i 14 TTTF, TUX: OMATTA. S A TFT? DAY. rEBKUAKV 11. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET!- Short CoTered, wnet Values Are Eased Off. short rl(Br. Ifti-, V d. rj ahott, 1IS". short clear. II . lii I - a,..,. ; i tMit i'AW If - l.ow i . 1 ic :r 'NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS : ration. Fa lit a Nab.. to... loon IHsl POsi .lEPnllT OK Till-: I I.KAHIXCi liOt K I to rBOSrECTS 1-ivCUISE SAO ('lour. I.I. In. V Heal. lt. torn, tin. 't. bll. KW UHK l.r.N i.il 41. -lAHKHI .... 4v" I".1"" . ... :.,.imi 3.i" ! I clean ;iiaxia.x. aJUiS juliiiJt, .iLL 1MX . can ,-naaiy deport, ..., ted v. of Steel Corporation. f.,P ,i. WffV. '.'"' ' NI-:V V)ltK. Krli in. Hrdstret' hank ;AXI I,.. . ... .. . .. I lf:nii.' lfDi.il for tr.e HffR ending Feh- aiv rIhim an Hfvrriml of lira SHahll) l.nnrr, a-llla lrrnd Uatrmml tharp Deri In la Anticipated I auk firala t lllaronnt. 4) aotalln) of Iter Day i ntnmndltte. YORK. M). 10 - Kl.'l lt n Varluna Market $.. wine. winter tifnH. clear, f i.Jt,( 4 A'.. 1, 4l.:u.ij0, winter 1 1F.'(i.t.:vi; Kansas H ilour miirKPi I NEW I 'i'iir; spring la.r-nts, .Height. hruiJu; OMAHA, Feb. 10. 1!10 RiMfW; spring A n expected, wheat valuer ('''I of f j inter extras, ,o. again a short had covcrid frei.- n . extras No making nn aiimnr.' of 2 fen ttont the hihiIiis, 4 I n", low point, Conditions have not rhanged iiulet; fair to good. and unl as crop damage and an lmpro .-,u , I ,i i. mnt In the cash demand develop the mat- uuu. z::. per l"o pound. kt hotil.i g lower i,n.,h.,lNfii), tine white and yel Corn wan slightly lower with whMl. and '"" V"'' "'?" -'" . .... -erfect weather condition are favoring , "..,,,.,,, j"'. ' ; ! In. I . ..... n i... u. elevator, ami s-sc. l. o. i,. aimai; .-u. i . stron gtoe and no harp decline an.- an- nor ,,,. Dun. n, $112 1. o. " llcipatrd ; iniure. wheal cold at a new low w em '. ......i ..if ,. fnrihrr elllnit level In the Iwal market analn. 'mere m JuVeM,;: "nyi'not re,,ew. , hea; y lli.uidauon wced ,.y the n..:i,.i h.. .'....nri other than ' and a belief tiiat the reciprocit.v an-irt h.ivina for nrofit. already accrued. ri"ing at l'volt,.: .wold lnrk Are Aanlit Atte anil 3llaurl I'aririr tilianrri lllaheat l.evrl for I'reieal Mntrnient. be I year. ainat $ It v eek ami 'T. i 1 in the rnrrrapondinc week lat The followlnii is a llt of the cltle: CITIKS. Dec. NEW VOKK. I'.i.. Hi-Wall atrret a In- oiffer.nre t) the iinexe-teiilv g 1 .lanu- at' i-i.i.ii ..r i. i-Hi. i . . . l.2iifl4.36; choice to i,,0,a,)n lu,,U). Ueinonatraed It,- apaihetio ...cui . ronniiion Into which the market ha I ' n. i ne increase or 4.i uin in un tiileu oifier at the ond of January an much atiove exi.i ctatlon and tlm flrat to he liirnn ulnce the iiiilincatinn urn was we.ik throughout the aenaion a tin. showed n.) feature, follow inn wheat lower, although .ieent receipt" are light. Cb corn la aelllnK at a heay discount naf1i the future and under present con dition rathe ate hard to bring about. Tlmarv wneat ikuit -ic moj.iajI bu. and ahlpment were bu.. against re- i"lpt last year of 447.u"0 bu. and anipmenta f fs.fliio bu. Primary corn recelpi were SSo.OiM bit and ahlpment were 5T.0iin bu.. agalnt recelpi at year of k:.0i bu. end ahlpinenta of f9.'.flol) hit. t 'learances were 400,000 bu. of corn, 610 bu. pf oata, and wheat and flour equal to 80,20" bu. Liverpool closed ".d higher on wheat and unchanged to 'td higher on corn. The following cash aalca were reported: Wlir.AT-No. 1 durum, 1 car. H.'.'tc. i.'OHX-Xo. 3 white, 3 cara. .Wc; No. 3 jallow, 3 car, No. 3 mixed. 2 cara, s'4": No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 37V'. OATS No. 3 white. 1 car, Uraaka Lnali i'ttrri. ham. Ji"...MXy.T.ii0. Cut meat WltrAT.. Vfi harit KHVifiSIVC No 3 I P' nied ueuiwa, IU lo 14 p........ , . - j hoIFSi'; So .d'hardSSc; Ve- lc; pickled ham.. 12120. baru leeteit h.Vi ..Bjdiij.' M.. 2 Hiirlna Sla taay; m.ddle west prime, tit. lOfoii.iw refined, W-tcNo 1 ?'aprlng . litWi continent. 3.0.40; South America, MM: l.'ORN-Nft. 2 mhll. Sftliifi:ric: NO. 3 comiKJiino. e.mws.M, white. 3!;.1He: No. 4 white. .tVr39c; No. 2 yellow. i'XVfoMVr; No. 3 yellow. :S.MSc; Jvo. 4 yellow. 3;vta3Sc; No. 2, iy(i.a.jc mil would at l'iul"tic net decline, ftiay. .'4cii.i'. cloaing ai !".'c; juiy. vn V V-lBc; aic, lei'c; leceipta, JO.imo bu. i uKa .-.pot niMrket easy: new No. 2. O'i'-jc, r. o. b.. atloat; future market was wiuiout ttansacticin. closing 'v net lowit; Juiy, M-tic; rectl.it. 112, y) Int. tATt rpot, maiket tady; standard white. 3'; No. 4, 3uc; futuit. maiket n without transactions, closing unchantd; Aiav closed at 37',c; July, iVic; receipts, hJ.S,:. bu. yuiet; prime. $1.12i. nominal: BU'UHOC. HOPS Firm, atate common to choice, 1910, 25f'c; 1909, labile; Pacific coast, 1 1 J 0. :'022c; 190!). HfelTc. HIUKS Dull; Central American, 204c; Bogota. 22c. L.r.rt i licit-Steady; hemlock first. 2.!', 0-'6''; neconiln. iii2St, liilrcis, 20c: rejects. Id 13 17c. pmlsiuNf Pork, steady: mess. $22.DOU2n.tO; family, t:2.W(2lM; short intra, 1 st .5oi il.uM. h-.ci, steady; ines. 11..U j 1 4 in. : la.ully, 3 16. j li I I.Mu . oeet 1 New Y'ork 1 hica'ju Itosl on , Pniliidrlphla .. St. IxiiiIk K aiiKAs 'ity . . Pittsburg .! Sen r 1 ancico !-Bltl,nore t iiicinnitl ; M inm aiidis . . . !t'le"eland New ( irtean . on I 1 .trolt 6. l. 29.' 2.S 4.4 'am 01 me rox.rt Tor the last quarter 01 li. The stock market did little all dav lonu , "l-einn laifiy htiong and advanced " -.....'o i wii iiik oruer. 1 ne rue OMAHA brought little KiiiiiM.it and pi.ee fell otf 1 """xTeleV whtn room trader took their pn.ftts. Mine- , ,iilsvllle , .... .j. uHirmrr wire ir.consiui-iaine. (Joulo mocks vere avaln active and Mis souri Pacitlc udvanced to it highest level lor the present movement. The weekly report of copper export kmo eo a nccrease. i.r 4.MW ton, or more i u. than half the total of exports of the pre- ; i, ',,ve vinuii week. . V ' KnotM, movftnent of money to the close I p'''",'!"'!". of business yesterdav showed a cash gain ' ... to- 11, n...l . -t!.. n. ..-L. , ivniMMOiiU .... ironi me iniei lor, indicating that the -loss In receipts was smaller than wai generally expected. In .u m ...... .. 1 . . . ' ...v...,..,, hit-, nu.wvrr. inst tomorrow s vMmi.l.lM bank statement will show a smaller cash I K, . .u gam than has teen the case for several w eeks. Honda were steady. Total rale, par value. $3.11. 1M. Cnited States bond were un changed on call. Number ot kales and leasing quotations on Blocks were as follows: gal, tilth. Low : .Milwaukee Scuttle St. Paul AtlHiitn t 01 1 land. Ore Washington .. St. Joseph ... Kort Worth . . ...I '.'.'. ... City steady ; No. 3. ?Mr:'ic: No. 4, r,W4Cl no grade, OATH No. 2 while. 2Ji2S,4c: standard, r-tJIS'ic; No. 3 white, 27Vj21 No 4 white. 2."ti27'c; No. 3 yellow, r,'iST,c; ho. 4 yellow, K'ttCSrVe. HA HLK-.o. a, Taa wV: No. 4, 63tf74c; Ko. 1 teed. 8'!'84c: rejected, 53ic. RTE No. 2. 79800. No. 3. 78?) 