Till; BKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FETiUUARY 15. 1011. Tin-: cimaKa Daily Hkk FOUNDED 13 T KOWARH ItOSliWATEK. VICTOR. I108KWATER. EDITOR. KnterMt at Omaha po"tolflc aa eecond cla matter!" TfcKMtf OK SUBSCRIPTION: Hiinflay Bee. one year 2 Saturday Be, una year ' r $1 wi Daily H (without bunda). ona year..M Dally B and Sunday, on er ro w UtUVEllfcU BY CAKrtlEK. I-:enlrig b'-o (wlilKiut Ptinday). Pr week c btenlns; b (with Sunday), per wek...lw l'aily lira (including unia), par week..J"C Daily lie (without Sunday). per wwk...li A dorms all complaints of Irregularltle in delivery to City Circulation Department. OFt'ICKS. umaha-The Bee Uullnln. aoutn Omaha 2 N. Twenty-fourth St. loU'H-li I !uii-u ecoit otrn-t. Uneoln Ijttla Building. . t'hlcaao i;ts Marquette Building. KanHaa City iteliance Building. New York 24 Wm i'hlrty-thlid Street. . V, aahlngton 735 Fourteenth Htrwt, N. W. COKKESPONI'ENCE. Communication relating o new "n dltorial matter should n addressed Omaha Bee. Kdltorlal Department. KhJUlTTANCfci. Remit by dratt. eipreaa or poaial order, payable to The Ilea Publishing Company. Only a-cnt lamrm received n payment oi mall accounte. personal check ccpt on Omaha and eastern eacng not accepted. DEIJVERKD BT CARRIERS Evening Bex, without Bunday. Pr w "-? Evening Be, with Bunday. per wek ...wo Dally Bee, without Bunday, par week....iwi Bunday Bee, pur copy Dally B Including Bunday. Pr week.aw Addrraa complaint or Irregularmea in tellvery to City Circulation Department. JANUARY CIRCULATION. . 45,826 State of Nebraaka, Coenty of Douglas, M; Dwlght William, circulation manager oi The Be Publishing company, being duly worn. ay that tha average daily cir culation, lea poll Ad, unuaed and returned copies, tor the month of January, 1911. was i,SM. DW1UHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my preaence and worn to before ma thia let day of February, ttfeal.) KUiifcKT HUNiKH, Notary fubllo. bavrllivra learlus the city tem porarily should bar Tar Be aaalled to then. Addrraa will be What the Panama canal needs first ti completion. , Old Tempus keeps on fugltlng to ward March 4. "Bathtub Trust Wants to Com promise." It is innocent, all right. New York has caught up with Hong Kong. Its Chinamen are cutting off their queues. The life of a 'provisional president of Mexico Is after all not a rose strewn path, altogether. Natural respect for age should re strain young Lady Decles from ever quarreling with the lord. Premier Asqulth now formally ask eth the House of Commons to pass the government's veto bill. Joe Bailey Is hot a nervous man, except when somebody mentions shady senatorial elections. Congratulations to General Crowder on his promotion to be Judge advocate general ot the United States army. If those Texas newspapers would stop publishing the pictures of the lnsurrecto leaders the war might end abruptly. Can it be that that Chicago paper which closed the Lorlmer Incident for good and all time was mistaken In its conclusions? ' ' "Where was Moses when the light went out?" Where will Omaha be If the city and the gas company fall to come to terms? If anyone doubted that the tariff was a local Issue he might be con vinced by reading the discussion of the Canadian reciprocity plan. Nebraska has now a full-fledged re publican league, with a complete ros ter of officers and a platform to stand on. That is making progress. We are beginning to wonder if llrothT Macon of Arkansas la ever going to smile again. Houston Pout. Sure, as soon as the galleries get to going good. Now that It has been ascertained that the Lord Almighty is against Tammany and Shcchan in that sena torial fight the people ought to have a show. .' , And yet, wealthy tourists, men and v omen ho have to go to prison for beating the revenue officers, are going to think the second time before they try smuggling again. Omaha club women propose to demonstrate that loyalty to clubdom does not Interfere with proficiency in cookery. Must be playing for popu larity with mere man. c. r I .. .. I r n. ....... i """" ' the Howard Chandler Christy painting . .i r, ..i u , i vt the Battle of San Juan because he was not present. Which may, and ! ,i,1.j ..... i " u showed a vast Increase over those may not. attr.c the attention of thejof the precdln(f yeBr b(jt former President. th)s sjrnp)y regajn of A Los Angele. doctor 81 years old.!"688 '00!n- thtt disturbance. wkg says diet should not be a matter of routine, propones to fast for eighty days. We could accept the doctor's theory without commending his sys tem for proving it. Governor Aldrlch wants it distinctly understood that he is favoring reci procity, and la confirmed in his posi tion by finding the opposition hiding behind "Joe" Cannon and other reac tionaries who are usually wrong,' The Union Pacific announces that It will restore nUht train service to ac commodate pastienger traffic out of Omaha. It was a mistake to