i.'iir The eeg jne a azire e IflHE, Dees Junior Birthday Bgdk UTILE SIB1MON KM TOE Wffi JEN ID) Her Husband's Voice Mea Jlkt ? the. iat briatci ud Free Lunch that Snitaini PY AMERB MAN. "iiii; This is ihe r J 7 v t I If) Khe did not rwmb! a prartk-aj Person. A rd yet undoubtedly she wa one when weighed fn the same seal of appraisal with the Amateur Wife. Th Post Graduate Husband, admired her nmmnn en, which be regarded aa th rarest and most desirable quality of Js tra In-law. She wst pretty beside, and everyone will admit that common sense la an altogether superfluous asset In a young woman with claims to beauty. In the very first week of her arrival ahe perceived that her Amateur sister a house hold wu run with the absolute disregard of probahUltte which distinguishes an Im- j prwr4unlst painting or the meter of a tail- ( cab. And her criticism became so out spoken that flnaly. with Inward rejoicing, but with an awsward appearance of laving aside the scepter, the Amateur Wife re- sure I would fall a victim of brain fag'" "That because )ou haven't any tern." explained the Practical Person frankly, "and because you run everything on the treat American plan of stretching yeur income to fit your expenses Instead of adjusting your epe"ses to your income. 1 re a whole lot of theories about the way a home ahuuld te run and I'll be glad of the opportunity of testing them. And think tf all the money vou'll save!' The Amateur Wife's eyea eperkled de ll(htedly. "Think of it:" ahe exclaimed. -At leant tlu a week. I'm sure! What hall wa apend it on?" And much to the Poet Graduate Hus band a amusement both His Wife and the lractlcal Person fell forthwith Into a aeri oua dlacuaaion of bow to eiend the money to be aaved on the housekeeping bills. Mary, the Helpful Handmaiden, was duly informed of the change In the houaehold and later, with an air of exaggerated sol emnity, went to her new mistress for or ders for the day "We'll have something cheap tonight. Mary." paid the Practical Person with cheerful t agueness; "something In a casse role. I'll tell you what you -do. Order a found of stewing beef and cook it very slowly with onions and carrots and pota toes and we'll have the finest dish you ever tasted'" "That an Irish Mew." commented Mary, her patriotism struggling with the "na tional contempt for economy and all Its makeshift. "Stewing beef, you said? That's the kind ve generally order for Woof-Woof! Do yuti think a pound will be enough?" ahe added boldly. The 1 Tact leal Person flashed a masterful e . " ertainiy." with all the vegetables," ah said, and Mary retreated, her expression telling with ailent eloquence that the g lories of her house had departed. "I'lnntrr ready?" was the customary fond greeting of Her Husband whin His Wife -lned the door for him that evening, "flew." he added, dubiously, scenting the delicacy from afar. "Va dear." said the Amateur Wife, oothinxb. "Tou wore your Wne tie this iiHirn'&g. didn't you? Blue la so becoming to you. Tou ought to wear It all the time.' Hut these blandishments were wlthottt avail. Hunger and Its Inseparable gloom possessed Her Husband. 0" Undoing of Mr. Uplift . A BY LAFAYETTE PARKS. "1 went to an auction of paintings and object af art last night and I was amased at the large sums paid for various ar tlelea," begins Mr. Uplift, attempting to in still a lova fur the beautiful In young Mr. Vpllft ; "My notion of no good way to squander coin la to buy up a bunch of Junk like that." oarnlully says Son. "On painting called 'The Old Mill' brought M0.MW." Father relate. "Is there that much real maauma In on lump?" vaguely queries Son, oontentdly chinking together a couple of two bits. "That Uatana Ilka a phony sale to me and rd have to see the kelt passed to believe that dupe," "A a, but it was a rarely beautiful paint ing of a tumble down old structure," de scribes Father, who prides