Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Siuecial SJuowimig off Womee's New
modleSs Stores
Mffc (107? p
7 '
You'll pop hundreds of clever styles at Ilrnndeis Stores not one pretty thing here and there but scores of them. You will see what power
n really big organization like this one has in the eastern markets in assembling all the new styles and featuring them at prices well within your
ine JNew bnort Jacket Suits Are Bound to lake Your lancy I hoy are so smart, so natty and so practical in everv wav. You'll see manv wid
braid trimmed and many hand embroidered effects. Every suit has that swagger, metropolitan air (?QC COO Cylfl CCfl C7T
that always marks a Hrandeis Suit of the better class. (J rent selections at VwD"VW J"v v" J"vOv"V V
l ,3 I ?
is. ' . "
I? : si'
i! !'! ::
The Smart New Long Coats
You'll be charmed with the swagger look that
these coats have. They will certainly be very popular
this season. See the new effects in heavy serges,
worsteds, mixtures, etc. Some plain tailored, others
braided with sailor collars, at
$12.50-$15-$19-i22.50 and $25
An Exceptionally Fine Group cf
Tailored Suits at $23.00.
If you want your new suit to hoi
far better than a medium grade I
suit at only a medium price, (i
you can select from this group, ij
Styles are correct, tailoring i.-
lK'ifect. materials are
splendid, at.
Is are (L)C
New Si k Foulard and Hessaline Dresses
'ery pretty new striped, checked and figured
Foulards and Messalines new kimono sleeves with
the novel new yoke effects. Pretty frocks that will
be high in favor this spring for dressy wear, at
These coats are bound to be very popular. Smartly made with large
satin sailor collars and turn back cuffs, in tan, navy and
black special for Monday, at. ... .
Hundreds of the newest man-tailored' skirts for spring, fashioned of
selected panamas, serges, worsteds, voiles, etc. all the An
settled styles for 15)11, at 30J3
ItrnmlH will be the
renter fop buying of
einbfiilerte. Monday.
The mines , litre are
Fi-entii and German
Val. Iiaces and Inser
tions many to match,
worth tip to t2ie yd..
at, yard 5
(IWilt of 12 yds., 53c)
The Ilosf Wonderful of All lhis Store's
Embroidery Sales
We are showing a complete assortment of high class foreign novel
ties for the spring and summer season in laces, bands, a Hovers, net
tings,' beaded allovers, new dress trimmings, beaded .bands, garni
tures, fringes, tassels, etc.
t p to
; i2yac
27-inch' fine embroidered flouncings; also
hemstitched and ruffled flouncings with rows
of Val lace, 24-inch plain and cross barred all
overs, also waist frontings and wide panels
exquisite designs in English eyelet, floral,
openwork and guipuire effects on fine Swiss
and batiste fabrics, at, yard
18, 22 and 27-inch fine Swiss, Nainsook and
batiste embroidered flouncings, skirtings, cor
set coverings, waist frontings and wide gal
loons this season's newest designs bargain
square at, yard
27-in. French Batiste embroidered flouncings,
exquisite lacy effects in Baby Irish, filet,
Venise and teneriffe with combination Japan
ese effects, thirty beautiful patterns, at, yard
18 to 27 Inch fine Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Em
broidered Blouncings, Skirtings, Corset Coveri
wide Insertions and Galloons, for skirts, children
dresses, etc., big bargains, at, yard
Corset Cover Embroideries, 13 to 16 Inch Floun
clngs and Skirtings, also medium and wide EdgingR
and Insertions, many are fine . handlotfm need)ff
work, at, yard '
Thousands of-yards of fine Embroidery Edgings, In
sertions and Readings, narrow and medium widths,
hundreds of pretty designs In eyelet, openwork, blind
relief and dotted patterns, big bargains, at, yard. . . .
