Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Of VT ft -ys
THF. BF.K: U.. TTmPA V. MA Kill 1 1.11 1.
Bepublicans and Democrats Each
Chooe Between Two Men.
Mew mmH rniamlllrc of Fifty
Will fie llttrd taalMI Kark
other In rnmnHn for r
trwltr onlnitlnn.
' fmm a S'sff Correspondent
LINCOLN, svh . March I. Special T-l-egram
A.1 'mir . ari'lllates for the mtvnr
aily campaign itiniNi mmrfi liav ten
filed hv f..IIri hav now f i i their ac
'eplamej.. The (.tint(t fur the ren-.ihllci-.n
nomination will be !twn Mayor Uove j
and A. II. Armstrong, and for 'he .Ifroo- ;
rate be tween Robert Ma, one and Thomas !
f. Cn, iirane.
Armwron ,nil c h ,'iranf .ire IkiiIi mippnr-ed !
bv the business men n organization and '
Mayor u hakiJ by the cnmimttM
of fifty. M alone is riiinmf on a very llbeml
piatiorm in regard to the license itifstton.
J. C. Hamham. for whom titition wee
filed by both democrats ami republicans,
will run as a republican fur the Ext:
Ixiard. Fred Kind, a div candidate, and
I-. B. Zimmerman. (JrwofTai. have also
their at 'er'usirtu as candidates for
the board. Tomorrow la the last day for
Voters EiprfMliu, Their Preferespei j
'"e f awri Mates M l"r-e-(;ir- !
tlon Meettuata. '
mA.VD laiA.ND. Nen.. Man-h 1. .flpe-'
i tai.i .-auctisea were ujfi ln ,.ai n f tnB ,
voting districts in the -itv :at night. I
Thry were non-pai-ian in nat'tie Fo-ir '
"f the six districts seli-ctcd delegations to aj
npn-nartlaan representative delegate con- '
venilon in which e.verv district Is to lie j
represented in proportion to its population. I
One distrlft deflated ry- a vote of forty to!
fourteen against a delegate convention and '
unmnlraoualv againrt a mass meeting and '
tli other leclare.l iinaniiiiou.-ly for a raut!
The Fourth district chose delegates for a
representative convention, hut expressed It
self ready to favor a man meeting also and
upresaed Ita chuKe for James F Hourka
for mayor in cither c-ent. The .erond and
Third districts recommended to the con
vention O. Rv.rn over his protest, but
thera la no doubt tbjo, U h should be the
noice of the cuiire convention, he would
not denllfte a numlnwtlon coming ln that
way. Mr.' Rourke tinlav requesta the with
drawal of his name !n favor of Mr. Ryan.
In two of the caiic-ises resolutions have
been adopted demanding the suppression of
We of Kearney tn
ReMsridss r l.rtal.
KEARNEY. Neb.. March ...Special.)
The Kearney C'oinmerclul club will file a
oemplaint before the State Railway com
mission rerruesiing that the train service
on the- Union Pacific through this city be
attain readjusted. The morning westbound!
emee ia aauafacton'. but in order to
make it so the railroad company took off
the afternoon westbound local and now
no train leaves hero until ll:J2 at nignu
i owna- nl .ofc busamey "have rxiaede .urh
a howl of protest that the Commercial club'
tas decided
" i or me reinstallation
of tliat. local traliu The complaint will be j
HtaTQeo try the- 4sonmwrctal clubs or village
hoarrti, of practically every town between
Kearney and North Platte and also by
several of the towrnl between Kearney and
"Iiand Island, although the majority of the
towns to the east are too well Matisfled
with the morning service to kick on the
afternoon schedule.
kertff New id Huskvllle Busy.
Rtr.SHVILLK. Neb.. Mai-ch L i Special.)
Sheriff New refumted from Lincoln. Neb.,
yesterday. having taken down John
.... . . . ... . ,. iirinjumi uiiu a line siuigii.
with, intention to do bodily harm. Kihiim? .,.,- .
