Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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tootpit a u
Great Sale of Dress Silks, IKS,- 59c
5,K)() yards of .'!(-incli and 27-inch dress silks, comprising nil the new pencil stripe inessalines, glace
chiffon taffetas, :W-inch and 27 inch heavy nil silk coat and suit
pongee and Lyons' Shantungs, besides black yard wide
dress taffetas; $1.(H) and $1.'2." silks on bargain square, per Yard,
at ..'
. .-.J
An Irresistible Exhibit and Sale of Exquisite
Embroideries and Laces
latest novelties for spring nnd sunnnor season, new
trimmings, laces in matched sets, new allovers, new silk em
broidered hands, new dress trimmings, fringes, tassels, etc.
Everybody is talking about Brandeis stunning, exclusive styles of foreign foulards. Having antici
pated the coining of Rordure Foulards, we placed large orders for these bordered foulards and are
showing such styles and designs as are the rage i n Fans and Ixmdon. fl PA f rt tfjrt PA
?J.tV IU PAtfU
All the scarce blues, etc.
42-inch and ,'5(!-inch wide, per yard. at.
30-ineh Quality Dora Dress Satin Messaline In
New Waterproof 'Foulards The 83o and $1.00
kind on bargain Hanaro. All the neat, small and r A I n iri t.jif vnii nf street mid evenincr 4 A A
shades, at -i off regular price, yard. . . .
medium figures, far npnee dots, two tone cameo
and Jardiniere patterns, per yard, at ,
10 Lig Bargain Squares Piled High
With New Arrivals
18 and 22-inch fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric
embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset cover
widths, also wide galloons and bands; choice,
new designs in English eyelet, Madeira, floral,
guipuite and blind relief effects. The window
display has attracted wide attention. Big bar
gain square worth up to oOc yard,
at yard ..; OL
25c Embroideries, 10c
Medium and wide embroidery edgings, inser
tions and galloons, al'o corset cover widths
all excellent quality many are handloom nee
dlework, newest designs. Thousands ff Aa
yards worth up to 25c, bargain square,. . AvV
Wide Embroideries, Yard 59c
22, 27 and 43-inch fine nainsook, batiste and
Swiss embroidered skirtings, flouncings, cor
set coverings, also wide panels, all this sea
son's newest designs in Angleterre, floral and
guipnire effects, hemstitched flouncings, ruf
fie edge flouncings, with rows 'of fine
Val. laces, etc., yard
27-luch Fine Embroidered
Floumlnpra Lacy design
I n combination baby
Irish, gulpuire. rilct, Jap
anese; 'orth to 71
II. DO per yard, at. . . I 3C
Thousands of Yards of Flno
Kmbroldery Edgings and
Insertions Narrow and
medium widths, excellent
needlework, worth
1 Oc per yard, at v
(Monday E
Dress Goods Vash Goods
Fashion's Latest Weaves Shawn oa Maia Flocr
Everything that is new and fashionable is shown in our
enlarged dress goods and wash goods departments. Exclu
sive, novelties not shown elsewhere.
-Tropical suitings, mixed English and Ceiniau tailor suit
ings, French custom serges, English Tussali K'ovals. diauo
ii. .... ....
nai ana renal stripes, tuttctns and (j rn
Panama weaves, vard $1 to vlt)v
A Tremendous Cash Purchase Including Entire Stock
on Hand of a Well Known Eastern Manufacturer
This was the most fortunate purchase of rugs ever made by a retail store. It comprises the largest stock of high
grade rugs ever brought to Omaha in one shipment. Every rug you buy here Monday means au actual saving of dollars
to you. ;
We flare Held Remarkable Rug Sales Before But This Will Be the Greatest
Sale of Rugs Ever Held By Any Store Anywhere
Greater stock, greater bargains and greater varieties than ever before. Practically entire third floor devoted to the
sale. Eighty clerks to wait on you. No crowding. No disappointments.
The New 1911 Corsets
Special showing and sale of the advance models'
in lines controlled by the Braudeis Stores. La
Vida, CJossard. Ee lievo, Madaliene Lyra and
American Lady Corset all models fl A and
carefully fitted, from,
Monday Special Sale
Hen's Pants and
Hen's Fancy Vests
Albert CahnV white flannel
and striped serge (Jolf Trous
ers and the New York Mfgr's.
