Li THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAKOT 12. 1511. 11 .( 'W 4 1 F e a . HEAL ESTATE All AD (H LiMt rt I4LI frrr'.ii. Cowttawct. Investments vat Cile s-p .nr. two hec. in"1 Tre tf' rtste is fcl'Kt-'Tl.NiJ WITH l.TFL Toy can fha-f in tr,it devec-tirem Write today I"r what we ( ei a" l .r j We w :. hep t-.e rM lr1 cf Tnen. 't .Vl L.L. ll'l'K M'iM-V l.V 1L-AHO. r. E. 7R1W 0LT1. Vceearv Furn v Commerc-iai i-e;h. if.iHey. laarii. - G A AXLIM" S"T'tnr Albion Com tbercial riuti. A tufiti. Idaho. "' J MITrHELL. rwt-T Cwunju'ciiu Cub, VakitJ, llano. THE f'riest gra'n an? dairy farms but fruit lapde m the state tf Idaho. s tutted in Clearsater uln near Lea run Wo Ga.tney. L.i fct, Weippe. Acs, Iwdiawa, rim REAL ESTATE AD RiCH L1D FOB I4LK lllwirl tiilft. W' w. -g a-room house large bam Ki J a adjoining tre tfv. 4-roorn bouse new he-t! . Will ml) together pr er.j.i. 1 a- near Avieiile, lanr lorn and ham. a model country home: price t)i j-er acre. rxn or term. W e-tcr C- ChiiM. H.grinsvi.le, Me FOR RALE I-w acres 4 mite foil Lew anon, on pur lie mad. I es wl; Mi te, cul tivation, rwt tiniter; fair improvements, r t" -0 sell and spr.i.. fenced and eroas fenoed : orchard, near school cm public road. K li a, a telephone ecru. F. it C Jrrie. Lebanon. Ka.- riiM REAL ESTATE a-sd i(H i. u rp r I watts UW-ACr.E ranch fr- e I j-r sera :w-tri-cis cash. rTr.mder fve jea- k pet eel mien!, ai reoced gooc'.e Biflrt For w.rticuiar ern rrttk acbula, Notfo.k. Neb REAL ESTATE farm iu kxh id roit ACostinued ) THE LANK OF ALFALFA-AI . ta avAeTl KN south A.ekota farm The gj..ei. jhh cl me '.; - n Ma to Im ae ir:t ri t ela, rlu- jbiaum bti tic. V a:nrn ft U REAL ESTATE FARM al RAXH LM rR MIR atl4. :i r.-.rt mstkfu. at-v a.a ' 1 K 1p I!. A mri.-u In.nufralioB A. o , ipm a a F a Win LEGAL NOTICES FAR 9 F'tioua m Grand for rt. 1-eixvue. Incut; H T. C Chapman arke. ntsr !F.Iaft. Nrt 4' a". nn;rf ipa-nti'i of aTfp imtrr rrt: a;icri . ail it rrcr. aaticv ami, ti ut'Ml, t o' im vMtj lar uiti r r art i-rajk Vko l'nr (J per nmn. fcirat.. Neb Ct'LfiNIZATlON ITTIotii ; It ma. arr. iw cuicmiaauo protiraiton In amiUi a'ta aouri. 1 r-nine to raiirtiad.. taoo-ax-ra ii j'twffd ror ranch, ail ui.dw tmr; o-Jhr traria. Wru for irca. ft. &. WtnOack. I irtn Tr. Mo ¬ ron a f . rruk, 2nd. . i ti kirr , tifeTFa.ii. . f-fc-i V;rij'Uoti. li Ofei't.a- T'nr V 'nrfj arid .hi. Iiu.i3.rir" arid t: m I :ti . v r:!- 1 cr 6r i C'.nuii.tia Oit . Itia ' ACRES. CRM. Hf a Iciu;. Co. Ma., at a. coniMvr alua a!itT land. cuitlatid. 11 afiira tim lr; (oid tin-rig a.ier. aoma orchard,, t rcKira ut.., laj r l fraxna barn, ct Jiar cut tiu! ifl'.tiM- ?rmK Wrlta fur Lata. Ha.itx A t-pulic.riL. Alt. Vs. FTCr: Urm' 1J0 acrra hrTrovd farm, n.ii'. twmi Cbf-ap umwriarid. MKJraUi, Mouiiiiiin . Mo la. FOR F ALE "F. EXCHAVCE-Fir JR- cr larm to F :k ahorr.fc ctn. ra.r, Joa a,. i"n rr.iit fT-ctrn tcrwt.. 1 1 i i a frM-casa f--m. a 1 t. -d. i.a food iTr.prr. v kdmiU Tlc-... fiitt ;irr '-rr; Tn(ir-tcr i (no. or If I fraj" unit-. j I 1a at.. inn in crar I rri;:rt 3' atid '. . 10 ca u ti! ttii farm Tour jirpjierty hum ac'.L...y l- vonti '. b iricinry, or do ue to inoi.kry with it Thi la 1:i ctiti jinor tin tn lajm H ta no o-3 t-ad r. f'm. ao Frfi-rrty jtm offer rnurt or Fii-tw5t' v oon't tiandi ary tT.:r.r Let f irn-f ,im dm and ttua la one tf tnem Jut.rri't our jirnptm tion. toQ ard La.rd (.it (iti) . Goa na la. Wact Mercliandise Ftock tji to t.Z.m- tor X'ii irrM wr,. i-n5rmi(l curn land, only miira frni t-iunt Lata count aat i'jrkir.arin couotr. !', 'rit. $Ti. fr arra, irioi Mcaf Aaireaa U. E. Mills A Co.. tuii.t LaAa. la. f AF'PLE ort hartJs and pt. u ! Lry Jarma not t..r from Ia Moinna. neax Coifax inter- umh. W liiiam ttwlmer. Aitooua, la SOME BAEGAINS lno axrfa. W In rulUvation. haianca ta tlRibr. Good Litrta orchard, "4 tTwji; rric-d ajipia orthkrd. Jomthaa and ui a;i; now in txiarirui Aiao a frnod family crc-hard of peaches. applM and hrrrit-a Good tiuuiw-.. barn. tial pm aiid Fund erliiod r!l and pond 3'hia Is t. ; fru:t .t)d dairy propo tion. a tui liom lt.t.itotic.n, ir era. Another 3W srrs. from KoKl.konfmi;. B rrna la cultivation, houm. barn and pod flrifm; a frw fmlt trtea Splendid tarto--;itp e J is line ran r rood aavair lii to It- leet Good fruit and arlcu)!.uraj f propo. tton, 3 fr acra. Another 13" arraa. E tnlles from Koahkonong. rkht In lha irrtiat fruit district, ai-r la cul tivation; tamLy ore hard of peat Lea. appiea. Iara and tli i ir-. kt pjum Ijouar.. Lira tnd other outbui.cinca. I-.aJ-antf sot In ruitivatioc, tut in toy cvuod timlxir. 