12 H Ladies' aaxl Ctiildrea's Hoae Seamls, perftt. black only, at. S pair for 25 Xaia XJaia Calsw Bwlta 11 valuaa, h r.ra ilt-s anj low rera. a , ,r eainiea. a4 atj ea, -i perfe'! a.1 a. tea. at lAdlaa Kait XTaaarwaar Worth to lit; a raj r.er.t. unicn u.ta cr veaia ajd rre:nj aaJ Laavy wtifctt, at. per far-e- : ta.r Ooraat Covars or Prawara tOc value lace - err.trcliieri trirr.ri.ed. at SS ulm Caabtmaaea Sum aa tVewwa Pre- c:ica. ta.uea t. n a.e. at a&e liarii Owmae Tawta !r, ri.k Ll and cr ffl, . -c to ic -tts. at.-.lla aad tie h'M'lJ- 3 Great Silk Specials Saturday From the Tibbs Hatchings Co. Stock Never before in the history of the departments hae '' been able to offer such bargains in hieh elav new silk-. $1.00. $1.25 Silk Foulards, Saturday, at lX. Dress Patterns of Beautiful New Spring Foulard-. Im ported and Domestic manufacture, "Shower Provf and water proof; only one pattern of some styles. Pltnty oi navy and delft blues and all this spring's newest coloring and patterns, $1.00 and $1.25 values, also 2, All Silk Messalines, 3t-mch wide Natural Ponrees. on sa 75c Silks, Saturday 23c j $L00 Silks, Saturday 4Sc Over 3.000 yards of plain and novelty silks. Poplins. Satin liberty, Pongees, Jacquard Tussahs, Trinteti Pongees. Foulards, Etc., greate-st bargains ever, per yanl. at 29c 5 values, also 27-inch ft h Taffetas and yard t)HP lie Saturdav. vard. at. An immense line of beautiful new silks, 27-in- h Diatom.! Suitings. 27-inh Heavy Pongees. Silk Mesa lines. 2-inch Novelty Silks and Jacquard Mescaline-. Kt.-. 2) different colors, vd. 4"Sc We Make Skirls to Your Measure Select your good. Yea, sale goods If jou winh It. aari will mke to your lndiiidaal uveas are. T-vwatr-frve atylaa Xara t Ckooaa Tnm Ail neet Art i: t. ! ! iir'n.y hand tai.ore4 "rkmann. ip anil f.i a-iraitl irrj i ii..f Ask a beat ttaan Saaiplaa at Draaa Oaaa Xvai-tmaat. Rug Special Saturday frcm Tibbs-Hutchitfijs Stock $18.00 Heavy Velvet Rugs 9x12 sizes, handsome new patterns, 12.98 $35.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs Seamless, 9x12 size, big line for selection, at : $24.75 $25.00 Axminster RugT S 3x10-6 size, choice at $15.9S $2.50 Axminster Rugs 27x54 size, choice at $1.75 Water Color Window StitV Btt riuality. 7 ft. long. 3 6 imhes aide, each .... 25 M-MJ other spvriai bargaxaaw Big Special Sals in Orug De partment for Saturday Zic Siir.loo Kkr l'.w,1r Trt luvt Perfect "- Pca.ier. a.v J ars aaaurtmeuL i iu j'iiea f Pvvdeia, at. rr bo iOc iix Jia K:c or p. ttcin a I- Koa oera ten 2 So 4c ar.a Ik a:xa in (-n'5rd tr . of Toj.et watera c at iS IK' JP Kf'a. Pa tii uiu -r Per l i Lx tract Twl ; an-i f'f'.y oti:er brainds vl "ii H:c Tfi.et auap, ji . at. ; f .r onjy lie P1 bara of Ivory h ip f. r ISc I c W iiiutma or .Vjit a shavirr t-iai tijt & II value In lieal Hair Brj:.eH 1 -t only SO tie T'ib Bruntea lOo tie Saji'tol ',r In 1. L ira- Toctn Podtr f -r 1S-iC lie can of f.ne-t uaiity Ta.fi:.i Po ier at !.c I f.T a&c lie Var.nrrfi a. I'c.fiK r WilnanV In'im Pg dr f. r lac ;c Pond a fexiracl or ir.uoi li' e Cream lie Iarga . Pi'mrrian Mas-afa Cre'n for tilt trin;aj ."rejn M llc Hmda H 'tey ia-n-i A!ri'jrd i"re-i. 