15 ,THK HEK: OMAHA. THUIISDAV.' FEIIRLWKV inn. . ra a a n n a a a a b n n n a a n w in "m n in b 'n la g t M U ' "R AH fit! J2) Laiiu ILL L Ucl) iV ' IMS: . ' Special Sale of 1911 Models '- Women's Skirts, AVe will ahovr Thursday for the firs; time fjt'veral hundred manufacturer'. samples uf beautiful Spring Skirt. These nre all in HM1 models, clever ly designed of voiles, chiffon puna- mas, r rmch serges, mixtures,! beautifully tailored and- P , worth $7.50 nnd $10, at S I LINGERIE WAISTS at. 98c Smartly trimmed Waists, with lace and embroiderer trimming, also plain tailored waists $l.o0 and $2.00 values, at , 98c 'A ill ' is , 'A P V-'- ALLOVER EMBROIDERY WAI3IS Made with the new peasant sleeve . . VJJ . . trimmed with linen cluny insortion and 4A clusters of tucks-r$2.00 values, . $42. JfeftWY ; ; at. . .v. ... .:. . ;. ." i .. . . i- i-? Vressy waists oi raneia, mescaline ana 7?J0 Chiffon All of these arc stunning mod (( -els "-very effective new design C at T WOMEN'S 50c LISLE HOSIERY at 25c a Pair Imported, mercerizod and dull finished lisle hosiery fancy wlk embroidered boots, allover lace and lace boots black,-tan and the fancy light shades, at,, pair '.'..."Wv All Silk DRESDEN and PERSIAN RIBBONS at 15c a Yard Also plain' and satin striped brilliant all silk taffeta, all silk moires up" to (5 inches wide black and all colors; -fl C worth up to 35c a yard, at, yard 1C Sec the Hew Modified Pantaloon Skirts That Smart, - Stylish, Prettj and rrartlral New Skirt, .. .. -Now so Kxtemslvelr Worn In New ork ami thtvKMt.- Will be Worn by Four Young Ladies in Our Pompeian Room Thursday from 12:30 Till 1:30 P. M. This new pantaloon skirt is tbe ordinary walking skirt from waist to knee. Below the knee it is a divided skirt covered with wide loose pleat. See them In various parts of our Pompeian Room Thursday noon on living models. ....... j 8 n B R 1 F I" B a ;R ,H B C a i a B ft f ra B B W B i B B El B B IB L SB WOMEN'S 50c and 75c NECKWEAR at 25c Each . Fine Dutch and Middy embroidery and jace collars, tailored and fancy stocks, lace and embroidered jabots, Persian and ribbon fancy bow ties, etc. worth up to 75c, k..c at....... WOMEN'S SHEER ALL LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Fine embroidered, also Shamrock lawn, daintily embroid ered, cross barred, Armenian lace edge effects, etc. -f C worth up to 25c; at, each. .......... .... . ... . ... .10 C FREE NOON MUSICALES EVERY DAY Talented local singers will appear every day, ren dering late songs as well as popular classics, from 12 till 1 p. m. i No admission fee is charged. You wiil find these musicales very entertaining. Thursday Is Chocolate Day roMvxiAar boom " . Delicious Bitter Sweet Chocolates with soft, creamy centers a variety of crushed nut and fruit flavors O CJ regular 40c kind chocolates Thursday at, lb'..;.'..5pC GREAT RUO SALE NEXT MONDAY. Iffl 51 SEE OUR 17 WINDOW DISPLAYS OF RUGS PM I S t ' ' OPUS TAO BOOK RAIV STUDAT if jf i I J"'1" n'0,t tlol Boo lu of thJg ALflOST B. B Eialf Of: Choice Tnursdav of 100 Black Sateen and IIeath:rblo Pett'coits, Woih sjIq.- S1.Q3 Thf.v have the adjustable top and tVfneh flounce and" dust ruffle. They arc the "Kerns" and must be closed out at once. No such' petticoat opportunity" has presentel llsclf to equal this one be-i fore. . The msferlajs sre cf tbe sbrercst quality. -Thursday, your choice of 100. $3.00- garments tot . . : 91.05 Women's Flannel tortus Worth i up to $1.21 nnd $l.."0 Made In pialn white and striped flannel choice, at each ..v. i 75 Indies' Khoit Kimonos in light and dark Persian designs, 4or,0j t)c, pick of 150 garments, for only, each,. t ....... 