THF: I'KK: nM.MFA. WKDNKSHAY. FFPRT A R V 11 I I BRIEF CII NEWS t Boot mu it r. X. CrMl.m I 9m. .torsos. Beads. JT City Jtat'1 Bans. as. atteetrt rmraa, Inrp-arudn ' Times, mituc Year Moaay ami va:,iahee In the American .ia.'e Vimii in Th 8m building. Si rerta a box. IJ a year. i ra the Divorce Cmm-Luoi ndn. Tay lor T'leeday find a mf for .11. ore? a-:.uiiit her h't-band. W"ltam T.i . lor Boss forjivi tri .,. aa:r goods j ri.ns and specfVatlnns for draining the at lloiiaun sm,,,,. le t onaia Si. Wednes- ;nrt!, bottoms nf Oman r approved hv day ami Thursday oniy. tne Ulmir and , rommitfee of the whole Monday af'er law pni'M in window. j ,,,,,, an m,mprta:inn. n, t.i Mrwl Court Imw ' Closed Wa. In nut una ' th." a-ns nrlfH. The resolution mi btrthuay snnlversary 'iii le ohecrved ai ' adopted by unanimous rot af'er Cliar'es Ula eoun hnutia by ad offices !n the build- Halloe. who repr-senied rttiacna of th in closing f..r the .la. j northern part of the i-ltr, had tol.l Hie Th Way la 0e through the Neb. iav council that such drainage was aosoiuter." Ing. a Lnsn .ar n. lo m monev. kly j nwiHimirr. or monthly pa- mi-nis mar be madp. pa:, ; The dramas a' tem will wniunl of -yl-par annum, ;ii KartiHin .ti-eet. indrlcal Tiling, starting n'r Carter pm a K1 Private Safe in oar bur iltj,n1 running diagonally t. a point six fur jour vi.uable papers. Only El by the blocks nur-ft to l-'ort street. Though the year. And atop your worry. Omaha 5f ' "t,ml f"r "' Kncneer t'epoan and Truat Sn.. cntranca Itil rar-j"'' "'' " '-"'inn! tliat he thonnht the aaun atreet. j w"r, 'onlil ha rl.ine fur li-s. aa tilln wonliJ Cklekam Trta Otnaar . Tba miaxionary an- ieea of Trinity MethodiHt church. Blnne and Twenty first atreets. will iv a i:hl hen via dlnnar Wednead7 anin. bvK;nnin at ( on lock. 9wr Saauat Mara A maatlnc of tha Eomrd of Park: Cnmmiaalonnra ia et for Vattirdajr afternoon at. J. when plans for Ifnprovtn- the parka and boulevards of Omaiia will be dlacuaeed. STMmimia; tha low of tha ITamav Dyia- j mitinaj tn the piatte river haa been rolnn on for the laet week and now it is believed ail danger . from lea tn tlila river ia past. It is said tn tha onunty eurveyur s office that the Ice In Uie Loup river la uil men awrlna;. SCeSnde WUI Tiled The will of Kllis McBrula was Cied for probate Monday. Tha properly ia sained at Ia.'iO. Tho widow u aOTXtlnte-t Bpedai admlniatratrix. Mr. ICcBrlda'a mother la the only other heir. Tliara La likoly to b t contest filed on the part mt a brother. Te rvAfm tka TlddUra Mayor Dahl tajt rexiatTed an Invitation from Xebraaka. City Til 1 y morninc to preside at a Cddlara eontaat. which wtll ba held th Te Thurana.y Blent. The mayor will not reply tat tha tas-ttatton until Thursdas- and will the ohiof caest It him bustness will per- Ut him to Saavve. ruaiaal or Mtrav Ait Bf. Tirana The tmerai of Mra. Ann M. Lowe, who died huidavy, aged 73 years, will be held Wertaecday afternoon ax 1 o'clock from the residence of J. M. Counaman. 2:ui Sherman avenue. Barr. Charles H. Havldife will de lier ths fanerai sermon, and the Interment ywl'I ba li jjiT s-has4d Tjjavswtrr that axnn 111 ba In Foreart Uwj ci metcry. cen Xitavswtrr' Richard Schneider alarted after tne express deiiverymen Tuesday morning who have refused ui taka out their 1311 Bcetuiea. So. tar only about aeventy have paid the Schneldtsr annua, fo. of for privile.ea. j says tiu oUier Xu will have to eano Uiramuia. fast or quit delivering goods. iirrnetlli Tffcua Stand TxiaJ Chrl. Bail aom. a painter of Millard, will have to ataod traat ta tha disrrtot eourt. by a d elatoa baaded dawn Tuesday by Judge Lee Da asT tha oaunty eourt. He la charged with, havlBs; attampted to aaaauit Antonia Benc.hard. aehool teauher. teauhina- tn the ewtratry aear Millard. The preliminary keartng waa held last week. arss Maw Stintliiy Tha Bo- Dramada eiub win give a play. "Tatiindl.' at tha Bohemian Turner hail wanda y. Tba diractloa ef tha eiub Is under Jaw Mis. tarsaerir praaiiiant ef the local Tarawa, and tha play to be yn Sunday lav tha btatceat thios tha club haa takan ap tc Mareit IB tha amaxeur sastora are pkwanlBC to st tha aew play "New Mac- VeaitwatlarT Jamee barn and Sun Eyaer. two nagroes, were arrai "i. arrai arraigned Tuesday before Judga aatalia la arraigned Taeadar before Judge T .mile la nai court on a charge at areaaMng and ring. They pleaded guilty and war. n aentanoea to tour year, la tha pane- taacary. They catered a reeaianca hi South Onaana. January 2, aad .tola property valued at Ml si as. tsai Farav Tourlat raxea to Tal lawatene park wtil ba the aama thia year as laat. annoiraoe. tha Cnioa Patnfls. The fare to eithar Teilowatona atatioa at one alow ef tha park or, to Gardner, Wjn, at ' tha ether Bide, wtll ba S3 for round trip, a ! complete tna to tha park caa ba made j from Omaaa for STLJa, including a Ova and ana-hair day tour by stage through, the park and hotel rates. Colorado Suaad aSaa Caxatnc to SJiow S. T. Baaur, furmarly ef Omaha, a ho ia bow interested aa Hotahkla.. Colo., frutt lands, ' la shortly to taaa a party of prospect) ve j purchasers ef paarh tracts from Omaha to lmk over bis projects. Mr. Baker's Uotch- kiaa vailer project waa represented at the i Land aflew sad will be again represented ! I av mm hi Kit mt the h . . i ' v aa exhibit at the seat .how. Colorado peaches sad canteioupes will probably I and canteioupe. will nrubajiiv I form a eonaplcuoua part In the display to be made from that section of the state at ths Bast Land show. Tha Kay to the Situation Bee Want Ada BUSINESS MAN SHOOTS WOMAN s. C. Ktsete l Kxevleiwr ssrls., Maw aad Tries ta lilacs Hep to) Rlapts. TlI3TOV, la., Kb. a.- pee;al Tele gr.m.) W. C. oper, a prominent Jeweler ef CumberlantL la. shot and probably fa-a.'y wounded Mrs. Kiina s-lniins. wife of Char'ee Sim ma ef MAaaeiia, at Excelxiur evnngs. Mo., Saturday mailt and then shot and Instantly killed hmuteif. ifoper had been infat.iatcd with wo- KAV.o4 5Uc5 FCR BIG SUM alt. A I lap; o Piled Iw this H.uslre ..a sd Owllaea CHI-AG4 F-tv. a -uts,,n irma wer. here t.hla- against ten life tnsursnc. comnautes by Mrs. Florence Wdiia Rjwn. widow of u, !rm awn. preaiilent f tiie M .non ra.lroad and firmer ff!-uW of t:ie I Ino.t Cniml r 1 The anus ar. lntt-nd.1 i.j tv.nver inauram-s policies oa Rim lif... the pav. """" on am.-n are id ta liavc been heid because of suit .,le civieoa wah- 'en jttu iivo a co 1 1 ga a bett.e of V amberlain'a Co.ia'i Reme-ty It wtll fix yon up ail rig-it and will ward aff any tendrmv lostri pneumonia Thia PwoiMiy contains no opium or on.r aar auilu and may b. aa t-onrid.acly to a kaby aa to au aalu aViid by aa orug- man and Mllowt her to th.t p.-.. He ) ' tor tn. day . tod. um.))A ln rWfnt Tu - - "-"' "t .t, ,,. j Bn-pfltrtv tonht ",Sm oper ll A a wTre r ' oionaey act audi as n th'm -Of-thlng ! entered the pleural cavity. r 1 !, 10 U,a """"" f m'"r Wh dM ti,a utti. T::z,:r - r,:; ': "...r z'a r lr y- -'-- Late reports her. today are that u '" Ma id Rm h.-x laid to an in- ' rv.rf. . " At:"f the pericardium and tha latter was in claims miDuster tne leg siative Ua, . 1. mm a.,va biu' h'er' rl'.Lyl ' -."or on. thing,' .be continued. "1 k TZ: pack" of a"". I ?J?" U " ' " " ' Mrs. m.per went to Eiiu ' have an understudy for every part ducee a oa.-k of ."' Dn-j introduced by the fluid contaii.ed In the . . u ...... ! SpHng. to brg the bod, of 1 -V " - ; mlT'T. .O and otlT JT Z " Z ! 'COUNCIL ORDERS NEW m::l:--rimm AT SOUTH Omf'r rlTaft Talks to Masons , Would Dram the Bottoms SarJnfMt to Firt Street. FIIZISOCF CsLTC. A5CE- PASSED H nanol We-. Id H -ea C er-tlfled of Parlw r niwtm t wtil Jmttm r r itffii r c.w.t ev Irv I lest. 'rat ahoijt Z per i-pitt !ea thn the a:notint wtimtt-Kl. TTor" on the svflera will be i Iteaiin emrl" nert week. The onlinanra infrni1:ired into tha oun- tl a week ajfn provirtlna; for tha conatnn--t!on of r.ra proof buildinio in th f:ity waa 01 4i-ed panaed. Tho ordinanra. whli-h providea that aUl buildinaTi of threw atorlea or mora shall be of fire proof rimst ruction, xara Tata and tenements, which ar ilm fteit to four atorlea. natied fir and sec- ,, rm.lln-, Iat eK. The rwiueet of t'onLrs. tors Charlea Fan- nine and H ih M lrphy for the return of .ertifletl checks, which had been dppositt-d to bind contracts not yet completed, waa referred to the committee on pavinc and eeweraire. The amount involved in HT..". some of which has been on deposit for more tlian year. w , , Trial of M n der of Polenius. Prime Mln Hwaaaael TawM Keea Ckxika. j ltr of L-enmurk. Councilman Hummel moved tha referring i Jlfe Mr. Anderson. of th. aayinc that the check.! should not be returned until the work, waa completed. Hummel also criticised the , I contractors and city engineer, contending that the contractors, through a lack of supervision by the city engineer, have fee- I iuently delayed the beginning of con-; structlon work until the last possible min- j ute and that It wu for this reason that! work had not been completed. Hummel j also charged that contractors took other Joba and that city ioba differed thereby. 1 The report, of the city aid assistant city j engineer on the meeting they attended in i Xaw Turk for the standardization of pav- ' i-- -. i . .u i , ..c.ra u ui. iiiii eswoi-i age committee. Ths complaint of W. Whitakar. who I Uv at su Jon .trean. on poor re ' car service la hi. neighborhood wa. r. ferred to the railroad and viaduct com-! miuee for inveatigaUon i Councilman MHJovern s r,uest for th. Installation of arc liahta at Thirtv-seventh 71- rmjl,t mn.m 7 ."fT- "?. ! v -"""".