"THE BEE: OMAITA. FRIDAY. MARCH 17. 10.1. ST (, ) Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska ;4 GREED BRINGS DOWN THE LAW Local Fire Insurance Company is Ordered to Reinsure or Sell Ken Who Extorted Honey Muit Pay Penalty. 2XED-E3APT SUIT IS EEYE2LSED Jl4f da-wlrat Lays Dewa the taw Reaardls a Pavrtasersalp Relaktleae Brtwi f Llaeela t asa saerrlel flak. German Fire InruTance Company Most Take Action by Noon Today Will Do So. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. March 1 iSpectal-pedy Justice will be meted out to tha two mem ber of tha sane which blackmailed Charlea Anderson, an need fanrer living near Leey. Fred Brown and George Laflin. tha two members who are now In tha county Jail, have already pleaded guilty In tha Justice court to the charge of black- V; mailing and will ba taken befora Judga Cornish In tha district court to recelva a J aentence aa aoon aa tha Informauon can 1 be prepared. f Brown and Laflin, together with Charlaa t Barrett, Jr.. ara Implicated by tha oonfi V flone of Brown. Anderaon had disposed a" some mortgaged property, but had eat t lsfled tha mortgiMsee. ao that the Latter 7 had no complaint. Brown and hla con federal", learning of the sale, called at Anderson's horn at night and threatened to arrest him If ha did uot aettla. They represented ta be officers. Anderson told tha county attorney that he gave nearly rrot tu the three men. but they deny thai they received this much. Tha greed of the men. it Is said, la re-ai-oaaibie for tba arrests. Anderson raa out of cash and the gang Insisted that ha sell nia nogs. i neo Anderson tola soma cf tua friends and- Ue etury ressenea the county attorney's office. The supreme court reversed and remanded the opinion of the district court of Lan caster In the case of Charles T. Knaip agabist John S. Keed. The suit arose over an attempt of Knapp to eject Reed from a forcible entry and detainer cult. Judge i Sedgairk handed down the opinion. ' l Ileed and Knapp occupied ao of Sea as i rartni-ra, having entered Into that relation I In Lwcember. 1K7. In 1M tt became appar ent that the relationship of partners waa I nos one which oould- Uag continue, and both men made application on tha same day to the landlord for a separate lease, the origi ns 1 lease, .having nxpu-ed. . kaapp received the ieas. but It expressed stated that the lessee took wirtr knowledge'of claim a'd- ' From a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN. March It (fpeclal Telegram.) Acting on tha ad v-V-e of Stat Auditor Barton, the German Fir of Omaha will either relnaur tomorrow or the company will be sold. The company has don a good business during tthe If rt year, but high expenses bava Impaired the capital stork of IKKi.O. C. W. 1 licks Is secretary. spring election. Thle was the main Issue of the nwxtng and although the dty council had already ordered tha clerk to place tha question on the ticket It served to endorse the action of the council. This question being settled separately left the parties free to ee'icu for a single ticket and thus aave'an Individual fight. Tha officers and coundlmen en euro sent In office were all nominated for re-elee-tioa, making the ticket as follows: For mayor. Thomas Wolfs; for treasurer. H. H. Sellhorn; for clerk. T. B. Meyers; for engineer, Fred Clarey: for police Judga, 8. Cllngman: for councilmen. F. M. Reyn olds, L S. Hastings. J. Ira Duncan. Jar E. Whit, president; and C. W. Hick secretary, of the German Fire Insurance company, said last night that a step will b taken befora noon today, in accordance with tha action of the state auditor. Rrora these officials tt was Indicated probably the company would ba aoid. but neither would aay definitely how this proceeding would be carried out and who would take the purchasing end of th deal. "The company is In good shape," said Mr. White- "There Is absolutely no chance for the policy-holders to lose, but th bur den of reinsuring, together with other ex penses, is a heavy on for the concern." Mr. White added that possibly th stock holders would com to th front with sub scriptions toward reinsuring the company According to ths state Jaw a company must place 40 ler cent of Its premiums la cash with the tetate treasurer, uula svjrance to the poiiry-noioere. The tier-man KVre Insurance company 14 years blcVTl V as" TdTlnaed December Fate of Mrs. Maggie Davis is in Hands of Jury at Hartington Sanity of Woman, at Time of Snooting of Churchill Point on Which Caie Turn. HARTINGTON. Neb.. March l.