THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 5, 1011. n EVERYB OD Yo R E; AD 3 o 4 HOi -rr , : OFFERED FOR RENT llorrt mm Offices . eatlaaed. Buildings for Rent Four-story ami ousement brick building, 82x132 ft., near l.'ilh and Harney Sts. First floor equipped for retail purposes. Fine how windows. Electric elevstur. In beat of repair, Lease to be arranged. New Building Owner will construct new building. 44x132 ft, three or four story and basement, near and Harney Sts., to milt tenant. Very reasonable rent for Ion lease. Five floors and basement. 1308 Howard St., 22xXZ ft. Mental lilOU per year. Will subdivide. If desired. One-story building. ix60 ft. with track age, near 10th and Dodge Sts. Rental on application. Wa make a specialty of handling business properties. GEOKOE A COMPANY, 902 City National Hank Bldg. ' STORE-ROOM FOR RENT. 70 S. Pith street. 8ixe auxtio; electrlo lights; Steam heat: basement cemented; Just put in fine condition. Rent reasonable. 'ETEK8 TKL'ST CO., 17th and Farnam. OFFICES FOR RENT. Ieslrable oftlie rooms In Webster-Sun-iaerluml Uldg.. loth and Howard 8ts., at ressonabl prices. UEOKUE & CO., 902 City Nat. Dank. Bldg. DESK room, Including use of entire suite In City National Hldg. ; also telephone and other service. Address at once O 800, Bee, OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltaro. I Must Sell My Furniture Before Wednesday Am going to flt. Louis and must give up my furniture. Fjvery piece is good as new. I bought It from one of the finest furniture tores In town. I will sacrifice the price for quick disposal. Act quick, for you can find real bargains here. Among Other Things Dining room furniture fine table, chairs, buffet, china and cabinet; then a brand new refrigerator and complete bedroom et. Call 614 8. 27th St. ROIiLRD-TOP desk. Princess music box, household goods; cheap. 939 N. 24th. NORTHWEST corner 16th and Harney .streets. ' O. C. REDICK. 1517 Farnam St. Masleal Iastrameata A GOOD piano for $100; must sell at once. Tel. Douglas 6976. Playola Player Piano Full slse, mahogany case; used, but In good condition; twenty-five rolls music; bench and scarf. Regular 8f00; special price, t:i6. Payments, $2 a week. HAYDEN BROS. Bargain Day AT BENNETT'S PIANO DEPARTMENT Rapidly gaining; favor among par ticular buyers. It's surprising how many of Omaha' beat people are really looking dally for just such op portunities as Bennett's are offering, at one-third to one-half off regular prire. This Is made possible by the several reasons, Buch as: Returned from rent. Used as samples for demonstration. Taken In exchange on grand and player sales. Most all are as perfect as new, with the excellent tone quality "GUARAN TEED." Compare regular prices with SAT URDAY'S SPECIAL PRICES: Waa Now i 1 Oak Case. ...... .$366.00 1169.00 1 Oak Case 850.00 170.00 1 Mahogany Case. .. 350.00 205.00 1 very dark Oak Case 350.00 210.00 1 Mahogany 650.00 225.00 1 Walnut 450.00 240.00 . 1 Mahogany 450.00 225.00. The above is only a partial list of the numerous bargains offered by this old firm. This will give you some Idea of the working capacity of your dollar at The Bennett Cos Piano Dept. 'Phone us for first-class tuning and repairing. Apollo Player Piano line massive mahogany case, almost new. lii f-llos of music, bench and scarf Regular $7jU, asocial Payments $.' per rk. HAYDEN BROS. Piano Players Ocllian. Pianola, llardman and Angelus playrrs. MO to tac. all In good condition: etiow hut little use. Twenty-five rolls of inusio wnn eacn player. Terms $1 per nitk HAYDEN BROS. Typewriter. Bn an L. C. Smith Broa. typewriter. B. P. Bansoa Co., Distributers. Ult Far nam 8L RENT aa Oliver typewriter front the Oliver Typewriter Co. 'phone Douglas tut. FOR 8 A LE-At half rrlre new Oliver t pearlier, oiilv used a few das, cash or mofittily taiuein. fenilth, Sl'l Uee lildg , OiuaUa. Ntb. 1'houe loug. Avi. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters Coat laaetf. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. PLEA RANCH BALK NOW UN! Prices low to get the rash. 4 to regular prices; any make you want. 13. F. 8WANBUN CO.. 1319 FARNAM 8T. ECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam, Mlsorllaaeae.. FOR SALTS New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Hrunswick-Balk-Collender. w 8. loth St- 8AFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. A FINE second-hand text law library; sell one-third value. Address Box 736, Omaha. FOR SALE One Parker Bros, hammer less, lOguags. twist barrel, shotgun and leather case. $g. One Parker Bros, ham mer gun. 10-gauge and leather case, lit bu. One Smith & Wesson, 88-callber, hammer leas revolver, 110. Address L 614. car Bee. 2d Hand ELECTRIC MOTORS LB-BON. 211 SOUTH 12TH 8T. ENGLISH' Slip-on Raincoats, especially adapted for aulolsts and general purposes; tan color; first quality; very stylish coats for both men and women; sizes, 31 to 44. Special offer. $4 .50 each, express prepaid. Order now while they last. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. The Geyer galea Co., Dept. U, Layton, O. GREGG CO. billiard hall. 1304 Farnam. FINANCIAL, trouble makes necessary quick sale of diamond ring worth $460; goes for $360 cash. Address A 842, Bee. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. 11th and Dorcas. , TWO pounds of butter out of one; make thousands', reduces high cost of living; send 10 cents. Baltimore .Sales Co., 581 N. Clay St., Baltimore, Md. CORDWOOD at $3 a cord, any quantity up to 100 cords; fence posts. 10c each; any quantity up to 6,000; muni be called for at my farm three miles north ' Krug park. A. D. Brandels. Jf BEAL'T1FL'L onyx Queen soda fountain, with mahogany counter and canopy, inlaid with art tile; price about one-tentn original cost. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts. USED oak roll-top desks. 1601 City Natl. Bank Bldg. I 1 FOR SALE CHEAP. Emerson Angelus Piano Player with 30 rolls of music. Must tell. Call at 8.'j Bo. 28th St. OSTEOPATHY A Wee Johnson. 308-9 Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-5 Rrandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111. HIRAM A. 8TURGE8, reg. patent atty., 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 3468. WILLARD EDDT, registered practloner In U. 8. Pat. Office. 618 Paxton Blk. R. 291. PATENT YOUR INVENTION Free ex pert soarch of official records to deter mine patentable novelty. Patent secured or fee returned. Free booklet. Mllo B. Stevens Co., Attys., 614 F. 8t., Washing ton, 335 Monadnock block, Chicago. Estab. Ini4. Guaranteed and recommended by Rankers Register. Highest rating by Mar tlnilale's American I aw Directory PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Grippe, Rheumatism, massage treatment. Dr. Margaret Halloran, !t Neville Block. Douglas 776L THE SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off clothing, In fact, anything you do not need. Wa collect, repair and sell at 134 N 11th St., for cost of collection, to the wor th ypoor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagons will call. Dr. .Baker Medical Offices Expert specialists, diseases of women. Consultation and examination free. 210 8. 141b. St., corner Douglas. Omaha, Neb. STRICTLY private Christian confine ment home; best care, babies for adoption. 2618 Davenport. MASK SUITS to rent at LIE BEN' 8. VTRli ATORY Massage. Dr. Rltten- vj.uj.wi. j. uu i hoUM old Bo,ton Store, 4th floor, elevator entrance. UO 8. 18th MAKSAflE TREATMENT. Mrs. Steale. OMAHA Stammerers' Inst, Ramge Bldg. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book, "The Under world bewer." at all book stores. Price H.iO. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-UM3; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lath and Harney 8ts. RATI I Si 8alt Blow and massage, 1601 XJ-tAAAkJ Dodge, 3d floor, opp. postof flee. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. IMS. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage, radia tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany. Flat 6, 10th and Pierce. Douglas 43sO. 1R. KIIUEKS, private confinement home. 1Mb Martha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas I2J0. PRIVATE maternity home, Mrs. Dr. King, lo24 N. 24th. Web. 3; lnd. D-W4. YOCNU WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young W omt-ii Christian association building at Seventeenth street and tit. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fur our traveler's aid at the Union station. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. "40 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, ttrenglheu, ic. BELL DKUCi CO. WKiS and toPes for men. Griffith, MAGNETIC i'n'T'h MBmlth- 8. lbth. third floor. GREGG ft CO.. Billiard HalL 1104 Far naiu titieet. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nervs to.1 Pill. II. o box. itpald. bueriuan McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electrlo needle, or Injury to the a:;v lady attendant. 310 McCague Bldg. I'RIVATE confiuement home. Reasonable. Auo(. luiia. oou homes, o N. lih. W-loai. HOUSEKEEPER for widower mul two "tnall rliiloren. in countr. Address W fc Cuniiingbain. Route No. l. Henderson,' la. YOUR sewing machine will do good work If repaired by K. I- liivi,.v aii ranted. Tel. Webatt-r &.". 