- , tee of the whole at the last meeting of the city council, resulted In an Investigation ' ... - iu(i. uiav oavi uwi ordered during the year. Two re porta were roada which differed widely, so McGov- ern . request waa placed on til and tha city electrician ordered to submit a report to the council Tuesday night, snowing the number of arc light, installed during the year. Resolution, to grade different street. throughout the city were bunched and will ba reported on tonight. WOMAN TRIES TO END UFE ! Mrs. Kaain Cartotlaaeoa's T.lfe Saved i by Prompt Effort ef Paysartaua. Mrs. Kanute Christiansen, Twenty-eighth avenue and Rlggles atreet. attempted aul- cide at 19 o'clock last night by drinking Attssaetlaaa la Oaaafca. Keilv from the Emerald Isle" at the Brandeta. Mary Munchhoff in Recital at the Braniieta, 4 p. m. "Chariev . Aunt" at the Bovd. Vaudeville at the American. " Vaudeville at tae Orphrum. Burieaque at the Cayety. Burlea)ue at tne U-rug. Here te how the first scene in Lew Field s new piece, "The Hen Pecks." is described by Franklra Fyiea: " " w winttnor-i ln Its tirst six minuies are munsoriiv T.t start, unconnected with ihe rent of the start, 1 u uv la a reaiialie IrmvMtv nf i.-i Ku , yard In C"h.ntecier. '' Cnlike Root . , I Ms eounds ar not imltailv. bv nnmica. from a Maude Adams as tha cock of hs 1 wa.. k to an Arthur Byron aa a dog. Tne! noise makera ar. genuine. At iho fli-st ! glint of day tight a cock faatmed to hia rooat In a row of hen. ertwi as if he im. rooel had lo summon the aun to nee. and the urn. e. . , i-tti.(i 1 1 1 ei e i . i. oat awaaens M. , tramp wno has made a bed of a urv iroiuih, and ne stretches in. Kinaa out it aunaeit. A buildog la set loose to fasten to tne eeat of Uie huoo s troimi and be whirled round and round si violent iv that if he were to let ao He mmlu land :n the ptrnum. A cat uniooitett from a fence latirriea awav. A aoiten ducks come ouackinu acrone the i vri on a prauinwtn, trail of f iw ' breaa : ui totttl. A pig. ttcuitj grabOed up and . a men llkelv i a trougii ai tne otiinr it I of lee slae. stiieaie ioiuily as lie trots j acroee the anl. ! uiauy a window ahade ! ia iikhteit up. and ln madow ihuiiuiiuiiib t v farmer washex tos face and bauds tn a baaui. wipes them on a towel and puts ; tiv.ty. They are v-rv s'lsc-p'-bie to pneu ; monia anu coma. mere is .,i o or there ing now tar Trim the top th i with a llnseiii p astier We change ihe'of the card can be found. I Master three times a oa..' and r-iu him ' with camphorated ml. And we ha-e to' i ciiang. the food every da.', or at I .-ant Innate so ihat they wont hae the same , f'.od more than twire a week. And I want I ; to impress upon an' body interested that ! w. teach .iir m-nkis thrtjitgli kiniiueaa. Mv boHiiand. rr v se' f ad two i-a'Har at- tenoauta divld. uur time with th. auuiacys. , I put In sevrl hours eer day theae anima.a. ' Mrs. H.i'-lin and her huaoand are Eng- !:a. Mi-a Rochea ws a haHet dancer and h- r husband was a cire-ia rtuer before took iit animal traimna "Venal Kn.rfo' ia tn. nam. af th. i himpansr. that does tht ti apea. work la he act. He eniys a trip around tha stage 'ina'teriiied during the erf huiirs. Monday morning n- found hia way down to th. boiler rsom and accosted Fngmaw H htver I lie mounied tae "paint tana, ' wtr-ca ie Tin a' nue. and hv the Hme . I IT: , Z 1 rtth Pn. wi r-n r Kani;n i"irMiinn. a ho ia a hrick- ! ,. r. say he -1eM nt kn.w n hy bia wife j (tempted h'T li"e N'eiuhhi.ra mi- the j i.i ia a brM k- i lattife ia have had cinnietwtit tnublea. Students Give Play and Mock Trial in High School Meeting Elaine anrl Dcmostheniaa Societies; Present Entertaining; ProjTajn ia Joint Session. ne of -he i.irsi-at -r-efnaa at the Omaha .. .... , nr, n.ip- ; when the mem-n .if .i.e ElaunM and rm.i1m;an irts held a joint meet- ! Inc. -n ex,-f,i,.Hll.'- f'ne proaxam waa i given bv ne. oral mrmlwrs of botli societies. ! A play by the Eluina rrls waa tha star , attraction, n-hlrh. waa cwrrilly acted by i six air's, h waa entitled "Tha Minister a j VMfe. tor the Tinal number on the pro- . aram. a mock trial was aiven by the mem- bers of the L'emoathenlan society. In which I Mr ml. Tnn the b , . I .. t - t . .. . . ty teacher, presided eil iutlue. Tt I,... r . m l m ..... , . i m me loiiowmc , number. , Riaiion. -Su-. - "Jack" ... PI by Klaine am-lety 'The Minister's Wife." me cnl m cnarsu-tera u as follows: Irl luaj Uan ntt n4s..4 1 a r- ,. I Seminar .. ....... mZ 71t,1 ! Mr Charles Parson. The Wife of the " i Min,!W,,r I-a'ira Zimmerman. I Rose Trenton . , . t J11C, . ifabelle Jones. M.i'lreti Utn Josephine Cnnadon. I moiiv I amnbell Louise Feamn. ;tiertnid Hjjss Rutn -)ar. . Place iioee Trnton s umin In School. ' P'ano oln tiei-trude Aiken. ! Mock Trial bv D. P. S EL" " Herbert Harrie Elwood ! Pratt Attarnej pr iietense . .Edwin T.andnie fievei W fTNK.