Daily:'""Bee F K RT CN E NEWS SECTION f AGES ONE TO EIGHT HIE YYLAT1ILR rORECASI. Kor NehrssVa- Cloudj. For loa- l'n.ctt!-.1 Kor a rather rfport vt 2 vol." -T-Kl. OMAHA. 1-T.IDAY MOKNINvJ. MAKCII 17, lHllSIXTKEX P.UiES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. miSH. SAETT." WH0S SLEXORT IS H050BXD TODAY. X 0 . L A W-HUU J I DS ! PASS YARDS BILL LN MODIFIED FORM Making the Feathers Fly iAGREEMEXTDPON LNrflATlVE BILL Conferees Reach Decision en Amend ments to Measure for Direct Ljislstion. TEN PER CENT FOR I5ITIATITX FUllNISHiXG ARMS Department of Justice Finds Goyern meat Can Control Only Indi - . vidua. Cases. - C . .. . - I - . A I W f . Measure . Besrulatinz South - unut corporation. JOSE 6HIPMEST KOI VIOLATION OLUB XEASURE SPECIAL Trtniportinj JMunitioni t Merchtn' wise Asserted Kot an Qffente. l fioute Will Take it Up on Passage! Fiften Per Cent Petition U Initiate Amendments. This Morning", j rm DISTINCTION 13 DRAWN i POSSIBILITY BOTH TO GOVERNOR. 1 TEN PER CENT FOR REFERENDUM Sharp Pight When Bill is Up in the ! - Home. ' Both Recruits and Munitions Matt ' ' Hot Be Joined. . OMAHA - i . 3&r s Ko Party Circle Shall Be Allowed in Submitting Question. PASS AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL BILL ONE DXEXCT PRECEDENT. JTJUXD .ledge way HlaaIleiar; jCoatlellaa It M nl 'B Proved fiffwt af Eaaeaitfoa ts Tavaslea as " Military atre. vrAtntrxfTTQX. Mare H.rnas viir f th ceutralltT laws bu left tb admin istration' a4 te-r doubtf ul as to whether th I'nited Ktatea can prevent tha shipment of arma and ajnmur.it inn to tha Mexican Insnrreotos. The Department pf Justice's view of th law aad. Its. study of the preceT aler.te bear out tka contention by admlnis- I tratlon offldala that tha government can I c"Btr1 ra the shipment, of j cording to the clrcumtance- urroundlnj tt. but tbat thrra la no rvnrrml atatuta which axplictly forbida tha ahiproeot of arma - --' Attorney GenwaJ Harmom In UK ea an opinion to the State department rrrd inf tha ahtpment of anna to tha Cohan In aorrertoa. In which ha held that "the mere aaJa ar ahlpment of arma and munitions of war by perrona In tha United 8ta,tea to trona In Cuba la not a violation of In ternational law. however, atrona; a ua- ' - "I'. " ! us4 In an Insurrection against the Spaatab Sviiiuiumi. Dertataa by Jaatlce Brawa.' . Abaut the same time Justice Brown In tha t'nlted Ptatea district court, held that It waa na offense against tha newurallty laws of tha Vnlted Hrates to trannport j munltioni of war from this country to another, aa mercharidtaa only. If not dee tiaed In aid of a military expedition from this country, whether they, were to b used la war or not. In th xrihorg ease, 1n connection with ena a ftba Qlibustarliig expediUana to Cuba, tha rupr-me court of th -Vntted Btaftes affirmed th opinion of the court below tbat It waa xta crime to transport munition a of wax to - another, country whether they were "to be ue for war or not and It was not an affenas to transport persona Intending to enlist In a foreign army and tcunidooa of war on the aaraa trip. - Th court, bom ever, upheld the fine di t taction that It would have been a tai b af law If both Thr-peracnif -TmjHn-g-to enlist and tha muntionn of ar being trans Brtd wwrm. f arts o ta aassa Military ex-r-edltlon planned and set on foot In this rountry. " . . "T rreeaaeaffar tass. Oi eae which bears d1retdly on tha Mexican sltttatlon has been found, tbat of tha Vnited Ktatea vs. Tbanes. charged with forming aa expedition in to Vnited State ta Invade Mexico. Judge May held that before conviction It must b proved that tha deatgn aad purpose of th ex pedition waa aome attack or. Invasion of another people ar country - aa a military fore. Judge May also held