If5 tin; Tr.r: omatta. frtday, febkuaky h; inn. BALLOON UP FIFTEEN MILES; Mete oroloyical Sounding Perice Ex i plodei Before Observers. ESTABLISHES AN OMAHA RECORD j l-rrateat llrlaht Kru bril In l-'.aprrl- j incuts of Wmthrr Birraa In Tbls j lhl Territory Fle Hecirrf , Kon4 hr Farmers. '. nunrlirs balloon at heKht of fifteen n.i.M InoV In w of the rneteornloglral r,KUt ot I'ort Omaha Wrdne'dsv. Tliey -Astciird ih fliiiit tlirooah powerful lenfe. Fi'T.i 1 1 ;r time the balloon was relrased Mil!! It --psntlc to the burstlnir point It i afl l.een in the air one hour und thlity elsht mlmilea ami hart reached the record in iKhi. of fifteen miles. The averaga as rennl'.n in eboi:t ton mile. Tl-a dewcent of Hie nol!ftp''d kas wss necn In Ms down ward plunr.e for thirty minutes. H. F. Mien-;.-, one of the expert In chaise of hr. balloon, believes that the baa; and lnfct ronlalninc the recoiJtuff Instru iiienta drojipeu aonievlii alxjut twenty r.iOiK due south of Omaha. With tiif itenr aimo.-phf of Tuesday 1ne experts ei given opporliiiilty to view anlrter Intn-eMlns; aaeenlon. This balloon wn in the air ona fcour and seventeen mmtitis. and i-fter it eplodt5 it was In yilt' for forty--sl: minutes. It reached a, helRht rearl.r as ateat as the baloon re leased on Washington" birthday. - Frsv lie That HIkIi. Mr. Sl.eriy explains that all the balloona a.ni up tuit In mlrt-air, but that there are. few that approach a freight of fifteen miles. The avi?e Is about ten. If they were not inudu of very fine grade of fibber, which allows the Ran to expand, tins Insuring1 ah oven ascensional force, up (. the point of burning. It would not be p,..-eible for the .bnllooni to reach audi a ii:eat height As ope of th-se. balloons ascends It oes Into the air that, grows gradually lighter, offering less resistance and at helsht of three nnd one-halt , miles tha balloon has expanded to twice Its original olse. 'ihe ratio expansion is maintained until ihi bus bursts. Mr. Sherry says that at a height of fifteen miles It expands to about twenty' times Ita original size; at ten miles about eight. fifteen balloons have been released and probably about. tn more will be sent up orfore the scientific work Is completed here. Five of the balloons and Instruments have been foiind. Returns from two came In Thursday morning. One was sent up February li and .traveled 115 miles.. It was found four mllca south of Ogden, Boone toiinty. Iowa, on Prospect farm, by O. K. Williams, ll'waa picked up on. the fifth day after Us 'release. The other balloon heard from was sent up on February 17 and was found four days later two and one-halt nilles east of Colo, Storey county, Iowa, after drifting- 146 miles. The Under was J. F. Ogllvle. Burlington is to : Complete Freight ' - Depot This Spring General Manager Holdrege Announces " Bids' Are to Be Received for ' " . Work at Once. Hlds on the remainder of the work to he done on the ntw Burlington freight termi nal will be received by the road March 1, and the building of the remaining two srctlonn of the Inbound and of all the out- bound freight house .will begin early In tha spring. Thla Is the announcement made hy U. Holdrege, general manager, Thursday morning on his return from the annual meeting at Chicago. The terminal, which will cost ISOO.Ono be fore' It Is entirely completed, will be one of the finest hi 'the United States. Each of the freight houses Is M feet In length, the office being In the' outbound house. The only other big work to be undertaken by the Burlington next summer will be the completion of Us line from the Big Horn basin east through the Powder river canyon. Thla will make a short line to the northwest for the. Burlington. COTTAGE AS WEDDING PRESENT Hrlde BeeelTs Hasa Completely Fmr Ished on Weidlsg par from , Her Fa.tb.er. Miss June Compton. daughter of Clinton Compton, and Mr. William Hhank. both of Florence, were married by Rev. Charlea W. Pavldge at the home "of the bride's