bIDT V- 11IK P.KK: OMAHA. TilUfSDAY. MAKl'll J. I'm. 'V V 1 4 I f" 5 A OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued. TrfTftrilfrt. TTM WRITFR. AM. MAK-F.. rLKAbANCK SALE NOVV oM Ptc- low to art the rash to 'i rnnlr rrl-.; acy make you want. Get one while tbey last. H V SWANSON CO.. m FARNAM ST. BUY an L. C. Smith A Rrn. trprvrttr R F. Swan son Co.. Distributers.' lJlS Kar- 11 mm pi. f-KCOMt-hand typewriters 10M. repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 1W7 Farnam. FKNT an Oliver tvrwnter f. h. Oliver Typewriter Co. 'I'bona Douglas M I 1 la a we. FOR 8 A IE-N ami second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead tha world In cheap bar fixtures; cany pavments Brtinswk k-Bslk-Collender. ri S. 10th bt. HAKK8-Overstocked with second-hand safes, ail aiaea and make; bargaina Amer ican Supply Co., Ilia Farnam tt FOR SALE One Parker Bros, hammer !. lftguage. twist barrel shotgun and leather cae, 10. One I'arker Bros, ham mer gun. lu-gaug and leather case, lu 'tie Dmitri A Wesson. J-caliber, hammer less revolver. SlA Addreaa L bit. care Be. 2d Hand ELECTRIC MOTOIIS LE-BON. Ill SOUTH liTH ST. Foil SALE CHEAP SMITH If ILL-OTIS. 25 horse power elec ic elevatnr. Two armatures newiv wound Kiist-ctas condition iTIre NATIONAL FIDELITY A CA SI'ALTY CO. 17th and Farnam Bts. GRE4JO A CO. billiard hall, inm Karnam. CORD wood it r t cord; any quantity up to 1'0 cords. Fence posts. ! each: anv qusntity up to 5.O0. Mum be called for at my farm three miles north of Krug Park. A D. Brandels. F1NANC1AL trouble makes necessarv quirk sale of diamond ring worth Ik'o; g.ies for ICO cssh. Address A 42. Hoe. THREE Winchester rlfii nearly new. 22 automatic. 20 and 22 repeater, for sale very cheap. 4 Brandel Hldg . OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN NIKOLAS. S34-6 Brandel Theater. Alice Johnon, yw-t BrandeH Theater BM PATENTS V. O. BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. HIRAM A. 8TLROEt, re. patent atty.. 4 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 349. V I LLA Rl EDDY, registered practloner In L 8. Fat. Office. 51 Panton Blk. R. 2W1. PERSONAL MtCHANO THERAPY. GHppa,- Khumatiatn, luaaaaga treatment. Dr. War fa ret llalloran, 2 Neville Block. Douglaa r7t.L MAdNETIC rtm"n'- E Pro,- W11 rj i-niuins oi., ijpaiair.'i. v JT THE 8ALVATrON ARIY sollclta caa7ft j4T clothing. In fact, anything you do not need V collect, rapal and sell at 13 N. ' ltb St . for coat of vvllacilon. la tha wor th ypoor. Call phoo iouglaa 41X and wagona UI calL Dr. Hnker Medical Offices Kx -it apeclallst. . diaeaiiea of women. Consultation and examination free. l0 8. 14th St., corner Dougia. Omaha, Neb. STRICTLY prlvata Christian confine ment home; best Care, babies for adoption. "I! Laveiiport. MASK SUITS to rent at LIE BEN'S. VIHRATtMtY Rltten- 1 13 xw 1 Jl I hoime. 3C Old Boston Fsore. 4th Ooor, elevator entrance. L 8. lth OMAHA Stammerers' Inst. Itamga Bldg. JOSIE rAMIBCRVs book. "Tli L'nflar aorld Sewer." at all book stores. Prloa tUA. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-1DM, louglas 1663. NEBRASKA CTCLK COMPANY. liLh and Harney Sts. II I'l'IIS Bait glow and maasaga. 1 Ldg. 3d floor, opp. postof fii e. Mma. 'Allen of Chicago. Doug. Tt. MR.1 BXTDER, Pwedlah masaaga, radia tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunaany. Flat , lOtb and Pierce. Douglas 4340. DR. EOOKR-S, prlvata confinement home. Martha 8t, Omaha. Tel. Douglaa J30. PRJVATB maternltT home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1.C4 N. 24th. Web. X6; Iud. D-1M. YOl'NCt WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at Aeventeenth atreet and St. Mary a avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; kablea for adoption. Good Samaritan Katil taiium. T4 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. la. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, trenaUhen, toe. BELL DRUU CO. WTl and toupes for men. Orlfflth. " AVJ"-' it and, 14 KRENZER BLOCK. BEST nere bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, tl W a box. Postpaid, nhennan it MoCoonell Drag Co.. Omaha. MAOVRTin treatment. Mm Smith, Lft-uriXi a. tulnl fioor: T)Tt nV.UKV. IDEASE.S OF WOMEN A Douglas. Omaha. Adalight balr food grows hair; aea Mme. Prayer. Megeath Btat y tw., liih A Farnara J AM Ed CORK ELECTRIC CO. moved to fed S. lth. ORFmn A CO., BilUari Hall, 1304 Far nam street. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pllla tl.00 a box. Postpaid, bhermaa A McConneil Drug Co.. Omaba. A HOME for women during confinement. Babies adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms addrs matron, Tlnley Home, 4g Bancroft U Phone Doug. l:i. BUPERFIFOl'S hair permanently re- - hovm without electric needle, or injury to ( . the skin; lady attendant. U UoCaiut Bldg. PRIVATE confinement borne. Raasonabla A.1opii,.n. InKi liomoe. l.J N. lin S MANICl.'RIN'a. facta nias.aa-e. aha.niD.M Ing and hair dressing done in your home. Mrs T. Bayer Smith. T-'. Harney 41J71 POULTRY AND PET ST0CK Sorenlnga. 1 per lue. Waner, avi N. iwh. THOROIGHBRED Plymouth Rocks, while or bine J esxa. for baicomgs. u. j. Kanefu l&i tarnuu. JUarney iic WHITE French poodle pupa. 12 tola N. 3sth Ave. Webster R. C. RHODE ISLAND reds tegs for batching. Phone South 1431. EGGS for batching from the Brand-Is Farm. Thoroughbred 8 C. White borne. L'tilHy aiock. tl at a aetting or H per Yvm k.xblbitiua or show stock. (1 io h a setting Write for catalogue. Addieas. A. D Brandeta. Omaha. PRINTING RIEeVHALL Ptg. Co . 