' 3 The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. .."J M rfiS . REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK (Continued ) REAL ESTATE MTV PIIUPKHTV FOR 8AM5 (Continued.) REAL ESTATE .CITY PROPF.RTY FOU HAI.E (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rilOPF.RTY FOR SALR (Continued 1 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY KO II SALE (Continued REAL ESTATE CITY PROPF.RTY FOU SAI.E (Continued ) REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKBTY FOR BALE (Continued.) i urn in d ; r- 1 . 11 i iiniffcJihfciiilwT ii W din i iiiiii wiwiwui J D. V. Sholes Company 913 City National Bank Building, Tel. Doug. 49; Ind. A-'J049. 1 $,000 loo6 So. 29th Ft.. 6 large rooms, lewpr, water, gas. lot 2Sxl30 ft. Paving paid. Owned by out of town party anxious to well. Make an offer. I IrM ioth and Dewey Ave.. 6-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, east front lot. A (food place anil priced right. location fine. Terms. $ a.0 Near Cathedral. 4th and Cuming St.. 8-room. modern house, oak finish, large barn. Lot 6xl50 ft. raving all paid. A real bargain. I J H-IiL NDKE, 4!th and Burt Ht., room, thoroughly modern, furnace heat, lot v'xl:,) Very good place, owner has left the city. Make un an offer. I 1,730 On 3M. near Woolworth Ave., one block from the car; rooms strictly mod., oak flniHh, nicely decorated. Owner leaving the city only reason for selling. I ,70O On 3Mh Ft., near Woolworth Ave . 8 rooms, east front. Lot 48x123 ft., thor oughly modern, well finished. $ 7,mo on afth between Ponpleton and Woolworth. 8 rooms, thoroughly modern, ex- cellent Interioi finish and arrangement. Iot MxllO ft. . .00 In Crelghton'a Klrst on the Boulevard, t room, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases. very well built? for a home. Elegant arrangement for family with small children. Owner leaving; city. Mun aell at once. OWNER HAS LEFT CITY Soma one will get the biggest snap ever. We are asking IT.OiiO for a very good 10-room house, thoroughly modern, south front, half block from 4 cars In ca thedral district, at 401 Cumnlg street. Five rooms and hall on first floor; five good bedrooniH and bath on second. Oak floors throughout; good heating plant; com bination gas and electric fixtures; fireplace; large basement; large attic. Owner has gone and he wants an offer. Oet busy. $ $,0w 111 Mo. Slst St., one of the best built and arranged houses In Ilanseorn Place. Reception hall, large , fireplace, parlor, living room, finished In bird's eye maple ami birch; dining room handsomely furnished; kitchen and butler's pantry on flrt floor. Five large bedrooms and hath on second floor. Ser vants quarters oi the third. A good barn. lxt 40x150 ft. East front and close to car. t 8.009 Close In property on the north side; 10 large rooms, right up In first class condition; thoroughly modern with hot water heat, with flna corner lot Mux 128 feet. A great big bargain. DOWN TOWN BARGAINS ixl4t.7 ft., B. W. tar lflth and Harney fits. This lot faces dlrectlv up center of l&tb. street to Farnam. This is a fins corner and cheap at the price, $33,Ov0. tll.ono For 4.1x141.7 ft. adlolnlng this comer on the west. $U,000 For 43x141.7 ft. adjoining th above and cornering on the alley, next to tha old street car barn. The above properties are sure to double In value In a short time, and ara ideal locations for automobile business, plumbing shops or any business that does not need to be in the very heart of tha retail district. CREIGHTON'S FIHST ADDITION Two east front lots on 33d street, two esst front and one west front on the boulevard, an east front on 34th, at reasonable prices. $2f down and $5 per month will buy your choice of 24 fine lots on Jath Ave. with city water and permanent walks. Trices $lo0 to $5H. CREIGHTON'S SECOND ADDITION Any of these choice lots $M down and $10 per month, with sewer, water, gas and sidewalks. !') to 100. VACANT t 1.1 noMix l:!:i ft., cast front on 34tn between Martha and Francis Bt. raving paid, t 1,V) 60x102 ft., south front on Harney Bt., Just west of 2Sth St. I 2,0110 For 6'xl23 ft. corner, fronting Boulevard and Ed Creighton Ave. near tha park. All specialties paid j HOMES On !Tth and Webster, new 6-room house, II modern, paved street, close to Creigh ton college. Only $3.SM). (392) On 27th and Douglas. 