BRIEF CITY NEWS .IMTE5SIIT BRASCHES OUT T ort Pr rt ti -T T-. riM "... . t .:... . . G. E.crrc f l -ts Strrtu-Onttii. .a s. PriTt.: g !i Crhri, Braraa i.u t -- . .-. H1t'' 1,--t- k ' i i '' .: Tis'ti suj .,--- . Baa Praa kita tu : c. , , t . , , ,i ? i a.?r oitl a tb ..i rt Ac Jr.n A-tn ai.i b.,r. ? oj tie .- wrs; . a-....!- a. 1 i- B d Th Backer Sartnr Bit leu inoct. - har rr.,., , u?r r,.w .j,-,,, , l"' 'i rd i'if r,J an 1" ratte k.sni to hvn b..i cfr. B;otc ttr JTrv Bay t, w. p( -,-.-B of Tii t-T-.i KjMeT.tvi street ai-i-eered at ' c-..i ,a1 Wc.i.r nv.,r:.,rt a ah ta 'f firar in r.ia r;i.;t:.e and ieiit ". ; i.- '-T.i: d.jrr iOm t. ti-era amor. ti:. oft-': at.d "r.p.o . Tbe caus cf r-tfi-T. r-r.r.' .i tf tn e'.ewr.-i-ouud l. !jt.a rnici a', hi boar ?a; vtiiaj i ig; t Bra Waver Compear .:t ba iti ' td iri!o t-e i Tr.4"a Wattr cmtiarir ! J" .A nn-ahd T Yat i-ki:s for 11. :e m "-ameg f.T ir..;ur.t- ) a i e to ha reied in fail i' aF)..n.d tr a bid y roered Cf -T Bf.J lr; Irc.t I t'.e tJM c' A.n rred-rx t at Z.9 Mntoa street, ''he fa'i occ-arred !aM Itir-btr F ruder -Is rr.a;e a to-df-beanL 0L Uw Ci:t ge a Acifit d ta the CtiTfrj.TT tf Cxil.. LECTTEES Lmi53 THZ ETL5I5G "Uric . Tklrtm Irtn !!. VIADUCT MATTERS GO OVER FOR ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS Klfirt aa,4 Irkailaa 1rm Mrac-tr-a. PrtM nf ji ovtTr'tt cf tv.t ci-:jr nuo c:i ta faliitf to pai r9)T3u rea ordrinc r f-finatrurtioB of th EleMsta rtrt and 'iovo:a nrfrt Tiadac-ta. rtt ord ;nar,r -nuiiii for tia construe: joo cf tbeac va uri Jl txH toe mmx to lfc touridJ tjntij Otr Attcmjr Rir rfiriir,d tKat tba r-t-'.-iutK r.a rnxn b TMd fffr th ew-dl-r.anre ar imrtw!iiCS. 3a rjt.v.rr cj baa a rfcoBUtTi If a paaML o u.- v n iil l arii Qo-n iorwmj ci.i.. i re ore itjLBr-a -.;! toi'iow a rli la:w. Tbr n)Tiiiet fa ba iTTTpd axd ar r-uj tor tt cnjjdiraton .f lf oiy faiitra. WASHOUT CANCELS LIMITED I PtM-tfto'a Ia aar tea Trala la Off ar 1 B tkr Instil latlrr. .rrtit-r m;ji oocurr4 ?uitAuT tb Iitjm of t!. San f'fdro A Lia An r!l rcd at M-3t VaUfT. .Vrv.. jurt . -" -.-n f!io! Tt.i aUl rfrf.K,ta 1b tiaowtiniiiTia tf t'nir-a facjfic Lw An Llsi'lfJ Jaint; Omaha at Txm t-wry uay ';"! f n Fciro la what i Kbob a th 'on .n" fia.'r lake City to L A)tLouh th i alley through H.rx'Ur'i t,K-h ir road run arra.ra diT a a dfwrt abtut cTifi occur and traJna tr 5f :'d t'w ft.ia r.aon tba Orfoa Pbait rnad tncn tmirxrwXMg a t)f(tJi Mr" 'krouib IU fwcnhiUa arid 1a a trm iKki ih "cc-ud am W Tl an ubovt 1j rcbabix ccin.l tb Cnlo Twdrte to rum ita traina tr y cf taji Frm&c'iaca) fir M-al d Tat 1r trF--- ar.i t.a f-f 1 IT.rrctr nf .