THE" "OMAHA" "DAILY BEE M Oiii c U JJ t, o tl U J Li ii " Tk ffrr that it read Vy woir-ei Vrirji Wit retains to advertisers WXATHXR rO RECAST. For Nbr.k Gereralir fa;r For lct Gfrfn,!r fur. Frr weather report aee vt I. VOL. XLNO. m OMAHA. TU1DAY MoKNINU. MAI.lII 14. mil TWEJ-VK IWUES. i? INGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CHIHUAHUA FACESiKoPsevclt Eeviews GENERAL FAMINE 2nli tt Women ul Children ora irj Abo at Xor&era Kexico to Avoid Starratjon. 1C2X STCWES OF STmSECG i Last W.erd from City Iwtired Seren,'0 renew of i"vt aathrd r.n tv. - .lb; cit) under th iwct mansur ordr . T . TV.- ,...-,,.., t ' GPEEATOIl Tl Vi F DISTRESS : " t Citizens" Commit trior. tir. ud D:s- rxsrsRrcrcs 51 S " t-ery Tl Ikr Fe. B - levari Drllri F.caae TkfT tr Bark by FT. P.Ft. X'Tfh ::.-Stoi-iM of aufferiBif i a r.e- wa-.. a rourw " t,o i.j hi, ,rtp 1hix(u.h Tea,. H na4 th; frm a Jil i.r.rth of 1h -ny of Ch b ua j., .no,, beoaua of rumor that ror4 u.t famtr,. f.rd tl- to- ' ,ort . cr.Jrfr had bo ar K i'ri u.t. Mun4rd of cm. fr- : rtlIpl t.v fno of th lnsurnrit. Tb ,h ? ' city. hV j j Coioil aatd tha raport aa absurd " . Ian c-rtinjod for f M dtn. IT ' t iru, hur, ttwt a :o-i-t f r w rau aticti hav -iir Tr-. a h-rir, aaa ronrt-4 to tn? t-oBl a: n.;rr,0 fro- i;4. aislhoriil'-s t Wv. and : . ir Bar at tb drir -f irri;,rit J taort of ur,. acooiriTainled by tretr hTnia. It tarx wttfc rro-r.r atsd tiri!! fh..'4rr. m-r p roarnina- thr K-uatrr. J fjd rvltaai. . r n t.r5 r' fl rrom tTj.r.uatiaa . a. .,,ti da . n th 1'- j m-m,- H.T-iT-r t r-Brrai bttt a rToc . . T i M . r 1 . . . t s. I - V- ix. Th iTTB'or at tTiitiuakua rird - ' iw.jfi.irf a, ra)d 1t In 1.,, r:piK.B. Th oo: ml ta;)s for m-r i -. It Vr.nV Ilk famlw for all of c .j.,,, rr,.jr n ntchip axd in thai ""'""f .ii'j:na i power-. A eUl i rmTi,ti aa been o:anired to con- j i: "cat ail rA urp:Sea ta th nor and ' to -a t V. 1T ft. V . , I. .AJ1 - -,, . bn th fodrral irt. atreoipt to Krat 1 1l ro e t-eyon tb city, they ar j dHn lar br baivd of raeri:" 1 Aftr two hour- converaatkMi bet a een th c-perator tb tjE-rapb wire ceaeed to aork. th ojTtar n bad been rut. t F-arra, ec)ar.o r-raniany a'l fJ:n. n th tate fl i-onoTB no i-'r.uahu i at a j Tb -- emmn!a arcbibliton apainrt tb j U an upon a lion of dynamit baa rendered tbe tninea Idle. a rid e 4er Jaarea Bleo-a I, Tre britfae at Vir. r:r wi.le of 1 3 oarer. i tb Mtvi'-a r,,rod I aaa bloTi up taat riigrht by a mal! taur- recto force under Captala tV.r G Crea- ! ton of New Tork. That the ov-nmel t flndiac diffiru".--a a:ten-ptinf operate tin arnore.1 Meel tar i in-iioaij , nail advre received 1 todav by the !C1 po Herald from Kanta I noeaiia.. Jt -aa iat4 that forty federal troop, leaiirif la aa armored car from Jirr.rr.ea rot !'hrn a aril of .anta RoaaJ.a abeo th bowa tip. ""'w rmi or trro "a ; iweai. ot toe .nfurrwoa K who bad ten lured car. but tb tiaia bad to pull ba k. Kaaaa Medl-al taff Beady. Tr PTalA. Kan.. March 11 Adjutant G eral Martin of ti, Kaaxa National ruard today rrcetved order to have th anedlcal ataff of tb Kan tni'iiia in reavdbatwa to "let for aervlcr hi a Aatonio. JKFFKH.-..i.V PITT. Mo. March la-fT. M Ra-nl.o!j. adjutant tn-rl of th M- aouri Natl.-nal ruaryl ,;v - .- 1 1. v. wn . 1 tl! all lh ClRI !aa tl 1 aa ..f a. a . a i 1 I I . - ungual Bfj"' - - ----- v. .......... . v4. ; revru.ted at n to their minimum I Tber UtUa likelil-aod that aiy actiCTi j siren-. e-f rfty-cmht men cat h. There j wfll b taken on either th iora or ar ninet.. twotianie ta tl Miaaourl I Walab caae until after Mr. Taft return .-.a.ioaai uai-d. I EI l A Ik HtCILI TAKE IkAVAJO Utarerlea Drive arlraai t rwaa 'l a sea aad lestrar Ballra4 Briii. EI. I AW, Tea, March IS -A pec 11 dienach to tbe HraJd tbi anomtr.