father In Florence., Wednesday evening. The attendants were Mr. Allen Comp ton, the bride's ' brother, and Miss F.lixabeth Mason. A large company was present and frefreshments were served. The bride's gown was of 'white, satin with pearl and lace trimmings. Many beautiful gifts, among others the bride's father gave her a handsome new cottage furnished com pletely throughout. ' ' v Reaeser tar aaaa. Foley's Honey and Tar (or all coughs and colds, for croup, bronchitis, hoarseness and for racking lagrlppe couans. - No opiates. Refuse substitute. Sold by all druggists. Hext Monday 1 the Ores Hug f. le. Bee the Windows. DO Q-1 "res v I sTnea Koslesle BUy rree atatlnee lnir.A.e rrtrtsy 3 f. as. Remarkable Bargains in Goods That Arc Seasonable and of High Quality Remnants 8c Sample Pieces ALover Laces, Beaded Dands, Appliques Embroidered bands, medallion. Oriental and crochet inser tions, etcin great variety to Af j k yards in each piece; at, each 0 L"AUl"JLwi Xarrow and medium width fine embroidery edging and in sertion many are fine haudloom needlework; also corset cover widths worth from 10c to 'Joe yard two Iftrt big bargain squares piled high; at. yard. 5C and. Xvi Kemnants and odd lots silk embroidered bands, Oriental crochet and Venise bands, Appliques, medallions, wide platt vals. and cluny curtain laces, etc. hundreds of f Of yards; worth up to 23e, at, yard. AUl 8SC NEW FOULARDS AT 45C YARD " Foulards . (known as second) having often slight imper fections in the weaves or print. The styles and quality are correct. Actually $1.00 and 80c grades &Kt main floor bargain square at, yard JC SILK WARPS In various styles. They can be used for quilt linings, foundation for petticoats, etc., yard $1.50 Foulard3 at $100 Yd. Dots, cones, faconue, various stripes and .jardiniere ef fects, etc., main silk depart ment, yard .$1.00 Special Bargains in Basement Clothing Dept. utM Men's $3.00 Cassi- $5 Men's $7.30 Mili tary Over- In af SS::I,....3.S5 Boys'. 50c Shirt Waist Blouses. . 25c Boys' Long Pants Suits, ages 1 4 to 20 years neat dark patterns. Boys' 73c Wool Knicker- bocker Pantjwwl mere Pants. Boys' $3 Knicker bocker Suits. . $1.59 Knicker- $1.98 Friday in the Basement Great Special Remnant Sale Scotch and Cbambray fling- 18-4 and 9-4 Bleached Fruit hams, perfect mill lengths for dresses, skirts and chil dren's wear. Colors that can be washed in boiling water. New lot at', Hn yard '2 Bleached rillow Tubing, all the different widths. Per fect mill remnants, worth 19c a yard, will . fOl be sold at, yd.. 12 Good grade bleached and uu bleached yard wide Muslin, in mill lengths, Zn at, yard 36-inch plain and plaid skirt ing very f i ne grade ; 0 1 on sale at, yard. . .". . . .l of the Loom Sheeting, rem nants suitable for making sheets while they last,- on special table, at, . yard..'.. .......... Ask for the new lot of Kajah Poplin, in black and 23 new shades for stylish suits and dresses. 23c is' the 1 C usual price; spec'l, ydL Fancy White Curtain Swiss, made to sell at 19c a yard-- special bargain Fri day at, yard .... . India Linons and various grades white lawps, also fancy white waisting, flA mill lengths, at, yard. . V 7!c FREE NOON MUSIC ALE 3 DAILY, in Assemby Room Talented vocalists will give concerts" every noon on balcony of our Potnpelan Room. You are Invited to attend. Free Matinee Musicale Friday at 3 P. M. Friday afternoon Louts Klebba, the well known tenor, will live a recital In our Assembly Room. No admission fee will be charged. Se th Cyklon Tricycle Motor Car in Pompeian Room ' The little automobile that the dethroned King of Portugal used almost constantly. It is a very interesting free exhibit in our Pom peian Room. All auto enthusiasts invited. nr I, c M a B 4 a a if B B i II n M BRANDEIS STORES Ml! i!. t 5 B a a i i. E k a B H i I n is !!)' , ff A v JJ (uj 1&J U cm 3 ( TT I With I Book at I Ob X.adls' atom Jotvrl fttctrl Each Copy of tha BTW Bprl rotiTast Tt'ra i rlBf 1S11 Byl I