79c. Omaha (ask Prlrea. Wheat. Corn. Oats. I 323 . W 103 12 4 : i 67 Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha iMiluth CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area af tba Trading; anil lloalaai Prleea oai Board of Trade. jj CHICAGO. Feb. 10.-Advlces to the effect " that the reciprocity agreement could pass - the senate on a f orr-ed vote depressed the wheat market today. Flattening out of : cash demand further discouraged the bulla, ;. and so did poor trade In flour. Closing ; I irlcea ware weak at a net decline of H4c to ; PMtl4 Corn finished to Hftc under last night, oata off Vcu';e-and pro vision iac to 3?.1i" down. ' ' i With the short Interest in wheat elhn- Inated by yesterday's bulge and with no new demand appearing, the market dropped j . from he outset. Flour traffic was said to : be detmorallsed and there was a sharp cut In quotation for the product here. Further !, more, world shipments of wheat threatened f to he more than l.Oio.OOO bu. larger this 'week than for the llcedlng seven daya. ' Rains In Texas added to the selling pres : sure. Altogether the bears had full swing 't clear to the end of the Bession. May ranged : from Mlo to 96c. closing JC'lTfcc lower than s last night at 9nmjWc. Notwithstanding open buying of corn by :? a prominent house. Belling on the swell ',, grew more vigorous as the day advanced. ' . ran from t,o to 4V. with the rloae weak at 4SA48'-k(r. a net decline of lfyr. I Cash corn was ateady. No. 2 yellow ttn $ lshed at 4;t)47V- I f Data followed the same general course as Scorn. High and low points for May were ! 34iJ.3?v(c and 31 Sc. with last sales ,c net f lower at HS'i31V. - I Provisions roliapaed when one ot the packers who bought yesterday tried hla ' hand at reselling, lu the end pork was j' J7tc to 3f4iC less expensive, lard MSc to 15c i lower and rib likewise. 17c to 20c. ' i Prices In Chicago, furnished by. the fp S dike Grain company, 7u8 Urandels 'building, I Omaha. Telephone Douglas 24.1 ( Articled.) Upo.' UlgH. Low. ; L'lud. ' Yeg'y! I Allii.(-haltnri pM ... I Aliuiliaintd Copper lAmtr.i-an Agricultural 1 Am. Beet Sugar IAmerlun Can American a F.... Am. 1 'oil on oil I Atnarlnn H. A L. pfd Am I, Serurttlei AmeHian l.lll.eed American Locomotive American s. A h Am. 8 aV n. pr.i Am. Stael Founrlrlea. ., Am. Sucar Rrtninv... I American T. A T ! Amerlran Tobacco pfd. lo.Kiii r.s ,'is American Woolen Anaconda Mining t. .. Atrhlaon I'ALUjW-wu.et; prime city, hhds., 7Hc; cotoiir.1 , 1 nt' 1 c. KOOS Fresh gathered, selected extras, 21 &S!c; first, Wyt'c; second. lH(ijlitc; tresh gaihered ditties, No. 1. l6V(il7c: io. 2. U"i I;; retrigeratoi first. 15c; seconds, l'i'gllc, western gathered whites. 24'j2ic. 'Atchison Hl'TTKK steady; creamery t-peclals, 2c ;, Atchison pfel extras, 2.ri27c; firsts, 2fu24c; state dairy, 1 Atiimlc Coatt Una finest. 2bc: factory, current make, ltio. 1 Baltimore Ohio.. wiitisr. firm to Meuuy; mate wool mlik. winter make, best, ll'tfl-c; skims. 210C. lOL'LTRY Alive, 12c; western chickens, 1 3.ii I4c; fowls, Ij'i'ol'jc: turkeys, 16'tj(0c; dressed, dull; western chickens, 13VMllac; tow la, UViltic: turkeys. Idi'Sc. tlethlehrtn steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pscirio Central LeMhar Onlral Leather ptd Ontral of ;w Jaraaj. Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago it Alton Chicago O. W., naw.... C. 0. W. pr.t Chlcagu A N. w. ........ C, M. A St. P C, C , C. A St. L Col,-ado F. A 1 Colorado A SxHitarn... Consolidated Gaa Cni Products Delaware A Hudson Denver A. Rio Oranda. . 1. A R. O. pfd Diat.llera' Sccurltlea ... Kris Krle 1st ptd 3,1.00 l.3 em M Joo S.fOO Sim 400 in) i0 nn 200 5,sno loo l.Suo 2.100 1.700 SOI !W urn ,Juu 4:.S 10 a; u 42 SlS4 lun( t2 ll!tl 14..S 404 1'lTS I3. IKS' 7 I'm, 82'4 ll.) 27i 4.'. 40 4! l'l.i 61 11-', 14.,H 40 1l6 itw 7KV. :i4 31.4 JOi -in Cal Salt lake Columhus Albany .,. Tacoma .. Savannah Si.okane . I Toledo . . . j Hartford . uochester Nashville Ihiluth ... Wichita .. Peoria ... Norfolk .. Oakland z ? . Siouv t vitv -V New Hnven Grand Kaplds .... Scmnton ; loo 1.4 I Mirmlngham .-.0 1 Jacksonville, Fla I Oklahoma City . , Syracuse, 'Augusta, Ga .... I Worcester 1 Kvahsvllle I Springfield. Mass ' Dayton Portland. Me .... - Wheeling. W. 1 Little Hock . Charleston. 8 104 Knoxville ... g;j i naitanooga 1.1.1-. I "L'li.S!. I 2.2',. I i 20.81. lti.U . 18.4!. 23.1 10.1 i 1.6 4.3 l.o 1.4 32 4:. 54 S 12 41a ' ll lt.ss M 3.1. . 41) 1U67(, 1".", 123 S I'M I .... .... ,... 14. ....1 0.8 ,... 21.9 2.7 ..., 12.8 ,... 9.4 ....I 8.4 ....I 3.9 S.7 I 19.4 Va.. c..'. ctfa. f Wheat I May. t Juiy. f Sept. t. Com I May. I Juiy. 4 Sept. 1 Oar- ,(94ViS. .M''il,l .1 9-"l I aJ"h 1 li I I 8S I S3S 3'Vil 95 W , 91 Va ' 1 83H"n V2!4 91 I9luul 9J4, 4!V, 51-Sj WKATHKH IN IIIK URAIN BELT Snow KalHoar la the Lake Hegloa Warmer la Weal. OMAHA, Feb. 10, 1911. The disturbance that was central over the upper lake region Thursday morning, continued eastward during the last twenty-four hours and is central over tha New Kr.gland states this morning. Unsettled weather still attends tins disturbance and snows are falling In -the extreme upper 1 Kria id via. Ohio valley, lower lake region and St. I 'enra) KieoiHc Lawrence valley. Moderate rains wereirc' Northern, pfd. general in the southern states during the Northern or last twenty-tour hours and are Tallin? on I '",rVf- the west gulf coast this morning. The pres- !,,r Me pfd "" sure continues high over the central vnl- international ria'r4eate'r leys, and a change to much cjlder weather int. Marin ptu has occurred In the upper valleys and 1 international Papef .... upper lake region, and temperatures below j International Pump ... Benj were recorded In northern :owa and '"ntrai tlnoUKhnut the miner valleva Areau rf aanaaa City Southern.. low lirKiullr Are innulnir In nin.r . V. & . I ' V B" treme northwest and Pacific a, ope. and a silent but general, rise In temperature Is shown everywhere west of the Missouri river. The rise In temperature over the west will continue eastward and the weather will be warmer In this vicinity tonight, wtlh continued fair tonight and Saiuiday. minimum temperature and precipitation compared with tha last three years: 1911. into. 1109. 1908. Lowest last night 16 10-5 ;: Precipitation .00 .00 .00 T Northern Pacific Auiu.at ttinperature for today, 22 degrees, j .'l1 iHiiicuncy 111 precipitation since March 1, 1910. 14.09 Inches. lixcess corresponding period In 1910, 4.81 Inunt-n. jiiil-n-y corresponding period In 1909, 4.98 Inches. L. A. WKLSIt. Local 1'orecaster. 1M 28 S 'US MS 34 a34 Lincoln lo 4.700 4.14 10U 14SH 143-4. 144 14S 14t ..I 400 s.'.s a ) , ,",(H) 2. :ui) mio BOO 1,4"" ;oo too 1.6011 3. to) 3. 10 ;.ii n 1 Jo If KIT. Kll i:wi -S OS", s 31 'i bin, 39I4 I.-, ?', U6 IS' 117', 14:; 144. I7li, Ml, 71', 3f 31 'a .... ,... .... .... lAclade Ga l.oulnvlll A Naahvllla. Minn. A Si. Loula M., St. P. al B. 8. M... M., K. A T M., K, A T. pfd Mieaourt Parlfic National Biscuit ...... National lad N. H. K. of M. 3d pfd. New York Central N. V.. O. 4c V. Norfolk at w'eatarn.... North American I 49, all's t 4tf-'4Vt'l W", . 