THE lUlE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. lT.UKLIAKV 7, UM1. 1' f .-lit thiM urn mmmt feggg- " L--1..1 ;...w!.u...,B.Sr-. ., ,.,, ,,,.. ,, . ,, ,,, . ,.. , , , .-, , .,. V - ssyswxjsss ...... ,. 1 j ; , ... j . ... .1 i..i!JiiL-i 'II T-WI 'I', ' . .S.'lTOifcgSSSa A nam St. 1 1 i'. i OFFERED FOR RENT House aad CcMairi ontlaoed. WflAND pew 5-rorm lunalow t 1S- klandeikon street, phone Harney H'W. MoDfcRN P.RICK. ) IlliiiMi. Choir location for boarder and roomers; food repair. Corner 2sth and lewel Av. 'hon larney ?,m. Keys at ZiW Howard. MARIll 1st. 8-room, mndfrn residence, Park Av., large lawn. Phone Harney 44. 8-ROOM. all modern house, a-ood loca tion. 814 N. 40th; rent 80 per month. c-room, all modern cottage, nicely deco rated, ail N. 4lt Ht.; 7! .M month. THK 8. D. MKRCKB CO., Tel. Dou. 1D3. 704 City Nat l Bank Bldg. 8EVEN-ROOM house, all modern, block from rara. lundee. Phone Harney 2.V.8. ( ROOM house, 715 No. Md Pt. I6. Water paid. Harney SJ. bath. gas. tares aad ufflcr. IN new building, corner of 13th and Tar. nam Bts., an entire floor. 44x1.12. Suitable for jr.bblng or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenaer and freight ele vator service. Be J. A.. Freeland, 111k Far Bam HU HF.ATF.D room for barber shop In new brick building at 32d and Arbor St. Ex cellent location for good barber. D. J. Hughes. Harney 4t Xfi 8. :d Ave, TO LEASE, term of years. Fin corner. l&'xlXI. near mala posioflice. AddresH, T-24, care Be offloe. FOB RENT-Office room. 6113. located on top floor; facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for $i5 per month THE BEli BUILDINU COMPANT. FOR R F. N T Modern storeroom, 14 J'onVlns; steam hen ted; reasonable rent. Tr. phone Doug. 42O0. DF.HJC room, both phones; use of steno grapher If desired. 82 Brandeis TiUlg. OFFERED FOR SALE rarnltwr. KINK weathered oak buffett and library table at sacrifice. Harney 4j.'K. Ft RMSHlNUa of a five-room cottage for sal clisup. Ml S. Zid bt. 1 f evrltere. BUT sn U C. Smith A Bros, typewriter. B. V. Bwaosou Co.. distributers. Vili Far- HKCOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1007 Farnam. T Y PEW n ITERS, MAKES. 'LEABAiNChJ BALK NOW ON! Prices low to get the rauh. 1-4 to 1-3 regular pi li es; any make you want. Get on while they lant. li. V. SWANBON CO., 131(1 FARNAM ST. Mlecellaaeoa. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Ws lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy paymenta Brunewlck-Balke-Collender. 407 S. loth SL SECOND-HAND M0T0E3 LE-BRON. li UOUTH 1JTH ST. FOR SALE On Farker Bros, hammer Irts, 10 gauge, twist barrel, ahot gun, and leather case. 140. One Parker Bros, ham mer gu, lo-gauge and leather case, On Hmlth & WoBton, 38 caliber, hammer les revolver, 110. Address L 614. car Bee. WI HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rel which w will sell for 60 cents each. 1 hey are fin for rain water or asbea t all at press room. Be Publishing Co. SAFEtt Overstocked with second-hand safes, ail sise and manes, bargains. American aupyiv to, mv a COAL WU-U W del d. Kindling. D.6St9. 1 ' fi,iiniian 1 have about two carloads of sawdust at .'owell, Neb., that 1 would like to sell In lump or any amount to suit purchaser. R. a. lMi'klnson, oolumbus. Neb. Si'JloIAHSHIP In good local business college at a discount. Apply at Tli Bee oltlca PIANO, nearly new; must be once, at a bargain. Ul'U Locust. sold at rviti eva HrickD&is, screened, boo per yard on ground at Leavltt, Nub. Address J. J. trunk, Urtmunt, Neb. BALED HAY for sale, five miles from Council Bluffs postofflce; on carload timothy, on carload bottom hay, one car load of straw. J. H. Mchults. Dumfries, OSTEOPATHY XATHERYN Theater. NIKOLAS, 634-6 Brandeis 4- Allc Johnson, S06-I Brandeis Theater Bldg. PATENTS r. O. BARN ELI Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. RTURGES. reg patent atty. 46 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1461. W1LLARD EDDT. registered practitioner la U. b. Pat. offiua iU Paxtun Blk R. MM. PERSONAL 1 1 : Ol lunlal Masaags. 441 mdsis TUealer. D- Stki n A M 11 View Maternity Ho hoin tor women ome, private during tun- rient. Boa 117, Floianc. lei. Floianc St'PERFU'OVS hair permanently re moved wivhout elctnc needle, or injury lu ths skin; lady attendant. 810 McC'agus Bldg. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Bioll, A. Uth St. cuied, no knife; tierman loctoiS, 4J0 Brosdway, Council Llufts. la. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In fact. an Hung you do not reed. We collect, repair and aetl at 1J1 N. 11th St.. for coat of collodion, to the wor thy poor. Call plioue Douglas Uj and wagons will call. JOK1K WASIiBl'llS H book, "Th world toewer, ' at all book stoles. P t'nder . s II. M. UAT1IS fti.:1 lot ind massage. !S 3d tlwor. OOP- postof flce. Mme, Alien of ('liiiavo. Dong uyj. WE RENT and repair all kind of sew ing machines, ind. A-l,l; Duugla Utsi KKBRASilCA Cli'U; COMPANY, liih and Harney bi. 1 ( 1 V ' treatment. Mme. Smith, AUAULillVv fc mll lhlia ,loul H1NIMJO TABLETS vii .uil.l. liace, irenglhen, sue. bELL iJKLti it. PRIVATE HOME in r ns contincmeni; babies tor adoption, ticcd hamaritaa ani lariuut. 4 1st Ate.. Council Hlulfs. la 1R EUOKRS. private coi.f ineinvnt home. UU MaitUa ail.. Omaha Tel. Douglas ol OMAHA Siatiunerera' Ins. Itamge Bidg 'ltllCIVll' Mas-ate. l'r Kitlen- 1 iimatwjt 1 h..,, til lhl H"Sloll fclure. 