MAKCllT, IS THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ! Primary Receipt About One-Half What They Were Last Year. CSOP SITUATION IS FLATTERING f orn la a Trifle Dall, Onln( In Lark of rm to FraUrr the Trad Inai Prices Are Bulla Steady. OMAHA. March 3. 1H1 The wheat Ik more of n debatable market than It hss been for some time. The sharp off of primary receipts to less man Islf of last yur'n nt this season, will prohsblv give a liberal decrease In the visible supply for the wk Just ending. On the other hanil the crop situation is very flattering, and rash wheat and flour business are not Improved and are depres sing conditions. 1 ha trade seems evenly dl Idrd. The corn market la acting on a supply and demand feature at present with the artlon of wheat having Ita effect. Coun try selling and report of export business are being closely watched by the trade. Wheat was lens active, buying and Belling being fairly evenly divided and prlcea ruled about unchanged for the day at a shade over the clone. News la mostly bearish, but the market had good support and held firm. Corn was a trifle dull owing to a lack ft any new to feature the trading. Trices ruled steady at a shade under yesterday s close. Clearances showed up heavy, but cash sales were reported lc lower. Primary wheat receipts were 2.KI.OU0 bush eln and shipments 2.'7.n"0 bushels, against receipts last year of 646.000 bushels and ship ments of 214.0110 biiahels. Primary corn receipts were 6S3.000 buahels and shipments 43l.n bushels, against re ceipts last e:ir of fifw.noo bushels and ship ment!" of 4 1. (Ml bushels. Clearances were 7M.0ri0 buahels of corn, none of oats, and wheat and flour equal to V.V") bushels. Liverpool cloned V.-TPud lower on wheat nd u hanged to VI higher on corn. The following cash Bales was reported: WMKAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, c; No. 3 hard, 1 car (dark). 85c; 1 car (rye mixed), f.'t'4c. CORN No. S white. 2 cars. 40r; No. 3 color, 1 car, 4c; No. 3 yellow, 6 cars, 40c; 2 cars. ic; No. 3 mixed, 1 car (special sale), 4"c; 3 cars, 394c; No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 88c. OATS No. 3 white, 1 car (local sale). Wc; No. 4 white, 1 car, 28c; no grade, 2 cars, 27Hc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 83HfRc; No. 3 hard. 82fr86c; No. 4 hard, 72VsfK2Hc; re jected hard, "04i'79n; No. 3 spring, fO 87',c: No. 4 spring. 78u4c; No. 2 durum, K'yJrWie; No. 3 durum, MHa2e. CUHN-No. 2 white, i'fMle; go. 3 white. 40-340V4C; No. 4 white. iWtciWic. ; No. 3 color, 3Vo40c; No. 2 yellow. 40(4440440; No. 3 vellow, 39VSJ40C; No. 4 yellow, 88V(J 88 V; No. 2, SS-ac; No. 8, 394T39V4c; No. 4, 37''&38e. OATS No. t white. 29rWv; standard. 2RVa.2o; No. 3 white, ZS'fefi 2?c : No. 4 white, 27V4'S2Xc; No. 3 yellow. 27VxiT2Rcj. No. 4 yellow. 274j27'4c. BARLEY No. 3. 7ti?82c; No. 4. 6ftjf76c; No. 1 feed, SOWWc; rejected, 6tWi14c. RTE-No. 2, ?.itf80c; No. 3, 78(8790. Omaha, Cash Prices. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 16 498 163 Minneapolis 108 Omaha 40 t Duluth 1 tuition ;hai.n and provisions Features of the Trading- and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, March 3. Assertions that the reciprocity bill would fall and that there were serious doubts about an extra ses sion of congress had much to do with an advance In the price of wheat. The market closed firm with a net gain' of Ho to Ma. Corn finished He to e down, oats off o to r and provisions at 10c to 2214s? ad vance. It was a day full of nervousness In the wheat pit. Shorts showed unmistakable signs of being easily frightened, but there, was not enough new Investment buying nr sufficient daring on the part of specu lative bulls to cause a stampede. Moderate advances brought forward Invariably a few large shorts willing to supply the wants of the small fry. Diminishing pri mary receipts formed an Important angle in favor of an upward turn. There was evidence, too, of an Increasing demand for flour. Moreover, farm reserves In the 1'nlted States were said to have fallen 12.00.W0 bushels under last year. On the other hand, world's shipments promised1 to be heavier and the fact was apparently made clear late In the day that conditions would be reassembled If reciprocity was not acted on In a manner satisfactory to President Taft. May fluctuated from 89H SiKdVfcc. to 90S.Cq!04o. with late trades He net higher at SOVa'SOc. Favorable weather and lack of export demand depressed com. May ranged be tween 47ac and 48Vtf484,c, closing steady at 48c, a net loss of '4c. Cash corn was heavy. No. 2 yellow finished at 46V,?i47c. Oats displayed reluctance to rally. May varied from 3014c to 80c and In the end was Sc easier than last night at SOW-tO'-iC. Purchases by shorts helped provisions upwards. Last sales were 10c to 22c net higher for pork, IJHc to 15o for lard and 10c to 17VbO for ribs. Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Oraln company. Telephone Douglas 2478. 708 Brandela building, Omaha: Articles. I Opn. High. Low. Close.) Yes'y. Wheat- I I May... 8H 80S SSV, 90H 89 July... 8VaN 9 skm m xxh Sept... 87S& f 87SI 88 87 Corn- l I I I- May... 48'4 48i 471, 48 1 48 July... 48T, 491 48 48', 49-4 Sept... 494 0H 4!l 48 0 Cats- I I I May... 30HSS SO7. SOA4I Sov, July... H 80S toil 30 30 Sept... 301, 30' 29;, 80 tu Pork- I I I I I May... 17 30 I IT 45 I IT 2(5 I 17 45 I 17 22H ,luly... 16 67H 1 70 16 60 16 674 16 57Vi Lard- I II 14 May... ft' I 16 I OK I 15 (00 July... 07 10 02Vi 10 8 7U Hept... 07W 8 06 I 124 8 97 Ribs- I I I I I Sept... 8 37HI 474 8 30 I 47',; 3 SO Julv... 8 074 111 I 9 06 I 10 8 00 .Sept... 8 0741 8 1241 8 0741 8 1241 8 O24 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 4 .00 4 86; winter straights. I3.504j-t.24): spring straights. 3i4.oo; bakers, JX00fl4.40. RY Fa-No. 2. d644!i6c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, C&i75c; fair to choice malting, Ul-fiOHc SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, t2.65; No. 1 northwestern, f2.6!i. Timothy, fll.75. Clover. 115.01. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., f!8.75 gilV.Ou. lrd. per 100 lbs.. f9 OT,. Short ribs, sides (lotee) tv7.Viiy .374; short clear sides (boxed), 9.50r1i'9.624. Total clearances or wheat and flour were equal to Iu9.0u0 bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet s. were equal to 2.9SO.OO0 bu. Primary receipts were SS.inlO bu., compared with 546.000 bu. tue corresponding 1v a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 11 cars; corn, 861 cars; oats, 103 cars; hogs, II. Ma he&d. Chicago Cash Prices: WHEAT No. 2 red. t0QO4c; No. 8 red. 7(dic: No. 1 northern Hiring. 8Vf99c; No. 2 northern spring, 84 fcHOC. CORN No. t cash. 46G44c; No. 1 whits. (.-6464c; No. 8 white. SjO-H4c; No. 8 yel low. 344A4C OATS No. 3 caah, 4fiV; No. I white. 80,'n31c; No. 3 white, 2r4'Tia4c; No. 4 white. 