Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16

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Ml,, ffff
IVl Li r- L.i . i 1 U : -i I'mL. l t - ... El t
Ot's Flood Tide Wovi in or
Matchless Clearing Sale of Men's Clothing
Big Ad
Pare 8.
. . HI
7 I TOO Vr
show how many Overcoats are left. in each size:
Kancy Military
Convertible )vei
coats, 60 and bl
Inches long
Kuth-v 44-ln. long
( Size .......
Choose from
' ( Size
f j . Choose from
I trees Ol oat e
Men's Black Ker
sey Overcoats
Man's and Young Kan's
$20, 18 and $15 Suits $9.50
Of course, these are not regular
assorted sizes, simply odds and
ends from the season's selling.
It's up to you, our loss Is your
gain. Buy now at' 120, tfQ rn
118 and 15 auit at....)"
Great Sale of
$2.50 and :l.OO Pants at tUCtf
Good, serviceable pants, worsteds,
ca.slnieres, Scotchea or cheviots
well made, suitable for drees or
business all sixes up
.to 42 waist, worth
up to 13. at . . . .
Special Sale of Men's
Men's Wool Vests in all
sizes, slightly soiled fancy
vests in smaller sizes only,
worth up to $3.00 woolen
materials, fancy, piques,
flannels, wash vests,
Doys' &nd Children's Overcoats Suits and Reefers
Button to neck Overcoat, fancy
mixtures, all wool. t9 TA
worth $5. at ...
Double Breasted SuiU with extra
pants, now designs, very 04 ("A
nice for spring wearat. eJdetJll
Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits,
plain eerges and fancy
cheviots, worth $6, at.
Arrival Hen's Spring Hats
See the new Angora Hat for
wear. Colors are oxford, irrav
and brown,' at. VUdJ r
Imported English Felt Hats, telescope, V -w
crusher or trooper style special 44 rn jl., Y,
Imported English Derbies,
josepn wiison ons, Lta.,
land, in all the new spring 0C) FA ) yP '
blocks, at. .... .' .VaV.UU J
Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats at $2.00
A complete assortment of the famous John B. Stetson Soft
and Stiff Hats spring styles, at , . ..$3.50
Special Sale o! Trunks at $8 and $7.50
Just eighteen pieces to be closed out. They are steel bound, ba.swood
trunks, canvas covered with 12 hardwood slats for protection, brass
trimmed with eagle lock, worth up to $11.00 J 311(1 $7 50
IS?S Men's Shirts at 50c
All the samples and surplus stock of men's negligee shirts
sizes 14 to 1S some with soft collars and cuffs; CA
worth up to $1.25 at, each , OUC
Men's Fleeced and Ribbed Underwear, at 35 1 50
Men's Fleeced Union Suits, at (IJ)
Men's and Boys' $1.50 Sweater Coats, at 75
Men's and Boys' 76c Sweater Coats, at 35
Saturday Specials
Brandeis Drug Department
2(0 Santtol Tuoth
1 lb. 20-Muls
Team llorax to
10c Williams'
Shaving Soap
for 4o
$1.00 Plvsr's
A sure or 1a
Trifle Powder,
epeclal T.o
SOo Java Rice
I'owder . ...7e
Crab Apple or
White Rose
Pet fume, oa e
Tuo Chamois,
le Owl. 40 In
bos. i?c , (1.09
to Cttnaouros. 60
In bia .. .1.65
Robert Burn. 1 n
vlnctbtee, boa
of IS 1S
7 bo Itnbber
Uloves. ap'l 9M
Powder ....1.0
iio Vr. CJravee'
Tooth Powder
for lo
rlc Ltlao Talcum
for o
1160 Orlentsl
( ...91.00
26c Pond's Van
ishing Cream
for I
He Pompelan
Maatsge .. . 4 So
Colgate's or Wil
liam's Taioum
for 15a
6 i)o 1 nder! n.
for A
11.00 I!as' Hair
Health . . . .Me
2&o bottle Hydro
gen PvroxMe
for S.
6 cakn. of lvnr
Coap for . . .190
The Greaiest
Overcoat Day
of all
Take advantage of this great
buying ojiportunity the most
remarkable wo ever offered.
All our $25, $22.50,
Overcoats at jr "
Just 109 of Thm Leit
You can buy them 8a tu relay for
Half Price or Less Than Half.
32 33 34 35 3G j 37
4 14 6 12 10 7
38 3'J 4U 41' 44 4b
7 8 8 j 10 1 10 13
Xlrah-Wlokwlre li Co.