59 Al! Our Taitored"Ors.SkiHsNo jour choke, at.-. . . Hirif frke All iir Tailored Mnfcerie and Law p Weitn Nowi. vour choice, at, onh '. . . . .-, . .Half Trice Ollt FKrRl'ARY HSl.V. OK HAVII.AXD CHINA Is the roost tallied of ' bargain event of the day. i Half prices prevail. Iletter rumc Thuraday. One BilGroup of 75 toys' Suits and Coats Worth .to .6, fiilicjJ fqr Thursday to $255 This is an odd lot of suits and' Coats that were taken from oar regular selling line lor a quick selling, genuine special for Thurs day. They tome In all wool materials tailored on the very newest, styles, made to withstand the rough knockjg that boys' cldthlng ,1s sure to receive. The size In. suits run Trom 9 to 16 year vj hile In coats they are complete from '3 to 1C years. .- There ir H.iit 75 of tl,fe barirnln ' To net nere e.hrl.v .' will heT to SiMi-antee yourself that looKe l for opportunity to remit vour ooy conofni tlly jot ell. . , - a B H' B 9 t I; a i'l Pi i I! ' !!- H B a 1. 1 On tfO Mnes of ll-es Children's and Voting Women's face Shoes. for three davs only we will make the greatest offer ever made In Omaha Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will offer our Ruilt on Honor-' Fchool Shoes In lace only. Tor niJsses and chil dren. Including young women's sizes and such famous makes1 as Dugan Hudson and John Kromcr, at almost half, price. These ehbes re In patent colt, vlcf kid anu calf. " 'Anyone iwbo knows Drejsel Quaflty' w'ill Know what excep tional values these shoes are. ! RF.Afi THK PHICKS I 13.60 and 13.00 Shoes, go t V .t... ...... : $2.50. and $2.00 Shoes. go at . . .: ... $1.60 Shoes, go; at ........ SOS $us $1.15 Notice! Because vte nf selling 'these shoes at a Ions to ourselves we' ran neither ' charge nor deliver any shoes bought In this sale. S in B B ti B B. B 1 Our February discount Sale High Grade Wall Papzr Thursday, Friday and Saturday V; No better -tlnie-VNever ugatu purh prlrn The'. nmrftet lias ii'hearty. pr-noiiiu-e lleay. Increa.-c' In Va I'mier Prices."; Tlilr discount -e will l-e. In effect. tlire: 0ys Thursday.' Prlday.aml Saturday Order taken dur inn thl ale for.enrina' dellierlen. . i i v.. , H Kit K'S A FKU" PltlCKH THAT Wlt.li tiO 1 M EFFKCT AT THIS 8AI,K 23o Bed Room Patterns, a beautiful line td select from, at a. .,.'.' .J5 12,ie KltcheriT.rahlte and Block' Patterns',- while they .last, at..... .S 20c Varnished, Gilts, fruits and grapo patterns with ceilings to match; at, per roll . ; . , .........'.... w, . j Q 1 6c Absorbehe Wall Paper Cleaner at, per can ..... . . , .'. . 10) We carry a full line of imltiatlon art glass patterns,! at. per square foot, only. . . .' .-.'... ,'.vt.,.i ; . . .;. . 12H? i m a : b .a a n h 'h- es d a . ..B; n u n a a m. mmm . ' ' - . .1419 J-arnam Street a! B GE'OR GE t r at the Junction of the Frsser and Kechaco Rivers, will be tbe larg est city on'the Orand'Trunk P clflc Transcontinental Railway w'esPbf Winnipeg. ' "."' : Ca? CS Cl C953 'Cw'cggSBft C3 1 - - - - n Omaha 'i Pure Food Center It is Necessary to Put TTTk AS WELL AS TTTi H T7Tk i . . . .. ;- . . . , Behind a Motor Car While the CHALMERS "30" has plenty - of horse power, it is. especially noted for the brains spent in its development It is a' well-balanced car good through and through it hasn't a weak spot in it. ' , ; . ' - ." -- You may not need all the quality that is . built into the Chalmers, but since you do .not have to. pay more than, you do for a car that does not possess it," why. not accept it and hold it' in