THE BEE: OMAITA. SATTHDAT. MAKOI 11. 1311. 15 U.Viiil An J r.M: it: r. Rl A K R r. I j . r ...WW.... . 1 111 II fc A ... arch. . Mi '. afa.ixeat Faror. tie Bean at Ue Openmy on Wheat. ,EW -.J ijiifl. w ATf"('1, I le I -7!. '11. 1 An-rm n ' ire. KMjr; Mai as 4-1. .iiy. 4s 4V NEW YORK STOCKS AND EONDS 1MRK (.EMRtL JtlRKET All Issues Hold Clow to Prevailing LeTel of Week. todsr were tia a-jri!., 27 : : last jrw m for cot-rasa. 347. i .s. RCPOHT Or 1HC (LLtlftC. HOCK rtate Alaaka :CR5 13 5T205G ATD EIGHEI 'eel 4r Libt Bed Ike i a a a 48 Msrw tnlrr. f.lvlaa; lb irk a atMT Te. Usstatlsas f ibf Oar e satsesAltte. -h -Fb SOUEI PACIFIC 13 IT2.XL2 n ea. - f 1 - f on thrlt ana wntin-mt was "i tiii market. tnt rs to He lwit..r hciei of an lTprtiv.m,i I nere e- f MAHA, March were Towr at t- ot.en- favo'ing the bear millers were re ' f the aen e- !n the four b-isi- 'nmp.aiiii on e...w ' B .t ea1 v ; aten;. 8 Joat 'f; si.rng inter tt'.ru. No. 1. 8a 2s 2. 8.1 i" r; JTi. K an F? flour rni. i huir e tu fancy, our. nomina.. A m-r i-Hii f ie 1 ' '. c.u.-. fTLioy south inn sime Trr,m Illinois and level. fion of other una iT-riina'!"n m tha ""'n fly oAniage ta K Indiana ' orn .e a f'ghtirg market at this pr-ioarMlty -n.t the great. y 4s- Inted cah pr"rM -! w-irK higher r 1" ' ,n ''h, r"r"Tse is the feature t the ntnl, while sellers are - ' ng on trie ijrj 'I 'n a flx-'lm i. 'her. w rto .n.rV awanma- in '.' r"ri "tMrion hn( buv.r had on-ra or r.i cMrr-T anil horia wr numr "r tn f.rt Jvnc and f'jrM t., marfc-t hi!ir. Off-rn of raah afaff n T '' a Urit and in Laann ' orn ruin airona and hirhw hit'Mrf h ha i(!vui' la r,at Rcpta ara tii the caan deirand wan mar a'tlva iv-lna; r5 market a anappy tone wita aiuaa a o fil.1T. ' and ahipm-nta wa tu buh a. ajnt rfiDia iat v-w nf t ria tiuanaial nrt (5lpmTt f 3(4 kwhm , Prlnmrr rm r-"tpia wr d. 04 traahala : nd atupmenia -.Ji.Or bimhn.a. aianat i "ipta iajt rar of i buBna.a aad i ripratnn or b'lahrla ''.MruM-M vara JT ( bnfhfa of rim. I butiJiaia of nata and a scat and Hour '.) rn if,'rti b-mtifia I iTrcooi cloil -tt lower on wheat mod i' tiajrd on corn. T fn-wr-.c casn aaiea wera reported: W IfUT-V.i ; H.N N.j. I j-eiiow l eax (choice!. 41c: t.o, k car. -.. 1 car. I NE'.V T'jRK. Ma: ' .a-.T . i H j m ntr ",' ' '''ear, t-7 Xj j?. w ' TTi"- a'r.ter eirran .No. rra:ahf. fi'.;74 ?. ! fair to '"1. 4 ,i" (4ni Fiiiraweat r , ' h. m l w T"E.T -r"t ft-i 'o d V. e.e-. a:-r. and f o h . sr.t, N 1 n.-rrern. r -i.u: i : ". f i. h irat Fi"jr- frm ajirt hic;-.-r on r"-pu!- .f lam to tne ' r-n bv Hwas f and "n p:ea1 catjiea ana c.nerir.a. c oRin V.jI o n- nutier iiav ciued as " -jc and Ju.r i t ": i f"OR-N-!lot. firm. Na. J. :.V f o h . af'fit Fit'iT'e ma; tet wa w-t i0ur Trs'ia ! art'or.a. rN.irg 'inrhari1. M.iv 'icefd at ; a-.w r-"P rvni firu. nda"d wh t. Z-,r; ,' N'. t Vo. J Nn 4. F !- T-ire miriw wa wuhout mn 'tioni. ; rloetnc nommai i HT w'i;ei pr Tne tl6: No. 1 TO': I No. : No. I. -p. Hur f"iU. "ta:-, r"mtncn to crioirw. :". Jffr: wis. lV-iinc; Parlfic coaat. li" ti r..- :. lavirc. HIPES Quiet: Central Amertia. &fi-tc. B "a ri r-iii,f LEaTTIER Q'ltet: ic frrs r- JV. e..irMi. .'i-JV-. tnifl.". re- Better I aderataadlaa af Ktilnu ftaat lleaalta fa aie laa- rwveaarat ia kim at Railway. 'Sc. '-i!' PR0VI.TONfl-PT.rH. quiet: meaa. CS.CiO. nnntnsl !ini:r r? ""frC? ' ah"rt " eara. tia.W3tO Beef ataady. tnem. I.4.JO0J14 family f.'f ".r '1 Meet ha-na t.1 3'. Cat meats. ouiet; plra'ed ber.lea. 0 'O 14 Tba . JJItVUJlJ - pic ed hlffll. T2 S Lard. Et-m. mlddia wert. prmn. tX'35. refred. ateaiy; continent. !" M'utn Annen.-a. Hi11. ron.tjunc1. -S'j i ,T TALLOW-ateadr: ooun'ry. SK af-Ko. E 1 "TT FP. Kl rm . rrn-i spxifcn "T'-.-o-extra 3f '-". Tits. .""a-r: aeeonda !"3 :r: tMrda. lSsr:c; rreame'v. held sea.s. 3(I'V :, . e.., TT5T?e: thirda. l.V7r;fiC! net aairi. '"1. o. I ml xea. i ear, i fmeat .'4r mwl .i prm-, rommun :o '": o. mixad. . cars, i .jr Utj c: uroceea to apecia .. :7'!f-: eitraa. .nc: rraia. lYa..c. eernnda i-ilt; iinita'lon creaaterr. f;rta i:sjsc, rai-iorjr. current maa. fima. lg ; e-con1a. L. Kinid r.aev. Ireui wauiereu. wlectel, envraa. lwjJur. f-eaa (ainTl. Crsta. 17 ti.fic: freah aataered. neounda. i6--5;Tc; fathered. dirt;ea. No. L jw: frean galh ererf. dlrtjaa. No. Z. "J: refr'"rator. f:rtar lfic; refrigerator, awiniju. l9i4;Lfc: weateni gathered, a bite. J'laic. HJK.ii Kav; elate, whole milk, eum mer and f a.l make, ooiord. choice, jf :5c; ta;. whole milk summer and ImJ moke, ir'te, rh"iire. ir1-:. PjL'L'rR T Aiive. d ill, weetera ch.c ker.a. ltta'.b--: f'twla. lij',-: tury. 1T.u;kc. Preaeed weait. weeien '.hlrkens. 14c; fowa. KEHii'. turkeys. Ib''Jjc. Nr W TO.K. Var-h 10. .stf- ks heid r;..e to the prevaj.;n leiei of the a ( tiriiuh t.iir i aewion. It a aa anorh-r d i ; .jay and t,-e t.-tal of a.a. etatnlahed '""'"r low reori. It -.j''h to'K ia. F a.: .rrnr" at Chin. F'enver ft FUo "irand. '' ri.m. n. Letuiavij'a A Na.-hTUle and Wot rn 1 n:on mere aaa not a eae tiur'na the espicn anailan Fariric a an etrona- all r'.air.K to a new n.tih revirfl. Haiders of iCK. mri paf-if!"' were Ijs-io-d to eaact hetter prices on account of indiialltina tftat 'ontroi of tne PTt-er-y may not have ben eeitjed ao deTnlteiT w as be iv-d. r-.-tter unlera-,andin of me Median nui'ii.r r-'iite,) ,n eome .in irorement n MTiran railwav shares The t nited tates teei corrwirauon a te I on of urfTled uru.-r a; tie en.) nf F"hr-jarT howns a rain of nearly 3(i v. tons, waa arrepte'l farora bf- Tradera tKnght steel hara freely dur the murtiinij expwted a more marked increase than waa shown and steal com mon s'ld off on puhlloarlon of PTir. The nrop In el arrsted the slow Im provement whicn waa In proaress uiroun .he reat of the lin. Known, moner morementa of the week Indicate a lose in ca.h bv the banks, the first In several me ntha. The loss in interli r polcta and to the suh-treaaurT ia estimad at mi're than tK'.,iiiH. Bonda were steadv; par vajne. tl (ma ' n:tfcd St juca txmda were unchanged on caJl. Number of sales and leading Quotations on atocka a-ere aa follows J CITIES. Cleartnea ' Ina Dae. ! New Tork n-WW J4II 4" ll I 7 I 147 I lak.ian 11 -' i 7a " SI ii.a.i. ..i fct.t ! 7 !Ti 8.2 44 ' " 4 .8 ; ?4 -J- 5. U T I I w -ri jk. a. ! I i 5 .r Lake City. UATJ-Xi. I white, 1 car. S. Na 4 nlte. I caj-s. 3-c: No 4 i!'