Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE lil-'A: UAlAUA, '1 J I L' I i s i A 7" M A 1 iC-' 1 i "
tttv. run. ouuia Tinmsniv marpu o
nn: m;r;: omaita. Tiirnsn.w. march
mi i
'j. r.Mi.
, , . ... ., . i -
i I i I'pi r ) j
Wlml- El
s, , i ,. ..- 1
Embroidery Sale
Don't miss this snip of Embroideries. Easily wortli
twice tlie juice we ask.
iH-indi Nainsook ami cambric corset cover embroideries, !
to. l.'5-incli enibroidereI flouneins, silso medium nnd wide
ed, Brings and insertions ojien work designs, also blind re
lief effects, etc. Window display haa attracted wide at
tention. "Worth c to rn fT .
vard bic bar- fix t . t J.J 1
gain MUares
vard. . ... . . .
. We Show Scores of New Arrivals Thursday.
New Spring Tailored Suits at $15
"Si '
We offer Thursday nine different
styles of new spring models in tail
ored suits, satin and messaline lined,
all worsted and serge materials, cut
with the new short jackets, prettily
tailored, with skirts of
the season's new shape
all colors and shades
very special, at
J Ml
i r n r i ma n is r
' v i i
New Silk Foulard Dresses
Specially Priced at $12.50
Made in a pretty bordered design
worked into waist, with lace yoke,
pretty colors for Thurs- $150
day's special A"
New Spring SKIRTS at $5
J u panamas, worsteds, serges, etc.,
made in the season's new shapes. Many
new stvles to select from.
Women's Silk Petticoats at 32.98
SPECIAL All silk messaline petticoats in all CQft
colors. Also all silk Persian and Dresden pat- V
terns, at.
of Misses'. Children's and Young
Women's Lace Shors at practi
cally Half Off
We have taken all our Misses',
Children's and Voting Women's
High Grade Lace Shoes and put
them on sale. Such shoes as
Dngan. and Hudson and John
Kromer. are included in this sale.
Your first opportunity to buy the
highest grade school shoes on the
market for less than the common
$3.50 and $3 shoes, go at $1.05
$2.."0 shoes, go at $1.G.
$2.00 shoes, go at $1.45
$1.50 shoes, go at $1.15 g
We will not charge or delivei ' jg
anv shoes bought In this sale.
1419 Farnam Street j"
i i
mT r-""""i r- 1 i
inni ,u
"111 I i k I V "V
IS u
Yesterday's Grocery Specials aro alio good to
Wednesday. Call Douglas 137 ana ! your
We want you to know that shcrrette is the daintiest wash
fabric of the season. It has all appearance of linen, but
none of linen's faults, and launders ierfectly. Sherrette
cau be relied upon for your spring and summer dresses.
Mttny Iteautiful floral designs, also plenty of black on white
and white on navy and Copenhagen grounds 27 lQ
inches Wide at, yard
..In Wash Goods Dept. Basement.
1 viMniwrjnr'.T
High Grade 9x12 WILTON RUGS
Tliese are the highest grade of "Wilton Hugs. We are offer
ing .the in in our special rug wile this week at a greatly re
duced price. Thev are all seamless and worth up , $OQ93
to Third floor-at . . V V
. .... . . i
'-. . ' in Candy Department Pompeian Room.
Delicious Hitter Sweet Chocolates, with soft, creamy centers
i h variety of fruit ami crushed nut centers Og
Tlllllfl.l.iV Ht. Ill CtlC
Take Time By
the Forelock
Naturally one's thoughts turn to
wurdfl rprlna; ilothea with the pre
vallliiK delightful weather. The wise
one know that thU is the best time
to have their Hutu Jackets and top
coats rleaned. By sending them now
they will be ready when needed.
Our 14 years' experience Is a guar
antee against disappointment. Our
work never varies, the same uniform
excellence prevails, no matter how
delicate, the fabric or how costly the
Wagone to all parte'of the city.