( frc-ra Natoloa, Roruta. atate that there mas a apli-lted eccacejKcr.t at that plac aatiir day between I tBaurracto and fifty fed r'a Tb ineunertoa s'jccaedvd in tap tnrfnr the town with a lo of o.-j ktied td ta aoumied. Tb tdrla rallied near tb ttaw and ai awa!ltrc rriiiforc aneata It 1 aaid. boa ever, that lbs inaur tecto had burned the railroad bridj to pr:it tb artivaj ot cor fede.-ai troops. PLAX ItKTtLUTaKl HE njf 1 Diaa Arllaa A III Besalt la a - tiearter- falkey. El. PAi. Ttx. Marrh 11 VnS1Kn border!n on panic relsa almost throub rt northern llru o n-nUtt. Fill red t tl. belief tiaSt tLe rlutia- J fcry Brioveiaent bad tea- bed a atatr tb insurrecto 10 tt t-tatea tf Obihuahua aad "-'-.ear at report w to bav reaurbad axtlvlty ia uar.rvt i.p -a.. read and t; araph -ira.. Xu3roui toana. accord. n to Ifporta. ate under autre kv ita re-i,-i and ih.i.j. ..t ... ' : cut off from f auppue. ar ren- ' lh" ",rtEr1- ?trw Ortea Texaa Pa dared lelftleas ; ctfic. bttaeen Scseraat, Ky and Chattan- Fo.icina u reelr.t of correc-.t i i a. - cooi e: r.. ii uati. at tirSAilaa a l.l of alut i.. .a-.r....... I ah,n iv, ,a. ... a. . - - - -. - i c-i ruo. wtiei (ft uea wer k!ed last Mosviar. neat re, bed tcrt o( a nca too., at Pftna n ihe border across -be ir irwro tx.-Ca. Ar rt kuad:ed j wwt i;j "X '-,,,',.,ir-,'v- lb ruihUbg mas ml.yit and .be uimrrtcja, j artnad -n!y alth -.lli. oo a.-trr-J aer ta n: or a t.. ,1 VV Ml U O .r CJ l.e a It ;lu lavvt af lb casualties at taa., c.-ajsj.. aa..' T.E. MOINES. Ia.. March Tt-Toda-a' WASHINGTON. March IX Th census that fiftara Amtrrvans ver a.iia4 and I V-mt acna-ortal ballot: Deetner. St. 'bureau announced th population of ijn ate Amerkaxi aei tam .riv..i,- ! Kn)m. 5. Porter ideal. . t;red, i: !cer. Ia at I 'UL, a decreat of ninety for Maderw'a Irsltrr Ual II... i I Tb folio m at fiM r-vt.d u 1 a. ' be- ki led au imvi in escaped. I tolor.el Guiopm Ganba-di. Poal Va.j-r.. iivibct of Francis o 1 Mad-v. p; tain C.rimri it Lara aad "aieuisxvaBt 1. ! ateni ia of all I j j tartaia ICuaaiv ilaiac. a Mm aa fj Maavre s siaff. u not li' .i.' k.1 - wa. l.k.B lJmi. I lU.l .J Vi. . , . ' as aoutvled K F. Iiarnitln Inrt-rr -ec;i:it ia b kni'cd .!- army, a feu .ived a; KI Pav,. rUt:( l l-ee aad Rooert kitti ft Saa I 11.. it. O and IV G ceo a 1J Miners' I lrifa. Wer k .eJ .be unji U tL Aioert an ki k-J aai '..tea or .. r v cwnes ana J:- rrom oorg i-b- ai kt..u. . caa. : Faraana street kiomert aaa A cter anu.a t Maleio a. - I broiailt to tmaba t.-r trial Macca mora- i.ei ttre tod) to w tu a aia dec be,1 t J SB.-. her atta k oa in b aa dna aaa-. II aaa rt. totv.r, vi.ticed it r-xoad Page I ! Speech at the Alamo , , . . : Assistant Poitmnster Testifies tt la ; Colonel Swefp Thrown Utf Line , Uu ,Kk aikedowm i cf Tents at Fort Sam Houston v ,y t.... . in Automobile. -- 1 of h.! f.lN A.VTOX1U March U P.jCMv;t be en tb seventh da- Th ctirp if lor ated at Fort Pam Hem ,OTl nd ,h solicitation of Gnri .r- j ta- - a . a.- .r3 I ha n" V. a a an a 'office - a to paid their refpecl to t. ' form- im r. m. n, coionei ! 'agr-d to sacr-.fir e'-m hour" ep 11 era' to ap t(-i .sfc th kr lir. cf Wni !t, an lffiv tV in:! CITY - ierT M)ut do him and hai-n back to the COiTyOHAaf c-f rjiicrr Aiamo. itAn htk lo td Opoi d5 In b rJl i 1lr! l?t for Auvtm, Kent Worth and Pal lia ar!y in tb ! . Th ctH t ached-. ulod t paK at Mcfa rac. I Co!-irt Roen--1i r taJi nh ar ; Tfc lomteat ad4r."w of Coiccel I?oo- ,,.M , wma ma ), at u;on rt-r ,, griopvv for 1 hr ,ur II poke 10 II audio 0 )-prn , ... ' !k. Vi- m m itrf lira nvt vi . . a a n. . ... . ... .. ---"i-. eoura of h a rerr.ark rar htv tirr. uKi (xpLana?Vi of tb j.r .