TITE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MARCH IT. . 1311. i -v (Q)F Ui-.HA TO 0. J" '"J J" f V1 w "A 11 IllJjZ The following letter was delivered to the Chairman of the Water Board on the 15th . ... inst., and is published in order that you may have early knowledge of it's contents and be re minded that the failure to provide additional water supply is not chargeable to the water company- THE OMAHA WATER COMPANY, By Theodore C. Woodbury, President. E. M. Fairfield, General Manager. f i I) r. Kirch 13, 1911 The Water Board of the City of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska. ' .Dear Sirs: On Jul 27, 1306, I wrote 70a a letter containing the offer of the Omaha Water Com pany to put ia an additional supply main between Tlorence and the Citycf Omaha, for the purpose of meeting the increased demands upon the distribution system, provided that the Water Board would enter Into an agreement binding upon the city to repay to the company, upon the completion of any purchase of the water works, the actual cost of the improvements. To that letter no response has ever been received. On October 22, 1906, 1 wrote you a letter reiterating the offer of the water company, and further stating that it would be understood that such an agreement would be without preju dice to the city of th company with respect to any pending litigation. To that letter no response has ever been received. On Kay 4, 1910, 1 wrote to you, on behalf of the company, that if the city would pay the company the past due hydrant rentals, I would recommend to the board of directors to renew the proposition made in my former letters. To this letter answer was made that "a new main from Florence will not meet the situation.' Time has demonstrated the need of such additional supply main, thus repeatedly empha sized by the company. The importance of an additional main from the Florence pumping sta tion to the city of Omaha, providing capacity sufficient to fully supply the cities of Omaha, South Omaha and Florence, and the village of Dundee has, I am informed, been at last recog- nized by the water board. ' I now write again to say that I have been authorized by the board of directors of the Omaha Water Company to renew the offer to put in so much of a new main between Florence and Omaha as may be found necessary, upon the payment to the company of all the unpaid hydrant rentals claimed by the company and provision for repaying the cost of the main when the city completes the purchase of the water works. In order that such new main may be satisfactory to the water board, the company will put in whatever character of main the water board may designate as to size and material, and will welcome the co-operation of the engineer of the water board in laying the main. Or, if-tie water board shall prefer that this main be put in by the city at its own coat, under the direction of the water board, without waiting for the completion of the purchase of the water works, the company .is entirely, willing that that course be pursued. Yours very truly, THEODORE 0. WOODBURY, , President. p, -.. -. v " ' ' - - j r : " ' ' ;i "" " ' " ' ' " " iziL ANOTHER HIRER SENTEKCED they calljjs provincial John C. SmitJi it Giea Yiv MontSuj ia Bel Oak Jail. 1 i Still the Writen Pwwal kit SaaBa 'Ttmm TUa AtlaatW) female r. wrrvr.v, Tr.n-i.