Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1911, Image 1

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The""" Omaha
Wit. hwmnr. fiction ..4 eomto
Ictnres the ea f entertain
meat. Instruction, rinrit.
I'or Nebraska - V'air.
Fur low a - Fair.
l'or weather report sec- page 2.
VOIi XL-NO. j-jo.
I'.MI- TW KIA'i; 1iKS.
SENATE, 40 T 40
Upper Chamber Vote. Dow.1 - 'lu
tion Of Beveridg-e DeclaxinV
Election Illegal. "
Taft Sends Tariff
Facts and Figures j
Asked by Senate
Mr. Cummini Seeks to Show Things
Farmers Must Buy Were Not Con
sidered in Agreement.
Thirty-Five Companies Decide to
Comply with Decision of Inter
state Commerce Commission.
Looks Good to Me
House Members Introduce Hundred
Making Total for Two Bodies
WASHINGTON, March L-Presldent
La Follette. Speech Against Dhn,
Man Abmptly ClOSed.
Accused Member Not Present When
Decision is Made.
gens tor l.nrlmrr'i Friends on Floor of
Chamber Hasten to Tender Con
gratulation on Outcome
of Long Flaht.
WASHINGTON, March 1. The adnata to
day by a vota of 46 to 40 Hiistalning Wil
liam Lorimer title to a scat for the state
of Illinois, defeating the resolution of Sen
aior HevcrUlge, declaring him not legally
sleeted a member of the male Senator
Lorimer ws not present when the vote was
taken. colleague, Senator Cullom,
voted In his favor.
The vote:
Nays (pro I.oi Imer) Republli ans:
Hradlcy, Dick. Nixon,
jiiamlcgce. 1 Mllli.glis m. Oliver.
Hrlggs. Uuiiont. Pcnroae.
bulkelev. Kllnt. Perkins.
Huruhain. Krve files.
Harrows. (lalllnger. Klchai d.on.
Carter, Gamble. Scott
t lurk (Wyo., Guggenheim. HiniMt.
I'm tic. Hale. Stephenson,
t'lillom. Heyburn. Warren.
Curtis. Keen. Wetmore.
Depew. M't 'umber.
Democrat :
Hallcy. Johnston. Simmon.
llHnklieail. I'aynter. Thornton.
Fletcher. Smith of Tillman,
pouter. Maryland- Watson.
Tutsi-nas 46.
Ayes (ant I-Lorlmer) Republicans:
HevcrHge. Crawford. Page.
Itorah. t 'illumine. Root.
UoiiMie. Dixon. Smith of
Kilxtow. Gronna. Michigan,
lliuwn. .1 mien. Sutherland.
Hikl. La i-'olletle. Warner.
Morton. Lodge. Young.
Oapp. Nelson.
Union. Martin. Shlvely.
t'hamlierlain. Money. Smith of So.
Clarke of Newianda Carolina.
Ai kunstis, (Herman. Stone.
Culberson. Owen. Swanson.
Da v is. ferry! Taylor.
Gore. Rayner.
Tulal aye 4u. Aldrtch, t railer and Terrell.
Cullum Votes fur Lorimer.
Senator Lorimer did noi vole because of
Ma Interest In the case and Senator Talia
ferro wan In his seat, but did not respond
to his name. The vote of Senator Cullom,
Mr. Lorlmer'e colleague, was awaited with
treat Interest. Both sides had claimed him.
He voted for IOrinier.
While no pair were announced. Senator
AldrlcU. ws paired on older questions with
Senator TerrcU, liptu being absent oft a-
' tmint of Illness.'' Senator Taliaferro's
silence may signify a pair with Senator
Frazler, who was absent mi account of the
death of hi mother. Mr. Taliaferro had
been understood to be pro-Lorlmer.
There la one vacancy caused by the death
of Mr. Hughes of Colorado, leaving the
present voting strength of the senate
ninety-one and forty-six a quorum. Mr.
I.orlmer got a majority of the sitting mem
bers. The position of Senators Franler and Ter-
ell, who were absent, were announced as
both antl-ljorlmer.
There ta a general understanding tnat
Aldrich would have favored Lorimer.
Nothing was stated on the floor regarding
his attitude.