-SKS. Susman. Claudius, tha ivin of Denmark Victor 4;a.:hrith Manraret. His Wife Phil LViwna I Ml. nnnrliiM I .... Horatio. Friend of Claudius Milton Peterson. Dr- B'oTnouse. Ineanlty 8peciaii.t x-iMiuF aonnson. Prof. Newal. Literary Student wvman Bee be. . William Mooney. C1"1"1 of tho Court Miss Josephine Congdon and Elbert Wade. presidents of the- Elaine and Demoethenian societies, acted aa rticr9n e .u I - - uiitrtv- . I1"- !v"ra' of the society teachers were nn ;nt- in' lu,!lnf Mr. Anderson. Miss Jane ftf M1- a Mis. BHdge. j Aft" th ' of the Elaine I " V ,r,ed " no9te!W'. '"-I --rved tlla Hl e. l- P - Kal Damnatbe. 4a. i - i " " to re-; " .v. .- IT. - "" S nd the c" t!,at ,h" E,aiR" Demoathenlan Jo cietla will probably meet next year. n ( 4 LI 1 BOY'S CLOSE CALL Wnswtk ail. . i..u Whll baek Hsstl.. . a. jauBpyfc. " j ST. JOSEPK. Mo.. Feb. Special Tele- I gram.) Frank Wagworth. ain I """"inn or umana, sad a narrow escape . ... rrom death this afternoon while hunting ducka on Mud lake near here. Wegworth waded out into the lake tn m a a..L. - submerged. He yelled lustllv for lielo but it happened th.t no one waa near. After several hours a party of hunters , waa attracted by tha man's cries wMnt. ! wr growing feeble. They extricated him. more dead than alive j Wegworth .waa nearly frozen. He ia In ,a serious condition tonight. He cams here ' from Omaha a short time ago L (SDH0. high ovr tha stage, and did a little daub- in. wh the T. .rtiat a brusiiea There! are twenty-two monkeys In the "family." Tonight at the Brandeia theater Mr. Barney Gil more will close his Omaha, en gagement, presenting for the last time his best comedy, "Keily from tho Emerald I !sle." A ver cspabia company la sup-1 porting Mr. Gilmore. i his afternoon at 4 o clock at the Bran - deia theater the R. H W e., will offer Miaa Mary Munchhoff In a song recital, assisted by Mr. Max Landuw. who 7 Tl 11(21 -kaf V U will accompany Miss Munchhoff on thai . statemenr of the auditor, J. M. Gil plano. Miaa Munchhofra art and voice!" ' W" received and entered on the make her recital, moat artistic musical i minu"" and th otiard expressed its saf- eventa d.-sire in fact the determination, of the Gayety to offer Its clientele th te.. ! hurt,.. , . . . ' " " ' ' ic,u-""n. i ne serenatters," i d f - i:i iiitraier twice a day. ,The patronage extended to the Gayety by the women of Om ilia is most ratter- ing: it la the result or tne studied effort i the studied effort to permit no word, action or situation that aouia otrend any clean min. led m-om.- e ny clean minded woman or j Ga as, ils North Tweatymth street J7 1 lZmln' n ,ha n' f-b! man. The nig tlcai with the argety patronized by the women. A gala mm in liimnrtntf V' . .. . . . . ""uli'ii Dirxnaay. Cla id. Go.dcn. who I. asto.mdm- ..f the Amen, .,, theater this week. 1. by rar the best card maninuiatne ence. men afer nnft-. I them he produces any card cm, led for teii- exact parts 'or "lnsli N.ght." Friday evening at th. t-'tpheum In honor of James Ga.lahan and Jenny C Cettr... Manager Byrne wi.l hav ,u btMiee orchestra render special music f"T ,n on anion. other special featuraa bef.tting th. event will be rendered. Sev- erai pai-ies a i ready have secured ticket. 1 for tins evening and every Indication ta '.hat "Irish Night" wfli be a gaia affair. Members of the Ancianr order of Hl berniana Fmmett Monument aaaoctat'.on, Irish FeMo.ariip club. CUb of Souih HMIi and other organisation, will ie represented. As soon a. Colonel Frat.a Hanlon heard of the affair he walked over and bought twelve aeaia for hia friend. He waa tha first ef ttue to eerure lota of tickets. Ssr Cailanao and M'.ae tvt "ir are piajltig "The Old Nstghbor baod." a one-act Inen daaatc. dunng which Ml it. M. i ,eira piavs her ha -p and euiu. of the "afod oid v.ri aA ' tlDj Sto-k Tartis Water Frucliin Puwd XHS DTTESTI3 ATI05 OF TALTZ3 ; rwrwwer'a Jirr Helw (Im4e rHnefk 4 ete4 Iw elf Iefewe Wk Re K HTe4 nmrw ialwa Wltl Ptt-ktlaar et4le. :rreT;;iHU" th rommil-O-. ill- dtnam-e nnlltir Hi. I'nl C, li Tt-) m franrhiae to lav a main throtiarh the street.' of the .-itv to the t.rk rarda rii-tr.