Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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rs y'm iv
r thm rr-ri jwirr ca.
4Vs. Iriactrta ftafi. ig raaai
Chick Il atay A rhi k pit up
p. : i to be served Fn5r evening at the
I f i w i cr uirh ".it Jv'orth KSghteenth
a: re. 1.
Idle atoaay wrni no dividend. Invert-
m; tn tue .v-h Saving A Lma Amu
; -r rv nnum. lia Street.!
Jvr3 of Trade funding. Omaha. I
Ta lukvri Sawing ul Uu Am ft t
stiw hav raovwi t ti ar new quarter la ,
t'a ivoig.a bitK k. Rtrteenia nl Dodgw.
snd ara ready I. anak loan ta bcn '
1-L.i der
CoSag-a Ztcbata i!i u and Co;r-r col
i will !: ai liellevue Friday miM
en t l.e tanff jufpnn, lielievje ariruirc fv
!e fai-iTi .f oar lg!latKn toard th
laipiiim cf th protni'e pfncU'
Ti 0-lii I on I'C of a trmnau'ar dp-i--:r
i!ai lakti v'acc on that n;M t-e-lrop
BtHfiu. lpaji and Cotncr.
Lui Uti Taaa rarty ta CetOTaaa 11
K cI bill of t(i Libr Lnd C"IDiy of
iiiao. Cul.i.. and Jotxph Crow of Omaha!
I.a talnti a ja-t of bom bu- aeati
ia i. .k w ln' n countT. Colorado. 1
land.. S- Pf-raon. aia a th Injr 1
th a-nt. This party ' fat on ol aar-
'al hit hae beoom ln:r.iad In Ljn
tula c 'Uiii- thrauf b tha exhibit at tba.
cmalia Lt6 ftiuw.
Ttsaffar Tbirraa Oa to fall Iae Barkar
ard ( arl liotriai. th to mati arreataid
at-r'l on tha charpa cf havtng atolm
a t nH (f ilntvar and who both admitted
th H'I tha ehjft. war aanlaocad to i
tan daja In ul facti br Judfa Altatadt. L
at'tlnr for Judr Crawford la po.ic court, ,
Tii riv imittitii Harkar arid Hornar
ccttd a d.rri,.n at tha aiauon a ha I
iah .t tnpiad to t.tld the other up m I
" l
Accountant Finds
City Clerk Casady's
Shortage is S7,409
CoBiicil Bluffs Official Eegxn Takinr
Money SoTember 1 IrregTiJari
tiei ia Beceipt Book Srabt,
City Clerk A. tV. Canady cf Council
F.luff i ariort in hi aeoonnta with th
ety To th amount of K.XK Ti. lea H."!77
in depoalt in the Flrrt National bank.
maal&C tha actual alMirtarc for which h is
bcr.dmen hit beam BotiCad that tby are
haid 're."pfia'bl. I".r.r7.
Ftat Vtorrirrpal Examiner M. T. Cox of
loaa f lahad bia ark yenerday after
noon ari Tied hie report at tha office of
th oty auditor laat veiln. Tha exam
Iratloo ahowe4 fioihinf but minor error
airounttng la only t:t 4S. wp to ICoAembar
1, then tha money began to dinaipaiar In
crtLr.K cf from U to lumi roachlnat aa
h'ah a VSn. The bookkaapinj from that
jrioj forward aaa of the so oat deauhory
charactar. Thar atpaaunad to b B at
tcmpt to conceal diacrapandea by book
aaper' trick, but th clerk awetned to
have loat control over th bualneaa of th
office ao far a It related to hi a caah ao
count . Emrie aera habitually nea-iectad.
and th chief aoaroaa froca which th dia
ci a pantile war d! acluaed were th re
ceipt hook atuba. Mr. Cox, la tl report,
aya that MOf . of the reoeipt atuba do
rot rva coaaec-uuvely. and tht part of bia
findrr.r aaam to Indicate that Umt t
J twj.v.e f 9 cal further shortage. C ox found that Casady kaaas
to month ot Novemt.r alth a balance on ;wm, mmo. nT tB. w aepartmerrt Wedneo
tiand of 4Jl: -3. and that hla total debit ' day .nd w couplej iVh th etatement
up to the dai of hi a -odea departure ! thfci tb tevHa1JOI1 ln b, eatended with a
don tb office ea February J7. waa .- i vl,w to tb of te National
with credlL. amounting only t ! u, prrtl(aj nld .iperlence
11 Ki 7S. cooautuung the abortage of j Tbrpr ape afr;ut of lhrfe cffictrm,
t.a74. Ot tha larger Itetna of dla-retAn- bu, e, of Ve invitation. 1 op
cle are tl 7i. under th beading i4 atat ! tlon4L
crtm and tXT.S far aidewalk dpoita. Thj . rt to further
liennd for th amount of shortage ia- -.,, m connection
covered has been made upon Casady's j
bond company, the Illinois Surety com-1
pLay. by Mayor Malonev of Council Bluffs
Mr. Canady is still at his home In aj
very nam us condltiorj. His friend have;
airrTtd that a haiever th sliorvage may :
be 11 s ill be mad good. The prompt nou- j
f. ratios f ttia bonding company was a!
