Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    tjif, rrx: omaha. sATruDAY. n-:niui?Y. is. un.
Mail Orders for
Fresh Fruit or
Vegetables Will
be Sent Only by
Express at
Purchaser's Risk
We Fill Mail
Orders from
Daily Ads
ticeyt In raae of
hoar aatee where
oS Safe Men's Furnishings Ever in Omaha
All fresh, clean merchandise bought direct from the manufacturers. Shirts, Neckwear, Suspenders,
Hosiery, eta, in newest spring colors and styles, and priced at, in many cases, less than half worth.
n AVj J t
sa Jii.-a...i.s-- - " m S I
4 '
Children's Dresses
New Spring Styles, $1.50 nnd
$2.00 values 95c
Saturday re srive tbe first
sale of the season in Chil
dren's Tub Dresses New
designs and hundreds of
them will be here for your
"election. Well mnde, taste
fully trimmed fabrics are
the better grade of ging
hams, chainbrays and per
cales, in checks, broken
plaids and plain colors. The
wise mother will make no
mistake in selecting the sea
son's needs from these bar
gains, sizes V to 14 years, the $1.50 and QfZf
$2.00 qualities, at I
See Display in 16th Street Window.
Mn'i and Hoys' Fonr-riy Col
lar, all pTjet; new styles;
made by one of tb best fsc
torle In Troy. N. Y., to sell
t 15c; all IS to 18 In
the lot; go at 0110 price.. 5
Men's Silk XecUle All tb
Devest shades In silk fonr-
In-hands; qualities that tell
regularly to 11.26; on sale
at 25 ! 45
Men's Flue ipeiler Some
silk and silk and lisle ebg;
values MP to 12.00 .
Cbotc 25 30 nd 49
Men's ToBge Night Shirts
12. SO and$3 value; also py
jamas In pongee and mercer
Ited; all colors; on sale Sat
urday at OS
Men's $1.5 In Ion Sulfa 50
Men's 3 Vnlon Salts SI. 45
Men's Fine Quality How
Lisle silk, mercerlted, etc.;
importers' samples that should
eell up to fl; In two lots;
per pair 12 H d 25
Men's Rlatk Sateen Shirt; reg
ular $1 values 40
Men's Cambric Xlght Gowns
Cut extra long and full; all
sizes to 20 neck band; values,
to $1.25; choice at 40
Sale of Griffin Brand Sample
Shirts We secured the sam
ple lines of tbe celebrated
Griffon Brand Shirts; the new
spring styles, colorings and
patterns; the soft bosom neg
ligee shirts; the pleated bos
om dress shirts; plain white
and colore; with or without
collars and w-e're going to of
fer them to Omaha buyers
Saturday in two Wis; biggest
shirt bargain ever known;
at 40 and 08
Men's SWe Handkerchiefs,
for 25
Men's Fleered Shlrla and lH-aw.
ers; 75c values -25
If yon want to find the beat
ever furnishing bargains Just
try here first.
Hair Goods
A apodal 11ns of II. 2 and 12
Inrh Switches, In all rood
colore, regular $1.00 to 13-TS
value: In (Saturday's sals
at Mo, tl.50 and tin
Tbe STaw Cluster ruff a. In all
shad: sfeeisl
at. .Tfta, sea, Bl.SO ea4 tS-M
Extra Specials
$1.00 Hair Brushes .. 30
$1.50 Hair Brushes .. 50
20c Tooth Brushes. . .10
25c Tooth Brushes 12 H
$2.00 Hand Bsgs ... 0
$3.00 Hand Bags. . $1.48
$1.00 Hand Bags ... 50
fS.OO Fitted Baga. $2.03
Spring Millinery
53.50 io $15.00
Hundreds of those nifty small
hats for early spring wear, now
here for your selection. As a
Saturday Special.
300 Winter Hats That sold to
$12.00, to close Saturday, your
unrestricted choice $1.00
All Millinery Marked in Plain
Figures ' .
