TTTE BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Want ! rrrtled at any Km, bat to uure proper rlaaaifk-iteloa muat be prrocairil before 18 t'tlok m. the evening edition and before) 1:80 for i morning and Bandar cdltloas. Watt ad rwelved aftcy auch boura ill bare their firal iaaertlrm under tlie heading "Too Lata M C-laaatf'." CASH RATF.S Vtm WANT AI. KEGLLAR CLASSIFICATION On Insertion, 1 H rente per word and I etni per word for each aubaeqnent ln aertion. Each Insertioa toads odd dr W rcnta per word. $1.00 9t Una per month. Ilatea appl to either Tha bail at anda lie. Always; eouai Hx worda u a Una. - -.. DfeATH AND rUNKHAL KOTItBI 8TEAVEN3, Delia Smith March lMh, Ags 40 eats. K uncial will b held from family resi dence, li.,i lxard St.. Thursday. March 17, at 1 p. m. Interment at Poret Un cem etery. Friends Invited. marhiauu licenses These licensee to wed have keen Issued Nam and K'-sldence. Age, Clara Oxley. Omaha a) Mamie Westphal, Omaha 18 Howard P. Bliss, South Omaha 21 Gertrude Collin, fcouth Omaha HI ANNOUNCEMENTS J, A. GENTLEMAN CO.,1; embelmor. lilt Chicago St D. lie, B-h. "tUFFY At BOLAND. undertaker. T. 167a. harlTbody oak VU seascnctl. just right for ftirnai-e or grate, aawed tn l-lnch chunofcs, cord ! "-cora n..a; makre aooui a loan. , a. f uel to.. ua. oi iraae. u. 4.w. A-4JH. Mrs. Kronert Now located at iH A. 16th, ' formerly at iU V lilh. I U1 HO b abla to plaaao my old frienda and cualomera better thaa aver. Complete Una of sprlog millmary. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATB, china flrlna. M Urajuleia Bid. Tel. Web. l?a. SOL. a. UOL.DSTROM. liquor dealer, Routh Omaha. Jua and bottle trade dlraot to consumer, fiend for price Hat. MONEY Sj TO LOAN-LOW RATE, la aume le 810 Bee Hid Phone Uouk. taut. UNION LiOAN CO. "i)AVlI COLE CREAMERY COMPANT. . KM1CKK11J30CKKI, Turkish, baths. Iu7 B. 14th Sanitary; for ladlss or gontlamea. Alwaya open. : lLElt GRAND HOTEL . Turlriuh Hut lis "lneat - In ' the west. .J UIKISO UUU18 mn4 Howard tita. I KEW1LLOW old ostrich feathers, take orders for all kinds of plumes, millinery woi. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Q. PhUaf, ZAi St. Mary's Ave. iouK- BARKEli BROS. PAINT CO., Koua;. 4750. I ml. A-2.S21." Farnajn Bt Stencil outfits; 6 styles; picture framing at moderate prices; glajxa, wall paper. Wbi t'ABRV A 'UL,L, LINE Or bHERWIN W1LL1AMS PA1NTB, URASa POLISH, LIQUID VENEER AND ALli VHANUs OF FLOOR WAX. -y ANNOUNCE to the tworld as- you go through It, that O'Hrten's In the candy to buyi If Change: Ueorge, eaOtl Davenport, will bring this ad to The lie within three days he will receive an order for a ttto bos'of It. . . ASH PITS j EVERYBODY tn Omaha haa been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm here to do the work with any artificial brick, atoae or concrete. (ienry Heesa, brick and cement contractor. Douglas H07S, KT)T Electrlo Planoa. Muaio Boxes. Pea A nut and AthleUo Machines. Cash Mnr-riinoa or payments. Omaha Autoe AiaCUlDea man, vending Machine Ce.. 1124 Leavea worth, TeL Uaruey W. A-iut. . U. Cole Sign Co.. ft. I7U. UU rtrun. Zlmmennan Crowe Furniture Oo.. J.71 Leavenyverta. . Oat our plan. Nuf aald. DON'T throw away your old feathera, bring them to us; we will willow them into willow plumee, We also steam and curl willow plumea, 16e Uf. . Pearl Plume Co., room l, patoa Blk. . . MAT KOSHER HOM CtXlKIPfO. AJUUN8, tU 8. 16TH. UPaTAJRB. CUI-Na4el Display Paint talk & color card free. Saratoga Drug Co., ttin t Amea TWNTY per cent leea than Omaha prtcea, HOME PURNlTUtikJ CO., TWaaty-fourtn and L bUa, South Omaha. HORNBY Blue Print, Co., 11 Bee Bldg. PHOTOGRAPHIC ru0rruko...focei." Commercial Photographlo Htudlo, tot Boa- ton store. . Douglas VM; ind, A-Bxi. . tWK grocer Is Judged by the goods he keeps. lie has llike s. If , J, llant, 40K Seward St., will bring; this ad to The Hew wtlhia I days and Identify himsalf he will receive au order for a 11-pound sack at this flour. CURTAINS CLJCANKD Kast ef care, I years experience, f none Tyler UUFFNER TA,IUN.OM.tANYi t - ----f- Mrs. Lawrcace 2,. rban dMlm. ao uraaaes ana costumes lor ex clusive people., r-none Harney Dost. DRUOU t out pnoea. freight paid on all aia ...I... m i . . t - 1,111,,!, iiM. Biiermaat MoConnall Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. VIRGINIA DAKQ WINK-V7&0 a large tknltla KIMln 1 Jnr TJi.a. h-.-i M lew u. . . --"""I MM ... U,U JOV. MASONRY cont'r; repairs. Healy. W.-124X VACTM CLEANER RENTAU CO. 'Phone Web. J. H im DOUULAS Printlnc Co, TeL Devglaa H4 raUS NEW BARBER SHOP. Pmeet In Omaha. Mudara ea unitary. Mia Ploor Qj.iaha Nat I siaak bidg. ED ROTHEItY f?1; 1 "w p line of liquors and cigars,- Cafe la coanecUon. Ill S. 14th Su lAQOAiUi Vaa Av Storage, Pack, mora, ur aAd shia H. 11, (ooda.- D. 1404 H-MJX filters, filter repaira. Ul Iloward. D. (go. T. raiaswerth. Alt y. iSi Bee Bldg..