-r-iana ra'y tnlfnl th nt!.,-.l h bMfi.r-i a "'at imivr;i . arid b k coT.ri) l- r;lr! t .r (? - -.f lr,l ar.d K-Tir- a m(fr4 i'-rtfay at La!l ar-a it a mivmcS tvat tff is;iw.;i Ui ai;.:i:fd a ith lit 'Trara Ia c-"it Ti cr-)- a the r.rrH rti of tk- VmiH ; t.jf.d vp and rr.'arr tr. acx.t r.f tkr acr f 1h JwaJ Kbiio:. ar4 thTi'd r a i-a.'ua- awt ic ; vr eritr. Tf Onar.a law rh'H-l La in i- ln-r? f. tV;t-a jrtr arid :if clar a;r of the tfk a.rried ti ha ala? I ln it-ry hith l-jr;ri th tm tt haj a!a? aTit a rnir,- ri to tae tiur.t beff.r :h tkte tar a a et'-er I t'rcJ in Nhr,a!f.a, aitb tbe eci'toii ' t'f t1 nata it.! rf.i? . a-i3 tb?r lrt hb jx-n r.te.n ro -re f )- atrai I i-a:e t hua adm tted to practk ta NJ-ranka tart xvrr.e trua lu j li'a.a.m iir.ivernit y. , Tfce dm itk for a ahi. at )ea-t- wX 1 d .-r at -i nln ntia. Tr.i. bt-a !er. i not aa iriify -at ion at Jaw rrjl. ; aa pre t.f te iaj-crst unlv-rv.tie in the I ewuotry do Tfctar laa a ork ai lafht. The CortfTan -Jtjre v.btK.L arfcicb if r of tbt oVnftt of Own Wafh r.eifn ur.i T"':;'.v. tidix-t al cf tj !afie ia th Ma a (rtwil at u'rr-.t. and in thi a ay feti ; Kc.rri of tbe must tNe j-irta tn tb. Vn tna tatea to aem on Ita facu'ty. la th mii aar. l-r dt.f nit au-k. U,e U"J , acboul ail I ai. to hara tka nest erai- locaj laa-(T cm ti corr of Ir.nrae- The cour effere-d i a tSrf-e-:er cc.urae nd embrace a.i cf tbe reKjaireroents a b ! are laJd doa-a fry tbe Trf--t ard ti ' knoaTj law acboola. ia addition to th re i jiiird acrk another jear a Hudr a-ill h. I lti'j-tKi jced a-bk h lfj consirt of aludy of j tbe aociaJ and j.i,urJ c-Moea. j Tbe adtJoii cf tbe ctjlefe 4 law ia only one of the m.Bj ccOiefc i kick mi:! be addeid to the urji rr:t j to r-afct it a laret axd dit emlcd intnitntKH. j- Cue Dotabie fnaure of the OmtJii Law ! scbrx.! lr that durintf ha history iom of jt j fraduaira tare fa.tie'd to paaa tba atate tax exair-Jnatoiia. Big Suit Filed for Alleged Violation of Grading Contract CiaLa Tir-a AUtgti C-c.ttr.ttii? Cca- ilet ia tie VTt. l. A. J '.,?, crr.jny. a.r. .a-.a coti rr f rr f"-d a fi t tr. dieT-Vt e.ji W-T-day rrK.rrria f"r ITi drriar at a nrt MarArthur P-n or t-a-.y cf i'hi cttc f t i-.latk;'T! a extract Tbe auit ;. f-at F. E F-:i. fcrr'r anf .nart c eraJ j.aaer.fer aent of abe Bur .inrttn rai'r'. The j-t-!c rirr Fe:: aTid MarArthar Pro, aith an " arJt-arr and pr.ift-r mo tiv" in rrfirfmf to frkt tbm fre traaa p r-atii-ri for their ltbcr'rf to tbe :!) trui!:.a aork in Wynmirg a ijwi -iir-ie-)-r rf their t-mrt Th.e Tla-rt ft c-rn-1'iry rraut that Fell rf ja-d to only jch rr,'n aa ame frca lalvr UMTrter ct-F rr.ated t-r KIicm-jT. ard that In tbe ub-t"r-!rart e' ty tbm aith tbe KeoeraJ cw.;ri'ir it . ix.vjdel that tj tbtlr .a Borer fbojid hut free tra.n".atic n. Tbe crTi'troctrn ark at Lijv.n a ureKh -f railroad in V)t.tnin &rd it aa b"cna.ry to br-.n the lai-w from joirt uch a I-envrr. Omaha ad Kuut City. Tbe I- A- Johnoi CTrr.tanr ccrcf. a:n that aJibo.ijn Ure aa aa abuDdanc cf labor at U. titne.. that tbey er handitAi.ppd t i havirr .r,!y F.eiJ a ajfnc)e to Jck frcm. The a oik a a in bard rock and re-CUi7--d 3- rr.'