r lit t vv Afi r A 1 Is 5SV.r ieV W!SMPrW. TUESDAY, UW1.DI3SSDA rTHURSnAY. F.klPAV W A N T A DS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification most be prenenK'd before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. U'int arts received after such hours will have their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CHH ItATKS Mm WANT AIS. HI a I.AH CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 H cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent in sertion. Each insertion made on odd days, 14 rents per word. $1.50 per line per month. Hates apply to either The Dally or Sunday Itoe. Always count six words to a line. Want ads for The flee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner druKHist" they are all branch offices for The Hoe and jour ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the ttiiiiie rates as at the main office in The Bee building, tieventeetli aucl Farnam streets. Albacn, v . C, 40th and Farnam. Raum Drug Co., X:l N. Wth St. Keranek. s. A., 1402 South lHth St. Rensor. I'harmaoy, Hanson, Neb. Hmis Park Pharmacy. ZMi anil Cuming. Plake-Bradlsh. 218 Miernian Ave. Clifton Jllll Pharmacy. 221't Military Ave. Caughlln. C. It., sin and Pierce Sts. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake bt. Cenney Pharmacv, 222U South 16th St. cvrmak, Lmil, l!t;4-t. South IStli St. Ehler, P. H., 2fs3 Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold!. 213 North 2".th St. Freytng, .t. J , I!ii4 North 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1302 North Pith St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oreen's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. tlreonuugii. t. A., lo5 South 10th St. Oreenough. U. A., 10th and Hickory St. Oolrien Pharmacy, 14th and Leavenworth. Ilavden, William. 2Mt Farnam St. Ilanwoin Park Pharmacy, IM 8. 29th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam tt. Hoist. John, ?4 North 11th St. , Muff. A. U. 29-4 Leavenworth St. ' 1 .lnhanson Drug Co., 24th and Spauldlng. King, 1 i. S.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 3.7)4 N. 24th St. Mares. Fred I... COP Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., PM2 N. 24th St. I'evton Pharmacy, 72 South 10th St. Saratoga I rti(t Co., 24th and Amca Ave. Srhaefer's Cut Price Drug Store. lGth and C'hlrano StH. S haefrr, AUKUHt. Hal North Ifith St. Schmidt, J. It.. IMth and Cuminr 8t. Walnut HIM Pharmacy. 4Hh and c'limlnir. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN 0"?- niLalmers. 114 Chicago. U. IBoK. U-lOOt. K. T. Burrowoa Co., ruatlcaa door & win dow screena. H0 Brandela The. Bldg. U. 1UK). OH YOU PARADISE! (sounds good, doesn't It T Happiness n it -pi in when you burn our PA KADIS a COAL. To cut down your coal bill take uur ailicu and hum Paradlne. Will aave oU ilO to !' ton. Both 'phonea. J. W. UrUlFOKD. ZMi Cuiulng St IF YOU WANT your photograph work done promptly and with a natlfactton that you have nevor experienced before, call C u.MMuMlClAL PHU'l'OOKAPHIC St l'DlO. Jtil Boston tliore. Doug. 791, Jnd. A-Joou. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes to announce t really reduced tirlcr durum the month of January and February; u o. sel.ct, new spring tailoring maienal Included In this offer Suite 'M Paxtou block. Tel.1 Douglas :.'049. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW KATE. In sums te cult. 110 B iihlg. Phone Doug. LNIO.N LOAN Cn. "BARKER BROST PAINT CO." Doug. 4T-0. InU. A-2-l. 1W9', Farnam St. HI ii( il oullltt,: - atyies: iil. ture flaming at numerate )uU-c; giaws, wall paper. WE t'Al'.HV A KM" LINE OF SMEKWIN Wll.l'.lAMS PAIN1S. BRASS POLISH. LlStUlD VKaEWK AN'U ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR A.. y.inimerinan & Crowe Furniture Co., 1715 Leuvcnwui Ih. lot our plan. Nuf taid! "K. T. Fainswoilb. AU'y. U Bee UlUsT. DOUULA.S 1'rir.tinic Co.. Tel. Douglas b4k Drs. blabuuHh i Vares wish to announce the leiiioval ot thoir uental oiilcea to room bitlu -liy iNaiiotial Bank Blug. El EVATORH REPAIRED, fiw.sht. pas senger. J. H Kenneay. lo S. 13th. D. nm'US at 1 i.t tnioeB. freight paid on all $)i oidrs. Catalogue nee. snenuan & Mc - CoDiieil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. - - !' 1 1 H( I Kit Y bcninx No. I. Fui nil wi mji uuis ana clgais. Lata in connection 1U a. tun 01. .''MAtliiAI'.U Van Ji ftoiatie. Pack, move, Siie sad ship U. II. gooc. D. Hue, LJ-JI.'s. MRS 1 11 AKI.ES C. HL'NGATE. filing. SHi Biandeis Bldg. Tel. Web. hlna di. J. WABASH CLEAN I Nil CO.; Kidles and Usui clullus cu-iiiieij rcpan ctl inn. LliJ. 1LEU GRAND llUTEL Turkish ilatbt K.nesi Ibin .v in '.! west. Ii-J".arl tius aD(l Alfred Jones, reircfchoicni. uiuMc atrvlce. 