The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY Women Best Buyers The paper that is read by women brings best returns to advertise! $ 1 VOL. XL-NO. 222. OMAHA. SA'IVh'l . Y MnKNINli. MA1( II 4. 1!U1. SINXJLF. CDl'V TWO (TATS. None Such Hosiery Sales As This One Saturday Our iVst gr6 of Ladles' 60e Silk Lisle Ho Ihrea pairs for SI. 00 100 pairs of Ladles' and Miasms fine 20c Hose Saturday ko at 12 Ladle' $1.60 Bilk Thread Hose In all colors and blacks; choice at S9 Five Big Plain Floor Sat urday Specials I.arf"es' Initial anil Fancy Bordered Handker t l.fpf. worth 1" 10c. Go nt 30 On Pig Iit of Fine Ribbons. In all shades, worth to J.'ic. Choir, at 150 One His Iot nf Kin Ribbons, In all shades, worth to iic. Choice, at 10O 21c Fancy .lirntu, Dutch Collar and Stock hun dred to phcmwi from. Saturday, at 100 6ic Mesh Veilings, in all lialcs and pattern Choice Saturday, at 10c Big Sle of Fresh F owers 5,nno PeS'itlful llnnn, (it.r II M and $1 ".0 kind Go per dozen, at 59c 4.000 Fresh Carnation, all shades. $10" iti Saturday, per doy.ei. at 490 Fragrant Violets, freh for Satutday, hunch. SOc In Karly Sptlng Flowers, we are now shnwirr: DalfocillB and Jonquils, instead of tl.O'i per dmen, at SSo Ilcrc 1 hey Are Back Again Saturday Evening Specials At T o'clock Saturday evening we will plnro on sale ono preat lot of while n ml pol.l Cups and S'aurc-rs, Oatmeal Howls, Dates, Creamers nrul Fruits on the second floor; rhultv, at 5c 1 1 jlil a Li j I ft M-tOW FI.IPS Hemstitched and Stamped In if I i 1 I pretty designs regular 75o valnes Saturday M w a '1 Milu special, per pair . 49c J JF A Remarkable Sale of Rogers Silverware Saturday This le Wm. A. Rogers high grade silver ware A-l Flate. Every piece 1 plated on a hard white meta" base of 1 nickel silver. The plating la fuil standard weight, ot pure silver and guaranteed for 20 years' wear In ordinary family use. These prtoea are poeitiTely the lowest Wm. A.. ogr ware has ever heen known to sell lor near haif la the rule. Eeoh piece or set oonui la three patterns Grape, carna tion or tlie new plain "grey-lock" pattern. Here's Bnt a Tew of the Many Items Included la This (treat sui: lingers Tea Spoons at 6SO Heguiarly f 1 00. Hornets Dessert Spoon Kexmarly 1 1 - u U. lingers Table Spoons nt tl.39 ltegularlr II . Itnaers Sugar spoons at gee Regularly 5lir. lingers Butter Knives nt 89c Regularly 50c. Iloiiers Coffee Spoons 7So Regularly 11.25. Rogers Gravy Ladlea St 90 Regulatly tl.OO. Roif-is Child's Set. S pleres ... .7rO Regularly 1.00. Rogers Orange Spoons, In eet for tl.4t Regularly $2 &'. Rogers Cold Meat Forks 490 Kexularly 1.00. 'Rogers Baby Spoon, curved c handle.. B9e Kerfularly blc. Rogers Punch Ladle at tl.8 Regularly $2.98. Itogurs Tea Strainers at 79C Regularly $1.00. Rogers Knives and Korks, dozen, 12.98 Borers Chests all patterns grape, carnation or grey lock pieces of silverware. 6 knives 7 forks, C tea spoons, table spoons, 1 butter kri'fe. 1 sugar spoon, all In a solid oak chest ....86-50 26-plece set, with the same pieces In a moire cheat . .tS.98 These two Items are rare bargains; their par value In more than twice this sale price. 42-piece chest, any pattern tlO.98 17-piece chest, any pattern .. ..(11.98 These rrlcee Are Good for Saturday Only Come early. A small deposit on any thing in t" k i secure it for you until such time a It will be convenient for you to pav (he balance. This sale begins at 8 o'clock Saturday and lasts until 10 T. Bt. only. SATURDAY WE HOLD THE GREATEST SHOE SALE OJIAHA HAS EVER KNOWN IT'S OIK FIX All I.K.AX-l P OF AM, H H aa HHill SIIOKS M pairs of Girls' and .Misses' JjAtj Shoes, worth to t;-0; no at And they can t he beat for wear and style, the leath ers are Patent Colt, Box Calf and Vict Bluchers; the sizes are complete from ll's to 6"a. The heels are school size and only laces are among them. We simply must clear away thes shoes that the room may be used for new spring; and summer shoes that are now here. Every pair's a bargain. Be here as early as possible, as such values so radically re duced are bound to hurry away. Ladles' Shoes Worth to 83.00, Saturday, Choice, tl.75 