-t r. tha purpose of auiinlrti'K rha ato-k yards I ami the pa-k!n housea wlf.i wa--r. M re- j ported out last niarht and pa-"ed on aeoond I reatlina-. . fen- minutea nHnr to thla nra. ceedln resolution waa adopted re.:ueMlna; .navor Trainor to appoint a committee to I Inveeti.a.,., the takina of water from the! ntv mains hv means of suction pumps and electrtc rlves. It waa admitted that thia Inreatlaatlon la directed at certain methods reported to b in use in the stock yards and ' pm-kinc houaa district ' The ordinance .a read a second time ha ! amended In accordance with the re-I inirementa of City Attorney Murphy. Thi wM "aeeta-na has been r-pla. ed bv "sui- ; ' i . I r"ssora." no rue proposer tratpr supplv is rest He t-d to the stock vsrds sod n.-. i w ' " at present In existence or what- 1 v-r packin houses mav her-a.'ter be put ' m oprafl.,n. In the rnidnat ordinance the; uiot-r ino-ietnea mu miir it JIalw I W .rtst Re.te. m"'n ,0 th """"esi and molrt ct,nTnent route from the i-ver to tho fe-rrolr which la to be erected west! or the yards and the ri.,. fP th- pieuon or .the work la fixed at June 1. i Six months additional tlma ill be muieo. provided the company ha. com-1 some nail. Foaey and lar, wucn check, the conga pleted two-thirds of Uis installation. The Tonight the Benson Kagles will v-sit the I and expel, the cold. 3d. Stock well, Hannl franchise is for ten years, the city I. to j w'tTbe'" E,4glM h'r AJ"5'"5011 ! bai. Mo., aays: "It beats all the remedlsa receive 2 per cent of the coat of mainten- J Th. "' .,. ,, . , , . ' I ever used. I coatracted a bad sold and . .. I ne city omcea will be c osed Wednee- . . i m "' the company is to protect the r.itvid. in h.. ,c..i . . i cough and wa. threatened with pneumonia. against any loea that may arise from aeei-' dent, or other causes during the work of oonstrtirtlon and Is to file an acceptance! ire Lmm tno oaio or tne : eini m 1 nnal pavaage of the ordinance. Twelve j hydrants are to be placed on the line of! pipe at such places a. the city directs and they are to be furnished with sc.- f. i- case of fire. -r.. - lt . . tae roiiowing resolution wae adopted on me motion, of Councilman Franek: mnereaa. it is currently reported during the last aix mouths or more that many of the cltlsena of this town have been de prived of water -service, and . W.',r"s- !t j' reported that such " """'n persons applv- iiih im uon pumps to the large mains lead- '" tnto thia cttv and that there is now v'"5. m.U?in''1 . vem t eietitric watVr" fro'me Z'n 'o. ."re'onf trolled and that tms is not on"y don. on the occaelon of fire, but at other needles. Umi. Therefor. f move you that the miror opolnt committee to make a rhnnnah investigation of the so-called auction pumps and eiectric waives now In operation and report back to thia body their findings in this regard. R. B. Howell, a member of th. Omaha water board wa. present at the meeting. Caewk Clalsa Hejected. un Mvlce of the city attorney the council rejected the claim of Anton Capek wno -ought COO damages for an accident sustained through fulling on the lea at TWf.ntl"h "d W t"M,t- ireaaurer ouiln. la submltUng hi. J statement a. to the amount of Interest due on bond, to the flst-al agents Id New Tort City, directed attention to the fact that paving district No. 3 (Twenty-fourth atreet) 1m without, sufficient funds to liquidate the semi-annual Interest on its pavinc bond, due March L and Inasmuch a. thia paving tax bad been Invalidated by the courts the only course available In bis faplnion seemed to be to make an appropri ation on the Interest and sinkinc fund. Jt claim waa made by Mrs. Roaie Bruxa for Gt for damage, iy reason of the grad ing of the alley between O and S street, from Twentieth to Twenty-first streets. The contract for the gradlnc of F street from Eighteenth to Twentieth street was awarded to Dan Hannoa whose bid was 1L7 cents' per cubic yard. George Parks A Co. were awarded ,u. (conrra..t for the construction of the sewer I in the ailey between Twenty-rtxth and j Twenty-seventh streets from J to K streets w en tno motion . of Councilman Miller T- T th' .k- it i"' a ween, the new '-harce to data back to November a The chief of police wa. Instructed to collect froni him th. pm due the city, and that if ue reruaeo to pay to notify him to quit the t aenlasT Maa Waau ta Sarreader dty' f With Previa. Susr Appatata Teaeaere. Two teachers. Miaa Mamie Eddiemaa and! HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Feb. a. If a let Miss Anna Newville. were appointed hv ter received bv Chief of Police Wllev thts 1 1 "'gni. ! Th- ooard decided on a surtna- va, j fr lh" Dub,lc shoots to axlend from March ' 1 wiwjuuq it me report. especially at v. ! fact that r.JiJ still remaina to th. credit I of the school board funds board funds. raksted la e( De-feae. hearing the testimony of Aftf na:r ai aen wttnesaes. ad of them , " 'alio: teliuw workers in i -,,,t ,. i... V a packina- .. " ajfternoon uu..m. "irunrr t Jiir' Vesterrtuv. -s. came to the rnnciimtnn ... . . Fedorcxk. Thlrtv-ninth ami u In self d-f-rm. wh. i . - : -.