-n. a berea they a era otlr at.Ja to aet on ao avnr of eifhty-fcur labrrer t day. The tViay tbu caused dma-d tiera. they claira, to tbe extent Tbe cc arirut-tic'ti a as finUheid on Jan uar) 4 of t n j ear. W rth tbe eicertioa of acrna r.SWW. the con tract tcm a a pajd over by tbe rra! coT.rj!y. For tbia amount ajd tbe a-Urced 5jre ua U A JobBKcm company baa bea-un auit. TO OPEN HOKE FAYING EID5 Cccxcil "Will Opn B:d c STet.e ,1X372 AXD OXI-EALF KILLS . j Iklt I la 44tta fa Ike BI4 Ke- I ! eeli el aixte-ea ttreeli la Tse4s? Hiealaa by the t Mr f waaelt. j Fc for Tiir er.teeB a'reel cf the irty ai:j t p r,enj tr the c.ty couaci! ,Toear r.icht- Tr e atrets iscjude d .fir ' t ae-ctjoria t trot c bout ti-e c.ty and ca!l jJor alKH f mr and one-ba'.f rmie of pavir- I I-t Ti.eaiay t't tH for tba pivira iff ;mteet atreet aere cpeiwd. the Jiire j tie ci f. . for ;a.aba:t a-.d ; .:: t.-r bnck. The c'ty eri ' t-.f.etr a department antic pate U-e b 5 Till t-e i;eiii Tud.ay nht a-iil be . st-rot lea thaa tba ;rA-Kii iea. The fw. a-e t paifd: Thlnr 1 . fi-at rret Jt-ti Martha to Catel'ar. Uu-ider?-c-B n-eet f.-oia T-aa.ty-nei ertb to Thir 'teih. Jarkhf.o tret from Thirtj -e:fhth jrtre-t to Tfc.nj ht h avenue. Fj.raue fi-ora Foreot-e ( u .e i ard u Itirtieth, Pa ; c.fic from t eritiaJ t-coierard to Tturty ifli.ia art sue. F.T-y.f.f-jj meet Irons il.a i tary itwiu Bortb. Taeiity-f ;ftn arenoe trtrm Karri to Hik.i, Thlrtr -fourth atwt jfrom Vat ha to A-Vr. Ta-ertr-fifth -ret ;frcra tbe c;ty Lm!i to Cectral bonlrrai-a. Tattity-aerenth ttreet f-wn Ppan'diT. to ' ! F-rtnol. Cbicao rtreet frotn Eie-i er.Ui to Thirtceatn, rartion trev from Nicta to TLirteenth. Ca,piil aveeuc from TbarteiUi ! to FourteeniD, II o rard Ftret from B.x-,' i teentk to JseTeBtfemh. Jackson aire from : Ta-lf'Ji to TbineeTHb, Ta erty-necond , aid Tatlftb Rnt rr:m Caa to Qjtixa. Opening Display and Sale of New Spring Suits for Boys, Buys Freedom from Wife with a Team i Driy J.a Piti Cuh and Two Hor&tn j to Be Bid cf PaiLil? Arra-iitd j ! ia Police Court j j ra-.j -f;v dollars and a team cf borae j Ia-a Die To Alexander Jobcwn. a tcaa- ( atcr. for freedom from bia aafe. j TMb a as Jo1ujcib a teatimoBj- in police j j court Monday mornin. aben rraimcd tur , aaaaslt co hi aw-paoa. a groan nia.r.. j i Judx Craa Jord "aiaed up" the to anen ' and deeded ttiat if JobnK nrock hi atea-awn H tnuat bate ben tn :f-dc lenae. j Tbe defendant a a Jjrh.aj-ted Boy on Wheel is Run Down by Auto Lad Iajured on Favraaia Street ia Cc Union Briti Kotor Cm Ee cored to Home. Wb: hie bicyr'ie en Famaan rtreet a;r.t urn Taerty-aecond atreet. HerrujLE ob-Ftr. 14 year old. a-a ra doa-n a.rd fir;fulr ir.j-jrd by an automo bile jeaicrdar afternoon Tbe lads a teel a a broken to fuooc, ai.