3 THK F.Ki:: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAKCll ir.. inn "I 11 c it p f a ii e d 9 The most complete printing plant in any city of the middle-west. i-,o 0) d) Kgwaawaw tiSMHmS uw V 1210 - BRIEF CITY NEWS. ma n. By Tewto fN-Vu Jwlry Cw tM, lssala rUtar, milM IlliliW flak, nixum. s. tag t. I Int. management uses every r. fjt.on for aalety. moos en f it raortsares; bast claas of securtiy. ;C Fx mam Street. YBf' rwwwl CAli fcaw -To regwlur meettrg of th Young People's So- i Tan loagu will mm bold this aftaraooa ut S lock In rwra n. Baldridg Mock. W KM SffMUtt MssSgB ITslTlT uim. with Stevens Bouts for ata years. I accepted a poattlo wtth Browning. K log Jk Co.. la charg of tb bat aVpart- meat. liibm toawlsgw u4 IT ma assoal Mas have sssvs; to chair aww .uartw la the Pougiaa black. SWoenta aa4 Dodgw, aad ara ready to saaaa linns ta boa buE drm Tied 0 eart . Mr. aad Mr. Ed ward I- Kilty aad Mia Maria Riley accoaa p.nied by Mr. T. H- Clark of Scraatoa, It, win ltr today for a visit of two mraths oa th Pacific coaat- DlmtM arraa 1 Tho following dl v oreaa wer granted m district court Sat urday: Margaret T. Lorhboeler frota Fred G. Lorhboeler. Orao Cola frota Robert Cone and ArUur B. BrtMik frota Ketue M. Brtaack. Caarwa dab Tstirlslss jn Monday evening at e dock the Good KMlowthlp club of tbe Tirat Baptist church will giro a baaaoet ta tba eharca parlor to tb r.iew of t church and cotLgTegartoa aa4 Ifvrtr guarta. Cover will b lai4 for BaOroaa Xaiaraa Mat A. rag-ular maatiag af tha Antarlcaa Kaiiroa4 Km. piojra' ana rnvaatora aaaootatloa. Caioa p Pad no branch, will bo aaUl aa Tuaaday avaalng: at o'ctork ta rooaaa of tba oaa rational bureau, third floor. Paclfia Ex pra. Uti Taka Fokor Plajoia Oargoaat Vadaea and a luster of otQeara arrtrad at a room at S: Nortb Bixtaaaih atraet laat atgtrt aa ata ana wra ngitg4 ta a pokar ium wiib rb pa and card oa tba labiaa. Aatoa Kalaoa waa mtm1 aa baaaar of tbo lao aad tba elgtit nat-a wcr arraoted aa froquaatar of tba P. a. Will aa- to TaU Dr. T. H. Mllwoer. "tbo aisard of th wira.," lecturaa Mon day aniac at tba rim Preabnarvta cburob upoat wlrakaaa toiegrapb aad tala phor.y. Jt wUl b llluatrated wuk tba aw ptrtiw b aaed la aia Wctans ta Kow Tork. Tba loctur la under tba uspic of tb Mea'r club and la frco aid a aaaa ar tavttad. T roa aTaattag- l4go N. H. Hilton, oao of tbo big laad owaar hi I ha Bit Hora Kaala. VTja, la planning to open tlicro eno of tbo popular roaart lodgaa aad rail It "big Hora Hut leg Lodg " Mr. Hittoa pjtaa ta taao out parUea tbrougb tba latarooung poiata of th Big Uura i-ountry- o Obarraa araaa Xfatea Tbor will ba ao proMKuuua of W. J. Nfita. th Juror la a civil ault. a bo waa appended vndrr auaplolotia circa mataaoaa by J Mica Kedirk laM Monday luck waa Ifc tctormiulMM gia out by County It uxaoy Engllih Saturday aft or a tborough veauafcUun. Sick wiri raoulta freat a diaordrd rt,J:tion of tb nomaca. aad caa b cured I y tno ba of Cbaaarlain a tHooiarh aad lJr Tabiota. Try It. Tor aal by all c -.ra It takes 35,000 square feet of floor space to house this modern, com plete printing plant To absolutely protect the valuable copy, engravings and manscripts often entrusted to us, two fire-proof vaults are provided, a precaution taken by no other western printer. A roughing machine, to give that pe culiarly soft and artistic finish to choice illustrations a small but costly apparatus is only one of many machines found exclusively in this remarkable printing plant 1212 - 1214 - 1216 Howard Street, 'Phones Douglas 1604; Independent A-1603 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Edbicationtl Effect of Cltj Bear Omaha School. Buiks FULSTUG TESTS 05 SXTRIACE Marked f aaarttartal fftadto ta Cotlog Aatl Title la Loral aad Dlataat Seawola. Tbc clay bank aorrouad.Dg thre aide of Train acaool la Omaha aad toaericg mountain like above