Short Jackets .. $1.00
Long Jackets, unlined.. $1.50
Long Jackets, lined . .
$1.75 to $2.00
Top Coats.. $1.25 to $1.50
We pay express one way on out-of-town
business amounting to (3.00.
The Pantorium
Good Cleaners and Dyera
1515-17 JUNKS ST.
Either Phone.
Woi-yi up (o
la.tirt, at )8c
Worth up to
$3.60. at $1.35
J 4
Entire New York Wholesale
Stock of Spring Styles
Bought at an Extraordinary Sacrifice
go on Sale Next
worth up to
All Spring Styles.
Men's Suits $6L
Men's Suits $20 and $25, afl2L
at the junction of the Fraser and
Necbaco Rivera, will bs the larg
est city on the Grand Trunk Pa
cific Transcontinental Railway
west of Winnipeg.
Fort George la the geographical
and strategic commercial center
of British Columbia the natural
supply point for a splendid mixed
farming, mineral, timber and coal
area of millions of acres made
accessible by 1100 miles of narlg
able waterways.
Splendid openings
and Investment.- -
for business)
Let us send you a free copy of
"British Columbia Bulletin of In
formation," containing up-to-date
news of the great Inland Emu ire
of Canada.
Write or call at once.
Natural Resources
Security Oo,, Ltd.
Paid Up Capital. 260,000.
Joint Owners and Sole Agents
Fort George Townslte.
Head Office 642 Bower Building,
Vancouver, B. C
Beautiful Tooth
i , I Ft
l ' I V
, 4
fed' Kii!ll!l.l!TT
-4 li
Our New Spring Ladies'
Suits and Coats Will
Interest You, at J 25
If the maker hnl trtel out to
prove Amerlran yuiircmitry In wo
men's prattli'Bl nmn-tallored miltn
Hie result toulil not he more note
worthy. Fabrics are hard twisted serre.
mnnnlnh worsteds Ir. tHnn. grays,
hlues and blacks: some come in plain
weave-, some with the two-tone di
agonal stripes and others have pretty
fancy neaes.
The styles lean towaiil straight
lines, rIxIiir that Jouna. graceful ap
pearance which make that "distinct -e
woman," the American type. The
t-ollars, too, are entertaining. The
sailor type Is one of the new effects
for the younger figures the man
nish, narrow silk-faced collar Is an
other not lacking In Its charms, and
then there Is the deep shawl collar
for the woman who wants the long,
slender lines. The liniitKM come this
season In the finer grades of peau ile
cygne silks. gi Irtg u beautifully fin
ished appearance to the suits. All
the charms me .mind in the new
iackets, which are shorter and show
out little trimming this spring.
The skirts are 1! V yards w ide yes.
narrower, hut the tailor's art has not
r Mow ed that skimpy 'appearance to
show Itself. The gore 1 nnd panel box
pleat taking the lead in skirt styles.
Treat yourself and set thes now,
while t he lines are complete- at
Tha Wear Sprint1 Coats, like the new-
suits, are full of new differences
that have no less Interest to the
well-dressed women.
Thursday ask to see
them at
p i
Something of
Interest to
you always
offered here
li I . frfcUAtna sip t j
Saving! and
are assured
facts in our
Hevest Ideas in Spring Suit Styles
Big Dress Goods Special Thursday
- 54-lnch and 4 4-Inch Black and White Checked; and striprs on white
? grounds, and some broken check effects with colored striped Suit
El ings all the very newest and charming designs for Cftp
I spring repriced for Thursday extra special, yard 0Jt
New Arrivals in 36-Inch Silk Foulards at
at $1.25. See Them Thursday.
Our receiving stock roj.n nowadays Is the busiest spot west of Chicago.
Carload after carload of pretty new spring stocks are coming In dally.
Germany, Ireland, France nnd Italy contributed heavily yesterday.