These come in several Ifitiners and style. Kver pair made for us and we guarantee them the year round. If you purchase tnee Saturday, it'll be the best investment you have ever made. HEI'g SBOXB XH PATEWT COLT A WD DULL LEATHEKB, AT S8.SO. These are In 1911 styles, shown for the first time this season. Shoes made for dress and long service, to look good on all occasions, i.nir $2.5o lines all compare favorable with other stores $1 00 and $3 nO lines. Come in and sine a dollar Saturday. OXJB BOYS' SHOES ABB IIOVK FOB THEISt EXCELLENT 8EBVXCE. No store In Omaha carries such a wide reputation In Hoys' Shoes as does The Hennett Co Hoys' Shoes for all ccca-l"ns. The Dress Shoes at from tl.50 to t3.0o The Outing Shoes, In siaes from 2 to 5S. re sold at ti-75 Attend this sale and see Just what a difference there la In Bennett's Shoes sales and other sales. It's values we give, note thee Saturday. Women Who Love Smart Styles Should See Our New Ladies9 Suits and Coats One of the best garment makers of the east is our tailor. The pride he takes In tailoring smart, popular stylos, to pUaso our customers Is best shown In our new spring suit and outer garments One new model shows those cleverly carved, mannish lines ii. tans and grey. Another has just a bit of the s mi-fitting el fect, with the skirt pleated In L"s yards. sUth linings and collars tome only on suits whose master's art 13 usually tie voted to the extremely high-priced garments. These very attractive models are now selling at S2I5-00 The new tan and navy Serge Coats, with the long roll Tollars, wearing trimmings of pretty satin and Persian braids; come In Iadis' and .Misses' sizes. In lengths that run 6 2 to '.A inches long, and they're only 12.00 AM) NIMI.K THKSK ARK F.XTF.KTA1X1XU .SOME. MAV11K THIS FI.MSH.ri SALE Wll.l. ATTRACT ()l'. Ten Velvet and Corduroy Suits, in black, brown and navy, they are the balance of our $C5.(iO winter goods; Saturday, your choice, at . $10.00 And Choice of Any Girls' Winter Coat, sizes ? to 2 years, values to 10.00; they go Saturday, at SI. OS Satnrday You Should See These Kew Waists, at tl.85 They come in .vhite lawn, with pretty liutch necks and three-.piarter Mikado sleeves, beautifully finished with lace Insertion and Bulgarian trim mings In the front. They're 81.25 - vi &ffr 1,200 Boxes of Fine Stationery Saturday IOC 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes, all high grade paper. Don't miss this sale. v Saturday's Big Hair Goods Sale Large Cluster Puffs 12 puffs to the cluster, extra special Saturday at SOt Cluster Puffs, from 15 to 18 puffs to the cluster, repriced to . . . .0S Large Cluster Puffs, 24 puffs In the set; $2.00 ones for 81.50 Extra Large Cluster Puffs 3G puffs in the cluster, reduced Saturday to S2.50 Nets that covers 24-inch Hair Roll our regular 25c ones, all shades special Sat urilav ISO Washable Rolls The regular 50c kind, all shades. Saturday, choice 3 5c All our switches worth 1mm !jsc to $5 00. go on sale .Saturday at greatly re duced prices. In Our SI, 51.50 ; $2 Spring Corsets will be found all the newest charms in corsetry. The high bust and medium long hips, or perhaps, the medium high bust and extreme long hips. Perhaps those with double hose supporters and non-rustable bonelng; or perhaps the daintily trimmed ones. Perhaps but what's the good of further "Perhaps-lng" when these corsets are now on sale at Bennett's Corset Section this very day and the prices are only $1.00, $1.50' and $2.00 and the fit ia guaranteed to please all types and sizes of women? Good Things Are in Store for the Men and Boys Here Saturday In Men's Clothing. We've cut the prices so deep ly that the men who buy Suits and Coats here Satur day will never forget the value we gave them. Suits made of serges, worsted and casslmeres, in the sea son'B newest styles, worth to $22.50 go Saturday at 10 and S12GO. and never were such suits sold so cheaply. Then too for Men There will be a big Pant Sale. Values from $3.60 to $4.00 gq at SI 95 Worsted trousers, Corduroy trousers, well made in all weaves and colorings. For "Xear Men." All our youths suits with long pants, worth