-,Bpee1el Telegram.) The case of th slat against Mrs. Maggie Pevls. on trial for the murdr of Ira M. Churchill last November,, went to the Jury tonight. Opposing counsel fin ished their argument at o'clock this even ing and Judge Oravea instructed tha jury immediately" after supper. The case turned on tha question of the ssnlty of the defendant at th time Chirr Ml! was shot- The stats argued that revenge was the motive for the crime and that the defendant was in her right mind. The defense maintained that she waa In sane aa a result of the suffering she hsd ndurd. Tlia dafandiuit est thrnnarh the I argument with her face In her hands, and 9 : th 1itns hrfetai mjA mntliM1 nf tH dead m Woodmen of America, fraternal order, attended In a body this evening at the in vitation of the church board. CRETE The bouse, oocupt'd r Oeorg Qrarem and family, situated about five miles west of here, was burned yesterday afternoon. Mr Graham was In the field at the time. Hla wife snd two snail chil dren were at home. About half of the furni ture was saved. There was a small tnsur snre on the furniture. Mrs. Hooper ef Crete owned the house. This was Insured for gl.). which will snoot cover the lose The fire started probably from a de fective chimney. BEATRICE The case of th state against I'aul Wayham, charged with kill ing a valuable dog belonging to H. J Buss, a farmer, ended In the district court yes terday when the Jury brought In a verdict finding th defendant a-ullty. Wavham will be obliged to face another charge In the county co art. as County Attorney Mccjirr yesterday filed a complaint auainst him charging him with damaging a touring car belorglng to William Biack to the eitent of r. Wayham entered the garage and took a party to Wymore two weeks ago In the car for a Joy" ride, t'pon his return he was arrested by Sheriff gchiek and lodged In the county Jail. GRAND ISLAND At a meeting of the county board late yesterdar a prolonged contest took place over letting the contract for bridges for the county during the com ing year. From time to time in the last twenty years, the standard Bridge com pany has had opposition, but generally It had little difficulty in securing the con tract. Tha Independent Bridre corr-pany. represented by former Supervisor K1 vt n llams. who Is deputy fire Inspector and a local florist, underbid th Standard yes terday and secured the contract, a large number of representatives of other com paniea being present, some of whom, how ever, seemed to be silent spectators. It has not been announced who the other parties In the Independent company are. though It la said, that one of the leading spirits In a practical builder, who has been en gaged in tha work, as a foreman, for a somber of years. - i me wioo 1M. as the German Mutual ure Insurance m4n wtpt bitterly. The court room company, and was reorganised a fire Insurance concern. in lSa a-s Brown for Schedule by Schedule Eevision fiebruki. Senator Makes Addreti tt; Tn. aii atAsj. m van Kv TJltftAsll Cft TH mercial Club in Hit Honor. '. LINCOLN. March la.-Tht there should be revision of the tariff a schedule at a 'time and with a country at a time -was the I doctrine announced tod- by Pen a tor Nor :rls" Brown at a luncheon given in his honor vanced by Reed that painting? the steel teil- jtoeey by the Lincoln Commercial olub. He Ing f tb office by the partnership had !;; red that both standpatters and pro cowstituated a-psnlat performance of an a-resalves believed In the principle that the packed to suffocation, many of the spec tators being women. An early verdict Is expected. The entire afternoon waa taken up by th arguments The state waa represented by Attorney O'Gara, assisted by former District Attor ney Rurkett. It, J. Millard spoke for the defense. GODJ DUS Knocks Out Dirt . agreement to renew . the lease and wag blading, v - . The court s opinion did not dear with Ased's contention, but was based purely on a taw of partnership. It holds that that relation la of such a fiduciary nature that n partner cannot get a renewgLot ajeaae en a building occupied by both and ao ex elude the other., and then claim to come Int oequlry with clean hands- Nor can. a partner after' securing such a lease' main tain 'aa action la forcible entry and de tainer against hla former partner. - - Wtunw Jtfraake-r Win. Senator N orris Brown at the Commercial Club Thursday noon devoted twenty min utes t arguing in favor of the reciprocity bin proposed, by President .Taft. The dub dining . room waa crowded with business sneti. Ui otoeing be announced