V i J ! ii OMAHA JAJJ,Y Hi:k 'm M;fcli P.T r.D'.VA KI ft'i, WAlf H VI' Toil l'.'r. WA'I Kit. r.l'ITOH h,ft4 t Omar a potff.' a"rsjd le teaMer Tr.ftVM OK m HtM HIITI'jN: iMir flea, on year tl Jle ofie f ' iiir ' m.' "iti. m year. lmi aad Hoodey. year. ' iiv.uiwt.yy.it nr cahkikh .Mri it ;ih'ii Mondsyt. Pr .vt,n. iwi'n SirHsri per month ' f 1 1 r I in . win ainls 1 1. per rn'iiilh " I ;., ( i r.',,l K iMltM, perroinUi V Address ail lomplaima of Irregularities In Vllverr P 'iy ' I" 'iia'toe leparlmsl. IjVVU t.H 'ioel.e-The !! Hoi. ding r,in Iimi i ew N T went y-f'ur th Bt '.. ii ii.iff ii a im ft I In. i. fi-. I. lla liii.dlf.g ii-4 Martitt h illdlng I'i k ' it v - tie. an' II il. 'I n Iwt M West Thirty third ! W ashlr.giofi 72'. K'iMn'h St., N W. COHPl I .K P' .N VKt't'tt. ' iittitfnitiU HUtit.n rela'lng to new srid d -I'orisl niiar sti'mld ha addressed Omaha lis, L'iitortal 1 1-(art rii fit KI-.MITTAN'.'KN I'.emlt hv Irafl, aifirMHi or postal order, paiaole . 'I h Ilea furnishing t'orrpanv i imi 2 'ant slumps rerlv In parroanl (if mail a'"tintn personal fhe-s esi apt on On. al and eastern est hang net eiped rKlinCAIHT CIKCl LATIG.H. 47,621 State tit Ni.iaka. t'ounly ef Douglas, aa: l''M Wii'ieo.a, rlrruistlon maieg"r (if The lira f''.,'tai.lr. ( ompanr. being duly eaorn eava that tha irr. daily elr filiation Iraa spollail. unm iwl end returned ' "!'. f'c tha month of Pahruarr, lll. a i't liWMlll'f WIlJ.IAMrl. iK'iilatlnn Mnaar, M u a rt bat In my rafi and iwin to l.ff'.r ma Ihla lt rta "f Man h 111. ItOIIKFtT lll.'NTKH, olaf jr 1'ijhllo. abarllara ImImc tb tllr y.trarllr abli lb a llaa mall4 Ibam. A44rrn will ba Mh in b fiuflrllnii l tha fvorlt detn U'illli: 1iaart. Willi. tliH -n 1 1 r aoulh blioulil not In- lilmiiai) fur llallry. Cliainp (lark la ft yarg of but lia tlora not aifin to rrlly. l. Th hurnlnc fu-tlon at Lincoln U, tMII ha ii'itin primary nat lha town oianT Anil hrr llonar uprlalng la talked itt In China I'ntla Ham cannot apnre dm i lmiia Jiiai now. The fcnirt of coiiinirrtu la bsarlm lha California lrnn taa. That aounda Ilka a Joka, but II la not. ' If he wern not o advent to lining a I ron it, Uriguagn, Cncle Joe, too, might exrliilni, "I liavn had a bully time." It might bo jiiMt it a well If the prrnl drnt did not nay too much about the Inal urn Ion of the Kliiy-flrat rongreaa. A lloaton pollllclnn waa acctiaod of gtafilng aftfr tin went out of office, I'nahle to t,ult hi old bablla, prob ably, I'eually thcra la only oni Joker to a deck, but no mich limit to the number of Joknra poi-alblti In an Omitha char ter bill. hi III, pi-oil do not lieur of any oo cupunla of ttxt city Ii it 1 1 or court houae rcalgnliiK bt'catiae nalarlca are not higher. Mr, llryitn bun been balled In Hoa tou iim "allll the leader of hi party." They did not ilaro ay the "atlll lead, r." "No inuii can be gitmtrr than bla wlftt will permit," nbanrvea the Cbl i'iiro New a phlloNopher, And aome ramiot be aa Kreiit. A we undciHland Ii, I'm In Ham la down Ihere on the border In the ra pH ly tf n frree, only with a pair of Klove hid behind hint. Funny I tint they call them "harem" eklrt. They certainly do mil reaem- ble the pliturea umially dlaplayad of what they do not wear In harem. Honker T, Waahlnglou advocate arbrnil out of itmira. They oiiKht to make a blager lilt down Notilh (Iihii up north, eMpectally In tba winter lime. Now. only auppoae Hecrelary of the Interior r taher ahould fall to do every thlnit 1 hn t everyone who hua been de nouncing Hh II I ii k or t'xpei'l hint to do! If a ciitlKrea. tioih houae of which were republican, could nut iigree on a heal of reiippoti toiiiiient, what can bit expected O' " funmiM with divided political coiil nip I'm iner Ki'iuilor llnle. who voted to aial liilmei', la now working to ee t lira tha pardon of Hanker Morae, aoJoutnliiK In III" A I Mill A federal prison tleiieiou to a fault. It aounda Ilka a trateaty nit word to any that a Mutiu on the I'aclflc alope haa Juul w ai ded aw ay $ I .(HIO.lliliI worth of aoll. )-! there I prohably niortt truth than poetry In It. The leaat thai chii bo aald about our entl-aalooulal I that they have been decidedly unfortunate In their I selection of penitentiary bird to do their ateuthlng work In Omaha. I The airoiig. at argument In favur of the coniniUaioit form of goterumrnt tor Omaha la thsl II would give ua someone Hue to msnsge the wster work after "Immediate and compul sory" purchase Is effected. The persistence with which et Ciovernor Shallcnberger continue to brenk Into print givea ground for aus plclon that lie will try attain for a vin dication at the I1rt opportunity. Which I It to ba. Mr. Suallcubvrger gotfiuor or at nator? ..ii . X1 x j.ijw u i - Remit of S4t Dcitin. (tint in andT tba turf' tf tha rafuaal cf tli Intara'a'a f omroerMi t nrr,ii.lf I'n to uratit th! railroa'l' r 0a. for lnfaad frlfht ra', ona finda no warrant for baliaTlua In tha iBjmtl'a or ll or,'itin;a of thla d'ltloa. Tha railroad, tnamaalvaa, riiual admit that had thalr raat ban graot4 It mljht baa mada poa albla oaw dlfflcaltlaa wbltb ara not Ut tm l'jkd for now. On of tha