2Mri N. nt jjs TO ENTER business one should not fall to look over the business chanoea In this column. If Mrs. M. M. Dickson, Cald well St., sees this ad and will bring It to The Bee offioe within 3 days and identify herself, she will rxenive an order for to srata to the American Theater SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by rlwtrii-ity; con sultation free and confidential; all work f uarantetd. Mum Allendcr, t4 Bee Bldg PERSONAL (Continued.) . IF you are a grocer and read The Bee you know that Updike's Pride of Omaha Flour makes vour stock complete. If Mrs. H. H. King. 3C0 Templcton, will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify herself, she will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this brand of flour good at any grocer. MANICURING, facial massage, shampoo ing and halrdressing done In your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel Harney 4972. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 303 South 19th St. HEIRS wanted at once. 60,000 estates seeking claimants. You may be one. Facts In booklet 31. Send 2o stamp. International claim agency, Pittsburg, Pa. Til? UTTWK'V DISEASES OF WOMEN JJJU UUXUVrj i6ta 4 Douglas. Omaha. WANTElD The present address or any Information of Frank Swlckard, for merly of Council Bluffs, la. Address J. M. Brown, 216 W. 14th St., Los Angeles, Cal. A HOME for women during confinement. Babies adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron, Tlnley Home, 403 Bancroft St- 'Phons Doug. 1921, POULTRY AND PET STOCK KOCiS for hatching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg horns. Utility stock, 1.60 a setting or $8 per 100. Exhibition or show stock, 83 to 16 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address, A. D. Brandels, Omaha. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rocks, white or barred eggs, for hatchings. O. J. Kaneft. 8S34 Farnam. Jiaj-ney 1414. R. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS, eggs for hatching. Phone South 1031. A FEW hans around the home and a few sacks of Updike's Pride of Omaha Flour In It, make llfo worth It. If Joseph Rlpa, 2529 South 12th St., will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify himself, he will receive an ordor for 12 pounds of this brand of flour, good at his Jtrocer's. GLENV1EW poultry Farm, Rhode' Is land Reds, eggs guaranteed 90 per cent fertile. Telephone South W0. DUCK BUSINESS There's a fortune In It. We start you. Send 2 cent stamp for catalogue. Clarlndn Duck Farm, Clarinda, Iowa. BUFF ORPINGTONS We have best flock of Orpingtons In Nebraska. Won more prlies Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings than all others. Eggs 32 per 15. Karrer & Keeler, nenedlct. Neb. -I R. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS-egga for hatching. Pnone South 1031. . . i . ROUP CURE Send me Sic for a 50c box of my roup and poultry tonic; guaranteed to cure roup or money refunded. Send today. Bob White, 470S Ames Ave. WHITE Orphlngton eggs, 15, 32; 60. 8 Walker, 3320 Camden Ave. Webster 4141. THOROUGH BRED Buff Orthlngton eggs 310 per 100. Hugh Stevenson, 4230 Ersklne. Webster 2426. PRINTING R1E8-HALL Ptg. Co.. lot S. 14th. lnd. A-8U4, Lew W. Raber, Printer, DlVXemt BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMIESON. 1213 Douglas SC. Both 'phones. ''HONK IND. A -8630 for good printing. Llygstad Printing Co.. 16th and Oapttol A. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM FOR RENT. i wenty acres, one-halt mile east of Nor folk, Neb., on Main street. Has large -room house, larae aranarv. barn ana other buildings. Fenced with woven wire' into four lots. Nice orchard, 400 apple and .H0 cherry trees; lots of small fruit and nice garden lots. Also have 220 acres adjoining same for rent. This Is mostly In pasture; 40 acres farm land, 60 acres fenced witn smooth wire, balance fenced with barbed wire. Write at once to The Durlacd Trust company, Norfolk, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS I1ANII tn h nm nwnM mrA knm K.illH era, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank. Bldg. ' Farm J Oq Mortgage Net to the Investor. Wa want to get In touch with people who have from I.Xi upward to invest in care fully selected first mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms. Buch Investments are ab solutely safe, as trusts cannot manlpluate, nor panics awiui'D tnem. Call or write us for full details. KLOKE-HEADLV INVESTMENT CO.. 