- ns v l. t. ""i"! f Galas died ln to. s h o I . '.oiaiia 1 i ntirsii I dMUtj of Lt. M"t "!'nu rti e , ' .... r- . "r'"' kroner's phy- i wa. directly due",.. " ,k- T'." .. ,h ! l . . . -"oiiig. The aaMMlt and ail the witnesses were nnanimoiia that Galas was the agxreaetir. II. .ni .... I troubi.. said they, bv la latilna c. B- because he bad received so sina.1 a check Some of Fedorcxk a wages had gone to wipe ofT hia erare in tiie meat book. This i aroused Fedorcxk' a temper and he exclaimed v nac have you got to say to me you little frog"' A a Inter-rhang. of mtrM language followed when Gaias. pulling part of hia head out of a barrel, rushed up betiind Galas and taking it in his two hand, hit htm en the left arm above the elbow. rstiorrsa was engaged pickling a' bam. and turning around almost atmuitan I oiiely wtth the blow, drove tne need:, he had in his hauda. and wbicn waa attached by a lengtii of hose ta th. pickle barrel. I into G.aa' at da. Ga as atoed for a m- m.ot and thea f,l to th. flour. Tha oc ourrenc aaa reported to tiie fai-eanaa. wno gave Fwlorcxk bia Ivtag f. and infornil tn. pouVe. Fadorcaa was arrest ad and the wounded man was taaan to the hoepttaL Fwtoecxk wtll mwn rn custody until the 'oa ef th. c.uury attorney M knows. V'p to LUia he hat h n a i (the mother :nto hi arni! i:'ie!i t'ie vei-Ht J a aa innminrH Th man. unon n-ooe minil f ha lTTIhip 04'rnrrenre e ha' 10 ben feeilnar pri'nt. an ve vent his pent j hv a flood of toara I r"r,n'r mhx- rnndirtvt ti e minnf. i whirl wan held In the poilre .-o irt. "'nunty ! At:orte' Kna'Wh rtrf mrd The anthnr i Mien, while A tT'tmiY dearie of Uinaha ao- j pearl for Fdom. arlla' Ilea Watklwa. At i;r'nw i a!''- ' niarht the J B. ' Vatkina' mmwiv team took two romps from Margin's T!er. h'ir thef eniiid not ,o,-.enm- th. hi . ... -rt l the' " rrt Tnia and the atrtped onea won by to i-Ci 9t-orea: J. B. T ATKINS ro. j J Jonea ' ."oraania ! K'va .. lat. y. "A. Total. 1" Jl 1 :. r .. 1T .. n .. 1:17 .. 41 4r i"1 ;, " ,iii I rn Totais- 91 MA ftTlN'3 TIi-,ER3. 1st. M. M. Total. K etlned' Hetriletjen Chadd . . . Fnt her Lfpinnkl i: 'rk VI l:w lh i; :h 3 "a i: 171 :k 114 .Vis Totals t kurlrp aa Senator Tanner ., ... m C1 wdnteat Har4wa annnuncra to all rtti- . zona of S.oit'. i-tmj,,., s. ... .i . '' " l,wf wcinni c.oaner amennmem. scnooi laws, and .Senate File Nom. which la the suh-treaury Mil. tliar they will be aivett a heartna at the Lincoln hotel in T.incjin . t-. j . cinim. i ciitlliillBtoiu pittn I of ro'emment hill il aiao be conaidrred. I As a lot of intcr-sf ;s taken in 'h--s mat t j It : thought that lare del ; wtil " tinm Eolith Omln. ia'. ion Hiii c ir Coa: -aee How and, 'Phone South T. ''oilth Omaha csmo WmvItiimi nt , '. . , World, w lii meet hub eveninn at the Ma- nlversary. ' Edna Red has returneo from Her- 71. " ,r""r " v,"'t w,,n nr fd". Miaa Annie Rayzlick. tv. r.,,.. r-.oi i. i he ttirmtn . ectltan club prise masquerade ball .-aturd tn" Workman temple. will give ay evening in : i Mr- ""haries Cahill. Tweotv-eeventh snd 1 a 'ert Sunday for E'enver on a two week.' visit to her parents. i - " ' u u win aive a minstrel . entertainment in the Hiab scluaii j mm on the evening of February 3 Nasturtium camp. No. 1717, Hnval Neigh- ! bors of America, will 1ve a social W etl- I neaday evening In the Woodmen hall. I Items for this column should be left at j the office not later than the evening of the ! day before tneir Intended publication. 'Phone Bell tfouth Independent F-1W j for a case of Jerter iold Ton. Prompt de- ' livery to any part of city.- William Jetter. ( The young women of St. Airnes church ; will give a card party in the Masonic hail. Twenty-fifth antLN streets. Friday evening, j On Wednesday afternoon the Ladles' Aid i swlety of the First Presbyterian church I wtll be entertained at the home of Mrs. Joseph McKee. 2417 E street. A meeting of tha Retail Liouor Dealers Protective association wtll be heid this aft ernoon at 2 o'clock fn Unxickef s hail. Twenty-sixth and O streets. Thursday will be Shamrock night at the Eagles bazar and the members of the club wtil assemble at George Kennedy's stors and march from there to the new hall. The Swedish-Norwegian Republican club wtll meet Wednesday evening In Its hail. N street. A full attendance of mem- ra. iiu., upiKinui diuiucu m i mpinlinnM. rMnex i. the most valu ba tranaacted. j aoi, concentrated compound of Nor- The Lefler Skiuth Side Aid society will way white pine extract, and is rich In he entertained to tea hv Mrs. Bertha. Hughes, who will ba assisted by Mrs. Swaney. WednetKiay aflemoori ar ? o'clock at her home on the boulevard. Th. Toung Peonie s society of Christian Endeavor of the First Presbyterian church will observe the anniversary of Waahing- urn a on mm. uy ma entertainment in tn. lower auditorium of the new church Wed- ' neaday evening. j Fred Neumann died at hia home at Fortv Uth and V streets. The funeral w-111 he i held Thursday morning from the family i r-ttidence to St. Mary a church at K cioek. j The interment will be tn the German ! Catholic cemetery. j Tha following birha have been reported: ! Thomaa Vampolo. North Nineteenth street. girl; James Horsky. Thirty-ninth and J '"- , imm jirtiiiwrt . i I -aev- enfh and A streets. 