1 Hr7 In KM Ail XTM US I A Y,M hlW Li A U V"d!)il7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market Has Been Tereriih fo! Over a Week. CORN HAS REMAINED STEADY Torn la Firm tarda', wttk Cumtrr Offering Vot Very Free lear- trri Are Hrirf aaal !) nil In Active. OMAHA. Teh 4 The wheat marker haa during the Isst week lieen nervous and errstle, lth a downward tendency due to the bearlah sta tistical Information and heavy selling auf firlent to Induce llheral liquidation. The ah.irt Intereet. which la large, la In th form of hedges sgslnst tssh grain held In tore, and this la a big factor against an advance. In spite of the weakneea In wheat and oata corn haa maintained a steady and firm tone. I-esplte the liberal movement to date stocks have not Increased a com pared with a yaar ego. The situation la a strong one and valuta might early advance. There wa a firmer ton to covering by ahnrta and firmer cables and reports of export sales. Predictions of rain In the aouthwest checked the advance. -ome ac tive demand from outside milling interests forced cash value up Sc. The corn market ruled ateady to firm throughout the day, value changing very little. Country offerings are not overly free and receipts are light. Clearances are heavy and the cash demand active with values Vfco lower I'rlmai y corn receipts were 43T.0iiO bu.. and shipments were Ct.GUft bu.. against receipts last vear of 41,JU0 bu. and shipments of 2M,flnO bu. Prlmery corn receipts were 9OK.000 bu. and shipments were fi.utiO bu.. Bgalnst receipts last year of tSftu bu. and ahlpmente of 4iio0 bu. Clearances were S40.oni) bu. of corn. 700 hu. of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 167.000 bu. Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat ana i1 higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 89c; No. 3 hard, 1 car, 8Xc. CORN-No. i white 1 car. 40c; No. S enlor. 1 car (oldl, 4)c: No. yellow. 1 car (choice!, 3Mc; 14 cars. Jftc; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 4uc; No. 1 mixed, 11 cars, l?'c. OATS No. 3 white. cars. 294o; No. 4 white. S cars, 2ne; No. 4 yellow. 1 car, JS'c; no grade, 1 car twhlte), 2o. Omaha Caak Trices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, fW';!Kc; No. 2 hard, i7Mi1rWi:: No. 4 hard, 7SS8Vc; re jected hard, "4lvtir,i4c; No. 2 spring, 9W :tc; No. 8 spring, 7(lc. CORN No. : white, .WVS.c; No. S white, 3!4f!V; No. 4 white. 3!"u :i9'4e; No. 2 vellow. et4c; No. 3 yellow, iVaiOluc; No. 4 vellow, annate ; No. 2, iWV'MOc; No. 3. WiVffSSUc; No. 4. 38'&381c; no grade, 3fiVtf37',c. OATS No. 2 while, 2''8,.'9c; standard. TtUrfc; No. 3 white, iaMtZHVic: No- white. 28V3V: "o. 3 yellow, it2c; lS'o. 4 vellow. T,rgWa. lUm-BY-No. .1, 73'izttOc; No 4. 3(4c; No. 1 feed, Bi,i(fi4c; rejected, 63(iOc. Kl'JVNo. 2, 7!K4i!0c; No. 8, Italvo. Carlot HerelDt. Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago ... H 395 143 Minneapolis 1K3 Omaha 21 8 36 Duluth 2 CHICAGO GRAI1 AMU PH4 I SIO Ji S Fealarea of the Tradlag and CloalnaT Prlrea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Keb. 4. Covering by nerv oua short sellers who had overreached themselves of late, Rave wheat an up ward turn todav. In the end. however, the tone waa weak, though the close was ar a net advance of Wo to 'iSCSc. Corn finished 'c to 'c down, oats He off to a shade up, and provisions at i'-iC to 10c decline. The sale of 100.000 bushelea of No. 