0W4l I I Pennaylranla Peopl' Oas P., .::. C. A St. L Uttaburg Oial Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace car.... Railway Steal Spring... Heading Hapubho Steel Kansas tltr Grata tad Provision. puhiir steel pfd KANSAS CITY, Feb. 10-WllEAT-Un-' R,"k I.Und t'o0''pf'd".'.' changed; No. I hard, 8tJi4Vic; No. S, 889 ! St. U A S. F. 2d pfd.. 92c; No. 2 red. Ssiit1f7c; No. 3. 92'S9oc. , St. Louli . W CORN He higher; No. 3 mixed, 4Ka41'4c; ! pl- - 8 w- P'd mimilei No-2 wh,te' mt"'' Nu-s- hen,", ..!:: OATS-Unchanged; No. 2 white. 3132V4c; '.'''-j'1'..;::;:; No. 3 mixed, 3ti.llc: :Trnnm Copper n. I r. - o. i, iv.jioc. . Teiaa A Pacific HAY 5oc to 31.00 lower; choice tlmothv, 12', l..Vl 44 43S 43, 2u IK 14 1', 19 300 31 '4 34 ' 84 , I 8 M nm 1I1S 111 400 147, 147 147 MO 3"V 30 30 40 1381, l.M'i 138', 1,7110 3, t"'4 t.,' t'K) 7 7 ', 14.400 1.714 6'i Wla SOD JS344 l:i', 133 4i0 674 (7 67 S6", 4.100 114 1I3S 1I3' 431, 4L'4, 4?-a .7'S ltI1a 1A, lOSa 1,4011 l.'6'a iii, U'HH ...... .' 211 jDavenport : llmington. Del " "4 j Mobile , j Wiikesbarre j; Kalamazoo a?!, racramtnto ks ! Topeka ' v euar naptas . , . ' Macon ! Fftll River j Youngstown . New Bedford I Sprinsfleld. Ill .. I Kort Wayne ... ax u t anion, o 1.-4 I Sioux Falls. S. t VJD'i j Akron I .-"n 1 Helena I l;W't I Columbia, 8. C F.4V i "l8ton 1 ,,,,, Fargo, N. D I 17.4 ! Fi le I I hock torn, in 1 Wu:ncy 1 riloomington t lipstei, Pa , Springfield. O.... South Bend, Ind , Lowell Jackson, Miss .... Hinghamton Decatur Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg. Miss.. Jacksonville, l., York, Pa Waterloo. la .... Houston Galveston 313.5tn4 On: choice prairie. $12.00. firsts, 22c; scc- HC'l TEH Creamery, 2jc onds, 20c; packing stock, IWc, KGUH Lxtras, IS'.tc; flrata, lUHc; seconds, tin .,?.-'-!?,HiB'.!MS?,I.8,SJf.l:J'!, ! Recelpts.Shlpments. 32 32trS2'.l eiep)...i I t or 1 1 1 1 May... IS 06 I IS 06 C juiy... IT 46 I 17 40 j May... I :0 j 70 I July... 9 67tj 9 6741 t ita 1 1 1 f May... S70 9 70 47V4I " July... 4a 46 I 9 I I Sept... 40 I 40 I 9 30 31' 12'a 1'heat, bu 17 KVt' 17 7J 17 07( 17 22: 47V 40 I 9 66 46 471,1 i I 9 S 18 07t, 17 50 t 70 60 70 9 47 60 Corn, Oats, bu. bu. 42.110O 38.UIO tl.OUO 08.OOO 62.0UO li.ouo Mlnneapolle Urala Slarket. MINNEXPOLlS, Minn.. Feb. 10.-WHF.AT May, 99c; July, 11.0081.00; cash. No. 1 hard, 11.01; No. 1 northern, Ko-cIl OuH; No. t northern, SoSiWSc; No. 3 while, vavunnHc. FLA X CloBcdf at 12.70. CORN No. 3 yellow. 41,42o. OATS No. 3 white. ZcVtc. RYE No. t. 77J78c. H RAN In 100 pound sacks. 32O.75ii22.00. Flxji;R First patents,' 34.5u'a4.95, sec ond patents, 4 4Vu-4.XJ; first clears, 32-taVa 3.35; second clears. $1952.55. Liverpool Urala - Market. LIVF.RPOOL, Feb. W.-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock. Futures, quiet; March. 7a Hd; May, Called. CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed, new, 4a 3d; American mixed, old, 5 2d. Futures, quiet; March, 4a3Sd, May, 4s3d; July, 4s6d. Mlleraakee Ciraln 14larkrt. VILWACKEE. Feb. 10 .-KlJOfH-Ixiw er. WHEAT No. 1 northern. l.02'ii'l.tx:; No. 2 northern. SI.OKu 1.01; May, 93c. OATS Standard. 3I-. BAHI.KY Samples, 78fq87c. Peoria Grala Clarke!. PEORIA. III.. Feb. 10. CORN Cn cliangcd; No. 2 yellow. 44c: No. 3, 43Vift4c; No. 4. 42ft 42 r; aample.' ;t9iij4)c. OAT S Hither; standard. 3P4C; No. 3 white. .!V- llalatk (irala Market. DCLI'TH. Feb. 10 -WHEAT-No. I north ern, OfV: No. 2 northern, 1in7V-': May, 9!T,c; July, Sl.noV T., .. L. i w T.. St. L. W. ptd , I'nlon Pacific , I nlon Psciric pfd I'nlted Slates Realty I lilted Slate Rubber , lulled States Htaal , V. S. Steel pfd t'tah Copper V. -Carolina Chemical .. Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland We'tlnghoiiae ICIectrtc ... Western Union Wheeling A L. B Lrhlih Valley To( a I aalea for tha day, . 5. too SoO 9,1 o0 !wi , 4,0il 3'fl ! 'i'jo.) 4) ' , 1.7. OOJ 10 . 1.30I , l.K) 4 CD . J.loO . 5.1-10 too 21 , Jl.ftoO 200 700 . 13.6"0 4i0 . 1.M0 . 1, 000 too . 1.J00 . 1.400 . 1.400 1H 107 ' 8 3 )t 37S 141 H 35 43', 334 7H 10 2', (4 31, 2S 24 1 MS 180A, '4 41 P, 119 H 46S 3S J714 SP4 70', 1274 lo7 '-I1 3S 141 37 ItfU, 3o 'ii", til 14 43 3.1 '' &-,s 11S4 2W s 3 2a 24', HtH 17V, 127S I07 7 US Sola 1401, 37 34, ' 3'.' -'4 4: I I Clearing. Inc. I I 2.27.1fiO WO 11.7 2711.4'i! (fi 3 5 li.u.OMV.lKC: 1n7.02ti.llia1 M.7(1.l .",4.li."i.0. 0, 14.2'iN.'0' 4i.;.71.ts) P.. 147.(;Oi' MI'.OOO, 17 !l."0 11.l7S.Oi41 2.0 2''.9v.OiX 24.4 13.Ko6.4SX) 1.4 13,963,000 ! 11.6 lK.(W.-,.0l1. 9.0; I 15.0iel.Oili)' I 5.0 14,i.35,0i)O 8.7l.llOO 8 WW. tO? . 14.!S.OV 8.99I.O0OI. 8.H77.I10 8.4S9.IX0 S.SJ.'i.O'lO 7,."i.tm! k.Svfc.ooni 7,329.0'in 7.713.0IX) 7.811.0il 7..'tl0.iJ: 6.130.000: 5.107.010. r..7:10,i) 4.l!n.000... r..i.tn.(HXi' 3.9S5.0ll . 4.120.000'. 4.2o'..0')0 . 4.2r.8.0 . 4,2ii0.liOO. 2,2X1.0001. S,519.(K)! 20.11 3.332.01101 9.6 3.:l71.0iioj 7.5i 3 244,000 5.7 2.2l8.0iiO" I 24.5 3.0l2.nOO .6 2.342,OOOi I 9.9 2.859.WOI 7.11 2.R47.O0t) 23.01 2.8m.OOO' 2ti.P 2.l41.(l00l ltf.u1 2.501, 10 4.0i 3.1M.000! 57.7j 2.lnrt.0ii0; I 6.6 2.4UH.000I 18.91 2.0J0.om.i I 4.6 2.100.000" 2.41 1.R79.0HO' 11.2 1.546.01KI I 12.6 2.009,0001 15.4 l.WO.ttlOl' 4. 7 1 1.791.f) 18.3 2.2;w.oool 20.81 1.5S9.0iKr; 8.9 1.014. 0u0i 16.4 i,:2.ooo! I 19.1 1.590.0001 12.61 1.473.OI0I g. If 1.4O9.O0OI 8.41 1.345.000! 23.7 1.044.000, 31. 3....... l.ir.9.000 I 13.3 3.848.0001 243. 2 1.443.0001 16.9 1,228.000 15.41 1,1.23,000! I fi9.000 j Wif.OOO' 7.3!., 852.0oi" 12.51., 812.01 J "89.000, 1.4 . 1.073,000' 42.2i., 1.403.0001 75. lj. 72S,t)00i "44.000: 717.0001 747.000 62,o00' Ii34.000l 5.S.J.00O 555.0001 fii;2.ono tvtt.OOO' 570.O soj 462.0001 339,001. 1 . 331.000! 47.000l 241.0001 " 089.0001 1.39l.0m)i 21 221,000, I 16.3 16.940,0001 22.8 ! OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Show Little Change in Pricea Since Thuraday. HOGS SELL FIVE CENTS HIGHER Pal MieD aell Ten t Hfieea tenia' lllaher. While lamb Minrr I. It tie Chanae na C'nmpareil nltN Tbnrailay. SOFTH OMAHA. Feb. 10. 1!U. Cattle Hoes Sheen ... 3.511 2 790 8.7P8 ... 4 417 10.T- 8.13: . 4 7i R 11.7il 11. d ... 4 410 9.190 2.A01 ... 1.2V 6-'4 2.400 Receipt were Official Monilav.... official Tn-sdav.... ! official Wedne-day Official Thursday Kntimate Fridry.... ....:'. 1 i. r. ... ij . t is ' . .1.' s 1 n t .... i ; 4., "!. . . :'"' ... Hi m -.). ... to W . . . .i'4 ... J js :i ui ... 1 ii M ... 7 n ; i ... j 4i 12 . . 7 1 . t t. 4' . . ;. :!- ... j 4 24 .. :T-. ... 7 J'. 1. J-.-1 ... 7 4 '- : IV 41 .... ... 1 4-. 7! IP 4 ... 7 ;i, ;4 -J ... 7 4. 0 ,7 7 IT', UK J..I ... T 4 s l-l s T 4(1 77 .' ... Ill 7 .'it ... ; .i j iot ... j 4:, 10:. . . . ;i4 ... f 40 ji: ... 71 " !' . 7 40 i.i ... t M !" 40 : 40 a: ... . ij ... 7 11 ... 7 40 67 : ... 7M :.. r . . 7 o DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Signs of Improvement Continue to Multiply During Week. MONEY MARKET IS DITROVED rive days this week.. Same days last week... 13.5 Same days 2 weeks ao. ;Saine day 3 wci ks ago. .....Same days 4 week ago. 1S.243 23.IJ3 .'4.394 20.441 ,22 .30 Same days last year. ...III. 4tJ The following tahle showt or cattle, hog and sheep at 2t.72J I 33.170 I 34.202 4o.vt;9 I 37.9!'4 32. 