4 4 j TIIE BEE: OMATTA. MONDAY. MARCH V 1011. 1- n; i w r .A 'if I 'Sutfc WANT AD 5 JA3 lF Vi7 - 1V1 rl J 1T 1 W V a n u a listr a m . rv "x: 1 V -s.fi vO i I an. . rc 1 I 3 "7 jun. ml ew. J AY J u v - - -s. i - i - i - ) vav u ' ' rW J 1" Ul -T- VZ-S. liT I pr.l.i- C IMMMHBaMHMnHBaBHBaMi WANT ADS Want add reelect, al any time, bol lo tnenre proper classification be prrM?d fx-fore 12 o'clock m. for Hie evening edition and before 7: 80 for morning and Bandar edition. Want ads received after audi hour ill hare their flret Insertion onder Uie beading "Too Late to CUaatfJ." CASH RATES KOU WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One tnaertion, 1H P word nd 1 cent per word for each aubseqoent In sertion. Each insertion made on odd daya, 1M centa per word. $I.B0 per line per month. Ratea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Hee. Always count ats word to a line. Want ada for The 15ee may be left at any of the following drug atore one la our "corner druBKiat" they are all branch office lor Hie Bee and your ad will be inserted Jnat ai promptly and on the Mime rates aa al the main office In The Bee huiiaing, bf Trntet'tii nnd Farnam street a. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Ha u tn Drue -o- ?S1 N- St. Herar.ek, U. A. 14U2 Bouth lttth Ku Jifimon Fharmaty, Hanaon. Neb. Uemla Tark Pharmacy, '1 and Cuming. lilake-liradmh. Kherman Ave. Clifton Hill i'harmacy, K1S Military Av. cauahlin, J. K.. th ant t'lrroe eta. Crlahey Pharmacy, Wtb, and Lake Pta. Cooney I'harmacy, .1213 South 16th Bt. Cermak. Kmil. IJM- South lHth Bt. Khler. P. II., ?XA2 Leavenworth bt. Koater c Arnold!, ZU Uorth 6th 8t FreytaK, J. .1., North 24th St. Kregger Drug Co., U02 North 16th St. Florenra Druar Pa.. Florenna. Neb. Ureen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Uieenouch. U. A.. 106 South 10th St. UreenoiiKh, G. A., 10th and Hickory Bta. Unlden Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenworth. llavden. William. 292U Farnam St. Hancom Park Pharmacy, ltul 8. 29th Ave. Hlnmrlona- Drue Co.. Cut Ave. and Far nam St. Moist. John. VH North 16th St. Huff. A. L.. 2S24 Leavenworth St. Jo ha neon Drue; Co., 24th and Hpauldlng King. H. H., 2..TS Farnam St Kount Place Pharmacy, 3:4 N. 24th St Marre. Fred L., JOli Central Blvd. Patrick Iru Co.. 1602 N. 24th St Peyton Tharmacy, Ki South 16th St. I Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Av. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store. 16th aiu i Chicago Sta. Schaefer. August. 831 North 16th Bt. Schmidt. J. H 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DKATII AND FUNERAL. NOTICES HASSITTIAF-C'arollna. March 4, 10:56 p. m., age 8ti years, 8 months, 9 days, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ida S. Johnson, 3038 Meredith avenue. Funeral, Tuesday, at Galeaburg, III. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., takers" embalmers. 1611 Chicago St. D. Itiu9. B-1669.' DUFFY & BOLAND, undertakers. T. 1676. BEST KINDLING Cut In 12-ln. lengths A spit; just right for cook stove or furnace; 24.75 wagon box full. D. 4 JO. A-4S1L Neb. Fuel Co. Bd. Trade ANNOUNCE to your friends that you havo heats to the American. If Jno. C lciklns, -4119 IzJimd St.. will bring this ad to The Hee office within 3 days. with proper identification, lie will receive an verier for two scats to the American the ater. OH, YOU PARADISE 1 Sounds good, doesn't it- Happiness su preme when you burn our PARADISE COAL. To out down your cual bill take our advice and burn Paradise. Will save you 1.W to 2 0r ton. Hoth 'phones. J, W. BEDFORD. i006 Cuming 6L Mrs. Kronert Now located at v2l S. U,m. formerly at 12i2 8. Uth. 1 Will now be able to pleane my old friends and customers better than ver. Complete line of spring minuiery. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW BATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Hid. Phone l'ouu. sum. UNION LOAN CO. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, bains, lu7 lad:es or gentlemen. 8. Uih San.tary; Always open. for 1LER GRAND HOTEL Turkish; Baths ftrV. west. rd bta. PURE field and garden seeds. Younk erman Seed Co., Co. Bluffs, la VIKUINIA DA BE WINE-75C a large Lottie. Klein 1-tu.uor House. 022 N. lot Ik be joiin nWilet LUXUS TUJi UKKR YOU LIKE. .'24 e-uuth Ulh tat. Douglaa 1M. Red 3MJ. Independent. F-1377 JOHX CANE. 111 8. 25th Ave., trims your trees nd grapevines. It. 7704; A-3U49. DAVID COLE CitEAMEKY COMPANY. CHI-NAM EL Display Paint talk A color raid free. Saratoga Drug Co., 21th & Ames MASONRY cont'r; repairs, Healy. W.-124L. EAT KOSHER AHKINS. Jltt B. HOME COOKING. 16T11. UPSTA1HA POUULAH Pruning Co. Tel. louglas (44. S. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. 