toiblll'la wonld haa bro further dmanda for ln'-raaa4 wagaa and for hljrhar prl'- for railway auppllaa. ft at th rhlaf point on whUh thf railroad bad thalr clalraa aa tba par anally of blgbtr rata aa a rnftr.a of gattln nionay to roaka aitanalona and lmjiro;nnnte. Arrompanrlof thla plaa wat lha artumont that ra fuial to (rant tha tnrraaa would tlahtan lha rnonay marbat and rata lntrat rata. It la luttraitlnf to not what ena of tba big financial houaa of th country baa to aa on thla point. In a rlrrnlar lattar lant to Ita patron It aayi: rt'f jaal af tha arrimlaalnn to grant tha I IV raaara akal haa lad to an ma Intaraallna coinplb allona whl'h may ultlmataly brtna alioiil Mahar rai for monay. Ho far ai lha ro1a thamalvaa ara corarnl thar will In all ir'l.abllMr ba abi to artj'iat thalr aflalra to rnaal lha n w rnndltlina Moat of lha largar ayatama ara In poalllon to xt alona with tha prrant rataa with out aarloua Imoni'anlanra. In tha 'aaa of aorna of tha amnllrr llnaa lhaia may ba aoma (Ilfflrijlty an'-ouniarad. but taking tha 1 1 miMiji.rl.it Inn Industry aa a whula, bo alaaatar n-d b faarad Tbla banking Inatltmion, which bna icnKlce bualnaaa dnllnga with rail road, taitalnly la entitled to a votca on tho aubjct It uptiaka with avan mora nniphaal upon another aallcnt point urgad by tha railroad, that In- craaavd freight ratfg ware naraaary to maintain e'iultabl relurni to aa- rurlty holder. When It aaya: Caraful raailln of lb commlaaton (In I alon. with analyala of tha elallaiba lhara In cltarl, cxrtMlnly ahow that hollar o Arnrtban railroad xfurltlea bava proa parol anurrrioualy within raiant yaara arn thar la no reaaon ta faar that thay ll! not cnntlnua to prrtanar, for, noi wlthatand ln all that ha Itaan aald to tha tonirart tha hnaln am urltv undarlyln lha laaua of Arnrrban railroad mrpmatlnn wa navar hattrr than It la today. r4o wa an that even the atockholdar and lb bondboldnr ara not la Im mediate danger aa a result of thla tie r lalon. Legal Light on Lost Tog&i. It la not to ba auppoaed that Jo Halley will ceaae to alt aa aenatoi from Texai even though aoma con atltutlonal lawyera hold that hi aeal I vacant; that It became vacant when he Dent hi resignation to the gov ernor of hi atate and that neither tha governor' reftiaal to accept It, nor Dalley'g recantation refill It. Yet the auggeatlon that Bailey may have to tlefend bla title In the aonate, aa be defended Iorlnier'a, need not be aorl oualy entertained, to long aa the gov ernor, the journal of the annate and the vice president are all on hi aide and hi name la not eraitod from the roll of the new rongrea. If ho really had any faura In tbe matter he might realgn again and let tha governor, after the leglatature adjourn, reap point him. II la reARonable to believe that Halley would pot care to rink Mm chance of re-election In the leglala ture alnce hla colleague, Kenator Cul berson, and tha llryan faction of the party are agalmt him. ' One constitution expounder argue that Governor Colquitt had no right whatever to decline Dalley'a realisa tion; that be la not the Judge of the expediency of the coure of a aenator who expreea a wlah to retire; that he ahould have accepted the realgna tlon, under tbe law, and. If tba leglala ture were In aeaalon, advlaa It, and If not, make an appointment In tbe Interim. Cei'talnly the governor poa timaea no power to elect a aenator. In the New York Tribune thla Interesting precedent la recalled: lha JikIIiIiii y rnminlt Ire of tha hotiaa mitila a dfulalnn hrailtt on Mr. Ilallay'a contantlon lit tha caa of Oaorga I.. 1 ,11 lay a ifin-.nlallva from t onnartU ut. who realanrct lo haronia aovrrnnr of Connacllcut In January, 'l ha ii alKiiatlon wan to laka vrtatit on I( anilar at, Ilk, but alnca Mr. I. Ill)' wa not to ba liiaugurutad gov- rrmn until Ida VaJm-lay aftar tha that niuiioav in January, wnim fell on January I. he triad to rollact aalary a a leinaaanlatlve aftar January I on tha around that hla raalgnatlon, to taka affavt on lierenihar 31, had not haan ac iriitad by tha auvnmil of L'otinactlcut Tlva coiiiinitiaa hilil that Ilia Iralanallon baiama rffa.'llva from Ilia duy iikiihmI by Mr. IJIlay, whathar tbe aovarnor accepted Il or iini Tli Trlliuua add; AecoHIng In that tir. Mi. , ! rrxlMiuilloii wiiiild acem to have hai.- in,- , ' farllva aa auuii a h praannlud II to oov ernor t'oliinlit. wiilumt rrfcrrme to any thin whli h the lattrr conatdaicd II within bla irn hint to do. Halley acta hlmvelf up aa a conall tutlonal lawyer and he haa apeclalUed a a defender of llllea to aeata In the achate. Hut there la not tbe reiuolent poaalblllty that he will admit any flaw In bla own title. Booker Waihington in Advance, rivitdent Taft at Atlanta advocated ! primary and Industrial education of I the youth aa the aolutlon of the race problem, lie muat have at ruck a re tpotialve chord, for this haa become a Popular theory down south, its popu - ! Ur,,v h n foater.d by the suc- teaa of Hooker T. W'aahlngton'a school st Tuskegee. This leader of the colored rata was tbe first to think strong enough on this theory to at tract wide attention to bla effort to put It In practice ilia industrial achool a producing reaults of fsi reachlng Influence. Hooker T. Washington pleaded and still pleads with his people to get bark tu the soil, to quit tbelr Idleuese. throw away their owu piJudU and rni: iifit: i..aguij ..