inter rupt'this servlte, and the officials cf the road are showing that they are not above correcting a mistake. Lower Prices of Commodities. Do people notice the difference In the cot of many articles of food now and a year ago? They do, no doubr, when they take the pains to compare, but It is doubtful if they notice this quite as much aa they noticed the unusually hljth levels before. Borne prices have been materially reduced. Eggs, lor Instance, In some middle west cities cost about half what they did. The wholesale quotation Mon day In Kansas City was just half what It was even a month and a hall ago. Butter at 20 and 22 cents a pound is very different from 85 and 40 cents and meat Is lower. Hogs are, In some Instances, from $1 to $1.25 below last year's market, while cattle range downward from 50 cents to $1 and sheep $2. These reductions, of course, are ma teria and mean much to the consumer. But they also mean as much on the othe' side of the ledger to the pro ducer. There Is where the rub comes in lower prices to communities like those of this great agricultural sec tion. The question has a dual aspect. What will pleasa the man who raises foodstuffs and sells will not always satlBfy him who only buys and con sumes. It is impossible to strike a balance in this economy that will sat isfy all classes, yet we are probably working toward a better and more reasonable adjustment. But we should not lose sight of this fact that polit ical conditions have changed little In the last year, which must suggest that some of our theories as to high prices were far off It is more economic than political, this power that con trols markets, and in the economic world commercial speculation plays a very Important part. It is barely possible that the un loading of accumulated stocks that have been on hand for long periods Is a vital factor In the lowering of prices. If this is true, prices may be expected to rise somewhat from their present level. They are bound to go on vary ing as seasons and supplies and other conditions that can be used to govern the markets vary. But the political control and legislation to which high prices have been so generally ascribed, but which are still unchanged, cannot be solely responsible. Demand for Parcels Post. If congress does not put through the proposed plan of a limited parcelB post at this session, then the Sixty second congress will have to take up the matter next winter. Or, even if the present session should appropriate the money for the experimental par cels post and It should prove satisfac tory at the end of a year, the test period proposed in the measure, then It will devolve upon the succeeding congress to arrange to extend the system so as to make It general over the country. The principle of parcels post is quite well established abroad and the sentiment of our people Is crystallizing every day In its favor. The masses have come to believe that they should have the advantages such a system would offer and that the government should employ the power and re sources oMts great postal machinery to that purpose. There is no good reason that can be generally applied for not giving the plan a fair trial. Opposition, to be sure, is strong, but it Is represented now chiefly In the American League of Associations, a very vague name for such an organ ization. This combination has not succeeded in converting any vast num ber of people to Its cause this winter, active as It has been in Washington and elsewhere. The people, as a whole, arc we believe, still unable to see the Identity between their best Interests and those who are fighting parcels post. The powerful express companies are, as they have ever been, against the plan and they have mergedthelr strength with all other forces of resistance, but their ultimate defeat and the general Introduction of parrels post are, we believe, in evitable. How Business Holds Up. J Railroad earnings furnlbh a fair Index to the general condition of busi ness. These earnings of the last two years show a gross Increase of $."07, 000.000. Difficult as it is for the mind to grasp the meaning of such prodigious sums, these figures con vey some idea of how well our pros perity has been sustained. They completely refute all suggestion that the country has not gone on steadily gaining ground since the 1907 de pression. ; in 1910 the total gross earnings of railroads In the country were 12,825. 