455 to. 701 43X3 39.2M 33.827 37.2.r.t 4ti.7u9 the receipts South Omaha for th year to date as compared with last year: .1 1 ar. ion Cattle 127,63". 'log 244.;tW Sheep 204,075 ':'hh fnllnu'lnr laKIa I.iim I prices on hogs at South omnha for the last several days, with comparisons: 1310 114.515 252. 714 171.444 Inc. 13.020 Dec. 33.031 me average Dates. I 1911. 1910.19O9. 11908. 19O7.H0fi ll906. Feb. Feb. 7h. Feb. IV h. Feb. Feu. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1....I 7 2S I 8 l') S2 4 10 Wl a 41 4 7 761 8 381 8 031 I 611 I 48 4 i0 X...I 7 3ti, 8 .30, 6 91 i 4 16! I 6 o3l 4 c" 4... J 39SI 29 6 04 4 171 6 931 4 74 5... I I 8 321 6 14' 4 21 6 at: 6 M ... 7 48l I 6 13! 4 221 6 9n n 68 4 S3 7... I 7 421. 8 511 14 101 ti 811 B bil 4 j4 '8...I 7 30'l 8 47 07 4 20, 6 87 1 6 9, 4 64 9... I 7 32 I 8 47 1 lr.j 6 91 1 5 i0, I W 10... I 7 38i 8 48 2: 4 (! I 6 72 4 1. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock al th e I nlon Stock Yard. South Omnha. for twenty-four hours ending al S p. m. yesterday: RKCE1PTS Cattle. Hogs Sheep. H r s. ...I I 12.7 r.o 3.6 5.0 0.6 fi.2 S.6 ,... ....I 7.31, 18.61... 6.3... 35.6... 20.81.. 32.9.. 45. 0i 18. 11 0 4.6 7.7 328 26.6 I !'.. M. ft St. P 1 10 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 I I'nlon Pacific 5 14 1 C. ft N. W., east 2 3 1 C. N. W.. west 29 25 4 C, St. P.. M. ft O.... 7 2 3 C, H. ft Q., east 1 3 C, H. ft g., west 6 1" 3 C. R. I. P.. east.... 2 6.. C.. R. 1. & P., west.... 1 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western.. 2 3 Total receipts 67 80 12 SHF.F.P The amount of hutne trans acted in the sheep ha'-n this morning wa necessarily limited to the usual Krldav Miluine. only ten or twehe douhles of fresn stuff showing ip. Yetrrily's cleaiante ,,, .a,.,.-n " ". "'II N.-ir. I'I'nri I" . HI II H j few strings of holdover were available The same dlKrlmlnatlon that wa eilent among buyer yesterduv n-s ai.nin appai- int thl morning, but wa le pronounce!. Sheep were wonted n"d lamb were se ond choice. Almost all of the regular hovers were an hand, total purchase leaving a cry good clearance. A lcwed hy soles of ewes, sheep ruled higher, best kinds elllng s hlKh a $4 2V Thl pi-lee and others paid Indicate an ml ' ance of hi'oi'.c over ester. i,. 's allies There were no wether of consequence in- I duded In the run. hut hands olfcnnn: would probably reach $1.35, quality being ; prime. Yearlings, n hlcli rccetn rei-plpts ! Iiave been small, brought a much n $.". ! Lamb trade w a aptiarentl- higher, hut when due allowance is made for shrink tin stale off. ilii);. price were possibly no hetier ban flim. Uisid dressers. even though weiglitv. moved around 15. 5. A maiie-to-order kind is quotable at $. Total receipts thl week have been rather libeial. with quality atid assortment about the same n usual. F.we and lamb made up the hulk, while wether and yearlings were scarce. Tone to sheep ho been strong on most day, present valuta showing net advances of about a quarter. Lambs sold uncertainly and are closing strung. nutation on sheep and lamb: Hood to choice lamb, 5.7ii;6.00; f:tir to good lambs, IS.25M3.i5; hahdvnelght yearlings, $4.85'(r MOO; heavv vonrllng. $4.S.'.'ti4 .8.1; good to choice wethers. 4.tii4 :ir.: fair to good wether.. ;t.7.Vu4.0u; good to choice ewe. t.!w4.2.-.; fair to Kox1 ewe. $3.50)13.90; sheep, cull to feeders, IJ.OOfa 3.50. KepreM'ntrti e tales: No. 22 western tamos 10 western ew-es 23U western yearlings , 454 western lnmhs , b western wethers ho 4 2o 1 255 western ewe 115 4 L'5 I 1 S. western yearlings 6 wesiern wetners and ewes 334 Western lambs 2 Western laiuli. culls 234 Western lambs, feeders.. 101 native lambs 217 western ewes 195 western lainhs 1 11 Western yearlings t Hlt AtiO l.lK S'lOl'li M.411KKT DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs Sheep 336 6'7 Omaha Packing Co l.'H 902 Swift and Company 492 1.453 Cudahv Packing Co 247 2.0:19 Armour ft Co 428 1.191 Murphy 1.WH Hill Ac Son 56 F. B. Lewis 3 J. H. Root & Co 44 J. H. Bulla 2 McCreary ft t:arey. 15 Iehmer Bros 4 .... Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 34 Cllne ft Christy 7 Other buyers 133 Av. Pr. 85 6 10 132 3 fit) 9.1 5 o) 84 6 Ml , 14 U 4 25 , 115 4 L'5 , 99 6 00 , 106 4 25 . . 93 5 85 . . 85 5 0o ..70 5 60 ..114 6 lo . . 9S 3 60 . . . 0 5 lio .. (3 6 65 Not included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. Ncst York l oeli Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan ft Rryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: : Amer. Tobacco . I Hay Stale Uaa... 1 Himlotl l.'ons ... 331 i Butte Coahtlon 6?i, t anna ft.-, I'hlno lltt ' fhlef fona , ' Kra.-t1on .i ! Uavla-Dair Kerr Uka OJIhwar F.ly Central Kly Cons Ely Wltrh Franklin .4 I I !. 24 ' M i i:' I :ia. 433 0;een Cananea .... t j . " hi'plratlon Ji, "4 Ijirosa 44 j . iii Xavarla I'ons 14a I .14 Newhouae 1 . 12'4 Xeaoa I'tah 1 1 14 Pit.hlo 1 'npper 14 I . l:iii, HawhKIa Coalition .. n 1 . 1', Kay l entral li, I . 7, Hwlft PhK f'o . 7 Seara-Rorbuck Cn. ..IDO?, in silver fi,-a ( Totals... 1.592 6.6R6 3.118 CATTLE The cattle run. as usual on a Friday, was quite moderate, only 445 cars being reported in. Thla was really not enough to make very much of a showing or very much of a market. The total for the five days foots up 18.200 head, as against 23,100 head for the same daya last week and 19.400 head for the corresponding period of last year. With only a few beef steers In sight and with a fair Inquiry prices showed no ma terial change as compared with yesterday. Pretty much everything In sight changed hands in fair season In the morning. Among the offerings were cattle good enough to bring $'i.20. The trade In cows and heifers was not very active, in fact. If anything, a little slow, but that Is nothing unusual on a Friday when the demand for butcher stock is seldom very urgent. Still prices paid did not show much change as compared with yesterday. . There were very few feeders In eight, hardly enough to make a real test of the market. The feeling was naturally weak. j as it is very apt to be toward the last of the week. quotations on cattla: Good to choice beef aieers, 16.0041.40; fair to good , beat steera., S5.600.00; common to fair bad steers. 4.75'j5.50; good to choice cows and heifers. $4. 50U6.50; fair to good cows and heifers, J4 i'.'y l.nO; common to talr cows and heifers. $3.2i4.26; good to choice stockers and feeders, 5. 44V(i5. 90; common to fair stockers and feeders. I4.254j5.00; stock heif trs, 'I3..fU4.50; veal calvts, 64.008.00; bulls, atags, etc., 3. 7 jit 6. 20. Kepresentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. Demand for Cattle nnil Sheep Steady lloa Fnlrljr ctlve. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. CATTLE Receipt. 2. ,",00 head. Market steady to strong. Beeves. 