The New King Waists
The moBt attractive of all styles In wo
men's tailored waists. The "King"
Waists are simply perfection In point of
style and tailoring,
at, each
$1.98 to $5
New Lingerie Waists
Scores of new styles that are classy and
fashioned according to the settled ideas
for spring. Many are quite elaborate--
on pale
$1.50 to U0
The New Marquisette and
Voile Waists
Stunning examples of the new 1911 styles
for dressy wear; the newest - and most
fashionable colors are here, 493 C
tery smartly made, at .... ,0 lJ
See the Crisp, New
New arrivals for our March showing. More
charming styles than we have ever shown
before. The prices are very special.
1 AM
. . . i
r 1 A c
Famous R.&G. Corsets
Regardless of what your figure may be, of
one thing you may be sure there's an R. & (3.'
Corset that will mould you most effectively to
the fashionable lines of the moment, yet permit
of the fullest freedom and comfort of movement.
For mediurri figures this It. & G. model cor
set is unsurpassed. It is popular because of its
simple, graceful lines as well as its strength and
quality, display the modern fashions in gowns
to the best possible advantage.
Medium bust, sizes 18 to 30 made in coutil,
A-80; or batiste, A-81, $1.00.
Nurse Stripes and
Chambray Ginghams
Also perfect dress lengths of
checked, plaid and striped
ginghams, per yard. .7
Sheer India Linon
"Would be cheap at 20o
a yard, on special
table from the bolt,
per yard, at 10(
In the
In the
Spring and Summer 1911 Dress Ginghams
Hundreds of yards of brand, new ginghams are ready for youa inspection.
Every piece new, perfect and positively fast in color. An array of new de
signs in every color conceivable, the new plaids predominating. The choicest
of the new styles that have just been received from the foremost mills in Scot-
, land and America, that may not be duilicated this season in the basement,
per yard, at ,25c, 15c, 12VaC and 10c
The new colorings are beautiful and the wearing quality superior to any
similar fabric. Many new patterns in combinations of colorings just' re
ceived. Suitable for kimonos, waists ?tnd dresses, per yard, at 18c
"We also show every. wanted plain hhade as well; as white, very desirable for
making Men's, ."Women's-; and; Children's Underwear, per yard, Q
The Dest Percales
Large assortment
new patterns, in light
and dark colorings;
Percale Department,
Basement, per yard,
Worth 25c, at 15c lard
Black, , white and plain shades,
styliBh and serviceable. Will
stand the hardest wear and make
up into pretty dresses, wash
skirts, children's
school dresses, etc.
A dependable 25c
value, at
New Cotton Foulards
Copies of nil the
up-to-date patterns
and colorings that
are to be found in the
new 1911 silk foulards
regular 25c values,
per yard- f f i,
JLCa s
Specials in the Muslin
Ine Pep-
Full 2 yards wide, 8-4 bleaahed, genuine Pep
perell Sheeting. A regular 26c
value, from the bolt, at, yard . ,
Same as the above in unbleached, yard 18?
Full size bleached seamless Sheets, made
from soft but firm round thread Sheeting.