2 red wheat for prompt shipments from here to a Louisville miller had consid erable to do with making shorts a bit anxious. The rise here resulted, never theless. In the working of CO, 000 bush els of No. 2 hard from Kanaaa City to Chicago and an offer of 100,000 bushels additional. Many traders thereupon de serted the bull aide and there was some thing of a sinking spell during the laat fifteen minutes of the aeaslon. Tills waa In decided contrast wlUi the feeling at 1 the outset when lighter world shipments twisted the market upwarda. Primary receipts for the week were much lesa than for the previous aeven days far below of a year ago. May ranged from D8c to 96 Vic and closed c up at it flat. The corn trade allowed little snap al though larger ahorts covered. May varied from KOGSOVsC to 60ae, clotting weak,MVc down, at 60J0'c. Cash corn was eaay. No. 2 yellow finished at 474c48. i In oatn, selling, was ateady and of a fairly Influential aort. High and low points for May were S.H4c and33 in tZH,c. with latest aalea a shade off at 83 fa 33 Vac Hogs products were easy. The end of the day left pork 8c to 10c lower lard, down tHo to 2 H g 6c, and rlba at &c decline Prlcee In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, 708 Brandels building Omaha. Telephone Douglas 3473. ' Month. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. W I 95 80'! 80i ol s uS 3'J S3, .'.82T'&:u 93V'i 9: I , IWIAtlwl b. 81 1 I I 3-T, 31-iii 3:1 33 33', 3a!S2T(33 , ,m - IX 26 17 70 W 70 72 m 80 IR 82 17 72 88 70 t 73 t 80 t0 IX 15 13 23 18 JO 17 68 17 60 17 70 77 9 0 9 82 6 9 7 9 70 70 70 75 9 77 77 f 82 9 6J 9 55 9 M) 9 60 9 6 Cash quotations were as fololws: FIAJl'H Kaay; winter patents, 34 20f 4 70: straights. f4.vWi4.60; spring straights !4MVn4.70; bakere. 3.4(Xu6.0O. H V E No. 3. 24c; feed or mixing barley S.()7Sc; fair to choice malting. K4frliuc CKKIW No. 1 southwestern, 82o6; No 1 northwestern. $2 68; timothy seed. 3lu.60ir 100; clover. $14. io. 1'KOVlSIONS-Mess pork $X 25'ft 20 50 lard. $41.76: short ribs, loose. $:i.s7 Vn 10 50 , Total clearances of flour were equal' to 167.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 43T -i w bushels compared with 4..000 busheH the corresponding day a year ago. Ks timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 2 care; corn. 375 cara; oats, ltf cars- ho 301 head. ' Chicago Cash Pricee -Wheat : No. 2 red iVu'iMV-; No. 3 red. Wi.95c: No. 2 hard' -P,..-., a iiniu. o0.w, no. llortllHItl fi'iuia. i." i. iu, -o. i norinern sprlnK, uwv-i.i.w iiy. et'i ilia, iww'g 9 1 corn: No SlV'i31Hc: standard, 82Vfi324i u iiMi-MfM); crtaiuerles. iii,. lilies. 16i,22c .tJUS-Klrni; receipts. J.; 20 - - imi ; firsts, 2 c; prime firsts, 22c. CHEKSK - Meady; daisies, HA-aiKe. twins, I34til34c; young Americas lo-t 15c; long horns, 184jl5V'. 41 POTATOES Steady , choics to fancv 11 (flrtc; fair to gixd. 4f(43c. ' I'tilM.TK Steady, turkeys, alive 21c dressed, spring, alive. Mw; dressed! VEAf.-Stead) ; 30 to 50-iiund weiithis $4c; M to h., pound weights. 104c- L o lio-pouud welgli's, 114c. Clilcako ltecrlpta-Toduy : Wheat U cars com. cars. outs. 14h cars. Estimated tomorrow-V heat. 32 cars; corn. 3.6 car. ats, IjS cars. lllsarspella Grain Market. MINNF.M'Or.IS. Feb 4-WIIKAT-Mav I $1 O.Mi l.if.H : July. $i.uiHril.03: cash ! 1 hard, $1 044; No. 1 northern, $1 OlsVl oil" I No 3 northern, (OitillOlH. No. 3. i is ,c I Fl.AX-Closed at $:. I CORN No. 3 yellow. 