1 I t. llrtl 01- Tim ilnni-i i i 1 TJCIft western 1,539 . HtAor a iifr, X TO RlivLpr anil feeder, f.3.85 H5.90; cows and heifers, $2 .6V&"6.80; calves, $G.2:.r9.25. HOGS Receipts, 2S.fi0 head. Market fairly active at opening figures. Light.; I S7.55!t'7.80: mixed. $7.35'r7.75: heavy, Ji.i.i 7. lio: rough. ..l&li i.3o; good to choice heavy,; J7.35H7.!5; pigs, $7.55fi7.90. Bulk of sales. f7.5r 7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.000 head. Market Rteady to 10c up.' Native. $2 .5OIM.40; western. l2.5OTi4.40: yearling. $l.f.O 'ilfi.fio: lambs, native. $t 2.Vu6.26; western, $4 .50fa6 26. 646 Kanaaa 4 Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 10 CATTLE Re tetpt, 1.34M bead. Including 600 southerns. Market steady. Dressed heof and export steers. $6.150.75; fair to good. J5.4Ore8.10; western steers. J5.I55t6.25; stockers and feed-! ers. J4.60i(i..8; southern steers, 4w.2irttt.Z5: southern cow. $3.25fm.OO; native cows. J3.H0 fi-5.25: native heifers. 34.606 43. 00; bulls. Jl.oow 5.25; calves. ti.00U8.23. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head. Market 5c to loc higher. Bulk of sales, J7.5fvEr7.67. Heavv. 37.507-7.62; packer and butchers. 7.5:fi7.67; lights, 7.607.72. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.000 head. Market steady to strong. Ijimbs. I5.25f1.10; yearling. 34.80fi5.3S; wethers. 34.26 f(i-l. 6o: ewes. $3-7&fa4.26; stockers ahd feeders. 33.Otro4.00. M14 Huperlor Plttaburf 15 m si, j l.lroiik 404 si'a, 4'.s 4.i )', 374 H)S 4i, . 7.J00 17i 331,700 aharea. 1741 40 81 11 I 44 I 5 I 144 I !7 1 "4a I ., ! 74V. j 6 178'. Pelnliint IKvldfleld Plorrnce Goldflrld Daily .... Ilnalnn UOSTON. Feb. 7i Tononah Milllns 10 Trinlly Coppar .. US t nltad Copper .. 4 .North bake IS Bohemia 1 ' 4 '4 :i- i' f No. I 12 4 , ! 14 I 13 ; 4 ! 4 I 17 At. toft stocks were as follows: losing; MocTtS. 10. Closing quotations on f Cash quotations were as follows: f FIAJl'K r-avay; winter patents. II 200 4.70; winter straights. t4.ti4.50; spring straights. at4.5ot4.70; bakers. 33.4uiy6.lv; spring pat- "anta. heat hard. 36. IU. j RYE No. .2, -81c. BAKLEY-Keed or mixing. 6&72c; fair sto choice maltlpg. HOiiHVc. 1? 8EKlx4Flaj(. No. I southwestern, $2 50; No. 1 northwestern. $2.i2; timothy. $11.00; 5 clover, $14 75. PHoVlisloNS-Mess mrk. per bhl., $3l.ol '"l.2; lard, per l'i lbs., 19 4,i'.'.5o; short rlt.a. sides, t loose). $: 5ot 10.00; short clear 1 alooa tboxedh l.12'u Io.20. Total clearances of wheat and flour were ; equal to 87.0HJ bu. Export for the week, j as shown by Hradstreet's were euual to ' 1 X.J74. bu. Primary receipts were 3,) i f bu., compared with 44.ta hu. the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated re- celpts tor tomorrow: Wheat, 20 vara; corn. - 4M cats; cats. 132 cara: hogs. 13.uuu head. 'p Chicago fasti Prices hi at: .No. 2 red, 1 No. 3 red. 9l'4tiWe; No. 3 hard. WiHtsx ; No. hard. 92v4r; No. I northern spring. $I.OOi4it)1.03'sj; No. 2 northern spring, ;cj103; No. 3 spring, !7c4n$l.iio. Corn: No. i ca-sh, 4t!'iv4ic; No. 3 cash. 44yt46c; No. 2 white. 4ovjti47c: No. 3 white. 44 46': No. 2 yellow, 47o4;e No. 3 yedow. 444. .j46e. Oata; No. cash. 31c; No. 2 while. 2,c: iso. s wnite, mi3le; No. 4 while. :av,ia3l'e: standard. 8l x.u32c. HOT TF.lt steady; creamer ce. 175t2c; alalrlee. IwKr. EGGS Receipt s. 6 492 cases. Msrket l.oailun atoek tlnrr.et. atead; at mark, cases Included. 144j 16'; ; I.ONIh)N. Feb. 10. American securities I firsts. Sc; prime first. Vc. I opened Bteadv and slightly higher todav. i CHEESE steady; daiali-a, 15'4c: twlna, I Covering caused furthtr advancea during Il3'4lil3e: Young America. llttlSc; loni; : the f.rst hour, and at noon prices ranged! noma. 14i1jc. from ' to alsive yesterday New York I e Vurk Money w-.et. NEW YORK, Fab. 10 MONKY'-On call, steauy; 24t.2 per cent; ruling rate. 2'4 per cent; closing bid, 2 (t-T cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans soft and fairly active; sixty days. S per cent; ninety days, 3' 4 per cent; six months, Svt per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4 to 4 per cent. STERLING! EXCHANGE Steady, with actual buslnes in bankers' bills at $4.834u' 4.83ft) for sixty-day bill and at $4 8625 for demand; commercial bills, $4.82"at4.8274. SILVER Bar, 61c: Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS 4Joverninent and railroad steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were aa follows: ,10"4 Int. M. M. 44a .. .10.1a 'Japan 4 l2i do 4Wa .lo: i K. C. 80. lat .116 L. B. deh 4a l:ll .114 1.. N. unl. 4a.. . M. K. A T lat 4... 7 Ha 40 fen. 4a 4", 4a. .In Mo. I'ai-lfh- a 7"7. V. I. raf. :a. rag. to coupon I'. 8. 3i. r.' do roiipou V. 8. 4a. raf , do coupon Allla-ilial lat aa.. Atn.-Ag. 5a Am T. T Am. Tobacco 4s do 4a Armour A l'o. 4V)a. Alrhlion (n. 4a do cv. 4a do cv. as A. l-. L tat 4a... Hal. llblo 4a .to 3,a do 8. W. il.... Brc.a Tr. cv. 4a.. 1'entral of Oa. 5a.. i n. lstthar 5. . . . i of N J. f. 6.. do 44 do cv. 4i,a t hli-ago A A. 5ll C. B. A g. 1. 4a.. do aii- 4a O. M A St P. d 47' 89' Allouet Amal. Copper A. L A 8 Arlrona Cottj Atlantic B. A i: I'. A 8. M Butte t'oalltion t'al. A Arizona (Tal. Hecla..'. Centennial Copper Rang I, t East Butte C. M franklin Clroux Con r. ran by Con Craan Cananea ... Isle Royal Copper Kerr Lake Lake I Vppar 1.4 KaJI Coppr.... Wi noil rioppr Ki-dlv. ''Aakad. 3:1 Mohawk 4"'S Nevada Con 2'i N'ipliaini Mlnaa . 15 North Hint 41, N..rth Lake 2, Old Dominion .... . 'k On enla . 53 Parroll B. A C 63 Qiilncy :o Shannon , 7', Superior t:i, superior A B. M. . J4 Superior A P. t'. . . 4'4 Tamarack U. R. a R. A M. 4', do pfd , )3' I'tah Con 7 I tali Copper Co... . ;:ai.; Winona 4 Wolverina ....a.... . 2.1 ' . 43', . )' " I . 27S ' . 40', inn . 13 . . 11S i 14T, I .. MS .. 4H . . 1" .. 414 .. 8- ..110 -Futtirea . i1 N. It. K. ef M. 4,a 4a. .liwi, '.V. y. c. g. I',a.... Mi, . W do deb. 4a N. V.. N. )LA H. 4Tj POTATOES Steadv : choice to fancy Kic; fair t.) good. 4245o. POl'LKY-Sleam. Turketa: Hreed. fie. Chicken: Live, 13c. Spring: Live,' 1-tw. VKAL Steady; 60 to 60-lb. weights. 8o; M to 85-lb weights. irc 85 10 110-11,. weights, ll'.'.e. Car io Receipts Today : Wheat. 1 cara; corn, 83 cars: oata, so cam. Esti mated Tomorrow: Wheal, 20 cara; corn; 4 cars; oats, l:M car. St. t.oals ticaeral Market. 4a. ST. lAJl IS. Feu. ID-WHEAT-Steadv; track No. 2 red, mk-i$I.i; No. 2 hard m'ij. 7c; futures, lower; Mi). 94c; July, art.c. CORN-fteady; Hack No. J. 46c; No. ; hite. 45V4ti4Dc; futures, lower; May. 47Tu ttsc: July, 49'c. 1 (lATS-Uaer; track No. 2. 31c; No. ! white. 32c: futurea. lower;. May. 3oc. J RY E- 1 nchanged. 8.1c. T F UH k -yulcl. red winter palenta. $4 40 tft4 90. eitra fancy and straight, $J.ia ,;'; (hard winter clears. H25i3.i). nKFlk Timothy, tu.outis iu. 4 IINMKAL-$2 3U. i PHAN lxiw'rr; sacked, raat track, $1.07 tii ! HAY-Uulet: tlmothv. $13.4a).'d 18.00; pral- . Tie. $1 1 OiMnj 15.00. 