20'!4c; standard. Si4il314c. HUTTER Steady; creameries, 16tW8c; dslrles. ai54c. E.OGA Easy; receipts. 7.17 cases: at mirk, cases Included, U14c; firsts, 164c; prime flreta, 174c. CHEESE Steady: daisies. 12fflSc; twins. 134c; Young Americas, i:9l4c; long horns i:i4c. POTATOES Weak: rholc to fancy, 42 U3o; fair to good. fi40c. POULTRY Weak; turkeys, dressed, llto; chickens, hens. live. 14c; dressed. 15c; springs, live, 13c; dressed. 15c. VEAL Steady; to to 60-lb. wts.. 84c: 0 lo sd-lh. wts.. 104c; 85 to 110-lb. wts., 114c. Carlot Receipts: Wheat. 16 cars; corn. 4M cars; oata, 1 cars. Estimated Tomor row: Wheat. 11 cars; corn. 861 cars; oats, cars. I Krraeel Ursls Market. LIVERPOOL. March 8. WHEAT Dull; No. 3 red western winter, no stock: fu tures, steady; March, a 8d; May, 6a 8d; July. s 8d. - CORN 4pot: American mixed new. easy, 4s; American mixed old, quiet, bs Sd; fu tures, quiet; May, 4a id; July, is 4,d. 41 1 a aea polls tiralei Market. MINNKAIH1LIS, March 8. WHEAT Mav, K,4iriS-; July. Tc; September. 8He. Cash: No. 1 hard. W; No. 1 north ern. Ttt-etV; No. i northern, 84nic; No. I, l rLuUH-First patesta. f4-efc(p4l8. 4sxul patents. II 4..-U4 i.': first clears, $2.UH' ' second clears. II. Val0 FLAX Closed at 2.6'4. CUHN-No. . yellow. 41V,'u42c. OA I S No. 3 white. 2Sv-!c. HYH-No. 2. 'ilc. IIHAN-In 100-11). sacks. I-UO" 21.00. M-)W IIIIIK .KKKAI. M.4RKKT 4)aotatlona of the Day on Varlona 4 ommndltlfi, XKW VoltK. Mnrch S.-FliOCR-Qulet; choice iatents. l.!'n.'i l.'i. str-MKhts. Iiwir 4 00: other patents, 44 Xn 4 -.Mi; spring clears. l Wi'(i4 .2.-1: winter extras. No. 1, 83 2f.-"n3.M); winter extras No. 2. f3.imi3.2T: Kansss straights. H.-JKii.X,. live flour, steady; fair to good. 4 2,v,t4 10; choice to fancy, 14. t I 4:. Kucknheat flour, uuiet. CORNMKAI, Steady; fine white and yel low, fi.2o-ul.2S; coarse. 1. 221 1.25; kiln dried, 12. MO. WHEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red. M'dC elevator, and 9..c, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern iMiluth. HOTS. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market, except for an easier open ing, due to bearish foreign news, was quite steady nil day. with a moderate trade. The light Interior movement and stcHdier northwest markets checked sell ing. Last prices showed an advance of ',. May. 9nVi!4. closed at !) 5-lHc; July, 94V9: closed at 94'c. Receipts, 14. urn bu.: shipments, 7.1HI tin. ColtN-Spot market steady; No. 2. 614c, f o. b. afloat. Futures market was with out transactions, closing unchanged. May closed at r,..4c Receipts, 4.375 bu.; ship ments. 173.319 bu. o TS Spot market steadv; standard white, 3.V; No. 2. .L'.4c; No. 3. :144c; No. 4, 34c. Futures market was without trans setlons, closing nominal. Receipts, . w) bu. HAY-Steady; No. 1, fl.OO; No. 2, 99c; No. 3, iTi'iS.'c. Hops Dull; state common to choir. 1910, 2.Mi29c; l;i09. Isr,i21c; Pacific coast, 19U lW21c: l'i9. 14',17c. HIDES yulet; Central America, 20'sc; Bogota. 2HJ,(22'-4c. LKATHI'.U-Sleadv: firsts, 234c; seconds, 214i 23c: thirds. iy,.ilc; reiects. Irl7c JMIOVISIONS fork, firm; mess. f23.0O; short clears, f I9.0iv,i21.00. Heef. steadv; mess, 114 Oikv, 14 funilly, IIH.Iifi'o lti.50; beef hams, $27. Oof. 29.(10. Cut meats. quiet: plckleil bellies. 111 to II lhs., fl2.ffK(il3.(a): pickled hams, $12. V. Lard, firm; middle west, prime, t!i.20rn9.3n; refined, steadv ; continent, f9.i; South America, fiafiO; compound. f8.00 -y8 2T. TALLOW Frsv: country, trfi 7c. BUTTER Stendy ; creamery, held, extra 19c; firsts, 17'y.(li4c; seconds, 16'al7o; Jlate, dairy, common to fnlr, l.VrflOc; fac tory, current make, firsts. WilH4c. EUlJS Steady ; fresh gathered, extra se lected. 1844184c; firsts. 174til74c; seconds. I6441 lt4c; refilgerator. firsts. Mviftjlac; seconds, 14c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown, 194; western, fresh gathered whites. 21(2.'. POULTRY Alive, easv; western chick ens, lB'.ilf,4c; fowls. 17' 18c; turkeys, 16'ql8e. Dressed, easy: western chickens, 14c; fowls, 14!U7c; turkeys, 1Mi22c W RATHER IN TIIR GRAIN BELT Tetaperatnres Moderatlag Slowly Throagkosl the West. OMAHA. March 3, 1911. Temperatures have continued to moder ate slowly in the central valleys and west during the past twenty-four hours, and generally warmer weather prevails in all portions of the country, except on the south Atlantic coast and along the north ern bounddry. A very decided fall in tem perature has occurred within the last twenty-four hours In the western Cana dian provinces and the Lake Superior re gion. Light snow flurries are reported this morning In the lower lake region and east ern states, and light snows are also u,ulte general In the extreme northwest. It Is un settled In the extreme southwest, and light rains are falling along the middle and lower California coast. The weather con tinues fair In the central valleys and west into the mountains, and conditions are favorable for continued fair In this vi cinity tonight and Saturday, -with slightly colder tonight. Temperature and precipitation as com pared with the lust three vears: T . , , , t 1910. 1909. 19CW. Lowest last night 30 42 S3 31 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 29 degrees Deficiency In precipitation since March L .07 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1910. ,07 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909, .07 'nches. u a. WELSH. Local Forecaster. ft. Loots General Market. ST. I.OTTTS Mo Ht.k TTTTTTT. . T Futures, higher; May, SMigWtc; July, S6T4 X64e. Cash, firm; track: No. 2 red, 92 94c: No. 2 hard, 90ru!W4c. CORN Lower- Mav JCX.m. T..1-. .n. . ' th-p duly, tnc. Cash, steady; track: No. 2, 444gl46c; No. 2 "lllin, UfJTnc, OATS Lower; May, 294c; Julv, 2Ro. Cash, lower; track: No. 2, 304o; No. 2 white, 824c RYE-I nchanged. 834c. FLOUR Firm; winter patents. f4.3f?4.85; extra fancy and straight, f3.7Og4.10; hard winter clears, l.'l.OOrri 3 40 REED Timothy, f6.O0r39.5o. CORNMEAI.r-f2.30. RRAN Dull; sacked, east track, fl.08 l.Oo. HAY Firm; timothy, fl 4.0016. 50; prairie, flO.OOry 14.00. PKOVISlOXfr-Pork unchanged: Jobbing. 819.00. Ird higher n-lmu n w..;k " T . ' , I " "Irani. . ."Tl.t .0u. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed 'extra """". w.ou; ciear nus, w.M); short clears, 19. 124. Hacon. eaay; boxed extra clear, fl0.7G; short clears, flO.874. POULTRY Firm : chickens, 124c; springs, 15c; turkeys, 15c; ducks. lc; geese. 8c. RUTTER-Steady; creamery, 2W&26,.. EQQS Lower; 164c. , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,600 7 300 Wheat, bu 14,009 56.000 Corn, bu 7,000 20.000 Oats, bu 56.000 81.000 I Kansas Cltr Grain and Provlalons KANSAS CTTY. Mo., March 8. WHEAT May, 864'664c, bid; July. 83Ttc bid. Cash, unchanged to lc higher; No. 2 hard, 87(frSo; No. 3, (ftc; No. 2 red, 8193c; No 3, So'Mle. CORN May, 44c bid; July. 474e. sellers. Cash, weak, lc lower; No. 2 mixed, 43c No. 3 mixed. 42H424C; No. 2 white, 424rd43c; No. 3 white. 