7-room houst, lot I2xl4 ft. Only $4.2.A (32) ' On 17th St., near Jackson, 10-room house, ast front lot. Only $5.ScJ0. (3S1) On 37th Bt. near the Field Club, new house. 4 bedrooms; oak flnlwt first floor; thoroughly modern. Only $5,200. 3N4) On 27th and Jones, new house, all mod ern, t rooms, east front lot. Only $7j0 cash requlrsd. $5,250. (391) On $4th Bt. near Martin, good 8-room house, east front, paving paid. Only $4,2o0. (363) FIELD CLUB On Jtth Bt., aplendld 8-room house; hot water heat; large attic; large living room, ate. Lot M ft. front. Only $7.2rjO. (400) Corner 36th and Poppleton Aves., ne'V 8-room house; hot water heat. Only $,000. (407) Near 13d and Pcppleton. 10-room nouse, 3 bedrooms; hot water heat; large sleeping porch. Only $4,750. 379i Corner Stith and Woolworth, splendid 7-room modern house; large living room; fine corner lot. Owner leaving the cty and must sell at once. Price. $7,000. (4(W) DUNDEE On Davenport fit., splendid home of 7 rooms; large living room, with flreplnce. built In book cases; dining room has a splendid built-in buffet: den off of dining room, also dow nstalra toilet and lavoratory; large airy bedrooms; oak floors up and downstairs; hot water heat. Only 18.7V). (4U On 50th. Juat north of I'nderwood, new 6-room. two-story house, finished In oak downstairs, with fireplace In living ro.un. Only $4 350. owner would consider good lot as part payment and a very little cash required. Good chance to get a home. We also have a bunch of very choice lots In all parts of the city. When 'n the market for real estate be aure to SEE ELBY, Fhon Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Hldg. Make Us An Offer on tha l-room, modern house at the north west corner of Thirtieth and Vinton Bts. H baa two and a quarter lots, large barn, trull, grapes and shade. Two blocks from the street car. Halt a block from the toulevard. Ihis place is easily worth $"."00. ul tha owner says to sell and we want an offer, The bouse was built by day labor five years ago and is In as good shape today aa when it was finished, Look at It tomorrow and make us an offer. Will positively be aold this week. Possession at one. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 210 S. 17th Bt. TWO GOOD HOMES CHEAP Northeast corner 35th and Decatur Bts.; rooms and barn; fruit and shade trees. Price. $J,7&0. Lot 0xU7H ft. Houthwest corner 42d and I-afajette Ave.; 6 rooms and hall; downstairs In oak; both; Immediate Kaeioii. Lot 5ua'ij0 ft.; f;n shade and fruit trees; one block from car. price. $.1,150. Terms. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, 1320 Farnam St Phones Douglas KM. Independent A10C4 GOOD HOME. $4.a6Q.OO-Thls is a very desirable and comfortable home; has parlor, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms and alcove. Full busement; hot water healing plant, electric light and gas throughout t lie whole house. Has full-sued lot. jcxlVi, paved street: two blocks from car. Very koo.I rieighborhood, near churches and schools. OAtXAUHF.K & 4'0 lirandeis liUlg. NKIXJN". Doug. jKitJ.s West Farnam $5,000 Kight rooms, all modern, four bedrooms, raved street, two blo k to Farnam car. near Turner Park. $1,100 cash, balance monthly or yearly. GLOVER HKA1.TY SYNDICATE. I'hone Douglas SstoS Dundee FOR AL Bouth front lot near elat on Capitol Ave.: high and sightly and In lot amy where hlgli class homes are being buUt. Owner 4 N. Y. Life B.dg G. W. Garloch Bemis Park Homes $3,500-3320 Hamilton Bt. Nearly new, mod ern cottage with three good rooms, reoeu noii nan ana summer Kitcnen on rirst floor, three bed rooms and bath on second floor; nice south front lawn; on paved street; In a .nice neighborhood; only halt block from street car. $i;.600 3522 Lincoln boulevard. New alght rooin house, strictly modern; oak finish; hot water heating; south frontage, and in an Ideal neighborhood. $t.u) 3514 Lincoln Boulevard. New nine room, with oak finish on first floor; birch and maplo on second floor; large living rocm across the entire house, with beamed oclllrg; hot wnter heating and very large grounds. This Is a bargain. $7.