himself on be big bit of an art connoisseur. Hulls' gee:" exclaim Bon, "a guy ought to get a flue new fireproof mill for that alack of almoteona" Thar was a touch of realism about ta aid mill stream tn tha picture, con tiauwa Ffct&ar. -tbat took me back to my bayttood daya.' TJk aevot the real thing," declares ton. VUd yea erer sew that play called Tha Cad M'JJT- Fathar was forced regretfully to admit that be bad not had this pleasure. "Well. thar'Tw gut a mill aoena In that pteca I bat I'll bat will put lings around tbia picture yoa say aald for half a million ' . twefca." ecUiiiaisttrwly asserts Son. The " P-1 act a tau k drop a hundred i ert kuvg ar4 the min stream is real water. feat what I call going some whan It aomea to art wlih a cajatal A. And there a rattling fond ahow. the villain meeting the girl with the paper at the eld mil stream at nudiaght. than pashi&g ber tot toe drtaa and getting away with the wag. V course. Inwrjert Father, "the an dqiuXy of the work e an of which I apeak U chieC tb cause for Its Ugh pnee. Aawifcar picture that recently Bold for kAXou waa YalMMjuea' tameua por trait af Philip IV.- adds Father, showing a newspaper copy of the painting la Question. Lea ux tn ertginai bonehsad ta ma," com map t Sua. after glancing at the re- prodactuav "Til put up even money that . thai guy ntvw aaw Oa together in all hia luX and w anmobodj oomea across with that aoaavy taaiiasnd bone for oaly a pic tar Him Niba Can you beat ltr de- a i ula Cos. in a tun of deep disgust. This particular patnUng 1 noted for ks raod sraab work and rtrecg character atm. posnta out Father like a profa- aacaaaj art Waaler awlng a bunch of robea tkrvugb tha a.ecropolltaa Art mil "'bea ht oomea t rapid brush work, pats ia Boa. -baeva aaa. tbia gjh Yaae line. or whatever bis asms ia. dldn t have aaj thing on aoma of our c ! little bill board artist that splash the stuff up and oT brcadway for tha t heaters, famous VtOt wbiakiaa, lenett and other brie a- hra-. eaMquaa'a art ef portraiture stands uanvwued. To hare a great artist like him inn mm Twee iKw't ehculh UVbi to TtED T CAT He did not speak until Mary announced dinner and. removing the cover of the casserole revealed Its stingy content. j "lid you keep anything for yourself. Mary he Inquired. ing ,ne resurrection Is not metaphorical, "No. sr. That's every scrap In the I even though we try to twist It to meet house," replied the Helpful Handmaiden, that claim. At the last trump the bodies apologetically. i of the dead will come forth. And they And with a sigh of resignation the hun- shall be changed. "We know that the gry host apportioned the dinner, bestowing I bodies of the saints will be raised and with conscientious gallantry the largest i changed because of Christ a resurrection, plateful upon the guest and Household j nd by the quickening principle Imparted Economist. to them through their union with the body "This dinner cot only 4a cents alto- j of Christ in holy baptism. Now this quick gether." announced the Practical Peison I ening principle gradually transforms the after she had waited a proper interval for praise. "Io you think It was worth tt?" Inquired the Post Graduate Husband sourly. But a glance from the Amateur Wife suppressed further hostilities. Nor did he reoj-en the subject when he was alone with His Wife. As the high priest and preacher of Economy he was not y et ready to become an apostate to his creed. "We have liver and bacon for break fast." aaid the Practical Person the next morning. "Fine," exclaimed the Post Graduate Husband. "Just what I want." "But you can't have any. You know you never eat any breakfast. I only told Mary to use up the scraps from yesterday morning." hurriedly expostulated the vol unteer housekeeper. "You know you never eat any break fast, dear," Interposed Hia Wife. "Not when I've bad any dinner the night before," rejoined