43li434c ' OATS No. 3 white, a'-fjluc. 1.1 r.-no. 1. i"qisc. URAN-ln liO-pound sacks. $; ovrri in. FLOCK First patents. $4 6f.iio.06 second patents. $4 5.j4W; first clears. VS.jtoiito second clears. $2.W'62 65. -. Dnlatn (iraln Market. tCLl TII. Feb. 4 -WHFAT-No 1 north ern, $10-0,: No. 2 northern 31 UO'.'rcl uii Xlav. $I.W4a$1.04U; July. $1 04', OATS 314c l.lernool tirala Market. I.IVFRIt'OI. Feb. I -W HEAT Fpnl, Hull, No. 2 red wrMem winTir, no stk; 1 r 1 casn, t.ni.v; cash. 434fa-43e- No 2 white. 4.'fM7V: No. 3 white. 4,-VHoc- No' 2 yellow. 474'u4Nc; No. 3 yellow. 43-Vii 46c' Oats: No. 2 cash. No. 2 white, S.-,,3.)c: No. I white. .(I-, 'i3Lc; No. a .k future. steady; Marrh. 7e Hd; Mav, 7e d. t't'HN 8 not American mined, new. quiet. 4x 2'd: American mlxd. old. stesdr. (. 2d: future, quiet; February, 4a Td; llarch. 4a 3d; May, 4a Nd. YORK l.rKRAI, MARKET dsotitltit of ke Dar Varlma Commodities. NKW TORK. Feb. 4 FLOUR Inac tive; spring patents, 85 16is.40; wlnlr straights, 4 20 4 30; winter patenta, 14 40 b 4 35: spring clears. I4 00W4 35; winter extras No. 1. $14093 70; winter xtras No. 2. $326(73 40: Kansas straights, $4 6O04 76: receipts. 15.275 .....n.t nniiMMroin, io,.t0f nois. rtye Hour, unlet: fair to rood, $4 20 4 35; choice to fancy, $4 40t40 lluckwheat flour, quiet- i 26 per 100 pounda. Co UN M KA L Stea.ly; fine white t d yellow, kiln dried. $2 83. WHEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red, 97 c elevator: and 'c. f. o n. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. fl.H. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was quiet but atety on covering and on steady cables, small receipts and reports of Im provement in cash sales In the west closing net higher. May. $1.01 9-16 Ji 1 "1 18-16; closed, $I01; July, closed $1 004). Receipts. 3,400 bushels; ship ments, nil. CORN spot market steady; new So. . . ' b afloat Futures market waa without transactions, closing at He net advance. May cloaed, 68 He Receipts, 5.Si5 bushels, shipments, 137.3H3 bush els. OATS Spot market steady; standard while, 37Hc; No. 2, 37 V,c: No. Si 8Hc: No. 4, Sc. Futures market was without trans sctlona. closing unchanged. Msy closed, 38'4c; July, 38Hc. Receipts, 39,650 bushels; shipments. 706 bushels. HAT Onlet rivlm at ill. ... ( i . N - y , fi.i.ni nominal, sn",.'-' 07 4 1.10; No. 2. 98c; No. 3, HOF.S Firm, tat common to choice, 1910. 2K6l'Hr-- 1 unu lA.1n. " s v , ioih n , a lie coast, l:o. :o22c; 19n, 14(gl7c. nieauy; central American, 20 Vic; Hoeota, 22c. I.EATH Kit Firm : hemlock flrats. 23H n25V4c: seconds n ft .. i i a ci. iOc; rejects, 16-5 lie PROVISION'S Pnrlr $22 0022.60; family. $22.5023.80; short clears. $19 604(22.00. Heef. stead v; me-s, 114. 006 14.60; family. $16.5017.00; beef hams, $25 6017.60. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, 12 & HHt; pickled hams, 12 i & 1 2 He; lard, easy; middle west prime, $ 1 0.00 10.1 0 refined, steady; continent. $11.50; South America, $11 25; compound. S&o; tal low, dull; prime city hogsheads, 7 He: country, 77c. HI.'TTKR Creamery specials. 28c; extras 2ifa2D'c: third to firsts. Ivyic; creamery held third to special. I7tt2.ic: state dairy common to finest, 17:6c; process, second to special. Isolde; imitation creau.ery first, 18lc; factory held. lf.UrnVio; current niske. Ifi-(il7c. CHKKSE Quiet. steady; state whole PaWc wlnter mak- best. ll12c; skims, KOQS-Rarely steady; fresh gathered, se lected extras. 