1 246.281, and In 1909 they were ,12,595.755.835, showing a gain in , , n vr tone r .v. ilJ0 over 1909 of the enormous sum of 490 Tho 10fl0 But the 1910 tina represented that much new business, new wealth. The significance of this additional income of $229,000,000 becomes more ap parent, then, when we get tfcla view of It. The big falling off in earnings oc curred during 1908, go that it required tremendous effort to bring the total back up to whero it was In the banner year of 1907. Yet this was accom plished and more la 1909. But the most reajiiirlng' agpoct of the situation Is that earnings thus far In 1911 are still showing Increases and if they hold up for the rest of the year proportionately will outstrip the records of 1910. But, with all this prodigious income, some railroads are complaining that their Bet earning gre not Increasing, lu- deed, the statement has been made that, owing to increased cost of labor and materials, this entire gain of 1229.000.000 has been wljwd out, so that none of It aupears in the net earnlnpscoiiimn. This statement is almost incredible, at least In view of the unprecedented dividends declared by such roads as the Union Pacific and Southern Faciflc. There are systems of bookkeeping, of course, that may affect appearances, but swollen traf fic, enlarged earnings and shrewd managiment ought to produce a healthy condition and satisfactory profits. Organizing Charities. Tho task of organizing the charities of Washington and the District of Co lumbia along' Lines which The Bee has advocated for Omaha Is "being taken up with vigor by the leaders in phllan throphy there. A movement Is under way to establish a supervising board for all tne charitable institutions of Washington that appeal to the public for support and require them not only to secure proper endorsement, but to submit tu a central regulation and financial control. In Washington they have even gone so far as to suggest that a blacklist will be resorted to, If necessary, to cut off uncertificated solicitors and Irresponsible Institu tions from the source of supply. This is endeavoring to make the whole dis tance at one Jump and may be difficult of performance, but It is unquestiona bly a movement headed In the right direction. It Is a movement, too, that is bound to be taken up In other cities where wastefulness of unorganized and competitive charities diverts too large a part of the money contributed for suffering humanity to the main tenance of the mere mechanism of col lection and distribution. Sound Advice. Governor Aldrlch gave the Ne braska legislators a little lecture in the course of his speech at the Lincoln day banquet that Is both sound and timely. The practice of "log-rolling" against which the governor warns the law-makers is one hoary with tradi tion and firmly intrenched In legisla tive methods but not any the less wrong because of that. "Log-rolling," as it has been called, has been respon sible for more pernicious legislation than is possibly chargeable to direct bribery. Legislators who could not conceivably be rfjhed by a direct bribe are subject to the moresubtle influence of a "trade," and frequently give their countenance at least, if not their active support, to unworthy measures lrt order to secure assistance in the passage of some law In which they are personally Interested, or which they believe to be worthy. In this way the meritorious measure Is made sponsor for the evil, and the state suffers because of the continua tion of the practice of vote-trading. In theory, at least, every bill should stand on its own merit and be consid ered by itself. If this were true In practice less demand for the right of direct legislation would be heard. The admonition of the governor should be heeded, for it is made in no captious vein, but as the convincing utterance of an executive who has the best In terest of a great state at heart. Leg islators may find it difficult to divest themselved ot selfish considerations, but in making laws for the whole peo ple they should remember that sec tional or local concerns are ot' secon dary Importance. Make laws for Ne braska, and not for the benefit or con trol of any particular part of Ne braska, and the complaint of the peo ple against the legislature will cease. The Kaiser's Illness. Little surprise probably is caused by the late news from Berlin stating that Kaiser Wilhelm's illness Is more serious than first reports indicated, because it Is the rule to withhold dis turbing reports of this character af fecting the heads of nations and par ticularly of European monarchs, as we have seen within the last year or two. No one will question that it is a wise precaution, for Emperor Will iam may not be dangerousaly sick, but that he is seriously ill Is not to be doubted and it is evident that his royal household la gravely concerned over bis condition. He has been fail ing apparently for more than a year. Ilia old throat trouble must have re asserted itself in somewhat virulent form when it became necessary to per form an operatiqrt. The surest sign of the emperor's condition became public when months ago he delegated to his eldest son, the crown prince, much of the official duties falling to the throne. The keenest apprehension is manifested in many nations over this sick man. The hope Is general that he may yet be fully restored to his robust form and ! be able to resume control of the state with the vigor and zeal