THK HKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1911. ' V:' 7- nrirrtf Vwlfrws. mi Irwf Vff.l ---J" - FJ .JlTt w- x - - - - - -, . -r .. . . c-i- OFFERED FOR RENT Aaartaseats ae-v Flats . Cllnt. GROUND floo. , V-room, steam heated flat, the Duniu), Hnh and Pierce etc, M par month. CONRAD TOUNO. 401 &randta Theater Bldg. rOR RENT-Cholee s-rooro flat, near high vehoo' 122.60. f-roora cottasre. Hat and Jackson; reduced ta $20. -Tel. owner. Red (264. MOHT elegantly decorated and complete 4 or e-rooin brick apartment lu city; elec tric lights, continuous hot and cold water; team heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. Price, $00. Two blocks from heart of city. 11-477, Be. CENTRAL All modern. 4-room flat, ZN K. fad. BE comfortable; I-room apartment on west Farnam street with heat and jani tor service free; every convenience. JUHN W. ROBBIN8. lm FARNAM ST. TUB KNOA$ ( ass, Just completed; ( apartments, 6 rooms each, bath, stor age, gas ranges, refrigerators, telephone, water, tieat. Btrlctly first class. Rest resi dence neighborhood. Janitor will show you. firaWkti If oeaekeeplnsj Rooms. TWO rooms, completely furnished, for ttonaekeeplng; . laundry privileges. 1711 Dodge. t . TWO modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family; walking dis tance, for 16 a week. Including gas, heat; laundry free. li 8. 28th Ave. Phone Har ney 6111. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, cloa In. IIS S. Hth 8L HOCHEKKEP1NG rooms. For rent, suite of front room for housekeeping, walking distance. 630 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Two nice housekeeping rooms. 2220 Leavenworth Bt. i . - FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children; good loca tion. 814 8. Z8th Bt KOR RENT Three modern rooms for housekeeping. 513 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Steam heated, modern rooms,' furnished If desired. 476$ N, lath Ft. : ; FOR RENT Large room, desirable for housekeeping. 647 8. 24th Ave FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, good heat. 61 8. 22d Bt. FOR RENT One furnished housekeeping. 09 8. 21t Bt. suits for FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing and sleeping room. 614 8. 17th Ave FOR RENT Large, sunny room, very de sirable. W24 Harney Bt. FRONT rooms, furnished complete, mod ern; also want some one to build fires in furnace mornings to go on rent. 60 Bo. 2tith Ave. - tl0N'trely furnished small room, for on or two gentlemen; furnace heat; gas, bath, plenty hot water; telephone; alao large parlor, with piano, $18; light housekeeping privileges. - lhiS tit. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT One nice, pleasant room, nicely heated. ! Leavenworth. St. ' FOR RENT Two nice suites of rooms; reasonable. 1424 N. 18th Bt. FOR RENT Nice light housekeeping and Sleeping rooms. 1209 Leavenworth Bt. ' FOR ' RENT Two desirable rooms for housekeeping. $1$ N. l&th Bt. FOR"r E N T N Ice steam-heated rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 809 8. 19th St. FOR RENT Three ground floor house keeping rooms.' 2024 California Ke FOR RENT Two neatly furnished house keeping rooms. 1616 Chicago St. NICK large parlor, well heated, suitable or two ladles or gentlemen; also two small rooms. 61 N. 19th BU Douglas 118. FOR RK NT Nice south front rooms for housekeeping. 2W8 Howard Bt. TWO. furnished rooms for light house keeping or sleeping. 2233 Farnam. DUNDEK Thlee rooms for light house keeping; modern. Harney 2914. - ' l af srHiahed Rooms. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroom floor; 2402 Cass; convenient to two car Unea; references. TWO modern rooms, gas range, shades. 1206 N. Uth Bt. FOR RENT Thfre very nice south rooms; references. 3210 Cass St. THREE nice rooms, reasonable. 2224 Pop pleton Ave. FOR RENT Three or four rooms. 2634 Decautur Bt. FOR KENT Two clean south rooms; good location. SiiJO Burdens St. Furaiahrd lioasea. FOR- RENT Furnished horns, modern, hot water heat, reasonable to right party. After Sunday 'phone after S p. m. Ilitrney 2u$. WALKINO dlstnnce, fine modern house keeping rooms. 2H14 Dortse II usee aad Cullaitri, COTTAGE, N. 26th St. Tel. llarn'y 5054 NEW -rooin brick flat N". 30th St. Harney t'J.i. 11 modern, lis Eight-room house, O Izard; large grounds for gardening: partly mod., $20. Eight-room, ail modern house, good lo cation. $14 X. 40tb; rent, $40 per month. Mx-room, ailiiimderii coitHge; nicely dec orated. Sll N. 41st. St ; $27 M month. THE D. MERCER CO., A -1534, Doug. 1536. M City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Frame, baru, L'lst and Izanl streets. Iargc enough to ac commodate thirty to forty horses. Water and lights Apply at office of Omaha & Council fluffs Street Rail way Compauy, Mer chants National Rank Ruildinj;.: i llnnM cottage, close in. all modern. In nuli IO-4 So. 2lL Phone D. - aol h tlSU OFFERED FOR RENT Howies aad Cettaa-ea -Contlaajed. WEST FARNAM 8-room modern house, fine lawn, good shade, plenty fruit of all kinds, paved street, good little barn, full lot, only &. Hansen, 32 liiandeis Theater Hullding, Uouglas ;ii7. DUNDEE Modern house, $J6. Harney 1937. A DANDY 6-room house for a home, near Happy Hollow club, strictly modern, hard woo. I floors throughout, two large aun porches, cement walks, nenr school. Terms reasonable. 