4lh floor, elevator entrance. I.J 8 Ulh. TKICTLY pri.ate 'hrisllan 1 onf ine-babu-a tor adoption '.urot home; Lei cat. Ik l'aellpolt. JOHN CANE IX't ce and 1 Iran- 'riiinoier. is in town. Hoi S. -tth Ate. Itel. ,..l -Jr4. ! WANTk-l' Fr adopiiui. airi by reliable coupie. b kj7. b. ui.t Be. baby PERSONAL (Continued.) TOL'NO WOMEN comlnf to Omaha, at strangers are Invited to vialt the Younn Women's Christian Association bulldlns; at Seventeenth atrert and eit. Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. I-ook for our traveler's aid at the Union station. MASK SCITB to rent at LIEDEN 8. PRIVATE maternity boms, Mrs. Dr. Kins, lx:4 N. 24th. Web. 36oS; Ind. D-1M. - 4 WIGS and toufes for men. 12 and 14 FRENZER Griffith. BLOCK. MKS HYN11ER has opened miswft par or In Ths Dunsany. room a, l'Hh and Pierce 8ts . where she give salt (lw, Swedish movement, vibrator and radiator treatment. Phone Doug. it8. P.ES r nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nenre Food Pills $1.00 a box. Postpaid. bherman Sl McCunneil Difca Co.. Umalia. MASSAGK; scientific treat. Mrs. Steele, 8. 17th St., 2d floor, room t. moved to K7 Adellirht hair food frrowa hair: see Mme. Frayer, Megeath tal'y Co., loth c Farnam 1)1? IlTrPlvlV. Specialist. Diseases of ' men and women. N. E. Cor. ltith & Douglas. Omaha. Call or write. A HOME for women durlna confinement. Hul.l.s adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron. Tlnley Hume, 4ta Bancroft St. Phone Doug. tell. WILL persona who saw lady struck by a riylnir slnhui rd on Wednesday, Feb. 1 between Farnam and DoukIss on lotli street, please call Harney S7487 POULTRY AND PET STOCK DOOS. black and tan collies, water fowl and poultry. J. M. Matter.. Fremont, Neb. 1 Dos. Brown Leghorn roosters, 13 earn; eggs for setting, II. 14u2 N. 7th St. Ws. Sam CALL Webster 2217 for fresh laid eggs. Screenings, tl.& per 10U Wagner, 801 N. 16th. WIUTID Spits puppies. 2816 N. 18th St Web. 6378. . . . mtlTI H1IH' Rend JBc for a 60c ho 1WL JJlt.lJ Uf Roup R.me4y. Curea quickly worst forms You can't afford to he without it. Boh White. Box D, Ames Ave., Oman PRINTING Ix;w W. Itaber, Printcr,D-- BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT, RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 10 a 14th. Ind. A-S24 MILLER & JAMIESEN. 1212 Douslaa SL ttoin pnones. PHONE IND. A-1620 for good crlnting. Liygstaa i rinung Co.. 16tn tn4 Capitol Av. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS Of TITLB. Midland Ouarante and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam SL PETER J ESSEN, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 230t H. 11. Neale, 100 Omaha Nat l Bank Bid HfeSAL fciSTATK UKALEBI. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1858; prompt service; get our prices. 106 Brandeis Theater RKAL ESTATE TITLE TRUMT CO., Vit teenth floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. for bargain In homes in Benson see Chappeil Sous, Duve block. Tel. Ben. lis. ClTV rHOPKKil 'UH MALM FOR BALE Two lots, 132x144. on south 16th St. nsr Vinton; ail special taxes paid. Will sell aa one piec or divide. Willing to sell al sevratlc. Apply at Ws South Ust street. FOR UUIClv SALE. A new 3-story fine pressed brick build lug with a 40-foot front, utrictly modern located right in business district of Ex celaiiur SpuiiKS. Mo., ths great health and pleasure resort; leased to responsible par ilea: annual Income 11. 6tiS; price JU.joo, sub lect to a (4,0O inortgaKe at 7 per cent, due one or two years hence; leaving an equity of $8 ,410. which Is realizing over 16 per cent. Would take a second mortgage for a small amount. Can you make this big per ren In business working hard dally? Reason for this great sacrifice la we need caali. Address F. O. Box jr. Excelsior Springs, Mo. TUB FINK BRICK RESIDENCE. 1706 8 32d Ave., facing Hanscom Park, 10 room above full basement, furnar, two mantles mi fixtures, all up-io-aate, large Darn look at this, then call me up and I'll war rant you a bargain. John J. Muller, owner. Tel. Doug. 7!'M1. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE-Just built Central Blvd.; no paving taxes; completel modern; 6 rooms; Dutch parlor; laundry, Call i. W. Snyder, 24111 valley St.. Tel. Douglas 7471. NEW DUNDEE HOME By owner, very choice, 7-room, modern best construction, brick and stucco, ce iiient puich, tile vestibule, large rooms, oak flooiR entire house, beam ceilings, paneled dining room, rustic fireplace hook cass.4 built In, coat closet, beautiful fixtures, second floor In lurch finish three bed rooms, bath, linen close clothes chute, complete In every detail ).oo0. Telephone Harney 3itl. d-1 ciVi HIT VvJ th 7-room. 2-story iTiovu nu in partly modern house in Orchard Hill. Easy terms. Call or writs M. Hanson, 3K41 Decatur. 10 " AcjiETumFFAKM" .;. are ottering this Meal suburban home property al a price that la al lean $).io le3 than It bhould bring. On It yo will find house, barn, t chicken houses weil, fruit trees of all Winds, grapes and l.eiriea. it is lo. ated iVi miles northwest of 1 loreiu e and lias been worked by owner for the lasl three years, cash re quired. No trade. THE WOOD-KEHM Cu., 676 111 an. Bid-. I II., $i0d0. 