nieaaur-a to project th city' inter-eat.
ate. n. . . r. . . .,
ibiuii la ho Kmnlr taawl
trait ta Vevlas Hasitdlt.
Ihesaaelvrfa Twaetaiar.
Omha has a dramatic club. It a or-
samted Wednesday evening at th home cf
Mrs. T. L Kimball by the people ho ai-
jxared In the rfcent euooessful present-
tea i "The Imixirtanoe of Being In
Kai-rnst, Tht X'ao of lhe orji-aniaation Is
to Term a large ' dramatic club for th
present ai art of standard drama, many of
which fail to reach Omaha s professional
at e. For tl production of these plays
tt re iU 1 aa activ memlerfhip .f
twenty tve amateur plavera Th clnb,
however UI include honorary mem-
hrr. tbi a ill form tb audience at th
irftiriiian-. that is. tb miual perform-
atice an l given fur member only.
tee i Ma v. mid tw pm thi aaa. om
prooahiy uat before Easter and the other
A k-fe tr-r-m tini. The plan of the tiuu
la to ivroduce three or four plays each year.
the fliwt pert Mrnian. -a fur member. In
soma instan'-e t ree RrKt r forman.-e
may o mtea lor tn iwnent oi aome
i bartu
lavltaurtv tM laoa eeir4 to hv.nrr
memt-a r-l.ip will b St nt out aithin a week
or it and imoumcineiil made of th
pii 1 mr rren,. The club due are te be
uavd tw enuip the acuv niortiber. or "tb ,
...'r!,. alia pjRuri.ei. mrlirt. and tb
maitrifc-l fr th producing of the plava
V AEabrl.a kimball. Mikf Anna
iHun. ami il.i '. t I y arv 11. tAvw
tiv .tr.:naiee vt tha tin club. Mr. loor
lay 1 th president. Mlaa Paulina Bourke
eiietao ar.d H.lri lurinirig. treasurer
Illy tailaaer Will Meld BVark U
II SM-sr U l.eaaiib tteaay
ta lbt.
v onatructl.ia aoik on the drainage
tern f.r tba north botiom of v'rr.aca
hot ti started until the city council
sxHne ac.M.n oa tha i-etj"B nf suffi. w-at
f jnt to wrry en the work Mr tYtn
staled TLurwn ajiorning tbat he w aa
rradv to U-gta a ark at anv time, but in
lew of tb alleged deplrlKia of fund., fa
. .
iid puetiKia tl baguiBing of tri-
. , . w .
until aiter It xiumi i.aed oa tha nroi-
twuima ita mailer w iu o tnreabed out
la th comrrittr of tha wfc.le Monday
atera Im.m ttmru Baa
I Ihraa all "barked erf th board for
' e n cta.;titA on the t s o pointa. 1
W Lf aud .l cKira nan any I
c.lT brew.r,- in lit cilj draught!
Vatcli 1 La fur a SToKZ sign or pboa
tllAS. SIViR, Hb La. Ji t-jjx U
ii. viah C ia boitMav
Koch Kore Tiaa Was en Hand When
January Call Wu Xade.
A Pte'b !. lteawwlt j
hew a I ra alter la
lb 1eaB.
TTve ca'1 of the natKtal comT'tro'.lT of
u v - j o v. v-r,k. -h a total
oait luffl cf fi
- r.t p-tit- -,ir. 1a C
rreter tha. h h mad. hi. former call
J"'-iary I. 111- Th loan were a)K
larger thaa In January, a ga;a oi
rn th olW hand th barvk fnuf(d that
0v r' .n nH qait aa rood ccmd!ti"
a t1! call of. rotrptroiiaT made or
rr aao. March . l1ft. Th dcpoaita ona
ar ax a ora U.W-.f( rraatcr On? ras-n
for ti- ta that tha call mada Jaat j far
a a- throa Uiar la tha irionth. a han
tbr ia a:a mora tn'.nrr In tha bank
than la tba firat to fka.