tha doctrine that tha tariff would be revised a schedule at a time and a country at a time. The progressives and tsandpatlers, believe la the principle that the duty charged by this country should be represented by the dif ference In cost of production here, and abroad. The senator said. - Broken Bow Voters Hold Mass Meeting Two Nonpartisan Tickets Are Nomi nated and Council Questioned About Light Fund Shortage. - duty charged by this country . should be represented by the diffexenoe la th cost of 'production here and abroad. The difference In cost of production va ries In the different countries with whom we trade." he said. "If the rule announced by the last, republican platform Is the cor rect one, then the only scientific manner of dealing with this tariff question la to perfect a trade agreement with each couo' try. ... Reciprocity, not only with Canada, bat also with all of the western world and etentually with the crowded peoples of the old world, was the dream of James G. Blaine.' He waa. the prophet of this move ment which President Taft Insists shall be given a practical' start. , There can be tittle doubt but that the next aeeaae wm rind amicable and re- i ciprocal agreements la force among many j nations of the two m ericas. I am for revtolng the tariff a schedule , at a tlrnt and a country at a time. So long aa we all agree that the duty should be measured by the difference In cost of pro duction the duty must be different as to countries because the cost of production Is not ths same In all countries. Take Canada, for instance. If we apply the rule of fixing the duty by the cost of produc tion we would have free trade with Can- ana. iur ii cannot oe shown thst any thing, whether raw material or th manu factured article, costs less to produce la Canada thaor la the United States." Nrbraska ei oee. BOOTTS BLUFF The North Platte val ley potato growers met here Tuesday and formed an association which was the result of the work inaugurated last week. PLATTSMOTTH-Fred J. Beard of Omaha and Miss Sigma Clinkenbeard of South Dakota, were married her by County Judge Rccson. yesterday. BEATRICE; Charles Sander, an old resi dent of West Beatrice, died yesterday after a brief illness. The deceased was years of age and leaves a widow and live chil dren. TEn MRFH-E. f. Cook of this city has been given the contract for the erection of ths auditorium on the rair grounas nere, for use ef the fair and Chautauqua asso ciations. GENEVA Test erday afternoon while rid ing into town. Lincoln Chestnut w-as thrown from his pony and seriously hurt. He is about t years of sge and lives six miles northwest of Geneva, j KEARNET Announcement has been re ceived In this dtv of the marriage of Frank J. Todd and Miss Ruth Biack at Ocean Park. Cel.. formerly well known restdeata of this city. They will reside In Los An geles. OfJCEOLA Earlv last night fire de stroved Shank Proa. - livery barn. Three horses were burned. The loss Is estimated at Sl.aOD, very Utile of which Is covered by Insurance. The exact origin of the fire la not known. YORK The three-story brick building formerly occupied by the First National bank of Tork Is being torn down. In piece of the same will be one of the best ar ranged snd mopt modern up-to-date four saory office and bank buildings in th state. WACO Thotnaa Clifford has Just sold a l-ecre farm near here to Thomas Dar nell of Germantown. Neh.. for. t2u.W0. Mr. flifford bought the land twelve months ago, received the proceeds of the sal of the crop of 1SH and made over tS.0 ad vance. SITTON Henry Brehm recently sold from his Kbert Tract, a close-laying addi tion to Sutton, a Xive-acr tract for WOW. The purchaser Is Peter Zlmmerle. a car penter, who has platted It and will build houses on tt and sell them on th Install ment plaa. CENTRAL CITY Central City la to leas Falls Baekeler Feoad Dead. SIOUX FALLS. B. P.. March lS.-(Spe-clsl.) Death came' suddenly to L. D. Worth, a prominent rhlren of Ploux Falls. He bad spent th greater part of th winter In the south, returning to thle city a short time ago. He kept bachelor apartments and apparently had been in his usual good health during the last few days- Being niiswed by other occupants of the house, snd not responding to knocks on his door, they entered his apartments and found him sitting dead In a chair Ot the floor beside film lay a newspaper, which he had evidently been reading when the death summons csme. It is believed heart fail ure caused hla death. Dirt is the cause of nine-tenths of your household labors it more than doubles your duties. Mere soap and ordinary cleaners are powerless to rout it, Gold Dust is the one powder that will knock dirt "sky-high" in a jiffy. It is a vegetable-oil soap blended with purifying materials cleansingingredients, mak ing a fine, smooth powder that vigorously and thor oughly and quickly clean ses without taxing your strength or time. and in , Goldea Wesslsg at Mitchell. MITCHELL, 8. D.. March r.