- B. . WVKN, opUclaa. tl Braadels Bldg. TO de some outside gray Iron casting work. Our caatlnas are uuide of No. 1 pig tron and are i-i leotly amoeth. Try us. Howard Stove Works, Kelaioifc Ball phone. itaiaton la. , Harry Martin. Tailor, tOTVt Paxtaat block. WHS. M. Y. IRWIN. M Braadeta theater. Cbina decotaUiui Aad futna. theater a ax 4a. Piano teaeher daalree pupils; Le achat laky metiiod; nuuiiury work. DvueUa. Lwa, TUB Bank' of Shelby wilt receive aealed bus up tq 4 o'clock p m., of March li. liu fur the orectton ef a beak building, aad a etore building at Shelby, la, Plans and epwuirtrauwaix may bee aeon at the Lank of aiaeiby, la. " tIET klnlay's prlcea before pal at lag or paoerlag. fauna feu. . Charles . MoCoanelL publle aecountaat. 4 Dm. Nat Bk. Bldg. Pbwne Doug. 81 I'lTTM'1 field aad garden seeds. Touak tliai ermaa (Wd Co.. Co. Bluffa. la, LYNCH BROS. WtflSf0 ELfAlR WOBK.' 301 JaJtsoc fcv U 'l47T. Fence Iron aad Wire- rhamploa Pvace o.. lDih and Jackson fta Tot, Doudlaa li. . , ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ANCHOR FENCE Co! tron and wire Ipiimi cheaper than '"OJ; la-t a lifetime. M N. 17th. Phone Red in THEY sre announcing dally that tkiy keep Farrell's svrttp In all good grocery stores If Mr. Eva Walker. 1411 Harney r-t., will bring thin ad to The Be within three day's and Identify herlf, she will receive an order for a 60c ran of this delicious syrup. OPT MT rrlce for carpenter or repair work. rHRISTEN9KN. Web. SS7L JOHN CANE, rnt S. f-'th Ave, trims your tret and grapevine H 7704: A-?M AUTOMOBILES r t i ' . JU-S-T ' - R E 0-E-I-V-E-D tha lata modal a of tha Stoddard Daytoa Locomobile and Waverly Klactrlca A few eoood hand cara fur aala, DERIOHT AUTO CO., Ull rABNAM ST . OMAHA. WRITE for Hat of autornobll bargain M. K. Frederickson Auto (Jo., Omaha. "Pniault up your auto, "SKID Into a post. "TEAR your top. And brine it to the best placa in Omaha lor an Kind of repairing. DRUMM0ND Comar 18tn and Harney Sis. CAMERON Auta P nd Oarage KjAjyiMXUAJ Co Reasonably charges. Personal attention given. frul So. ith. Doug. Ull. Trucks and autos store. T Motorcycles. XTmmi A ttW liatw ftf Ularl mntftrntiAlaS ' Tt7 V III aa .v ava wih. aj fawriie r, ri n r r . r I wis JJtj. BUSINESS CHANCES HEAVY RUSH 01-' TO B. C. Americans Prominent 1 -, in the Present Stam pede to Nechaco and Fraser Valleys. KJondiJte Scenes Over , Again Ninety thousand Americans and nlnetv millions of American wealth transplanted from the United States to Canada during yum iaai year. k . The counted number of eeraons actuallv reached 00,148 In round numbers the wealth accompanying them ' being; estimated at 11.000 per head.- , This year bids fair to even greatly ex ceed this amount; present "rushes" In Nechaoo and Traaer Valleys of British Co lumbia, bringing back to those who have undergone the experience of the scenes enacted in tha K load it regions tn lm. As a temporary substitute for the rail roads that axe being built as fast as steel can be laid, numerous aula end stage lines are beln preceaed into service by those who would be "early In the valleys." In numberless cases the trip haa been made en horaebaek!t Is not even uncom mon ta aee loma enthusiastic oaa making the trip on foot. It lias been proved often and fattsfae torlly that the "Valleys"' are fsrtile almost beyond belief., and there la small wonder thaf so naany are willing; to make the change. The Canadian government. by act of Parliament on May (th of last year, re served or rather withdrew all British Co lumbia farm laada from eale, and what ever Is aeoured from now on must be ob tained from private individuals. ; Omaha has been brilliantly represented ltV. th's Canadian stampede, and 4 local oonoern. The Orand Trunk Pacific Land Co., fortunately hae' remaining a limited number of the best sections of land In this moat promising" section of British Co lumbia. ", . Quick Investors may purchase remaining farms at 110.00 per acre arranged in pay ments oeverrag a term et years. There U every likelihood positive assur aJvce that much of this land will reach 125, $10, and even $100 and more per acre, when the present building railroads will have been completed. Illustrated and deeerlpUva literature may ba had upon requeat te The Orand Trunk Paciflo Iand Company, 312 New York Life Hulldin. Oioaha, OR 0.J McMANUS .& CO, Selling Agents. City Natl Bank Bldg, Council Bluffs, Ja. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location, lath euil Dorcas. .... FOR SALE-Pool hall, 4 tables and one barber's oullit; bargain, it takas by Marub 80. l N', lath, St , 87c on oir money m be guaranteed f aia kousee of Omaha H. U. iwombly, IM Board of Trad. A I'K. W hundred dollars more naaJed la Complete tapiUil stock of company being ere-auteed to oogaae - ta legitimate and ruiuauie ouaineea, sale uvaatuieat A Sut, WANTED A CORlltKATION RAI.Kil. VANAOEK TO HANDLE A PRODUCT ON -j UK MARKET OK SEVEN Y KA KS; GREAT Sh.Ll.ER' ACT AS- MANAUER. WITH OFFICE IN OMAHA, FOR STATK THAtlLj Ml ST HE A MAN OF ABILITY) AND .IVl.K.MAII KUAl.l. I'lflTll likl WILL HAVE SNTIKH CHAHOIS OF on vciaai a.i ; uouu iiih ao uw rn-rt YfcUR; CALL AT ONCE. ktOftMS. ROOMS w anu ma, niriutu itoiCi. A FINK real etata and lea. hulnu fo sale, well eaiabliahed and doing I uu.uuO iuaiaeea a year. V. ill sell nutrirht or half lut.rMt Hi,, ihiwl t OdU a . -r . r.t guud irritate J lead. 8tlMiOtd opeiktng for 1 T f V' ur ,U 1 pa-rticuiass auoreaa Jul,,, Riuj.aia. jr. Lrifg luaoo, M City Nat. Bank. Council Bluffs. HArar ra thc b'niu . Ton may bmA lieve muster enough te buy farm, but iuu'Lui buy an Inteieat la cue and at every dollar ef profit that your niuney win earn. Let me tell you about It W. L baa Americans BUSINESS CHANCES tCoatlnued.) Aaeata aad lloltore tled. IF lotf want to -t into business for yourself and lutve to U va.h, you are wanl-d an a--ii-tnr manaiur tor a ell eatabllohed Omaha firm with a grow ing huslnet-s; good aalary and a splendid opportunity to become general manager L. sue. Bee. r A 2 A TlY Co.. Peal Estate. Loan and t-yYO-.