'r 35 Pr Hir.aiea Ttii iJc 11. t1 hLMr jioe. piin:. nrr ;-a.r only . 4c fl I'S ;-q'jari Itayl 3 Kicar Koiir.ta n frnr.H f r 4 II We'llr.fTon frr.ntf ar..I t.f,f. -arartel for f. e nr i- r . S3 Cas't firrM Try HAYDENS'S IFiFSt It Pijs Corset Specials Krom the Tibbs-Hatchings Mock. fcl.UO C'uulil Corset . 98 V.'lth a'-n. r.ai reiuritf feaiu'a. ra ivr.x irt uiM3a. proUrct.ta front 2 acta nvy fur. Vtr tklm. draw ta;a iq tt a.ao ln.uco. S..a 1 a i-r-acta. a i Saa To Mher treat special karfa-ra si T&a ao c Wait for the Big Sale of LACES From the Tibbs-Hutchings' Stock Next Week. See Our Big Grocery Ad on Last Page. MARSE HENRlfPI?ES GAME Colonel Wittenoa B'.owi Into Monte Carlo and Tells About It. ;fc ti,r-.h t:.an N.oa or Caen or kiemon It is an aiPe point at fact It on'y rotate remaio'n ta tha G.-laialdi ra.t.!y Old l.r(aaaili Hla 6rt. Pana tl mom b-ufal tol'.dmg la tfca woiVd. with Ins o3jpara.t-i sardena and. eooircaadiris espca- to aet :t off and dlvp.ay It twpiint'I. Around It paiaiial botria arid invata lunaioaa aod vua ; WisUa It a gcild- , tare- j Old ataa Gniuji la fcia Jdrtft , nBTtTTrT TVPT'Ti'r-vrr'r TV VIVtf : n,.y n.'-M-n ami Old Van Hiuburt Tk ! wilt i iov? tM BortK, ,tr, knh ul draaa laid pir,- evta Old Man 1 ... 11 ... . . 4 V . . 1 1 . ' . r m ca k:n E - .a tre lor ( rua or rrseoootjif ""-ri,"c'"- . - - tS Gf.c-a.il.a d-d Btt far ao wt.L liow eoaceived taa Uka. nartM ( the l-IUa butt af Ikr briaaaldi Faalll IIm tkv Maa Va k Irak the liik." Wr.t.rf to 1 Louiar'.'5 rir.-r-J i-r: i! f-ojn Mata C"rio. ar-ilr l.c !-. w f -1 !t ararrk cf ajrr.mer is riir r.otrl Hearr Watteraon S" tfc co-El of t-a fareoua raaort aad ta rea. rtra Whi.yt llooia Car o d la ts.e conirr.oi nurd .'z im' -"t irl a aa mderl at tti ao' onr a finl''l tn. it lor.a a o-.!err te Carre yt ara d emu cf l.e "ain.i At tl.' woar.ent a a ut ni. . a of i o.-.J i f faaa.on. Ha f tta rtiun !.:.- vf F -ro; ara f rrr and raafc-L a 1. lit- a-: T a.l. tr.a icad-ra tf K .rx.r-ar '- !. sod ( r.4 t-f tr.e oiie - r v a ft Land Tt.a ai.a t'f i-trie a' .1 pnac.ja iiy of VM-aco u 1 S ' tta U.a catibas a-.cn or tr.e rt aaab.a lira it aomer. 'r:a af la t au.iiiuti aol T.ia ca a-1 u-ok.t. a m a i .tt-d l ...i .- t M-c -a'.'a t aaatac knlacuua asaM I-a aicoa at i!it kujxI tun th. itull IIIEUIl of !r.b-let lr.arie :. f anoitted ror aitr. I do i.ot koa. T"..y ara her -Edr ri. .." :.. p,jtrt ar.d tie asial w a'raf ta fcay. ef tta Krmc a ra- P-L..C roti., . -. i. a oir I.?:.. ' a. t r.f I ta. i l ca-.'. t.-a G.-.tna.d'. cf :r.e J fr.l ttitr i.' .' cf a-n -r.ffrlo.-a ' A ; .-. jan.t:t- 0.r.ac r tim t. ' t jiri t: I'id'i r.ail a"4 Harr.hoi.rf iit a,;- .r(..r.j tv.r fn.;i ar.d tat tS I faticy m st . ..t Lera for u eir ili-Sf e l.t e t . i f .