.r, i car, :c. no aTrade. 1 car. while. TPc Oataaa Caah Prleea, THEAT-Vi. I hard, 439-c: No. S .ard. IcnyZrwWe: No. 4 harl. 7Saic: re e.ted bard. 3 ""rc : No. 2 apfn. 45sc: . 4 sprtBt;. 7T'"j4c: No. I durum. Nn. f durum. t?,-$"la. inroi No. 1 wnite, 4:3;-c: No. S white. HrSic; No. 4 wbJta, 3"-wd"-; No. 1 coior 0a.c; No. 2 yailow. 4ia43V: No- 8 .ei'.ow. 4"iHJ-4lo- Xo. 4 yei'ow. Sj-4(ie. No. L .4i''ac. No. I. laS-e'Vc, Na. 4. 4 TS No. t White. J,'Wata: etandard. ".SSa: No. 8 white. Ztutdlkc. Na. 4. Hc: Nax. I ywilow. vr-Ti; No. 4 yellow, BARi.tT-Ko. t. 7dCc: No 4. tStjrsc; t'o. 1 feed. rtW.ser: redacted. Ba4fc RTK r.o. t, Ksirlle; No. 8. TJHj-auc Cflet Reerlata. 4) WTjeat. Corn. Oata ."hirajro 1 1M 1"4 MtcanapoUa l0 f maha 14 U 1Z r,i,,, ihicago uaii a.u rauvisiois rratares mt th Ttadiai aad ClawlaaJ Frlrea aav rd af Tra4e. fHIAGO. Marei VI Fear ronoemlne: 'he Heesian f!v In parts of l!!lnoia and ndlana ent what eoartna: today Teaaa eiHirts of abnormally hot weaiher had a similar effect. In Crinwiutic the market .loeed ittini Tae to I'sjKItiC htaher than aat nicnt. LAteat flfirea ahowd an ad' WEATHEH l. THE (.KIM BELT Traseratarei Fall la I rr Valleys f H 1 Tfr. OMAHA Marcn 19. -.311. The weather rnnt:nuea unsettled ;n the extreme upper portion of trie onio valley and the eastern stales Light preopitatli.n : waa aenera) over that section w:i:nn the : iat twenty-four noum and llcht ra n ia ' faJllnar .n New T. rk ritr this momma; and llBht snows arw -ported in the Law I rence ra.'ier. Ki.iept considerable rioudi i nees tiiat prevails in Nebraska, the weather Is cnera-ly Clear throughout the central I raj!eya. It is still unsettled In the weat i em po.-t-on and nrht and wnittered prec-ipi-; taticm occurred wnmn t:ie last tntT mr hours In the southwest and a. on the Pacifle coast. Temperature are lower this momina; in the upper lake reason, the ' upper Mississippi and upper Missouri val- I levs s n H tlnnf tha mM.ll n1 1U".1""' every other lealin stajj.e mountajn slope and are h;Kher in Cri.cVTerU'i'jL.3'"1- d """jth. eastern and ,uth Auanur abates and t"?'!!r'.2,tr: 1? n the Pacific slope. A depression of am- a. I day. .-i.orts, who ovene.ld on yeaier- aA T"r-T a.pear-d in the extreme nay s Kl'jmp. were uoenav frten the start, nortiiweet and is extending down toward In addition, larger proleneinnai spacuiaiors j l-ha central vaileye and will raue cloudy loi ed-vantaye ,,f tne unity and foi- i and somea hat unwttled w earner In Una lo'vod the course of commisauin purchaa- , icinlry tonignt and Mturday. with no lm InK. a 'ucli In Itaeif rn:W i big toitu. : portant change in tempemi ure. New iiivestns-s directed thetr etforta in tie. mil. l.'0. lfkSi iau tiain Hi Iie July ueiiverv. As a result ' Lowest last night... 48 J "0 & iisi uiimm uiaut- a uri.ti itsibu . w a u Hrei'l Illtarj on . UK lil made a better retauve hut May pi-marv receipts ana tne .-orld's supply emitbiTed a substantial re 'ucUon. as compared with J net year, and I. ere nn oniy the faintest response bv i.iverpooi to vesu-rda" s hard smash at piiera In America. From the opening un ci tne pit wae cleared ine advance auf-ft-el no important stop. May ranaed re-(wM-n arWc. closing 1 up. at Kc. aN eorn a4vard lc in the aampie Tim-k, i enetem demand !mpr"vimr a ut e Ms fuctuated from sT'3uc and meed steady at a'c. a nae of i.jlSc over 'i Blahk. No. 1 yeiiow Closed at t7m as rw in empat)i? a itii corn. H:tl jid U'W omits for ay were ll'aC and with the ciose :c above tue fig 1 ,i-es of i:- iat HMies curtefil twenty-four s t.ura Lfcfura. .r iiieats aoutli maae provieiona f.rrn. Tha n.J outcome waa a ga.n a 1 around pork. . tc : " t;-oc. ard. --J. and nba. m . 7'-,eic. Prlctn in Chicago, furnished o tna C ike itraiu company Telephone Douc-a IX "TH Brandata bulUlitLg. Omaha: krtlrtea. -Otien.! H'gh.l Low. doaa ) Tea y. heat 1 Ma v. J i.y. Seut. Tnrn May. J a.y vui. lata Mav . July ept. ?om- May. July, rd- May. J'liy pt. R-be i May...) J.iy...i .iut-..l I ! Hiyjj i wn .kTwVS"i "T-a, T-a. I l t 30. I I a soi. .Oil normal temperatttra ror todar. 38 degreea. Excesa la preapitacon since March L ia inch. Eeflciency for correspond ;ng period. uio .X inch. Defloener' for eorresponding period. Hs) .Ok Inch L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Kaasaa ( Itr r-ala saw Prerlslsaa KANSAS "ITT. March i lu WHEAT May. sTc. sellers: July. S4-c, cash steady No. Z hard, 'rar: No. J, Ksc; .u. red. Slti !.. No. J. myvc. X)RS May. 4Si.qec bid: July, 4e. sellers, caati. -oV higner; No 2 muel. ii-c . No. 8 tlj-a1:, Nu. ! wane 4J'tiq4;; No. 3. 4ia-4j'-Tc. OATj-Fnchanged. No. 2 white. S133c; No. 2 mixed. Sliac RTK No. I. 7M(j7sc. HA Y choice timothy. 113. jCjl4 i; j choice prairie, 8'2 irl2 3 FITTER-c'ramei-y i-: flrsta. Tc; sec- oticis. 3"c: packing stuck. '.Sc. Extraa. Ue; flrsta 16c j Ket-eipta. Shipmen-s I Wheat, bu. . i0 47 ins trn. bit S M .rt ' oata. bu. IXiM .'.ka) 50 isS. , sis ti ra si Palladelakla ace Market. I , 1-iiiLnuj'niA. March 10 1" TTKR 4"", 4ki". rrm. extra aestern creamery. 2S-; exuTA i.a. ucniui ii nie. . 1 i 17 a:-H' :Hs' l 71 i 21s, auS'd'Sii a 314 a-s T7 s 14 7 I TS ir-eji I il it1 a, t rs, t rn II. I r'-J, 12x i it I IB i "7S t ! I t ! -s T. f. FLliilS Firm, Penuaylv&nia and othar nearby firsts, free raaea. iic. at nun Pennsylvania and other current receipti. free caaa. inc. at mark. w-siern fists, free cases. 13c. au mark; weatern current receipts free caeea. ike. at mark. CHilESM !l-a.l : New York fuil creams 1 is CS tni:'' "PantK!r. 14c. fair to good, utf 1 1 t : f tn 81 Sj abStfS TI -'!J "! , I IT 4t AmsloimaTea CMt per .... ASV'-.mri a-ru:iu-aj .... Amei.n Hw-i sueaJ . .. An i. n mi A ilei-is i F . ei-4li. "ouoti oil ... . Amerun H a Im. r'd. .. Amerr-an j'-e --m-t:rs. . Amnon linseed AmencAn LeTTr"t:ve .... American s a K Am. 9 H Did. "nt-alr . A m. Mt4 T nn dries Am. sucar Reomr.g Amerffan T a T Aiiierinan Titm..j prd .... Anisiiu a. mien Anaoonua Mining Cs Aviiispn Auiusun p4 Al'inl'f Cnsst Ljne RAltlmne a 0110 Tel.ii'-m Slesl Rr..-.. foira Tr , e-di ' snsftlsn Pfccine '"enirai LrfaikfV ' eri. Lsamer pfd. ei-4ir . i emrai of New Jerser Tisapeaa a h i ii, x-41e Clilrsso a A. tial. ...... "lutiaen ii. w, new ... i' r, w p'd. i-hi'aa at X w ' "-, M. .'1. T (.'