Tin: r.FK: omaha. Monday. n;riuvKY ,. inn. INDUSTRIAL GARS FIRST USED leasure Vehicle Came Later i Off spring: of the Other. BIG GRH'VTII "?-''. TJIE TRADE Hnrwi -r- leal llc-lna Hr"eel y fkr IV.. rr YMn In Ike Wnrk nf , Mir Hl RI'm . ( onr-r. Tt la "luj ion mistake to ii, ii k ef the (omnifrrlt ( end industrial motor vehicle , n' velnpmcnt--a ert of an off too of t ljr pic suit e ; hoslnev. Nothing ' f B rt li . from the trull;. The huslnnf ntor veHita In older Ih.m the Mkmnrf r It 'I it pr-'CnU'i. In fact. Tni". Infiinj on w faster nnrt a'tain-cl Inrsr'-r im;oi i i .n i !n a few ymn. hut the nn ir T'lrk aoc" t:!very wa--"n have b-i-n i relopltir v,,v1tl- while th pleasure rHr rrrw to jjrucmtiiy. " ' ?T'torliIli cf Ihe motor our have ;ill told m that (). iift df-pi oif lied rosid tf hMe. bbi'T if l?r(if''i t'd Knaliind kx lone Cf ; ' 1n ' were Ftenni "cache jVr.n (ntmed fjrrv p:irwcr.-. mil (ineii'd -in ihe old t k route out erf rrl . , fnAnn'. " ' . ' F.ven cjvii'titf iVn 1a rviilwn time. It will be rMti-it'l)v' ihM who have watched the deVvpmviM' "'' automobile In America, that among th earliest model f electric nnd mim vehicles hnrk In the 'fV from twelve to fourteen vcar ago, 'here ttrrr a conHlderable number of clc Mvcrv wmonii, etasc. hrnke. and other anode! that wrrf employed for business purpose. , . ., , . Home Old Motor Truck. From thut .period down to the pre"nt (Im'e a fr piBnti fiirt nior have been build ing elerfili; si'ifl gasoline, .commercial rats continuously, (ithers that came Into the field u.. lit t! g .Jnter hnve Veen TmlMinff trucks. ' deliver wagons, nod other type of Jndiii'fjlal mnthiire". for fully ten y.ir". An compared with present day vehicle th (nrfy' etfi trle and pt"fellne frelcht nnd pnpgenpft, cnr were fieurjr, Inefficient Hnd poorly dPHiisneil. while the yntetn waiiom were too IlKht mid trouhlcHome to be a ( ommerclnl Burred Nevertheless, some of the huwlness muehlnea litillt ten years mo are todav In resular aervlre. One of the IntereatlnK fenturea of the eoninierclul ve hicle trial held In New York lant October Hi an elect rte three ton tr i k thHt has been H.e1 ciilitlnuotlMlv ftnee l'1 t. the frntral Urcwlna company for )iHiilln beer In bilf berrel". Thti truck ftill avernn'" fruiri tnentr-flve to thirty mllen ilnllv and the life of It batteries l l .velve mntha Th-r there ta "Old Adam." one of the first Ktilptofnt of fifteen eip trie machine l the A)itim lstrrs cnrn',i4ii In whti h h.ia' a ml'cac' i ord pxcpcdlna ns.ijvi miles nnd Ik - at ; 111 In rrr.i!f.- AmIIv HPrvtee. For (be full term of l.us.n' II f" It has aviracd tjaa of cr'lce a pflr, im lurliriK time lost while the body wan te- j ln rr paired and repainted. j re Proarea In Inilnalri. I Kven erona In the motor car trade mill talk of the commercial motor vehicle aa a "oonilnii development ." whereas the fact ta that It Is here already and Is lit i j li nioie rtronclr Intremhed than Is generally feal leil. A few ypara aiso nutomnblle mau'ae ti.rcis. hens and trnde nitiera. and the puJillc In .leneral tlioui'ht that the pleasure .car D'l'iHtry had developed inarveloualv 'hih It really w;ia of no crealer . maonl- tude than the Industrial motor car bua.ness of today. . ' OcttliiK down lo cold ficurcs to prove thin aJatcnient It will doubtless surprise a l?ood many personH who have thoimht they were pretty well posted on the whole motor car trade, to liurn that there are now IM companies In the Fnlted rtates that are Hcti ally prod in Ins and inarketlnu motor trucks, dcl'ver.v wai;ons, a.nd special forma of so,lf-jiropelled tnijuwtrinl Vehicles. Tri addition to thette" there are as many more that have built experimental work machines or first models, thus raisin the prr-sent potential strength of the Industry to approximately 3W manufacturers. There la Rood reason to bellve that In a compara tively short time the numlier of commercial vehicle builders will equal If it does not exceed the number of pleasure oar manu facturers. Vnlne Twenljr Millions a Year. The truck and waron companies now In