7 Itii l.'l K I etead : chlckm. lie; apringa, alio: turkevs. t4-- ducks. ISc: geeae. W. I I'RtiV lsl )NSlork. unchanged: b fbing. -'l 00. I ant. lowar; prime steam. t S; 4;tt .47. Irv salt nieata. unchanged, TUutil. extra shorts. likC: clear riba. closing. CYinaola. raontf do account Amal. Copper Anaconda Atchlacsi 4n pfd Ballltoora A Ohio. Canadian Pactnc... Chasapaak A O... Chicago 1 W . 1,1.. Mil. A t. I la Haeea Iianvrr A Rio (J... 4n pfd Erie do lit pfd do :d pfd l.rand Trunk lhmola Central..., SILVER-Par, MONEY SVC . ', U.ulaiille A N . . aoi, M , K. A T . " S V. Central... . Norfolk A W .tlie, do pM .loan Ontario A W.,.. ..lo! )'ennMavnla ...i: Hut Mlnaa .. Kcadlna . . -i'i, feouiaem Ity 14. do ptd .. I' ftoulhein Pacific. .. 4 I a loo Pacific .. 7'. 40 pfd .. JS V Steal . . do pfd .. 41 Wabaeh ..141, 1)0 ptd I4ii S.anlih 4a steady at -3 U ld per ox. per cent. IMS 117 III) a; ti i 'a . . 40 la--. 4 1 22S 17', 3', M I C. R. I. A P. I do rfi 4i 1 Colo Ind Oa I 'Coin. Mid. 4a , c. A S r. A a. 4',a 1 t. A II. cv. 4a P. A K U. 4a lo ref. 5a I lsl 1 1 lera ia Krta p. I 4a do sen. 4n n cv. 4a, tar A . (V. aerie, B lien. tier. c. 4a 111. Can. lat raf. 4l Int. Mat. 4v,a Bid cv. 4s .110 N. A W. 1st t. 4i . . 4 do cv. 4s .. MS No. Pac ific 4i .. t:"a do 3a . . 80S 1. 8. L. rfdf 4a... .. M Pann. cv. 3S HIS ..Hr do aon. 4a .. S Readloa gen. 4a.. ..nV4 Bt. U A ft r. f. ..itiiw d gen. .ti . !', 8t I.. S. . t. 4a .. 71i, do lat gold 4a.... .. . A Is. aJJ. 4... .. 4i, So. Pacific col. 4a. ilo cv. 4a 41a do lat ref. s'a So. lUllwav 5a 7Si do gen. 4a 4!'i I'nlon Pacific 4a... do cv. a " do 1st A ref. 4a.. ' I'. S Hubner 4a ... -' I . 8 Steel 2d !... 'i. Va -Car Cham 4a. -' W abaah lat to . . 7"'a do tat A ex. 4a.. 7', Western Md. Is..., 71V Wel. Kl.c. cv. 5a. 150', w I, Central 4a. .. 47', V... Pac. cv. ;a... 74 (offer Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 10.-COFFEE opened steady at an advance of 2 to 8 point and Improved somewhat further dur Ina the early trading on a renewal of yes- f...i, . tcrday's covering movement and bull sup 'V I port inspired In- bullish Brazilian advices, 'a a hnlllvli rt.-tvulM i-ehle from llavra Anil ad- , vances In the Etiroien markets. Demand became less active at the advance, how ever, and the market later tnrne weak under a renewal of liquidation and local bear pressure In the absence of bull sup port. The close was weak at a net de cline of 6T1I6 points. Sales, 77.000 bags; February, 10.14c; March. 10.19c; April. May, June and July. 10.20c; August, 10 10o; Sep tember, 10 00c; October. 9.92c; November. 1 9 82c; December and January, 9 80c. Havre 'closed at a net advance of Sol1 franc; Hamburg was 2'4i3 franca higher. The of ficial cables reported Rio weak at a de cline of 275 rei to 7 $075; Santos, however, was firm and 300 reis higher at 6 $900 for 4 and 6 $4o0 for 7s. Receipts at the two ;k, Brazilian porta were lOOoO bags, against S'llooO hags last year. Jundlahy receipt were 2.mi, against 2.00U hags last year. A cable said to have been received from the government of Sao Paulo said: "Santos well disponed and well prepared to resist decline. Present crop is exhausted. We confirm reduced estlmatea on next crop.-" Firm offer from Santos this morning were said to he 100 points higher. Spot coffee, unsettled: Rio No. 7, 12'pl2'c; San to No. 4. 12Tfil3r; mild coffee, nominal; Cordova, 13til6aC. I!t4'a 1. . st . . los-"-, ,.10.)', . . 7i.' ! .. H-144 I .. ss'. : . .lo.v, 1 ... 7 i 4a i 31.. 4 . I . 11.. I. 7.. 4 I. . 4 . 4.. 4.. I.. 4.. 14.. I.. II.. I . I.. I.. I.. I.. 4.. II. . I . I.. 6 ....1146 .... IM 44 .... 804 bo ....1179 ..17 1154 1045 174 836 J 484 410 100 lnS UK IliO fc-,2 af-l 1110 1017 1004 1036 741 410 Ill 76 400 771 741 480 447 11M 1000 1140 1440 1M0 1160 1670 UJO 1S20 1410 166 3T0 171 8 t 441 320 Pr. No. A v. Pr. 6 00 6 1144 I 74 4 'li 33 14 IA 4 Ho I 30 4 M I l 6 30 It 1.308 6 S" 4 40 U 1155 4 M 6 45 41 HAS 4 00 6 60 17 1844 4 00 6 45 21 12( 4 04 I 40 II 12i4 4 10 4 4o 20 l?i4 I 10 I 45 14 11112 4 20 6 70 20 127a 4 10 COWS. I 10 4 1116 4 40 I 75 11 1114 4 56 4 00 4 1116 4 40 4 00 It t!7 4 0 4 00 4 ,....12?5 4 70 4 00 1 8M 4 76 4 10 17 ixf, 4 Tfi 4 20 1102 4 74 4 11 It 1107 4 74 4 25 t 1111 4 76 4 25 I ,. .1050 4 76 4 25 4 lint 4 u 4 'it 12 tfl 4 16 4 16 1 1134 6 00 St. I.oul LItc Stork 3arket. ! ST LOUIS. Feb. 10 CATTLE Receipts, 1I.20O head. Including 300 Texans. .Market ! tealv. Native shipping and export steera, $i'..5i'iic7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, I 6.00(a.50; steers under 1.000 lbs., $6.2fvi4i.75; ! stockers and feeders. t3.7Islii5.nO; cows and heifers, $4.0031.(JO: canners. $2 853'3.25: bulls, I $3.764i6.50: calves, $5,004(9.25. Texas and 1 n Idlnn steers, $5.fln4i6.50; cows and heifers, HOGS Receipt. 6.200 head. Market 15c higher. Pig and lights. $7.60a.15; packers. $7.55(17.65; butchers and best heavy, $7.6tva 7.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.7X head. Market steady. Native muttons. $3.75 f4 25; lambs. $5.50rg6.25: culls and bucks. $2.50 4)3.00; stockers. $2.0&'3.00. St. .Inaeph Lire) Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 900 head; market steady; steera. $5.00 fi-,40; cows and heifera, $3.2686.00; calves, $4 OOTtS OO. HOGS-Recelpts, 4.600 head: market strong to 10c higher; top, $7-70; built of sale. 17. 60127.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelpts. 1.000 head; market steady; lambs. $5.604j4JOO. 4 40 HEIFERS. 4 26 4 16 4 10 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 40 4 74 4 76 22... 21.... 24... I.... II.... 4.... I..,. .... .. 11 ..1021 .. 447 . . 611 ..10?6 .. 4ai) .. 100 .. 74 BULLS. 4 60 4 66 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 46 4 45 4 70 4 70 4 76 CALV ES. 1 140 1 140 1 17S0 1 1100 1 140 1 1140 1 132J 1 4J0 1 1430 1610 4 71 4 46 4 0 I 00 4 00 I 25 4 24 6 4 76 4 75 4 0 4 45 4 as 4 DO 4 to 6 no 6 00 I 10 Stork In Slalht. Receipts of live stock at the five prlnolpal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. South Omaha 1.2"0 6.o0 2.400 St. Joseph 900 4.500 l.oon Kansas City l. 7.000 3.000 St. Louis 1.2"0 43 300 1.700 fhlcago 2.500 26.000 8.000 Totals ..7.100 60,000 16,100 Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 10. COTTON Spot, closed quiet: middling uplands. 14.85c; midd ling gulf. U.Coc; sales, 304 bales. BT. LOUIS. Feb. 10. Ct TTON Un changed; middling, 15a. No sales; receipts, 1.631 bales; shipments, 1,977 bales; stock, 22,000 balea. New Tork cotton market, as furnished by Logan ft Bryan, members of the New York Cotton exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: Month. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea'y. 4 25 4 76 6 on b on 6 35 4 on STOCKERS . 4 la's, . -. . s, .108 .l'44 ,.1-iS 1 . !i, .nm2 I"'1 ,.oi I ,.loll, i .. US 113 M i ! The rate of discount in the open market for short bills I 'a Per cent; fur three I months bllla. $1-104)3 per cent. I. oral Seenrlltrs. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker ft Co., 419 New Omaha 'National Bank bulld- , ma. "u Km York NFW YoUK. Feb on tba A Ma Coin. Tuiinst aiock do bnada too I al. A Va. .. Horn ilar Iron Silver Uradvllie Con ... Mining exchange: 1WI l.l'll Chief . It Chicago Railway Sa. ltlr City Nat. Bsnk Bldg. 4. Omaha Columbua. Neb . B Is. 4a. lt-'4 Cu.laBr Pai-ktog o. 6a. 1SJ4 Cora Kirhauga Nit. Bank, umaha ... r... Tork ISa. 1444 I'"!. I losing uuotatlona i.ai Creamery lat g. 4 par cant uii.au I C. talus MI4M-ka. .140 . la loom Ontario Ophlr standard V,lo Jackal .. I ..!4i . .i:.i) .l.o ..lu .. 3 i:riTa kra Ina Hlrka-K.-Plarsutl IStoul Oil)) !huII. N fnool to !Lvon "o . Iowa. 4 per cnl ararranu iKakraaka Land and railing 4a ,ana Co.. Na . ar . 4 r oant.. 'Omaha Counter Club 4a. ltll 'Omaha Gaa 4. III! IIUI4I.4 Water to. 1441 Omaha Bt. Rv. to. 1114 . a. -1 t' . am. 1 l.'l OMAHA. Feb 10 Bank clearings for lo- Omaha A 4". B St Rr. (4 I p. .. day were 12 .3S3 417 17 and for Ilia torro- omaka A C. B St. R . oui spondlng dale last year $.,630,177.14. ilaioa luetk Tarda stack v i Hank Clearings. ' i " tit 17 " 1x4 ti " K"4j M as tt ti ti tt t at 4 4 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 10. M ETA 18 Stan dard copier, steady; pot February. March. i April and May. $1 1 87HH 12.12. Ismdon I market firm, spot, U.V.; futures. 55 15a. Ex i ports of copper tes.rted so far thl month, ; 8 .185 tons. 1-ake copper, $!2.6.'4j 12.87; i electrolytic, $12 37fi 12.62; casting. $II.0u4) 12 Jo. I in. unsettled; spot market. $39. oca 4o.i: February. 19. 10n-lo.o0. March and A nnl I rillilii'nlll 11... 7h O-.l . n . Asked i'i". ...oj, ..-.i...o.-. aa ' Iondon market strong: siot 1.178 In. t i futures -C 17X. l-ad. dull; $4. 4Ki4. &o. New t2i,:York: $4 25.a4 30. t;aat St. Loula. London H j market AC i:i Is 3d Spelter, dull; $5 tV-'ij5 60. 104 New York; $5 ;kVii6 4n. East St. Iotila. lon- I don -1 7s od iron. Cleveland warrant. IU? M" ,n ' OI"1"n- Ixxally Iron waa quiet; . ''Psn. I founorv northern, lis 2.-4ii.2a No 1 foundry northern. $14 754915 78; No. I south ern and No. 1 southern aoft. $15 25013.75 ST. 1Ol'lS, Feb. 0. METALS Lead: Dull at $4 00. Spelter, firm at $V37'-. t 147 6 574 4l 2 H t 4o0 HOGS Cost around a nickel light run and slblo for the shared In the advance I 14 6 on I 10 6 10 6 10 ot and' II.. 171) Ill) 240 J2 1?4 150 FEEDERS. 734 6 30 616 1 3o 141 6 46 673 ( 50 7 00 60 T 50 50 I 75 7 73 March Mav .. July ., Aug. .. Oct. .. 14 SO 14 35 14 39 14 13 13 19 14 21 14 04 14 04 14 38 14 21 14 21 14 40 14 23 14 24 14 13 13 95 13 !S 13 21 13 09 13 10 14 IS 14 32 14 36 14 OT 13 17 F.nporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Feb. 10 EVAPORATED APPLES Continue steady and unchanged; aiiot fancv are quoted at 12ffll3c; choice, ll11c; prime, lovol0c; cold storage, 6l'(i 10c. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm on the Ismail supplies; K'-afilP-aC for California tip to 30S-4OS, anil rsuii'-jo mr ciregona irotn to :' ai.iliolH. eaav. with fall v liberal etive demand being respon- I mock on hand; choice. 13c; extra choice. Improvement. All welghta j i;lv ru l.!.c: fancy, 13VJ'14c; peachea. quiet and all classes of i and ateadv; chnlre. 7S'7c: extra choice. hogs higher averaged right this morning, a i I, over were out for business. A few early offering went to shippers and speculator at figures possibly 51 loc higher, hut park era' droves were generally pub up at the lesser margin, the bulk moving into killing I layers, $1. 4oy 1.46. pens. : Clearance was made within two hnuta! after tha opening, light and bacon grade selling at usual premluina. Heavy am ma; bt ought $7 30 and less, while ordinary mixed ranged around $7.35. Tope reached $7.50, a nickel higher than extreme sales yesterday. Receipt thus far this week have been normal, with trend to value rather erratic. Prices of the first two days allowed some Improvement, but Wednesday's decline car ried the trade about a dime under Satur day's levels. Recent reaction leaves the present market only a shade lower for the five days. 7 Wo s4C ; fancy, SVtSc; raisins, quiet, with. a small demand, but little pressure to sell: loose muscatels, 5si'u'),40; choice to fancy seeded, 614'u7c; seedless, 4-1, ti tic; London l.rrater I onlldruir lnplrrrl la Indus trie and Trade, Especially In Iron and Strrl I ndnatr llullrllna Untlook Heighten. NEW YOUK". Feb. 10 15 G inin Co. a WtUIv Review of Troile tuinormw wil Mi l : Sign of Impinvrmept continue to tnu'tl pl I lie matKed hettct toer.t ot the m mey and Invest lueiil insikeie has sei e. .. in fcl'ii'. Ki'i'Otcr ii'titioint e in in, liiilusi i ie-, Htnl trade1-, i specially In .the i;.n n i , 1 ste.i lnilustl. I'he bllllolhi; outlook ihkIiicii" pitci.pi .tii- l(s ,i,e spring a pin oiicue. Ihiie is priiclicallv Ilo cii.i.im ill l..oi em c. mi, line. ns lohhei are loinun ' e tew mail nrdeis. out there Is no uen ctal buvira hum ein nl m piomess. How- eer. .New l.tlKlalio inn . . Ill ari u I t IS Ulllo i- pate more nctn , , as vthohsalcis lhro.it;li out tue iiiiiion art known to be short of working supplies Ice iimriNcis In h.U anu 1. -allot M.oiv ci.nsulerHhl less aciu Hy than pM'v loiisU . Uiwev taw tiiHtenal ha caused easy tie. matid In umic hues of col Ion goods in me primary nun keis. hut hi ow n drills and shetitigs hold steadier .nan , rint cl. l i yarn fanrlcs. IIR4U4THI:HT'8 HEX II U ok 1HAHK Trade I ontinurs 4)uie with I onaldrr ablr Irrruulnrlt) Itrportrd. NEW YORK, Feb. in - Hi aill reet to morrow win say; Trade continue fpilet with considerable, lrr Kiilarlty manifested, aceoidmglv a iln ferunt section anil lines of huvitirss and manuiacturtrs irport. The weaihet ha-4 played a notable part In this respect this week, heavy snows in the north and west being a temporary bar to operations:, whue In the south unseasonably warm weather has checked retail distribution. In wholesale and Jobbing lines there are Increased numh rs of buyers i-lble in h ading western and sunt h westet n mar kets, with a fair increase in sales result ing, hut there, n lu the leading east, i n markets. cons"i vat ism in buj lug and some tlisoppoir tun nt at net results is noted. 'I he disposition SUM I apparently to hue only for actual rniulrr mi r.ts. The brink in raw cotton in the Inst week ha not stimulated demand for cotton to any great extent, ami cotton jama have 'moved Iotvu without Inducing much new ih innnii. Cotton goods ate still the limit actlxo branch of the textile trades, ihotixh there 1 a fair gain in bookman rt uoob-n good-, and ;o per cent of the huding Inter, st woo'en mill c.ipacily is now reported m operation The most optimistic icporls from anv Industry conic from the Iron and steel trade which, juiliting from the r. polls of unfilled orders, turned the corner for the hetier In January, thus con firming re ports of Improvement made some lime a;o. Pig Iron .a a Utile flrmei, and rails, stiuc t in al material and wire are selling bel ter. Reports as to collections show very slight changes and slow to fair Is the prevailing report. Business failures In the United Stales for the week ending February U were 2'.'1. against 2!i0 last week, 2.U In the like week of 1!U0, 211 In l'.iO.i, 329 111 1! mid 209 lu 1P07. Business failures In Canada for the week number 44, as against 37 la.n week and : In the corresponding week lust year. Wheat, including flour. e;iorts from tin United States and Canada for the week ending February 9 aggregate." 