Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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W '"he eeg nne jagazir
Undoing oi Mr. Uplift
Xorkry Elunei." Ar
ty TaiLer t. Son.
rm: r.:r.: imaha. Tnn;s'.y. matuh 2. m.
1 y
"At the club last mrfct." l:iiis Mr Vp
I'ft. "ws were diacuaamg euciely girl
ho tj' f a 1 urv titm 10 an educated ape '
"I an educated toot, key would
f-il kind of Ioiihoiii In a bunch like that.'
parrci yn mr Mr VpTrfi. "unlee the Fur
mad nioo of themselves m h would
fl at hrmtf ."
"Touhf wfrnen tnflay certain' hav
oueer Jd-a about rifw 1o ercertKtn their
f-ienfl " ml; a Father disapproving''.
"W elL r had that flaw of f -lend.'
tomnwrit Son,, " my irte of the si-t
cf a lerd iil u ;!ke'
"1.01S of flrfk Wtlllld 1 Insulted if In-
viied to (Sin w'lh a monk ." e'-guf
J athet . '
"11"W about' the monkey's I-Hir,!:"'
curries Ron "l,ok te tn like a mw uf
I'. C A to get husv on "
"Vv ealthy women couid make muh toi
ler una uf tte4r money than to cut h a man
ner ' proletc 1'aMier
"Skirt .Ui nothing to 60 bui spend
money." exmru Sim "would rather mat.
a fuse p-w- a tiaid heri d monkt-5 or a
long haired poodia than to threw touquei
t on uf 11 common or garden hired men
There' seine ciiu. 10 a monkey lunchmm.
lo'tiw It makes the pnl.iic ait up and
lake fcitce: Ik'KuW'F getting the dknif 1
picture in ine iuj'r.
"Tli old fatiiund idua of Inviting on
triendt to a C'Kiiu afluir," ij-iviet l aihci.
"a to hm them piijoy tticmiwii fi
'Tbi doj now in vo nifck iiuch a big
f ah thai Ui puhec i eh-i t t a ill coin
sut to ion. a ay, the cit d 111 the
trwu' tion iJiwtIIwh "ThiW: iiaj'i'.v fluvt
ba,va (one 1 fori vr bcu a dam ouid
- cv r-f
"l v - ' 1
li d i!'o)Mc aturt poiric'.hiiu; otfor th '.
1 at ! Dtr that a-ouid fct a i. In,
th tfcifr."
"Ortamly thr- n ient of tun. an
W iijp- iio m-vfl Iiod w ittiom p dm- I
nr to aild aTiimalh." j.roteotf Tatlior. I
"Tou don t lim 1 to po to a Korioty din- .
tn r or to th "( 10 t ub aild anl- !
inbij " Inloi nik Son "'Honi of our ory j
il-f-tit hMju.-rxti in th ruNh hour
can Kliour aoroc; lm.( real ohoi" in this ;
lint." j
- J cannot undorHiand how rational men
can limit thcnuwivr.h to ait at talii itb I
b UckloA ta 0aih o a-t an Item In th 1 lK.aKtf." arpua Fathnr.
otiru- JourmiHl!iris afoul th QiiiK irttie ; -A ,utit Ute Ulkl (11,cht to nillkt. , ,r ,
dinner ah t av a. If a himrn dowrti 1 flra hlt ml.n u,r colonel aftr hie iwraonallr '
fivn a f!r -tiar "tory in all th Iwiht. ; C!naucted huntitii: t-ij throuru darkest
With flaaWuiht i.tur. Hn.wm how th ; Arrtca." nu:sti- fon. "Love rm. Jov '
moha iout-at 4o atandme room to a tha ; eni; K(K,dm-aa, how T. E. lovee iiii 1
buo to arrive, J ou r.t.n Wt nxmpy rht'll t juiuri hahiea " '
Uttd mouth to F.iU real taara " -Childin niii;M I amuwd t.y the antics
"TounB woman in mr fla.i ." f ather f . tr alnefl anini.i at a part? ." think
ramtniaona. -were taupht to 1 unuxtenia- 1 j. ather. "hut 1 like to lli-e that our
tiuua In thrur auclal aflairs
i Aiiunran wonmn hav more Boriou prob-
Jf a dam tnd to pull off on of thoa )en to think ahout "
ouet Utile partM then flaj e." S d- it etve thw kind of damec a headache
lar!. In rewt of her chum would m - rt.e. s,.n -"ri.. .iirrtt
M,,r ft Uiromrh knocktnr her. When a : they do ir to pry Ioob more long trteim J
Dunta 01 PKmw et tofetner to toy with from huhoy. Tbelr idea of a pood ume la
ie hauimei. llv n.,, It the real thinr to I real fi.t.lmh."