.. c aw. U Oolermdo T a- I ' "loratio a Snalhern i"fma')"la-ed Uu ' 1TT1 PT ri3U4 U Delaware a Hudson rnT a Rio lirande D. 4 B. 0. old Msf.l-enT Securities Rr-s E. n 1I ptl Kre 2rt Tta lenemi Kie-trlc Krest N.'ni.em s'd c,rmi N.mhem Ore otts.. Illinois central .. !nlerl'rrvan Met lot Met. pld Tmwnaiionsi Hanwsier ... Int. Marine pt-l Jnlemaliimal Piper Inlemanenal Pump ... l"sa ."eiiirmi Kansas iny ss K. " So VI. Laclede Gas U.uisi-.lle a Naaevilis a 11. Iamiis. M.. n. P. at a. a. M M , K. A T M . K. A T pffl Minmrl Psrlflc Vstlonsl P'scutt Niu'iffiaJ Lesd. er-d!- N R. FL of H it pti New T.irk l'4itrsj N T . 'J ' Kretolk A Western. Nona Araennan N.inhsrn Pacitle --w- Pa-ifls Mail PwiTiFTtaji;a Petile'B '-! P . ' . - St. I. PIlletMira 1'ai Pri mittA St eef . 'ar Pa. .man Pa.a Car Han war iei spring es.nna Rel'Uln.e Stfwl Kej'UMlr tiwl pta ftiira Isiana To R'a iNkiid f"c. pill...,. M. L S F pld r.. LMoa I. a- . . M 1 W pll Wie.Hier:tl S A I H..u:aern f'fci'.Tlr "Uiii'ni FLaiiway So Railway ptd TeniMme copier Tias Facinr t., ht i a w T . in. u a pia Vnni Pacifle I B;nn psi itie pld t mu4 ftailr . . . . . . t niieii stte H'.uitr T'Riled a-ate ereel f steei pfd r-ah OKoee Va.-cAra. W.haeli w.riksli pM HeMlem Mariihntf Wemnaiiow kisnrle w-stacn I nifw st-liesiing a U Ue"n V.teT TLsl lor t.1 day lua aigh. Low. On II y 1 -l v as 3 1P 1 SI 7AV, liiiia "'s r.s lie IK :-"V . v 1 l'S lurt -.rt vs w vsj ian las', 13m )i4 84 JW -T 7- -.S :.i-e 111,14 a; ar. . S ye rro r"t rr :. id : n rx an - - ya 144 ins irns :s !.- ' M c ;w m i its. I. :4eia i a ue IMS i - - ja "i r ss as l.s J, i .- ( 47 -ka ... "At 1M 1SS 1W t 131- IS"" U'1 Sw S .4" 1M U4 1M ., it-i, 2' MS M .w l-.ja li.r.i m lis 10 Sns x-t, ia 'S 3e 17 n lt.i X2 n ssh ati a1 3 Ut-S 144 y sa at i.y 1471, u r its Mi. tea !-s let 1M 1S 1US 113V, U i H as a 8. sua !( Uava S 1' IIS) "J ! TS ! lS Tn4 in ins x r-s H t. 12.S 1S ;11 1( 2.a 1.-, kr-- 1! lis T14 rr5, itrs i;-s ii-a ate 9-s Bia 9 - -'w 41 s M iss HI-S 51!. lit it 3f- . 4 na C 87 Bt ... .. . . 3! sua ss c xt sa li.asa iT-s l"ls rui 1 -1 'I ...1 3. C. m. TS ! Ts ?.ie' 17 iiZ 19.tlO.O0OI it: et . . 7-n .ni i; s7 nn in n li . i : . 10 ur" a . . f 17; . . T iM..asr . . 7 . . 7' S8 .. 7 11 i .2's '.. 4 !. , 6 ITL'SIS 4. 4kC v . . A is; . . 4 T2 .v 5 .JW. (ri . . 4 t. HWM 7 .T O"' . . 4 27 ( ., 1 177 tr . , ;." 4. 1 '.' 2 FC.Oi 2 n n . 4.rr .. 8 F ( 2 e) in ?i7..i(e 1 77 use 2 isM.'Sl'li 2 2H ii . I ..(' 12 HO . I n mi . 2. .&.' troo-s. t isA oim . 2ll'fl'e L5.5" t.i 1 sn . t 44W1 L.-47..SH1' Lrai'Tis 2 "27 ' L4f4 (Hts 1 KA'.rKf lSTs 77a ' V4.iin' l.T7 .sri ".h4 2 .'no- iniw . mo . isei . lis . 1 7 1 in. ( . 1.1.4 . j.r.i2.s '.4.'. . Sfj iimt: . 1 8i Way laist 2f. . 71a. nm 1.H78 .M . 1. v 1.2 t in . 4" ' 47 .. r ii 4. . M. w US '. n41.oWll so) AMD 22" own. r.ys nay era nw'.. 1 OAS. . 2 s . 15.W7.WiO' 10 5 2. 12 0 M 1. 1 4.. ....) 4 2'. .X). a i 1 1 7.1 10 I .1 ..... 2 2 . .J 8S 1 M 7 ft1.-... ....I 4 10 : M 4 10.7:. 7 . :. . 8.0 . ii.j!. 2 . TO . 17 2 . iZ.l.. 1 2.1 21. i TraiBaaaetlaae of lit A fe Ik. ek. NEW TORK. Mr-h Trad street hana clearmas report far the wes end ng March a a-i ag:reeiue of 81. e 7H . ss airainst 87: JS .ejit w and fk L- T" ' in ti e ct;i eaie no r.g jt year Fjiloe-ng is a list of the ctllee: New Tork i"h cago Foston F hilaiieiphia t. Liuis Kaneaa City liit!.biirg .an F"Yancien Bui' 'mors C ncinnati V :nmapoI!a Cleveland New it eans r-etr It Omaha Lo Angeles . ?jOU!sv',.e M:iwaukes ft f- HUi. . . Atlanta Port and. Ore Buffalo L'.-m -r . In.llanapolia Provtceace Richmond Waaningion. D. C. t. Joe-l h Fort 'Worth Memphla a.t Coinmtraa Albany ... Tacoma .. arannah Spokane . To erto I Hartforil Rochester t'es M inea ! NaahTille j lii!ith ...I "Wichita i For j VoefoiH I Oakland. Cal .loux City 1 New Haven trand Kapids . rcranton Birmingham j Jackson. r!a Oklahoma City j yracuae - Augusta. Ga j A rceeier , Evansniie I Spring-field, Maas T'avton 1 Portland. Ma j W heeling Lttle Rock Charleston Knoxviiie Chattanooga Lincoln I'tvenport wiimintfton WoHie WilkesF.arre Ka.avmaxoo Sacramento Top.ka Cedar Rapids, Ia Macon Fail River Tounjjstown New Bedford Sisringfieio. 111... Fort Wayne Cantom. c ,ioux Falls urin Helena Columbia. Lew.ngton Fargo .... Fine. Pa.. Rock ford. Q'l'lKT E 1 00 ml r. art on Chester. Pa Springfield. O South Bend Lowell Jackson. Mlaa B'nghsmton T-ecatur. Ill Mansfd. O Fremont. Neh.... Vlcksburg M sa I JaokaoTiville, 111 - Tork. Pa I WllTlon. Ia I Houston "lalveeton j OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET; Lrht Eaa of Cattie uid Pricea Gen- i e nHy Steady. ! EDGS BIG FTVZ CE5TS HIGHTe! ahees a ad taaaka la Terr Light es- fly. Walla Frtcea are at Leave t j fteady aad the FeellagT la trssf. 90T.TH OM.AHA tecelpts wre OTcial Minor .... 1 'fr:n T'iedar . . . Official Wednesday I'ffit-ial Thursoae ... Flat: mated Fndav .. Five davs his week. ...22 ame davt 'at week I I Mar-h 11. I Cattle. H g She-P .. i4 4.A y 1 .. 8 v2 le sr" 1 -C . & IS 4V." S . 4 78 11 i: 4-. .. a.?! -i a 7 . i2 .17 7 47.J"k ..-".3 19 4 """8 3 l-'l I .22 1'3 4.i 'I i ; , ; .list so list 8-.J , 20.7S8 A 2:5 2..7S7 1 ame da'a 2 weeaa ago. !-T.f daya 2 weeka ago. uii daya 4 weeka ail a. is a :'Tle days last yar. . I . The following taoie ahows the receipts of 1 7 i att.e. boga and sheep at (south umana fr 1 the year to date aa compared w'U :a--t year: is-1. 'jrit inc. ' Attie r:"a 1!72 10 717 Hogs 4fl. 9 44.J7i 4e Sheep 844. l8 278..-X2 4.!!2J. The following tab.e anowa tl.a average ptlcea on hogs at exiuth ciroa n a tur tna "At several daj-a. with cornpartaona: Date. I mu. ir.o. 2isA.,ikUi. liHB. 1S08..1XS. Mar. Mar. Mar. ! Mr. Mar. I Mar. 1 -Mar. ! Mar. Mar. Mar. a 4-1 I aw s 1 ( M afci 4 s ( e, iciaii42w;aita'4 72 t raiy in im im !ui47a A.. I is, 1 1' a Ti 1 iNiB Cfiwia 8K8 T 441Taia4s 74 !7S4I rn Ml 4 : ( W 4 4BI 1 82! 4 IT 4 S8 74H 1 221 I 4 3 j IX 4 a. 4. 7. . .. 10.. 4 a Sunday. P.ecetpta and disposition of life stock at the Union stock Tards, South Omaha, tor twenty-fuur hours enumg at T p. ax jaar terday : RFTCETPT". ' atUe. Hoga. Sheep. HTr a M. A su P s ama.l and at present the trsde is harei a d me .ower bulk of'.nesa at 'ai wea s . j.iee F.eprser taf : ve sales !o. . fa P- m. a. ga. f ' . . 4" -t. rt . . n is !4 . 1 s r ... 4 -i w .!?.... a . . . . 