10a 8. 14th. lad. A-SUi Lew W. Rber, Printer. tZ?;t BLTK BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER A JAM1ESON. 1ZU Douglas St, Both 'pheaee. -PHONE IND A B for good prlnung. Uygstad Priming Co.. lata aoJ apttol As. REAL ESTATE ABTNAtTTS OF 1 ITt.K. Midland nuarente and Trust enuii bonded aBeurwoawra, IT14 FarnaaB L H H Neale. aA Omaaa Nat I bank Bldg I'tfLK JKSSEN. jr. Co. TeL ltoZa REAL ESTATE f 'ontinued MEAL EBTATr: IIKAI.ERs. REm ABSTRACT Cn, tM; mwiM ! service, (ft ojr prices, ft Brandels ThfttM FEAT, ESTATE TITLE TRI'T CO.. Fif teenth floor City Natl Bank Bid. CITY PROPtHTV FOR (ALB I C 1 TY j- ' OpBClHl 15 3(1111 Cut Price 8 Rooms $4,900 A large combine new home, ail lares room", fine oak finisn; 4 Rood bedrooms, pressed brick foundation: large comer lt: paved street: a--,,! location. Sherman Ave. and I'lnkney sts. NORRIg A MARTIN. Tel. Douglas 4.7. 4" Be Bldg $150 CASII-$Vi PEH MONTH For good 9-room, modern hotise: cement walks, paved street, etc.. near 24th and I.reaven worth: price. tJ.4. 8-room brick house, mmlern. lot WxlCT. large barn and tree. aved street; east front; fine loiation; mar and Jack son; f 0; eay terms. We have a number of special bargains on rental terms. lU'SSEL & McKITRICK CO., 4V P.atiKe Bldg. 15th and Harney. West Farnam Home offer a 7-room, all modern hours on South Central Boulevard, north of Far nam for 4 W0. House Is about 3 years old and in good condition A. P. Tukey & Son, 'Phone Douglaa 181. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg Close to Field Club Fine. -roorn. thoroughly modem dwell ing, all finished in hard wood, corner lot. paved street. Price reduced to 14 O00 for quick sale. See thla and make offerL Bemis-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater. NEW SEVEN ROOM HOUSE light oak finish. Hot water heat. 1SW4 Lothrop St. RWO. W. H. GATES, 644 New Omaha National Bank Building. 'Phone Doug. IM. HOMES INVESTMENTS. Price IT.260. Tao seven-room, all niooern houses on a lot tilxlrO. Can build another house. In come trso a year; located near 24ih and C Sts., bouih Omaha. Price ti.aOO Income A 10-room. all modern house and two 4-ruuni cottage, lot 4xl). 2V'4 louglas St. and 116 and Hi N. 2$th Ave. Raise Chickens, wi n. mti st- Prico 2,600. 6-room. modern bungalow, furnace heat, electric light, water and outbuildings. Built leaa than one year. Two Iota with thia place. Two tlocka from car line. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 6M Brandela Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1ST Chicken Ranch We ate out-iiiis ao.' r,e one vi iu est firoposiuoos loai has been offered foxwa ong time, looated on the Calhoun macadam road In Florence, within 1 minutes' walk from the end of the car line. There are two acres of ground; about one-half acre In 4-year-old grapes, about one-half acre In other bearing fruit, such aa cherries blackberries, raspbernee. peacbea and 4-year-old apple trees. Haa 4-ruora house built about 4 yeara ago, chicken house about W feet long, built on brick founda tion; several other smaller chicken houaea stable and other outbuildings. The entire two acre la fenced with chicken wire and croaa-Xenced, already to atart within a day'a notice. Price baa been reduced from $3.50 to 000 for quick Bale. HASTINGS A H ET DEN, 1814 Harney St. Suburban Homes 5 acres, on tha ridge mad north of Flor ence, the farm home of Mr. Crosby, a practical horticulturist: sightly location, ideal for a country home, and It Js a well- fianted, well-kept, producing fruit farm, f you have driven thla road In May or June you will remember thla place by the large peony bed: lu.OuU blooma can be cut most any 'Decoration day' 'and hardly be mtvaed. uch places are seldom for Bale, but Mr. Crocby Is retiring and offers thla, witn bis stock. Implements and toola on the place, for 18,000. A great bargain. 4 acres, with a bungalow, In Florence Heights, just a few blocks up the bill, north of the vllage of Florence. H..0. to acres. Just weat of the Field club grounds, cn Center street (pared): t-room house, electric lighted; large barn and poultry hounea; private water system to house and barn. Good orchard and lota of ahade trees. This place la not for aale. but wll leaae to right party for a coun try place at per year. It la a grand place for a growing family. Drive out axid aee it. eSth and Center Sts. I acres, at th and Grover Ste.. partly Improved, for J.!. 4 mile outaide tha city limits, near school ; land Ilea well. Harrison & Morton 1 Omaha Nat 1 Bank. Tel. D. Hi. GREGG A CO.. Billiard Hall. ZX Far nam street. South Side New 5-Room Cottage The owner of tha new well built ( room bungalow located at ZZ S. 14th haa In structed us to make a price ot llwo if sold within a ahoit time and will make terms of l iasb and the balance about the same aa rent. YV here can ou gel a better propo aition to own a new home on such eaay terms and low price? Heady to move into at any time Home one will take this up very soon; don t put it off. lxok at it iiRUy. HASTINGS A HKYDEN. 114 Harney fct. Tha Best Place to Buy Your Home. NEW7R0OMli0USE light oak finish. Hot water heat. 1&04 Lothrop St. V. II. GATES, 641 New Omaha National Bank Bldf. 