-Sperlal- The eight children of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. j Rogers of this city have arranged to cele- j brate the golden wedding anniversary of j their parents next Monday evening at the I home of Mrs. W. E. Tipton, and a public reception will be held during the evening. Mr. Rogers Is one of the first residents of Mitchell, building the first house on the south side over twenty-nine years ago, and which waa the Initial starting of a now very prosperous part of the city. He was elected county treasurer last fall. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. March 11 (Special.) At a crowded mass convention held at th opera house last night for th purpose of putting two municipal tickets In the field. J. C. Bowen, a prominent busi ness man. and Councilman James Ledsrlch recerved the nominations for mayor. Resolutions were adopted . oommeodlng the present administration under Mayor Rockwell and advising tha extending of water mains and the taking In of new ter ritory. As usual, ths city will remain dry, tba liquor question not being made an is sue of this va-npalgn. A special resolu tion was also adopted requesting the coun cil not to grant a pumping license to sny firm or corporation without submitting the question to a vote of ths people. It also commended the present administration for its action la turning down the electric light company. The main bono of conten tion, however, appeared to be over an ap parent leak In the city electric light fund of over fs.eu). which the convention eeetned anxious to locate. It wis carefully explained by one of the council, acting for Mayor Rockwell, who Is 111, that the money bad been used to better the condi tion of the water works plant and It was farther stated that the same fund had been used in a similar manner by former ad ministrations upon th advic of their at tornea This aroused a - wblrlwlnd of Questions and protests, and after the dual had aettled somewhat the convention ordered that a committee of three be ap pointed to make a thorough Investigation Into ths affair. , E. Taylor, who beaded the socialist rttkt. has wltUdrasn his name sad been reVlaced by'C. V. Wilson. ii Use Gold Dust for clean ing anything and everything about the house that soap or any other cleanser is recom mended for. It will do the work better, in half the time, and with half the labor. The home without Gold Dust in the working kit is incomplete. Buy a pack age today, and see how much easier it makes your work. Use Cohf Dtmt for washing clothe and dishes, scrubbing floors, cleaning woodwork, oil cloth, silverware and tinware, polishing brsjswoik, cleanisg bathroom pipct, lef i iget slot t, etc, softening hard water and making th finest soft soap, Do not tie Soap, Naphtha, Borax, . Soda, Ammonia, or Kerosene with CM Dsraf. Colef Dumi has all desirable cleansing qualities in a per fectly harmless and lasting form. Tbt 6afaf Ommt Tsvlna need no outside help. Md. by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ChicaSo Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval caie) "Let tho GOLD DUST, Twins do your work'9 Akentera Ordered to Cleaa I r. ABERDEEN. 8. D , March lsWBnedal.) O. 8. Basford, state insurance commis sioner, after a visit to Aberdeen to In spect local conditions, found the water supply adequate, bur expressed himself In strongest terms against the condition of the alleys In the business section of the city. He warned the business men that unless the alleys ere cleaned up and com buatlbie material removed, the Insurance companies will be justified in their efforts to raise rates in Aberdeen. Bwffalo Bill at Cssy, Wye). CODT, Wyo., March 11 Speial. Wil liam F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) arrived here y rot erday and waa given an enthusiastic! greeting by his townsmen. A banquet and the land be took from the government. There were but ery few settlers In this section at the time of his location and his home In those da s served as a head quarters for people going further north. H.. waa Identified with th building up of Hanson county. Tkresere I.. Wsrrlagtes.