-vat t'1n. -j .4 (ore mad us mv mind." h said . . ... . . ' ATrl' ana t.ur-p 10 r. r a rhanr to ro aro-u-id -be r-cmnrT aed it p..Bjb 1 rpeak In e..n vtata and to a-y - boady - and thank ... 11, n,Ba t flM brra road preameot of the Vnit.-d k,- tb An-rrii n,,r.le mi-. t tbeir debtor. He la Dot -.-orth bii'afier tl. oot-n hour rvr tharn b .- t 1t "tt be ba e rted n tt (.-dett . f ' ,,,, people and l-.S e ,1 ci'Wn 11 to all tt rople-' President Plays Full Round of Golf . . . . Ee EaI Je CI Papen IH VTllifl and Xerse Case and Action Be fore Return rtl. Jjnprobable. ArGrBTA. Ga. Maf h II -Pre,deT.t Taft played th full lhol rolf cour :thi tnorr.lnjr- Ha waa frlkaed to the J Itok by ie-reiary Norton, who bad aa rueat Ik re fnendi fc-or Chica-o -b, wr 7.n -..-v. a. t ,w- - ,. -.m k. Ku mi . Mora lrt, nw D.!.. Acaru-ta from Nw Terk (hat th preal- eVint would today stfa a Pardon for thai convted backer, now aervlnt a l-rra la th Atlanta f-deral peniteeuary. are en- Orely errBou. j Paper precented as a bai for tb 1 Mora pardon are trem!y volumooua. ! Tbpre.tdnt ra.not.ntoed,headocu - men:, ye. and t. inain. on aMn, v.r wt.n.-. )i .11 ...n.. - . . . - - - - . " - - fc-1--. m ...... aa . nr.. 1. (Ma m . . . 1 ito Waahinrton next week. I Secretary Fisher Takes Oath of Office!. InUrior Department Transferred to Sew Head Without Any For mal Ceremony. WASHINGTON. March 11 Th responsi bility of tb secretaryship of th Depart ment .f th Interior was ahifted ahortly before H o'clock today tea Waiter L. Klshcr of Chlcaco took th oath of office aa bead of that department. BOcceedin Juds F.lchard A. BaIBctr. who retired Tbe formality was entirely without mo To new secretary apent the mom- iris receiving burau beads and dnisioa chiefs of th deiau-tmeat. STRIKE SYMPATHIZERS TIE UP RAILROAD TRAFFIC Maaa talaeer kraard wtth Rlflea tp Train at Maatb of Twaael aa4 Drlv f rears Away. ' CINCINNATI. O.. March U.-Trff;e on "" Tern . wa. blocked today at K r 1 Mount-.. Ky . ha a crowd If muun- 1 ; . . . . . .V. . a. Wa a, Aa V. - a iuiw or n- t""f thre .ad to succasazoa hew up tu-mei there and lu .rr tit it kit train Tb anoustaneera. , afco were atrtk rjiapaifciaers And were , ar-nei with rif.s. fired volley over th j head of tb frc gfcl crew ard i.a thera , mo u.a wo.Ja , DEEWER GETS FIFTY VOTES ! alalia I far sea tar In l.ata abasia 1.1 1 lie Betallve Chaag In th liaaslag af (aadldalea. -(. t la, -f . abaeat. Ml naTBsary ta lect. H C a T. la. f a ..I Search for Girl on Bet Makes Him a Thief I Tao .ara of fr-it eas search fcr a I I urj , -jaiB a g.rl wife, rr.amed oa bet Lav i thief cf I ran a E- Monsert. This is th admutaiac cf th j oucg maa m " fcv Tora SfUvttJ. city Tb atid a a bound atar lo diatrbt caurt fjr f-aai HI ti k a!l ka dr?a..l af bcd af S-. WOODARD BARES THOMAS' SCHEME BEPC1.TS EE TOLD THE TSCTH Witness is Iiova to Hat. Drire-n l" FtCtf HOIEe. OTHEKS TELL OF SHJLKED0W5 J Steps Art Taken to Preclude Coat of Wlitewah. A5D B LEGES TALK ale of Eaforeed Cvatriaattoaia I r- ' for TIIImmi m. Brea Brief (Tr1ic Cat for I a Teat I a or. Aa:tit Pt.tir.arr W'oodard drov a frnisr iivta th Tbwr.aa Inquiry yeneriay. H tod ih triiih H related ' nrm Uv form ai: h kv of tb f-i-mavion of th jackpot achen ' Pc:mBJr ThoTnaa tut in th moat ' ' !irni.oiia day b has eiperiettred aim h I a appointed to tb poiroajtrhip. H rril mort of r ) time ac-outinff tbroucb th butWirnr rtnK lu find tb xtteriti; f who roiftit be abi to aatt b.ra. , morfc after so fahW.n of a cloae'y bunted quarry. H adtriit that that He I driven to tb iaat d tih. but b intend to ir.ak , nana against the en-ncg-T OTrwb!Tn- aaiin.