-Yl-' x Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent Quick returns. S. W. Corner 14th and Douglas, lei. DoJg. UUa, WISfUXa to retire from the truln btisl nees we are offering; our eTUMX) bushel cribbed elevator, coal aheda, warehouses, etc., for sale. Price Itf.OuO; best place on main line rallrond In Nebraska for grain, lumber, flour. Hay and feed business. Nit farmers competition nor has any ever been agitated. If you are looking for a money making proposition Investigate this. Ad drees Y 94 care Bee. TO GET In or out of business, call eel GANQESTAD. 404 Bee HI OA- Tel D. M7. TO Bt'T PF.LL-OR TRA DF5 8KB TH MIDLAND tX 4 BRANDEIS BIJX1. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel; money maker; town 4,800. Address Lock Box ISo, Carroll, la. . THE best paying family and transient hotel In city, or will trade for suburban property. K MS, Bee. $1,000 BONUS given by cltlxens of Blan chard, la, to party building hotel. Best of locations; two railroads. Also good loca. tlon for dentist Inquire of Blancbard Booater Club. FOR BALE An excellent -rarlety store; good reaann for aelllna. Write Helden At Co., Denlaon, la. FIRST elaas restaurant, best location in town, doing; good business; loag lease. A sTa, Bee. OPPORTUNITIES IN OREGON. Splendid business openings. Municipal bonds for sale. Town lots and acre tracts. Alfalfa and fruit lands. Write W. 8. Rod man, banker, Redmond, Ore. FOR SALE HARDWARE STOCK AND farm Implements, buggies. Only stock In good southern Iowa town; new stock; no trades. Address J. B. Freemeyer, Athels- tan, la. FOR SALli-Only garage In city 'of. 1.000 people located central of Nebraska; loca tion and automobile territory very good. Reason for leaving, have other Interests to look after. Address Y 104 care Bee. FOR SALE-Dmi" gtock. 83,800; rent 825 for store and living rooms; annual cash sales. $7,000 only stock In small towx Ad dress Y 109, Omaha Bee. vs-vEi ca.f i.-t --. Mb o.fl.l c store In good county seat town. 8,000 people. Ad dress Y 106, care Bee. Pool bait for sale, only one In town of 460 population. 8700 will bur the business If taken before March 85. Address Y 103, care Bee. THE business chance Is missed when the grocer falls to keep Farrell's syrup. If Mrs. Augusta Moon, 807 South 85th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself, she will receive au order for a 50c can of hls fins syrup. TOUNO man, office and road experience, will Invest (6.000 in reliable company. 428 Henshaw. ' Rooming Heaiea for Sale. -ROOM modern flat, newly furnished: walking distance; possession, April L F 872, Bee. T-KOOM FLAT. FURNISHED, STEAM HEAT; CHEAP IF TAKEN BY F1RUT OF APRIL. 412 NO. 1STH ST, , 8D FLOOR. FOR BALK-i-Roomlng1 house, light house keeping rooms, best location In city. Phone Red 6W6. ' . CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Natr. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROT, 1M8 Farnare Bt DeuaLae MOT. DANCING Misses Simpson 4 CoU. W. 8481, W. 6O0. MORAND'S lfith and Harney. Doug. 8H4. DENTISTS BAILF.Y aV MACH. 8d floor. Paon. P. lOsa DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency Inc., bonded, 4J- pax ton Ulk. Doug;, 1318; nd. A-Ultf. CAPT. T. CORMACK. R1T KARBACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webater 8718. COMPETENT DRESSMAKING 1 satisfac tion guaranteed; reasonable, 2214 Maaoav First class tailoring A dressmkg. 1818 Dodge EDUCATIONAL ' BOYLES COLLEGE . 1 rtmaha'a largest and moat successful commercial school. Day and night seaelona Students admitted smy time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Servtoe and Balesmanahip. The cata logue Is free. Addreas H. B. Bowles, presi dent, omana. nep. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept Vast entranoa. U Henderson. li Farnam. Douglas 1118, t. u. BATH. Mis) Harney. Douglas AMERICAN Beautiea aha old have a good flour to tickle the palates of the family. If Mrs. A. Motts, 14 North 88 St, will bring this ad to Tha Dee office within three daya and identify herself she will receive an order on bar grocer for a 18 pound eaok. of Updike's Pride of Omaha flour.. 