in tna anvil cborua r.uattMMm What they, "To my mind." father aver, "the '
uosl kiwr- htnrt handing cut the rouffh ; eimpler a atrial funcuon in. the more en
tulf lias never been prtated m the Knot k- j able It prove."
This is ihe
C'l TTTA AL.r':BCnT.
l)i Pjirlhg Ftreet.
March 2, 1911.
ra' Guide liook "
"W ell. if one ximple minded aociet.v pirl.
Nam" and Addr. f-xrwHiL
Oflentn Albrwrtt. 3J"06 Sprint, Ft Vlnu.ti
Hn BtTElca, 14 3 Poulb rpuneiiih St Comptiiu ...
OarpBoe R. Baldwin. Jr.. iS40 Soutb Thirtv-fourth ?t.iTdaor
.Icmf-pbiiif Platkwood. K'Jj South Ttiny-frM St... .Tar
Ofrald Bnllia. rfSl Satler St Sarai.op
Vlolft G. Cook. 424 South Twr-mieth St ritral
Marina Cbrii'teiiiK'B. 3HJ North Tut ntv-fim St Kellom ...
Robert C. CaxBon. 4021 La!avnte Ave Walnut Hill .
AW Fr rr41 Cticato St Central
IviatparH ralconer. STfT Nortb Tw ent.v-f rpt St L.o-rrpj
Lillian M. Fowler. N!rt.h and Grate Stf .Cana
Fred M. Gard. ?r.f Ei-an St Iruid HiH ...
Ruib O. Gren. Tt'S South Tbirty-eitfcib St Columbian ..
William Graham. 1104 Gust St Sherman ....
Ethel Gordon, S43 South TwentT-necond St Mason
Sue Harris. IMi. Emmet St Lothrop
Catherine Heanton, South TLirty-iliird St Farnam
Janie Hndeoet. HSS Dominion St Foreia
Lewi Horafc, 642 0 North Forty-fourth St Centra park
Viola Holmann. La Platte St Hiph
Gilbert Kennedy. J024 South Thirty-second St Kith
MalK-1 M. Kite. 114 South Ninth Ft , Parific " .V
Jessie Hamilton, 1J15 Izard St Ca
Martin Johnson, 02 Corby St Lake .....,
Elizabeth Jchnnon, llOJt Pacific St Pac.irie .11.1
Emilie LouiBe Keller. 1012 CaBB St Hipb . .V.V.I
Kinsley J. Keebler, Ski. Charlee St FrankUn V. 1
Georpe Kiper. 1211 South Fifth St Paeifi
i aw mtma hiulmj t oat in uuite re- one monkej , and a bunch uf ainipletona
apactable faetilou on the aiaa " venture don t make a amipie function. Its uu to
J athar. your little boy to txtat It to the Horn fori
xau atirt with the j lunchwn 1 pull- the Sin4" Minded." decide Sun. "Mv j
lug eld ItnO, Bon -.omp4iiMi. "That U-ick ! idea of real claita in thia node-ty entertain
wa niiruuc year an year aco. Nobody ! Uig eame is U mail a twenty-one meal
but iilkor ouW try to Set by wiU that 1 Oukel as a souvenir with every Invitation.
kinA vl an act nowadays, if aome brtfht j Then. If you fion t thick you 11 like the
mocmr oarua wants te spring aomethlng I plaoe, you can sideeaep the i.rty and still
Sraan to iirwe fche's gune, let bcr Invite a ' not bum the bis eats "
Jauskr subway g-uard o met ba- friends I (Corn rlght. ln. by tb X. T. Herald Co )
How a Clever Woman Won
iHAlS of Ma
"Ia any uf you know bow it lee is to
be rifL.t dead ura uf a thing and then g-et
turnad bum bard?" big bill BmiUi de
manded. In lils ample 4ountinano there
was a lootL ttt aucb artiestiitMS that for
ono tba club was foruad to take him eeri-
X susly.