that have characterized him as one of the world's dominating rulers. We get a good view of the world spirit in such distressing contin gencies as this, when the appre hension of ecry leading power i aroused to a high pitch over tho nhysicat ailment of any of ttK great heads. It affords, or should ! afford, strong comfort for the prin- cr.le of the interdependence of na tions. The German nation has spread its influence over this country and over othera so powerfully a vastly to Intrench that feeling of universal fra ternalism. When the people of Douglas county voted $1,000,000 to build a new court house tbey were not couutlng on the numerous frills and furbelows that are being presented to-the county board o persuasively by contractors and agents. Puzzle: How much ntore money will have to be voted if all the latest new-fangled attachments and accessories are put In? No one haa yet come from hauamore hill In favor of Prealdent Taft'a rerlprorlly abetment with Canada. Philadelphia Rec ord Idem ). February V. I feel that we are to be congratulated a a nation upon the likelihood of obtaining a closer reciprocity tariff and trade relation with Canada. speech by Theodore Hoose velt February 11. y How disappointing It roust be to democratlo bopea and aspirations. An advertising circular put out by Ak-Sar-Ben declares that if the eggs produced by the hens of Nebraska in 1909 were placed In a double row end to end they would be three times as long as the total railroad mileage con structed in 1908. That's all right, but how many cold storage ware houses ot average siie would they fill? Omaha will be one of the two cities jrherebids for Indian supplies will be received and contracts let. The new regulation la in the interest of econ omy and good business,. and It will be up to the local jobbers to e that the government does not lose by it. A billiard player's 1300 a week and ex pense would eem high but for tin opera singer' $2,000. Boston Herald. And the opera singer's stipend would seem high but for Wrestler Gotch's $2,600 a week. Oh, It's a gay life, these footlights. Peril of Flltbnaterlns. fit. lAula Globe-Democrat. Any filibustering senator claim to be able to force an extra session. Does It never etrlke the (enate that thia Idea make the people of the United States tired? Dlffualon of Kaonledge. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tha gentleman from Idaho has Intro duced a bill whereby every household in the United State shall hereafter receive a daily copy of tha Congressional Record, post free. Hurrah! Only we move to amend by making the page nearer the alie of on' pantry shelve. Helping; to Peed Caaata. Philadelphia Record. A statistician ha shown that Canada produce about two ounce of butter a year tor each mouth of its inhabitants, and not mora than two or three egg for each. The hen and cows ot Canada will have to get very busy before causing serious alarm over their production to timorous foes of trade reciprocity. Paalahmeat of Sple. New Tork Sun. Representative Richard P. Hobson ha one good bill relating to the national da fence to hi credit, tha measure providing; for tha punishment of foreign spies caught in the act. which the house passed on Mon day. So far a the Philippine are con cerned, If their defences to the laat gun are known In Asia, the military advisers of the government are responsible, and not congress. No doubt It would have pro vided the neceenai-y legislation Immediately after the Spanish war if It had been urged to do so. ' ' ' Half at Cratory Ago. Philadelphia Ledger. People who recall the war of the rebel lion as an event ot only a "spell" back will become thoughtful they roaliz that thia year mark the semi-centennial of the opening of hotllitfe. Already Monteonv- ery, Ala., has celebrated tha fiftieth anni versary of the meeting there of the dele gates from the seceding gulf state who Inaugurated the confederate government. Likewise it I a half century alnc th fir ing on Fort Sumter and the battle of Bull Run and there are those alive who recollect these event and would resent being called elderly. Asklujf Too Mark. New York Tribune. Advocate of more efficient federal guard ianship of the public health will do well to consider whether they are working for practical efficiency or for Increased dignity and show. If th latter, they era logical In striving for the creation of a new cabi net secretaryship. If the former, they would probably attain their end much more surely by seeking the creation of an efficient bureau Under on of the existing department. The Department of Agricul ture, th Department of Commerce and Ijibor and other first cam Into existence a buieaus, and It would item fitting for the care of health to follow tha same Icourae. Beside, it would probably be poasible to get a bureau established, while the creation of a department ema to be for the present nut of the question. People Talked About When