"i.'i v. Tin: f.eej omaiia. rmnAY. makcii it. inn. Western League Teams in Stir of Preparation; Omaha Dog Show Plans Made WESTERN LEAGUE GIRDING UP Report! All Over Circle Show Bustle for Biff Race. PITCHERS AST) CATCHERS READY Entries for Omaha's ! POWELL TO BE SOLE MANAGE ; Frank J. Gould Hints at Attempt at Radical Changes in M. P. Road Tope Tenna Material Grttlnn; Ta ..ether Pa ' Rear Uaa Coantlens an tar Mew . " Anil Park. Tewort from all over th Western league dtcl Indicate that. Uia enemy la girding up his loins In MVcn other cities and pre paring for that pcnnnnt race. Another week will see practically every erne of t he Western league oluba busily training for tli? race. Down at Topeke. Kan., where the newly mmnl Ktwn are to roost this season, the pitchers and catchers are on the mounds and practicing They lgan work Wednesday, as Manager Moore wished to get a line on the bunch of twirlera he had signed to uphold the Kansas capital honor. The remainder of the Team, will report the same day that Pa's lads come to Omaha, March 20. Moore Is planning to sign another youngster before the season opens, fully Ilielteonteln (net he un't born .St, Pat lick's day). Hilly played with the Co lumbus club tn the South Atlantic league Inst season and hit .2H lie Is primarily an outfielder, but can play 841 y position. The race for the wuon ticket that Fa is offering for the best name for the new base bait pork Is coming along finely, All kinds of names, testifying that there are a bunch of live imaginations in Oinaha. The name fiourke park is a strong leader In popularity, many of the funs believing that fa aught to be remembered as the base ball man of Omulia. I 'a. Isn't saying, but bo In understood to have remarked onr-e that It was deeds and not names that counted. Indoor Meet to Close j Automobile Deale;.. As.ociatio Give. I at End of the Week ; Hin complete control. i . . ZTT". MAY EK1ARGE AUDITORIUM many ocuoois wju juc atjiiiimisu ,t in Big- Contest at Auditorium 1 in April. This week wHi see the plowing of the entry list of the second Omaha Indoor meet, to be held April 1. Athletes will be entered from all of the big atate univer sities of the west, from tl)S emaller col leges, from the athletic associations of Chi cago, Kansas City and Mere Spare Meat He Provide t Handle .til tke tare lealere Wish to Kihll.lt Nest Year. Clarke a. Powell, secretary of the Omaha, Automobile I-aters' association, was elected sole manager of the Omaha Auto- Omaha, from the mobile show to be held In KM2 at a. meeting vn,.n u.n. I'hrlailan aaaoclatlona of 1 ' mo ufsociaiion unci nrunnutj ..,... ,1,. hth k-tn.1.. Mr, Powell, aided by Wtllard Hosford, . . - J mar-aged the very successful show held at " ' , ,. th Audltnrtura In February gnd was tonn The exa number of men to be entered . ' . . ... Is not certain, but it Is thought that the South Omaha Five : to Play, Bluffs Boys Two Fait Garnet of Basket Ball Scheduled Across River Friday V., Evening. Friday evening two fast games of basket; ball will be played at the Council Bluffs Young Men's Christian association gym nasium. The first game, starting- at I o'clock, will be between 8011th Omaha and Council Bluffs sophomores. The Bluffs sophomore lineup is: Baker and Crowl, farwards; UHes, canter;, Hue and Lenox, guards. In the second game the five from the South Omaha "Y" will play the Em ployed boys of the Council Bluffs Young Mens Christian association. ' The Kmployed boye defeated the Bouth Ctiaha quintet In a close game the last iima iney met,, so uieiuagla City boys are ut to win this game. The, Employed boya win nave tne 10 uo wing llmnip: Morrison and F, Deffenbaus-h,' forwards; Mortenson, tenter; Cy Defffnbaugh and Wise, guards TWO WOMEN CLAIM ONE MAN list will be slightly larger than In liHw Almost every athletic; squad, school or association is represented by more than one man and many ot them will aend sev eral men fur svaie of the events and relay teams. '. The war In Mexico threatens to torce the athletic association to give tip the "equip ment" race between the soldier teams of Port Crook, as Lieutenant