3k "Toi
Acue is pome sway. People who are
really stylish always :o couth at tlus sea
son. It seumK. When they auspested to m
4 to fro. too. J u a frood deal urmet. as I'd
jnucb ratber sunr rht bere in Stew Tora.
For a while I thought I'd "bave to iro
Agnes said she eouldnt see why 1 didn't
1 Jump at the chance, especially as CoubIu
' Anne had told me 1 could pet some new
! clothes. Phe said 1 would meet a lot of
i new jxtople there, too. 1'nlortunatuly she
said this Is tne at a crowded tea.
I had been to a large luncheon earlier
In the .day and a morning concert still
earlier. By o'clock In the .afternoon I
felt that desert Inland mood come over
had along with me, and I told her that Id
bet ber a -bo uf candy against a weiner
wurst that she couldn t engage him In con
veration. Bhe bit all right, and I brought
tiie boy in and introduced him. Then J
dug out, with her hit band, lor little
llrt.i .Lrsaa V a. i 1 I . .1 - .
" ouuiuau IB. JU a mat-!m4, .tt,fIv 1 m nl.lo tn an
Tou Jast better bet I know th identical j lr cold fact, 1 got back w here J could I up Jid aa.v "How ao ou do" to Mrs
-nsatiun,- Jones uuteied. "Had It all I aicn w nat wan going on. and for about! ti-t n.rt. i..,., f, ,.i
loured nut that 1 was going to land th Hve minutes 1 thought the wemerwurm tude ,tui more. I never can say the cor
oontract lor all th chemicallhey uaa in! niiu. when aU of a sudden 1 saw th j rt thing to theee old would-be society
a bt tannery the coming year, and It 'u'g chap -iv a bounce in hi seat and j bell, and 1 r In a state of exhaustion
meant a ripping big commlwiion lor me, 'bl around toward ber, and then 1 sneaks after a combat with one. To see Mrs
and " 1 UP to see what's doing, and. bless my soul. I Holiens gotten up like a saucy little
"Barking MP th wrung tree," Bill al- j a woman wasn't wiggling her fingers j chorus girl, drinking her whisky straight.
lowed. w hat 1 was going to tell about i u 1"Bl 1 couio iiaraiy loilow 'em. And h TJ VY
" fciiiiiiiig an over n lace and wlgg-llng
hia fuiacra. too "
"So she could talk
Brown ejaculated
was a little bet 1 tnade in the train yes
terday. 1 was beaded for borne and when
1 stepped Into ths sleeper 1 caught sight of
one of the dandiest women I ever bad th
good luck to run across on the road. Uus-
on ber fingers:'
'No mure n J could. That w v,r- .v,.
band a a traveler. Ilk the rest of us poor j jok comm ln WuBn H over fcnd
wretches, and they never bad any kiddies, j d agreed to send her the caudv and all i
s she goes along with him s giwd deal of i Uiree of em had left the train V found a '
the urn. H sells cm commission and he acrap of pajr on the floor of their section 1
give her credit Xor a good ball of the sale. ; and bere it la" He fumbled in his pocket I
Never aw a woman Ilk. ber. rihe know and fished out a Soiled and crumpled sheet i
aaactly bow to put a man at hit ease and . of note paper from which he read "I am
" --"' . one of the afflitaed. 1 am unable to bear "
"Uiu when 1 ran into that fvupie, about ' "uu, I'm so sorry," "1 don t wind sw
a 1 ear ao. th. train was so crowded that , I m ued to It." Then Hill turned tbi
she had to sit between ber buahand and paper over and read this: '1 11 tell you bow
ber brother, it wa bet weather and 1 to get even with Mr. Smith. Suppose we
aeier wa. in a Pullman that was as hot pretend that 1 cau use the burn langtiajre
and crowded a that ene She talked . and we ll talk to each other on our hands
bio streak and made all of us forget our Ther s a bo of candy ln It fur me "
miben . "v ell. pretty a.xm lb cunductoi ' .t. ... . .