that tha snere TuJ ! fact that men arm crossed the Rio O be not sufficient in lieelf to constitute a military enterprise or hostile Intent, but fia proof must be f-JMPsted ofwhat tliey were doing andr- where tbeirs.destinatln waa Th court made plain, however, that of any number of men plaamwd In tl Vnited v States an attck" on Mexico they would be glulty of a vlo'atlon of the neu trality lawa. VVkil no official opinion haa been given, It is understood lha department of justice, drawing Its view from dmnluiw of lh eourt and apparently ui.acltnuus opinio n of th department In lli pasu.tajies.jh position that ther Is no general law to prohibit th shipment of arms to-hnrur-r,-t ,ja and that this Is prarctlcaliy under- atood by tn administration. . glW-Tt-w1g-fwtf.Hril Stamer that Mlalster Llsaaalaar Haa -Mad Deal wit f stsnretaa. NEW TORK. March 11 -The sudoea da pirtur fro hi N York ot Senor Ltnaan tour. th Mexican minister of Onance. after a wtek ef conference and negotiations tb procts aatur f which haa not hi th en been dear, la bow explained by tha aaderatandlng that ba be succeeded In affixing a taatatlv plaa by wob -tarttal reforma ar expected ta b lsuaa 4 lately put In fore br th Mexlcaa gav ernment. and the leading InsurrectTOnTlfX Veleg aatlsfled. ar to aid in restoring peso. Th areaene bar at th Hotel A for -ef fenor Madera, tha father of tha praiiaiooaJ prtalder.t; tha fact that LJmantour baa bee tlirovt-h tnre gwneratlona th cotifl tftcO-xl avdkiaer of tb Ma4r fsnsi.y. a4 the fact that LJmantour and Its senior Madera have been ia conference wbi! tia t-oitant touftl have been going back and frtf.frro th fmanc minister Xo Mrxic Oly added sign:fHnce to the slt kijcn V ia Parts befor be left for New erk Lisr.arttour aeoared throuxh an Aa aociated Prets mttnies his beUef la tt need of a nunnrr of reforms ta encet tbe Jast wishes of Ihe'itv-jrrtctos. When lea-Ipa- aara yesterday he a'd Mistake h been issue, l erhaps some of IJifffi aci-los, bt tats favct u not peca liar to Uexic. Many reonrrs bare beea brought about In recent ear others of en greater Import aace are under ay and may be rr.art puM:t In tfce near future" .ii.1 ssaoKiir a -Hisrarrti from Mexiew; rn"cn.d tbat President ttaa. in a eoafa 1 4 lice la :t h . t m i . ...at , i . 1 t.t an a.uxed thm trat he aas adolucg!,f pr cunlT -ootaaa. paaaed tnrough rta:n of Uu uuit r a luatuiwrn of j nr Thuraday morning, within two das ...... . .- v . i a V1 A. Il ' nr Un.ini. .r la a.th t.lm a ai artiun re--fK hi.ts. of tbe uVirtand f tha tnsur- atrch. it ta hoi-rd. mill be ac-, .;;st;ie.ta U.c nile ir lai i juir.ii.tr4 aad t 1-a BOMB THr lTu Htmillkl ill Party af taearaeata Ma a. re way lata iwrti. t I. Pi.. V.. J . 1 lal a Tgrnbut'et. kastsry con.Mr.d.r of Ju.r.a.im" lJcl h 1:111 1 ... a I K . I IK. L.mk lb..... . K . ... fCoattaaea on Second Page) - I KT PATRICK ' ' '. ri. orr is tea,R. DIED MARCH t Receiver of Stolen 'Stamps Implicates - Former Police Chief Tohn Callahan Testifies that He Sold Proceeds of Two Robberies and Paid Sum for Protection. . ,.,.. .. r- March 3 -John Calla- I vTrCHTTA. Kail., han. who, with ei-f.iuef of Poliee- Franlc,K. fjL, 1' rtI,lh th lnu-rpre,ed ... aanin, t.a OUIa-blll. LT WMn T.rTl v ,tp': The Taylor-I,lei. bill by Taylor of said today he will tell all h knoanr ahoutl.... . . . , . . , ,. . j M.tcheor k aa4 lolsl of Baundera, Is said Iba atarap rase when be goea on the vtan1. 1 . . . . , ,, . ... . T , . .. 