to $15, Saturday'B let go price will be S7 50 The variety is large and good See them. Xo Ixss for the Boys. We've taken all our broken sizes of Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats that regularly sell from $4 up to $6 and divided them into two big groups and reduced the prices for big hurrying away sale Saturday gar ments worth to $4.00 go at S2 45 Garments worth to $6.00 go at S3 45 Then our $1.00 Corduroy Knickerbocker Pants for boys go Saturday at 60 Boys' 50c Blouse Waists re duced to 29? Men See Our Xevr Spring Shirts. They are the famous Colum bian brand, made up In all the pretty . new spring shades and patterns and go at SI OO Mens fine $2.00 and $2.50 Outing flannel night robes, extra well made, all sizes, special Saturday at Sl-15 Candy Sale Offers our famous Fluffeata Chocolates, that regularly go at 50c a lb. for 20c Fresh Chocolate Dipped Maraschino Cherries, the 60c kind, Saturday, lb., at 39c China Bargains That Will Only Be Found at Bennett s Saturday Large tic Blue Earthen Mixing Bowls for Horse Shoe Brand Water Tumblers per doen 180 Candle Lamps, consisting of bras plated candle sticks, candle shade and shade holders and cuirass; our regular 75c value, Saturday, choice, for 25o Extraordinary Pyrography Sale Saturday Choice of our entire stock of woods'. Jewels, stain' and art glass, including fine boxes, Placques, pipe, rakes, stools some slightly soiled but in perfect shape, at 23 DISCOUNT. FREE With every 25c purchase, we will give free, one Japanese water color set, containing 10 colors and two brushes. Kxtra fancy Colorado Potatoes, per buihel vtso Extra fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb., 18 Ho Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, o.t. ,.10o Fancy, hard, solid Cabbage, 1U., lo Florida fJrape Fruit, large ones.... So Fancy Bananas, dozen ISO Fruit Prices Still Lower t Large Bunches Plain Lettuce, 100 Cuttlnf Orange Trices 20c a dozen kind tui ISO Hue a dozen kind fur BOa 40c a dozen kind fur 8&e' iao a dozen kind for S5o SATURDAY FRKSH FUGS WILL (X)ST I.FSS THAN" THF.V HAVK FOR THK PAST MONTHS; DOZKN, 1H t'KNTS Our Egps are different thin other "Store" egxs. Kvery one coming di rect from the farm. We're supplied the year round by the farmerv K months and 10 days ago tney Bold at 18c a dozen, since that time they've brought an high as 37c You can phone your order. Our No. Ij. 131. NF.VKR lit V CHEAP GIUK'KRIKS, Ituy ihe 1U-M at Lowest Prices. BTOTS QVM SATUBDAT SPECIALS! 20 pounds Oranulated Sugar, for tl Bennett's Capitol Flour. per sack 81.30 Bennett's Best Coffee, per pound 33o Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 pounds for BOo Double stamps on these Coffees. SRc grade Tea, assorted per pound 680 itsc grade Teas, assorted per pound 48o Best Tea Siftlnga, per pound package . ...12o B. C. Black Pepper, ' pound can for 10c and 5 stamps. B. C. Baking Powder. 5 pound can for . .81-00 and 100 stamps COOKIB SPECIAL Lemon Cake, fresh made tier .mund Uo Tourist and Oraharn Crackers, pkg 10c and It stamps. per 830 Cheese, full cream, pound and 10 stamps. ( bars Llainond C 8o.ip, for 85c Flower and Vegetable Seeds, 2 packages fio B. C Oats and Wheat. and Pancake, pack age loo . and 10 stamps. j Double stamps on But- terlne. I B. C. Pure Maple Syrup! Gallon can for ....til Hulled Beans and Lima 'Beans, with chicken, i cans for 8So j and 10 stamps. I Smoked Boneless Her- : ring, 2 jars for ....800 and 20 stamps. Maple Sugar Butter, at, per jar . . l&o and lOo Franco-American Soup. quart can for too Galllard's Pure Olive Oil, pint can for . .400 U. C. Buckwheat, 2 lb. pack hi; e for ....lto and 20 stamps. Richelieu Asparagus. German stle. line sire special, at ISO Golden Kagle Cleaned Currants, pound pkg, .tor loo PICKLE SALE Large Sour Pickles. at. each So Dill Pickles, dox. 12o PEAVT7T OIL SALE Large Bottle too and 30 stamps. Medium Bottle ..400 and 20 Ktairips. Small Bottle ....ISo and 10 stampa. 