120 per acra. J. 00CKBUEN & SOX, tt-lWI MnLatv&n Eld.. Ira . Hpio llMttaa. Ft" FINE'S mm of Glenillvf!. Mont . hav orf ariix-d for tb pur;iaM of cirinc ra liabie mf dmnuui coooemlB iar.ds ka raaterTi VSrt)iTia The mernPera of the tindrrsitrned iompLny bare Tt"l4 m eastern lioniana fur 1 yeara and rmra and know ererr foot of Its iada Ther I are merrhants and bus:neaa irfu w ho iract fettlera and your trace and cannot aJford to inlaivad .N.i a-thnttndm last leax dT'.uiTj Montana aa ma of tbc few nates raised ordinary crops In" lki( Have reeraJ tbouaand acres fur aaic at ria.riA.b. pr-toea. Hoineneada located. A riTe ua Gaus City iAad company, Glendive. Mont. 1T)R SALE FT."K ALR-At a aacr f e. a ctoi.e i a rs of aet ond hoteTJi. t-e of land. r' fl eet of a-oli Worth I)' per a. re. Put pfd nmny anS trtu sen for lli per acre fur quick saj Aodrems caper. T i. care Bee QUAF.l ER aectl'in: fcur miiesi ta Ejnei.ine, CK.d soil, rrr.a.J siabe; sen ! bauaa. f for auick aaa Kra sobkt'ie terms one m. L.. L'ur. r-teli. ne. ft. !. FN A P S. W. 13-H-1 and F W. B-J-C faim land, LlaoolB coapty, NePraska. fx-r-fect title, (tear near K R loan W liuncr Jn eatieate. ner R. lettea aortb. Cedar r.apias. la s Mrilra, AN OrPORTTNITT. Toil oan maka iK per cert profit In f!ea years on Cottfax county. N. W . Irrigated fruit land. Tou run a risk whatever Kid ta five-acre tracia. and cultivated for tva years by expert fruit s"r f Writs for s;ecial tnf orniation. 1 CIS is a a abso lutely sale investment u net ; oa b prufita McNeai. l-1 rtnaAoa Bda.. Cltjr. Ma A ec.od noHf-arre siork ranch with plenty of fine oinjode ranee, aiao all wa'T rlfhtu; Improvements, etc . three mlies from Mil waukee K. K Frira l2 per iu-ra A. t FUuher. Great ralla. Mcint TfAVTKD-L'vf ar bi coTntrtiiFion MUlTif ri( h futiurtan home jir.perty and small farms. MeaLia Vaiiev. N. M . land mfroed under Llf-Phant fcutte trrlfrfelion Wrttc bow. 1-icpnaxit Kutte Lua Las Crui. N. M prctcit and TruFt Co., MONET-MAKING sutnmt-r resort be tel, witb T a.cres of tftound; hotel aloo coat over $i(IO.liU(r, very finely funuabeo " i It clear, liakota land preferred. Finely Improved Mexico rut-Per and oof fee plantation, valued at INO.IKK: clr aad pays tilvidenoa on S3(i.M; good pro parti' wanted. iox Sfc. Win terse t. la. t MriNTANA LANX8 Improred and unimproved farms netr (iit Fails Larre tracts for colonization i purpise Five and ten acre tract clot- ito city for poultry farms and market far I Kcsi6en prci;ierty. Business lo- cuti ins Lotingutsn-Masorj Co . int .. Great FaJia. Mont Fleferent First National Great Falls Sekraika. IXKSSESSION GIVEN THE NIFTIEST. NC'BEIEFT 0-ACF..E ujiland fajm la lHus"iaa or rrpy cotinty for the money, w-tthm less than Jb miles of bouth (nnxkk. Choice location, but Quite r. diHkMe frorr town. Not a foot of waste ground 1o It The rround aJone. laying as ioal as It does, is worth the price to say nothlne of lmpiovements vhtch are nest. t nsicung of 4-room bouse., barn room for six bead : oom crlh. KtlSI with sbed alone aide; rralnery. lcxit; cblckea houae. JU'U; also tso other aheds. kxll. twelve cres lio- tight feni: elg'bt acres timothy and ciover. two acre alfalfa: rJtTe young orchard. cutp)en. peaches, plums, etc. All the larm can be cuyjvaAed. Tliree miles to ra'lrod Pricn CS' it acre: COiHi to CW cash, kialance five yaara. S per cunt- If you want a nut lorty do not fail to get this. Foasesslon given. Good reasons for selling. ALSO Good productive twenty aorwe. lrret. lm preied with fc-room bouse, tiara, etc. Handy to depot and high school of twelvs frmdrm in good smaB town. 17 miles of Omaha Good gcKids for the money; lii per ax-re. These will not ia-st long; numerous others. A tSAP-CulT drug stora ta a drr tesra lafter July l of UXK reason, sk knees; slock koout tlK. will par for Itself first raar; stiust ba caab, C A Mootu. lota, la. WTHT OO TO THB t)RT BELT wben you can buy just as cheap where ww U plenty of raocT A.. 1 mils tram a ten of emr U miles from; iir-arly ail good j.iuw land, pan good aula if a I land, ail tetioea and we.l and null, fo-a i Ivckuon. Frioe. gj per A i'be cnuai 1 La,iia J'-eai Aetata Co.. FC'R fALF Three bol Improved fanr.s 1'. and 13P es tn Turner county, gv-utb l akota. at tut le fri. per acre, ekty lern.x. tjai.l:t s Land Agency, Jtfar.on. fe. H IMFKC'VF-D farms an wud lana Iloherts county. roulh l-aso'.a. Prices t- iu I per acra. writs ta John A. Munro A to, WiiDMit, KoPerts County, aouub lakota W ACRES miles from Mot Springs S. Ii.. )'' acres ttl.aple. ail fenced, amau bouse. acres Prole J per acra Suiriey Land Co.. Hot Spring. &. It X per acra A few nomesieac? reiinqiuab Uients at f to H. . Vieida tuc per acra w.thout irrigation. Address Vk a. tar & Haynea. Oeiricna. S. L. ACKK farm, nine miles from C tikis, feaoed. fine buildings, good wa.1 js ft. acres uxioer piow. l per sera i Heywood Nalaon. CmlCa. C D. ACRES, from ntuic streams and timber: S-A arre a Fil Fwurcha Reaitjr Ca, Ee.. tv-ti fair tmprorementa. I mile aires trout J tern A I ourub. FOR fALE-J acref. tm(ir-tn ed in Aurora county. South liakota, to miles freim center of tean. on main road, free deliveiy. fine locarxm. no a arte lsrid Write for particular Adfiress Iavid RHhardson. WbKe Lake. S 1 1 ACBE5 Lyman courts. Somb Iiakota land son. 1 16 pr acre. Kiitidini.n. la. SALE If. me a'-rea unmn Co. TTvo . m the Go'len F'ra'-le dlrt-icn. a" fenced, several tiund-ed itrni under eiiitlvatioti ; s-or.ked iik slep ani cartie at pre sent : w-ll se.i with raj" ti will divide ar.d far eamm eb or leva fa-ma 3. T. FEL1 CWXEA Clie: anne. Wra BIG HORN BASIN FARMF.R . r.rPOPTCNlTT TO MOVE. CI FARM AT u.VCX. ALL F-WT IF F Lr MACH1KFK1 . NfTW HOT SE AND NEW FlKMTl'RE. 1 acres Fig Horn l.Mt i miles from Vsnoersnn. acres under cultivation. irt se'd-d to fenced and cross-fenced, good oulPuuditucs, fiaid up water right AM stork, r htripn and household goods goes with saje t poises. ', coa-a. 14 hogs ens asguns. drag plows. 