, , , . NORTH PT.ATTK The prospects are
had appealed to the supreme court, but j that- there will be considerable building In
It decide-., he would have to go to the! this city during the coming Tear. The
paDltent'aai v for t-vo vers. Before return-1 ' 'arnegie library Is to be built and con
in. th.. alientf ,upped over into Iowa and! 'frfldrf. ITl:
wna soon put on Hie track of one Jay,n he built and a large number of reel
Htakctt. mi ailbucd riorfe thief, and New dences. Work baa already begun on the
ultimately got hnn as he was crossing over I extensive yard svstem which the Fnion Pa-
,n,o Missouri. Jay Heskett haa been a'3'1;":" '" TT1 P",(0f
. , , , i NLHRA.sKA CITY Tlie visiting delega-
lugittve from JuMlce for some time, he: ,1(ut al work m tnu cJt for ie
having tried to dli-pose of some horses the iat two days Inspecting ail of the
belonging to a larty in Wyoming, alter
bavins mortgaged the same. The lank re-
fused tt proeemio and lleskett seemed tol
have an easy time of 11. anenii -ew wmu i
u. laia hands on him eauily in the south i
part of- the county, but he waa viowea m
o. though New id he would get bun
yet and ne has kept his word.
st-a II latk rkwl. fur ebraeka
i Special.) The hoard of duration at a
special meeting on Monday eve ning opened
fifteen bids for ihe erection of. tlie new
high scttool lunldtnaT to iw erected at this
place during the coming summer. The bids
of P II. Wind on of Council Bluffs,
la., and P. J. Crerdon S..n of Omaha
within of each other. i no coii
was awarded to i"reedn Ik. Son of
umaha Tor i Duiiuiui. . -
of hrick and rhe roof of tiling, wnile the
ft our of ihe ayiniiasiura will be of cement.
The oontrsvot for the ew-rage and gas
waaawmrdea tu the Weeiern Heating oom
pany of Omana. ibe heailim and venUlat
iiM to Lew;. Kitchen of i hirago for
K rJK None of ihe local contractors filed
bida. The work on the buildiua which will
coat iWAM Dulled will begin aa soon as
the frost la out of tlie ground.
Tome a Mais Trtea SnU-lde.
PLATTSMOiTH. Neb.. March L .Spe
ii L:t?r voung tarm baud, at-
. ,t u.....l. .-.miurdav afternoon at the
heme of hie father near .ilwiwood.
an aiwaauil upon his father.
eider W light discovered his son hanging
la the born shortly after their trouble, uvd
with the beip the young man s hroiher
cut mm down, aud alter w..rMim with him
for half an hour the would-e suicide re aomn-loustiesa Your.g Wngnt was
brought to ptaurmonth by Sheriff guinton
and lodged In 'ail.
Ills version of the affair was that his
father had threaleued to deprive turn of
the custody of hi children, and rather
tbaa toero up e preferred to be dead.
Ywrlt Vaatt-e Uses 1" e spaaal I ius.
YORK. Neb.. Man h L Special i -n of
the mo.t hotlv oontrsted elections ever held
in York waa held ywsterday. voting on the
fraarhWe for the YorK Water tciany.
Only a snort time ago. by a large majority,
tha ultiaaaa of York defeated the pmpnai
lioa of bunding the city for the purchaa
.f water works, and ttslay '.be pro booed
fianctusa- u deieaied by lid vtvea. Thoas
who wrvrked against- the fraiunia pron.-e
ther to buy the mains or build
i new j
mam. The water works company bonds ine
ature ia itij. t"'
.wm a
inajuiiU' of the water oniuuanv's
Hay and Lumber
Sheds Are Burned
Stmctrj-es Covenn? Half Block Are
Destroyed ednesda After
noon. '"RUT';. N. h . March L Special Tele
crntn i Fire stuffd in a 'lay shed here at
Ton m l ;n a moment half block, in. luti
ng h airnmnt station and
nauamak.r s
umber shed nn T.velfth and New Hainp-
hire -treet was a mu of flames. A hard '
wind fannt-d 'he hlaxe and many residences i
were in dancer intti -he flames were held '
inder control hv the firemen with three!
streams f water The fire ia believed to I
have been started lir witn school bovs '
smoking near several tons of haled hay. I
ws had been driven out of the same i
plant -e vera I times lately for that of-
fense. Tie har and feed belonged to the
Fairmont remerv ctimpany. A team of
hows was barely saved. The flames
spread to a laree biilldlne contalnina; a
arce amount of eoa.1 twk.nging to ,Iie
Hel k
TJia next btiildlng oontalned lumber
new sewer machine with other
and a
belonging to the Un ("onstrtie-
tlon company
were old and
wa burned. The buildings
burned quickly. They were.