23'g234c; fresh gathered, firsts, 21V: fresh gathered, seconds, 1"KA 21c: refrlnerator. firsts, 16c; western gath ered, white. 2Hru;t2c. POFLTRY-AUve. firm; western chickens. 12ral2Vc; fowls, 14tHc; turkeys, 16felc; dressed, dull; western chickens, 13'ir818c; fowls, lS'SISc; turkeys. 15'o23c. WEATHER IS TUB GRAIN BELT Indications for Rain or Snow for Sat urday .Mgbt or Sunday. OMAHA. Feb. 4, 1B1I. The depression overlying the central por tion of the country Friday morning con tinued eastward during the last twenty four hours, and Is now central over the lower lake region. The movement of the depression eastward was attended by light precipitation In the Ohio valley and lower lake region, and rains are general over the lower lake region and eastern states this morning. An area of hlsh pressure has replaced the low over the central portion, and generally clear and colder weather prevails throughout the central valleys and upper lake region, except that It is warmer In the extreme upper Missouri valley. 1 he area of high pressure over the central portion Is followed by a low pressure over the west, and a depression of considerable energy Is central over the lower Pacific slope, and this disturbance Is causing gen eral rains and snows throughout the en tire southwest and extending eastward ?r.u ""tnrn Colorado and New Mexico. With the unsettled condition that exists In the west, the outlook is for increasing cloudiness In this vicinity tonight and Hunuay. with no Important change In tem perature. . , ... ui i lam iw ism r-owest last night 21 24 37 22 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 00 Normal temperature for today. 21 de grees. 16l27f Inches pre"lllttloU 8,nc March 1. Excess corresponding period, 19K), 5.01 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period. 1909. 6 33 ach- U. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. I.onls General Market. ST. LOl'IS. Feb. 4. WH EAT Futures higher; May, V06Sc; Julv, 92e; cash" weak: track No. 2 red, $1.U0; No. 2 hard' 96cr(j$l.0o. "ru- CORN-Wesk; May, 494c; July, BO'.c cash, lower; track No. 2. 444c; No. 2 white' 4tfa4ti4c. OATS Firm ; May. 324c; cash, lower track No. 2. 31Hc; No. 2 white. 8J4i324c ' KYR-Hlgher. s.lc. c. FLOCK (Steady; red winter patents M WVio.OO: extra fancy and straight, $4.00to 4.40; hard winter clears. I3.30U3 70 8F.F,I Timothy, $a.00ti9.00. t 1 I KIN M rA lr IJ.30. BKAN yulet; sscked, east track, ll.lOff HAY-Steady; timothy, $13.x)eiSM; prai rie. $li.00 16.00. " ' PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged; Jobbinr 2o.7o. Lard, unchanged: prime . steam' $i.654. Dry salt meata. lower: boxed ex tra ahorts. $10.50; clear ribs. $10.60; short clears, $10,624. Bscon, lower: boxed, extra shorts, $11.75; deer ribs, $11.75; short clears 11 S74. POULTRY Firm: chickens. 12c; springs 13ci turkeys, 17c; ducks, lac; geese. 8c. ' BUTTER Steady ; coramerj, 2ig25c. EUUS Firm, l4c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.VW tjoo Wheat, bu 6.omi 50 000 Corn, bu 116.0u0 13 (mo Oats, bu 95.0U0 47,000 Kansas Itr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 4. WHEAT May 924c bid; July, Rtsriixsc. sellers; cash un changed to 4o higher; No. 2 hard, 9oa7c No. 3. 7B4c; No. 2 red. 96if98c; No. 3. 92a 96c. cash unchanged; No. 2 mixed. 