4 "I w. . e . . ;. 1 gta a) 4 1 . . . jrr 4 i si ...... t i .3 s ir, 1 . . T"S . . 4 fc 5" . . .. se . 4 s-v, e. an ... - s .. : a n t ja ... 1 . 4 -a . ....... 1 ..... 1 Ki t " at . . a -j saa-sj -8 ..... a t4- IZ ... 4 al J4 ... r se . 4 -0 u rt ... a 47 T4 -a at wa ... a i e e 4 a as .wa ... a t 7 r 4 is at ... 4 - i w isa -a as u .... 4 - ' y 4 -n -t m ... t - s . . rt as a -s a- ... a - in e in ; a-4. 1 -1 U" 21 a71i rt . 4 sj. 3- ... a 1 . . jet m 4 - at .... ae ... 4 s 7 aa ... a - -i ... 4 1 1 ... 4 TS 7 gat ... 4 -i SSJ SW 41 ..... S4 ... 4 "I s rt Ma t is ? n ... a t 'i l at I a aa m . 4 A " .. 4 ; ts M 4" ' 2" ... 4 -s t ... t8 ... 4 -a ... a w a . . . . . . a s 4 tl 2.- . . 4 as 2" it --. ... 1 at ... 4 tl, ... . ia .. 4 44 . SSS a hi, 44. . . Bt4 M -"4 V 4 TV, (C ... t ... aet t a it, s 7H ... m ' t ... 4 ft SI .... S41 ... as t rj-a 7i ... na . . a a 7 .-. 4 1 1 . . 4 at ... in aa ra ... 4 at a ... 4-8 a .--a ... 4 s . t . rw ... 41 s . is " ssa . aw t. 8T? ale a wan w 1st ... 1 s s rt . 11 i aj ... ass J a in at na ... as jst ... as as t: ... 1 aa re ... 4 - at ... a as ! sks . SB. Skt ... t a 11 a se ... a a ... it at jet 4 4 aV4 ... as ... at s man c ia . a at t -n mi at 1 a ti ... 1 S Tl UB ... I at at .... i ... is DUN'S REYIEW OF TRAD2 j Modente ImproTraent ra Iadrjjitiial and Trade Condition. COXSZSTATISX STILL ZYLTJEJT tlatlac Lsr tterka af SereaaataUaai tad I.arare tea of Meae-y ire Tst lapmsel aTHe f sti-eagie. teata NEW TORK. March 1 Pun Rmetr of Trade tomorrow will soy: The mode-'ste improvement fti iTid-istrlal and tra.le oond t:ois since uie begirn'ng of the vear cortlniea Two un port ant ele eien.s of str-eng-h are the existing low I sick ki ef merchandise and large stock of I money i t-e'iaJn de-ceinpTientB nave caused a more I erms-ri artTe feeig in iron and steel, ai- though e-i-tderx-es of mprowement crm Linus 1 to mu t:piv These signs Include a further Increase tn urfil'ed orders on hand bv tie j lesdlng producer and an expansion of 98 I ! tons 'a 'he output of pig iron in Februarr ! the first gatn reported in nearly a year I ilirrent advices from leading pig Iron een'ers ind oate em-newest eiileter con.ll- at Chicago and Prtsburg but '"0- 2 a 1.1 13 0 1 4. 4.4 . li'-f . 2 27 r. 4 i. 2 8 St 3'.. 7 5.. 7 .... 5 .... 2 .... :i9 r.... 2. 34;. ' il. 12.4.. c ' , VCabaan .- M.eeourt Pactfio .. - rmon Pacific C. A N. w . east .. I C. A .N. W . west - ! C, Pt. P. M. A O.. 1 1 C. B. A Q.. eaut ... c.. Jb. ex 14.. West . C. R. I. A P . east . . K 1. A P.. west. Illinois Central c. o. w , 12.8 4 2 ' lit Total receipts Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company C'luahy packing Co Murpny, ahipp ra... w i. Vansant Co . 3teptoena Broa Hui A enm F B. Lewis Huaton A Co J H. Bulla McCreary A Carey Mo. A Kan Caif Co Other buy era Totaia CATTLE Rerelpta aa usuai on a Friaay 1 .. 1 8 .11 4k .. 11 27 ..6 4 .. 1 1 ..11 28 . 1 8 .. .. 1 .. .. 2 . .. I . 41 1( jSITTOIS Cattle. l."A r IDS "is at 21 as i i7 167 1.27 ij 'i ! Svl l.s4 Lal ill. SHEEP Today a abaep and lamb market aa a vary earrow ana only two or three doubles of stork a hawing up. Everttung soid at figures easily steady, lambs reach ing A and nauve ewes salUsg aa nigh as 84.8s. Dally receipts for tha week thua far give a total of right around 8e o heii. a aupply that Si silgetlr larwer than either last week s run fw receipts this stt iat year In point of ark-aa. trads has been generally erratic from the start. Mondav a mantet ruled higher. Tuesday s snd Wed nesdav B sessions were more or lees dem o rallied, and closlnaT trads showed some improvement. oheep have been selling more readily than iambs and. aa Indira led by bu.k of recent sa.ea. are closing Just about steady win a week ass. Choice ewea are atimaaie tie ""H act 11-it m other ilinvueni aid I eome price advances are noted on deltvenes extending beyond the first ha-f of the year I" The rail at-nslnn recent ewtitrecrs ha- Bar-wasted rloee ts S3 tea tors witn ns for oxBort te ManllA and It is ea pected that considerable busiceea will oa recetved from fanadA ewrrg ts the eotd-up rendittntt of tha atllis tn that eosin"-v Business tn the srinvary dry soods mar. fcet oonnnoes in reei-ected vo. -me snd cur-fajlme-t of operations in ml'l canters ts still laras. In spots trade ia auna and dls tnbatara are ab.e te more mere-handle In sma.l iota althoui h pnee conceeaiona are common in cotton goods ome comment was caused by a revision of pnee ht one Una of staple prima hut ottvar prints did not foilow. and tha printed good dl-rtaMin la relatively better t'lan trade w-nh bleachers dyers or flnis-here Export trade ha fair The leading producer e' anew s wear has Bern red a liberal ve.mie of future business at close pricea. and there Is a Tendency among users of drees ma terials to purehase heiter qualities Root and shoe conditions enow an Im provement. Jobbers sre placing larger or ders, and while the demand Is still chtefTv f-r odd styles, specie. ties and staple lines are now receiving on or attention Prices ruie steady to firm, and owing to the scareite of Russia calf leathers shoes rut from this material are shout V pee rent higher than a short while ago. Hides are duil. A.I of the upper leather tanners have W7 I .... ! up to 84.ii. and prime, handy wethers ar i i' returned to tha old discounts on the ne-eis 01 a per cent off ten davs. and shoe manufacturers are endeavoring to ac-com- pusn tne same in sole leather aiDeTsiKsrr- rrttea' of th dk Pr"w ef Beyers la Fried sal Markets Tea da ta IsspreTeateat. NEW TORK. March W.-Brad street a to morrow will sav: 8. 70S 461 of cattl war light. only Uilrty-nia cars stntefl at nr neer At (& V . 1... i high aa x& A i-u-m4.. m... I prooahiy the lima In thia branch of the j trad. Inquiry for lambs has been changeable. ' A 84 2 top was made Monday, but Wednee- day a set of pricea found hlgl-i quotation at S . With anything like a normal sup ply today It would require considerable aelllng effort to put choice lamba over the scales at as M. as compared with last week a clots, bulk of business st present is steady to nossibiw snm ci. . . v i have not been vary pientlf ii, but the few I Th" Presence of buyers In the pr nclpal 7'" aa: move to Tory good advantage, "'araeis .Hi tended to produce moderate w wumaia nanay ana k a on ednesoay. WH tatiors on sheep and lambs: oeing reported in. Thus mane the total j's ' '"r th f:v d'ya this meea 2i-M head, a ,r 1 1 aain of about .. head as compared with - ; last week and of almost Z.