'Phon Doug. 1314. 'Phone D. XII. - 3i Paxton Block. $4,300 JX'4 SEWARD St.. new modem 7 -rooms and recvplion ball, oak fiolsti first an b:rch, second story; aouth front; U block from car leaving city. Phor.a Harney 47i. FOH aALk-Tat kota. ICila !f th bt.. nar Viaton: ail special taxaa paid Will aell as vae piece or eiwda. u, Qujia to sell at aecraju:. Appi at a aWuta bum lr I . yi.0"-,"" money by ordering your Absr-RAtTrs OK TITLE from HEj?BEKT II NEALE. cow at fcw N. X. Life Bulg. Z, ears in the busine&s 15 UY FKOM 0;XEiL New. , roon s ai.d recptioti bail, corn plete.y moiem. fin u-had in oak: at a bar khiii: Immediate ix..,-ivn, a!aa oien for iriapeyuun. invugai. ki St BUY KRiM iiU'Nkr. Mk-rwun bouse, modern except Henna Park di-tri.t. cbeap if a.. id at once' 14:1 Charles Itione Harnev 44. REAL ESTATE citv fHorr.nrr rn i.b tContln Jl NEW DUNDEE HOME BRICK & STUCCO Py owner, seven ivofu. nn-.r it.. ch cla-s an1 ronipicte in eeiy re.-oe't. p.tJ. lor particulars telephone iiarney iJ C. Fred Harrieoa and Geo. T. Mortoa for eeotral bargains tl Omaba Nat l Baafe. TWO LOTS axl.Ti IN DUNDEE Corner 01-st and Lafayt-tte The most sightly property In Imndee place, with unobeiructod view north, aouth, eaat and weat. ALSO LOT IN KOUNTZE PLACE Corner Otu and Pinkney FACINiJ BOULEVARD. HARRY LAW K1E. ARCHITECT. 1'AXToN BLOCK. Telephone D. 21Ji. W. 414. BENSON PROPERTY. An all modern house eli located, close to car. Seven rooms and bath Lot H.Mv. Mldiatid Trust Co.. 1714 Farnam tt., or call B. F. Kistler at Benson 2.1i. SVS DECATUR can I bought fui II mj next W day a. Worth more -R. 14.00. 32J0 Burt. Tel. Harney 21K. FOR f ALE 4-room bouse, with city ater and electric lighla, i, I or 4 lota Phona Benson i FOR SALE Houae 1 rooms, water, sewer, toilet, etc.; nice treea and ahruboary. til bouts mat St FOR SALE LOTS and . block 1. Van Puren Heights. Omaha. For particulars addreaa F. J. Burnett. Maquon. lil.. owner. ACRKAUE FUR BALE. PRICE I5.K0. I acres In Benson, g jod house and out buildings; all Dearly new; currants, berries, grapes, young bearing fruit treea. Tel. Harney 14oL MAKE US AN OFFER on -room modern house at 41UJ t. Must sell, owner Is leaving the city. Terms. Midland Trust Co., 1714 Farnain St. Tel. Douglaa REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALB Caaaaa. BRITI8H COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND yields to II. 0W per acre and upward an nually; choicest Edgewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake district. West Kootenay, pw per acre; terms on; five years without Interest- No Irrigating, delightful climate, aplendid market. Get booklet "C. J." In veatora' Trurt and Mortgage Corporation (lAd.). U4 iiaaU3a W Vancouver, B. C FRUIT LANDS. Most productive fruit land In British Co lumbia, "CarUa Orcharda," upper Okana gan valley; require no Irrigation; mild climate, fertile soil, fruits ot tinest quality produced In abundance. Hallway station on property. Low prices, long term of payment- Write tor Illustrated pamphlet "C-4." Hogera. Black A McAJplne. Van couver, xtriuah Columbia. Cwtoraelo. WvACRB Irrtgatea ranch. Morgaa Co, Colo., oa tha Burlington, I mile front gepol; Improvements are modern In evat particular; owner retiring. For full partio uiara addreaa k. S. rteamao. Bruah. Colo. COLORA DO THERE IS A HOME FOR YOU IN SUNNY SAN LUIS VALLEY. COLORADO. GO WITH US Tuesday, March 7. Hound trip ticket ONLY JUatx). ' In this sure crop country we "will aell you land with perpetual water rights for X0 to no per mt. ." ACRES to select from, all In the famous Artesian well belt, wheie the prize winning crops are raised. Terms: One-third casn; balance to suit at per cent. For further particulars addreaa RIO GRANDE HOME COMPANY. Alamosa, Colo., or Wood River. Neb. IRRIGATED FARM 3. SAN LUIS VALLEY COLORADO, a We are offering farms in thla valley located from two to seven miles of the main line of the D. A K. G. K. R. and the same distance from Alamosa, a town of 4.0wu population and a division point of the R. K. Land can be bought In tracts of 4U acres up and ranges In price from $.4 to 11 per acre. Perpetual water light with each deeded acre. Ask lor run in formation and description. Don't Forget the Date, March 7th. Round Trip from Omaha, IJo. Go With l a. Fare Refunded to Inircbaser. BUTTON REALTY CO, K4 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1670. M.Ouu ACRES. Land opening Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico. One hundred thou sand acre put under Irrigation. Land and water at S per acre, eaay terms. Agents wanted. Chama alley Uwili and Irriga tion Co. faiiiiin A Kankln. state agents York, Nab. Florida. ASK us Questions about Florida. Infor mation tree; farma on eaay terms. Kagay Realty Co., M Mutual Lite Bldg-. Jackson ville. Fla LAN Da) for aala U south Florida; loU selected .apwclaily for fruit and vegetable growing. Write for circular man. C C. MorgBn. Fort Ogden, Fla. FOR SALE Two Improved farms on large lake with oranges and pecan tree oa property. For particulars addreaa owner T. a McMaaua, Waldo. Fla la Be. THB finest grain and dairy farma and fruit landa in the state of Idaho: auuated In Clearwater valley, near Lewistoa. Wil liam GaXfney. Box ti. W eippe. Ida. Si ACRES ready to plant fruit tree. Good buildlnga, miles from Nampa, Bar- RUn from owner. J. A. Clephane. Route o. 1 Nampa. Idaho. llllaole. FOR SALE CO and 1 acrea; Panhandle of Texas; Moor county; cheap; land. J. F. Donovan. Warren, 14. list. FOR EXCHANGE Vim have Income properties in tha city of Cbicwao, owners of which will trade their equities for good clear land anywhere. Theae equiiiaa will net the Investor from I to 10 per cent- We have properties from t.Outf to fi.uut.uua. Submit complete description, location and price In first letter. Thia will save Uiu. axpenae and trouble for all ot ua. J. IX &ua A Co., Cedar Rapid. Ia, Ksaau. QUARTER Bectlo In the famous corn belt lie nillea trout Clyde, 7-rooa houae. good barn and outbuildings, windmill, etc ; fenced and cross-fenced. acrea tine al falfa. 