2 disks, mower a.nd rake and other smaM mac Pinery Farmer rr jet leave on account rA sicfc ftuM and wi.l sell all for tM. K.a( cash. bAuant on time. Ft,em ourukS X31. K T WALK ER A OO . Me-C Brande I heater Bidg New Torn. February 1st, LLIVTlcjN K'.'TK'F. Th k.u..un lactic i-a,. say t wt i'r.r Noti"S Is hereby g.'ven tst the are.Tal I CieettT.g cf the sto. kbo-de-w rf IP Miaevuii 1 Kii.H' lonpsry u kw Peid at the general otTic-s c4 IPs Com paay. Is tbe City of St. Lous. Mistcvt oc Tueeday, Marcb lllh, at Ills a clock. n . Ut Lb ti I thir teen ItrscTots for the ansvung yrar. and fiw the tiwiismm ef any otter bisi Pee 1 1 at siiajr com tIor said tneetiig 1 be annua ne'.ing of tb I'ire lo t wiii be be id at the ame slflcs oa the same dsy st twe ve ociock ncoa. Tbe t-ansfei socks will ts c.iueed ew Wednesday, February Kn. JK1. at threw a i iocs p m . and win t reopeeea ra W ednesday. Mar. k li'tti. li. at ton o cicx-k a m THE M18tOVRJ PACIFIC CUV 1AM RA1LWAT A. H. CALEF. Soi-roUkry. CtOVLU -res.5rnt. M5dl2t M lerella aeoaa. W tite Ct.a H. Wi!. Tea-. BAN PATRICIO CO. 1 " acres near (idem T5 acre near Odem. I." acre near Taft 1JK acres near Taft, J. n. COOK A CO, Sin ton. Texan. .r r l - m .tin .(. Xorlb Caxoltna. WANTED Men to become independent farn.ers in th "Nation Garden Soot" of Litstem N. C. Write for Club Plan telling bow to secure free farm Carolina Truck ing IeveUipment Co.. ill bautbera Bidg.. W llrniiigton, N. C. n ortfe IsaJkota. WRJTE right bow tor pamph'.et. "Safe crops tn North Iiakota-" Fire-year, t per cent mortgage sale Farms casb or ittop payment. Staus Lank of Verona, Verona, N. JJ OP.IN 111&-1214 B MERRILL COM PANT. City NaUonal Bank Bidg.' POSSESSION GIVEN MR. FARMER, FTOCKMAJf. DAIRT J1AV OR INVESTOR: lo you wish to make money off of aa investment? If so, tier w a ara. liO-acr farm within less than jni, of S. Omaha market and within mi. of Mil lard, Xouglas nounty. Thia is well impcoTed with good T-r. houae.. large room, bay window, good eel Jar (bricked I. plenty of closets, pantry, etc, I porcces: bare Kx44, room for U bead, be sides haymow for eti tons, com crib, gran- ery wan machine snea aaongaiae ana nu merous other buildings; extra good or chard, etc. This land lay well and the noil 1 good. THE farmer- or invewtor opportunity. . !r T" . ..1. .1 t2i acre leiel Stanton oounty, Kan. land, I V" nJL'I1 evi.,uiiy i a au. yr l loiifelQ .ii XL r ,,,,,, 1 acre lirm J ne price le shif ier were. 11 baoLhce in seml-ajinua.1 ini riimu . will ink rrotn K. mi to caiin to swina BOLICITORJR STANTFDl I own and control about i.lMi nor e of choice tarss lands ta Burleigh and Kjdflar Co, No. LhlA, and want H) good reprwaenta tlvoa, other need not apply. Boat of rat ai mm W. .. Kunag. La.nA An vast mania, biariiarca. X. D KOETH DACOTA LANDS Ha va a 11 ml Led amount of choice farm land for aal on crop pay men ta furnishing need tor sues For panic uiar writ Frank L. kaXiufrg. JanManawa, N. L. rs ACRES rvra-sos bottom: ra!!road sta tion on land: t-2 terms fM acre fin black prairie . depot thro miw. S2 per aois; terms Address 1 tie awnet. Lit. C a. Piwa ton. Houston. Tex. FTOP. READ, THINK COS acrea. rich black bog wallow land: IT tnhe west of Houston, t mile trnea Missouri City, only t&. Boauttful farm, acrea. i miles Houston, thoroughly drained, on graded road: not as ware of poor land in It, fee Largs tracts tor col onization. L H. Baliey, WR Linx Llclg, Houston, Texas Oklaaowaa. EASTERN OKLAHOMA, hen d tor pnoes and Oeaciiptioxis of Ira Stout, Cuahinc. Okla, farm rOK SALE la Knabei Co, )t acres 4 iack cnocoiata land, I mil aouth ef Lining. OkL. la th Aatalon vaiiey. I mdos nadga and 1 aid wire, wua ua sra brotu out and tb ba lanes la paatur lota, arooard and uu-oaa; I -room bouaw. niaa aaroa, papal ea. collar arlamaatku; all ta good abap; bam. inxX. room for a ton of bar. room tar I borsear crib, tool abed and nag fork, oompiota, t aood rranaxia with Aiiwoway throe- eanier. will Lyttus buebots of gxaAa; tbosa buAid-mga and aAl ecber buildang ua painied ana in good ana; lAu iucuat post, Iruu three. 1, l osstara, guantg of wo, tor. This i a area! farm and as wnat land oa At; tin; can a bougni 4 down, la fje gaara. si rosBoiao uuw es i. a. as. FOP. SALE About 14fli-acre choice col onisation tract. Texas Gulf Coast Country; Ifliic acres cultivation cotton i: ideal cli mate, abundant water, near R R Sjiecial price. UK acre: 1-t cash, t alance i and fc years at per cent. Address T E. Ken nedy, car Hotel Grant. Chicago1 Special Opportunity For two men race stftloMit with knowledge arid expeti of fruit industry to "know a rood thing when they see ix" to go with us te NATURE P MCFT FAVORED SPOT IN THE fAOlTH Df xt Tuesday, the 54:h, to see and Investigate tbe LARGEST IN COME PRODrClNG INVEfTTMENT IN FRIJT GROWINfJ EVER EXPER1 FXCED OR KNOWN. rNr.l"AL ANI KLWARKAPLE AT' VANTAGE? IN gt'ALITT OF THE FRtTT. IN CLIMATE. LOCATION snfl other MCUTT FAV0R APLE CONI'ITIONS. WHICH KXIT HERE TO A DEGREE NOWHERE ELcE EQUALED. Tbe trtp will be an extremely profitable one to the right parties wth a little ready money. Our offer limited t this trip and date. Ik you want to see and lean the tacts and be convinced? For further Information see C. G. Carl son or Charles L. Bradford. ROT Brandeis Pidg. Tel. D. 42T.. Of Oo open