The fact that a vote was surely to be
had and that under the agreement there
m no chance for a filibuster on either
slil materially lessened the Intensity of
feeling which haa characterised the senate
during the last few daa. There was. In
fact, a marked relaxation of attention on
tha senate floor, and during the morning
many aeata were vacant.
Galleries Are Filled.
The galleries, however, were filled to
their capacity early in the day and by 1
o'clock, half an hoilr before the vote was
to be taken, hot only was every seat filled,
but there wera crowds In the corridors.
Memhera of the lower house filled the
available apace in the coiner of the senate
floor and many a ere standing.
Senator Lorimer made one mors speech
in his own behalf. Referring evidently to
certain assertions made on few moments
before by Senator Owen of Oklahoma, In
the course of a bitter anti-I.orlmer speech
Mr. I,orliuer by inference accused him of
unfairness In reading Into the senate rec
oida only telegram unfavorable to I.orlr
liter, whereas he had others favorable to
him which he was withholding from the
Senators Owen and William Alden Smith,
the latter from Michigan, made speeches
against Ixiiimer; Senator Simmons of
North Carolina xke in favor of Lortrner.
At 1 O'clock pursuant to the agreement
of )esterday the proceedings were Inter-
upted by taking up of the tariff board
bill a "unfinished business."
Senator Bivvrldg moved that It be "tem
IKjrarily" h particularly emphasized the
word "laid aside." This was agreed to and
the speeches on the l-oi liner case were re
sumed. The agreement reached yesterday Jutl
before the senate adjourned that a vote on
the l.orllncr lane Would be taken at 1 11
(clock today brought senators to ih
tapttol this morning, more or less en
thusiastic over the prospect of determin
ing a matter which bad been thrashed ou
on th floor for ao many weary weeks.
They were pleased, also, at the pros
pects of transacting urgent public biialne&s
upon which action is imperative and of
getting before the upper house varied
legislation that has been hanging In tne
lalance until mn h time as ilisiuMtlon
made of the case of the Junior senator
I loin Illinois
Inasmuch as the majority of the .om
inlt;e on privileges and elections did not
accompany Its report exonerating Senatur
Lorlhier with a resolution upon which a
vote could be taken in the senate, the ac
tion today will be tn connection with the
Keveiidga resolution. This resolution Is is
folia H:
Itrsolved. That William I.nrliiier as not
aul) and legally ele. tr. I to a Feat tn I he
nte of the I nited Stale by the legisla
ture of th state of Illinois.
The negative vole, therefore, will be
cast by those who favor the Illinois sen
ator's retentiou of his seat. A majority
of the senate voting tn opiMudtlcn to th
(Continued on Second Page.)
he ,.., by Mr t.Iimmlni( of ,0,.
.ig for data gathered by the tariff
.oard In respect to articles covered by
the Canadian reciprocity agreement and
many articles which the. agreement does
not include, u read In the senate today.
The answer probably will prove unsatis
factory to the Iowa senator unless It was
his purpose to show by statement from the
board that there has been Insufficient In
formation gathered to proceed Intelligently
with a tariff discussion of the articles
The inquiry by the Cummins resolution
embraced pulp wood, wood pulp, paper,
wool, woolen thread, cloth and clothing,
cotton thread, cloth and clothing, carpets,
boots and shoes. Iron ore. pig Iron ami
manufactured Iron and steel, agricultural
implements, coal, meats, flour and lumber.
The president transmitted the Informa
tion concerning such articles as are In
cluded by the Canadian agreement. He
said In his communication:
"I transmit herewith a report from the
tariff board giving the Information In its
possession relating to pulp wood, pulp and
nii.( print paper and farm products (In
cluding live stock) and current relative
prices In Canada and the 1'nited States,
of wheat, barley and food products of the
farm, Including meats, ioultry and eggs,
dairy products and vegetables.
"The tariff board reports that Its Infor
mation with reference to the following
articles, especially mentioned. Iron ore, pig
Iron and manufactured articles of iron and
steel, agricultural implements, coal and
lumber Is not available for transmission."
Specifying the other articles named, the
president said information concerning them
was not included bi cause they were not
embraced In the bill' under consideration
and liccause the material in the possession
of the tariff board was not In condition
for Immediate 'transmission.