1 to baa been ameudad subatantialls aa de- .1 have Ml doiibfe-eroaaed. Callahan ' , . . . t. , aaUL Callahan went on the wttneas stand- this I 7:; r " K . tea:f. or himilf in the rase la which I i. "s .wg . ' . nani.nv Vivien poerae lampe. ne ocwea ne para rrank; Burt, former hlaf -ot lee of Wichita a sum nf mony moatV.v for protectlon. t'allahan said Burt caoicto him and said he would becugh cl)ific.U)tei .stampe and he 'wanted help. Callahan teatihed thai he got nn stamps from u Iturdeeh and 1.1 oi. Kp . postoffica rUefe anleiv to hele f urt out of troublo. lie datrlaira that he never handled any stolen clamps at other times.. , MrsrFitzgerald Wins Alimony Suit Former Wife of Irish General to Get sio.uuu a Tear from His Pron- tny in rennsyiTania, : . . v ! UNIONTOH K. Ta-, March li. Aecwding I to tha opinion announced ldr by J'lit Robert K- I'mbel. Mm IJda Eleanor Fjtx gerald la ii u..aji she asked 4a flier 'tit I against hr former htwnrml Goeral j Hurcell.1tsjra1d. a""relth.v resident of' Ireuund, with exteojdv iatrets ha Penn-' arlranla. ".'..- . . . . , .... MT- mxgerald la to be paid alimonr ai in rata oi s .w'J a year nnt'l a Tunl taaunaa shall have been .accumulated front Flu- -gerald'e coal and coke properties m Penr- j oai!fir sylvaata amotintlng to MKi.T. the Income i oaear from half ef which she la to have and tb remainder Is to be placed In the hands of trustee for rUig?rl(J'.childre. ane Murderer is :. . . J w Moved to:Avoid Mob Hjtrrey-ileija Acquitted tf Kill tng of Mr. and Mrs, Bales at For- mosa, Kan Taken to Topeka. TOPEKA. Kan.. March bi-riarsey Vial eifrti. who was chanrM With th murd-r Pf .Wilflam Rales, aa axed farmer, and his wife, at Kirmota. Kan . and s ar- j quitted yesterday on a plea of insanity, jwas brought here today from Krmosa to axoMl a-tnob. said to be gathering a , hortnoea with the purpose of Ivnching him ( CR0WS NEST MEN TO STRFKF 1 Three Thaaaaad M e. Hill Halt mara.;!1"00 " ,h Tayior-uoiexai om couia " - " airrrairii CXBlres . . . . i - . A aril 1. VAXCOrVER. H I- . Uin-h ' i down of all ih ..1 j ..- v... a. .!... . employ. Ing 10o ruau. ia expected to take p!ointr 11510 " , w,, aooa Tb auika ot rw years ago was' Tn ,e" " th' T,TlcrlvrIJ setUod by. a board X car.eiliaUon and tk ! wr accompanied by explanations which agrrameni reahtxl U.aa expr by Km- j sriowed the feeling that passage of t hla itauon Apni i . negotiations tar reaawa! ot aagoustifti kiTi aen fruit Vea. Th La (oao insist apoa th .ed bp and ' conceaaior.s tn . wages. AGED MINISTER - FOUND 0EAD: He " O. Tarwellaaa. Who a , as Paalee af Oae tkserk hlxty Iran, ! nie Sadaealy. PEOrUA. III. March 14,-Tte Rev. lc Amada Corne4iar. for sixty ywar tastor I Ike Prrsb ter:a church at Washlr.gton. 111., and with one exception th oldest living graduate of Princeton college, was found dead la bed Ibis mornirg. lie re ilrel lt nlgtt la apparently b.s vsuaj heaiih. I T Corneliaon aas C years old and aas bora In C-anville. Pa. Small Lad Crosses Atlantic J Ocean Three Times Alone ! Ert.eit B; aboreugh. jr. a S-year-od ;ad wn of Ernest Bits borough, a ranchman i ot the f.iah mt a louraey aJ a. one from I l-rn-o4 Engaoul. to . lii.liiigs. Moot I Young l iietoorough had already been taen- t-1hrr !aa on ti.e trip, bet a is n'4 in his t'np the leas, discouraged clutching atl handbag a!'.h a flrmM that baapoke I tr.u. h trace! of bis knlelg of the dacgvra of g T'lts Journey aas ao me first cf th box's life, be having tra.vted nearly 11a nulea. including three trip across its Al , Untie ir. hi c.gr.t 3 ears In tha world ii of age came to America a tin has pa ren ta. i u.ia ia Ni York. ua nvoeth aflsr hh 1 arrrrar her be toad ta tni UU ta HOUGH BILL . PASSES SENATE Art t fcltl Prohibit' Traella- .lassa aad Kaferaa-fsw SIM lac Caaf Itte mt eaae Makes First- Rtxrt. irrom a Ptff CorTeapondttit J LINCOLN. March , IS. - t8pc!al.l Tha 1 fight over rtorh yards legislation teems to 'hire-Jjat to mora rounds to to. ' Tha' ;hoi:ae will take up t-01!l bill from the ate Totn?fr'ow morn Ins; as a special or- der Th friend cf strlct'rrralalloii wiU do their best to pus lt.lt hej. succeed, tha house and stnaoa wiU aarh hara aaeaad hoib biiia. tha anate having passed tha Taylnr-DoMaal bill today The governor will the be Tracticallr forid . to make tha choir between the ... . ., ,. , . . ..K. ...... K1 . 