- LEXINGTON. Neb.. March It Special.) Attorney Theodore L Warrington died Wednesday afternoon -at 2 30. aged t! years. Mr. Wamagton- began his law practice here about thirty-five years ago and was the oldest member of the bar In the county. He was a member of the coi stltutibnal convention, an old soldier, a member of Reno post No. 112 and an active member of Thistle lodge No. , Ancient muslcale were given in honor of the colonel r re Po aiesons. or. mis city. ne waa county attorney ror two terras of Dawson county in the early days. He Merrick County is liaising Road Fund - e Volunteer Workmen liTer-to-Moun-tain Highway "Will Be Done 117 21 and 22. CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. March It- (Special.) The good Roads association of Merrick county held their executive com mute meeting at President Glatfelter's of fice in Central city yesterdar and per fected plans for the building of their forty miles of east and west roads through ths county and fixed March S and 13 as the dates for the volunteer work. The soliciting committee for Central City has done one day'a work and has raised over $.X from town contributors, which certainly ahows that Central City Is doing Its part. Each township In the county has agreed to throw cp the necessary grades on The route where machine work la neceasarr and it la the purpose to conserve enough of the cash funds for maintaining tha road with King drags for a year after the build ing. Solicitors are now circulating card pledges in the fsrm districts for donation work and are meeting with an almost unanimous response. There it no longer any doubt but that Merrick county will have Its forty mile ef the river to mountain road built ahead of any other county on the line. ' Secretary Hays hss assurance from four other euunties that tliey will join in th movement and believes that all ef the count es to be traversed by the proposed routs will corns Into line. NOMIKATIO AT LEalbTO at the Irma hotel. Colonel Cody left to day fof bis famous T. E. ranch and will In a few daya go to New Tork to take charge of hla wild west show for another tour of the world. have a new sarage and automobile supply house. F. V. Hail of Cambridge has lo cated here and leased the big wooden struc ture between the Jensen blacksmith shop and Gilbert's Implement house, and aas commenced Installing machinery. KEARNET A hay wagon driven by John P. RouTsrin of this city, was struck by a ! freight engine Tuesday night, tfce hayrack 1 demolished and the wagon broken up. The I horses became frightened and raced dean j the track and Into a box car, where one of them w-as killed. Mr. Spurgin waa unin jured. i KEARNET A fire at Gibbon yesterday destroyed the barn belonging to C. A. Hpencer and bumea a nurse ownea oy m. W. Barrett. The horse broke through the closed door and raced down the street neighing In-agony. Wbu finally corraled and raptured ita fleeh was cooked and It waa necessary to kill it. - PLATTSMOUTH A home wedding took place at the residence of the bride a parents today at noon, when Miaa Alma Selvers, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Selvers. waa Joined In marriage to William Heldraan of Motley, Minn. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. V. H. Steger of Ft. Paul a church. BEATRICE The republicans of Wymors held their caucus last evening and nomi nated tne following ticket: For mayor. M. L. llawiinsrs; clem. ir. L. B. iwuglas; treasurer. W. H. Weliemeyer; engineer, C C. Kills; councilmen. D. A. I-asher and William Stewart; Board of Education, J. H. Jackson and O. W. Robertson. KA1RBCRT Mr. and Mrs. ' H. O. Nsllts and son John leave Thursday afternoon foe Hastings. Neb., to spend several days as i the guests of the former s sister, Mrs. I. ! t. Hewitt. Mr. Nellls ts taking a vacation Mrs. Rskkars Crawted Dl v ABERDEEN. 8. D.. March. 15. (Special.) Mrs. Lydia Ward Hubbard was yesterday afternoon granted a divorce, the custody of their two children and tJa a month ali mony from Captain W. W. Hubbard, whose suit for tlft.000 damages for alleged aliena tion of Mrs. Hubbard's affections, brought against Dr. E. B. Jackson, waa thrown out of court laat week for lack of evidence. leaves a widow, one son and three daugh ters. Alexander Reld. ABERDEEN". S. D-. March 1. (Special.) Alexander Reld. aged ST years, a Pioneer of Brown county, died at his home here 'after a long Illness. He was born In Scot jland on June 2. 