reserve? .' . - ; . : , , Chalmers "30" Touring Car. ' Automobile Co., V 2044-46-48 Farnam Street ; V OIIAHA, NEB. Thupcday Special: f Penaon's Smoked Mackerel, can II 7 mokel Herrlnc, in loulllun. vrr chii, 3 at 1S fi P(wrt' Ktppeied I(rrtn. cn ISa U tic. ran Medium Jreen Aiprgn, per cun IM if 1 1 .Navy Heatii Sft4S 9) 41 lb. aack "Ixluii" Flour $1.33 H. Sir can (iroaan'a Itip Ulivea.. SO Jlaiie ltl Cukck, per pks. .. ia l! lr. J oh neon's Wheat bran, per pkg . x at llo O I1XX1T BPKCIAX. I Oj Den't envy your nolanbora baking. J' For Thursday only. ti' C hocolate (.'ream Koll It A deliclotig combination sponge eke rolled wllli a rlcl of light I o 9 ! cualand. and I. .l mi Inn lh II t-remh eliorolate fondant and ahiect-' ded voroanul. hella legularly for Sue, CJ t hursday, special 14c. - CABBY IFCCIAXS 40c rYult and Nut Pat t lea, per lb. 80o ? Aatorted Map., Perun, VunllU. Wal- 1 nut. Chocolate. Filbert. tra oen-', Pineapple and Vanilla w ith Sultnna CJ llaisin Thursday only, lb 80o SFHCIA.I.S if) Plj Pork lolna. per ib 11a!? No. 1 ttuar Cured llama, per Ib. 16o Jl Fort t George la ;t.he. fieof raphlcal and strategic , commercial ' center , of British Columbia the. natural supply point for' a splendid mixed farming;' mineral, timber and eoal area, of millions of . acres mads aeceaslbl by 1100 miles of navig able waterways. n Splendid openings and lnrestment. - for - business IM. us send, you a free copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of, In formation," containing up-to-dftts newt of the great Inland Empire of Canada. .-.. Write or call at onca. Natural Resources ' Security Co., Ltd. P1d.UpCapitl,.260,000. ' Joint Owner aiid 'Sols Agent ; i Fort George To wnslte. . Head Office S48 Bower BuUdlng, . ,' Vancoover, B. C. . ' Cw? C-S CWS CG Cn5 C CiA C- COMPARE FOR YOURSdLF. easure The Dee against othtr )oca papers in respect of quality as well s quantity of timely news and interesting articles from day to day and TheDees superiority will be demonstrated Complaints arc unkriovn in tha best knovn building in the city This truth speaks much for service afforded office tennuts. It is evidepce of attentive janitor service,' good heat, bright light and modern accomodations. THE BEE BUILDING . These offices will be available March 1. B.OOM ilt iisa ITS Square feet of floor rpace. with' outalde' windows. Kooiii Is partitioned so aa to give a piivale office and reueptlon room. Hental, per inontU. . . . . . SiS.DO KOOaf 314 la 14it7 feet In else, partitioned Into two rooms. ' This ts a ey deelrable room on account of the large open corridor In front, which opens on the court. Kent, per month,. r f Mas.04 BOOM 41S Is a very deelrable room, ia Ing a aoath and west exposure. Mill affords good lliihi. 'This would make a good leal j-stata offhw for somebody. Jipntal price, per month Slg.OO BOOM 421 la a good inside room on Die fourth, floor, laving 24C square feet of floor Hpa-se and fire-proof vii.lt. In connection. This Is a good room at, per month. : S1S.00 yu) eUoatort icill hi vwtal'e'J within SO days. The Bee Building Company Deo Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sta. Your Soiled , ' ' it. While Gloves Can be taade . to look like new Jf you send-them here. -'We have special machines ' that . clean the gloves both y Inside and out,, but does not '' pull them out of shape. -When "they return 'to ' they have, been restored to their original appearance of . ' freshness. . ," v ' make , a specialty r of , this work and guarantee rat-' .Isfactlort. We do not ai , vis cleansing dark colored -., gloves, but the .'light shades., t of undressed kid can be sat-. . .jsfaetorily cleaned orr tinted, . Shprt Gloves, per pair,. 