-cl be re-ei-Ted bruise ah-ovt tbe far and body U a thought be may be suffering: IctemaJ ib.iune a th reu)t of tbe accident Tbroarh fcia of krodben la pkkfr.a up th it; ared youth amd taking biia to a dru t-tore, J. J. Vouna; til Lafayette aveEue. for a few minjtea Fubflay aas a-roTifJy mistaken a a reaa a bo had run tbe boy dean. Voutt aaa dr.viii bis rnafhine up Famam street at Taeatyao ond tret aben be tajr.e uik.d tbe atene if x jdnt Tbe Bian abo was dnt-lna- the machine of i-etif-e Barkaloar, arbkh aas Identified by tt number rt tarried, eftd. is tbe mix-ip. Tba po ke ha been unab to In. abo aaa dnvint BarkaJoa: a ma tbire at tba time of tba incident. DEATH TAKES MICHAEL RYAN ! " i Vaaac rarrtai After tereral I eek. lllaeaa raaeral ta Be Held 1aear. Mifhael Rj an. 3 c)d. died fatur day noon at tb.a fajnily rttsidexica. 1C North Taextieth Ftret Mr. Ryan bad been ill frr ereraJ aeeke. He a as for nserly connected alti th Mid.and Paint aid Glasa con-ipay. He aaa as actire member of tba Ctholic Mutual Benefit association. Tbe body a 11 be taken from tbe rart deuce at t:S Tuediy niomirig to ft. John church, a here Rev. M. M- Bronafeest a13 cfficiate at rguiem hipa mm at 7 o'cloek Af'.er the nerrice the fcneral cortege all accompany tbe body to tba Burlinrton s-taooc Tbe tody ail b taken to Lw w. en.. for burial. f 'N;; - ! At 0ur Store teftl? AUThisWeck . 'TJ-AS'-I Have vou a loy to clothe! Tin Tt 7zZi - efvv &ir jf W wort? than glad lo hav- ui ku 5 VL'-f'',i VwH tLe Lfwet, han.!viiit, r:ost mtv- wmmJ ikkrf i r if - K-eaMe and ytt ii.ost inejecivt.' Si line cf boy' tj ring uits in Jotu. Thes-e uit are maJe in new ujHlo-dat? iecvIvIs for boy., from ir,terials we have fr soruilly selet-teJ t the tet on the r.;arket. Their fit nd comfort a well s the greiit r-errio? they will provide i the result of ociribiniEg the?-? let materials and the let workmanship that cau le iro.luocd, by men who've had year? of expericn in the ciak- icg of boys' clothiEg. When yoa confider that "NV brarka" toys buits cot even less than ordinary ruits it's purely time to ask for procf at our store. Why cot do -o tcxlavf Boys Spring Suits 4ri3 Ho & 'Tha House cf I liT'I i ikw i u . j GEORGE W. KaTTINGER BURIED' a raaeral at Ptoae-rr af Oaikt Baild- j laa; nasi Lais Baalaeaa Held 1 rate-rday. ( j Tbe funeral f tbe late George W. Nat i unyer. aerrttaJT t f tbe Oioaba Building and Loan aasociatlon, a-a fceld from M i Mary'a Avenue Corjrreational church at S o tlock yef-terday afternoon. Buriai araa j at Foreat Un cemetery. Tba aence l at tba i-TaTa a rre conducted by Capitol ' kJs . rV-ottlek Rite Muntii. t f HAREM SKIRT PHOTOS ARRIVE ' Eil Braadeli llai Plctarra Takes af he Lraieat ! mtleat la Parta. i'arew; akirt. aa. actually son at the '' and cperas ia Paris and all cf trx nl--t -j-to-tse-intTi'Jie creation tf Paul .