3 and 1 inch hems, 75c values,
at, each
Department Monday
Our well known yard wide dependable brands
of soft finished bleached Muslin will be
priced specially low for Monday. Here are
splendid values, at,
yard . 5 ft 7 8 and lO
Yard "Wide White Cambric 10c val
ues, limit 20 yards, per yard,
Yard Wide Wash
able Tub Silk
All styles of stripes
in light grounds,
yaVr 43C
b pr ym
M3TPe3 Si'k nd Cotton I
tA LT1 Jicquards
TItw f-Hiiipn nntterns. 3S I
&Zs i tni-h voiles, etc.. I
I, Svr 39c
Plonday is "Foulard Day"
One hundred pieces of the latest waterproof foulards in a special
line of the newest patterns and all sizes of dots. This is an excep
tional lot of fine foulards, retailing in the regular way at
85c. Mondav on bargain square, yard, at,
Stunning Exclusive Bordered Foulards
We beg to announce the latest arrivals of ''imported 42 to 4S-inch
Bordure Foulards not shown elsewhere. All shades of blue, etc., at
per yard . $1.50, $1.75, $1.05 -and $2.50
EXTRA SPECIAL 1(K) pieces of 85c to 98c all silk, imported and
domestic, Dresss Messalines, in a large variety of the latest street and
evening tints as shown in our lfth street window, A On
special, at, yard ........ .TfvC
27 inch and 24 Inch Pencil Stripe Messa
lines, 3 2 Inch and 27 Inch fancy dress
silks, 24 inch spot proof Foulards, 36
Inch dress chiffon taffetas, 27 inch
dress Messalines, 24 inch Dora Peat
de Cygne, 27 Inch heavy
rough weave silks, all $1
values, at, per yard
Every yard marked in this section is
36 inches wide. Ottomans, Messa
lines, Peau de Sole, Satin Luxor, im
ported Shantungs, Imported water
proofed foulards, fancy silk
and wool Poplins, will go
in this sale, at, per yard
Bordered Rosco Voiles and Zephyrs imported , from Glasgow. Ex
clusive patterns, 48 inches wide, in 3-tone QR St 91
effects, per yard, at ' wOL-VX.6lil
Priestley's 42-inch Fancy Voiles, Best in the Market "Priestley's"
own unique designs with silk stripes, will T'iP.RQP-St
absolutely not slip, newest colorings, yard wiOilv"l
R. & T. Printed Efleure Voiles Most exquisite printings, 2 to 4-tone
effects; floral, Persian and Jardiniere designs, per yard, r
27-inch Himalaya, 27-inch Fast Dye Irish Poplins, 27-inch Dot and
plain Rosco Silks, 27-inch Jacquard Tissues, 27-inch JC
Foulards, per yard, at
125 Exquisite Embroidered Robes Containing material and trim
mings complete, put up in nice box; So l?q fft 1C
yvtvv vr viivv
styles, each, at
Dress Goods Special Monday
Tropical Suitings in var
ious ' weaves, cream
serges, basket . weaves
and diagonals, cream
and black stripe tropi
cal suitings, 4 4 and
. 64 Inches wide, at, yard
85c (o $1.95
New arrivals Nobby
Suitings, costume
French serges, whip
cords, grey Melan
ges, Ottoman weaves
main dept., fl
at, yard V-l
Foreign and domestio
fabrics, splendid assort
ment of colorings. Our
44-inch tailor serges in
' 15 different shades, bar
gain square, yard
49c to 79c
We sell th
Sea the varlou
models In our
talking machlna
department. Re
producti that
matrhleHa Victor
records In per
fect manner.
I'oinpeUn Room.
Hear the new
Mnrch records
on the Victrola.
The most per
fectly equipped
and pleasantly
appointed pho
nograph parlors
In Omaha, Pom
pel an Room.
27-inch wide Mercerized Poplin, the very popular washable dress fabric. It re
tains its lustroui finish after washing, in all the newest colorings 9t
at., yard J.
Name stamped on selvage. Kor women's waists, dresses, men's shirts and chil
dren's wear plain white and solid colors only, 32 inches wide 9P
at, yard ..... .lAvw
On Sale in Wash Goods Department Basement
Italian Police Have
' Extended Confession
, of Member of Camorra
Sensational Revelation Will Materi
ally Assist in ' Gathering Evi
dence to Convict Gang.
VTTERHO. Itly. Tuesday. Feb. 21.
TJie . authorities are In posaslon of a
detailed confevulon . by Oannaro Abbate
Biaegto. on of the forty-one alleged mem
ber of the I'amorra, wnoae trial for the
murder of Gennaro Cueocrolo and hla
wife, "the beautiful Sorrentlna" la aet for
March H.
lJependenc to not placed wholly on the
revelations made to aecura conviction,
but the statement of the- man haa been
of great assistance to the police as a
s-uide for their efforts In collect inn evi
dence. . A rase In point wa bis declaration
that the assajnihis had been Instructed to
report the success of ' their mission to
Knrlio Alfano. the a Urged bead of the
i'amorra. at the Mlml-A-Mare. an Inn at
Torre lel lireco, where he bad arranged
to dine that night.