aoo J . ft 1 1 Final Sale ei Ladies' Winter Apparel Fri day Morning From 9 toll O'clock CHOICE .33 Black and Colored Long "Winter Coats, worth up to $3(1.00, while they last; Friday C morning, between 9 and 11 o'clock, at. lO CIIOICE-'JO Silk Velvet and Corduroy Suits in navy, brown, grey and blacks, worth up to $05.00, O "1 C rYiday morning from 9 to 11 -o'clock, ftt M CHOICE 35 Wool l)reses the balance , of our $25.00, $,'0.00 and $35.00 lines, Friday morning ' O C from 9 to 1 1 o'clock, at ... ... ...... "i O TWO LOTS OF. LADIES' BATH KOREM Inc-luding all our lines of Eiderdown and Blanket Robes Values to 17.50. Friday $3.00 Values to $15. Friday $5.00 WOMEN'S WOOL SWEATERS Made .of the best wool. Come in reds and white only.' The balance of our stocks '.worth up to $3.50, Friday, at, choice,, each . . . '. $2.00 HI it i i 9 B a i 250 Pairs of Ladies' Hik Shoe j -The Odd Size i ct Our $3.50 Lioej hriday for. . . Ho heavy have our February shoe sales beeq that we now find our shelves containing- only 250 pairs of ladies ti.bO high shoes. Theie. we not, Include Buede. Pslent Colt. Gun Metal and other kinds of dull leather, ehoM-'-sU cut with that pnpuler hls;h arch snd hel with tha short vamt, In either button or lace. Most of these have stamped on the Inside our name showing; that they are (lie kind guarantee at $9 60. Bargain l rlday all thaie ahoes will be lowered in price that a quick disposal will be am u red; j our Klzc Is here and the bargains are' tfstonlshlna;. , Be among the early visitors and we'll fit yoa wltn as 'Tiurli tare as though the 11.60 shoes wire bringing us their par value choice, whlia they last Bargain Friday $195 g ni B H B t 1 : '. '. 'm 1 15c White Lawn, Check and Stripes, Friday, at, 10c Also 72 Inch Cream Damask in a beautiful assortment of new pat terns, at, yard ' 29j Instead of 45c. These are in the Linen Department. 1 - 15c Pillow Cases, Friday Special, IOV2C . ; These are our regular 4 2x16 Cases. Extra well made of the finest materials. Don't miss this opportunity, . they're bargains. ; 2 14 Wide Bleached Shcctlnjf Our best 30c grade, made extra spe- rial Frtday (10 yard limit), at,. yard .... ......... -S5? The usual grocer cuts a price or two and thinks it wonderful WELCH herewith underpiccs FORTY items and thinks nothing of it! a-. Cf7), .1 Specials for This Sale Friday and Saturday I m.- V if I 1 II f it t I 1 L r . m ax r m V 51 5f UA rx-oua 411 its. bt hiKi patent. Mll!e.l from clvlce Rprlna wheat. Tha reitulnr ' SI .60 kind for 180 ICOia lbs Grnnu lated Sugar for ..91.00 OAF 10 bara Diamond ,C for o rrORT BOAJP I bars he air.. or ISO COB Mlit 10 Ibx. yellow or whita ....150 OAT MB AX 10 lbs. best for I.'... UOl-Best Japan Rice, per pound Ba WATT BSAXS Best, at, per pound T1SLI TXr Gallon can for ' "70 BVCKWBSAT TT.OVM, 1 0 lb. sack of the old fushlohed, for ..,.4,50 QVAXSft IPL LSD OATS lOo size pHik ages here, at. each SMia TOMATOES Red, rtpa. hand picked, doxen cans 11.10, or .can lOo correal our blend, at, lb. . popular SOa TBAsV Best Rfto trade, at. lb ..S70 PDAS AH& COM-lBo kind, dor.en cans 111", or per can 104 AIPABAQUB Tria !5c. value, at aoo TAKCBT 7 lbs. of beet laundry, for ao POTATOES Rest Colo radoes, HO lbs. to tha bushel, at S5o PVACHBa AID PEAKS Hest 25c kind . .le AKMOirm'B CLEAHSEn large can, at . ...4o ITAB JTAPMTHA POW. DSK-60 kind, at SHO X.EAP UB9 All yon want, a., lb tHo No. 1 . ...lOo gPABS BIBB grade, at, lb. Z.AMB STEW No. 1 grade, at, lb 60 COKK BEEP Plata or brisket, lb 80 BEEP TENDEBLOISr Larded, at, lb 150 BIB BOAST BEET at. per pound . ..laV0 POBTEBKOVSB BTBAfX at, per pound ...lBo BIBI.OIBT BTBAX At per pound ISO IAMB Mild 8uar cur ed, at, per lb lBo BAOOVT Mild, lean. "C- ar cured, lb BH rOlK II017LDIBI Kresh, at, lb to BMOBT BIBB BEEP at, per lb , '. .SO POT BOAST No bona, fat removeit, lb. . .10a PBESB POBK BATJS- AOB Per lb 100 OTSTEBS Sealshlpt, at per quart SOo OX.XTES Large Queens, 40o kind, at S5o BPBIITa X.AMB I'ore- . quarters, lb SO BEEP TEMDEBZ.OIH Whole only, lb ISO Ua MTTTTOH At. Per pound lio R. E. WELCH, S2S 111? Farnam St. Ph0thV4' UREEN TAG BOOK SALE SATURDAY This sale will offer the greatest Rook values ever offered- to'the American speaking people, by any store In the country. ...... WAIT POB IT. BEB CUB AWOUWCEMXBT PBISAT. 