Dr. Tanner's advice that we put tha beef truat out of bualnee by fasting eighty day 1 taken seriously, the cold lorag houea can afford to play a waiting game. Hospital surgeona in St. Louis removed a 2o-cent piece from the bip of Walter Carl wood, the laat of a deposit of 60 cents and a penknif mad by a charge of buckshot from the gun of a fellow hunter. Th doc tor think th bank I now Insolvent. Andrew Carnegie' claim that h made forty-three mlllloi aire may well spread a feeling of humility. Ha aay thcr I little to be gained by th woman who becomes th wife of a millionaire, aa ah haa too many luxurle and no mental resource to fall back upon deaplt th number of Car negie libraries abroad In th land. On ona occaalon th gentle wit of Arch bishop Ryan encountered a full In a fellow preacher, it waa at a b. quel In Philadel phia. Seated beaide the archbishop waa llabbl Krauskopf. in front of thtm waa a sliced Virginia ham, th brand that makes th mouth of men water. Turning to hi neighbor th archbishop Inquired, "My dear, rabbi, when may I help you to om of this delicious haniT" "At your grace's wedding," responded th rabbi, smiling. Senator Cummin of Iowa had started in life as a carpenter at the ag of about 12. working at odd Job with hi father, but after finishing school be had drifted Into th civil engineering branch of railroad work. H waa on hla way weat to take a job with th LVnvvr Rio Grande railroad when h met an old friend of th family on the airvet In Chicago. In th courae of their conversation. Cummin remarked that he waa a tiifl disappointed not to hav becom a lawyer. Th family friend imme diately took him over to th office or two lawyer acquaintance and to boll down th detail t'ummln went to worlr for them at Sl a week. H wouH hav received a k at th Job h wa then on hia a to lake, but b didn't beaitau betaeen tbein. Army Gossip Matter of Tntereet on and Back of tba Firing Line Gleaned from the Army and Wavy ltgitr. Th War department is not in favor of th clauae. Incorporated In th army ap propriation bill in Its paxsage through th senate, providing for a corps of drntal aurge.ms. If the amendment remain In th bill, which does not eem likely in its pres ent shape, thire will be about ninety offi cer In the new corpa, of whom, ultimately, eleven will have the rank of major and about thirty the rank of captain, making in tha neighborhood of forty who will hav rank above that of first lieutenant. It Is maintained at the War department that such an arrangement would prove an em barrassment to th administration of th medical department and will Interfere in a material way with the development and employment of the army medical reaerv corps. The surgeon general of the army has been in favor of having theae dental surgeons posses the rank, of first lieuten ant, with UM'Usual Increase of pay for service and with the customary allowances and privilege of retirement, which condi tions are expected to attract to tha servlc competent dental surgeons'. Tha arrange ment in the provision. Included In the army bill, is regarded by the surgeon general of the army as out of all proportion to tha need of the service. Another attempt has been made to ob tain legislation for the relief of officer of the army in whose cases adverse settle ments have been made by the accounting officer, due to a decision ot the supreme court in the case of Donn C. Mitchell. For aeveral year the War department has ought to hav congressional authority for relieving these officer from the stoppage of pay recommended by the accounting of ficer. These are th casea involving a very large number of officer who wer regularly assigned to higher command by competent authority and who wer regu larly paid under th existing practice up to March , 1907. Acting on the decision of tha supreme court, the auditor for the War department has presented to the War de partment the cases of thirty-seven officers, requesting the stoppages be made against their pay for amount received In Increased pay' for the exercia of higher command, averaging from 300 to tsno each. It i ap preciated that this represents only a small percentage of the number of officers who are subject to disallowance of a similar nature, as the decision affects practically vrV officer who drew higher command pay. Hitherto there ha been more or less misconception of the matter In congress. The necessary legislation was Incorporated In tha army appropriation bill In the senate. Officers of the army who are Interested in marksmanship believe there would be practical advantages derived from the en couragement of regimental rifle teams. Last year for the first Urn It was observed there was a strong regimental team for the regular service. The Fifteenth Infantry was represented on an Infantry team In the national match by one officer and five en listed men, so It was able to enter a very strong regimental team In four Important regimental matches. It