Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Trrn r.FX: rrj aha. vriDxr.sp ay. FEr.nrArcr inn
- t i 1 1 I t I r
F.aa to Co-Cpfrai! with Fran ia
Ba:Idmj Stcry Reservoir.
i w i : : -r i i i
- -
L 1 1 JLva'aa
fHOSE vho are satisfied only with the best
use Columbia cars. Birth, tradition, envircrv
ment and character forbid their accepting less.
f i t till i -
LxiRjmbia. cars nave new tna regard tor sixteen
yean from the beginning cf the motor car. in fact.
r i
Columbia cars are buJt in a factory big enough
to butkl 5C0Q cars. Only ICC4 Columbia
can are built annually and these wuh infinite
care. Every refinement cf detaJ characterizes
them. They have many exclusive features.
Satd far uunptti caWofj.
The Colombia. Motor Car Company
Hartford Ccnru
L'cited Motor Omaha Co.,
2115 Farnani St.
A t
rMlllll rrri Hi-iritt fr Tkm-
aaad OvrliHa r To4af est
I I... 4. b-t V...M Pr,
If Pvwwerly w alered.
I. i
' o;d"N. Ptah. Fli. .1 Sre. !;.' oipn
'""iv. as a, -i?TKrrlm. I "eKina" to enter
a rew f"M In m-mii-ioal ownership. The
't-r a ititnrlt! rnc!f rrtlte asking e
1 Vt) le"!at ire nw tn nenn. tn Take ;
j poeeible fie -o-oertlrto of ' itv and farm-
r In t!: bnlltlinar of a atora r r'-otr
at ti bad vii'n of lgttn rivr. t rout
anproi'.rtiarlv fT.i.iii Fur that nrii a
.lam -mld b built on Cobble -!. twnty
1 niH at f tbia riy. and main rana'a and
, !arr; ontr"irtl. rapablo at aunolrtna;
j witli watfr. In th nummer morfh, dmi-
', bi th r-ajt now und-r cn'tivarifm In
! tMa iMuntrv. '
j Tbr arv ti- avai'abi it tor rm-en-oirw.
aa foilowa:
j At Mnpi. utorine; 7 040 a"r-ft af ;
i wator at a mat of KXAMa.
j At Cobble .t. atn-lnar a-r-f"et '
I ef water at a roat of '..
Ct the FLaht (and fork. Moral iS
' acre-feet of water at a nut of r.SS.W.
j The mwt teabla nmiertak'na; la that
'at Cobble creek. It wtviM open to rer la-:
; matlon at leaat .Tn.i i,ti of rich land and 1
i artra- t to Oalen part of the (treat atrean :
of bom aeekera tbat annually joea throisajh !
! this a;atwav to tha eitrema wt ott tba!
northwest. j
! Taea mt W tr-r e4ew.
f'wth'lla eaat. north and aouth
Wsl1ic1ii foil3 tllhi2 Si2 surras
MSl tlltii3 SSiow
l Tbsre ia, & real treat, ia
store for motor car enthus
iasts at the coining show
a complete line of the lat
est Stearns modeta. The
body designs are excellent
the vestibule type will
be ihowa on various c Lis is hi
The body is only the finishing touch. Go
beyond that. Examine the running gear
study the E teams-meter a motor that for
quietness, flexibility, power and efficiency
stands absolutely alone. Note how extremely
simple is the Stearns method cf transmitting
power how little is lost. Find out why the
balance cf the entire chasis provides a mini
mum of weight commensurate with the power
Get the Stearns Story
Ask the man at the Steams exhibit to tell
you the story of the Steams how for seven
ties years this car has led all American
automobile practice. Ask
- them to tell you about
the Stearns rear axle so
strongly constructed that
Louis Renault, Europe's
leading automobile de-
designer has incorporated
the idea in his 1911 models Stearns brought
it out in 1903. 1
Ask why the Stearns type of motor first
introduced in America by Stearns is now
commonly called the "orthodox" type. And
these are only two cf the many points deserv
ing of the attention of the man who knows
motor car values.