10c Long Gloves, per pair . 25c IPantorium . Cscd Cluacn aci Dyers 1 1SJ3.17 Jones Street EITHEK PIIOXU OoautSful Tooth I Thar axe ' but lew people who have! Ihem. tiood Testa every one might have! If they would i to Dr. Bradbury. The ! aulckeat. awsleat and least painful are! the omy inethoda employed by ua antl undreus ot our patients, bctlt In aod eut oi tne ciiy, win giauiy teii you eovut tbe good dental work and our up-to-date wave uf doing things. Crowns and brldga iik from 14 per tooth fiatea that, fit from I4 0A to Ilif.eU. .Painless extrso tioo of teeth. Nerves ef tsetb removed without hurting you.- Wers warrau.ed ten years CH, EHADwUBY, THE CEKTISTI IT year I toe ranaaa as. lewtut, aae D. 17S nHoliablo SIV Tail's Dental Horns TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER - Heat farea raart' la tbe at. Cio4 Aeiertlslg( Median. THURSDAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF THE 24th ANNIVERSARY SALE Offers Many Wonderful Money Saving Opportunities See the Many Furniture Exceptional Value in Men's Women's and Children's Shoes. Thursday. Bargains. Anniversary Salo Garment Bargains $35 Tailored Suits $14.90 ClioiiT fall models in Sorgos. Dioviols antl Broadcloths lb.it sold up to $3."), nil at one prVe Tliursdav, at, for only -. '$14.90 $15.C0 Dresses at $9.90. Misses- J'etor Tliompsou Dresses in fine Chiffon Panamas. Navy Blue or Mack, regular $15 value, at only $0.90 Ladies' Lonsr Coats. Heavy and medium weights in colors or black .that told up to"$3,"3, choice, at.. $10 100 Ladies'' Long Coats That sold up to $12.50, fan ciest, only good styles, great snap to close out, at only $3.95 $10.00 Silk Kimonos $4.95 Beautiful LongHilk Kimonos in all colors, manv stvle that sold up to $10, Thur day, at, only. . .... .$4.95 $7.50 Underskirts $3.95 Big new lot in Taffetas and soft messalines, all colors. Children's Wash Dresses. All sizes in Percale (Jing hams, etc., big special val ues, at only '. 95(; $2.50 Tailored Waists In plain colors, ,;stripes, dots and checkR, all sizes s- ' '- Dainty Wash Dresses. White and colors, lawns, I'm geries, ginghams, ctc val ues up to $7.50, your cjioice, at, only .813.95 Matchless Display of the New Spring Tailored Suit and Dress Style Ideas, Authentic Fashions Underpriced. 24 ib Anniversary Won Salo The arealest' vwltie Klving Klb hon Bale ever hehl In otunlia. A general line At Half and Less. C-lncli Moire nibbona. In nil col ore, the regular 35c quality, at. only .i.i. ...lao Taney Klbbons That sell regu larly at from 60c to T5c per yard, at, per yard 80 83.00 Sash Klbbeng T3o. Many Other Ribbon Barg-alaa All Kinds at 2c and 5c per yard. Hall Borchsrr Dress Forms nnmember If you wish to buy a HhII-Bi.i Choi t itirtii at the right price, we are pole Kent for Omaha, the entire state of Ne braska and 8outli Dakota. Our Special for Thursday ! a - non-udjuHtahle fi'rein li furm cov-. ered ivith .lerney ilntli on ex tension stand, at only. ... .$3.49 I not buy the imitation, get only the K'nulne Hall-Borclmrt from the sole naenta. We carry every style made by the Hnll Horohert company and no other kind. bti Big Salo Sample Uoso Beautiful quality silk, lisle and mercerized lace or gauze hose in black and colors, plain or embroidered. f 'Entire Sample Line of the Cele brated Esco Imported Hose All perfect goods in tlie new spring colors, regular values up to per pair, your choice g I" . Thursday, at, per iLijP pair, only ! W W Over 300 dozen to select from. Anniversary Specials for Tluirsda in Our Domestic Room YSOM S 130 A. M. to 9iO0 A. at In digo blue prints, '4c values. 