-. !) 6in-ei may t-e acen In la-xe pbefrraph ta tba Pwr.peiaa rotnn f t . e rrrandeie mores t-nnnina; this aeek Fmii lruii)'. n.d arraieraecita to bare t'tuieia taken of all of the Utevta mode d the pkture rushed t Aroert a by iprtna. Th. f:rat (&4tinMct arrrved 'onc. Tby bo -many startling atyVea. hoih frtnt and rear pk-tuie i am Ted and tnera r a torraspondibg ae- :i;-tk'B telllrnt a hat BoateriaJ tbe dreaa i made and boa. Nea k t ur as a ill tr r ve eaa aeek and ta antk lpatioa of tba la-ge number f woaoea arb arill be tn-t'l-etRed. a apeciai abow room baa beea ari iLde. la tbe flrvt coaHrinmexit tbere ire thiny-nne jsjeturea PETE GREEN IN TOILS BEFORE abkb Mr. Nattix.ctr a aa a pat maater. LEAVES ONEY TO FRIENDS Caifberlae T. I art take Eierslsr fa plse Pi a at fy ta Her Beat' Prteada ' Belatlaea UI Cwateet. Tbe arill left by tbe late Catberlna T. Lacey a1U be contertfrd. cbectkti having beea filed Monday morning by ber ticce Ada H. Keplty ttroaxk the attorneys tif tbe iatter. Tba a1Il a a a pe uhar out and deig baied that her money should go to earn I perawtiB aa bad beta ber friend, iavixi j th matter of tba deniity of such ptraon ; to tba executor. Victor B. Caida-eli. vict i preaident of th Flm National bank, aas bamed aa tbe executor. He aaa directed, after haiing provided for funeral ex tens and tba malntexanc of th family burial j lot. to distribute tt,t tiano arnciig utb proca. rt(vect!veJy. aa a ere my fnend rn my llfetiin and be may think liitaoJ and" af'propr lata, observing my a-ikhes ia regard tbereta aa be may knoa- or bava reaaoa to believe ahat tbry aere " a A Hick f Aaaaalt ln lrtt-4 ! r B akbery Here teres Tears Asst. j la tlwsnert of Peta Green, identltted by little Fannie Kapler a ber arviailant. it deveiopfd yerterday an old -time convict bad been caught- Green, abo at first ara reported a a negro, aaa the Cm man Officer Harry Wooldrtdge arrerted aben be it on th force seven year ago. The poiiceman flicked Green cp on a charge .f rol'bu th bout cf Wi"uam Gerk at Taent?eth and Cuming strecta Tbe mformaticai asaJnst Gree-a at that time proied to be faulty and be gained bis freedom, lie a arreted a few daja latej and ultimately sent to th peniten tiary for three year on a chaif of high way robbery. POLICE SPOILA GOOD FIGHT Mialr Jab mm a Prrttslrd frasa Arkl. trattaa ml DlffiraHle atltk Inksr JsksMs. PVlic interferenc prererted what ra.rht j have been a hlh!r roooemEf ul fight be- J tween Mamie Bisxkhum and Arthur John- ' aon. bearroea at 2 North Eleventh atrert. i Monday aT'emoon. Mamie was deprTed cf a large raaor ' with a x-nndston edre. Arthur wa taken to the emerretner bofptial at the police rta lion for rpaira j j A Tea af Cald i could bur nothine t-tter for ftirXi weak. I jcesMi, lame tack and kidney troulOe than I Fiectrtc Bittera. aoc For sale by Beaton : I. Tug