Silk Koulards rule the new ailks for spring they come in all new dalnt.v
designs and colorings that bespeak the freshness of spring. Never were
we ao fortunate in securing such a fine assortment of these new Fou
lards. We have every width, every new design, every shade, and the
prices are not such that makes them expensive either. Our At a '
new 36-Inch line Just came in today. Bee them Thursday JjiattJ
Karly in December we placed an order for 27 and 24-lncli Pongee Silks.
This was before their popularity was known, tlierefoie, we purchased
tliern'n the nut-seasnn'a prices. They were billed to arrive March 1st.
and here they are the most beautiful anil finest grades of Fongees.
in ouy-inesp iiiks tonay we wouia pay twice and may be tnree
times flie liecember price Thursday, for 'one day only, we
offet llien' as a very extra special; choice, per yard
We alsore showing new Pongee, extra heavy, at ..6So, 7o 9o and 8o
Make a Trip to Oar Hard
ware Sale Thursday
Copper Imported Tea Kettles, size
9. our best 11.75 kind; Thursday,
choice at
100 feet of Wire Clothes Line,
Thursday, re-priced from 4iic
to 390
12c Loaf Ureal Pans, at 7o
40c Four-Tie Parlor Broome, at 33c
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants tad
Blouse Waists Re.Priced.
75 pairs of $1.00 knlckerbocker
and corduroy Pants for boya,
extra special Thursday 7J)e
100 Boya' Blouse Waists, extra
fine materials and tailoring
60c kind for 2t)
S20 (o $79
New Home Made House" Itresset
and Wrappors $1,26 $2.05
The choicest collection of sprinje.
1911. designs that surpasses In
beauty, quality and rariety for
vour selection any others shown
iu Omaha very moder-.
atcly priced,
at, from . . .
Spei-iat Thurmlay lUtreain.
'indies' and Misses' Suits in all
colors. Including; plain white and
black and white stripe
serges, values to S2i,
Indies' Iing Hilk tVAts, rain
coats, street coats and auto
coats, loo of them A
values to $20. tit . 1 V
ladies' Short ri-t t'oaM New
sprlnR models, values to (gj Qr
$10.00. at tpl.itJ
Misws' V Dresse $10 Tetor
Thompson effects. In chiffon.
Panamas, navies, reds or A
black choice i"
t..00 Idnnerie Dresses $1.49 One
lot of lingerie and lawn dresses,
slightly soiled, made to j Q
sell at $5.00, i;hoice ...l.Tt
From K::U) to 10:;U.
Women's Percale Wrappers and
House Drosses, worth
to $1.26, nt Tfl'
7.50 DreM Skirts, Ipa.nn Pana
ma or serge, in colors QT
or black, values $7.00 . . 4U tJt
I hildren's Spring Jacket Values
to $5.00, all colors, (JJ
tliildren's Wash Itrresses Nobby
styles, good colors. In serges, 6
to 14 years regtuar , jm-
Philadelphia Bankrupt Stock Sale BfV
Begins Saturday. Watch Windowd and Afls.
i '
$1.00 values
4 Big Embroidery Specials Thursday
The Kmhrohlrry sale day of the season, with a matclHcs snow
ing of bargains In all kinds of fine embroideries. .
$2.50 Kmbrol (lories, KdglnRs, l lotincings, (ialloons, Bands, Demi.
Flouncing Very latest designs, including tho very latest novelties
in Irish crochet and embroidered combination, per yard.... 7f)
91.50 riounclngrs 690
Th e most exquisite
IS-tnch novelties. In
fine embrold- 5Qr
erles, yard "
91.00 Dsinl rionnclnr
39o line lU-lncii
f jouncing. in fine
rnn(?e of new IQf
600 rmbroidartea, 89o
Unlloons ami bands,
beautiful patterns
great bargain, 29c
Special Bargains '-Gloves G Furnish'gs
Tenants renew leases in best
known office building in city
Therefore they must get perfect satisfaction. FeW
vacant offices indicate that the accommodations
please the tenant. Elevator service, light, heat
and janitor attention are the best.