Her Husband resent fully. "But I don't want any of that mesa," be added. "Why there hardly enough for the cat. Mary, bring ma four poaaheU eggs." Then ha turned to the Practical Person. "You're a cracker Jack economist and your theories are all right," be commented graoioasJy. "But auppose you let me order the dinner for tonight." "He beamed begullement upon hia smiling wife and said: "Let'a have a five-pound porterhouse steak, with lota ef mushrooms Your sister has saved so much money wa can afford to have a regular meal." b0 "d Anrned hw Fsther w Raw -J mt Arr rsoeABiv cor KCsunr or JcuAit nm n in me coo out m. paint one' likeness Is a rare distinction," aver Father. "Ua probably got a coupla dollar apiece for 'em In thoa good old day." remark Son. Moat folk nowaday, especially tha skirts, would rather tak tha two bones and get a do sen cabinet photograph. Or go down to Coney Island and get a bunch of tintype showing tha whole family togged out In bathing suits." "I regret to admit,'' mourn Father "that among the masses there la small apprecla tlon for tru art. I dure say there are a great many persons who would rather have a dollar rhromo to bang on the wall than a genuine Velaaquea worth half a million dollars." 'A for me." conclude Bon, "your little Willie put hi O. K. on tha rhromo at on buck and alipa the other , bean Into hi inside pocked to be used for the encouragement of other form of art." Tilling It Straight J "Olua-ginge, I've just read that maga in story of your; tt' rotten." "Mrs Mi-Outre, you're about seven year older than your husband, aren't your "Tea. air; I've got a match, but not te light that nasty thine with. "McStab, if yog want anybody to ga your security oa that not yoa'U have to ask wsa chap who doesn't know yea. "1 gueea I'll have to marry you. Algy; you're my last chance " 'The editor af th Bugle hereby ac knowledges a serenade by the boys of the liver cornet band last night They tor tured us for more than aa hour. We sug gest that they mil their horns and quit. Th ou't rjlaT for ihurlt I "I didn't expect you to buy this bouk. minster. I waa only practicing my pieoe oa oii" Chicago Trtbuna hall I Meet the Jarfawirntf " We shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ For It is written. 'As I live, saith the Ixird. everv knee shall bow to Me. and every tongue shall confess to God. 8o then, every one of us shsi give account of himself to Ciod ' "Roman 14.10-12. ' God shall bring every work Into ludn mett. with every secret thing, wheth-r It ' be good, or whether It be evil ." Kccles , 11:14. The glory of the Christian religion Is Its j Insistence on the fact of the resurrection ; of the dead; that at the second coming of j Christ all men will rise with the bodies , with which they lived on the earth. "The1 ( hour H coming when In the w hich all that ! are In the graves shall hear His voice (the I voice of the Son of Man) and shall come I j forth." St. John i 2 2.) !t. Paul. In his defense of himself before Felix, expressed I j his hope toward God. that there j i shall be a resurrection of the dead, both j of the Just and unjust '' (Acts 14:15 ) At j , another place he wrote to the Corinthian? j ( there be no resurrection of the de.a - tnen is Christ not risen, then is our I pre,cnmg vain, and your faith is also vajn a Cor. hm. I The language of holy scripture concern- psychical body from within so that It be comes a spiritual body, and the spiritual body is nourished by the body and blood of Christ In the holy eucharist." "Whoso eateth of my flesh and drlnketh tny blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him np at the last day. For my flesh is meat In deed, and my blood Is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drlnketh my blood welletb In me and I in him. As the living ather bath sent me, and I live by the Father, so be that eateth me, even he shall liv