42t434c; No! ' Ali-fril-c- 'n t white d'lUAfl'!l.A. kta 424U 4:ic. OATS Vnchanged; No. 2 white 324ti33c No. 2 mixed, SlV-4i32o. RYE No. 3. 74fit76a. HAY I'nchansed; choice timothy, $1400Q 14 60; choice prairie, $12.'. lll'TTKH 1 r,.ni.fv "I c f I r . ends, lc; packing stock, 134c EUOS-Extras, 21c; firsts, li4c; ' seconds 134c Receipts Shipments Whest. bu t 66O0O 64.0io Ctirn. bu 97.0W 36.00) Oats, bu 16.000 13.000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feh 4.-BCTTER-Firm; extra western creamerv, 2c; nearby prints. 30c. EtiOS Steady: Pennsylvania and other nearby firms, free canes. 2.1c at mark: cur rent receipts In returnsble cases, I2e at mark; western firsts, free cases, iia at mark; current receipts. 22c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams Fancy. September, 144c; fair to good, Oc tober, 13'ul4c. Milwaukee Grain .Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 4 FLOCR-Dull WHEAT No. 1 northern. $!044ttlu64 No. 2 northern, tl.03tit.04; May, 96o. OATS Standard. 324c. BARLEY Samples. 65tiSe. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Jan. 4. Corn Firm No 3 yellow. 44444c, No. 3, 444c; No. 4, 43c: sample, 44c. ' OATS Easy; No. 3 white. S2c; standard 31c Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Feb. 4 EVAPORATED API'LES-steady with a quiet trade; on the spot fancy. 124ul3c; choice. HuilV; prime, 104 11 '" . cum storage, t-uhw DRIED FKl lTS-l'runea. strong with a good Jobbing demand. Quotations range trom bV"'l'c (or Califoriilas up to ao-4t and 9''Ull4c for Oregons from ts to 3s. Apricots, unlet, but uteudy with small of ferings; choice. 13c; extra choice, l.lVg,13c; fajicy. U ilc. Peaches, firm, but uuit-t! choice, 74ii74c; extra choice. a4c' fancy. 4i'j4c. Ralsina. inactive, but ateady In absence of selling presaure; lHee muscatels. 5Wu'c; choice to fancy seeded V'.i :V- seedieM. 4ac; London layers.' $l.t143. kuaar Market, NEW YORK. Feh 4 -SCU AK-FIrm MostovS'lo. s test. I3tr2c; centrifugal' n Uat. J i-'-ultic. Molaues sugar, U ut! 2TOji:73. Refined, steady; crushed. 30c; powdered, 4.0c. OMAHA WHOLEJALB PRICKS. FtTTF.R Creamery, No. I, delivered ts Ibe retail trade In 1-1 b. cartons. 2kc; No. 3, In 30-lb. tubs. 4c; No. 3. In 1-lb. cartons, 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 13c; dairy In MVib. tubs, ltKolbc. Market itiangea every iuesday. 1 CHKh.SE Twins, 1.VK164; young Ameri cas. 1B4C; oaiaiee. 14'; triplets, 1.4c; Urn butger, Uo, No. 1 brick, 174c; Imported Bwus, 32c; domestlu bIB, i2c, block bwlaa, 1KC. POULTRT Dressed broilers, under I Iba. 3C per dos.1 hens, 144c; cocks. He; ducks, pic; geese. 13c; turkeys, 2tc; pigeons, per dos., $1.30; homer squabs, per doa.. $4; fancy aquaba. per dm , Jo; No. i, per dos., $3. Alive, broilers, loc; smooth lg, 10c; hens, M4c; stags and old roosters, 7c; old oucks, full leathered, 12c; geese, full feathered, 4c; turkeys, lite; guinea fowU. sbc each; pigeons, per dos, c; homers, per doa, (j; squabs. No. 1. per dos., $l o0. No. 3. per dos., toe; capons, over t lbs., 14c; old turkeys, 17c. tteef Cut r-rice ao. 1 ribs, le; No 1 12c; No. 3, 9tiC; No. 1 loin, lie; No. 2, U40' No. 3, lOHoi No. 1 chuck, 7Hc; No. s, 7Ue; No. 3, 7c; No. 1 round, 9c; No. t. K4c; No 3! twn No. 1 plate. 