-MH) head aa com- 5.. .... i 22 T 2L1." 14 7'. 13.7 . s'ii. T7'. j4!s!. is'.v. 21 ; "aji I pared with a year ago. The market, as a a noie. was without any new or Interesting feature. Packers all Mitnl tn kiiiI a f.w f.l cattie and were out In the yards ia rond ' season tn tne morntng. Aa there srex, so i few on sa.s. it did not take them sery long to effect a clearance, and practically ' i j everything la aight changed haoda in I good season in the forenoon. r'i ! Cows and heifers Bold in about th same i notches aa yesterday, tha market, Desna 14 i Ju,t anout ateady on all ktnda I There were few stockers and feeders in sight and the trade on that Class of cattla 1 v was coaeeuuently very limited. The tnar i ket was without any apacia new or m leresting features. Quotations on cart!: Oood to choice ',' beef steers. p t9 3k: fair to rood beef ateets. 8n .(& i: common to fair beef i "" steers. 86ijl. 70: good to choice cow and Not Included In totals because ct-ntr,mhis; j nairera, 84 va.M; fair to good cow and . other It etna than clearlnga. i heifera. 84."4 78: common to fair cow a 1 . and bei f era. 88 2S-o4"C good ta choice stoek- ! Sew Terk Slaaey Slarliet. ers and feeders. 8fc l-wg : fair t good! si oca era ana leexiers. 8b ik0a aV7 common to choice lambs. 17. TT-4 30; fa-r to good iamna. 808. 7. handy weight v-arllnga 8i Kh 26. heavy rearHns-e 8s as, (w; gno to choice wethecs. ; fair to good .. . '"0 to eholce ewea. 84 2f 4 .-A: fair to good ewes 82 9B4 a I rrep culls to feedera. 8J.(a8.7B. I Rrpreaentatir sAes: .1 o 1 advantage, ""araeis Mas tended to produce rrvodera plump, soid '"'Provement in house n-iie and earlv far work Is p roarer sing under favoratile co Vui western 2 western 44 western 27 western 1"7 wast era 25 western CHICAGO Av Pr awes ijn j aa wa nn t ji Iambi nt 5 a awes 4 x yearlings US 8 ea yearlings u oa LIVK TtM at MARKET faw Cattla t tea ay Ar8w Ikees atr March -H W A TTXJ3 Ree in d!t:ons. wtule good shape. ""-'""AilT tlis progr-ss has Imparted a little more Best to retail trade. Yet Con-aen-at:am a everfwhere nait,,,. Mirers -peciaily of textiles and clothing, are nur rnasn. ....... . . . l ...m mlM mm owners are , " s""ua maae up rrora high 1 matenaia at email profit. A ."c 01 small lot buying appears , most purciiaeers and al lnm larger purvevore to met with little response. The coming session of Congress, at which tanff ec fieri -"T treated. t., ether with the probahllltr of action on the Canadian re ciprocity treaty tenda to produce chariness Though building an mid pick up some what the figures of perns t a and estimated expenditure ahow that extensivs work is Hot so active aa lut w r . . . - . 1.11 I'll footwear is aausfatorv m the west Kn fail sown grain appears in priced to the HAS 41 M aa ss i1 1S wis 441, 1.S-S a: a 1 IS re ia :. Tie : 4i'S 44 r 17S ts 4"H "S 114 44S r T"s ITS NE"7V T'iR.K. March lfl MONET On can steady. 2 a !?- per cent; ruling rate. JS er cent: cioaing bid. 2S per cent; offered at 2H per cent. Tim ioana. veary easy: amy days. 2H-S2 per cent; ninety daya. 8 per cent six months S per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEIR 4 to 4x Per cent. STERLi.M EXCHANGE Easy. with actual business In bankers hilia at 84 M-lecp 4 H41u for sixty day bi..a and at AS"8 for demand. Commercial bills. 84 .WHae V SILVER Par. Kc: Mexican dollar. 56c.. BON E'S Government. Irrea-ular; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds war aa follows: V ...teiS Int. S7 M. 4Hs...... (OS .. iul'S 'Js-aa 4a s .. lsr- flo 4Hs .. lutS A ". e. 1st A ...r.hS I I eb. 4S llltl Itti .. llhk, I. M. unt. w SVS ... Tt M K AT. 1st A.. STS ...ims 4o a n- 4Ss. M ... S Ma. Pacific ts Tn, B..1T4 N. . R. of ML - H .. 11 N. T r. g. ji,a A tna east it is backward .i.i- reouest and there tm ee. considerable idleness ar eitiea, skilled ntrtium w.n laborer being affected. T m f" uura aoout rair to slow. , i.uns in ine l niten states for I trie week ending March a were 273. atralnet : vi?o i? J,d ,n ,h" week of i.-". in is, tn ivm and 1N in 1(7 Busineas failures m Canada for the week number 84 as against 88 last weak and !t 0 . A ni . A ra do oenpos t. 8 Ks. reg Ad ooapos C. I. r-g da mmpos Allls-lSai. tat ia sun s le Am. Ttsi 4s. . am. T. A T. ct. tair atoraers and reeuetw. 84 3asV; stock heifers. (8.764 j: veal c&.Tea. KOotjAse: bulls, staga. etc.. 84 emoAltk. Representative sales- BEEF STnlETRa. Armxair A Co. 7:s ms X. H. 1 1st ar-a H ..-58 .. AS .. lu I S2,; 10 ; a hi 1 a At 1 t A Mlaaeaaeille (.rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS March V WHT-.AT Mav. ITS-; July. seA,c September. ll.V- 'cash. No. 1 hard. ussSc, No. 1 nonr.ern I Sl"Tr41u. : Na 1 HiiprW. a J , li-- . v asa, 5ie-. FLAX osed at 82.6" rOKS-So. 2 yellow, 41 42V. 'ATS No. 2 etiite Lgi' PTE No 1 2'T--'v. HR.1N In KO-ib. AkA 81 owia uti. FLCR F'rst patenta "4 A". .4 .V, so. ond 84. i"-4 . first ciea-a. 83 'J.-.!.. 8i .if. j2 .70. "hliaga Cash Pru-ea Wheat. No. 2 red Siev-c. No. 2 red, raWk-. No. 2 hard. ifrHd if. No. 8 hard, A-Tssr; Na. 1 northern' jr'ng. !ieci-l.ul. No. 2 northern spring.; irsac. No. 2 spring. St-oAwc. Cora. No. 2, asn. 47'-rr: No. 8 caan. Va-4Kir; v. 1 r . lilts. 4"047Vrr; No. 8 wane 4i.etw- second clears In. 2 yellow. 4.-a4.c. No. 8 yellow, as wr oas No. 2 caan. lv; No. 8 whiia. 1 Vllwaakea t.rala j,iac: wni'e. -tea.Sc: No. 4. MA" A 1 K EE ' . n 1. .ta. ! iff. ateauv: HI lilt- - --iTi-a. lSfflJar:! WHFlAT-Xo 1 n..r.Scw tl ,n v.. J nor-irrn. rTHSc; May "uc. Market. March 10. FLOt-P. Mai-- at lHc; davaies. 18S 1 l"Hc; choics to fancy. 1 trie UCl-lC i.iriij--tejady . receipts Tl.r.4 ark. cases included. Bs; r.rata. rrsta, l.-rc. 1" H K K E Steady a ns. llSw'Ac: youug Americas. i-j .c u.g imni. mT-t" IhitaT. E.S Mieady j.'c, far to goo, Afjosc. I l"OCLTKT eaa turaeyA dressed. Ife; , ens. 11 vw. 15r; ht-r.a" drweed. l-i t-hijs. S ,e IV; dreesi.d. !3c- i V E A L ea.l y . isi to t-;b. wts.. Ts-sc; ' n to ae-in. an.. Sr-.j Iv-. ki to ls-lu. atA. 1 'car Lt Rei eipta Today : Wheat, ia cars: ' lira. : cars. oata. lua cars. Eei:maul j "..morrow Wheat. IS cars, corn. 2eS cai-a. .sua. Its 'AT- ctandard. S.b'1 BARLEY oampiee. bviiiv . PET'RIA. March 1 i'ORN H aher No I write. 