i m . "i "Tliat s w hat ou call winnm- m a
cam alcug. and wWenb.aaw ber soueesed . . fn "
in between ber hurband and hex bruuJ l'""! " " """ to
he stopped and said. Ttow. what oe vouT'n er In her lire
. . ... . . . ' " u had all Ui ;andy she really wanted
call tni. I o tike to know And site said I
oulck a a fiasn. h. this 1 a tongue i "TU'U 1 " QUick wU"" kr "band
sandwich.' She's alwa. s getting off son- i orn" bei -f Harwing in St. Louis
Dime like that, and 1 . tried for a ear i Giub ,dem j
ft Vi
But I was asked to a dance at ths I
Bursters" that night avnd, ajtbough art
Ooldenduds asked Mrs. Ie Stuyster to
4rA Al
bring- us all over to ber affair, she abso
lutely declined. It's silly for jieople to be
so exclusive nowadays, iim't it? They said
they jrave away checks as favors, too.
Now, yon are so sensible. Mrs. Holiens.
not to be so particular. Oh, I beg your
pardon. I am so clumsy. I hope that
bouillon doesn't feel hot!"
I really was so sorry, but she looked
dreadfully irritated. Then she said sb.
was going south, and then was going to
her house at Spring Lake, and then in
tended running over fur ths coronation.
I said I thought that a lovely plan, and
It was so convenient her having a bouse at
Spring L.ake, as It was so sear Asbury
Park, and she could run back and forth
for the coronation festivities so easily. I
was sure I saw Cousin Anns beckoning to
me just them, and thought perbaiis I bad
better join bcr Immediately, so I said
hastily.' "Tou say you are going south
on Monday, Mra Holiens? I'll try and
call some time after then. Oh, In all
mixed up, am I not? But I'll surely com
after then. Goodbye, dear Mrs. HoUens.'"
I told Agnes nothing would hire mt to go
. .lt
. ..101
, . .lfOl
. .. J01
. . .lfei
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. ..u
. . .lm
.. .1HI
. . .1006
. . .119'
. ..1800
. . .UJ7
,. . It-OS
. . .IrStS
.. .1M8
I t. . V v.?......, iron tr . . r-
"i. a ouuiu cir eiitn tit Lincoln. .........1I04
Mary Lamovla, 1731 South riret St Train . . . Ill . 1 11 ll FI7
Earl La Conrte. 1716 North Seventeenth St KeDorn V. . .V.V.V.3 P9S
Lumona Mapea, TRlg North Eifcbteenth St Lake ' 1M1
Catherine Moran. 1B0C Welter St Holy faffiiiy VW.'n I
Clarence Moor, 703 North Eighteenth St ... lfl09
Hanison Malin, 4215 Parker St Hiph .V.V."
Emery Petersen, fclO South Fiftieth St Beala lffil
ZF?Jhilb BT St MOler Pari 111 Ull P0I
VMllM? Reid, 2C14 St. Mary g Are Farnarn
Willi Rasmus. 4.218 North Twenty-fourth St Saratoga V "
Roaie B. Rhedin, 1 1 1 6 Canton St Forest .."11
Margaret Rainey, 1425 South Eighth St Hifb .111
Dorothy Robrboufrb., PT.6 South Twenty-sixth St FamanV" nil
rwitn.! ..v a n . . i ........ .jess
iit-uiwca a. OLurx, irvi Wirt Bt . . . . . .
AbrahAm Steinbers.. 1141 North Twentieth St.
. .Lothrop
. Kellers t".
Seta W. Shouse, 1007 South Twenty-sUth St . 1 1 llllcolumbian" 1 Si
Boyd SchJcketans, 2F22 North Serenteenth St Lothro. if.a
T"-. v..- ei.v. irm - i . . ....i'iiiiv ......... 1 1S
omim, mvi jonn i wenty-ronrth St.....