the roof of tbe build ing, at tbc corner af Sixth and Hickory treeta. bav become quite noted for Tar ton reaaona. la aia geography of Nebraska. In aorg Erert Condr baa pictured and BMdUoaad tbeia la lua chapter oa "Giaclai IV poena," aad tbo calldrea of the gegrapfcy ciaaara ar much urprtaed. when atudylng tbla book to eee their acbool buUdlag- aad It urrovndiag baaka la oa of tbo pictures photographed by Dr. Bar bour af the State uaiveratty. Th pvplla and teacher of th achoo! bar taad frultlaaa etforu to cover th Hnlii with grrea. but without succaaa. On ear wild cucsaiber viae ere brought from th wood aad tba botae aad planted at tbo baae of tbe banaa. talks wr art t aad cards Strang front throi ta th f esc above. J ut as the , plants had coannaaced to Tlaa aad cling, a heavy rain caused a landslide aad the vines wer tuned under several feetNf clay. Tb BMmbers of th school board be came Interested aad after constating the park board sent fifty matrimonial vine to bo plaaiMd. Th day tb employ of th brrd of edocaUua cajn to put then out tbe a lad was blowing a gala. He bad Instruct loom te fasiea a rope about bis jt aad aav tb jaailor lower him frota the top of tbo bank, fastening th rope to aa old faane aaove. Wbea tba p r rj approached tbe banks with th principal of the school and the Janitor and saw a bat a taak b bad set tor him. bo backed Owl aad returaed to the superintendent of bandings wtia a sot from th principal. eaj lag that the f eaoe a aa Insecure and sbo oould not permit him ta attempt th planting ta tb face of such a gaie. How ever, tbo pivots vert set out by astcg a ladder aad a vary few took root and arc flourishing. Aad so tbo work of try-tag to cover tbo banks with groea baa gwae merrily oa. Oa year a vine warranted to grow oa aay bank was brought from Niagara Falls, by oao of th teachers aad planted by tb children with tbe res ait that It Is slowly spread rg. The Idea of plaattag anemias' glory seed grew out of tbo study c-f tb life history of that Tower and la to be tried thia year. I sst fan each room was toid to co.ieot saornlng glory seeds, which was done, aad this weak tm piaxitu-g week, the plaa be ing to piaoa several seeds ta stud balls 'hiea ar to be fired at ta clay baa aatll they todg la tbe crWa Fwar rootna bav had tbetr try at it aad all the rest ar t follow, even tb little kktdergartaer. Th very best part of tbe who work, th teacher aaya. a the fct that tbe chil dren have gsiaed aiuch from tbe etudv of the Ufa af thla flower. They caa tell yea of U-e tstiportano aad fumuuioa of tbe oe4. why c . led aioralcg glory, hew Soaay eoiors la tbe open flower, wbea tbey g ta sleep and whea wake up. whether C ave th same flower opens day after day. what Insects visit the flower. Tbey know th needs of the growing plants ss to soil, beat and moisture. They ran tell cf the work don by the roots, tr. stems and th leave aad tb nees f th stamras. corolla and calyx, of the distribution of the pollen and why the flowere fade. They ran Quote poems and tell stories about the morning glorr and Its relatives, tb bind weed, moor, flower, cypreas and sweet po tato, and they sketch the plant with char coal, pencil and brush. The friends of the school ar much interested la th.s lauwt effort of Train school pupils ta beautify their school grounds and are hop ing fur Its success. WtCSLEYAX IMVEtMTT SOTES Paw-Wewleyaa Ha a wet Will Be Head Tharwday of Sell week. The last number oa tbo Nebraska W ro le aa Young Men's Christian aawoclatMni lecture course appeared here oa Tuesday evening, 1 auraat A Co., tbe magflana waa th final attraction. The course this year has been very successful la every way, tbe talent baa beea of tbe best, and Manager Wlshmler reports thst the finance ar in good shape. Ut. John L Nielsoa of Omaha, bishop la the Methodist Episcopal eburch, will lector here Monday evening. March 