The evident purpose of Mr. Cummins was
to show that the tariff board did not take
Into consideration articles which farmers
must buy In making an agreement, yhlch
opponents of the .McCall bill insist affect
only such articles as the farmer has to
Enforcing Pure Food
Law in South Dakota
Several Firms Fined for Rotten Eggs,
Mixed Lard and Other Things
Not Up to Standard.
VKRMII,ION, 8. D.. March 1. (Special.)
Information haa Juet been received at
the pure food office that the following
parties have been prosecuted for violating
the food and drug laws:
James 3filrphv.-larms Ktipaly. company
of Hitchcock, H, !.. were fined, $10 and
costs for selling rotten eggs to a customer.
C H. UongHtaff, a druggist of Huron,
was flnod f 10 and costs for selling Illegal
stock food.
J. J- McHrlde. a' butcher of Vienna. S.
I ., has been fined $10 In Justice court for
selling a mixture of tallow and lard as
Hoberg & Bergg of Lake Preston.
butchers) were fined 10 and costs. Same
II. K. Stein, a butcher of Canton, was
fined IS and costs. Same offense.
The pure food laws require that every
thing In the food lino must be sold for
Just what It Is. Mixtures of tallow and
lard must be sold as such, and not as
The butcher shops of one of the largest
cities of the state were Inspected a short
time since, with the result that every shop
In the city was found to be using a poison
ous preservative In their eausage. The
commissioner will recommend that all be
prosecuted at an early date.
Commissioner Cook haa announced that
his department will keep after the butch
ers until every butcher shop In the state
Is brought Into Complete compliance with
the law.
Court Order Against
Calumet & Hecla
Stockholder in Osceola Company Ob
jects to Move Leading to Absorp
tion of His Company.
GRAND TtAPlDS. March 1 I'nlted States
,Htr,,, judge Swann of Detroit today
granted a temporary Injunction In the case
of Godfrey M. Hyams of New Yo'k against
the Calumet and Hecla Mlr.lng company
and Bet March M as the date of the hear
ing. The action la to prevent the merger
of the Calumet and Hecla and the Osceola
Hyams says he own 110 share of stock
In the Osceola company, which company
owns vast tracts 'n Michigan. It Is brought
to prevent the Calumet and Hecla company
from voting any stock owned In the Osceola
company at a special meeting to be held
In Boston on March .
According to the bill, the Os eols com
pany Is in rood field and capable of
operating for ears to come, w ith till output
of at least a0.Oi,0U) pounds of fine copper
a year. It is charged that the Calumet and
cla now owns stock In nine other mining
companies and that Its property has been
worked heavily for forty years and that
now the deposits ot ore are depleted.
Two Masked Robbers Hold Up
Express Train and Make Escape
ST. LOl'lS, Feb. IS Two masked and
heavily armed robbers held up an exprest
car rn n Iron Mountain train within tha
city limits tonight., mcaptng with several
packages and tl-a money box, which the
removed from the safe after binding and
asKKlng me messenger, M. ii. McKublyns.
That the train rubbers obtained a large
amount of money Is believed, though no
j eklimate uf the sum has been obtained.
I The bandits boarded the train at Ivory
station, in ilit southern part vf the city,
land leaped off when the tiain slowed
j ,Jor. at Tower Grove station.
The train had Just ielt Ivory station
when the messenger, feeling an Inrush of
..''.d air In his car. eiit to the rer of It
and found the dour open. Closing It, h
turned and found himself gutng Into the
May Submit Advances on Certain
Tariffs at Later Date.
Decision Would Remain in Effect for
Two Years.
Meeting of Iteprrtrntatlrn of Hull
road a Held at Western Trank
Lines Association Head-
CHICAGO March 1 Thirty-five western
rrllroads decided today to mke no appeal
from the recent decision of the Interstate
Commerce comm'sslnn denying the roads
the right to Increase freight rates. Thev
will accept the decree of the commission
as final.
The decision wss reached at a meeting
todav of representatives of the roads at
the Western Trunk T.lne association head
quarters here. The opinion was advanced
by many that the roads would be iinull tn
mnke an stronger showing liefotv the
pew commerce court than they liad before
the commission and thnt once t" new to rt
had ruled Its decree would be binding for
two years.