-Vllrtm r m
, .... wi i uj l.t-btothu oi ....... . ti irh tin
jC uo.u mt, ievi Dgutu i nirfl St.....
Dcrotiy Sulllran, 2702 California St. .1. HUH
Helen J. Stewart, 0 North Forty-Berenth Stl '.
Ruth TnrEQUlBt, Pl North Twenty-seventh Stl.
Frank Trban, 1216 South Second St H
Mkry Victor, 1716 South Second St 111111
Lncy J. Taskn. 8102 South Seventeenth St
Eiaa Welner, 1710 Dodge St 1 CDtral
Edwin Earl Wrckoff. 4S0& ErKkina Rt
Harry Wlutehouae. 428 .North Twenty-tiirt s'tV.V.V.Ssh . .... .V.V.V.m!
..iraia ,...1CI
Webster ....... ..lVt
. .Baunoert 1861
..Webster ........ .1 P(0
..Pacific ........ ..1800
..Train m
Vinton ..lfll
Clifton Hill if. oi
Mr&. Belmont' New Move
Glaigw'i Deadly Tog
Bachelor on a Claim !
" ' "einumt of IVew Turk ha. Occasional!,. .k. ,
. , i "w v 'iai-Tj in x.nui
I ru muK "ln " t tiun of th countrv ai-,. .
short time a school for teaching girl, to I of liw weather. In Glaagow. Scotland.
larrn. A class of twenty factory gins aB hMvl- f. . . . " . IWUn.
suffragists will be instructed to th. art of fn iVbaTf
urricultur. on w . . Ult,tl ,OJ,ie Irom the autumn
The rabbit bunt didn't amount to much. , was the queerest snot I ever saw, but w.
I after all. There was just on incident that j would rather have the fur than the ears.
' .. . . . i ii..t. nlt. . t. - .... I ri.Tlftri. fit l, A - .l
dmary: otherwise holding the sack lor I "1U arlft alone and put a fur farm in
ths young ; in th. o,.wiU. .. . .
women hav gathered their ero... th.. . lum season.
It. a or e en tin ber.
"Tii time -1 saw uy aaaaoe and J started
hi la U mk tn liuwt of it. I had a
deitl-mute lung w ith she. ao 2 at him doax
in ihe a nil. ting iiacipaMineat and went mi
to it w uinan, and as uuua as I d said
boway. I jun.ped riaht ln wits a spiel (
aoov; in. awful baauful young ftllow J
marksmen holding down claims. Of course ' baven t many luila. fju; aaunks could
there was no snow, so ws bad to sight tb ' bJlVC big run must anywhere, and when
Jumpers as tbey topped a roll il the i 1 think of the cud moieekin pants of my
prairie, and one man shot off a pair of , Missouri days, I almost leal Ilk. starting
ears as clean as whlstl. It was this way. colony of mole myseX Tending to it
H. was lying on ths ground w siting lor a ' OUio keep a man buy. w Liie other uuncs
passing rabbit, when he caught Just a Quick i retting ready.
flash of a big pair of ears on top of a ! 1 bav a remembrance of a mule t.nnt.r
little knoll within range He let go, and in Missouri near Taraio, wb used to
smoking a cigarette and having a des- Ul. rtA)UU .j do , gluctsleJ) th. : make a good living trapping them lor their
perats flirtation with some puffy liking run fcruunfl ,,y UM , 6an dervish , fckms. VV . used to think molas hurt th.
yU ",0,U v " do- It. Hound and round be went lor per- crops, but one farmer refused to let tb.
U I on bis meals In return lor his devotion is . . . ..