R. D. Smith, in charge, has been ordered to leave. If one of the ether officers of the fort will take bis place it will still be carried through, but otherwise would have to be given up. Many of toe colleges are planning to hold track meets, either Indoor or outdoor, be fore tha Omaha nenel comes off, so the college athletes will be In fine fettle when they arrive. TUe Ad club has ordered a section of 100 box seats for the nwet. One hundred of the Ad ulub members will be there with a new yell and an electric sign. The Ad club will occupy the boxes at the east end of the Auditorium and the Omaha High school Undents will hold the section at the west end of the building. PA PLANS EXHIBITION GAMES P.ara Declares she Is Real Wll ! ; Parker, A ceased of Shooting; Harry Johason. of imously chosen as the manager of the next auto exhibition. ' In former year the Automobile associa tion has always waited until the aanual meeting held la October, to elect both the officers of the association and the mana ger of the show. However, as the Seventh Omaha Auto show, as the .test one will be called, will be a much, larger affair than has ever boon held here before. Mr. Powell was elected this spring so as to allow him plenty of time for preparations. The number of dealers who will exhibit cars next year will be somewhst larger, three being admitted to the association last night the Interstate company, the Marlon company, and the International Harvester company. This will make the Show larger and. as was the case this year, unless there are arrangements made for more space many pf the dealers will be forced to show only a part of their cars. Mr. Powell plans either to build an annex to the Auditorium for the show wk, or to have a balcony (constructed Inside the building and ntlltie this. The objection to the oiitslda annex is that there will be diSHatlefled ones, among those who are obliged to show outside. Ma jr Bnlld a Balcony. "I think that If It Is possible a balcony, built kaslde of the Auditorium will be the best plan. We would arrange to have all Omaha Team Will Figure ia Seriei Of 1 tna necessary firms, the hunch stands. nd Practice Hatchet I r lmllr booths placed on this nai- kiij. i nis wuutu irva , me siagc uj'rn tn ..,1 K .... .nl,lJ V.. nn,n TO WORK OUT WITH SCHOOLS the stage by means of an Inclined plane. In this way all the pleasure cars can be Contest at St Louis to Correct Bad Impression and to Preserve Integrity of System. V , NEW YORK, Marcll ls.-ITenk J. Oould who announced tet nlgUt his Intention later to Issue a statement ot an alleged effort by the Standard Oil . Intercste to force the corporation's wishes on the man agement of the Missouri Taclflc ratlroad, issued another statement today, stating why he had lined up with the minority stockholders tn yesterday's meeting at Louis. "The tendency," he said, "has recently bean to make prominent projects, which looked to many prominent holders of MIS. sourl Pacific securities a possibly disas trous, and the contest at St. Luuis was made to correct not only such aa Impres sion, but to put the management of the company Into hands which would protect the Integrity of the system. Ths result waa the real proprietors have Indicated that they will stand together In preserving their property Jntact," , Mr. Oould would not say. when tbe state ment regarding the Standard Oil interests would be made public. OMAHAN IN -TW IN DENYER Clifford E: Hafman Personates His Brother Charged with Offense. SELKS TO AID HIM TO ESCAPE ton He la ia Mail tharae with Cone-oaaatna-' a Felony ' Kffort Will lie Mode to . , Arrest Brother, was unable to ee his son. .The hey is 111 with diphtheria snd Is In Quarantine on the second floor of the house - Mr. Fisher w here three1 weeWs se.v but was unable to see h's son at that time Bellovato aaa Cralafctoit Agarea-a-1 loaa Will Try Oot Against Roirkrt Major l.eagae tlafca Coaalaav t Complications as to who Is the real wif of, "tab', Parker, the negro who-;slot Marry Johnson, another negro,. In A drenken brawl at the latter's home Tues day night, arose last night at tbe polloo station when