6117 Davenport Harney 1073. 6-ROOM modern house .Just decorated, strictly first class. Corner, south front. 2434 Seward, $26.01). KTR1CTDY first class modern 6-room house, very fine. 113 N. 28th. 117.00. 6-ROOM. modern except heat, close to car line, good shape and good neighbor- hoodt $18. Two S-room houses, north part of city, good neighborhood, paved street, hot and cold water, sewer and gas, each $1660. 6-rooin, all modern flat, within walking dletHnce, $J0. 6-Rooins, sll modern, 1 block from 2 car lines, $27.60. We have houses of all sizes In all parts of the city for rent or sale. We write ail kinds of Insurance. J. It. DUMONT Ac SON, Phone D. 690. 16 Farnam Bt. Omaha. $ 7.50-S-r., 221 Lake St., (rear.) $l2.0O-6-r., Paul St. $l&.-6-r.1 1H02 8. loth Bt. $16 00 6-r. cottage, 1625 N. 27th St. $lS.00--r. house, 20U N. 27th tit. Robinson & Wolf. 4-io Paxton Block. CHEAP RENT Five-room cottage, large basement, hot water heat, bath, cistern, fruit trees and garden, $.U Come quick; otliis after It. 2M9 Decatur. Keys at 2S26 Decatur. $22 FOR GOOD 7-room house; modern except hest; window shades; garden if de sired; adults only. 2619 Caldwell. Web. 3726. (-ROOM cottage; modern except furnace; beautiful lawn and trees. No. . 2206 South S2d Ave. Rent only $26 per mo, Telephone Douglas 4O40. FINK (-room, mod era house. 2704 Cali fornia. Uouaes.lna. Rlngwalt. Brandela Tb. Bldg. NEW, ( rooms, all modern except heat, $6ul S. 20th Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler 1627. TIrmcna tn all (tarts of the city, iiuuaca Cregn Bon, 4 CQt Ue, biAg FEliRlN Exp. Ii Btor. 1611 Cap. Tyler-1200 Om. Van at Storage Co. parks. moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage; 804 B. 16th. Branoh. au 8. lita Tel. D. 4i6X A-l&ii NEW -room house, modern, except fur nace. 2810 No. 161 h 8L 14-ROOM house, modem, at 4219 N. 24th St. Near car barn. Fine location for boarding house. O. C. Redlck, 1617 Far nam Bt. NEW 6-room, strictly modern cottage; block to car; 2407 South' 17th. Phone Red 7647. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 34, City Ufflce, ( Bo. 17st-..Be Eld. (-ROOM modern house, very fins, south front, corner. 22 Seward. $17.00. xxyijv iiuooj-Di9 i.'ewey Ave., sewn rooms, modern. Tel. 1789. Moyer Station ery Co., 1616 Farnam St. s-R.. $39. $220 Burt. TsL Harney S4M. FIVE-ROOM cottage at 41st and Corby Sis, $12.50 P.. D, Mason, M D. Phone Harney 4470. $12.6rt-CHEAP RENT $1160. . 3216 Charles St., 6 rooms. One-half block to Harney car. We are papering and paltitltifc this house Ins'i and out. 8. E. WAIT A CO., 617 Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM house at 1563 N. 17th St. tore aad Offlaes. FOR RENT Modern storeroom, 1004 Douglas; steam heated; reasonable rent. Telephone Doug. 4200. FOR RENT Office room. C33, located oa top floor; facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for $26 per month. THE BEE BUILD1NU COMPAN Y. DO YOU need more storage room? Have very fine excess room to let In wholesale district. Very best elevator service. Ad dress Lock Box 166, Omaha, Neb. IN new building, corner of 12th and Far nam Bts., an entire floor. 44x132. Suitable for Jibbing or light factory purposes. All modern, both passengur and freight ele vator service. Bee J. A. Free I and, LUs Far Dam Bt. NORTHWEST corner 15th and Harney Sts. O. C. Uedlck, 1517 Furnam Bt. DESK room, both phones; use of steno grapher if desired. 8 82 BiandcU Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE fursllare. FL11N1SH1NGS for a five-room cottage for sale cheap. 831 8. 23d St. FOLK-FOOT roller top desk, gat raiiKO, uiniiiK act, neu room eei, ait-ei range, bookcase, t.anlisiy couch, carpets, rugs. prlnceBS niuaic box with 20 records, sewing niacliine, iiuiny otiier furniture. 929 Na 24th. raiiKO, iliniiiK act, led ooni aet, SU'el Masloal Instrameats. FOR SALE By a widow who is breaking up housekeeping a first-class second-hand pianola, good as new, coat 250, adjustable to any pl.tiiu; alao 95 rolls of mu.uc In good oruir, which cost on an average of $2.75 per roll, or about $J50; the whole Will be uld for $200. Address p. O. Box Omaha. HIGll-tillADK piano can be bouglit at a low figure; pcop.e leaving city. l'C2 B. vltll Bt. Typewriters. UVT sn L C. Smith Bros, typewriter. B. F. BMsnson Co., Diatributers. 1J16 Far nam bt. RENT an ullver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas ?.tl9. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. CLEARANCE .SALE NOW ON! Prices low to get the rash. 1-4 to 1-3 regular pi u t . uuy make you wont. Oct one while they last. Ii. F. SWANBON CO.. 13J6 FARNAM BT. BECO.ND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Tjpewrittr Lxchaiue. loor Farnam. MlaecllaaeoHs. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar futures, easy .payments P.runswlca-Balkt-Collender. 