. . . . . i, uiwi mmj-vmu utx. 1 J i . V soon muie nuiiiw in ie wurt. xvs aaul II na li&fl
really Quits conducive to thouebts of some i . ..... , . , I ... " "an
he stepped again, and mads mart whirls. J no nioies be wouid have no crop, and we
She puts a kind of thick powder on her " ' -"weu in , nunter bad
The nu w ho wins s girl by fiatterv ' b-' thit mke ter skln lo"k a7 V " """"" " larm, on
come painfull, candid after tl T bTneT i cbamoia. Kb. ha. been doing something:' " flidn 1 " gv
moon y to get thin and lias lost several pound- ; rot.l I"c bor toe ftm "hlrl 'as , croi; and sure enough no crop grew the..
v ben the army ltt about th same rirm.
ber of men during the "black week" ln tb
Boer war the nation was panic stricken,
but not much notice is taken of the oom-
quall down ln Missouri or out ln the rior- operation on these prairies. Wny. goats ! to UnM llt r,rt.v,.r . ! mon'"" smothering of l.liuo people ln th
enoe country is just as interesting. This 1 out bera. and preaent plans th. voutur won. -7,7 . 1 "uuow weeks."
incident I speak of showed w. have .oru ; niaybe kangaroos could bs raised, although taucht how to plow fields sow seed. Jn n L,mJon- h 'H known, ths resi-
drlv to the city and learn to sell them.
All this and mere is ln Mrs. Belmont's
plan, which sb says is the beginning of a
social revolution to make women man's
Smart Saying
j off ber lac. only so it gives ber an odd
I made, ther lay a pair of rabbit
That ; afterward. Anyway, skunks, loxea, bares.
down boraes, leed pies, milk cows. mak.
butter, rak. bay and raise chickens. Not
a man will b on the premiaea.
Th. girls will reoelve wages while learn
ing It is intended to mak. th. place self-
supporting and ultimately
dent, have blaok instead of pink lungs,
yet they sometime make tun of ths ojiaqu.
character of the Scotch atmosphere and
claim that smoa is healthy. Now comes
Sir William Kichmund, an evjiert la fog
xacia. ano taias about th. way euipburis
ciaas. Mra Belmont aiao announces that
eniarg. th. aci(J UUe, nlo
urea, a fa at firm ei.
sn. is working on th details of a plan ln i ,'VBre! ,,' rtrur hen be reported upo.
connection with the suffrage farm to en
able ber "farmerettes" to becoma owners
of tiny farms from a half acre up.
Back til th. whoia scheme, Mra. Bel
mont says. Is the movement to win con
verts to her "vote lor women" creed. "To
be a good farmer i only another way of
working out th votes for women prob
lem." h ss. "The more that women
eon to be owners of land, the makers of
homes that are real homes, the more they
W4TC7T w
Cupid warned to aharyien bis arrow so I ,K,k bavl11 looe Xulds of chamois on j ,
j u ol Jtalcu j to be;p biiu. rL P"t all th. women tell ber how mar- I
velioualy well she is looking. New, it is I
I When our vices guit us. w flatter our-
selves tlial It 1 w w ho Quit them.
Faint liattery won fair lady.
The neb "lady killer" come la Uae
lion but goes out li. a shorn lamb.
such a funny thing.
Take some old wreck like that, gotten up
like a Hliifiodromc. and they all tell ber j
what a beautiful and clever woman en'
Is and w hat a breaker of hearts among
the men. And tak. some young and ador- j
ble looking person hke Mr 1 lanperf leid,
and they tell her a be lin't looking so we'! I
Th. se.aet a woman keeps is the
' one she enouid tall.
and thuigs like that. 1 always say
Pottery neer gets contradicted,
There wouian t 1 many women going to
, church If It weren t lor the babii ol wear
ing our tc t clothe, on Sunday.
Tb. avarag. woma wh
lould tie happy if an had
wh thinks aht
tb wrong thing to Mrs Holiens. though j
I romroehc well.
"Se sorry 1 wasn't able to get to on ot
yeur das. Mrs, Holiens. 1 haver t seen i
ar "thing of jou at aU " Mrs, H aliens, en- i
raged at tb suggestion that sn. hasn't
lieea seen x heie. and gazing fii-ediy i
at m through a pair of longuettes: "In!
' been exceptionally gay tnis w mter. Ex-
her skirt
"Tea. one due go out a great !
Th tcijal coo pie were rt
y pn0& kjr pft cs UJOOCXIM frta
'HumpKT A rtff of JlfrDOAOa b
cnwjia U aurprM wmyUdjlm
,ul th. 1 nMiamli' uuniiif tiLUif'W all iivm
aain. en who used to think sb wumd .