-.wjumia. ix. go to work; to learo how to work and to teab tbtlr fallow bow. If tbera ware rx.ora aur.h a' boo la aa fcl tbe rlutlon of the rar problem would ba tuore rapid. He veart In advance cf bla or tbe white ra-e on tbla propo rtion and be deaervei more credit for what he baa aer-ompllihed bauae of the etribborn realatance flrat fncoun terad to bl plana Young m-n gradaatea of Tuikegee have gone to other landa whare negroae dominate and their eervlcee have bn very aoeeeeaful In trana plantlng Ita prlclple there amoog tbelr on people. Mr. Waahlngton once aald ba could not fill the de mand that came for teachera and leader from theae plate. Doea tbla not abow that tbe negro will learn if be baa the opportonlty ? Xo Whltewnh. The moat truited agent of the CUU Hervlre tommlaalon ba fiaally arrived In Omaha to Inveatlgate and report apon the rhargee preferred by Letter Carrier Tlllotaon, with a apotleM rec ord of twenty-tbree yaara In tbe poetal aarvlce, agalnat Poatmaater II. Y. Tbomaa. Cnuaual public Intereat baa already attached to tbla caae became of tbe character of tbe cbargea aa well aa the poraonageat involved, and tbe public haa bad enough apread before It to be convinced that where there I to much amoke there la alao conalderable (Ira. The Intereat of tbe public locally, aa well aa of the government authori ties, must be to have tbe actual facta unearthed and the plain, unvarnlehed truth dlacloand. There la no call for the ua of the wbitewaah bruah nor any exeuae for efforte to ahleld any one either because of political pull or aecret aoclcty tie. Neither Is the pub lic, we believe, In any mood to let any one Innocently or Ignorantly lavolved be jobbed or made a acapegoat for tbe real culprits. The Civil Service commlaalon, fortu nately, bas not the reputation of being tbe wbitewaah department of the gov ernment. Tbe civil service men have bio of this kind coming up from time to time In all parts of the coun try, and thay must know that law vio lation in official places will never be brought to light unless the victims complain, and that tbe vlctlme would not complain If It meant merely whlte waahlng and retroactive punishment ipon tbemnelvea. What I wanted la an Initiative and ref ran.lum yatani that will be a powerful weapon In tha nana or tne peopie, put that cannot become a nulaenee In tne hand of tnoonaerjuent fad-ridden tnlnorl- llea or a menace In tha hand of the peoiel Interaata. World-Herald. No one will dispute aa to what Is wanted, but Is It possible to get it this aid of . tbe millennium T Oregon, which has been boasting that It baa tbe most perfect system of popular government yet devised, voted on thirty-two tneasurea at tbe last elec tion. It defeated woman suffrage for the fourth time, and tbe Initiative petition to submit it again in 1913 bas already been filed. The collector of customs at Cleve land haa Juitt been fired by the Treaa ury department under charges of graft. The cbargea against tbe Cleve land man are not more serious than those that were proved before the Treaaury department agalnat tbe newiy appointed surveyor of customs at Omaha. The secretary of the treas ury evidently Is willing to put Into office In Nebraska tbe same sort of a man he will not keep In office In Oblo. Why? aaaBAwaaaBaaaaaBaBaeaaBBaaBaaaaaaBBl According to President Lovett, tbe erection of tbe headquarter office building and completion of tbe abop will constitute Omaha's share of the appropriation for Union Paclflo Im provements, and moat of the double tracking will be laid along line in tbe statea west of ua. Omaha, however, benefits proportionately In whatever makes the Union Pacific a bigger and mora Important system. Tbe road cannot grow and prosper without helping Omaha aa Ita eastern terminus. A Lincoln paper complains because tbe teachers of Nebraska voted to hold their annual meeting In Omaha this year, and tha Young Men'a Chris tian anaoclatlon I alao favoring Omaha with Ita atate convention, re marking by way of comment, "It looka aa if some of those whom we had been aaalduoualy wooing are glv Ing ua the mitten." Lincoln should retaliate by bidding for tbe next atate meeting of the Retail Liquor Dealers' asnoctatfon. The Mlaauurl I'ailno Is said to be considering J. W. kendrlek, vice pree Ident of the 8anta Fe. for the presi dency, which President Elliott of the Northern Paclno baa turned aside. Mr. Kendrlek went to tbe Santa Ke aome ten years ago. He haa always taken high rank in the railroad world, chiefly, however, aa an operating offi cial, and bis capacity haa been demon strated. .... i Our amiable democratic contem porary declares that the damocrata 1 t,. responsible for the record which the present Nebraska legisla ture will make Uranted. But be record tbey would make would be far different If tbey did not have a luaty republican