407 S. luth HL k't llf X A I W Restaurant equipment ! x Vxt f'iLlj $-cti,in Jno. Van Range. I dlnhwaxher. steam tables, counter, stoma, chairs, table, sideboard, filter, etea-n cook ers. 2 bi refrtueiatoi , cupper urns, brand new I'm. Hal boiler miJ tank, etc. S rite ! or call on C w. Robertson. 313-ii Bouth I lth Bt.. uuiklia. FOR KALE One Parker firoe. hammer lets. 1 K,ug, twist barrel, sunt goo. anil leather ie. tj cu Parker Bios ham mer iJn, 10 gauge and leather case. $12 ja One fcmlth at W etun. 3 caliber, hanim.r lee revolver. liO Address L 614. car Bra 3 PIECE antique cameo set. o er 1') years old. Call r-.-V N. 24th. Web. 6579. KIN DUNG, $1 00 a load, del'd. D. 5M OFFERED FOR SALE M lecellaaeoas -Contlnaed. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all si see and makes; bargains, American eupiiiy Co., 1119 Farnam bt. 8AWDUST. I have about two carloads of sawdust at Powell. Neb., that I would like to sell In lump or any amount to suit purchaser. K, 8. Llcklnson, Columbus. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP In good local business college at a discount. Apply at The Bee office. ONE drop-head 8lnger sewing machine; ball bearing; cheap; leaving town. 611 N. loth. Room 6. 2d Hand ELECTRIC MOTORS LE-BON, $13 SOUTH 12TH ST. OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN NIKOLAS, 634-8 Brandels Theater. Alice oJhnwon, 306-8 Brandels Theater Rid g. PATENTS D. O. DARNELL, Paxton Bile Tel. Red mi. HIRAM A. STURQES. reg. patent atty, $4 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas S46. WLLLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In (J B. Pat of flea 618 Paxton Blk H. 2jU PERSONAL rjT? A fJI) View Maternity Home, private VJXVxxxixv home for women during con ment. Box 117, Florence. TsL Florence m SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electrlo needle, or Injury to the skin; lady attendant. 310 MoCague "Bldg. MAGNETIC treatment, E. Brott, 723 8. 18th St. PTTlrrTTRTH1 Piles, etc., cured; no knife; "Ui U1VCJ book free. German Doctors, 120 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing. In fact, anything you do not reed. Ws collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 413s and Wagons win calL JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores. Price $160. 11 ATI I S5 Salt glow and maBsage. 16u3 L-LJ- Dodge. 3d floor, opp. postof flce. Mme. Allen of Chicago, Doug. 7666. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-1663; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 16th and Harney Bts. MAnNRTTD treatment. Mme. Smith. juvuixxjaxu bn B 16thi tDlr1 floor- HINDOO TABLETS will t.ulld, trace, strengthen. 6uc. BELL DRUO CO. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramgs Bldg. VIBRATORY Dr. RUten- 30$ Old Boston Store. 4th floor, elevator entrsvnde. 120 a )6th. BTR1CTLY private Christian confine ment home; beat car, babies for adopJuo. 3618 Davenport. MRS. 8NYDKR. Swedish massage, radia tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunaany, Flat $, loth and Pierce. Douglas 4300. . DR. EGQERS. private confinement home. Ul Martha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6230. DR. BAKER. MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert specialists, diseases of women. Consultation and examination free. 210 8. 14th St., Corner Douglas, Omaha. Neb. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Web. $559; lnd. D-1936. JOHN CANE The Tree and rape UVALIX d2UMi vln Trimlneri u , town. 1101 8. 25th Av. Kea. 7704. A-3649. TOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha -as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Seventeenth street and Bt. Mary's avenue, where they will be dlreoted to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travsler'a aid at the Union station. MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN'B. WIGS - nlJ tonnes for men. Griffith, u 12 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills $1.00 a box. Postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Adelight hair food arrows hair! Mm Frayer, Megeath Slat y Co.. 16th & Farnam DR. BURKE DISEASES OK WOMEN txv. uuinvu iGth & L'ouglas. Omaha. A HOME for women during confinement Babies adopted snd boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron, Tinley Home, 403 Bancroft St. Phone Doug. 1921. MASSAGE ,!,?:e,nJ-nt Mrs- Eteele . tv i. 2d lnor. Km. B. POULTRY AND PET STOCK t Dos. Brown Leghorn roosters, $3 each; eggs for Betting. $1. 14o3 N. 27th 8U Ws. 3679. Screenings, $1.26 per 100. Wagner, 601 N..16th. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, a fine lot of cocKeieis st J3 ami 3 each. Eifgs f,,r hatching. F. C. A"lilqulst. 2752 Meredith Ave., Kinana, ieb. RHODE Island Red eggs for setting Phone Boutti 1031. S. C. WHITE Orpingtons; a few extra fine cockerels. $3 and $5 each; eggs for omening. v . m. itouser. 4814 N. 2th Ave. Plume: lnd. li-1053 PRINTING R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1"9 8. Hth. lnd. A-3524. Lew W. Raber, Printer.,, lru one UU HN Kilt BEE BLDU. ENTRANCE ON COURT. "PHONE IND. A -3620 for good printing. Llygstad Printing Co.. 16tb and Capitol Av. MILLER JAMIESON. 