Beasts Wilson, a negreaa of South Omaiia. appeared and dealared to fill Ice raotaln Iempsey that she waa the i(e of . the man accused of murder,. , , i Ifollowing the , tragedy, Viola Thorn, Wi.pwn to tlie police as "Gasoline," averred ahf wak tbe wife of Parker. She Was con fronted iq tbe jcaptatn's private offlea last ijlg ht by . tka negrosa from South Omaha. . "Now, wMch one of you does Rab be long tor4 asked the captain. ' ''Me,", came in uniaoa from both of them. I 'HYell. ef you want 'ra. you kin havo 'ta,m Yllila ehonted. "He ain't no good In Jail, now, an' how." ,. Pa Kourke plans a series of exhibition garaas every day. The l"regulars" against tbe ' "rookies will be the dally program except on, the twelve special days when Pa has arranged for outside teams to come and have a, practice with fela Colts. - Seven exhibition games will be played with visiting major league teams, t,h Chi cago White: Sox.' the Detroit Tigers and the Boston Bed Sox all American league squad- The White Box will be here April J, S and S and the' Detroit Tigers will come In April S and 4. Tbe Boston team will be hero April S and! a The first eXnibitlon game pf the season will be held 'a wqek from Saturday, when the Btors Triumphs, one of the) best of the local amateurs, will try their luck with the professionals. The Btors nine will be lined np aeainet the Rourkee two days, March 25 and M. - Bellerue college will oome up with, real rooters to help.. win the game on April 12 and Crelghton will meet the Omaha o April tt.- Crelghton Is taking a hard date, one day before the season opens. shown on the main floor." said Mr Powell. In the basement the commercial exhibit will be doubled next year. We have ar ranged a plan already to allow for many more of the business cars there.' In the report of the show committee to the association quite a dividend was re turned 10 the dealers as their part of the profits of the show week. The Omaha dealers made enough out of their show so that the space bought "by each dealer cuat lass la Oman than In any othor show In the country. Thla was In spite of the fact that the 1911 Omaha show cost the dealers a large sum In decorations, music, and other small things. The show of next year will have a much more elaborate decorative scheme than the one used this year and Manager Powell promises some Innovations for the Omaha people hat aMll bring the Omaha exhibition to an oven higher plane.- ' ' ' . . GRAIN EXCHANGE GETS HAM Bankers in Lead Until Last Game, When Slum ii Comes. . LOSE THE CONTEST BY 57 PINS Diamond '0" Takes Thret-l'sraered Match In Codnay I.eaa-ae,' with Rex Second, and Pioneers . Brlng-la tTp-Hear, A special match between the Grain ex change and the bankers took place at the Francisco alleys last night. A good bunch of rooters cheered each team. tThe bankers had a good lead after the second game with eighty pins, but they took a eiump,ln ths last game and lost by fifty-seven pins. Kerr, for the gralnmen, was high for -the three games with 691, and also had high tingle game with 242. Scoroi Q RAIN KXCHANGH DENVER. March 15. -(Special Telegram.)! Clifford. E. Huftntin of Omaha stands ( charged before the district court of Costilla county, Colorado, of compounding a felony in rftjuetestlug bhnslf to a Colorado deputy sheriff ss his brother, Olen C, Huf- msn,1'- fr wkom reiiulsWoti papers were lsmtfd by- Governor Shafroth. The case against Clifford E. Hufman pre sents many unique' f natures. His brothel1 was charged with a stautory offense, the Complaining witness being Rosett Mang of Blanca. It is alleged In the Information that Hufman left the girl In December ot 1910. going to Ms home In Omaha. The girl's father laid the facts before the district attorney and an Information was lodged against Hufman, fallowed Imme diately by a requisition signed by Governor Shafroth. The papers were given to Deputy Sheriff IToagland, who started tor Omaha. Hoagtand'a attest proved too easy, Aa he stepped off the train he- was met by a young man who assjured him he was th defendant named in the Information and Was ready to return to Colorado without