6Hc; No. 3. u; No. I. 6Hc K18H (all froaen) Pickerel. To; whits lie; pike. 10c; trout 13c; large crapples 90c; Bpsnlsh mackerel, lhc; eel, lc; had dock, lie; flounders, Uc; green catfish, mic ros shad, $1 tch; shad roe, per pair, Me tro legs, ier dos., 50c; salmon, 110; hall hut, loc l.evni.g. 6c. FKCIT8 Apples: Missouri Jonath.n per bbls., $o.7b; Missouri Ben Davis per bbl., $476; California Helleflower. per box, $1.66; Colorado, extra fancy, Jonathan, pet full bu. box. $2.73; P.. Twig and W. W Pearmaln. per full bu. box. $2 30; Wash ington, extra fancy, Wlnesap, 96-112 sizes, per hu., $2.76; 160-175 sixes, per box, $2.30 Hananas: Fancy select, per bunch, $2 .ijn 2.50; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.7.Vn3.75. Cran berries: Per box. $3.30; Jersey, per bhl $ii.75; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle brand, per bhl., $10..W. Dates: Anchor brand, new. So 1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per box, $2.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 4c. Figs: New California. 12 l3o. pkgs., 86c; itti U-ox pkgs.. $2.40; 60 -ox. pkgs., $2.00; Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown. ler lb., 13c. Grape fruit: Florida 4K-;4-64 sixes, per box. $3.76; (W-96 slses, per box, 31.211. lemons: IJmonelra brand, ex tra fancy, 3iO-3HO sizes, per box. $4.30 choice. 3u0-3t:0 sizes, per box, KOfl; 240 size, 50c per box less. Oranges: Camella Redlands navals, (0-im alies, per box, $2.63; lai size, per box. $2.76; 130 size, per box. $2.75; 176 and smaller sizes. $3.00; choice navels. 80-90 sizes, $2.35; 12H size, $2.30; 160 and smaller sizes, $2.rtOtj2.75. Pears: Cali fornia Winter Nellls, per box, $2.75; New Vik ICelfer, per box, $2.75. VEfJETABLKS Beans, string and wax. per hamper. UMOiA.UO. Beets, per bu., 76c. Cabbage, Wiacnnsin, per lb., 14c; carrots, per bu., 75c. Celery, Michigan, per doz. bunches, S5c; California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 90c. Cucumbers, hothouse, 14 and 2-doi. in bcx., $2.25. Kggplant, fancy Flor ida, per doz., $2.00. Oarllc. extra fancy, white, per lb., 13c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz., 4'c. Onions. Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2Vc; Indiana white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.5o. Parsley, fancy aouthern, per doz. bunches, 5Wnioc. Par snips, per bu., J5c. Potatoes, early Ohio, in sacks, per b-i., 90c; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu. 75ft3c. Rutabagas, per lb.. Hie. Sweet potatoes, Kansas, per bbl.. $2.5l. Tomatoes, Florida, per 0-basket crate, $5,004)6.00. Turnips, per bu., 75c. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds, California, soft, shell, per lb., in sack lots, le less Brazil nuts, pel lb., 13c; in sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuts, per sack, $5.60; per doz., 60c. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less. Hickory nuts, large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6c. Peanuts, roasted, 8c per lb. ; raw, 640 per lb. Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, black, 24c per lb.; California, 19o per lh.; In sack lots lo less. Cider, New York Mott's, $3.75 per 4-bl.l.; $6.76 per bbl. Honey, new, 24 frames $4.75. STKKI, PLANTS KAIRI.Y ACTIVE Fifty-Five Per Cent of Capacity AVorklaa This Week. NEW YORK. Feb. 5-The steel com panies are inclined to make much of the fact that mill operations have increased from 5 to 10 per cent since the low point in December, not taking into account the dip due to the recent holidays. On Monday February 6, the steel corporation will have 55 per cent of its capacity active; last