-.3616 Lincoln Boulevard. Eleven rooms. First floor has dining room, with beamed celling, living room, music room, vestibule and large entrance hall, alas kitchen and fine pantries: second floor has four Ideal bed rooms, also outside sleep ing porch: three good bed rooms nicely finished on third floor. House stands In the most beautiful spot In Bemls Park, with a anuth front view that cannot be duplicated anywhere In tha city. G. W. GARLOCH I'hone liar. 3079. $704 Hawthorn Ava. YOU CANNOT MISS IT BY BUYING ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERHES.: On the West Side Two modern houses, corner lot, south and east front; these houses are always rented at $H00 per year and can be bought for $5,500. A good Investment. NORTH HIDK HOME BACiUFICKD. A beautiful modern hmnt of 8 rooms an J reception hall; large attic, tile bath room, complete with foot tub; oak finish, elec tric light: good bavn; driveway; lot 74xl:!4; location northwest corner 20th and Locust Sts. Price reduced to $6.3&0. Must be sold. NEAR NEW CATHEDRAL. New 7-room modern home, 4114 Cuming fit., built by owner and strictly up-to-date; nice mantel, large living' loom, south front, paved street. Near Farnam car. Price re duced to &. 700. 19TH AND Bl'RT STREETS. 8-room' house, bath, toilet, wash bowl hot and cold water, good cellar; only 10 minutes warn to poatorrice; only $3,600. TRACKAGE. KL'xirj tect, with track In rear, offered for $.").w). I wiiie fire Insurance In firat class old line company. 8TANLKT P. B08TWICK. Tyler 1606. mi City Nat. Bank Bldg FINE HOME SOUTH HANSCOM PARK Consisting of 8 rooms, fully modern; lso nicely arranged barn, suitable for garage, east front, bi ft. frontage on 32d Ave. House and one lot for only $4,000. Also two more lots adjoining on the south for 2.Vr addltionsl. making a total frontage of l."2 ft. There Is a reason for these prices. The owner has orders to remove to Chicago by rcssnn of tha Cudahy change. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1220 Farnam St. 1 hones-Douglas 1064. Independent A-10M. Benson Acreage A piece of ground 165x300 feet equivalent to 8 city lots, fairly covered with high grade tearing fruit trees, entirely fenced w.in new chicken tight fencing, good eeven rcifini house, w.th electric lights, cement cellar, fine cistern, excellent well, located atuul hix bloeas fiom th cur line, clone io gioi school. Ask to sec- this. P,1ce. $.00; $l.iu) down, balance monthly payments. Bemis-Cnrlberg Co., 3l0-$i; Brsndeis Tbtater. a-ROOMS and reception hall, all modern, paved streets. This Is a first-class prop erty. Owner asking $3.7W. What will you give? Look at It and oma In Monday. P. O. NIELSEN eft CO.. 703 Omaba National Bank. I'hone D. ZM. DUNDEE Houses and Lots $3,2508 rooms, all modern, Capitol Ave. terms. $3,9006 rooms and reception hall, full two stories and all modern; oak finish; 49th and I'nderwood Ave. $'K) cash required. $4,5506 rooms, all modern, full two stories and attic, living room arrangement, oak finish. VERY EASY TERMS $4,7507 rooms, all modern, one of those fine homes at Slst and Davenport Bts. Got to sen account or sickness. Will try $5,000 NEW HOl'SE. third west of 49th Bt., room across the front: fine light; dining room with twamed celling: four very nice bedrooms; attic; oak finish. Will be entirely finished this week. This price good for one week only. $5,500 NEXT WEST, two modern homes under construction: will be strictly modern In every detail; large living room arrangement with fireplace; beamed ceilings; ok finish: tinted walls. Watch them being built. $5,750 capltol Ave., a fine 8-room, all modern home, well built and excellently ar ranged; four good bedrooms; can give another lot If desired. $5,600 Bl'NOALOtt'. attractive and well