LANDSEEKERS GO THROUGH SATURDAY'S TIE TIME Movement of Coloniits Makei Omaha Weitern Gateway. EXCURSION CARS FROM NORTH Tri Woo a- DVAfiiiEir mtmm i i i h i r i x certs ery ay la 'A? Our M 73T " r tier f rfm Twin (Kir (omc Her am War Vrnlct 1n4rr Dp- j i T Inpmrilt n nrVlr f at ! t. rnal. j Movement of co'nlntg I rl-mqntrattne j the Importance of Dmiht the wilewayl to tho rreiit "terrltorten of the t unrtr development Colonist rate. of $3 to points n the weet and northwest r. now In ef fect. A tide of land seekers Is sweeping tlirouHh the gateway So advantageous Is the position and rallwsv service of Omaha that cars frrni even as far norh as Pt Tsui are hrlnc routed through this city fur the benefit of the homeseekers. Not 'ess than sin private rars held by lanl companlrs In the Twin City and several PSMies In charge of land agents will pass through Omaha In the next two days. The I, use T.and and Hevelopmeot com pany, with offices In St. ThuI. will send two cars Th-se cars are under the charge of Howard Kverett. secretary-trcHSiirsr of i K the company. A . third car will probahlv he ariricd by this company nt Omaha. Two (His have hreu put In sr l. e foi tlilt exciMlon by the t'nlted States Farm l,nd company of St. Paul. The cars will b under the charge of C. t,. Harms, am oral excursion agent John V'.. . Uiirrhard. vice president and general manager, will ! nrohahlv apflhntnv fm 1 1 1. f . tn Ka . ' This company Is more generally known In Omaha territory throi gh V. P. Iavldon. The company has recently been put In (large, of the work of development of a tract of S'TO.OTO acres of the Hill lands In the west. This cimpanv also controls tin Sacramento valley projects. The Roebuck Land company will send a party out of Omaha under the rharKe of am Couslna. who conducted an exhibit nt frmt Omaha t.and show. A party will he taken to Utah by Clinton P. Ray of Suit l-k city. Hacklrr latts St. Pssl, I,. YW Ruckley. managing director of the Omaha Imd show. Friday returned from a trip to 8t. Paul, where he met many of the land, agents doing business In that ter- q rltorv. I "There a general discussion In 8t. Paul and Minneapolis of the benefits to be derived from the promised extensive development oi the northwest by settlers." aid Mr. Buckley. "Preparations were be ing made at i nlon station for handling hundreds 'of prospective buyers of land. The low colonist rate of $25 to points In the west went -Into effect theVeame as It ' did In. Omaha today, and tbe various pas senger and emigration officials of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern rail ways anticipated an extremely large tour ist business. The big real estate firms of Minneapolis said St. Paur, which do a busi ness of national character, were arranging to have representatives escort parties of I colonists to ttie west through Omaha, the natural gateway- to a large portion of the west and northwest. "Another topic of great Importance eemed to be the consolidation In St. Paul of the Chamber of Commerce, the Com mercial club, the Merchants' association, the St.' Paul Jobbers' and 'Manufacturers' atiaoclatton and other lesser commercial organization Into one big body to be known as the 8t. Paul Assoplatlon of Com merce. Among the prime movers In the big movement are Ixuls W, Hill, president of the Great Northern; Walter J. Drlscoll. W, H. Hunter, -managing editor of the Plonear Press, and Joseph II. Beek, secre tary of the Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association. Mr. Beek la slated for the position of secretary of the new associa tion. Interested la Elllatt. "Why. did he do It?" "Thla was everybody's question on the action of Howard Elliott,' president of the Northern Pacific. In refusing a salary of 100.000 a year as president of the Missouri Pacific system. "In discussing a St. Paul land show Hill, Randall. Gray, Blgelow, Hunter, Beek and others, gave me an opportunity to put" before them a few Ideas based on the suc cess of the Omaha Land show. "I Imagine that If they hotd a land show Jt will be given the first part of Novem ber, a week following the close of the omaha Land show. This time seemed to lie moat In favor with those Interested. There was great Interest In the recently fornu-d orgtiuixation. the Western Devel opment association, and It Is probable that several from St. Paul and Minneapolis will attend the meeting at bait Lake City on March 20. "Rpvaking once again of the fact that Omaha forms naturally a gateway to the W'HU I was more and more Impressed with this Idea after visiting the general offices of some of the large and Influential land project comsbnles of 81. l aul and Minne apolis. I' la tin lnS for Exhibits Here. "In the course of a conversation Howard Kverrtt of the l.use Land Development company said that they were considering the necessity of opening a land office in Omaha. This will be settled In the next twenty days. He spoke for one of the best exhibit spaces, covering an area of more than m square feet, In the second Otneha Land show. "At the offices of the United States Farm tjand company, also sales agents for the facramento Valley Colonisation company and the Oregon & Western Colonization company's lsnds. O l. Eygahroad and John K. Bun hard declared that they w ere 1,-reatly liit-rer.toU In the next Omaha Land shew They said that the extent and scope .ziizzsioT' by "E. M. Wilson, president of the Bitter Hoot Vsllcy lAnd company In St. Paul. - stated that they had about 1,000 acres of apple land near Hamilton, Mont., that was coing at a rate tlitt convinced them that thla mould be lh banner year In the colonist settlement business. In the Kelt noun Iand and Investment company's of fices In Ht. l'aul a similar feeling of op timism over the Montana lands existed.' The O. W. Kerr company of Minneapolis, 'exhibitors at the Omsha corn shows, will . - take out a large party to the Hamilton, Mont., district today. B. K. Prury, general aent of ths Bur lington at Ienver. was in Omaha Friday, -talking over colonist traffic plans with the headquarters otflclala hare. Mr. Drury de . .clars Uiat. the part of Colordo of which . Denver la ths center Is" expecting large . . movement of hontrseekers this year, and , that a jiurnber of thepe are to come aa a direct result of the Omaha Land show re : cntly lield here. IXurs'a, Omaha's Best Bock Beer. Watch for a fcTORZ sign. tep iq and enjoy a glass ' of 8TORZ' DELICIOUS . BCK'K ' BEKft -u draught on and after ; March . STOKSC BOCK BKER sets the pace for all competitors'. Nothing to com pare 1lh It In quality tn Omaha If you wUli It In bottles phon C1US. ffTOKZ. Web. Ind. H-IJsl- James K. Hist rusaails Salrld. 