week the furnace output was slightly over 50 per cent, against 46 per cent at the be ginning of the year. The larger new orders and specifications have permitted the In creased activity. The sheet and tin plate mills are operating slightly under 80 pet cent, the wire mills a little over SO per cent and the tube and bridge shops about 75 per cent. Orders and specifications for wire have recently Increased to a little over 6.000 tons per day. Much of the IncreaHe in business has come from export trade. Including billets, tin plate, bars, rails and wire, but from the standpoint of profit such business Is not to be paraded. The railroad situation Is somewhat mixed. Rail orders last week aggregated 171.000 tons, including 2.000 tons for export. The domestic contracts were placed bv the New Haven. Boston & Maine, Maine Central. Lackawanna, Burlington. Rock Island and Western Maryland. Locomotive orders were very light, and Imiulrles for 8.0U0 cars were withdrawn, but orders were placed for 3.200 cars, and 1.000 more are to be con structed at railroad shops. Fabricated structural orders aggregated about 23,000 tons, including 12.000 tons for the Norfolk Western railroad bridge. The shops expect some larger orders this month. The official report of the American lion and Steel association shows the output of pig Iron of all kinds In IfllO was 23.2HS.54r, tons. The Steel corporation produced 57.4 per cent of the steel-making Iron, or 43.2 per cent of all kinds. The pig Iron trade was conspicuous onlv for dullness last week, with few Important new inquiries In the market. Total sales In sll districts were scarcely 5O.O11O tons about half being in the eastern district. COTTOX GOODS Rl'I.IKG Ql'IET Slight Easing; 'Pendency la Print Cloth tarns and Grays. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.-The cotton goods primary markets ruled quiet and with a slight easing tendency in Print cloth varns and gray goods at the end of the week Most of the leading lines of napped cot tons for fall delivery have been sold up and withdrawn, notices to this effect hav ing gone to the trade In the last few davs. There la still a very fair demand for sta ple prints and ginghams and for dress fttnghams to retail below 15 cents a van!. enims have sold more freely, but thero Is complaint In this quarter because of the inability to secure values in kceplne with costs. Tile local .lobbing trade Is doing a snt Isfactory and steady business in domestics prints and ginghams, while the call for cottons In readv-to-wear goods has not m t set in. Retail buyers are now coming Into the market in larger numbers, and during Cue coming few weeks it Is believed that the jobbing house operations In miscellane ous departments will broaden considerable. The yarn markets rule quiet, with prices Irregular and easy. I'nderweur "1 hosiery have sold moderately well. The market for drills and sheetings Is held fnlrlv steady because of the refusal of agents lo go on selling goods at great losses, but the demand Is not in keeping with the output and a further restriction of pro duction is looked for until prices give mills warrant to continue. Fine combed yarn cloths are easy, but fine carded vain goods have stiffened a little. Fall River aold about 70.000 pieces of print cloths and curtallrd the output about 70.