Three Women Hart In lain Wreek-
TIIT nni rti . v, i a .
JULPRITTH. Neb.. March . Special.)
T-sterday evening while driving hia auto-
m bl.e. Mr. Drown and three women oora-l KKAflN'FT The attempt of the ministers
pamons were thrown out when the car1 f the various churches of the city to eir,ee
turned completely oer two miles soutai,he h" fair '"e"1 "eld here was
t xi . i throttled completely this afternoon, when
"f Macon. Ail of the women were sen-.,-ltv AltorT,ev K. v'aikins rendered a
ousiy injured and one. whose name was i written opinion in which he held 'hat no
not clearfy stated over the telephone will .prosecutions could be sustained. The ob-
dle. She had several bones so badly ' :w'Mo" m"ie to ,hle falr "n .'h.e
. . , . 1 ground that lotteries -vere Inking 'tmuurtel.
c ushed that they were driven through the The preachers appealed to Mavor J. vV.
skin. The other two women, while aerl-' Pniterson to stop tlie iair. which Is being
oumv injured, will recover. Mr. Bfr.wn w&s t'lven to raise money for the Kearnev
, , . -t i . , i Kapuallstp' tiase hall team for the 'tl
entirely fi-ee from Injuries. He had had WHtl,n, and refused to take the initia
tes car only fo weeka and the parry waa tive in 'he matter after securing the op n
on its way to Franklin from the Brown 'n "f the city attorney
home four miles northeast of Macon. The , iUu -NlJ4uoUl u
, the M ciuou mi cpitcoinu cnurcn aie in the
car was completely wrecked, only the en-jclIy auenulns Ilje aymen s aiiivnuiun lor
gine c&capinv. I t.he icreaier part ot me liraiiu iniaud. uia-
i trict. ine convention tomnt with
-sr..k. V.. atea.
: Kj UN EY Frederic k B. Mowry and
Miss i"ora M. Keun. loth of Lexington.
-erw iiamra in mis ciiy i ueeaay aner-
LAY i:E.MEU-The funeral of Clif-
iora aic ijnnaia was neia nere yesternay at
the Omgregatlonal church. He waa the
win of i.r. H. McDonald, an old settler "if I
this county, and had been ailing for the j
iafct three weeks. He died in Arizona and '
Ins booy waa brought here for burial. (
XK 13 HA SKA CITY Last Saturday was '
"bargain day ' with the merchants of ttusj
city and it was such a success and so i
many iieople came to this city to trade that I
ail have decided to hold another similar ;
nle In about six weeks. It la tinder the j
direction of the Retailers' aaaociation of
this city. '
CTTY Mrs. Mollis Carmltt
who has been librarian at the public 11-
brar since it was first installed, many
' r. i hum. iihji mi Enm 1 1 . iKMiiinn ann
In oompanv with her daughter. Mrs. Ruth
White, ieaves in a short time for Los An
geles. Cai.. where they will make their
future home.
NEBRASKA CITY The King Alfalfa
Plant shinned out iphtv.slr n-m nt ita
manfuactured product iast month. This
plant Is owned and operated by local capi-
talists. who purchased the old starch wortca
and refitted the buildings for an alfalfa
The mills have been in operation
about a year.
BEATRICE Following Is the mortgage
report for Gage county for the month of
February: Number of farm mortgagee
filed. .77; amount. Hli3TT. Number of farm
mortgages eeleaeed: 30: smsiuit.
n, ?'T "V"" 1,rd- IT; "-mount.
NumlH-r of city mortgages released,
i- o.nn.,r. tc.ia
scoTTj' B LF FT Fred
Patterson has
tendered his resignation as superintendent
of the Scott's Bluff schools to the Board
of Education, to take effect March 3. Ilr.
r ?ii i i n nn. vrniMi in. Mute a af.
or tue Northwest Towmute company, with
oi me .lunnwni inwnsit company, witn
a stated aaiary far In excess of what he.
receiving as superintendent.
