66 ir A r -ri fl ? whaiihe Gout nicrcial Phofa Studio writes fhe See after riwnwgliisaclt motif A aD)iijnis eeh me "H US) Sifmh imeAJ MIS; n p n T1 T! "RATT Tl ee cqiq 'me wi?iK; cold. .Bee- MS nasi me WANT ADS Want arts recelvr-d t any time, bat la innnre proper rlakalf ia'ation must be before 12 o'rlwk m. for evening edition, and before :80 lor morning and Hobday editions. Want ads received after such hour nil! hare" their first Insertion nntkr ih fcesdiiig Too. Lata to CUissii)." CASH KATES rXJK WANT AOS. . HEOUliAR CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, 1 cents per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent la ertloa. Each insertion made on odd d7. 1H centa per word. flJiO per line per month. Rat apply to either The flail y or Raaday lire. Always count sis word to m line. Want ade for The De may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner dronx'st" they are eli broach offices for The Dee and rowr ad will be inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the maia office la The IJee building, serenteetii and Farnam streets. Albacb.W. C, 40th and Farnam. fiaura Drug Co., 3l N. lh fit. Rernnek, 8. A. 1402 South 16th Ht Benson Phau-iuauiy, Kmwn, Nab. ' Bamla Park Pharmacy, 3M and Cuming. Blake-Bredkah. 316 Sharman Ave. tllftwi Hlil Pharmacy, S2IB Military At. Cighlln. C. R.. at t ant plaroa Sts. Ciiaaar Pharmacy, Uih and I-afc Sts, Coons y Pharmaov. tm Itouth lth St. Cermak. tmil, 1264-6 South 16th Ht. Fhlr. P. H., 2"-"l I.avcnworth BL foaiar ft Arnold I, til Uorth lith BU Frsytag, J. J., ,914 North Wth St. .- Frfr Drug Co.. 13" North 16th St. Florence Dru rn i'lnr.n. .h Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paclflo. Greenoiigh, O. A.. 16 South loth fit. Oreenougb, O. A., 10th and Hickory Sta. Golden Pharmacy, 24th and Lee venworth- Jiayaen. Wlillarn, 2J0 Famem St. Hsiisrom Park Pharmacy, lull B. 29th Ava Hlnterlong Drug Co., 81st Ave. and Far nam Bl. Hoist. John. r4 North lfith Bt. Huff, A. L-. tU Uivrnworth Ft. Johanaon Drug Co.. 241 h and Spauldlng. King, U. p.. J2.-S Farnam St. Kountse P'ace Pharmacy. JW4 N. 24th St. I-Vsd I... lt Central Blvd. Patrick Oust Co.. 1J N. 24th St. Peyton Pharmacy. 7?f Routh ictli Bf Saiatnan DruJT Co. "4th and A m Ava Hrhaefer s Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and v. mciiro ma, Fchaefrr. Auiruat. Sfifl Nrth lth t. B'hrr.ldt. J. H.. 4th ind r,imln jta Walnut Mill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumlnr. t.(U ut-' 1 UAAKk. We wlah to axpiaas eur thanka to tha lannh Hruthrrhood. tha naighbnra and ii.an'j friend for their klndncaa, aympathy m() floral nrfu.lim. 1. . . .. i . - V . In I he ilaatl, of our hrlovfj father, Peter v. rotn, r. rrw, vnton, uw iv., and J'H ar o. Bolacn. Jr.. and C. P. Nora all and " fainlly. MAR1U.R I.ICISKKE. - " The following marriage licenses have Lmu gia.ited: .am anu Hraidence. Age. tfut.lii V. Copula, Blair, Nh. 30 iioitne Htiaae. Blair. Neb zl juhn . Donneiaon. Mlhsourl Valley, la.. 30 t-iutora Momion, A4ihaui1 Valley, No..3 Will am H. i'olla. Omaha Over 21 Lltrteaa ai. Honiann. b.lahitm Over XI . 1 :..' i. I'eikn.a. omitna H i lai.cvn Kurpny, umana n i I. ansa A. Kennry, Omaha la toialne ti. Wiluama. Omaha zu J who K. Uougiaa, Ukhorn, Nam ti wciilia Witt u.na.ia ...31 i-eo J. htengleia, Waterloo, .Neb 31 larrle Itariman, Omana 2j 1 . mx1 Salaback Omaha bt 4i-reiia ociiwahe, Piattamouth 4 Edward Henderson, South Omaha 23 Josephine I hi. Omaha i Dletrlck T. Duuker, Omaha 14 liasei V. Grass, South Omaha u Charles Ft Haster, Omaha U : Helen K. Oallen. Omaha 30 Willis J. Barber. Omaha 34 ' Lcuretla to rues, Omaha II Frank Vslenec, South Omaha 21 Ama Skoda. South Omaha 21 Fred A. Glenn. Chadron, Neb 30 Grace Rey nolds, Paulding. O 2 Frederick O. Patterson, Omaha........... 29 Martha . Winkeuson. Omaha 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., rv& embalmers. 16)4 Chicago St. D. 16.., B-lajH. BEST KINDLING Cut in 12-ln. lengths apit: just right . tor cock stova or I urn ace; 4 ,b aagon bog full. L. tM. A-42U. Neb. Fuel Co. Bd. Trade. v OH, YOU PAKADTsEI ' Sound good, doesn't lu Happiness su pteme when you burn our PAHADIhij COAL. To out down your coal bill take our advice and burn Puradlae. Will save ou 11.6 to KOu ton. Both 'phones. J. W. BKDFOHD. tMt Cuming St. MRS. CHARLES C HCNGATE. china filing. ; tirandsis Bldg. Tel. W eb. aa.S. MAOGABU Vaa Storage. Park. move, stare sad ehia H. H. gooda. D. itok, H-tu. VIRGINIA DARE WIXE-Tk a larg " beii. Kiel a Lkiuor House, U2 N. 14th bi. We have Just adiW new e-iulpiuent for rxtra laige group pliotographa uf conven tiona. Iud(-a. eta; photoKraphs of all kiuda 4 enuiten iat Photoaiaph bludlo, Jui Boaiua More. lxuglas Ind. A-tuA Zimmerman A Crowe Furniture Co., 1715 lavasworth. Get eur plan. Nut said. Mias Dunsler. 