Jan T-:i. Wrb 'H
Cmdi Na-ionul .
t,i, o i. r.:4
rii-d Ptata. Natj.Tial..
rr Exctjar.ra
i -.i
c 11"
04." i
1 ? .4
Mat chart auorial
Ot National
N'firaaaa National
X iiym Stock 1 aro N"at
Mlii Orrar.a Nation!..
f'ackcra N a: i cal
Ljva Rock National...
l ;i
Mch. -0 W h. 11
! ) !. M2 0 1
) , t, s-atas National.
l"ir1 Ntvor.fil
n rt;
ll.R.f. 'It
31 a." ,
i .ic vt
t 4':- a.l
yjj" i, J'.'p' ' 'tional .....
, r ati'Tiai
Nhraa Sii"itl . .
nl-n Stck Trd Nat.
t.tS.fc 1
1 ". t.'S
4 i- :
S'uth Orrana Natlotai..
I"atkar Nattonal
l.iva Ptork National
: te i4
: (DC
Jan 1111. Mch II
Omaha National T'r,4
Tnited Ftate Nauonal.. (e,n
Kirnt 4-0
Torn ElAro:e 1 e H
Mrrrluiu. NauonaJ .... C.
City NauonaJ SimT-vj
N irap a Nalional l.frlXZ
l"m.n Pt.rf- Tar-d Nat. J.tHT.Hirt
.uth Omaha National
Packer National 1.4sl.r".l
Lav a Hock Nauoival tlt.W'.l
1 OH Hi
4 4" 7
1 MM 7
1 T.Z T. 7
1 a t 4 as
Total... s,icr4
Vrh 5t1 Mch. Hll
Omaha National t 7 V.S sn
T'tuter: t?aies Nauonal.. dr...k
.1 7 v.s sn i t io-:
lV.i fc w
5 an
l.ftffl S17
I 414
Porn Exchantre
Merchsnts National .... 4.?7J.S;,4
City National 1 fr ?
NetiraMi .National ji'.jw
1 liion Stock l ards Nat. i.7T t'i
foutn Cimsha National.. Z.Jil
l"alers National l.iift
Lii Stock Nauonal
.I3VW4.S71 W..KK,
Militia Officers
Invited to Join in
Army Maneuvers
VTar Departrnriit Desiei Ken Are to
Be Atked to Fill Vacaaeiea in
WAFH1NOTOX. March Militia offi
cer of all the state will be invited to
participate In the operation f iha army
at Kan Antemlo. Tax. This announcement
alth the unprecedented movement of
troop. Tha dearth of officers in the army
and tha fact that the War department ha
been knocking t the door of corigrea
for additional officer gav ground for tha
conjecture that the real purpose of the
lnvtatton a as t; uae them to commana
regular troop.
Car.grea at its lam aesKi
n pasaed a hill
officer. The
i Uthorixlng
Xm additional
1 War department i. now arrar.ging to ex
amine offioer for promotion under thia
law. Evea with this number, it 1 said,
the quota will fa'l short of the necessary
official personnel for the army under its
present organixauon.
The War department cave emphatic de-
l0 th utgeiun that the militia cffl- mould be used t fill vacancia in
j aeroplane .f aiandard t pea. it
j a a made known tonht. will be purchased
srd rushed to t front fT aervio aith i
tb troop Thi carries out to Idea of
the director of 1 r pre Kent campaiga to
eiu1p th army. wich is being moboluted
as a modem orgar.ixatlon. with all Se
partments of military science
1 Congress at the last session appropriated
I Pl for aeronautic in the army and
' mao c vv oi tr.i amount lmmea .ateiy
Rock Island Elevator
at Bluffs Destroyed
j StTUCtTire
Practically Abandoned
Xaket Spectacular Fire Lou
Sear $30,000.
Tba P.wk l,nd trarufer elevator, lo-
(led at Bixteetnh aireet and Taelfth ave-
nu. Council Flufta. was completely de-
etroyed by fir last night, entailing a lews I
;tht i!l approximate some her betaeea
Jttb and '". inc luding eight box car
j that could not t removed in time !
, The fire wa dia-overed ahortij- after f '
; o clock, located oa tha ground fioor ;
Fir alarm rules at lb Bluff do not i
! revjiur a general rwixiaM lu th a.arm
from the x near tht e'evatnr and only)
lore stream of aaler piav ed futiily against j
, lha iraa side e tha building while It iu
j being destroyed S'IiertritendeBt J. T j
I Kie t aa unal.l lo say how th f.r '
j.tarted but utumaied that th. company j
j wouid not regard tb loea aeriou lA bether!