33y3 ofi Our Entire Stock of I lirtss Art Ware Everything in domes tic, spun brass Jardinieres', Feni Dishes, ; Candle Sticks, Trays; Flower Baskets, Ash-Trays.' ; Closing out. our entire stock, every piece must gJ. . t'holco now 33y3 off ;Hand;; Painters Attention Thursday we : will place on'sale'for quick clearance, . our ' entire stock of ,. plain . 'hlte China for hand .paint ing pnrposes, at-- Thousands of. pieces to select from. J ' SECOND FIXKR. Bargain; Fridiy Hardware 1 Specials 10c w ell made Tarn pic' Scrub Brushes, at Jt Mrs.Vrooman's Sink Strtlmers, at .15 Heavy AVlre Carpet . Beaters, at . ,'lf)A 14 quart Galvanised Iron .yVater Pails,' at, each' ,'. r.lSt Set-Well, Skirt and -. Trouser Mansers,' ' 4 of efther, for 25d Stransky, Waldorf . shaped Tea Pot, 1 '$1.75 valu;--Rt 89 Combination Lightning : ; Egg or Cream Whip,' with measure indica tor; special at. -S5 I i li i I i: a ii is Complaints are unknown in the best known building in the city Tiii s truth speaks much for service afforded office tenants. It is evidence of attentive janitor service, good heat, bright' light and modern accomodations. THE BEE BUILDING l'i ;:' These offices will be available March 1. . ., I i - ' ' ' 'i BOOM 319 Has S78 q'jiire feet" of floor apace, with outside windows. Room Is psrtHloned so as to give a private office and reception room. Rental, per month .138.00 BOOM 14 Ts 14x27 feet In size, partitioned Into two rooms. This 1 a - very desirable room on account of the Urge open corridor In front, ' which opens on tlif court, ilent, per month,.., 935.00 BOOM 419-1K a very desirable room, having a south and west exposure, which affords good light. This would make a good real estate office for somebody. Ken I hi price, per month r .918.00 BOOM 491 Is a good Inside room on the fourth floor, having 24 square .' , feet of fioor space and fire-proof vault In connection. This Is n good ' room at, per month;..". 918.00 'Ntvo elevators will be , installed within SO days. The Bcc Building Company Dee Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sts. g Tvo Big Corcct Salca Friday o 9 i i i N ii 1 One group of odd sizes and broken lines of our regular $3.00 Reducing Corset, with. re inforced front steel and extra fine boning and hose supporters--choice Friday Our $1.60 Average Figure Model at 95c Comes in all sizes from 18s to 30s made of a very fine-grade of coutil, equip ped with splendid hose supporters," has the medium long hip, and daintily trimmed-rextra special . AT value Friday at. ........... ... ................. ..VuC IHS3.: Butter and Eggs Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, the finest Butter' on the market. Fresh' shipment Just received, full weight, pound bricks, at 2t)2 Strictly Fresh, new. laid Eggs, big special FrUay and Saturday only, at, per dozen .'. ..... i .'. . . ;. .10 Extra Solid Cabbage Heads,' Friday, per pound : . . . .IVii Fine Colorado Potatoes, Friday, per bushel . : .'.I. . . ; ,80c lmmmlmmm pan M m aaasBSi sa bbbi si asaBaasM asBaaaasaaBBaBaaaBBasaa m asaaaaaa aaaaBsBSBaiBsssssaaSHiaaaaBBsaaaaisaBBBBBBaaaaBBBBak Bennett's Bi Grocery Will Savo You Money il iiiie jAMg d.m sh Li ale .at' Braiudeis Stores T-T7 n Ti TT nn T1 f u : ' Wall Ee the (Greatest Sale ff Muflgs Eeir Meld iby Amy Store AEnyrlheFa. This wat a tremendous purchase of high grade rugs from an eastern mil!. We have held great sales in the past, but never one like this.' Watch for later particulars: SEE THE 17 GREAT WINDOW ' DISPLAYS rTOWiT GREATER SICCK, PUf :J mIJ H hi GREATER VARIETY, - GREATER BARGAINS L lL':Jt r y a y a i a a Bnntt'a Excelsior Flour,, sack - ....