341 Brandelt Theater, water Color stuuies, place cards, chlti tiring. ' tA I DOLlTcK & A M t RY COMP ANT '. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE, tn sums to Bull. 310 Bee Bldg I'hun. I Imitf v -1 LNION LOAN CO. IvNICKERDOCKElt Turkish, bath. Ml S. Itih Sanitary; or ladiaa or grntieuiea. Always open. ILEll GRAND HOTEL '1'iirl-ieh Tt-ttlio I'l"'1 In the west. Imnaai mib&PAixTco'.' I'oug tzio. Ind. A-Jk:l rarnam At. Stencil ouifita: i styles; pktur framlli St moderate prices; giars. wall parwr K CARKV A FULL II N OF gHKRWlN Wli.l.lAM.S PAINTS. BUASS pt.USH. l.ltwl ID VENKl'k ANU ALL KRANuJ OF FL.OGH WAX. LYNCH BEOS. PU'MBINQ AND HEAT1NQ. RE PAIR Wtlll... i;o5 Jerkaoa at D. 1477. CHI-NAMKL DISPLAY Iwlnt talk and tvlor rard tree, baratoga i'rug Co, Mia and Alnea. O'.a-O M Hi'llAXTO Ld.VCM Jc.Ta.ii. 14 Douglas tk aC ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) F.AT KOSMF.R HOME COOKINO. " ARK IN 9. 51 8. 1611. VPSTA1RA "llteri. filter repalra. 1J1S Howard. D. 331X MRS. M. T. IRWIN. N Brandela theater. China decoratins and firing. Kaater cards. ni 'ti t Tii i . ni-T.-T ...t.l Kill anrl I l , 11.1 1.1 .1 (l T, t I K I . ..... " " I.timp coal. Who; Coka, Pi t' per ton. Fart-rldpe-Thompaon Co . In Public Varkat. ltlt Harnay. Douglaa M43; Ind. A-364X DOCQLAS Prlntlns Co.. Tai. Poug'.aa S44. 8. H. Cola Blgn Co.. D. 131 Farnam. ABll PITS KVERTBODT In Omaha has bean notified to build an aah pit on their prem laca. I'm hera to do tha work with any artificial brick, atona or concrete. Henry lieeao, brick and cement contractor. Doug las tv'y MA80NRT contractor. Healy. Web. 1241. DRCOS at cut prlcea. frtditnt tld on all tlO ordera. Catalogue frea Bherman 4b Mr- conneti urug Co., Omaba, Nab. Kosher Delicatessen All fctnda of smoked meata Pfh delivered daily. Dava Kukha. 7 JOS N. lSlh. D. 2871. WIUX5W PLUMES made to order. Wa make, clean and dya all kinds of ostrich feathers: willow your old plume. Our work la our guarantee. Prices right. Perl Plume Co., Room 1. I'axton Block. Phone D. Z257. PT.ATTVn Comer MKn and Douglas liMXXlW Excelaior Plating Works will plate and renovate your Jewelry, sil verware or anything; which I metal. Telephone Douglas 10. B. V. WUHN, optician. 443 Brandels Bid. KUFFNER V PANT, PUBLIC atenographor. SS2 Brandela Bldg. f"?T)T Elcotrlo Piano. Music Boxes, Pea 'J"vy nut and Athletic Machine. Cah Mnrllinpa ur payments. Omaha Auto ut vo niatic Vending Machine Co.. 1124 Leavenworth. TeL Harney 24i A-2433. E. T. Farnaworth, Att'y. 403 Bea Bldg. ED UOTHF.ftY 8hllts No. Z. Full cigars. Cafe in connection. Ill S. 14th bu GU8" NEW BARBER SHOP. ITlnunt in Omaha. Modern and Sanitary, loth Floor Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. HORNBT Blue Print Co. fit Bee Bldsj. JOHN NITTLER, H.?rT'Tm' LUXUS T"Yo?thYSth LKR Douglas 1SS3. Red 2932: Independent. F-1377. TWENTY per cent leas than Omaha prices. HOJIli 1'UKM1 IKE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 81.. South Omaha. Duffy aV Boland, undertakers. , Tyler 167S. - AUTOMOBILES' "Smash up your auto. "rfKlD into a post,. TEAR your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaba tor all kind of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Streets. OCR line of 2d hand tires are bargains. Ideal Tire Repair Co.. illH Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE IN OMAHA BY Burleigh Glove Co. If sold during this week a $4,G00 AVliite Steamer Car that Is nearly new and In first cta.s condition, fully equipped for ONLY W.OGO.OO Ask about it at our Space, iio. 01. rv v win uemonsiraie on hlil ellmblHSt utlimt anv rap i Omaha. National Motor Car Co., Ill Farnam St. J-U-S-T E E C-E-I-V-E-D the late models of the Stoddard Dayton Locomobile and Waverly Electrics A few second-hand cars tor sale. DEEIGUT AUTO CO., iti FARNAM ST.. OMAHA. Automobiles Overhauled Let us figure on your spring overhauling. Our rtpair nsop la equipped with every modern la cutty and nifcu who luioar ihetr Suatueaa. btoiage rat ex on application. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. auo-U-U-I llaiuay tit. NEW 4-cyllnder REOS. 10 PER CENT DlaVOUNT. lo reduca our stock we will aacrtflce on a linutid number of theso car. Write or 'phone (or demonstration. At lantic Automobile Co., 3R 4th tel., Couucll b.uiia. litll sl; Ind. 10. WRITE for list of automobile bargaina. H. K. Frederlckson Auto Co., Omaha. NEW 1311 Moon -30." Hat 31.400. A great cwr; for aai dieap account of retiring Xrotn buaiueaa. Call al l-w City Natl. Bank. Auto Kepairius CALlJJ DA 1" OR Nb j 11 r. The Patton Mitchell Co.. SOia-W Harney. D ii4; A-.