id 1 Tibbs-!!utc!iings Stock Sale How On See Dig Ad on Page 7 fer Prices ' IidMP"T1Td)" v ... - J .1 .!. HP 11 1111 III--' N. Y.Imnorlers Samples 5 Broken Lots - l - SHE FINE HC SiE Womrn 's fine i m po r t e tl sheer lisle, fancy stripes, silk omlroiI ered and silk elofks, jiieqiiiird mvl ..polku dots, Hllover lace iind hieo boot lioie-y, nlso puru silk boot with lisle tops jiud soles mul men's fsil k plaited hosiery, worth fyZo 50c a pair; at, pair Uvj 1 s V.?l! 4. mil . "Women's pure imported sheer gauze, medium and heavy weight pilk lisle, wide welt tops, black, white and lierlit shades, worth up to (i.K'; at, pair. . . .Otic i"..;J!,Yll 7 IV r i 1 WomitD'i black pure silk and silk i Women's pure thread, heavy slk boot pattern bose, full fashion- ' hosiery lisle soles, also blnc.k, ed, spliced soles, boels and tots, fanry silk embroidered boot pat worth up to 75c AQj i terns, worth up to 11.75, Q9 at, pair.... Tv at, pair iJu Men's black rotton and lisle finished hosiery, also fancy lisle, full fashioned and seamless, double heels and toes, worth 2 Be at, pair cotton and ....12ic All Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons 3ic "d 15c AH silk moire, fancy Persian, satin stripe moire, plain taffeta black aud all colors; at. yard Women's hand embroidered (one corner) pure Irish linen handker chiefs, also Val. lace borders and dainty Swiss embroidered; also men's hemstitched all. linen narrow hems values up to f n I . ape, at, each l2C Women's Fine Spring Nsckwear at 25c New Dutch and Middy Collars, in embroidered, Irish crochet and fancy lace effects, fancy lace and embroidered Jabots, new lace and embroidered stocks, tailored stocks, worth up to 75c, at, each . . Yoirien's Kid Gloves for Spring Fine French Kid Gloves Perrln's make, in all the newest shades for street and evening wear, including gray, bisque, mode, tan, , blue, also black and white two-clasp effects; per pair, i 7-i9 Ciil -J u at. Women's French Kid and Lambskin Glove Two-clasp, gray, tan, mode, white and black. Fitted to the hand, at Main a- t C A glove counter; at, pair u Two-clasp German Lambskin Gloves Tan, gray, white and QQf black all sizes on bargain square, worth $1.25, at, pair. .... wOC Long Silk Gloves -Elbow length, double tipped fingers extra quality Milanese silk black, white, pongee and blue, at, per Plr --GO Kid Gloves in one and two-clasp effects black, white and colors also English walking gloves worth up to $1.25 a pair; bar gain square, at, pair.. 69t S3 25c SSI SUITS ftP (TT, b) b) L-7 I $16 and . ti.. -- UK, wa n ahowlnr at $10. 