8T. I-Ol'IS,- Man-h W. James K. Wade. . president of the National Vnuura fHeam Heating company and representative of a I'ht, ao Engineering company, was found with a bullet wound In his head In bla oftli-e today. A brother. Festus J. Vade. ieldeni of the- Mercantile Na . lu.nal tutnk, said that hi tiruilier uuUuubt Sdly cuiuuiltlcd sulclda. Voora An Extraordinary Sale Of 2,000 Pairs of Imported Sample Hosiery Direct from Chemnitz, Germany ,at Less than l Price SB ioned Fine cotton, emb'd. colors seamless and full fashioned. Also dren's and boys' fine and leavy ribbed hosiery, some with double heels and toes fast black; worth 25c a pair, at, pair Women's Fine Ribbed Spring weight vests, pants and and short sleeves, umbrella at. WOMEN'S FINE Dutch and Middy Lace and Embroidered Collars, lace Jabots, sheer batiste Jabots, neatly trimmed Irish crochet and lace effects; fancy W stocks, tailored stocks; fancy nunarea Biyies to seieci irom, worm bargain square, at each ALL SILK MOIRE RIBBON Satin striire moire, Persian taffetas, plain and satin taffetas. up to 6 inches wide black at, yard I & Women's Women's Gloves extra quality, real ii newcBt spriDg soaaes oi Disque, alnn hlnr.k and white. Fitted to Main glove counter; M at pair w Women's two clasp French Lamb- vaV hrntilnrv tan irrav. mode, white Wj, and black. Fitted to r-f tJ the hand; at pair ?1VU CUT FLOWER SALE SATURDAY Another big bargain on Home at, dozen . -A. A V. fr " V V V J V V t- - IHIIIV il) j '-' of lO I a'L -s-cv b d J K 2 Also a large variety of spring flowers at special prices Saturday. 3 SATURDAY SPECIALS IN DRAPERY DEPT. Full size Ruffled Swiss ,40-lnch Plain Etamlne Sash Curtain Rods with Curtains regular and scrim, worth up to 35c yard, base ment, yard .... 15 price 75c pair, base ment, at each. .19 FANCY WHITE GOODS Worth 25c, 35c and 50c a Yard 4 Saturday, in Basement, yard luC New fancy white stripe , waistiug, checked and plaid novelties, checked dimities, mercerized white waist- mgs, etc. Tins is actually gain ever offered in Omaha and desirable-on sale Saturday at, yard, ENTRIES FOR BABY SHOW CLOSE SATURDAY If von wish Your Bahv to anwHr in Onr RhHv Shnw next Tuesday anil "Wednesday, o'clock Saturday evening, ! hilt ..I im BRANDEIS STORES Kansas City Lad Runs Away to Get His First Long Pants Comes to Omaha to Invest in in a Suit with Long Trousers Works as Bellboy. Possessed of his first suit of clothes with long trousers and having pleasant memories of the Omaha police station. Woodward Townsley. and 15. departed for his home in Kansas rlty Thursday night. Woodward left borne last week without giving his mother any Information ss to his departure. One of the first things the lad did upon reaching Omaha, was to be measured for a suit with long trousers.' The natty little knl. kerbo. ker suit, cep and general appearance of careful groom Ina lent aniole attractiveness to the boy as he was when Pctortlve Kddle Fleming' found him. Fleming picked the lad urf on a description of him which 'had been wlird here from Kansas t'tty. Wood w aid ap parently tspable of taking care of hlinhelf. had a job as belt oy at a hotel at the time of his arrest. He dlsplsed a goodly urn of money to the detective, as the results In "tips'" of thre days' work. "I didn't exactly run away." declared oung Townsley. "I Just wanted to make a little money, get a suit of clothes and go U k home again." Fleming eed lbs lads knickerbockers blr Boom Women's and men's silk and plaited, silk, fine cotton, silk lisle, lace lisle, striped and jacquard lisle, sheer gauzes, silk blocks and silk embroidered boots, black gauze and medium weight lisje all full fash all new designs black, i street and evening shades, also new tans; worth 50c pair, at, pr.. 25c Women's and Men's SAMPLE HOSIERY at 12y2o lisle and silk finished liBle, fine fancy stripes, checks, fancy K silk clocks, black and light misses ehil- f 2C8 Cotton Underwear at 25c union suits sleeveless, longi pants special, aftft NECKWEAR at 25c. bows, etc.; all new creations. One up to oc C hp; tm v w and all colors, '. 