- In t". iv-itirc tb lnqu;r" into hi on- iixt t beitir caltuly and deijberately j pushed by the powieffioe and Civi! lien loe j p4immiK-lon acest. They have already xar'nd nit of th importam pT-,.n:p the hkedon. and are now catirif about for detail Kvn let le "earner mere haled befcr the court of inquiry yesterday to teM what tbey know about Po-tmaner Thorn activity in drtimTnin; up crowd for tne Burwett rpeetintr. Mr. Woodard went on tv '.rd tort1r pcte. but be wa priared to te:I ti-Mth- fu!)-. 'i ttat b knea. ?n hi porvv-n he doe not feel as if it woo'd be rr.-r to go into eiai! a to th quertlon that aee pm to him. and all that he would intimate wben be emerd from tbe lr, renpator" room waa that It wa tip to tbe tnc'Jirtor to determine wieier or not he had totd anythina- that would be of value 10 them. R-w are taken to preclude the appWtw tofi of a coat of w taitewa to PrmlT Tboma. W. CT-oran and J. O. Purer tell cf t-.avtnc been clubbed into making political ruotietary cwtrilmt -01. Jinn I. Woodard. a-itant poatmaaner, cwins Tito tli cjcl cf actrntr by reaaon of j boldmc th key to tbe entire situation. I Tbe facta tell briefly of th d;-velo- j mii of Mordy t t"e Inquiry Into th conduct of ta poatanaater. who i under U r-t5rT JbX.ySM U.fc J&P JUilba. tar- aw fra-ajas s -' ?y ' lurasn ratter t""""1 iMama first Wltaeaa. -a r-nnr.r. -ir-k mwi Pnnmx. Tboma. waa th fret npioye caned by tbe inv e-tirator Monday roornin H, to)d ln o,ta 1 of bow be w a approached by W. A. Kelly of tbe renairy department mTlA .r,, rv. ,..H t- tw.. !)irk,lot, KrtSy h By lh. ) to bald out .0 Connocn that . ... . . . . . 9. . .11 h . . 1 n iin. inr in na . : - .. . j.-iu b car j. j. Burar-r. upermiendent of maws, ws ,!o callod. and enucl after tb asm fation b related bow b had bea re- i lie-.ed of SIS at the surcesuon cf tb posi j master. ' Th itunr.ri &eTtry Moas of th I c jv 11 aerv le cornmiaaion. and Inspector ndlatd cf the Postoffic departraent, re- suirved their work at K o'clock Mon- nomltt, but much of tbeir titne pect n,,",to out p;ip- oi ahead from now on without a bitch. It waa learned today that Inspec tor Undland has been la Omaha for twa or thro week quieUy look r into nierlts of U.e altuatlon, also that he baa not heretofore ahowa ar.y untrlendUnesa toaard tb poatmaster. However, this at r-t taken as aa kndicatkm that b will not perform bit duty eonactesriously. Ta Preela)e at VI hltewasb. To preclud airj- attempt to adminisier tb whitewash Attorney Franklin A. Pbot we'.l. repreaentinf f'en W. TMlotsoa. Mon day art about to -prepare a brief to be laid tefore tbe leveatlra'ora. This brief will con tain a seneral review of tb altuatlon and i ail) purpoarly set forte tn names of ail j pmona known to bav been involved in tbe ahaaadowa. This Is being don ln or der that Mesara. Moa and L.ndlaikd will not bav any excuse fcr overt ooklag any of th witness a ho should be xmlnd. However, there doe net seem ta b any Inclination on th part of probing ofOciaia to sadastcp any of tb fact Bo far they have one atut their work m a thorough arstematlc and r-ainnakia muna. .- 1 . . . .... . 1 Bs wni be eaam.ned Jt is understood ttat TLon-.a' defenae wiU be ttt be did not lececv nr -...,- from Kelly; that if Kelly received act money b pocketed it- KUy ia th meaa- t:n ha Bought to prevast being traas- formed into a aoat br comma out a.. ,. i tua tax. it la pre? - a. ImdftThr" ,0 1 entir ahakedoaa procedure m aica i . collected t- at th command of tb pot mastcr. and deUvtxed it to bis superior. ,:h darada. Married IV ,T J Tb jo-r.g maa was anarrved to a chorus S'rl It Onc-anst! tao years ago. H ariarnod say, just to am a banter .tig bet ha not area tba girl not Is in meaa- Ilrra. a k. a .. 