55.00 Silk
In colors or black, on aale
at 92.05
SS.OO Blanket Kobe, good
colors, on. aale at $2.03
Children's Winter. Coats
Values to $7.50, on sale
t $1.05
Hew Tailored
Biggest showing of the nobby
Daw ideas fr sprtn 1111,
In Omaha, priced from
520, $25. $30, Up
See tha best of all Tailored
Suit, at Ilia price, Crmn
j at. tattoo
Winter Weight Coats
V aloes to f 25, at f 7.05
The fineat lot of bar
gains . ever shown in
Omaha; wanted fabrics,
plain colors and fancy
mixtures, also black
values to $25 on sale
at $7.05
0 De-Piece Dresses .
Values' to 25, at J.5
300 of them. In silk or
wool fabrics, all newest
colorings and styles
Just the thing for early
spring wear, worth to
$25 $8.05
Ladies' Underwear
and Furnishings
Ladle' Mualin Gowns, that sell
regularly to $2.50; cut full
and long with elaborately
trimmed yokes in fine quality
nainsook and cambrics; on aale
at 40 and 08
HJiO Muslin IntlertAlrta. 40
Odd lots of daintily trimmed
skirts that aold up to $1-50.
Ladles' Fleered I'nlon Suit, also
vests or pants in silk and lisle
or silk and wool; regular val
ue up to $2.00; at .... -40
Ladien' Heavy Fleered Vesta or
pants, cream, black or . white,
values to 75c; at ......35
ttiildren's Fleeced t'nlon Suits,
heavy quality, in all- sizes, on
sale at -40
Indies' All Wool tnion KuiU,
that sold ot $; to close,
choice at $1.08
New Spring Corsets A complete
showing of all the-best styles;
Warnera. Kabo, R. A G., W.
B. and all other popular makes.
up from $1.00
$1.50 Quality RaUst Corsets,
' long blp models, Saturday,
t 75
$1.00 Quality Brasslers or Bust
Supporting Corseis ...... 50
Big sample line Indies' and
Children's Stockings, on sale
in two lots...!2H and 25
ig Shoe Sale Saturday
Men's, Women's, Misses', Children's, Boys' and Youths' Shoes, from the Bankrupt
stocks of Perkins, Hardy & Co., Deny, N. I,L, and Moody, Emerson Co., Boston, Mass. The
Men's and Women's Shoes have been on display in our 16th Street Window.
All the men's and women's $3.59
and $4.00 shoes, from these
stocks. In all leathers and shapes
and styles, together wltb a' line
of samples of women's . cboea
from tbe Kuppendorf-Dittman
factory at Cincinnati, Ohio, worth
up to $4.50 on aale Saturday
at .. $2.50
Women's tan, lace and dongola
button or lace, worth up to $2.25;
also about 300 pair of women's
rubber heel, patent tip Juliet
Sltppera $1.00
Misses' and cblld'a shoes, worth
up to $2.25 a pair, button or
lace, 'at $1.50
Bora', youths' and ' little'genta'
satin or box calf shoes, worth
$1.50 and $1.75 $1.00
Infants' and child's shoes, worth
up to $1.25 a pair about 600
pairs in two big Iota 75c
and . . . s , . , 50
Misses' and child's button or lace,
. box ca!t,er vicl kid, worth up
- to $1.75 alr Saturday $1.00
Men's ahoes, patent colt, vici kid
and gutt metal, new shapes and
styles, worth np to $3.00, in both
'welta and McKay. Saturday
"at $1.08
The "Grover" shoes are made es
pecially for tender feet, made in
band turned soles, also Goodyear
" welta. See their combination
lasts for ladiea who are bothered
with large joints, They are made
two widtha wider on the ball
than the instep, prevents slip
ping of the heel, with a snug fit
over the Instep $4.00
Department Specials
Splendid Trice Ravinge n
F.very Item Saturday.
7H-in. Jardinieres, sell regu
larly at 50c; at- , -S5o
Cuapldorea. blue and white, spe
cial Saturday ISv
Slop Jars, with bail and cover,
Fancy Hanging Basket. t .50e
Austrian China Salada Jc
VprlgM Llodaay or Welsbacb
Lighta. complete
Gaa Portable Standa ..... .'i"5c
fm rwwnrated Upright Globes Be
T- Two npright or Inverted
tels for
Grocery Bills; Can be Reduced 25 to
50 by Trading at hay den s
..ft. OS Tha Beat Crisp Pretxala, per lb.