The Investigation of detectives disclosed
that Alfano was at th Inn. as Abbate
luanglo said, and that while he was dining
with a party of frltnda a was approached
by two men who carried bloodstained
coats upon their arms. They saluted
I'Krricone," as Alfano Is known, and said:
"It Is done.". Whereupon tho chief draw
a deep breath ana save each a glass of
So circumstantial waa the proof of this
happening that Erricone did not deny It.
but esplained the affair by saying that
the men were two poor fellows who had
eome, to salute him and that he could do
no leas than give them a drink.
When pressed further Krrlcone said:
"Yes, l was at the Mlml-A-Mars, being
a habitue of th plac. What harm was
there in my going thence with good
friends, especially as It la a plac where
the freshest of fish and breesea ar to be
found? my fault that th last
tlm I went ther unfortunately coincided
with th day and hour when soma mai
factora had chosen to commit murderf
The subsequent arrest of Errlcon and
aeveral associates was th cause of popu
lar rejoicing which gav way to Indigna
tion when he waa later released through
the connlvanc of th prteat. Ore Vlttossl.
who Is now a prisoner himself, charged
with being a member of th Camorra.
Jos. for Senator Warmer.
WASHINGTON. March .-Senator Wtl
liam Warner of Missouri, whose term ex
plrtd today to be apiwlnted by th preel
dent today to be civilian member of th
board of ordnance and fortifications. Th
senate confirmed th nomination
Miss Grunspan Not
Entitled to Damages
Jury Decides Russian Woman is Not
Entitled to Verdict Against Wil
liam English Walling.
NEW YORK. March 4. Mlsa Anne
Berth Grunspan. ts not entitled to recover
damages from William KngllBh Walling,
the socialist, for alleged breauh of promise
of marriage, the Jury that has been trying
her SICO.OtiO suit decided today. Th Jury
after an all night session, brought a ver
dict for the defendant. Walling.
I. Froaadlleh f Ktuu City
Charge with Mlisse f Mall
la Trmetlosi
KANSAS CITY. March, 4 Th third ar
rest In th oas against th promoters of
(he Interstate Halls'ay company was made
today when J. J. Freundllch. a local real
estate dealer, waa served with a warrant.
II was released on Se.000 bond. Fruend
llch. F.mest D. Martin and Frank C. Avery
were Indicted yesterday, charged with
fraudulent us of th maila In connection
with th promotion of th company.
0 ; 0 )
Have this i
Shown to
Short Sesstoa la HeU Sstsrday Mora
lagr H'lthowt Aar Feataree
Chief Doaahae oa Staad.
The cross-examination of Chief Donahue
waa concluded at the bearing of the ouster
charges Saturday morning. Following the
dtsmlbsal of the chief, Arthur Snltlds was
placed on the stand for a short time, fol
lowing which an adjournment w as taken
until Monday.
Th chief waa aked as to records of
the office and identified all which had been
placed In evidence as records of his office.
Shields' testimony waa along th same
general line.
t'loakanaker Chases Collector Off
fremieee Is I pheld hy Fo
lic Court.
Clnakmaker and collector mat.
Then they went to polic court and out
It was a busy Friday afternoon, when L.
Stem, collector, walked into L. Kneeter's
Brandcio Stores
Ocll the
"American Boy Scout" Suit
Comprising Coat, Pants, Hat, QV JC
Leggings and Knapsack; tho ) JjiCO
ial "Boy Scout Suit"
jlete for " QJ
Every boy wants to be an American Scout
and Every Scout wears a suit like this.
Brandeis Stores. Omaha.
suit and cloak establishment at Sixteenth
and Howard streets.
They held converse. Mr. Kneeter didn't
Ilk It.
Something that glistened Ilk twelve
Inch of revolt r barrel mad Stem thick
he waa going somewhere els soon, lie
went to th police elation.
"My customers are all ladies; I can't
have disturbances In my plac of business."
said Kneeter to th police Judge. 11 was