37GA. i:i( Farnain. UL'S NEW BARBER SHOP l'lncst In Omaha, Modern and Sanitary, loth Floor Omaha Nai l Bank Blug. '1 W LNTV per cent leas than Omaha prices HUME t'l'K.V ITU HE CO.. 'J wenty-loui Ih and L Sis., oouth Omaha. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 61 Bee Bldg. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all $10 nidera. ''ataloguea free. Sherman 4s AlcConneli Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Pl'HI.IC stenoL'iphr. vi oranaeis Bldg. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT t ln.s. S. .Moci.nnell, 14 inn. Nat. lik D. 314. GREGG CO. Billiard Hall. 1304 Farnain. LYNCH BROS. BLPA1R WOE... 17i Jackson ot. i). U. Filters, fllt.tr repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3913. E. T. Farntwarth. Att'y, 43 Bee Bldg. U. F. WUK.V optician. 4 Brandels Bids COMMERCIAL. PHOTOGRAPH BTUDIU makes photographs of anything tor any purpose. Call or write, Commercial Photo giapn Studio. Boston btore. Douglas 79l; lnd. A-2005. I BKWILLOW old ostrich feathers, take oroers for all kinds of plumes, inillln-ry work. Prices reasonable. Mrs G. tbltnr. - tt. Mary's Av. Doug. 324. ID) DWl: ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) RUFFNEB TAILORING COM PANT. 124 8. 15th St. t.-T- Trrr,iiT,-T v Rchlltz No. Full liunimn ,,,. of ,lquorB and cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill S. 14th St. A PRHTTY fair annnuncrment Is that you are iihIiib I'prilkft's Prlilp of l)mah flour. If Mrs. Chan. Snyder, 2fc Temple- ton St.. will brtiia- this ad. with proper identification, to The Hee office she will receive an ordr for a 12-pmind sack of this brand, pood at any grocer's. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Doug. 47M). Ind. A-3R21. Farnam Bt. Stencil outfits: 6 alyles; picture Iraming at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WIi CARRY A FI LL LINE OF SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS. BRASS POLISH, LIOIID VENEEIt AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. WILLOW PLUMES made to order. We make, clean and dye all kinds of oetrlch feathers; willow your old plumes. Our work Is our guarantee. Prices right. Perl Plume Co., Boom 1. Paxton Block. Phone D. 2257. ASH PITS EVERYBODY in Omaha has been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm here to do the work with any artificial brick, stone or concrete. Henry Heese. brick and cement contractor. Douglas 6075. T flT Electric Pianos, Music Boxes, Pea ouui nut and Athletic Machines. Caah Af nnliinoa or payments. Omaha Auto- ...uuwiio matic Vending Machine Co., 2124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 243. A-24.13. GITS' NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and sanitary 10th Floor Omaha Nat l Bank Bid. MAOQAKD Van & Storage. Pack, move. tor ana ship H. H. goods. D. 14U. B-242& Zimmerman & Crowe Furniture Co.. 1715 Ieavenwtirth. Uet our plan. Nul said. CHARLES C. HUNQATR, china 870 Urandela Bldg. Tel. Web. 5975. Miss Dunater. 348 Brandels Theater, water color studies, place cards, china firing. SOL U. GOLDSTBOM. liquor dealer. South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send lor price list. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN, 846 Brandels theater. ( lilna decorating and firing. Faster cards AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto. "SKID Into a post. "TEAR your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaha tor all kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner ISth and Harney Streets. J-U-S-T R E C-E-I-V-E-D the lata models of the Stoddard Dayton Locomobile and Waveriy Electrics A few second-hand cars for sale. AUTO CO., OMAHA. J. 1818 FAKNAM ST., Five passenger, 35 h. p. four-cylbidor Bulck, 2700. Five passenger 24-h. p. two cylinder Moline, 2100. Four-passenger 12-h. p. one-cylinder Reo, 2200. Two-passenger Pope-Waveriy Electric Runabout. 2200. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO., 1912-14 Farnam St. WRITE for list of automobile bargains, 11. fc.. b'roderlcKKun Auto t. o.. omuua. Auto Painting "ml-hphy did it." ANDREW Ml liliiV HuN. M12 Jackson' CAMERON A,"Vj ,",alr n Oarage tJlijlVW C() Reasonable charges. Personal attention given. Ool So. lath. Doug. u211. Trucks and autos stored. UREUG & CO., billiard hall. 1304 Farnam. Motorcycles. Write 0 used mo'rcycies. w carry a mil line or m motorcycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLECO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO UET In o. out of business, call o GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Tel. D. Jo7. SMALL restaurant; will Bell cheap If sum at once, inquire lbOu Leavenworth St. it. Kciinildl. MANUFACTURERS of supplies for the luiiowinif indusirltii. Bruweriea. Uist licr.e.i, pacKinx niiusn. power plants, railroads, lion works, smt Iters. creameries, fire tun ne nouses anu guravis Allow us to make you an offer, outright territory or of merit. 