Sunday afternoons, 1 to i p in NOTICE TO rX'VTRACrORP Notice Is lieieby giiem that the Board cf Educauon el the eH-hooi Listrct of uir.sea. Cimaba. Nebraska, el. I reoeM'c bids few tee oonstrucuoB of the North and eat Wings and the Poser P.ant Bunding of the Omaha Kit to School and tor the necessary chic k- j anersrKH.4 in and connection whh th I present Wings including all Heading and I entiistlng Power Appa-wtua. Flumbini, ! F'Wtrit firing. Grading etc, according lie the drawings arid st-ecifiontkm on "ne Jin toe office cf tbe Secretary ef t b Hoard I of F.dwcwtion P-Kie wl'.i be addressed te J J. F Burgee. Secretary of the Bo-d of Education, eooioeed and sealed la pref er!) endorsed esretopea and fned with hire not Ister than 1 p m. AprO 1st. Mil. Oopi" of th crawsngs and specifics ttons can te obtauied from tbe undersigned tt lrem the Architect. John LateniieT. (SI Bee FUiiifling, Omaha umn application. trt ifieo cbec k for $: (kj nun accom pany all ai'Plics ti-m ror draeings. a a guarantee that bids wtil be submitted on the same the check to be returned when tbe drawings are returned. All bids must be submitted on biank proposals which will be furnished o application by the ie-Tre-ta.r or the Arct itect Each bidder must scbmK wtlh his pre. poeal a oert:fied check la a sum eoukl to Eighteen Paintings Presented to Art Institute of Chicago Eighteen of the Fmeit ritturei tf frecrpe Ir.sti$ GiTtn to At-Qji-' tion by E. B. BcUer. CHICAO.'i. Vrch 11 Aieiojrii-emert made toflv of the preeer -atlr-n tr te Cnl cro Art mitvte of etVw of t' trt pirt! of Geo-ge Innni, t e Amwriti leaflecspe artist Tbe i-.eser.tation was mad br lrard P Pit'er. a Chicarn mtrrhsr.t. and htmsr'.r a punter. TI.e cix of the oolieclioB was tli T((-.ii i atiTiouTiceroent f o'les ed a iieriod cf arxiety on "he part of CMrsg ' s a"t il a. tlm kf of M Fu: er s inteblion bat ho aieo knew thht art gs'ie-ies cf New York. rV-isicm and several cifes were negotiating fnt ttie ro' lection, which is considered as the most lepresenta-.n e group of Innees paintings 4n existence A rpccial room at the art Institute, now bemg prelared. will bouse the collection, many of tlif wepsrste group of which oho! adorned tie gsl'erie of F.mersoa Mc Millan of New elrk Subpoena Issued for Senator Bailey Texas Kn Parted it SpringfitU, HU to Produce Broderiek Bark Deport Slip. FFRlNGFiELT'. 1 . Mai-cn 11. Slate Attorney Eurk trxiay obtained a ubfioer.a ducu tecum for I'nited Plates rntor Joseph TV. rliey iJ Texas, summtwilng five per trt ef such rre.r-.oeA tbe same i ),m as a will ess in t he axe acainst Male &enior John ft EiroScnrk of ("tucagci. who I charged ky foj-mer eVale Fcnator Imvid H. Hoist law of luka Hh Jiavicg h:m t.W July 3. I!1 n Brooenck tajoon tn to be firs a in lavor of 7Te bcbool Lis- trlct of Omaha." Omana. Nenraeka The Board of Education reoerv-es tb rirwt to re.tect any ana ail bids and to wale trregularrties ka th bid tf la favor of the School Lnemrt so to do. March Wll. ' i. F. PrFiES!5 5- 1s-r. Ml5tf Mi. City Hall Biog j PF.ALEU F-IDF WILL BE RECEIVED i for moving bcil house from 1-amrw. ,: Tripp county. South rakota. to Winner. Tripp county. South Dakota Instance i sliv!t fi mile. Bids will he opened April 3d. lt:i. Contract will 1 let tc wtiom the board considers th lowest responitrte bid der. For fuitlier particular and informa tion addre.. J. T. TREZC'NA, Clerk eichooJ IHFlric-t No. 3i Winner, South Dakota. M.3d Tt Vtaaw FOR BALE A a,W-acre rolon!st(on trnci on the rai'road. less than Ml n-lles from Bait Lake City : also severs.) smaller ' cry farm." and aome good orchard land, i W . Roaa, P. M, Lehl. Vtah- nown, baukhc in semi-annual pa):oents ul : per acre, lntei-eel, k Imr cLL. ' 1 ft ik. H oilman, biracut. AIJ'-ALFA land, aul.irrtgated; H feet ta iicr, h fine, good sn.. r.hnihg water. st acres, ts actree cuitiauon. l.v acre.. Wi aciea cultivation. These farms join, ais om Buvkemaii. - 7eirn.s good, sum )tikT. e per oet.t. A ba gam tor JO oaya. A ii-3 sew stole bund'iig. k. (', geheraJ inenclULiidise, tMlu. Aaditwk Axik !, BiaAo gnaju. iian TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. luD auiea, iia ve couniy. 1 m.ass to ton: well improved: huuse. bars, orchara, trpred. etc : luv acre in cultivation, ail U.ikU.s. lMv acre. Reno county; all tillable; fen ceci, "t aci in cultivation; 4 nuie to 1vn price. i.aiMi. Chaiiea Feusiaon, Huu hison, Ai an- trus; lial. time. Will lake a very srmaU cot tage m Omaha or South Omaha as part pevmcnt. (ieood reason why it 1 for aa-ie. Reraen.her tb improvement r In good siiai and th soil is good and furthermore pokBeesicn 1 given. If you mean business and oan swing It it 1 w-eil worthy inrerti g ail on. ORIS B. MERRILL OOMPANT. AGENTS, '14 cay Natl. Bank Bidg. KA.N6A5 farm ranch. l.Hiw acres; u acres in C'UH.rlJra,, goc4 pasture, a-j un der feuoe and iiustitiice: muaem li-rouir. bouse, t.rsl-ciass impixii ements. running water at.a Uul"i. saiei poeer Levoej gate auoui lui lajm. ti; xxa,l Aildg, AsJi oas City. lly. BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME Z3 acre. ircHira bouse and outbuildings. Wen aii d w.OwU.,li, ml' acres ruluiated. acrea la wneat: teheed, sioocth. rich awl. ail tillable. Price, ti'. per acre; ternua Landgraf A Garden Cit. Kan. W ELL