1 HES9 BWOBODA. Mil Farnam St A. DON AO H UK lflUT Famam. . lOOlj A-lOol BRA-NDIilS eut Flower depti new store. Flevweera aavd Saiaoba. , C. ft. HARRISON'S aeieot nursery, Yrk, Neh I of Cera home grown fruit, shade. hardy flowers, ahrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue reaqy. HELP WANT ED FEMALE tier lea, l mm Office. YOTTNO lady who can operate trae writer and do geueral office wot k. iirl New ouiaha Nat Bank Bldg. - TVANl B.U r irn uia wisinwiwy amjea woman in the knit underwear department. Apply at once ui auperlntcacieiit, Braadels vul'NO lady stenographer: must be so on ate and speedy, WtsTbltN ItKF. A BOND AStTN. INC., isew uuiaiia cut pioa. . .STN4X3FJIP1JKH, ... ttvnographer. Implement experlenee, 860. ' tiienoa-rapher, betjinner ni do $6 86. CO-OPERATIVE- REFERENCE CO.. WI6-16 City Natiocal Bank Bldg. MANAGER for email office; must be able to handle several girls; salary &. VMtJH'I k.KN UEF. A BOND AS.i N. INC.. ,U New Omaha Nat Bask Bldg. GIRLS to learn hair dressing OppenhMrn Parlors. 236 840 City Nat l Bauk. D. UA. Hesarkteaem aad tAaaaesHea. WANTED First dasa experienced girl for general houeevora. Apply ea B. 87th bt. WANTED Aa - axftarleaced awttaemaid. 8u Capitol Ate. WANTED A lady to eara for ebUdrea. BM 8. 13d St WANTKD-A'ompetant firl for aaaoral ouaewora, ku rtaraey bt WANTED Aa experienced girt for gea- ra. g.u pita Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE Heaeekeepere aad Domestics ( oat'd. WANTKD A corn p tent girl for general housework 114 8. ffth Ave WANTET Neat girl for general house work; no children; email family. 230b J H-, South Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl; no laun dry. 4328 Orant St. WANTED A girl to work for small fam ily; farm near Blair; ' good home. J. W. Jacobs, Blair, Neb.-. ., WANTED A good girl for general house work; email family, good wages; no chil dren. !(010 N. wth St. COMPETENT girl for general house work, im Douglas St. WANTED A young girl to cara for chil dren. 4824 Davenport St. WANTED Experleneed maid, general work; must be good 000k and neat; refer ence required; two in family; good wages. west f arnam district, -pnone it i(. WANTED Immediately a good second glrL Mrs. Karaeet E. Hart, 64 3d St. council liiuiu. xowa. WANTED A good girl at the Methodist hospital, 36th and Cuming tUs, WANTED Experienced atrl for general housework, no washing, small family, good wages. 101 8. 33d St. WANTED Aa experienced girl for gen eral housework. IMS Park Ave. WANTED A experienced gfrl for area' oral housework, llil a. 84tb at COMPETENT 1rl for cooking and down stairs work; references. 601 8. Uth 8t WANTED Girl for general housework: references. H. Gross, in S. 82d St. WANTED A good alrt to take cara oi two children; reference required. 117 S. 3M.1l housework small family ; good wagea- 111 6. 3ftb St.- WANTED Olrl far sreneral housework; three In family. ZVM Spalding St COOK and helper wanted: married couple preferred. TeL-D. 2iio. . WANTED Olrl for general housework. 4011 Izard. Harney 8M. WANTED An eXDerlenced Ctrl for cea- eral housework; small family. 818 8. S4(b Bt. WANTED A white girl for general housework. 1708 lAke 6t ' WANTED A a experienced girl for gem tral housework. 813 S. 2utn St. WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 622 Central Ave., Fort Dodge. C. H. Adama . WANTED A girl for general housework, must ba competent, email family. 3ot$ Woolworth Ave., Mrs. Dr. Weajne. WANTED A neat rirK for cenerat house- Work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 164a N. lth St.-, , WANTED A competent girl to assist With housework. 804 8. 2Mb St COMPETENT nurse Immediately. Web ster 1114. WANTED A neat alrl for general house. work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An experleneed girl for gen- dry work. 8532 Harney St. WANTED A alrl for sreneral housework: mall family; good wagea. 120 S. 87th St. - . : fc. . .' WANTED A good, reliable housekeeper. Mrs. Henry Roberta. Ft Calhoun, Neb. WANTED A competent girl for general bousework; no laundry; family of two. 8810 Graat St. . ' WANTED A competent rlrl for house work, lilt N. 26th St, South - Omaha. i WANTED Toung girl to work In candy tore and restaurant combined. Lock Bog 84. atennerd. N eb. - ..: ; i . . : WANTED A girl tor general housework: four In family. 8215 Miami. WANTED A young girl . for general letise work. 824 N. Wth 8t ' WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 61o So. SZd St. WANTED A alrl for general housework; family of three; light work- 4i8 laard St. WANTED An experleneed girl for gen eral housework; h who can cook. 184 B. fid St. . . Adolpli Paulson., Beaniiartana NeUraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport St. WANTED A competent (lrl for general bousework. J 802T Chicago Bt AN experienced girl for general house work. Mrs. A. L. Williams. 816 So. 81st St WANTED Girl for general housework: family of three. Call Harney 613. Hotels aad Reataaaate. WANTED Lady 'cook for short order cooking and pastries. Address Owl Cafe, bbenandoah, la. ' ' , Mlaoellaatooeia. YOUNQ women coming to' Omaha a Stranger are Invited to visit the Youag Women's Christian association building at It Mary Ave. and 17th St. where they Will be directed to suitable boarding place r otherwise assisted. Look for our tree eler'a aid at the Union station. . LADIES We will teach balrdressing free this month with the new Hermann per manent wave, an electrical process that turns straight hair luto naturally wavy. We are aole agents here. Possible tor operators to earn 850 per day. Learn it now. We also leach manicuring, facial niaaaage, electrolysis and chiropody. . Cata logue free. Molar Cpllega. Chlvado, 