Co. MAXES STUDY OF THE CLUBS B. C Petera af Near I alrenitr t lak C.ara t tklrats far Sosae Pwiatera. P. C Petera. pmodent cf th Pen era Vert Sundae for Chicago oa a aeek a bwairMa fin. While Uier be will study the T'niierJt Clt.k of Chicago r-ith a vtex. of brrbging back t Omaha for te club a hick al'i be oaada per a.i:t! btre tl is week Tbe club is UB4acided at tbe preaent abet ber tare quarter dow-a tewa or la th irfldemiai d:rtrict. It is Eke'y. he, e v rr t ui k aU bake iriaptr ary quarters CkoaTi I'jas. Tbe !.b a.. be auade for rruuikrfM abd a 111 do ail in ita poaer ta ti'.tr cckieca trim. SMITH RETURNS TO BLUFFS J if ft Mr He Waiti to Tkaak Ba re of Vmmt Tkirty j Veaira. MANY SEEKING MONTANA LAND Slare sttlera la Treaaar State lavaa E i rr Be fare, fiWra Rarliag laa itrat T. T. Hunter, gt-neral a-ent of tbe Bur riegtoa at Billlnr. Mont a a In Omaha Mcrday- Mr. Huater dcia-ee that th rtth of bomeaetker Into Montabt this Fprir.g is tbe biggeart in years. "TVe are geiung tarmer from a I over Iowa and Nebraska and can from lin neia and Ilubci." said Mr. Hunter. Balldiaat Peraalta. txviins at Boden. Thirty-ninth and Cur- ! tie. frame cottage, C.S. John Niejaen. I tmroeu frame daellmg. tl August 1 rjnien, imi -ona ii.iny-rijw! afcnue- j fran-i dae.-lt-g. tl.mK; Ed KaiuTfoid. ' irand avemue, addiuun. tifWl. I j Msrrlat Lireasta. Licenaa to wed were hwued to tie fullow- ; lr.p . j Names axd Residence. Age. jy Park. Arbland a j Juliette Fountain., rt. Jofceph. lis ii ) Wi'Hara KeJby. rmaha jt j Sadi Bojd. Omaha " -r TWO HAVE BROKEN QUARANTINE Matkrr Itapara ailtk Chll4 Whseh Haa aeawkef Ferae saf Caw. saa4 Be Lacslea. ty beaita ftwrtotat of'iriai are aeek 114 Mrs. J. A. burna. wkoae preamt aber aiwut the)- would Ilk to know. Mr, Riitai has Wa Kor tra at Oriea street tnl kve )er-.,d dcufbter. a be las been alt k aith aarlrt fever. Tbe 1-oua aaa aaramifitid but I be ft.. .1 Y.r ted cbi.d left fr parta link new beiure the bouae or BtimaJea a era fumigated. Tbe dertartment haa brea to i that Mr. i'um baa rx ta Fmnhvt .e. Neb. Offl i' ef ihn village have beea notified to r ca tl a)erv a tie roother and daughter rft hnt bv4n ratmtiated. Coeigreaarriaa 'Walter I. fjnaih returned! from WaabingtoB ytterday, fee.iaig some- J ahat the effect cf tr atrenuou life con-1 bected with the cloair.g C of coagrtaa. but be will ba ready t tak ti tbe equally r.rer.uous oblir auoa of moeartcg tb coa giatuiaiicn cf hi boat folk ever hua aurora la oongreaa and hia elevauoa t tbe rteareat ta tba urrrma rnrt Judge Btr.Jih bad lluia time to real ea- tariay ao aaa kept busy raoaitutg caiiera or ia pnon. B 1 ei&eviaj- I abaj reure from ctm rresa and I ahaJl It glad of aey eppor Xuniir to thank th prop for their twenty tara of conatant ajpport.