improved larm of fit acica la L oo coLiit. A an. cix mies from Ad mire W ul eil cheap if taken by March A o dress Lock Box suA. o rek oi . a L ONE-TLNTH CAeH, FALANCE EAST. F iu Ki la plains t J ' to ti('. n.osl tai'id grvnth pi.puiauot. eriouid Ouub.e m a )(!., eiecu-it 1 g. t teieihonex. modern ln.jruvtniet.. xuk.n lit.s jaiieay; get in on graved f ioor inc tuort in aa auoe. aend r John W. BaugUman. To Trade for Merchandise Only MI acre; acre level and under plow. Vaianos iiastura. brvea nuos from county seat town. Large two-story bouse, thro bam two grananea. t walla, etc Lm provements practically hew. IS, acre in winter wheat. One-half cf th wbaat crvs gts with vb piaoa. BmaU Donikfi of t.WJO. run four years- Prioa, Hi s per aore, Tbe man w b own thi ta a mer chant and wcuid like to get la mercantiia buaineas In a good, live tt-sn. W hat hav )du to offer 7 MR ACRES Canadian bottom land; Us acre m cultivation, ail second bottom, us exoalied tor corn and a, la, la; ai acre in Bermuda grass, naianoe paatur and soma Umber; tn l eels cf improvement; fin barn; outhouse and of chard, 11 mues from National stoca yarat, Oklahoma Oty; ntiie i a good town; pric gai per aorc; easy terms. CampbeiL Bj num a Oiiea Campbell Bldg Ok ta Puma City, OsL FARM LA.M4 FOR SALE. CAXROB ore oa new Ain Oregon Trunk railway, Ci tr acre, (l.sli par cr caah, baianoe ten years I per cent OKEOON LA-MJ A TITLh. CO-. ForUand. Pears FOR PALE lt acre wheal, corn or alffe- la li. d la Harper county, kichki r.a.i mi.c I rotu loan, li ,.J soon. eMi. Hugh Ciu.Lt.'. Hutiiunaon. Kan. I 45 Bushel Wheat Land $27 an Acre Buy Land Where It Rains W ow n and control over 3fl acres pi Cr.e. venue county. Nebraska, choioeet larm lands now on tb market, Tbe best crop prodjeing county An tb stat for twelve ers Alfalfa Is a leading crop. W rite loasy for our fre literature. 1jv agent wanutd everywhere, FLND1NGPLAND INVErTMKNT COM FA.VT, e IDNET. NEB FOR SALE VALUABLE LAND Opening of th fines deciduous fruit land in tbe fajnous Rogue River Valley, southern tiracuk. W e arc building a stand ard gueg road ID nuie in length, -iin a view of making the Aptuegat and W ill- lams Y alleys ncoesslbie to rail and water. This to the raw land part of It srtli la Its native state. This is not cheap land, nor land that will double in va. ue ia a ar. but land on w hick you can plant an orchard and in eight year have aa annuity of tts aa ai re. W tencv m tM-Uig coo ervtl e-therefore this statement. Come and see Gibson Oatiett famous painting now on exhibition at our office. GRANT'S PAS. AND ROGUE RiVEH RAILROAD. R. C. Rutan. General Manager Land Dept. Xit-IR City National Back Bidg. Pbob Lvugika wink PR0M0T0R WANTED For An Irrigation Project The right kind of a man frith the right kind of hustle can find at Og-den, Utah, the opportunity of a lifetime. A High Line Canal can be built -which -will reclaim fieveral thousand acres of land; all of which 'will be mo?t valu able FOR FRUIT RAISING; ORCHARDING and kindred soil development. For further information write to a paid official, The Secretary of the Weber Club OGDEN, UTAH. RAILWAY TOE CARD t'KIOS TATIO Tt and ratio rwclftr TJrnrt Pan Fran. Overt nd L. a :l& am China and Japan F. M a t 6 pm Atlantic Exprean Oregon Express a 4 r pm Los Angeies Limited... nli pra tenor Bpecial .a T:04 ara Colorado Express a t M pro Oregon-Wash, Llmitod-.ali Ml pm North Plau Local all:B. P Grand Island Local a l llw Btromsbttj'g Local bi::41 pm (Taikeaugo A Ssrtkwestera NORTHBOUND. Twin City El press a 7:i ara Sioux City Local w I i pm Minn. A Dakota Ex a tW pm Twin City Limited a I 44 pm Minnesota Exprws EAJJTBOUN D. Carroll Loral JtMta riavlight Exproe a t eti am Chicago Local aLTOs pm Coiorado-Oiicag -a I It pi Chicago Bpecial a C IS pra Pacific Coast -Chicago., .a pm Lo Angenes Limited... a R:M pm Overland Limited ail t m Carrci) Local a4pm Fast Mall R: pss WESTBOUND Uaooln-Oiadron k ra Norfolk-Dallas a era Narfolk-Linooln a 1:11 pm Hastings-rJcpe.nor h t .li pm Lead wood-Hot bringa. 1:9 pm Oasper-Lander a Rt pm Freimont-AlbloB h J pn You ARE Coming to Utah Then TOU MTST ASK TS wbrr and In wtat gextion Ton had tetter Ritte. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW; WHERE tiier irtU trow. Our KL'RSEET BfSlXESS pota aa in tonth. LETTER OF IK FORMATION FREE. Darii County Nuraertea. Roy, ner OgCeia, UUA. Arrlwa. all :M sit pm a t 45 am a t ie pm tt a pm a " r7 asa a 4 pm a R:2fi pm a 4 4J. pm aid am b l: ptn aid JO pr a : pta a am a ;:am all m lis pm ail ara la pm a I pre l I a-is a : prs aii.kfi pm a T ti am alO.ld am a t. Is pm all rW am ail) 4s pm a a m pm k t : pm i Jr psn aUlTWt ant b I M pat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for March 11. furnished lv the Midland Guarantee A Trust company, bonded abstractera. Kl Farnam r-l Tel u. Isft: Stkte Nat') Bank of Clan-eland1 to John A. Patrick, lot 13 Lenox addi tion I Tbeojle! Vanocnprou k and w!f to John McKernan. lot H. block I Ma honev A Mmneban, 1st addition .. Charie H lierreid nd wife to Wil liam Mr-Glnga-n. part lots li and If Pt-mk L ke nark Treasurer to M. J. Gahan. lot '. block 4H- Grandview. Jena Hansen am. wife t WUbelnt Gen- nert. jiart lot la. Xo-untx eeoono ad dition Eva L. Williams to A. P. Wertn. acre to -ne comer neik- Id-le-J Iliilip B Whire to William Redgwick. set 11. B. C. Pro pert Flaoe David C. Marl nee and wi to William G. Viele, w kt I, block K1 Grand view .