minority and the fear of a veto by a republican governor to check them. If Mr Hryan's birthday celebration ran light up the democratic firmament ao brightly now. "Saint" Jackson will have to fear total eclipse In future telebratlous after Mr. llryan shall OMAHA, MONDAY. MARCH 13. L . . . i 11 1 have ben ranonlred la the sainthood of droo ra'y. In MM when Mr. Hrysn went to Doe'oa It was "tbe eoamy's country " Today be la baited a "a great rltl sen." and "tbe leader of bis party." Rut then he Is not In qoeat of an ad mlaalon ticket to tbe V, btte Houae on this trip. ll'iatrw aaoator Baiiey a rublie uaaf il naee haa reaa4 )ut e.ut a comMetaly aa If hla raalgaatloa ha 4 "takao " Kanaaa City mar. Granted. But bas not bis public "naefulneee" elwaye been more of a private nature, anyway? Aa I aa porta at Tablle (arvbre. Chlcaae Nawa. In maklne Mr. Klahar eratary af the Interior Preajdnt Taft haa reflected credit urwm hla a4mlalatratlon and haa rendered tha general publlo an Important earvl'-a. Beaeflt at tka Daakt. Cleveland Laaar. In bo ltlr wav could FraaldaBt Tart have ehown that ha la giving tha new eonareaa the rxmaftt ef all doubta than by calHng It Into evtra aaasion on April 4 Inatead ef April 1. taaiatr br Martial Maale. Kt Paul IMnpatch. However, we raat eonfldatit and un alarmed. Thara la not going to ba any war. Tha J0.CM) army will practically re peal the performance of the king of franre'e force of the eme alae. RoweUaai tacle Jw4 Cleveland Leader. Mr. Bryan announcea that he eonaldar (lovarnor Harmon an doe not available man for tha democratic nomination" for praetdent. In which aome think they aee tha fine Italian band of Uncle Jud'e presi dential manager. Wkat'a tba Uaa of Ilawllasf Indlanapoll Nrwa People In vartoua communltlee In Illlnola are boidlna Hi aaa meetlns to eapreae their Indlanatlon at tha retention of Iortmar by tha aenata and to denounce ""nator Cullom for standing by Lorlmer. Thla apeakt well for the people In thaae verloiie town, but what tha uae?" Wk Store the Clack r Plttiburg Dtapatch. It would bo Intereetlng to go back Into leglalatlve hlfttory to find out what stun ning genlua conceived tha chlldiah Idea, that turtilag back tha hand of the clock In tha houae aad aenata would make It constitutional foe congreaa to continue bus Inee paat tha hour when It explrea by limitation. Watea 'Km Ua II. Brooklyn tart. The coat of living la to be lowered it thaaa Una given out by member of tbe next congreaa are straight. On mora at tempt la to be Bnada to pee a law that will enable men to throw off trouble and keep what they deem aatlafactory. Wage muat ba kept high, and although high watea make high prtcea, prlote are never thaloaa, to be forced down. The greateat bleaaing of our times will ba thla extra aeaalon of congreaa. Saint Juat waa prophet le 'when he aald "The leglatator aommand tha future. It la fur htm to wtll for tha good of mankind. It la fur him to make men what ha wlah them lo be." A Real War Vetera. , Philadelphia Ledger. Claim agalnat the government for al- moat every, conceivable object find their way to congreaa, but one that carries with It a genuine aurprla Is found In the sn eral deficiency bill at tha recent aeaalon. That meaaure contalna an Item of L'93 "for lha capture of Jeffaraon Davla." from the muty record of tha capltol It appear that In 1W eongreea appropriated lioo.ooo aa a reward for tha man who took Davl Into custody. There war many of thoae, and all but three were paid off. Now ap pear a Milwaukee man named Wagner, who aweara that he la John P. Hmtth. on of the mlaalng trio, and for hla benefit the Item appear In the deficiency bill. Ilia arrival at tha pay counter after nearly half a century of delay la a unique spec tacle. A PeraoaiaJly Coadaetrd War. New Tork Sun. Mr. Hobaon, In behalf of the Japanese government, haa declared war on tha t.'nlted Htata and fixed the date of the flrat engagement between the fighting force of the two countrle for a day within ten monthe, which up to the prea- cnt he haa refuaad to dleolose. lla Intend to make It known at what ha conoeive to ba tha paychologlcal moment, giving abundant time for photographer and war oorreapondenta to reach him before ho UUUa begin. for tha United Btatee Mr. Hobaon ha begun preparatlone for the etrugfla by making a large number of lecture enga munta covering tha period In which the struggle will take place. Theae enaaa manta will ba arranged ao aa to allow Mr. Hobeon to defend practically every Chau tauqua circuit In tha country, while at the same lima directing lha onalauahta of the Japanese. THAT P0ST0ITICE SHAKEDOWN. Hprlngfleld Monitor: Tha charges aaalnat Poatmaater Thomaa of Omaha for too much political activity last fall will keuu that gentleman guessing where he la at for aoma Urn. I Orand Island Free Prea: Tha Omaha newapapeia are certainly going aftar Poat maater Thomaa for the way It la allcgt-d that ha mail the man under him come acroaa with money to fill the republican campaign fund. And It I a elneh that If ha a guilty tbey will get him, too. Plgltamouth Journal: The poatmaater of Omaha la hoeing