18-lb. Sit k. Beat lUst) Patent Hour
tfipectal) i 11.19
10 Ran Unnoi. IManiond C or Bet-
'Era-All t'ae
16 Iba. Beat White or Tallow Cornraeal,
for 1 ic
It iba. Beat KolleJ Breakfast Oatmeal.
for ; 2tc
Iba. Good Japan Rlci...,..,.;
i Iba Hr-t Hand Plrkml Navy Beana, He
1-lb. Cana. Aaortd".vups .1 ip
Gripa Nula. parka '....10c
Large Bottlee. Worcaater tauca. Plckiea
or Pure Tomato Ctaop, per bot...SHc
Z-lb. Cana, Wax. String or Lima Ueana,
at ,..7Se
I'nrn Flakes, packace
Th Beat Soda Crackers, par lb c
The Best Crien Olnirer Wnapa. per lb., e
Bass bi mti aoAia
N'olhlnn Finer or Better laid for 50c
per dosen. our p. ica ;,.l"4c
No. 1 Creamery Buuer, per lb. ..'...25c
No. 1 Dairy Butter, jvr lb. ....... .lie
No. 1 Country Roll Butter, per lb.. .21c
Hood Dairy Butter, pr lb. -. lSe
ataTsnra rjtxsx 'Tcqitisli
raics ajax tulm ialx or oiaaJLa.
Fancy Wax or Oraen Beana. per lb.. JOc
1 Bunchea , Freeh. Hothouse Radiahea,
for , to
1 Heada Frean La f lettuce for .he
t Larara Bunchea Fresh Beata, Carrota.
Turolpa or Shallots 1
t HunchM rrh Paraley, mr 1
rncy Jeraey Sweet PuUttora. lb. ..14c
Six Rousing
Furniture Bargains
Talowr Upholatarad Couch Solid onk
frame, fU. 4 in. long. 21 ine. alrte.
.nicely ftnlalied, at S7-50
ChUdraa's Oo-Carta, In all ctylea. an
odd lot, values to $l...t3-S0 and 9MO
Child's voiding Bad SO ins. wide. 54 Inn
Ions;: for on? day at $2.25
B1S.00 Brass Bad 2-ln. posts. S half
Imh fillers, full size, at SS.S5
ataaltary Steal Conch F'lll sixe, aith
rows of steel spring supporta. . . .9235
Oomblaatioa Btaal Davscport sad Banl
tarr Cenoh S4.B
Uur ether spleadid aargalas shown
asre aaiaraay. .
Saturday's Linen Specials
White and Colored Bed Spreads, hemmed or
fringed, worth 12.60; Saturday each ... .$1.50
Heavy Knotted Fringed Bed Spreads, ejtra large
slie, worth $4.00; Saturday each $2.50
Full Bleached Bath Towels, good slie, worth 29c;
Saturday, each 10?
Bleached and Half Bleached Dinner Napkins, worth
S3. 00 a dozen; Saturday, six for . . . , 08
Notice Big Special Sate in Drug Dept.
, lor Saturday
FivA bars of 'Ivory Rosd for
10c Jsp Ttnse or Palm Olive Roap St two ha is for.
15c 471 Wblte Roaa Glycerine Koap at 124c; 2 for SM
ISanitol TtHith Poader for lea
2!c size pure Hydrogen Femxlde at I bolt lea for...tM
10c Williams' Khavl'ia; Soap for M
Snc Jtennen". Colarate'a or Wllllama' Talcum for....l6e
0c Java Rice or Poinonl Powder. . .-r-. S5
10c bottles of Household Ammonia for fro
One hundred (100i lr Hlnkle'a Caacara Tableta, put
up In sealed bottles, for : 8 So
fl 00 luffy'e Malt for aa
fl.OO Ayer'a or Hoods Sarsaparllla for So
12.25 Hed Rubber Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for
one year, for .' tl.50
$3 On Wellington Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed fcr
five years, for , $2.00
$1.00 Rubber Gloves for ; 40
I aw
9. J ,7 V
Waist Bargains
Choice of over 500 Beautiful Waists Saturday at,
b $1.50
Vualitiea yon'll usually find priced around the fv5.00
The materials are the better gradea of white and
cream, net, chiffon, taffetas and wool cballies In black,
brown, navy and white.