8ul Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., with assets of over 81!,0u0.0ii0, I am prepared to accept all the good loans ot tered on Improved Omaha real estate. Businesa and residence loans made without delay. THOMAS PRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for sale at amounts . from 8AJ0 to 83. Out). BENSON & MYERS 413 New York Life Bldg. LOW RATES, BEMlg-CARLBEnO CO.. 310-113 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes, business property and Nebraska Ian da O'Keele steal lust-ale Co lul Omaha NaUouaX CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZKR. A vi T L-1 1 I 1 1 v tnana and warranta W Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Faruam 8L MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. n-i . s t A thin m rln nrnmntlv. F 1Y Wead, Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam. GARVIN BROS.. 8d floor N. Y. Ufa. 8j09 ,o liuO.Ouo on Improved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. . . . . .v .11.. (h farnuf 0( lowaf Any cheap laad (or higher priced; a general luerclULndtae store for land, or . n ...l..n..f Cir tiAV fBll sow land yU want to sail for eashT The ens pepar ma . -v mr - - la the Dea Moines Capital; .0Uu circulation Sally; rata single tnaartloa, 1 cent a word; sU Insertions, t cents a word. Das Moluas WANTED To buy a good 6 or 7-room, all modern house, within the limits of St. John's parish. Lock Box S. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of maiit H. U. Culver, kil- ta H. X. Uim. Deugiaa' last. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGES, quirk sale, large list. Ad dress R. 1. Continental Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANT a western ranch of about equal value for three good brick hotel . total of 66 rooms, cull value $50,0X1, showing good income, all clear and in first class condi tion. Will consider lan,d Improved or un improved at the right price. Will .issumi or pay cash Ultfeienee If any on the riant kind of deal. For turther information ad dress F. M. Conner, Chlllicothe, Mo. We have a great deal of raw and well improved farms to exchange for Omaha houses or income. Let us hear from you. H. H. Culver, 12-ell N. Y. Lite Bldg. Both 'phones. BUSINESS lot on corner. Price 2,5o0 clear. Want to trade for 6 or 7-room house. Might put In 8o00 to SbuO cash It suited. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 803 N. Y. Ufa. 880-AC RE ranch In Nebraska. 310,000 clear. Want to trade for good rental property. Will put In a few thousand cash If suited. Nowata Land & Dot Co., 803 N. Y. Life. 81, boo equity In 6-room cottage In tine location to trade on larger house. P. O. NIELSEN A CO., 703 Omaha National Bank. 'Phone D. 2204. 4 . ' WANTED Desirable cottage or property, Kansas City, for southeast corner 3xl30 Lynn and i4th and Lincoln: lot 15. blocg 6. West Cumlngs, Omaha. Berk, owner, 1315 Charlotte, Kunsas City, Mo. 640 ACRE Central Nebraska improved farm and stock ranch very cheap at tha price, $10,0u0. Owner getting old and wishes to move to Omaha. Will take some good residence property In exchange. 40.0U0 bushel caDaoltv srraln edanrator AoaJ business and fine residence with some acreage, owner wishes to retire and wants a good farm. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ONE hundred thousand acres of land In Southwestern anil Vni i hum Ulnn..,.tn tnm sale or trade.. Agents wanted. Corcoran Land Co., Tracy, Minn. t TO RI7Y SF.I.Inn Tmni' win.- tnl- MIDLAND CO., 874 BRANDEIS BLDG. HAVE you flats or apartments or a bum-h of rental houses and tired collecting rents? I have vacant lota worth 62tt,uOt. They give you no bother while they go right on increasing in value, working tor you night and day. Want to exchange clear for clear. Address at once, J 901, Bee. $8,500 equity in good farm near Council Bluffs for income or cheap land. $1,300 real equity in good 7-room all modern home, for good auto. J. V. RASP CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE or trade cheap, pump and windmill stock dolns good business; good cows taken on trade. A good deal if taken soon. W. H. Porter, Owner, Nehawka. Neb ISO ACRE, Dixon county land for general merchandise. Lock Box hi, Pender, Neb. TO TRADE. TWO farms In Norton county; an equity of 83,800 In one and 82.200 in the other. Will trade for shoes, clothing, dry goods or general merchandise. Will trade to gether or separately for stock of equal value, or Would take goods from a larger stock to the amount ef my equity. Write D. F. Bruner, Norton. Kan. SIXTEEN sections cattle or hors ranch. El Paso County, Texas, 