2vi2 Capitol Ave. TWO clialr barber shop for sale cheap. Write tor information, bam Slater, Lead, d i WANTED Location for s new stock of drugs or hardware. Box 106. Belvldere, Neu. -yy on oiir m W I ou by on J If) sale hulls '1 ombly. money will be guaranteed ne or the biggest whoio ses of Omaha. H. D. 20 Board of Trade. A FEW hundred dollars more needed to complete capital stock of company being oiganUed to engage in legitimate and Pj-ofllabie business; safe Investment. A mjs. BACK TO THE FARM. You may not have money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy uu interest in one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. l.el me tell you about it W. ML Hee. COUNTRY hotel for sale or rent; in good reiiair; doing big business; only hotel in town. Addreus Mrs. William LuiUens, Llk iioru. Neb. CASADY F ' Keal Loans and v-"rto1 Insurance. List vour prop erty for sale or rent. Wuick returns. 8 W Corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 102. DRUGGIST WANTED W have gjod owning for druggist. No competition. Rich fanning community. Capital Drug Co Lincoln. ' BOOKKEEPER has 31W0 or more to m Veat in a business that shows a profit for 1310. M 9. Be. TEN shares Avery worth 2126 per share. Implement Co. stock 427 Y. M. C. A. TO BUY SELL OR TRA DR SEE THH MIDLAND CO.. 74 BRA.NDEI4 liLDO. !" L HALL, doing good busness. four pool tablr-a and one bnrlier snop; bargain if taken l Marcn 10. ;.'j N. li.th St. - -- -- - Bi-uiiiit- i-n'Kuin. one or tr.e tn-st raying pool I. nil u umaha. five tables, niai-ciass fixture; , .. boupht at a baigaln; own.-rt bv noii-residri.i ; onlv way o appreciate It la to s.-e it. 1707 N. 24th. im.r.r. v'ooi isnits r r sale on goo.i terms, rneap, goou taoies. lius So. 3th St. to - MAN having 25.000 wishes to Invest, getbw with his services. Webster Ju l. !LfiU BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR RALE Al atrck dry goods, shoes, notions and groceries; all fixtures and stock In nice condition; one of the best uai'tn of the state: straight.- honorable deal. Address Lock Box 815, Shelton, Neb. HAVE proposition that will make $200 every month on a life Investment, fc-xclu. slve contract. See me. I have the goods. Call Monday. J. M. Wright. Merchants hotel. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1605 Farnam St. Douglas 6407. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 233J. DANCING Misses Simpson & Coll. W. 249L W. B630. MORAND'S loth and Harney. Loug. 2964. DENTISTS R A I LEY & MAi.'H. 3d floor. Paactog. D. 105 DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency inc., bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1319; lnd. A -1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. SIT KARBACH Blk. H. B. BURTON. Lock Box 3!. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 3718. COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satlafac tion guaranteed; reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKING In families by the day. Phone Red 6189. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. I,. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1218. BRANDE1S cut flower dept.; new store. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DON AGHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100I Flowers and Hhraba. C. S. HARRISON'S select nursery, York. Neb., offers homo grown fruit, sliud hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue rea-Iy. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents anil Saleswomen. WANTED Four lBdics for the road to demonstrate (house-to-houne); salary and expenses. Apply to W. G. Carr, Room 326, Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. Clerical nnd Office. GOOD permanent position. Salary 265; good promotion. Address C 407, Bee. Factory nnd Trndes. WANTED Girls to learn bairdresslng. prices reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons Halrdressing parlors. GIRL to press skirts; good wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. OIRLS to learn halrdressing. Oppenhelin Parlors, 236-240 City Nat l Bank. D. 2246. Housekeepers ind Domestics. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family. 2918 S. 24th St. WANTED An experienced housemaid. 1909 Capitol Ave. WANTED A lady to care for children. 609 S. 33d St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 3229 Harney bt. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 2711 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 114 S. 30th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 2026 S. 10th bt WANTED A young girl to cars for chil dren. 4S26 Davenport St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. Good wages. 1314 So. 32d Ht. Har ney 3606. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 2624 N. 27th St. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 626 3d St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. WANTED An experienced girl tor gon eral housework 1302 Park Ave WANTED An experienced girl for gen eta! housework. 112i S. 30th St. WANTED A girl to assist with house work; small family. Mrs. L. H Whit. 1401 Emmet St. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; references, bol b. iaih bt WANTED Girl for general housework; references. II Uross. 001 S. 22d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1J4 8. 30th St. WANTED A strong, reliable girl for gen el al housework; no laundry. Apply at 3408 Dewey Ave. WANTED A girl for second work; while preferred. 120 N. 32d Ave. WANTED A good glil to take care of two children; reference required, 117 S. 39th. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 1U 8 20ih St. WANTED Girl for general housework; three in family. 2724 Spalding St WANTED- A white girl for general housework. 1708 Lake St. WANTED Good cook; references re ciuireu; good wattes. Apply Mrs Arthur C. Smith. 1303 Park Ave. COMPETENT glii for general house work; Bohemian or German preferred. 3ol S. 3-llh. Tel. Harney 7u3. WANTEI White girl for general house work; two In family; small cottage; no washing. 103 8. 2lli St. Tel. Harney 142. WANTEl housework. Competent girl (10 N. 30th St. for general ' LADIES WANTED Take work home, ppllng transfers. 41i Brandels Theater. Hotels amd ItraluurMitta. ' WANTEL 'In Ko kwel Hansen. -Woman to do cooking at hotel Clly. Apply al once lo N. P. WANTED--Wh te girls to wait on tables at Pompeian room fountain. Must be over 1-i years. Apply R. C 1 helps, Brandels ttoirs. I SI Ucellaneeus. ynrv,-. women .on..ns " "mana as ' WANTED-Kxperleneed casn.ers. Apply I to aupsriulsoilcuL Biandst sluies. HELP WANTED FEMALE a Com tinned. strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Ft. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. LADIEsS Make sanitary belts at home; material furnished; 21250 per hundred; stamped addressed envelope for partlcu lnrs. Westvllle Mfg. Co., Westvllle, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE Aa-ents, Sallcltors and Salesmen. 100 PER CENT profit to you; 200 per osnt saving to customer; no competition; the only hand-rope machine on the market Special agents for South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. Day-Reynolds, 7U Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. SOLICITOR to sell Iron fence. Iron work, wire goods. Champion Iron and Wire Works, 10th and Jackson. SALESMAN House to house: men now making 24.00 day; right man can have management of a territory. Apply, 4111 Webster-Sunderland, 16th and Howard. FOUNTAIN PENH For agents, demonstrators and premiums. All pens fitted with 14-kt. gold nibs and fully Kuaranteed. Also large snowy hold era with gold plated nibs at low prices. 1'iamond Point Pen Co.. kh-hs Fulton Ht New York. Largest manufacturers In the t'nlteil states. Send tor price list of our "Marksman Velvet Point" pens, 25-cent line WANTED Experienced salesmen to lell fruit, truck and alfalfa land under the famous Elephant Butte Irrigation dam at Las Cruces, New Mexico, where the r.ov ernment Is spending approximately 29.000.000 In constructing this great dam. Liberal commission. Write for full particulars. Elephant Butte Land & Trust Co., Las Cruces, New Mexico. t 4 p. m. 41 Douglas SALESMEN apply block. WANTED Experienced salesmen In men's hats and furnishings departments. Apply superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Salesman for high class fruit proposition. Rorub River valley In south ern Oregon. Railroad now under construc tion. Liberal proposition to right parties. Commission and traveling expenses to start.. Apply 304 City National Bldg. Clerical nnd Office. GREGG A CO., Billiard Hall, 1304 Farnam. WANTED Position, experienced stenog rapher. 