1? acre culuvated. baianc pasture; good bearing orchard; bargain at tVisu, termav av li. avaatp, Clyde. nan, BPLEND1D HOME A BAHGaJN let ACkks t naiea out, ail tillable, i-ica. bWck Boll. M acrea aitalfa. la acre for sprung com. balance luaoas and paatura; a-room houae, large barn and uiner bund. uiga; w it. w itaicr. u.uw, one-third caan. J. F. iiarrta, auuaiey. ivaarvla kounu LAND BARGAIN 4 400 acrea lu iiodaeujau county. Kansas four mues dum Santa r e aiirud atatiun. price ttrud easy; 2.1 area uodTr cultivation, feuced. good 11-rooiu stuue bwiiae. Write or wire Grain Land co Kan lu City block Yarda. Hooui Lu. KANSAS PRODUCES 1 V. . . . i Mt.,... L . n ub-w . -v-'-" , Moanrr seo- t-oo bet land in Kansas. creek bot ' tob. rt upland; plenty of aatar; io g, ' neighborhood, good ton. Hawag moved to1 i ... .,n miltl H. ll ftl rtr. . I, . , , . , . ... Nauonal Bank, Dephoa, Kaa., or Boa ta' Gresliam. Oregon. REAL ESTATE 4RM A.M HiMII LAM) FOR SALE Kaaaaa oatlaaed. TWO KAN'.mS BAROAIN9 1-50 m( res. liar ey county. 2 n.iis to town, Weil iniiued. b.,use. tarn, orchard, fenced, etc ; 1 "l acies in cultivation; all tlliabi. 17. lad acres Reno, all tillable, fenced; 75 acres In cultivation; 4 mlies to town, price IS.Xi. Chariea Peleraon. Hutchinson. Kan. BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HUME IM acre. l-rrom bouse and outbuildlnga, Weil and windmill; 1 acres cultivated. 4 aires in wheat: fenced: smooth, itch Bolt, all tillable Price, U per acre, terma Landgtaf A Darby. Garden City, Kan. LOOK LOOK section good, smooth land, all tillable. C mlies ot town, lair bouse, gocxl t'arn, plenty of water; t-i per acre, If sold In the next 30 days Write us for free lii-t of farma Oakleaf A Hill, t herryvale. Kan FORD COl'Ml BARGAIN. K aciea ievl mheat land. 11 miles out; fiii acres cultivated. -V acres growing wheat to buyer; fenced; fair Improvements, good well; -i per aire, half cash. BRO v -tj.-. lxuh v-iiy, ivan. FOR SALE All klnda of farm homes from half sections down to frVacr tracts Prices rigni; lernw. tivugeiiian county farma and ranches to trade for eastern Kansas farms and good Improved farms In Missouri. J. fct. Dan Heai Estate Co.. Hutchinson. Kan. A GENUINE BARGAIN 160 acres, well Improved, good orchard, JO acrea alfalfa. I7i acres pasture, balance cultivated; 4 acrea fine wheat go; 3- mlies to town boa p. PA per acre, ternia un Huut), 4 yeara. h per cenu W. M. Botguiy. olumuav Kan 244) ACRES All nice, smooth, good black loam soli; eood for wheat and corn; all fenced, SV miles from good railroad and market town In central Kansas; price Ui per acre; write for particulars, j aa a, Brandt. Llndsborg. Kan. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 1P0 acres, good Reno county land. 1 mile from railroad town, l-room bouw barn and other good buildings; all fine, tillable land choice farm and a snap; price until Feb. i I'lOuu. Come, we have what you want. Barrett Land Co.. Hutchinson. Kan. . .r-OC-a l.r.l rir Amn mnil 1 1 , im i".i"-u :. -' - - nuiee to Ness City. Kan.; all In grass; beat al falfa land. Another quarter Jolna, aatna description: sell aeparate or together. Great bargain at M. U.OJ0 cash, baianoa iy terma KIMMEL A GARTH. Lamed Kan. EASTERN KANSAS BARGAIN. 1(4) acres, aecond bottom; rich, deep' aoll. all tillable; & acres in cultivation; t-roota house; good water, good atock buildings; 4s miles to Abilene; echool one dl, 'phone and R. F. D. Only tlua per acre. Jo. D. aa. Abllena. Kan. 80-ACRE farm, C2 mllea aouth of K. c between the Frisco and K. C. Southern: bottom land, on email stream; well Im proved: a bargain at l per acre; caau. Address I. N- Deardorff. LaCygma Kan. R. H. 4, Box 21.- Inu.OoO LN unincumbered Income, buslnesa property and residences, here; earning 14 per cent to 25 per cent; all gilt-edged, to trade for bluegraa land, Misaourl preferred. J. W. Gunun. Coffey villa. Kan. Lo a is law a. LOUISIANA. THE SURPRISE OF THB WORLD. Eighty buahela of oats. 71 bushela of corn, I tona of a.faifa to the acre. For ex planation of farming revolution which baa opened Louuuana for settlement, writ at one to W. A. JONE3, Secretary, LOUISIANA FARM LANDd CONGRESS Bhreveport. La. .Michigan. A 8NAP For sale, or trad 4H, acres mllea north of South Haven. Mich. Horse barn, cow bam. bog houae. chicken house, graln&ry. 7-room dell4aur stood well, wind mill. WAt for the wboi-, lw) for the 20 acres with the hul!dinMia-,wuld trad for income property In tmidha. Addreaa 3ju Bee Council Blufla. Ia. Mlnwesssu GOOD improvod Vju-acre farm 17 miles from bt. Paul, Minn., and t mllea from station: nearly all under cultivation, level bi&ck, loam aoll; good houae. barn and well Price, Ic 000; ll.Ooo down. Addreaa owner. O. Strubla. Forest Lake, aftnn. FOR 8 ALE 240 acrea choice farm land Dear Lake Benton, Lincoln county, Min nesota, at tu per acre. Adore IL ii Ftanxen. Rosalie. IU 60 ACRES. 