I believed that the sending of regimental team to the national and other matches should be encouraged as It would create a decided interest In rifle practice i regiments which turned out good teams. Teams could be sent from nearby posts without much expense. If the matches are held at Camp Perry or Sparta, teams from the regiments stationed at Fort Sheridan, Benjamin Harrison, Fort Wayne, Fort Thomas,' and Fort Snelllng could easily be sent. If the matches are held at Sea Girt or In the east, the troops at Plattaburg, Ethan Allen, Fort Jay, and Madison Barracks could furnish teams. These teams would require little extra training, as these regimental matches are usually shot at 200, 600 and 1,000 yards, slow fire, or rapid fire, or skirmish. Representative Hull, chairman of the house military committee, In the course of the debate on the army appropriation bill in the house, made a suggestion that there should be a law which prevents the alteration of the army uniform. He waa not quite willing to go to the extent ot saying that congress should prescribe In detail the uniform which should be worn by officer and enlisted men of the mili tary establishment, but he believed that no alterations should be made by army regulation without congressional permis sion to that end. This, of course, amounts to practically the same thing in th end that congress would control the tyl or tpe of army uniform. This would hav the advantage, perhaps, of checking any chang In army uniforms, but it would be by no means an assurance of any such restriction. This Is shown by the fact that In the debate there was some question on th part ot member a to whether the ollv drab or the khakl uni form 1 th shade which contributes moat toward invisibility of th wearer, and It was suggested that gray would be th best oolor and thia. notwithstanding th fact that th existing uniform has been adopted after careful and conaclentlou experiment by those best- qualified to judge. There would alwaya be the chance that congress would go off on. a tangent and be misled by those who entertained decided views concerning the uniforms, If that question became- a matter of law. Th situation, aa It now exist relating to army uniforms, la more satisfactory than it has been In many years. The policy of the War Department Is to dis courage any change, and thia is not by any means because the department la la 'king In suggestions which come from many sources and are of all degrees of utility, expense and originality. There was a time alien congress might hav Interfered, with propriety and profit, with the departmental habit of changing the uniform, but there seem now no Justifi cation for such deprivation of the mili tary authorities of an administrative function, logically devolving upon their. RE A LIT V OlTBl S tMtOl'll ES V. Woudrra of Our .National tirottth Arc show a la late Weat. Brooklyn Kagl. To those of u who are old enough to remember the ceremonies attending the driving of the last spike of the overland I rout in ISoa, the fact that that wilder ness of forty year ago naa com to re quire a double tracked railroad for It transportation service eem Ilk tb de velopment of Borne dream country. In th eventle book wer written to show that the rid acroa tb continent wa not too fatiguing to b undertaken by people In search of recreation, and much wa made of the fart that bayond Omaha tha trains only ran twenty mile an hour, thus reduc ing the (train of prolonged confinement In a car. A for th Oregon Short Line, which will ahar in thi Increased equip ment, it hardly entered the Imagination of thoa early explorer by rail that the tim would com when branch line would spring from th main trunk in the heart of the Rockle. If anyone had told them i that lnsid of fifty year thore would be J a double tracked road ulong the valley of the t'uluinbia river, to bring buslnesa to ; the I niou Pacific, tbey would hav r jgardtd th prophet a a Mulberry teller a. A line serosa the continent ai-fa!ed to the Imagination as a national rather than a bulne proposition, and the government ald"d the construction of It aa a national aacet. That in one generation railroading lrt that country should demnnd f.tcllltli denied to the greater part of New F.n lund and that It ah.iuld warrant the in vestment of ITi.OOO.