I in-a la carried wa a. so a matter in
doubt laat night, as It was aaid tb Hack
. . n.a.Duv aa ia tha of .am.
. , t,. i .
, any.
. .
't transfer grata from car oa tra aa
I . . .
and had ao atorag capa'ity. It coat about
m w , . ..
CS.Oa. Mistake n.aia In it conatrm-tioa
operation and it had iea prantoairy
abandoned I x aetka ago th rvmpaxy 1 Jitier il.oden. Lu failed t giv ax. r
began reauuving tb mac hinery a it th I addreaa. a as re'. bed rf C at Thirtieth and
tntentioa of wrokuig trie tru-tur I Bristol ' Tee's at h X o'clurk.
At 11 St o clock Water lo etc. Clt Ham-
A CwtwV. Uwna, tki fesveasaaata litea Btreet. a as held up ta trnr.t of t
I too ertea tb fatal aequence Foley- bouae r.d ribbed of f! Ti
H -ie y and Tar xpl th cold, checks th " " " -iagrir-p
pre.t pneusbuaia. lt i a t'arttaai Traaa.
, rwnst aad reiiaba cvigb aaeilioar that w Gt-J,t- r T'
o.r.talM so tircotut hUutalt for ' run ' "r "..rt ax.d binou-meaa ia In
chUdnwt a urif. Tut by all orug-Klt"" Nr,,r Lif" r'1-' rur tr
urta. JBeatua Drug Co.
Woman's Work
ininUM f Tarlama
MM Alor. I la at Va
Th irr.pnrtant duty of formu'mttrg pln
f:r the Omaha Wtmn'i club food sal la
In th hand of a committee repreeentatlT
of the d.ffrent department . At lt meet
mi this Hi the ronmitlff elected Mr.
C. W. Havea. lYpreeectativ of th car-rent
tor ifinnwtt at chairman The Mlm
d' t-artment representative are: foetal eel-
!mrf. Mr. Albert Kdhoim; household
trammti, J
F. W. Burnatt: lltaratura.
Li. Beard, rhlloaophjr ard ethloa.
Mr T. R. W ard. art. Mr. C. T. Pla-tt;
muMC. Mr J 1 Adam; oratory. Mra.
Grant WilUaana.
Th conimitta racommrndation for tba
aaJc will ha reported at th maatlnf f
tha club Monday afternoon.
Tha Omaha Womu'l c!u la aandinc lt-t-r
to th lftlalur andoralnf aaaat
fDa . the bill which flvae h 'n(rta
latur power to dartae plana for aaJartim
a board for aaneral aupatTlaloa. to"i-b-ment
and control cf tha affaira. buildlnr
and land of penal, raiormatory and charl
tahla inailtution cf th ats.t " Thla 1
th bill which tb lertaiatlve committe
of tha N'abraaka FedraUo of Cluba and
th civil aarvio commlttaa an florae, and
ahk-h will, tharafcrra, bar tha endofwa
ment cf tha l.M club women of tha atalt
The bill hlch pie th groierftor the rtht
of appointment 1 not favored by the club
women, they feci uch appointment
mould not tend to aecure a noiiprUaa)
board, and It 1 for a nonpartitnun board
that tha cluba atand.
Mra. Wbaatler of Linco.n and Mr. F. 11.
Coi of Omaha are th chairmen of th
two committee which hai been riviiur
cial attcnuon to th aumaroua blue of
fared to the lesifialtur on ttia aubject.
Valley ha bean chou as th place In
ar.lth the AitiI meet it, g of th aecor.3 dl-
trtf-t of th Nebraska Federation of
Woman a Club w ill b bald. Mr. W. H.
W hitmor cf Valley 1 vice president of
! the district and a 111 preaide at tn -
Jrtisa Jane Addama. who presided at the
woman' session'' before the Illinois leg
islature Tuesday, explained that her rea
son for presiding waa the fact that a man
mlbt heaitate about calling tiro on tb
women, who were to be given threw sntn
utea each for their talka. but that she
would have no arruples and would see
that the three-minute rule prevailed. And
it did. This ia more remarkable in that
tb speaker Included niinoi women famed
j 1 lr erautonvaj pru.. ' v. . - -
I president of the Chkago Politiral EiuaUty
society; Mra. EUla Stewart, president of
th Illinoi Woman Suffrage association.
I Mra. Mary KahL Mra J. S. B'.ackwelder,
Mn. Henry Iiunlap, Mra. Lawia Pearson,
Miss Orsce Abbott. Mra. M. H. Wilmartb,
F.ev. Roacna Vlorae.. Mrs, Carrie Alexander
Bahenberg. Mrs. Faymind Robina. Mr.