7 mllea from Ivanhoa, tha county aeat of Lincoln county. Minnesota; practically all under cultivation; 60 acre pasture; buildlnga worth Is.Ous. Rented for next year. Price. M per acre, reason able terma. The 4 lob Land and Loan Co., Minneota, Mum. BARGAINS Improved farma, any six. Minnesota and Dakota; also unimproved land; Urge tract. W have what you want. Harvard Investment Co.. Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. MUata !. FOR SALE Mississippi farm. 430 acres. highly productive lands in Hinds county' near Uttca. moxtly under cultivation, with residence and other improvements, lY&uooo Great bargain. Address K. H. t g V Carter. Meridian, Mlsa. ' aHaaaarl. UB ACRES. BB mllea east K ansae City, IH miles good town; good A room houae; cellar, well and windmill, barn, beautiful shady yard, grove for windbreak, excel lent two-acre orchard, route and phone, I mllea to school, fine neighborhood; W acrea bluegrasa. hogtlght: 10 acre timothy clover; rich, biack soli, no rocks or ditches' r acre; terma on U.tkJU. Other farma! list (re, looit Land C.. Ionia. Mo. FRUIT LAN Da It will pay you to find out bow aaaUy you can become oaner of n ten-acre orchard In the famous Koshkonong Fruit 1'u.trlct. Oregon county. Missouri; Ideal climata. no killing froata, no irrigation; close to markets and neta 190 per ten. an nually after your orchard begina bearing; a amall cash payment and 12 iu per acre monthly makes you An independent orch ard In L W rite for full information or call at the office of the Co-operative Orchard Co., iU-lf City National Bank Bldg, Omaha, Neb. MISSOURI FARMS FOR SALS. L100 acre, near Rich Hill; two Beta Im provements; anoatly all can be cultivated Bom bottom land; prlc J0 par aor fur abort lima fev acrea. two mile ef May view, on C A A R. R; nice modern 7 room houae, large bank barn, all linprovementa com parallvely new; about l.uuO bearing appl Ut; a bargain at XV per acra Other landa from let to . per mcr ten acre up to awu acrea. ' liiO acres, unimproved, five miles aouth town, at lii; su acrea clover, baiano pa, ture and corn land; bargain. Mailer C luin naaiLr uigginsvui. aio. Don't go miles from R. R. t0 buy your cheap land. We have It in the oxarks. close to 14. R. and market, for the sain price. Several 4o acre racta Just a few mile frum R. H. and g(nxl town ahich for quick aale you can have for tfTi. a. Brandela Theater Bldg. i ftebraakaw FOR BALE BY OWNER. Fine ranch of 1MB acrea deeded land. acre school land, looated thre mile from county seat on new line of Union Pacific railroad, Luo acres can be irri gated fiom government canal: school oa land; one set of buildlnga; ls acrea blowei Price, da an acra WU1 carry X$ IV toTlh r l l' rent. Wnu WUIiam G. latea, bvcott a Biutf. Neb. WRITE me for my book of descrlptiooa and ! rice on farm land and ranches in the famous northwest Nebraska, the home of bumper crops of smail grain, potatoes and alfaifa the place where fortunea are made by investing sma.l amounts in land There la absolutely no ctance for loss and I ran cite you to nny clients a ho have made from tf tu t per cent profit nD their In vestment. Write or come today ' The early bird catches the worm" Today i. the day of opportunity in northwest N. braska. Aran L. Huugerford. Claw for I Dawes Countv, Neb rJl FOR fcA I.1C ?) acres unimproved, ail level land, fine Bloc couutry. la fiowms well d. strict Hoit county. Nebraska 14 per acre; 11 Ml mortgage rutin ni fiva tara at per ceaC Addree Bo iia rslrfieid. Nab. FOR SALE rT.l acres; alfalfa valiey farm under-lrrl-cated arid a. I go-d crop land. 1 mile from ton. High and graded schools, churches sua a'l kinds of business, some new Im provements, very chesp st o per acre: easy terms. G. W. Baker. Saline, Kan. REAL ESTATE FARM AMD HANOI L M FOR Al Nebraska. F0RSALE VALUABLE LAND For sale. M acres fine com land, fv niilis from t r'fton. Nfh . g.vd lmTe ments and well farmed, all of section i'4 In township ;i. north tf rantte 1 east. S'an ton cou'it. and 't of 27'. ssme desi rlj-tiori. Bt the follow InK prices N. W. V, of .'4. Ill i-er aire N. K i f 24. Hi.". i-r a. re S. W. of 24 IUD i-r a. te. S. E V, of 24. II V. per at re N. W l. of ", fid l,r Br1., Terms: All or half cash, balance one or! three years at per rent lntert Ad- j i!re. Mrs Mary J Ijimh. 4J." Julian I . . . - . ! I t -. ii , ei , v uiu, 640-ACr.F, RELINQUISHMENT. WO acres, best of farm land. ( miles from railroad town; house; barn, lfirt broke: all fenced. Price, worth If deeded Iia.ouO; must sell before March 1. Relinquishment on improved S eec extra good, with stock and machinery, li.soj. C. E. Lockwood, Kimball. Neb. 45 Bushel Wheat Land $27 an Acre Buy Land Where It Rains We own and control over JO.iaiu acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska, choicest form lands now on the market. The best crop producing county in the state for twelve years. Alfalfa Is a leading crop. Write tolay for our free literature. Live agents wanted everywhere. FVNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT COM PANY. SIDNEY, NEB. AUCTION HALE Having sold my bank ing interests and am movinu west on ac count of my health, will sell my former mouern residence. Including ten acres of land adjoinlna this town, very suitable for chicken ranch, fruit and truck farm, at public auction on Saturday, Marcu 4. Wll. at 3 o'clock p. m. For particulars address me or call on pnone at my expense. C. F. Calhoun, Springfield. Neb. HARLAN CO.. NEB FOR BALE dOO acres, alx miles southwest of Alma; 140 acres In fall wheal, ft) alfalfa. t'J pasture, balance corn and oats. Land part level, part rolling. part rough; good l-room house, granary, atable; good well, wind mill and spring In pasture; all fenced ex cept L acres. Price, !) per acre. Owner, DAVID B ELS LEY. Mu N. 21st, Omaha. Neb. MERRICK COUNTY. 