1JI. WANTED Experienced linen room wo. man. Inquire housekeeper, Hotel Rome, HELP WANTED MALE Aft-oatta, oUollore Bad taleaaaeaw WANTED Zx per traced aaleemea te sell fruit, true a and alfalfa land under the taxaeua kilephaat Butte Irrigation darn at Las Crueee. New Mexico, where the gov ernment la spending approximately ,Ctv,oi in oonatrucUag thla great dam. Literal commission. Write for full particulars. Elephant Butta Lead A Trust Co., A.a Crucea. New Mexico. WANTED In your elty. First class aaleamaa by a reliable corporation, posi tion permanent. A. L, Schmidt, 1301 Syn dicate Trust Bldg., St Louis, Mo. I WANT a few good live men In m. braska to help me sell my South Dakota lead. If you are a live one and can get the business write me at once. If not, oa use to waste my time and yours. Charles i- cum, Biunt, o. u. WANTED Reliable mea te take rare of our trade with farmer tn Nebraska; te every one who caa furnish team, wagon. harneaa and canvassing case, and who eaa furnlah uod security (tor correct Work only) a good earning ig guaranteed. The Halle Proprietary Ce., Blair, Neb. WANTED Experienced and active land agents, to sell our Canada laada. Stewart Mathews, Oo., Limited, Su Jackeoa be., St. Paul, Mine. SPECIAL AGENTS IX PER CENT profit sor you, 808 per cent saving to customer; ao competitlua; nothing like It on the market. Write or call for our propoaitlua. Day -Reynold, !il Brandels Theater Bldg. WE WANT a good salesman with $1.0v0 to 61.600 cash for road pualtiun in estab lished bualneae; good aaiery and aommis alone to rivht ma a. VK. ktd, Hee. . f W A KIT . ... t n MtmnniMll.. m.Wh soma one who will sail Idaho irrigated lands. Good money for right party. Ijuil loom tea in me teruie letoa vuy. laeJia. From 8j0 to SJi per acre with improve rocuta. Joha P. KlUpack, jr.. Driggs. lfl.ho. pr 4 (.Ity Nat BaAk. CvklucU Bluffs. CrertaeU and Qffteo. EXPERIFNCED bank aa tllr. ltilv mi once. fer aositlon WE.-TF.RN Br'.F. A IwONP ASSN INC 764 New Ou.aUa at Umum H'.ig. , HELP WANTEDMALE 4 lerlewl aad o I flee. Loatlaaed. r PFntlKNcrii hardware and tool man. WKXTKHX Hl-.K. A IIOND ASSN, INC, 7M New imaha Nat. Kauk BUIg. THE great V, P. ft. R guarantee you a telegraph poeltion after training; practice on lailroad wiree Address for particulate H. H. Hoylea, Pres. U. P. Xeiegraphy School. Omaha, Neb. COLLIX:TOR. experienced. 8W. RMpping clerk, j'tefer one who has had automobile experience, $i5. Shipping clerk, wholeeale house, $J. llfice clerk, 8i0. - Ity salesman, good preposition for right man. Clerk, young man. $5i. x If you an bold anv of the above posi tions, see tia AT O.VCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERFTNCB CO., 1018-16 City National Bank Bldg. f ITY salesman, young man with experi ence In retail etore. 8M and commission. WESTERN RKK. & HON D ASS N. INC., 754 New Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. WANTED A young man a assistant bookkeeper. Most speak German. I) 878, Bee. - ..TRAVELING salneman, mercantile line, Nebraska territory, $100. WfcSTKHN RKF. & BOND ASS N. INC., 704 New Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat Bss Bldg W E WANT B. IT. Post, Benson, to bring this ad to The Bee office within three daya and Identify himself; we will give him an order on bis grocer for a 13-pound sack of Updike'a Pride of-Omaha flour. WANTS D Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer Co., Fremont Neb. Mtaevllaaooae. WANTED Experienced elevator conduc tor!. Apply at" once to superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. Facial massage included. Com munion paid for bringing students. Bar bers make more money now than ever be fore on account of the many added money making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship. Thousands of our grad uates In business sending to us for help We piece our men on trains as railroad barbers, .steamships, office biilldmgs, pri vate barbers and valets. Positions always Watting Wages In finishing department Call or write, Moler Barber College, 116 6. 14th -St. - . ' . The Barbers' Union baa an office In (he Labor Temple, 1313 Douglas St. Plenty ef Jobs Open every day. COO MEN 20 te 40 years old wanted at once for Electrlo Railway Motormen Md Conduc tors; $00 to $100 a month; no experience nec essary; no strike; write Immediately for ap plication blank. Address H. C. jTrlck, r 62, oar. Bee..' , j ' ' -I : GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED -r-ffemd ' postal ' for Omaha- examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Doyt. 191-E, Rochester, N. Y. UO $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. . J AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITS TOU ARK WANTED for government position. IH6-00 month. Write for list of positions open. .Franklin Institute, Dept lKl E, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED At nca men to clean brick at Ieavltt sugar factory. Address J, J. Funk. FYemont, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Bene mm Vehicle. HORSE, wagon and names. Webater IU7. SHETLAND pony and buggy: nony aafa and fearless, but plenty of go. Address r sio, nee. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 IS'. 