32M Bun. Tel. Harney J4W. I'tllt KALE ! ai res with k acrea lying wltlun.tlie incorpoi at ion of Wlnfred. H L)., and font- lUv of potiff I. e. like a I floor; all woven wire fenced; new buildings. tin hilling strii llv modern cottage with hot , water IkhIIiik sxatem. A i-acre plat ud- Inlniug cannot be bought for iea than ...i..i Owner la 1 ompelled to sacrifice on a.'coiint of health and must move away. He had planned on plat ling 10 acres of the ' 'his hining for residence lota and was offered ll'O to I'1" for choice: t-O'OO (.petit 111 t.rli k l.iislmsa blocks In Wlnfred this eiir besides many new reaiilenies. Town Imoitiiug We aie not Mpe.-ulutorn. but' offer a forfeit to party of J,""" If Invest- i mini does not prove a II. lam winner above piucl.aae pine wittuii one year Must l.e ihUi ii before Maith I. Pi u e. V-i lei' aire down Farmers Sav ings Hank. Wintied S D. CU)SE IN SNAP t.'JiHKni for a two-hiory. b-rooin, mod tin except hfat. In first-class condition. 1m: Burt St. ibis is po.-iin ely a knaii '1 nis ownei iuut iti.inpv. lt HI.V. A laklon Wiil.F. Block. I .NiiKI'll tSarualu- FiKlit-rooui hotive, lo.iern. fuinace heat. tJ.ll. Tel. W. 4-S7. M-HihiM niiHlein cottage fur sa.e oa Irrioa by owner, il.t Aiiauit -l. iM loiige. K rooms, moriera; 1 corner; easy terms. Doug. 2U. clos la REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 941. F, IContlnued.) $2,900Six-Room House MODEBM hlrnh finish. Sllth and Merer; half block three car lines. Harney feat C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton tor central bargains. tl Omaha Nat'l bank. FOR BALE House 7 rooms, water, sewer, toilet, etc; nlcs trees and shrubbery, sal South tUt St. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI RA.NCII LAM) FOR SALE Arliona, FINE laid can b bought cheap. Some government and relinquishments; best water In Arliona and ths finest climate. Apples and other fruits grow to perfection. or particulars writ Wilcox Really Co.. Wlllcux. Aria. Arkansas. FOR BALT5 A clg bargain. 6. MO acres of rich bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4,000 In cultiva tion; sou acres deadened and ready to tass In; good storehouse and stock of merchan dise on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell lor 13 per acre and glv a bar gain In the personal property. Want to sell all to one purcnaser. No agents need apply. Address A. w. Mills. Pine Blurr, Ark. INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. Good 160-acre farm, belonging to heirs. must sell at once; four miles out; 136 In cultivation, 25 timber, 100 level, no rock; wo sets Improvements: fins water; wheat. corn, oats, clover land: bargain: !4.0uO. Address Trlmbl & Smith. Sprlngdai. Ark California. FOR BAIK 1) acres of as aond Isnd aa (her la In California, half mil from Huron, Fresno county, 6 trains dally; not far from Tular Lake, where there Is an abun danc of water: ditch going past this land; Is worth 150 per acre; on account of sickness this land Is offered at 16 per acre; 11.000 cash down; will divide land If required. C. w. Comatock. owner, Sat 8. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. A rrLK land at 636 per acre, on eas terms. 10-acr tracts. near Glenwood. within T6 miles from S. P.; when cleared of brush worth $160 acre; splendid soil; good road, pieuty or water. John Dubois. Oienwood, Santa Crux Co.. CaL TULARE COUNTY LAND for sal by owner, A tract of 1,080 acres of first lclasa land; suitable for alfalfa or trees; fine for subdivision; shallow to water; also shares In ditch. Price. IM per acre, with terms. Have also 8M) acres at lesser price. All of It In good location. Address A. F. Laney, Pixley, Cal. Canada. On million acre land for sale, suitable for colonisation or Investment, improved farms and farm lands. Alberta, Saskatch ewan and Manitoba. Publlo sales la March. Writ for lista Georg Kdwarda, 117 Porag Ave.. Winnipeg v ('4Totoraile, ' v" . ' v ,' ' " GREAT AUCTION LAND SALE. Who wants to buy good soli, Irrigation water all you want summer and winter; reservoir 1.000.000 barels; a gold dollar for ten cents. Do cot miss It; com and sea. Maps, information, ti. a. milord, uronar. Weld Co., Colo. FOR SALE Finest 1,800 acre Improved farm and ranch In Colorado for $3t per acre. Every foot of It rich and smooth; only T miles to liogo; 800 acres in cultiva tion. J. C. Can, owner. Hogo, Colo. COLORADO Improved ranch for sal, lo cated within six miles of Denver. Soli equal to the best in the Btate; suitable for dairy or gardening as well as for other pur poses. Ten acres in iail wneat. Water this season. Will sell at a bargain. Address. Owner, P. O. Box iii7, Denver, Colo. FIXTEKN successive years of good crops make northeastern Colorado wheat land the beet offering before Investors and tioro buysrs today. Prices advancing, but en crop still pays for ths land. Writ j. li. Relnbardt, bterung. 1010. r66-ACRB Irrigated ranch, Morten Co., Colo., on the Burlington. 1 mile from depot; Improvement ar modern In every particular; owner retiring. For full partic ulars address U. E. tseauian. Brush, Colo. Florida. FLORIDA HOME FOR SALE, tl acres well Improved land; good build ings; good soil; 6 blocks to main business street; same to depot; up-to-dat town. 1,000 people; eleotrlo light and water works; would mak an Ideal truck farm or fine private residence and grounds. For rartlculars addreks. Albert I Acklay, D uniak bprlngs. Fla. FLORIDA LAND, soli of best quality, most desirable loca tion, finest and most healthful climate In U. 8. and where It Is possible to bnrom Independent from an Investment of $2!0 at $10 per month. For particulate, see W. E. Spencer. 