90, you won t need any other argument than your own gooA Judgment to convince yon where to boy your Spring- Unit. All the early dsl fairies are lust In, lresh from the tailor's hands. We ask the privilege cf showing tueai to you. ISEV SPRiHG HATj YjUtsi hob by tUITS Kirt showing of Ton ara inrt to find kara luat tha kind of a hat you want. Soft or ohly Spring Suit for etiff atylai, whlohavar you piefr. John B.I the young fellow, btatacn'i $3.50 and np. ! ' Young- Broa.' ealabra:aa I SO to fl, excellent New Tork atylaa, $3.00;! , Ilia " bpo-1 values, i?..0, SIIO.UO, rial," a C3.60 quality Hit at $1.90. n fin.oo. TROUSERS DEPARTMENT Xvarythlng that U naw - for Spring and Summar wer In Man's and Young Man's trona ara M enow In our great Fant Department. See the beautiful trona era at S3.&0, $4.00, $5.C0 and S8.00, and the aplen did tronera at 81. 50, 81.90. $2.50 and $3.00. BSY. DEPT. Pare Z.lele Koee ' ' rSr , Mn .l.n hlerk with SPECIALS plain with 12iC 4bC ! 1 111. .A """ colors. Suit. 2 pnir kilrker- white feet. 85 , ! values, at per lux-ker pants $1.9a I pair, on'y , "" '"" 1 m Switohljack anapendera amaranteed for one Vear, Satur day, at. par pair, only $2.00 Boys' Shoes Our $2.00 Boys' Shoe is ;i lri.p. Si) pn rents think who havo heen buying thorn for their boys. We selected good box calf for these shoes; had them double solrd and strongly made; looked alter all the little details in mak ing ami sell them for the reason able price of 92.00. S o in e b v d y, somewhere, may be selling jis piod a lioys' Shoe for the same money, but we've vet to see it. BRANDEIS STORES We I'mler- Seil All 1 3th and Far nam CONTINUATION OF The Rapiiael-PfBd Go, Big New Goods Sale All new lots of meronandiae that we received lately will be placed on oar bargain oonnters Satur day morning and tbe sale will continue next week until lots are cleared away. Prices Talk and People I ell the Prices Only '2 Minutes Walk From Kith St. SSfJJk &KMj &kM QSCTWTJi (jVBWJJk QourVi JWWJV r s iv rv r l iv w J Omaha's Pure JW 2J Omaha's Pure Food Center SATURDAY SPECIALS lbs. Navy Beans 880 S6o cans fancy Moor Park 8ll-e:l Aprlcota 8S0 l-lb. cans high grade Plums, Peaches and Peara 90c 4 cakes Morgan's Kapulio 860 4 lbs. Jap Kite 85o 35c cana Medium Green Aaparagua 350 it lbs. Kxoellance" Flour 81.00 Citron, Orange and I.em.m Peel..80o Western Hurbank Potatoes, bu...8So Motlier's Wheat Hearts .100 3ic cana Urogan'a Kips Ollvee. . . .16o Assorted IStuffed Ullves On bottles). each 89c BTJTTEm. IOOS AND CIIII1 OHrA.rM.XMT. "LotU8" Creamery , Butter icartonsl, per lb 8o Strictly presh ligKS (from the Uran- dela farm I, per dox SSo Our best Country Butler (in taiilurv Jars), per lu o Imported riwlsa Clieest, per .New 'Vurk Maue Clu-ese. er in. . aoo Pull ('renin lirlck Clieee. per lb. .Soo aukeMha l'hese, per rukc. . . . ioc-tf60 CottKe Cheese ilii cartons) loo Celery Iteiinh. per quarl SOo Old l'-Hshionei lioiiiiny, cH . ioO rUSX r0IT AMD VEOETABLB DEFAKTXSsTT. Navel OraiiKCJ, pt r ui. .800, 30c, 40o Pam y L.arse lenmii , don Sc bplnach, pei ieciv Si.0 rie.ili Pineapple, Taniei'lnes. Stru berrleH, 1'le I'lanl. Km.lle. Muu rooniM. Wax ami liinK Beans, ii matocs, I'm-untiier. l''icMii Asitara rus., ltadishta Cauliflower ancl KiiK i PUnU corrxx setibtkiht. Courtney's Coffees, gas roasted and fresh doaated dally in our Coffee De partment, on main floor. There Is only one "I,otua-AnkoIa" Coffee. That is Courtney's. Try a cup and convince yourself. fl Per pound, 360 ; three pounds. . . .81.00 3f "lyotus" Peanut Butter (preupred fn & air tight Jars), each, 100, 15o, 850 and 430 rt Bulk, per pound 800 Uherardelll'a (iround C;.oculate, a ery fine drink , l'er S-lb. can -. .80o Per 1-lu. ran 360 Ci .l'er 5-lb. can (l.