It also was argued that If the roads
comply with the decree without -dijection
and withdraw the advanced tariffs before
March 10 there will be an opportunity at
a later date to submit advances on certain
rates, some of which may meet with favor.
Omaha Connected.
With Eagle Pass, Tex.,
By Wireless Method
United States Signal Corps Employs
Latest Method of Communication
in Patrolling Mexican Border.
WASHINGTON. March 1 Wireless com
munication has been a valuable aid to the
I'nlted Statea signal corps In patrolling the
Mexican border, acecordlng to reports re
ceived at the War department. Recently
communication was estnbllshed between
Kagle Pass, Tex., and Omoha, a distance
Of more than 800 miles.
Royal Neighbors Hold
Strenuous Election
Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatriek of Kearney
. is Elected State Oracle Dele
gates Named.
KEARNEY. Neb.. March 1. (Special Tele
gram.) After a half-day fight In nominat
ing caucuses behind closed doors, the Royal
Neighbors elected state officers and dele
gates to the supreme camp In Denver to
nirht. Officers: Mrs. Annie Kirkpatriek,
Kearney, state oracle; Mrs. Williams. Car
rol, vice oracle; Mrs. Hattle Carson of Lin
coln, recorder.
The following delegates were selected:
First District Ida Kennedy, Lincoln;
Cora Webb, Lincoln; Mary 15. Planter. Au
burn. Third District Nora R. Kidder. Scrlliner;
Ida West, Wlsner; Emma Miller, North
Fourth District Mrs. Anna P1M. Stroms
hurg; Mrs. Mary Axtell, Falrburv; Mrs.
Morlla Hoyes, Hebron; Mrs. Ida M. Uild
rist. Mead.
Fifth Dlsliict-Dr. Nellie Diffenhaugli.
Grand Island: Mrs. F.llle Johnson, Curtis;
Mrs. Jennie Shreve. Hastings.
Sixth District Dr. Grothan. Kearney;
Carrie Marsh, Ulbbon; Clara Miles, tl Nelll;
Alice IC. Stevenson, Broken Bow.
A warm contest for the next convention
town was waged far Into the night, but
no decision could be reached, and the choice
was left for an adjourned meeting Thurs
American with Three WIts is Con
victed of Blstamr In
1X1 N DON, March 1. Felix Fvsns Ogllvle
was sentenced In the Old Bailey court to
day to t?n years' Imprisonment for bigamy.
The prisoner was charged with three illegal
Ogllvle aerved In the Vnlted States army
and admitted In a written statement that
he had stolen Ue canteen funds of a cav
alry regiment In that country.
l.lnaaer L. Ho t of Manchester Dies of
lnjarles ReeelTea In Fight la
CHICAGO. March 1 I.lndsey T Hoyt. a
wealthy farmer of Manchester, la., died In
a hospital here today of Injuries said to
have been inflicted by a bartender in the
"Log Cabin" saloon In this city last Friday.
Hint's skull was fractured and he died
j without regaining consciousness. State
I Senator E. If. Hoyt of I-amont, la., a
brother, was at his bedside when death
i came. .
muxxles of two revolvers held by one of
toe masked intruders.
"Hands up and be sure ou keep them
there." the robber commanded.
McRublyns cievated his arms and in a
lAlnkling the second masked man walked
behind him.
"Now you can lower your hand and
put them behind you," the robber re
marked. McRublyns obeyed and an Instant later
the second robber tied his wrists securely
Not content with this, they tied his feet
at the anklc-a and while he was prone on
the floor they stuffed a handkerchief Inio
his mouth.
Toe bandits leaped uff several hundred
yards west of Tower Grov in a mas of
tracks and disappeared.
filk 0-jf
far- NJ
From the
New Tork Herald.
House Adopts Special Committee Re
port, Levy YeVtft Come Up.
Senate Postpones Action I pen Mailer
Report Details Conditions Ins
isting: torr in Capital
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. March 1 (Speclal.i The re
port of the special committee in favor of
the removal of the University of Nebraska
from Lincoln to the state farm campus tn
the suburbs was adopted without n dls-ient-Inr:
vote In the house this afternoon nnd a
bill by Kirk of Boyd county introduced to
make the. 1-mlll levy necessary. The re
port was a special order In the house, but
there was no discussion and no opposition.