- aaid Judga 6-mitk A harnjuet -.J b glea ia bonor t Mr Fmlih ttua evexuaf ax lb Uraad botej by tb bar cf I o a and Nebratxa. TRAVELERS ELECT OFFICERS J. Hu iaelalr aad Cram Haraasf ' a eafar ait Jiaaiar faaa- eliara t a rfa Crtslag- THIS SIMPLE LOTION GREAT AID FOR BEAUTY Tit aare4 saroach ta ti fountain of octh." ante Mr Mae Martrn In tr New Tatk Htraid. 1 pumax beautify, lag and lLtt;aaira Ttua tnt a tao Votion ia narte'loua f .r clafcni.g. keauufy. tag and pren-tag tb compiexjuB- Axy wetnaa eaa scak Itia totioa by rt tlr futir ova.- ef Bpurmax frticn tba ci u--it i: Jt it g ta a ba f -pint bu aiar and adl'jg two tapaoafi.ia gtor ax Tua geotiy aisasged trta tb akla becume tn-i:ble. Aoea aot ruk off a "y ba peadar. and fur a natural ud l keaa ty tifcl tvM t equaled "Trt taurrat liv i far .rkt t t4t-. r...n?!-u tr aa'a ar.d a-ickly extract a rckgh. e.y er l.fetea i.t.iijn. giving tl corcpxoa a aoKMth j atiy to. or oa trj tl )j h) uit ' a frtr u for lac poaoer A4. J Owara raunra No. r. United Con-mer-CJ Trateiera of Anorrxw. beid lis annual eiertkm batarday everut-g at Myrtle ha I Tl toTloait officer ware eimed for ti ensuing rear: Paait counselor. J. T U:aa. aeior courur, J. H t.niar. ;r..(,r oojbarior fi I'arwanJ. conductor. W. W. Watt, pa, w. A. bka-fa. aebtmel. C E. Aiieo; 4raary-traurer. E. J Greene-, xarutiv commit-., A. 11. Haws. T D OliB. Heary lUilXX. Tb fuboBTng aar elected a delecate t tk grand cou.rl mtemj m t be,d at Grand Hand la May; c J. Io. J. T. Hokaa. stbert Baci. J H Krcair; ai ternatea. E- J Greexe. C. N. baitxr.ver. J. S Gr.fta au,d Ii. F. Obort FORTUNE AWAITING SCHRAMM Ttlegrtak Oseraiar Be Paaa Paliee leek. Katat Left t ba Caaaat Edmood ft bcbraacBa. aa ud-(j raj, ruaa eperaur. t! is sa d t lae fallen beir t aa eatat ta Buflaia. X T . ran bet b faoad. Werd ccieerajag ti go4 fortut trat bad befaiiea tbe rrao reacbed po.ka bead suartera laanorday. and laa . eoiex genrT ctTicer. snaAr a otarca W S f.rin.m He tccn ered t it ti e j ng cia aoraej ! ta tta estjr In U He ts ai-oul it ' t d It i awH kaewa a ber b is at plea- ' etu j 1ft Di They'll Say You Have a Jewel of a Cook Wlwen you want to urprts tomt women fuesU arve them Van CdLmp's Spagivetti. It's new. Bird tKe chnce avr tKat tKewvw not tried it yet. And that taat of pirhtti will forever spoil th t&sta for mny otner. Our cK5s Kr perfected a recipe em pJoTinr 17 bifredienta. Tbey Karw created a flatror which crery vnrrkan mmllt a perfect blend. One can't eat it without aakiri WTsere you leamed to make K. The recipe U secret. We can't reveal it to you. Its control will brinf us, aa soon as folks know it, the trade of a rruaaaoai lwrnea. But Uveae are the main materialti Darnra whe-at spaghetti. Herkiiner Cour-ij fuJl creara cheesa. Best creamery butter. Tbe saoe expensive tor.ato auce we ue ia Vaa Carr.p'i Pork and Beans. The diah comes ready cooked to you. All you need to do is to heat