86.6U per acre cash. Also modern s-roora buff brick resi dence; bath, complete; furnace; two lots; paved street; two blocks to street car pueblo, Colo. Address, Q. M. Brown! Artesla, Eddy County, New Mexico. WANTED A good hlre stallion as part payment on choice Edmunds Co., 8. D.. quarter; price 3.U60 per acre. Incumbrance 82,760 at 6 per cent; send pries and descrip tion of horse In first letter. B. N. Clausen. Sioux City. Ia. f WANTED TO BORROW IN this column you may let It be known Just what you wish to borrow. Updike's Pride of Omaha you must buy. If Bessie Scott, 4o N. 14th St., will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify herself, she will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this brand good at her grocer's. WANTED to borrow 8600 on second mortgage, one year, first class security, 10 per cent Interest. Address A 8H3. Bee WANTED TO BUY BEST prlc paid for 24 hand furniture carpets, clothing and shoes Tel. D. 3971. GREGG ft CO., Billiard Hall. 1304 Far nam street. AN 80-acre Improved farm, suitable for fettling purposes, within 7 milee of South Omaha. Give complete description and lowest cash price. 8 80s, Baa. DO YOU GO TO THE THEATER? The American Theater. This ad, If brought to The Bee office within 3 days by G. Hyte, s2i N. ltith St., with proper Identification, will be presented an order for two tickets to the American Theater. WANTED TO RENT TRAVELING man and wife are seeking home in refined family; either board or tasteful light housekeeping rooms. Private home with no other boarders preferred. WANTED TO RJNT- or 10-room mod ern house. West Farnam or district of Dundee.- Address P 7. car of Bee. WANTED By young man and wlf tho roughly modern, first class room and board. In bast location. Must be first class in every respect. Address Y-87, Bee. 4 OR 6-ROOM house at about 81:1 SO or lss: must be In good neighborhood and nave room for garden and small place for rhtrkena I. a ra wanted Situations reliauJ1 aN7" SJ5?1 . T.?,1-0. mn desires plaoe to work for board and room la private family whlil o11 Bis Cll.e. lt PRACTICAL Bursa, Immediately, li. iM . i"'wn ui vuicew itexer- ences. Address P Hit. Bee. SITUATION, by young man of 84, single: some experience In office aa shipping clerk; read and write .Bohemian language. Ad dress 734 So. 6tb, Counoll Bluffs. A YOUNQ lady wants a position as house keeper for widower. Address H 816, Bee. POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Address B-776. Bee. WANTED POSITION as housekeeper for respectable gentleman by reapeoiable widow. References required. Address Y-71 care Bee Y O T " N' 1 1 mu f.nm p..nlui.i. a position as cashier, clerk or office work. . iwAvivmw iou dodo is re quired. Address, 11. P. Blaughenhaupt. Uu) W. Farnam 8t. GERMAN nurse wanta position to travel to Germany with invalid or aa family nurse. W abater 1447. WANTED By first-class white laundtxre. with very beat city n-fwenra. one or two small family warnings do at home. Harney si-. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) YOUNG man, married, wants work; will doanythlng; give references. H 79.. Pee. REAL ESTATE A US I H ACTA OP 'I I'l l. K. Mldlsnd Onarantee and Trust company so tided abstracters. 1714 Farnara St. PETER J ESSEN. Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. t29l H. H. Neale, 330 Orualia Nat l Bank Bldg. SgAL aaTA'IM KBRD ABSTRACT CO. 10 St. ISM; prompt service; get our prices. 806 Brandels Theater REAL ESTATE TITLsTtRUKT CO- Pi' taenth floor City Wat'l Bank Bide CITY PKOPKRTY FOat SALB Suburban Homes 28 acres, on the ridge road north of Florence, the farm home of Mr. Crosby, a practical horticulturist; sightly loca tion, Ideal for a country home, and It Is a well-planted, well-kept, producing fruit farm, if you have driven this road In May or June you will remember this place by the large peony bed; 10.000 blooms can be cut moat an v "iKmMiun day," and hardly be missed. Such plsces are seiuom lor sale, but Mr. Crosby is re tiring and offers this, with his stock, Im plements and tools on the plsce for 88 000 A great bargain. 4, .rM' w'th a bungalow. In Florencs Heights, just a few blocks up the hllL north of the village of Florence. 1.3,600. ! acres. Just west of the Field club grounds, on Center street (paved)- 9 room house, electric lighted; large barn and poultry houses; private water sys tem to house and barn. Good orchard and lots of shade trees. This place is not for sale, but will lease to right pnrtv for a country place. It Is a grand place for a growing family. Drive mu and see it. 4bth and Center streets. 