Si k Lined Reowick C.othes
Less than half the price of their
worth. Some of the suits are of
fairly light weight and very suit
able for early spring wear. Sizes
almost complete .worth tf C
$25 to $36, at . .. . .'V. 1 .
Men's Pants
$ 5.O0 and f 4.00 rants at 92 09
Pure worsteds, all wool cheviots
and Scotches, hand tailored
trousers, the greatest
variety of patterns.
worth up to $5, at
Vests Old Store
Men's io and zo oaa uoats and
V'cets at $3 accumulated coats
and vests, where pants have been
lost, at about off their worth.
Black, double breasted thibets,
Hlrsh-Wlckwlre, worth $20, sin
gle breasted coats and
vests, worth up to
16, at
Overcoats, reefers In chinchilla or
fancy cheviots, convertible col
lars, in all ages, M rn
worth $7.60, at ...... f.3Vl
Double Breasted Knickerbocker
Suits, Russian and Bailor Blouses
in Scotches or cheviots newest
designs and colors.
$7.60 values, at ,
early spring
fftl FA. f
" I y ft::
direct from !P
uenton, Jng- -y-
fl.00 genuine
Ideal Hair
Brush TSo
tOc Kexall I.lver
Salts 360
Kexall Corn
Halvent ISO
60c Blood Tab
lets 460
Klkon White
Pine and Tar
Compound. S6r
and 6C
Rexall Orderlle
lOo, .So sad 6C
Same. Tai.'e Toi
let ArtlolM
lOe Yale's Mas- V.
sage 060
iOo Almond Bio.-
eom Cream 6e
1 60 Bkln Cream
for SIM
!6c Hair Tonlo
for S3e
II 00 Blood Tooio
for to
Tf One 0c
jar Pahnollvo
Cream with
each purchase
of S cakea of
Palmollve oap
for o
Everv winter suit and ovprront in our stock must go.
This Is stock clearing time for us: buy your next winter's clothes
now and save half. Two months of this winter yet In which to wear
We have divided all broken sizes Into two big lota for Saturday
Lot 1 Suits and Over- $0 7C
coats, $12.50 values. .. 0i I J
Final Clearance In
Men's Derby Ribbed Union .Suits,
$1.25 values, all
colors, at
Men's union made Suspenders,
dress and heavy police
brass. BOc quality, at. .
Men's work shirts In blue, gray
and tan, regular 60c
and 75c garments..
Sweaters, Jerseys and Sweater
Coats, all wool, $2.50
quality, at . . .
Saturday's Clean-Up
For Saturday we will add! to our grand clean-up sale
some lines that have become broken, and will be able to give
bargains in every department. iBetler come quick, as the
sale won't last much longer. t. ..
Howard A, ' Foster
tans,. button and -bluchers,
for . . .
$5.00 winter
Hoyden's $6.00 patent
gun metal, lace and -button,
now ... ... .
colt and
McDonald & Kelley's $6.00 pat
ent and gun metal,
lace and button, now,
Howard & Foster
colt, lace and
button, now . . . .
$4.00 patent
AH the broken lines of $4 and
$3.50 patent and gun An mf
metal aboes go y . . . .yati'rO
200 pairs, small slie $5.00 and
$4.00 shoes, your
choice for .' .
Big Reductions in
Sec Our Windows
vt's ar sho-wlns; a good many special priced article"
It might pay you to Took them over. Look for the nam
S, V. LINDSAY, Jeweler
161 Dovflas Street.
W1U Power Alone Will Not Stop the
Excessive I' so of Liquor.-- -
. The temperance advocate and total
abstainer are strong la their declara
tion that drunkenness la a mean, low
and disgraceful habit,' from which any
ordinary person can tree himself by
the exercise of bis will power alono.
Medical men. by patient, research,
have demonstrated that drunkenness
is a poisoning and that the drunkard
la one In need' of medical attention.
The disease of alcoholism caa surely
be cured, thanks to the Noal treat
ment, which has demonstrated that It
is an infallible remedy striking at one
at the roots of the trouble. There has
always been a demand for the treat
I ment for habitual drunkenness which
can be administered internally, with
out the use of dangerous hypodermic
Experience baa taught that no treat
ment other than the Neal Cure has
ever been successful in treating drunk
enness In less than four weeks' time.