3J0 acres, well improved, three mllea to good town on main line of Union Pacific. Best soil and farm In the county: px per acre; half cash. Write for full description to L. M. Thompson. Clarks. Neb. Nortxt Dakota. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about o.OuO acres of choice farm lands In Burleigh and Kidder Co.. No. Dak., and want aO good representa tives, others need not apply. Beat of ref erences. W. E. Runey, Land Investments. Bismarck. N. D. Oklahoma. FOR BALE In Knabel Co., 190 acre ot black chocolate land. I mile eoutn of Billings, ok!., in the Antelope valley, 1 sides hedge and 1 aide wire, with 126 acres broke out and the balance In pasture lota, ot chard and garden; 7 -room house, plas tered, papered, cellar underneath; all tn good shape; barn. 734x34. room tor K tons of hay, room for 7 horse; crib, tool shed and hay fork, complete; I good granaries with driveway through center, will hold l,0uu bushels of grain; these buildlnga and all other buildings are painted and in good abape; l.ou0 locust poets, 4M fruit threes, wells, 1 cistern, plenty of water. 'J hi la a level farm and no wast land on It; fin; can be bought down, In five years,' at reasonable Interest. T. la. Kabantaoo. liuiinga. Oku. Boa lb Dakota. 2.600-ACRE tract of valley land In west ern South Dakota for sale; l,0u0 acres under ditch; t4 acrea more can be Irrigated at small cost. W 111 double in value In a short time. Will aell all or part- Write for par uculara. Anderson Bros , Rapid City, S. D. Teas. BUT AN IRRIGATED FARM. W own 25,000 acres, rich valley land near railway, ia northern Mexico; ajnple water to Irrigate whole tract; canal now building; elevation 700 feet; fine climate; produce oraxgea, lemon. limes, grape fruit and pineapples to perfection; com two crops per year; sugar cane, alfalfa, eta. Kl Celesta Irrigation Company, baa Antonio, lex. TEXAS LANDS. North Taxaa. Clay countv land bargain!. Rich soil, good water, delightful climate. For Information write R. W. Watklna. Henrietta, Tex. BIO TEXA SNAP. t.IOB acrea. i mllea from Dallas; 1.00B la cultivation, highly Improved; everlasting artesian and shallow well water; on rail road, two public roads; natural gas tim ber for fuel; dairy, paying lliuw) annually; sun other atock cattle, av head muiea and horse, hogs, goats, farm linplemeuta. ma chinery, etc., go with place, grosa return U10 M).M; tha beat lnveeiment anywhere at tlMi.vt; terma Turner A Turner. Ul Commerce bt.. Dallas, lex. HOMESEEKERS- FRIEND L A. Pitta lived U yeara La Iowa and Illinois, and his advice la "if you want to gel rich buy Texas landa while they are cheap.'' Wa have thousand of acres of fine farming lands, large and small tracts, at low prioea. Don't buy till you aee them; everything guaranteed aod a aquai deal. Writs or call on tn Pitta Land and Development Co., Houston. Tex. TEXAS ALFALFA LAND. For aale iM acrea, Chlldreaa county, 4w amies northeast of the town of Childress; sublrrLaaiAd; fin aitaiia land; water within eight feet of surtaoe; lu per cent tillable; Ul acres now In cultivation. This land will pay for itself the first year In cotton and will make a man rich the first four years In alfalfa. Prto oli aa anre; reasonable terma E. J. Holland, IM Commerce 6L, Dallas. Tex. TEXAS PANHANDLE LAND for sale. M acrea; land bai level and half slignUy roilliig; can b plowed with steam plow; good sou; sixteen milo northwest of Dalbart, IS? mile from Ware. For quick sale, ll per acre. Addreaa owner. David BeUley. 14o N. Mat Bt- Omaha, Neb. I tab. FOR SALE A 6,000-acre colonisation trsct on the railroad, less than hi miles from Halt Ik City: also several small. t 'dry farms." and some good orchard lands. H. W. Ross. P. M . Lehl. Utah. BARGAINS In Utah farms and ranches Dowse A Morris, bait Lake City, Utah. Washington. HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION! Come to the famous Grandvtew district sf the Yakima Valley, where you can make an independent living raising fruit. We have some excellent buys In fruit and hay raache from lu per acre up. For full particulars addreaa, Robert J. Veoouxn. Farmers' Land Co.. Gracdvlew. Wash. WE have a few improved homestead for aale for about tha actual axpenae of the Improvements The pricea are from SUA to ll.'As) for 140 acre of Washington's best land. Writ for full particular ACME HOMESTEAD REALTY CO. lis Riverside Ave., bpokana Wash- W yeast-. FIRST chance to procure Big Horn Basin Wyoming. Irrigated land in a new irrigation district. Land and perpetual water only l per acre. In eaay payments. Thia la a good opportunity nd a fine country ;E. K TURKJNGTON Bee BM . Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS CHEAP MONET Representing th Pen Mutual IJfe Ina Co, with assets of over tU7v I ,m prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Ltmaha real eetaia Business and residence loaxs mad Without delay. THOMAS PPENNAN City National Bank Bldg. LOW RATES, BKMIS-OARLBERG CO. llo-iii BieJ.Ucis T neater BUg. REAL ESTATE LOANS iContlnued.) Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand iM for rale at anunts from l) to It BENSON & MYEKS 412 New York iJfe Bldg. IA"AN!4 to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annus 1 1 v . W. H THOMAS. BO First National Bank BMg WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes, buslnesa property and Nebraska landa O'Keefa Heal Estate vo 101 Omaha National. CITY' and Farm. JOHN N. FRKNZER WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fa-nam mlth A Co.. 11A) Farnam ht MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co ll"0 to llO.OfO made promptly. F. I). W ead. Wead Bldg , lMh and Farnam. GARVIN BROS . 2d floor N. Y. Life. f0 to IkOOW on Improved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farmer ot Iowa? Any cheap land for higher priced, a general tnervhandi.-e store for land, or any ktnd of an exchange? Or have you acme land you want to aell for rash? The one paper that reaches the Iowa farmer Is the les Moines Capital. 44,0' it circulation dally; rate aingle Insertion 1 cent a word, alx Insertions, I cents a word. Des Moines Dally Capital. Des Moines la. or 7-toom all modern house; must be within St. John's parish and have hot water heat. Address Ixxk Box '. WB exchange properties of merit H U. Culver. kl2-kll N. Y. Ufa Douglss rati. EXCHANGES, quick sales, large list. Ad dress R. 1. Continental Bldg., omaha. Neb a weriern rancn or unout aual value for three good brick hotel , total of Ha rnAtii. ,- . , . ...... . . n . . - . .j Income, all clear and In first class condi tion. Will consider land Improved or un improved at the right price. Will .tasum? or pay cash difference if any on the right kind of deal. For further Information ad dress F. M. Conner, Chilllcothe. Mo. WANTED Good black Percheron mares in exchange fur two clear quarters of land In Holt Co., Neb. George K. March. Pierre, fro. Dak. WHAT have you to trade for lixi Howard Stove Works stock and ILftJO I idencndent xeiepnon stock 7 Addreaa J 16. Bee. TO TRADE. TWO farms In Norton county; an eouity or x.i.sw in one and 12 TJI' In the other Will trade for shoes, clothing, dry noods or general merchandise. in trade to gether or separately for stock of equal VHlue, or would take goods from a larger stock to the amount of my equity. Write 1.'. F. Bruner. Norton, Kan. SIXTEEN sections cattle or horse ranch. El Paso County, Texas. IS TO per acre rath. Also modern S-room buff brick resi dence; bath, complete; furnace: two lots; pavea street; two blocks to street car. Pueblo, Colo. Address. G. M. Brown. Attests, tatty County. New Mexico. WANTED A good fhlre stallion as part payment on choice Edmunds Co.. s. 1) quarter; price 1713.54 per acre. Incumbrance fi. iXJ at 9 per cent: send price and descrip tlnn of horse In first letter. B. N. Clausen Hloux City. la. WANTED TO BUY BE8T price paid for Id hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes Tel. D. 71. A WAGON scale. M Marcy. ONE high grade second-hand guitar; state Deal price In fjrst letter. Address M-&I6, Be. GOOD second hand roller top desk and chairs. Telephone Douglas T2M. GREGG A CO., Billiard Hall. 1304 Far- ram street. WANTED TO RENT TRAVELING man and wife are seeking home in refined family: either board or tasteful light housekeeping rooms. Private home with no other boarders preferred S-fcV, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man. married, wants work. Wui do anything; give reference. H 7ng, Bee. POSITION as night watchman; sober and reliable. G 7u, Bea YOUNG man desires place to work for beard and room in private family whui attending college. Boyle College. Both 'phones. PRACTICAL nurse. Immediately. H. 4W POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Addreaa B 77. Bee. WANTED Position by middle aged lady aa housekeeper for widower or bachelor Address 'MM Monro Bt.. Lincoln, Neb )A.Mt.u-A position In office. Refer ence. Aauresa r ai. Bee. A YOUNG lady wants a position as house- seeper or wiuower. Address M sis. Be. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants poai- vn wiin private laxniiy. IN xjl. Be. tolng man wants work In draft Ina . ,v w .iuce. J &M, ce. SITUATION, by young man of 24. single some experience In office as shipping clerk read and write Bohemian language. Ad dreaa 724 So. th. Council Bluffs. A YOUNG lady wants a position as house keeper for widower. Addreaa 11 eL&, Bee. MIDDLR.AGED couple wants place oa farm; house to self. Address C B44, Be. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THB AN nual meeting of the stockholders of the Be Publishing company will b held at the offic of the company In Omaha at 4 o'clock Monday. March g, Ull, for tb election ot a board of directors for th en suing year and for tha transaction of such other business as may properly corns before the meeting By order of the presi dent. N. P. FEIU Secretary. Fiidm GOVERNMENT NOTICES U. 8 MILITARY PRISON, FORT LEA V enworth, Kan.. March 1. 