- t:r at-ort T;: ttty 1 'Z. a" :-. r-e-r: trT-t-r- r " " 'd r.i- ft - rtt: fe 'Vrriu d,.re- i. a.a. . : 3 it There Is aa poverty, ao want, bo taaea aot aar iifa of di.a;4da:ia or aqualorj any a her a tm tba pnacipaut jr of Monaco j Tat tha "poop . ao railed, ha a aa In-1 ter'r In a state of d.aoc-mml TVr cia-i ord f .ir frlom " Tr were uo well ' fed aad cared for. too nd cf dirt and ctfrt ' U f-our.n.ir.f Prcpapentr frw rrvonosoa-' OLi They acraaiM a "cont!tl.,. ion " j Tta rr.jif (irtara ta a cat Tta.tera aauld cii "a aieatific fret Hj . aad htiT. bowerr. LJ not t.a heal in tr.a cto.Ji acin la p- in', of fa t of tr. a i aartt . aad, cf u.aa a. mxa p. p-.ar t.'n h.j fajfcer lia it.14 c.r frj;n the r r.,!t M.rt.it'T i i L-a. ru; u' tcmo "J -t waat so you aa-xa van a a:r. f I: ... a n. : a -af dji-n v aat so you n-i aar.i :,ti. at...". .: (i ,j i.ni ' r. - tfcaw "rajtia " Tim a co in Ur;-i ..-. fin t rr a-.o; ! u c.j-taandec-m-ch; of the arrn . a r, r-. cf .- - . a a m : (? a fro a.t ta a.t. Piaa . a . f tc. ' a" rr..-r : anj a ai. t. .. , l,art f.-r-.a T1 rr. jr.-an r.if re;roc! j to t'a t.'jc'. ! rrn.d ia na f' and t -n!d a tSa taw O.ar'c 5arar i- aad fcj.t tha ru nt ti tfe lrarr of tnrpta at kiard -t a-jrr-a aad a ro.T7r.ia lo .t. il ""la tat at" i a fc. r. tfrw Tney aad it a aa "Tfro. a .. a fc " un n BMea onfaaia ar t bm yo. ' I l ta at l a"a a "In tut' I v k.r- ia M ra'l a ro.nl la nt oi i to aadio. aaii tia uraad pa boa at ' aa a caartaiaa aaMojaa. Ti.c i.t t 3i3i-rak aL-oaoiric ) Rta la to be ""re forraod A "saw aa.uor.a-ln ' La to l esiali.ited la tb Vreaerr dowa by tt railway statKm and ta reciprocity treaty tt-n tfc Caa.no and Vanity Fair to b r 11 ly tha Introd jctic-o of two roulette table and aa extra braxier f cif ar at urr.; But the prince cf VUc&ro atood oa otia point- li woLild tlx a commlv.ee en coruiriit" aci lo hia He told n-e the otiier day ttai ta tad ucard of Ctarr.p C.a.-a ' ai.4 Vncl Jo Ciann and preferred la 1 Jj lie v-ii tu can oon.7.ii:ea bctb m tne tuaxd cf i.!-nr.t ar,J :fc cort..T.on couacu. Tt-a. f -r toe tirr.e t".r. ':r.a-rf ra y Is c,je.leJ at Ibt .nia Carlo. Sereceiy i tne ifl. oa tne ti-i tard t-y tta ca". ai-draJ Ca-itly fu tha :-a in '.be lartKir ar-d tta toan. The tjico bota o;ide the "a--o :tr..n :l.e ..i.t t.i: f rrirn.r ro..rd.'' ar.d. accrisnc to tr.e miwiri ant tr.e aoiiety rrp--tera " -.a fen'.it-iuan a ir.a and tr.a t.r fajr.L.er Kitar ' Vfthlral Kaak. Irrtkrri. 'Ana trie oinrar. of ery Uouta fajio a-a-oi tr. iieaaLrra t-rn to l-.1 of t.e i.r.tcnrL. a.aii.L.i of : :tii.-y p rta i...:itf? ;n t.vfel . l!:d of ir.aa.e ia a K..in -T'r: r. - aa l-rf -i. - r. wnf!i2ja an Ann. r. Ha ia a.aa a it) it A ! P-.s or.-re4 to ! ciaa p. 't!U7rea iifkcr no av a a (erc Tl.a " it-c a ho i.r.ke tr.e btvna at Ujrr.t c arl.i " ar.d rate artiua t --r tM awr aaa at aame-i "W.j aad b a a.t an t-kii-r. ' He aaa aa ATVcaa i aaa a ua aa-1 3 1 awn aiier Ut a -cut :p the whole ncry Ha bad frcni t'- own cair.e 13 Motile Carlo money a on at d.-a Pari and wrct aaay tjndred tho-sand frn ca-n. The (iiib l:r.e of tha a. cif u n-j ft.d.t. i A P1I77! P FOR THF nnP.TnHll't ar that ate t..d fad a . , , aaaaBa.Baaaaaa aa i a asssaa srwwWII ih a f..J deal of L(h ahe aaa t d ;. poacr in a cluD at . ew Jewy la.aaaa I Hearty aad;01' '" e -coa c'n .,. riibfr t-y aix jt oca! u r.. . 