htisinesa have facilities that would enable them to produce upwards of twenty thou sand vehicles a year, of an estimated R grcKate value of 5n.0Ot.IHiO. Many of these companies have thoroughly organized fac tories equipped with the most Improved automatic machinery for rapid and ac curate finishing of parts. One big plant alone Is turning oui upwards of forty big trucks a week and expects to raise the quota this year to fifty. Another promi nent automobile company that Is Just offer ing Its trucks for Bale for the first time, la putting through a first lot of 100 five ton nun bines for this . fir's lliosl! i S,:rb ficures perhaps sound small In con- I trsst with the larr numeral familiarly I associated with the pleasure car business.1 but the manufacture of a three ton or a I fl-.e ton truck la a different proposition from the making of a touring car. All parts are laiker and heavier and re imirr morp lime and more men to handle: j mac hlne work on tha parts necessitate ; heavier special machinery, and proportion- ; alely more floor space l needed In the ' factory. Hence an output of half a hun jdrnl big trucks might h equivalent to i seventy-five or 11 high po',"'l runabouts i or touring vara. l ai.llal Invested I nknnrrn. ' It Is almost Impossible to ascertain the I capita! Invi sied in the motor trui k busiJ i ness. because so many pleasure ear cotn I patiles are producing business vehicles 'under the same roofs as their private pas I sengor carrying model. fnquestlonablv. 'however, the sum makes a big aggregate. I llcsfde the laige amount representing complete truck production, there must be takfn Into account the money Invested In factories for the making of component parts. Sin h as frames. Axles, spring, wheels, transmissions, and chains, and alio for the manufacture of solid rubber tires and other equipment. In this connection It is Interesting to note that the show this week will for the first time reveal a number of sundries manu facturers who reeognlte that motor trucks require equipment of a different rharacter from vpleasuee rara. In the Auditorium basement and on the stage the careful searcher will discover among the lamps. Jacks, ignition outfits, and other acces sories more than a few designed with a view to the harder usage they will be sub jected to on the wor;K vehicle. Estimates that have been made of the number of motor trucks and delivery 'wag ons at present in regular service in this country place the total at from aa.ono to 26.0iiO. . At best this Is little more, than a guess, based on certain known facts. Mnnr l aed In ew lork. Registration of motor vehicles with the Secretary of state for New Tork show that 31,400 of the motor cars owned In New York city are classed aa "commercial vehicles." The Adams Kxpress company alone owns and operates 440 the biggest "fleet" in the world, with the exception of the motor om nibus" fleets of Iondon, which must also be classed as business vehicles, despite the fact that they are. passenger and not freight machines. Chicago Is using, as j i.. BAY TJu?J first thing toay visit the Nebraska-Bui ck hpoihl.-&. revelation awaits you. : ; : : Our New Car 9A: ' it ' I -f . . ''. -. .. j. kJfcl-JrU-w.1Jv.W 4 u. . Vs Alt 7JJt: MODEL 27, BUICK Some of its Distinguishing Features; Straish) line drive. Tilted motor. New oiling system doing away with smoky cars and dirty spark plugs. Perfect distribution of oil on all grades. Three point motor suspen eiorv, Internal and external brakes on rear wheel drum. Multiple disclutch running in oil. Offset crank shaft. Lowest compression. Largest valves. , The most beautiful design in body and equipment ever looked at. . , , Nebraska -Buick Automobile Co. Lincoln II. C. tidies, Gen. Mgr. Omaha . Lea Huff, Mgr. Soux City S. C. Douglas, Mgr. i TODiiY AT THE AUDITORIUM This grand car will please you. Stop at our booth and we will tell you all about it. .How fast it runs; how steep the hills are that it climbs; how long it lasts; how little it takes ; 'to buy it, and. how little it requires to keep it