18th. FOR SALE At a bargain, thfe beautiful horse RIR- MARK. Read the following and malte ma an offer. 1 am going to leav here and will sell at a bargain. CERT1 JrICA a! OF PKDIGREE. This la, to certify; That the Percheron stallion BTSMARIC is rexistered la-A ha Veruberon Htud Book of America and that his recorded number IS 2l!l!l. Color and description: Dark gray.' PedlKreei. Foaled April 1,-WWIt bred and ownd by Rhea Bros, of Arlington, Neb.; got by THRU 4V38 (10062), he by CONFI DENT 3447 37. he by BRILLIANT U,'l ( 7 To), tie uy biuiWANT Ui t7i, he biH COCO II. (714;, he by VIEUX-C'HASliSl (7rjh no oy lorn otz), ne by MIQNON t7LE, .he by J klAN-LK-BLANO 73). I'am. FLEUULTTli 400 13051) by FA- voiti in ti.wo, ne Dy iruriA ,kq (731), he bv Si:PERIOR 4.4 7. he bv FAVORf f till), he by VIEUX-CHASLJN (713), he by COCO 1712), be by MIGNON til6), he by JEAN-LE-BLANC (73); second dam. SO PH1B rW, by t'AMHRONNR (4179), he by COCO U (714), he by VIEUX-CHASL1.V (713), he by COCO (712), he by MIONON (715), he by JEAN-LE-BLANC (739); third dam, CORMETTE, belonging to M. Rlatn. In wltoeaa whereof we have hereto af fixed the seal of the association. If you want to see this horse address A J. Knott. 4111 No. 86th Ave., Omaha, or call . Webster 1846. ' WE buy' and sell ail klnda of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4006. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Tha theater where one can in. joy an evening- It Win. It. Matthew. Apt. A, The Barnard, will bring this ad to 't he Bee aad Identify himself he will receive an order fur two abate- to the Ameriuaa theater. LOST A green leather pocket book, con taining currency and check; liberal reward. Ur. Gtlber, Room B. ID, Rome Hotel, LOST The best opportunity to make a friend by not giving a box of O'Briens. If Julia Gates, 1633 South 29th Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she will receive an order for a 60c box of this delicious candy. FOUND The Teddy Bear expert clean. u 1 era and dyera. A-282; D. Ub&. FOUND The candy that pleases young and old. and that all give. It Mrs. Wll lard Iloaford. b South 37th St., wlil bring tikis ad to The Bee office within three days, ha will receive an order for a 60c box of O'Brien's fine candy. lAjm-uuiTi goin waxen at ifitn and T T , . . . . ntiiiB miu twin .nu jwirt rinaer return tp T. G. Northwall Co., 813 Jones. MEDICAL Fit KB medical and eargloal treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 4th end Davea port Sis I special aAleatioa paid te eonfla aent eases: all treatment aupervtaed by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 117. Calls answered day and night - HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILKa; oo postpaio; aampies ire, c oar man A McConueli Drug Oa.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN IAUHV AND CHATTBL ' tiutimtuiUKiumiumUR4i3ismutiinu NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ttiCW CIA U tO 8600. n K W ri,AN8, This U a new firm organised by the f LEADING BUSINESS MEN OK $ OMAHA TO LOAN f to say 8onaat person owning HOUiE 6 HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc, or $ holding a ealarted position, at the $ rate of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. $ JUST THINK. YOU PAY !60c Interest on ti far oaa year. $1.26 Interest on 8.3 for one yar. $2.60 interest on (.- for on year. ALL OTiikH SUMS) IN PKOPOK. floN. AvAS Y ilONTliLY PAYMENTS. 6 Reasonable A ppralsemeot Charges 3 INDhl'klNDE.NT lUAN COMPANY. I - ROOM 3P4, WTTHNKLL BLDG., 3 " N K for. luth snd Harney. $i$$iKus3UtmuMmummmuMU3tutiJ MONEY IiOANtD AAIAKIKD PKOPIJft. WOMEN KEi-plNO UOUdU AND OTli EH. without security; easy pay meats. Of Qoo aa 46 (Mdaalral eiUa. Teiataa. Hes (Mi New OiiAha Natluual Baak Bldg. " :TCH attel loans-' Lowest ratea and atrktly private. NEBRASKA DiAN CO., kJO Bee bldg. . Doug, li-4; A-UtA MONEY TO LOAN NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use $S or $M to a good advan tasel jf so. rum to us. don't go Hi A friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal small and easy pavmeftta'. ono la Ihe weekly payment oa h t-'t loan and $1 ?0 la ths weekly payment on a $M loan for (tf weeks.' Other amounts In the same proportion.. Write or phone us and we will rail on you at once. All business confidential. . STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington B'.k . lSim.Itodgo St Phones: Dneglaa 24. Independent A-84tu Xt 1A on business residence prop ua'''' 1 crty. W. B. Melkle Ramge Bg MONEY TO LOAN. Come to . and let us explain our tow ratea. Me ltable C re, VI l Vn . 80S Paxtoa Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-141L DIAMOND LOANS AT. 57 W. C FLATAU- 16,4 I,01 BtrMt mJAXAW, itltphoao Red 6U. MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING SXPREKSMEN ft DKLIVERT CO Mo. Ing; furnltur packing: fireproof atorege. City office. $16 S 17th. Doug. 4; Iod B-IHa. OMAHA VAN A 8TORAGB OO. clean four carpet oa your floois; electrlo vacuum Cleaners. 804 S. Ml 8. 17tb Doug. 418 BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all klnda. illtj So. 10th 8t. B 221, D. 184. A. 1096. OFFERED FOR RENT " Beeurdl aad Room. ATTRACTIVE front room with large el rove; walking distance; home eooklagv Phone Douglas 83H6. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 3318 DOUG LA 8; R. 48S8. PLEASANT rooms, with board. 85th Ave. Extra table board. 208 So. THE BACHELORS, toth and Farnam. Rate: Single. $36 to $40; double. $68 to lot. FOR RXENT Two rooms, ensulte or ingle, desirable for four ladle or gen tlemen. 26f6 Harney St. TWO CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS; modern: private family; board If desired. 706 Georgia. FOR RENT Sunny rooms, bath, horn eooklng. 818 S. 25th St. FOR RENT Modern, cosy rooms, close In. 2323 Harney St NICE room and board, private family. 8434 Seward St. ROOMS AND BOAREt 808 N. 33d St FOR RENT Desirable, board, ti'dt Cass St. comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 8112 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nice room and beet board. 817 N. 21st St. Mr south. alnaTle room. 3uralaAL ui fjouglas Si. NICE room and board; private family. $434 Seward St W. 1633. MODERN room with board, home cook ing. 809 South 31st St. FINE targe room, suitable for two. 181$ Cass. Douglas 1474. MODERN, cheery; clean, close In, food home cooking. 'Phone Douglaa 2863. .BOARD and room, convenient for street car mea; desirable fee one or two. - 773 Lake. . . . LARGE front room, auttable fer two: first-class board. 106 No. 26th St- -r ,F - TWO nice roortig, modem, with board. 128 S. 2ith St. 1 . ; - ., ST. JAMES, 416 So. 13tb: Hum heat, free beth. Am. $1.26 up; wkly, 86 apt meal 26a t ForalaSted Moexate. ' ' '' ' MODERN fttntlshed room for foe; hot water heart: breakfast If desired. Sit So. 21st. Phone Douglas 6140. ' - IaARGE. -modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 17th bt TeL B-tm TWO alee, moderct. rooana; Al and $13. 818 N. 23d. . , . STRICTLY first class furnished room; private family, modern home; price reas onable.. &1A Hlokory Ait. Red . YOUNG lady onlytarteery (urnlsbed bost room, steam heat, in new flat, private fam ily. 2017 Chicago St Red IMS, TWO furnished mi Tet, WabeAe Ulk Ml N. 80th St - FOR RE-NT Two adettts- iWsdabed risata IB A M Hi, - ONE large front room, furaUhed or ua- furnUhed, M South 81th Ave- SOUTH front parlor, strictly medera, walking distance, $18. 1608 Harney street Phone Harney 8173, . . , WIMTEIl A nine and rMnvl.hl. v man to board and room in pin vats fsvmlly. For iiUeriuatlou oall W 1358. TWO 'desirable rooms, newly furnished, with gas and porcelain bath; strictly raod rn. 8707 Dodge. Phone Harney USH. MODERN FTTRNISHED ROOMS. 201 9 LEAVENWORTH. FOR RENT Desirable front rooms, pri vate home. 710 N. 22d St.- FURNISHED room ta modern house. 8613 St. Mary a Ave. FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly furnished front rooms, desirable tor two gentlemen. 704 Bo. Stth St. FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms, good location. L16 N. 17th St FOR RENT Large atcam-heated room wltb alcove: desirable for three gen tlemen. 803 N. 1Mb St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, references required. 821 B. lth St. FOR RF.NT Nicely furnished rooma de sirable fur two faatlemen. 2t3 St Mary's Ave.- FR RENT Three neatly furnished rooms, good location, all modern. 713 a. lth St FOR RENT Nicely private famUy. 641 8- furnlshed roemg, 24tk Av. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished rooms. 8220 Emmet bt FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good location. 2413 Dodge St. y - TWO atriotly modern rooms, alngit or en suite, suitable for two or three. 2607 Farnam. Douglas k3tJS. ' FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate family, good location, walking dis tance. 310 N. 84th St. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour Omalians prefer It. If F. H. Drake. 4344 Grant St.. will bring- this ad to Tha Hee within 8 daya and Identify himself he wlil receive an order or a 13-pound sack of this fine flour. LARD8, warm front room hi private home; desirable for two: strictly modern; walking distance; An 24in St. car line. Zif) N. 2Sd. Red 4232. NICELY furnished modern room; beet lo cation in city. 1317 Park Ave. Hemey 3644. NICE, single room In private home. Ref er en caa required. 8oi6 Dudgo. TWO nice, modern rooms; $10 and 81 J. 816 N. 83d. FRONT ROOM, MODERN. . 800 BT, MARY'S AVE. DE WHY Europaaa Hotel. 13th A Farnam, CI5SE IN, two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 N. 8uth St. N alga. 'Phone Douglas 6uiX - FOR RENT Large, newly furnished room, desirable for two people. 8u6 Dewey Ave. '' FOR RENT Very plraeant southeast I room, stationary bowl, hot and cold water, djeelrebie for two. 3t77 Harney St OFFERED FOR RENT ftona VCRT nice south room; food leoatloav. fT0 Farnam St FOR R F.NT Nicely furelehad. a-leam heated room, bath, cold and hot water. aiodern. 2S12 Farnam Bt FOR B ENT Neatly furnlahed. mod era rooms. 2114 Chicago St NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. VOk Cass St. FOR RENT Neattv ftirwtahed room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 828 N. 8Mb, f t. FOR RENT-Nlcely furntshed rooms; good location. 2707 Farnam St FOR RENT I .erge front room for two gentlemen; modern la every way. 181 ). St. FOR RBNT-One large front room; good location. 