-otL bKvr.HAL LaikA.n. In ual gasoline and eleirtc cars, inainndeiit Auio Kepau- Co jl-i4U Farnam at. . ' WRITE for Price. ALToMOBlU CO.. THE 1NTER3TATH 31v-Jli 8. lath 61. Auto PuiutiDi "ML'KPHT DID IT." -il our prtcea now. ANDKkW ULRl'UI a HUW. liii Jackaoo. BUSINESS CHANCES To UK'f la or out of business, call oa QA.MJjuaVAo. e.4 Bee BlUg. Ivi. L. o!. IVilt SALE-Nw clean stock of Dry Gvotis, bhOMa a 11 J Groceries, lu bv aruw.ng ton in '1 a ill als i oumry ot iMiUtfieiu ldalw. Stoie now making money bii own er vaa noi give It personal attention. Ad dreaa ldi'. care Bee. I'KIU Block and future:. 6..W. Colorado town of l.e. doing l.u sal. Take part Hade, baiauce laj.'i. AUJicas Y 4k. ca.a bee. FiR f ALE Bakery In town of 1 BOO. cood (location and gnd trad J rice 3k4. 'Uctjl i' KaMr. ".Kletiolt. la. FtFt SAIEtok of hardware In lirand Island, Neb., etanli.ilied l.M: invoiced at i about ST. t; 110 tradrs coimid.-i-ed : reason for aelili.c. death of hrad t l in in Mia A C. tun ui4B, ill W . lak bl., orand iaiacd. a. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued J THFRB are wonderful Inveetment oppor tunities in central and northern Britlah Columbia along the lines of three trane-orntim-ntal and other railroads MilMIng Thla vast, new and rich territory of 30.000.000 acre of the flneet grain, fruit and mixed farming Itrnd. W.OOCO acre of rich min eral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapidity. Fort George Is me geographical center on the une of an railroads building and projected ana at the Junction of tOuO miles of navigable waterways. Toil can get In now before the railroad and share in the profits by In vesting aa little aa 1 10 er month. Let us send you a free copy of "-Brltl!h Columbia Bulletin of Information," containing up-to-date news cf Investment opportunities In this vast, new and rich country, alao synopsis of government land, mining, tim ber and coal lawa. etc. fend .your name and addrea today. Natural Resources Se curity Co., Ltd. Paid up capital, trAOOO, M2 Bower Building, Vancouver. B. C. TO BUT SELL OR TRAPE SKR THB MIDLAND L'U., 674 BRAN DEIS BLDO. PiHTXITR WAVTVn A A vmrl n v All. dress A, Bea, Council Bluffs. FOR f ALE Furniture and lease, flfty rooin hotel, town of lO.OuO; cheap rent. A bargain for the light larty. Box 36. Fre mont, Neh. HAVE t'-OO bond on straight proposition which 1 will sell at great discount. Phones, Tyler 1555, A. 42. WANT party with capital to take pre ferred Interest in large coal company. State when and where you may ba inter viewed. Address B 41L Bee Bldg. GOOD first class saloon for sale; price. H.OvU. Address 11 764. Bee. PAtTY with 1.000 cash for a real estate mortgage transfer. 4 per cent per annum. Address M U2. Bee. FOR SALE The finest It-table billiard room (Brunswick table) in the middle west. In a city of over 3.4.000, doing a protltable business. For full particulars address 1U4 First Nat l Bank Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED Sales manager for the state of Nebraska; standard automobile device; every an 10 owner a buyer on Bight; must have tiuo to cover slock at your if flee. Electrlo Vulcanlxer Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Invest meats. FOR SALE A-l farm land mortgages. drawing 0 to f per cent interest. REYNOLDS INVESTMENT CO M3 Ramge Bldg. . Phone Douglas 441. WE would like to hear from private par ties having money to loan on farm lands at a good rate of Interest. REYNOLDS INVESTMENT CO., MJ Ramge Bldg. RoomiBst II oases for Sale. ZO-ROOM. good business. 2214 Douglas BL 7-ROOM rooming house; strictly modern good bargain; owner leaving city. S. ntn. - uougtaa uu. TEN-ROOM rooming house: must sell on ccount of Micknesn. Utll Farnam. Telephone Douglas CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, IMC Farnam 8C Douglas 407. MONHE1T, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. U3&. DANCING Misses Simpson aV Coll. W. 2431. W. K630. MORAND S Utb and Harney. Doug. 2364. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACii. 3d floor, Paxfj-. p. 105&, DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective age., inc.. bonded. 43i- Paaton blk. D. 1311, ind, A-im CAPT. T. CORMACK. S17 KARBACH Blk. WANTED To correspond with private detective. Address A. G., 204 Jackson street. reona, 111. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webstar tila, First-class tailoring 4b dresamkg. Ulg Dodge. COMPETENT DRES8MA KING; satlsfao lion guaranteed; reasonable. Z2U Mason. FIRST CLASS experienced dressmaker waul sewing by day. Phone Harney 1563. EDUCATIONAL . THE VAN SANT SCHOOL SPECIALIZES on the STENOGRAPHIC COURSE, teachln; Shorthand, Typewrit ing and all lit vetAlls of office work Twenty years cf iiicce.ss. Make your in quiries of stenofi ners and business men. Une C. Duffy, Elisabeth Van Sant Proprietor. Principal. Wead Bldg., Cor. 18th and Farnam. I HAVE a scholarship In on of ths test bualnens collects in Omaha. Here la an on. portuntty to get a full course la a business college at a low price. Ask about It at once, as 1 must sell lu Address, E 744, Be oence. BOYLhS COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night seskions. students aamittea any time. Business, bookkeeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Sulio and eialeautanshlp. Tha cata logue U free. Aiidreaa II. B. Boyles, Presi dent, ornana. c.eb. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. K Henderson. 151it Farnam. Douglas 1213. BRANDE1S rut flower dept.; new store. A. DONAGHUE. 17 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100I HESS & SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam 8L J. II. BATH. ltS Harney. Douglas WK FURNACES AND REPAIRS w.air.it rroutx. ruinsr ami stoe re pairs. New futnacea and combination hot I r k...r 'I k.rnKMl.l. a n. a u n 1. 1 a . eis (iiuaha Sto i'epair Works, l.MG-l.J DoiiRlas t-t. Loth phones I.AD1ES To demonstrate house to house, sauiiy an.l car tare. s . li. Carr. Room 3i. .10 t. LUU. Factory anal Trades. WA NTED tlirls u leain hsiidressing. pr.eea r eoi'aol Amili J. L. Uisuuu t Sou HaudiMaliig pail!. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades roatlaeed. GIRLS to learn halri1res'n. Opperhrim Parlora, 2LW-210 City Nat l Bank. D. MsawHrturra aaal Uosinllra WANTF.DCompctent girl for general housework; three adults in family. :4 North 18th. Phone Douglas 62. LADIES' reliable home work transfer ring, work guaranteed. 41a Brandels Theater. WANTED A second girl. lira W. J, Hayne. Phone Harney 4700. WANTED An experienced housemaid. 190 Capitol Ave. WANTED A lady to care for children. t S. 33d St. WA NTED An experienced girl to 'do second work. 3037 Dodge. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family. 2:JU S. 2Uh St. WANTED Competent girl for general lousework. Harney St. WANTED An experienced glrl for gen- ral housework. 2711 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A white alrl for general housework. 1703 Lake SU WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 114 S. 36th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 262S S. 10th St. WANTED A young girl to cars for chil dren. 426 Davenport St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family; no laundry. 422 N. 31st St. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. M24 N. 27th St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 12 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl tor gen eral housework; references. 3013 Pacific St WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1122 S. 30th bt WANTED A girl to assist with house work; small family. Mrs. L. R. White, 1401 Emmet St. WANTED A strong girl for general houaework; no laundry 3408 Dewey Ave. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; references, tjul S. 3th St. WANTED Girl for general housework: references. H. Gross. Wl S. 22.1 St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1304 8. Kith St. WANTED A competent girl for aeneral housework; small family; good wages. 113 8. 2b tn Ht. WANTED Girl for general housework; three in family. 2724 Spalding St. WANTED A girl for second work: whit preferred. 120 N. S2d Ave. UUTTti? PratMlanl artr! .. hnn..M.b. experienced. Phone Benron 430. 1005 N.' amiiary ah, WANTED Girl for general housework; only 3 in family. Roland aprt. ; fiat 27; tak Sherman Ave. car. MisM-el lane owe. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers art invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Union station. LADIES We will teach balrdressing free this month with the new Hermann wave, an electrical procesk that turn straight hair Into natural wavy and re mains so permanently. We have secured exclusive right to teach It. Splendid money earned. Learn It now. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody. Catalogue tree. Moler Col lege, Chicago, 111. LADIES A complete course of halrd ress Ing given free this month to introduce the Hermann permanent hair wave. We are sole agent here. Big money paid operators. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, chiropody and electrolyals. W rite for par ticular. Moler College, Chicago. 111. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, liucitsFi axta salesmen. WANTED Reliable men to take cars of our trade with farmers In Nebraska. To very on who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing case, and who can furnish good security, for (correct work only) a good earning la guaranteed. Ths Halier Proprietary Co.. Blair. Neb. WANTED A good salesman who can In vest a ama 11 ainouDt of money and not afraid to mak IsoO to tl.uuO per month. Backed by reliable manufacturing company. No chance to lose. Call 12 to 2 p. m. Mr. Dobbin. Henshaw Hotel. 100 PER CENT profit to you; 300 per cent saving to customer; no competition; the only hand-rope machine on tli market. t?pecial agent for South Dakota, Kanaas, Colorado and W yoming. Day-Reynolds, 733 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. SALESMEN WANTED Oood clothing salesmen ith established trade to sell good line staple mens and boys' clothing. Good contract to right man ho can show re sults. Slayden-Klrksey Woolen Mills, Waco, Texas. AGENTS Slep rleht here; something new; tl) to i") a k; sells on sight; liw per cent profit; no marge for territorv"; new automatic rsiur sharpener, absolutely guaranteed for life. One afct-nt without it perieiiie look 27 orjers first cay out iswurn statement). 2s orders next day. Profit for i days, r.li.50: suu.ou) sold in 4 months; phenomenal money maker. Men everywhere are exciud over the nivsierious accuiacy and inflection of this little machine W ill today for full details tree. We want a ihcusami agents in exclusive teiritmy, al once. Addreas The Never Fail Co, tfei Cotton Bldg.. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Saleman: a well-dresd, educated young man fur city work; previ ous experience not estenlial. if capable of producing results; proposition good for . a Meek up Call !M0 am.. 4-5 p. ni.. Room 214. Xarbach Uldg. KK.M PER-THOM AS CO., Cincinnati, nam for foulliern NehraKa for ... i.mi exix-rlenced srilestnan lo haudlx exclutlve l.ne of advertising caliudars. novelties ami lealher goods, tflslilun.il trmle; . inn, liberal. Address tii.le Manager. WANTED Experienced stock or ins. su uVitor. oukndge inv. Co., 611 I'axtou Blk. Clerical a ad fllflee. WE CAN live several flisl-class ul.i 'men. iMx-kk eui r'. si i.u.iaiee s. ietu'1 c.erks and re II tiura. i ail ai oik tr r le for carllculsrs. WKfTKKN KKF. BO.VD A.V. .Inc.). OMAHA Lstab. 8 yra. KANSAS CITY, .v.' 3-4 i New to K l.lfr Dili.. v, a I ED Collector for city collectloas; smalt aiiiouiu o. i..uu i .i ... .... , , i.i company; exiHTia-nce uiinereaaet y ; ao.d fu ture tor rlbl parl- 4tM-4 Omaha Natl Bank. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Joba Knlest, Bee Bldg. . i i r. j itoq, c 'sum vn ...i cirri aiia piani, ugni iiiia e ' iii v, pipe-top style; state age, experience an 1 tici -in.Tea. AUtlieaa uaiiiivii um W orks, Bushnell, III. WANTED First class paper stock cutter on Seybold machine. Town of 6,000. Good wages. Address Y S3, care Bee. Mlaeellasieooa. WANTED Man to prepare for automo bile business; prastlcal shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work tn larg touring car, We Invlt lour Inveatlnallon. National Auto Train ing Ass n.. otDo U3 Biandais Theater Bldg. MOO GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list. Franklin lusutute. Dept. 1;-D. Rochester. N. X. , MAN wanted with rig to take charge of sale of our medicines, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparatlona, etc, In your county. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleasant, very profitable. References re quired. Writ us. Ws mean business. Shores-Mueller Company, Dept. 91, Trip oli. Ia. WANTED Six good sollctlors; $100 per month to those who make good. Seven hours work per day. Midwest Painters' Supply Co., Basement Wareroom, northwest comer lth and Webster Sts. WANTED Young men to lesrn the bar ber trad? facia) massage Included; rorn mislon paid for bringing students; barbers make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money making facilities; our course saves years of ap prenticeship; thousands of our grsduatel In business sending to us tor help; we place our men on trains as railroad barbers, steamships, office buildings, private bar bers and valets: positions always waiting; wages In finishing department. Call or write. Moler Barber college, 110 8. 14th St YOU are wanted for government position; ttt month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 300 D. Rochester, N. Y. BOO MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conduc tors; too to floo a month: no experience nec essary; no strike; write Immediately for ap plication Diana. Address, i-bz. care Bee. W A VTrH PVi, IT R .rmt- K1a-K.IM unmarried men, between tne ages of 18 and 35, citixens of the I'ntted States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speaK, reaa ana write tne English lan- Ing officer. 