Styles are all new and very desirable. Tou'll have to
admit they are the very best waist bargains ever of
fered. Sale atarts at 8: SO a. rn. Be
here early, aa they will go quickly at the
sale price
Ladies' Belts
Three apeclal lots on sale Sat
urday: every one a mott de
light fill bargain.
1st Xot 50c Belts, with fancy
buckles, at $&
ta Xrft $1 811k Rlaatlc Belts,
fine buckles, at 4S
M Xot 1160 Silk Elastic
Beita. with Jewel buckle. T5e
50c Veilings
All colors, in plain and
faucy .Mesh Veilings
qualities that sell reg
ularly at 50o 25f
In the Rug Department
Watr Ctolor Window Shade 7 ft. long, 36 inches wide,
on sale 23
lave Curtain Stretchers Made of basswood, will not warp.
pina will not rust, on sale 80c
Frlntea Xdaoleaaa Best quality. 0 patterns for selection
per square vsrd
pedal Bargains la Boom SUa Baga Biggest assortmen
trinnha for vour selection.
Xt Ot Measure Tour Xonse for Bhadea We'll save you money
vsry time.
ssortment In
Extra Specials for Saturday in
Domestic Room
From 9:30 to 10 a. m.
Bric-a-brac Yard wide Bleached Muslin; worth "4c;
10 yards limit; at, yard 5
Front 10:30 to 11 a. m.
Ballervale A heavy Bleached Muslin; yard wide; sells
9c; 10 yarda limit; at,yard 5t
From 2 to 2:30 p. in
Thisledown Tard wide Bleached Muslin; worth d'jc:
10 yards limit; at, yard 5H
From S to 8:30 p. ni. .
One case of Clever yard wide Bleached Muelin; worth
8ic; 10 yards limit; at, yard 5
At 8 p. m.
One case of Genuine Lonsdale; 10 yarda limit ; at, per
yard GH
All nay
SO doa. 75c Sheets, 72x90; each 4St
50 dos. S5c Sheets, 81i90; each 50g
Odd lots of Towels, buck and bath; ranging In price
fcp to 18c; to close at, yard 5 7H 8H 10 12W
In the Busy Hardware
I S.V" Passepartouts t fr "
Enameled Preserving Kettle. .: lOa4
10-quart Preeerving Kettle. . .25
Enameled Sauce Pan -lOt
Large Rolled Edge Dish Pan . .5
Mra. Potts' Sad Irops, 5 pieces 70t
4-Tie Broom, special value. .. -25
Wash Boarda, glass, brass or cine,
ach 25?
50-oot Cotton Clothes Llne...lO
$0 Clothes Pins "10
16-galIon Galvanised Garbage Cans,
h $1.25
Galvanized Garbage
Any size Dripping Pan lOe
Climax; Food Choppers S5e
24-lb. Family Scales, with scoop.... 8e
A good Cast Steel Hatc'net S90
Wash Bollera "L.lak mJ ". heavy block
tin, 14-o.. copper, bo itoni
No. etxe $1.5
No. t size $1.4S
No. 7 sire UI
Kxtra Heavy Copper.
S sfae
7 else
Big Picture
600 beautiful Pictures, In an
tique bronzed frames, size 16x20,
beautifully ornamented. Imita
tion colored photos, beautiful
landscapes, etc., regular value
to 75c. at 30
15c Passepartouts at Be Most
complete lino ever In Omaha for
your selection
2o Passepartouts 15
4c I'aNsepartouts 25C
Heetiag- to Be Held at the Town Hall
Saturday Kigtt.
rifty Theeseed Oellara Beaala
rraxia Mater sess ler
the lllaae.
Nebraska Soil Gets
Two Inches of Rain .
So Far This Month
Winter Wheat it Given a Good Soak
ins, Whi:h Wm Badly .