1212 Doutflaa BL Both 'phones. REAL ESTATE AUSTHACTS OF TITLE. Mldlsnd Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 114 Farnam sL PETER JEiS.SEN. Jr., Co. Tel. Loug. 2232. H. H. Ntale. 30 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. HEAL tsiilk lirlAI.FH. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. I'.ig; prompt service: get our prices. Io6 Biandels Theater HEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif teenth floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. t in I'ltiiPKItl V friiu kALat FOR BALE 4-room lunise. with city water snd electric lights; 2, 3 or 4 lota. Phone Hens. n it.-. 3-ROOM. $). 3220 Butt. Tel. Harney 2l'i. u XI'.K arm., I -- .i - . i i , . it 7 ro.iins and reception hall, oak finish on 1st and birch on :d story; lot & f!2. nicely ter raced. OI.M-l. I.,,,,, .in.-. ...k.-. i I. ill! s. li.M.I If t He ifii.-e ue (an nia!:e the price rliiht. e 3.!24 Bernard t. Phone Hainey REAL ESTATE CITY PROPISRTY FOR SAI.R (Continued.) C. Fred Harrison snd Qo. T. Morton for central bargains. $16 Omaha Natl Bank. FOR BALE Two lota 112x140. on souta Ith Bt., nar Vinton; all special taxes paid. Will sell as one piece or divide, willing to sell at sacrifice. Apply at IX South Xlst street GOOD house of six rooms to be moved from premises, 62d and Pratt, after March 1. Tel. W abater 3628, FOR BALE House 1 rooms, water, sewer, toilet, etc; nice trees and shrubbery, 131 South 31st SL SIX-ROOM modern cottage for sals oa easy terms by owner. $134 Miami St- LESS THAN COST $4,900 buys a Kountse Place home, worth $5,600. Brand new, I rooms, strictly modern; oak finish, hot water heat. Leaving olty and must sell. A chanca for a real bargain. Telephone owner. Web. 6234. $003 Dodge, $ -rooms, modern; closs In corner; easy terms. Doug. 396S. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 30 ACRES about half mile west of Ben son on Military road; 10 acres in apples; most of the balance in plums and peaches. Mrs. Theodora Williams, Benson, Neb., Tel. Benson 236, REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM CH LAND FOR 8 A LB California. TEN -ACRE FRUIT TRACTS In the beautiful Sacramento valley of California, only part cash and the balance easy monthly payments. Guaranteed as represented or no sale. On main line of Southern Pacifia railway. Call in and let us tell you about It. The drift to Cali fornia Is Increasing every day and new la the time to get in cheap and on eaey terms. E. T. WRJ.OHT. 508 Nst l Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1093. Cmatada. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND yields to $1,0(0 per acre and upward an nually; choicest Edgewood orchard tracts. Arrow Lake district, West Kootenay, $X0 per acra; terms over five years without in terest. No Irrigating, delightful climate, splendid market. Get booklet "C. J." In vestors' True! and Mortgage Corporation (Ltd.). 134 Hastings V., Vancouver, B. C FRUIT LANDS. Most productive fruit land In British Co lumbia, "Carlln Orchards," upper Okana gan valley; requires no Irrigation; mild climate, fertile soil, fruits of finest quality produced In abundance. Hallway station on property. Low prlcs, long terms of paymont. Write for illustrated pamphlet "C-4." Rogers, Black & McAlplne, Van couver, British Columbia. Colorado. MUST sell by March- I best 190-acra Im proved farm in Montezuma valley, Colo., five miles from Cortes.; lays perfect for Irrigation, plenty of Water; 12 acres alfalfa, fifty-five acres fine1- fall wheat, seventy acres fall plowed; f ulleb,ulpmetit machinery and horses go In price; $11,000. liberal terms. Do not answer unless you mean businesa. For particulars address owner, N. J. Sip herd. 2119 Greenwood. Pueblo, Colo. tffl-ACRBJ Irrigated ranch. Morgan Co., Colo., on the Burlington, 1 mils from depot; lmprovemunta are modern In ovary particular; owner retiring. For full partlo ulars address E. B. Seaman. Brush. Colo. Florida. LANDS for sal in south Florida; Iota selected specially for fruit and vegetable growing. Write for circular map. C. C. Morgan, Fort Ogden, Fla. FOR SALE Two Improved farms on large lake with oranges and pecan tree on property. For particulars .address owner, T. S. McManus, Waldo, Fla. ASK us questions about Florida. Infor mation free; farms on easy terms. Kagay Realty Co., 60 Mutual Life Bldg., Jackson ville, Fla. Idano. 