up. VTaat tsssflt do yon, as a vrospactiva antomobtl daalar or owner, daiiva from the fraat Btoek Chassis track and road rac am baiuf run throughout the country? It youtaka lnUreat in tham maraly tor ulaaaura of aaainf ha tan ci d or If you tg-nura them aanraly as th actions cjf "apead uauiMa,'' YOU ara the loaar. Thee races la th ftuil artulfkia embody to results obtaiuad from th beat oou.l ruotlon and aaatira of th rapctiv makers aaa ar Ml Hiull.lTie kUI la th alghaat of th word. Aa speed conttst thy liav only sporting loiaraat. Th lesi'U of tlie !:i;!n National Stock t'liassia road racea of AOKUl 2ti 1 1 and STlli, 1 !!(, alU'W thai the Alol luiul Moitel ' I.", a 43 II. '. car oomplctcl tlie Jul miles of the Illinois Trophy event lth only one iiiq ot 1" ac-concls tf'ir ;iMoliutj uo, (,i H H) uvrut lit of speed of .'.( niilvs per hour, finished fourtl.. . In ll f"4 i races during both dava. letter Mvr-fuxa vpceit vv iiiadtt by lit lollovvlng fitia only. 1 1 l.oxier " Nation jla J Mdrmoiia 1 t-liiiilex r 1 slcar All these vt!h tuie exception, sell h( over li'k purl er prU tlian the Mid Und, .nul wiui but two exceptions are of aieaier it r". Th Miiilaiui made I elr jWiiiye tiiau than the Knox Six Kn loli.jvc mik aln IroiiPin. I Simplex 1 r'alcar 1 t.clil '1 cla v !'- 'liic;Kort 1 Marlon This iiH-oril over an Imperfect country road (aial In cluding tour right uu:led, or worse, turns on every lap 4 a total of uenrly one lindrd turns), la better time Hum is made by the Tettliet!i Century or Penney Ivanla Limited rival, ever their level, ballasted and by com panion, curveltHB coinaes. , Natioiial Kis-elkar . Iiroken radiator. Illac k i row -liroUrn wheel. Jackson ' Kron en steei tug gear Matheson Six Hroken wheel. KUselkar Hroken radiator Marruon Seie.J piston. l-evlnxl oi I Warren iit-trolt 1 M.irmon 1 overluu 1 The lull, wing list, do to the fail Me of teotiie part either badly de signed or piMiily constructed i woie unalil to fiiu.-ui ; Alco Six Hrok en clutch. KUselkar Broken radiator t'orbin Hroken flam. Kis-elkar Broken con necting rod. lno Ditched Ftaver-f'hlcHgo Kxplanattuu not given. Immediately after the Kavui races the Midland aa d,(s, overland to I ndianapoll without a alngle repair or adiustiwrat x'hi'M It entered li e Mil mile race tin Ih epe,Ja) -tor the Keiuy ijrand iilass.nd. on Sept. 3d. Ther It uii.le leu (iiiles In s nunutes wiihoui a e'lisie slop oi hi ,. ., ( WHlt .irieaieJ only bv g National and I Speedwell, rji of (ifitiT power Hiid higher eelliiig prl.. In this race the Midland detruted i Mariiioua. 1 National, i Kalcara 1 Mi I'liri.ni sixes. I Black trow, 1 Hie.-tone- folumVu and l icio. J- or lull inlurmaiion as to Midland merit and reliability, address x FKS-ELAND 'AUTO. 0. Fornam Street X.ICEBT8XO OIDEI SCLCI F1TIMT nearly a can ("eatculsl-d. lust Mbr.ut ! , trucks nnd wacons. ( Ru. h figures signlfv almost nothing In the; commercial field, whereas in 'be pleasure car business thev have ' been a fair banls. for compilation, of popularity of the ma chine and wiot.uhle Increase In demand. I'P to the present time the -majority of trucks and wagons In use have been in the nature of experimental Installations with the c om I - - . panles using them. r"ew manufacturing and mercantile com- punles have been willing heretofore to jmake a complete change from horse service 'to nower wacon transom tatlon. Put the records of nei fnrmances of motor trucks and delivery wagons 'during th last five! years, whic h have been kept mo-t minutely j by large companies, have shown such ; superiority over horse servic e in realia- j hlllly. speed, and mllcaae. and in economy. I .'