-TTP t-TT-g TTTT TACTi PrevtBaaj. re imasense.y curious H 9w Hi4aiaa tae CaattwwaM rails Wkri JWdtra Flaaa H Has Will Tkm ewenrew! Nest Taesday. Utrrl'-e as a steerer (or the Mabrsv gang will Cot Jortn C Paillr) .f "retUor. lit . fits months In jail. Smith waa sentenced a term tn th Red Oak jail by Judge Pant a B. McPneraon In fefrl court tn ('sncll Bluff Thursday morning Th defendant pleaded g-uiTrv. Hia at imltr made a plea for mitigation of peti slty JihIk UFkrM maile a personal Investlgatlea ot the rasa. It was found that Smith did arH arlrlingly enter the eer vkf of th fn( trot acted aa ateerer when ha had ta da ao 'to mm Ma Won." Fwiith wwe a member af the cast staging a wrestling farr at Council Bluff, which era rated an rNlnota man from tl.a Hlndman, "the Honey Grove kid." U B. Art. roiutc. literature, pontics nothing thai ta af contassporanoua humaa tater aat la a ilea to us.- If these things doa'v com to tss w go t them. We are more truly representative of the American ideal than our metropolitan caualns. becausa wa know more about, oh. ao many thing! Wa know vastly more about tha laited States, for one thlag Wa anew what N'ewl Yto a rhlnkm before New York itself knowa It, because we visit the metropolis to find oat. 8!eephtf cars have no terrort for ua. and a man wha ha never been west of Philadelphia seems to ns a stmru harly ben 1 rued betnc Those af aur weat ra acbaot taavehers who don't see Europe for t30a avary suraaner get at least as far east aa Cotiaord. t be paotocraphed- bj I the rude brtda-a that arched the flood. J That f rv austerity, which the voluble westerner flauls smothefina on the Bos tun and New Tork express, la lori utterly at PI n bur C- Frara gcntlemea cruUlnj in day coaches rude wights who advertise lhir atraoaal aaAitation and Ht.rCT he from Oklahoma. arrtd h. New Tork. lhm bnuh Md fouBtal wtU ao to trial If he does not enter a plea ,turdlly , tbmr ,po,P left hand wa.lncMt et u"ty. Htndmaa tried a ruse, which j fMCt.ln9 .y )rn th. mo predlKK faiM to earn him a continuance asd th pluloaophy thereof "Stt tU re. etved a telegram purportina; to j ove,, brothar; Uiere s hU to pay in the t aiae frota his "wtfe" derrartn that, sha . Baikaaa.- remarks th eentlaoaa who waa daneruly til aa a reault of hef bus- boarded Ue latnrurbad at Peru or t'on 141 arrest and i l rsj-. !cerv.tla. mad who would iut as itml die- As lnvest:rat)oa by th .-ourt ilioas that 1 cum th papacy or child labor, if revulu- . Byrne Haoimar'a factoir- everything BUSINESS MEN SEEKS OMAHA Hake First Trade Zxcursion in Little Red Wagons. PULLED BY AS 0X1HA TSUCX tail Three e the- Uccert Hwawea la th Jwhhtaaj Dtatrlet. laaBe-tla Kateh, Tbai ta Its A bo vi I t huMawsa aaea eiirabed iato the bic fjmaht . track. aal stx ft Stroud dr Co.'a Uttle red wagons, that er coupled to trail behind, at Sixteenth a ad Farnam streets Tharaday aternoaa. aad a fT Bthaoxes later, with banners flyins. tlar start waa made far th first "sfeetns CsmaAa" trip of the year The procession was beaded nortb an Sixteenth street and. after photographers had rotten an thrttr work, tha truck's hoarse whistle blew for the start. Tne track was loaded to its rapacity, and there ware' about aeeenteen men In each wairon. As each aM wefg-hs l.w pounds unloaded, there waa aotna doubt whethet tha track would be equai ta the occaatoia la a moment. bwwvfr. tha ouplinr strataed and. with a israv the train started U. It turned east dawa Farnara street making a wjde circle, allowing; for th irailera VUit tha Jahbera. At Ninth street tha excursion sboulera turned south and stopped in front of but tea mile wide. U is prjpjeed to tend trains arroos on car ;errt-s, eo that through transportation may be bad from any part of Europe direct to either takax or Bathurat. The Idea la dictated cot only by commercial reason, but by tha pecea- sity for keeping tha delicate lelatitaa be- tweea the various countries of Europe MTHERSOT 'THAU frwm getting tangled. It ia said '.he Spaa- j Inh eommitlea couid easily financa th i Csrrles was steal Eitilt enterprise la Epain, but darea cot tnake It I purely a Spanlah undertaking becausesf j th Algwciras conferenca, by