4213 43c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white. 31(S324c; No. 2 mixed. j30c. RYE No. 2, 7579c. HAY Strong to 25c higher; choice timothy. fl3.6Owl4.00; choice prairie, fl2.0otf 12.25. Hl'TTER-Creamery. 25c; firsts, 22c; sec onds, 2flc; packing stock. 13c. EC.US-Extras. 174c; firsts. 164c. Receipts. Shipments. heat. bu 2X 000 46.0110 Corn, bu 76.0iK) 29 (mo Oats, bu 4.000 8.0UO Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA, March S.-RUTTER-Steady; extra western creamery, 27c; extra nearby prtnts. 29c. EUtJS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases) 19c at mark; current receipts, free rases, ISc at mark; western f 1 m t a frA -au&a lu.. A . - 1 - - . n , i . a i nisi h current rwelpts, free cases. ISc at mark. CHEESE New York full creams, fancy September. 14c; fair to good, 13ul3Hc lllnankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis , March l.-FIXDUR Ixjwer. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 9g99c; No. 2 northern. 96ir37c, Mm', 904e. OATS Standard. 3:icv BARLEY Samples, 89(f07o. Peoria Market. PEORTA. Til . March 8 CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 yellow, 46c; No. 8 vellow. 47Hc; No. 4 yellow. 42c; No. 8 mixed, 434c; sample, 3094410. OATS Steady; No. white, 24c. Dnlnth Grain Market. DUI.TTH. March 3 WHRAT-No. 1 northern, if.'ic; No. 3 northern, KW,c; May. 6Sc; July, 874c DATS- 24o. Boatoa t'loslaaT Stocks BOSTON, March S.-Closing quotation s on Alloue, 24 Mohawk Amag Copper i7, Nerada ( Am 7.1nc 23 Nlplaalng Mines Ami iVinimerrial i North Butte . Atlantic 4 North Lake B aton A C. ppeT 1! Old Dominion.., Butte IVtaiitton 1T Oafe.Ua , 44 . . 8 119 , II , 47 , 11 i iim Arts n Parrott CaJuniet A Heels. Centennial oiper Range .470 (julncy ,. 11 Hhannon . 6 Et Bulte Franklin Glrout Con Gran by Ckin Gi-eene I'ananea Inle Boymlte Kerr l.ake Ike Copper jk Salle Hw ellnil Copier Bid. 121, SiipeiiH A Boston.. S Suierlor A PlUitjrg Tainarsra i Smelting 4 4.1 pfd 7JiH t'lali Con I'tah iVipper 2' ' Winona 4 'Wolverine . 4 14 41 US . 44 4 .111 Baak 4leir1BCa. OMAHA. Marh l-Bnk clearing, for '. ' r-.- . i ana ror the tMSLdiug ate Uiit T-r HfcaVsl. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Irregular, with Upward Ten dency in Spite of Difficulties. RAILWAY MEN DENY REPORTS Western Officials Assert 'No Curtail ment of Operations Is Decided t'pon aa Resnlt of Recent Rate Decision. NEW TORK. March 8. The stock mar ket was irregular todsv. with an upward tendency In spite of difficulties which be set bullish operators, but few material net gains were recorded st the close. Appre hensions of an extra session of congress, with lis possibilities of tariff changes, overshadowed all other Influences and made the market nervous. United States Rubber and General Elec tric were conspicuously weak. Weakness of (Jeneral Electric was attributed to filing of a federal suit, under the anti-trust law. against a number of electrical companies alleged to be In the control of (Seneral Electric. Copper shares made a good show ing despite Indifferent trnde conditions and expectations that the forthcoming state ment of the producers will reveal a falling off In both domestic and export business. Officials of various western railroads denied reports that curtailment of opera tions hnd been decided on because of the freleht raten decision. A number of addi tional reports of earnings for January were received. Illinois Central, Chicago, Knr llngton yulncy and Missouri, Kansas Texas reported small gains and decreases were shown by Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chi cago ft St. louts, Atlantic Coast Line. Raltimore Ohio. Chesapeake ft Ohio and Louisville ft Nashville. The money movement between clearing house banks and the subtrensury this week was at no time heavy and the receipt of funds from the Interior was of compara tively small volume. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. t2.6X9.noO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Bales. High. Low. Clone. HI .nni f2'4 62 l.or f,H (,- f.;4 l.arn 4S 4iM 4!iv 1,M 10 sv s, M0 5.14 53 K 3no l ao sni 2"0 2.14 23 4 23 21 11 2X1 7uj Jfi ll.nnri 74 7s 74 SiM If 1M 1M4 100 44 44 44 1114 2,000 Ui 144 1441k vi fn (wi 4 1.600 33 S; I 13.5O0 loci, 04 1044 .W) li2Sj 1l?4 10214 li in 1211 in 1.1) 10J 102 10J ?i m Z'u, I.SOO 774, 7614 77Mi l.bnn 213' 212 s lH 100 10 ao tr 10B14 J 8.SO0 8244 Sim I4 ioo'"ri" 2114 i'4 431, 400 1444, 1444 144 14.OT0 12TH, ll4 U9 100 en en 6r0 SIS Sl4, 1H 400 &H Mil M 4.&00 ie4 is 10 z loo 1M lA lsr.'i 400 82 tl4 81 70 MU1 Ml, X U 4.000 2m MM, 2 3,100 44 47 'i 4-S W) rf R 2 3.100 144 ItfMj 148 4,700 124V4 4O0 f,H M14 6H4 300 18A II414, 134 200 U K'i KSi B2'4 (00 lMVfc 11R lWi Kt H4 1 F. 100 10S4 104 10 40 Id 4O0 S3V4 U HMi W'i o no, 1104 11014 , 800 14IT4 143 143 200 2744 27"4 27 2"0 14 140 140 3,600 I2S4 S1'4 82 8,300 K6'4 UI4 2fi0 Mi 121 121 Mi 1,7'aj 6.1H M 62 300 S7 S74 37 20,700 107 J0T 106 100 41 41 41 1,41)0 103 102 102 S 1,300 121 12044 111 94 8,400 126 12T. 1Z(, 400 103 103 103 f 1S 800 81 1144 32 168 100 23 88 83 83,200 16A 163 164 200 82 23 82 2O0 WH K 1,600 xa 28 too 6 68 ST 41 4044 40 Allls-mialmers pfd AmaljramHlefl 'opper. . . . . . Am. Agrirultttfrml Am. Het Rugar Am. "n Am. Cr A Foundry Am. Cotton nil Am. Hide Leather pfd.. Am. Ire Berurttl'iff Am Llnnead Am. lyieomrttlve Am. Smelting A Ref do pfj Am. Steal Foundries Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tel. Tel Am. Tobacco prd Am. Woolen Anaconds Mining Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Chant Line B. O Hethleham Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.... Canadian Pacjfla Central Leather do pfd Central of W. J Chen. A Ohio Chlrairo A Alton Chlcaso Great Weat.. now do pfd C. A N. W C. M. A St. P C, C, C. ft St. L Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Con. Oae Corn Products Delaware A Hudson D. A R. Q do pfd TMatlllera' Securities Brie do 1st pfd do d pfd General Electric, ex-dlv.... Great Northern pfd an Oregon ctfa Illlnota Central Inter. Met do pfd Inter. Harvester Inter. Marine pfd Inter. Paper Inter. Pump Iowa Central K. C. Southern do pfd Laclede Oas L. A N Minn. A St. L Minn., Bt. P. A S. 8te M. M., K. A T do pfd Missouri Pacific. ...T. jN'atlonaf Biscuit National Lead Nat' I R. H. of M. M pfd N. Y. Central N. Y., Ont. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific .". Paclflo Mall PennayWanta People's Gaa P., C, C. A 8t. L Pltteborg Coal Pressed Steel Oar Pullman Palace Car Railway gteel Spring (Heading Republlo Steel do pfd R. k Island Co do pfd St. L. A B. F. 2d pfd St. Louis 8. W It do pfd fi Sloas-Shefflald 8. A I (1 Southern Pacific 4,300 1fi 119 11 -Hi Southern RsJIway 1,100 2ft 2S 16 do pfd 800 63 3 Tenn. Copper 6O0 gT 87 37 Texaa A Pacific 200 28 87 27 T . St. L. A W 300 2t 22 22 do pfd 800 61 61 61 Union Paclflo 67,600 172 171 171 do pfd 0 V. 8. Realty 800 47 6- l V. 8. Rubber 21.000 41 41 42 V. 8. Steel li'&too 76 74 7t do pfd 600 118 118 118 Vtah Copper ,7l0 .44 43 43 Va -Ciro. Chemical i,n 67 ss Wabash 800 17 1S 111 do pfd 8,200 87 87 87 Weatern Maryland too 4 48 48 Weetlnshouse Electric 300 C7 7 17 Western I'nlon 78 W. A Lake Brie t Lehigh Valley 8,600 ITS 171 172 Total salca for the dar. 602,700 shares. London Stork Market. LONDON, March 3. American securities opened steady and about unchanged today. Trading was light during the first hour, but prices advanced a fraction, and at noon the market ranged from unchanged to V, higher than yesterday's New York closing. Consols, moner.. do aocount Amal. Copper.... Anaconda Atchison 80 16-14 Louisville A N. 1 13-14 Id., K. A T ... 46 N. Y. Central... ... 7 Norfolk A W... ...107 do pfd , ...! Ontario A W... ..14 .. MS .. 11 ..104 .. 2 .. 4i'4 .. 44 .. 8 .. 7 .. 2fi .. 66 do pfd Baltimore A Ohlo...l"f PrnnajrlTanla ... Canadian Pacific 21 Rand Mines...., rhenapeake A O 3V Heading , Chicago O. W... 22 Southern Rr..,., till.. Mil. A Bt. P.. 123 do pfd.. De Hoars 1 Southern Pacific 11TI4 Denver A Rio O. do pfd Brie do 1st pfd , do 2d prd Grand Trunk !: t'nlon Pacific 176 79 do pfd 93 24 V. 8. Steel 77 44 do pfd 151 8 Waba4ll 17 27 do pfd 88 138 Spanish 4s 84 Illinois Centrsl. HI L V K K Bar. steady at Jl 6 led per o. MONttY 2:'i,i3 Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2'il2'i per cent; for three months' bills, 8 8-lfr'g2 per cent. Local Becnrltle?). - -, fli-nl.t.- k Sum. .--.. yuolal""1" m.ii. vr - . nnnaer A Co.. 448 New Omaha National Bang - ..II .41.. v UUIIUIII,' Bid. Aaksrf Beatrloa Creamery. 87 cu.. trice Creamery, eom t7 as Central Goal A Coke pfd 71 ti lou 108 H Tt vm M 47 1 Fairmont ireeiur,r m- i ...... Great Weatern Sugar Co. f p. a. prd.. Joe Iowa Portland Cement 1st ratg. 4s.. 87 Kuiiaas CUT Ky. A bt. Pld TO Omaha Country Club 4a. 1M1 Omaha Oaa 6a. 1817 H Omaha Water 8a. 1444 7 Ouiaka C St. Kr. 8a. U24 87 O naka A C B. St. Ry. pfd I p. a.. u Omaha m c. B r- Omaha A C. . Hy. Bridge 4J Omaha E. L. A T. is. 1" ', Omaha National Bank stock 17i Omaha Water Co. let pfd 4 Omaha Water l. sa pia a thsrldan Coal Company Ti , Smlth-Lorkwood Mfg Co. is raokere NaU. Bank stork. Ba. Oraaaa MM 1M 4 to kin Stock suxia. wm New York t'ejrb Market. , The following quotations are furnished by lngan A Hryan. member of New York Stock exchange, 81s South sixteenth street, . . L . Am. Tobacco... 4 Ooldfleld Flor.. May State lias. tlreen Caaanea Honston Con... 4 Inspiration I1 8 8H Hutte Coailtion. le i.aruss 4 Cart ii ..j 1 Nevada Consol ... 2" New house ... 1 Nevada Ct .ah la Ohio Cnniter Chlno Chief Consol. Fraction Iavls Iialv . Kly Central . Consol .. Witch ... la 1 14 .... 1' Rawhide Coall.. 3 8 Ray Central .... !. Swift I'kg. Co.. 101, . i Suoeriov A Pitts. 15 Franklin Glroux , 'a Trinity Copsjer.. 4; ....813-18 United Copper... 13v t I sisana eutai - s 1 I v-cw votteT March 3. ImiHirtg of mer York for the week ending February 2.'' Were valued at fln.78,2"fa. Imports of spei'le at the port of New York for the week ending today were l'nT.773; silver and gold. 1 1;.4 .". Kxwrts of specie for the week were fwil.401, silver; flSi.H-'o, gold. HKPORT OF TIIR CI.KAKIX4J HOI R Transarllons of the aaorlaled llaaka for the AVeek. N KW YOrtK. March 3. Itradstrert's bsnk clearings reKirt for the week ending March - nhos an segregate of :t.4.:'i . as ssalnst t2.ti,r..j.kJ lant week ami H.4'.M.i;Ji. 0" In the correKpomling week last vear. Following Is a list of the cities: I I I , Clearings. J Inc. j Dec CITIES. New York .... Chicago , Hoston Philadelphia ., St. IjoiiIs Kansas City ., I'lttsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis fl.832.7S.(ini. !fllo,.'AS.(Nh , 1K4.274.0J4V. lifi.o.l) 7ti.rtH.0no nll.KHi.iMli. SI.Mi.Oml 4l.;X.3,ij .V.!iMill 2i)..H2.(M. HI..Dvt.lHiOI. m,v4),fi. I.7!t3,tmilj. ls.o!i noi) . 16,634,000' . lH.841.Oinl 14. ;.47. !)!. IH. IISH.IwkD) II. lill.ll'"!: I. l.2.-iS.I10 ti.K44.nti II. :i4ii.iit( l'i,177.lll. Hl,2li7.itXi .S4'i.i"0;. K.iiKrt.ism. 7.7.14. urn . 7.tii.m. 9. i mm . 4.77"i.lKII. fi.Kfil.tmol 8.3.VK.OHI D.4v4.IXK . 6.7;i.Otj . 4.14:(.Oi 4). 6.11S.0H0 4.'ilx.0Ki. 4,711. 0KH. Clevelsnd New irleans I'etrolt Omaha Ijos Angeles ., Inilsvllle Milwaukee ... Seattle St. F'nul Atlanta i'ortland, Ore. Huffaio Indlnnapolis . 1 enver ITovldence ... Richmond .. 2.1 aliltigton, D. C. St. Joseph Fort Woith Memphis Salt Ijike City . Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane, Wash. Toledo Hartford Rochester lies Moines Nashville Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk 4.fii.00i 6.ti2.0i1o 4.3f.1.00il 2,Rt'Jj,()0t) 3.4).noo 8.144,0(10 23.2 Oakland Cal. Rlotix Cltv 2.74H.IN New Haven Grand Rapids ... Bcranton Birmingham Jacksonville, Fla. Oklahoma Syracuse Augusta. Oa. .... Worcester Evansvllls Springfield, Mass. Dayton Portland. Me Wheeling, W. Va. I.lttle Rock 8.3:i2.0iiO 2.870.000 8.0IB.0O0I 2.835,0001 2.K4.0mi 2,740.000 Mti.OOOi 2.774.000 2.240.000 2.113.0001 2.506,000' 2,084.000 1.674,0110 1. Ml. 000 1.750,000 Charlestown, Knoxvllle .., Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport . Wilmington, Mobile 8. C. 1.8l4.ono 1. WO, ft 4) 1.764.000 1,964,000 1,6.10,000 l,nSr7,i0 1.449,000 1.42H.0HO l.SZTi.OtX) 1.834.0(4) 3.0iO.O0O 1 (VVI.ODOI Del. Wllkesbarre Sacramento, Cal. Topeka Cedar Rapids, Macon Fall River Youngstown .. New Bedford Springfield. Ill Fort Wayne .. Canton. O 16.3 la! 1. H.0flfJ 1.411,0001 1.2H0.0l)0 l.l9.0f!0 l.lMO.ftK) 794.010 710.000 8OR.000 924.000 1.216.000 Sioux Falls Akron, O. . Kalamazoo, . 8. D. Mich. 10.4 38.0 Helena Columbia, 8 C. .. Lexington Fargo, N. D , Erie. Pa , Rockford. 111., .. Qulncy, 111 Bloomlngton, 111., CheRter, Pa, , Springfield, O. ., South Bend, Ind. Lowell Jackson, Miss ... Blnghamton Decatur. Ill Mansfield. O Fremont. Neb. ... Vlcksburg, Miss. Jacksonville, 111. York, Pa "Waterloo, la, .... Houston Galveston 637,0001 794.000 764.0001 866,000 1,R08.000 622,000. 810,0001 471.0(4)1 Br,9,(KI0 144,0001 4M.0H0I 6a.000 4iil.000) 431.0(101 293.0l) 6S3. 1.063. 1.600, 11.RS3.000I 16,175,0001 Not Included In totals 4ecause containing other Items than clearings. New York Money 7a.i"?ret. NEW TORK. March 8. MONEY On call, steady; 2WQt per cent; ruling rate, 2V per cent; closing bid, 24 per, cent; of fered at 2 per cent. Time loans easier and very dull; sixty days, 28 per cent; ninety days, 33i per cent; six months, 8V per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 49 IH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at 34.8390(34.84 for sixty-day bills and at f4.8640 for de mand. Commercial bills, t4.83ft4.83V SILVER Bar. 624c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irreimlur Closing quotations on bonds were follows: as 74i 4 88 44j 78 V. 8. ref. 8s, m .101 enter. Mei. 4s .101 Inter. Marine 44ii... .10244 Japan 4s .10J4. do 4Hs .llfiH K. C. 8o. Ut S.... .llt4i L. 8. deb. 4s, 1.31... . 