13th and Dougiss Sts., Omaha, ieu., jtsBBacuusei.iii mug., oiuua c liy, Ja.; 130 N. 101 h St., Lincoln, Neb.; 110 E. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb. . WANTED Honest man, young or old, to distribute circulars and show a new arti cle from house to house; two years' work, (3 per day. Modern Mfg. Co., 214 ICasota Bid., Minneapolis. Minn. HELP WANTED MALH 41 M KLUAI.K '. Experienced canvaasera can mak big quick money; city or country territory. Apply Wallace, 412 Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 13th and Howard Sta WANTED An experienced marker .and sorter, bundle department; phone at once. Nolcn Laundry Co., Sioux City, I a. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse a4 Vehicles. WE buy and sell all kind of horses; Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 409C. HOUSE, wagon and harness. Webster 14S7. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Ball dog. In answering de scribe fully. Address J 798, Bee. LOST Boston bulldog, 10 months old female (apayecn, brindle with white breast and forelegs, white collar half round neck white tipped hind feet. Return to 1030 8 32d St. and secure reward, or phone Harnay 1554. LOST Gold locket with name E. F. Esh baugh set in diamonds. Return to Hotel Loyal and receive reward. 1X)8T In business district. Monday after noon, a purse containing about 36 and pair spectacles. Owner's name on L P. annual pass. Red Mlt. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and "urglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 4th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 117. Cells answered day and night HAZEL LEXF PILE CONES Best rem. edy for Itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 60o postpaid; aampl free. ehr man t McConnsll Drug Co. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS trmtwmmjujjM ur wmnwrnmi f NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 3 NEW CO. 310 to 3600. NEW PLANS, f I This is a new firm, organised by the I I LEADING BUSINESS Mt,a OS t OMAHA TO LOAN 1 3 to any honest person owning HOUSE- t t HOLD OOODB. PIANOS, etc.. or f t holding a salaried position, at ths I rate of ( PER CENT PER YEAR JLST THINK. YOU PAY SOo Interest on (10 for on year 15.50 Interest ou 15 for one year. tJ.00 Interest on ao for one year. ALL OTHER SIMS l. rHtlPOKTIOS. EASY MoMHLY PAYMENTS treasonable Appi atseiueot Charges. INDEPENDENT LOAN COM PA Nr. rvnOM 201. W tTHNELL BLDG.. N. ri. Cor lath and Harney. Ve"Do What a" BaoiTWorrDo". We mak loans on furniture, piano a ad teams, ia sny amount from 35 to tiuS for say length of tun up to on ar and at- aou- ou .o ay ii uslk in aoiail wevaiy or monthly pay men ia STATE MOETGAGE LOAN CO Loom 12. A l II rig too Blk .. 1511V DoUg. Phone. Douglas lud. A ---tu. MONEY TO LOAN. Com In' nd let us explain, our low iats. )e- I name I. reoit lu . 'Jon Paxtoa Block. Tel. Douglas 141L A-Hil. I MilVV.V IllASh'll SA I.ARIKh Pt7npi.IV women keei-iaG hocse anu'oth-1 ) t. IU5, witnoul s cjrn . easy ia meiits. o( ; lice in ts piincl;al cities, 'lolman. Room New Oiuaua .National Lank Bldg. PRIVATE arty anl loan honorable sal Siicu peopi small sums cn tueir pis.n i.ots. taui.iiig iiiriiious. lowesi laics; loans Wkue guicai ai.u coi,iidaiiaily; payments anar.g.e as ueaireu. AUUrnw r s. ies. CHATTEL LOANS 'Loaest ra'es and rtitctiv private. ' M.HIItMi.l l.AN CO., 2.V H-e HMu Doug 1, A-lw. MONEY TO LOAN Salary s Chattel oatlaaed. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 AV C FLAT V IT 1M Hde Street. ritVXVtJ, Telephone Red 661ft, MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mov. ing; furniture parking; fireproof storage. City office, 31 8. 17th. Doug. 34; Ind. B-liu. OMAHA VAN A STORAOB CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; elactrio vacuum laanara. so4 K. Uth; S. 17lh- Doug. 413. OFFERED FOR RENT soar) aad Hoosa. THB IRVING, 2101 Leavenworth street THB BACHELORS, American rates. Single. ISa to 140; double. M to 34. ATTRACTIVE tront room with large at eove; walking distance; borne cooking. Phone Douglas I3S6. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distance from downtowa; beat of home cooking. U3 8. 36th Ave, TeL. Doug". aVtO. FINK large room suitable for two. U1S Cass. Douglas 147. CLOSE In, three blocks from postofflce, two steam healed rooms with table board tor four men. 3i per week. 1710 Chicago St ST. JAMES, 416 8. 