JRAND ISLAND A fine teari of horses,
was stolen last night from the farm of I
Mi. and Mrs. John Jacob in Hamilton i
county and simultaneously the hired man.,
one Frank Miller, is missing. Mr. and!
Mrs. Jacobs attended a funeral veeternay'
and upon the.r return missed the horse, i
a fine set of harness and the empiove. i
TTie team was a fine pair of black, thai
hamK . hMi'f ...a . ..... . I .. i i .. . ......
ouituings. in tne principal ivjrtion or the
iJiy. ! ney reis.rted thai jo per cent of the
Mvt )e d(int OVfr U:ODrulnK to ,hf tjltt
unproved plana and they .-ondemned a
nuinLier of old buildings, aa fire traps and
they will have to be lom down and will
lie replaced by modern buildings.
NORTH PLATTi; -James T. Ke-fe waa
chosen trustee of the estate of Kyle O.
Small at a meeting of the creditors. He
waa orco..J by rite referee In bankruptcy
lo Hell at the earliest date possible the
stiH'k of goods, which consists of shoes.
t More flxturea and a lease of ibe store lo
run for four years. The assets will prou
aii.v bring about $2.iW0. The debts of the
eetate amount to about &. The sale
will take place on Saturday March 11. at
- p. in.
FAIRBURY Tha caty officials are mak-
mg arrangementa lo spend UtuCO un the
iigm anu waier puuit 11 Una month andjm progreaa- Robert Hublry. aged 3 y
A pn l. ..iziong me linprovemenia spec ui en I
new J.vwA0-goiion pumu which li-ul
been baalv neMed for some lima. It Is.
.vw. via.iwaa e ..... e ' . nan
beeoeti lor some lima it
auso naid that a new stanupipe will be bullil
' r" .
Pared due to pro iter attention. It is aisol
ine intention to piaoe ornamental eiecuic:
MKtll around the public snuaie ml.
I" ail bury.
NMHILVSKA CITY-The Nebraska City
lodge of .x.ns of Herman, held their an
nual banquet and reunion. The festivities
vvete held al liable hail and JUD memiaers
were present and partouk of a feast which
was served. Some able addressee were de
livered duni.g ihe evening and muondt-d
to by .eauli.g membaara and prominent citi
zens of this iiy and county. This Is a
big affair each year and members from
ail aver the county are present at ?acn
annual roeeiiiut.
BFATRH'K At the regular meeting of
the city council last evening an omtnance
fixing the maximum rale of .J cents ier
Kilowatt for the Beatrice Electric uompauy
waa ivaased. faL V. v apps. manager ( the
vigorously agamM the puuuio of ihe ornl-i
nance, but the mum U did not c halite its'
position in the matter. The city treasurer s i
report for Januarv snowed t-t!leTtona to S
be tii.T disoursetnents. Bl.l.."a; bal- ;
aiice of 1 .(....;.
I'AI RHIHtV Aa unfortunate accident
happened in the Boca l,aiid vaida al this
pia.e at au early hour. Monday morning.
winch cost ..eurge A. Curmngnain. a mgni .
switcnman. one of his haiiua It is aiiraed j
thai CiinmnKnain was aosisiing the yard j
crew in :naa.:ng up a train and tn ,.ine
manner got uis hand caught in Ihe draw- I
oar '-oupttnka and nai Una member
mangieo. He waa immediately laaen to
a doctor and it found neceeaary to aiiipUf
tate this member.
Nfc.liltwV.-'HA CITY It !s reported here!
on ;aod authority that Juage Will lain Hay-
warn -aid ramily uf this . ity e no are at 1
nreaini louring in the old country, have
decided to inaae their home in tbe Phiiip
i'inea. wnere itiey are at the preeent lima j
Judge I i ay ward mane the race ror congress
in tn is oitrtct ut fad against Connnw 1
nan Mc ...ire ana u ariead. lie was i
fornieiiy e.-reiaiv of the naiional reouoil- j
uis w, ana eoa are witn :
him on tbe trip and will remain wun mm. (
CRAlll The Presbvtenai..
held thnr j
annual ivngreaaiioruiu dinner aud a.i-uay j
awaclai here T imciv In ihe .ilara noliee. j
Tue t ail ire had urrparea au eauevuoiaaur
, fine dinner for the n"Tih'rs ie
i Ttietr tines n'Mrifc;. Mi ion
ford and Jr M i n .r
eiiinrs and A r. vdmer wan .