a hard row. Aud all be cause he mad hi eaaletania give up good money to hlp Rurkett laat fall. Now ajnrhett la out and the Omaha postmaster la liable lo follow aull. Nice organisation of poatmaater the downed aenator hud In Kehreeka; don't you think ao? Tekamah llarald: Poatmaater Tbomaa of Omaha baa got hlmeolf Into hot water by trying to play the roll of political boas. From tha report In the Omaha dallies ha I up against It It look aa though Mr. Thomaa and F.d Blaer of Lincoln under took tu organise the Nebraska postmaslrr Into a Burkett brigade laat fall At one meeting It was reported that thay had twenty-five postmastera preavnt When the federal office holdera run tha politics of the state the common herd had batter hunt the tall timber Dakota City Kagle: I'oslrnaster H. K. Thomaa of trmaha la being hauled over the eoals charsed with aollrlting funds from hla employee to aaalat In Hurkett'a campaign, and alao In reducing the rank of thoae In hla office who failed to sup port Burkett with tha enthusiasm Post master Thome thought they ahould If piiatmuater Thomaa did not aucreed In delivering the goods tu tiurkett in Douglaa cwtinty any better than t'nlled Main Mar shal Warner did In Dakota county, hla disappointment and chagrin were auffli-lrnt punlahnimt. without S"l'iS after h'e po litical job 1911. . Around New York mipplee ea the Cwrraat ef Ufa aa Sees la the treat American Katrowelie frwai Day ta Zay Church di'putaa. like dlaputee of ordinary vintage, have at laaat two aide. Po much la claimed for tha cauaaa leading- up to tha reetsnetioa of Rav. Charlee F. Aked, tho Liverpool preacher Imported four year ao and given rrarg of the Fifth Avenue Itapt.ct church at a aalary af II2.00 a yar. rWent diapatchaa carried Pr. A lied rcaon. for tearing hlm.'cif aw ay from New Tork and transferrin his field of activity to Ban Francteco. Tha other aid of the paJnful separation la put for ward by John P. ETder, a deacon, in the New Tork Tribune. The deacon aay the church now aeat KO perton. Dr. Aked consider himaeif an orator and want to talk to i.vn, and would rather have .K0 A church with that capacity could have teen arreted on the Keat Plde or the Weal Ride, but tbe doctor did not want a church there, lie wanted It on Fifth avenue, on a corner lot and not above fifty-ninth atreaL Thla would have coat. Mr. tldfcr a. :W,OTO. " but a A of hard-headed citiaan on the board of troatres" thought thla waa too large a turn to invcit in on man, particularly a man who haa beu alck thra ttmea In the four year ha baa bun In thla country. First, there waa feaur he waa eonaumptlve and ha bad to go to the ftwia mountain. Then be had gall atone and lat year typhoid, and, anyway, a Deacon Klder, If tha church waa built they had no aasur&nc that be would be satlafitd. 80 much for the pastor. Now, for the congregation. Many of the member are attached to tba preaent church and alta. which in too email for Dr. Aked great enterpria'. They are not aure, aaya Dea con Klder, that they want "a large audi torium filled with rambling rellKiou rub bernecka, and that' about what It mean to have a great church and a pulpit orator. Young men bring their girl to hear a pop ular preacher one Sunday and go to a mov ing picture ahow the next." The truateee were willing to Invent II QW, 000 In a new church, but were unable to meet Dr. Aked'a speciflcatlona f t that aum, according to Mr. Elder. The contention that crime among chil dren I Increasing eem to be dixproven, ao far a New York la concerned, by the current annual report of the children' court, which atate that "each year ahow a falling off In the number of Juvenile delinquent." These In 1910 numbered ,491, 2,M fewer than In loe, and only :.ow-7Tj of whom were glrle were convicted. Ca-nea of disorderly conduct showed the largest decreaae; burglary and larceny cases alao (ell off materially. The clerk of the court auggesta that the danreaae In arralgnmenta I attributable largely to Mayor Oaynor' order forbidding foollah and unnecessary annate. Certain of hla atatisttca tend to UHtaln .that conclualon. The charge of disorderly conduot," for Instance. Is fre quently brought agalnat a roguish boy who haa chanoed to offend tlia dignity of a churlish policeman, and the ease with which. In some communities, auch boy can b "put Into court haa aometimea wrought deplorable results. Frank Helegretlo, at years old, a laborer, worked for twenty minute with a com pound fracture of the skull, and might have continued working for several hour had not a policeman, attracted by the big gaah in Helegretto'a boad, taken charge of him. Helegretto waa helping tear down a build ing at US7 Broadway, lie waa on the first floor, and a brick from the sixth floor fell and (truck him on the head. For a minute he wa dased, but. wiping th blood from hi hand, muttered a few un pleaaant remark about th carelessnnss of aome peraona. and went back to work. A policeman came along later, took a look at tha wound, and escorted Helegretto. pro taatlngly, to the Weat Forty-aeventh street station. From there he waa removed to Flower hospital