1,. ... a ( a ife aad for ta ar r effjrt hj . . t . Momen wobLd L'-nca. a ho bad be- ,,. . . m frieniaad tlm w bea he aaa out of emptor- . . . , meat bei a The boy md a f gr.l against axtraditioav . . Te-u ve got tbe gac oa m and I d'a t ..... " car, but I tat s ar r is g tatt at 4 face L --.." fc tod in itlK'.l. A k s AySK. W$& 1 nothing ocivgT) lt CAN'T COME K. ,. - 02Stfek 1?2'AY t r' vf .rVe- ,,V.i Yl-li Hi I' f A PltBtkara Daua. CORPORAnON TAX LAW YALiD: Supreme Court Cnaaimonaly Uphold; ConttitnttnnaTtw of Rtarnt f J w JUSTICE DAY BEADS OPHHOS it Hal. bat Ta im NeaairH by ! Iwvtewd t Beta a Taa the laraw It self. WASHINGTON. March U -Tbe corpora tioi ta proriaioftB of ghe Pa?-ne-Aldrk-h ' tariff act were amatained today a contl- tutional by tba aupreme court of the I'ni- ted State Tb cotirt waa tnuimoui in th corporation taa deck-loo. By re-ardiiur Mhaa betna a lu oa lr com, th opinio 1 aa riven by J-uatire Ly proceeded ta bold j that tbe law waa constlt at tonal, notwnb- tandina th law nlrbt reach tbe Incom I frcra son-taxable Bourse. i TberebT- a source of Income of approxi- imately I3S." Bnnual'r waa awured to it be itoverTimeBt. " - " '"'"L. Jt 'Utt" " L "".f?"? ' . mem to touno auuiaeut to nuu.iy id paw. xb court aid no'a that the t UB W cot applicable ta th real eetat -truat " of Bofion. which i orraniaed not under any etatut but under the common law. Th law aa held not applicable to tb Mmne- I bpoH ay-Bdlcat. a real : concern, ta! the ground that It a ai not doing buaiitees within the tneanmg f tiie lam. At 31 Jusuca Lmy began to deliver tb decision of tba aupreme caurt on th con- stituUonaUty of tb corporation tax J44- tlcw Day announced that It waa within the power of tb eer-al to Insert tb corpora- j tioa tax proviacon tn the tariff law. wnk h ; originated tn tbe bouse arid of which tb ' tax prortaion are a p.irt- Justic Iay said, aa it appeared to tVni ! who listened to blm, that tbe court held tb tax aa an - excise tax oti tb doing of ! buwneaW" which 1 exactly tbe basts on 1 which tba government ha defended thei lis Justlca Day nxt he'd tirvt the lax pro-' visions acre not arbitrary exen iee cf a power. Tba was urged m arg-umeEt as on reason why th law should b held -untonst h utior.aL Taa t'srssral Baalaeaa. Near the ouiwt of the option as it ap pfara ;n printed form ia the statement lcJ th tax "is itnioe4 not upon tb f ran -cbiaea cf the corporation, irrespective of tbeir ue in bin-. nc-r upon th prop erty of tb corporation, but upon tb do ling cf corporal or Insjranc business and with respect ta the carrj lr.g on throf Ln a aum aguivalent to 1 per centum of the entir net inooK over and K .. received from ail souron durir.g ti.e year, that is. when imposed ln thia man ner It la a tax upon the dotcc of business ana th adiMcea which mher in the pecuiiantie c-f corporate or Joint stock or- I fBI,t " character A t " organisations share many jtn - 1:,a corpo-! organ. aatjon. 4t may ! ar"l4 generally aa a tax upon t ,J' ;r' " busin ia a corporate capacity. tt3. is to b of th tijiir r"1 l?-come over abjv receuad from a I source during the ear thia is tb maur of the tax adopted by th .