11. Acting Chancellor Fulmer spent a part of the week at Chester. Neb , before tb Ministerial association of tbe Beatrice dis trict which assembled at that place. Prof. Jensen of tes physics department gav his lecture on aeroplanes before a very a(ureciauv audtenc at Cedar Bluffs Friday evening. Wednesday afternoon all "W men In school met and organised a "W club. Tbe object of the club wUl be to promote aad encourage ail branches of athletics la th university. Tba officers elected were: B H. Beck, president, aad A- 1. Keeater. secretary-treasurer. The Invitations ar out for the annual reception that the freahruaa claae give to the !KpfcoiB)or. Tb rooeptloa will b aald this year at Fraieraity hull, Luuuia, uu th evening of April 1. ,Tb preparations ar quite elaborate aad tb affair promise to be aa successful aa th reception cf the aeotiad year's class te the first year class last faU. The meeting of th trustees and district superintsndants naa been called for March O. This has beea dona la order that a!, may attend tbe Paa-Wealcyan banquet w hich la to b held on th evening of th lid. Th aaaual contest la basket ball be tweea the faculty and the seniors took plac la tba gymnasium Mctaday oretucg. Tbe gam waa hotly contested from the start and waa rough at time becaus of th laexperieac of th player. Tb gam esvded with the seniors leading, 11 to 11 Tba base ban saea ara at work ta pre liminary practir bow. Several aew mew ar aaowing up well. Among them ar: Lai. Haworta. Stuart and Mitchell, pitch er Crane, one of last year's twiiiera. Is ta fia bap and proeniae t do better thaa repeat hi fine record of last year. Captain Cola. Stiir.gfellow and Buttoa are all first das feaekstops who caa also play la several other poattiona. Xotea frwea Daw a Cwileo. Tbe subscribers to the Doa Owl. th eolleg pbblicauoa, bav elected the fol lowing board of edltura aad assootate for tb ensuing year: Clay Harry, odrtor-ta-chtef, Harry Wtlklaaoa. ftrst assoaaf : H. W. Inavlsua. seooad saeociate. Fara Venauta. third associate; TraaJt tawt H Root Print It. alumni editor; Olive Hester and Ward Goble. local editors: Echo Ratcliffe, literary editor: Bertha Denlsoa. exchange editor, asd Jamea Eaman, business manager. Clay Harry and Jam Fa ma a head the earn positions last year aad tbey wer re-elected bee uk of tbetr efficient service. Tbc junior class will publish aa annual this year and also present a class play at commencement time. FKEWOST COLLEGE. Saeeeiasl f Maslral, Dr tie aad Literary Evewta. A very interesting and Instructive lecture on the Teliowatoa park waa given under1 the auspice of tbe I'nioa Literary society last Friday night by Bay Mcintosh, a rtn deau who acted as guide through the park for two years. H Illustrated his lecture by a Btereoptlcoa aad threw over X views upon tb screen, aad hi description were very vivid, showing that ba was well ac quainted with tbe Bubjoot. John Poltevon of Nordea, Neb , a com mercial graduate of 1SUA. ialted the busi ness exchane today. H 1 assist 1 tig his father In looking after his larg land la tere ns In western Nebraska and Idaho. TV. H. Henney cT IXinlap, la., registered In the pharmacy department last week. C. A. Lincoln, who passed the state board examinatkia. Is la a drug ator at Cereaco. Miss Rum Levy, another student who took the examination and passed. Is continuing her work under Prof. Kieitainger. Rev. Blthell addressed tbe students in rhaiel Thursday for about flftea xniautea on the subject of "Immigration." He spoke of the Immigration law and condi tions at Ellis Island, af the conditions In Europe which Induce people to leav there and of tb work don by th recruiting agents cf steamship companies, etc. Us closed by eulogising this country, which Is his oaly by ad option. Miaa Edna Reynolds, soloist, of De Moines: Miss Vid Nation and Mr. fiai hart. violinists, and Miss