which tha in- j tegrity of alorocca waa guarautAiad br the i varkiua participaiing counuioa, not from 1 love af Morocco, but from tha r cf j each of them, except the Vailed Siattfg. U i keep sunt thr country from K oilng Korocco. . j BANK CASHIER IS ON TRIAL Carroll Banker Ciarg-td with. Falsi fjinf Kit Becorda. TEE CASE i the Bawka aa Aaae4a Whleat Had Been Jd the - Year Trial of R. E. Cooura. cashier of tha de funct First National haak ad Carroll, la., charged wtth falsifying tha bauaav began la I'nltad State district court In Council Bluffs, before Judge Smith B. McPher- A eurioua part of the oiistaes w.Mch 11- j aun. Thursday aaaraawc. lustra tea a phase of European politics and Evidence adduced earl? tn Ota trial tn- certainly amuaea tha Aiwiiisa autboratiaa la that tha government of Morocco totl mates that U would vastly prefer ta have th railroad financed, built uad ewtated by Americana, but tn preparrng Ha akttch of plana tha Spanish committee ls ot figured on th United fttatea ta aas- way. ISC9. Soon after Praaideat Culbarawn com- j Ia order that th advertiser may get tha la order to avoid an tnU-rnaU MiAl tar.c'e "altted suk-lde. It has been found that tha best results tor sooner invested, ha must bfar tha scheme gets md.T way. the ! "ey of depositors had been sunk In west- j reach the buyer by tha most direct and Spanish committee has au4et-?d that the I ,rn Irrigation and mining projects, which reliable channel. Th Be is that channel aasernmsnt of Switzerland take 'hi ml- ! oot prrtt - i.terrxatJ.nal ...r hr. Th affairs of th bank were well wtthta ence ta pave the way for the firmai launchiag of tha project and tha rganixa Uoa af a smelly coamopolitaa company to haad.e it. Boateo Herald. dlratea that Cesium eaiilsd on tha books In lftg real eatata la Kansas , City and Chicago as s as eta which had ha fact been sold In IMS. Tha First National af Carroll waa closed by order of the bank examiner October 1. 13(9. Soon after Praartdeat Culbarawn com mitted suk-lde. It has been found that the W During all this Uom. it ta said, his wife never want ta aea him, and prevented any of hia friends from seeing him, so that ha had ho way of communicating wtth tha outside. Even hia two sous war told that It would make their father violent if they want to see htm. so that they grew up to manhood without vr having net eyea aa him from th time they were about 10 years old. In 1 th wifa died, aad It waa not aatil then that hUingaoeor waa able ta bring his case to tha attention of tha courts, who ordered hia raiaasa, la cue tody of a guardian. Tha oaiy evidence of Insanity, his lawyer aay. aver noticed, about him. waa that at time he waa morose and s pressed a derate for- his liberty. I It ia said that his two aoaa, Walter and Paul, both grown men, living tn Ruther ford, are now convinced that their father waa unjustly kept under restraint, and that they had been deceived aa to hta real cwndltton. A reconciliation has been ef fected between them and their father. New Tack Tribune. lUadroaa has no wife Motion for eoniin-! lions ar not to your liking. . ; was not in readiness here so th wagons i. am a wa overruled In Boeton a woman once expressed her ' proceeded to tha Richardaon Drug com. Thomas Davie. Fred R an aad Darby surprise thav' T should be hastening home J pan y a her every on detrained and fol. Thlrtrnaa ar yet to be "sentenced. They ' for Thanksgiving day. This, sue thought. . Towed a competent g jlde. through every Leaving her ' the party waived over to the Byrne 4t Hammer factury where everything was LAST OF COMANCHE CHIEFS tela ale Career ( Hsll-Breeg I.ewdes f a Faasaaa Tribe. tha coatrai af Culbaraaa aad tha eaahter. now oa trial. Culberson's daaghter waa chief bookkeeper and Mrs. Cobwra