2.274.291 bushels against 2.234.4ro ial week and 2.40S.003 this -veek last year. For the thirty-two weeks ending Febru ary 9, 4xport are 76.444.277 bushels against 103.617,044 In the corresponding perlou hist year. Corn exports for the week are 2.541. 077 bushel against 3.3IK.OIO last week and 1.13... 90 In 1910. For tho thirty-two week end ing February 9, corn export arc 25,I2;;.i:!J bushels against 16,406.731 lat year. 4) l Alia w hoi.kv h.i. I'Hli i:'. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delhered to the retail trade In 1-lb. carton, lie; ,o 2. In 90-lb. tubs. 26c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 26c; packing stock, solid pack. 13c; dairy, In 6-lb. tubs, 154,16c. Maiket changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 16illl6c: young Ameri cas. 18c; daisies, 17c; triplets, li'-ic; llni burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, l.c; Import ed Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, 22c; block Swiss. 19c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under I lbs , $5 per doa.; hens. 14o; cocks. 11c; ducks. 18c; geese, K,c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per dog., $1.20; homer squabs, per iloi,, $1; fancy snuabs, per dos., $3.60; No. 1, tor doa., $3. Alive, broilers, 16c; smooth legs, 10c; hena. I0c; stag and old rooster. 7c; old duck, full feathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkey. 19c; guinea fowls. 25c each; pigeon, per dos.. 6c; homers, per dog.. $3: squab, No. I. per dos., $1.50; No. 2. per dos.. 50c; capons, over 8 lbs.. 14c; old turkeys. 17C. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, J0c: No. I, llc; No. 3. 9Vc; No. 1 loin, he; No. I, 13o; No. 8 H)o; No. 1 chuck, 7ac; No. 2. 7io; No. 3, 7c; No. 1 round, 9c; No. , 8c; No $, 8c; No. 1 plate, 7c; No. I, c; Mo. I, Ic. FISH tall frozn)--P1ekerei, 7c; whlta, 11c; pike. 9c; trout, 11c; large crapples, 12016c; Spanish mackeral, Ulc; eel, 18c; had dock, 18c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 90e; roa shad. $1 each; shad roe, per pair, Sc frog legs, per dos., 60c; salmon. Ho; hali but. 10o; herring. 6c. FRUITS Apples: Mlsaoiirl Jonathan, per bbls., $6.75; Missouri Ben Davis, par bhl. $4.76; California Ballaflower, per box, $1 65: Colorado, extra fancy, Jonathan, per full bu. box. $2 76; B. Twig and W. v. Pearmaln, per full bu. box, $2 60; Wash ington, extra fancy Wlnesap. 96-112 alsra. per bu., $2.76; 150-1.6 sixes, per box, $160. Parana: Fancy select, per bunch, $2 36' 2 60: Jumbo, per bunch, l2.7Tva8.76. Cran berries: Per box, $8.50; Jersey, per bbl , 19 76; Wisconsin bell and Bugle brand, per bbl , $10.50. Dates: Anchor brand. nw, 80 1-lb. pkga. in boxes, per box. $2 00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., c. Figs: New, California. 12 12o. pkgs., 86c; 36 12-o. pkgs.. $2.40; 60 g-os. pkga.. $2.00; Turklah, 7-crown, per lb., loo; 6-crown, per lb , 14c; 4-crown. per lb., Uo. Grape fruit: P'lorlda. 46-64-64 alxes, per box, $8.76 , 80-96 alxea, par box, $3.26. Umoni: Umonelra brand, ex tra fancy, 4-S60 sixes, per box, $4 50; choice, 300-300 sixes, per box, $4 00 ; 240 sixe. 50c per box less. Orangee: Camella Redlands navala. 80-94 sire, per box, $2 65; 126 size, per box, 12 76; 160 sire, per box, 12 76; 176 and smaller sires. IS 00, choice navels, 80-96 sixes, 12 35; 126 size. $2 60; 150 and smaller aizes, $2 60'u2.75. Pears: Cali fornia Winter NeMIs, per box. $:76; New York Kelfer, per box, $2.75. Dry Goods Marker. NEW TORK, Feb. 10. DRY GOODS -Tha cotton goods r..srkets are pilet. Rids for substantial quantities of wide print clothB at about 26 cents per pound were in the market in the late hours today, hut had not been accepted, the price being a concession of 1-I6c a yard. Local rn markets are dull. Pulled wool ar ea-sy. Retailers art buying conservatively In jobbing houses for spring ahlpment. Wool Market. ST IOUIS, Feb. 10. V )OI Unchanged ; territory snd western mediums, 19U22c; fine mediums. Kalv-; fine, 12ni;c. umaha Hay Market. OMAHA Feb. 10. - HAY No 1. $1000; No. 2 $300; pscklng. $6 00; alfalfa. $12 00. Strawi Wheat, $5 50; rye. $.50; oata, $7 i0. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feh 10.-HUTTER-Firm, extra western creamery. 8k-; nearby prints. 3lc. K.t4iS Weak: Ic lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free rase. 21c at (mark; current receipts, free case, Joe Bt mark; western lusts, irra case. v mark; current receipts, free cases, 20c at "c'lIFESB Steady; New Y'ork full creams, fancy," September, 14c; fair to good, 13(1 13c. lull 100 loo t4 lo lunar Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 10 SI GAlt-IUw. steady; nnmi'ui ado, M teat. 2 9c; centrif HUM I lei ttat. 3 tec; mulaaae. ay last. 2.73a aa jKefAned. steady. 101 t;s I ,o. Av. Sh. Pr N A. tk. Pr, j l 1)0 ... 4 26 n 170 ... 1 40 ; 1 444 ... t 00 22 1 ... 7 40 4 i;i ... 7 10 66 21 . . 7 (0 M J44 14 t 15 74 121 144 7 4-1 64 1"4 ... 7 15 17 141 ... J 4,1 1 II ... 7 10 41 Si ... T 41 2 11 ... 7 10 71 toil ... 7 40 47 U-' ... 7 40 IK ... 7 4o 2.M ... 7 10 "1 r. ... T 40 (0 276 ... 7 11 77 l?4 ... T 40 64 tit ... 7 10 7 ! ... 7 4-1 6t " M 40 7 " i ... 7 40 171 . . Ml ... 7 10 IS Sil ... t 40 47 .274 . . 7 rj'i n M4 ... 7 40 aa rvl 110 7 '?s ! 4 ... 7 4i al 4 ... 7 14 71 1-4 ... T 40 62 207 ... 7 Is 75 Ui ... T at 4 15 ... 7 45 7.4 M4 ... 7 4'i 71 m ... 7 46 44 T-2 ... 1 40 I 4 ..2t ... I I. 44 I ... t 44 1 at ... l ... 7 U 7t Ml ... 7 4) 64 a) . 7 14 7 t:1 . . 7 4', 11 B0 T 75 44 ... It 2i4 7 U 77 2-4 7 4., I (4 I JO ... 1 44 74 ...1 ... 1 44 111.' K.I ... f 44 44.....1.IC3 ... IW Tnrpratla nod Hoain. SAVANNAH. Ga , Feb 10-TURPEN-TINE Firm St 87c; aalea. 158 bbls.; re. elpta, j 138 bbls : shipments. 10a 01.1a. , sum aa, I ' Hi )SIN"-Klrm; aalea. 106? bbls ; receipts 4-0 bbls : shipments. 8 09 bbls ; slock. 6:,4 I....I. i n.otstlona: H. D. $7 i"il7 16; E. $Mi.'; a,. BT4.7UV17 lo: G. $7 10; H. $7 20; I. $7 15. K I 17.67, M. $' I $t u5. I9K Canada Land 191 1 Last Mountain Tails Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd., Winnipeg 7anted: Live Agents to represent na In Iowa and afabraska. Por partlcnlara sail and as or writ) to K. . BIWtK, Oen, up. AVa-aoolaa, 657 BatAKOEIS BLDO. Oniaba, Wab. 9o; N. $7.96; WG. $8 00; WW. I ni porta aad Exporla. NEW Y'ORK. Feb. 10. Imports of mer chandise and drv good at the port of New York for the week ending February 4 were valued at $13 4oJ 724 Imports .f Bpede for the port of New York for the week ending today were o -i..i silver and II U 272 gold Kxporte of I at.e. Ie for tha weak wars 4W.4'4 Bilvar and I VAi.oou guld- Wa Bay and BaU Stocks and Bonds Fobt. C. Droesedow & Co, S9-C60 Mew Omaha Bat. Bank B14r. Omasa. BabraaXa.