134 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Illinois. 1M ACRES fine corn land I miles from Independence, la., good sven room house; barn for eight horses and sight cows; room for 26 tons of nay; hog house; chicken nous; granary for l.lxii bushels of small grain; crib for 1,140 bushels of corn; bugy shed; steel tsnk and windmill; good fenc ing; an Ideal farm for geneial farming or dairying: price $12.6U. Terms, lu.ouo cash, balance long time per rem privilege pay ment. Address O. E. Bialiop. own.r. luul N. Evans ttt., Bloomlngton, 1.1 lorn a. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Several good quarter and halt eeilion farina In hock Co., Neb. Close to liajett. a good town on the Northwestern railroad Prices rauga from H to tt Pr acre, llo ill Btous City, la BuV-A tiiKJD IOWA FARM IN THS HEART OF THE CORN BELT. Do you want to oo a oud farm in ths heart of I ha corn bell ? If so, come to Cowrie la., anil let us ahow j nu. Our big list is Just, out. Write for one if you are tn lertsled. Yours for business. Woodward Lar.d t on.pan . Oowrlt. la FOR quick sale 1 am of ft ring a nlc sO-scie boiiiu four miles of tl.ik town at the low t.nce of 7i per acre. Addiras. O. W. iale Muiiltun. la. EIGHTY acre, Butler county. Iowa, farm clone to good town, to exchange for good general men hainiise. haidware. furniture or Implement sloik. J. C. Fair, Waterloo, 1 - EIGHTY a'.rts Improved, good smooth! land. 4 nilies of Madrid. er easy terms, j k per eill ill'.riesi, I'uaaraiM.ii ill v UA Keliey 1 anil t'c Madilil, la -- FOP SM.K OK LXrilANf!K- acres In lJ linn Valley. N P. Sj miles net ,ot Oroii'l Folks, on ill N P. i;y., and ' milea from guoil hmri. Komi so.i, no wet land. 11 D Wingert. Codar ivaplilt. la.- I IvaUkaa. i TWO TRACTS of 1 !l acr. t iac.1, clieap; one Improved, one not Kingi-ry Uiauy Co.. Kingery. iwan. t40 ACi:!-?. 8 ml. toan ?v- I .. ie t-Mi 11 kl.e.ik A4-i plowi fn ed rskiur all froutn '1 l rout toleponne. Oood oat soil x more h'sn M.i-s. Lnr Cr'ppled with r4 a: f.. solving I per acre, iin.e ir wju e t sk W. Aibrlgnt. torewsitr. Kan REAL ESTATE FARM AMI IIAM1I l,AM FOR SAl.H Kaasas outlawed. DON T WU1TK DON'T .WAIT But coiuo at once to Man chester, Kan. Let me show you the famous Dickinson, Clay and Ottawa Counties, Kansas, corn, wheat and alfalfa land. Many are se curing the best of homes; many are making profitable investments here. Why not you? Large list sent upon request. E. E. FACKLEli, Manchester, Dickinson County, Kansas. I QUIT RTSNTINO ten years ago and cam west with soo. bought lrtO acres Kansas land am well fixed now and happy. 1 too, cam two years ago and have done well In this fine climate. Good neighbors, school and church. I urge renters to come and see the alfalfa, corn and hoga. No doctor bills. Will make you rich. lu) acres. Improved, I miles county seat. 125; terms. 640 acres. Improved. I miles county seat; $11; terms. SWITZER LAND CO., W Pleasant St. Dos Moines, la. FOR SALE An estate In Labette county, Kansas, of 240-acra stock farm; fine creek bottom, never overflows; 6 miles of Par sons; has good Improvements, some tim ber, 0 acres In grass, clover, alfalfa, timo thy; plenty of water; rich black land. Terms on half at 6 per cent, long time. Price, $06 par acrs. Bug? Broa, Parsons. Kan.- FOR SALE Farms and ranches In Green wood county, Kansas, the banner cattle county In th world. I hav 1.200 acres of blue stem pasture land for exchange for merchandise to th amount of $12,000. Pries $ per acr. Lock Box 464. Eureka, Kan. 1.860 ACRES, solid tract. 4 seta Improve ments: I niliee town, best soil; can't be duplicated la state, IIS. Bsst terms. Kan-as-Colorada loves Uu eat 42a, Boo It Cltjr, Kaa. MR. RENTER Bargains la west eantral Kansas. Nio 1(4 acres Improved, I miles station; easy terms; $2,600. t20 acres raw land, W.300. Ed. Lwlng, Dlshtou. Kan. TU ACRES, well Improved, adjoins R R, town In southsra Kansas. AUslfs, corn, wheat, stock and f rurt 'farm. Price 4.ou; beat of terms. W. I. Carter; Sterling. Kaa t?t ACRES wheat, corn' and alfalfa land, southern Kansas; 6 miles couaty aeat; M acres wheat. M acres alfalfa; well Im proved. Pric to. L L. K.Uer. El Dorado. Ksn.- CRAWFORD COUNTY. KANSAS Nlue. smooth, rich pratri with timber along th creeks, best corn, clover-and tlmothv land In southeast Kanaas. Send for description list. James Wllklns, Walnut, Kan. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN 8OON-160 acres, good 6-room house, large barn, other butldlnas, plenty fruit; grove 40 acres, pas ture 120 mow land, balance cultivated; miles town on goad road; rural route, tele phone; plenty water, windmill and tank; 200 rods new bog wire. $o0; easy terms; would take some trade. W. 8. HUBBARD. Welda, Ran. Louisiana. FOR BALK Louisiana oraags and fig tree ar money maker. Will sell you ( acres of fertile land wltk 100 orange and fig tree .bearing In 1 year for $2uO; $20 monthly payments, will culti vate and lake care of tree and pay tat for I years; no interest; till guaranteed trees U" araao-.i in Una section have netted from 14 to 116; inducements on larger tracts. For further particulars addr A J. Uodard. Abbevilla. La Mlaarsola. FARM lands for sal; bargains In Im proved farms In south western Minnesota. Write F. M. Young, DaUraff, Minn. 60 ACRES ZV miles from Foxhome, Minn. Nlo grove, huua 16x24x1,1; kitchen 12x14x17, or barn, ltx2xa; granary, 14xl4xb; good bog bouse, lhl is tb biggest bargain In seventeen stales. Prlc $40. Will trade for an automobll. 