it. And it costs you less than to make it yourself, if you hsad the recipe. The way to know what this means U you is to order a can and try rt Order it now while the dkh is new. Then judge it for yourself. Van Camp Packing Company t-J Indiana poll, Ini s i ua.Mni in mi mi i in 10J 3 f3 I -3 MR luLJ An OppsrfarJfj o Obtain Ab:c!a!c!y FREE Sewral Articles of Genuine Diansnd Jsnelr; FIRST PRIZE Gee alp DlamoiMl Rl. PECOVD PRIZE OraniBw LHatncaa Scarf Pta. TBIKI) I'Rl Zi; laidica' UoM t abrb rorRTH rKIZE Oraiieiaaa's Gold VaAcJb, ( Warranted 20 Year) FIFTH PRIZE Gold Watch Fob. To all ccbeew aaxw rrlnj Utla A si ' crtisrrjeTit we arill fire a Beat Jew elrr prrartu, sad ofJxer vainable rrernte abtolB-triT free. ITS CAH YOU SOLVE THIS 3 PUZZLE? IT CAII BE DOIIE! PIRiXTIOS: Place sbj BuTfber trpra 7 to IS. lncln s!t, la fijht Tscaat diamoncls ca tt abov or any simlUrly arrmtf eJ separate abeet or paper la sach a manner tiit axy way the EumU-r aj added ( Inciudlng tt Bomber la crater quare) tie total viil be "XX". Tbe aaoi c cm ber cattaot b eaed more tbaa once. Writa your tast sad a4dres ?eat)y, accurately and plaicly on tlie same bee-t. end nail or doliier your solutica ' beforp. m . Wedneaday. March la, 111. to the Contrat Vpnmtt, ScbraoUer 4 14oeiir. 1111-1111 Far cam Street. Only ona member cf a faiaiJy may eater. Only eta solution will be accepted from tt eatne cob teataat. No one cocaerted with tie music trad tor Era prlxe wlr Bert la prerlosa cccteaTU may eater. Neatarae. beaiata tt correctBeoa of the reply seat va, will be taken Into cock .Aeration la awardlr.f tt prixra. Contest cJoat-a Wetfuekday, Marxh 15. lll, at C p. ra. Send er trier, in ) o-r replies aa early as possible. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam Gt. Centitt Capi. L y x Omaha, araa. TL Cccj. 1625; MS25 HAVE TOU P1A0T Xasae. (Writ plainly) Ad dress -... . , ....... "111 , '-jSBBl ! Va!l(J.7l iaaBaBmBJBBBW Thursday is Home Day. Buy a home. Now is the time. Read the list pre pared by dealers for you in Thursday's Bee. . Invent your rjconev in a tome, it will jy bip; dividends both in ruoney and B. en tLe ev.s? tr-nu plan few Lundrttl dollars down the balance nxatlJy like rent; in a few years the Lome is vour and you have cot irJssed the money that paid it. In the real estate column of Thurday'a IVe you will find a great many choice Lome bargain.? advertised fr bale on tbe ea?y term plan. Make your selection and buy now. Van Camp's SBBBBBBBB BBBBBBMBBBBBBBBB Spaghetti 10 aaa! lSaawareaB I he Thing To Do If yoa lee yoor porktock. aabreaa. watea er som etter arUcl of eala. tl ttlt4 fo'Vow ta exajspl ef car 7 otaar rOa win, out eUy In ta Lost abd Foot! coluir a f Ti Ea. Ttat ta wlt taoet peor'.e do w"bes tbry Ice srUcle of nls. Taieptot as sad 4U year Ices to all On-aia U a alas aneraaoB. Tut It In The Bee s