77V L tt N. unl. 4s...... do eoupon V. g. Is. reg 4n coupon r 8. 4i. ref do coupon ANIa-Chal. 1st Is, Am. Asjrl'l bs Am. T. T. ct. 844, IOS'4 M.. K. T. Ut BS 4s.l06'4 dO sen. 4's 84 Am. Tobacco 4s.,,., do 4s , Armour fc Co. 4ts Atchison gen. 4k.... ... 8444 Mo. Pacific 4a 8044 104'4 Nat'l Kr of M. 4Hs 44 '4 84 N. Y. Cen'l g. 8Hs. Hist 444a do deb. 4s 3 an cv. 4s do ct. 6e.... Atlantic C. U 107 N.Y.,N.H. H e. 4s.l3S'4 N. ft w. 1st oon. 4s 1st 4s 7S do ct. 4a 1034 B. A O. 4s do 3tt . 8W No. Paclfto ' . S2S4 do is 100 704 do 8. W. mi . Ore. g. L. rfdg. Brooklyn Tr. cr. 4s. :i4 Perm, or. ISa, ltli. Cen'l o4 Oa. 6e im do eon. 4s 114 Cen'l Leather 6s Cen'l of N. J. g. Che.. 4k O. 4s. ... wm Reading sen. 4a.. 114 as.122'4 St. L. ft 8. F. ff. 4a 81 ...1004 do gen. Bs m ... M44 8". L. 8. w. eon. 4s 78 do ref. be X'bl 4k Alton Stta.. C. B. ft Q. It. 4.. 70 lo 1st gold 4a tuhi M Seaboard A. L. 4s. , TAV4 do fen, Kl So. Pacinc ool. 4s.. Vi r.,M. at st p i 14a 424 do ct. 4a w4 C. K. I. P. o. do rf. 4s Colo. Ind. 6a tlo. Mldlsnd 4s..., Colo, ft tkiutliern ref and ext. 4(a Del. ft. H. ot. 4s... D. ft H O. 4a do ref. 6a rilatlllere' 6s Kris prior lien 4e.., do aen. 4a re,, ao lit ref. 4a t4'4 tu.44 80. Railway l Ws 77 do gen. 4s 774 464 Union Pacific 4s.....loo4 00 ct. 4s l'M't do 1st and ret. 4a.. KS 4H V. 8. Rubber 4s 10844 li II. 8. Steel Id 6S...M6V, 48 Va.-1sro. Cliem'l ii1 "wanaun 1st na l)4 84 do 1st and ait. 4a. . 7TS4 Weatern Md. 4s ah', .lo rv. 4. aeries A 74 west. Bleo. or. as... 92 V do ct. 6s. series B 70 wis. Central 4s.. 9t Oen. Elec. ot. U....1454 Ida. Paclflo a ta.... 111. rea l 1st ref. 4s. ,44 Bid. ew York Mining; Storka. NEW TORK. March 8. Closing quota tions on the miMng oxchange: Alice .. fu Uttle Chief ... 8 ...IM ...Hit ...110 ...I'M ... 16 CVmetock Tun' 1 stock 83 Kealcan do bonds 14 Ontario Om. Cel. ft Va. rloro glWer ... Iron Silver LeadTllle Con . ..144 Ophlr , Standard ...... Yellow Jacket .140 . 10 Coffee Market. NEW TORK, March t COFFBB-Mar-ket opened steady at a decline of 2 6 points under selling, believed to be by merchants for the purpoee of hedging spot coffee holdings, and rumors that spot sup plies were being offered at the Interior at concessions. Cables made a ateady show ing aod private advtoes from Havre re Iterated small estimates of the coming crop, but the market here became verv weajc during the middle of the day and at one time showed a net loes of about 16-c W points. 1 lie close was up rrom the low em. on a renewal of bull support and cov ering, with the tone steady at a net de cline of 7ft'13 points. bale. 66.000 bags. March, lO.lSc; April, May, June and July, 10 10c; August. 10.02c: September, kirtc; Oc tober . .!r4c; November, y.i4c; December, January and February. 8 64a. Havre closed net unchanged to V40 lower. Ham burg was WaV pig. higher. Rio. nominal Santos, 4 a, 50 rels lower, at ottoA; 7 s, 100 rels lower, at 6(300. Hraxlllan exchange on I,ondon waa unchangeil. Receipts at the two porta, ll.uuo bags, strain t 2uou0 bags laat year. Jundlaiiy receiiits, 8.100 Ikk, against 3,200 bags last year. The world's vlnlLle supply ot coffee on March 1 wax l.l,44b.io3 bags, sgalnst iri.S21.63X bags last Near. Knot coffee, weak: Rio No. 7. UVc Santos No. 4, 12'c; mild, dull; Corduva, tao440, nominal. Wool Market. BT. LOUIS, March 3 -WOOL Market un clianged: territory and western mediums. I4i2c; fins mediums, ltxtflac.; fins. 12413c. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Very Slow and Weak to Ten Cents Lower. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Moderate Mieep Itecclpta In the Fare of ;ol llaylns: Demand rrslrs Moderately Active Market at Firm Trices. SOI T1I OMAHA. March S. lull. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogi Sheep Official Mon.l.iv ... R .116 8.674 Official Tuesilsy 4. mo 14..-9 Offlclnl Wedticsrlay .... 3.4T7 9 :i'W official Thin "iliiy 2 Mi) 8.4S r.Mtimate r"rlilay 1.400 8.4() Five days thin week 17.KVS 47.111 Psme days last week .... I'.i. 147 49.7'i.t bailie dnj s 2 weeks ugo. .2.1. 1' .1 40 ?: Same days I weeks ncn. . 11 40. pn Kama il.ivs 4 weeks ago..211,1 43.:1 fame nays last vesr "I.2;W 3.b.t4 The following table shows the receipts of rnttle. hogs ami sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last Var: mil vnn lnc Icc. 1H7S 47 177.W7 9.800 Hogg 4,,, s,;2 4,v, 127 B." S1lcl 3 10, Mil 2.'i7,W.6 o2,78 The following table t-howa the average prices on hogs nt South Oninha for the last everal days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1311. l:il0.it9O9.190S.lW7.19Ort.U'JO!. Feb. 23.. 24... 2S.. 26.. 27... 13. . 1... 2.., 3.. 7 04'4 9 201 8 04! I 8 82; 04 1 4 8 9 19; 6 11 4 02; I 6 01 4 60 6 975 9 23 8 211 4 11! 8 79, I 4 78 Fob. Feu. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. .Mar. I 9 jM in 4 12i M 6 i 8 i I 8 141 4 10 8 761 04 1 8 IwV 3! I 4 231 8 791 8 Hi 8 W 9 47 8 0S I 8 So 6 05 1 4 77 4 M 4 00 D ll.1', H fK 14 4 L7C O UH a 4 6 78'Vl 9 50 6 3tl 4 20 ( U T8 Sunday. Receltil. Ji, 1., .. -. 1. .4 1 " " in live fi in rv a.v the linion Stock Yards, South Omaha, for ..-.nj-iuur nours ending at 3 p. m. yes terday; iu-:ckipts. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il'r's. C, M. A St. P 8 6 T. AVabash 4 Missouri Pacific 1 I'nion Paclflo 8 33 2 C. N. W., cast.... 1 1 .. C. & N. W., west.... 15 30 1 C, .St. T., M. & O.... 4 3 (',., U. & Q., east 3 C, H. te y., west.... IS 86 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 1 6 C. It. I. & P., west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 C. G. VV 1 3 11 Total receipts .... 62 lTl U 2 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 73 l.nal Swift and Company wi7 2.076 470 Cudahy Packing Co 4fil 2.8.16 1.018 Armour A Co 873 8,678 1.467 W. B. Van Rant Co 18 Hill & Son 15 Itenton, Vansant & Lush 20 P. K. Lewis 9 J. B. Root & Co 82 L. P. Hum 16 McCreary & Carey 3 K. Werthelmer 18 ..... II. F. Hamilton o Christy & Cllna 6 Other buyers 133 2.840 Totals .U08 8.121 8,284 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very light this morning only fifty-four cars be ing reported In. Still there waa a great plenty as compared with the demand, which waa light as usual on a Friday. Some of the packers were not trying to buy cattle at all, having their necessities for the weex filled and other buyers did not appear overly anxious. It will be readily understood from this that the trade was slow and weak from start to finish. Here and there salesmen who hap pened to be fortunate in having just what the buyer wanted thought they got out about as well as yesterday, while others figured that they took off all of 10c. In fact the general market might be described as slow and weak to 10c lower. The trade on cows and heifers was about the same as described above, being any where from weak to 10c lower than yes terday, with the trade generally dull. It was. In fact, a typical Friday's market. There were very few Btockers and feeders In sight, In fact, not enough to make any Impression on the market. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beer steers. 86.0O4T6.85; fair to good beef steers. 5.ti6Q(1.00; common to fair beef steers, 85.00 (5.6&; good to choice cows and heifers, 84.605.50; fair to good cows and heifers, 60; common to fair cows and heifers, I3.01K&4.26; good to choice stockers and feed ers, 85.405.80; fair to good Btockers and feeders, 85.00g5.40; common to fair stockers find feeders, 84-26'g5.00; stock heifers, 83.75 4,4.60; veal calves. 84.00ig8.00; bulls, stags, etc., 84.OOuC.15. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 8 14 II 10 At. ... 716 ...10t4 ... til ... It ... 444 ...1111 ...1161 ... K4 ...low ...1(161 ...1226 ...1"27 ...12.M ...1165 ... 9 ... t6l ... 4t& ... 410 ...1140 ... 446 ...10OII ... 7S6 ... 411 ...1108 ... tDO ...104 ... M0 ...1164 ...10H4 ...1"4 ... HI ... 7!H ... 44 ... 4110 ... 618 ... 601 ... t"0 ... 441 ... 617 ... 7fJ ...10" ... 44 ... 464 ...I'M ...11 ...14i.S ...164 ...11M) ...ll) ...H00 ...W0 ...16 ...110 ... 400 ... 210 ... l ... 640 ... M ... 4.-.S ... 0 ... 115 ... 44 ... 410 ... hr7 ... 6M ... 445 ...400 ... 424 Pr. Na. A. Pr. 4 76 10 .....1014 ( at 4 76 4 1171 8 80 i 45 II 10 I BO 4 6u 16 1121 6 40 6 66 18 ! t 111 I 66 14 1164 4 00 i 16 14 i m 4 00 I 66 M 12t)0 6 04 ( 70 40 1344 4 "4 6 70 II ! 6 10 t 70 II 1327 I 14 6 76 17 1407 I II ( SO 16 1441 6 20 i 0 II 11116 6 46 COWS. I 60 4 1147 4 40 I 0 14 461 4 .70 I W) t IM 4 70 4 00 1 1134 4 70 4 10 I lw4 4 76 4 10 t 10 4 10 4 16 11 1060 4 10 4 26 4 1130 8 00 4 !6 t 1114 6 00 4 26 t I HO I 00 4 35 6 1200 6 00 4 40 4 If. 4 6 110 4 40 6 1214 8 10 4 40 1 1)00 I 10 4 60 1 1161 I 16 4 60 1 1140 I 'A 4 66 HEIFERS. 4 10 88 14 6 00 4 16 4 7l 4 0) 4 16 8 t40 i (10 4 15 I I16 I 00 4 35 10 v... 147 6 00 4 60 4 i:tJ 6 00 4 60 4 670 t 00 4 0 t 1010 I W 4 65 4 Hi4 I to 4 70 II 441 f It 4 75 t 444 I 44 6 00 BULLS. 4 60 8 1140 6 on 4 46 4 1140 6 00.. 4 70 1 1620 6 00 4 70 1 1070 I 00 4 76 1 1340 ( 00 4 76 t 14S0 I 00 4 75 4 1S00 6 10 4 76 8 1475 6 10 4 46 1 1770 8 10 4 to CALVES. 4 Oil t 140 6 60 4 00 1 160 7 00 4 00 1 140 7 iM) 4 60 1 1 10 7 00 4 60 1 180 7 00 t 00 8 145 7 00 t 00 1 120 T 60 I no 1 160 7 60 6 00 8 124 1 60 6 HO 146 7 .6 6 ! 1 170 T 76 I 16 1 110 1 76 I 40 6 174 I 00 i 40 1 160 00 1 40 8 w ii 4 16 8 144 I 00 10. 14. ....... ... 4... 11... 7... 1... 11... It... 8... 4.... .... 8... 4.... 4.... T.... 1 ... t.... 8.... I.... .... 8.... 14 ... II.... 11... 4... 4 ... I.... f .... I ... 4 ... ... I ... 4.... a.... 11.... i. ... 1.... 1.... a... 1... 1... 1.... 1.... L... 4 ... 1.... 11..'.'.. t2.'.'.'.'. 1 70 "STOCK EKS AND FEEDERS. I 00 II. 744 M t-l ( ao .... 0 .... 4n .... 62 .... 471 .... 461 .... 44 411 ( 00 I 00 6 II 1 I 46 I t6 446 6 II 60S I 14 114 i It S4! m in 4 1 60 tlO I 40 861 8 44 i 6 a 10., .. 710 to HOGS Uncertainty regaraing pi-ice levsis for hogs turned to bearlshness this morn ing, all of the larger buyers Instating upon much cheaper cost. Supplies were well up to normal at most of the leading trade cen ters, local receipts Included, and declines were guneral. At this point, early droves were put up at figures 10jl5o lower than average prlcea yesterday and the market grew steadily worse as the morning ad vanced. Demand was at no time active and was almost wholly confined to buyers for local packing concerns. Popular bids for reasonably good butch ers settled at 86 W. and much ot the stuff sold on this basis. I.ate In the session when there was very slack Inquiry for any kind of stock at lJ-iiioo declines, very de cent light mined hud to move around 84 K). Best lights made a short top of 87.0U. a piece of a load bringing this figure. Pull logds of bacon weights sold aa high aa 8ti 80. 20c less than yesterday's high pries for full loads. Thus far this week the trade has been uneven with the trend of values lower. Receipts have been fairly large and helped to some etent In forcing the msrket down ward. Present prices average pretty close to 24c loner than those paid at last week's clo'e. No. At Sh Tr. Ne. A Sh Pr 41 Ill W IM 10 U7 ... 4 M " ! ... 4 ts ) ... I au 2 ... 4 TD 7t 120 ... M ii" ... 4 ; m tn to 4 -'M ... 4 M 74 4 ... 4 W 21 '0 ... 4 TO 6 2ol ... I 0 ' : 40 I ; 6,1. 24 ijo i S"7 l0 IM t;.. jkh ... M 64 ail ... 4 7il l m K I 111 " -1 ... 4 70 M. IM ... I t.l 4" .' ... 8 ; 4 100 4 10 66 ... 4 71 24 1.0 ... 4 40 6 '4 W 4 70 M JoA ... I w 5 2i ... 4 71 4 .;t ... 4 HO 47 2t ... 4 44 ni ... 6 fu) ' S4 ... 4 7Ji, 7t U i 1 o " S. ... I 76 6 .6 ... I Na 47 l ... 4 76 14 ... I 40 '4 tl . ... 6 14 76 .fit 0 4 0 M 274 Son 71 76 J41 40 4 SO 6 SfW 130 4 '.J mt.. MS ... 4 as 4 75 7 241 ... 110 4 74 II MS 40 aw 4 74 71 fr ... 4 40 J' ' 76 72 JSfi, ... I :v, S 4 76 44 M ... IMu " 1 10 4 76 M M ... 4 Mw 4 76 71 2..I ... 4 6 " "4 ... I 76 t ... I W ' 74 7 2- n I M 'J 7 74 1:4 ... 4 KT 1 2' 4 76 71 JK, ... KA 2,n ... t 75 m xii ... 4 j 'l 7K!, 4 76 41 J) ... 4 to ' :-m i I "4 40 4 75 74 2.T7 10 4 SA 2;6 ... 4 76 7 r4l ... 4 V, 64 i ... 4 75 J 2:14 . 1 f, 'j 7 to 4 75 74 i-JS l' 4 sr, 7 217 ... 4 76 6 r.,7 ... 6 Si 60 tm ... I 76 (hi ;.; ... k-, ' 2S7 0 4 76 f, '.4 ... 4 Mi 7 90S 4 75 44 S2T. 10 Ui R3 67 ... 4 76 44 ZNI ... 6 11 273 ... 4 75 35 240 ... I s fi 247 ... 6 75 Hi lo ... v, 4" 2"7 80 76 112 2.10 ... I 5 70 270 ... 4 75 71 212 ... 6 5 M 241 ... 6 77Mi II I9il ... 6 ! I" ... 4 77', 47 210 ... I no 74 2'M 40 4 77', 74 r7 ... 01 fi' 2r.J ... 6 ) 73 s ) 6 l 1 274 ... 6 so 4 .n ... 4 90 3 f fO 4 0 44 217 ... 6 M 67 VA ... 6 n 70 2-10 ... 6 !0 41 1W) ... 6 SO 14 174 ... 7 no silKifn-i . " ' ' .' -1 oin niiii.v 1,1 HIlCCp and lamlis infused a fair degree of compe tition In the demand this morning and everything on sale cleared readily at good firm prices. Costlier kinds of stuck, lambs and yearlings, moved with as much free dom as the more staple grades of old ewes and wethers, but prices were held well un der control from the start Wethers were too scarce to try out the scale of values and the supply of ewes did not carry very choice tops. Host ewes of fered early brought 8l.Su. indicating ex treme quotations of 84.4O404 60. Yearlings or handy weight were wanted around V IS Bv30. one string going at the former flg- lh?c 'J.1' JJme ln nianv 1a " lambs T16-?- Th,y wer8 ' holce. however. M eWlth .th mrket. Feeding lambs t J V, for "hearing, are selling at de cidedly small margins under good killing stock. Anything good in the way of ehearers found an easy outlet this week at or near $5.75. Receipts for the five days this week are barely normal and trend to trade ha been generally stronger. Present prices It it S?P ""'yearlings "how net advances or 154i-2fc, while lambs average strong with 5.1""- "? . A,"nc4) of very much Im provement In lambs Is largely explained bv Rn,,tVn """TO Prds existing between A . maha n(l eastern values. 