Clara J. Parwon. Rev Kate Hughe and
Mra. Catherine McCuIlough.
Mme. Slavko Groultch, a-if of tb Ser
vian charge de affaira at the court of St.
Jama, formerly Mia Mabel Dunlop and a
Chli-ago untveraity girl, is In thi country 1
endeaToring to interest Americans la th
uplift of a omen of southeastern Europe.
"Serrta," she says, "hae as good an edu
cational aye tern aa any In tb world for
roan. But th girl of Servta ar crying for a
chaac for greater educational opportuni
ties. 1 hav endowed an agricultural acbwoJ
In Belgrade where girl may leara garden
ing. Serria is tha land of garden, but I
wish to have a pension dormltor', you
call it where our girl may liv under
proper chaperonage and learn the useful
household art as well as embroidering, tb
finer arts, and get a general education.
' The position of the Servian woman is
one of difrolty in the household. She is not
kept secluded, aa is the Turkish woman,
nor is she a hausfrau of th German
kind. The Servian man regard bia wife
as a companion and his tarda ion make It
impossible for ber to travel alone or to
be on the street unchaperoned."
Madame Grouluh will visit the leading
I arriruiturai schools of America in an ef-
fort to get idea for the girls'
school ia
I n wi n A i n vn TTrvn r r frm
Reciprocity on Test
Vote by 112 to 70
Motion to Defer Action Until Elector
Act on Kehti Defeated by Usual
GoTernment Majority. .
I . ... . , . . . . t . .,
i a i A w a, jwaita i lie vuviif in vi I cr
government's piirion on reciprocity ut Joaeph"!!!!
lhon by a vot taken in tba bouae tf-?t
n gfct on a motiun made today by R. L.
Borden, lead-r of the opposition, that aa
American action on the agreement has
been delaj ed. th matter be not takes up
eieciors ahall hav had an opportunity of
pa?mg on Its merit "
Tb motion to defer ction was supported
by Til members and a a oppoaed by 111.
the government majority being T Only
to liberal broke aaay and luted uh
the oilioKtlon.
TL lnteLBe interest ia tb situation was I
fhn t v an unusually large number ot '
mt ruber preetit to tut early in the!
evening. j
"W have made a pact of honor In the '
rama cJ ttie voiiie or L ar.aoa ltn tt.a
ltltra 6,,. t0 ps upon this agree
! j,, u oon as we reasonably can " aas :
, arhirk y-ir.r,r Umu.r F.a.
iBt aav t Borden.
u tne ,uppnrt of hi motion Mr. Bor-!
orn Mi nothing would be lt by delay. ;
Ht mt.nfcj the democrats, a no were com-
ic.a, into power at Washington, were"
ptedred to lower the America tanff and '
lt a, euort inopportune fr Canada to
etfirm tr. agrermeot at preaent-
The debate oa the resolution to ratify'
the agTv-ement a a reaumed after tb
evening tote by Lioyd Harru. bberal, who
rpr-ke against reciprocity.
, Tate Men teaara Tea Ltellar aa
Rao ard tor frpeedr Irti
lail lbt.
Two holdup secured a total ot d last
night aa l heir remand for robbing three
Bien between M' li and 11 3 o clock
Henry Macken. Sill Lk treet. a as ti e
firm victim. From blra th robbera te
eured $1 Th holdup occurred si Tw.n.y-
i f fth and EnML
i St. Paul Land Show
Project Launched;
Business Men Busy
Hani for Land Products Ixiibit at
Twin City Taken Up Omala
Bee BeprfMBted.
T. PATT-. Vrtrn, Marth I ?partal Tal
acrarn 1 Tha PL Faul Land abow has beam
fannaJlT launrhad. and at a dlnoar today,
abara thirty of the lea dir. member of
th )wj commercial ory.arilsa.lioa war
present, tba matter was glve a grreat Im
petus L, w. Buck ley. one of the matvaa
tnf director of tha Cmuht land show wa
praaent aa the pvcdaJ fruast. and read a
letter from C. C. Roaewater of Tb Omaha
Bee. pledxina- co-operation and aaawtance.
and offerltit tb aiperlenc of tb Omaha
organisation ia working out tb r'-an for
th new cndertaktiis. AtnoLf the St. Paul
paopl1 who are rn targeted aa who were
preaent at the luncbeoa war: Loola W.
HU1 of th Hill line; 3. H. Back, aacretary
of th new orraalaatlon: C. C. Gray. H.