1SS, emigrated to Canada .when 10 years of age and came to the I'nltcd States, to South Dakota, in IS. A widow, five sons and two daughters survive. FOREIGN CAPITAL IN MEXICO Ishs Xewe Xetee. MASON CITT Deputy Bherlff Hogan re turned today from Pullman, 111., having in his custody Theodore Morris, the man alleged to have stolen 1160 from the Purity I bakery of this city. . BOONE Hugh Allen was sentenced on1 Wednesday to so indeterminate sentence I or life imprisonment. Allen was convicted of assault In connection with highway robberies In this city.' MASON CITT TUe burning of a bridge thia morning on the Iowa and Dakota en vision of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul near Riverton tied up traffic for six hours. Fortunately the fire was discovered ! by the engineer of an approaching freight in time to avert a wreck. MONTICELLO Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson of this city, the father and mother-in-law of Charles Bathelomew. car- j, tnonlst Ktt the Minneapolis Journal, y ester- , J J J x.vim.w ill," Kllllv-llj ' annlvermarv of their mirnir Th, rhlA health of Mrs. Henderson made it neces- ! sary that the affair be a very quiet one. j MASON CITT Charlea Howell, proprietor i of one of the best Jersey herds In the state, I ass come co in rescue oi tne north Iowa Invested r Vs. Nearly Blllloa Dollars Other Tksa Mlali teres. WASHINGTON. .March J-A totsl or trX.TDS.efi gold has been invested In twen ty-one' years by foreign Interests in Mex ico outside of the mining Industry', accord ing to a bulletin issued by ths bureau of manufacturers of the Department of Com merce and Labor today. Americans supplied $.;;..- -i. while capi talists of the In) ted Kingdom furnished tM.:.sa: Germany tX.VA.TK; Prance. M.WT.CPS; A ustro- Hungary. 38.S57.034. Spain, C.2it-tr7. anl Italy The tig- urea cover from lust to 17!. Tenants renew leases in best known office building in city Therefore the'y must get perfect Batisf action. Few vacant offices indicate that the accommodations please the tenant Elevator service, light, heat and janitor attention are the best. THE SEE BUILDING Select from these offices at once aa they will not be available long: BOOM (M Fronts on Farnam street and la partitioned to afford two trt. ficea Thia Is one of the most desirable offioea In the building, as tt bas a good south light and Is almost In front of tha eisratora The room la 14x1 V feet and rente per month for Sacoa HOOK cog la a large aired office on the sixth floor, having a south sms west exposure. This room could be partitioned ao aa to suit tenant. There ie a fire-proof vault in connection, and with three large wLa dows there Is sufficient light for any purpose. Ask to see this room if you ceed ss much as 414 square feet. Price per. month M0-O4) aVOOal S4s Is one of the few small outside offices having a vault In con nection. Thia room faces 1IU street and la particularly desirable for a small office- Kent per month Sig-OO iTTTTg ess-aa An elegant aulte of rooms on the north side of ths bulld iDg: oZf Is partitioned, making two rooms. These rooms will be rented In suit or separately. They wreuld make good architects quarters, or would be desirable for anybody w tailing a norm llgbt. bent for suits per month tikea Neto elevtrt will b$ installed within SO dtyt. The Bee Office Building Co. Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam St. . . . . . ...... eS . A CONSTANT ITCHING CAUCUS HELD AT FALLS CITY ' from bis dutwi aa division storekeeper for I ! LTViT,"1 ?d "J.V""' PrTmluni ; ! the Rock island railroad- He lived In Has- ! J" ,u"l f T xy doJ" " go TORW. B. Allen, one of the early pi o- melJ b lw offere(i a pruVo, foTlhe ! " - ... oest colt, th early history of th oounty assisted In , . . , i f n in i-rii- vunnui v uesi ro e(J I one cf tbe oldest residences of the state of j Iowa In th home of latid Brant, pioneer , editor ef thia city. Just west of tbe Iowa ! river near hers. The mansion was erected in IMi when lows was atlll a territory The luss to the Brant family will be about 18.00). with about M.utti Insurance to help cover. " AND BURNING HtUess' Ticket. Headed by C. C. Van- era. Is Plaoed la Field. LEXINOTON. Neb.. March 11-pecial ) The 4tlseas' partv, represented by ths leading besinesa men ef the city placed' In Besnlaatlea tbe following officers fer the spring election: j For mayor. E. P. Vanhorn." for clerk. 