4-p, No. 8 yel.ow, A'S''. No 'lu. 444c. No. 8 mixed 44 -c , 11. miTcl Axe. sample. 2i41c. o.T3 eady N 1. ? white. r(; an 8.c. No. S anna. i..4o. .i 4 2 N 11. 4 -dar-l. w .'ii Le, Dalath kralt Market. Dl'LITH. March f -1VHEAT-N- 1 northern. sTVc; No. 2 nortbem. S4-wC , May. .Sii"s?: Ju.y. 4-!i)-ac. OAT3 At tJSc Leeai aewwrlttea. , liuotaticna furnished by Burn Brinker ft Co . 44k New umaha Nauonal hank ouildlng: Aa. Bestrt-e rnsawrt afA ITS ihir "t Ektos 4s US Fairtnont rrwamsry 1st soar. 4 a a.. w (isrsi li.wa f-r.inil raensnt 1st mis. A... Kaniea i.'iir R L. sta keiissa Cut H.inis Tsi. ia XXS jenma Firs lua. tiuck liiws Perl cement 1 m mi aa Xeosaa r tr A L ta. lslt Kinnea C'lr B L, n'd HUnsts C1:y Rome Tel ta lata f itiAa .7-luilry '''SB 4a. lii"l Oman, c, . 'tl7 t.Tini Witar ta. ISta Omasa a tier Oa .st pfd Cniu Nr. 'am, in 1im1.11 a C B st Rr plo a a.. Omul a C 8 .H. Hi aa Ocr.aht a A r a a OmtBt B l a r la. tsts p.. t a t Pc-:nr T T notes is. 1X71 Ht t at.nntaia Seil Tat fciieroan osl flsat. . Si.-ut .-!' Te. T-i-taie Land m. pfa and bonus. . . tnMa SLra TarS St s MS "rr"" r 7 fS S rt 47S s F aS S let A M Tl f n w M4 71 "S Aw S A 4Sa... n as 1 seu. ts as 21- T da cv. A XI V A do rr. at US) " tl 1 C L IS 4s A "do pt. 4s BaL A Okio v As Na rSdfle to S. ess e te HM, w. s OIL. rft. si ... AS sooA Tr e. A MT4 Pwna. ev. Iya Uir.... Sti, .wn. of n. to ;as 4o sen. as. , in Urlur ts e Reaollig gstv te F. c. rf s. 1 g. A....:zr, sl u a r. fg. a Cnea a iibhi 4-t. ..iw, 00 sen. m a rat. bs. L I. t a at.. wsicase A A. 3Sa.. - ds 1st S'ld 4a. . C a. w 1. 4a. ... 87 A L A an sea. 4s r" -4 o Fac. "n. ta " M. a A F a Ss rs " 4s . C. R t. r c 4a S 00 1st st j do rs 4s AS So ai!wsr Is e-olo int. S . .. "t do sen ts c-cSo Mid A A fnifwi Panflf ta ... 0 A r A a 4Sa A-, lo c. ta T A H r 4s Bf do ue ret ts. . D K 1 ts Sr... r. 8 Rubbsr A ... do rat. A M- I' I etwM X k . V'Kt. . . am 7A,a vaVar I "lie-n to. Erie s. L A A "WtbseB la la co sen. 4a 14 as let ex. 4s.. So e ta sr. A . 7!. Warn kl ts oo senss B "tl ewwat E'.ec cv rjm Grei. iie . TA W a "en at ill 'Su. let ref. 4a W Mo Pan c as . . Int Met ts Tl-S Bid. "MaTed. r'S ; ! . si's ' . S7 I AS J .1"" SS I " I H4 sns 1 l. .1.-. 1 . leiS I .il tH AS I S s A ! I eedwa Iterk Market. Li'.NCsi.S. Man n 16 A.nerli an seruntie s-re quiet and steady during the first hour t.nisv a limited number of buvrr.g acvance.1 prices from ic over yester- 'i '.- s s-w V irs civiwing. Coneoia RH4er .. Q Ms L4un-.;le A N atawtaa CaMla llsrka WjPTS. March 10 (losing qaotatlons ' on Mocks were as to Ailouea Amsi. Cpjiwr a x L a trwaia Com. Ailanue . a - 4k I lit in 41 a.-coui.t . Amsi c siper Ai)aer.aa at. Lsaia ileaeeal Market. ST. LOCli March IA WHEAT Futures iignen May. lki",c; July ST'-wc. can higner racA No. 2 reu.. l-,ic; M 2 ham. -Hlgner: nay. 47sc: juiy k. I sllss Market. NEW TCRJx. Marc h Ik. 1 VTT ..N aoot holier, traca. No. I. ale. No. iliRN )wV. ' A 4 -iC OATSHigher- May "".c; Julr. .: cash; u-aca. No. 2. Ate. No 1 anne. , IKi Firm; 87c .1. I'll at caul y : red aimer patents extra tancy and etraitiht. A k hard wmier cieavre i..Aijie--Flli T'm.'tiiv K..iseis .1. ii tv.N M FA L C XI I 1..AN auxin. eeA'kxi. east traca. 8I.1AA rKieeo guiec. is pi-init nigner, mi0iiing up I lauds I4iic, mi.ia.iiig ga.f. 14.sjc. a.ns. . 2. j LIV tJCiiXiL March 10 The .l!owing tare tne weekly e..tua st.atiFt:cs l.-ripoita. ail airids. W iS Uiaa. imimrit Arrierlmu. A xAia uaiee. 9tica. a.1 kinoa. LJSu '.ati sioca. American. Amt-ri'an forwarded, w.taai ba.ea Toiaj exports. 1 .ss oe.ea fT Lr:.4. Uanh 1 iVrTTOJC AlarSte-. unchauge miouiing. iac Is t.a.cs m-eipia. 41 baiee. ahipmenta. 14 taj--iocs. 44a 1S A . A T . tS N Central arro.k a w ; to pta 1 vr.ianu a W 1-4 irania Hsria ku . kwacmg n ai-ulr-n Kl ..Z Uti p!4 . . ... Ssuutam Paiins . T?S Vnioa Pacific - "2S ao sta . ts-s LV A aisA 4s pia . A S.caHb . as pld .il-, spanisa 4a .IA as lie-, i. " 1 ! "S t A T-tieadv: t ,l.-4 s timothy 81i Ay 7& . -Pork. htiihei New Turk eoiton market ai by Logan a i.rita. rnetriOera j 1. ott oa eacnange. nu 9uUm piai- I tireeu Omar.a 1 f irniahd New V.ill aixieentj AUA1S..B i. pia Daiilniurs a tuu. ii i:.t . . a a o-. it.icsao 'j 1 hi . ail a . F L Beers iieneer a his t .. ss pfa As An let pld. ...... . in pia uracil T-ui .... l..m. -.a CfTi-rat . . . ti -in iarnd. e. r.H her. naiet at 24 516d per ounc. m N 11 Y .'S Q 3 per cent The rate ..f in the open market for snort hi. .a is ."-..HIS per cent, fur mraa inumr.s b::la 2-42 -. per cent- ai. a iraiia . 1 ai a Hmt '"eriaiir ai n-p-i KaAgs r C F.l Buns C. A. Firalin 'j ri ' 'hi. ... G-aiiM- iB. . . lirsams . ananas Is.e K.ais k-T Us Is 1 1 ' o a- : M y ami ?S S isw 34-. Ne-ata C . ... iS N'piwr:s Ml nae 4 "twin nutis .. . ' " - K 'vr h Ias .... I-, 'kd rTuauei al , 1 lsiAia " "ParrTrft S a C .IS Qyin.y A-a w,ajijwwi . . IA Soewrior . 4 Superior ft B laT 8 iA- .1 Hianr P 1- . 3 Taziiarsik . I 1 14 C 4 4 RAM I-S A Bid 4 T il riaa . na A li'aa Coaiaer iTIo... 4S -.maia atiiianBe . 'As At . !, , . ' S . . A i.y i . 11" j . 18 I A MS j . '. - - . 7 "S is Sew lark Mlalac Slawka. NEW TORK. March ; Closing qota Hons on mining Btocaa vara A. las It wttTie ."kiaf Corn. Tunnel atva. at kamu '." ra so sbULt a (jfiionu at Cob. 11 a Va. . At .. 'A Hum miasr A s-iaaaa.-d vm inaa iilver .aa Tsuee ai asc JM Lcsaaruia Cm ' ' No. A. St. tl as 1 15 14 MBit 8 A U 14 I A 4 SU 8 A 18 Ni i M 4 litU I A m i Ml 18 91 8 A A St it 11 BA 8 A 4 t:j 1 4 M is 4 IIS 8 A 7 !' 8 A It )"t I A 11 1144 8 A iA UT 8 S A AW 1 (I A IIS 8 f 1 liM 8 Tfi 12. list i A 67- 118 8 S 4l7 I 78 U 1168 a Tt C 8 asn 4 II 4 Aa 4 A 4 4A 4 A 8 s 4 a :::: 4 li 2 4 .A id :ia t A 7 144 4 A lfA 4 A " ,.l 4 Tl l r.6 4 'a T line 4 T8 8 I'hS t Tt lea 4 A 2 : si 4 aa 7 ITS 4 A HH 8 4h4 4 A 1 4-1 4 ' I 414 t A 11 44 4 n 2 7M t . 4 4 7A 4 iS : u 4 c 8 fcil t M t A 8 .. -1.3 t A 41" 4 as IT - "10 4 A li 8 A 14 Mt 8 i 78 i 11 B 1 :(tifi 4 x 1 ... . 4 A 1 "!" 4 e. 1 w I I 1S14 4 hO 1 i.a 4 a 2 if.! 4 7t. f 4 s : .444 4 S . . St 4 ti 5 13 t A I rt 4 a. I .AC 4 A i : 4 m I -at 4 A ( I 4 i 1 A 8 A J SI (ss 1; f I 1 A 8 A : 44 i :a i, . . 4 s I ....... 