- - UK 1.62. i.aep on Chloego tor Holstlaw s vcite f;.r Lorimer for l"n1ted Ptste sexator. liolstla produced a depoeit sip for that amount on the State Bank of Chicago, in which batik be said he iejKited the moDry The slip taken to Washington by th ruttmimlttee inverugeting Lot1- mer s election, ana inr issi imiiimit o th wprebouT of the llp was hen Sen ator Bailey held it In hand during his speech in the senate in defense of Lorimer and denounced It a a forgery. Mr. Bailey's explanation was that while he was address:ng the senate some ens took the slip from his hand and that he cannot ft mere Per who it waa. BroderieVs II set for trial jaonaay. airtn case BRYAN THE GUEST OF THE GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY e Tower Dellse-r the Addreo at Prlweotoa Thc-ologl-cal asalwary. no TATTOO E DCHINS SUGGESTED BY MAN FOR MARRIED WOMEN Sew I, raised Mlawlosuarr Wl tort Vowsux suad luswit Mr Feasale Wile. .a : ra .all .It pm a 7:4 am a J0 pm a T;B an Oregon In fceai tiom co.omxM lor pm. Oln-'.Lulj W'j Avan n aiet't- W rite i.kii.k. ra4use. FOR SALE Tin to fifteen thoussnd : For sale, not acres fin oom land, five in in etahtoc i-ciuLtj. Kansas W ish ( m.les from tieston. -Nl) . cood lmproie- mt tits and wen ttrnr.ed . ai of section St in tosi.M.:;. 'S- n ol r 1. east Stanton count . I axiu n il U ee ine utnH.'i-ipuuei, al lb oi- ipa ing pr-'ces N W. i of tt. r.J tr acre, N . E. of H. l-rr aore. S VV - i,f K i.iw r tm. b K V cf M t. i (r acre. N. W i of a. t;U' per aore Terms: All or half cast, ba.ano on or three ears at per oet.t intereet. AO areas Mra Mary i. Lamb, 4J..7 Juiki cU., li v er. Com Why ti yourself down t a bar cxiet rnn working tor some sue eiss when a f:e-acr appi orchard la Oregon will make you independent for life? Fiv and ten-acre ti kits pianied and takes care of for five year. Very easy term, be us at one tANTIAM FRUIT COLONT. rl Be Liog . Omaha Wise Investments Make Men Rich "buy real estate in email but ro Ihg to wii," waa the wla advice of on of Amerlta'a wisest atateemen. Mur ray, Ttah, twenty mlnutea from Bait Lai .e City by trolley; threw tranaoon Unenul railwayg, more than halX a doten boaloea factories, meana an opiKrtttBUy for TOU. Writ today to the Secretary THE MURRAY COHMER CLVL CLUB, MLTK.RAT, CTAH. MUkSMIS. FOR MAPS ANL YALVAfiLE IN FOR MAliON IN Rl GaRLi Tm NuKTH W Li-T-1-f.N MiNNL.T.'lA La.NIj. -IhE LaJMJ THAT -GKOIAe FLAX." W KITE TO KLNNFI V LAN!'. LiaN ANLi KilALI X A.U.. kLSMM, MiNN- 1.-LE ilkj-hor farm for sa.e. A 7 acre Stock thjiu ih.i.kiefi ail, from toea oa uin ahoie of aiu.t Lk. in i kl.. jau oumy. jkl ii.iiet.vUt. in ti.e .ana of tb b.g red cuiet A tiw 1.-- e,'i uLuniveied l.O-tH-r and mriau isnd Vi r.i lr a, L Aiawes. Mankato, hu e fcl'jGhTt-T iik-fas in Minnesota lat rr:k ru.i.ii:rc, a:l ten ceo . gooa tu..o Anga Iwa i. ri ikiti , near crocks: un.. liLlrfi. or. A...JUI. wab 1 en kmi.i isner Lkvtukjugc. jidiinapo.ia. TWO EN AIS A'li aiiea land one f t or deKA at Ft Jamea. court) Mir a tua I ,..a.ctk Can a.i P ru.uvated U 1:1 ikk, fc-i Noitti lwAota uind ai right vaiue. I -six cL. ba-ahiw ui.g uib at a per cm I i-r iTt Fur Kai Hi acres a-ll uer oultlvatien Me n.,j- trom city .imits of oi. I star, k-:nn.. no l.u.iiici k.ti :r acra JkKKLiiAK'I i AICiliMUk. , lu-hh- ADVANTAGES OF OREGON t)b-pag book give amount tf govern ment land (.pen to homestead, in eac b county in th tle of Oregon and Wab ll.g'.fau. and CeocriptJon ex same; gives homestead, desert, umlwr. stone, coal and mineral law, two maps of Oregon in coiura. ZlxlA. abowing K R in operation, one showing ail prrped R SL and e..uic lines, including easu rs and central C-egon. 2,c eaxh or th tt ree sik.. Map of W asb- in color. Mc. WITHIN 1 M1LF V.F OMAHA MAR ikETn 1 13P acre located in ravin kit of east- i em Nebraska. w..l pnuoe ciover. .,.te i mgrton T-aes sou a.isns, it'll i i.e V.B an V 1 M l I I I ' I V I- V Jt- 111 I Hxrcllton Eidg. Portland. Cre S'Ce of this land. Price, for Quick aaie. ii per a-r W" J 1'hKMOI'T INVESTMENT CO. irit City Siti Lank Bafig, omkU. Neb ( WRITE to WllUam Bir.. Real Estate (Murray. lu.. fur full. oonifM-le. reiabi iniorTtiktion concertirui this c:t Busi fac- tone, farm town lots that pav t I tK.ught fcr ies than the'r value ARE A ft-n PK Iri-K fPri-iRTtNlTlES WE CAN TELL luL CF'. Writ today HAVE YOU ANY MONEY TO LEND? i Jf i. piac It where tt win bring vou th , largest returns I keep tn toucb wi-h con- ditions m a country of i as. punkitniJUe 'and eii keej. you JH.s-ed J 1 Will guarantee t Per Cent Net. ! GEORGE J KELLT. Of den Stat Bank Bunding. C'gden. Utah Issssri Pari K C. A Ft- L. Fx - li. C t L Ex, ex cept Saturday a, m St. L, H-X, nat- urday only UtW pm CAxkea., Mtlwrew.w St Bt. Fa Overland Limited all 41 am Omaha-Chicago Ex h .1 n Omaiia-Bai annah Local. a 1 li. am all 4A pts Ccuo-CaJ, Ex proas pm I pm Colorado Special a $ at am a : am Perry-Omaha cLcal a i.ll pm bll:Wi ara, atorli lalawd A r.clfle EAFT. Rocky Mountain Ltd .-.alf J am I y Exprena. a i ti am Chh-g Local l ... biA'.kii am le Moines Loci Pas a A im pm Ct.ici.go Expiesa a 4 4 pm Chicago Liruited a t:ue pm Chl.