260. Address W. 909, Bee. BANK cashier, with 23,000. N 905, Bee. Factory nnd Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. PRINTER Working foremanl for Job In newspaper work In Sioux City. Twenty-five dollars week, good position to man of intelligence and not afraid to work; can also use two or three compost- tors. Must have best of references. Ad- dress Y-S4. care Bee. WANTED A good all round blacksmith, must be mechanic; good on plow work and general repair work. Wages 22.50 per day and up; steady work. Address M. H. Matthlesen, Superior, Neb. Hotel and Restaurants. WANTED Thoroughly competent and reliable head cook for 22 American plan hotel. One able to take full charge of kitchen and plan meals. Permanent posi tion and good salary. New Hotel San ford, Omaha, Neb. Mlaecllanonna. TOO are wanted for government position; 2K0 month. Writ for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept 2u0 D, Rochester N. Y. 1.000 GOVERNMENT positions Writs for list. Franklin Institute, 197-D. Rochester. N. Y. open. Dept. 600 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at one for Electric Railway Motormen and Conduc tors; 260 to 2100 a month; no experience nec essary; no strike; write Immediately for ap plication blank. Address H. C. Frlck, Y 62, care Bee. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Commission paid for bringing stu dents', wagts in finishing department; ex perience in aliopj Saturday. First work on free customers; all practical; Instruc tions with charts and diagrams saves you years. Positions waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. MAN and family for farm work. Bee. O 906. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. HORSE, wagon and harness. Webster 147 12 CHEAP farm mares, 1 team of marcs, weight 2.200 pounds: 1 set. new harness for 2130. Blue Barn, rear Milliard hotel. 13th and Douglas. AUCTION SALE of over 6-W horses and mules. Gnllup's regular auction sulo. Union Slock Yards. South Omaha. Thursday, March 9 Among this consignment may tie I r.itiM.I i-hnlf-M fnrm mnrH liMiaw ricift matched teams of farm chunks; also about SO head of sreond-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sore; ttiey se I cheap and make useful horses to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. 1. ". GALLUP. FOR SALE Cheap. 10 head good work hoists; 8 or 10 sets of good wagon hiir nes.t and 2 or 3 baggage wagons. Omaha Transfer Co. 14th and Jackson. HORSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Tuesday and Wednesday ve will have an extra big run of horses of all classes, including two cars of extra quality big mares weighing from 1.500 to 1.8nl pounds each. SOUTH OMAHA HORSE AND MULE I'D, IN'. UNION STOCK YARDS. SOUTH OMAHA. ON E 6-year-old bav norse, 1.300 lbs., works HhI,Im in lnir-: i nn. M-tlcr: also some smaller horses. See them at Bennett s I Kuril, 17th and Howard Sla. WE buy Blue barn. and sell all kinds ot horses, rear Millard hotel. D. 40L-6. 2 DELIVERY wagons. without top; f tidng for gurdeners. Call at Hen- , r,m g parn. Kill and llowsrd Sts. ALFALFA HAY, Wagner. S-'l N.16tlr LOST AN0 FriM Kiil NI1-The theater that pleases, the American. If Hairy W. Weiiberg. M 8 r:.A si . will brinif this ail to The Hee office within 2 ilsvs and Idenlifv himself he Willi receive an onl.r fvi two SvSka to lb American theater. LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LADY'S gold watch. Reward for return to R. V. Cole. 1708 Douglas St. IXsST, strayed or stolen, .one bay horse with some white hair on back, weight about 1.300; lost from Ullmore. Notify owner, 2022 Q St., South Omaha, i-none o. 1276. LOST A lady's gold watch; reward. K. V. Cole, 1706 Douglas. LOST P. E. O. pin. Phone Harney 1!S4. 2100 REWARD for return, string of pearls. Lost between 14th and Davenport and 18th and Burt. Valued as keepsake. Beturn to 804 N. 18th St. FOUND A place where you can procure Bt-aiB to me uieaier. ii mrny 504 S. 20th Ave., will bring this a.1 to The self she will receive an order for two seats to the American theatej MEDICAL FREE medical and ourglcal treatment Si Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 117. Calls answered day and night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best rem edy for Itching. bleeding or protudlng PILES; 50c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC j t NEW CO. 210 to 2600. NEW PLANS. 2 1 nis is a new iirm, orgtuuu w LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 2 OMAHA TO LOAN $ to any honest person owning HOUSE- 2 HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc.. or $ holding a salaried position, at ths 2 rate of 5 PER CENT PER YEAR. $ JUST THINK. YOU PAY 8 1 60c Interest on 210 for one year. 2 2 21 25 lntereat on 220 for one year. 2 2 22 50 Interest on 200 for one year. 2 t ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION. I EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1 Reasonable Appraisement Chargea. 2 2 INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPAN I. 2 t BOOM 204. WITHNELL BLDG.. 2 I N J. Cor. 10th and Harney. f NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use 225 or 200 to a good advan tage? If bo, come to us, don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments. 