stock of pure worsteds and all
wool eassimere pants, worth
. up to $().5(), tfrt r A
1 1 iu j at v",wv
1 1 I I Choice of hundreds of pairs of
' V men's up-to-date Q4 PA
$3.00 pants at ;.;vl.V
White aud Fancy Vests from
Albert Cahn'stock; young men's aud Pf Ar
men's sizes, at vlweatJ
520 Room Size Brussels .
Axminster &. Velvet Rugs W
These are i)xV2 rugs, in Sill new and de-
sirable patterns. This will be a great bargain lot
at $9.08
530.00 9x12 Size
Axminster Rugs, at
These are fine room-size Uugs of ex
cellent quality Axminster,-full bordered, new, attrac
tive patterns, at $15.98
1i 5-9S
Room Size
Brussels Rugs
These are $15 and $18
quality fine Brussels
Rugs, up to 9x12 size,
all desirable
Highest Quality Vilton Rugs
Hundreds of the very finest grade of
Wilton Rugs made. AU new designs
and colors. Many beautiful allover
and medallion patterns. Rich, soft
rose colors, greens, browns, tans and
blues, at '
These are 27x60 Rugs
large variety of pat
terns to choose from,
wTorth up
to $3.50,
Reversible Bath Rugs
Washable Fast Colors
Bath Rugs. 30x00
and 36x72, worth
up to QCr
$3.50, at . JfOt
Bath Ruga, 27x54
and 24x48, worth
up to 7QC
$2.50, at .
Extra Large Size Rugs
Many large size rugs of highest quality were in
this stock, and we offer them at amazing bargains.
10-Hxl2 and 106xl3-(i Seamless Itrussels and
Velvet Hugs, Worth $:i0.f)0, at $17.08
10-6x13-6 and 11-3x12 12x15 Axminster Rugs,
Axminster Rugs, $40 $50.00 values
values at $25 at $29
Made Up Rugs From
Cut Rolls oi Carpet
We received a number of cut rolls
of carpet, not in the same pattern as
our regular stock. We have made this
carpet into varioua aiza rugs, and they
will be sold at one-half actual value.
Sale Begins Plonday at 8 a. m.Brandeis, 3rd Floor
Yard Wide Black and White' Wool Chocks Worth 6fc
per yard; for Monday, dress goods section,
per yard, at Ost
11.00 and $1.25 Suitings on Bargain Square 10 to 50
inch materials, panamiis, Herges, tweeds, diagonals,
whipcords, hairline stripes, broken heck n 7A
suitings, French taffetas, per yard, at JjC'UC
Silk Stripe Englinh Voiles Regular price 50c per yard;
wash goods section, per yard, rtf
at ZiC
Stunning Wash Fabrics, Main Floor
10 New Arrivals, First Showing, Monday. Tinted Mar
quisette Lace Stripe Effect Very stunning with plain
Marquisette to match, pattern, ir.i "A
at $ZZ,DU
12 Embroidered, 46-inch Material, in Fine Quality Voilee
With beautiful deep self tone borders, - a
exclusive patterns, at
15 Most Elaborate Persian and Oriental Three Tone Col
orings Bordure Marquisette Single and i 4(1 PA
double borders, at a pattern .l&t)U
Specials in Wash Fabrics for Monday
27-inch Linen Effect Grenadines. 27-Inch silk Dot
Jacquards, 27-inch Tusnah Jacquard with colored dots,
27-inch White and Black Paquln Dot Voiles, 27- q
inch Lace Stripe Opera Voile per yard, at iC
Basement Specials
Scarcely Ever Have Sheets & Pillow
Cases Been Sold so Cheaply
Fine bed size Blenched Sheets, size 81x5)0, torn
not cut, and are made fronj sheeting that is
heavy and will ive excellent wear. Usually
they are'sold at 7oc each. Not over CCf
one dozen to each customer; at, each veJL
42x36-inch and 45x.'JG-iueh Fruit of the
Loom Pillow Cases; choice Monday. .
lhe retrular JUe Ciade i r'armerB' Choice Hlcacliotl
Muslin, noterl for
itn IHlft flllfKh.
frea from filling,
at, yarrl
Brandeis Store
$1.50 Ciirtslna at So pair
One Immense lot of full aiz
curtains. In white and Arab
color, worth up to An
SI.50 pair; special ifSC
for Momtav, pair
10 Curt vina at Si.KO Tair
'liolce of over 50 patterns of
fine imported curtain, every
pattern Imported by iih for
xpi lna;, worth O T f(l
up to mi at, 5 1. all
$2 Curtains et.ft.G0 Pair
Lace curtains, dozenB of pat
terns, tip to 60 Inches wide.
worth $2 pair: ape
rial for Monday,
$1.00 Swiss Curtain, spe
cial for Monday, 7Q
nalr I C
$3 Curtains at $1.98 Pair
I.ace curtam.-i in all the new
spring weaves, audi as filet
net. cable net, madras weave.