8 acres, at 60th and Orover 8ts.. nartlv W;,' 3-26V H ""- outs'ldU e city limits, near school; land lies well. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nafl Bank. Tel. D. 814 Get a piece of fertile land upon which you can make a good home and eaay com fortable living after you are too old to work for the other fellow. 1 have Just what you want, a 40-acre tract for 31.000. Are these terms easy enough, vis: 3100 cash; balance $30 per month; no taxes and no Interest. Warranty deed and perfect title. Call or write at once. W. E CRARY 601 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb Sacrifice Sale of Close-in Lots S. W. Cor. 26th and St. Marys Ave. ui28.1'. frontu or St. Mary's Ave and 138 ft. frontage on 2oth St. Price. 865 per front foot. No better close In location for riats or apartments. 26thand Leavenworth per front foot for corner, $& for Inside lot Money Talks Tha Deonla nwnlnar i. . . . cash, hence the above low prices. We win submit any reasonable offers. The Byron Reed Co. Both phones. 213 So. 17th St. Fine Investment Price $7,500 Income $900 a Year cnr" XXJZX In" VNest Farnam district, walking distance separate furnaces, laundry tubs gaa heit r"j JF"?J',U"' 001 Plumbing, beautiful oak finish and floora, ahadae, crtajTrods "ir1"'"' csens.flns fixtures and beau tiful decorations. This will pay 15 NET and increase In value. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4J70, Web, 4S38 e 2014 EMMETT ST. This large 8-rooin, all modern house, in one of the best residence districts In Omaha. Is being offered for sale. hUreet is paved and paid for; full slsad lot. with barn; convenient to school and car Una. and Just the kind of a home you are look ing for, at the strictly low price of 34.6U Owner might consider less. Hastings Hoyden. 1614 Harney Street. For Sale In High Class Residence Dis trict at 41st and Davenport Streets. Several well situated residence lots ready to build on. Low prices; Inquire of ewn.r. Room 814 First Nat. Bang Bldg. phone D. 1343. ONLY $500 CASH Balance 836 monthly burs a brand strictly modern, oak finished home near Kountse Place. Full two stories; corner lot; living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedroom, and bath on second floor; largn floored attic; full ce ment basement; cement walks and soddad yard; fine light fixtures; (rlce 3-1,0. Us the bant barnain in Omaha. Tel. Owner, liaxney 63W for more Information. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPRRTT POH SAI.R (Continued.) HOMES 12,2002616 Cass Rt., near Crelghton College. 6-r., modern except furnate; paved street. A BARGAIN. $3,300 4d24 Charles St.. X-r. and hath, giis, well and cistern, full lot. large barn. v ery easy terms. 83.600 333 Tavlor St.. Brand new 5-r. cot tage. modern except heat, full lot near Ames Ave. car line. Small cash payment, balance like rent. 83.0002216 South ZWh St.. 8-r. all modern nice lot. paving paid. On east side Park car line. An exceptional oar rain. $1,0003707 Leavenworth St.. 6-r. all modern nice corner lot. Terms. 84.0110-114 8. 4Jd St.. West Farnam District 6-r. strlotly modern. Reasonable terms can tie arranged. $6,0006011 Capitol Ave.. Dundee, a beautl fully finished and well arranged Coast Bungalow, 2 stories, 6-r., large living room, 14x24, open fireplace, oak mission finish, beam ceilings. Can be handled on rash payment of 31.600. CHOICE VACANT 1X)TS I 700 Crelghton's 1st Add. on 31st St. !7ti0 Creighton's 1st Add. on 31st St. 700 Crelghton s 1st Add. on 3oth St. "M Crelghton's 1st Add. on aftth St. 81,400 Crelghton's 1st Add. on Boulevard $1,0U0 Dundee, on California St., near 6otn St. $1,000 Dundee, on Capitol Ave., near 61st St. v $1,600 West Fsrnam District, on Howard Bt. $8,000 West Farnam District, fine site for small apartment house or Double St. Louis flat. Bee us for other bargains. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Both Tel. West Farnam $14,000 10-room modern home with hard wood finish, hardwood floors and everything up-to-date; south front corner iot. $13,500 10-room modern house with 00-ft lot, in same neighborhood, i $16,500 An extra good modern house, with Hot water heat and all convent ences. Including garage. Lot H0xl6Ti on 37th 8t., near Farnam. Owner has built a new home and wants to sell at once. $ 10,000 10-room modern house and two east front lots, one block from Farnam car line. $ 7.500 Same house with on lot. $ 6,600 8-room modern house, with east front lot, one block from Farnam car line. VACANT I 8,000 The only east front vacant lot for iv1 we.nmi A .1 1, lit mm XJUUgV, .wi aim o-Mn ots. a special bar gain, too. as owner Is moving awav. $ 4.150 N. & E. corner. tSxl25 ft., two blocks from ' Farnam car line. Owner has moved to Denver end " an oner, will a 1 viae. J. H. Dumont & Son 'Phone Douglas 600. Omahi 1606 Farnam St. Tukey's Terms We are going to sell 104$ and 1049 Park Ave., for the best price we can get, on very easy terms. They are 8-room houses with 60 and 46 feet of ground respectively Houses are all modern, but need a little repairing. Make us an offer for one or both of them. One lot at 34th and Pratt. Want offer. 