(iU) of private capital In thosr facilities la one ot th won Its of our national growth. orroMimx to itKciritni-iTV. Mature and l.lmlt of Itlatarbanre llnS Northern Rordrr. New York Tribune (rep ). To moat of the objections made to th Canadian reciprocity agreement th old maxim cf Latin Jurisprudence appllea-d mlmls non curat lex "the law does not concern Itaelf about trifles." It Is note worthy that the opponents of the agree ment do not allege that it will prove In jurious to the country at large. They do not even challenge Its obvious benefits from the point of view of national policy. Their reluctance to approve It Is bnaed on the assertion that It will upset conditions here and there for fifty or 100 mile- south ward along the Canadian border and will do a certain amount of damage: as yet unascertaindble, to borderland Interests. It Is also noteworthy that even In th border states that is no agreement as to tha Injurious effects of a freer exchange of products. Flags are reported to have flown halfmast on Friday in Gloucester Harbor, and Representative Gardner of the Gloucester district haa condemned the agreement to admit Canadian fish free as a death blow to the Massachusetts cod fishing Industry, Yet even In Gloucester there are those who maintain that Its prosperity as a port will not be affected by the agreement and who cite the days between ISii and 18fti, when Canadian fish cam In fre under an earlier reciprocity treaty, as the golden era of Gloucester's progrea s. During that period the city In creased about 70 per cent In population, whereas In the last fifteen years Its popu lation has been actually declining. Most of the representatives from Massachusetts are heartily In accord with the administra tion's reciprocity policy. Senator Hale I quoted as believing Maine' prosperity to be Imperilled by the free admission of Canadian potatoes and other agricultural products. But tha city of Portland seem to b entirely pleased with an arrangement which will un doubtedly enlarge Its business, and In th Maine leglslatur a resolution has already been Introduced commending- tha recip rocity agreement and asking congress to pars the legislation necessary to carry It into effect. Soma of the Minnesota repre sentatives are hostile to th agreement, but other strongly favor It. The border states are by no means a unit In deprecat ing action which would push the boun daries of our economic system further north and permit an exchange of products beneficial ' to both sides and helpful In cementing friendly relations between the two communities. As a matter of fact. It will be difficult to organise purely local dissatisfactions sufficiently to overcome the Increasing pressure of public opinion in th rest of the country In support of the agreement. Circumscribed local Interests will have to gtve way to the general good, especially when those Interests are not likely to be able to make out a case of more than mod erate and temporary Inconvenience. Within a few year, we believe, the conditions created along th border by the present tariff law on food product will disappear, and the foodstuffs both of Canada and the United States will find a common and equally profitable market. THE PltOSPKHOt g WEST, Activities Which Coast In the Aanaal Harvest. Prof. Charles M. Harger in Leslie's. The westerner's advance In material things goes deeper than mer showers; It la th outcome of a new relation toward the av3lblllties of th soli and a new attitude tward business. Th earlier settlement wa made on a basis of speculation. Tens of thousands of settlers without any ex perience in farming took claim or bought railroad lande and proceeded to "put In" a crop. Hundreds of thousands of acres of wheat land wer sowed year after year without replowing. it was a gamble If th wheat grew, it would pay; it it did not, th expense wa small. i Nearly a whole generation passed befor there wa a real awakening. Then cam th period ot education. Tha decade ending with 1800 wa a severe but effective school. It taught the western farmer that he must depend on something more than guess work, that he must diversify hi agricul ture. In tha beginning of thing transcontinental trains wer baited In the midst of a great Wheat field that the passengers might feast their eyes on the vision of prosperity. The next year th wheat failed and the farm er went "back east to the wife's folks." Today, In that same valley, the passengers se not only wheat, but corn, alfalfa, herd and flocks, orchards and a S50.0U0 creamery In the distance that pays out a half million dollars annually to th farm er. Those two pictures tell th story but ther I mora than that. The real prosper ity wa not apparent until ther had come a lime whan th farmer was able to lay aside something as savings. Had there been no era of more timely rains he would have worked out hia salvation, but the years of th past decade when the moisture brought good crops where tllage wa well don helped. As soon as the farmer realised that ha waa relieved from th burden of debt and possessed a bank account he began to give more time to scientific plan ning of hi work. The agricultural colleges and th railroads extended their aid. "Good seed" trains, "hog breeding" trains, "corn specials" went flitting from town to town, showing in the moat practical method pus what could be done to iiaVrove the produc ible Juat what could be dona to Improve tb production oi th laud or ot the herd. Homo Made loroarte. Brooklyn Kagl. Th demand for American-made coronets Is increasing. Gold taken