built; strictly modern; hot water heat, hand some fireplace; near S'Hh and Iodge. $6.500 BTl'CCO Hl'NOALOW; one of the finest In Dundee; hot water heat; large liv ing room with fireplace; built-in bookcases and buffet; beamed ceilings; panelled walls in dining room: oak floors on both floors; four bedrooms; large closets. Owner leaving Omaha. VACANT $750 each, lots 5 and 6. block 87. $1,000 each, choice of three lots on Capitol Ave. between VHh and 51st. $2.1W for two lots 8. W. Cor. oOth and Capitol Ave., with all improvements. Sewer and walks paid for. Glover Realty Syndicate 1219-22 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 39G3. Our Spring Offering $1,800 A Nice comfortabla 6-room house, with sewer, water and gas. Full lot, 50x127. Everything Is In first class shape. Would consider selling on payments. $2,500 Why not buy a new 6-room cottage with the same money you are now paying for rent? Look at 1326 Bo. 21st St., five rooms, new and modern, except furnace. Lot 30x 127V $100 cash, balance $28.40 per month. $3,600 Practically new and thoroughly modern 6-room house on 24th Bt.. one block to Omaha university. Oak finish downstairs. A very neat home and a bargain. $4,500 On Spencer St., Just west of 29th. a 6-room house, only 2 years old, finished In quarter sawed oak downstairs. Ptna with maple floors above. Owner leaving city has cut price $600. Large garage In rear. $5,200 An extraordinary bargain In a 6-room. all modern home at S320 Dewey Ave. A first class home, right In the West Farnam Dis trict. Lot 50x100. Owner moving to Ore gon. Terms $1,500 cash, balance as desired. $10,500 An elegant 8-room all modern home In the cathedral district. Nearly new. Immed iate possession. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones. 21$ Bo. 17th St. FRED S. HADRA 50 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Phone Douglas 4334. VACANT LOTS 30th and Corby Sts., 4xl29 ft. With and Fowler Sts.. 45x135 ft. Wth and Hamilton Sts.. 50x10 ft. 24th St. and Willis Ave., 92xlW ft. Slst and Decatur Sts., 50x125 ft. 36th and Blondo Sts., 32xl ft. Corner Dewey and Park Aves. RESIDENCES N. 27th Ave., boulevard, modern 7-room house. Mrt S. 22.1 St.. modern, 12 rooms. Ml 8. 22d St.. modern. 10 rooms. 2763 Webster St., modern, 6 rooms. 24"7 8. 17th St., new 6-room cottsge. 1230 N. 34th St., Bemls Park, new, 8 rooms. 416 Dodge St., new, 8 rooms. 2i2S Davenport St., a snug 6-room cottage. 2719 Sprague St., a new 6-room modern cottage. 7"2 South 25th Ave. modern, 8 rooms. 3103 Hurt St., the cheapest 6-room cottage on a level lot. One acre In Benson, well Improved with a 6-room cottage. Five acres, near Field club, S-room house and Improvements. FARM F.lghty acres under government ditch In Scott's Bluff district. INVESTMENTS Five new and modern cottages on the south side, renting for $1,350 per year net. Four Tiouses. S. 2M near Leavenworth St., rented for $936. Close-In Snap 18th and Jackson $5,000 k uun m vi.iiuiu bii.i in . i ."Mil 1 ..J I . CSV . . 1 .-!..... iii.arii iiuuee tiiiu line wjoui lut. vcm CUibU to the heart of the BIG VALUES. It Is 3 blocks from the Rome hotel, 1 block from the Dally News, 3 blocks from 16th and Howard. 4 blocks from thu City National bank, t blocks from the court house, 3 blocks from the city hdll. The lot la worth $3,100 NOW. Buy this and watch your money grow. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. Web, 38. Apartment House . New Steam Heated Rental $1,740 Price $10,000 Four apartments, fine rental location, owner leaving the city and wants to sell at once. $3 0t) rash w ill handle. It a your opportunity. See tie at once. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler liOH. 210 K. 17th St. INVESTMENT Nearly 11 New brick and stone duplex Tat. I and 6 rooms; fire attic; full lot; one block from Hanscom park; all special taxes paid; in come $.4. Price $; cash; balance to suit at 6 per cent. Tel. owner, Tyler 14 or address Apartment 410, New Ham lltoa. Ono of the older houses, but CHEAP. Fair to make terms to suit. south front on Cnderwood Ave., living Best Lots West We are Just putting on the market a block of lots on 35th Bt.. between Dodge and Davenport streets newly paved, lots grsded, city water, sewer and sidewalks. These sre near the Farnam car line and only twenty minutes walk from down town. Prices, $Hi0 to $2,000. Call for plat with details ot sizes and prices. Harrison & Morton 91$ Omaha National Bank. Tel. Doug. 314. 