Scotch net 11 are flnlalied
with overlook tone,
worth up to $u
pair: at. pair
$1.75 8wlsa f'urtalns
borders or all white
special for Mon
day, pair
$4 Curtains at $2.98 Pair
Such as fine filet and bunga
low nets, plain and allover
patterns, clunys, Irish point,
novelty neis Thefe are made
of very fine Kjtypt
ian yarn, worth up
to $4; special, paii
$4 Stencil Scrim Cur
tains, special for
$8.50 Curtains at $4.98 Pair
An immense asortment of
fine imported curtains, such
as real Durness, Arabian,
cluny, Brus-els, Marie An
toinette, Irish . n n
Point for one X'i.yil
duy only, pair "vyt
$l..r(i Cross Stripe Snow Flake
and Scrim Cur
tains: special for
Monday, pair
white. Cambric, M
at, yard U2L
On special bargain table good grade mercer
ized sateen, black only from the
bolt, at, yard
Ginghams for dresses, also nurse stripes, Scotch
and chambry ginghams per yard, 7 1' O
at ' 2t
The pretty dresses for spring and summer wear
may and should be decided on now if you
would enjoy the best and most complete assort
ment to choose from. Here are plaids, stripes,
checks and plain colors. Every ynrd warranted
absolutely new this season and positively fat
in color basement; per vard
at 10c, 122C, 15c, 25c and 35c
Apron Cheek Ginghams social for
Monday; from the bolt, at, yard
Brandeis Stores
Framing: Measure for Medical Inipec
tion of Omaha Schools.
r- 1 1
Wvala1 Hatir Htea Ihoaaaad Uollara
Irar for t are ! Payalral laa
dlliua of laa lily's
Uncoln Monday and will tie atarted on Its
way through the legislature.
A bill providing for the medical Inspec
tion of the putilic schools of Omaha Is
being drawn by Clinton Brohie, assistant
city attorney. Mr. Hrome said Saturday
morning that lie was preparing the bill
upon the request of Dr. R. W. t'onnell,
health commissioner.
. According to Bronte, the bill will be In
troduced Inte the legislature Monday, it
provides that city councils of metropolitan
cities In the, Mute, of .Nebraska, which
means (Una ha. jil.all annually In the first
wetk of January, after the general tax lery
Is made. i t aside the sum of $7,0u0 to be
expended by the health department to be
used for defraying the cost of medical In
specllon of all schools within the cnrpoi-ate
limits of the city:' the sunt to be In addi
tion to the maximum amount authorised to
be levied by cities of metropolitan class
under the provisions nf their charters.
Mectlon S of the bill provides that the
sum shall be subject t- the control af the
bealtb departmnt and that the health oorn
mlsaloner shall superTlse the Uiimrd'jite rtie
trtbirtloa of ths money and that It shall
ba csed urhuuvely for medical supervision
aurp ae,
U'lins w1U be mada te grt the lKuglaa
County M1lual society to Indorse the bilL
Thia XMucuiMHl bu a meeting achadaiad
far TuMla evrtitn. a ken It U1 ba aakad
t Indorse Uie nmaaure.
VW k.. O W will .
Rupe is Assaulted
and Place is Robbed
Assailant Hits Him Over the Head
with a Revolver and Rifles
Cash Drawer.
Plugged over the head with the butt-end
of a revolver as he stepiicd Into the vetl
bule of the Metropolitan pool hall, 1318
Capitol avenue, to open up Saturday. John
Hune. KM Charles stret, saw his assailant
rifle the rash renter of Jl.tC. The police
answered his call for asxlMitncr and he
was treated by the police surgeon. lie
ws able to give a good description of the
Iate Saturday afternoon the police ar
rested J. U Bryan and sre holding him for
Iniestlgatlon. Rupe, although not poIUe
In his Identification, Is morally certain
Bryan Is the man who attacked him. lie
says Brin has been loafing about the pool
hajl for some time, lleihad 11.80 on his
leron when arrested.
Levy for Hydrant
Rental Payments is.
Approved by Board
Action of Council Toward Settlement
of Water Debt Gets 0. K. from
A resolution riuin the city council for a
tax levy or tt mills, to ay for Hydrant
rentals and interest, amounting to tlSl LTtM,
was unanimously approved by the county
coinnilshloners Saturday. . I
Final action was tak-n in letting the
vacuum and clock st"iu for the new court
house. Peter Hlsaaser alone voted against
the Tucc vacuum system.
A resolution requiring the county physi
cian to make detailed monthly reports waa
laid over one week.