The opposition will develop when It comes
to passim? the hill for he levy.
In the senate the report was to have
been taken up. but was put over to a later
The report of the committee sets forth
present conditions as follows:
' Both city and farm campuses are over
crowded and badly In need of more room.
"The actual congestion caused by num
bers Is greater at the city campus than at
the farm.
Nebraska hall Is In very bnd condition
and must be replaced in the near future.
"The old main building is In poor condi
tion, unsanitary and should be replaced by
a modern building.
"These buildings are ro over crowded
during the forenoon periods that a fire
would greatly endanger the lives of the
fctudcntx and instructors.
"The present city campus comprise about
thirteen and one-half acrrs. If the two
campuses are to remain separate we are
agreed that the city campus should be
enlarged to about thirty acres by gradually
acquiring by condemnation proceeding the
six blocks immediately east of the campus.
Competent experts estimate the post of
these six blocks at about 1470.00".
"Certain necessary things at the farm
are entirely wanting, namely, a general
library, an armory and gymnasium and an
adequate assembly hall. Tha departments
most crowded appear to be farm mechanics
Land dairying.
Agrlcnltaral Distinction.
"We wish here to make clear the differ
ence between the school of agriculture and
the college of agriculture.
"The school of agriculture admits pupils
from the eighth grade In the public schools
and gives them a four-years' course, fitting
them to be practical farmers. In this
! school are approximately 400 students tak
j ing a full course and 200 taking a winter
course or seven weeas. i ne stuuents in
the school of agriculture receive all their
instruction at the farm and have no oc-
(Continued on Second Page.)
Call Tyler 1000
today if you have a
single want ad.
The atl taker will tell you how
to jet a servant
How to get a position
How to rent a Lome
To sell a useless article
To fill your Idle rooms
She will prepare an ad for you
and tell you what it will cost.
Don't wait.
Don't hesitate.
Everybody reads Bee want ads.
Tyler 1000.
"Wrecked Strip"
Under Scrutiny
Grand Jury it Making -Investigation
Into Alleged Protection of
Saloon Keepers.
CINCINNATI, March 1. Alleged "pro
tection" to saloon keepers seemed the sub
ject of today's session of the grand Jury
If the personnel of the witnesses could be
taken as a criterion. In addition to men
who owned or managed places In the
"wicked strip," in the northwest section
of the city, proprietors of several road
houses were on hand.
It was also expected that Thomas J.
Davis, cashier of the First National bank,
would be admitted as a witness today.
He was summoned yesterday and told to
bring various account books with him. Ex
cept for the fact that George H. Cox
j used to have an account In the First Na-
tlonnl bank there was nothing on which
to base a surmise as to the significance
of the Davis subpocnae.
Forty Persons Fall Into llasenicnt
luring Services In llonae at
Krle, Pa.
ERIE, Pa., March 1. Forty persons at
tending the funeral services of Henry
Qussman, at his home here late this after
noon, were precipitated to the basement
when the floor suddenly collapsed. All
were more or lea bruised or suffered from
'the shock, and two women had to be taken
to their homes in an ambulance. The body
uaa In another room.
The accident occurred as the choir vas
singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee."
The drop Into the cellar caused a wild
struggle among the mourners who were
lying three deep. Men in the house re
stored order and the services were con
tinued In the home of a neighbor.
Former Jadge gay Official Retaras
Mar GItc Hint domination
for Mayor.
CHICAGO, March 1 Complete police re
turns from yesterday's primary give
Clurles E. Merriam, republican, a plurality
tif 2S.1L") votes. Carter H. Harrison Is given
a plurality of 1 556 over former Judge
Dunne for the democratic nomination.
Mr. Dunne declines to accept the police
returns as final. "They have J'ro'en er
roneous In the past and the official count
may make the candidate," he said.
British Steamship Magnate is
Ordered to Keep Out of Holland
ROTTERDAM. Holland. Marci 1 -Rudolf
H. Tlnsley, director of the Cranium
steamship line, who is now in Herlln. lias
been prohibited from returning to Holland.