It makes no difference bow long a
man has been drinking, how much or
bow little he drinks, or what be drinks,
the Neal treatment has never failed
to cure in three days' time, and with
out the use of that devilish little tor
mentor of the flesh, the hypodermic
syringe. Just bear In mind that there
is no such thing sa a "secret cure" for
drunkenness, and you are taking great
risk in administering these remedies.
For booklet. "The Neal -Way" and
full Information, address Neal Insti
tute. O. B.. 1602 8outh Tenth Street.
Omaha. Neb.
Fres From Dust and Chaff
Our ajteel Out ana BUfted Ooffee
all that oould be de.lred streag-tli.
flavor ana aroma aaeaaaled. It s s
delight to the lovers of real eoffee ue. "settle your coffte" troubles
Mocha Mixture 16c; three lbs... 1-00
Kxoelslor Blend 19c: lbs 1100
17. L. Tilasierman & Co.
Hranclt at Public HUrkct,
1A10 Harney ft. '
Oraat Fries Inducements in Pants
Never hefm-e were uc-h (treat val
ues offered In men's and yoiinfc men's
hi(h grnrle i:inl ns ymi will finil
here tomorrow. 2.S00 linir kiimiivpiI
In three ftreat lots, special ly prlccl
for quick Helling:
$2. lit) val- i snii ' t on. no
$3. SO val- ' '"' '""
ues for
ties for
i Hine.
$1.65 .1.95 ! 2.95
Tonth's Xions; Pants Suits
Sizes 30 to 36 -
Broken lots irmu till season's
bet Selling numliers, $7.50 lo $10
aluei: vour choice fin
. tomorrow J.VU
Wicket & Gardiner s $5 patent
' kid. French heel, luce(
and button, now . .
Zlegler Bros.' $4.00 patent colt
and gun metal, lace ab nr
and button now yaC.UO
Wright & Peter's $5.00 pateist
colt, lace and but- Q"t nr
ton,, now '..$). U9
Eight lines of Fry's $4.00 and
$3.50 patent colt and kid shoes,
'lace and button,
now .".
All the broken lines of $2.50 kid
and gun metal n Qr
shoes, now, ylsOeJ
200 pairs women's $4 and $3.50
shoes, small sizes QT
. your choice, now OUC
Boys' High Cuts
40c. Black Walnut Taffy, per
pound 25
60c "Princess Sweet chocolates,
per pound 30
We have made special ar
rangement for Valentine's Day.
A box of our choice bon bona
and chocolates In a suitable
package makes a fine valentine.
Valentine Heart Hoxee Filled
Choice Candies, at 15c, 23c,
60c, fl.OO and up.
Cream Candy Hearts, per pound
at 40c nd tii.
Motto Hearts, per pouad, 23c,
and up.
Peanut Hearts, 6c, 10c, 15c,
and up.
Cream Hearts. 5c, 10c, 15c, ana
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
161 Ii ami Farnani Sis.
Money Savers
For You
l-veer fid Tennessee White Corn
Whlskeyt moonshine i, per full
guart bottle, 76c; gallon ... 60
Maryland Hye Whiskey, 6 years
old; per full guart bottle, 75c;'
"n $3 50
1-year-old Kentucky Bourbon
Whiskey; per full quart bottle
$1.00; gallon (3 00
California White Tokay Wine per
full quart bottle J.i0
Bavarian Malt K x t r a c t, very
strengthening, per buttle. .. lu'o
Mall and Telephone Orders
i'romptly Killed.
Cacklcy Bros.
Wine Merchant.
Ill North ltth Street. Opp. P. O.
Hoth Phones.
W Tafl's Dental Boim
Irfit 2 Suits and Over
coats, $20 values
"""-r IT'""""
, :t..- -
I Beat Vara Paarr la the W eat. j
y .-A'' -V
Buys Any
Winter Suit,
Overcoat or
Li 1 V
Rain Coat in our H
Entire stock
None excepted
that sold at and
up .to $35. fcp-
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx
dass makes in- M hmWkm, KL mu-e rp-.u-eluded;
all blues WMCrK f) 'u s 1 -v 1 ' s-
, k,:., ffeH ! JTi sult-niliillv Un
this oh price. !L.V- "Wf I
TT'S not. an ordinary occurence where an entire stoock, the sue and
blue serKea, unfinished worsteds, etc., Is offere'Ion the same scale
1 nunK len Yon Should See the "I nlvemlty" MimIi-Is in blue Berges we are orfirinn ;it tlicsi
prkts. You'll have to admit that such style, such qu;!ity was never before offered.