240 acres In Wilkin county. Minn., with forty acres Umber on It; land Is level; baa fine drainage; all ditched and ditches ?ald for; farm Is all fenced and cross enced; baa about 50 acres cut over mapie and oak. There la a bar 4oxH0; will bold loO tons of bay; house 12x0. Farm Is ei.'ht miles from town; has rural telephone and mall. Price Hi per acr. Will trad for stock of goods. Blora B. Ulstasun, Minneoia. Minn WE have for sal nlo quarter sections of the best land In the slate, we will sell this land ons quarter to on person only cn ths following terms: $1 per acr down and II per acre per year, covering a period of li years; optional payments at 6 per rent Interest These special prices and In ducements are to locate nine famlliea In this section of the state in short order. Laii or adtlreaa: NELMN & DOOMTTLE. Crocker Bldg., Des Moines. la. 41 issuurl. STOP' Don't go a step runner thai Dois-lss Co. down n lbs beautiful Osark Kaiae anything; corn, b to w bushe'a p-r Sere; sil other crops In proportion, chea it good land on tarto; b to U pt acre Free Inlot 111a. loo. liioo Kai iisiais Ava. Mo FOR BALE Some of the best fruit land In liie KoBhkouong-iirandsville fruit dis- tiict. price lower tliaa an body. Al.-a i good fa: ma al very low prices. Write a J. Cox Ileal E&lale Co.. Brauiikkllle.. ilown Co.. alo. FOR ALE 720 acres spiemlid Vera , Co. Uo ) sloik and giain fan::, 1 very acre Luod. oienii .if water, i-ric. ki i,nr a,-r k fcouj on lu loaa '.and anu fur belter ' Climate V rite for better descr.otiuu il l niur(ii'ii Owner, Ulalhe Kan lands Or.aik 1-and to too for Ozalk iv lie KM- Co., :A', ACRES l:iTTiM Itujuoi. I Hut' iliiiu. clear. K..01. .eailu. Mo UMi, Ow iitr. W .Nebruska. ". .I fa 1. 1 terms. i,u l.OUO Al"l:i-.S rich, .eli llllp lauti rani li. II.' ;o per acie, uaile; uvuer c. j V ito, 1 :-.b ni.lifcfulu. , rv 4lxli-u. IARIAIN te hoi'.eae-. kei s or Investors. a acies tinea laud 11. iiorthvin N llexic one nine f 1 0111 ra.lioud pi-i ac.a . u Fiktier. P-aiun. New Ucxi. .1 I A The (,.ijiitoe of Buaiiieas 1'iop. i;,..- AUerUsiiik" Colunins 1 it y - REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAMIl I. A D FOR (Continued. MAI.K North Dakota. tn "tutsman Co.. N. D., elear. for good residence, clear, la Des Molnea Price of land t0 per acr. 640 seres, well Improved, M miles from Winnipeg, Manitoba for Income. Prlc. 3i per acr; mtg . 14.600 eauit. Lock Bos 7'jo, bplrlt Lake, la. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about ft.ouo acre of choice farm lands In Burleigh and Kid der Co.. No. Dak., and want W good rep reaentatlves, others need not apply. Best of references. W. E. ltuney. Land Invest ments, Bismarck. N. '). Oklahoma. FOR 8 A LR Five miles from Kremlin. Okl., all smooth blsck soli ,good for alfalfa, ISO acrea wheat, balance pasture; good house, barn and orchard; would take $4,u6 slock of groceries In' trade. Wm. Krauae. Kremlin, Okl. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Send for prices snJ descriptions of farms Ira tiiouu Cushing, Ok. Jonlh Dakota. Bl'T Sj. Dk. farms now. We have 4 Improved farms, lt'O to 140 a., at from $.'.0 to 7i an . on terms. These places are harKalns and are at Jf to $10 less than reg ular price. This party has to sell; good reasons. This Is In the corn belt and will niuke nice homes or Investment. Act quick If you want any of It. Kelch & Weber, Dvlmont, H. D. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Tho best S-M-acre hlKhly Improved farm In Brown county, 8outh Dakota. All under cultivation except ten acre-Krove; $T.,0H0 worth uf Improvements; only 2, miles from town; leaned for ml; all level land and free from stones. Address Box P. P., Frederick, 8. D. SPLENDID Improved farm, $S0 per acre, eastern South Dakota; will take merchan dise ss part payment. Nelster, Sioux Falls, a. d. FOR BALE 320 seres Lyman Co. land, I miles from town; 46 acres broke, all fenced and cross fenced. 'good well and other Im provements; $3.6t.O If taken within thirty days. Address owner, O. C. Hemenway. Capa, 8. D. FTVB QUARTER SECTIONS, unimproved, good soil, every foot Is goo4 tillable farm land; easy terms; $20 per acr. F. L. Crosby, BoncsieeL tt. D. Texas. ABOUT LKK) ACRES, Braios county, Texaa, t miles station; two-thirds bottom, balance upland; Vo per rent tillable; fenced, several subdivisions; 300 cultivation; Ideal for alfalfa, potatoes, can corn, etc.; bal ance timber; five houses, barn, everlasting water; most Ideal hog ranch and stock farm In state; hogs on range will pay In terest on IjO.OuO; bottom timber will pay for place; best personsl reasons for offer ing this bargain at to per aor for quiok sale; terms. Address owner, 8. W. Mrd lu, Jauiioan, i ' ORANGE orchards near Houston ar big Investment. Our five-acre orchards ar sold on easy monthly payments. The Alvln Japanese Nurseries adjoin and their ex perts develop and care for our orchards three years. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal Land -4k Invest ment Co., Houston. Tex. TEXAS ranches, farms, in-acre orange and fig tracts for sale. In fertile Gulf Coast rain belt on main railroad. Agents wanted. Kobcrtson-Tuttle Land Co., Victoria, Tex. Waahlactoa. YAKIMA ORCHARD PROPERTY Wa hav for sale, at an exceptionally low nHce, th finest, best located orohard on Nob Hill. The tract consists of 17! seres. Is near th Nob Hill car line, la planted to 1-year-old apple and pear trees, and can b subdivided Into 17 beautiful acr tract Ideally altuated for suburban homes, b pe dal prlc for cash down. Henry Johnson Really Co., North Yakima. Wash. M Iseellaneoaa, WESTERN FARM LAND SNAP 400 acren, whole or In part, partly Im proved, all tillable, level land; fertile; great for alfalfa, plenty of good water, good lo cation; 115 before March 1; good terms; railroad fare to buyer. Other equally good farm barKUlns, Irrigated and subirrlKated. K. W. STANLEY, Hot Spring", 8. D. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch I. anil. FOR LEA HE. The best 2.600-acre ranch, eighteen miles due south of Atkinson. Neb. Fenced and crossed-fenced One-third hay land; bit) acres under cultivation. Balance good pas ture. Nino flowInK wells. For particulars write owner. INTERNATIONAL LAND .- INVESTMENT CO.. 210-12-11 Bee Bldg., (imaha. Neb. , REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 Wead. to $10,01)0 made promptly. F. Wead Bldg., mh and Farnam. Good 6 Farm Mortgages alu mi 11. mil hi ta 101 i-.i 1 ... .....wuiiui f I OIll $ UK) lit $- .'"' Ji EN SON tt MVEUS 412 New York Life K.ilK. GARVIN BROS. 2d floor N. Y. Llf. i:J to $10u.uou on unproved property. No delay. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERU liu-312 Biandeis 1 healer Bldg. CO.. LOANS to home owner and hum build, era, with prlvi.ege of making partial pay ments keiul-snnually. W. li THOMAS, 603 First National Hank Bldg MONEY TO INVEST 1 hdo- a K-w thoiioaml ilollurt as trustee. Want lo buy farm iiioit,iKea due willun two y. ari. Security muni be ilt -t ilsetl. i.lw full 1 a.i ucuiai i". in. luUing diauuuni )u wlil make. It F. KI.OKK. Tltl'STEE, vl Omaha. National Hank Bliltj., Omaha. I MONEY TO LOAN I - -i'aiie Imettttiient Cu ans 1 c-teis Trust Co. 1 WANTED City I WANTKI City Farnam Sinilh a: loans ai Co. 13-0 d warrants, larnaui St. lo IJ.Ooii on Omaha homes 1 .stale Co, loll, ,. V. l.i' O'Keefa ioui;.a4 I Real or A -I.. i CITY A M ' l-'A lil Jul I N N FltF.NZKR. j REAL ESTATE WANTED I 1-; have a ca.sli .-uti'.omer for liisineas or uniinjo oved ; musii well Wuiili ilia puce i .ru.ertv , llnpi 01 ' be well locnted and I HSkeil ' -i N il Heal l.'siale Ai ' 1- I'aiiiain ;i. ante l.ulll i Agency, PI. ones wi'l pay script ion 1 s N'r from U.i" .iii. lo--alio buy h home aiul . .- (I a, 1 1 I.. AN T ! - uiKlnk lot 111 1 , in e dis FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 XChHIlK dr It 1, a .iul.k kiiles. lare . ... Ccuum ntai I'Adx , oiuuha. No FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) Wt exebangw properties of merit. H 1L Culver. IU-8U N. T. Ufa Douglas im. FOR BALE or trads five quarters farm land In Minify and Lyman county. 8. !.. for Omaha or vicinity residence or business property. Just foreclosed on these landa Mt 111 deal with owners, no agents. Ne braska Loan Co . Vt Be Mldg., Omaha. -t A GOOD five passenger auto wanted In exchange for forty acrea good land In San Luis valley. Colo. Address W. C. Knight, Sutherland, Neb. FOR quick results (my exchange Hat). C . Canan. 7ol O. N. B., llug.. Omaha. SEVERAL farms In Oreer county, Okl., belonging to estate. Administrator wishes to convert land for good clean merchandise. Dry goods, clothing and shoes preferable. Might exchange for good store building. Oscar Wall, St. Joseph, Mo. AN IOWA FARMER wsnts to buy some cheaper land, or he might consider an exchango. What hav you 7 He Is a reader of th Des Moines Capital, and the way to reach him aad thousands of others Ilk him is to adver tise In the want ad columns of the Capi tal. Rate. 1 cent a word per Insertion, I cents a word tor six Insertions and 10 cents a word per month. LAND FOR HORSES I own N.Wi'4 Bee. 7. T. IB. R. 64. Irsml county, Wyoming, and wish to exchange same for horses. It Is good smooth land and worth llo per acre; eighteen miles northeast of Cheyenne, five miles from railroad. Describe horses fully In first let ter, li. 11. MuKlnney, 3u0 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE-Quarter section, well Improved, seven miles from good town. Want cssh or clear lncom property. E. C. Blgler, I'axton hotl, Omaha. IF you wish to exchang writ NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO.. 668 New York Life Bldg. 100-ACRE fruit farm. III.. Eq. $14,0i for western land or income. 4M) acres. Wheeler Co.. Neb. En. 111.526, for Income or lsnd. !0 acres town limits, Thomas Co., Neb. Kq. $;l,200, for land or Income. 80 acres, Wheeler Co.. Neb. Eq. $1,000. for cottage. 3iM, Kimball Co.. Neb. Ea. 1.300. lor Omaha houao. 74 acres. Sarpy Co. Ea. $i"00. for South Omaha house. 