1 Eolith I m s K u i' b r a Tat In. f I h-r rt . , . ri.ir,m ,k ! tered measure to go through Instead pf tha i . ... . .. . ! .fin as ne originally drew it pecause Mil t I" through that - agreement be w-ill recetve support from certain, members for the mainlesaac -ef tha cxpcrtmanial aiation at rerrlsg OUta Bill. . The motion ta put the-Ollla btll op as a t sidai order waa crade by Norton of Polk, t Mw.kett of Ijincaater and others supported 1 call, of lb. bous aer ece7 befor It could ba caxrtea by a vot of 45 to 44. The fuUcaitus roil call on making the bill a r i.l nAr mtiamm n a rr.il exient a ho i wUl vuVe for tbe UiUs biU: AYKS. . ru Oai: . Haliv Ilarelll Hrrinre tlMik - Ha-Met B"T Undary Maat Markka atnnooa t '"m" VJIss bar . N -toO Aanacm ain4MaJ NaitK " ' avaa - . . Ta.I'e tit ) mi at trt lar '-Jeli - juhaaa liri lsl Escaobrrter F.tile -Kraa- - - -WJrh - .VOL.S. -..- - Barvaia Braan4 HfMa t.r. Nalana Beilia-W Xatiwiaa Kai . . Resaa . t Falia . Paaa - - aal 1 a-eaala Mnk fkan atT! Ta.hw IH I . . Vnailf air paaaae i ar MaLraa .... KiaT Vrrmr M'M'e M- Ktaaica 44 Orveamaa The Tlor-lolel sloe: )ards bill waa tasaed by th senate -thl mommg by a vote of 30 to li hen" aked this moroir.g what h il! doi Ooverhor 'Aldrlch raid! "If It is as easy as the newspapers say it la 1 to choo between the good bill and th j bad one f win have no difficulty In decid ing which one to sign. I shall search for ia kernel of wht-at In the bushels of chaff land if there is one there I will try to make ' a law of It" Dlffercavre ta BUI. The eholce between the billa Is based , laxreiv upon the fait that the house bill i define toe jSJCfaS B nur-'ic niirlet. wh 'tn w r. on 1 the senate, bill calls them common carriers Th state rail a ay conuiiisaion has a spe 1- fled right to coatrel -onlv common car- j rler and that - conairrutiona! limitation j orcinc the Tav- i . . iuiBii. - - lor-lo'.exl WH. Tha stock ards attorneys have offeied to withdraw all opposition to leclslatlon If the Taylor-Dolexal bill could ( ' - i ....... ki ana ina u:iia am aiuw auu 1 1 1 a i ,is foundation for tha-baiief thst they f"' ,,tM Ulllg bill. If the hou pa k 'senat oil. a c.a v- .. - lappomled before tha matter tt, nvernor and tb veto may not xo ,n" ' un was avp " 'iin Acra:i ana jimmmo. ooin criminals I Ollls bill and that th senat fll wa a j much better measure. The roll call waa: ATES. "tsttww . hara . - -M-aa ILurx rUans Raari N'.r'A. ' nck ' aaal I I , 1 fjxaar Taoat banllr.g e a .... ' ! IVirSaa! via I shim Uoaaiaa ao Sml.a iy.i War. nrves Ivriar Uaa S Wlkai U . " u.i.i Oo H i Seaate Passes llesik Bill. The senate this morning pasaed house roll Kr. U.e Ho. ah bill prohibiten .trading atamps and gift enterprise It aaa aub - K . .K. ...... t r.P,H.'. kl!l 'Continued, on Second Page t relau ; af iba Uer(-ool ail a.or.e ir charge H Km nwtrier trad affiuala. ! die sjnd baa faUia bad ru -wew 1 a j trip he It mak:ag now makes tb third time be haa crosaed tne oceaa. "I drda't et much tired on th ocean." l-ild the bo -.a tailing of bis long trip. ' Ubl" I lad ta att fur a i in th imaxi gration place, beca.-se tbe m.mey to take . m out her sun t ther a hen I came, i o I ba-e to a alt here much I'jagerT" The secret ef anj tn oo aaa abic t travel so far and r.ever get lost aaa seen j Her hj.baad 74 years old has sent aord plainly at tne t'aion station. Ha aat iters trlt he cannot supply the money, ard tao bi.r. right wter th passenger Kr.ce 1 las not been raturaiiacd not dueenor had left tint, until one of the a.n aiih.ai.n. t.ia taaatv-aaht .a-- a.i. took him ever to th Buriingtoa station aad left him I hers ta wait aa ether' four I sour ua a station bench. untM bis tra-a caiaa la. Cb ardera a a lu xaotta. 