.We Invite comparison, welcoming the man, or woman who knows quality and insists on the
."best value for least price," for we know that such values as we offer are truly matching.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Predominate
Bnd if you picked your suit with your eyes shut, no matter what your choice, you can depend upon It
being worth much more than the price.
lcn's'$2.30 to $.00 Trousers
ing sale. . .S1.35- S1.85.
uei your extra trousers now
Prices That Demand Attention
You cannot net away from It our
price are the lowest tliat pnxsilily
van he maile. Our meats ure the
choicest. We pay particular atten
tion to getting: meats liiut will force
our customers to t-ome batMt to Us for
n m re. That Im the reason we do a big
business kikI cnu afford t sill at the
lowest living prices. We always have
aimed to Hell t lie beat meat at Hie
lowest prices. You get what you pay
for when you buy at thin Mure the
store, where we are interested In
! r i-Iiik LUatomers.
1'ork Loins UH
1'ork Shoulder lOVfc0
Pot Koast, choice IOo and uo
Hump Koaat, choice lao
I'huck Steal-., ohoh-e laVjC
10 II)-. l,eaf I. Bid tl.oO
Our Special Home Hendered Lard
S-lh. pall 380
ft-lb. pall 65o
10-lb. pail 11.96
Jos, Bath's Cash Market riiKAH st.
Tel. Douglas 6984.
Full of
Will not stay in out of the wet
even when the snow melts. This
season is a season of grips, colds,
etc. Protect the boys feet.
Our boys' shoes are made of the
very finest box calf 'With heavy
soles the kind that this weather
demands, and for wear we guaran
tee them to wear twice as long as
an ordinary pair of boys' shoes
The cost,' a trifle more, but the
difference in quality makes them
the cheapest boys' .hoe on the
Boys' BIwhi. 1 to Big $2.00
Mttlo gents' sires,
JOH to 13H $1.75
1410 Farnam Street
IVhat You
Don't Want Sell
Everybody bas something around th.
house they do not want Or nerh.Di
.hey hava articles that whlU they
really have no use for them, at the ;
itmt time fhey dislike to throw them 1
Just let them find people who would j
take these articles off their hands and j
ay for them and they would be happy,
Tet that la Just what caa be accom
plished by way of the For Sale Mis
cellaneous column In The Bee. !
If you have anything you wish to
gtspose of, write a small Want Ad and
Pllt It In TIl6 BC0
! i '
, -v.
CoDrriihl Hct
in Saturday's clear- i 47 lilack Kerne
$2.85 and 3.83 1 and worth more
ing price
r n
-mmmvw o, bi,.os :
a-:i-TkVfr" bhifks included.
& -VS 'm M . , .' hH..
I Hayden Bros.9 Meat Leoi,
Unee more the Harden Bros.' Meat Market is abl'
to undersell every meat dealer in Omaha. We luy to
tfive the salaried ih'ojiIo a chance to eat meat as well as
the rich. Compare the prices below they tell 1h;
liea'f liiird, 10 pounds .$1.00
Pot Koast 9Y2r
Pork Loins 12XM'
Mutton or Lamb (whole). . . .'; .-. . . ... . .fVa.
Hindquarters Mutton or Lamb. ; .GV2'
Forejuarters Mutton or Lainb. 5t'
Mutton Stew, 7 lbs 25c
Mutton Chops, rib or loin .10(5
Xo. 1 Steer Hound Steak 12Vf
Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs 25(?
Pot ltoast 8C 7f CO
Bacon, backs 13T
No. 1 Iiam.s llaC
Bulk Sausage
Hayden Bros.1 Meat Dept.
(euAy (JUji (4vvi
Specials for Saturday
rans Nabob Soups (aasoi ted) . . .33c
irge aia I Ik kinatt's foucv Aiirlrnis
for 20c; per il.i.en 93.35
?-lh. ram I 'ai-peiilrr's .Sklnleaa J'ie-
Bei eJ Kiga Hue; per-do.ctl . . . . tJ.50
S-ll. can Kornlet (for con, ft literal
"I 16o
luc ran lmporteil Sardines Uo
Per dozen S1.68
2.'ir can Kreiich Pens 16c; dnr.un . .S1.70
2-lb. mi- 'lea tiardeti 1'reeerves ihh-
Horle.1 I at 3Ao
j Sc bottle lllshop's Chilli Haute.. fluo
4 b-llj. aai k "Kx.-ellence" Klour. .fl-lS
-H'. ack fan t'ake Klour 36o
1 S4-lh.-sack Wheatal Flour (for healih
$ bread I S1.40
fj 2Uc can K. t'. Baking Powder 16o
"Lotus ' ltutter ( 1-1 b. cartons .. .890
f. I aw IM
"Lotus ' Hut ter 1 1-
L Our beai Country K
j Jars i per lb
I" Dairy Butler, per I
Uutter tin aanitary
.... 360
I h Oh.