1rl: torge Stevens Twenty-sixth and I streets, girl: C. a Green. IflM M street, boy. Car Inspector Samuel .Mrt 'm sustained a ! ! fracture of the ngnt leg through fallina uil m i-ai in um 1. oitjii r:iuu yaiue a Tweny-enventh and N streets laat even- j 'gT. Pital where he w to the South Omaha hoe- as IttMliiel tn hv r I Ke"y nd Dr- K- i'bindel. BANK SWINCLER WOULD MAKE TERMS FROM REFUGE j c"' Pwllate Reeeive. Letter Aa- j arternoon l. autnentlo c N. Everetts. ; charged with bank awlndlina. who recently ' -Pvd from the Hot Springs jail, wants ! ! to .urrender with a proviso. The letter aays tne writer I. In a safe , That our arrangements are L'NSCR refuge. but If an agreement ia entered tnto, ) PA.--SED la proven bv enthusiaatiu en- In the event of hia conviction, that hia j 1:'SZnt rom .ERT member of . ,, . ' E ERT party handled. Our clientage In- prison terra will not exceed one year h- . cUrip several prominent people of Omejia will submit to re-arrest. What action tha and vicinity. Our vanuu. tours wtll meet local official, will lane or from what point i eaianat any cultured demand. OA. -Him; .. . ... oi . . in Brrnti I:ilea and the mnet famous the letter waa mailed was not announced. I CONTINENTAL DRIVES OCR SP1-'- Et erett. wa. arrested here several .... months ago chargea with passing a bogu. -draft of a. hank at Sen Frant-lnct In. 1 , nouncement aio was made at the time that , 1 . t . . ... i several oanaa or tne raciric coast nail oeen .'swindled out of amount, .ggregatlng ai .arm. sum. HOUSE. TURNS CLOCK AROUND Friday teaiisa adjetwraed O.t mt Re- specs fr Metaaer s h Dies ITvl- lwisT Hsaasf. I :L The hu'iso of set a precedent by Peape.l Sle.ahtev of deadly microbes occurs when Uiroat and lunrf diaeaaes are treated with Pr. Kin a ' New Discovery. 50c and SI.'). For sale by Beaton t'rug Co. : i TT 1 I j I oo'wi ivJ Borkc Herb G lbat 1st great mstlicinal power, are raiaed to their hlgheet .ffldency. for punfflDg acd aartcnlng tne blood, as oomMeed In Hooers Sarsaperflla. taarunoataia recaived by actual csuat to tw yaau-s. Be sure to take Hood's Oarsaparilla Ge It erxeisti today d taole m sasial Hntitd fPor cai'ed Ba i eats a. or I WASHINGTON. F"b. I XeUnrT, won aiftj einy xmim . . on Reciprocity Plan! resident E;di:uies Aanexation tt , Pres Centennial Celebration Banqiet at Washington. W.Hlvr,T'iV Keh a. "T r-aHv be lieve that wth tha ronmitnmation of the , t'anadlan rerlprortt v aarreement thera will bm the drnwnu tog-ei her of two r"at nn ; tlona. but a drawin to"ther by rloaer biiainesa and or!al riatinna and not by ......., """""V inhm. naid Prewtdent T.ft to- niaht at the centennial relelirmilnn ban o net (of the (rrand loduo of FVee and Accepted t Maaiina of the I letrtrt of Columbia. . The president followed Henrr 9. Brdaea. ' rrand master of New Krunawlrk. . " " ' "- .-. who spoke of the ffood will of Canadians . toward the t nlted Statea In the reciprocity i ncaot .atlona. j "l am dellaVed to know."' said the presi- dent, "that Brother Bruise conies to ua. not panoplied for war but for peace. H ) does not look forward to annexation nor the drylna up of the St. Johns rWer. nor : baa he any of thoaa dreams which afflict j certain persona with lively Imagination. ao me of which ara only Innocent and others ( j of whirh bava a littie different moUya : from that of terrttor'al airrandlzement. I The president's remarks were araetad with la mhter. He apoae of tha aummera he apent In "anaila, saytr.a "I hare come to know tile people nf Canada, to uoder- stand their aspirations and their belief in ' lndenrndence and their fut ire aa an Inde- I pendent covernment. Wa have Alaska, we I ! have Porto Rico, we have the Philippines) I heaven knows wa have enough and be i fore we look out for other burden, and responsibilities let us show the world we j can meet perfectly those we have." ! i haowaaanaw reiiwsva a Col at I Bt never follows the use ef Foley's i One bottle of Foley s Honey and Tar oooa- pletaly cured ma' No opiates. Just a rw ; liable 6ouanoa medicine. aula hy dnuig ista. The Key to ths Situation Bee Want. Ad. Th Qaieksmt, Simplest