Ruth Cawocy. pianist, of tbe college, rave a aueoeaaful co&cut la lalr last Fridaj- tistt. Miss Keyaolds and Miss Natloa have returaed ta Ies Matsea to continue their conou-t work. Fioyd Gilo of the rolleg vknia depart ment played aeveral oolo for th Scrihner High school entertainment Thursday night two plais, Sonaet." by Jeroro K. Jerome, and The Burglar." by Margarot Cameroa. wer put on th stags by the meiiibers cf the School of Expres sion. They had a good audience aad It was la every wsy a success. KEilVET - ORM1L. Mattera of Iaterewt Wale a Eallvea the atootla ef Irady. Th monthly meeting of the Latin club ccurrad Tuoaday evening ta the Latin room. Tbe meeting waa largely attended After a vary Interesting program, a LLree oourso luncheon was aerved. The luncheon waa mads up of a typical Roman menu. The mesa cards wer m Latin. w Th Young Women s Chriatiaa assoc atioa gave a recptioa oa 'Wedneaday at which Miaa MalUda Prraaser, who was a dee at to tbo fcuoex Oty snooting, gave j a very tnterostliig report. After tb pre ' grata punch aad wafer wer served. Tbe I occaaioa waa aa enjoyable on. I Praaulent Thoma visited Aurora oa Sat urday fur tba purpoee of addressing lbs HaoJlUia Cowaty Teac bars' aaaoclatioa. Ilis diue are nearly aJ takea for tha ro Biamder of tb year. ftuperteteadent E. P. Mcmro of Bbeitoa riaitod lb aurtbal oa rVededar. This The latest machines for copper plate and steel die printing, which for merly had to be sent to New York or Chicago, make it possible for us to produce this high-grade work, even better than most metropolitan printers with old-time machinery. Nothing that will produce modern printed matter artistically and eco nomically is lacking in this plant, which you are cordially invited to inspect. Is Mr. Monroe's firrt visit to th school, and his call was enjoyed by his friend at th normal. Pheltoa haa sent a large number cf good students to the higher course. Saue the biological department has been moved Into the north wing, an adjustment is being made to furnish larger quarters for the phyaical actencea. This permits a alight expansion of Prof. Sutton's depart ment. Prof. Button Is anxiously awaiting tba action of the legislature relative to the south wing. Hs is anxious to get his de partment Into permanent quarters. Word Is received at Us otEo that the new equipment for the library, purchased some weeks ago from tba Art Metal con struction company. I oa th way. Miss Anna Jennings, librarian Is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new storks, so that she may move Into tbe fin new library room. VOTES FROM PERI' NORMIU Bill Apwrowrtatlaa- Twelve Thowaawd for Library Pa rd. Profs. Gregg and Weeks spoke at the faimers' Institute at Johnston this week. Mrs. NotUetoa. who has beea away on account cf aickneaa. has returned and is j now meeting her classes ss usual. Fresident Hayes gave la chapel a very raterestltig account of his trip to tbe Na tional Principals and Superintendents' as fxTiation. which be attended In Mobile last week. Governor Hoch, w bo appeared here last M on da y evening as the last number cf the lecture cours. was delightfully received t a larre snd appreciativ a u dies re Two cf the students, who have been quar antined for thre weeks on account of the possibility of tbetr taking smallpox, were let out last week, and later developed lifht case of varioloid. They were again miaraetlned and It, Fbellhom reports that there Is no danger cf anyone having been txpoaed to tbe disease throciph them, and that they will be out again this week. Purlr-g the last week the bill appropriat ing SU.09 for aa additional story on the iicrtry buUdirg p?ed tbe senate, and It is row In tb hands of the governor for hi Immature. Little doubt Is entertained but that be will slrw rt. Frtf. Weeks entertained his "corn busk ers" a number of students who assisted him last