by me. Thl is that bread which came down from heaven. He that eat eth of this bread shall live forever." St. John 6.4 .) Not only the bodies of saints will be raised and changed, but the bodies of the wicked will be raised and changed. No doubt there will be a different process of change, but there will be a change of some kind. All the bodies shall come forth; 'they that have don good, unto the resur rection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." Following close upon the resurrection there will be the final judgment. Of this fact no on versed In holy scripture can entertain the least doubt. To go no farther, there are the parable of the judgment spoken by our blessed Laord Him self the wheat and tare, the net with the fishes, the sheep and goat. Each of these enforce the fact of a Judgment and a separation. Moreover, there 1 the parable of tha talent, which portrays the fearful Judgment of those who misuse or fall to make use of their opportunities to serve ths Master. And the Judge will be Jeans Christ, whom we praise In tha Te Deum. "We Believe that Thou Shalt Come to Be Our Judge," the Judge of the quick and the dead, "Thou most worthy Judge eternal." perfect God CoerrtB. 1911, try T rww gn Tc BtwM Geo AJ IUrTa. T'SSSi5y lAilt. HURD ft rim 5-. r'P(,iwMiii. fr I s,. tSA liS 9cJlhsJ? Tut tLltr Jf ovr f--s I v II II "WA Ws r7f f " i wn if rat ) '' CmiM&ust 'fij I rp 0rs 6AA . cAj0 cK ' r (f rims r- ' IX rw.MA 'jr - '-A DC tW .1 ftmriL .v S Yj-Ta Pj f'.U - I e eg riMM rr htes i Uu. rwss) jnnSK T I'l l B nPQ, vr rw mnr i ' '1 I M-v t JUr Trr$n7MtT0t9ve j nKZ n n gL :g mT. T. J. Collar, Kactor of the Church of Good, Shsphard. and perfect man. and because perfect God and perfect man a most righteous Judge, a most merciful Judge; for, having lived In the flesh and having been tempted. though without sin. like as we are tempted. He knows the frailty of our mortal nsture. "He will have mercy;" He will be very Just. All men shall stand before the Judgment seat of Chriyt. the small and the great, the ignorant and the wine, the rich and the fioor. the good and the bad. The Judgment will be made on the basis of all our thoughts and words and actions, in their relation to the light of Christian knowledge under which we live, and the opportunities which we have either used or wasted. "God shall bring every work into Judgment." Every deed done in the body, good and bad.; every thought, good and bad; every word uttered. "Every Idle word that men shall speak they shall give account In the day of Judgment." The judgment will reach everything. "For there is nothing covered that shall not be re vealed, neither hid that shall not be made rr Pointer for No racier political story ha been heard j ! In Europe for years than the tale now be- j lng related In Paris about the preposterous election boas which ha fallen to the lot of the unsuspecting people of the town of Dijon. The town has been recently in the throe of th movement for reform, a movement which a certain group of wags failed to tak seriously. They nomlnstrt a "municipal .reformer"' a local celebrity named Rome, of irregular and uncertain occupations, tbe chief of which, however, wa the collection of discarded cigar and cigarette ends. There waa issued In M. Rome' name a remarkable election proclamation which promised the voters among; other thing a great reduction in iia price of wine and beer, a municipal retreat for husbands re turning home late, the equipment of the town hall with piano and billiard tables as a free municipal club, and so far as possible, the abolition of all work between meals. Like many ambitious reformer. M. Rome i.!;ofi." ScClct ?-:n r.lxr MI'S. i-ns of omislon. sins of comni.