1 on? P Bnpep Bn,1i. Imbs: Oood frK o1? 'amb". 85.8Sfci.IO;S fair to good kJn-3tai'-K,: handy W'Uf't yearlings. $ . hf"ayy yearlings, $4.6rVn.10; good Mt?r't,h'r8- K'f; fair to good ?i 7,'7"n W.j.Wt.a,; good to choice ewes. JJ5(&4.10, sheep culls to feeders. 83.01M Representatlva MS western lambs, feeders . 118 western ewes 4.18 western lambs '..'.'.'.'. 428 western yearlings 178 Mexican ewes 68 Mexican ewes 14 Wentarr. 11.. 77 1W M .- 81 76 72 8 CO 4 115 8 00 6 15 8 75 8 75 3 (0 4 10 4 80 6 11O 6 10 4 75 4 40 6 10 5 65 6 65 6 25 391 western ewes 85 112 (W wethers.. 123 123 107 ot western ewes 275 western lambs 4 western yearlings, S w"l"m yearlings o western yearlings 22 western yearlings a8 western lambs, feeders 88 western lambs, feeders. 10 western lambs ,. 66 .118 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hogs "low Sheep Strong;. C3"AO,. March 3. CATTLE Receipts. b.w; Texas steers. ti ifrTiA a ..,AU steers. 14 7- .toZ. V' ' " fio;.WB and nelfer. 2.7Oa.00; calves, HOGS-Receipts. 18,000 head; market slow; generally loo lower; light, :S.IJ(if7.20: m f-04'7.1S: heavy. $6.66fc7.10; rough! B.tibS.N0; good to choice heavv. $6,904(17 lo pigs. 17.0x73)7.20; bulk of sales, J6.90.-tf 7.15. ' ' 8HEBP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10 000 head; marset strong; Native, $3 00rn4 go western 3.2fi$r4.80; yearlings. M7r,,5 75: native lambs, 6.00ig6.26; western, I5.25U6.26; Kansas City I.Jtc Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., March S. -CATTLE -Receipts. 1,300 head, Including 400 south erns; market, steers, steady to weak; oows. t ft5:7i!.d78."6! bee nd xP"-t steers. e.004r.715; fair 'to good, 16.604.00; western Lt'Bno$526'3.,8.2S: tocke and foMers 4.60ti.00; southern steers, 6.2b4i.00; Bouth ern cows. 3.00ra5.t5; native cows IS.orVff i SoTeHTooH75ra6 00: bulk' H9S.STR"ce'pt8' 6 000 "ead: market. 6c L 100 lowri bulk of ""Jes, i;.8607.oa; .pmcktTm an(1 butchers 6.ifr7.a); lights, .6&'7.10. SHEEP AND LA M B3 Receipts. 2.000 head; market steady; lambs, 6.2.7W5.10; yearlings 4 9005.60; wethers. 4.2U(4 5t)' ewej I4.0O4H35; stockers and feeders. 3 w t. I.eols Live Stork Market. -or?1!; L?L7S,,arCh CATTLK-Recelpts. .00 head Including 100 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, 6 504P7.00; dressed beef and butcher llt?r,i .J6'00!': "teers under LOCK) lbs., I.2f)(.75; Btockers and feeders, !3.7fjtfj5 75 cows and heifers, Id ofxgii.ftO; canners 12 SC 3.25; bulk, $3,754)5.50; calves, 4 WM 50' Texas and Indian steers, J4.5o4Ttf.60; cows' and heifers, J3.5o4t.00. HOGS Receipts. 8,600 head; market, ES 10c higher; pigs and lights, 6.50r7.30; pack ers, J.9f,&7.96. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Hecelpts. 1,000 head: market, 10c higher; native muttons J3.7t.ii4.75; lambs, Jo.7u'!iti 3d; culls and bucks J2.604j3.25; stockers, Ji.AKtf3.25. St. Joseph I.Ivf Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo., March 8. CATTLE Receipts. 6o0 head; market, steady: steers J6.a4ni.60; cows and heifers, J3.25i(6.i6i calves, J4.0O&8.25. HOOS Receipts, 6,500 head; market, 5 10c lower; top, J7.W; bulk of sales. SC-su e6. B1IEEP AND LAMR.S Receipts. 1 S00 bead; market, strong; iambs, J6.6O44i.OO. Stock la llirhi. Receipts of live stock at the five prlncl- iu I uoutern vu......... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha St. Joseph .... Kansas City ,. St. Louis Chicago Totals .. 1,400 8.4(4) 6.600 6.0.10 2,iKi0 .. 600 .. 1,314) .. 7"0 l.son 3 (cm 1.000 10.000 9.6. 4) 18,01)0 .23,900 46.600 18,400 Cotloa Market. LIVERPOOL. March .-Ths following are the weekly cotton statistics: Imtxins all kinds. 116,000 bales; Imports. American, 92.000: stock all kinds. 1.2y.0r; stock, American, 1,181,000; American forwarded, 79.0.4); total exports none. NEW YORK'. March . COTTON Snot nlosed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up lands, 14.65c; middling gulf, 14 wic. ?ales, S.226 bales. BT. LOUIS, March I. COTTON Un changed; ml idling, H7c; sales, 22 bales; receipts, 1.639 bales; shipments, i:'.4 bales; stock, 24,435 bales. New York eotton market as furnished by Logan Bryan, members New York Cot ton exchange, 115 boulh rJixteenth street. Month. I Open. Hlgh. Low. t;iose. Yes'y! March . 14 It 14) 14 10 14 18 14 May ... 14 86 14 68 14 74 14 39 14 4i July ... 14 20 1 4 35 14 19 14 22 14 ill Aug. .. IS 73 13 87 IS 73 18 76 13 M Oct. ... 12 88 12 73 12 69 12 69 12 73 Tarpeatla aaa Koalas. SAVANNAH. March 8. TURPKNTIN'F Firm at 87c; sales, 40 bbls.; receipts, 121 bbls: shipments, 263 bbls ; stock. 2.227 bbls KOHIN Firm; sales. 690 bbls.: receinta. 43 bbls.; snlpraents, 1.752 bbls; stocks, M -61 bbls. Quote: B, J7.12",; D. 87 15; F, J7 174; K. 87.20; i. r7.; H. 87 40: I. 87 n: K. 17 'mi. M, 87 96; N. J8 00; W. O.. JS 06; W. W., s40. Satrar Market. NEW YORK. March 8.-r!UaAR-Raw. barely steady; muscovado, test, S.2;ic; centrifugal. M test. 8.73c; tnolaoses, a test, l.isvc; refined, quiet. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE General Trend Darinf ths Week Toward Improvement, FR0GRESS IN IRON AND STEEI Operations In Primary Oottea OooeU Markets and In Jnhblngr Ileuses 8(4111 of Very Conserra tlTe ( hsrsrler, KKW TOUK. March - It. O. tiun'l Weekly Uo lew of Trade tomorrow will say: The general trend during the week ha been toward Improvement. The railway rste finding and the prospect of an extra session of conuress hare not prevented further progress towsnl the re-establlsh-mrnt of hiiMint" cunf idence and activity. rnchocked progress stiears In the Iron snd steel tram-, with mi cancellations ol railroad orders resulting from the recenl decision regarding fri'lght rates. The lead ing producer Is steadily expanding Its blast tin tim e operations, now having fullv tU per cent of Hie rapacity active and th4 desired reduction in pig Iron stocks ll being accomplished, although on a mod erate scale. This same Interest did an ex cellent export business last month and the record of new orders exceeded tin January rate, while shipments llkewtst Increased. A broader buying movement has devel oped In Hessemer Iron' at Pittsburg. Th outlook In the rail division comities prom ising, with a contract for IfiO.WM tons m iscted in the mar future, and foreign In terests are negotiating for a cotislderablt tonnage. Activity In wire products Is sus talned and It Is believed that an advanc of 81 per ton will shortly be announced ! while higher prices are also looked Xoi on merchant pipe operations In the primary cotton goodr markets and In the Jobbing houses an still of a very conservative character an a short house season Is foreshadowed bj the falling off In the attendance ofbuyers The export shipments of cotton goods t date are subslnntlally ahead of a yeai ago. Mills are curtailing In cotton aiu woolen and worsted sections, but glnghsti mills continue In full operation and print ers of Htaplo and fancy wiish fabrics nr quite busy. There was little or no re sponse to higher cotton In the piece good! markets, while cotton yarn prices actually fell off In the face of advancing raw mi terlal. 