fall with aa "oyster feed" ta the jarlor cf tho Oop last Saturday vening Th Peru terms club has reorganised again tbia sprtng with a limited membership of fifty. Th oourts ars being thorotichlj CTorbauled and pla will soon be resumed. Tbe club expects to hold a tournament In the spring at which prises In both single and double eveats will be awarded. A. B. Geiwick cf Ulysses was made president, liasej Beck cf Peru vie president, and Helen Ehepperd cf Allianc sec-retiry-troasurer. Carl Overton tad the mirforrune to break one cf tha bone In his foot while playing In a basket ball gam at Aubura last week. BOCKFORD COLLEGE, Marked Boeree of Depart seat wf ere ta rial Work. In ISM a department of secretarial work waa established m Rorkford Coilegw. Rock ford. I1L. In recognition of the growing economic 'ndepeadear of women. In this course, opportunity la afforded to tha girl w bo would like te asaiat her father in buataeaa. or who wlafte t know bow to Banag her wn property, or who would fain escape th deplorable Ignorance cf practical baataea saatlers at preaeat ao Ooan but among, womea. t obtaia a aovad buaiaeaa educauoa la Co en pax y with other Fentiewomen. and to have tbe advantage of a college education and of a college at mo ph ere at the same time. Such an opportunity Is aa valuable as H is rare. since its introduction the cours baa proved ; eminently ruccesrfuL, and every year Be I a larger number of student electing this ! course, i R ferr)rg to the work of this dejiartment, in an article entitled "The Women of i Tomorrow." by WlTllam Hard In "Every body's kligar.ne." August, 110, he says: 'Rockford college Is ranked today, by tbe reports of the United State commis sioner of education. In rank oa among the sixteen best women' college In tbe United Ftate. It han t risen to thst rank by any quick, money-spurred spurt. It brings with it out of its far past all tbe traditions of that early struggle for the hlrher education which, by friction, kindled among women oo flaming an en thusiasm for pure knowledge, it remains 'eollegiat In the old sense, quiet. clostraJ. lnhab'ting old-fafthkmed brick buildmga In aa old-fashioned, large yard, looking atill like the Illtnfis of war times more than Lke the Illinois of tbe twentieth century, retaining ail the home ideal cf those times a large Interest in feminine accomplish ments, a strict regard for manners, a be lief In the value of charm. "But her la this quiet, bob metropolitan college, so really 'academic so reslly in the oldest fashioned wars 'culture.' here I a two-year course la secretarial stodiea. It Is the frrrt time (witf ln our knowl- edge) that such a thing has happened In any of th old first-rank woman s eoi leges. "The course In secrets rial studies st Rockford gives th pupil English, aceouma. commerce, commercial law and economic history In her firt year, aad political science. Exeunt,, economics and sociology in her second year Shorthand and type writing are required In both years and a few hours a week are reserved in each year for elective courses to be chosen hy the pupil among offerirgs ia French, Ger man. Spamrh and history. "If education does not n give a woman comprehension of the organisation of the money earning w orld, aad ?) tram I hem tu on of tno teennxrue which lead to eelf-surport In th world. It Is not edu cation" KdwealowaJ wtea. I la officially stated that the Pennsyl vania university gives away fcS.fc worth if free acboiarihlps every year. The board of education haa approved th recommendation of Superintendent Young for tearnirg the Po.in laaguase in the high scb,is of Chicago. A Columbia graduats or thirtr years' standing haa riad to the .roileg the smcunt cf a aeho.arhip he held whUe a atwdet. togetw with iruerv-t- The sum 1 altogether only CuSJ. Prof. Thomas S. Adams, formerly a mm r cf tno faculty of the I'nirersity of w iscor.Kin. will return to Madison Mav 1 to aoce; the position of state tax commis sioner of V joconain. Respondlr g to a fire alarm entirely unex pectedly le MlnnearKilia. 