$1.60 Twenty pounds Urnnii- lated Sugar for 91.00 Bennett's Bast ' Coffe, par pound 330 Bennett's Best Coffe. i pounds for . ...Oo . Double Stamps mlth tuette coffees. Teas, assorted, TSc . srada, Jb. .SSo Teaa, assorted, (8c grade, lb Mo Best -Tea Sittings, at, pound package ..ISO Pride of ' Bennett's flour, sack S1.8XJ B. C. Hawaiian Sliced Pineapples, lsrga can, for . .-. SOa B. C Ha kin ft Powder. 5 lb.' can to-. . 91M and 100 rtamps. reanot Oil Sals I . Lnrf bottle ... .SOe) nut 10 stamps. Uediuia bottle . .400 and iO stamps. Small Lottie .,..SSo . an I It) stamp. . Monarch Cut Aspara gus.- large can . .ISO a.nd 0 stamps. Quart can Franco American Noup S9a B. I'. Pur Maple flyrup, gallon can ' for f I.O0 Corn, Gold MeJaJ. -J tint for IM Hulled Beans and Mma bean, with clilcken, 2 rans...S54 and ) stampa B. V. Mincemeat, i packags tor .. ..S&a and lo stamps. Qillett's - Muktard,. per Jar loo and 10 stampa. Macaroni, Star' and ' ' Crescent, 3 packaireat for ; . . . &So and 10 stamps. . 8nlcler's Halad Dreslnr' per bottle ao and 1.9 stamps. , Blue Borax Starch, per package ....10a and 10 stamps. Diamond Crystal Table . Salt, 2 sacks' .... . lOo and 10 stamps. t bara Diamond "C" Soap, for... BSa Plrkles,' assorted, bot- tia ...' loo and 10 stamps. New Horseradish,; per bot'le ....... lOo ind 10 sumps Boneloas Smoked Her . ling, X jars for SOo -and 10 stamps. MarshaJI's Preserved Bloaters, can ....800 and 10 stamps. B. t; Kxtracl, bot fso and 20 stamps. Oharldllli Chocaiote . pound can 35 and 10. stsmpa. Itkn'KroHlr M:ia Ris oiltt and Crackers, large aaortment, per . packsge ........ lOo and 10 stamps. Cheese, full cream, st, per pound Sao and 20 stamps. Cheese, domestic, bwiss ,. per pound SSo snd 20 stamps. Fruit Wafers and Gilt E.lge Cookies, extra .special, pound ...18o o a ft: I a! a a M ir. a H B I Biggest Speci&l Feature of the Year Junior Birthday Book AVhose birthday today ! '. During the coming year we shall answer that same . interesting question with information about notables and near notables for whom it was the natal day. During the coming year we shall answer that same interesting question' with the names of the rising gener ation of boys and girls who will be the future notables. "This Is the Day We Celebrate" Under this -heading The Bee will tell what young sters are having birthday anniversaries each day of the . 1 year... - Whose youngsters? "Why, your youngsters and your neighbors' all the children in Omaha old enough to go to school twenty thousands of them. ( .-'''' ' --V - f fM 4 ni.tU... TM,n1 Will Ta TTnlmin l jiir iMti mjik Luua v . afuuaa. 11111 mj . uuiu uu Look for It. Every Day in The Bee r B 1 si f a I Next Monday Bennett'o February Rug Sale Begins j ; W promlga you tbe most sensational argalng yet offered west of Chicago. All tbo best grade will b Included, and tb prices ham-, m mertd down to Vt and H of their regular selling prices. , 9 r a n a g a a a a a n a g a g'a a:g,.B,a,a3.B ffn'H:fl i . ' I want to meet the man who has goods to1 sell.', J am a Kellrtif goods by. being a plauntr of plans. Get into' touch; with me. I am making money for people you know. -Address, M-734, care of Omaha I5ee. FOOD FOH wd norireu. mM C,r.r ", fl4 their or tm NERVES u, "hfui ig 2 1 eoe ae a resuit ef av.r "' r wienttl irilo a'.touia teas OKAT'H NjLttVifi 4uvjU PILL,. .The will aualto tea sat M iin u k si. (i bna. (fM II II t Mall.' WwmAa uJMmut, tao CO. -.o m Won twea. BV CUatiraVarV, 4sv Itaa a i.rsi 'caa. s scAks TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Kcet raras rsr la tba West. Oe Dallar Per Teaa, 1 ENGRAVED STATIONERY- WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in curreni social usage engraved in tho best manner and punctually delivered when prxmised. ElMDOSSEP nONOGRAH STATIONERY nd other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. HOOT, IflCORPOrtATED 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. aoTx noun sear i4 aV-l0 Tie BcHIe ill