Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Taft Sends Document to Senate Which
Eliminates Restrictions.
Jiln In Qannilnr? nrrniiir Trrilf !
nrr la Force Vtaa lnril j
War- taler' Thaa srlth I
Knrapraa allnna.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22-The etxt of
the new trsty a Itfi .tspan. designed to;
rt place that or ?R9 and drawn with the
)la? design of eliminating- the restrlo. !"
tl r upon Immigration. wa laid b'fcrel
Mi" fnl today by President Taft.
T'l ess'ntlal difference between the pro-!
roi(l treaty and the existing; convention;
is ssld to be that It omit, all reference
to -ich testrlctlons and Iravcs to the na-j
th.nal honor of Jrnan the enforcement at '
lia own porta of the limitations upon emi- j
ration frrm Japan now expressly placed:
upon Iromlsratlon to the United Ktatea.
The document Is esld to provide that
alth'r country may renounce the treaty at
the end of l months If It falls to operate
as expected.
Because It embodies thU radical de
parture from the eaistlns ' treaty nd
touches tha question of the deepest lm
lorienee and Intereet to tha Pacific slope,
tha Injection of this convention Into the
eloslnc hour ef tha Sixty-first congress
created netlon today.
Opposition Certain.
Tfc. ih new treaty will encounter op
no.itlon seems certain, for even If It ahouldl
OST jewelers
arc watch
makers bv
trade. They know
what constitutes a re
liable watch. Isn't it
significant then,
that ewrviewelersells
Waltham Watches?
It' l Tim Yon
0ntH a Waltham
k. arvMrtllv reDorted to rn
the committee without eerloua controversy
lihln the committee room the western
senators are expected to Insist upon oppor
tunity for debate which will develop tha
full extent of their opposition to the treaty.
Vnllke matters or ordinary ,
failure of the senate to act on the treaty,
during tn. remainder of this aee. on of
, nnt Ol lTBCii " Ul"u
Itallty. which could be kept nd
...... ,h. flics of the
I, be ti.M P t any convenient time.
JT. .....v t. one of "trade and com-
marc." intended to replace the treaty
hv the lain
eaham end Baron K-rinn then , J.f
minister to tha United .State, That treaty
U a moat comprnfnn" -
House Favors Two
New Battleships
of Largest Size
Superdrcadnaughts .Will Be Biggest
Ever Constructed in This Country
and Have Heaviest Battery. '
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2;.-The house
late today completed consideration of the
naval appropriation bill and will pas it
tomorrow morning. Aa agreed to ahen
read for amendment today. It provides for j
two new battleships, two flee: colliers,
eight torpedo boat deroyera and four
submarine torpedo boats.
Tha two battleships are to be the larg
est ever constructed In this country and
while the authorization fixes the -displace-
. ment At 77 000 tnn u I -
senate fmm! Jil '
mr-.i ma. go 10 m.wh ions.
la a most coniv1 " .
pn-mtwenty articles, deslln. with trade,
commerce and navigation, rights
inc. Import and export duties, tonnage dues,
port regulations, desertions, shipping rights,
consular functions and other subjects.
It has already become antiquated, mainly
because of the rapid advance of the Japan
ese In the ways of clvlliatlon.
It was drawn simultaneously with aeveral
other Japanese treaties of similar scope
negotiated with all the great powers. But
unlike tho others, this particular treaty
was not promptly ratified and djd not ko
Into effect until about a year after the
other? were In force.
Other Treaties Already Made.
Jansn ' has already negotiated treaties
to replace those of the nineties with nearly
all of the other powers except the United
rtts. If our government were to Insist
upon Its rights the existing treaty could
be continued In force until July 17, 1312.
This little Incident the difference of a
year In the expllatlon of the olij treaties
Is ' proving very . ombarraxslng to tha
Japanese in developing a fiscal . policy. As
all of the new treaties contained the fa
vored nation clsAie. the . Japanese govern
ment would be obliged to concede to the
nations other than the . United States all
of the privileges which America no(W en
joys under the treaty of 1804. - ;
Tha prsctlcsr result may be to delay for
a full yes:;, .if America refused to enter
upon a new treaty relation at once, the fa
adjustment' of tariff rates and other forma
of taxation vltaj-to the sound financing
of the Japanese iniplre. Hence tha Japanese
government has been using every effort to
Induce tha State-department' to follow tha
example of the freat European nations
and consent to Immediate revision of tha
Tha department has delayed doing ao.
principally for the reason that It desired
to await the conclusion of all the treaties
The new battlethlpR will have twelve
fourteen-lnch rifles, the heaviest battery
ever placed on a ship In tha world. These
guns will be arranged in four turrets, three
guns In each. This arrangement la en
tirely new.