I tfmn-e u oiifwi 'ilr intt.rd. i
att'-rn.'on T!( . junkin naji c:v.n a ':
rm ' i.v mis numemiia fr-. n.i". hi i"i
I "hh prrnt.-i -vim many iselid
l riv
aiuai'.- pr.-enta.
I M'llTH 1I TTK-riPttt. t .--oiirt . .n-jv-nt
m tins .:iv : .-tpin)- .ind the ,iv
I . ipvi.ti-i to a .ail .f die to K -t and lie
j iint "1 tnntlonn. The urr rimrw this
afternoon i . " mi a aim th- tlr" e
uKen ,ip ,a the f the taie uunt
IHHiiam Nunn. wn -hi .-.ihibihI vitu
'teaunK stitn. He xtih onviiti-d in the
'"lirt ,:l ' !il. Mi !anh uil-l
inm anil rie hh'IUhi tn plead KU1MV .n he
i:trt't ''otirt find he vrj n the aine
w-ntenie ax was un-en nun in the lower
ix.urt. ihi h wan fifteen ia a .n ,aU.
i;ilANI iSl.NT V.-stcrdav -he iinients
f l oiiimhus initiated a iaite cias wnti
the uxual "eric-e' ind f-tlvines attinaini;
the .x-aeion. In the rnorninic 'he -t.
Man-s l aiholle i riureh whs .ti inth
one of the arcest i-t.n;reicai lona ever us
remliel in the . ity. The memtiers of the
j the .'hurrh to the P'almer house in a IkhIv.
in ihe attemoon there were the imtlatorT
exercises mil in the evening a fiUe hanguet
waa served at tie l.iMlerKnuii hall and
many fine toasts were delivered.
Miersed with excellent music
NEBRASKA "ITY The engagement of
Mr Lothair novco of Mexn o and Miss
Stella McLennan of this city lias been
announced. .Mr. Roico - one of the 'ead
lfg attorneys of Mexico, as well ms lemg
me of the richest mine owners. Mits Mc-U-nmn
is one of the leading society young
women of this city and studied several
yemra at the art institute at Chicago and
won several prites during that time. Hhe
met her prospective husoand while spend-
the winter in Old Mexico two vears
. he.ith Th. m.m. i. to
take place :n this city shortly after Lent.
; a "ne tm,uel ana aeaaiona wm continue
' itirougnout tomorrow. iiitre are. iva
prominent speakers from aii parte .if um
, woriu. hu win oiace ueiore the laymen
tj,e details ol the missionary work. iiieithe house of
ueids in inula, tne fmiiipinea. tvurt-, eve;
I will be covered ay many iiuereiuig au
diesaeti try those directly eutmieti .n the :oumM.v, i hey inumate that Munier
frontier work, ihe suasions ain oeing ht'd caused the defeat of 5). F. IX. which regu
m the First MtnuKii.t cnurcn of whicn j , rf h h f emplpent of women
Hev. jar. a. D. aartle ;s the pastor. f
CLA1- CESTEIUHi-anns on the habeas worKer In """dries, restaurants, shops
coriua matter inttituiea oy lua Mauae i Jd factories. Tlie labor leaders point out
White of Trumbull waa neia tooay in ili i that L'.rt workers ln the state would have
county court- Ihe petitioner aiieueo thai i
warn m..l hr it U W O U' tl Was !
u,rv ,.ei.v lumi. I'amntied and Dmiie
Camplieil. reeiaenis ui Trumbull. The
testimony snoweu that about a ye ago.
rue momer in wniixus iwi" ... ..l.
o,.o,rt iiv .ith the caini.neila for a year
I longer, if agreeable. Ihe Campbells r-
fusea to Klve her up at this time and uie
mother waa .'Ut 't ,h oi'?:
inr .... -.. . . .
of ihe contract and also on the sround that
the mother waa not a fit or proper person
to have the cuatoay of the child. The court
continued the custody of the child ln tue
FT7LLF.RTON Among the many busi-
nees chanifee that have taken place here
' recently J. K. Kreidler sola his hardware,
store ana ouameas io tu. a.