H- Bieiow. e. W. Raedall. rhalrmwa pub
lic affair com mitt; Walter J. Prlacoll.
W. H. Hunter, Albert Fcbuneman aad
Dan for th Ft. Paul I And ahow wer
dlcuad tn full dVaitalL aad U letter from
Mr. Roaewater, cffarlnf aasiatanc is th
work wa enthusiast lr.Uy recetiwd. At th
oonclualoa of th tnsrOng a rot of thanks
was adopted, expressing the utmost cordl
a'rty for Mr. Roaewater. Mr. Buckley and
The Bee. It was resolved to send a larr
ociaarauon from Pt Paul to th Omaha
Land abow la October.
Step looking to tha holding cf a land
abow ta St. Paul war takaa several flay
aa-o, a ban a committee w as appointed by
the public affair committee of th com
mercial club to look after th preliminaries
This commute consist of H. H. Birr low.
J. H. Beak. C C Gray. Albert f-chuneraan
and W. H. Hunter. The committee is en
trusted with th aork of raising tl" tn
ta.k car of the show. In view of th ew
plan It ha been decided to let go of th
national corn ahow and put all tb local
eners-y bark of th land show. Th pro
posed dates arc tn December.
The Nebraska nat senat has adopted
unanimously a resolution presented by tb
Omaha Real Ertat Exchange and referred
to Senator Reagan, which designate Oc
tober It aa Nebraska day at th Omaha
Land abow. The interest in tb project is
growing aad tb formal endorsement by
the legislature show that lta lmporta.Dc
ia beoomlng more generally aad mart
thoroughly understood-
Coal Shrinks While
Coming from Mine
Coal Ken Complain About it and
Declare Commerce Committion
Jlmt Act Soon,
Th "hort weight" ' problem which ha
been worrying tb wholeaaie and retail
ooal dealer, waa diacuaaed at length last
night at a banquet held at th Paxton ho
tel by the K Koal Club, an organisacloB
of Omaha wholesale and retail coal deai
era. The ahort weight problem, they de
clare will be given t the InteratAt Com
merce commlsaloa to noire.
Randall K. Brown and Alfred Havens
were the prladpai apaavkera oa th topic.
'Miner," said Bvowa, "weigh the otJ
aa tbey place at ia the cars at tb mines
They ar paid acoarCtag tb weight of
th coal they mine. Therefore. It is to
their advantage to hav the eoai Weigh a
much as posed bl. Of course, when it
retches its destination, there is a consider
able shrinkage and the wboleaaier ha to
stand th loss. The railroad have to be
paid according to weight recorded by th
weighmaster. The matter will b put up
to the Interstate Commerce commission
apply of Hears w frosaewfcat
Better, bat gtlll ef Mwaerat
CIXCINXATI. March 1 Special Tela
gram. Price Current say: A year ago th
position of euppliee wa low and bow
aoroewhat better, but still of moderat pre
portioa. Approximation for th laat week
I Indioat about 4X0.UO0 hog slaughtered in
th west, compared with 40,(1(10 the pre
ceding week, aad 4&.M ao week agn.
j For th oorrespoajlng time last year the
j number wa about tbtvouc Quality of hog
uaranro is (ooa. rrominent places estn-
b 1 to March I: j
i:i- nr,u. :
.llivWO Mij!
. K..IM6 tu.tM
. Ui.v ki. ut
. i..MI .
. o uw 26 cm
. lK taj li tut.
. ILW 11 (MO
. 11M,
. . t .
. Kits Vtt.
. n . h. .w. .
. if. Hmw I
. li.O.I l.iluvi
1 City
' oouth Omaha
. f .
i lrJumai4i
(KtuBalls. la".".".'
: Cedar Haptda. la
Siowx Oty
C. C..,l
To Head-Off
a Headache
Nakatg i Badter tkaa
Dr. Mllea Anti-Pain PUla
Tkay Ciw RaltW vitaavt
Baat Artssr-LHacr.
"For four jean I wit subject
to luwHt contunt beaiicbc At
timei o erTrre I a unfitted
far work. Throiifih the adoce of
a frier. d I was periuidrd to try
Dr. Jl.Iti' Ann-Pi.B P,'.!i gnd
tie result h been tht 1 fcave
entirrlT er4icted my tystem ot
thote coctutuout beadache tbat
followed a hard and cont.nuonl
taental atrain." O L. RutseH.
Aft. C k X. W. Ey. tarty, la.
Far Sat fey Ail D-t.93 .eta.
5 Do, 25 Caarta.
MILLS WEDtCAl. CO.. E-t, In.