extradition. . . . . ' When the officer and- prisoner reached hero Clifford K. Hufman, who had passed himself as Olen C. Hufman, cooly Informed the authorities that be waa aot the man they were looking for. Hufmafl then Insti tuted habeas corpus proceedings, alleging that the crime of compounding a folony upon which he Is held was committed In Nebraska ah 4 not In Colorado.' District Attorney Albert Moses of Costilla county Insists that the crime was completed jn this state and he Is resisting the habeas corpus motion. He has already filed an Information, against Clifford E. Hufman, charging him with being an accessory after the facts and with compounding a felony. Mr. Moses declares he will exhaust svery legal resource In his effort to punisK Clif ford iE. ' Hufman and in bringing Glen C Hufman to the bar of Justice. PANTALOON SKIRT CAUSES RIOT Tro tilrls In Rio Janeiro Uecelte ftoagh Treatment at Hands of . RIO JANKIRO. March IS The pantaloon skirt has reached Rio Janeiro and two girts who Wers ehnare.1 to popularise the aurlnus garment, whlrh Is called here the "cullotto Jupe." were mobbed In the street. The police were called In to evict one fronv a cafe snd she was Jostled hy the crowds that gathered, while the othsr was saved from complete denudement only with some difficulty. The mob seemed greatly amused and gathered up portions of the garment as Souvenirs. houfe. st tie was Si nl to a bun ker sitl' yes tenlay and rihl not return. Mrs. Nelson sac a similar ntsn rented a room from her jesternay ronlaw Mre. Nelson illd not suh:i anvthliiK uioug until today when she went to the room, found the duor locl.rj unci burst U nn. FIVE-YEAR-OLD GIRL KILLED Boar of Barbara lloltsmaa f'nnad Rooming; Ifonse Near Portland ia Locked Boom. In rORXJAND. "re., March 15-Tlis body of Barbara Holtxman, a S-year-old girl, was found In a rooming house'1. here today by Mrs. Gertie Nelson, proprietor . of the house. The girl, wb clearly had been mur dered, was the daughter of a mechanic who lives' within a few blocks of the rooming NO PIPE LINE COMBINE FOUND tlcanrtmeat of Jnsitee 1'rast Iloea ot Kilst. n I'rlrea tre Ton Utah. WASHINGTON. Mar. h li After mora than a year of tn rst i;-it i.n Into the ImsU ness of storing snd piping crude, oil In the Oklahoma fields the Dcpurtmcnf of Justh e hss found no evidence to substantiate the charge that n combination existed among the pipe line companies In violation of the Sherman law. tt was represented that tho pipe lines lesdlng out of1 the Oklaliomn flehls were bring manipulated by a smnll arnun of op erators to the exclusion of Independents who want to rnr oil. The rates charged bv the pl(M line com panies are considered excessive hy the de partment and W. 8. Ken con. aseistmit tt the attorney geaeral. said today that ths Department ot Justice would turn th whole question over to the Interstate Com merce commission. ' In order that the advertiser may get the best results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. The Hee Is that channel. Uncoln Is tbe only team of tbe Western Watirt0i Amateur nhamninn Takei ltngue that will flay exhibition games With I ,. . , xreumiiiaxy iniriy-oiA note I MORE TIME FOR ENTRY . . . j OF OMAHA'S PRIZE DOGS se is Extended It Gal rreaso la Nomber on - ...Ltata. maha, Pa Says. Don Das pain Is making arrangement! with Rourke now and the data will probaJbiy b somewhere between April 1 and V) It Is not decided yet whether or not Omaha will visit Lincoln and try little pranlce whirl with the Antelope organisation. Pa has decided to charge admission only for the twelve scheduled ejthlbltlpn games. At other times the fans will be allowed to enter free and watch the Rourkes cavert In the new park. Her Captain William Bohlpke Is a busy man these days, outlining plana tor me first few days' training. Schlpke, Gondlng ana Ctaham will have It on the other play ers for the tlrs week, as they have already got the kinks ot of then- system by prao tlclng dally. Omaha' first annual bench show Is go Ing to be an undoubted success as an event Of Importance In the middle west dog world, but there la