600 acres, Lincoln Co., Neb. $4,000 clear, for Income or land. Beautiful house, Tekamah,. $7, W0 clear, for Kood Nebraska land. Three hundred more coma in. HARRY II. CULVER, 812-813 N. Y. IJFE BUILDING, OMAHA, DOUG. 7866. FOR TRADE 30 acres of wheat land In Canada for Omaha real estate. Address G 7. Bus. FRUIT AND POULTRY HOME. 22 acres, six acres bearing fruit, 6-rooin house, 30 miles from Omaha, three miles from railroad town; this will give someone a dandy farm home, where money can be made, and the enjoyment of an in com forts of home, school and church; see me at one about this; sal or exchange, F. J. Bchnorr. 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO BUY BEST carpets, price paid for 2d-nand furniture, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. teiL AN Underwood typewriter in good condi tion; state pile. W TU, Be. WANTED TO RENT BY young man, alngle room, steam or hot water heat; hot and cold water; close In; state price. M-717, Be. ROOMS WANTED Will Walnut Hill family give profeaaur vacant room In ex change for music lessons? K 716, lice. LADY 'desires board and room; private. S. 721, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION aa asalutant bookkeeper.'ledger clerk, timekeeper, or any clerical posi tion. Best reierences. Address B 707, Beu. IF YOU desire a first-claaa, nurse cull Douglas 6348. practical YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room in private family while attending college. Boylea College. Both phones. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ileal estate transfers for February s, furnished by the Midland (Juarantee and Trust company. Bonded Abstracters, 1714 Farnam ktiei-i, telephone U. 2t&. Charles SpaJek and wile to Anton Forman. lot 21, block 2, Kounue II li Aiinur Orecnwood J. l leaver, lots 4 Heyuuu s bub. . Chai iea 11. .el be I 600 ami wife to Eliza and 6, Jlaatlngs at 1,200 and wite to Erie it. ill own, M Peter Allies lot 1 Piock 5, Maxwell's 7,700 and wite tu Alinnlo Lad- wig, 11 lol Mllllll s block li, u. 1,67, liuaiiiias Ac huuu anu jicjUin to Jitne Orecn- Arluui- Lireenwood, 101a t ana Ijl Ul'l 1, jiuniiuaa v iieyucn a sou.... E. Hanoi, et al. to O 001 to I. Joy jucnswii, Jotu i Slid o, biock .1a1ue. i. Mum, el ai. to Carolyn . 1 1 1 im. n 61 li . I lot 1, blocK 3o, iu-l Oinaiia l-'raiiK j. l-itigi-raia and wite to James 11. 1 hadwica, lot l'J. block , Ambler i-iace :. James iioiiaiiis and wlto to Irank s i-'uray, ,ots ii and ti, oiuck u, licUtoru Place Maine Al .viacivcy and husoanu lu i.tu.aiictn i.eiiipic, lots aou 4o, hairlax l.i.-ii- ,-M-liwat'K i iurk and husband u .Mill: .M-lull M.'liwail, lol 1, uioi.-i. .. 1 reialiloiis li l'..sinoru iac Co., to Andrew C. Clil'ia- llflnlll, lol , lt.,' 1 .,, l.ianl i ,us Moil In I'lllU'll Ull'l Wile IO llCI'llalvi ciiiion, 11- led ml s ana an Lu , bioca J, E. v. S1111I11 a i-'riilci ick J. uricie, it al i-j Alolsiu .i-iciiy. lol 1 ivciiiiioloii i- rank .U K and wilu to ried Ijium.1i.) anil mill, a-y lol J, bloca &, oul i.nnalia .Mot, .'. ,-icliullx and Iiu.ihui.lI i i vititiU li k ami ile, lol .'o and rri lot -,, iivie) J'errace 1 iiarle.s U. i.a .11 to licru uile Al . .i.'jnihouii 1 , I'Ui I block J, .-ninii a 4-0 4,000 1,0W 1,-1 00 l,ov Uiiliaiu in 1 moil.) , referee 10 Uuili-i', vi 101 1.', bioca 4. bell Atlil l'tii-r J to l'.iiiioa l; bt"4 ol Hl-'4 ol n-'. 'l 1"-12.... ;ini LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NKliK.A.-tW.v I'll!'. NEB.. JAN. ol. 1U11 Sealed bi'la will be leceived by the Sec retary of 1 he liounl of Education of Ne blaKa City, for the erection uf a High S. lioul Jli iliillik- l Neblaska City. .Se bia.ku. ai'. oidiiiK to plana and :-.t-i ifua tioiia on 111,.- al loe olin e ot 1 ixber Jk Law l ie. Archil i ts. :'lu Paxloii il. Hiding, iiinaha, .Ni-lirabUa ami Mt tli olfne of Hie .-cclelary of t lie Hoard of Ktliicaliuii, .Sehra-iks i'il. Nebraska, uniil rMoinluy, hforuaiy 27. lill. k u'cioi k p. in. Stpaiate iuila vvill be ri-tiw-d oil tlie yeueral coit ntriirtii.ii. inaiiiiK ami ruinating and HcMfiupt- anil I'l.iiutiiua l.acli bid uiu.t be in 1 nun nun i I., a eeriifleu check for five per 1 1 111 of 1 be tfiiiouni of Die aainti as i iilieu tor in the nj.ei ! f u k t inn u ami bidoer s' (iiniklied l, Ilia Architects 'Hie lilil 1 it--- rseii lo leje -t any or ail F:dl"l LEGAL NOTICES NOTICB OF BTOKIIOI41EUS hi EET INlV Notice Is hereby given that 'the restilar annual meeting of the stock liohlera of tie South Piatt Ind romian will be heM at the office of said company at I.luccln, Nr1).. at 11 o'clock n. in , an Hi flist day of March. A. IV. mi. C. H. MORRILU President. A. R. MINOR, Secretary. Uncoln, Neb., Jan. 10,. li'Jl. Jaiuil dJ't RAILWAY TIME CARD CNIO?f BTATIOX Teath and Maana. Isles Pacltle Depart .a 1:18 am ..a 4:10 pin Arrlva aU:0 pm a d 46 pm a ( 4ft am a 5 10 pm lim ptn a 7:-'7 am a 4 :N pm a 8 SO pm a 4:46 am am.' am b l . -v pm I a am all 46 pni a 8:E. pm a K.dO am b HI 110 am sn Fran. Overland T. China and Japan F. M Atlantlo F. press Oregon Express a 4 00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..ai2:4 pm Denver Special a 7 0 am Colorado Express a 8:t0 pm Oregon-Wash. Umlted..a12:60 pm North Piatt Local a 8:18 am Columbus Local a 6.80 pm etromsburg Local 1)12 to pm Cklraau, Milwaukee A St, Pa Overland Limited all 43 ptn Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:1' am Omaha-Savannah Local. a I B am Colo. -Cal. Express a 6.00 pm Colors. lo Special a 7 43 sin Perry-Omaha Ixiral b 6 15 pm Chlaa A Northvreatern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:46 am a 10 w pm a k.'Jii pm a V:l am a i nn pm a 8:49 am a am a 8:L'X put a 6.49 am a 8:3 pm mli.M pm a 7.46 am alO mi am a J.Bo pm aU:no am aiO:4.1 pm b 6:20 pm b b:.'0 pm a 6:20 pm all:tK) am a 1:66 pm Bloux t Ity Local t u im Minn. & Dakota Ex a 7: no pm KAB TBOUN D. Carroll Local a 7 :iK am Omaha Express a 7:40 am Chicago Local alZ:0t pin Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm Chicago Special .. . 