V TO Tak
S Pain rill.
Kelt ConTf Btion of Kt bratka Attocia ;
ticn to Be Held Here.
Etaawo Maa (twrs laatlasj '
CwasBttae Bf trt 4ed
Offbeat niwanl nieaert '
reab a Merrbaataleg. ;
Omaha wa unanimous'y (boen aa tb '
1!1J convention city by th raderaiion of ;
Nalraka Retailers, at the loir aslon '
of th. f:fth annual coaventtoo, Thursday I
morning. This was don after th conven
tion committee had brouaht in a report
recommending P. aelertion. by reason ot j
an te vltation from the Commercial club.
Lincoln ala invited th federation, but
fai'.ed to accompany the Invitation with
promise or inducement.
Th report of the nominating comm it t e
waa adopted without diecusalon. L. F.
Lwngborst of Elm wood w declared presi
dent; Henry Bolton of Schuyler, vie presi
dent; W. H. ' Avery of Tilden. retary;
and M. A- Hovtetler of Sbelton, treaaurer.
Avery and Hosteller, were re-elected. Fred
Pier of Madlaon, C. E Blenart of Wy
more, Fred t Weber of Arlington, John
Scbwerer of Greeley and G. W. arner of
Orerton, war chosen member of tb exe
cutive committee- Th resolution commu
te did not report.
Th first address of tn day wa by C. E
Bianert of Wyroorw on "Merchandixing "
H said that merchand ixuig la a aoienc,
but not an exact eaence. and that many
fail to take discounts lata consideration
when marking gooda He declared that .
short weights put many a retailer out of ,
buatneM. H said dried fruits often fall I
short, potatoes, cabbage, fish and packing I
bouse products. I
"When the mail order houses, selling 7 i
ptr cent of the merchandise ot the nation,
can dictate price for tb ether U per
cent, something ought to be dona, loni
be afraid of th parce.s post. It is coming
a surely aa did rural delivery. In the
meanwhil w must Tight against it as
hard as we can. I' o not believe th
people of thi country will allow a ruinous
delivery. Ion't take acaenOOe alesmanhjp
too seriously. Don't take advioe; it's fool
lib." ,
J. Frank 'Barr of Lincoln spoke oa "Mu
tual Insurance.
At noon the general convention ad
journed. An executive board meeting
held at I K o'clock..
"Foley Honej' and Tar 1 the best cougb
remedy I ever used, a it quickly stopped
a severe cough that had long troubled roe."
nay J. W. Kuhn. Princeton. Neb. Just o
quickly and surely it act in all case of
coughs, colds, lagripp and lung trouble.
Refuse substitute. For aai by all drug
Scalp Badly Affected. Itched Ter
ribly. Hair Fell Out UsedCuti
cura Soap and Ointment. Now
Has Thick Grwth of Hair and Is
Never Troubled with Any Dand
ruff or Itching of Scalp.
T m moe than gratiSed by the furtiaifj
reauiu I aotatned by the use of tha Cutasura
KesBediea. for aevertl
yeaxt my scalp wan
Terr badly affected
with daadrufl ai id
cal at. M y rap
tu bed terribly at tuue
and my hair fell out.
My coat eouar wouid
be actually wane with
trie dandruff tbat bad
fiu ben from ray heed.
M T pnrtesfcioa bet ig
that of a barber. I a a
ptrtarulax about hav
ing By hair ia good
condemn, and wa ala
in a pocttioc to try
many lotion etc, tor the ralp. Tbesa had
lit tie or ne eSert. I bad beard o muc b aUnit
the Cuticara Beroedm thai I resolaed ta try
them. I shampooed any head wit a Cuticara
Soap twice week and after drying my head
thoroughly, I anointed part of my scalp
with Cuttcwra Ointment. I wa pleased from
tbe outset, aad continued to keep, up tha
treatment. Te thick that only three cake
oi Coticura Snap and one and one-half bxa
at Cutirur Ointment rid my bead of that
annoying trouble, made oe feel quit coa
tnted. I hsT now got a thrk growth of
hair and I am neaer troubled a rib any
land ruff ar netiing at tbe aralsi. There is a
Vacation but tbat th CatK-ura Kametlia
cured me. 1 frequently recommend Una ta
By customers, and they think a great deal of
taem, ss yon set I am rery wilimr ta hers a
goad cans along- (Signed) Jobs F. V0.
liasM. S07 Norfolk Street, barshcstaT,
, Maaa, July 3S. 1V10.