13; Stm. heat, free bath. Am. 31.25 (up; wkiy; 35 up; meals, 250. TWO men or man and wife may secur room and board with a reflnea family; those who desire a homelike atmoapher will find this very satistactory. 'Phone Harney 15U. LARGE south tront room, with hoard for two gentlemen; private home. 23 Dewey Ave. , NICELY furnished rooms with board. Good location. 3oS North 22d. St., Tel. Red 3367. ; FOR RENT Large room, desirable for two people; board If desired. 114 N. dith St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms; light heat, hot and cold water, bath; good location; walking distance; reasonable: desirable for four people; board. 1-S 8. 2&th St. FOR RENT Very ploaaant rooms; board. 206 8. 25th Ave. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; gocd table board. 123 8. 25th Ave. NICE horns for two gentlemen; private family; nice room; near car; board; refer ence. 2118 Plnkney St. DESIRABLE south parlor for four gen tlemen; good location; well heated. 2100 Douglas Bt FOR RENT Desirable room; board; good locat' n. 2420 Caa St DE8LRABLE room; private, family; no' other roomers; no children. 1011 8. 22d St. ' DESIRABLE room and board for ladies, KS8 S. 24th St. YOUNG man wants roommate; good board; Teaaonanlo. Call Douglas 42S4. ROOM and board in private family. 107 Howard. Kooaa. Nice south, single room, furnished. Sit Douglas Bt SOME nice. warm, close In rooms, de sirable for young men, or man and wife. 113 N. ISth. BEAUTIFULLY furoUhed room In new brick flat block west of Hotel Rome; electrlo lights. Mrs. Eagoix. Tyler 3523, J b. iStih St. R12 8. 22d St., nice warm room, near car; walking distance. TWO furnished rooms. TeL Webster tmi. tttfc N. boid St PLEASANT, warm front room; private home; fine location, on car line; easy walk tag distance; moosrn: tine fur eae geotis aian. Ut N. 26th. A SMALL desirable room for oui,g lady. 2045 Dodri St WALKING DISTANCE-Two very desir able boukckeeplng rooms. Also some very nice sleeping rooms. 2204 Webster. DESIRABLE modern room; private family; good locaiiun. 131 N. 31st Av. FOR RENT Two nicely turaishad roots U3 S. ttd 8k FURNISHED rooms. 601 North 16th. FURNISHED, steam heatod-room. pri vate lanuly. for keotlemsn walking Uls tsnc Ml S. 2Mb jtil. TWO warm, comfortable, 3d floor, side rooms; cheap for steady roomers. Board next doer. H. 56b6 or call 2707 Dodge. LARGE, warm front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance, on 24th St car line. 220 N. 2j(l. Red 4222. LARGE, modem, south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 27th St Phone B-2255. DEWEY European HoteL 12th & Farnam. LARGE front parlor, nicely furnished; larg front room with alcove; suitable for two or more. Also other looms, btiicli modern. 218 No. 23d. LARGE front room, also smaller rooms st IA in private hum, ntrictly modern. 51 N. 23d. FINE room; neatly furnished; for gentle men; private family; good location. bt Mary' Ave. VvAl.KlMl dintance; nealy furnished rooms; sii.ctlv inourrn; miiii or vtithoul board, bi Caiitol Ave. Harney 5j.". NEWLY fill main 1 rooais; noi Mam lieat; ktrictly niudein; releiences requued Douglas 5a24. ,al ueney Ave. NICF-LY furnlhd. large ftout loom, new home, prune lamlly. 1U1 S. J.d bl. Phont Harney 715. FT'RNISHED room In modern house, 2.' 12 St. Mary s Ave. STRICTLY modern rooms on car line. 270! Farnain. 11. 2'..i. VERY desirable (are front room, suit i sols for two. A'l S. tli Av. LARGE trout room, with alcove. 5u5 8 2in Bt 1. A licit;. nn front room. In prlvat I ouic, ueitlratii fur imo; strictly modern; Kaikir.g bK'.aoce, on 2llh bl car liua. ijl A. 23o. Led AM. TWO rooms in prlvat residence; no alga; near Omana club, new house, newly fur nished, stiictiy modern; electric light; hot Mkitr i;t. oesi otu; tcspotisluie pu nieli desiled Zlja Douglas. I ler U.i ROijMS In private tarr.lly, hot watw neat, tier u ic ugni. s iiunuies of buai siaeas u.sii ict s- to w h Ave. STRICTLY modern room in prlvat family, no r.thar luomcia. Apartment 2 .-n caik Ave. Kolt KENT-Tmo fiont looms, ai1 mod era, new lial. las Capitol Av. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms tlaaed. FOR RENT Nloel refurnished front room, for couple gentlemen; private family. &2t S. 36th Av. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, on rT line; privets family; no children. lkll Sherman Av. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, private family. 121 N. Central Boulevard FOR RENT Three nicely furnllid rooms; good location. 2M0 Decatur 8t FOR RENT Nlotly furnished room. S 8. 24th St FOR RENT Nlrely furnished rooms, with heat. 2113 Burt St. . FOR RENT Nice larg front room. ns home; private family. 