60x123 feet. Just east of 28th and Howard. Want offer. Two 22-ft. pieces on the south side of Cuming; east of 20th. 81.600 each. Northwest corner of 33th and Chicago. $1,500. Full lot on boulevard, north of Dodge, $1,000. Block 2, Kelly's Add., 24 lots, north fronts, $200 each. South fronts $150 each. on your own terms. The above lots are located at 57th and Hamilton. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Douglas 2181. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Home In Kountze Place LocnUd at the northeast corner of 19th and Spencer Sis. A well built house of 8 rooms and reception hall, lias hall, parlor, dining room, living room and kitchen on the first floor; 3 bed rooms and bath on the second floor; one finished bed room and store room on the third floor. Fine corner lot; south front; paving and curb iuji on both, sides of lot; house Is utile Uy alimodarn, built about 8 years ago. Owner has out the price to 81 000 for Quick sale. Hastings Hoyden. lUt Harney Street. The best Una ot homes in Kountse .place OWNER MUST SELL New, t-e'nry. 8-room bungalow. Has re ception hall with colonnade opening, large parlor, beautiful dining room with beamed oiling, panelled walls, plate rail and win dow seat; all In oak; nice kitchen with maple floor. Strictly all modern. Must be seen to be appreciated. Act quick, as this will not last long. Located at ls2t Man derson St. Phone Webster 621. Open today from I to 6 p. m. NEW MODERN HOME at 1813 Plnkney Bt. Two-story square house on full lot. with divided basement. First floor baa nice reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen finished In oak: large pantry; solid oak stairway; three nice bad rooms with closets, also linen closet and bath room on second floor; full stairway to large attlo. Ftna combination lighting fixtures, good workmanship and location near park and car line. Owner at 3134 Emmet Bt. Phone Webster 6U3. W est Farnam et feet on Dodge, near 8Mb, 82.2M. 48 feet on Farnara near, Hath, U.soO. 1 feet on 8th Ave., near Farnam. 85,000. 101 feet corner, very choice, 8'.-0. Hicks Real Estate Co., H Bd. Trade X.w 7 rooms snd reoewtion hall, com nletely modern, finished In oak, at a bar gain; immediate poaaeaslon; always open for Inspection. Investigate. 2oal Evans tt REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKIITY FOR "AI.K (Continued ) ItdAL K8TATK TITLK-TIU'ST CO. For Fists South 6:1x135 feet, south front. Mason slreet, near TM. Knstern owner asys must sell. Also DIRT Ktlt SALK. Several thousand vnr1s cheap. Best offer buys. Value. $'.'6.00.' l''or Flats West big corner. '.:7th. and Davenport streets, three houses now iiai iciiuiir iur luiNiern es tate must be closed, want offer. Value, $3,7AO. Beautiful home, thoroughly tnoilein. 8 rooms .... , . . I n nn , I I . , I throe iota, magnificent Shade trees, ttt. 668). Price, $13,000. Kight-room, modern, barn and chlckea house; owner going to Missouri, South Omaha; No. lth street, tU. 8664). For quick sale, $2,600. Six-room, thoroughly modnrn. first-cla-sa home, tile floor In bath room, other floors oak and maple, beam ceilings, din ing room mission oak. with panels, No. I3d, near Camden avenue; owner obliged to sell acoount moving to Chicago, $4,500. Two large flats, Dodge street near IStli, bringing $J60 each, tlj. SH6), $3,150. ACKKS Forty-five acres north of Council Bluffs near Crescent, five rooms and barn, 30 acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, $4,600. Also S3 acres (19 in cultivation) buildings two miles of Honey creek. (c. 660), per crt? fib. Ten acres, fully set to bearing fruit, also equipped for poultry; southwest near Center street, five room house and barn, tO. 668), $4,000. Corner lot In Tukey Heights, fine lot worth more money, (E. 6tit), $300 REAL KSTATK TITLE-TRUST CO i i v" XNsu nonk nidg. Tel. Douglas 8107. evenings, H. 2687. riUCE $2475. $275 CASH. $25 PER MONTH MODERN, NEW GOTTA G ft New cottage. Just completed, strlclli modern. Nice living room, good slse and bright dining room, convenient kitchen and