11 i a 8 194 li 44 "" Ti""KEPj 1 !.st 8 a 8 an 8 ta It A a e I 13 8 i 4 ts. 8 A Tt "A 8 A If S4 I y i u la 14 a ai A8..... a A U 14 1 A II 18 Ik a 12. I COW 9. 14 '. . It ..vt . .xss ..Ui4 ..lurr ..usa ..1:47 ..liA ..li4 ..11-4 .-11A . .ifcs ...AT . ::a -.3)117 . i:a ..iaa .u:8 .::i. . BM lies 1S0I litl . sw lis .y.m .11-J . "S -r;:i s. 8 "8 8 "8 8 A 8 A 8 K 8 A 8 A i A 8 A 8 A 8 tt 8 A 8 A 6 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A I ) I ' 4 A 8 iv I A 4 A 4 A 4 S 4 e I 8 ss 8 A 8 A 8 It 8 18 i S, I A I A I De-asaa Xa rmcAio, T . . oil ! nma- "lamet steadv; beeves. ! ery is in light ies sieera. as stsys ,; western ports of " " ZZi 2""" s"caers ana reeoors 1 4.'1Isbb; cows and hetfers. 22- (86 ; Aaasm I S eeiH , 41 "AtfJW laf. rjijiaru-cetpts. 1? OT head; market I more icivi to c nigner: lirl-.r. s Wc.jv mixed. B8.I4S43-2S; heavy. aa.7ftr7.1li: routm. 8h Tie, A good to choice heavv 8 T,f7 it- pigs, tr scssri"- bulk of sales ai AOfc-7 15. liElP AND LAM be Receipts. rs ism u marxct strong, natives 8a ofWj.kll; -wiwiu. ee.iiwji.iw yaarunss. 44 . llTIl T na- 'in tlia asms ..-.. m tlve lamb. fcau.Aetf; wara, lo-XjAse. j Wheat, including flour, exports from the - --SnV-s KANSAS CrTT. March 19 CATTLE agaunst 2.K!.2Cs buanels last week and LiT7 -RecelptA LOflO bead, including V southern. ! 414 bushels thla week last vear For the Market steady. Blockers and feeders lac to i thiny-slg wees a ending March exports 2nc lower. En-eaaed beef and export steers, ! are A.J7a8 bushels against n aot 718 bush 8 l's3lflC: fair to good. 86 ..ssha 'A: western ' ele In the corresponding period last vear -'"e- v-. aiui am oo leeaera. s s v om fipona ror tn week ar 2. .114. 4 6 bush- ' '; aoiitnern steera. 8C. SrftfA'; southern i els. aga.nat I.R1.b27 bushels last week and cows. 23 2fw 'JO; native cows. S2.2&-76 W; , LH22.AS bushels in Win. For the thlrtv- a iiBiiwa. etisw, ouiis, s4.1SSyO.dB; . BIX eeeKB caives. as . .tinja-ja H'"xS Rerelpta. lh6T head. Market 5c to lur higher: bulk of saieA 86 Heaw, 8 tr7.i- packers and butchers. KasjC.iu; llghia. 87 flUcjT.lO. fiHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts liA head. Market steady. Lamba. 86 a" A 26; yearilngs. 86 Ar. wetnera. 84 iO ewes, 4.C0Q4.75; stockers and feeders, 82 Jb tJS-ls. enaiBA At SJ-cn enrn .rn.,n. ar 24.22A 238 buahela, againat JJ).S64.S2t buah sua last rear. AAA AAA AkSLAtAlA r8C8C8k BUTTER Crwamsry. No. L delivered te th retail trad la 1-lb. cartons. Z!e; No. A In aa-ih. tub. 26c; Ne. a. la 1-lb- cartons. 2bc; packing storm, solid paoa. 14c; dairy Ua - ". "sns awaat civangas 4. M. ailB J . vrjr It. Iafs live Stark Market. FT LOCTS. March in CATTLE Re ceipt a 1.1CA head. Including 41 r) Texana Market steady Native shipping and export ! eteera. 8A ay7 (10 ; dressed beef and butc ner steers. Ti .lB Asra under lw !ba . 82MzV7T: stockers and feeder. 82 7775; .1 .u L-l. . ... , , I t- K.c.i- si -r, ... .. .-v -.-7 I oa Texas and Indian steer. kxAja. cows ana neiiers. ss-aeuwoii h.. ... ia, U I M - .i U.inf. SBl kA Sn.i... ,iv- . ' . ."7.' . . ' " ' " " - . ' " "ann lie- m S HCHA. E41U ISAUianHt. ilar: 1 turkei a. 17c; guinaa (aa.. nomera. CHEESE Twins. ISSsJlac; Toung Ameri cas. IBS:; dAiAe. lfc-wajUo; triplets. Ut- lc. lioioexger, lac; No. 1 brlca. A-sc: im ported awiaA Bo. 4omastAs sTwiaa. 2ic. bloca Swiss, lc pijc'LIHT-Dreaaed h rollers unit-. . ' st. esr uos, nasi . iisr; cocaa, I isr ; geese, iic; turaeys. c; M. Baoner aquaM. par das fancy squaha. per 4oa . Civ, Nc. doa., bA-Ss. Ailv. one, era. ic. diiCJLS. pigeon, per doa,; s Par smooth laga. EIFFR3. A 1047 8 "8 1 1"41 8 'I il eft . jb 12.. . ! 8 re rr in A el 8 A le: 8 A nf i a 14 tu 8 as 8 eat 8A 8 ... M I as KS 8 A 7 asa 8 sa 2 a 8 78 higher Plga and lights. asai(r7 26; packer. I feathered, A. s jasj-. ee; ouvners ann beat heavv, 84 8U - a. riHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. head. Market lis- higher Native muttons. 82 ":e4.7S. lam ha 8 7i4al Si cills and buckA tll.jiuo26; stocMer. 81: 'nj2.2. St. Jssesk FT JOr-EPH I Iv tlark March 1(1.- Market. -i oid roesiars. UK, 17c; gi 26c each, pigeon a, per doa., sue per do.. 88 . squab. No. 1, per doa. 81 as o. as o".. . vsaiuus, wver a .ta, las old tiirkrys. 17o. FISH .:l froaenr Picksrel. 7e; whit iv pike. c: trout, lie; large crappiea. 11.: Bmnoh macaerei. lirt. eai. ihc: h..Til' esnpt. As) head. 26 e S: 4osi i calves AmsrtlJS I HOCJ Receipt. 1 hiei-r top. 27 TO: ! f KEEP AM) A rt a , rt a ft 8 Am r fag OaP r.... sat m eldrTLSrR 1 "eea r-er cTia-. iCc; aa.r0: 118. ' BEEF CITS No. 1 rlha. Tic; yi0 t rh9 j.-nc- No. 3 rns. . .1 u. 1 join IWsc- Ns I S heed. Market V I 7" itV- nn 8. loWc: Na L chuck TWc v-J 7. JC Arxet steady: steer and heifer. 8Xiar 18 bulk of LAMBS aalea 8. -i.y F' ! '. .t.c..n,. 1 -1" - VI . i.l.. IT 1": sc W VI . .-I. A .. - I . L M acL -TO- " " " ' ' S BCLL8. 1 .. ALVEfl sisck la atakt. P.ece pta of llv stock at th pai -asiern markets yesterday c; n a n-SC FKL ITS-Apple: CaJTrortila Bell.rowar per box. H-76. coioraoo extra face r j0.; Bv. pnncl- than, per Jm W box. t-Tb h. Twig. p,r If 1 1 1114 1.1 ins : r".i i::f. li.u 4 n :n 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 sr. 4 A i i& 8 '4 8 S i I M. a S I U I A I A irAouth r 'maha t. Joseph ' Kansas Ory. .. t Louts j Chicago I Tola; a .. .. Can ... L'" . .. s ... 1 ... 1.1' ... Ll.4) Hors . 4 .v4) 4 i it. rm 441 41.. 1( aatt Rssis. March 10 TV RP EN lib. a lock ufa. 1 l.iAJ ' 1.. axtj 1 . 14.. C4 t A 7 A . . . .4" T "8 it " n lis. 1 a bp ia FEEDFWU 8 A 8 as -4' 8 A BPS 8 A ee I s HA I A I aT. TarBSBilst SAVANNAH lia.. TINE Firm, si-rc. 1 1T1 bbla. . snlpmenta. S44 bbia bhis Rt -SIN Firm: rt bbia : receipts. Tis5 bbla: ahlptnents 1 ICS br.'s : stocks M 4 hhls. B r2f"SJ. r. r .f7 36 K rsn-.v-. f r: o r n it rr : i. r: W. r: M m. t; N 8: W. ti. (fH, W W , 2 (4JS01S II At I .bfing. ' I - .-j. uigtier, prime aifarn. Ao-? ; L ry aa l mtaii ia;. r.ciici baiava . Abort. A j. oaaar r, 1 a); auurl , ; A a.. rawoua. unt sngil bttea. ; e-iorts. r.i 7,, ciaar rlia. 71, ar,urt 1 8"iTs i 1.IKT-Dull: chickens. 12c: spnega i i Seva. lac. luaia Its;: geeee sc. j IT t H sVtsad v . creaoiery, lv27i. j-Lower, lac. Rta-eiuta ihinntn t I '.our btua 4 4 8 tss .eat. bu Ss ia. 4j ' ..rn. bu il AS .4a.i , a..