-sion. sirs of i thought, a i-rd and deed For all these sins and all the good we ; may bsve dor.e In the das of the Tesh 1 we must pive account to the Judg-; and when me think of what tiod Is me may then irceive what the accourvt rtiust be; I for Jod is omniscient, otnntpres. nt. omnipo tent Uur account will rot 1-e rendered to Him hy our fears or our sensitiveness or our had memories or our dullness of onclence or our false and artificial views i of truth and duty, much as e try to em ; ploy these makeshifts in our dealing with ; ui:r neighbors or enter them Into ttie e I cuses for not answering to our Christian ! calllna as church men and church women. A great flood of litht will pass across the m hole course of our lives and penetrate every crevice of our souls and characters. Whatever the verdict of the Righteous Judge upon us may be. our consciences will have to affirm its justice; for we will see oureelvcs by that treat light as God sees us. as we have never seen ourselves; and we f-la,l know what He meant us to be. wV.at we might hu e been. Arid, oh the thought of what me might have been' Go out Into the (-jn'.igh? of this day. be loved, but ere you go ask Jod to so tam per your wills that you will think more and more of that great account which you must one day render, of the judgment mhich you must one day meet. Every pa-vt-ing minute brings you nearer to It. nearer to the end of your probation. We poor human beings have a habit of trying to console ourselves with the vague Idea that we shall be given opportunities In the next world to right misdeeds which we have done In this morld. Io not risk going acroKS the great distance on that vague idea, far as you know this life Is your probation tinie. Make the best use of tt that you know how. Iay by day. hour by hour, you face the solemn reality, the dreadful reality, that you are powerless to turn time back and so undo the deeds of yesterday. But the past c-n teach you to make better use of the present, and the present is always abundant in opportuni ties by which you may lay up for your selves treasure for the future. Reformers wa taken seriously by the public and was returned triumphantly at the head of tha poll. The council are now faced with the puxsllng problem of what to do with their latest member, electad by the sacred suf frage of the soverglgn people. He, 1 his turn, is faced with the still knotter prob lem of how he Is to carry into effect hi attractive and sweeping scheme to reform. Pl-eflt aaa Loss. An old artisan who prided himself on hia ability to drive a close bargain con tracted to paint a huge barn in the neigh borhood for tbe email sum of SIX "Why on earth did you agree to do It for so little?" hi brother inquired. "Well," said the old painter, "you see, the owner Is a mighty onrellable man. If I' said I'd charge him 125. likely he'd have only paid me tl. And If I charge him 115, he may not pay me but nine. So I thought it over and decided to paint It for $12. so 1 wouldn't loae so much." Llpplncott s. (1 n vJEORGE A. FAl'.vJl H Alt. Nime anj Addrran. Emily Allen, 141.. North Thirty-third St Ruth Anderson. 2611 South Thirty-eighth St Victor Anderson. 2 6 1 T South Thirty-ripht h St... Mildred Arngton. 1814 North Nineteenth st Laura Axford. 2112 Lake St Beula,h Baker. 5002 North Korty-secoud St Ellen Berg. 2318 North Twenty-eighth Ave Krieda C. Boettgtr. 3330 Corby St Dorothea Boldt. 302". Itriraore Ave Gladys P. Bowen, 2012 North Twenty - Laura Bradin, 3435 Patrick Ave Myron Brlce. 1521 Wirt St Guy Burns, 2017 Binney St. Marie Buseklst, 2913 Grant St Annie Chrietensen. 3S0S Miami Jrt Ray Dodson. 3115 Burdette St Otto Dradla. 521 Williiru St Abe Flnkenstein, 1102 North Twenty-fourth St Bessie Friedman, 2010 North Twentieth Si Earl Classman. 4522 North Fortieth St Lloyd Gunter, 5916 North Thirty-third Ave Helen M. Hannahan. 120S South Twenty-seventh St. Ruth Hartman. 2708 Spalding St Peter Havden, 2415 South Twenty-ninth Earl Hiphsmith. 3177 Grand Ave Eddie Hollander, 2526 South Thlrteith St Willie Hollick, 1412 South Fifteenth St Feme A. Homan. 