11L Healed proposals for furnishing Bit. Anth and rorge Coal required during year commeno Ing July i, ln, will be received here unUl a. m.. April 1. Ull. Information fur nished on application. Capt. F W Van Duyne, Qr. Mr. Ml-J-J-vaa. Jl IVhat You Don't Want Sell Evwrrbo-dy bag aomathlnf aroand tht bo as ur da not want. Or prhj thy hava artlcJa that yMU th7 rtaUly tiATa no us for tham. at U am Urn tbey olslixa to throw Ui4q way. Jnst let them flad psopi wrta irayajd. tAJi Uiaww article, off thalr Lands aa a for tham aad th oil( b happy, Tet that ia Just what caa b mcoom. llah4 by way 0f Tot c,. MU aaUaasoua oolumn la Tha Baa. If yo hAT nnythlnj yon wUh to CUpoa af. Writ B BacaJl Wgjit AA mjii, Put It In The Boo NEWS 8TANP9 UIURII THE OMA1U BEK IS OX 8AUL Atlanta, Ca. N orll Ne s Ce. , Atlantic nty. J. , Boardwalk News Ca. Quaker New s r. ' B Potter, tltf 'Is Imad Ave. Palmrr Bros. News Agency. Baltimore, Mrl. Baltimore New Ca. Ha ton ltongwi Lav. itony. The Cigar Man v. nuilnfc, Mont. i. E. woifson. -DlrminKton, Ala. i W'orld Newa Co. ' Bols Idaho. . W ade Gray. BSt Jefferson Bt Boston. Mass Toung a Hotel Vendom Hotel. w llafTalo, X. V. -... ' Hotel Irequota. h Genesee Motet Bamuei fohn. 155 FlVee Batta, Mont. Keefe Bros . , Chattanooga. Iran. .. W'orld Nw Co. ' tlilrsRo, m. ' . Aud toiium. Auditorium Anx. ' Empire wreers r aniLJacklon A nWbr) Great Northern. Chicago Newspaper AgTy. .I Mad'aoa. Grand Paclfle HeteL ... I a Inter House. Queen City News Co.. I Jackson Blvd. P. O. New-a Stand. 17 Jerbrn. Kalserhoff Hotel. ?74 Clark. Cincinnati, Ohio. L- Peterson, ?4 Weft Ninth. Fountain Newi Co , Fifth and Walau. Cleveland, Ohio. ' Hollenden. . Colorado riprinm, Colo. Antlers Pharmacy Co Colorado Wholesale Newspat'' A-":-Dallas. Teg. H E. Turner. .. Deadwood, 8. D. Flshel A Co. " Mack Hills New Co. Franklin Newa Co. UenTer, Colo. H P. Hanson. , Msjestlo News Co Kals Newa Co., It1h sod Champa. Anderson News Co.. Union Depot. Western News Agency. 100 J7th 84, 8. Widera. Kendrtck Book A Stat Co.. IM 17ta. Brown Palace Hotel. Dea Molne, la. Fred Gels. U W. lh 8L Lewie Hyman. . Moee Jacoba Sth 81. ' . Detroit, Mich. Metropolitan News Co Edmonton, Alta, Canada. Dominion Cigar and News Stores Ca , St Jasper Ave. VT. Excelsior Springs, aIsv, - 8 D. Hlgbee. S. MariclU St W. C. Slsk. Fort Worth. Tet. Fldler A Sullivan. Victor Market. 6tock Tards Pta Frew no, Cal. Tour Horn News Co. . . Helena, Mont. W. A. Moore. . Hollywood, Cal. , Hoffman Newa Arency. i Hot (springs. Ark. T. Marks S-w Central Ave. ., Tort Pitt News Co tn A. Shannon. Til Central A , C. H. Weaver Co Arlington Jiotal 7Nw Stand. M. Sherman. ' ' Houston, Tex. White Newa Co. "' International News Agensy. Indianapolis, lnd. o. Yoma Newa Co v Elmer Haddix. Washington A. Psnn Ste. Paul beigie's News Stand, Illln4a and- Washington- '. Ja4konvill, Fl,, .. Flonds News Agwacy. - . World News Co. Kansas City, Mo, ) , . ; w - Yoma News Co-' Mi Wall Bt , Reds News Agency. 400 t. Hi' Hotel Baltimore Nws Stand Eos Angelea, CsJ. ' , Joseph Kemp. Independent News Co. 7 "T ' " LooUville, Ky. Kentucky International News Co Memphis, Tenn. ., World News Co. MUwankec Wla. Hotel Pflnter. Frank Mllkern. Grand Are. and trd St. MlnneAPoUs, Minn. . ' . Century Newa Co., go. trd. ; Nicollet He'el. , W. J. Kavenaugb. 41 S. trd.- ' World Newa Co. Hotel Radissoa Newa Stand.' KashvlUe, Tenn. World News C).( , ... ,. Newark, N. J. Metxky Bros.. 171 Halsey St New Orleans, La. . . Hotel Grunewald. - . World Newa Co. r - - New Vork City. " Imperial Hotel. Knickerbocker Hotel. Hoffman House. ' , Grand Union Hold. " Holland Hotel. ' Murray Hotel. Hotel Belmoat. Waldorf-Astoria. Hotel Manhattan. , Astor Hue. ,i Harry j. Schulta, Time Square Statloa. OaAlaiid, CsJ. Enquirer Newa Co. Ogden. U tah. . . 0 Harrop A Goddard. D. L. Boyle, 110 Xth Bo ' - Lowe Bros. 114 fclh Uu ' "v. Gray News Co. Depot News Stand. " '-' PsuMsdesuv Cai. 1 H. U Steadmaa A Co.. 1 IB. Coioraiev PhUadelphlA. Pa. - , ..; Quaker Newa Co., BOB Gren St. Bellevue Stratford Hotel. t . - Arthur Hatailug, tsi I'lero Bt Plttaburg, Pa. Fort Pitt News C. :. Portland, Ore. t Oregon News Co, Central Cigar 8 tor, rs Wah-. Cor 41111 Bowman Newa Co. Northwest News Co. . Portland News Co. Rochester, Minn. Queen City Newa Stand. . "' St. Augastlne, Fla. ', De fMO News Co, CO 8L Oeorfs St Bt. Joseph, Ho. J. Berger. 611 Edmond St. Robidoux Hotel. B Berger, 112 B. Ith 8L Royal Cigar Stor. 117 N. Ith St 1 St. Ixuls, Mo. Southern Hotel. E T Jett SC Paul. Minn. Eoward G. Fitspatrlck. 3TW, TDt't Bw. " N. St. Mart. v-os.i sw, BArramento. CsJ. Capitol New Co. ftalt Lake City. 1'tah. Kenyon Hotel Newa Bad Cigar fltsaA Frank Polsrsky. Hotel Knutsford. ... Chart Iodwlg. ' ' RossAfeld A Hansen. Vi San Antonio. Tex. Sam RosanthaL $ San Antonio Nwa Co. Ban IHego. Cal. . " R M. Chllda Ban FranclBco, Cai. . North WbeaOey News Ca Hotel St. Pranois. United News Agents. Ituj Fddr B. Marae St News Co.. a th i L. Meehan. U Asbary Su nattle. Wash. A. Iseerlis. Charles II Oortnan - Frank B Wilson. 2B7 Pike 9i ' " W. O. Whitney. Sheridan, Wyo. J C. Jackson. ' i , Wame. A Canfeld. H A Floyd. Blout Cify, la. West Hotel.- f W. F. Duncan. Iowa Bldg " Marshall Bros Gerald F tsxitbon. ! Spokane Wuh, J John W. Graham. I i Blot k too, CaL i W. D Miller " ' . I WaalilngtoB. IX C. a National Newa Agency, New Raleigh Hotel. Columbia Newa Ca ,1 Arlington Hotel. 'A Iflmi House. ktecker A Orndorff. The Fair fas. T 1