60c Is the weekly payment on a 225 loan and 21-20 Is the weekly payment on a 200 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Write or phone us and we will call on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk., 1611H Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 2466. Independent A-2460. MONEY TO LOAN, Come lu and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-HU. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1306; A-1356. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 WO VT.ATATX 1514 kodge Street . Kj. rLAiAU, Telephone Red 0619. "MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEL WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments, of fice In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Room 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. PRIVATE party will loan honorable sal aried people small sums on their plain note; banking methods, lowest rates; loans made quickly and confidentially; payments arrar.Ked as desired. Address F 72H. bee. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELI VERT CO Mov. Ing: furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 216 S. 17th. Doug. 394; Ind. B-134.. OMAHA VAN at STORAGE CO. cleani your carpets on your floois; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. 16th; So 3. 17tb Doug. 4161. OFFERED FOR RENT Board nnd Rooms. ATTRACTIVE front room with largs al cove; walking distance; bom couklDg. rbons Douglas 0386. ST. JAMES, 416 S. 13; Stm. heat, free bath. Am. 21-2' up; wkly; 25 up; meals. 25c. LARGE front room with board; home cooking; fine beds; strictly modern; suit able for 2 or 3 young men, 20 per week. 3027 Charles St. FOR RENT Very pleasant rooms; board. 206 8. 20th Ave. FOR RENT Large room, desirable for two people; board if desired. 114 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms; light, heat, hot and cold water, bath;, good location; walking distance: reasonable, desirable for four people; board. 128 S. 20th St. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; gocd table board. 123 8. 20th Ave. WALKING DISTANCE; venlences; 20.00 per week. modern con 2018 California. FOR RENT Desirable room; board; good location. 2420 Cass St. "DESIRABLE room; private family; no other roomers; no children. 1013 8. 2Jd St. VERY desirable, furnished, lage. light front room and board. In private lamliy; modern home. In KounUe place, on 2lili street car line; all conveniences; terms reasonable to young married couple. 'Phone Webster 901. or call at 3MW North 2ith bt. DESIRABLE rofcm and board for ladles. 638 S. 24lh St. ROOMING houses of high standing usunlly use Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If Mrs. W. 1'. Harford. 10.V) Gi orxia Ave., will bring tills ad to The Hee office and Identify herself she will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour, g-od at her grocer's. YOUNG man wanls roommate: good board; reasonable. Call Douglas 4284. DESIRABLE south parlor for four gen tlemen: good location, well heated 21u9 Douglas St. ROOMS AND BOARD. .HW N. Kd 8u TltK BACHELORS 20th and Farnam. Rates: Single. ViO to 24o; double. 10s lo 2ii. NICK home for two gentlemen; prlvat family; nice room: near car; board; refer ences. :il8 Plnkpey St. MODEK.V rimm with beard, home cook ing S'jiit'i 2lt St. NICELY furnished room, all modern, pri vate home, iuihid if ileklred. 1.1 North Central Boulevard Fnralahed Booms. Nice scot a, slngl root, tarnished. 221) I Douglas BU ' OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms WALKING distance, rooms; strictly modern, beard. 2t'.I7 Capitol Ave. . - . - . -Cuntlnned. newly furnished with or without Harney 6i;7. ONE large front and rear room for rent; walking distance; elegant accommoda tions; flrst-clHss; eleftsnt board next door. 117 8. 20th Ave. Doug. 7400. TWO strictly modern rooms, single or tnsulte. suitable for two or three. 20o7 Farnsm. D 6360. . ONE steeping room. 2209 Leavenworth. N1CRLY furnished room; close In. 81st; price reasonable. 833 8. SOUTH front parlor, strictly modem walking distance, 21S. 2W Harney St 'Phone Harney S17S. NICELY furnished, large front room; new home; private family. 1131 S. 32d St 'Phone Harney "15. -I TWO nice, 318 N. 23d. modern rooms; (10 and 212. YOUNG man to share room with board. 620 S. 18th. ELEGANT furnished room or rooms for 2 or 4 gentlemen, with breakfast. 2708 Farnam. TOUNG lady only; nicely furnished f:ont room, steam hent, In new flat, private fam ily. 2017 Chicago St. Red 6242. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6972 2619 N. 20th St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms II! & lid Bl CLOSE In, two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. 