Cottgh Cart Caatly end Caeavty Mass at Basse. So-raw Tea S2. This recipe makes a pint of cough) syrup enough to last a family a long time. Tou couldn't buy as much or aa good cough syrup for J-.ini. Simple as It la, It gives almost In stant relief and usually stops tiie most obstinate cough tn 24 hours. T"i;e I. fiartiy due to the fact that it is slightly axatlve, stimulates the sppetita and haa an excellent tonlo effect. It Is pleasant to take children lik It. An excellent remedy, too. for whooping eourh. sore lungs, aaUuna. throat troubles, etc Mix one pint of granulated sugar with 4 pint of warm water, and stir for 1 minutes. Put SVj, ounces of Pines flfly cents' worh In a pint bottl and add the 8ugar Syroo. It keep, per fectly. Take a teaapoonful every one. two or three houra Pine is one of ths oldest .nd best k mtm penel!i 1 imitl f ie t Vi a , I. n k . I cmaicol and a.1 the other natural heal ing elements. Other preparation, will But work in thin formula. The prompt results from this recipe have endeared 1t to thousand, of house wive, in the United Statea and Canada, which explains why the plan ha. been Imitated often, but never successfully A. guaranty or guaranty of absolute satisfaction. or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. lour dmgjr'at ha. Pine, or w'll get It for yon. if not, aoail ta Ta Plnax Co, ft Wayne. lad. wmtE Too Uis clic Gum Stops aay toothache. Pmcuta fur ther decay. Does aot saeit in the mouth . its whoietxmigth taretaiaed aad goes right to the spot. Tim am iraiiannaa. Stat Baa yar pel BSBM'S T Mill a .IS. At all aitwrpata. It oania. ar by aaaL Pav-f rnf-n fn-i famfarssaas ars.M is ssra at wavwa C . DENT a CO.. DetraiL iea. TtitEI.. Jaeshe' garepeaa Ctaarhlaaj Tewsw. Tf going abroad, get our 1911 PHOKPKC- Ti'S ANP TKSTIViOVI IT. Rlliik T .irTl ' i 'I ALT Y. . . n-naries jacooa. rara .s.vrnue. rutc vauey Iowi r r "i 1 avsp, s-as. a wrsasvsB-. 111 JL-ttMV EiLP A ) Affair "i-Ji 1 VVS.DDI.4G iriYITATIONS, AM?40UMCET..Cf4T3 VISm.lG CARDS All correct forma in curreni social usage engraved in th beat manner and punctually delivered when premised. Ea'.'cossED nonoGriAn statiohehv and ether worr execufed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. HO 07, i Tip Top Bread Wednesday is Eaiaia Err lan. 5c : fvVVVaVV-y d "iii K::rt cfTt.f:2S" K HOTEL v & u uAnTluIQuE aTWAY.32d-32J STS. ktmi.n sat sr NEW YORK CITY c. elccx frc.m kfvfd;:ir.r,cefot AMs) asejT MUOSOM TKRMIMAX. eanst1n( wftk LaeaswaMsa, ff laeXgn Vallry wm PsMSyrvanl. rwew wk m AGCACJE TRANSFER JlEr flEE TO AND FROM MOTEU tm Taa vwfa - D Stwrve a.sLXkeatre. s:3 e:::i i 4:3 bahj rooms ww. ia- ese at both,. DOOMS wit privet settle Slws9 SB) .T. T.-ile d'sate Sreaafaat at NaAimiatii. Tfl3 K22I kl Cures tl;3 Drink HaSit in Tfcres Days Soma Grateful Testimonials. A prominent attorney writes a. follows: "I am more than pleased with the results of the treatment so far, snd have no doubt, aa to Its permanency. 1 feel ao much differ ent than t did after taking any other treatment; mo much mora confidence In myself. Winning you all manner of success In your work, stc" Mrs. W. M. T. writes v her hua band'a cure: "We are very happy ln ths thought that he is cured of tha Liquor Habit.' Mr. T. U. of Crete, Neb., several munths after taking 1,1. cure, write, aa follows: "I have not ukrni a drink since 1 came home, anu don t feet aa I ever snail." Mrs. J. E. F. writes as follows: "Words cannot expresa the grati tude that we feel ror what your cure haa done for ua." We aocoinpnsned tile above cures in juei three days' time, and ZT0 more during our first year ef work ln Omaha Majiy audi testnnonia.s come to our desk every dav, ami we would be pieaMeil to have all persona who are IntereHied ln thia work to call and Investigate our methods: If DOHSlliie to call, write or plione Doug las i5uil. to tne Inautute Com pany, O B., l.iil. Soutil '.Ittil "It., omaiia. Neb. Grand Island Insutui.. tJOa West Charles St. The Sunday Bee la anxiously awaited by thns who ar specially lata rented ln land., th sort that bay and !! anu anrourans others to do likewta. TR. VKI.. Twenty 171 TDADrl Tour, to iU alodarateCost laetttansaai Managers eat Nn Ms THE rtUHUM TOURS. HOSTOpJ. asaaawssj n mmm at aeav Sd ssaw sst-st, o i A i lUisJbi.O IjiCC.'.PCnATED lsn AV-iauS certainly like it geauin aid faofitoned whole- 'w.-.', . r,. . ... -' r-v. - 1 : I . ? ' 1 r iL j ! s Wott, fr forrbet rartieaieta buJ ClUt U T.TU. rTML p it sua. ncsfYs. r 2 ouaui. Jt. A 4V' AtosPi asiisisna si. Bml mmum aomnnesa Tip Top Bread ha. never been surpassed. It la fit for tha table of any hoiao and whanitver trlet baa fouuil favor Try It T'xlay. 5c at all jyocers id Day 3c at all grocers. a seu eeu due tad