one thing sadly lacking. Tbis Is the local entry list ! Entries from out of town have ooma In fusely, dugs from, almost every city of Im portance In the west are entered for the big Omaha event. But the entries from Omaha are a disappointment to the Kenael i;lub.,.r' - " , : ;' f , '' The secretary of the shew haa made ay rangeuwnts to hold ppen the antry list Of the show for a few days and an effort Is la be made by the Omaha Kennel club to double the number of. local ontrlea. Just before the entries were closed for outside dogs a telegram was r-cetve4 from 8. A. Klsher, president of ths Chicago Ken- asl club entering his three French bull dogs. Mr.. KtebeT's dogs are accounted among the beat In the Country. PARSON'S COLLEGE CLAIMS SMALL SCHOOL HONORS itakct Ball' Oaanes la lawa Hare Hesalted I'alforaalr for Its : - A :. ' ataaeftt. i : - VXB MOINE3, March l.-tBeiaj-T baskvt ball team of Parson's college la dsJialtut ths a tats champtotianie at small oul) slnoe the final game and defeat of Iowa Wealeyan at Mount Pleaaaut. But one defeat was suffered by the Parson's team during the season and that was from Ortnuell. Twelve eullsge games: wrat jlaye4 "aud ths following; la the soora for each gauia ' tu U aeaaoBi pwoo'a, ; tjlaapaoQ, n. faraua'e. 47.. Canual, IL Parson a, CarUae. XI. Parson's. IS; OriniuiU. 3. Pars Si Hi Cos. 2a. parson's, S3; Central Hi i ' Perswa a. U; SUropeen. U- ' Parson's, il Highland Park. tS. Parson's. tS. Mctn nigutn, IS. Paxsoa'a.. 4. Muumoaib. xa. Pwraoa's. ss; lewa Wesleyan, 14 , Varson's, K; Iowa Wealeyan, H Total tot Paraon's, fesli total fur opponent... ti tauatf Vtav 'rWa' V . MAHUN. Tax., laaroh a ItiS New Terh Naiiuaala laye tot iimae toaay, th Yntviaue aii the ciu gtua an ava break, lb reauiare look aa laTti-uaiiii Kama In the luuruiug. 11 to 4. luaalag six trro hits utt ataruuard. Irucke and tttioni The Co) won tola aftarnoua. wlth'Hu dolph luiahing, f to a Murray made kuM run ever tba richt riaie tanea. kvltaa .t Mar Uiltaaa KlKiAS t'lTT. afaroh W John Kilns. catcher f.r the Chicago Kattonala. left Fownes Family, , Father and Son, Lead'atPinehurst 1st. Bd. WeeUes V& 149 Kerr 173 178 Den man 21ft 1S4 Sprague ...143 140 Cochran 217 178 Totals S07 t BANKERS. .1st- 2d. Neal 1&9 ' 179 Edson li 1S7 Lyons .. SIS ' ' fc'l Zimmerman 213 im Drink water 177 164 3d. 1411 241 181 aii 178 Total. 451 6:iS 640 494 573 ARABS ernerf MURDER AMERICAN i ii F. ' de Con. A rrhaeoloalst, Killed. on North. Coast ot Afrla. S55 2,91 2d. 200 li !34 1SI 172 Tutal. 677 40 648 , 6JX) al3 Totals... 94 ' 87 SIS S,34 Ths A. O. IT. W, No. IT team won three games by forfeit from the Onlmods. Haraill was high for three games w1th509. Score: ' A. O. U. W. NO. 17.' ' 1st 3d. Y.-v-..,. 170 . ,S4 T...... ...... 17 ",12 1S8 ItH Hamtll . SimpseA . Schindler 3d. , 145 148 16? Total. . ..6 , 4S7 600 Totals.. Standing of Bowlers Unchanged by Events Nineteenth Day Nearly All Experts Are Through with Games and Last Three Days ,WiU .Be.UaeVetttfal.' Eyent. PINESHUR8T, N. C, March 18. National Amateur Golf Champion W. C. Fownes, jr., of Oakmont was the gold medal winner tn today's thirty-six-hole Qualification round of the seventh annual club championship golf tournament, scoring 162 with a pair of seventy-sixes. His father was second with 161 and I. 8. Roblson of Oakhlll and J. P. Gardner of Hinsdale tied for third at 167. Others who qualified were: Robert Hunter of Midlothian, Allan Laird of Chevych&ae, Colonel J. E. Smith of Wil mington, J. D. Foot of Apawamls, W. E. Truesdall ot Brooklyn, George E. Morse of Rutland, S. V. wyatt of Fond Uu Lac, C. L. Becker of Woodland, C. N. Phillips of Allegheny, W. L. Mllllken of Indianapo lis, P. 8. McLaughlin of Wykagil, F. C, Jennings ot Nassau and H. & Avery of Detroit, Ambrose Cornwall Kennedy Anderson Gatckt Defeats Koch. KANSAS CITT. March la. Champion Frank Ootch won a wrestling bout In straight falls from Ernest Koch, a wrestler from itermany, here tonignt. Koch, who outweighed Uotch fifty pounds, put up an aggressive contest, but he was tar too slow for the Humboldt farmer. The first fall resulted from a half-nelson