&o Demonstration In Basement. Try a cup. WIXBS AND X.ZQUOKS. (Crystallised Kock-Uye, 0,1. 650 Mralnht Whiskey, nil n( buo Monosram Whiskey, full it 75o Missouri Corn hisKey, full qt...7o t elar brook V hlskev, full O.1...81.0O Uuckenlielmer Bye. lull qt S1.UO iiiil Apple Jack, it 81-35 Pure t aliornia Brandy, u,t 1.0o telnhaeger ciin. ut Jug Si. 33 Delicious Apricot c'-jrdial, (jl....l.uO ' 'Uotut" Urape Juice, vi I 45o Bass'a Ale. dui. pts. 83.3S Virginia l'uie, buttles. 850, 3jC White Tokay, full t u JO H e-year-old Califurylu Sherry, fori or .-Angelica .ttlon 81-00 5 (Jul. for 84-50; larie bottle. .. .3-0 riES A bottle of Wino.ttllh each full quart of eur 8-year-tild "Lotux" hraixi Whi'Ttey, at 81-00 Liquor ni. ill order.4 tor 3 00 and MCIf S 1HO BOTB' ClrOTHIITO. . Jiu.uu Men a New tprltigr Mtiits. .8-4.75 i.i.ut) Men's and VuimB Mens HuiIh, at w-o tiu.uu -Mens and ioudk luen tieautitul bulta. .S3 lis.uu men's iL,iesnt cSpring Sulti at 8S.83 ilM.Oi) lull models ol the linest ivtun iults ... ia.88 $;j tv ISwelleHt finits. in all the new cuts, iui cloth and pauerns. big xtock, at Vl4.8o $1.60 and 14.00 Boys' Suits 91.U9 ..imi Boys' units, maue from very tine woolen and worsted cloths. .. -8-1-93 l.uu Boys' Juvenile Suits 81-39 l.o0 boys' Wash b'llls 680 IV'R AND TOTTST9 KBITS AJTD SOTS' T&OUSliJ&ri. fiOO Men's Panu, in this sale 890 , , yo.-i uten b new pattern Pants, a big stock to choose from pan- 9145 $j.uo tery lilgh graae of Men's Fain-., in worsteds and cahmtres. . . .S3-8J i.uo boys' Knickerbocker Pants ' at 490 MEITB rUXNISKIJTOS AND HATS. Men's Shirts, worth JP to 75c... 8SO One big table of Men a Dress Shirt. and fcoft Shirts, worth up to 1.4eo Very best f 1.25 and $1.60 Dress Shins , made, at 890 ' $1.0o Svozet Shirts, cream, blue, etc., at 890 Men's Summer Weight BulbrlKgait Underwear, all Ues, each s5o Medium WelKht Union Suits. . . .480 75o grade Baibrlggan Underwear at -' 450 $1.75 and $2.00 Pyjamas, all on bar gain counter, choice 91.38 Dress Kid Uloves, worth up to $1.00. pair 480 lido and 35c Spring Ties, Kour-ln-Hand. all finest silk, each 140 Very fine lot of 76c Silk Four-in-Hand Vies, open ends, very fancy, all Im ported silks 390 !bc, Juc and 50c Suspenders, all in one lot, at 15o Collars of all kinds, worth up to loc each, dozen 890 LADIES' WAISTS AND XCSLIN UWDEJtWEAR. 