The decision In favor of two hattleshlns
came, on a test vote on a motion to cut
finitely! ""ln"rl n io one. i ms was ae-
j-.iru io in. a motion Dy Mr. Hobson
of Alabama to Increase tha number of
battleships to three was defeated 1S1 to
. wir. uobson sought to add a battleship!
cruiser or twenty-eight knots speed to j
me mmaing program, but was again de
reated. Numerous amendments were tacked on
the measure while being considered ror
amendment, most or them against the j
points or order made by the members of '.
the naval affairs commltee In the Inter
est of economy. When the reading of the I
hill mas completed both Mr. Foss of Illln- j
ols. chairman, and Mr. Tadgett of Ten- I
nessee. ranking democrat of the commit- I
Ice, bilcfly announced that by the changes I
between $8,000,000 and 19.000,000 had been I
added to the cost of construction of the
vessels authorised In this bill or hereto- I
fore authorized. I
T r -- 77-- l 1 7
1 im Mn tub ji T'l ! mmi man ill 11 i .iiiimii ! iiimmwi ir Mm m im imi meiwiwiMii.iwiiii
r 1
That Ever Took Place in Omaha,
Will Be Held at Brandeis Stores
n vy
Steam Holler Pots Qaletoa on um
ber or Proriililns Bleasorea In ',
Both Chambers.
PIERRE. 8. D.. Feb. 2I.-(8peclal Tele
gram ) At the morning session the house
slaughtered the bill to "loosen lip" on den
tal reflations, making members of mutual
hail Insurance companies liable ror, all
losses, providing -means ror such companies
to get out from, under;, tha Blgelor bill to
hold primary and general aleetlons on the
soma day, and making the sale of farms
arreated with. quitch grass a misdemeanor
The ateam roller was1 in evidence In both
hoUHes today and. a number, or. promised
measures up to this morning went down
before Its relentless forward jnarch. . -
In tba.aenata tha flrat to to uader was
the union, Jabor bill aimed at tha Home
stake mine, which met dereat, 19 to S3 on In
definite postponement and Is dona ror tha
session. Nxt the bill to take the control
or the Soldiers' home out or the hands or
old soldiers waa lost aa an emergency meas
ure, getting twenty-threa votes which would
have taken It through aa a straight bill,
but not as an emergency measure. Tha neit
to go down waa the resolution memorallzlng
which Japan Is making with the other i ."e " tn" stte complete control
powers. In order to make certain of se-1 qUor wuhln th "tte lines. The senate
curing ror America any advantages ex-l " ,Bl ,O0d ",d P"ed the house bill
tended to other peoples. ln new .'venth and Twelfth
Tha radical difference between this new
Judicial districts, and as It aoes hr.h
treaty and the one now In force, which
may prove obnoxious to the western sen
ators la understood to be the omission of
any reference to tha immigration quea
tion. Provision Only aa Irritant.
The two governments have enjoyed tha
undeniable right to legislate regarding Im
migration, either by restriction or by
totsl exclusion or collie labor. Unques
tionably the United Statcx government
could do this without any treaty stipula
tion on the aubject, Juai as It did In the
case of China when It enicted tha Chi
nese exclusion laws. It Is understood
there Is no disposition on the part of the
Japanese to deny the extension of such
power.1 What they do object to la the
Inclusion In a formal treaty, to , which
they ara a party, of a stipulation as
serting that right, which la not embodied
in any treaty America has made with
European powers and which serves only
s an Irritant to Japanese pride.
In other words tha consummation or
the new treaty would be a tribute to the
advanced position, which Japan has taken
among the nations without in any de
gree curtailing the power or the United
male government to regulate
tlon by legislation.
The president s action in submitting this
treaty created great surprise In congress
he only persons not taken unawares be
ing the members of the senate committee
on roretgn relations, who at a dinner re
eently glvtn to them at tha tVhlte House
were Informed by President Taft of what
thr. administration had in mind.
1 nese ser.atora consequently wera In
The Most Fortunate Purchase Ever
Made By Any Retail Store
in America.