-, ka ALsva) Ai. -aw I 8 itarseal Urals Market. 1.1 VERP AJL. March M-V. HE AT spot. s .1. . s. iwa. western auiier. a a. 1 a ' l t Month... open : H;gh Mir May J utv AA OCL !4 n 14 T T4 3 :i 6 14 31 it ts 14 Tl J. A T2 "4 Low I Cluae Tes y. 14 ' Ses lark ark Market. The f j.low:ng quotations ara f iraia by Lran A Brran. merr.ber of New T Ht eXC&AUlaiT. .'Su.-lia 'UXtosAiia str Tt ns 14 17 12 "4 12 SS T4 14 4" 14 -3 14 14 It "J A:nar To bar Mklm SO . ji in . 4tk 12 71 C assarts aad Alaarla. NEW Yiiki. Mart b A Imiairt ..f rnanuoas auij an goods at tna tent of New for !or ire s- enomg Marth 4 ere va.ed at l'7 !74..ii. I-upias of specie f,.c the port of vt Turk (or trie tttn en.ung 1 .day were 84 18 iilnv and 8.I....0J8 go.d ExiHirta uf t for tne aerk sere 8i7 8"9 a.. v r and 8.9 guld. 1 no 'btmt ' ls isria- t ua.iB ic .al.a Fl I i lzoaairarii.iti Ueaa . . zj ".' cuua i'S -lewr.uMae ', levaj ( aa . ... ... ;i . seor .s KAwti.oa .'.sirtua.. ' S Rat miirsi. S ew;n Pt. . -j.. tt Bluer P1. a-V suisncir a Pua ... : t T iuisa al.s.n.. -4 V acr '''as or tuiisd Cms S Nana Las S slsrr Isea TS had era set. -s NEW tanuari Metal Market. TuiiA. March lil. kiTALA pier Q till. BlUl Hurl l,.r.i ' Aii-su.i.JB. Lunai.n maraet sisady. aiHjt. 1.4 il sl fiurw. dl !A Ar nvM reported at New Tork today. S3 ima. hxintrts bu far tnia mu&in. a si.1 tea 1 c. eared rtidilt and cumEuetartv 1 IS "S l'-s i-ase .'Vknr A.-M-rtJ s, eisctroivtlc, 8:r-o . casting Use :i T'n. weaa: st-ot 8tr lastsi us ; Marcn. 8 Ji. ., I May. 8U i2-oj .84 2 . June. I a. a A A Lon- den market, ateadv i-n. L.7S us. future. 1 i!7 Lead. au.l. 61 .4 as New T jrk ; A , ' 3 4 2-v, tat . 11.. ia London. 113 Ss 4d K'yiS-Bu.ii of hog reieipta ao.d at fig- I ures a big nicaei h.;Mer tnan average pricea yesieraay. An a. uve Oemaad from pa ae.-a. belter comintii.n from Btiippera and sfecu.aioi. ard a saoderacs supply 1 w-re fuctora in pruuring rear uun. bl.inrig ! drovee were read-.- for aeilrery to pai a:ng j p. ante at K' ' a. m. and apet-u.anve orleca j for a.m.ial S per cent of total offer. I :nria acre a so fi.ied at that time, la Hurt, a fin of ntrr.t around To liaaas at the ad- ( sffev Market. NEW TilRlv. Marcn 10 COFFFIE-Fu-tures closed steadi' at a net advan'-e of nJ point. Axes. 82.76 bas Man h. Apeil aad May, w . June. 10 3i . Jly. ly: Ajg ist. lU22ri Arotemiier lu .it . octooer. i 1I8V i V01 sm At. 8VSc: Tecemlier January and Febniary 8 aTSr. Spot, quiet. Rio No 7. !?,,5'.:;c. No 4 rAanta. lAc. Mlid. dall: Cordova. ils"iSc nominal box. C m; W. W. Paarmaun Fheen i full bu. box. 82 76; Washington extra faacv -fat : Win-sap. tA-LLl aitvea. per on., 8A7i. os-1 i 1 j sizes, per At at k: W aahingtoa Mo. Pp. 4 Its I pins. 4-w-tler. par 00 X. 2 2. tvuer, par box. liss j82-i Banana: Faacf seiert. per bunca. 8.iA ' Jumoo. DuncA 8i Tijili. Crao- ! berries Par bo. aA-iA i-tuaa: Aac&op 7j4 Brand, new. 8v 1-ib pag m boxes, per 1 boa. Histi bulk tn 7A-IA boaes, per IA. -. I Flgsi New CailXornia, as s-oa. paga, 82. s. Turian. s-crowu. par :-. i-ac; B-crosrn per !h.. lac. 4-crown. per iA. Lac tiraf Fruit; Flonoa. A t ts A ties. On A, H is. Bias, boa sA-iVa Lemon: LunoasirA brand, tl itr fancy atar- siass. per bus 84 m: i enolce. suft-t stA per boa. 84 A i lad sis. boc par bos laaa. Oranges: CanAia Hett 1 lands DAvala. as-8 sias. per boa. 22., . 1J4 bibs, per box- 82 sa. 11 else par bos at. C aad amaiier ausa pi; choice : naveia. 8-s-iJ4 siieA i2-Bw; ii.3 and smauer aj S)i .a r-sia. vaiiusxia v :air er boa. A. 76. a.i Neu. VELtITA3LrA- ciar,s. String and WB. per Barn tsar ssi iseets -.r La 7c. Cast- v. isconain. par lb Twa arrot. i-er bu.. Tac- entry, t aof jbmUs J imot, par dog. bVB.Era Bsc. CutuiBoars-H-K ooiiea. It 4in4l i Co, in boa. pa- ou.' 82J. Las '- 'ancy Horioa. j,ar aoT 82 A- vaeriie: Jt xtra f eaia . wait. pr Dry ssds Markrl. NEW TOFUf. Mack Id TRT 'wIj The -ot ten good markets ruie 'inlet. Tarns are eusv and quiet. Joottera repurt a f.r trade n puna nuli lain-t.iitr.ri in email lute for qui. k anipment. per Lettucei Eitii fancy uului.4 lorn a. red aie 2Sc. lxidiacA while, per per crate, tl Ml cnioa I tin. a The aaiTie spreads between lard and j bacon offennas nuied istaiv were eti.l I rscognised by ouyer Long string ranged I from Sr. 10 Anu. and 1 urn. e .lghta aoid I at the top. 2AA Keairvee had ta set! at j 76 and .ess oua-.iiy and weignt Oeter- . T ssl Mark A iT UjlU. March IA w, Cn- cLaeged lerruof-y and wester medlu,na. I'sai-f . f.nt mru.-mt lkalN-. f:ne. i2j'.Jc. per lb.. c; opsa. set. Am,. UO., oil ilA.. tl..-i. leuuw, pr I'u .1 iii A ; reu. its. 014., -us.. 1. j. .my. lar.cj' a-amein. per aoa i arsnapa Car tu , tai l oma rs ysr Bo., at SB; 1 bu . st-26. ioa ard s lacuriaaa. , sioc A per l . .-o. co'uraoo. fluttl44. r tti 10 . iae i-ara. bunciis. rAiatoes: I fsiiuwa Us s wetHi ha. me I aak riesrtsaa. OMAHA, Marii 10. Eaca cleanrgs far s;.eiter auiii s n New Tork; 2a ' A nmi the price. A Fat t. Louis Lonuoti. ilS Iron, tiers- ' Traue conditions this .aiid aairaniB. the 1 In LondoA LocaJy ' rather unaaiistaiiuary to iron was ateady. Sol foundry northern, j rij:ng aiue uf tn market, he eipta at aJ tlL TLcla i. No 2 foundry orttiem. No. ; poicta hv bevtn fainy ar tad. wuA oniy 1 fuunurv Boomer and No. 1 auuinem si-fX 1 a aiack demand tnia aoscuiator pev ss 81a ssff I have be. n gstera.iy at tfta marry af r-T Lft'Z. March IA M 1TTT A L.rA Lead, pae. aera. While has been uXLstan. atesd). 84, Bpeiter. steady. A A j si war sa saost da-s. dscuar k tsrtA Itatr Matatt NLW T'"RK". Marrh 1 - IfCTA R-Pa w fi.-ni. ceni-if-ataJ A r-A. la centnf -ai. A tes-t- 1 !' ruoiavau-c sugar. trst. J elc. rtfinra. qui A. aesrtBg . Nqise aad Wsaldwua. boatrs Ci LAssa r-4 ass ta lits fs- Ags ... a rt. Oa SAla Per u.. a 'AC es.1 per tiki., 88 4. 1, aneutss: rontt. r r ansa, crata, 88 obmJ 41 1 Ol-nlpe rar Oa-. 1 M ltCE.!iA M'jL: A.mooda Califor nia soft ai.e... pr .A jc. ia aaca ,o L. la laeev BraAO nat Per ih. .v. in aaca .oca. i Aea Cncoanuta: Per aaca. im-ju per de. sue. loar-s Per .4c J iiut .01 lc leee riicaorynuia. 1 -'rr. per .b. r. aux per i . Feaaoia i.soist jasr ... is. ra ,a , m - a. ituu.a. iAii. per 10 ,s .in s tjiaia. o -adAL. par ia. caIornlA per '-. Us, In aack 101s. .ssa Ciavsr: Saw Tors Metta gsr w 8A 16. t-r tat, gAis. a-. A sal. Aew. I