75c Ladles' Waists, new lot 390 $1.00 Kmbrolilere.l Waists, high and low neck, long a.nd short sleeved ah new styies, each 50o Beautiful akortment of new lot latest style WaiKts, worth up to $2.50 at 81.00 $4.50 Silk Waists 81-85 tout) ana so.uu siik waists sa.45 Muslin Corset Covers, beautifully trimmed, at 390 Muslin Inawera, of very good qua! ity and trimming 39o Muslin linwna and Skirt, fresh a sortmenl, at 39o, 480, 69o, 89o, 950 Muslin Chemise Slips, Princess Blips ami Combination Suits 950 summer Knit Union Suits, worth 4"c st 85o ittc ueai une Knit Union Suits; Sat urday only 450 t necked tjingham Aprons 15o WOMiri AND CHILDREN'S HOSIEBY. Another case ot iuuies' Black Hose, at, pair .'.oc eiy good Ladies' Hose, in O.arn, oroMti uiiu coinifi, at, iiuir auO 2bc Split hole Lauica Hose I10 Uuc iiKo S11K Lisie iIuju, oiack auJ colors ibo 76c quality Ladles iJuie Silk Hose, a. I penul t, blar and all shades. . .390 buys' and Uirls Heavy aim Flue rubber Hof-e, the Kuuper King Ki lel brands, worth up to iuc 110 26c Boys' Heavy nose, also Mens Hose, doub.e knee; also Mtesea and Ctiiidren'a white, pink, and olue flno ribbed Hose; also 26c lntants Cash mere hose, with bilk heel and toes; all on one table, at, pair Mo lADIES' AND MISSIS' SUITS AsO CUATM. . One lot of Ladles' Spring Suits, also Snort jacHeis, worth flu. . . . S-t.6 Beautiful tailored bulls and Long loais, in nine and mac titi., aioo' novelty cioln, wen la to t.u, in this sale 90-wo KleKunt Strictly Mtti Tailored Laulea' and Misses' Suits and coats, luO new 0110., just arrived, se.i every where 110111 25 up. uur price.. i5 $13. Ou At tula price you can ouy a very swell Suit or Coat that the styie, workiiiauship and material wnl surprise you, wortu up to J6 at yis A big shipment of White Serge Suns Jusl received, at Sly' LAOllis' AUb MIdtlliS SKIATa, Ladles' J.5u Skirts 960 Ladies' and Misses' Skirts, worth u to $4.50 $ti.00 and $7.00 Chirion Panama Skirts. Ladies' and Misses' glzex .at S3. 95 $1.60 Beau tit u I French Voile Skirts, at S3.45 iu.uv i-iiacK voile Skirts. 111!. 50 Black Voile Skirts 11 Skirts S5.96 H Skirts S7.95 j BESSES AND CJtrXDKXN'S DRESSES rsina COATM. $1.00 Children's Dresses, In dark and white 4jo $1.75 White and Dark Colored Dresses 9to $2.50 White and Dark Colored Dresses 81.45 $1.50 Children's Spring Jackets. .980 ;.2d Spring Jackets, at 91.59 (3.60 Spring Jackets, in silk and jiuit- gee $2.45 lac Men's Hose, fast black so 35c Men's Lisle Hose 19o 50c Men's seconds of Silk Hose.. 180 LADIES' SPRING HATS AND WILLOW PLUMBS. Beautiful line of all the latent La dies' and Misses' Spring Hats Just opened up. $5.00 Spring Hats 93.40 and 93.95 Ladles' Beautiful Huts, wurth up 10 $7.50; our price 83.95 $10.00 Fine Model Hats, at 94.95, 85.95 and 96.95 Plumes, at 97.95, 99-95, 813-85 and . 919-50 $2.50 and $3.00 Hair 1'uffs, at 980 Fry Shoe Co. T UK SHI) K K S. Kith and hotiglas Streets. ch.nly Rye The one In and of wl .-k y you should hav e tin in, il Hi lmu.-p nil 1 In? t m.-. I'lnr. old and mellow. Per full quart, hoithd in bond $1.25 We rccomnierd the follow inn hitters for that tired feeling and spring fever. Mui-guiider Wcln Hitters, per bot tle, at Jl ni Imported Lltthatted Hitters, bottle. at si.M) ' I lomewtlo Lltthaner Bitters, bottle at ' ....7.'