364 ACRES ready to plant fruit trees. Good buildings, 3Vi miles from Nampa. Bar gain from owner. J. A. Clephane, Routs No. 2, Nampa, Idaho. ' Illinois. FOR SALE 320 and 160 acres; Panhandle nf Texaa; Moor county; cheap; choice land. J, F. Donovan, Warren, III. Iowa. FOR EXCHANGE Ws have Income properties In the city of Chicago, owners of which will trade their equities for good clear land anywhere. These equities will net the investor from to 10 per cent. We iiave properties from $25,000 to $l,oo0.0u0. Submit complete description, location and price in first letter. This will save time, expense and trouble for all of us. J. D. Rust at Co., Cedar Rapids, la. STOCK and grain farm of 8& acres, sit uated in Kossuth county, la., fur saie; easy terms, or will take as first payment $j0,u00 in Hereford cattle. Fremont B. Gibson, Mason City, la. FOR BALK 266 acres aouthern Iowa, no better in U. B, $14.02S; also 200 acres 25 miles eaat of Dee Moines, with all stock, machinery, feed, etc., good Improvements, $13.U00. Easy. Dr. Hair, Des Moines, la. Kansas. FOR SALE 160 acres, $ miles from To peka, Kan., 110 acres bearing orchard, bal ance cultivated, good land, 2' miles to railroad station. N. 1. Daltou. Topeka, Kan. TWO KANSAS BARUAIN8 160 acres, Harvey county, 2 miles to town; well Improved; house, barn, orchard, fenced, etc.; luo acres In cultivation; all tillable, iiTacres, Reno county, all tillable; fenced; 75 acres in cultivation; 4 miles to town, price $j,i00. Charles Peterson, Hutchinson, Kan. Io0 ACRES leel, rich, deep soil, 3'i miles to Ness City. Kan.; all In grass; best al falfa land. Another quarter joins, same description; sell separate or together. Great bargain at $25; $l,oo0 cash, balunce easy terms. KIM MEL & GARTH. Lamed, Kan. LAND BARGAIN 6.400 acres in liotUeinan county. Kansas, foiir nines from auta Ke railroad station, price iMJ.OiO, terms easy; 2,liO acres under cultivation; teiiced. good U-room stone liouhe. Write or wire liiam lnd Co., Kan sas City block Yaidw. ilooin 132. FOR BALE All kinds of farm homes from half cclioii down to DO-acre trai ts. Prices llfcht; terms Hodgeman county farms and rsnches to trarla for eastern Kansas farms and good Improved larms In .Missouri. J. 14. Dane Real Estate Co., llutcliinsun, Kan. SPLENDID HOME A BARGAIN. IiiO ACRES 6 miles out, all tillable, rl. h. black soil. Ml acres alfaifa, 35 acres fur spring corn, balunce meadow and pasture; ft-i-kOiii house, large la.i n and other tmilri- ! In;s. 15 ft. to water: $1. ..; one-thud canh. J i. lluriu-i. Kinsley, r.dwaids county, Kansas. 1 A GEM INK BARGAIN IWi acres.- well I Improved , good orchard. J aires alfalfa 35 a. res H ire, balance cultivated. u i a. res fine wheal goes: 3 miles to town. 1 Bnap. V5 per a. ie; terms on 34 'MO, 4 yeais, 1 5 per teal. W . M. Beeghly, Boioinuu. Kan ! REAL ESTATE FARM AND KA.MU LAND FOR BALE Kansas oatlaaed. QUARTER section In the fsmous corn belt 3' miles from Clyde; 7-room house, good barn and outbuildings, windmill, etc.; fenced and cross-fenced; $ acres fine al falfa, DO acres cultivated, balance pasture; good bearing orchard; bargain at $9,760, terms. 8. 11. Knspp, Clyde, Kan.-i S0-ACRE farm, 62 miles south of K. C, between the Frisco and K. C. Southern; bottom land, on small stream: well Im proved; a bargain at $V per acre; cash. Address I. N. Deardortf, LaCygne Kan, R. R. 4. Box 21 BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOME. $20 acres, 6-room house and outbuildings, well and windmill; 160 acres cultivated, 60 acres In wheat; fenced; smooth, rich soli, all tillable. Price, $26 per acre, terms. Landgrat &. Darby, Garden City. Kan. EASTERN KANSAS BARGAIN. 100 acres, second bottom; rich, deep soil, all tillable; 86 acres In cultivation; 6-room house; good water, good stock buildings; 41 miles to Abilene; school one mile, 'phone snd it. F. D. Only $100 per acre. Jos. D. Ryan, Abilene, Kan. 240 ACRES All nice, smooth, good black loam soil; good for wheat and corn; all fenced, 3'-, miles from good railroad and market town In central Kansas; price $35 per acre; write for particulars. Jaa. A. Brandt, Undsborg, Kan. LOOK LOOK 4 section good, smooth land, all tillable; 6 miles of town; fair house, good barn, plenty of water; $25 per acre. If sold in the next 30 days. Write us for free list of farms. Oakieat & Hill, Cherry-vale, Kan. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 160 acres, good Reno county land, 1 mile from railroad town;, 6-room house, barn and other good buildings; all firm, tillable land; choice farm and a snap; price until Feb. lu) $11,000. Come, wo have what you want. Barrett Land Co., Hutchinson, Kan. FOil SALE 252 acres; alfalfa valley farm under-Irrigated and all good crop land; 1 mile from town. High and graded schools, churches and all kinds of business, some new im provements; very cheap at $.0 per acre- easy terms. G. W. Baker, Salina, Kan FORD COUNTY BARGAIN. $20 acres level wheat land, 11 miles nut 140 acres cultivated; 2oo acres growing wheat to Duyer; iencea; iatr improvements good well; $25 per acre, half cash. BROWN A. VERNON, Dodge City. Kan. $so,O0O IN unincumbered income, business properly and residences, here; earning 10 per cent to 25 per cent; all gllt-edgnd, to trade lor piuegrass lanu, Missouri preferred J. W. Gumin, Coffeyvllle, Kan. I.oalalana. LOUISIAN THE SURPRISE OF THE WORLD. Eighty bushels of oats, 76 bushels of corn, 6 tons of alfalfa to the acre. For ex- nlAnttttnn nf fa.rtninr revolution ukl,.!, ka opened Louisiana for settlement, write at once to W. A. JONES, Secretary, LOUISIANA FARM LANDS CONGRESS, Bhreveport, La. - Minnesota. 