10c Jar Tea Garden Preserved Klcs, for 300 30c Jar Tea Garden Preserved Figs, for 80o DRUGS AND TOILETS REPRICED FOR SATURDAY 75o Pompelan Massaire Cream for 49o 10c Hand Pumice 25c Frostllla 180 50c Palm Olive Cream for 35c 10c Benzo Butter Milk, special Bo 15c Eastman's Pandal Talcum 8o 25c Jar Rone Cream. .15o Perfume Sale Saturday White Rose. Crabiipple and Lilly of the Val loy Perfumes, per oz , at 85o H lb. i'eroxlde 8c 16c Borax, Saturday, 80 25c White Pine Cough Syrup, at 15o 50c Martin's Roup Cure, at 4c Large Bottle of Am monia, at bo Hardware Contributes to Our Big Sat'day Sales $1.50 Galvanized Garbage Pall.... 980 Folding Photo Card Holders BO 10c Sink Brushes, Saturday 3o Pot Lid Covers, Saturday 3o 20c Skirt Hangers drop to loo Brassed Moulding Hooks, dozen..,. So Picture Wire Sale, package Be 600 Shot King Air Rifles. Saturday at tl.39 Single Shot Air Rifles, Saturday . .490 We carry a full stock, of Peter's Shot Shells. Theron C. Bennett's New Broadway Ballad Song Hit. The Song "With the Catchy Air" 19e ASK TO HEAR THE BRAN1 NEW S0NG-WR1TIEN BY AN OMAHA BOY. Only Want to Hear You Say That You Love He and He Alone." OTHER 19c SONGS. Think it Over Mary, That Beautiful Ilag (America), Put Your Arms Around Me. POWER PLANT THIS SPRING New Houte Will Be Located South of Offden. GOVERIfMENT ENGINEER REPORTS Tralaaaalal Winduia of Those Wio Hot Ieeloed Syetena Authori tative Statement as to Merits of Water Storage. OODF.N", Mann 3.-(Special )-A large poaer plant, at a part of the irrigation system of the Davis and Weber Counties Canal company, will be constructed this year. The work will begin. In the spring. The power house will be located to the south of Ofcden. where i.O'O-horse power will be generated from the canal waters. The Davis and Weber Counties Canal company entetprie i holding the atten tion of IrricaCon engineers throughout the country, as It affords a practical demon stration of the value of water storage for Irrigation and power purposes. Samuel Fortler, a government engineer, has made a report which is a testimonial to the wisdom of thot-e who have developed the Mcm. It Is an authoritative state ment aa to the merits of water storage and appropriation, as It deu's with a concrete example of water consecration and ap j.U' ailon and piovrs the poesibllitlea of Irrigation. Air. Koriicr K'ves a hiioi of the undertaking. In which he says: i iihi u ii lit Orait ntt.l, "S nie twe!il-five years tun an irri tation enU'iiu:e. known as the Davis nd Wtlnr Couiit.i h Cuuul company, waa secured and with this amount the structure was raised some ninety-five feet above bedrock, giving an available depth of water of fifty-three feet In the reaervoir and a capacity of 167.5iV.000 cubic feet. "Before stored water from the reservoir was available the farmers under the sys tem were not in a prosperous condition. The hard times of the early '9u s had low ered the value of all farm produce. Al falfa was selling In the stack for about $3.00 a ton. and grain brought even less returns. Shares In the company, having a par value of $50.00 each, were selling at from $10 to $12, and the price of good agrl- cultural land ranged from $10 to $30 per ! acre. A fair valuation of the property of the company at this time would not have exceeded $250.0i'0. "The use of stored water proved so valu able In supplementing the flood flow from the liver that In 1900 the height of the dam was increased twenty-five feet, at a cost of $"i.0ni, thereby increasing the capacity to SKT.5kJ.ik10 cubic feet, which supplied the farmers under the system with a continu ous flow of seventy cubic feet per second for sixty days. Two years later, the com pany decided to add seventeen feet more to the height of the dam, thus Increasing the available depth to 100 feet and making the total height of the structure 116 feet above bedroik. At this level the reservoir has a capacity of about O0.'X,OjO cubic feet, or 13 acre feet. "The benefits which have been accrued to the stockholders of this company as a result of applying large quantities of reser voir wer have teen phenomenal. There is perhaps no enterprise of a like kind in the west, which has made so rapid a growth In the laat ten years and none Is In a more prosperous condition financially. The shares of stock which could not be .1.1 . . ... n 1 - . - . . .III II, leu, MIC HUW VfTIIlllS llr incorpoi ated for the purpose of diverting , $175 ,j eVen higher, and the prospects the flood wacfis of Weber river to Irrigate j are sood for a further increase A con a tiact ot laud KiuiiiiaM of ugjrn, 1'tah. aervattve estimate of the value of the Heing one of the lat- approprlatnrs on the property of the company at this time would una in the compsny was entitled to a considerably exceed $!,UwOC. and unlm pot linn of the annual flow only when i proved land under the system Is now then was a suiplus In the river. I su- worth from $1'X to $- per acre without ell. about Julv 1 of eaih ear. when the j water. Improved irrigated lands frequently tiischaige of the stream a needed by j i hanging hands at $.Xi, and occasionally prior appropi lators. the cunpany was com- j at $ and over. pclled to cl Its li.-adgatcs and to keep j Water Increased Valors. them chisd up throualiout the remainder j -This marked Increase' In the value of if the crup-gro-.via.: season. The earlier j all real estate under tha system has been IrrUatlons suff red for the raising of grain j due to a number of causes, but principally anrl hay and sometime for a second crop to the water obtained from the storage of alfalla. bc.l orchard trees and late reservoir and the possibility which exists vegetables lould not be raised with any ! of grtatly im reaalng this mil. ply. Some fif assurance of kutcess. This condition of : teen canning factories have been estab affairs continued for a period of nitre ! Ilahed In the Immediate vicinity and the then ten yeaiv. when the company began fanners obtain large profits in disponing to takt tc; to sl ue wat'T for the latlei' of certain kinds of produce to these can Jait of Ihe Initiation seaso n In the sum-! nerles. The levenue from tomatoes varies mer of l" t an exci llent site for a dam wa d.scoveri d on Fast Canon creek, the largest tributary of Weber river, and two eai later Work on the structure was be gun. Funds to the extent of $j0 0U were from 1.5 to !)jO per acre the average be ing about $!'. Thiee crops ot alfalfa are cut each season which yields on an aver age over five tons per acre and Sells for $it to $12 par ton. A sugar beet factory has also been established near the system and by rotating such crops with alfalfa a heavy tonnage of beets can be secured, which brings exceptionally large gains. Taking Into consideration the fertility of the soil, the ease with which It can be worked In the early spring, the abundance of water, the excellent transportation facilities and the proximity of the farms to Ogden, few districts of the west possess eo,ual advantages. It now excels all other parts of the state In the raising of vege tables for canning factories, and It bids fair to equal many other prosperous sec tions In the production of grain, alfalfa and fruit. As yet, the thousand acres In orchards are young, but apples, peaches and other varieties of deciduous fruits are nialng a fine showing, large shipments last year returning a gross revenue to the grower, as high as $l,i0 per acre. "The company was organized as a co operative enterprise, the shares of stock being held almost without exception by the owners of the land snd the users of the water. The shareholders now number 4:7) with 6,00 shares ot primary stoc k out standing, having a par value of $a0 per share. Of the secondary stock, 2.000 shares have been subscribed for. but not Issued, and 6.0AI shares are held in the treasury, the par value of which is $J5 per share. "The present Indebtedness of the com pany, amounting to 12z,k. being the un paid balance of outstanding bonds. Is pay able at any time at the option of the com pany, and this indebtedness will be paid from funds on hand before the proposed bond issue or any part of It Is delivered. t.KMI.OOO for Jirtlrrmrots. "The board of directors has been author ized by the stockholders to issue $.a.0H0 of fit 81 mortgage bonds on the property of the company, or so much thereof as may be required to provide funds for the bet terment of the enterprise. "The improvements and extensions pro posed consist