66x132, $8,000 California. 66 feet West of 16th. Harrison & Morton 66x132, $30,000 One block west of Postofflce. Harrison & Morton 22x132, $8,000 Harney, near Tenth. Harrison & Morten 44x132, $45,000 Next east of lrt National Bank. Harrison & Morton 66x1.32, $125,000 , Corner 19th and Farnam. 4 stories and basement. Stone and brick building. Harrison & Morton 90 So. Feet Floor ith jtood wacktgt. Reproductive valua i nuiiaing price per iom. Harrison & Morton 104x120 Ft., $9,000 H room house, fashionable neighborhood near Curtis Turner park and Central Blvd. Harrison & Morton 2 Lots, $15,000 Choice trackage, 9th and Capitol. Harrison & Morton 66x132, $9,000 Corner 17th and Webster. Harrison & Morton 66x132, $125,000 3ne block of Thompson & Belden. V Improved. Harrison & Morton Croft Home, K500 90xl.'i0 feet of ground. Ames Ave., near Florence Blvd.; 9-room house. Harrison & Morton 32,000 Sq. Feet Trackage On B. Jt M. at 20th. Frlc $12,000. Harrison & Morton 87x132, $50,000 Farnam, near 22d. Brick bldg. Harrison & Morton 62x130, $7,000 2."th, iiear Farnam, must" sell. Harrison & Morton 242x132, $60,000 Farnam, near 15th, two brick buildings. Harrison & Morton NEARLY seven acres. .-mlle from town; good home; well Improved. Address owner, Mrs. A. R. Young, Cedar fUplds, Neb. North Side Homes fl.OOO New seven-room modern house. Prai rie rark addition, I., Hi and Mere dith avenue. Owner leaving rlty wants offer for Immediate eale. $:) cHh. balance mnnthlv $4,W Fight-room mortem house. In good repair, with ham. on Hlnnev street near lth; soulh front lot fOjtl:4 ft. A good buy. fc.SW- Two-story, seven-room, all modern house, oak finish, practically new. on Lothrop street near Sherman ava nue: lot iiOxl24 feet; '4 cash, balance like rent. $n. 100-Six-room, two-story, all modern, hot water nest, on Fowler avenue near 23d: lot 40x122 feet. Kensonnhle terms. $3.3n0 Two-story, six-room, modern house. on l ake street nesr 24th; built about three vears: lot 40x130 feet. $3,200 Seven-room. modern house. with barn, all in good condition; south front on Mandersnn street near 2,th. Want offer for auick sale. f.:00O Seven-room modern house, well built. with good barn, on Hrlstol street near 2.'ith. $3. W0 Seven-room modern cottsge. except neat, in first-class condition: barn in rear: on Pnaldlng street near 24tli. $2.70 Mx-room cottage, modern except heat, on lwth street boulevard neat Lake1. Kasv terms. $2, 3T0 Five-room modern cottage; lot !j0x J reet; Zoth and Hrlstol streets. West Farnam District p, 300 For nine-room, all modern house on rarnam street near 3th. Strictly up-to-date, with two bath rooms, mahogany finish, expensive "'xtures. An up-to-uate modern at a reasonable price. $:i.B00 For an eight-room all modern house located on one of the best streets In the West Farnam district close to .Mr. .loslyn a f nc residence. Hca- aonabie terms. $12,000 For new, well built, attractive. 8 room modern house, with large liv ing room; oak finish and floors first floor, handsome flxturea throughout, large living room with mantle and grate: located near 41st and Daven port streets; lot 53x110 feet. Investments $17,000 Hrlck apartment house one block from ltith street; eight apartments of three looms each; all modern, steam heat; rpntal $2,240 per year under lense. $24.000-Hrlck api.tment house of six apart ments, strictly modern, hot water heat, near 24th and Harney streets; rental, 12.940 per year under lease. QEORUK A COMPANY, 902-12 City National Bank Bldg. A GOOD HOME $2,900 30th and Binney, ele gant bungalow, new, thor oughly modern. 