In a serious condition, ac cording to the doctor, but with a mere scratch, according to Helegretto. "Our church telephone la a great help In caring for the 'stranger within our gates,' " aald a minister quoted by tha New Tork Sun. "Our reaular pew holder are uraed to call up tha church and Klva notice If their pew are lo ba vacant and there fore available for strangers. These tele phone message beg-In coming In on Sat urday, sometimes even on Friday. Tha fashion of weekend trips take pew holdsra away over fiunday more than wa uaual eeveral year ago, and as aonn a It Is known that the family pew will not be occupied on the following Kundav our Bex ton Is sdvlaed by telephone and makes proper record of the fact. A atormy Hun day morning brlnga many telephone calls of vacant pawa Into which stranger can be ahown Only minister who are anxious to make the stranger welcome and ushers who have had trouble in seating those who ara not pew holder can appreciate the value of thla phase of the church tele phone." At a fashionable New York restaurant, whare woman have tha right to smoke and where the privilege I frequt-ntly exrrclHid. a yourik matron in a party of four was asked If she would lay aside her cltrarattr and light a cigar. Hhe came from a part Of the globe where to do ao would be noth ing unuauul, but ahe had her doubt as to Ita being considered pro pur lime. Hhe said, however, to the man who madu tha propo sition: "I'll do It If you UkIU a pipe," at which proposal the man also hulked. Vht head waiter was called and ai-kcl what would happen If the "cigar and pipe bluffs tied been called," and that functionary re plied diplomatically: "t'mi'i tell till Ita ti'trd-want lo try It'.'" N'uIkhI) did. Haalake Imaginary t.loom. Philadelphia llecord lha Hallway Huslnesa association con sists of dealers In railway material who wlah th railroad to bava aa large reve nue an pose I his ao that they may ba good customers, and who have been exerting I themselves for eoupl of year to create a sentiment favorable to the Increase of railroad rates. Hut tha bulletin It ha Just iaaued Indlcatea that If not entirely pleaaad with th rata decision. It la at leaat per fectly coiiKuU'd, and II icttarda the declara tion of the commlaalon thai tha railroads are In a fine financial condition as worth a great deal to them In th money market of the world. Looked I.IWe a I'rawfl it. Indianapolis News. To a disinterested, and unprejudiced ob server It looka a little aa If the aenata committees plan to allow Senator l-oil-n iv i l'3.GoO for his expenses in defending his right to his seat and the senator cunscientloua rejection of it might be soiuu- (.imm - thing in the nature of a frameup devised!"" J 1 rep....,, ... ..... for the temper. purpose of mollifying the pul.lio Hrgrrlllsg Mia Nearels. St. Iiuls Olohe-1 tenii ciai Senator Halley s resignation, and lis aubaeiuent withdrawal is on a p.ir tsith the r.-.e of a atlel woman who upon rtceivini; an Invitation lo a ;nt. xen: her regrets: later on she -hanged her mil d and sent snot her returning hv icgtets Tho Bee's Letter Box Contribution ea Timely Bobjacta Tot XieeeaUng Two Kundred Werda Ara tantad from Oar Header. ta?re1 or state a. Slate apltol. NOrtTII PLATTK. Neb.. March 1" -To the Editor ef The fee: At th outset, let me pay that our people have no feeling aa-altist any part cf the tate or t-tt . We ara divided on county option and other police regulations, Juat a they are else where The present state capital la fort) -five miles from Iowa, f.fty-flv mile from Kan aa. liS mile from the north line of Ne braska, and XtS miles from the weat line It take one of our people three data at btg expense to go to the atate houae and do any business. We pay our share of the taxes. IJmoln county, alone, paid 11 rate tax, 1.97. In le, IX tl'. All are agreed that our' state Is now In a position to build a aultabla rapltol. but before this I considered, the location should be selected that will be fair. A young man went lo IJncoln soon after the location of the capital, with a iittie money. H waa going lo buy a lot, and being acquainted with one of th mea active In tha enterprise, ha Sought bla advice and waa told tha plan wa la a couple of years .to locate the rapital at Lone Tree, now Central City. This ye ing man Uvea at North Itatte today. When Lincoln wa ee!e.lad. it waa claimed that It would be th Hagtnaw of th weat, fumlahlng eaJt for all the coun try from tbe Missouri rtver to th weat coast. Milford wa first agreed upon, on account of It good water, but did not ult th land apeculators. ao it was placed at Ijlncoln. where they claimed they had good air and were going to dletrlbute aatt. No one wants to hurt Lincoln or other towifl?. No n la for or agalnat brewery In tbl matter. Glv ua the right to vote on a reaaonable proposition The atten tion of our members In the lgtalatur In thla matter 1 Invoked A. O K'X'KKN, Iata County Commlsalor.er, cow Booster for Capltol I'.emoval. So M lereareelallee. OMAHA, March li-To th Kditor of Th He: I notice the picture you print of th Cllc center for Omaha when It beeom a