860 ACRES, 7 miles from Ivanhoe, the county seat of Lincoln county, Minnesota; practically all under cultivation; 60 acres pasture; buildings worth $6,0u0. Rented for next year. Price, $60 per acre, reason able terms. The Globe Land and Loan Co., Mlnneoia, Minn. GOOD Improved 130-acre farm 17 miles from Bt. Paul, Minn., and 2 mile from station; nearly all under cultivation; level, black loam soil; good house, barn and well. Price, $5,0U0; $1,000 down. Address owner, O. etruble, Forest Lake, Minn BARGAINS Improved farms, any site, Minnesota and Dakotas; also unimproved land; large tracts. We have what you want. Harvard Investment Co., Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 240 acres choice farm land near Lake Benton, Lincoln county, Min nesota, at $45 per acre. Address II. H. Franxen, Moselle, ill. MIseoarL $.000 ACRES, good fruit land In south ern, central part of Missouri, railroad runs through land, good town site, timber will pay for land. Terms $7.60 per acre, one third cash, three years on balance. J. W. Black, Marshall town, la. MISSOURI FARMS FOR BALE. 1,100 acres, near Rich Hill; two sets im provements; mostly all can be cultivated; soma bottom land; price $30 per acre for short time 80 acres, two miles of Msyview, on C. & A. R. R.; nice modern 7-room house, large bank barn, all improvements com paratively new; about 1,100 bearing apple trees; a bargain at $10 per acre. Other lands from $40 to $)60 per acre; ten acres up to 6o0 acres. 160 acres, unimproved, five miles south town, at $66; 60 acres clover, balance pas ture and corn land; bargain. Walter C. Chiles Realty Co., Hlgglnsvllle, Mo 120 ACRES. 90 miles east Kansas City. S'.i miles good town; good 8-room house; cellar, well and windmill, barn, beautiful shady yard, grove for windbreak, excel lent two-acre orchard, route and phone, 1 miles to school, fine neighborhood; 80 acres bluegrass, hogtlght; 10 acres timothy clover; rich, black soil; no rocks or ditches; $70 acre; terms on $3,600. Other farms, list free. Ionia Land Co., Ionia, Mo. Nebraska. MARKINUTT IX) wn. Was $20, then $19, $lt. 17-NOW $15.60, If taken soon; 320 acres, Cheyenne Co., Neb., In Sidney draw; dark loam, level, ( miles of Burlington R. R. W. S. Ripley, 2221 Burt St., Omaha. THE HOME OF THE BIG RED APPLE and the Elberta peach, also splendid corn, cotton and alfalfa lands, western Arkansas, south of the Ozarka, the land of plenty, good health and happiness. Vou do not liuve to have a fortune to buy a good home here that will produce equally as good as the high priced land. Here are a few samples: lijo-aire farm 3'j miles from good town teintnt Improvements, 40-acre apple or chard. 3 years old, commercial varieties; 30-acre, 6-year-old Elberta peach orchard, all In bearing; price, $7,609. 200-acre farm, l' acres cultivated, good improvements, 1.000 apple trees, M0 El berta peach trees: price, $4 Ono. ljo-acie farm, loO acres cultivated, good improvements. 2 miles to town, 2.CJ0 Li beria peach trees; price. $2,400. Go with me the 21st; you will enjoy the trip whether you buy anything or not. but It you want land you will sure buy. Cheap round trip rates. W. W. Mitchell. iioanl of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 17 SECTIONS, good allalfa land In west ern Nebraska, will sell III sections or all $10.50 per acre. Easy payments. J. W. Black. .Marstialltown. la. TWENTY-ONE thousand seres western Nebraska ranch to divide uj. Price. $3.60 per acre; tu per rent good land. Write Henry Hummels, 1121 N. 2i,th St., Lincoln, Neli. 1. all FOR SALE '-'40 acres unimproved level land, fine stock country, in flowing well district Holt county, Nebraska, $.6 per acre; $). mortgage running five vears at 6 per cent. Address Box lula, Fairfield, Neb. FOR BALE BY OWNER. Fine ranch of 1.610 acres deeded land, 64i acres seliool land, located three tulles from county seat on new line of Union Pacific railroad, 1 ai res sn be irri gated from g.i eminent canal, school or land; one set of hiiil.linFs: I.h- acres plowed Pi he, $:i..V) sn acre. Will cairy Ji3.ii for three years st 6 per cent Write William O. Valee, Scotia ill -If, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAN D rOR ! Nebraakswroalaaed. $00$ ACRES rich, level Improved farm land ranch. $12.60 per acre; terms; no tiade; owner. C. J. Wlld, beating ford, Neb. North Dakota. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own aud control about 6.0uo acres of choice farm landa In Burleigh and Kidder Co., No. Dak., and want 60 good representa tives, others need not apply. Beat of ref erences. W. K. Runey, Land Investments, Bismarck, N. D. Oklahoma. FOR KALE In Knabel Co . 1(0 acres of black chocolate land, $ miles south of Billing. Okl., In the Antelope valley. 