Examine the Stearns critically care
fully thoroughly. Submit it to any test you
like get the opinion of expert mechanical
engineers, llxr.j a Steams has been pur
chased hi that way.
"Watch for the car with the White Line
Radiator it's the distinguishing mark of
"The Ultimate Car."
,th8 citv. with an arreaa for tno or-h-!
i aria, wbere homat for IO.oaii people could '
! be created, are todar wajita lands that I
j but require th toira of water to b mada
aa prodiwtlf aa the moat biffhly cultlTatedj
foothiil co-mtry of the Rbin. j
Oarden City aea u opportunity to help j
j t.a.bliah vtneyarda. pea:h, and appi orrh- j
arda. tnick aardena a. ad tomaio field, and '
J to environ itaeif with countleaa aroaperous
I urn nome. aim u.len is to atep out of
; th beaten path of munWipailtiea to accora-
pltah this hiKb purpoaa. If the city auc-
cd. thia part of ITtah wUI be thoroughly
converted to th enlarged idea, of BublLr
owaemhip- of public uuiiti.a. aven Itid?Hl-i
, lr th Cow of the Inland rtvera. i
Th Davla aad Wor Counfles CanaJ j
j company baa resumed operations on- ha
I waterway to th aouth of Oajdon. and rrm-
cret anrs are one mora at work lining I
th canal and making; th aides and rioor j
j f th great ditch imperrloua to seepage
ThJa eon vert in a; of dirt embankments J
and a aandy Bottom Into an aqueduct of j
j cement la ne af the most important trrt-
i satioa innovatlona in th United States. J
j Th savin to be mad by stonprna; the j
I luaa of water by seepage and th greater
carrying capafttr or th ditch be b- j
taJned by th transformation will point ;
uio - r wr uiner targ Dria-atton cora
paoiea ta Cunsery their water supply.
lltttiif Syatesa.
A trajichia haa Been granted, by Ogden
City to tbe Mercnanta Electric Light and
Power company aad plana are being pre
pared for an xtensiv electric system in
competition with that of th Ctaft Light
and Railway company, which heretofore
has bad an exclusive field.
Th new company hi financed, by local
capitalists and zpndlturea aggrvcadng
half a million dollars are to be made be
for tit competitive system reaches Its
fail development. Much of tbia i
i to be expended In and around. Ogden within
u next two or three years. Power plants
are to be established, a distributing system
w t be constructed and busteesa blocks
Thia invasion of th local field by an In
dependent electric company promise to b
a material factor In Ogden expansion.
irtr ef Pwtatt.
Th farmera tn the Plain City district, to
th weet of Oicden. have what is iocarty
known a the "monjf Ufrer ." It ia a
potato of a new Tartety. which, wnen
properly pUnted. well cultivated aad har
vested, will lift a burden from any ewner
of a farm. Last season a number of the
agriculturists grew the "mortgage lifters.
and on of them, .Albert Maw, aaya that
from an acre of ground h marketed
worth of potatoes, obtaining H.2 to fl.Ti
per 10 pounda Early Ohlua, from th same
soil, brought per aore.
Three acre of tomatoes, cultivated on
til Maw faj-m. returned a revenue of ISTZ.
This land Is in-gated and is In a diatnet
that a fw years ago attracted but little
attention. Th possibilities of th ell were
not apprsciated nntU after th develop
ment of th sugar beet Industry ia Weber
I ""V
Are on the Main Floor riht
in front as you enter the Auditorium.
Buiick Trucks
Are also ca exhibition with the balance of the trucks in the Base, -t
v s
IIORi: BUICK TRUCKS running in Omaha and Lincoln than any other make. Ask the
firms using them and they will tell you it's the be3t truck you can buy for the money.
Th e styles at our exhibit. Prices $1,C00, $1,075 and $1,200.