1'iinlness In shoes continues below nor mal for this season of the year and man 3 factories are only partly employed. Buyer are holding off for lower prlcea as a re sult, although some of them are beginning to display more Interest and might operi. quite liberally on slight concession "... prices. Domestic hides are again active, eshpeclalyl packers' stocks. Country hldei are rirm. but less active than packers and all varieties of foreign hides are steady to strong. The leather market Is stll disturbed by the discount terms. BHtDSTHEKT'S RRVIRW OF TRADE Spring; Jobbing; Trade Tends to Ex pand tmradoally. NEW YORK, March 3.-Hradstreet's to morrow will say: Spring Johblng trade tends to expand gradually, with conservatism still In evi dence anil with small lota Imvlm, .ntn.l requirements generally governing. Collec-, pn iiin iiiiiuoveineni ana are siui klow to fair, with dragging payments noted In parts of the northwest where crops were short last year. Textile lines show unsatisfactory demand and reduced outputs. The Iron and steel trades are still discussing the effects ol the railroads to secure higher freight rates. The fool trade Is dull. The leather trade Is quiet. Business failures, in the United States for the week ending March 2 were 2f6 against 22X last week and 184 In the like week of 1910, 219 in 1H09, 287 ln 1908 and IT. In 1907. t Business failures In Canada for' th week number 83, which compares with 24 lawt week and 22 In the same week In 19. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending March 2 aggregate 2.9,2X) bushels against l.ilOo.u&O last week and 1,845,807 this week last year. Corn exports for the week were 2.861.627 bushels against l.SC)7,U76 last week and 733,4(16 ln 1900. OMAHA WUOI.E.1.4LB P.ICKS. BUTTER-Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade ln 1-lb. cartons, !T7c; No 2. In 30-lb. tubs, 2f)C No. 2, ln 1-lb. cartons 2f.r; packing stock, solid pack, 14c; dairy In 6-lb. tubs, linil'.c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE-Twlns. 15',,glc; Young Ameri cas, 18c; daisies, 16Vt4jl7o; triplets l&Wfi ltfc; llmberger, 18c; No. 1 brick, ltfHe- Im ported Swiss, 32c; domestlo Swiss. Elcj, block POULTRY Dressed broilers, under t lbs Jo per dos.; hens, lie; cocks, lie; ducks' 18c; geese, 100; lurxeys, ifbo: niarenn. dox. 11.20: . , - ir nomer oa. per do n nr,r fancy squabs per dos.. XS.60 dox., 13.00. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth les-s loo; hens, llc; stags, 13c; old roosters 7n: old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese 'full lemiioiru, - i.' , m;, guinea fowls 25c each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers per dox., J3.00; squabs, No. 1, per doi tJ Tut No. 2, per dox.. 60c; capons, over t lbs lie old turkeys. 17c. 14c FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 7c; white lie. pike. c; trout. 11c; large crapples, tifoUl: Spanish mackerel, l'Jo; eel. ike; haddock 13c; flounders, Uc: green catfish, Joe: shad. Jl each; shade roe. per pair. 85e; fro 1 Vr ,(..i . 60c: sa 111011. lie: h.m...: !" ABB, 1 - . .wuL ma l,.,...ln C. ". KRUITS-Apple r HL iii : 1 ' ., , . . 3iieiiowor r box, J176; Colorado extra fancy Jona un. per full bu box, lj.76; H. Twig. per 11 bu. box. U M, . . Pearmaln, per per ttiu t., l tin Don. , i. carma n. rA full bu. box, $2.;u; Washington extra fancy Wlnesap, w-im '. 'i aim; J60-1.4 sl2es, per box, J2.J0; Washington Mo. Pip, pins. 4V,-tier, per box, J 26; tier, per box. J2 00. Hanunaa: Fancy select, per bunch. $2 26!K2.W; Jumbo, bunch, J2.76tfi.76. Cran berrles: Per box, Jj 60. iJates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box. J2.O0; bulk In 70-lb. buxes. per lb.. Vc. Klgs: New California, 60 ti-ox. pkgs.. J3.90) Turkish, i-crown. per lb., 16c; b crown, per lb 14c; 4-ciown, per lb., 12c. Grape Krult: Florida, 4o-6-i'4-iu sizes, box, 8-1. oo; 96 slse, box, j:i 60. Lemons; Limunelra, brand, ex tra fancv, ;oo-2uO sizes, per box, J4.60; choice, 3O0-3C0 blzes, per box, J4 i; J40 size, 60o per box less. Oranges: Camella Red lands navels, M-95 sizes, per box, Jl.kb; 126 size, pi r tux. J2.o; 150 size, per box V'&u' 176 und smaller sizes, J3.00; choice navels, &.)-9-l-'6 sizes. J2.60; 160 and smaller sizes, J2.iWtf2.75. Pears: CalUornia Winter Nellls, per box, J2.76. VfciGKTAbLKS-Beans: Siring and waa, ner haiuptr. Heels: 1'er buy,. 7ic Cubiiage; n niuumii, per id., iVio. i uirots: i'er bu.. 7jc. Celery: California ii.iuliu per luZ- bunclies, sf. Cucumbers; llul li.iuwi, l:i and 2 Uoz. in box, per dos., 2 l.i. !:: I'luni: r unu- r lon.iu. per Qoi., liiullc: J'.xria luncy, nue, per lb Lt-ttuce: Kxtra fancy leaf, per dos! uc. unions i..... rv. ...u ,e,,,jW p,r I, 2'.4c; indiaba. w title, per lb.. c; Rpan gi," per ciaie. V-'Jt. Onion BeU: Whits, ilolis im. a. leu aim yeiluw par Mllow, per bu.. ii 32 lbs.. 31.60. far.. i r iu., a- L3 l .M; red, per Ou., iu.-: Fancy s luiliern, Lei uua. liuntiiiM Per bu., 76c. Potatoea! .Oii'.ic. caiBiuja. Kaily UlilH f-r". In i-ucki. per bu.. ii.uo OellUif." IM-n mver iy kiiio aeaa, per bu.. Jl 26. lows nnil ii iscuiiHiii, WbltS mock, per bu . 75'tf80c; Coluradu. per bo., w- lei ll).. I'c. 8weet l'oiatoi-s. Kaiisas, per bbl., 13 00. To matoes: Florida, pvr bks. crate, J3.6O-0 4.W. Tunilps: i'er bu., 76o. Metal MurUft. NFJW YORK, March 3 METAL Standard cojiiiei', dull, sis.t, March, April, May and June. JI2 (W( 12 10. lxmdon mar ket quiet; spot, i-64 Ks: f mures, CtA 8s ltd. t'ustoiu house returns show exports of 2,714 tons so far this month. Iaike cop sr. 312 1..' 12 k.H-: electrolytic, SI2.37Vr 12 f0: cMHtmg, J12.ti12.u6. Tin. weak; spot, I N 7,V(i40 2t,; March, 39 C'VjJi 40 00; April, 8.,.i..V..i;C).hT.: May. J.( 12'n: 75; June, i'C dWMi. Ixindon market weak: spot, 4:181; futures. 4.1,8 7s. lowi, dull at ii.ffuin). New York; 84 ,'22Mt4 27',. Fast Bt. Louis. Loijdon nmrket quoted at 4.13 6s. ripelter, firm st 8'.tf'i67fi, New York; 86 6fi(A fci. l-.H-t ll Imis. Ixinilon market quoted at .vntlinoiiy. flrtn; i oogson s. xno(40. in. Cleeland warrants. 4is 4Hd In lin- don. laically Iron was steady; No. 1 foun-. di v. icrtliern. Il.i i.y lh s.; No 2. fl6 6n N'o I southern and .No. 1 southetn. 16 ..; soft. 1S III. 'il 16.00. ST. I.i H is. March 8 M ETALl-VA, dull, 1126. Spelter, firm, to Ova 6 b6. Ilrr Good Market. NEW YORK. March J PRY 0O004V-. t The cotton goods primary msrkets ruls quiet end barely sti-ady on print cloth yard constructions Heavier qualities os! domestics rule steady. Yarns ais dull ami easy. No. 8. 9Hc; No. 1 loin. 161,c ; No. I, lie" Rc 8. 10Hc; No. 1 chuck, 71o; No. J. 70 J 5 fAc- No. 1 round, 8A,c; No. t. u0- Vt"" ?' fie No 1 Plate. 61,o; No. 2, 6c: NoS' al Calirornl. tj-.TL...' "T"1 V