43ik Jackson. 11. In J. A-iji ALADDl.N lumps rniii upplivi. I)i uu Co., 1 1 is and Ames .We. earalo Web. Us. Kos-lior Del km lessen All kinds of smoKed meals & Fish dclheied daily. Dave Kukl ii. i.o'j N. lmii. D. j;x CHINA decoiatlng for clubs Mits M. R. Enug. Brailiieis specialty. Theater. MRS. M. Y IRWIN, M lliandels theater CI ina decoratiug aid filing. rJaLcr cards. ""pi'BLIC MARKET special. Nut and lump eoal. $.,.w; l oi.e, $..-0 per ton. Parl I lilge-TliuniHoii Co.. Ill Public Market, lulu liaihe, Douglas 5m.. lnd A-.1t.t-' TWENTY lr cnl lc than Omaha price. HOME FUKNl'l ORE CO.. Tweuly-foui tit nU I. mi, oouih Omaha. CIS 1MI.MINGUK.7. has Slcgrtiitlv filled lurbei' shop Omaha National BauK Bid.' ipcned at I'll an New JOHN NITTLER. "VJrTn LUX US THE BEER YOU LIKE. 8':l South lth Bt. Douglas 19. Red ::--. lndindenl. K-l.c; B. F. WUKN", optician. 443 Biandeia Bldg. k . - . - PKKL PLUME CLEANING CO. Will open about Feoruary I al No. I I'uvi.ji biock Will clean and de all kinds of Ostrich Feather and Aigrets. We will niliovv vour "hi Willow Plumes at rcasonuoie low Plumes price. We also make W II to older Phone lmuglus 2:.''7. I'l TI"J Corner 10th and Douglas lJ-'11'"' Fxcelsior Plating Work WPI plate anci r-novaie our jewelry, sll xerwsre. or auviiilnrf winch Is metal. Telephone Iiouglas 2au. VIRGINIA Dlli: WINE-7ic a lane bottle. Klfln Livtuor llounu, 6-'- N. Ifth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) REPAIR WORK. VDK Jackson dt !. 1477. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMTANT. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 811 Ree Bldg. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. 16 B. 15TII. UPSTAIRS. MASONRY contractor. Healy, Web. 124L Duffy A. Boland, Undertaken. Tyler 1671 Kilters, filter reraira. 1810 Howard. D. tSl3. OOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH R- JETB'8 1301 touglaa Street UVy B. IL Cole Sign Co.. D. tm. Ull Farnam. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post - ' "TEAR" your top. And lirlng It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMMOND Corner ISth and Harney St a. DO YOU WANT A GOOD USED CAR AT THE 1UGIIT PRICE? We are offering some fifteen eucli cars for sale at prices that will move them quickly. HERK ARE ' SOME SAMPLES: 1910 Chalmers "30." paint, tires and me chanical parta In extra good order, equip ped, 1.2o0. 1910 four-passenger International, with solid tires, top, etc., almost new, $400. 1910 four-cylinder-, two-passenger, solld tlre Holzman, driven about 600 miles. A snap at 3u0. Four-passenger one-cylinder Cadillac, and many others, $176. If you want a big run for yotir money you can't afford to miss seeing this line of real bargains. II. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2044-46-48 Farnam St. HUDSON, THOMAS FLYER, CHALMERS, PIERCE ARROW 4 OUR line of 2d-hsnd tires are bargains. Ideal Tiro Repair Co.. 2124 Farnam St. Antn Pflintino- "MURPHY DID IT. auio i aiming Gel om. prk.e8 now. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. WRITE for list ot automobile bargains il. E. Fredrlckaon Auto Co., Omaha. Auto Repairing Rnr!LrErmcARnoTv CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. '1 be Paxton slltcheU Co.. 2010-K Harney. D, 724; A -2011. WRITE ior prices. THE INTERSTATE: AUTOMOBILE CO.. 310-3U S. lDth St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 33; THERE are wonderful Investment oppor tunities In certral and northern British Coluiul.la along the ot three trans') continental and other railroads building. Thin vast, new and rich territory of :x).0i0 000 acrca of the finest grain, fruit and mixed farmlnu land, uu.iai.iki ucrts of rich mineial, timber and coat land will de velop with maveloua rapidity. Fort Gejrse is the geographical center on the line of all railroads bulldinn ami projected and at ihe Junction of 1.000 miles of nuvinable waterways. You can get In now before the railroad and share In the profits bv in vesting as little as $10 per month. Let us send you a free copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of Information." containing up-to-date news of investment opportunities in this vest, new and rich country, also svnoPHls of government land, mining, tim ber and coal laws, etc. Send you i-.aine and address today. Natural Resources Se curity Co.. Ltd.. Pad up capital, ?2"0.0"0. o4.' Bower Building. Vancouver, H. C. SEEING THINGS - To the best advantage I the result of proper care and attention of your eyes. Our knowledge of the eye Is basd on 19 yrs. of fitting glasses. .Consultation fr. e. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 309-S11 8. n;tn St. FOR SALE Good livery and feed barn, auto lu connection. Huppert Ac Uai?si Ala.v wood. Neb. 1 TAILORING business for sale: $153 will buy my well equipped tailor shop in on,- of the best cities in Wyoming; 1 niploy :! nanus: poor health reason for selling. Ad- dress Box 677, Lander, Wyo. t'ASADY f- H,al ' l-oaQs'an! insuiance. Lli your prop-; itv for rale or rent, vjulca return. t v, iviinc:' Hin and Douglas. Tel. Doug. lW Ft.) It SALE-'.'0-ncrc RoRiie River Vallei (Ore.) orchard; II acres h-urlnn app'es; : joins cliv limits; 1400.1 pioposition : 7.mii' ktc.ci. drugs m 'I win l alis. lcUho country. lernn on Doin. r or pHrticulari addresi L it U,. iJ. Aslilund. lire. I A Gl OD busi'ie: s for : 1 sale, doing i;ood buhtnt s ladies' tailor, for; having city, 3ol I , Council Bluffs. 1 Wist Lroada. upatar - hull, compii te. new I Full SALE-Pool ifixlures. Inquire at p-b I N. Jlth St., S. o. t FINE paving tailoring esiabli.shmcnt for hale; only one lu t joiI county cal town C. 1 prison, ,-tic City, la FUR .-ALE -Pool I al locallon. VJ1S Karnam: piac; Knod rcaoni tor nine tables; fine I rasonablu selling CASH for ,.n.-isl store. P KSO, Bee. AN Alll.E'. experienced, responsible phy sician, a i ileler.'il (iriiKKixt and able writer, desires a localiou to practice where lie can gel fiunncial assislance lo hue a drug store, or a position ai editor, or as secretary or irteaurer or bolli. in conncc lioii Willi the practice. Address Y -J2, care Br-. Foil SALE Good, clean var'ety stuck unit fixtuies In Ncliinska '.o vn of di linolce at $..v. Ad.liesn V-Ji. care Bee. I TO Ui; Y-jl'.l.L-OH TRADE SEE Til E I MIDLAND CO. -4 BRAN DEIS BLDG I'M I SM.E-An iiD-to-riate ie .rem il I parlor and cafe, in good live loan, main I line ami division point on C. H. u Best ' business, hrst location In lun. will sell! at Invoice price. If taken at once. Brick. winding; sell or rent Reason for selling. I III health, .-am C. Lived, n, Fairmont. Neb. - i REI.IMJl ISHMENT for sale or trade. ""p railroad town In Irrigation country, 'P. 7-D. Bee. Hiuimln lluaaes for ale. 20 room, good business. 2214 Douglas1 St CHIROPODISTS MOVHKIT, chiropodist diessing. hair gMxis city munlcurlng. Nat. Hk D. LB- ROY. lii Farnaui St Douglas Ul. DANCING Misses Flmrson Coll. W. 2491. W. .VS. MORANIVS. 16th and Harney. t-jg. 294. DENTISTS Dr. Clark The Painless Dentist Very best set of teeth on rubber $ J.oo Aliimnlntim plate 110.00 Gold crowns I 6 00 Suite 304 Paxton Block. BAILEY ft MACH, Id floor. Paxton. D. 103&. DR. HORTON-S7 City Nat. Bank Bldg. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective age, Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319. lnd. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMCK. H7 KARBACH Blk. DRESSMAKERS COMPETENT DRESSMAKINO; satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. 2214 Mason. DRESSMAKINO by day. Webster 3718. First-class tailoring & dressmkg. 1818 Dodge EDUCATIONAL. Y. W. C. A. Second Terra Opens Feb. 6. GENERAL LITERATURE, ORATORY. LANGUAGES, ASTRONOMY, GRAMMAR. PAINTING. ARITHMETIC. ORCHESTRA. STENOGRAPHY DICTATION. SEWING PLAIN SEWING, SHIRT WAISTS, TEXTILE STUDY, DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY. JUNIOR CLASSES. COOKING COURSE I DINNER CLASS. COURSE II LUNCH EON COURSE. COURSE IH PRACTICAL COOKERY. ' BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and " most successful commercial school. Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship, The cata logue in free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent, Omaha. Neb. ? EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK YOU LOSE AN OPPORTUNITY to secure one of the much-to-be-deslred positions which we sre called upon to fill. For further particulars telephone or call at THE VAN BANT 8CHOOU lone C. Duffy, Elizabeth Van Sant. Proprietor. Principal. Wead Blag., Cor. lHth and Farnam Sts. Y. W. C. A. Millinery 14 lessons, beginning February Monday, Z.W) and 4:80 p. in Tueda. 7:15 and :li P; m .$4.00 .$3.00 FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance BUANDEIS-' cut flower dept.; new store. L. Henderson. 1&19 Kitrnura. Douglas 1218. A. DONAGHl'E. 1007 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001 HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. .!. i HA l it. 1G28 Harney. Douglas 3000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace snd stove re- paiix. New furnaces and combination hot waif heaters. Thermostats snd tank heat ers. Omana Stove Repair Works. lJOo-Uw .o-jylds bt. Both phones. FURNACES cleaned, repaired, 18th and Cms, ijoug. 62w. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. ! LADIES To demonstrate , house to I house. Salary and carfare. W. G. Carr, Room 3o. -10 13th Si. clerical and Office. Stenosrupher. experienced. $."0. Menogiaplier and offli'e clerk. $36. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. City Nationul Bunk Bldg. 1'sclorr uuil 'Irnaea. WAXTE1 An apprentice to learn halr dr.s.nx. Apply Mls (llhlin. SL'7-.SiO City National l ank Bldg. W A NTEI "--Experienced chocolate dipper. Apply at candy dept. Brandels Stores. ' - Ilunnrki-riirri nnil Domestics. 1 oillL for genital housework; must be good cook: no washing and Ironing. Mrs. T. C. B.v mi "MS California v ANTi;i-lloiisek. cpi i ; somaii piefcrrcd. lei. W middle-aged i-bftei- 1U4. WANTED Two gills for general li i..se noik' rof rences ieiulred Doug ! t;. z-H N. ISth St. WANTED A good Blrl for gtnersl house work, German or Bohemian prrrerred. IA."S I l ark Ave j WANTED A competent fcirl for general! housework. 6-'nd anu M Hilary Aie - ; WANTED - A nice uiiiig girl to care far I children, good home. lS:o Sherman Ave W A NTED Girl to help Willi housework. 4Li 'ass t WANTED A competent girl for house wcrk. "lain cooking. 17co Lake St. WANTED- Girl for general housework i; s. isth St. WANTED A competent girl work, thrtc ill family. Mrs W. 2J1' F ft-. So. Omaha for house W. Fishr. WANTED A man. with or house for two Ralston. Route middle aged German vo wtthout tamilv, to keep men on farm mile West 2 So. Omaha r I i WANTED Flrtt class cook. ColDeler. Hi So. 25th Ave. Mrs Frsnk ! WANTED Woman for general house I work on farm, work not very heavy. Mr. h. R. Fernn. North Bend, Neb WANTED A girl about 16 lo care foi I children snd help with housework. 4224 ii iiouKlua M- jJ 1 WANTED Good (III tor tienvral house- .Iwoik small 1'a.uuL, no luuudry. 1417 N. JUlh bt HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepera and tlnmritlri WANTEl A competent girl for general housework. ?M F St. 8. O. Omaha. - WANTED-A comuetent aMrl for areneral housework. 12o N. 42nd St WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 12U N. 2.th St., So. Omaha. WANTED-An experienced girl for gen eral housework, small family. 1649 Georgia Ave GIRL for general housework; small fam- tny; no washing. Mrs. Talmaga, 4929 Cass St.. Phone Harney 2918. LADIES wanted; take work home, ap plying transfers. 416 Brandels theater. WANTED A first class cook. 9018 Doug Iss St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced waitress at 212 So. -,)tll St. Doug. 3138. Mlsrellasieea. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as ttrargers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at ft. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Ixok tor uur trav eler's aid at the Union station. WANTED Experienced saleslady In ready ,ma1 and dry goods department. Must understand altering. German pre ferred. State references and wages. Ad dress Becker & Co., Albion, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE scents. Salesmen aaal Solicitors. SPECIALTY salesmen: best Dronoaltlon offered; entirely new; either men or woman; uiuy nve ones reply. Aauress u (, bee. Clerical and Office. Traveling office manager, lnv 150 Traveling salesman $125 Traveling salesman, young man, cigars. $ 75 Stenographer $75 Bookeeper $ 65 Ledger clerk $ 60 If you are looking for a position, see us at once. WESTERN REF & BOND ASSN., INC. OMAHA. Est. 8 Yrs. KANSAS CITY. Cashier. Investment required, $125. Bookkeeper, bank experience. $75. Office clerk, railroad experience, $70. Office clerk, Kood penman. $.r5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. a Drug Stores (snaps), Jobs. Rnlest Bee Bldg. TAILOR wanted at Fort Omaha. Call at Post Exchange. WANTELVUpholsterers; good wages; write at once. Cedar Rapids Lounge Co., 406 8th Ave.. Cadar Rapids, la. IllsrelLaaeoaa. , TOU are wanted for a government posi tion. $80 a month. Writ for list ot posi tions open. Frnnklln Institute, Dept Ju-C, Rochebter. N. T. MORE MEN NBHCDED AT ONCE for electric railway motormen snd conductors, 20 to 40 years old. $00 to $1W a month; no experience necessary ;. fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately lor application blank, enclosing stamp. Address, I -Ul Lara of Bee. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; practical shop work under experienced Instructors; Individual road work In large touring cars. We Invite your investigation. National Auto Train ing Asa n.. office 4U8 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED at once, good man over 25 years of age; must be capable of handling correspondence In large real estate office, must be good closer and capable of hand ling buyers, neat in appearance, sober and industrious. Ambition brings Its Just re ward here. Write stating experience and salary wanted. Otis Land Company, Blunt, S. D. RAILWAY Mall Clerks Wanted Average i-alsry. $1,100; alternate weeks off with full pay: preparation free for coming Omaha examinations Franklin Institute, Dept. .03-11. Rochester. N. T. 4. WANTED At once 60 to 100 Italians or Greeks with foreman to clean the Leavitt sugar factory brick. Address J. J. Funk, Fremont. ND. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Good barbers make good money and make it easy. We make good barbers. Our course enables you to double your salary In few weeks. Positions waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th Bt. WANTED One or two good subscription solicitors. profltnble proposition. The Citizen, Holdrege. Neb. A Guarantee of Business Prosperity The Bee Advertising Column. HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE 1 Experienced canvassers can make big ouick money; city or country territory. Apply Wallace. 412 Webster-Sunderland Bidtr!. Pith and Howard .Mh. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. WE buy and sell all kinds of horse; Blue barn, rear Millard hole!. D. 4uti6. AUCTION SALE of over too horis and mules; Gallup regular auction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Onialia, Thursday, r'cieutiiy .. h.tr. . tin i.i. iciiaii'iii n.a lie found choice farm mares, heavy drsft maulicil teams of farm chunks; also about llnriy head of seconiJ-hand cltv horses, inoMi of them a littlo pavement sore; ihey sell cheap and make useful horses to leke out on the farm, as they soon become fiii nil when used on .toft ground. I. C. GALLUP IhiK.SE. agon and harness. Webster 1IS7 LOST AND FOUND I.OST Boston bu'l terrier, white breast and bobiailed; 3 year old; big collar on Iteck; vps last seen at !.'! ti niid leaven vvoilh. 5 p nr., l- l lull Call A. C. Storx. Murz prenlng Co., receive reard. $10 REWARD for return of brlndle bull terrior, white chest, small white spot on I'Kck of neek. plain collar, small stinis. no rmtne on plaie. Answers to name of Bunk. !'. K. Norton. J21 S. -.".th St. STRAYED from 5.'7 doit; shows iairencss Doui;. 74. Reward. H. 2ih Ave. collie in the back. Tel MEDICAL FREE me. th -i and -urelral treatment at Creighlon Medlcsl colleae. 14'h and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid lo confine ment cases: all treatment supervised bv ccnlege professor. Phone Douglas ll7. Calls answer i day and night. HAZEL LEAF I K E CONES-Best rem eil. iuhiio;. I,l)i.d;iie: or protuding PILES; .W postpaid, saoinles f i ee fher uiau av 24i.Cunt.sil Drug CO., Ouaha MONEY TO LOAN ALARY Ann CHATTELS. M$w$$$$wmwM$Mj$$mmmM$ $ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NO MORE HIGH RATES NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. This Is a new firm, organized by the LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA TO IX3AN $10 to $.".00 10 anv honest person owning HOUSE HOLD GOODS. PIAN11S. etc. OR holding a salaried position, at ths rate of ( PER CENT PER YEAR. JUST THINK. YOU PAY St( Interest on $10 for one year. $1.60 Interest on $-. for one year. $3.00 Interest on $W for one year. ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPOR TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Reasonable Appraisement Charges. INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY. ROOM 204. WITH NELL BLDG. N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. Doug. & 45. $ !! $ siiKsiuutstuusmtmssMmtHRi rJo'd U NEED MC'NEYt" We will loan you money on your furni ture. Dlano. live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D. 1356. Ind. A-1366 220 Bee Bldg. We Do What a Bank Won't Do. We make loan on furniture, pianos and teams. In any amount from $6 to $1K for any length of time up to one year and al low you to pay It back In small weekly or monthly payments. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11. Arlington Blk., 1511V Dodge. Phones: Douglas 24tki. Ind. A-24tx. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLW WOMEN KKEPING HOU8B AND OTHERS, wlthcut security; easy payments. Office In 88 principal cities. Tolman. Kooca $08 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. 108 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 141L A-liU. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Wfl FT, AT ATT m Dodg 8trt PRIVATE party will loan honorable sal aried people small sums on their plain note: banking methods, lowest rates; loans made quickly and confidentially; payments arranged as desired. Address F 728. Bee. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mdv ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office, 216 S. 17th. Doug. 34; lnd. B-l.'Ul. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. 16th;. 309 S. 17th. Doug. 41tU. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. THE IRVING. 2102 Leavenworth street. THE BACHELORS. American rates. Single. $.16 to $40; double, $u8 to $66. 6t James, 418 S. 13; stra. heat, free bath; Am., tl.tt up; wkly., $6 up; meals, ioc STRICTLY modern rooms, with home cooking; rates reasonable, by day or week; meals, lc; half block jrest ot poatotfice. 1711 Dodge. BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms, suitable for t or 4. 106 N. 26th St. ATTRACTIVE front room with large a. rove; walking distance; home cooking. Phone Douglas 5386. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms and board; walking distance from downtown; best of home cooking. 123 S. 26th Are. Tel., Doug. 3982. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, desirable for three gentlemen, good board. 2610 Harney St. NICE room and board for two or three gentlemen, reasonable. 2614 Cuming St. FOR RENT Large south room, desirable for two or three board. 132 a 16th Ave FOR RENT Nice steam heated room, board. 1714 Nicholas St. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms, board. 1710 Chicago St. WALKING distance, two very desirable rooms. In private home; one block from car line. 2104 Webster. Red 6811. VERY nice modern room, good board. 710 S. 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, well heated, board If desired. FINE large room suitable for two. Cass. Douglas 1476. 1918 BOARD and room for two; on car line. 24L"0 Cass St. FOR gentleman and wife who would sp precinte a home in refined family, an east front room, with alcove, handsomely fur nished, with choice table. N-718. Bee. FIRST class room and board, 2214 Douglas. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, neat, home cooking. Jll- Douglus. LOCATED centrally, room for two: all modern ;-"nvrnlence.: new good board. 'li.niti ,Mi,,t,, hi 'no. nnininK '.ii- tanee of business section; reasonable. .".17 N. 2!M St. RimiMMATE desired bv refined young gentleman; good board and room, in new, strletiv modern place; private family: best local ion In city; reasonable. Address, L 7H. Bee. I.A'MW room suitable for two Also smaller room, with board; on bath room ' Famished Rooms. Nice south, single , room, furnished. 2213 I Douglas St. FLU.GANT FRONT room, private family, i walking distance' reasonable. 637 S. 2G Ave , A STRICTLY modern room for one or two gentlemen In West Farnam district. In private family, excellent bed. hot and cold water all the tune. Harney 131. WE have three warm and coinfortsbl furnished rooms st 1C1 N. ISth St I TWO furnished room Tel. Webster 67". 2611 N. 2'itli St. ; i FOR Rb.N'T-Two nicely f'irnlaued roon ! us b -'-d Bt. EXTKA warm front loom, lurely fur nul.eu, pot water ail th time. Vui L)ode. PLEASANT, comfortable f in nlshed room. strUt.y modern, walking distance Dews Ave. Tel. Douglas Uul 3La TW O very deslj aole heated rooms tl a rew private home; fine residence usmrt , tonlinuou hot and olJ mi , lui Oslo, use ot i lu.l.t, aUu.a fliUo.j. u . sulk Bk OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -Contlnned. ONE large and one smalt room: light , 1 , . U T.l.nh,.n. T. . 1 , . K . . t neat anu - .ki ,is j Capitol avenue. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th Farnam. PLEASANT, warm front room; crlvata 5 home; fine location, on car line; easy walk t log distance; modern: tins for one gentle- , U1H1I. " !l STRICTLY modem rooms, walking die flUnoe. 418 8. 24th Ave. $8 per week and I up. Tel. lnd. A 24- AN elegsnt large front room; fine fur niture; strictly modern. 820 N. ann; no sign on house. DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily; good location. 131 N. 31st Ave. NICELY furnished room; mod.; clos In. Ml S. :-'d St DELORIE Hotel. 810 N. 17th. Steam Heat. MODERN furnished rooms. 1407 Chicago. TWO large rooms suitable for four; board If desired. 215 No. tith St. PLEASANT modern rooms. 212 N. 2Mh St. REST locstlon In the city; easy walking distance; choice, well kept room, suitable for two. Modern residence. Bell phone. Reasonable. 810 North 24th street. VERY desirable rooms, continuous hot snd cold water; H block from two car lines. 2411 Capitol avenue. 1S0H4 St. Mary s, second floor; strictly first clans furnished rooms; modern and elegantly furnished; for gentlemen only. ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot water heat, good bath; everything strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2417 Jones St. STRICTLY modern room; walking dis tance; housekeeping privileges. If desired. 548 S. 26th Ave. STRICTLY modern furnished room; gen tlemen only: half block from post off ice. IM N. 17th. Douglas 6184. VERY pleasant alcovs suit. Tel. Doug las 8634. FURNISHED, steam beated-room, pri vate family, for gentleman; walking dis tance. $. 