Cl i'rfHn Kkks (not over 21 iiours old,
from liiandela farm) per doien.36o
i7 MrK-tly trexti lr.KKH. per Uoxen . . . . .do
i' 1 ititioi lot .SwIhs i heeae. per lb 360
Hi H k, lieene, per ll 900
Fancy Jar I lieere. . . . IOo, Ifto and 8oo
I u" " t"lum ' '"""' "
, si.oo
i. ltailau Chen iiutH, per lb.
. 60
. I, ratio l-utt. eacli
Kmt Navel UiaiiKes, per dozen 8to
. r iK.. pur iu jsvto
vi plain l.ei tm e loo
j fivan M it'll roi'ina Bellevue Celery
i Uax and Hiring Beans
Cauliflower Head Lettui e
tj lairuts Ithubarb
jm lUdlblina Kndlve Spinach
1 4j Beets Tumipx
All I'U! pkga.
I'rui ker and CaRea-
ii'ice for
' C5 C"rii
j rui
- kki Buys Any Win
'ip lf;-9 ter Suit, Over-
. 'iCvr1' coat or Raincoat
l illSz'-. 'Z? in Our Entire
vii'.llnrS ccuted.
,IJS , f.w
niai soki up io
oroil, iMl'cct liT-
Schilfnrr t Mr
character of ours,
as fancy patterns
In lilaclv ii ml
Ovi-miuit left, made
than double our Sal
of Kerseys
uruay l cur
fvkW!J Q.vgfi ea35v CbSrWJk
Omaha's Pure
Food Center
All Sc pkga. Crackers and Cakes
lour tor
Cuui tiu y Cof lt-.e San roasted and
lrexli manted daily In our oilee de
part inoiii, on nmiii Hour. ?f
Tlicie ia uniy out: -i.otus-Ankola" .?J
col le - t hat a Courtney a. W e i lanu U,
"I.etas-Ankoia" to be Hie best c.n d-e
In the world. Per In., Uoo. 1 lirou 10... ("
..r fl.ilO Tr a pound. oj
Harvey KU-ker'a rainoiia "Ilalf-Mlu- U
uie I'oftt-e Hon," Prices 3
are fl-60, 91.76, S3.0O. .3.30 l
"Lotus" Japan l ea I Kuuranleed (o bu V
almolutely tree fi'nin all colornig i, g-
per tfc-lb. pkK. Hoc; jr lb. k , boo T
Finest a.ortnient of "Lotus ' apue. 23
iptepared in air HKht cunal A
at IOo, 16o and 330 ni
wises ikd Licjuoaa V
Ivlndgren's Alraks Punuh, bottle. 11-50 f
Anderson Bweoisn Anuvli, per but- S
tie ai.ks ?
Bagge Military Punch, bottle. .. ..l.BS J4
Tip, I'liiante, quart, ,lc. pint.... 40
7 6c bottle Bed Label Bui gundy ... boo s
fl.'u boti.e Mailnil (Oik l all Boo
11 60 bottle (Scotch VVIiUkey S14K) Cf
. ...i. i, .. ...ii a, ....
uu, hci'iiciiiili JO. full , J . . . . fl.wu jm-
Cedar Brook Wlilnkey, lull qt...S!AU
Old Taylor Bourbon, botilo ....ei.uO
M.moKiaiii Bye. gallon. I I 00, it .750
l... M.t.i !... wl....... A..u..l.
Ciaiet or I ilea I nig- Wine, gal ... 91.00 t
. I.arxe buttle 33o
Va. Ijji. large bottle, Hoc and....36o f
White Tokay, aa.lon, II 1,0; t... .60V"
7-eai -nld I i i or Shell y, o,t 5jo f
H.inH Ale. iK.ic n piiil.i I33S i
Cal. Bran ly, quail. V 00 and. . . .76o f
rBEB - Maturday only, a bottle (,r 'V
nine wiin t-,n iwi, iijni. ii inn h- t
year-old "lotus" bland Whlakiy at "r"v
.1.00. V
e preiiav orders for llouor to the 5
. ai.i, u...i ....... v
c3 C Co? CaS
5 i