1 Areata Gillian; for treasurer. O A. Temple: j for city engineer. II. O. Smith: for police I uriiniuuos and has occuptea several offices, d.ed laat evening, air. Allen leaves to morun his loss a family of twelve chil dren, all living, and his widow. The de ceased for a number o( years had resided in York. FAIRbCRT-Th Falrbury Commercial club will hold a meeting In ita club rooms Thursday evening for the purpose of con sidering the matter of lighting the public square at Falrbury with ornamental eiec- w itnc light poles. The business men of Fair. . hurv arm favorably .-Analrlenna this rtron- Asklea ! oaition and there Is also a fund provided lur una uurvvs. BOOTT 8 BLl'FF-The Commercial club r n i citt v-- u.K i 1 ' meeting Mondsy night paased a FALL CITT. Neb. March U.-f6 peel all : rMOuUao easing representatives at Un- At a masa meeting last night resolutions . coin to support a bui providing for monev were passed endorsing th administration ' far-a state publicity bureau A request of Mayor Keeling and declaring against i a. Ley da Is esalaaed and Reeelalleae Passed tor Isaprwveeaeeita. fer Mai Judge. F. Zjmmerer; ward. U J. VVcldoa; Smith: Th rd ward school ' board. " Roy Grantham for roundlm Second ward Carl Umbtch; S'uckey anl ' A aas ernt to the secretary of tbe Interior. any change In policy as to the liquor d,,ch be allowed additional time In making question. The resolutions also declare In , payments because of delsy in delivery of r.n. mmrr svatem extension ef 1 water to them. H. P. i . ..i i w i PAlRBl RY-laffmos rouitv mit ha First i for Z , , ,, ... ... . . : distinction of snaking a high Mm on B, engineer waa cauani oeneatn anl was ln- .the Third war, a aew l aci extecsa t, jwph llv .lov" m.re, ,bu r,. I atantlv killed f ireman John .Vagnun r" j of the water mams to parts of the cu ,,,hln u,a highest pnr of sny cattle on Injured, but it is not thought taially. InrMauJ Arvif- la bmmmI Tha Itr U ITk.t K flnnAar a wall knnan . 4 1 k' I F V Hla riunf I . r. H mnA mM Y. . . There Is ao fighl on this spring over the i tu.k y, follows- farmer of this county, living near Dlller. ', tered by a charge of anot when he an t- question of llcensa - - a i -a. t u uned tbe fat .atiie whkk topped the mar- dentaily discharged hla s not gun. ilrrmnn MARSH ALI.TOVVX While hearlna- class In the Anacories (Mtsh.1 High school I of which he was principal. Jease H. Wal- ters, who for two years was a teacher in j the local high school, dropped dead of 1 heart disease. The newe reached here In I a telegram today. Mr. t Waiter a father.) Prof G W. Waiters. Is a member of the ( facuiry of Iowa State Teachers college. ELK ADER Engineer Thomas Mathews,! on of the oldest is tne employ of tbe Chi- I tago. Milwaukee A St. Caul railway, was instantly killed Wednesday morning cer Farmersburg. In some n.anner not yet known the engin broke loos from the ; tender, whlcst c-eujeed I Ha .n.tn. n i. j the track and tip over on its side. The i engin I ebwere steoBt Iftsraa. FAIRBtRT. Neb. March l-iSpeelal . Teaivrday morning when E. I- Jenkins wbe operates a general store at Powell, arose and lot-Wed out ef he wtndew be saw smoke issuing front the chtmnev of hs sioie. tie went duan to investigate and found that the p. a- bad been robbed. Mr For mayor W. S.'Ieyda Wilts: for treasurer. A. engineer. E. H TJie: -three bead " ; ket. Mr. urelder had twentv-t r. is.r.eble: tor , of steer weighing 1 pounds each, sad for coundlmen. ' he received s J per hundred for them. All Offteere Were - aalaa led tawees Held 'W, oataeeday Evealag. rape with a small atwont of underwear. I HA VII i CITT everaiis. a few provisions snd shout ' The peorl s Jenkins la poatmater at Psweil aad he j tmiurdialt-ly .k aa mventury ef has poet age stamp siovk. but fond nothing In that !.. n.mr Th. ,.l ...... -. Fjst eari. Q. W. Hoilsnd. A J. Weaver; Beoond ward. I l. Reavis: Third sard Martla Geblicg. lennls McCarih. LICENSE ISSUE AT DAVID CITY worth ef perniea whi. b sua pescoffloe mcnay drawer. left la th al Neb Wan-h If i frVs! 1 uc.is last r'gr.t neaded that tt ef U weald vote as.la - th. eu.stlo. o.tJT7; or a 9 ucscm at us GRAND MLAND It is acnouared that John La Wwdulph will, upoa his return from a vlstt to Washington in a few daya. set about to secure a cuQiraet for ths con struction of a iBree-eiory business snd of fice building on his corner, opposite the city hail and one Mock east of the new post office building. It is In tbs aama block In which th Lintnger-kletcalt firm contem plates s three-story building this summer. PLATT?MrT-niRrvival services at the Methodist kpleeopal chert h have been In progress hers since last dufiday. conducted bv Farmer Lawia of Onin. assisted by Prof 8jthr!sd. a fine baritone singer, and bilad placlst The rosnM- i uawai la m . 