7 v y - dcu - . i v , "; From tha .Philadelphia Inquirer. i CAMORRA - DRAMA UNFOLDING! ,. . - , .. , T alia aa Dw. - 2 a Va V aa CatnaaTtATial l "M Incidents IB CoartPoMible ' . " .' j.rAfiX jLAIXU BJ AUJ . IT&U j K.w Errlea.f Is Iaaoceat nst Aaother Cat tin Atrestea This Maa Deaaaaoes Others. VITERBO. Italy! March M. The rules a J 1 I . . I. Itatf nnttlra nnaW . iu riinuai .va-Jv M ' I bl Xruu ant. dram alia Incident a and It wai . due to thi that. today aeasloo. of thrarhed port n the liner W. IjouIb sevaral trial of .the CatncrrUtj forj murder held 4-th; , lively , Interest, ct thecroafl thai i oceupied tnrr available equare V ot In Iht , "old church at San PYanceeno. ...'. When court ophjed th eierl resumed , the reading of the long Indictment of thei thlrty-trtx prisoners, anl ta tooa up tne . f a hole forenoon, th monotony of the re- . cltal. however, belr.g broken by lnterrup- , j Hons from the prisoners' cage or by other; in me rwm " iruwc niinrjn "" manner lnvoieo. . .. when the ciera reaa tne pasae rrier- ( tripg to tb priest. Clro Vitorxi. the. aged prisoner waa vle'bly affected and at th" ! aarda "altbougb. never condmned Vitoni morally U a .criminal. . he raised h.s eyes and murmured: "I tner my aurrerings to reneve ouis.lMS reports from the Zieten stated that in .purg lory." , . ,n supposed Zogolowski had more than le Geasars a ear a He ia Isseftsi. tl.K la his possession a hen arrested During the description of the murder of Gennaro Cuocol and hts wife Mar. a. -He beautiful Horrentina." Mariana tfe Oennaro. who Is charged with sTin been anr of th actual aasasams. roae from his plac. In the stael pen greatly aritated. . Th t reading clerk paused a moment amd the . prisoner placing bis hand over his hear and addseaatn- hla wlf a. a na waa among the sDoetatora. said; t I swear to you I am innocent.". With) ords he burst into tea ra - I another occasion De Angeila. and Amodeo l-ro tested their inaooeaca and de- maniod redrsaa for baring been faiiy to- volved by the priest Vttoaxi. Their arrast i - i" " "l'"u wia ui I the priest in aid of Erricone. th alleged bralna of the Camorra , When Erricone a as frst arrested Vitorzi. . t.A fa mat .nriihM. kmi n . m . . k. ..n i - ' - . . j ties and with a great show of secrecy cooflded t0 thrra tf..t b knew irIcone mm innocent tor tx.e reason uiat anomer. i vo.. Aacrlttor Dt-sliirw Others. jmM tried waa that ba promoted through Aacrittore aaa found to be member, tha mail extenalve km of wlre'eas tele- , of tne Camorra and whan Breastd b de- ( graph aia.k. tha greater part cf which waa j B0unced as tb authors of tha murders J cver dJIvrd. j and then fngUlve from Justice. After a i long search they wer arrested ' De Angeila seemed more upset by this t aocssatlon than Amodeo did. aa the former' '.already has been coodemnad for crimes of! , biood. and H so happened that at the time Dl ID nvnifT VI intr vurvDiof ne nil s knife out on the hand and a bis home blood stained garment were four The three were b!e to prove that ( , U- priex bad sworn falaelv but they ert'Su,M c. a their first meet- hid aa inamber of th Camorra. loUv tir.UDf former Senator TT.onui I j In ourt they protested vehement. ,t ( aner of UaotmMm chairman and L. W. ! aga. aai having been detained since ther 1 "" ' iKiTi.rwni o Dy i i-.o-ar. uow io nav oeea i false I Emcone. whoa proper name is Enrico A ' f . l o r. . .r Ilk Llna'l tn rawar.i. artists. One of tbe latter snapped b let picture today a the prisoners