-.aijte "Tb Inoomc Is rot l:m.:ed lo such 1 received from propcro ut-ed ir, t:.i- t. n. strictly speakihg but is eapres-lv ' - - - g th cared to be c-n '-he entire net income t from ail aourcea. eaciudi:., s-wjuul. irt-r. k aa Qjvioenos on SloC 11 other corporation olr-t stock companies vations. or lturn companie a. so autvyvci t the tax. in other aoida. tb tax is in.posed on tu doing of bu:i,e of th character descnt-vd ar.d th votasj: of th taa is lo be th income aith ttj deductioa stated, reonied only from property used ia bu:rici. but from eiery source. I "Tt'1 wm "f u rf,,jr bf th tax strengthened a hea a note as to orgaia,saUuis kaoer t'. la as f ...a a. j tvuuun mr luiiuat . -I 1 mctaTj? C a w.A a few..a la-ai i... 1 ... .... ... . . a . . I . a. " ir..: ..itil A.tfaB . .. . . and Iitriri of t .tj l..l . . ... ' After Jusuce la hed liius c in if. ' Lcierpreiai-va a mch tr o.axi bad p-t oo ' ... a . . ! pro ' Ki-m cf I' ai be pr -rx-eded c 1 siatsrr tb various ater-ou urgd ' . . . ' tt!.iwa-i r-f It. taa H f.ri : tL iued oa I av.rta Paga ) j Confidences 1 'XKIGH!" Nebraska Will Send 29 Militia Officers to Southern Border War Department Aiks General Car ter to Prepare Program So All Kay Hare a Chance. WASHINGTON. March 11-Th cr.lhu iam of tb -fficfr cf th mi'.iti of tb elate and termorle oer the opportunity for field erp"uc in tb pre-ent miutary lattoc in the vu:hern border Ftate continue unabated. Iin.e Saturday Gn- : eral leonrd Wood. chtef-of-taff of th army, ba reoeiTed aoceptsocea frojn additional tnibtia offt-er of tb tor-it anon J. Jo t.s r.tu.JCJ3liJSJ Antonto. Tea nalrmc a trial of 1 fc o- ceptancea. Tbe atate Jut heard from and tt num ber of officer who mill accept are: Ala- 1 t-airia. 1. Aniw.i. t olorado. .r: Con ! nt-crjeut. S: Georirta. Tl: Marv'-ard. Michigan. 1S; Mitrieecta St. Nebrai-ka. . New Jersey. It; New Mexico. ; North Carolina, at: North Iakota. 1. FUk3 Inl and. I: South Carolina. T: Virajirn. Ul. The Innrict of Columt.ia and thirteen etate have rot yet reponied. Ma.Kr iierl tarter, corn man dire tbe troops- at San ha been asked by tb War department to prepare a prosram ir.eictir.g tb number he tan ccc-nm'3ate i on tim. When this 1 receded the dejwrtinerit a ill i.Turtr a schedule, to (rant, if pomuh'.e. field in-iructvon to all the officers ho have acxepted. Acocrirg f to th present plan, about !"0 mill b sen? I southward at on time and the period of 1 instruction will be about Uo aeeks. I Indicating the interest of th militia offl- cers. General Oliver, acur.g secretary of aar, haa tea overwhelmed aith applica tion from senators and represei:tt:ves ln behalf of c.ff.cers who desire 10 participate ln the maneuver Gt-neral Oliver has ex plained, however, that It is the function of tJR governors of th siat. ratbr tria lb War depanmrnt to mak tfj seiec Uots. Anti-Clerical Riots at Sao Paulo, Brazil SeTeral Persons Killed in Fifht Which Follows Disappearance of Girl from Parochial School. P.IO JANEIRO. BraiH. March U -Anticlerical riot:r.g occurred at Fao yes- terda). Tb military ar.d pi.ll- attacked tb men which fought tack, and during the encounter several pra:t. were kiiled and otters icj-ied. On hundred and fifty arret-! wr AU ot ,t lbunh in 6a Puo4e-.i ,h. on tb say. H explained " M" J"-" m,.,;Jr) ,jri .... v,..u.a-.u m w. uiaapp.-- at. irora a itck hjii . hool of a our.gifrom Jamaica Saturdav. eh. aocoms girl who cou.d riot 1 pndu ed - th ! hlni lo rtlj., IOar.,hr alth their atnoi u.Diiii a lor her nj,a. O'Brien's Candv Free Today " See if your name appears in the Bee's Want Ad today offer ing O'Brien's Candy free you don't have to advertise to get it. Find your name and the gift is yours. The Bee is also giving away today KiiritH' x'iiie Svruj. rjlike' I'oiiiUUs Flour. .Vine ri. TLcatt-r Tickets. BRYAN TALKS WITH LEADERS Xebrajkan Viiiti Washington Dorm His Visit in East. SATS HOUSE WILL DO Prewleta t.reat Besalt far His Tart t ader leadership af Ikaa Clark Meets ajra. Bryan B e lara frwaa Jaatabra. 