. . i 1 that the old. ..conservative ia'a ui imr deuce in the mvjpor wagon has at last been broken down. Conditions are ripe now for a wonderful demand for commercial niotot vehicles. The average daily .attendance of iO.tt visitors during the commercial vehicle section of the Madison Square garden show In New Yui'i , the third, week,. In January am the wide-J npirad Interest. In. the hlc ngo. commercial j vehic le exhibition signify that the demand j for business cars this year will greatly ex ceed the production. . . v Kneers Means la; t.alns. , To show why.the rate of Increase In the use of machines heretofore is no Index of j the! proluUile littrface henceforth. It Is only necessary to point out that an Installation j of three or four trucks. or delivery wagons , that have given satisfaction in the service of a large company may result any day In a blanket order for twenty-five, fifty or 100 similar machines to replace the entire horse equipment .Jh.at ,has been retained through the trial, stage, of the power wagons. For, example, the Adams Express com-, pany will eventually ijtipersede all Its horses In big cities with motcy. wagons. So will the American. 'Wells-Fargo snd United States, all of which are using a limited number of motor express wagons. Depsctment stores, that now have equip ments of 100 to 300 horses In their delivery service and from six to forty or fifty power wagons, will, wlttiout question, replace all the former with electric and gaaolene ma chines within th. next year or two. (ilmbel Brother an Example. Not only Is thla? transformation working out with houses that have satisfied them selves of the superiority of motor service by ,trls,l in their, own business, but big; companies having- loig of. hauling and de livering to do, yel which never have owned or uscAl . machines, are giving orders for motor wagons In, lots of fifty to 100, and even (0 so far.as to rely solely upon these machines, as n. the jpase of the new Gimbel Bros, department store in. New York City, which, opened for. business, last fall with a fleet of ninety-seven electric and gaso line wagons. In Us delivery department and not a sing) .horss. No provision whatever has been made for horffs. special garage buildings having oen erected by the firm only for the machines. Estimates of the. .number of business motor cars In, use. .as made .by differtnt authorities,, range ail the way from 10.000 to 36,000. the discrepancies 'betn" due. flrat,. to the difficulties attending the collection of reliable data, and, second, to the In clusion by some .compilers of the taxicabs' In use and of municipal vehicles such as patrol wagon?.. pmu'ulanees and fire ap paratus. ' r 1 1 . ' ' '' i Several thousand touring cars have been transformed " by" trSBlrforlglnal or 'second hand buyers rrrt'!lgf delivery wagons, of which no record exlsf.'- " v Avernare LlrrTTfa Year. TMb poslbremfh for commercial e- hloles Is Indk-aietT-lb Home 'extent ' by th census reports' tha'f ihdw more than 900.000 horse-drawn wagofTn Yor buslrfesa and farm use ' are manlifaV-tured annually In America. IT It' is asumed that' these- have an average life' of 'ten years ther are at present In use in round figures' about 9.000,- 000 such vehicles. One motor"tru'ckA or wagon will do the work of three of these, and consequently a possible market exists for about 3,000,000 motor wagonp before the horse Is' retired front slavery. Even granting that not more than on In three wagons' will be displaced, this leaves a potential market for 1,000,000 motor wagons, plus an' annual absorption of 300,000 In place of the horse wagons now being produced annually. ' We ask no greater favor Than to SHOW YOU this extremely convenient, easily handled, five passenger, 30 H. P. Touring Car, our OVERLAND MOD.EL 51 Frice, Gl,2GO EVERY detail in construction bears evidence of the careful and pams-takiucT workmanship that charac terizes evsry OVERLAND Automobile. Van Brunt Automobile Co. Omaha, Neb Council bluffs. Iowa. Sioux Falls, S. D. ELECTRICS ; START EASILY Are the Moat Reliable or All Tars In Stormy Weartker. aid . Child Can Raa Theaa. One of th best tests of the cold weather reliability of the electric automobll Is the fact that the motor cannot be stalled by any degree of cold. It was a common sight two weeks ago to see car In front of the aters and the bfg' stores with blankets over the" hoods In order to keep the mo tors from 'getting Chilled, and . th effort was not always successful, as many times the drivers or owners could be noticed eiertlng all their strength turning th crank In" order to get the engine started for the Journey home. With the' electric car It mattered not how long they were left out In the cold. The motor was ready Just as soon as the ever Would be moved to turn on the current. 