1 m ataa. .a-iaa aamr.ivav 0OBi$ ' ire b attaadaao aack evecjig. Tbs Mod- riep ana. aM JU. cevertneieaa bad the nerve to drive his automobile seven m. leal at high apeed with owe hand to town and ; la a phlclaaa offwe The two cum-! pernors who wers with him did not know I tbat he was more ir.aa sligbtlv Injured ' It is probable the hand win have to be awpuiBiea. Night and Day. Cried All the Time. Used Most Everything. Cuticura Remedies Cured Itching in 3 Days. Kea!ed in 8 Days. "I was taken with th itch la AprU. ISO., aad uied most everything. I had a friend pay ice a visit from Cumberland, and sh adv-ed s to use Cuticura Remedies rna I did. Tr.e cur was certain. quirk, aad I use ttiem to this aay. I had it ten i.l f-aidtt my knees I or'r uaad en box of Pih. but two boirs ef Cuticura CintTT.trt, asd 1 use the t incurs 8op all trie uoi. I hene Litis win benefit others, as 11 l a a, sfter ur.- and ot rt-s cotiia do nor h ;ns for me. Mus La Jo irxxi. 1 iij Siun SUN.e .. ug:ou, D. C- Ap. il 3, llu. In a liter lettrr Vlj Jut. 'job adds- "Th trouble b-t;a?t wttti sn erutnon under M-y .i'rt, and t-xtenued upaarcs toaaid my . Slat, Will I . sol L,lr lo Sit doan. It kept a coolant ii iir.g ard burning all tae sune, eih aed l. i went tu or fSL. hot! line OlilS SoSI. Double Daily Service Low Round-Trip Homeseekerg' Rates to the South and South east on First and Third Tui-sdajg of each mouth. . Low Hound-Trip Wfnter Tourist Rates, tickets on gale dally to Florida. Cuba and all otter Winter Tourist Points In tbe South and Southeast. All lnforaoalon regarding berths, rates, etc, cheerfully furnished.. Agent for AH Steamship Lines H. C. SHIEIJS, G. A. P. 11.. Omalia. Neh. Wabahh tity Ticket Office, IStta arxi Farnam Htrre-ls. TRAVEL; fSirned i Leaking for Safely Speed Gcmfcrt? ' Sail via FREtlGIl LII1E to Paris in 0 Days S a W . .a . P'l 17 v oipagnie uener&ie iransatiantiquc " DEATH RECORD. .' G. waa aaa a. j MirCHEIJ 8. !.. March IS Special I i 8. O. baushnian. one of the earliest plo- J neers ef Hanse n county, died at his horue ; near Alexandria asTd V. leaf. Mr. Ka-.li-snaa rams to thia cojnty thirty years a'- j and lived vnui tt. day of his death en i doctor ttit rr rou.i ao me no coud after 1 do nut Wnee tow n.acv ut-1trsies Ur cave me, and tbra toiU fre 1 oui1 be conspeiied to ao i a sain afertaiiNt. which 1 pnsniiely tflir1 to da 1 .a-4 all trie tiaie. in.al.y I trade u rer nnria to try r ut-u- P.rm edies. SJ.J trird CitH-tirs Pt, C'lrtmebt a.. 4 txwi, sijI was entirely rureil of tee ncb inf Ibrre aara a:ir 1 'artel uu( ttiem. 1 tie brain s took sro, i tiit dm I ron sdrr l utsuavfa funasm ataretoua. and would lecvn.nweid them eeerva'aerr. i bote everv-e njlrr.nx i'.a any nkis fli?araae sial try Cuiaura. lui H t wmt lo.cvrrn.oie." Cu'lrura op ';s- s' 1 rmicnra P.rti"ent (S aie sue Miric:-vut id 1 T aftord the wper-iKM aid snoat xa-ion. iral t'eaissertt for skip jsiairi. A Stay e srl Is erVen suWrarfit bad to Potter ruf e t"Suv Lio eaae tipt . IM t'-ol ssnbais Kaali. Im ties but ea Skui aud ata acaaae. r A . V. m. SV aaaaT Ceaoacts at Havre wtth trains ts Paris aad eaariantial i-lrkaa a.i.M.i twiavacrew. express steamers leave New Yurs ever Tourvvla 1A a a. i -J7 coealort koowa le ssevlera cfvrliiatioe provided roof cafes. V r I : r,OT..wu, imsTniof TOI.ID. I &. -7i iiuaurlous sulta. atea srs nader aaral iliaulpiuss. Naval erncera. Wlrw asaa ug .uonwiw eeu Mrraa uurq runupum salary, a vary apnoinS aaaaaperiscted. 1 1ST Ui HLAilK TB ttSfHll A0 CltlUL Wsa Wiiu s Saurams Stirs aas toea aard lor over M XTV tAk bv atiLLIoi e Murill-m lor their IHILLHtN itHHINO. mh l-Kil-KCT blCE-. It Si-uTHl-ls the CU11.U wfTFNs the cl'M:v S1.1.A V s all TAIN ; CI fc a imu COLIC, aad Ike brat remedy lit L1 M Hy. A. It it a Soluarlv haTWkraa. be sore aad aak for "Mrs. kisun l aouiniaf n, aed I ca.y-ave vtMim a Dwsi .a i Touraiue, March SI. I. a Uirrajne. Airil i-- tittvole. Alarcri t Nlsxara April II t'i,icao. April 1. La tTovenca. April IJ. Aidltlonal saJlici4s at Ir.4 cabin price., alternate fai uroa,a by popular one-c la-sa eat-Iu staasiers Its to 14: W. B. BOCat, 154 Baraam St.; X- (Eltl, rtrst attaaal - ariSOLDt, lbwk rsraasa BC HAMBURG-AMERICAN Ail saoaera aaJsty DevioM fWtreleee. esc) Ix.nduo fans tiavaiburg Tm Unroln ktaMh II IS a af Amarlsa Asm I a.iaKAVar, I aril IX. pi-eiona, AsrU u! ..a at fvuMMSta an 4artaaura Kiu-4Vr'tm a la ' ar Saaiaarmal tLa.iita-i Iract ar.ja i J it atamaurr-Aiaext&aa Lice, l&t avaadelpa kv, Cavica-o, 111. er local afsab