and a crotch hold after IS minutes and tt seconds and the second ws forfeited by Koch after minutes ana Xi seconds, when Uotch ap plies nm lamoue too noto. - - Laborer is Drowned ; By Drinking Whisky BUFFALO, K. ft March 14. Tha nine teenth day of the National Bowling asso ciation tournament-failed to bring out bonier or team capable of winning a plaoa among tbe leaders, a score of 6.52 In sin gles by J. Schmidt of Buffalo this after- nnnn htntf th. pama rolled rractwaiiy all .the expert bgwiers have fonca wan auungiea wnea lie iftKes plaed their .games and few changes In the JJip; Quit) 01 liquor from nltalnir thru riavK Tha lefldlBa teams I e UaT , ' PONCA.- Neb.. Marh tSpeclal Tele Vive-men event: Bonds. Cleveland ...... .1 . . . , , 19 Uetruoohtana. New York 1 Wl jui-eriya, uocucsier i.ot fturroairtie. Detroit l.t1 Taylor-Muran. 1'aterson 2,M4 Twe-iuea eveiU: Kelsay aitd Jobna.ua. NeW.IISven 1.355 Knot, ton and leutnoecker, Baltimore.. I,iu Krai and tHehno,. Clilcago L271 uulnn ana IJuunev. New York 1,2. Klipatnck ami Waldecker, Detroit VU4 luUlvlOuai eveut; Rrutio JurnschrH New York. .......... ....43 l'.iiihbun. t'leveland ..-0 Cvrrler. Port Huron ! Trcke, Cleveland Mutter, .New iork eue All-event: whisky, O. B. Barber, 30 years old, labor wag found dead hers this after aoon. Barber, along with two companions, had resorted to the home of an acquaintance and there engaged' In the. drinking of gallon ft whisky. Barber drank , a large quantity of liquor and fell on hla face. lie was tacked up and placed on a bed When tha physician arrived he found Bar ber dead from strangulation. The dead roan leaves a widow. No Inquest wUl be held. lie DTiwrfn rn nriri ni v. Mica uiq , Ceorge lrunt of Peterson. N. J .i4 plus. I I RGFST WOMAN IN STATF7 St. l.aals nefeats Claelaaatl. HUT SPRINGS. Ark.. Marwh M.-Al thoiigh AtaoMgcir Urirtlth of tba Cincinnati NatUmal pJt tha regulars of his team inta the llaetip toUay asainst the at. Louie Amertcaas, Uie latter oulhlt and outneiclea tba Naueuala and won. 1 to I. This Is ths IB ire of a tat of nine games. Cincinnati won she first and bt. Louie the last two. kaara-. HUE. at. Louta..... S 1 1 Cincinnati ..... 1 S S batteries: Batlry, Oreory, Cleorge, Clara and Cnx, tiaspar, at(.4ulUea. buns bar. aici-jttB ana neverutd. IS DEAD NEAR LINCOLN fro. Mary Ana Lakr, V'atll teeetly la Caodl Health, Paaaaa Assay. , 457 . 1.47S M& 44 t'silakr Leaaae, The three-cornered match in the Cttdahy eague at the Francisco alleys last night was won by tha Diamond C team with a total of l.KaQ pins. Anderson and Hostetter were high for the three games with fOS. Hostetter had high single of tut - Boor: PIONEERS. . 1st. 2d. ........ m m3 1SS 171 191 M. 'Total ...... r.x 150 ltd) iti9 11 184 BOSTON, March 18. Meager Information that Herbert F. db Cou. official excavator of an expedition of the Arohaelogical In stitute of America on the north coast of Africa, was murdered recently by Arabs, has been received In . a cablegram by the Boston Museum of pine Arts, The dis patch did not say whether any other mem bers of the party were attacked. Mr. Pe Cou was a graduate of the Uni versity pf Michigan. At ont-lme he waa connected with tie American Hchool of Claasical Studies In Athens, and latsr was private secretary tp James Loeb In Munich. WASHINGTON, March 15. Representor tlpns have, .heein made . by . the- American government te Turkey regarding the mur der of H. F. Da Cou. an American arch aeologist, by Arabs at Cyrena, Africa, on March .11, and the American embassy al Constantinople has cabled that soldiers h&vs been diapatohed to arrest the known criminals. HOOK WORM FIGHT SUCCESS Report of Million Dollar Coaaaafaaloa . ar Sclent I Mo Treatment la Gettins; T'aper Hand. Totals Moody McConnell Clowser .. Ryner ..... Totals. .... Hostetter , Robertson Vetto Moody .... ' REX. . 1st. ., 88 , 147 . ia 1st) .. "... .Til : DIAMOND Int. 14 lfii 1M) 137 602 611 1,626 2d. 176 , 121 ISO 17 3d. Ill ItW 1H0 136 Total 111 -447 504 471 607 . 698 1,7B(1 2d. 203 i; 136 166 Totals 613 4)33 3d. 15 JJ0 173 182 634 Total. 