3l9c-15c Kid Gloves ffi y Grenoble kid, two clasp. All the peari, tan, gray, Diue, Copenhagen ; the hand aCA aIC ' a. a. Bargain Square Special tor Sat urday black, white,, grey, tan, . mode and red kid gloves two clasp, at HEt nair ; . JL Grown Carnations. k . 0 VC -A- IVWAAlAAlSfj J UVJU tllO) V (IX 'Alt of OAn brackets, worth 10c; basement, each. the best white goods' bar every piece new 15c you must notify us before G ('all in person or telephone. Vv lien lou Want Whlskv, Want the Best. Get You Jackdaw A fine, old, mellow whlskv great medicinal quulitles'; tied In boi;d; full quart.... with hot-' Maryland Hye Whisky, years old; per full quart bottle. 75c: per gallon $2.60 Home Made Urana Wins, white, per gallon red or . .1 1 00 BL'NKIST . fallforlna Port or bherry Wines, per full quart.. 50c Mall and Telephone Orders Promptly FIUel Cacdcy Bros. WINE MKROANT8. ; 1S1 North lth Kt. Opp. Both 'phones. P. O. and thn asked him what kind, of trousers VI new kult had. "They're long." he said. ' "Folks utdti l want you In 'em "so soon. u you just blew out to buy "em yourself eh."- The lad denied this. Mela ramaae Bk Beer In bottles on ond after March I. Order a case of this dellvlous beur sent to uur home. Wm. J. Boekhoff. Retail pir. I bones Ixiugtas UV; Ind. A -Ilia. ARE READY We are showing an unusually quality at three very popular price We Invite- you to an early clothe show, In which you will find the very nobbiest of spring styles and eTery "good" fabric and pattern. YOUR SPRRIG HAT Is hsrs and ready for yon to try on. oft and stiff styles, whichever you may prefer. Guarantee Specials SI. 90 John B). Stetson's up from S3. 60 Tbe "Bmeraon" ...93.00 Young- Bros.'' Celebrated ITsw fork Rats $3.00 pedal Hat Values 9 Bo and S1.60 FURNISHINGS Another big- purchase of Boss from Wilson . Bros., Chicago, pure lisle boss that readily sell for 98o 1 1 I special for Sat- I f-A fi urday, at, pair. . w Wew Spring- tns celebrated Model Shirts, at A new shipment of the "i-amous" Dress Shirts, t. QuVr C- fv5Wt CWWflj SATURDAY larg;e Jars Nabob Preserves, (as sorted) 300 2-lb. pkgs. Mother's Wheat Hearts, for 10O 3 Jars Hartley's Marmalade (Im ported 88o 2 lb. cans Whole Preserved Skin less Figs 950 Ind. Jars Wpe Olives ....ISO I lb. tins Hugar Butter flOo 10c pk. Condensed Mince Meat...6o Ualllurd's Imported French Ullve Oil, H gallon, $1.60; gallon 93.10 2 lb. cans Frewh Hnotch Herring ,.18o Large cans Soused Bardinen ISO Fresh Herring ( In tomato sauce) per tin 16o 4S-lb. sack 'Excellence" Flour.. S1.00 3 cakes Imported Castile Soap ...85o i5c can K. C. Baking Powder ....150 BUTTE B. KCrOB AITD CHEEBB DIPABTKEST "LOTt'S" Dreamery Butter, .lb ..B9o Our best Country Butter (In sanltarv Jars), per pound 980 Brand-Is Kggs, (strictly fresh) per dozen 850 gk Brick Cheese, per lb ..Boo Jj Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb....35o Kf Waukesha Cheese, per pkg., 15-SSo K Pimento, Walnut, Lunch Cheese, In fr Jars ...10o, lBo and 85o f Lye Hornlny, the Old Fashioned Kind, per quart loo Dill Pickles, per