City Peautlful. You dldn t bave to label It "a dream." DREAMER- uadar Work at tbe romtofflce. OMAHA. March 11 To the Editor of Th Bee: It la now practically conced-! that every person should have one day of rest In a week, and Kundav has com to b regarded ss that day of rest. Why should 'tills not apply to the postofflce employes, clerks or carriers, a to other people en gaged In ether Unas of work? The postmasters of some of th larg-it postof flees in the country are commenc ing to recngnlz this theory and are figur ing on plana to bring thl practice Into effect. These men are endeavoring to bet ter the service and make things easier for the employes. Instead of playing poli tics. In Detroit. Mich., the poatmaater aent out cards to the principal business firma. asking them If the poetofflcea in Detroit could be closed on Sundays without caus ing them any Inconvenience through their not being nble to obtain sny mall. Over 0 per cent of the responses received stated that the postofflce could be closed and nothing would be lost through receiving tho mall on Monday morning. In case of emergency one window of the general delivery Is kept open for one hour end people absolutely requiring their mall can obtain aame at that window. After more than six months' trial this plan haa proven a great auccess, and other cltlea are com mencing to do the same thing. In South Omaha the postofflce is kept open Hunday mornlnga. but clerks working that dav are entitled to a day off during the rest of the week. The matter of Sunday closing Is lift almost entirely In the bands of the local postmaster and if he puts In his time try ing to better the service, lie will try and eliminate all unnecessary work for those under him. but the present incumbent thinks ail that be was spinilnted for was to repair the political fi-ncea of the two senntora that appointed him. Only last Sunday the entire mailing di v'slon. was compelled to report and work all dav clearina up the mail that had been accumulating for almost a week. These few remarks are written that the puhHr In general may know that post office work is not one sweet dream, and sll public spirited cltlxen sre requested to enter n protest against Sunday work Now Is the time for minister to bring this suh.lect before their congregations. ONE WHO KNOWS. People Talked About Vncle Ham hears that Americans have Invested !l,uo0.tmi).Ui0 In Mexico and thinks It In time to help Diux ail up with It. Living the life of a recluse for years, and all tha time seemingly almost destitute, Mips Kmina William. 70 yearae old, of Now Mllfuid. Conn., left an estate which was appraised at t;Ui. a greater portion of It being in i anil. Stuyvesant Fish. William Nelson Crom well. Henry Clews and other prominent New Yorkers will participate in a dinner to Kdward I'ayaon Weston, the veteran walker, on the occasion of hi 7od birthday anniversary, Muivh 15. At Hevrial of the life saving stations on the Ureal White Way of New York City htuli hulls are tolng up slid going down at the KMinn time. Nothing less IIihii 'M rents lutes the confection and shapes the fash lonabla crook of the elliow. The faiull of John M. Can ere, the New York architect, who died two weeks a a vault of a collision between a taxtcah in which he waa riding and a car. will re ceive from an insurant e company a check for Jl'111" 'U an accident policy wnun Mr. Cariere held. A column of Carile Nation epigrams garnlMied and polished hv the editor of the Kmporla tliixelte arouses the suspicion ttiat William Allen White of Kansas nils-ed connection with all invitation to xolden wedding feMlvltle of Mr and Mrs. Adolphus Husi h. Hlnce the, adjournment of conKiess Judge Walter I Hmlth of Council Bluff hut received a $"0 Judicial robe from a New York firm of sartorial artists who are right up to date in making audi garments. Tbe Judge will begin wearing it and Judging right away llaivev Cruwwell. for inoie than six I - .nr.l otall carrier of Tolieka. Kan i -' , ' . " """' , " " , i 1 hold the moid In Kansas for long service. I t row well makes a trip of thirty mllos a dav and ' trips a year, and since lie en tered the service he has used the old wa'en on e'fly trip This means that the whkoii hs-i covered a distance of about i.M r.ili s In the lk vtars and ten immthi It has been j in use. The heels and tires on the "!d stason nre tha same that aere on It when It SS I'l l I IUJLIL.H ii.juaiir ITB ITII.I V.artd Mtfrt, bat tka -Aaaatt a. rmbliir" llea ta th Siatrrn. lew land P'.aln Ivaler Manv and varlou have been the '.p' -latnee applied lo the Vmte4 States aena'e Whatever It defect, it contlauee te maja . 