1. ...a :U pin Paultlu Cosst-Chlcaro.-a :I6 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 ptn Overland Limited all:48 pm Carroll Local a 4-HS pm Fast Mall a K:J pin WESTBOUND. Llnroln-Chadron a 7:60 am Norfolk-Dallas a T:M am Long Pine So. Platte.. .b t 13 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. a SM pm Casper-Lander .a a. bo pm .b &:) pm Fremont-Albion Mlssoarl Paclfl K. C. &. St- L. Ex a 8:20 am K. C. & St. L. Ex., ex cept Saturday all;lt pm K. C. A St. L. Ex., Sat a 7.40 am a 8:60 pm urday only 13:00 pm tales, Hock Island Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd....al2.68 am Chicago Day Ex pi .. k:4o am Chicago Local Pass....bl0.:i6 am lies Moines Local Pass. a 4:00 pm Chicago Express a ;40 pm Chicago Limited a S OS pm WEST. Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln. a 8.20 am Colo, and Cal. Express. .a l:ii pm Okl. & Texas Express . a 8:16 ptn Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0;6u pm lUtuola ;rat Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm Mlnn.-St. I'aui Ex b 7 00 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a (.00 pm Wabak Oroaha-St. Louis B1....1 S J0 pm Mall and Express....... J OB ain btanb'y Lcl. ttromC.B.jb f ;pti, klcaao Ureal 'Westewai- alo.4.t pm a t:; so pm blu lu pm U: pm a 1:18 pm a 8.oi am a 6 47 pm a 4. J0 pm a 1 M pm a 12. 60 am a 8:48 pm a 8:00 am a 8:00 a ni a 9 25 am all:li pm, am Chlcago limited ........a 8:48 pm Twin City Limited. .... .b H.o pm a 7:63 am Twin City Express a H 00 am a 1 SO pm Chicago Express ...... .....j..., a :4e pis Barllaatosi ftatloa lOth aad Maaua. Barllta Depart. Denver & California.. .a 410 pm Puget Sound Express. .a 4:10 pm Nebraska points ...a 8;'J0 un Black Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mail b 1 Jo pin Northwest Express all 26 pin Nebraska points a H.M am Nebraska Express .a 8:16 am Lincoln Local Schuyler-Plattsmouth ,.b 8:06 pm Lincoln Local ;.a LSb pm plattkmouth-Iowa ......a 9:18 ain BUvue-Plattamouth .al2:ll0 pm Central Nebraska all: pm Chicago Special ,.a 7:U am Denver Special ...'..1.. Arrive, a 3:46 pm a 8:45 pm a ti:lo pm a 1:46 pm al2:15 pm a 7:00 am a 6.10 pm a 8:10 pm b :i am b lu:3m a 7:60 pm a 8:60 am . a 2:40 pm a 1126pm all io pm 1 :oo am 8:65 pm 8:o0 pm Chicago Expreas a 4:20 pm a Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:30 pm a Iowa Local a 9.16 am Creston (Is ) Local a l oO pm St. Louis Express a I Jtl pm K. C. & St. Joseph al0:16 pm K. C. & St. Joseph a 8:16 am K. C. & St- Joseph a 4:30 pm al0;3ll ,m alO:;io am all: 16 am a 8:45 am a .lo pni Webster Utatloa lSta and Webster. Missouri Pacific Dpsrt. Arrive. Auburn laical ...b 8 Ml pm b) 1:56 am tbicnao, It. Paul, .Mlwueapolls A Umaba Sioux City Express b 2:16 pm Omaha Local Sioux City Passenger .1...., Twin City Passenger.. ,b 6:80 am Sioux City Local o 8 3i am Emerson Local., b 6.116 pm (a) Daily, ib) Dally except c Sunday only. bll :4K am o 8:20 pm b 8:1 pm b 8:10 am SJnday Burning House Lights Man's Way Returning Home Mrs. George Graham Has Narrow Escape from Death in flames While Husband Was Absent. 1 fawny his sick wife In bid with a new born bauy, deuitfe Graham left Ms home at 2011 South Twelfth sired.. Council Hluffs. shorlly after 1 o'clock Inst nikhl ot n up town to fit medicine. When he hurry Inn home forty miiiulea later Ho laal few blocka of his journey was. 1 1 i l t ' I by tl, m flumes Ihat wile bun-liuti from llu roof of his dwelllnii. ituiiiiink w'tu biealn Icas siuid, he reached the limine a few luiliuiia after nelKhbors, who had ulao di cuvciiil tbe Inc. hud carried tli kick woiiiuii and her baby to fct. A .liai'iu Wus turutd lu uuii the fhc uikti lrciil No. 0 l eached the pi n e III I init io I, ,i.e muJ Hit bullilir. it llii-lt- nil been ur.y italer. No. U compaiiy ref-poniKu ,iini both . oio.iUI. s exliuii.ilnl their cheinicai tuhks bcloiu the ol,i,c wa Vol iimlii contiol lli.-ii with tin. aid of iii-iglil.oi n:fc- and depat tiiu-nt wutci piul i the lad illlbcl Miipitileii lo li.Xc been a tillfcUlnhi d. 'lilt. c.llllllllllc! tn ui I" I" tluir ltJlla mid 1 1 1'lcii I. d tticir 1 ln-iui ial tanks. Half tin hour later Hrt that tsiapd nothe, iiiuUeu buiieatii tbc fool, otiulll Into l.tint.-, anil llio builjln,; was pr.tili.ull (Jeltol-0. 11 waj 11 f en . loom coUuK'- 'iliti nt iiiboi s sju i tun.1 6.VJ In -allig ait if the l.iMuture Mrs. Oldham and her baby hail u tiai:ow ekcape. When the rultibbo.a itiulnil Hie house the loom Id whi'li Hm- lay filling with kinoke, and tl.u ii.ttkliiik liauu-s Wele lotiiiuk oxeiiuatl. Tin- Hie li suppoMd to have cauahl fiotii Ihe 1 hiiutit- by unillon of the aoul fiotii tin- in. t fn a bad bcn started, to keep im lio,,.-a warin. Tne Key lo the hilualn.u U mil .tut! I