626 4: 4S9 473 MISS MARSDEN TO LEAVE BROWNELL HALL FOR EAST Principal f Rplaeoa-al School ; Girls Reslgaa Looklaa toM Her Rg'eMiMi. foe Mls- Edith Marsden. principal of Brownen 1U.1I, an Epiacopal sabaoJ for girls- hag resigned. She will leave Omaha at the end of this school year: - A successor to the position of principal will be chosen by the board of trustees, probably a month hence. Bishop. Arthur L, Williams, .president ot tbe board of trustees. Is now casting about fur likely candidates. Miss Marsden cams to Omaha from SL Mary's school, Burlington. , N. J., where sua was assistant principal. Bits haa de clared her intention of returning to the east. . . i INDICTED MAN GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO SKIP rtaa'llle Sheriff Makes 1'aasaa Stateaaeat' tteardi'a ladleleeV Ciraaa Jarov. . . DANVILLE. III., .March 1Gue W. Flick, a member of ,the Vermilion county grand jury, who waa indicted yesterday for tha alleged Illegal selling of liquor, 'has not been arrested and Deputy Sheriff Bhep ard sai4 'a day that ha had been told to give Flick en opportunity to "skip." ' Subpoenas have been served for their appearance on April IS, the day after the spring election, on Mayor Piatt. Will C. Iewntan, who was nominated lor mayor at the ' prlmariaa i yesterday, and Will Brown, the election commissioner who waa Indicted yesterday. LINCOLN. Neb:, March 14.-14 ra. Mat y Ana Lohr, reported to be the largest woman In Nebraska with her weight of 650 pound, died at her hum naar Llnooln today at the age of eS. No cuffin eould he found huge enough In which )o bury net ana a special oasket will be made. At her home all tha furni ture waa of epaclal make. , Mre. Lohr waa tbs mother of thro children and until re- , Im Mik Heats thaasea. LE.tI. B. O, Maroh 18.-8p.lal.)-The loiai high avhool basket ball team' closed Its Saaaon with a victory tree tea trar. from t-hadrvn. Neb... the score bai-tg s Lllltiy .njoyed good h-aith. 1 In favor of Lead.. The loual team oas I01"" nJW'' "" gona through lua aeaaon whtiout a Safeat , aad claiana ike chau.ptuiettip of Buth Isx- set aiw aurtnora iseurasaa. ' ' lawa Seare Aaalast f alaaakla. IOWA CITY. la. March M.-(Ppeclai Tel egram I Iowa rinentvn svorcd l.ti against Una tonight to )oln bis team at N Ur- I h lean tf tjiluiiil.1 uiilversiiy UJs ailar Imui. lt hi the lt man to report, as be as grsiue null) March IS by Mauager Charlea Murphy. Haul la Lua w.-aiy Ly u.atl lulerooi- leaiate shoot Has ill be one et tfee cAta- eal shoots of the ear. Tot ay's Hoity aa Tar ia tha neat cough, remedy I ever used, aa It quickly stopped a severe cough that had. long; troubled ma" says i. W. Kuba. Prlncatoa, NU. Juai so quickly and surely It ata ra ail rases of coughs, colds, lagrippe and lung trouble Kafuaa substitute. vr saio by ail drug-gkfta. Have Your Ticket Read Durhngton ,L, Ipecial Kates West San Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle, Portland, Spokane, etc., one way, daily until April 10... $25.00 ROUND TRIP RATES San Francisco, Loa Angeles, San Diego, April 18-20, May 12-14, also daily, June 1 to September 30 $60.00 San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego June 5-6, June 10-22 San Francisco,-June -27 to July 5 ortland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, May 29-31, alt? daily, June 1 to September-30 ortland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, June 5-6, June 10-22 and June 27 to July 5 " ,. . . 50.00 ' (Circuit Tour of California, includinff Shasta Route. Portland and Seattle, $15.00 higher. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, March 21. $10.00 Cody, Big Horn Basin, Thermopolis, Wyo., March 21. . . 27.50 Billings and Great Falls, Mont., March 21 27.50 Butte, Helena, Mont, etc., March 21 .............. 