1U1 S. 32d St. NICE home for gentlemen, private family, nice room. Reference. 1K21 Chicago St FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooma. modern flat, one block from library, sol S. llh St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms, deslrabl for gentlemen, bis S. 2ot!i tt. FOR RENJT Neatly furnished front room, good location; private family. 714 S. 17 tli Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnlabed front room. 702 S. litlh St. FOR RENT A desirable front room, nice for couple gentlemen. Breakfast If desired. 3,08 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnlhd room; hot water heat 624 S. ltth St. " FOR RENT Two nice rooms. In private home, to neat gentlemen. 704 8. 24th St. FOR RENT I-arg furnished room, pn vate family; new home. 214 8. 26th Ave. N. W. corner Farnam. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms; 26U Dewey Ave. FOR RENT All modern room, furnished desirable for one or two. Moderate price. 1562 N. 18th .Bt. FOR RENT Nice, light room; desirable for two gentlemen, near car line. 1836 N. 17th St. FOR RENT Nice, clean, steam heated rooms; cloae in. 418 S. 2th Ave FOR RENT fcteom heated, neatly fur nished rooms. 1708 Cass St. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, and sleeping rooma, 607 N. nh St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms' for light housekeeping. 702 8. 17th St. - ' TWO new rooms, housekeeping privileges, 212 So. 2tilh St. FOR RENT Parlor floor, for house keeping. 550 8. 26th Av. FOR RENT Rooms for housekeeping, neat and clean. 1510 Marcy. FOUR nlc rooms, reasonable. 2626 Capi tol Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms fot light housekeeping. 621 So. mb St. FOR RENT Two nice front rooms, com pletely furnished for housekeeping. 2731 Miami St. ' THREE nicely furnished rooms for house keeping. 2013 Cass St. FOR RENT Nlc light housekeeping rooms. 412 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. MS 8. 24th Ave. FOR RENT Neat housekeeping rooms. 20o8 N. 18lb St FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, heated, gas range. 2010 Davenport St. FOR RENT Nice, well heated parlor, housekeeping. 2111 Douglas St. FOR RENT One large room With alcove, furnished for light housekeeping, modern. 8J3 8. 30th St. . FOR RENT Nlc front parlor for house keeping. 1D13 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, bath., gas. 2007 N. 2oth 8t TWO nlc modern rooms for light house keeping. 513 N. 22d St. NICE front room, cooking gas and laun dry privileges. 2571 St Man's Ave. FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep ing, nicely heated. 2653 Dodge St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, heated. 712 N. 16th St. NEATLT furnished rooms for light house keeping- 1622 Burt St.- FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, gas. electric light and linen for housekeep ing. No children, tk.1 So. lth St . FOH RENT Neatly furnished house keeping rooms. 2013 Bt. Mary's Ave. FINE front parlor, suitable for two gen tlemen or man and wife or two ladies. 5W N. 18.'h St. Douglas 5818. FINE furnished room, 428 8. 24th St. private family. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS fr gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 100 S. 13th St. DODGE HOTEIy 1-lth and Dodge; all out side roomii; steam heat; special week rale. ArlaaseB(a mm4 Flat. CENTRA! All modern, 4-room Tat. 220 N. 23d tROOM modern flat. 1112 8. 11th. GROUND I'loor. 4-room, steam heated flat, the Dunsanj, loth and Jlerc Sis., t.'j per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 408 Biundcls Theater Bldg. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 5-room brick apartment in city; elec tric lights, continuous hot and cold watar; steam heat furnished: tiled bath room; laundry with dr.er. Price 3o. Two blocks from heart of city. 11-571, Bee. Faralshed lleaseekeplag II ooma. THE HOWARD 21st and Howard. Two room airtni-nt , private bath, bed In wall; iiot water heat, Ice, Janitor; mahogany furniture. CS5 00. DUNDEE Three rrKm for light house keeping; modern. Harney 21114. THREE modern housekeeping rooms; aepMrate bath and toilet, splendid condition. 60s S. I Mil Bt. 3 RiXlMH, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th St. Infaratsheal H . TWO warm, aouth front rooms; newly de-oiatcd; mi bathroom floor; ttl (as; lonvenient to Imo car lines; teferences. 4 Li m IMS Gas and city water; garden and chicken privilege. 311 S Bancroft St Red A LARGE basement room frvr laundry purposes, complete 1th heat nd rontinu ous hot and cold Mater; alao fine as t 1 1 as for drying xouns or for lodging. 2uu SV txtar.