-Neh Ltd . Lin-oln a f JO am Colo.-Cal fcxproa al.JS.pio Ckl A Texas Express, .a 1.1 nn Rocky Mounuon lAd alu-l pm CHICAGO. March U Married mem scored today In retaliation of the sugges tion several week. age by anxious woman kind that all benedict be compelled to wear wedding rings on their thumbs. Th revenge cam today In aa address before tbe Cook Csunty Teacher- association by a nativ Methodist missionary from w Eealaad. Her Is the Islander s suggestion: Compel the married women to tattoo their chin snfl Up so that an who run Bisy read of their marital obligationa " Tbe speaker was tbe ftev. Rawei and be talked on "From Cannibalism to Culture. Tbe tattooing was on of the customs he thought could weTI b imported by cixltnr fr mcaanibaliam. I think It a mag-nlflceht custom." amid tb New Zeaiander. "Tour.g and Itinooent cannot misled by adventurous I am going to suggest tt ts Presi de-. Tift." NEW TORK. March 11. iSpecial Tele gram -Tber was a fl utter :t: high poUt loal circles today w lien it w as announced that William J. Br-yan to be th gwest of Governor Wood row Wilson of New Jersey at Princeton tomorrow. Col onel Bryan is lo deliver an address to tb Princeton Theological seminary tomorrow, and a I i th New Jersey governor beard of it b invited the Nebraakan ts Lake dinner with him and the Initiation waa promptly acoeptod-. It is a)to4retbir lroprotubl that the vnt has any political significance Th teo men have a very sinrer admiration tor each ottrer. Iwth ax strong Presb tsTians and will hardly discuss politics at a tun day dinner. New Tork politicians are under no illu sion as to tb waning strength of Mr. Bryan In a democratic national conien tkm. They believe he wlil If he so desires dominat the next convention to the extent of being able to veto th nomination of any man wb is not satisfactory to him. Tbey aiss recognise, the many elements of strength in the poPle candidacy of Gov ernor Wilson. II Mr. erjan soouia ue cide to throw his strength to Wilson, the best opinion here is that th New Jersey man will be the" next nomine. Hcnoe. th dees interest to th friendly meeting et the two xnoTi. al 4 pm a :iti pea I 1 1:1 pm I pm I a 1 li. pm i a tt am a t 47 pm f f"1! statement iju pm ai.av am DANVILLE CORONER TELLS OF BUYING AUTOMOBILE CaaastfitaTBi Muxfer for Ctsarlr Km ways Me Seeded Cor asl aasorrT Helped Bay If. MISSOURI HOUSE FAVORS BONDS FOR NEW CAPITOL Mess ere abaslttleg Three Mil Ho Dollar lesee reople W ill Vo lo Gsierssr. Omaha-(t. Iuls F.i ...' sm a n ar Mall and Expiwas a T 01 am alLUpm y Lcl ifrom C B it) i i pm bii am UAAael t fslrsi Cbioag Exprws -a 7 4 ara a I 41 pa Chicago Limited a A pta AlwAa Minn. -ft. Paul Ex a7:uHJB MJnn--fcl. Pul Ltd a a pnx a aub Ctsoaafo Croat etera. Chicago Limited a i 1 pa 7w.n City Limited bt.Mipm a "J3 ara Twin City Limited cH;W ara Twia City Express a 7-Ju am al.Jt'pm can go A-xueas a ti pin ARVC'LIi REALTT CO TOR AALE email fi depot and J t urn Georg Gruah. UJ S. CI e?TER COUNTT FARM PNAP Quar ter section sevea xuis trues Caliaway. tm .rvved. SO under p.ow aod bouoa frarr barn well windmill, all fenced, on.y Ho p acre. Iiaif cash. baanoe a twe leara. V rite u f kaa Parsk.a. Barnard Bt oa-, Ujili, Neb C'PEOON stork ranch. 1 acre, good j water, rang --m-.t. Ti, head cTt.c. M head Fu-lerion. Neb I ,f mare, horsx- mue and eoits. haymg ff biocaa trom looia. luui. lukrriea. etc. A auod 1 1. t.i. Cmaha, Inguir le t.t ncf. H to aeil on account of oid Tel. Loug a!7 . ar Writ fir rticuiara to C. A. Mc- Mahan Box ?A Harney, isrw A FT'RTUNE tn farm lands in Utah Write Fiilmor Fruit and Graji Lands Co, M Judge Bidg, Kk.l Lake City. Utah and farm t e ax-res in cuitiaiioc. kJb actres xa.ity and t.;.oin Uj-C. au rich aoil. Tea et is it Ji .:. h'i.u.i. t-i Ir a.-. easy Inru Lre list of in pre ed farms ia istnty ecuLiki. so, LP em Maiwtrt tiaar Ixn'.j A.V. a- OU, avriaaLeud. Ma FOB RENT. Farm, clns In. of about thirty acre wita ten-room bouee. a Unit teeii acre uiLsbie tor true tanning; pa isac pas ture, Cd and Grcntr bta GOL'LXi L4ETZ. UL Faraasi sit. TWO ctoic htaaka. cleap Branoei LX( sc- tor farm. W. a Ns- FOR wargatn la ebea w eeiei a lands itea ttmxt, m aore rei.nquxsiiine-. XA gjwe 1. C Bers-iK W Xvitinan. Jkea. OREGON ITaUIT L.ND Let us g?t ye poaitii proof bow a a-acr tract In our famous WLhametut Valley orchard wLi make you more money than a ieVacr farm la your en locality Terms: tit per month we taxes, no Interest bANTTAM FRUIT COLONT, a Bos Bidg . Omaha. W aaaieawoa. LAIIIT. GRAIN. WTCK-K and FRCIT FAKMa in W eafcmgto al a'! pncea from t-i to g. . per acre.. .y T M C eojr ia Realty Bidg, bpokan. Wash PUG ETT HOUNfi CCH'NTRT Wnt ts m for relikti. ir.f orn.A.uon ; not Paradise, Put th comir,g dairi ke. uim of the United r.Ur. L A trohg. Everett. Wafcliiiui Wl rbsle aiatl -1 gta aed Weleler. Ml I FartfA ...b t.b pts FawL, Mlasetsslli Auburn Local C-Aleaa-o. at. Owlks. Eioax CSty Express b t it pta Omaha Local boux City Passenger... 