Thousands Are Admiring and Marveling at Our
17 Great Show Window Displays
$20 Room Size Brussels, Axminster and Velvet Rugs go at $9.98
$30 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 and full bordered, go at $15.98
Highest Quality 9x12 Wilton Rugs, seamless, go at $29.98
$15 and $18 Quality Room Size Brussels Rugs, will go at $6.98
27x60-Inch Axminster Rugs, in new patterns, go at $1.59
tat Monday, Feb. 273 at Orandeis Store
I i
y m. y ii. UI'S
aa aiw emergency measure. It
will become law aa soon as signed and there
will be a hustling for endorsements for ap
pointment on these circuits..'
Tha senate keeps It new supply Qf bills
aviiia. Kiiivn me ust started today be-
ing one by Pearson to Increase tha rets I ' .
required for licenses from warehouse men, n Tt li T J j J
and two bill, by th. railway committee, I uGOFffG JJi UOX 111(110160.
on to rlv th mtmtm 11 . , . I T
- . ... t. m jr III fill US IO!.
yosittun to reunite tha full importance of
power to fix express rates within the state
and another to authorise the railway com
mission to select an auditor.
Tha house continued In Its killing mood
for the afternoon and at a r ted with alaugh
terlng the bill to enlarge tha power of
tha state game warden, by abolishing
county wardens and giving th state
warden power to select his deputies. Thl
was opposed on tha ground that It would
build up a political machine, and cra
e a "Jackpot" ror a rw. and it went
down to dereat. but will be reconsidered.
Tha next to rail was th ona creating a
tale publicity department, which was de
signed aa a plan of the real estate men
to get their advertising lor nothing and
could not muster the vote to get It
through, but It also waa put on th re
considering list. The bill for protection
of fish went through after a lot of amend
ing, to allow seining under numeroua con
tingencies, and the bill ror protection of
large game went through, this limiting
the doer hunting season to on month
each year, and-the. kill to one mala deer
i each year, with absolute protection for
the doe and fawn.
I Tha house la holding
j to attempt to clear up
a I ini1.p u ,i m-lll K 1 .1
Tha Key to tba ttltua.ion Bee Want Ada.
a night session
Part of Its ral-
Sesalon tfimnrraj
I . .. . .-
the formidable-looking document which I r,-..o nouaay.
was lain oerore tne senate in executive
aeaalon just at tha close of the day. There
was no opportunity to read It before It had
been referred to the foreign relatione com
mittee. . It la said that tnat White House dinner
developed snm views on th part or Indi
vidual senators of greet Interest as bear
ing upon the probable fata or tha treaty
vhf-n It comes rotors tne senal lor ap
proval. i A. t'owell, Mauxal corps, now at oil
There was a disposition on the part 0f t Al'''h P'A eed to t rasidlo, Bun
some to apprehend a demand on the part
Washington Affairs.
on Perjury Charge
Prominent Cincinnati Politician Al
- Ieged to Have Testified Falsely in
Denying Receipt of Money.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 22 George B. Cox,
ror years head or the republican organiza
tion in Cincinnati, a lending factor In atat
and national politics, president of the Cin
clrnatl Truat company and known widely
In theatrical circlea because of his Interest,
in that field, was Indicted by the Hamillun
county grand Jury late today on a chargo
of perjury. The basis or the charge Is
that Cox is alleged to have testified falsely
berore a grand Jury on March 21. 1906, in
denying he had received any of the Interc't
money which aeveral banka, according to
disclosures berore tha Drake investigating
committee, paid to county treasurer aa
recompense for the deposit or county funds.
The specirtc case upon which th Jury
acted Is said to have taken place In the
administration or John II Gibson, who
served two term aa county treasurer, from
1900 to 19'H. Gibson testified yesterday thai
Cox had received l W0 of the " w hich
the banka are alleged to hae given aa t
"gratuities" during th latter'a aervlce.
Thla wa tha amount which Gibson 'paid
Into tha county treasury In 190S following
an Investigation by the grand Jury uf the
Drake disclosure.
Tnmtr-'i Men Kill thief o.' Police
aad , Canae Pa ale Anion
ANDRADK, Cal.. Feb. M.-Twenty-aix ln-
urrectos from Mexicala began shooting
up Algodones, a small town In Mexico, op
posite this place, tonight. The chief of
police was killed and a Mexican custom
officer seriously wounded. The rebel bul
lets caused a panic among the Inhabitants.
Algodones Is twenty-five miles from
Tumi. Th rebel, who are said to ba
under the command of Captain William
Stanley, captured a train on tha Inter
C'alirornla railroad at Packard and cama
to Algodones. They began shooting aa
aoon aa they dropped from the train. Chief
of Police Garzo fell at tba first volley.