. known .Nance county farmer.
Mr. Kreidler
i opened up the
hardware business here
t went v-flve yearn ago ana has been
I actively engaged in this business since. W.
' J. McCay sk.ns sold their implement
. businesa to 1. T. Miller, a resident farmer
! of tins county for many yeara. L. Kraane
j baa aUpoeed of his general merchandise
I at ore to his eon at Aurora and Mr. Kraane
1 i . .n . . .. 13 17 Tuilv aMn.ft his
i ",V'""".h, ,o Q .'h "seott of North
' Bend. The Leach Brosthera have closed
I ... hMr furnishing gouda and shoe store
! to August T. Hess of Lonlphan. Th
j change will all taae place about the first
Lj March.
FMIUJI.'RY An entertainment waa
I . v. -r..... .-
,a waa entitled "Fan-bury Corameraaii Sunday night to hear Rev. J. M. nbbetts j
,.luDi (Aiod iLoads and More Light iiin-i answer to a letter in a local paper au to,
streiik" wmc.'i alforded cntdderaole n-1 wnat a professing Christian ought to do
tertainment for a large crowd. This wael . , ,, m,,. .
au eniertainment gotten up bv the Com-jWtb. his brewery stock- The matter was!
merrial dub for the uenefit of the "jMi , m of much local Interest as Yankton has j
Roads. ' The official committee of tlisi a nne brewery, in which stock is largely
eiitertainmeni comprised: Messrs. J. w. , ,. . ,,
McDonnell. C. W. uartlett. A. L. .'avitiK-s. , lield in this cits. In a temperance address
j L. Hutchinson. Vine l'eate and C. H- the minister said there were only two i
Shelley. The Fairbure band frmhea , . to on 10dinH; such stock, to
..... t . naw-.KK.n Prof . 1 1 k f - , '
leauer of the tvana. unuea me uoiei
L.gnt Minstreia'' A farce witltlea uutcn
.lii.tif" hv S.
M. Bailey. R. I. Russell.
C W. M.wn. SVaiter Shepherd. W. H.
Mct'ov. Vine Pease and J. L. Hutchinson
waa also a pleasing feature of the enter
tainment. W. H. c-..siey was interlocu
tor V. M. Lewis and H. 12. Bailard. pre
miers; end men. W. F. .Jirard. L-ter
Wesiling. 'J. W. lioudlng and c.'ecil i-ors-lcoula buy
lund. fheew were assisted by a score I
of Fairbury a beet talent. )
in." ron,
Monday, a
Chicago A
HI cm am Knnrml Trtaia.
3. D.. March L 'Special.) On
i the eastbound express un the
Northwestern railway n eared
this atv. the infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fleege of Quinn. suddenly died. Mr.
Fleege, with the child and two or three ,
. th... -.a. Q - fn AlCaaSTpar JiC- '
uinius wt-, ... " - - .
uonipanyins the body of Mrs. Fleege to thai
place for burial, her death having occurred
a day or two ago at the farm home at
Uuinn. The body of the child waa placed
in a coffin here, while the train waited at
the station, and the party resumed their
journey with the two dead bodies.
Vasrlr Pram4w to Death la HI I si
CHEYONS, Wya, March L Special.)
With the mercury near xero and a billiard
. . .1 n..rlv frnuii and half st ar-ad
on the praino laat night. He had started
to go to one of the grading cainpa on the
c'hevenne-WeJhngton line, but got
lost tn
the snowstorm and waa unable to find hut
u. .mi . in.h in his cot vk.i i
v.,., his Kami. so numb that be waa
,.n.av.a to remove the food. He is now
.slowly recovering.