2 th St. CLOSE In rooms, strictly modern, 1916 Capitol Ave. Douglas 4608. PLEASANT east front rooms, suitable for two; $3.60 per week. C13 S. 18th St. LARGE, warm front room. In private home, desirable for two, strictly modern, walking distance, on 24th St. car line. $20 N. 23d. Red 4232. $10 Nicely furnished small room, for one or two gentlemen; furnace heat; gas, bath, plenty hot water; telephone; also large parlor, with piano, J1K; light housekeeping privileges. 2.rx3 St. Mary's Ave. CLOSE IN Two nice furnished rooms In private family. $3 and $1.W. 617 N. 21st. FRONT room, private entrance, for one or two gentlemen. 631 8. 20th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnlehed south room, desirable for two. 1677 Harney St. NICE private home, young lady to room and be companion, rent cheap, fine place, walking distance. SI15 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Fine housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1121 Jackson St. SUITE nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1444 N. 17th St. Doug. 1131. FOR RENT Small, nicely heated room. 2313 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, on block from car line. 2218 Grace St. TWO rooms In private residence; no sign; near Omaha club; new house, newly fur nished; strictly modern; electric lights; hot water heat; best beds; responsible business men desired. 2125 Douglas. Tyler 1228. LARGE front room, also smaller rooms at $8, in private home. Strictly modern. 616 N. 23d. 2M2 HARNEY, nicely furnished sleeping room; convenient to bath; strictly modern. NEATLY furnished room, all modern, nicely heated, private home, walking dis tance. Out So. 25th Ave. Red 7966 FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room, warm, bath on sama floor. $683 Harney St. FOR RENT Nice warm room, pleasant location, walking distance. 117 So. 21th St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, prrvate family. 617 N. 21st St. STEAM heated hooms, good location. 1506 Farnam St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. 1706 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Desirable front room, fur nished if desired. 217 So. 26th St. FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1616 Howard St. FOR RENT Suite of steam heated, mod ern rooms. 1817 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, board if desired. 1615 Burt St. FOR RENT Nice South rooms, furnished. 1813 Capitol Ave. nicely FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern room, good location. 2573 St. Mary's Ave. FOR HKNT-Urge sunny, warm rooms, deairabi'i location. 231:4 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished. well heated rooms. 1817 Capitol Ave I ..1T, ,. t. vr V," , lnL,ern, ooiwenlent Z furnished rooms, town. 20! So. 2utn FOR RENT-Light, comfortable rooms, walking illstance. 191!) Cass St - TWO verv l.lcMSant U r. trrmi rn,.r. -o! so. 2.itii Ave. NLA I I. I funiiglied rooms for colored people; steam heat and bath, $2 per week. J 'hone Harney 5.di6 THOROUGHLY modern from room, prl pate family. 210 S lith acnue. So.MK nice. warm, close In rooms, de niable for voung nun, or man and wife, i ;l. ,. huh. LARGE front pallor, nicely f urn i.shed ; also otner i'hmiis -''l5 California. NEATLY fi, noshed roo loi al ion lkl" hi' iiF'i M s; modern; good Fi RST-CLASS. modern, at 1 - i - l" furnished rooms; all""1" Uk. I'ljifK in. I wo new Iv fin mshed fiont looms, furnace bent 5HI North 20th sU Ao smn. I linn" I'otiKi-is h2 . . Hotels anil A iurf ntenfs. yp'EI.Y FURNISH Ei lioo.MS for t-'en-lemen THE CHATHAM, 110 S. 1 Ith M. SI'ITI'S-S'; up: meal book, $5 .'.0 Genile n.tn prr-ferrei!. Tel. Ilir i.l 1 042 Geo Ave. Do I ME Hi iT El.-l.'llh and sltie rooms steam heat, .-i" "Uke; all out lal .eik late. ; Ausrcmenie anil Kiel. , - , .f 00 Fcj 12 1 1 1 It " ' M a. t I bike st .a l4k tars, barney laal OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments anil Finis Contlnned. GROUND floo.. 5-room. steam heated flat, the Dunsany. 10th and Pierre Sts, .l per month. CONRAD YOUNO. 4d8 Brandels Theater Bldg. CENTRAL All modern. 4-room flat 120 N. 21. FOR rent- choice 6-room flat near high school, $'-'2.ii0. 7-room cottage, 3lst and .lnekson; reduced to $20. Tel. owner. Red hJi. $40 0 8-room apartment w ith klt.-hen and bath; partly furnished. C. F. Belmen, new Hamilton apartment, i lu. iviephone Red 7!50. MOST elegantly decorated and complete 4 or 6-room brick apartment In city; elec tric lights, continuous hot end cold w;aler; steam heat furnished; tiled bath room; laundry with drier. I 'rice, $.i0 Two clocks from heart of city. 11-577, Bee. BE comfortable; 6-room apartment on west Farnam street with heat and Jani tor service free; every convenience. JOHN W. ROBHINd. 