10 varda limit, at. per yard I4 OlBl SsOO A. K. to 9lS0 A. M. Genuine Lonsdale muslin, 10 yard limit, at. per yard SV TBOat 10.00 A. M. to 10i30 A. K. SIxvO Kheeta, Genuine Pepperal nulls, the Ktnndard of the norld, 1 pairs, iC sheeta) limit, at euch 48o AT 8 !00 9. sC ISHc ShHker Flannel, unbleached, at, per yard. . . . . .7lio AT 3:00 F. M. ISc Unbleached Turk ish Towels, double warp, made by Star and Crescent Mill, 6 pairs limit, at, each He No peddlera or dealers sold at these sales. FOR ALL DAY iZ'-'tich Brotch Olnjchann, Ions; lengths, worth 25c per yard, at. par yard..;. 110 i't inch lone lengths of Renfrew jtnghams, -worth 18c, at, per yard, only 10 15c White Lingerie Cloth in Checks and Stripes, on sale, at, yard...lOo 12 He Flannelettes, good styles. .30 )Sc Foulards, at 10e 12fec Spring Percales, at lOe 18c Pillow blips, st USo 16c J'lllow tillps, al 100 10c Dress Ulnglmm, at ?'o 12'io Nurses' Kti lpes. s t ....... ,T'o fc Table lnunaak. st ......890 X9c Turkey Ked Iiannsk. at 890 I Mi Other apeolals not Advertise. Men's $5 and $6 Trousers $2,75 Your choice of over 1,000 pairs of Men's high grade trousers, every pair' guaranteed pure wool and worsteds and every one of them honest 5 and $6 values. .Your choke In our anniversary salp, Thursday only, at, per pair $2.75 SIX DIG FURNITURE BARGAINS la Thursday's Anniversary Sale. Come Early. build ok inning Chair, nicely finished. Sl.lt Quartered oak Dining Chair, full box Beat. No. I leather upholstering $8.4 Kilt-hen Chair, like cut, full alze. neatly fin ished snap at tSo fhllds' Iron Ued While enamel, drop si.ie. 28x64 alie M8 Quartered Oak Dining Chair, polish finish, box Kit $1 49 Oak Dining Chair, early Krigllsli finish, box seat. leather upholstering tl.tS Quartered Oak Hideuoards. ' poilsh finish, Itench bevel plate mirrors, t-'4. l0 to linoo values, on sale at prices from 913.60 to 918.60 10 bars Lenox, Beat-'Em-All or Diamond 0 Soap for. .25c sasvvMVk A T " A TlkTCf fftTT A m aTf VTTTTTT Tf U lllaClV i3AXiUAX110 AXXatX 1J VV A i XI XX 1 lba. beat Oranulated Hugar..1.00 4H-lb. saik nei mgii "".. 1 0. ; l'-w 10 lbs. best Hulled Ureakfaat Oatmesl fur ....00 10 lba best Whit ur Vellow -l,rn: inedl for ..,....'..... i'l, 7 (Jallon rsns Tshle hyrup 2',c lbs. good Japan lllcf ,.2iic lbs. best Hand Hiked Nay Beana for .i'6e Corn Klakea, pkg . .44jO Bromangeion, Jeliycon or Jeli-U, per , kg '. 7 Vo 1-lb. can Assorted Houps 1 H 4 pkgs. best Condensed Mince Meat for -0 The best Koda or Oyster Crackers, o The best Crisp Pretzels, lb bo The best crisp dinger Kn.ips. lb... to The best bu ' k Pesntit Hotter, lb . . 1 bo Ter the Beet Batter, Eygs sad Cheeae Try aiejdea's raya. Fancy No. J Creamery Hutler. Ib. 28c Fancy No. I Country Creamery But ler, per lb 2 'I J Fancy No. 1 l'airv llutter. perlb.l!t2c rancy No. 1 Country Hull liutter.2l3 Oood lisiry lluiin. Ib 18o The best -Full Cieam N. Y. White or W'lMcriisln t'fejiiii Cheese, Ib. . . 20c , Try toe Klg-hltad Navel Oraages (Tbey Beat 'lm All) Kegular i'Uc ttir, per iIikoii 80a ltt-guUr bI.s. per dosen 2Ui: IteKular 30c sire, per doien 2110 itetr iliir 2ji- sii.e. per dozen . i . , . . tc Haydeu'B frnsh Vsgetsble Sept. Is the Talk ef Omaha. Fancy Wax or Oireu Hems. lb...)0u 1 bunches fresh Hothouse Itadlshea i.c t bet dt fresh l.esf l.ttine 6.; t lsrK bunches fresh Heels, Carrots. Tin nips or Hiijllnts 2 bunches fresh I'm-ley 1 ',o Fancy Jersey Kneel Fotstires, lb, ii..c DON'T FORGET THY I1AYDEI1S' FIRST IT PAY8