DIRECTIONS: Placa any number from 7 to It. lncln
a!Te. la eight racart Claraooag on tta above or any alm'.Urly
arranged aei arate aheet of paper in uco a rxanter tiat any
way tte Eninbtra ara added i including tte turner la center
qutre) the total will be !". The aani number caticot
b vad trior, than cnte Write tour Lame aad addreaa
ceaUy. accurately and plainly oa tbe aam bet, and mail
or dllr your aolation befor 6 p. id., Saturday, March.
15. 111, to the Cntet Departmeat, Schmolier A Mueller,
1J 11-1111 treet
Only one in err, ber of a family jaiy enter.
Only ote aolutioa will be rcptd from tbe una coa
testant. No one cocneried with the muair trade nor first prtia
wiener In previous coi.LciU may etter.
Neatsesg. beiidti the correctn of tbe reply er.t eg,
will take Into consideration la awarding the rrii-
Contest tlo-g WedDeaday, Marth 15, 1911. at 5 p. m
Send or trlcg lo your replies aa early as posx'.V.e.
1311-1313 Farnam Gt.
Tel. Doug. 1625; A-1G25
A Cravenette or "Slip-On"
Raincoat Is Indispensable for
the Rainy Days
of Spring.
The truth of this t-tatoment
i tetter demonstrated by our
New Sprirc Cravenettos and
'"Slip-On" liaincoats than any
that vou can find. Not only
becau'-e curs Really Are Rain
proof, and furnish jerfect protection
to the wearer, but also because they
Tress style, erfeot fit and handsome
looks to a depree seldom found in euch
pannents. Or. if you like, we've new
Spring Overcoats that are much be
yond the average in style, quality and
appearance, though priced at less than
average prices.
For Our Superb Spring Overcoats,
Cravenettes aad "51ip-OnM Raincoats
tity Merit
Coal, Coal, Coal
The time is fat ai'proachinptvhpn you iri want to etart
a fire in your grate. If you desire an ideal fuel, our cele
brated petroleum carbon coke is ju?t what you need. Wo
guarantee this coke to be absolutely free from smoke, soot
and ashes. There is nothing on the market to compare
with it in heat and cleanliness. It contains 9Sc carbon.
One trial will convince you that it is the superior of coal
or wood for grate, furnace or heating stove. Call us up
and let us tell you more about this wonderful coke. "With
our three large yards we can take care of all order
Aitchison, Cook, Corneer
fl Douglas 263. 1714 Farnam. Ind. A-2268.
Low Rates South
MARCH 7 & 21, APRIL 4 & 18
St. Aaratfaa. - FW. tiSAS
Ft UacWaala-. 44.15
GaaaaanlW " X5 S
Oral " 36.50
Fart Hyr " 3830
raktka " 35-40
Vartraiadl ' 4Z.0
Luanaate . " 3630
Detaad Fk. 3630
ky KaKH Ala. 30jM
Paaaava City ...-Fk.
New OrUaa La. 30XK
Keba AJa. 30XX)
35 .SO
Piortoaaity Low Rata t Maay OtW Point us
Alakarna, ploriii, Georwi. Tennet aLnd Miacissippi
ITersistent Advertising Is the
The Bee's .uvertising Columns Are That Road.
F??x !? ff3-
An Cppsrlcaity io Chiain Absclaiely FREE
Several Articles of Genuine Diamond Jenelry
FIRST PRIZE Ge-BBia Diamond Kin..
tiKOOND PIUZE Genuine InaAu.avd tWarf Pirn.
IHIKIl HUH; LavuUea- Gold bch.
T1 RTH PRIZE GcnUeuiaa g Gold WatcH.
(Warranted 80 Year)
FIFTH PRIZE -Gold Match Feb.
To all other answering thi Adxertiapcteat w will fit a neiat Jew,
elry frewent, aad ocLrx raluable prraravt abwolatrly free.
( 'a
Oiuai Klaak
Rilbara FU. JiXTS $2630
War 3630 29.40
TirasriS " 3S35 31.45
Kjaaji " 4430 3730
Orlaaa " 3930 2940
Taavsa " 3(50 2940
Faatacek . 30tX 2035
DeFanavk Saratgi " 31.75 23.70
Mariana FV 31.75 23.70
tiimn Miu. 30JD0 22.O0
Calfpart Risa. 30.00 22-00
CrMBTiS Ala. 2S.45 2037
Eaararaaa Ala. 2935 2035
J. L DAVENPORT, D. P. A., St Unis K.
P. W. B10RR0W, N. W. P. rL, Ckicafw,
- ' . ' 1 1
I?oad to Big Returns
rfvi nn irt.
liVI 0
CWrtte PlairJy)
V 8
rrr 1