TIIK BF:f:: OMAHA, 'FIJI PAY, fAliCII li. OMAHA MAY GET NEW POSTOFFICE DIVISION Headqaftrters for Nebraska, olarado 4 Wromln May roaelhlr (onr Her. .Assistant Postmaster J. 1. Woodard be lieves that Omaha has an excellent chance ft landing tha headquarters for the new postofflre division to he created on July 1. Tha dlvlnlon will emhrace: tha'state of Nebraska. Colorado nd Wyrmiug nd mill he the fourteenth In the United Stat. Denver la laving olalm to the: headquar ter, but Mr. Woodard declare that Omtht la tha logical center largely because of tha vast amount of mall that la handled here He has prepared an exhaustive report (riv ing data designed ta convince the officii.): at Washington that the headquarter should he established here.. ' : ' The Mf? to tha Situation Baa Want Ada. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS IN ROOM FILLED WITH GAS T. Miller t Ooata Omili fame Near Peata la Raoaa at the HaveiTy Hotel. - ( Omaha. . Thwrsdny morning. . Tha gas et as open wide. Miller registered t the hotel the night he-fora under hl own name, but from Chicago, 111. He vil attended by Pr. K 8. Bhanahan. Miller will recovef. II. T. Miller, employed aa a clerk In the atnek yarda district, was found unronatloua In a room at the Haverly hotel In South Frlfctae4) lata FHa . by fear of appendlcltla. take tr. King a New Life Pills, and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. 2Tc. - For, sale by Beaton Trug Co. FORD -SOUGHT BY THE POLICE la 4 fcaraed tr Jwel Rlnom vlk las; Paaaeol Two 'rrtfc lea tfceeke. I'. I Ford, once a member .-f the crew of tha battleship" Maine, la being - sought fhv tha nolle on the charge hf pasMng two worthless checks. Joel Hloom, im North Twenty-fourth atreet. complaining" witness, swore out a warrant Thursday morning. Mi. revolted that Koi rt had ped upon him two checks for e" en h. which hotli turned out to be worthless. Ford Is said to have gained his psrdn from the penltrnilary several years ago owing to hi former service In the Pnlted Statra navy on the fatuous Ill-fated battleship. Made. Mill for Mom Falls. BIOIIX FALL. S. D . March 1.-A meal ing of railroad officials held here today put In motion plana to make, the vMitii Ui-e. mill, erected thirty jesis ngo nt a . "M l.WO.oOn. a flour production plmit The , jl'nitrd Mill company, a loiiiMnati.m "'X millers of the northwest, purchase.! plant and will tear out the old mill etonf ' substituting modern machinery sufficient ' to produce J.WO barrels of flour dally. The mill Is a seven-story stone structure am! ran hut a few weeks. The Key to the Situation Bea Want A1 dhrrolb ., r . . .., : A 71 o for Mem sm&. You Wil old. aim umainia 9 the V t " II 1IH .11. .11. I "I I 11,1 -V - - - . v t . . . .... "VZOU yill sufely. be interested in learnings that one of America's leading makersof ready-to- -X ' "wear .clothing has attained a degree of perfection in manufacturing that. makes it possible :;: J; 9 guarantee their clothing to you without reservation: :v . - v- ;'e:;.::::Thiltis:.vvh we are laying great stress on ih i - Spnng line of: ' : . r -c 'I-.-i ' "".1'V,.-. ' i .... C . , ., v: . ....."'" i- i ' ' "',.''',.') . . i ' . ' 1 .. V- 4 . : J - - f ? THE V A"" " . MAKE !f:vv of guaranteed suits for men and young men, VVe are going to sell th'cfn under two broad and binding guarantees as follows: v ' .;i ' .;: . . " ' ' i a binding guarantees 1. Guarant0edto s"'7:.7''. 2. JGuarahteed to give you satisfactory wear. w ev-XTOO will rernembcr that in times gone by you Tookcd so very critically at the suit you VX wantea ro Duy, tnat you ieit 01 me ciorn ana cxamineu me garincm in uciau. 11.3 :,). quite likely "you questioned the salesman about the quality. Maybe hisassurances 'Z "sTtiTiecl you and possibly, they didn't. - ...'...r'-"'''-' ' ; . - s., 3 ?'!..' v; ;T " With the Schwab clothes we now have you will find it different. You will have the Liiyi1!'.? v" the workmanship and the worthiness of the suit you choose definitely and positively guaran .', U .." teed. So when y ou come in and we show you a Schwab suit you wilLneed. to concern yourself vv;onlyvith getting the pattern and style that pleases-you. . s " m -r. - ou will not pay any more for these Schwab guaranteed suits than you would for clothing v. .that is not guaranteed. A sleeve label on which is printed the guarantee, also shows the rer ' " ' ' 1 4i ' ' 1.1 " ... , ...... -tan set price, ana tnesc are: . . i. j;r f ' 4 wAi :-; "r; " ' : ' j ( 'tt ' ' li V ' '''' c'ik" -Li $2(0 . TVTOT unlike most men you will undoubtedly desire a spring style that is practical his is MAY we have the opportun ity chow vnn niir Schwab - - I I j - . . . . - j X y- J I ii J"" " J " " -LN characteristic of the styles we will show you in the Schwab line Men's styles, Young suits soon? VVc'll do it, if you'll Men's styles a large variety of models so you'll have no difficulty in finding one or : just mention "Schwab" to the more adapted to your individual requirements and ideas. " Very handsome patterns, :' princip- salesman. ' .-r.'cally in worsteds and cassimcres grays, browns, tans and the always popular blues. ....v. 1 Gmty . Exc1usweRetailer- of Schwab Guaranteed Cloth ing for TsLen and Young ISden - sejajgs