3 sides hedge and 1 aide wire, with 120 acres broke out and the balance In pasture lots, orchard and garden; 7-room house, plas tered, papered, cellar underneath; all In good shape; barn, 24x 36, room for $0 tons of hay, room for 7 horses; crib, tool shed and hay fork, complete; 2 good granaries with driveway through center, will hold 2.0U0 bushels of grain; these buildings and all other buildings are painted and In good shape; 1,000 locust posts, 400 fruit threes, 2 wells, 1 cistern, plenty of water. This la a level farm and no waste land on It; fine; can be .bought H down, H in five years, at reasonable Interest. T. M. Rabentson. Billings, okl. Texas. HOMESKKKEHS' FRTEND L. A. Pitts lived 40 years in Iowa and Illinois, and his advice is "If you want to get rich buy Texaa lands while they are cheap." We have thousands of acres of fins farming lands, large and small tracts, at low prices. Don't buy till you see them; everything guaranteed and a square deal. Write or call on the Pitta Land and Development Co., Houston, Tex. BIG TEXAS SNAP. 3,100 acres, 6 miles from Dallas: 2.000 In cultivation, highly Improved; everlasting artesian and shallow well water; on rail road, two publlo roads; natural gas, tim ber for fuel; dairy, paying $12,000 annually; 400 other stock cattle. 30 head mules and horses, hogs, goats farm Implements, ma chinery, etc., go with place; gross returns 1910 $30,000; the best Investment anvwhere at $10.000; terms. Turner & Turner. 1310 Commerce Bt., Dallas. Tex. TEXAS ALFALFA LAND. For sale 820 acres, Childress county, 4Vi miles northeast of the town of Childress; sublrrlgated; flno alfalfa land; water within eight feet of surface; 90 per cent tillable; 212 acres now In cultivation. This Isnd will psy for Itself the first year in cotton and will make a man rich the first four years In alfalfa. Price $70 an acre; reasonable terms. E. J. Holland, J307 Commerce 8t., Dallas, Tex. BUT AN IRRIGATED FARM. We own 26,000 acres, rich valley land near railway, In northern Mexico; ample water to Irrigate whole tract; canal now building; elevation 700 feet; fine climate; produce oranges, lemons, limes, graps fruit and pineapples to perfection; corn two crops per year; sugar cane, alfalfa, etc. El Celeste Irrigation Company, San Antonio, Tex. Utah. BARGAINS in Utah farms and ranches. Dowse at Morris, Salt Lake City, Utah. Waaklaarton. HOME8EEKERS, ATTENTION! Come to the famous Grandvlew district of the Taklma Valley, where you can make an independent living raising fruit. Ws have some excellent buys in fruit and hay ranches from $126 per acre up. For full particulars address, Robert J. Vennum. Farmers' Land Co., Grandvlew, Wash. WE have a few Improved homesteads for sale for about the actual expense of lh. tmnrfwamAntn TV.. ..I ...... m . ....... . ..., . 1H, I'llLn. BIB irOm $lu0 to $1,000 for 160 acres of Washington's uw. i" ' vi. m inn atjr i u u I'nrtiuu mr, ACME HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. 610 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash. Wromlag, FOR SALE 190 acres land near Ohev enne, Wyo., at a bargain. Address Y $5, care Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. FORRENT Forty acres of land adjoining Forest Lawn Cemetery on the east and south. Possession March 1. $100 a year. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 2o9 First National Bank Bldg. Doug. 722. REAL ESTATE LOANS $10 to $10,000 mads promptly. W. U Wead. We ad Bldg., lath and Farnam. GARVIN BROS. 2d floor N. Y. Life, $404 to $ioo.000 on Improved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERQ CO, $10-312 Biandeis Theater Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for sale at amounts Hum $;mo to $3,000. BENSON & Ml'ERS 413 New Tork Ufe Bid-. LOANS to horns owners and horns build, ers, with privilege of uiakiug partial $. soents semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 608 First National Bank Bldg. MONET TO LOA-N-Payne Investment Co. $600 to $6,000 oa Omaha uotnea. O'Keefs Real Fslata Co.. 101 N. V. Life. Douglas sr A -JIM. WANTED City loans snd warrants, W. Farnam Smith As Co., 1341 Farnam BL WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Ca, City and Farm. John N. Frenner. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT several good residence lots, phone ii Kil.' WANT to purchase direct from owner a (liiart.r or hair section of good eastern Nebraska land at Its actual cash value; Merrick county preferred. Address, Box r rernont. ."vpn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Exchanges, yulck sales, large list. Ad dress it, I. Continental Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR quick results (my exchange list). C. J. Canan. 7ul O. N. ii.. ildg , Omaha. AN IOWA FARMER wanta in buy some cheaper land, or he might ronslder an exchang-t. What have you? He la a reader of the Des 4oini Capital, and the way to reach him and thousands of others like him Is to adver tise In the want ad columns fit the Capi tal. Rate. 1 cent a word per Insertion i cents a word for sis Insertions and feats a word per month. IF you wish to exchange write NOWATA LAND LOT CO. its Neat Yora Life Bid. WE exchange properties of merit. H It Culver. S12-&13 N. Y. Lita Douias 746. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued. I HAVE V.m of good hulldlnsTTots In Omaha, have moved and want to trsds st once, (clear for clear of nearly cleat) for Income city or land. Write me at ones. Address 8-40S, Bee. I.AND In southern Missouri want eitil ties in Omaha property. L-7rfl, Hee. OOOD l-acre farm In southwestern Nebraska: L"-0 acres In winter whest; all level; good deep black soil; will exchange for good 7 or $ room house. WI1I mske terms on difference. Ict Ms hear what you have. Address P-402, car Bee. FOR BALE OR TRADE. Eighteen acres of desirable trackage prop erty inside the city limits of Bouth Omaha; haa a railroad spur now on the property; also haa sewer, water and street paved to the property. This Is one of the mail de slrable trackage properties to b found In either city and Is sura to be valuable trackage property within the next two or three years. Owner will consider farm land or good Income property In trede. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE AQENCT, 1506 Farnam. Tel. lnd. A-3313; Tyler 1024. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED At once, from private party, $1,000 for six months or one year st 3 per cent. Real estate and other security that is absolutely ssfe. No agent or shark wanted. D-743 Bee. WANTEDTO BUY WANT Grocery or any other good busi ness. B 741, Bee. 1 BE8T price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3:C1. WANTED TO BU1T-A fair saloon In this city, a-746. Boo. WANTED TO RENT YOI'NU couple wish two or three light hourekeeplng roiimg tn good residence district, near a good boarding place. D-760. Bee. . WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as assistant bookkeeper, ledger clerk, timekeeper, or, any clerical posi tion. Best references. Address B 707, Bee. TOUNO man desires place to work for board and room in private family while attending college. Boy las College. both phones. TOUNO lady wishes employment In, doc tor's or dentist's office. Experienced. Best of references. 'Phone Red 6533. WANTED Situation as housekeeper by middle-aged, respectable woman; good cook and housekeeper, of amiable disposition, for baohelor or unincumbered widower in Wyo ming or South Dakota ranch, preferably Wyoming; no trlflers, only those who mean business need apply. 8 738, Bee, WANTED Washing., Ironing; and rough dry; cheap; nice work. 271S N. 26th St. Phones: lnd. B-G651, Webster $661. HAVINQ several years' experience would Ilka high class position as . saleslady; if traveling, would expeet expenses paid. Ad dress a- 763, Bee. LEGAL NOTICES MOTICa TO CONTRACTORS. NEBRASKA CITY. NEB., JAN. $1, U1L Sealed bids will be received by the Sec retary of the Board of Education of Ne braska City, for the erection of a High School Building at Nebraska City, Ne braska, according to plans and specifica tions on file at Cue office of Fisher Lawrle, Architects, 210 Paxton Building, Omaha, Nebraska, aud at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education, Nebraska City, Nebraska, until Monday, February 27, 1911, I o'clock pv m. Separate bids will be. received on the general con struction, heating and ventilating and sewerage and plumbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount of the same as called for In the specifications and bidder's' blank furnished by the Architects. The right Is reserved to. reject any or all blda. ' F2dl0t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given thst the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m., on the first day of March. A. D , 1911. C. U. MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. $0, ml. ' ' Jan31 d30t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING TH K AN nual meeting of the slock holders of the Ree Publishing company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha at I o'clock Monday, March 6, 1911, for the election of a board of directors for the en suing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the presl-. denL N. P. FE1L, Secretary. Flld22t GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPAGE OFFICE deport quartermaster, Third and Olive streets. St. Louis, Mo., January 30, 1911. Sealed proposals In triplicate subject to the usual conditions will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., central time, February 14. 1911, and then opened in the presence of attending bidders, for furnishing and de livering at I'nlted States Clothing depot, Bt. Louis, Mo., 4(0 trumpet cords. 9.0Q bedstead casters,' 6.H00 cots and 12 OdO bed stead parts. Quantities to be subject to Increase of 60 per cent If desired by the de partment. The I'nlted States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Blank forms and In formation furnished upon . application to this office. Proposals to be sealed, ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Proposals for Equipage, to be opened February 14. 1911." W. M. Cuulltug. Major and Quartermaster, Depot (jusrtermaster. J.iu-3l.l'1.3-ll-U. The Truo ,;. Follow Up .System Wherever you go, let The Ree follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our cir culation department and tbo address will be changed as often aa desired. Getting The Bee is the same as get ting A Daily letter From Menu Keeping you posted on what's doing among friends and associates. It's the only up-to-date way. Let The Bee Follow You