were b4 brought mta coart. tf hen tha bandit chief I ifamni ii.av ix. priaraa yaper boat lie t the Camorra na lace oi ice pnouarracBar aad In a rage wore tr.at be would kick tha man '1 -"j I me ncii a or mi urtcone a snacx.ea ' entd lb execution of tb a' threat. NO CASH TO BRING WIFE HOMEl iBBsala-rallaB Offleera May a Allow I Mra. Eaaasa Baagher ta Betara I After Visit to Csflasa. NEW TORK. March 1 Immigration ' authorities face an unut-ial d:lemrra 1:) th 1 case cf Mrs Emma tougher of St lxuis. M S ear old Recently are returned from a vis t t . her old horn In England and la without 1 finds for the rallwav fare to M.aWirf dene In be Louis, th Immigration offi cers may have ta send th wlf back to Em i an England unless some aa cornea forward tunas Wireless Telegraphy. Aids in Capture of Man Wanted for Murder EuMJan Charged With Killing FOUT Pe0ES Arrested On Steamer aJ it Neared New York. NRtV TORK. March 1S.-A croa-ocean race for two murder suspect. In which the alreleas telegraph played aa Important a part, a In the case of Pr. Crlppea and Ethel Clare l-r Neve, waa won today by ,.OttW Ruedorf.' a German detective, who j.hcrur ahead of the steamer Zieten. from BrMe. earmg Ma quarry. Buadorf not only beat th objects of hie rhaa Int ort, but reported that through (he aid of the;wlreles he had a' read r brought about the- arresr trr The ietea 'tk a young Russian BtmeJ zcuroiowsai. wot M i charred with the" murdel- of four persons 1 jn JJislowltx. Buaaia. Busdorf declared hU I belief that a companion of - Zogolowgkl. jBftiut oy name. a-cusea oi roraiMiow j (in toe Crimea, waa aia on board. me rj'lra left Bremen four days befor the i .St Ixuls sailed from fotithampton. 7xro!omjkl Is accused of murdering a pawnbroker, the pawabroker's wife and tcen- typist, and afterwards killing a pollce- man aho sought to capture him. Wlre- ! George H.Monroe ! : is Convicted of Misuse of Mails Man Who Sold Half Million in Wire- . less StOCK lie AeTer llellTerea IS f-;- Three Year i arcu- vnttv- u.-. .c r--.-. ti -. j ' iT,ng promjnm aong pr0moUrs cf . heTCe, pf the get-rtchiu'.ck variety, and ,mh ta aaM .r rnvernment officials to j h(tv(( obI,lned at Ieast'jM from lnvest- i ore In hi nroDosltions durlnsr the last few J vf mmm ,he rlted 9tll,ej j nrtXUm vi,h fraudulent stock oratlons j )uft ..oug1, hteBce4 Monroe to erv , thrrm , ... te4nn. prison at At lanta. ctlef f tb charge on whl b Monro CARTER HEADS NATIONS . - BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERS . . i I r-i aiaaa at ha rm ttmts Piral Meaclaaj ta ' Wasklaitss ' m U m mm m m a 1 . tun-nrrw vi.k t-rx. m.K.r. of th Vnited State section of th Joint boundary eotnmlsaton between the Vnited ' Eusbey secretary. Mr. Carter retired from .... ta.ah I li.l anrf Ur Pt.iaaav is about to relinquish 1.1a duties a aerrc- try t former Speaker Caanoo. American i livrltheater tickets free today- Sec if your name appears in the Bee's want ads of today offering American Theater ticket! free. You don't have to advertise to get these seats. Find your name and the gift is yours. The Bee is also giving away today ( Vivien's ddinous candy. . Fttrrell's (iue tyru. U'xlike'g fine flour. Vrikw OTHER POSTMASTERS TESTIFY Rasbys from " Lincoln, Blair and Columbus Come to Hearing. COOK' TELLS OF THE PARTY Reel tea laeldeata af the Thasaaa Caa trlhattaa Pasty . Hla la th flvll aervlea ertary,a ' Office. aenational developments Involving other eastern Nebraska postmasters In the Thomas shakadowo- wr uaXoidesl at th iaiuiry .Thursday. . . Wesley Cook, postmaster at Blair, aaa befor Secretary Moss and Inspector Und lnd during a conalderabl portion of th saomlng aeaslon. and be a interrogated concerning th Thomas contribution party held In rne civil service