5 rooms. VACANT $l,L'd0 Hall place between Lake and Ohio. East front ou Sherman Ave. $930 Hallsholme, between 15th . and Sherman Ave. North front on Hill Ave. $600-Hall Place. East front, 17th St., between Lake and Ohio. $350 Gie Add. North front on Wirt, between 29th and .".Olh $250-Orchard Hill; lot 27, blk. 17. Between 39th and 40th on Blondo. THOS. F. HALL 433 liamge Bldg. Both Phones." THE HOME OF MRS. HARFORD Corner of 29th and Hickory Sts. For Sale at a Bargain An extra well built 12-room house, with all modern conveniences. Including hard wood iinisn, hardwood floors, mantel and grate, book cases built In. laundry tubs and cistern: south and east front corner lot, very sightly location, convenient to rtreel cars, churches and schools. Prlre, IIS.MIO. Kasy terms. Special reasons for selling. This property la very desirable and wort 11 fully 115,000. J. II. DUMONT & SON, Tel. Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St., Omaha. Forced Bargains $5.S00-A new. all modern bungalow In Dundee. Thla la my home and la very well built. Oak, birch, walnut, white enamel, tile and hard pine finish. Two bath rooms, laundry, furnace, fireplace, electric cook ing stove, sun parlor, etc. fo.Ooo A new, all modern cottage at 25th and Maple. This Is very classy; six large rooms nicely arranged. Finished In oak, whits enamel and hard pine. Laundry, fur nace bath: beamed ceilings and paneled walki. Telephone Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam, 61t0 Burt Kt. 13th and Farnam 3-Story Brick Make An Offer lxit 22x132. building In first class condi tion; will show return of $230 per month. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 161 210 S. 17th 8t $1,650 SNAP Here Is a snap for home or lnveulm nt. 5-ioom cottage, in the very hesi i f condi tion, sewer, city water, gaa and toilet. All specials In and paid; vacHr.t and open for Inspection today. 3717 N. 2h rt. F. C. Best, 1)48 N. Y. Life, "PHONE IKirO. 3S44 Snap in CUMING STREET BUSINESS LOT Kli2 on Cuming near 17th ft, $l.$jcl. fee us at once. ROBINSON ft WOLF, 436 raxton Block. New-Brick .'ii ci'iitei. elope in; nrmss lentai d i $147.2 per year, and growing in vnlue every . day. Fries, only $12.0m. Non-resident owner says he needs money at once, nnd i I am going to sell this property within the next three days. ARK YOC W1SKT A REAL HOME On Mandersnn, west of 24th St ; S roums, modern, oak finish; lot. trftxli'; large shade trees, paving all paid; nice homes all about, near school. churches snd car lines: a fine place, and non-resident owner wants the money to use In business. Price. $4. 400; north $i.0O0. Make an offer quick. 5 ROOM COTTAGE EASY TERMS Close In. good shape, modern except heat: lot. TxlSfi. Price. $2.S0O; value about $!.!M. owner will lake lot In trade worth $) and cash $200; bal. of $2,000 easy pay ments. Almost new building, close In. pavs $1,020 per annum; only 2 blocks from 24th and Farnam. Price. $3,000. Bargain. Anyone who means business anil wants high-class, close In property at a rock bottom figure will be Interested in this advertisement. ERNEST SWEET Dcug. 1472. 123S City Nat l Bank. W. H. GATES Room 64 4 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1294, Web. 2688. $1,400 Seven-room- story and half house on east front lot 4 Ox 120, renting at $15. $2,200 Five-room cottage; Bewer, water and gas. at 22 45 North 20th St. Big lot. 60x140; pav ing all paid for. $2,750-Slx-room story and half house, modern except furnace at 2435 Spencer St. Lot 40x137. $3(000 Six-room modern house on Corby St. Very easy terms. $2,500 A nice, new 6-room cottage right up-to-date; modern ex cept furnace; cellar bricked up; south front, lot 40x127. $3,600 That 6-room, modern, nice located home In Bemls Park ' with hot water heat, at 1021 North 34th St. Lot 44x142; with plenty of shade. $4,500 That 8-room modern house at 1622 Emmet; FINE LOCA TION; new heating plant; south front lot, 60x124. $4,900 Seven-room, new, modern , house, with light oak finish and hot water heat, at 1804 Lothrop; south front lot, 40x 125. Paving paid for. $6,000 Ten-room modern houae, with oak finish, at 2024 Wirt St. GOOD, IIONKST, WELL BUILT HOUSE; barn and nice large grounds on corner. 