610 N. 20th St No sign. 'Phone Douglas 6062. DEWET European Hotel. 13th Farnam. FURNISHED room 2012 St. Mary's Ave. In modern bouse, FOR RENT Two front rooms, all mod ern; new flat. 1822 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, for coupie gentlemen; private lanilly. 026 S. 26tb Ave WALKING DISTANCE-Two very de sirable housekeeping rooms:, also some very nice sleeping rooms. 2204 Webster. LARGE, warm, front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance, on 24th St. car line. 220 N. 23d. Red 4232. ONE room, modern home. 2013 Webster. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, on car line; private family; do children. lu Sherman Ave. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, private family. 121 N. Central Boulevard. FOR BENT Three nicely furnished rooms; good location. 2S40 Decatur St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms, In private home, to neat gentlemen. 704 8. 24th St. FOR RENT All modern room, furnished desirable for one or two. Moderate prices. 1562 N. 13th St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room; hoi water heat. 624 8. lth St. FOR RENT Nice, clean, steam heated rooms; close in. 418 S. 24th Ave ' A BEAUTIFUL furnished room has a contented occupant, If she insists on Up dike's Pride of Omaha flour. If Mrs. C. E. Van Wert, 2217 Pierce St., will bring tils ad to The Bee office and identify her self she will receive an order for a 12 poutid sack of this brand, good at any grocer's. FOR BENT Steam heated, nished rooms. 170S Cass St. neatly fur- FOR BENT Nice, light room; desirable for two gentlemen, near car line. loJ6 N. 17th St. 812 S. 22d St.. nice warm rooms, near car; walking distance. MODERN, cheery, clean, close In; good home cooking. Phone Doug. 2203. NICELY furnished room In private fam ily; no other roomers. 1317 Park Av. Harney 3'I4. Call evenings at Apartment 2. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms 8. 24th St. 631 FOR RENT Nicely with heat. 2118 Burt furnished 6t rooms. FOR RENT Nice large front room, new home; private family. 1 1U 8. 32d St. NICE home for pentlemen, private family, nice room. Reference. 1821 Chicago St FOR RENT Two nice rooms, for gentlemen. 618 S. 20th St desirable FOR RENT Nicely furnlsned front room. 702 8. 29th St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room, good location; private family. 714 8. 17 in Ave. FOR RENT Large furnished room, pri vate family; new home. 214 S. 26th Ave. N. W. corner Farnam. FOR RENT A desirable front room, nice for couple gentlemen. Breakfast If desired 2;0S Farnam St. LARGE, modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. N. 27th St. Phone B-2205. ROOMS in private fumlly, hot water heal, electric light. 0 minutes of business district. t2ii So. 17th Ave. , VERY desirable large front room, suit able for two. 201 8. 20th Ave. DESIRABLE modern room; private family; kood location. 131 N. 31st Ave. CliSE in. nneiy rurnisned rooms; gen tlemen preierieu. mo uouge. FINE room, neatly furnished. In private family, y, good location. w St. Mary s Ave. PLEASANT room In modern home; de sirable locatijii; gentlemen only. 2o5 S. 3lst St. FINE sleeping rooms. 1S21 Cass. FURNISHED ROOM. Delightful soutu front room with alcove; nicely furnished; In private family; for one or two gentlemen; located in Ilanscom park; price reasonable. T'l. Harney low. WANTED A nice and respectable young man to board and room In private family. For information call W 120s. VKBY desiiable furnished room In new modern flat; everything ne and strictly fust da-; close In. 222o Douglas. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 100 8. 1.1th St. ImiLGK HoTEIy siile rooms; steam l illi and Dodge; all out-hi-ai: special week late. Apartments and Flats. 6 -ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. nth. Three-room modern r.i;i N. ?4th st.. s. fl Scsrgo Bldg. omaha. II'), 4.13 Kaingu Bldg. Hoih Phones. NEW s-roor.i brhk flat, all newly deconited. 1 14 N. h St 121 North Central Boulevard modern. For key. BEAUTIFUL. nw. mod rn flat, all on one floor: complete in all details: vacant on or before April 1; fine location. 4lsl and Farn tin. luuulrs iMI F-uvu nr Tel. Wax a " JL XJL. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment and Flat ont Inaed. LAUGH eight-room modern flat, facing Ilanscom Park, 240. Telephone Harney 4912. GENOA apartments. S0 Cass, Just completed; 0 rooms. Beet modern con veniences; heat, water. Pee Janitor. WALKING distance. Two fine -room flats, modern except heat. Cottage In rear. 2076 Comings. Inquire 715 N. 17th. 6-ROOM brand new St. Louis flat, down stairs, strictly up-to-date, complete with shades, both gas and electricity, gas rang. Call 'phone Red 60O8. Furnished Housekeeping; Room. FOR RENT Nice! well heaUd parlor, housekeeping. 