This drastic action of the Dutch authori
ties Is the outcome of the trans-Atlantlo
emigrant traffic dispute which arose from
Germany's refusal to permit Russians re
turning from America aboard the steamer
Volturiio to pass through Germany.
Tlnsley Is a lirltlfch subject. The order
of the crow n forbidding his presence In Hol
land was Mxti'.'cd this morning by the chief
-ommisslonrr of ixillce It Is based upon
the law governing the residence of foreign
ers in Hollani
KONDON, March l.-Sir Alan John
stone, British minister at The Hagu, re
Notices Sent to Settlers on North
Platte Project Are Held Up.
Senator Brans Will Al Oregon laal
Officer In Defending Direct Legis
lation Census for Smaller
hraaka Cities.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C March 1. (Special
Telegram.) The water settlers about the
North Platte Irrigation project may rest
easy that their claims will not be for
feited for non-payment of water rights
on or before April 1. Representative Kin
kald today called upon Secretary Ralllnger
and laid the entire matter before him cit
ing the fact that his knowledge, through
a personal visit to the territory In question,
the settlers there, through no fault of
their own are unable to romplete their
first payments promptly. First the govern
ment did not perform Its part of the con
tract, that Is to supply water, and stress of
weather did the rest to kill surh crops as
were planted.
Notices t'aased Furore.
Some little time ago the officials of the
land office through the Aberdeen land of
fice caused notices to be sent out to de
linquents that unless their first paym-nt
were forthcoming on or before April 1,
their claims would he forfeited.
Much consternation haa resulted among
the water users of the North Platte pro
ject, that Is those who depended on the
government supplying aster, which was
not forthcoming, and a stampede was Im
minent among them to sell out at any
figure. The secretary of the Interior haa
decided to go easy on these people recall
ing ali prior orders and Instructing the
land office In future to cease sending out
notices until such time as an official re
port of conditions In the North Platte
country can be obtained from the engl
neers In charge of Irrigation work.
flenator Brown Retained.
Senator Brown today received and ac
cepted a suggestion from the attorney gen
eral of Oregon tn act as associate counsel
In defending tha caae of the atate of
Oregon to pass legislation to refer public
affaira to a direct vote of the people. The
case I now In the supreme court docket
and may ba reached tn the next week or
ten day.
Omaha Shippers' Case.
W. O. Smith of South Dakota, railway
commissioner, with P. W. Dougherty, at
torney for the commission, will appear be
fore the Interstate Commerce commission
In the grain rate case.
Oral figures were heard today by the
(Continued on Second Page.)
ported to the foreign office today the action
of th Dutch government in excluding from
Holland Rudolf B. Tlnsley, a British sub
ject and director of the Cranium Steamship
company, a Rrltlah concern. Communica
tion on the subject sre being exchanged
butween the two capitals.
Lower House In South Dakota lie
fuse to Extend Ballot to
P1KRKE, S. D., March l.-An euual suf
frage measure w killed In the lower
house of the South Dakota legislature to
day by a vote uf M to t2. It had passed
the senat.
One to Abolish Water Board by
Holmes of Douglas.
Question to Be Submitted to People at
Next Election.
liefest of I'nstnian Hill Knocks Osl
arlcnltarnl Inntrnrtlns In the
High Schools Cnnil Itoad
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb. March 1. (Special.)
The lat day for Introducing new measures
In the legislator brought forth an aval
anche of new bills covering up all the ia;
ends of affairs that have hitherto been
neglected nnd few sections of the laws of
Nciiraflia. a they stand now, have es
caied without n threatened change. Hi"
house ha. bad TO.' bills brought before it
altogether, and the senate 3rt. making a
total of LOW hills. So Impressed was the
bouse with the amount of law-making piled
up ahead of It In Hie next twenty days ihst
It decided to begin night sessions tonight.
A few inure hills made their debuts at
this eleventh hour approximately making
loll new ones In the house today and thirty
six new ones In the senate.
The offering for the day by the Douglas
county delegation was a bill fathered by
Robert Holmes abollxhliig the W ater Rotrd
I noinaha. The bill Is short and specifies
only the repeal of till the sections of the
statutes which define, create and control
the Water Him vd and puts all powers of
control over waterworks, the purchase of
water works ami their Incidental power,
in the bands of the city council. In the
senate. Reagnn of Douglas, offered a bill
to abolish the office of city comptroller of
cn Capital Itentoval lllll.