100x124; paving all around and paid for. FOUR new, brick flats on corner, always rent for $1,200 per year. Owner wants to raise some money and j if you want something like this better see me soon. J. WT ROBBINS SPECIAL BARGAINS $.1,700 6 acres In Florence, with good S room house and barn, shade and fruit trees, only a half block to car line.' A family can make a living cm this place. Price reduced; must ba sold. $1.000 2 houses and east front lot on 24th near Heward. $2,600 4J-room cottage and east front lot on 24th near Cuming. Owner remov. Ing from city; act qulcklv. $1,750 -7-room house and corner lot. 29th and Maple: only one block from car line; nonresident owner has made this very low price for a quick sale. VACANT LOTS $(i,000 1H7X168. corner 87th and Marcy: very fine residence site; will subdivide. ll gflOKast front on 42d north of Dodge. $1.2.'iO Fast front corner 37th and Dodge. $l,0u0 Fast front on Mth Ave., south of Farnam: paving partly paid. t S00 Corner 34th and ("ass. $ SOU Fast front on 27th Ae.; very sightly and close In; snap. 8F.K ME FOR OTHER BA KG A INS. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1M)2 FARNAM 6T, I " Investment 120x132 Feet We offer thla beautiful corner with pav ing all paid, within 6 blocks from the heart of the city, Improved aa follows: 1 13-room house, 1 10-room house, and 1 18-room house. These houses are all modern, steam heul and in flrat class condition, they bring a total Income of $.1.2(10 a year. The ground is wuiiii iir.ily much as the whole property can be purchased for. If you are Interested In a high class Investment, see n at once. HASTINGS & 1IEYDEN, 1611 Harney St. SOUTH 10TH STREET BARGAIN Seven-room house and barn, northeast corner 10th and Francis Sis., louxl.i ft., splendid location for fiata or an aprtme:it house. Paved and paid; sewer, water .ind gss. Near wholesale district. We have this for ten days at only $3.vj0. Investi gate. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1J20 Farnam St. Phones Douglas i(iC4, Independent A-10'.4. 4 ROOMS 4-room cottagn located near 96th and Grant St . large lot. Price, $1 260. This Is exceedingly cheap. Bemis Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandeia Theater t-ROOM bungalow, all modern. I corner lots, paved streets. 1J02 N. 2th. Price. $4 000. part rash. P. O. NIELSEN A- CO. 703 Omaha National bank. Thons D. 2204 FOR SALE Nice lota on Camden Ave., Brown St.. and 2Mb near Fort Bt. Address Jake Roovaart, Pella, la. High Class House K SALE BY OWXEH One of the handsomest, best built and most up-to-dnte residences In the city of Omaha. Just finished. Never occupied. T his house Is located on one of the moot sightly corners In the city. 3Cd Ave. snd Martha slrepts. overlooklna Mansrom park, with two fronts faclna east ami south, on one of the finest and best equip ped i ar lines In the city, l'tirk lino. WeH side. STYLE OF AHCIHTEOTtlHE old KnKllsh. Old Knsllsh hlh sables. Old KiikIIkIi window H roups. Old Kniillsu Htnne walls, elshtly stone steps n feet wloe, cement wslks mound the house, sun porch, out.ilde eleoplna, porch, etc. Trees and sliruhH planted nil around lot. INSIDE FINISH First floor: Larue parlor, beautiful man tel, hullt-tn bookcases, larite, wide win dow scat. Klaborate electric fixtures. Tif fany globes, etc. l.arae reception hall, 7-ft. plnte mirror, large electric fixtures. Ho hcmian (tlohes, etc. 1 Honing room all nnk paneled, drop beam celling, profusely elec tric lighted large shower centerpiece, four art lamps on Intersections of drop beams. Hack snd front stairways. Kitchen: Well planned. peailtlfnl cab inet over sink. Hutler s pantry, large, up-to-date with all the modern flxturea, drop limits, etc. Hack vestlhule fr Ice rhest and other devices. Front vestibule with coat and hat closet. All first floor quarter sawed oak except kitchen and pantry, which Is white birch. SECOND STOKY On this floor all woodwork finished In white birch. Second parlor on this floor finished in dark green and highly ornamen