waa her i saaaataat. I I Th bank, whea cloaed. had deooaits 1 laaaoontlng to about I14a.se and inabilities af YOUR UNCLE SAWS BIG DAM Lawfca rsr aa IN ASYLUM SINCE THE WAR Vtuanah Parker, chief of the Comamaa Indiana, corralled ia the axiutbaasiarn part ' la KsaOTleaew Veterwa 1 Elshtyts I'Bjastly Held fer Inaaaity. Vajustiy kept ia aayiuois for nearly forty j ;.00.OU cubic yards of solid masonry r Magaltade af the balsa Beyaad Aaythlag Rteera. I Tha construction of the Gatua lock on i tha Panama canal ia In many ways ona of tha greatest engineering Jobs ever under taken. T. raagnltud of th masonry work la stupendous and far beyond any thing oa record. Tha great Assuan dam on the Nile contains TA4.un cubic yards of masonry. The Gatua locks, when com pleted, will consist f something mora than HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA WK PROVE IT Why waata time and money experiment ing with greasy salvea aad lotions, trying to drive the ecxema term from underneatn th akin when tha Sherman a McConnell " Drug Store guarantees ZEMO. a cJeaa liquid preparation for external use to rid tha skin of tha germ life that eauaaa tha trouble? Ona application will relieve th lushing and ettca times ona bottle lg suffi cient to tun a miner raa of ecxema ZEMO ta apld by druggiata everywhere and In Omaha by Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., and they will tall you af th marvelous cures mad by this clean, simple treatment. ZEMO and ZEMO aoap ar recognised aa tha cleanest and moat popular treatment for enema, pimples, dandruff aad all ather forma of akin or ecais) affections whether ow Infant er grown paraon. Will you try ZEMO and ZEMO soap on our recommendation and guarantee of Balls faction or your moner bach? Sherman A McConnell Crag Co trwy. George 8. Wright, declared to IU ! la-trucrlon. We strKe to 1 lh. d;play room of th J-iho Deere lc- Wh":" l Bon ta J"u1 of (ory. after which tae wagon train loadod Cl be caned bf.re the court Tiwaltv. was a New ETig'aod festival. Mora re- j floor of the great building. The court has Indicated some k-ptii.:sm centty I was asked by a Bostonlam if I as.un the NmirkiM. liinau ef R i , ru. ' had ever heard of Paul Revere. Nofhlna a llibrav itn.Unt who 1. hv hi. la more gel'ghtful In ua. I think, than oor Inauected. Next the aUhtaeers want ta . " " " " jeers woua ouuecw auu 'S-r in ibcib woiua mi oroaa- nsea ois peasoa aarsea ay awuniiasnea t irom me city nan to xuiHn square ! much- fcmaer- remembrane than a vary service In the civil wax. ktawing him with- i with a great moaollth tha full width of the out proper ear. Is the atary told by 'Street and forty feet high. According to Captain Victor alltagsowhr of Kiuherferd. , the Engineering News, from which thes N. J. Tha ca.pt am la m a broiua aid i f aurea ar taken. ceosideraUy ahove I.M. maa af year. Although finally re- cubic yards af th total have already la Taa. waa named after him. His : leased from tha Soaka Hill aayiaat ta fc. been laid to be exact. 1.4U.T22 cubic yards broad hat. (listen tug fsuce. long, biaeh j upon lb death of hia wifa. at ta aaly i "8 to January ZL last. jtrnaaingeV and conaficuoua iewalry wre recently that friends tntarested ia hi oaae i About October L 1!. the gteat c on to appear tn court. Mr. Marks ill lat . " sk m to oe snon Mtch when the first Mabra ce cam.; ur seateat gain U in lir and the -.f for trtaL Judg McPherwrn wHl make ' ru" M , i ir.uuwiui ox country loans uie uen t aad aeirewd eteaVnta ai affairs. Where ' our New Torkef scana headline up and return to th. Commercial club. !1"r trceata. of ho ho are gfven At ea h place vt"! th crowd sang sev.j; sral verses of "EU'at AU the While." or conunuant e. Pursues Milk Wagon for His Breakfast and Gets Arrested