'From a giaff Orreeoon fleet WAeHlNGTON a. irva.MI inr - eiani.a iMiinn jmm-fi feryaa arrived li.' Washiagton this morning and w aa busy all I day cor.ferrma with derrcraoo leavdar of IJ Z mZZ r "a ,r S-l bf at' o-Cbl to k-nowr Mraea f tfx.t who tauked -lib Uimbow U hemg done hele- I ba Ke thai he by no tneaxis consider himself out . threaterM with th defeat of tbe Initiative of politic, but w ben asked if he auld b ' and referendum bill many time If 1 a candidal for th presidency b replied: jam a traitor to tb party, abat of the "I think I bar made that aufliciently ' paid attorneys for tb si ards a ho Plain. For two jeara I hav been aaylna j are serving tn tLis setaate? What of tb that I aeeld not become a caadldat and ! f r1 that I a a tW that !f I would " neawtau men continue to ask me th ijueetion." Wb.'l b declined to dlaruss the prohabl candidacy cf Governor Woodrow Wilson, a horn he met yect-rday for tbe first lime. Governor Harmon of Ohio. Governor Mar abail cf Indiana, or others for th presi dency In If, t. Mr. Bryan grew eloquent In pred icurr great reault for the next demo cratic house under tb leadership cf Champ Clark. Th Nrbraskaa said b aa la favor cf reciprocity, tbat is th present agreement between this country and Canada. When questioned as to his H-m on lh proposed 'third party." Mr. Bryaa becam nu.dy axasperatad. -What third party? I do not know of a new party and I am rrttu-g tired cf bemg asked about it I do know, he ever, cf the new league of pro rrassiv republican. That movement, fos tered by Senator feourae. LaPolletta. Mr. Piachot and tuber. Is an experiment sh-ni- 1; ' vv-T r"r, W. .hav ben accused ,var sine -l.tTrlZ "W P"r thi aa v - . -v a - ami tbn cl sidestep Mexican Mailer. (today tl feeling brok jo th ape-he When requested 1 stat his view on th1 Ena representing tl reg-ular demo action of President Taft in reobilicicg anr,t sr-J Kkjles tepresenting tr, friend of army along the Mexican fronuer. the jtr lea leader, said : I think newspaper tak too much latitude in trstlr.g affair that involve nations. This govrrnrooct must 1 sufficiently informed to a arrant any action cf tbi kind, and tb troops ar now la Texaa bacaus tb governing board of tb army want them tber for reasons known to it and ahich concern It only at thia tlm." Mr Bryan left th city at I o'clock for Pnlladclphia. where he ail! mak aa ad dress at a banquet tonight. H a !U then rrt for bis home ai In.on tna..a .... I thia tnomieg ilott h cam east to meet j Mr Bry an. bo arrived Nw York tan.od lull i grandaon. John Baard Br-an, and ih itft for L;acoj ta: ia morr.lng at 31 o rti 1. DEMOCKATS FACE SPL1TJX BANKS Selection of Sifticp Ccmicittee Bnngi B.ttenteM cf Let.: re Seuioa to Surface. DIRECT LEGISLATI05 IS THE BOCK Skilei Ctarfei Party Kachine Will Esatciilate Ititntive. STATE CIIAXBXAX HAS FIASCO BILL Plaa it to SnbititTite it for One that I ii Under Way. . BABTOS DE50C5CES ICR. OLLIS Call H i mm Trili.r to Tarty and la. Pr" fplliaeat .-, Dr""-rrwt rwlloats r Bitter (ktrartrr. FViuti a t'aff C'otT-r.,-i, r,t 1 , LINCOLN. Marcs 1?. . Sneoal -Th o. ; lay dJculi.e, irj VT.-rbnl .--eTe . ahicfc the member of th mc.r r prtr ' ha f.acl in .be a ay of direct lea-.;'. . t.on b-i lav. hTh thev -Brrr r rli.-d to u i'.-i. re err ouncel on he floor of tl aetiat today k eraior Sn.o a democrat frwa Butler and eu. ! IK j Tf.e firbt over th :ffnc cmrr.;tv IwhKh ba be- brea aral week a brt-k ih,, afternoon n a tora of Bccufsat.on and r-riDninatior.a Hi.'e. and Oi; were read c-ji of the party be Karti cf Ralirt II de;rd thut 0', wa- U,e worn tra tor tb democratic party had vr had and that If ever a man d ereJ to be .xe-d gkil at the ana Kkile r-turned t wnmor a deanacratie wratft w-ith a rfi antwer ttat tbc ibo 11 j--r curJ. Ti. ma torn r won it r.tht. hoaever. and aroint a coTTTnittee coni..tir- of Albert. Rroa nine. Toloott. Kor.! Uoe and Tur ner, o.