, . , . v an wouio b car aklrt Te. on does go out a great
hippy u: ahe bad a husband t . ...
"ana dfkl Tue air is so Ireah in the parks'
. ; air, H.. m a tenae voice, winng skirt
' ' " I " ks the j wab nandkercbief : "I am far to busy
tag nff i
; witta luacbeona. tea and dinners to g. ID
; in parka As I said to Mr.. VanderbiUiun
Uom p auoas mat ar. tut.,drd still j , eaieroay at Mra. tio.denauo , on. must
wora. being talked about. fo Juf, . rMl j .u,lK-1. you
' t the Ooidenduas' rot 111 ion, my flear?"
iu' ' 'l'4' " 'l-bui not in Mrs Hollena. I wa ae fliaabiKunted
i u. air. aVtuait Seu
Tv beard a much about their feuus
raccoons and varmints Ilk. th-m lu""u ,,u v,l proteti
, . .... . . ... , what Is their.
. uu. VU! un ftuu Uiina or ths
prluc a leliow couid'sTet lor tn. xurs. Great
prospeuL, eb?
Honest. Jack, this is a great stunt, living
out ln the open, especially in an open
winter, with a chanca to exsrcls. I am
beginning to feel like ths whits mac s hope,
and figure my lack of hair would help.
Lnd you ever nuuu. that?
"Fitx" bad little hair and Cnrbea eouida't
find lbs line ol bis jaw, beoau. bis bead
and ciun all looked like. It was somewhat
the promised removal of th. National gal
lery. Th. Elgin marbles appear to be suf
fering too. The bits of color have grm and
the surface has lost Its old transparent
look. Sir William Richmond eoanparwd
the present surlao to "otiaqu putty
Smoke com London t3L,tn.tut a year.
P. P.uasell. another authority, "says
that If London were only smokeless it
w-ouid lie sunny enouxt t b. a health
resort for the rheumatic and aged.
Ik Exsiiaaatiaa.
Ex-President Koosevelt. in an interview
ln Schenectady, said, apropos of a lata '
chart that has been Biade against him: I
"In Africa I knew two farmers whose j
farms lay side by side A river ran through i
both properties sr.4 it was lull of fish, j
Cm. day these two farmers lell into con
versation i
" 'How is it.' the first aaked. 'that we '
always catch bigger tmh in our part of the 1
mix. un anar h. began U. : river thaa you do in yours
low bis bair. except that be aiao lost hi. '"Well.' replied ths s:or.d tamer
e later, and a alight study of the dope guess Its because you're bigger liars
has convinced me the man who fiuor John-' tnert ' "-New York Tribune
son must not hav. very definite hair h, !
And what would the Count be
if it waaet far bo father monry?"
"Heal still be a bachelor, mi
that is. it must sot stand out heavy te-
cause it gives a good nwaaur of tb. dia
tanoe below wheis a tailing blow can land.
Johnaon bimaeif baa no hair bne. being
atiout lb. same from chin to toy of bead.
Haen t decided yet to go into training,
but when 1 tramp around bera, fuu and
fit 1 beg-in t think salt pork and tiapjack
are nil-btjr strengthening.
Am going to start piowtng pretty Quick
Lit u or no frost in the ground, and I am
atueylng up on com every nig-rit now. Alo.
am going to grow some awghum for nan
cak dreaauig neat wiuler ISAAC.
Ash Ciwak Line.
let I
la f ekraarr.
First father It must bav. coat you
to send your sob to college.
Second Tather It did
First Father And what bav. you received
in return?
Eecond Father My son. Cornell Widow.
He ravalt.
A certain Scotch professor wa left a
WKiower in kit oid aga Not very long after
b suddenly announced bis intention of
miarrythg again, ball apologetkially, add
ing. "I never would have thought of n. if
Liaa fiadi t dad. "-Harper v -g-In-i
f vj. If '
1 -
Wht train 6x3 you and Cecrft
come out on last ruftit r"
Tb excorMsodaoc t2ata Tbe
partoc- put th iifb. oct wmrj
tStna bws swfeha.4 svrr'r