.c l'errochini Italian Bitters, bottle.. B t 7" c osark Bitters, bottle 7.c Home made tape wine, red or white, per gallon Sl.i'O Mall and telephone orders promptly filled. lg Salt of HUn's Blue Serp Sulti lor Saturda;. C.icklcv Bros. WINK MERCHANTS 121 No. ltli St. 0ip. Both Phones. P. O. You Don't Pay for dust and chaff when von hin our Steel cut and Sifted Coffee. Ever' one knows the importance of good coffee for Breakfast. Luncheon or Dinner. Kverv one can et this ood coffee by ordering from us. It coats no more than the rcllnary kind. Mocha Mixture. 35c 3 lbs. $1.00. lixcelslor Blend, r,0c, 3 '4 lbs. $1.00. XL L. Hasterman & Co, "The Coffee Men." Branch at Public Market. 1610 Harney St. I '&MMjHi,mn . n warn G. A. Lindqu'sl & Co. TAILORS Makes Good Clothes. Conservative Styles and Patterns Selected for Spring-. 235-236 H. xton Oik. I R&PliAEL-PnED CO. Wholesale and Retail. tXK. 13th AXl) KAHXAM KTIIKKTS. Thft Trus Follow Up System "Wherever ' you go, let The Bee follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our cir culation department and tho address will be changed as often as desired. Getting The Bee is the same as get ting A Daily letter From Home Keeping you posted on what's doing among friends and associates. It's the only up-to-date way. Let The Dee Follow You I over, we ship freight piepald. QWKWS CSrV C35 ZiftP C3 CTa& C" C5 TVaslBf Kith Brauid Leaf Lanl, 1J lbs. for 08c 10.000 lb. Tig Pork l.olns 10'eC Umb I'hupi ,10 Lamb Slew . ilUc Young Veal Hoast 4xsC Young Val Chops 10 Veal Stf 4h c Pig Pork IloaBt 8ls Diamond "C", Armours. Swift's Premium and Majestic Rex or Silver lAtrd, 3 lb. pail 9 2 SiMKlavl. Itiii.7 to U I. M. 1-rvui 9 to 10 V. M. Only- DKIJYtHY UA(K)NS LKAYK AT Steer Pot Roast.... 04 -?!' bteer Boiling Beef , 4 C Corn Fed fiteer Steak 10 5,000 lbs. Sugar Cured Haum. t ' lO1' 4.000 lbs. Rex Sugar Cured Baton. 13U 10. 000 lbs. Cudahy and Armour, No. 1 Skinned Hams .. Hams, 3c Only I'ork C'houi, lb. 'u n try Kaukar, r lb lOtSO A. M iKUl V. M. 10c 5 1610 Harney St. Phones, -Dohj-f 2144 2nd Ini A2147. , Sloyden Bros, tot Dept. Another Big D&op Martin Reum, manager meat dept., says there were 18000 head of hogn Tuesday, and 16,000 head Wednesday at the So. Omaha stock yards, which is the cause of the great drop in prices. Remember, you always get ful) weight here. Roast Pork - - - 8c Rex, Shield or Winchester Lean Bacon ,- - - 20c No: 1 Hams - - - 12ic No. 1 Picnic Hams - - 10c Elaydeh Qros'. tot Dept. 31 1! Persistent Advertising is the Uoad to Big Ik'turus The Bee's Advertising Coluiuu" Are That Boiid. Busy oys' Slsoes To keep a real healthy, bust ling, busy boy In shoes Is the trial of every parent. No ordinary boys' shoe can statu! tho hard knoks and the continual grind that tha boy will give them. i That is why we have our de pendable boys' shoes. They are made of better material and made better than any other bovs' shoe you can buy. High grade mater ial, honest and superior workman ship make these shoes cost a lit tle more to produce than ordinary boys' shoes; but, wearing quality considered, they are the cheapest shoe jou can buy. Ki.OH aud Prices: 1 to j Vi . 