. Keeded.
lely Interest centers on tha meeting
to be hald raturday nleht by the tjnde
Improvement club to dtscuaa the matter of
....n k..ods In the aum of r. to se
cure an adequate and pure supply ot water.
Aa l the case In all matters or bond Is
sues there wtH be opposition auth an ea
pendltura. and It la hinted that aome fclen
tiflc as well aa unatimtific opinions alii
be expressed aa to bacteria.
It la tbe purpoae of tboe who favor the
toed Issue to dtg arils to produce a water
supply. Tbe meeting Raturday nifht will
be beld la tbe Dundee town ball, and it la
ei petted mat members of the Omaha
t ater board mill be present, an In vl talon
hating been sent to them
Manufacturers' Club
is a Thriving Body
liemberthip Has Grown at a Sapid
Clip Since the Club Wat
la a small meeltnc ot O.C Omaha Menu
factureia' ilub. whk-h aa formed aeeral
weeks ago, the report ataa made Frtd&y
oea that the club had grown from thirteen
anembere it sixty-eight membera.
This U said to lw tbe most remarkable
srosrth of any organisation la auth a
period of time In tbe history of the city.
Only a handful of the membera attended
'.he meeting oetng to the ocrurreme of
ether meetings ta which many of the man
ufacturers hate memberships st the same
heur, but a gloaiag report-as anadr as to
the seaeraJ adtaniemcct of the Uitant as-SorlalUHs.
N.brka and slsier ' statrs are getting
another thorough snaking, which Is not a
tad thing for wheat at this time of toe
year. Reports received at the office of
Forecaster Welsh show that there Is heay
precipitation in southera, and especially
southeastern Nebraska tlay, while other
Sections of the state-were drenched yee
terday. The heaviest rainfall today la
found In the Missouri and Mississippi val
leys. S:noe the first of the month there
has been a preriptation amounting to about
lj inches In tins vlcinky, and this la an
averare of the rainfall for the entire mid
dle west aa far tack a the mountain
The moisture which fell at Omaha waa
general throughout all of Nebraska, east
ern Colorado. Kanxoe and loan. Rain fell
as far west as Columbus, with a wet
mow to a little beyond North Platte.
On the Western bolder of Nebraska and
Colorado a anow of some three to four
Inches was formed and a part of Wyoming
received snow also, according to reports re
ceived at the railroad offices. Rain fell In
Kaunas, about .the same amount aa fell In
Nebraska, and Iowa received similar moa
ture. Heavy Naia la -Htewtera Kaaaaa.
lOL;K CITT. Kan., Feb. 17 A heavy
aln fell generally over western Kansas
last night, br.nglng timely reilef to wheat.
Tbe rain was an Inch and half. In four
moathe this vicinity has had only .til of an
inch of rain.
Death Results from
Tumble on Doorstep
Fatal Injury Incurred by J. W. Moon,
Traveling-. Salesman, Whyi He
Tripi on Entering: Home.
Falling on hie doorstep coat the life of J.
W. Moon, traveling salesman. 142 North
Nineteenth street. Thursday night.
II r. Moon waa returning home early In
tbe evening when the accident occurred. ,
The apparently trivial accident caused thej
rupture of aa lmportsnt artery and death 1
resulted half an hour later.
The dead man waa employed by the firm
rf Grooeeg A fichoenlgen. wholesale
groorrs at Council Bluffs, lie waa iZ years
old. A widow and four children survive.
Funeral arrange mentt have not been com
pleted. .
Crippled Man Asks
the Commissioners .
for a Wooden Leg
Is Not Able to Get Out of the House
Since the Old One Wai
W. W . Keeaj bees to llliwela ta Hel
Hie Aaed I 'a reals tele-sirate.
Cara Refwse te Klee la Sile ( the
PrevalllM told. Kalay
JearsMslisl'a Bod? resulrd.
LONDON. Feb. 17.-The body of Henry It
Chamberlain, the American oes;epe r cor
relndrnt. waa cremated at tne Golden
Green cemetery today. A large number of
ne-lr men and America a residents
here wre resent. later the American
correspondent Ret and adopted resolutions
of regret and coadoienoa.