Wuaedeat Vu Wuli Daisagea,
WORLAND. Wyo.. March 1. Hpe-
t -ial. ) Joee Cortes, who was shot last
Christmas by Jaae Perla and Harry Dun-1
can baa entered suit against them tor HO.- j
OOS. Aa a reault of being shot Mr. Cortex i
had to have nta arm auiputatcd. The as- j
sailanta were taken Into custody and re
leased on bond. A.l of the men are well
known in this vicinity.
or" 0ntfmm Battlett B.
Now ready. Phone your order to Charles
Storx. Webster 1IS0 or Ind. B-136L
WZTvlT TT1. 1
lj TOua'i ittH relianca; It ia medlcln") for external msa, composed 0f mla
and other iHaTedlem which aesist natoia la ail cecesaarr phyTncai. cJaangea of
tha aynam. Ita regular nsa before tha cominjr of bxhy prrparea tha muaclea
and tasdona for tha on usual gtrjua, aids ln axnandlna; tha Men and fleea fibre,
and strengthana ail tha mambranea and tliauea, Mother' mend leasana tha nain
inn iatintfaa. - - . V- .. . 1 .
"a" .-taw wiaua, ana laayeaj
tha mother ln snch heaithful can.
eUUoa that her recoyery U always
rapid and natoral. lother's Friend
la aold at drug sxorea. Wnta for our
free bong, for ajrpectant mothers.
3frs. Uellie Callahan and Mother Suf
! fer Gas Poisoning.
rnrsBAD tasz:i by police
I i
t nrirr lrei I a f ton bf lt"f-
Hghhori 3 it k c ' hnn'
tnaM--f lllvr Ilia Siif-
mr-nt nt ffalr.
' laa tXiiaoning threatens the :lfe of Mrs.
Mr' Peterson yd 'Vvunul '.Huffs vnd her
daughter. Mrs. Nciiie t'ai'.ahan. while
r'rar.k 'ailaiiHii. the is hell at
the city ail for investigation.
Mrs. Feterson and her daughter have a
chillis for recovery.
The police were called to 'he 'allahan
"eelrienre bv neightHirs at .li '.Vefinesdav
mirnmg. The two women were found un
conscious. Callahan was arrested after
statements had been made to the detectives
bv neighbors.
Callahan is himself suff eiing from iras
poisoning In a slight degree.
A woman told Detective shi!ivan that
Callahan held his mother-in-iaw in bed ,
in an effort to suffocate her.
Callahan made a statement f 'he affair
at the tail this morning. He declared that
his raid her-in-law had been drinking beer
and became unmanageable, and that he
and his wife had had difficulty In putting
her to bed.
In her hysteria, so Callahan declares. Mrs. '
Peterson cried out that she wanted to die.
He says that with the household reduced
to quiet he'went to sleep to be awakened
by esx-apmg gaa in the room at I o'clock in
the morning. He arose and turned off the
gas. and returned to Sleep. He declares,
that he remembers nothing after that until
he waa restored to consciousness by the
police surgeon.
Labor Leaders After !
Speaker Hunter j
Officials of Wyoming1 Lezslarnre '
Blame Him for Defeat of Bill Limit- !
intr Hours of Labor for Women. j
! rilETHNNE. "vVyn.. March )
. vyomlng labor leaders are
political scalp of Speaker F. C
'Special.) !
after the !
Hunter of 1
e house of representatives or the ,
'" I Erwnth legislature which recently ad- !
according to their rea-
sonmi, benefited, had the
bill became a I
j law.
j AraonK the laundry workers of Cheyenne.
i nowever. it is Known mat a maionty
j them were anxious regarding 3. F. C". and
feared that if it became a law their earn-
j ings would be greatly reduced, inasmuch
aa they are employed by the hour,
under present arrangements they
oftentimes able to work overtime,
increasing their earnings, and this
desire to do. whereas, if 3. F. 38 had
j become
t law they would have been re
to night hours labor per day.
Speaker Hunter frankly staled from the
sonlng. benefited, had the bill become a
oaused we believed it waa class legislation.
Just what the labor leaders propose to
do In the matter la not known, but It ia
expected that they will follow Hunter's po
litical career closely and see to it. if pos
sible, t hat he ia not rn nLartt d to the legis
lature. Mlntster'a Solntlaa of Case.