10 'a to i: 82.00 81.75 DREXEL 1410 Farnam Street C! Jpecltl Fur efcast Mn'i Elaok Siri Suits on Salt ' The lew Spring Garment Styles A display here Sat urday In which all that Is best, most beautiful, most wanted for tho spring season finds ex pression. frown Jewel Suits, as ever ars our leader, the choicest designs and values ran se cure or you can find, at 825.00 See the new ones Saturday. l'.legnnt New Tailored Suit Copies ot Im ported models, no two alike, very moderately priced Saturday at 835.00. 830.75. 845.00 to 8G9.00 ISentitlful New Spring Stjles in one-plei'O dresses, all the richest new fiibries and color ings, nt . . 810 825 829 "" 1 Two De'igttful Special Bargains Saturday 25.00 Tailored Salts, 14.90 -JOO of $30.00 Spring- Coats, 119.G0 Unit 1 tlipm ernm, Piin.tnian ntnl KticUsh I koiiip new mivIch Ik sot mf Hitit IMin stiitlriKS. Inoluillnit liliu-k ntui whito i nme'tlex: tho i-liolcet l"t t y "21 stripe nerves; ohuice $14.90 shown (hii Kci-nn, : l 112.50 Visit Oar Mkssss' and Sall Women's Section. Spring llillinery An exceptional showing if those Nobby Small Hats, high class in every re spect and worth consid erably more than tho price asked, 5, $0.75, $7.50 to .. ..$10.00 Three Special Groups of Trimmed Hats, at $2.95, $3.95, $5.00 Copies of expensive pat tern hats that positively cannot he duplicated at the price nsked. All Millinery Marked in Plain Figures. VV Mm Eu Your L'quort Hari Saturda 6-year-old Whisky Maryland Ttye or White Corn Full quarts. 75c; per gallon a. 00 Home-Made Orape Wine Herl ir white; on iMle ut, Ral $1.09 8-yearlold Whisky Syehenly, over, t'etlaf Hrook ami Willow ltolL t'e'lar Hruok and Wilow Jardinieres Jardinieres Rousluj Specials for Satu'da Brass Jardinieres, worth tip to J.DO; your choice 91.83 10-Inch Mat Oreen Jardinieres, vpi v Sfoi lal I'HrKalu, at 49c 7-inch Jardinieres One lilg lot...l?o SI. 25 Brass Fern Dishes 6o Dresden China, 6 nnd 7-tnrli I'lstcs, Salads, Krettd HaHketn, Hon-Hon lilbhes, at, each 49o Three Carloads of Brass and Iron Beds Big Special Purchase on Sale Splendid Bargain Prices $43.00 Brass Bed, with 3-1 n. post and 1-Inch fillers; on sale, 'at .... .. $34.50 U.YtH Bruss Bed for tUit-BO 18.00 Brnws IVds Satin or polish finish. 2-in. posts at $0.85 $1.1.00 Vernis Mtirtvii IIhI 2-ini'h contlnn ous post $7.50 $S 00 VernU Marten Bed, I continuous pouts, ut 3 a MHW Best relt Mattresses Made Hie linn for your selection; prices for this sale 8.50 to $14.60 Mattresses, cotton top and bottom, on sale at 93.60 Cotton Top Mattresses, Haturday $3.75 Solid Oak Center Tables, at $1.60 Quartered Oak China Cabinet Kent Klasa ends; stuip at $13.93 Mission Oak Dressers With 24xJU French bevel mirror, to mnull and