Islaad WosK Re Takea lader
Varle gnat's M laa, Says
3. C. Huteson and family have returned
front trip to Cuba, where Mr. Hut neon
was very favorably Impressed with the op
portunitlees of the country. '
"The general impression on the Island Is
that the I'nited States will be ajiked to
again taJi oumrot after the next election.
said Mr. Huteaoa. -They expert to charge
and prove fraud la the election. Time are
net as good aa thev were under AmerVaa
control, aae both atdaa are wiling to again
lore this oouciry taaa tbe rslna.
Warden Mill Nat Receive Prliosrn
fteatrnrrd froaa lieealas
Ater he had overruled a motion for a new
I trial Judge Estelle of the criminal court
sentenced John W t'onnell. convicted
Thursday of highway robbery, to eight
years In the penitentiary. He was at nee
taken In charge by Sheriff Bralley. who
made Immediate arrangements to take him
to tbe penitent ary. At the last moment It
was learned that the warden of the prnl
tentiary refused to accept him on the
ground hat thrre is smallpox In the Dong
Us county JsIL Pheri'f Bralley aays ser
tial pbtsldans hare twit thorough exam
inations with the result that they amy
there bt no imtJimi n the Jail, How
ever, Conne'l will be kept at the county
.'all until tbe warden oaa be cwnrtaced.
Industrious Youth
Makes Good Hauls
Gives Worthless Checks for Room
Rent and Gets Good Money
, . in Change. . ,
The police are looking tor a mild-ma.i-
nered young man who is making the rounds
of the various rooming houses In town, en
gaging rooms and inflating upon paying
his bill In advance-with a check. The
iheck Is always several sizes too Urge and
the affable roomer-to-be gets back several
dollars In change. The check, of course,
always turns out to be worthless.
Mrs. Mary Kly of 812 South Eighteenth
Ktreet was one of his victims yesterday.
Mrs. Kly now has a Worthless check fur
t.T 60 snd Is out 116 In change.
Retarae from a Two-Veer C'oarae of
stady la Keropraa I
Dr. A. Sachs Is home from lCurope after
having spent twenty months broadening
his knowledge along special lines He ar
rived In Omaha this morning from New
York, at which port he came ashore on
February IT. He eipects to re-enter the
practice of medicine in Omaha immediately.
lr. Sachs spent most of his time at Ber
lin and Vienna, taking post-graduate work
under some of the world s moot eminent
professors, and he alxo spent considerable
lime In the hospitals at Paris. lndon and
Frankfurt- Dr. 'Kacha la a graduate of
Creyghtoo. finishing with the clasa of '07.
A Hsrrele Dealt
results from decaying hmg. t'ure coughs
and weak lungs with Or. Kings New IMs
eovery. Vic and 11.00. Fur sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Governor Aldrich
is to Address the
Nebraska Retailers
Flans Are Complete for the Entertain.
. ment of the Wives of the
Governor Aldrich has formally accepted
the Invitation extended him by the Ne
braska Federation of Retailers to make an
address at the convention of the organisa
tion in Omaha, at the session Tuesday
morning. Plans have been completed for
the entertainment of the wives and daugh
ters of the visiting merchsnts, and the
prospect is that the convention will be the
greatest of its kind ever held In the state.
Will -o to Lincoln to Lobby for tbe
I'aasaae af tbe (.raunis
Assistant City Attorney fi.inn will go to
I-iiccoln early next week In the Interests
of a bill Introduced by Representative i.
II. (iroMtnan Friday.
Mr. Grossman's bill seeks to amend the
present law governing the employment of
women by corporations and limiting their
labor to ten hours a day. I'nder the pres
ent law some corporations, such as the tel
ephone companies, contend that the law
doea not apply to them. The Oroxsman
bill makea all persons or corporations em
ploying women subject to its provisions.
Job as Hopkins Medical School r loses.
HALTIUOKK, Mi. Feb. Si. Owing to
the outbreak of diphtheria ai the Johns
Hopkins I 1 r. J. Whliertdge Wil
liams, dean of the John Hopkins Medlnal
school, t.ilsy ordered the medical school
to be closed until further notice. Otie new
- ?-, ) )
Have This
Shown to Yea
I ' ' "t i""fif CawtCt
in Fcmpe:an
case was reported today, making a tolkJ
of thirty-three cases.
Fatal Affray star arlaa-fleld. Me.
BPRINGFIKI-U. Mo.. Feb. fc. William
Cardiff, a blacksmith at Walnut Grove.
twenty nillse nonhwrst of here, waa ''ot
and killed 10 a restaurant thrre early tola,
by the restaurant proprietor. KlcharJ
Perry, who said Cardiff threatened Mm
Perry surreneder. Cardiff rerently went to
Walnut drove from bt. Louis.