dnr.en..!5o and 85o TKESH rSTIT AITD VEOETABLE SEPARTMEVT Fancy Strawberries, per t. box..lSo Sweet Navel Oranges, doz flue 30o, 40o Nw Turnips, Beets and Onions.. So New Spinach, per peck BOo Fresh Tomatoes, Wax and String New Potatoes, Beans, Mushrooms, Pineapples, Cauliflower, Malaga Grapes. (jWAVy t$3Kc CS CtwtVA 1tJ . X. J Omaha's Pure Food Center r JJ llayden Bros. Meat Prices Still But that doesn't effect Martin Ileum, manager of our Meat Dept. He is still quoting meats at lower prices than ever and it makes no difference what others say, you'll always get the best meats at the lowest prices at Hay den's besides you get full weight. 11VL- pounds of Leaf Lard for $1.00 Pork Roast, per pound 9c Hindquarters, Mutton or Iamb, lb 7c Forequarters Mutton or Lamb, lb S'sC Mutton Chops, rib or loin, lb 10c Mutton Stew, 6 lbs. for 25c No. 1 Sirloin Steak, lb lS'l-c Chuck' Steak, 3 lbs 25e Bulk Sausage, lb 5c Ground Bones, for chickens, 10 lbs 25c Bacon Backs, lb. ..12!-cr kmm Hay den Bros. Meat Dept. "Now's the day and Now's the hour" Bura THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT untir w. JIUI'IU 7 JOHNNITTLER I 3224 SO. 24TH STRUCT ins. -ta Ut ISSS bid sa TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER (In Utliu I'cr ear. 1 large line of patterns of unusual EXCELLENT TROUSEnS Do yon think you have to pay yonr tailor "big- prices" to get good fitting trousers IF YOU DO YOU ARB WBOMO. We can fit you perfectly. Sir! Bee our beavutiful showing; of trousers at $3.60, $4.00, $8.00 and $6.00, and the greatest trouser Talues ever shown at $1.60, $1.0, $3.80 and $3.00. Patterns In itterns In $1.00 "Cooper's" Spring Needle Union Suits at of the 48c $1.00 C'SSWfk CuiW2 ft 3 SPECIALS BAJCEBY SPECIALS Moca Tarta .SOO Sise of regular 3-layer cuke. Iced with rich corfee cream icing, regular nV cake Saturday (only) 30o CANST D?AITXHT SPEOIAI. Assorted Caramels, psr lb. 30o Ma ple, maple nut, vanilla, vanilla nut, chocolate and chocolate nut Sat urday (only) per lb 30o TEA AITD OOTFEB SEPT. Peter's Swiss Cocoa, Juat In 85o Suchard's Swiss Cocoa, small ....800 Medium, 40c; largs, 80c. Fresh Mexican Chill Pepper Pods, per pound 600 Cross &, Blackwell's Curry Powder, per lb 800 Diamond Minute and Peerless Gela tine, per pkg Bo "LOTUS" Brand Ankola Coffee, lb 350 The best coffee on earth for the money. WIRES AITD Z.IQUOM. Dollar Bottle Apricot Cordial .... (Bo Dollar Bottle Virginia Blackberry 6 So Monogram Whiskey, full qt 75o GuckenJielmer Hye, full qt $1.00 Cedar Brook Whlkey, full qt... 81.00 Atherton Whisky, 1901, full qut, 81-85 Cal. Brandy, ISO, full qt. .. .,..81.85 18 Years Old Whiskey, full qt ..88.60 Federal Old Scotch Whiskey ....$1.16 Dollar Bottle Champagne 60O Cal. Port or Sherry, gal 91.00 6 gain., 14.50: large bottle 3H White Tokay full qt BOo Skupernong Wine, qt BOo Virginia Dare, large bottle 660 TIES A bottle of wine with each full quart of our 8 years old "LO- TI'S" Brand Whiskey, at 8100 We pre-pay all orders for liquors to the amount of $3.00 and over. &vax& Gpbx& c CS i Going Get Out of the habit of using poor coffee. You ran get good coffee hi the snme prices, (mi- ateel Cut and Sifted goods are perfect. Wo dust to make it "inmlily Mo Useless Chaff. It's nil pure coffee rresli, fragrant, flaTorous. Mocha Mixtures, Excelsior Blend, .Ifto.. 3 lbs. 10c, ibs. $1 00. $1 00. 