two larRe drawers, at $18.80 Chiffonier to match uhove $11.60 Wafth Stand to match $3.95 . $1.98 . $ . . . .690 Hmso lit Foldinr Steel Davenport... Kitchen Chairs, Saturday.. Corsets Complete flinuliis o nil the new models in WitrnerV It. II., Tiiompson'M tjlove I'ltlliiKi, I'. H., A la Splrlte. W. It 's Kalio anil all oth-r wanted makes. Prices $1.00 Up to $3.00. Wo recommend the Nemo Jc;lf IteilucinK I'otset for stout I'ls uies. See the new one-- -at $3.00, $4.00 Hint $3.03 Cloves All the rirw spring shades to mulch the tenner tun n - BEYNIEK and rOWWE S Tin! I'H-I on t lie linn i.el -at $1.00 to $8.00 Sample line of "Oil illuiei and t.'iiiie. tilmes, regular $ 1 '" ;i ties, til 490 Xsyser Silk and lisle Oloves 1 ' and I tl-bul ton Ii-uki lis. all n w colors 76c to $1.30 itayden'i, the leading Store in Omaha for Groceries 35 per cent to 50 per cent saved on your Gtrocery bill means a whbie lot to you In a month. ;i lbs. best til anulated Suntir . . . $ I .') 1U Lara Diamond C oi I. eat 'Km All rtotip for 1U lbs. Iieitl ltolled Hrciikfast tiat mriil for 10 lbs best W hile or lellow orn nieal for -;"! 4S-lb. sack best J'atent I- lour noth ing liner for $l i" or l.u su.K our price '"; 6 Us. best Hand Picked Say HcanS lr -'c t cakes Silino for scoiirlnn l ib. can assorted Soiii-s tiallon can Table Syrup Hi omanKelon. Jelly out cr .leli pkK . . V W c . . -jC '. per 4 lb. pkK. Pyramid Wa-biiii,' -u.i; i'lie best soiia or o.Miiri i n. The best crisp Dinner Snn)H, lb. in.. K-t riiHii Prel.eis. Ib.i... 2(.ii4, buttle faii-y yueen I HI vw . . 2&e nil or Mustard Hardlnes, can....4'jc The best bulk Peanut Putter, lb., loc ftatter, Cheese and lira rrttee. l'aticy No. 1 t'reamety Hotter, lb, S-'o 1'ancy No. 1 fount ry t'leuinery Put ter lb - l-'uni y No. IJiairy Poll Butter, Ib.ilu (Jooil Dairy Putter, lb fancy full i rcum 'vUlte or DOf4fT FORGET TRY HAYDEtlS' FIRST IT PAYS -inch $4.45 Massive Iron Bed Pull size; Sat urday $3 93 Odd Lot of Iron Beds ii sale, to close . . 8o Sanitary Steel Couch and Mattress lc colored ( lucse IV I'um y Domestic Swiss t'bre-"o, lb."0.: The ne.'-t fieni ttuaranteed i '.hk. per dozei I 7 '-j c Oranges Cheaper Than Apples. The most healthful fruit to eat fine siza, per liofcen 'b' - 40 si.e. ier dozen J.'ni ;iOc si.e, per do.en -0- -Oc size, per I 'i Hayden'e Make It Possible for Every Boly to kiat Fresh Vegetables the Year oBund. i'resh Spinach, per peck :jc J laiKe buiubis riesn IU;els 10c. i iaiKe bum lies flrao t'ariots Im: ;i hum: bum lies fresh Sliaiols 0c .! Iai e biinchei lic-h Til iM ps . . . . 1 He .'I HiKf bum-Ins fresh 1 t.tdl sues . . . I lie .. , i....... I ,.ul ..t: 5 I I.aIKe Hel Lettuce, ca.-i'c and !. Pie Plain, per bunco ' J bunclies fresh Paisley i'amy 'aulif lower, per ll 7'jc l amy Klpe Tomatoes. er lb.....l(io Kancy Wax or lirxen Heans, 1 1 . I 2 Vj c, i,ai km fresli 'elery jo .teal n I ucuinbers. em li 1 lie, Anything m fresh Veelable at suuiiiier prices. We hale It N- ( r