1M2 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM flat; strictly modern; very beet neighborhood, $2J50 liar. 2UJ-.I. FIRST floor St. I-ouls fiat, practically new. only $ln. Tel. Webster PCI. Farnlsneit HoDsekeeplnaj Rooms. .HOUSEKEEPING, small sleeping rooms, 1712 Jackson street. TWO rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping; laundry privileges. 17i7 Dodge. TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms In private family. 1510 North l.'tu street, Webster 1254. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, well healed front parlor, lsi t ass bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 2227 Dodge St. FOR RENT Three nice rooms, heated, main floor. 320 N. 20th St. steam TWO modern, furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private family; walking dis tance, lor 46 a week, including gas, heat; laundry free. 318 S. Will Ave. 'Phone Har ney 5111. FOR RENT Nice steam heated house keeping rooms. 3402 So. 2Uh St. FOR RENT Two very nice rooms for housekeeping. 622 N. 22nd St FOR RENT Nicely furnished moms for light housekeeping. 1407 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished etesra heated housekeeping room. 713 N. 16ta St. FOR RENT Modern light housekeeping rooms. 1624 Cass St. FOR RENT One large modern, well heated room. 606 N. 13d St. FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, desirable for housekeeping. 2716 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Thres . nicely, furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 1618 Webster St. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, nice location. 2568 Dodg St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, walking distance. 2670 Leav enworth St. I FOR RENT Two large rooms for light , housekeeping rooms, for ons or two ladles. 2620 Davenport Bt FINE ROOM For light housekeeping rooms. 2113 Douglas St. FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2021 California St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. 2114 Chicago Bt FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing, clos In. 113 S. 24th St. ROOMS for small family; $8 par monta. 2868 Spalding St. Inquire grooery store. DUNDEE Three rooms for light house keeping, modern. Harney 1914. Untarnished Rooms. TWO warm, south front rooms; newly decorated ; on bathroom floor; $401 Cass; convenient to two car lines; references. r THREE-ROOM housekeeping apartment In brick flat, $18 per month. "1)18 Davenport Bt. LARGE pleasant unfurnished room with wardrobe. 003 N. 17th. FOR RENT Two unfurnished good location. 624 S. 20th St rooms. FOR RENT Two rooms, partly modern, good location. 2213 Charles St FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, walking distance, good location. 3712 How ard St. FOR RENT Two unfurntibed wsll heated rooms. 614 S. 29tli St. FOUR modern housekeeping rooms, refer ences required. 2220 Burt St TWO modern rooms, gsa range, ghados. 2206 N. ISth St TWO, three or four unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 2127 Douglas Bt. Refer ences. LARGE pleasant unfurnished room with wardro. 603 N. 17th. lloasee aad Cotaee. COTTAGE, 14 N. 26th St. Tel. Ham'y MM HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; rheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas to. City Office. 216 Ho- 17 St.. Bee Kidg. Mklill'M 1'KK'KD HOMES. ' t!.v1MOL' .so. tut li St.. 5-roMiii corner flat. $16-1 N. -1st St.. 6-room cottage. 1 1,,.- N 2.th St, b-room home ti;'-2"iw Paul St., fc-rooin cottage. JIJ --.'. Burt si . four rooms upstairs. $; Vi -'il Lake St.. three rooms. ROBINSON A- WoLF., 4 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT Four room cottage on Wth Ave. near Douglas: $12 a monio. Apply lo Dexter L. Thomas, 412 B"S Bldg. C-UO'iM cottage: modern except fumarei beautiful lawn und trees. No. 2l South iiJd Ave. Kent only $.5 per mo. Telephone I Duiiglas 4040. ! FINS k-rouin, modern bouse. 874 Call Houses, In Rlngwalt. Brand! Th. Bldg. NEW. 6 looms, all modern except heat 2 i S 2'lli Ave., 1 lilot k south of Central boulev a i'l aii'l Vinton m hool. '1 el. Tyler 16J7. 1 1 ... .... In ali riatt a of Ihe elfr. ,luu'1,a crclgh S"ii 4i lo. Be BsVg. THIRTY-SFv'oND and Puppleton. 8-room modern brick flat. WRIGHT . LASBUHr, t'jb e.o. Kin hi piioiiu ixo.gias 1..2. I II., Vv 3T.D Burt. Tel. Harney Z40. ! ERR1N Exp. Storage. 1511 Cap.. D 8131 i Dm V i n v Mir. i u. parks, move, store Om in 1 St,, rag C o park s moves, stores h'o.stnold goods Fireproof stoisg; 804 I Itko. Uxtuutt, tut a. 17 Ca Xsi. li. SU4. 4 Hit 1 A v , J