secretary"" office - t)w federal building befor tha last elec u ,attfld also at the afternoon -,. i., ,,.. Cramer of Cotambua la an- ottj,r mno u axpectM to teatify eoncerniag ,bjs mating, and Poaimaater wser of In- to!a j, slated for a siege of iBtarrogatlona. it it ,non that, at tb meeting la question others solicited ca.npaUra motny. In the federal bulldJag they will ale b brought In rr.t. f the gmernment gun. B a. la-r a Catag C lerlu Poaunaaser Tliotnaa aa preparing to go before 8eca a Moaa and Inspector Lind land to aubiii to tb ordeal f a band-to-hand engagement, with a view of building up a defense of his official conduct. He j waa at hla of tic early Thursday morning, i but during a greater part of tha time waa closeted with counsellors, one of whom la bis brother, W. Q. Thomas of Cedar Rapid. The relatlva Is chief clerk at large of the Sixth rail a ay mail service district, and baa been connected with the jostof flee de partment for roore'ttaa.a quarter of a century. Though he is la this part of the west on official bmlnsas connected with tie aeighing of auaiia. he has takan l Late to visit with hla brother and. offer sugges tions for a defense. "If Postmaster Thomas attempts to ahow In bis defense that Kelley pocketed any money that might hare been collected be will have committed even a greater crime than had be gone out personally and solicited campaign contributions." declares on of tbe civil eervlc officials, tn speak ing of Mr. Thomas' purpose to make Kelley the goal It la generally understood that it ia bia purpose toashow that ha did not receive any money. KtTley 'admit that ha collected it at tba Inst anew af the post master. CHINA YIELDS BOTH POINTS It ta Dvaf tiaa Beply Cwaeedlas All Dauaal Whleh Were Maa by Baaata. PEKING. March 14. -Tia Chinese goMrn meet declares It Intention of agreeing to both point at Issue with Russia and is now. drafting a reply to tha recently re ceived uirhtnatum. Th rorelfn board stataa' that It Is pre pared to accept tha establishment of Kn sia.i consulates In the places spacfied b I Russia and also promises to tak measurea I regarding Cl.im monopolies in Uon; i lia ahich aill permit Ruaaian subjects freealoai in trade in Chines goods aa well as in th goods of other countries. Heaate Twtes far f1rX,M PPrrrla. tloa by SR ta fiirtT I -a w Defraaera Prmw Mssfy for Their l.aHare. iTmm a Piaff fvrre,pnn'en i I.TVOOI-N. March 1 (Special Tele gram An Initiative and referendum bill embodying ail the mir conservative ele ments of th two MPs that hav been oonsldered was agreed cpon by lb confer ence committee this afternoon. The hoose hss paaeed Its own bill, the senate paaaed both the house bill and lt own and the amendments will he made to the senate or Sklle Wil and both house will be expected to agree to them. The bill as It will aiand wn'es either, house refuses to ratify the action of lha coimnKtee provides a follows: Statutory" Isws may be Initiated by a petition of 10 per cent of the voter of the state properly distributed to be representa tive Constitutional amendments rcgulr a i ner rent rtetttlon to h Initiatlva The call for a referendum on any law must be made In a 10 per cent petition. When an initiated proposition Is sub mitted to the people ai a regular election th emajorlty which votes to pans say bill, either statutory or conatitutlonal amend ment, must be equal to a lesst Jft par cant of the votes cast u;on all propneitlona la the election No puC.- :i---a.