7 w in City paasetLger b i.tti am Bioux City Lutal c A lu am t-meisoa Local a s pm Arrive bli :ii am b.l 42 am t i A pm p I AO pm PA VV1LLC IT!.. March U Coroner Ralph Cole, who was indicted by the grand .1ury estrday for aooeotiiig money from a candidate before the last primary, made a today. Hi which he denied thai tb money he receivod from Charles Knox was for tb purpose of Influencing cither himself or his friends Cole, act !ng as Knox's campaign man ager, needed an automobile to get around th county, and Knox agreed to help him buy one, and gav him a chock for ITi, which was turned over to th automobile firm. Knox bears him out tn this statement. PROBE QUEER DEATH OF INDIAN Gsiersweit -Will tevesligsle 4 see of Msa Dragged tm Desth. by VI 114 Horse. ;EFFERFON CITT, Mo-, Marcn 1L Tbe he us of th general assembly passed tb seniste Mil tw'ay for submitting a xs.IHKi w otnd issue tot a new cai i u.l to tbe iwople at s spcciM.1 election August 1. Tb biJ wfii go to the suvernor for his signsAure. Tb bout a is pauiaed a CTimetll uUor.a! ntnendment submitting st the next general li e tion a fc".. WH' bond issue for new iTsjutol. Tb amendment is to U voted cm in case the tt cK-.0l lasue is not rarr-ard li the special diction Thi emendnu-nt must be at tod on h tl serial e. BOSTON BROKER ARRESTEL i Ke Wert . Broessi (kane by Pellet VI Ilk Fsrglsg Netee le Lara Assoasl. rllaaxesi axatlow 1 4Mb aod M Berllegles OCMIN3 ta Cirogtm W ant to exchange unoee-rwks- winter few fioser and torrid ruauiie-e tor otlgrtful weather? want I krxn ia a eeiigt.Lful part of th beeux:fui V. 1..ISMU a-iey. n et ha never been 4 t enuaedi i4 ha avt tes boomed Thea drop a postal Pet Co tt ouica. to Join H Hkiuc. itees-oa. Mgr. V.'eet t ta u. CiniiaercJ Cloa FOR PALE Farm T.4 acres grain and tock adiulhing tnoorporated town. iur extending as river. Aone good oaa tiss ber. For particular sr fires Ctaries Lynx vuia. la r-epart a 4 lb pm a 4 lb pm a I isv am lit pm . 1.1.1' pm , .all 1 pm , .a i.W am .a U asa L1GHTT ookAin. as : I pan a." acrea Bumett county. Wis cuiuvausd: good buiidmrs. l.Ag 1- ai 7a. Liecier A Californ:.. Paget Bouhd Express Vtl.mi.l points Eieofc Hi:j LiO'.o.s Mail Nui'tl.wesx I x press .. Nebraska points N i breaks Express Linoom Locau eic-hu) iwr-Piattsniouth Lincoln Local Fiaiiamoiuk-iwa Bel. v us- Pis ttsmouth Central Neoraaka ... Chicago ffpeciel Iiver B;eneJ Ct.ago Express a 4 pm (kkktu fast Express. A f ' pm lews Local a It ass Crest oa tla I Local a IAD pas Ft. Louis Express ....-A I A pm k. C A fu Joevpa a-ia ai pm hi. C A fu, Joseph ...-a k ji am ii. C. A rtu Joecpa ... a 4 A p- tai Iai y ci I Iw.lir except if i tuxiday only. .b I 01 pm . a Ji pm .xliia .1 iu pm . .aLi Jk pes -a J i am WASHINGTON, March U An levestiga tloa ints th case of tt Ha page Indian, who was found dead la California with bis hand tied to the tall of a wild herse, whic h had ts be abot twfer tt oou'4 b twpturod ty th soldiers who dutoovered it, has bees Instituted by th buret a officers of th bursa o of lad-.aa affairs A telegram from fAuporinlendent Anna C. Egas of tb Fort Turn Indian ai-hoo'.. California, says that four arrests hair been mad in connection with the cue Oo of those tinder arrest, ah says, has confessed to siding In th crime The prisoner declares th India was a witch. BOSTON. March 11. TPs polio an nounces this afternoon that Robert fi. Brown, a Etets street broker, was ar rested tn New Tork todsr st their r Quet. Th Boston polic hoid a warrant charging Brown with boring forged tla signtturs of Goorg O. Lnaper f Nw Tork and HopedaVe to note for la.(iD or tseptember ! J1-- Mr Ins per is a son of t! e lat Genera1 William F. Iiraper. former an.baHfcador ti Italy. The police k.'.4 furgerie exceed ing ICB.IiOO had leen committed.' WOMAN SUES FOR DAMAGES w. htaaer of Deiroll W be Was Aks: by A. W . Veiee W ants Money Froas Estate. DETROIT. March 11 -A suit fcrt- tA was f:.d in th circuit court today by Attorney John Uwosn. for Mrs lianhoe nmger of this dty against W. fata of I ien ro it adnilnistrstor of the Tate estate Mrs B: tiger clalrtis damage t r virtu of haviaa been abot Pr Bertram PEARL BUTTON MAKES MERGER ,w . mn. m a roadheus hear CAet eland on oeinember SS -w torporaliosi W 111 Tak (tier j last Yfctes lisnged himself In the Clev- aeierwl twetor-tea itlee. at Arrive a I 41 pm lit pm a 4 il pm I I li pm al H pm a " -Hw am a a i pm a pr w I -ta am bJt'Ati am l I s pra Z I ... 7 1 Ait B'. ATINE. la.. Martb 11 W hat a- aJl .A pm ' pkrert ly ocmst rtute a merger of Interests all is pra la th local pearl 11 ton buslbess- was disciced today when articles of Incor poration of th Central Peart Button Maxu tarturlhg comasy wer filed. The Incor porator Inr! ad th heads of practlcaLy very unporuant factory la M uscxUna. Hitherto tb fresh w kter pearl button business Las heea strong! y ooaipetttiv Th lockout In tb Vocal factories continues with litti ta tpcuai wboa work w.U b land jail t il lew ix,g tb snooting a m pts it pm ail- as am aiAje. am all am a I at am a I A pm Sunday. Jelkrr Meld kteeoowefw. Tf-PEKA. Ksn March 11 Ti suim court toaay decided 1 tiki a jailw is reswn si me for the personal safety f his I'r'.son era WA.C la the jail. 7 r.. case was ap pealed fra H uirituici. litre N. J. Jac k ets was! aad iniured ty -reur no ef adn.ilted to the jkJ to visit him threw avIAAoA Ar trih Slide. COLON, March 11 Ther was a P. kl.d of earta at th north eti of u Oat ua lock of th Panama ca.nJ last ngl t The mass buried a steam shovel and caught a Ski.g of tcirlmw. xuiing lee f.i4iiuaras and an lianas, and mjurag s rial pthora.