1 day aaa si.aiirra.en ami itv..i..i.. .., W V . . . v a - . . a. 1 ...... ... .it-, imjwp rr.e aaa in a dj .ruf i ..o- u.'.vua j,.! fcerolc rria...rr on tr.a XS IhaJJ ta I rt of ... - . .... . . . - ll i- nr a : Wl i.. ..... . ii im laci ir.ax ara en iuim rrr - . . . . . t -j There ia no s-ca thir aa "fcrvraaia, tta , tmly.f;v Mj. Annl. Glabella, a I tiK' f-earrd a .V. a.ta. .ic-r - bank at Si vat Carlo." Tea p-ruc-lar . J?jeBt th. j,,. p., i HtrHd O . ci on iml .ii i " o wi laiw; v "Toi.s " t.v.kJ It lAl-e al lUh t t.aiad . , .., . , - - . , llardaare vle Ow ! tad to .iDl uniai it could be rri,rn.ar.rd . - uu t tii.i by aaotber "basic,' pcrbapa fn n.icutaa ) ia j- ;nt cf titre- t Tr.cre are tut l a en: y tab. at Juat bow or. rr.an io..l !- : n."r tta one cf tte.ii at i l:x.a a " frin orrrerjnd .t." Lut cd... a ' f-ce.fm c'.rre-i.n lr.t ." rtictl ep.-n to the ur.drra-.anlir.f of tha h.. and the aatifa. Ut 'f f horae uaafli. 1 very ma. a do-art abetr.er icy ti a er ef-r moa ort tr.aa 1 oj fran at a -ng.e a".:r.' To Co even that t u.l . jiJf uae a a...p in a tjrri.ane. It ia t the mterrat -f tr.e Caaino to i-iTi-caia the taea ar.d 11. le. :er aniera ar i''.ri ten ia ! tartb c-f an yarr.blrtf i r?e :'.ir-t hap and ea" And Tre 1 ii.-P-r it au-ry t-.e I aft the .y "The ,-fiie ra.-d t.r.i I. 1 .rii-iel ra-fce-1 Lit:. I a :i. : l ". , f ".-l Tre w ; t :r. J. Tr.a , .ei :". j . a t ' an . a te . e w , u.e .".c. n.i. ..o . I " l it.-' :- . f : . .- a 'Vi " a "i a-ii K r- d T be a 1.iv a -a a-a J.. Is apparently in the beat cf hfal-.h at rXat-a to at aad fan to retaca food 1 f;ea artJaa-.T. Wtea admittad to ta hoapital Februarv ; T Miss Oeatei. a bo u a lireea. anth..ut rr.a.ivta cr f ni-aaa In ttia ccuatry. e 'm-I-a.eed that ate tad a era pa:aa ta trr . .oe. e; a'.e aa utaa aad bad a cam' wf n.. k eaoo jatei-.r d.ffic-Ji ia aaai- ; .oau.t tr.a foud. &nc la rn at baa tad .; or. amail a. aaa of rula. 1 The aorr.aa ia ratinaai aad ia-a frt , , ' S.-.e tt .a tri jr. K-ir.a ttat at doca a.-t . nd f .-ci or n.cc.c.rie. a ult-un : e ia . a'.en to brr by Ood ' Act i-.i from Heaven ' al.e aaa. tru ne arj.a-1 s-ica tf bread aad a ai'l aiiMr c-r imrri.iit at t uti'ii. 1 ami tj tb ijd. and if I ;ra- aad eat cr.i a bat lia aet.da n.e tie ai 1 laa B.e "' N Lrara i:.t ai'.a r.r iia aad aj-tt ai-i av-r t.' il ll'rr a:.r le.. cf a ji cf ar.cia tne i i ia ba;(.y and arria rr-! y re I; .'.i-i "Tha caae ia ex -a:" aa.a It Le-.f.e.d rf e cl the to. '.tal IDl). .u, Tba ao on aa aa a'ot aad aw-eara a'rvn.f a.tiJ kna.tt u- ar irtil ,t dra B"t rrtan ar f ,,1 t.,rr. i, brr art:f-ai.' '" j Ti aotiiaa llu ll can c.J. oaJai Tou rrrr.r-n.tr t.'.t J oj eigrn jieara aao " " Are ail bi-ls tre aa:r.e a.i'' ' lluw aide a j i of Br!.:r. 1 !. lor xr.y . rna 4'.r' '1 i.t tj... .c.r ir. n .i x ii ' ' Hoa' tr.o h c-i ; yo- tt.r.a I t'-rn in u.ia a:..w lr.a 1 r.t-iiie Coug'horCold is broken up l y csirg SIOATTS LIMIMEMT