Select from these offices at once as
they will not be available long:
BOOM 650 Fronts on Farnam street and is partitioned to afford two of
fices. Tliif Is one of the most desirable offices In the building, as It
lias a good south light und la utmost in front of the elevators. Tha
rootii Is MxlS' feet and ichts per month for 930.00
BOOK 606 Is a large sized office on the sixth floor, having a south and
west exposure. This room could be partitioned so as tu suit tenant.
There Is a fire-proof vault In connection, and with three large wln
dowa, there Is sufficient light for any purpose. Ask to sea this room
If you need as much as 4 1!0 square feet. Price per month 940.00
BOOM fl48 Is tine of the few pinall outside offices having a vault In con
nection. This room facoa 17th street and la particularly desirable for
a small office. Kent per month $18.00
SUITS 938-38 An elegant suit of rooms on the north sld of the build
ing; 61! 6 Is partitioned, making two rooms. These rooms will be
rented in suite or separately. They would make good architect's
quarters, or would be (ienlrable for anybody wishing a north llcht.
Kent for suite per month 932.60
Ntio elevators will b$ installed within SO days.
The Bee Office Building Co.
Be Business Office.
17th anti Farnam Sts.
WW '
Women's Muslin Drawers Values
to 50c, daintily trimmed, on Bale
in two lots, at . .10 nd 25
ladles' Ileal French Kid ami t-ie
Gloves Importers' Bam pies, regular
values to $1.25 pair, on sale at. .49?
Ladles' 25c Canvas Gauntlet Gloves
On sale at. iter nair 1fl
If Children's Gloves and MiUens Mocha
and kid. some with gauntlet tops to
"Gc values, at. pair . . . 23?
fl.OO Cnlon Stills, 4t Ladles' jersey
ribbod union siiits. aU.siaca, great snap
Thursday. :.. -
Three Hig Corset Special -Manufacturer's
sample and surplus,
at 98. 75S -lOt
Ladies' Outing Flannel Skirts Values
to 75c well made, generously pro
portioned, at 25
Children's Muslin Gowns Made full,
all sizes, daintily trimmed, to noc
values, at 23
Ladles' Camhi-ie Gow hh Hroken
lots that sold to $2.00. at 4)
Corset Covers that sold to Toc,
broken lots, choice X2 Vsi'- 'Z7C
SS.SO to 98.00 Wood Beds, full flw,
choice 93.98
Woven Wire Spring's Wood frame,
II. 26 value, slightly damaged in n ,.lr,a 7BO
Iron rnmt Spring's 12. 60 and $3.00 j
valued, silently namaKeu in snip-
pliiK 91.60
Odd Mattresses at Half 26 of them
that were soiled or slightly dam
a;d In delivery.
ulr . (J,KWr GuAr4j QfiSKi (4urff QWKX
There are but tew people who uava
belli. Oood TeaUt avary one ml(ht have
I ir tney wouia 10 ur. nrauuurjr. a u i
. . . I . . . t .n.4 U..I nulnfill UTt
tbe only meihoda aniployed by us aod ;
hundreo" ut nr patlani. both In and I
tut of tha city, will gladly tell you about!
ice aooa aeniat won ana our up-iu-uaiv
.'I i ! of doina thtna.
Laumdl O o i o si m
'i - Lcaro Where It's Best to Firm
. .-.
Tbloktag; about buying land? Want
; to know what soil and climate are best
.' suited for certain farming?
Our Land Bureau gives free Information about soil,
climate, and conditions in all parts of the country. . i
We bsve gathered data, and can tell you what you desire
lo learn.
Write the. Ijtnd Information Bureau, Tha
V Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb., today
and your questions will get prompt attentiou.
IFpee loSoFimattioo
Crowns and bridge
wtrlc from I&.U0 vr tooth. Plates that
j i!t from 14 Gi) to 111 (0. Painless extrac
tion or teem, piarvea oi isaia remuvw
without burtlns you. Wora warraEU
ten yeaxa
IT yean saaaa location.