The rebel then stormed tha customs
house, where Inspector Belendea waa in
charge. Several bullets pierced his body,
but It is not known whether hla wounda
will prove fatal.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) '
WASHINGTON. !. C. Feb. 2J.-lpioecial
' I Telegiam ) Array orders: Captain William
r I am-MK O. - tor auty
cf China roi' a relaxation or tha rigid ev- cot-pa. will proceed to Frankfurt. Ky.. lor
cluilor) lae ir this concession should be comeience wun, the adjutant general or
mai'e ti Japan. Hut It, was pointed out Kentucky.
ni u . . . rweonu Lieutenant Marion P. Vestal, Is
that the government would not au. rendei -j u , , vl ,.,, y. hB Hr'
any right of control "br Chinese immlgra- j port io commanding officer. Washington
uru If a uew treaty wer accorded i -iraca, W aHlungtoa. lor temporary duty,
lion,. tiwttca to l iesmio ol iluntr, Cait..
to China. I pending arrival of Twelfth Infantry.
Another argument fur the treaty was a, 6ond Lieutenant , James A. Merrltt.
r,r,tiictlon of flgun-a XO show that last I Fo..reenth iiuantiy. i relieved Irum
P . . ...,int.,klv orevemed ih- "'" af alter hacd general no.
eai- apan - . , ,. , ' pllal. aahingtuu.. t
rteptrture of coolies, so that the in.mlg, ,. kl, ,lallt,.
or that ctasa lias vru i.'-viv.njr i
ano. will return
alopped. This wsa cited a demonstrating
that reliance might aau-iy-pe n
the Japanese Sana tr honor.
(ri-l Mistake
1 to negleel a cld or cough. Ir. King
Vew I'li-covery curS them and prevents
communion. fc and S1.0.V sold by Hca Ion
I'iVif C '
The agriculture i appropriation bill was
reported to the senate today. It. carries
: lli, i an m-rcaa ot -x. over the
j amount of the hill aa It was passed by tba
I hoiiae. 4
ihe Increases are to cover additional
tn !lKttoii dexlied In the matter of dry
furming. atamplng out tha bull weevil in
c'un. diMti...iji. oti ol wu!Vr nuamia
tlon for tli benefit or farmers, restor-
. lug the flre-rtxhung fund, w hi. h has been
exhausted, and for eapcrtiueutai work.
Morganatle lfe af late hlsg
l.eoaold Ise. Merrksst II .baa a
r Few Maalha.
PAHIS. Feb. 2!. Baroness Vaug'nap. th
morgantlc wife of the late King Iieipold
or Helglum. has -commenced dtvorc pro
ceeding against FJnmauucl Durceux, a
merchant, to whom ehe was married at
ArroiAlUe n August 18 or last year.
A rotmal attempt made by the Judge to
reconcile the couple railed.
Tea 'Aaaartal Meet at Saw Krwa.
var 1 aalasaaw HUps.r "The
rt uf Maklaa; a Salr."
PAN FRANCISCO. Feb. II. -At today
sesKtcn or the Western Lumbermen's asso
ciation and the Lumbermen Mutual so
ciety Ben R. Vadatnan or Des Moines, la ,
discussal "Tim Art or Making a Sale" and
W. Q. Mollis of Minneapolis discussed "Our
Mutual Plana"
barae Made ' Captain that
Preraullons t Nut Parllan
W f rr Innrieqaate.
WASHINGTON. I' u. rl. Captain Austin
M. Knight. V. H. X., will be court-martialed
on charges that he did not take proper pre
cautions In the effort to save the monitor,
puritan, which now lies In the bottom of
Hampton Roads, aa tha result or an ord
nance experiment, taat .ovemDer. 1 nis an- t
nouncemeni was mane at in. jxavjr depart
ment today and Is the outcome of a court
of inquiry which Investigated th sinking
or th Monitor.
San Francisco Man
Surprised at Treaty
President of Merchants' Exchange
Says Can Hardly Comprehend
. How it Could Be Made.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. tl.-James
Rolph, president of the Merchants' ex
change, when informed that, the admlnls.
t ration had aent the aenate a new treaty
with Japan elemlnatlng all reference to
restriction of Immigration from that
country said:
"It la almply incredible. Surely there
must be some error In tha dispatches. I
can't discuss ao radical a thing until w
have tha newa fully verified. I can't be
lieve auch a thing could be true."
in i .
f" 1
fl Cr
Wo aro cololiinting our Twrnt) -fourth Aiinivoisjiry h)
offoring In t lie jiuljlic, values in usptl I'l.-iypr Piiinos ami
riayprs Hint cannot ln tluplic.itpd without greater los.