7. L. Masferman & Co. "The Coffee aten." Branch at Publlo Market. lSlO Xarney II. CANDY SPECIAL SATURDAY 40c Mulaxses Peanut Huti per lb KlSMes, a&o T" Chocolate-, 390 60c "PK INCHES WK per pound Trv MY Kits' NKAHOI.ITAN I'K I'UKAM Idil.l.S. t'luia. SOo; iiiurts, 40c 'l'liree flavors In each roll. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Kith and Kariiam Streets. Dept. Up for! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER tauui A4erttalBB Mesllam. OF THE Cepriiht tun ScksHtatr tc Mm The Biggest and Best Bargains of all are Suits that we offer in Saturday's sale fit. , , MOMI!. Actual $20.00 to $25.00 mostly spring weights, in med ium and light colors all hand tailored. Rain Coats Values $18.00, sizes 34 to 38; choice. up to $5.00 $3.00 Trousers . . ... .$1.25 $4 and $4.50 Trousers $3.75 In Connection We Will Offer all Hart, Schaffner & Marx medium and heavy weight suits and 0 'Coats $25.00, $28.00, : $30.00 and $35.00 values, at Don't Miss This Last Opportunity. doh't tdv iinvncnci CinOT IT FORGET llll IIHIUKUU mid I pi Bennett's Rleat Dept. 20. saved in buying from Omaha's leading NMeat, Fish and Provision center. 12 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00 Pork Loin, lb lOUc Pork Roast, lb ' 10 Vi ? Fresh Dressed Chicken, lb 10l4C Sirloin Steak, lb v .15c Lamb Legs, lb 9V-:C Lamb Chops, lb. 10C Lamb Stew, lb ....4K Veal Roast, lb., 12Vjc and .v. . .10c Veal Chops, lb 10c Veal Stew, lb 5 ':; 3,000 lbs. Skinned Hams, lb 141' 2,000 lbs. Hex Bacon, lb 13-A' 3-1 b. pail Hex Silver Leaf Lard 45' Majestic Hams, lb 151 Fresh Fish Oysters, quart 45 From 7 to 10 P. M. Pork Chops, lb 10; Porter House Steak, lb 12', if. Keep the Children's Feet Dry Now come the wet days of early spring the time of y.-ar when It's easy to catch cold Get the chil dren fitted to Fry's solid shoes and be sure their feet are dry It might save you money. Saturday is a good day to look after the children's shoes. The best for the money all the time. , f l.fJO, fJ.OO and fii.SO Fry Shoe Cq. ,THK K II O K K H. Itllh anil Douglas Streets. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM HfinNi and b-ji i'ut it bir. Y- Ti-tt ft luituii4 irrowth. r JfevJI to H Orjr Uair to lt Youthfui Color. i inrl rvn rri.-nii n.n , i mi i THE PLACE The Final Sale Day PEABODY STOCK We know that you can't dup licate the clothing bargains we are offering in any other store in the land. You'll know it, too, when you look them over. The clothes speak stronger for them selves than printer's ink or mere words can. Standard All-Wool Suits, $12.00 to $15.00 values, in the latest if.. $6.00 Suits and Overcoats, that should sell at $15.00 and $18.00, go at J8.50 .$11 Light Weight O'Ooats; val- ues to $12.00 c nn sizes to 38, at. . . .vOiUU $3.50 Trousers ...,. .$1.75 $5 and $G Trousers . . $3.50 Your unrestricted choice of $15 PAYO For Wear and Tear on Klines A. Can't Be Heat Follow a good healthy boy for one' day go -with him over the pavements pay 'pull away" with him tin tho cinder playgrounds pay hall with him on the vacant lot and you will undorntand after one day of this why It takes an extra good shoe to matcTi the hoy. We realised thl some time ago and devel oped a boys' shoe that will wear like lr" and we sell tbem. TEEL HOD HOES c2) Yes, they cost a trifle mor but for wearing iiualltli f they are the cheapest shoe you can buy. Iloya' sizes 2 4 to 6V4 $2.50 Youths' sizes 1 to 2 Little Gents' slzes- 10 to 13 Vi 1 to 2 ss.oo DREXEL 1410 Farnam Street Roliablo Dontistry Taft's Denial Roima 1 v; I! ! ! 1