Foodstuffs of every variety were "e ported
holding tbe low price to which they Iropped
a week ago or wera falling lower la price
Friday morning In most of the retail
stores eggs had dropped to X cents and In
tw i places they were quotwd at 17 and l?1
cents a dosen retail, which waa a drcp of
I rents from ths dar before.
The finest patent flour is bing sold at
retail for SI .2a. whereas it had been listed
at S13 per sack. - -
Among the grocery men It waa announced
that the prices probably would rise some
what In the neat few days, owing to the
continued rain snd the bad condition of the
roads. . But It was explained . that further
reduction In the coat of fMidiuff would
surety follow the drying up of the roads.
s that the farmers could get ibeir truck
to the city. .
Wooden legs have long been the butts of
lukes and the butt ends of wooden legs
often times have bee.i made to do service
worse than that. There Is absolutely no
humor In the wooden leg situation for
George Stephens. SJ3 North Twenty-sixth
street. rVjutli Omaha who wrote a pathetic
Utter to the count commissioners. Implor
ing them to buy him a wooden leg. so that
bis wife and six children may not starve
because of hlu inability to work.
He says he la a laboring man and that aa
he has only ore leg it is necessary for him
to wear an artificial limb. He says for
some time he has been wearing a wooda
leg twenty-one years old and that like tha
one-hoas shay it went to pieces all at once
and ia useless. 8o long as he had a wooden
I leg with which to molt about he waa
! able to earn enough to buy bread for his
I family, but now it la Just the aatme as
' though he wru sick ia bed, for he ia help
j leaa and. w ithout an artificial limb, and the
outlook la drear and hoptlvsa. He says he
has no money to make even a part payment
1 on a wooden leg and therefore begs the
! county commissioners to buy him a leg so
j himeeit and family may not become a
XV. W. Keen, station master of (.'nlon
station in Omaha, will leave here In U.e
latter part cf March to attend the sixty
fifth wedding anniversary of ba parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea C. Keen, of Plain
field. 111. Both are over TO veers old and
strong and well, and the wedding annlver.
sary Is to" be attended hy all of the
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea f. Keen wre born
in March. Mr. Kren on March 11, 11 end
his wife on March H. and they were
married on March SI. So the wedding an
niversary will also be a hirihday party.
Jimes l Keen being S7 years old and Mra.
Keea S4.
W. W. Keen ia the oldest of the chil
dren, who la living, six having been born
to them. At present there are living seven
teen grandchildren to Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Keen, and eleven' great-grandchildr. In
all the years In which the old couple have
been living together they rava never had
a serious quarrel, and this they atsert la
one reason for longevity. Another is 'hat
I they both come of a long-lived family. Mr.
I Keen's father having died at 96 and his
wife s at Si
gales of Damaged-by-Handling Goods
A sure cure for this class of sales Is found
In Bee advertising.
Thlrteea Kleetloa ' Officials ladieted
br Federal braaal Jary la
MUSKOGEE. Okl., Feb. IT.-J. H. Tal
bot, an election Inspector, was arrested
here today on a federal grand jury in
dictment charging that under tha "grand
father clause' of tha Oklahoma constitu
tion he prevented a negro from voting at
lie last election. Twelve more election
officials, indicted yesterday, have not been
At Muskoree today Thomas V. Taylor,
a lawyer, and John Flaherty, a police ser
geant, were also arrested on a similar
public charge.
Pteaaaat Swrprlee
fc-llowe the first due of I n Kins, s Nrw
!..fe Fills, the painless regulators . that
strengthen ua Guaranirtd. le Ftr
by Beatoa Drug Co.
j .Ne kerleas Hlu .aw Feared far
I These Hart la the Street tar
The victims of Monday morning's street
i car wreck at Twenty-fourth and Cuming
streets are all reported aa rapidly recov
ering. AU"wer taken to their bomea. In-
; temal injuries or a fractured skull were
at first feared ia the rase of Mrs. !t.iae
lijelam of South Omaha, who was the most
seriously injured However. n ne have aa
jet been discovered and fcttr rtcotj i,
I factually aaaured -'.
Hot Bo r.lislod by 'aitationg I
Baker's CudDceGate
bear this trade-mark on every
package, and are made only by
17. a. l ai. uau