Among the new bills In the senate was a
new capital removal bill offered by Rodin
son of Buffalo. Huhrmnn of Hall and Tib-
bets of Adams, representing respectively
the claims of eKarney, Grand Island and
Hastings. The bill provides that the tiues
Hon of removal sha'l be submitted to the
people at the next election. If the proposi
tion of relocating got a majority of the
votes cast, the capital goes to the city re
ceiving the majority of the votes. If no
choice Is reached on the first vote snd the
proposition of relocating is carried, then
the two cities having the highest number
of votes will fight It out In a special elec
tion between them.
Hill Aaalost Fire Warden.
The office of the fiio warden in Omaha
was anoiiKiiru anq, an ciiiri gcucy aciausn
was attached to the -Jiill . which puts the
office out of existence as soon a the" meas
ure is signed by Hie governor. The bill re
pealing the law establishing the office was
introduced by Shoemaker and backed by
Holmes, against whom an accusation of
"sour grapes" was Immediately made by
some of the friends of th present Incum
bent. F.dward Morris. Thrt bill met little
opposition, however, on third reading and
passed the house. 7( to 11.
Agricultural Instruction Falls.
The bill offered by McKelvie for an ap
propriation of SMi.OOO to establish an exten
sion system of agricultural Instruction
through the public schools of the statu
was defeatdeby a vote of forty-three to
forty-eight. McKelvie made a hard fight
for this bill, which was Intended as a
means of bringing elementary agricultural
Instruction to all parts of ' the state
whether favored with experiment stations
or not. The opopsltlon made by McKeivie
to (several other agricultural Instructions
bills, such as the Fastman bill fur the new
chool In the southwest part of the state,
reacted against lilm, however, and h
could not muster enough Votes to mak
good on his plan.
The disappointment anticipated over lb
failure of Hatfield uf Lancaster to intro
duce his antl-long-hat-pln bill waa saved
by Itlha of Douglas, who Introduced aA
antt-hat pin bill of his own. The measur
provides that no pins shall be worn with
out a muzzle unless lea than seven Inohea
In length.
The house through a motion of Swan of
Fillmore thanked the Omaha Investigating
committee today for a "painstaking and
Impartial report." The resolution was
unanimously adopted.
Thrre Honda Bills.
Tha special committee appointed from
the two house to draft comprehensive
road bills decided today Upon lit three bills
which are expected to cover the roads
situation for the slate In a way that will
be satisfactory to farmer automoblllata
snd taxpayer. The bill number five, Ona
provides a state highway commission to
consist of th governor, attorney general
and the commissioner of publld lands and
buildings. This board I to have under Its
control a state engineer and h board of
local deputies to serve Without compensa
tion. The second bill provides a one-fuurtli mill
levy fur state aid In highway work. Th
third make a poll tax In country districts
an option between work and cash payment.
Tha fourth provides for county englneei-K
In Douglas county the surveyor is to do
the work without extra compensation. This
bill also covers specifications for a system
of standard road work, dragging, concrete
work, etc. Th fifth bit allows county
boards In counties with th commll.jnr
aystem to haVe different levies fur road
purposes in different road districts.
F.W HI 1.1.1 I1F.FUHK l.r.tilsl.A I I UK
Last Day for Measure Bring In
Flood to Keep Printer Mu.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. March 1 . -(Special. )-The fol
lowing bills wer Introduced In the house
today :
H. H. U03. by Norton KaJses salaries of
count) clerks In counties under 15.UJU and
changes the sstem of fee charges.
H. R. WH, by Norton Changes the system
of fee charging In all counties, with rela
tion to the county clerk office. Kuier
gency. H. R. by Norton-Give county clerk
a fee uf 10 cent for discharging jnort
gages. 11. R. Ju. by Norton County clerk shall
receive pay for correcting and extending
assessment books, requires certification of
school dlHlrict levies to colour superin
tendent in stead of county clerk. Kiner
gency. H. R. Kfi, Hatfield Increases maximum
levy uf stale board of eqtiaHaaUoa for