In the enlarging and lining ' of the main canal, the building of a sub j stantial diversion dam on Keber river , at the upper end of the canal, the erec- tlon ot a power plant to generate electric power and the enlargement of the Fast Canon creek reservoir to about double its I present capacity. These Improvements are j considered more In detail In what follows: "The main canal, nearly ten miles long. Is located for the most part on a steep ! hill through which a large part of the ! total flow penolalea. Some fifteen years ago. the seepage losses In this portion varied from twenty to thirty cubic feet per second, but Improvements since made have somewhat reduced this excessive loas. For several veais the cost of maintaining and operating the entire s stem has been, exclusive of interest on the bonds. atout i $vmj tier annum, of which amount fully one-third h..s been expended on the r per ten miles of the system. This portion has therefore l-en Ihe source of the greatest joa of water and by far the most costly to maintain. About 210 cubic feet per second has been crowded Into the main canal, but ho large a volume Is not safe and MO cubic feet represents the present safe carrying capacity. It Is now pro posed to increase the capacity to 725 cubic feet per second from the Intake to the site of the power plant, and to 425 cubic feet per second below the power plant. The water users when this Improvement Is made will thus tecelve from the flood waters of the river 43 cubic feet per sec ond Instead of ltiO feet as at present. "it Is likewise proposed to line the upper ten miles of the canal with a heavy layer of cement concrete In order to prevent loss of water by seepage, Increase Its carrying capacity by reducing friction, make use of a full head earlier In the epring and lessen the cost of operation and maintenance. Apart altogether from the profits to be derived from the sale of electric current, the benefits of such improvements to the Irrigators will more than compensate them for the money ex pended. "I have examined the East Canon reser voir dam and am fully convinced that It would le both feasible and advisable to Increase the present height of the struc ture so as to double or nearly double the present capacity. The plns include the widening of the present base, the excava tion of a second tunnel at about the ninety foot level with controlling gates, the ex tension of the steel core and its thorough protection, the building of a permanent concrete waste-way and the raising of the dam some forty-five feet will provide a total capacity of iT.Cx) acre feet. The cost of this extension has beeii somewhat roughly estimated at $llo.oi, or less than $v50 per re foot for the additional stor age. The water shed of Fast Canon creek la one of the best In the state as regards precipitation, ami it is believed the run-off from this stream will provide for the Increased storage contemplated. I am also of the opinion that the structure can be made as safe when ralsr-d to the 145-foot level aa It now la at the lOu-fuot level. Bl Area Irrigated. "About l-.i'O acres are now Irrigated by using the flood water from the river and the storage water from the reservoir. In conveing this water there is a large amount of loss in both the main canal and the distributaries. The lining ot the main canal will greatly lessen this loss. The enlargement of the reservoir to 27,OOo acre feet and increasing the carrying capacity of the main tanal from low cubic feet to 425 cubic feel per fcecond. together with the prevention of loss due to seepage In the main canal, should provide an ample water i.ppl for a'cjuO acres. Only l:i.t. acres aie included lu the map herewith attached, but this aiea can readily be In creased In case there should b a surplus of water. The primary stock now rents from $11 to $ii a al-are and each ahare provides sufficient water to Irrigate on an average two acres of land." Enlarging the reservoir so as to provide 6,000 or more additional shares, the annual rental value of these shares would be from 72,Ci0 to $90,0u0. It Is evident that It the cost of the additional storage will not much exceed $110,0utl, the rent value of the water thus obtained would pay for the total outlay In less than two years. A revenue of $125,000 a year Is assured on the S.OOO-horse power of electric energy to be generated. This, with water rentals, makes the farmers' Irrigation system an undertaking that compares favorably with any other large enterprise In the west. FREE LA.VU GOES VERY RAPIDLY l.aad Mrs Say Homesteads Soon to Re All Taken. OGDEN. Vtah. March 4--tSpecial.