'aln Pa reputation a a jr passing aM ether organisations or organism In cwslsfenry o promlaaatly doas tbe opaae house wear this jewel, no .ieaJouely dees It giard It that even In th rush and turmoil of a turbulent aaasloa'a final hours It keeps It ever In public view Ft aw in the roar anl hurry of completing buaineea on the eve of adjouraraant tha asaure dki not for get to ait nuletly but heavily upoa the proposal that th gTverameat try aa ex periment In carrying package under the parcela pnai aystam. With thla ervieae 1 proposition perUb4 sifrfhar te appro priate 00 for a a lnet,atloa ioto tbe feasibility ef h a p.e rlo easily, so daiurc.aiy. ao kab4taily did tha senate mother tke 4atlon of a parrels poet that at 4d Wt ka ve t go to lb trouble of taxing a sat. Points "f order were raiaed and ailrkiy iaioed Th ta of tha par-:! post ta 'bases the f,g j re waa thrown e-jt ef o irt Thus la consistency preaer-tad. Th sen st that voted for ship subatdr a&d agalnat th popular election af It ea tr.ambers was expected to oppoaa t paf a pot It did not upeet thai xpsjr'aU'ea EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS. t IxjU. Globa-Democrat 1'a; J Cannon haa declined aa offer fra a lec ture bureau. H prafers to stay In Wash ington and lecture the democrats. Kansas City Times: News from the Mexhn border Is a remladar tbat the-e are three kind ef Ilea: Plain Ilea, ta tletlr and diplomatic cxplanatlona. Boston Ttanecripl: The secret la out Secretary Fisher la a golfer. Bellinger wasn t. Henator Bourne having goo aver to the opposition, the preeident waa lonely Quod erat demonstrandum. Indianapolis News: There Js a repot t that the Larimer men in Illinois are pre paring to boom the Hon. James School craft Sherman aa a candidate for pr-l-dent-Tut, tut. atop your laughing. Cleveland Leader: People who describe th Mexican uprising a a comic opera Insurrection apparently do not realise how much hard work, brains snd money aee required to get up a comic opera and run It. Philadelphia Itecerd: Chicago may be expected to put on a few additional airs, if the Windy City can add any atr; It he two members of the cabinet. Indeed. It may claim three, for, while Secretary Dick inson's legal residence I Nashville. hl professional residence when appointed was Chicago. Kansas City Times: The public was con fident when President Taft announced the appointment of Mr. Fisher of Chicago to be secretary of the Interior that the selec tion was an admirable one. and now the public is sure of It. Senator Lorlmer is going to oppose bis confirmation because "th organisation was not consulted " POINTED nXASANTEIXS. "Does our wife Intend lo wear on of those harem skirt?" "I don't know." replied Mr. Pennlwl.. I hop ahe wtll consent to economise and wear two hobble skirts Instead ."-Wash-Ington Star. "I know radium is the moat expensive thing of Its else and weight In th world." aald the caller, "but what come next i.i tin Hat?" "At a rough guess." responded th Infor mation editor without looking up from his work. "1 should say the nerve of a tooth." Chicago Tribune. "When th official visited the prison, a cor.vlrt knocked against the governor acci dentally, and what do you think the man atki " "What?" "He said. 'Pardon ma.' " And th gov ernor ana a erect. -That lets yc'4 out.' " Paltlniore American. "Talk nhout man!" exclaimed ih i,rr,.. gist. "What haa man ever done for woman?" "He'a furnished her with a model she's trv ina durned hard In Imli,. " voice from the rear of the hall. Boston l anscripi. Teacher Whv were i-nu n..i -,.i i .... ,. - - - ..... a. iiiiini yesterday .' u lie -1 1 wa my blrthdav. Teacher but 1 dldn t slay away from school on my birthday. Wlllla Well, J guess you've got used to fin Phlladelpnia Mecord. "Was that ovation extended bv people foi whom the political leader ha duns favora?" "To a certain extent; although moat of lh. enthusiasm waa worked up by people who hope he Is going to do Somalhlng fr them." Washington Star. "How long does It take to learn how to rut, an automobile?" "You'll need about Hire day to ac quaint youraelf with the working parts of tht machine and a week to maaier the vo cabulary." Chicago Tribune. "That fellow was a great bluffer. I think ba heat everybody In town." "Except his wife." Baltimore American LANDSCAPE BEAUTIES. Los Angeles Express, tin Hundaya when the day la dear 1 lov to take a car, And go to some place far from her. Where native's beauties ara; And aa I walk through meaduws fair. And stroll lie verdant hills, This huge ngn greets me everywhere. "L'SB UH. DINKIiY S PILLS.' I look about where tattle gia..e Knce-deelt in luscious feed; And as upon the scene I gsze. I note i he "ail" limn a greed l or. dotting all the fields alsiut North, south and east and west This ali lkliirf aentem e 1 m ulit: "VON PKLTNKH'H SHOK ARK y BEdT." Far up the slope the blossom blend In tints of wondrou hue. And perfumed flower aweetlv end Their Incense toward the blue. And aa 1 look, my eyes are turntd rar out tion the plain, I read, and this Is what I've learned. K FILL 'KM WITH )I T PAIN." In rank dgust I walk awss. And seek some canyon their Lest, happily I chance to atiat W here billboards do not atare. iiut as 1 lo-m against a rock In letters bold I read This st oleic . which gives me a shovk. (ji n ix a ii k ci'akastkb.d. ' kick a i.iiiM soMtude Within the graveyaid grand. V.lirit noble gianlte thefts protrude Alxiut on very band Ami where the in"' 4 Intartwla. I look, and there ahead Airoe the street I rrsd this sign Wi: PLANT VI I I Cr AI' I K Vli" ill i f V it .-4 S3