ISO raraaa at. rbaae D. 1789
tioihing Too Good
for you. That 9 why we want yoa
to take CASCARETS for Uver"arI3
bowels. It's not advertising talk
but merit the great, wonderful.
lasting merit of CASCAR.L.T6 that
we want you to know by trial. Then
yoM'U have faith and join the mil
lions who keep well Ly CASCA
KETS aloDe.
CA8CABST9 ac a boat v m wrrk's
UixutuL all drutrftaia. '(tt !)
mmmty Omaha's Pure )
Tood Center f JJ
Thursday Specials
48-lb sak "Kxcellence" Floor ..91-00
1- ll. tin White Aspaiaus Tips ..15o
JJer dozen 91-7
2- lh. pkg. ,vt lilair'H Corn and Nul
break last Kod 180
SS-ib. tin (House lirand) Apricots,
I'lums and I'eachrs 800
Lrga tins Kippered Herring or Her
ring in Tomato Suiice ISO
Impurtnd Sardines, per tin llo
UnHlern Hurliank Potatoes, lu..S5o
1 rHh Crisp 1'retiels, per lb 6o
lluyler's i'oro, per j-lli. ran .
Huyler'a Cocoa, per V-'o. can .
Huler'a Cliocolate. per lb ....
Jellycon. pnr pui kuife
I -oz. pkK. NelH'ii's tielatina ....
2-oz. iktt. Nelaon'a (ieiatlne ...
i'ure Ground HlHk l'epper, lb..
I.H'rib Chops tslioulder) per lb
Xeut I.ar1. tier Ih
Solid 'ack fiyaters. per quart ..
Strictly Fresh Catfish, per lb ..
affovft sQacsO -f?m-0 tfSauai'O t'vQ tfSiiEifiO VQ -asEtvO
lenini Sale ly of
i'.aukropt Stock
Tail's Dental Rotni'sl
Wsnderful Bargains for
Thursday In Domastio Room
tf A. M. genuine Lonsdale
10 yards limit yard G
At 10 A. ' M. 32-luch Scotch
Madras Ginghams regular
price' 18c, ono pattern to a
customer Ge
At 2 1. M. 10c Batiste, fast
colors, good styles, 12 yards
limit, at, yard 5
At 9 ' P. M. 5c sheets, 'round
thread, fcood value for 69c
sheets limit, Ht, each 300
At 4 P. M. 18c Hath Towels, un
bleached, very large and heavy.
6 pairs limit, each ........110
15o Percale, 8 inches wide, all
styles 100
l'c Percales, 32 inches wide, all
styles To
16u Unbleached Shaker Flannel,
at B'40
iumusk. bleached Sbo fine Bleached 1 vatnask .. 850
18c Mercerized Foulard, fast col
ors 13H
i'lic Arnold's Fine Shirting Mad
ras lSHo
No dealers or peddlers sold un
time sales.
No mull urders on these sales.
High Grade lash
Goods Dept.