'Starting the elec tric motor is Just about 'the easiest thing In th world not any harder than turning th switch of an electric light bulb, or moving the key. to turn on the gas. An child 10 years old can start, an electric motor, and the guiding of an electric car la Just as easy as starting one. The woman who could steer a baby coach or the child who can handle a littl. toy express wagon can guide an electric automobile, so eaay do they answer, the steering wheel. Ther ar many .points that can be of fered In favor , of the electric automobile, but ther ta none a strong as the one of eaay manipulation. They can be started, stopped, turned -.In, any direction with al most no exertion. It Is not possible to get In a preaplratlon over the handling of an electric car, even In th hotteat weather, henc ther ia no ruffling or mussing the clothing, b the driver of either sex. Bo certain Is the application of the power that the cars can be stopped in less than their own length without jar or Jolt. There la no possibility of stalling the car at a rail road croaaing or In the narrow, congested districts of Ih4 big cities. In the lateat styles of electric' coupe everything Is closed In," thoroughly protecting the oc cupants from th' elements, although the car can be Instantry opened for comfort on warm days. The starting and stopping lever, the brakes, the bell signal and 'in fact, everything connected with the opera tion Is Inside the car. Just at the hand of the operator. It would seem tmpoaaibl to add any Improvement to thee cars that the makers bave noc already provides. 1911 rn P7 n 1911 MODEL "G" ' '. ; Model "G" Touring Car $1,950, complete with top . , ,: .t . . .... .. ......... . , , "I, '. - ' 1 , r The pioneer small car and the . only strictly high gradcarof ita type. ; ; : v ; . e: - iModel '-'Cr", is more than ever the leader in its class. : t "V " ; j- - -- - ' - ... , :- :''...i,: For 1911 it has a larger body and longer wheel base. In appearancev : - and quality it ranks with the most costly cars made. For the man of . moderate means it affords the best; the man of wealth finds it the most ' convenient and attractive small car, possible to buy for family use. It , - does the work of a large car more easily and at less cost. 1906 Purchasers E. M. FAIRFIELD, Omaha " A. BERZ ANSON, Omaha N. P. UPDIKE, Omaha S. SLUMANN, Omaha - See this car at my booth toddy. gtUY L SMITES 2205-2207 Fa r n a m Street Aala Uif Vald, A portion of th naw Callan automobll law of New York ha been declared un constitutional by the, court of that state, j and action is now threatened to teot the I constitutionality -of the entire law. Justice Oraln.of New Tork City bolda that the aection of the .Callan law which provide that a pei son who runs, down another with an automobll must stop and gtv his nam and addrass violate that part of th stat constli tion which says "that no per son shall le compelled to be a w lines aalut himself in any criminal cas. h !?-v - i This is our 'Model L. 2, fore door touring car. 5 passenger 40 horse-v power and sells for $2,100. It is one of our best machines. In its- class we confidently believe that it has no equal. The springs are Jong, easy riding, semi-eMiphic front and three-quarter scroll eliptic rear finnly and securely fastened to both frame und axle. The wheels are grade A, hickory, equipped with Marsh. Q. I), rims. Tire equipment, 34x4. Brewster green body and gear or green, show on red wheels Upholstered in No. 1 M. H. black leather. "We have patent pending on our 3 point sutonsion, which is in advance of anything known to auto muufaeturers. Visit our booth today See this (Ireat Car. Freelaiid, Aiito Company Farnam and 12th Street. J hi