34.50 Free Illustrated publications on reaueet "Paotflo Coast Tours," "Tallfornia Excursions," "Yellowstone Park," "flurr.mer Outings In the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming," ''Homeaeekore' Exeurelona to . the) - vst ana Northwest,". -"Spacial Low, Fares,", etc. . Proportional fares td many other..destlriatlons. Wrltar call, describe your proponed trip, anf let me help you plan It to make the most attractive tour at tha least cost. J, B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent ft ifOi remain St., Omaha. WASHINGTON, March 15,-Eicelleat re. suits are being accomplished In the fight being waged In the south against the hook worm infection, according to reports from the -commission established by John D. Rockefellers H.tXW.OOO donation. One re port Is by Dr. C. W. Btiles, the scientific secretary of the commission, who believes that scientific treatment Is getting the upper hand. r . The other report, by Wtckllffe Rose, the . ... ... s mlnlstratlve secretary, says tne largest re sult achieved Is that people are being led to seek examination and treatment by tha cooperation of publlo-splrlted Influential citizens. .Mr. Rose y the work pf education will require years. . : v MORMON EMBLEM NOT BARRED Navy Department Will Allow Battle ship I'tak to Aeeept Slleer . - ' Service. , . " sssSaaaBBaaaa WABHrfffOTON, March lS.-The Navy de partment, prfservlng what It regards aa a consistent attitude, has declined to accede to tha demand ot various religious organ leatlons that tt refuse to allow the battle ship Utah to accept the stiver service do nated by ltah on the ground that one of the principal pieces bears a portrait of Brlghara Young and a picture of the Mor mon tabernacle In Salt Lake City. A Similar question arose whan Mississippi bestowed a silver service bearing the por trait ot Jefferson Davis upon the battle ship named after that state. The department then held that It had Do authority to control the action of a sover sign atate In such a matter, and Baoretary Meyer haa made the same reply to the protenants lq the caee of the Utah stiver service. , . ' FISHER'S SON ILL AT HOME New geeretarr of Inferior railed front Wash In a V Blekaeas M Boy ' with Diphtheria. CHICAGO, March 15 Walter L. fisher secretary of the Interior, who waa called from Washington because of the Illness ef his son Frederick, reached here today, but 50.00 50.00 G0.00 liiHHimHi,!. Planting; Time. If you exjiect to plant fruit troei Or ruses- ' ' Hedges or bulbs. . Now is the time; - ' Yon will find in The Bee. on the classified Pa?. - under the head of Florista, Fruit, Trees. Shrubs, the names of reliable fruit growers and floribt., who may be depended upon. Writq them. Now ia the time to laut. aT ii ' i H rr J if (til I ( iW WW ' Family Trade Hupplled rttaa. htora. Piionea WeLn 1200: Indapendent IWl JMl. j -ma i 4' NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION COMPANY TO END AFFAIRS May B Pa roe a to Take Legal Mtaas . -r- la Pare Parsaeata Alleaed to Be Dae. .' NEW ORLJCAKa. March l-Tha World's Panama Exposition company voted today to lkiuldate Its affairs aad the executive oommlttee of the corporation was named ae the liquidating committee. Coincident with tills step It developed that tha company may be forced to take legal steps to fare payments alleged to be due it. The sum at KH.ttM will a seeyorad to stockholders, f . Mil I In order that the advertlaer may get the beat results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by the moat direct and reliable channel. The Bee Is that channel. A Spollasa Collar Will Bias The Way Te A Good Fesitioa CLEANLINESS is an invaluable) asset, it is cuential that one be both clean and capable. Where there's tin. tterf'a aiuallr lairk. Ww s ckaa. abas, ananljr aMt ceSar ntrr aar. LTTBOl TN WATtKrTOOfXD . LIMTH COLLAJtS TW auae eullu oe ana sl4 wsss mtf aatcratvaa. FvriaaMwir clcaa, Cellera Sc each Calls 0e a salr At ScaKc a M Sr aU a. mautt tt aoaa Tks nETKLOID CO. Plaaa.ll.T. I r-Z wavast nmmm. . X- Utri Where ll'i But ti run Thinking anotit buying UndT Want to know what soil and climate are beat eulted for certain farming T Our Land Bureau gives tree information about soli, climate, and conditions In all parte of the country. . We have gathered data, and caa teU you what you desire to learn. Writ the Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Centnry Fanner. Omaha. Neb., today; and your tyueetlone will get prompt attention.. IFirse lofioFFinattiiorai