Llnorstts A hea.illful printed
fuhrlc, look. like tli ery tlnest
sheer linen, fust colors, ;'l to .10
Inches wide. II has ,'oulnrd
styles, a very line iiIo.'r.v, finish,
tvas made to acll for J.'.c vsrd -Me
are introducing it. at, yd. ISO
Trench Batiste The neutest, tho
bexi printed lahrlc, the mot jier
fect I'olorlUKS, the atroiiKesl hut
sheerest cloth,' worth Uc, om
price loo
Our laiKe stock of jnercerl.! fou
lards Is very beautiful liny are
worth '6c- onr price ISO
We can prove lo you thut w
carry the 6es line. Ihe bent as
sortment and the most reaonalle
prices In white Hinids In tiie Mt
Hat in ten, front lUc tu . 91
Nainsooks, from 10c to 390
India UnoiiH, white and black, Hir
to 3o
I'eiHlau Lawns, front 1 uc to .. 7.1o
French I-aii. from I'Oo to.. 1150
All the now raniot in JactiriU,
lingerie cloths, amhrolilerc.t ihitH,
suit liKure. etc. yar.l. tvoin lo,-
to . 93.00
For popular priced white koo.i
and wash goodx. fcce tiomeailc
room. ;
i'l lbs. nest Hranulated Knitar ..9l0
48 lb. sack heat High I'atent lh'jjj
10 bars idaii wild "C". Heat 'km All or
'Lenox Soap 350
Uailon cana 'fahle Syrup Sac
10 lbs. best Vhlte or Yellow orn
10 Ibs. tiest Hulled Breakfast Oatmeal
for BSO
liliiinnnd "C." or DiaitKind "11' Mini's
Meat. pk 80
,...-.. ILbau tiUiT SIO
tiood JatJan Hlie, per Ih 40
lbs. best Hand Picked Navy Hean-
for SSO
The beat Soda or Oyster Crackers.
per lb SO
The bent crisp Pretzels, lb 6o
The best crisp ((Inner Snaps, lb. ..60
liroinanjielon, Jellvcon or Jell-o, k ,
at 7lo
Yeast Foam, pkg 3So
I,ii l.u, 1 lb. can siourtnr powder bo
Sgg-a, Batter aaA Cbeeso Pnoes That
Mean Something" to Ton.
The heat strictly fieau F.K. nothing
finer at buc dozen, our price, per
dozen 17H0
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Hotter, lb. SGo
A Clean Suocp Furniture Sale
A grouping together of all odd pieces or slightly dnimiRctl pieces
at prices which will effect complete clearance.
An Odd I -of of Wooden Ileds, in Oak, Kim and Asli, lit !S.-,.(l(l
values, full size, at SSI. -15
Battan Qo-Carts and Baby Ituarles,
. ft(l of them, veloin. lelxct and
leatherette upholstered. In hII fixes
and stvles, tS.IMI to J:'fi0ii vnliies.
at S498 to 910
If you want somcthlnR pond at a
bargain, here's your one heht
cliM m-e
60 Odd Dining- Chairs line to three or
a kind, at t. HALT
Solid Oak DinLnf Chain Special,
at 91.35
There's Honey In It for You When You Can
Save from 25 to 50 on Your Crooiriet By Trading a) Kayd.n's
Fancy No. 1 country Hotter. Ih S3o
Fancy No. 1 lnlrv Hiiltei, Ih. 81c
Fancy No. 1 Koli But In , ier lb. 81o
tiood I'alry Butter, p-r II 1BO
The best l uil Cream Wl.Hf or 'oh.n.,l
4 'lieeae, per lb. , . .' 20
Big-bland Msvel Oranges Cheaper
Than Applas.
ItCiilllur ihe sixo, pel Oc..i-H aOC
HeK'ilar !iL- i.e. per dozen.,., fjo
Keaular :iu.- al.e, pi I d"eii iOo
HeKUlar 25c -i.e, tier dozen ISO
No Longer luxury
IlavJeiiH uiiiue it M Mi)ie for xer
body to eat Iieiii esita.bie tha year
round. Wax or tJmen Beans, per lb. IOo
l-'re.Hli Spliiacli. per peck fioc
Fresh Beet-., Carrots. Turnips. Itati-
N,es or .shallots. :t hunches for 100
S bum-he freh I'arsle bo
1-Tesh t.'uhbage, per lb mo
Famy Jer.iey Saeet 1'otitucs. S lbs.
for ' IOo
Fancy Jupe Tomatoes, per lb IOo
f ancy i 'Hiillflower, per lb 7o
Fancy Ci unbei rles. per quart.... ICO
' iicada flesh laf Iettuce 6o
l.fiieu licad l,etture, eadi .... 7K,o
and ......... 6o
aa Uta wsarai. Uuuoa Macs