pantry, three splendid bud chambers with good closets for each, one bed room would make a swell ilen or library. Nice bath room with porcelain fixtures all complete, hot and cold watur. Splendid furnace that will heat every cor ner of the house. Electrlo light through out with beautiful and hevy brush bra fixtures, domes, etc. Polished oak floors, woodwork done In a very pretty golden oak finish. Fine larue basement. irtekei and concreted. Everything good and first -class, In every particular. Uood lot iiOxliv near car anu school, fine neighborhood, nice homes surrounding. Located In the pretty Rose Hill addition, one block from the golf links of the club house., anion, II, I location. Cement walks. Well built. Your rent will pay for this pretty and attrac tive little home. Price $2,475, $2) cash and $-5 per month, or $175 cash and $28.o0 per month. You can own this home. Don't think because price la low that all la not Just as advertised See me today aa earl as possible and look It over carefully. Am not a home only on Sunday and can not be seen during the week. Come today ror this will go quickly. F. 8. Trullingni', 114 South Halcyon avenue, Benson. Phone Benson 122. $2,500 6-room bungalow, with furnace heat, electrlo light, gas. hot and cold water, chicken ho.ise, barn, 8 lots and only 2 blocks from can 4907 N. 3Sth. 83,7L0 A 6-room modern house, built less than two years; oak finish first floor; furnace, hot and oold water, combination lights, bath, large oe ment basement, storm sash and screens. Only $400 cash required Bal ance same as rent. lxok at It. 2.323 . 6. 31st Bt, 84,200 Dundee home, built last year. rooms, all modern; oak finish first floor; 2d floor hard pine with white enamel and doors In mahogany. Only 2 blocks from car. $1,000 cash re quired. $16,000 A close-in Investment of three at tached flats that are always rented and within walking distance. Two of the apartments have furnace heat and one hot water heat. Paved street, east front. $3,200 A lot on 8Nth Ave. In the West Farnam district; run size and tne only vacant lot loft in this block of fine homes. BUTTON REALTY CO., 694 Brandels Bldg. Tol. Doug. 1670. A Home Bargain Step in and Hang Up Your nat. 1805 Binney Street. f ......... BAnnfnv mi en1 l.avln, .ninK, thing In the house. Household goods In voice $1,4011, nearly new. House cost $12,000. All for $7.6H0. This. Is a snap If you want a home. Must be seen to be appreciated. Write, call, wire or phone. Arthur C. Grossman, 218 Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb. 7 ROOMS HOT WATER HEAT ONLY $3,000 This Is located at 2884 Ohio St . and the unnp iiu. reduced the. nrlce S.'iOO for im mediate sale. It Is an exceptionally well leslgned house and nas just Deen recently le,. rated Has noen SISII'WBV. fine hot,- Vidutinr tilnni full hHsement. We can truthfully say that the buyer of this ilace will gel one oi tne very oesc pianes ,.r tin. moiiev wiikh we have ever sold. 'hrM im m nice larue var:1 with eliade. nlsn ilace for chickens, (io and see this place today. Tel. D. Jtioti. A-1K.. HASTINGS & 11EYHKN l'.H HARNETT St. CREIUHTON'S FIRST ADDITION lx rooms, modern, 2306 S. 3.1d St.; hlnh and sightly. iaai iuuui" "u" ful neighborhood, ona block from U lnd sor school ana wesi siu iu ii , m itlon hall, living room, dining room. n flout fl,,,.i'- ce kite lien ami l"""" " bed roOIIlH, UUlll, linril - second floor. Oak finish downstairs. on y IOW IMII. U,Vi. . ........ - - ce iun tw.t muter it ant. l.ut buxlto ."t-r ini alley. Fine lawn, fruit and shrulbei owner considering transfer from city ami will sell. HEADQUARTERS FOR VACANT LOTS tv have aoma rare bargains in building lota for cash or on easy payments PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., WH CAN SELL YOU ,e best built five room cottage In the rltv me nesi ouni ii, "" - --- , j strictly modern In every ruepect, lora i-l In Crelghton first autnuuu. GALLAGHER & NHI.SON i'Jv Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8JS2 1 ......,r II, 1llliTinM TOUM on two transcontinental railroads; thiee lirlgallon projects surrounding; one tuo leol computed within 4 miles; town Just starting: closest town 8 uiilos either m ; geographical and natural railroad center It richest developing fruit distill t lit Washington slate. Lots now $40 to $l'w wnta at once fc-r leaervatlon. Yakuat Towiuilte Co., 6-4 Craiy lildg., Statti'r A BARGAIN 640 acres; extra good Improvements: all fenced, hog itastuie wtlti woven who. Owner going to Germany and wains to sell at once. .i,"00 ciuth. balance terms. NOKDSTKOM NFFF. 611 Bee Bldg. I