1 Central high tcr.ool rtuaenta and r.fiy-fiur teachers ran from the four floor to the street in leas Iran two minute, aad aul wuboua- the s.htest confosioa. letkecee lnMitul of Tuskeee, Ala., will evewtuany benefit to the eitent of sever) hundred UiouMuvd dollars by th till of Linmel I eauttior. s millionaire manufac turer. To this institute is directed to be riven, alter various life estates crested br ue wil snail lepeed. all the teetatora prctrty or aa Burn as (he law wm allow to be givea 1 sutn purposes. Tb eau- ,nte la very large. John Oabhert Bowmaa haa btea elected ; I t tne Iowa wte Board of UjrtK prea- ox ine t tuverstty or iowa to sucoeed Gecre Eiwta Mac Lean. rwirred Mr 1-owma.a rraduated from the 1 riiverelty of lew a tn 1-w and was prvfeaaor cf Lsvgiub at v oiumbie vniversiry Tor several H Is Xiww ewcre'fjr S U-e C rw m dation. but will give op that work and en ter his new dutw August 1. Columbia university's large endowment haa been greatly Increased. The sum cf t'itli&2 In new gifts have been ret eivd by the universitv. and ike eiecutors of the estates pf John tart Kennedy and rf ore Or 'r irrned over to the trustees iuTllf.sl mM ot g.d, from an anonmoua donor to meet the cost of erect- " anJ efluifplng a new bunding for tbe A very i.irrBrv or An ana Art nitennre and for the school of architecture. County Work Next for Workers Among Men's Associations State Committee's Report Hecom mendt This and Body Will 5ame Commition to Study Plan. The Toung Men's Christian aasndatlon ! committee having the state committee s report under consideration, made Iti re port yesterday to the delegates of th thirty-first annual stais convention. In the report It Is suggested that tha state executive committee b authorised to appoint a special commission to make a study cf tbe small town and rural prob lem with a view to the inauguration cf county work. This committee, it la sug- ested. should be autborlted to mak a study of th student. Tb following wer chose as members cf the state executive committee for the term expiring lilt: E V. Denison. Omaha. W. J. Hill. Lincoln; A. L. Johnson. Uni versity Place ; E. J. Wlghtmaa. Tork; R. D. Ayera Centrsl City; P. 11. Chickering. Omaha: Henry Hochenberger. Columbus and as member of th advisory commit tee, M. C. tleie. Auburn, for tha terra rndir.g liil. lajared la a f ir or bruised by a fall, apply Burkien's Ar ni a Salve. C u res burns, wounds, sores, ecxema. piles. Guaranteed. lac. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. VICTIM CAPTURES HOLDUP Jeha Feaor Paraaeo water Load Hiss la Heads af Pwltew. mm As th result cf th superior -rinuag ability cf John Fedor. one of tho men who held him up last night Is held by the polio FVdor was held up at 11 o'clock by a whit man and a negro. The boldupa se cured SUa. Th men separated. Fedor gav cbaa to th whit maa. H followed him as far as th Meti brewery, where the man was arrested by a policemen. The prisoner gave bis name a E. J. Woodcock. Fedor Uvea at 7W7 Leavenworth street. W. H. Smith. Thirty-fourth and Fourta avenue. Council Bluffs, told the police lat bight that hs was held up and robbed of K by two negroes at Hit South Tenth street. Is there anything la ail tats world that is f mora Importance to you than gocd iigea tion ? Food Btusl be eatea to ausiaia I f e and must be digested and convened Into blood. Wbea tiie digestion fails th who. body suffers. Chamberlains Tablets are a rauutial and rellsb, cure for Ind.gestion. Tbey Increase lb flow cf bile, purify tb blood, atrengthea the stomach, and tone r Um whole digestive spparatus to a natural and beaithy acuon. For aa.e iy all dealers. Tha Bee la the beat because tbe reading puUle. M geaahe