TA.NKTON, .1 D.. March L .Special. I
Without a doubt the largest house ever
packed Into the opera, house here, gathered i
" -
- - -
one s money back, or burn it up. He ad-
I vociaej
g public bonfire and the turn-
A Toa of l
nothine better for female weak-
lame back and kidney trouble than
Electrto Bitters. 60c, For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Corn Meal Shampoo
Good for the Hair
(From the New Fashion Chronicle)
"Since nearly every woman has learned
that moisture deadens and Julia tlie hair,
there has been a wonderful Increase ln
the demand for dry snampoo powders.
"Common corn meal poueognra rare ;
quailtlea for cleaning th scaip and hair, j
No better stiainpoo po-asdar can be found ,
than a mixture of a half pound of corn i
meal with four ounce of amotone. This ,
ia a splendid recipe, for It brushes out ',
very easily.
apntuu a tabiespooniul of this mix-
I tur"
on the head, then brush out, and
you have a perfect shampoo. The powner
w,lu 11 eery parricie or dust, dan-
druf f and excessive oil. leaving the scalp
refreshed and invltrnrsted. .rf ,h- k.i.i
i rluxIy a"a beautifully luatrou. Any
I woman who desires ions, eof t and atlky
vrrsaes win appreciate this simple yet
most satisfactory an am poo. ' Adv.
Priilailelpliia Stork on Sale at
Tia grwatert crlsli ta womaa't lifs
U when first atu becomes) mother.
All thm piiyslcxl strenjjtli of her
natora U detnanded at suci ttmett,
nd it la necessary thxt her lystasi
ba thonrajrnJr pxepxred for th" eyent.
In artier that her health ha jneseryed
for fuluia years. Mother'a rriu.
nPTTTN'GS ars hap- H
days. Only the
man on tune is in time.
F t pitT.rv are T.ntinir to
take the tarriv man'3 Orrv a W.Utham
and he a iihfdule Man.
i !
What Its
Name Implies
'Hie Boston Lunch is tosl whnt ti e
tiMine uniMie. .,.ir pretensions aie
'Iio.lest. ,,o not aim to cover the
varied fleid of , restaurant. Our 1e
're s to con. lint eating
w.,ere busy people can go nci obtain
nntttttous f 1 properly cooked.
quickly served mil reasonably priced.
Flung located in three dirre'ent
sections ..f the downtown district.
y.ii will generally find vourseif oesi
one at meal tttr.e. Why not investi
gate for yourself.
The Boston Lunch
Famam Sf.
I4UH Farnuin Ht,
14IKJ OnuclMH St.
i colli Povdsr
cleanses, preserves and beau
tifies the teeth and impart,
purity and fragrance to the
breath. Mothers should teach
the little ones its daily use.
I "v.
Announce their First Showincr for
To the hiinilrals of Omaha women who have been awaiting the arrival of the new
spring models in 'Kintr" waists, we announce that Thursiay wo show the new models
of the sprintr season. This showing will be of equal interest to every woman who 5eeks
practical perfection in hi irk art tailoring in linen waists. We are exclusive handlers of
this famous' line in Omaha and vicinitv. nml we nnsitivplv im.irntw vprv "TC inrr' tt-m'r
j if
ami 8tan'1 rc"'uly to 'rfy
In cise you are not familiar with this high class waist, permit us to demonstrate their
superiority over all other lines of tailored waists.
I yC
; a,L
1 5
In order to close out all our Broken
Lots to get ready for our new spring
goods we will on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday place on sale our
broken lines of Hen's (ft
Suits, Overcoats and lP
Cravenettes at one price
These goods sold early in the season from $15.00
to $25.00, This is your last chance to get one of
Browning, King & Co.'s Suits or Overcoats at
such a low price. All sizes from 34 up to 50.
Alterations extra.
Our Annual
Will Appear
Friday Evening. Read It.
.... Omaha's Only Modern Clothing Store ... j
1f..- .( 's
KIOH Harney Hi rest-
Y imperfections and to refund
Lot Sale
3rovninaifing & Cq
B K OLary, -UrummNas and hat
Spring Message
on This Page
n'ti i sail
II T H r "-r -
Spring 1911
Si t
money at any time mi .leman
-0 950