2008 Ohio St FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par lor. 604 So. XSlh St. , . FOU RENT Newly furnished modern room. (01 So. 3Mh St. GENTLEMEN Your chance; neatly fur nished rooms, nice, quiet, refined home. 618 So. Ktb Ave. CLEAN, newly papered rooms, modern, reasonable. 1814 Dodge. NICEST room In th city; $1.60 per week. 2118 Leavenworth. ( NICELY furnished rooma with or with out housekeeping privileges. 107 8, 17th St TWO nicely furnished large front rooma. strictly modern, private family. 1110 S. 82d. Harney 716. FOR RENT Several acre of land la Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prove that there Is a better randy made than O'Brien . If W. II Comstocg, 4H10 Pratt St, will bring this ad to Th Bee within three day and Identify himself, he will receive an order for a 60c box of this fine candy. WALKING distance, two very desirable modern rooms, with or without board, one block from car line. JOB N. 23d St. LARGE front room, desirable for man and wife, or two or three gentlemen; also other rooms. 3024 Webster. FOR RENT Nice front room for two Eentlemen; good location; close In. 8016 eaven worth St FOR RENT Nice front room, all mod ern. 2648 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed nected rooms; on car Una. Apt 8, '"Ah Oakland." VERY desirable large front room, suit able for two. 801 S. 2th Ave. ROOMS In private family, hot water heat, electrlo light, five minute off business district. ti26 8. 17th Ave. NICE pleasant rooma. 1811 Chicago. Pt'RNtKMWTi ,aam 7 k 2512 St. Mary Av. CIX1SE IN, clean, modern, front room In private home. Desirable for one or two. $8 and $10. 710 No. 22d. ARE you looking for a large sunny front room, modern, close In; smaller rooms; home conked meals If desired. C'aall BIS N. 23d. R. 628. TWO nicely furnlRhed front room; com plete for light housekeeping, $16 per month. 2018 Davenport St. ' ,. Hotels and Agnaateneata, NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS for Ren. ' tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 100 S. 2th Bt , , , , DO DGH1 HOTEL lJth and Dodge; all out aid room; eteam hoax; special week rate. Apartme.ts aad Flat. TWO T-room' brick flats: modem. 608-610 N. 33d St Call Doug la SSI. Three-room modern flat, Scarco Bldg , tiSH N. 24th St., So. Omaha. Hall. 43 Kama Bldg. Both Phones. CLOSE-IN APARMTENTS ' '' ' for rent In THE STERLING ' " ' Cor. tmk and 8t Mary's Ave. Apartment- No. 18, S rooms. ; ' Apartment No. IS, 4 rooms. BTRICTLY MODERN AND lTP-TO-IATal Opaa for Inspection. PA YN K AV sHaATBR CO., Sole AK'nts. fth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. S-ROOM ftat for rent. 40th and Daven port; call at residence. 131 N. 40th St. CHEAPEST, best 4-room flat la city. 390 N. 23d. Farnlshed Hoaaoscelmsx Rooma. FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfur nished rooma, walking dlataaee. 8T18 Hew. ard SL ' THREE modern, cosy, clean, close In. Douglas 8868. NEATLT furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 1 California St FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooma. 806 S. 18th St. NICELY ' furnished room for light housekeeping. Uii CfrlcAgo Bt TOR RKNTv-Tws neatly fumlahed rooma for houkeeptng. 8fl N. 18th St TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooma. $6-00 per week. US 8. 88th Ave. FCKNISHICI rooma for light housekeep ing. 611 So. 86th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, ga range, sink; no children. 816 So. 18th Bt UcfaraUhed UoaaekeaadsMS Vaoaws DBSIRABLF housekeeping rooma, ' geod location. K 86th Ave N1CE. unfurnished rooms, prlvatefam y. desirable for bouaekeaplng. 8212 N. una St. ' ' FORltr7NT Three housekeeping rooma, modern. 616 a 10th BC ""DESIRABLE front and baett parlor for housekeeplpg, 1680 Harney Bt. T"fOR RENT Deslrabls rooma for light houe-tkeeplha. 2127 podge Bt TWO suite of housekeeping room, good location. 1920 Dodge St. TFOR RENT Modern rooms for Ugh I housekeeping. 887 Dodge TFOFrRENT Two suites of housekeeping rooms, neat and clean. 1120 Dodge THREE south rooms; very desirable; good location; near car; good nelgbbur hood. (HKl Cass St. NICE parlor; furnlahsd or unfuralshed. 631 B. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooma for light housekeeping. d N. Wth St. "tHRKK unfurnished rooms: gss range and shade; good location; 2ul N. 30th St. got rr-.- .in. , uuin, iui,Hei on ground floor. 608 8. 28th St. FOR RENT Three deal r able unfurnlabed rooms: seperata bath and toilet 8M N. lth St. FOUR desirable rooma, Beji Daveaport Inquire 2614 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooma for lltjht housekeeping; separate bath aad toilets. 3ws N. llh Bt Vafaraleked Stoosaa. FOUR large, stylish, modern room for hoAieckeepiiis-. H- l Ava Pooaa Doug evening FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms; good locatWn. 1712 Howard stt "DESIRABLE suit rooms for bousekeep- x lag. em f th St. Sfeaaoe aad tetaeaea. FOR RENT A house; water and gas; oa car Una. Inquire 1418 8. 34th. 4-ROOM house, 848 N. 86th St Housaa. Ins. Riagwait braodela Th. Bldg. 6-Room house, all modern. U4 s. 8ta Harney 8l