1101 North Twenty-ninth St. . . Georcia Hopkins. 3S26 Vernon St Lenard J. Howlett, 36-24 Grant St Monmouth Park. ..1904 Carl A. Jensen. 1205 South Twenty-seventh St Park 1903 RniA Kimhall. Tenth and Grace Sta Lake 1905 Mary Klsh. 1319 South Third St Train 1898 Madeline Kline, 2426 South Seventeenth St Castellar 1901 Harry Knuter, 611 South Nineteenth St Leavenworth . .. ..1905 Emma Krist, 1313 William St Comeniua 1901 Russell W. Kjte, 2602 South Thirty-second Ave.... Windsor 1905 Will G. Larson, 2204 South Tenth St Lincoln 1895 Alice T. Learning. 3715 North Eighteenth St Lothrop .1905 Ruth Lowrie. 4229 Ohio St Clifton Hill. .1900 Walter S. Marriott, 1720 South Thirty-second Ave. Earl C. Montgomery, 2313 Douglas St Lois M. Moore, 2015 Miami St Harlan Park, 2604 Pierce St Robert Phillips, 1806 Ohio St Charles Posowsky, 1433 South Sixteenth St Samuel Preisman, 2721 South Tenth St. , Helen Penfold, 3523 Howard St Francis Retynske. 3711 Castellar St Florence Riper. 624 South Sixteenth St Louise Sack, 1715 Marcy St Leavenworth 1898 Lawrence Slama, 1940 South Fourteenth St Comenius 1895 Madelene Spear, 424 South Twentieth St Central 1897 Gladys Stover, 2621 South Fifteenth St Castellar 1905 Ralph O. Stevens, 3647 Charles St High 1894 Joseph Stodolny, 2409 South Twenty-ninth St Im. Conception ... 1900 Bess Townsend, 3S20 North Twenty-second St Saratoga io Earl H. Waal, 3502 Jones St....: Columbian ......1897 Katherine Wheeler, 2319 South Nineteenth St Castellar 1904 rufTnrn Widdoea. 1103 Dominion St Bancroft 1896 Theresia Williams, 3015 South Twenty FERXE TIO MAN. 1101 Korth Twenty-ninth Street. r . . Some Silhouettes of the Sidewalk BY BOBBIE BABBLE Here upon the avenue, Kaucoos discords reign; Trucks and drays go rushing through. Thunder in their train; Trolley cars, with clanging bells. Rumble aa they come; Newsboys pacs with strident yells "Tls Pandemonium! Now turn eastward half a block. Loiter while you may Here the tumult and the shock Faint and die am ay. Listen! Where the street Is fair With the light of spring. One street ninger starts a song! Bravely the hand organ' note All th silence fills; Terdf tuneful music floats In a wealth of trtila And the singer's tones ring out. NooctiaUant and gay. 8ingtng something sweet about "Ioima Mo-oee-lay ! be! Tha nangbty rr aid forget nVlf a little while. Cock nearfe-! her acoVAs and frets L&ng envugn to smile; Tired mother beam agam. Ijitr start to ooa CrerrTiang neetn hapiar when The sniaatr pass ia tntrotigh. "V'hat'i aa stngmsT?" smi on asxa Of IM erraad boy As in idla m b basks In this tuneful toy. Ue! But you're a stupid guy; Yer aduvashun s Uta. DwncberkaowrY Well, oat 4a yw Talyan 3'abnul fijnm! Day We Celebrate March 18, 1911. S li ml. Year. . Franklin 1S?9 . Windsor 1 S97 . Windsor 1901 . Kelloni 105 , . High . .194 . t'entrsl Park 1S01 . . Lone - .... 197 . . High ISM . . Monmouth Park . .1901 . . Long 1900 eighth St . Franklin . lxithrop . Lothrop . . 1S9R ..1901 . 1S97 .1900 .1897 . 19 ..1S97 .189 Howard Kennedy Clifton 'till. Central Train . Kelloni Lake 1901 Central Park 1901 Central Park 1904 Park 1900 Lothrop St Dupont .1509 .1895 . Monmouth Park. ..1899 . Dupont 1899 . Comeniua 1901 . Webster 1899 High 1896 High 1895 High High Mason Lake Comeniua . .Lancroft , Columbian . . .1892 . . .1895 . . .1903 . . .1904 . . .1901 .,,1903 . . .1905 Windsor 1905 Leavenworth 1900 - fourth St. . . . St. Joseph. ... .1899 BKPPIE FRIKPMAV. 5110 North Twentieth fotreet. Caruso of the Sidewalk. err S5 ifi P f Daily Health Hint For thin people it at adrtaatJa that tM atLi'j a let rtrvini conKntt or a supply of nutritious and fatty fnoda. the exevwan learmes may ba In order that th advertiser may get tJsJ beat result for money tnweabsd, b naual reach tha buyer by tha moat aaraog anl y. ', ' f a. Ul IS BTV J raUalila caanxtat. TLa Boa la Int. fi "i