from the cheats of departed uncrowned kings of finance can be worked up Into these ornaments In Maiden I Arte and Flf'.h avenue. They look better and will wear aa well as anything exhibited In th Tower of London. CdDLBS Mubjou's Cold ltuie'y ltelleri-s tb head, tbroat aud lunga uliuon linuieillulr jr. Cliecka Kevera, atopa 1 ilailiara of tie uon. takes auy f ll a liw aud pulna laused by colda. It cure irln anil oli- rli ule ('ought ami prevent ruenuioulii. Write Prof, aluiiyoii, Mrd m,d Jenram Kta . PLlln . I'D., fur ibetiUal ,UtK (U Sulutslf lit. SMILINQ KEWAKKS. "I Mippoae you ..n it nipt' l to put or. air? Mtn Mm own a motor car." "I ahoulil say not." rrplteu Mr. t h..K Kina. "A man WHri a motor car pma 1 inoKt ot hia life apologiamg.' --vt MciiiiiKi ' star. The Sightseer -Who's place I that? The tluide I hat'n the home of a lain.i inuvKra K in tnassxtne editor. 1 ho fiKhtaefrt.ee. I mould think hoi) take a day otf once in a nhilr t.nu 1 11 - up his gun back) at d .-Cl elamJ 1'iair I aler. Mrs. Allway t'h. John; I hail a .1-nin la.Mt nlkht that all your menu y soik A llw ay I iow much iliii the dims 111 i i tileani cost? CliicHfto .New. "You take a good many maaaxlncs." "Six." ' lliat beats my capacity I cut cany oxer lour seta t serial stoi les In 111 heau. ' I'lttxhurg Post. "Please, ma'am, my initres.x lold me ic tell you when 1 took jour caru upia i just now that she wa.n t a: home. "Indeed! j i.eii you can go luck and tell her 1 was so umil to find she waa out.' -i.altimoie American. "Thirty year ago." said Uncle .leny Peebles, who was in a reminiscent niooii. ' 1 knowed a boy that was always m.nin' pigeons or tln rnna In dil tall. Well, sir. that feller la makln' Jtxl a bare llvln' now aa preaiueiit ul a femal seminary. ' Chicago Tribune. "Can you tell tne. o.y buy ?" ahl in prim teacher, "why the i( la not aiwaa to the swift ."' "Yen'ni," aalil the little hov prompt ;.p. "It a beeauae sometimes th'ir tires bust ." Baltimore .iihiikhh. - . ; .' "Why do the call the owl th bird .if w I adorn?" "It stays out all night and doexn'l tell what It aeea or does. "-Judge. Hiram Hill Jones gave a firm In th east 6 for a recipe to kill potato bugs. Hlaa-Uld he get It? lllram Sure! lhey advlaed him to slo raising potatoes and let them atarv to death. Chicago New. As the milkman hurried along the narrow walk between the two tenement houses a huge Icicle dropped from an uveihangin roof twenty-five feel above hli, Jual graaing the rim cf hi hat In Its descent. "Iurn such luck'." ha muttered; "now that I'm carrying accident insurance, everything misses me!" Houston Poet. VOX KIDDIBUS. - HI ol weatherman, Tim you wuy aetlln' Her wld de gooda; Just been a settin' Round fer weeks Chawlu' yer cud; 8' doggone trlflln' Y am t worth a spud. Patience worn threadbare. Waitin' fer a slid; , ; Kids got It In fer Yer ol sleepy hid; Haint got a lick Of good horse sense--S'pose you think slsds er x jlst ornlments. Santy Claua left m Big doubla flyer, Come near splittin' It Ui fer th fire; , But ole Br'er Groundhog. He knowed what to do Waa thankful fer ds bllsserd. But we ain't a-thankin' you. Two you promised u Never showed up; Bet you never was a kid Born growed up; Kr els you must a bin de kind Wot called a molly coddle; Never had a Inch o' fun In yer ole stupid noddle. Er p'raps yr feclin' sorry Fer some poor, complaintn' critter Who's alus akeered to death fer fear A flak of snow'U hit 'er. But whatever 't is that ails yar nibb If you want to stay In town You'd better leave this mow alone An' kep th' mere'ry down. Omaha. BAYOLL NB TRBLB. ( Corn Meal and Amotone Make Hair Beautiful tFrom the Women's National Magasln A wall known scalp and hair epeolalUfe of New York saya: "If your hair la fee 1 coming coarss, faded and brittle. It la ad ' indication that It ha had too much wate Be bathing I particularly injurloua to th hair. Many women dealt oy their hair tJ) shampooing with soap and water. ' 'Any person . desiring fine, long and tlky hair should dry shampoo once or " twice a week. Get from your druggist four ounce of amotone, put It In a Ja and add half a pound of corn meat, mlxin thoroughly. Tills delicately perfumed shampoo powder will laat for months. Sprinkle a tablespoonf ul evenly upon the head; then brush the powder thoroughly through the hair. v "Corn meal cleans the scalp and hair root; amotone tone up the scalp and en courages hair growth; together they maka the hair light, fluffy and beautifully lus trous." Adv. , Want 100 Pianos WE WANT YOUR OLD PIANO. WILL TRADE YOU A PLAYER PIANO You will get a good price for your instrument. We only require a littles price for the Player; viz: $375, $175, $550 This is the only way to put mu.sic in the home and have music at any time and when ever you want it, for every one can plajrthe Hospe Play er Piano. Free Music, Free Trial, Free Scarf, Free Stool u nd very Easy Terms. Better Invent! gate Now. UlospeCo. AaMosne Co.