-The west Is within sight of the last of the free homes to be obtained through home steading. It is predicted by land dealers and others familiar with the conditions that the next five years will witness the taking up of all tracts available under the homestead and Smoot acts. Thousands of acres have been acquired In I'tah during the last year, under the en larged homestead entry and the filing on dry farm areas continues at a surprising rate. Land heretofore looked upon as worth less Is being located and made productive tinder the Improved methods of dry farm ing. When this rush for farms can be no longer accommodated, land values through out the t'nited States either vill Increase or the lands under cultivation will be made to yield greater returna by more scientific methods of farming. All other things being j equal, supply and demand must determine values, and that means, with a lessened land supply and with an increasing demand I for the produc ta of the soil, higher prices j must prevail for productive farms. The knowledge that the day Is fast ap- proachlng when the last of the public 'domain shall be transferred to private I ownership. Is stirring thousands of tne , landless to hasten to the west to obtain a I farm lifr.r. It l t r. kru M ACHINIST'S ,l( KM IN W EST Small Urslsalsg lead to Fortaae on Farm. OGDEN, I'tah. March 4 (Spec lai.) Six )ears ago ('. E. Delllenbai h was a machinist employed in the Southern Pa cific shops in ogden. His wages, at that time. Were scarcely enough to meet all the demands of his little family, so he bor rowed a few hundred dollais, which, added to the money he bad in his old tobacco box., totalled $1 sou. This money bought forty arres ot land ten miles south of Ogden, near the village ot Roy. There is Electric Power Needs No Extra Pay for Working Overtime nHIS is a point well worth consid ering in every power application. Whenever you want power the central station stands ready tm deliver it instantly. It is as efficient for operating a coffee grinder as it is for running a great manufactur ing plant iu the most economical way. "Whether your power needs are small or great t lie electric drive is best. Our Contract Department will be pleased to send an expert with facts and figures, Omaha Electric Light and Power Company today no Indebtedness on the farm and Mr. Dellenbach has been offered, but has refused, $10,tX0 fur his place. This Is one Instance of how even the In experienced have gained competency on a small patch of land In this region. A dairy farm, near the Dellenbach place, containing seventeen acres In alfalfa, sus tains a family of six. The milch cows re turn a profit of $'3 each a year, after allowing the market price for the hay fed them. Vet duirlng ts In Its Infamy In I'tah. Better cows and more up-to-date methods are being advocated In the In dustry. The Intermountaln region Is known to possess Ideal dairy conditions High a'tl tude, an abundance of pure air and water, and the mountain and meadow grasses combine to produce a product unequalcl anywhere else In the world, and yet I'tah ships In about 40 per cent of what Is con sumed at home. At a recent meeting of dalryuien in this city, one of the speakeis explained that. In years past, I'tah Imported little butter, but recently the tendency hud been to hold the product tiu high that eastern markets flooded the local nmi hi-ik The spe aker urt-'ed as a means of self-prnte tlon thm ptoducing of a Ix-lter grade of cream ! moie sanitary ur.d systematic- methods and the maikctlng of the prudiic t on a ic.ison ablc basis for producer and consumer There Is a large field here for the modern dairyman.