commutes- homeward. the vfTager ' m "mmni "muimn mrruUn ha that highix tHtnvanlant work. vjuanah. the thrifty county seat of Uarde. man county, just across the Oklahoma line So simple in construction, we can sell it for $1.00. So strong and well-made, it lasts a lifetime. So quick, clean, safe and keen it's the best sharer of them all. At all stores. reaches his oan Preeule althout be ng ho J :rcugi the" tube, an.5 !ts doan and rJ ' , aua aewspaper lhoroi.giuv. When he re- , pair. t f drug store to abuse or pra; rm that he. hu wife reads la , t He l treed ta sVewsarat Haaas Africa Part af the Prwieet. 4 lata! familiar to travelers pausing through La-'have brght it to tha attention af the I Crete mixing p4ant prepared for the work , toa and he was frequently to be seen at courts. . ; began to get down to business, and by pauer. too. A I nlt1 Males senator from a middle aestera nAte. malting a cam- Jofco Fxttmaa Laadi Eimiel ia City n ,ur renomlnatH-n. earned lh ptM(j!c T.;t I y ... la ruiai eoaaint.aUla against the aes Jul tor tiftiBj Bottlca .f j T . pr mnh CreaBl. j da s and herestea. alt quiet iy by your Fort ll and other railroad stations ia the ; At the outbreak of the war alUnasoehr i un. W- It was turning it eoncret at . i. ..... i iLj.r w ii c " i. mi. hnus- eiuuiru mm a. ic.4 u, niwuM uiuari. - - - i - . m i Nothing etse that hs come tiito the 1 (suit. Tha referencea to him were frattaent ' Hia courag brought rapid pronuiuaa. and ' "oath enough to huiM a concrete road six 8tate department at Washington Jcn;ly i in all that country and were tit auch a he roae ta tha rank of captain aad served . f1 '5 aad six Inches thick from New York to Albany. Place rhea the monthly ! output has varied between 75 ('Jrt and i..J ' has created more Interest than the news1 nature as to show the respect in which he till the end of tha war In that capacity. that Europeaa interests . iiat s ta foot a aas held and the great extent of tha la- At the. cljee af th war ha received hia preirt to build a ranroad thrwi'i .Umt! f.uene, he exerted. honorable discharge, and In recognition of cuU ta that Diaa Where the A.ua:J: acxiin is! Thaach a halfrbreed he waa tn ana f a hia lone aervlce and braverv under fire a Pvrsuit f a breakfast In the ae-e of a ! nrla' andisturbed by these false teach- I ao narrow A ateamanip cia criKi I e i captured wall girl aad a Comaach leader pension of $30 a motua waa given to him. milk aaxon has put John Pittsuaa vf oata I ig-"" ' efTeet ; "then go ta yo'jr i Atlantic at this point tn ihiv, dar. and j of hs last generauon Quanah was Ct- , But when he sought to return to the etna ha in JaiL I pr.nuwiee aul vote as you have always , tt j, Muoiated that a h-a ih :i"i uiacribad aa rswra ladiaaHlh thaq tha f.dl- comforts of his' home h found that The priKiner aa carxned bv Dfficcr vwe H avpoiv-nt won. by isa 1 I schwa. 1 Atlantic n" ' fral-'herl a Juurnev can be made Jru.u Eu-j bluuJ Indians themselves. A third of his . i hangee bad tahaa plaoe there. It was rape ta south America la live J. ' ltr wa 'Pent tn hosillltjr to the white m -a not lung before ha reaitaed that be waa The railroad la beiaa bsuiid nr x ifwi-"11 B engaged la maay perltaaa andec not entirely welcome. He declare that ' ish government roumirrf.-e. - wu. li pub-j '" but surMved to- spend lb r-!ahen tt wss found Impossible to get rid ' Tishea an estimate thar it 'ITT ivst a.j muin 'o-thirda la peaceful promoiha i of him by other means, he was fiaally . ." j nire than 11 Ja.tan.fcxl Tha plaa is i ii.n ' Dl T brothers' welfare and to die ua- (railroaded to an uuane asylum the road from th strma if tlibrtltar. : " -o. ... ... , AiUJUII,B i ') " uii.ei tae last or the tasrlnating type of great to take a carriage nde oae day. Tha ride Joe Venderfool tack af the M-iiaiw He lei. j arruatil answer ! tne iltt.e Put irn m.a enxac.l in xlaibui. a buit.. houaa.