- i : . l-e allowed when a queMJon Is . .. v m. a ballot so that vote upon . at j referendum meas ure shall be as nonpaniean aa poe.ibla Brawa for Reelprwelty. The decision of the committee embodlea most of the conditions made by the nous to the Benals bill. The original bill, which aa considered by the direct legislation entbualaala a a bopelewly roneervatlv one. provided a S per cent petition for referendum and Hi per cent for Initialing any aort of a measure, "arid there wer aa j restriction on the number of voters which mignt l-e called a majority In favor of a bill. Thl "tter amendment a mad ta tbe senate bill by Slllr. Tb committee, ahiih tontVrred for tha aecood time this aternouo. found frifj a ell agreed and loerw wer ao. dlaaaaUnc votes. . Since It represented to a great extent th more conservative damocnttc and repub lican element It was expected that an agrawceait would be ay. Tb rommttte a as composed of Senator sellerk. Sk tea. - ' 1 - aji-j r-iacca. and Keprrsenta- lives tiarke. McKlsokk. Haliey. 1 Joshes . and Uerdee. 1 taitsiss Bill Pas The Kaatman bill for sn agrlcoitoral school. In southwestern Nebraska 1 waa paased by tb senate by a vole of 3 to a Thla bill, carrying an appropriation of )i. ). waa bitterly fought through th house and the governor- baa pwUtoly -.mn-ed hi disapproval of It- Tbe senate aoujsht yes terday to amend the bill to allow th Board of Regent of tbe university to fix the location of th school Instead of th Board of Public Lands ajid Buildings. Thla was lost, however, and aa the bill waa passed by tbe senate the' location will b tbosen by the Board cf it a not considered probable now that the govarnor will veto the bill, although he said at th banquet of tb Young Men's .Kapubllcaa club: "Th state needs another agricul tural school aa much a a cow needs two tails." Tb roll call on th mcaaur wa a follows: ATES. nw Seijat haul Smrui iW.t L TaXamt Mri-baa tuMf Mr.eaw Tiaaiu Ot'ia Vol T.r "V-Lcos-B r.a-k tLeegaji em gntta ra i ABatNT. ,-- Albart fctu-toa SVjatnaoa EWTtan Tlaai iaan Cor Seal i IK l w tH Harwn aannin aenUn Boaiaa4 kareolls Gsarssty Lawyers PaiaU Tn general claims bill wa ordered a groaaed for third reading In th houa to day as tt haa been axaaaded the last few daa Th claims cut out this morn tug b cludad tb claim for tLoa by th Piatt Shirt company. I. La Albert and C. O. Wfcaoon were given their fee a tha attorneys who d- fended tb bank guaranty law tn th au- prem court. Albert received 11 M. having already beo allowed ). and Whedon re- reived. SJ.100. Tb claim of Seward county for SI WW for board of a prisoner said to," hate been a state charge waa cut u bl aa a Joke upon bv heele of Seward, a ho h i j been very ' ai live re. mf in ohjer-tlng . , ml.:e!laxeoua expenditures The claim waa j first cut out altogether and then after joVheele bad been made to plead almost jaltb tears in bs e as tha legislature agreed jalth a great show of condesx ens oa to put Uu k the claim auh. a SI cut. Tb bill i will no total more than SVO Coo. j The deficWnctes bill wa raised Sj91c by one item alone fr wolf bounties, and it !.!! aggregat mora than ts-.o The da a ton tor tne nous in appropriating was mors than S114I04. tat far Berllaghuff. A further evident of dispieajtuie iim laaorg berimghoff. the atate an-h.tatt. was shown In the rutting of Ma ialui uf tl.-T 40 for toil done ou the Norfolk asj 1 jm. Henry C. Ri hnnnd. lerk of the liou.e aaa a Hoard II. a for getting ui 1 1. a )oui. aal of pro.eeoir.gs after adjournment. IUH Bil l. Ill HtOi: Ml.tnil t bes ale Paaae Measare llirrrtly tflee-llaa lioxslaa Uiil), iKrom a r-taff Corrtspoude it. LINCOlaN. jaarch ifc. ope-iali-ii. i: No. IT. a bill in. rraung tl, ulinn of th teputy count) attomevs In losla coua'y from I". ; to II Vufj as aaed in tin ate todar' 8 K. No. alii. ar. w t:a ').. o. i l.y .na t -r liohg'i.d determining Ihe r.gl.ta of ar ris aho lave atquircd aster rights ai.J to cancel conf. ttr.g aster ap;rpr:auaa. a so paaaed. H. K. a. a, pcj-D.itt.i.g it. ow user- a f