Kvory instrunuMit is guaranteed hy us to he as represented.
Xow is tho time to buy, as up are forced to sell or pay
storage. Our parly spring purchases are beginning to ar
rive and wo must have the room.
PLAYANO, Cabinet, Mahogany Case
Regular price
CECILLIAN, Cabinet, Mahogany Case
Kegular I'rieo $200
CECILLIAN, Cabinet, Walnut Case
Regular Price $1230
ANGELUS, Cabinet, Walnut Case
Regular Price $250
ANGELUS, Cabinet, Mahogany Case
Rpgular Price $250
HARDMAN, Cabinet, Walnut Case
Regular Price $230
PIANOLA, Cabinet, Mahogany Case
Regular Price $250
$1.00 per week, 25 rolls of music with each player.
Special $100
Special $ 85
Special $ 75
Special $100
Special $150
Special $ 65
Special $ 75
a""-v v 1 : r
Ji , r f i'i
A P. I
all .:: 'li:,
N't' "'f-.' I -lU
Playola Player Piano Ma- '
hogany case full size, play
pr piano iu excellent con- r
dition, shows but little us-,
age, free scarf and. bench
with twenty-five rolls of
music. Regular price $500,
Special $275 v
At $2.00 per week
Melville Clark Player Piano
large and massive, ma
hogany case, shows but
little use, with J33 rolls of music
Regular Price $750 Special $300 $2.00 per week
Price & Teeple Player Piano Mahogany wise, almost new,
with 25 rolls of music, scarf and bench
Regular Price $450 Special $325 $2.00 per week
Milton Player Piano Mahogany Case, used for demon
strating only, 25 rolls music, scarf and bench
Regular Price $550 Special $450 $3.00 per week
0) 0)
ma tmfmmifjK
Have your ticket read 'jSurilng'ton.'
Kjt torn mended by
Dentists & Physicians.
.Hef use Substitutes
" MaAesyourUeA
Th bartsx of ehfldrea if frqnntlj
foUowed by poor health for th
mother. ThU suprerua crista of Ufa
finding bar physical system unpro
pared for tho demand i of nature,
Uaret her with weakened resUUre
powers and aometUnee chronic U
meets. ThU can be avoided If
Mother's Friend Is need before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman cas
remain a healthy mother. It Is the only remedy that perfectly and thoroughly
prepares the system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and
easy consummation ef the term. Women who nee Mother's Trlend sre always
saved rnach Buffering when the little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and
with no 1U e Sects, or chronic troubles. Every expectant mother should safeguard
her health by using Mothers Friend,
thus preparing her physical condition
for the hour of motherhood. This
medicine U for sale at drug stores.
Write for free book for erpectant
Uaats Oa
Through tourist sleepers from Omaha via Donver, Scenic Colo
rado, Salt Lake Route; personally conducted Tuesdays and Frl-
Through tourist sleeper service via Salt Lake to Frisco; person
ally conducted through tourist sleeper excursions every Thurs
day and Sunday to Los Angeles, via Denver, Scenic Colorado,
Salt Lake, Frisco and Coast Line. 1
Dally through atandard sleepers, Omaha to San Francisco via
! Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake and Southern Taclflc; con-
venicnt change en route to annex standard sleepers to Los An--
geles via Salt Lake Route.
j Through tourist and standard Blcepers on sll trains from Ne-.
; braka to the Northwest, Spoknae, Brattle, via direct north-
i wpst main line through Hillings.
! L , J
SCO Omaha to California
Spokane, Seattle, PorllanrJ. Northwest
Mar. 13 Io Apr. 10, 1911; colonist lares
STTOI.D, City PassBfr Afent, 1503 raraam It.
FISTULA-Pav when Cureti
J ( A mild treatment without use of chloroform, ether
I "J or other anesthetic. Endorsed by hundreds of our
vij7 CosaU bast citizens. Cure positively guaranteed as I ac-
cept no money until perfectly well. Eiarninatioo
Free. Write today or call for my large book about Piles, ritlals satf elker Reels' Blsssist,
which have been my specialty for years.
Dlt. C K. TARRY, Suit 324. Buildlflx, Omaha, Nekraaka