-hilcJ.olaa Meredith 1 of cream taken teo.n a '.-viaa' mii. . Mjnthlv. lr three bioek e had e. a me t Heart r t 1 hie araakfaat with an eouel Bum. 1 va Hrirartag law Marbea b.r i,f bottles of tr-u. PIKHHE. l . March U-.HW ... ' gnaav The a ifrvaar court toda denied j - " ' - 1 " ' - ' nil .1)1 tl ..FMtl - .n.ll .t r . I . 1 . CM. I. ...I,.. . - t HartVn ar-J in :na rase of fain axair.at I oud t the point nearest an:th tmta. . : " " ui.i" " T ' . ,. 'n" I M,r,iw . , . A detail a te Mr. Psrher tntereat.ug ' (he inwi.ne at Morristoan, N. 4. This Via xar as tue concrete output la con cerned the rocks could be finished within Utti mur than taeiv mentha In to. daye of the id-faahloned stone aad brick masonry aurh remarttabie speed as this would have been absolutely Impossible Xww Tork Pre a. Chrieuaa lUxs. 4lii Nrvu law livlrnr. Iranie ewWins. gl.iJti. J M ltsmsAn. I'ielinev frame dwelling Mia Anna Jsmiaoo. 3ttotiui frame daii- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS were .lcia;i.l i.i he illegal and all ylo..ns ! harbor It would undojiit d in that cl.i.-ea. la aa opinion by Mc- selected, uu.a giwnx; thu t oy the. itxs of Kred Niiemiaa agauaal hta. a rwpubhc a i htav to cet tCcini IWin from ianit-y county, aas J commercial reap of the Khl l't afJ'rmed 1 the at hai-bur aearut tae d-wl. b- ll.e I e I M llitmei . diviatoa as.. anger ag.at f tlie I.hb cVntiai al i.'uotM4u, la-. Mr and Mrs tleorae t tandre trit ruiK!. t jr i tl ii aaiori, la. se a 'w.t Weeks' rvt aitd VheliOXi Mrs J R. H.ie w rw le at foi 1 in mt.uti ka bw mm-4 t Mn .n '(-iin. itlAiii.Ki of te B.t J. thj LM.ent at Hadea two. I - Tnw Wey ta the dituauoa Oea waot Ada 1 a sunatrowa ia eived during his t M itkT'f Swieaward. ri' Hr- sad Tar for tha children, heel ill sa f t fa? all eoaaha colds,: arwap. wbMH..e ca' ga sad broach, tax h sis lea Foe s..i , all drugn ata. , family uxigttt to suff-a farther for to In and ha aa kept ihata. he says. fjrl'lrtl 1 M T 1 -i.iKiti p.i roneu'M uuu. iimw. w n nuui fiuwr Maria, ur a : UriDraalon as to aiminutioa la th n mt -v ' hinn i n npn.ni hia j-.m It main. ,6 t Uf ailf lodiaB !uljaXlAM TkfM Jlfmnl r . n.w1 h. 1- a K r. f . -1 i - K -. .f.p i - .....u.u WW. .v. i.w ii i . I1U1U . .as seea t be protiaaie aiay tiiaavau ' f'.ahtuia daa ' . oirreot bugrapm.a. work af rafatea- 1 Jersey laws la regsrd to commiuuent for oh1 rrlr - .k.,- k. ... ... 4 . .- . u lo be fo..nd at l-ahar. right -a tap B1, t,wr n took only pw-fiinctory pro.e,iioga la dlw- j ' 1-wrhig hi IU uan b had no leas ,an Puee of aa uadeairabla member of a fam.l The Liin. f.om Uilvraltr f It..- . ..n wlvea a.vl he Is sure e 4 by young la thta say. 1 Ta nil ea sd Irern ,ibra t B .lhu t , Jar Parhera had Mia Parkers tm a aotsl i H ... .. u...i. . . , Aa the sir, i f jtari-x are i f fijuaawai. Utuia atatpuhUcaa. . 1 waa rem. ad ta th eak Mill aayraot la ! E-Hnseyaclii tiaimoG Uoa Is lUal uf Batb-jst. south of t ape Ver-ie. An t'i Natural Laxative Water Speedy Sure Gentle Quickly Re&evms coriOTiPATiori j ( r f . .J. .: Who oping- Coujh COUP AJTHMA CXXJCmS ha.L.'VC iffTIS CaiAhgM CULDS ter.si exre teee A awete, aw. aa aa. usm fa aaaa shlel ir.aaiM, amiaiag aw.r. VieHas Cr. M awya . p I i n I f W aft Cnrk a4 . Cap si lira It to a Umm mmmm hmm aika. Tea au ailnil svai. aarwe. He, HktsnfW with wry Siwaia. Skaa. ewf.f M.T i mtta ia M tkiwat aW wewi ia cm... awmtiac imia aif aa. tt m leiiaaai a asmm WW fwwag ALL DAUCCiSTa. f rrlta fatli. aw tae TWy mail atnax. n. i oe ysf araaaia mt aWaa sa, sas la miai. Vapg Oniilm C. al .mi au . t. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARVIEF Omm loiter Prr Tr.