Nebraska Buicli Auto Co.,
Les Eall, Kfr.
5. C. Dco as, JI.T.
Wallace AuitonniolblSe Co.
2203 Farnnm Street, Omalia, Neb.
Agenta Wanttd m Unoccupied Territory.
4 ' '
t H. '. r ue Door Tonrtnx Car.
NOTE The doors can be entirely removed when warm
wearhsr makes the enclosed front seat too hot to be
comfortable. Body in tcrchan gable with Laundclet or
John Deere, Plow Go.
A Tn)
h I
r i ..- J i
4asnaii ae3
in cm m
I -1 i s r i t i n H
You Are Invited to See the Apperson
See the three splendid Apperson models.
They are the best in the country.
Give Us a Chance and We Will Show You
iipperson Amto Co.
1102 Farnam Street
t latter! for Wriaw But m
kk Tker it la.
George McBnd. county surveyor. J. W. j
Bedford, chairmaji of th Board af County '
Commlaaionera. and Oecar Flckard. a '
coonry oomnuasianer. left Tuesday for Lin- '
coin, where they ar Interested la varUtue
b:lls pending. ;
Sf r. McBride has suggeetiona from the '
Good Roads association, which be win t
before the joint committee. Mr. Bedford ia i
interested in making men whs br-n- elec- !
tloo contests stand th cost of Lb coutest. '
whil Mr. Plekard is Interested la ail leg- '
Islatun pertaining ta roaJa and brldgea.
PartWa V b. tsad Haw Ba4 reared
that h Was Akwait t Leave
Tta Snyder, th woman arrested en
suspicion of being Implicated ia "whit
aiav' operations and reused on !)
bonds by United 9ta: Commieaionar Ja
derson Mooday morning, was reanvweed
Monday night. Th arrest followed a eom.
plaint from th somen whs had signed
ber bwndii charging that an was but t.
-um"' her bouda and k-ar th f.'y. W'h.,
arrest d It was fuuad that ah had paekd
her trunk aad was idently pfepaxtaa; for
TigUt. Sh U t ba ba to t-a federal
grand jury.
r BU.f frax sJaaav Tn.kU
"I had an awtita attach f Bright ia
eaa with tnCammaUoa of ths aad
lailder. and rtiailn m." amy Mra Cora
Thorn. Jackson. Mu:a "A betu
foxyi slklney Remedy eroaaB th Jr
tsvk. reducad th hrinarlm. took away
ta paia and mad th bladder wa nor.
I wish vryona could know of this
aodartu lamaat. avid by aU druggiaeai
lalaaal bid lrlk.e ta W yaaatas.
S.tP-ATOJA. Wyo.. rk. 3L-i .Hcial )
Th owners f the Leighioa-Wyoming mine
in th Slerr MJre rang have struck the
main lead aad a iarg uuaatuy of eulyaul
ore. whica rur.a from M to M In gold ta
th ton Th vem ia ever twenty fawt ta
width. Thia ta on of th moat isnportaat
acrike In Sits diru-i.-t la recent yeara.
Taa Vjatalaa.
Coa t let stomach, liv. r or kidney treubi 1
Please, IVIistep,
..vr w- w w-i .
"lifiU into a JTost
"SM , SHM Your Wheels
SPRING" Ydur Axles
BREAK" Your Springs
"TEAR" Your Top
PAINT our Auto
DON'T Hurt Yourself
DON'T Hositato
See DRUMMOND. 10th and Harney Sts-
Please Remember to See ttie
f "113 f '"
At Our Salesroom. 18th and Harney.
Ask for information or demonstration.
:v:n:I D:rgdns in USED GilRS h Fins G:niili:n
h i hi i"
n n nn nn nn
u u kj uwu uuu vy uj
. We Have 50 Busies and Carriagca, Nev as
Weil as Second Hand, at Nearly Half Price
a.n yo waea yatt eaa a-h!s- down
i :
them wnp F'.enne Hi tiers, jng. wir
a lej