tal. Electrical showei-lece. brackets, mirror door, group of windows, bedrooms all fin ished in birch. X drop lights In each bed room. Hathroom tiled and finished In all up-to-date bath room fixtures, medicine cabinet, mirror door, full slsed mirror full length of bath room door. THIRD STOKY Store room, i unfinished bedrooms. BASEMENT I'nder entire house. Vegetable room, coal bins, ash room, wash rcom. toilet room, etc., nil downstairs are heavy Mor gan oak doors. Inside vestibule door Is French paneled, beveled plate glass. Over t;m worth of high grade up-to-date elec tric lighting fixtures, mostly all showers from the Mitchell-Vance Co.. fti-S:KI Broad way, New York, Heating plant by Milton Rogers' most Improved system. Bcreen doors and window screens for every door and window In the house. This house must be seen to be appre ciated. Open for Inspection all day Tuesday until 9 p. m.. Open every day and night unt.l sold. l'rlo $10,(100. Good terms. Phone Harney 1127. Key at owner's, first house west on corner. GOOD HOME BARGAINS We will guarantee to find what you want. $tj,600 14th and Cuming Sts., 8 rooms, brand new, oak finish, furnace heat. $4,900 87S4 No. 24th St., S-room bonne, equipped with hot water plant, fin ished In quarter-sawed oak. $4,2001402 Ivothron St., one of the best ar ranged and up-to-date houses in Kountxe Place. It Is a beauty. $3,650 2r.l Snauldlng St., 6 rooma and hath, strictly modern, with full south front lot. $3,200 MtO No. 14th Ave., 7 rooms, all mod ern, oak finish, only one block irom Sherman Ave. car. $3.000 ir!7 So. 2lth St.. rooms, all modern, good barn. Worth considerable inoie money, but owner must sell this month. 2MJ1 Prstt St., strictly modern and new- il-room cottage. Make an offer, $2,500 IMG So. 13lh St., 6-room cottage with lot 0xl;i2, room for another house; on South Omnlia car line. Make us an offer. Owner anxious to sell. $1,200 New 4-room house, wired for elec tricity, good well, bsrn and half acre of gr.iund. only 4 blocks from Hen son car. $2.7) cash, balance monthly. $1,250 New 7-room house, northwent part of the city. This Is certainly snap. Location furnished on application. ACREAGE We have a very large list of bargains In Improved and unimproved small tracts. Tills is the time to get located for tha summer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Third Floor Ware Block. Southeast Corner lflth and Farnam Bts. Douglas 178!. A-1HS. "$90,000 worth of Iowa farm land for sale at the low price of $120 per acre. It la all In one piece. 7o0 acres of splendid soil. Owner Is coming to Omaha to live and will con sider Omaha residence or business prop erty up to $:.0tl0 and carry tha halanoe at per cent. This Is no cheap trading stuff, but will stand Investigation. Norris 8c Martin 400 Bee Bldg Doug. 4270, Web. 43S. 8 Rooms Hot Water Heat $5,800 Field club district, all oak on the first floor, birch and bard maple above. This Is a beauty; Is located on an east front lot. and la the cheapest hone within a radius of i blocks. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153H. 210 8. 17th St. Choice New Homes Seven rooms, all modern, 2 years old; near 24th and Spencer Bts., $3,650. Five-room cottage, modern except heat; nearly new; fine south front, In north part, $2,500. Kasy terms. Six-room house, partly modern, fine lot, near 27th avenue and Lake street. Terms. Bee our list before you buy. J. W. RASP CO., 68 Brandeia bldg. NEAR 41 ST and DAVENPORT STREETS We have Just placed on our list three beautiful east front Iota on 41st street, which the owner Is very anxious to dis pose of and which you will ba able to purchase at a bargain In this exclusive resident d lut r tit. If you are in the mar ket for a c h-li resident lot, selec t one of these at once. HASTINGS aV HEYDEN. Ittl 4 Harney St. FOR PALE-M07 Kedlck Ave., one-acra lot. new bungalow cottage, two blocks from Florence cur line, fenced with cedsr posts some small fruit, chicken yard and house! finest view In tha city, must be seen in appreciate; call any time, day or night. Phone Webster 7.