-motrat,. Hartlina- Smith of Boon, and McOrew republican. let the reeal. Kid. "The republic., have bad to make th. r F ' rrearrewrlt HmHcr, In ih sion of th aenat.- mvd k lea -1 u--.i with the nrnonty party H ha been That psrtv rh, !,, mad- tt- fiiht too-h ard lornnl. frjr th r-.vt r..-.. !o-r-atic prlncl-lc. cf Irlti.n, and rrfervti- , U U II 1. 1 r,w ryon. :iIJM.w ,r,, 1 d knr.. IdXCHir1"' ','rd '"'' and Tr-ium ...i,P .rrc irtro!'ic. ,rto the s-nat- on the U day fur bririjrine ur. e h inej are a ttaieetv on d rect ! eriauoi ano defeat eni-ely ihe principle-. I know b v f tt,e cam from th , nrmor-ra-ic ia1 Oialrmsn and I kaos Itbat they came to b- aultit.t4 for me wr.n in,a rTtiar e"Timitt whVh ou are trjina to ram daw ur 1.-.,. . "-tWIViaMa DJr tMlt vHr-ti ta a . . '-iat'on bill kn fact Pretense. and not a m-r j Started aaase lmn)n .-oj.ii m a-ix yarea bi'l I could bav tr.rc vote from Omaha? I hav been threatened, but I refuse to ylld I intend to mak this Tint for direct legislation to lb last minut and ih repuMlLiB aill upport th Ban strvggie. Tou can t bJi.ff m I dare you to kill th bilL If ou do jo uaill not b representing tbe demo, cracy of this stst You are tV traitors to ro-ir pany. K.ll tb InitiaUv and referendum bill and ou ml I km jour can 1-aity in thia atate." aanllea far Bartaw. Tbe axrlmony of tii atruagie over the appoictment cf t!j sifting committee o-veJc.i-d some Ume ag tba Fklles O ils and Brown tiled to rush through a com mittee, ahkh would bav been eatremely favorabl to tb IniUativ and referaodum in aa advanced form arid Would bav sup ported stock Tarda legislation and a few thing cf that character. McGre. gmlth of boon and Bartling brok away from rp.bu .. t b,a .14 1- , ton atd lbe drmocr.t. wrrt .rrfcJd mrmr of their party. .L i" "'liioi. id Ruaitrr tarn no - !01'"1 leflt-lauon t his denuiiciation of fkllc and O.lis a. lrregmlBr member t.f th rr.aorrty Bartcs of iraiui whose nines ba bn resiKosalb.e for tbe delay tn settling tbe matter. ld Olhs. over whom be waved his hands aad thundered Like Ajax def lng th- ligbtning: "I iher vr s as a traitor ln tb demo cratic party you are th trua.'- Then b turned over toaard Fkilea a Irtu further out cf reach, and shouted: "Tb genilma ha said tbat 11 ought to be a misdemeanor to t;i a maa that yo-j wcuid not vot for hi bill unless ht voted for -jra If that Is true hanging i too good a punishment for a man lik the s-nator from Butler. !o thro oown h'a lavrty at vry rbanc. Ho can th senate be expected to stand for a tlfur.s- comtniite whicii ks nursed ln corii irac aad crime and b -m 1 tn.M.j lir crim-taais atid tra.iort c.f both a rt i " T ht- gaSt-iies amil i lsduigeniiy at th j prx-let hnia! i-j.emit ol it gentl-ma I irorn t..M and tt pct-Mmi mttrr-.ptej j bim era! litm-t a itb a mid reminder tta; h aaa in a prllamwtary body as 1 iiiot ln the street, lbe f r.a! ot cf th tsfi'ng committ tu ti f., AT IS. Hnrtoa. m k iSk-m- k--l Ta.CS- 1. Lea. i!:Taf M tnttkta 7 M. fi-set . V. n ris-sa, : .rva -X !-st-a. S-.M. a. No he ktiij. . n r - .1 . a-w-i r; .1. ar-lCk a .-t. lU I. T. fear . B-o-r. n-a..!.. JiTstf.. &t.jk j Cut of jlaml.toa tctttd a it I ih s-a ilea mork a t t.ace th con.miitt l ) cau.u f.rst. but a l.-o thai aaa beaun aeiit over with tu Gmocrai laodin-n voted aith tb frputlli atia v-n first c'va:.ce and then a ben hia on pn fcr rr.t-d tu hod the tr h aau.hed to trl .dc. Mi tJre. a bo ta been cuutted a.i.ot. tba ioei iiLtfl an a bo art alth tr. oerrtocra ta at.:r.t Ihe ei tf t:,e ic I-ub.acane. and the la ixt-1 It r i tmwrtu. oil. a and M. i)r. totei alia !.. , a party Bnd If-ft Kan'.:. an-i mij'.i of a iel.i Sbllea falsi. Oat Blila. Ik tt a tb aXiat-A ov-Buxuatie vutstioti aa