2111 Douglas St. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, and sleeping rooms. SOT N. loth Bt- ' FOR RENT Two nice rooms for light housekeeping. 702 8. 17th St. FOR BENT-Parlor floor, tor house keeping. 660 S. 26th Av. FOR RENT Booms for housekeeping, nest and clean. 1010 Marcy. FOUR nice rooms, reasonable. tCt Cspl tol Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms light housekeeping. 621 So. 19th St. for FOR RENT Two nice front rooms, com pletely furnished fr housekeeping. 2722 Miami St. THREE nieelv furnished rooms for house keeping. 013 Cass St. FOR RENT Nice light . housekeeping rooms 412 N. isth st FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 646 8. 24th Ave. FOR RENT Neat housekeeping, rooms 2008 N. 18th St. , FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, heated, gas range. 2010 Davenport St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, en- sulte, for housekeeping, in brand new flat, close In. Phone Tyler 1029. TWO south housekeeping rooms. 1st floor, furnace heat, water, telephone, same floor. 2070 Harney. ; THREE modern housekeeping rooms. 2TM month; coxy front parlor, 23 week, 603 8. 27th St. FOR RENT Nice front parlor for house keeping. 1919 Chicago St. FOR RENT One large room with alcove, furnished for light housekeeping, modern. 823 8. 20th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma bath, gaa. 2607 N. 20th St.- TWO nice modern rooms for light house keeping. 613 N. 22d St. NICE front room, cooking gas and laun dry privileges. 2071 SL Mary's Ave. FOR RENT NIc rooms for housekeep ing, nicely heated. 2653 Dodge St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, heated. 712 N. 16th St. NEATLY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1622 Burt St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, gas, electric light and linen for housekeep ing. No children. 631 So. 19th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished house keeping rooms. 2ol9 St. Mary's Av. TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, walking distance, 2t per week, heat and light, laundry free. Phone Harney 6111. 219 South 29th Av. TWO nicely furnished south rooms, strictly modern, good location. 2066 St. Mary's Ave. TWO south housekeeping room, first floor; furnace heat, water, telephone sam floor. 2076 Harney. TWO front roomi complete for light housekeeping. 2116 Spencer. I'hon Web ster 2009. ' WALKING distance. Thre housekeep ing rooms; ground floor; gas rang. 19ut Cass. Unfurnished Rooms FOR RENT Nlc modem rooms; new home. 4102 N. 17th 8L- FOR RENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms. 2672 Harney St THREE nlc unfurnished rooms; modern; main floor. 2822 Farnam St . FOR RENT Two south front rooma; good location. 1916 Chicago St. FOR RENT Five- unfurnished roomai gas, water and sewer: 810 8. 17th St. FOR HENT Three unfurnished room; good location. 819 S. 17 lit bt FOR RENT Thre unfurnished rooms. 122 8. 29th St. FOR RENT Three nlc unfurnished rooms; modern except heal. 140b N. 18th St- FOR RENT Two nlc unfurnished rooms. lt21 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms; desirable for housekeeping. &o; California St. THREE rooms, for couple only; modern except heat, 28. 202O So. 11th. TWO strictly modern unfurnished rooms; heat furnished. Downstairs. 2013 Webster. THREE rooms. 1120 N. 17th St. THREE large rooms, heat and light If desired. Call Webster Xt 4 MODERN housekeeping rooms; south front. 2:20 Hurt St. THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 4910 Webster. Near car line. Furnished Houses. 1.AI1V has 3 ouiet modern, furnished ! rooms in flat n rar line; walking dlslsnce. Wishes boa id for lent. Call atti r 0 p. m. or Sunday. l-'"2 S. Uth Room 12. 3d Floor. ' NEW brhk flut. strictly modern; 10 bloc ks north of Ilanscom. 2:' Harris. 7-KOOM. modern, well-furnished house, half block from car, for one year. I026 S. .ilst St. FURNISHED small house, West Farnam district. Cull Heruey 3310. Houses and t onuses. DUNDEE-Modern hous. 125. Harney 1937. FOR RENT T he putty c ittage, on tli corner wleie wsffles made of I'sllke's I rule of omaha flour arc baked. If Mrs A. (1 1 harlloii. 222.' Miami St., w ill bring this a. I to The Hee office and identify herself too- will recele an 01 tier for a 12-pound rai l, of this In and. good at hr r grocer's. Houses. IM. ItlngASlt. Hrandeis Th. Bldg. - Room house, all modern. 4 8. 2th Harney 2WI. Ht , HO. 3'2VO Burt Tel. Hrrsy 249(1. sIX-ltouM house, nnslern. 2416 Emmet St. l-v. l liuoM cotisss 1 hiovk frwut fer bbou sro. Call Witittsr Iftai, , . . -6 A i i i