(00 pieces. Export .trade has been generally quiet. Tht feeling in the trade la that values cannot go much below present levels be cause of the limited production and the unwillingness of manufacturers to accept further losses. toffee Market. XFAV YORK, Feb. 4 Futures opened IrreKiilar at an advance of 15 points to a decline of 5 points, m-ar mouths being higher in response to better European ca bles and a relatively steady spot situation while the late uiontha reflected a renewal of bar pressure. Fluctuations continue! more or less Irregular during the eariv t lading, but there seemed to te more buy ing than recently throiiKh cotton exchange and commission houses as a result of which the market improved during the late trading, with the close steady at a net advance of fiS.' points. Sales. L'.2.'i0 bugw February. 107m-; March lo.S.; April 10 ixk ; May, 10 87c; June. I0.6.": Julv, 10 v4,-: Auguat. 10.72c; Septemlx r. IO.-; October' 10. .Uc: November. 104v; December, ia4.'c January. I0..6o. Havre waa 14f. higher' Hamburg M'l4nfg. higher. Rio barely steady at 7i:i2". : rein below the last quotation. Santos steady; 4's. 7$i.m; ; a. 6$i0. SiO rels below last reported prices! Receipts at the two Kraslilati iHirts. Is. 110) bags. sKalnst i.J hags last year and .Iti.uuO Lay two years ago. Jutid.ahy receipts 3 0 bags, against :.'( bags last year. ,N irk viarehoui-e deliveries hatuidav, ;. bags, against 17.5.14 bags laxt year. Rum was reported in all districts of Sao Pauio. Spot coffee, gulet; Rio No. 7. 124 4 12c; Santos No. 4. 114c: mild coffee, nominal; I ordova. lS'atl 15Jc. The key to llic bltuutiun-Uie Want Ads: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Twenty-Fire Lower for Week. Cents HOGS ARE TEH LOWER FOR WEEK tbeep Fifteen to Twenty-Five Lower for the Week and la nibs e Far from Tweutr-f"lTe Cents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 4. 110. Official' vrV c,,,e Or "nday .46 $551 9 031 ,,rt " T.,",dr 7.638 11, VI 11.9ft .iinesday 5!eil n.2fJ 9.0RI Art " Tn',n,1"y i4 10 390 1.701 Off clal Friday 675 6.415 394 ",u"'i Saturday .... 100 3.8iiO ts.1 "i"5'' thl" ..M2?S tame days last week . . . .24 430 Same days I weeks airo..20 679 ma days 3 weeks ao.. 23.473 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 18.313 eame days last m urn 47.SX3 43.644 39.57 43.63 29.893 40. 393 ... I?,n table snows the receipts or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha year y'r l ,at compared with last Cattli Hoss 1U. 1910 Inc. 109.341 9H.7S7 12,574 21. 60 20S.94 Dee. 6, 460 Sheep 1711 llAWt UW7 The fi.llnal.. . 1 s ixiifl snows ine average prices on hogs at South Omaha for the last 1 eNra. with comparisons: Dates. I 1911. ,1910.1909.1908.1907.190. 11906. 7 4541 7 B2 001 i4l 8 02 I 92 7 4S4 8 03j 91 8 041 6 9S I 11 12 8 30 j I 22 8 3N ( 03 7 644 7 46 S K3I K 4 .1 4 fj ( 28 7 754 4 10 88 6 41 4 69 4 70 4 70 4 74 a 81 5 4S I 6 63 8 931 I 7 341 8 30 6 91 4 W 1 39SI t 2S 6 04 4 17 Sunday. Receipts trot 1 . ... 1. - 11... . 1. at the Union Stock yards. South Omaha. fill lu-anto .. . yesterday- ending si 1 p. m., RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. C. M. St p Wabash R. It. ." Cnlon Pacific t 3 8 io !! 2 11 3 1 2 54 1 Hogs. K34 907 1.216 896 119 787 O. N. W. (east. )'.!!".'." C. N. W 1 sre.t C. St. P M .-' C., B. A- Q. (west ).'.'.!'.'.'. - . 1. y. teast.)... L H. I. & p. (west ). Illinois Ctntral Totals DISPOSITION. Omaha Pstkfng company Swift and Company Cudahy packing company Armour Co Snartz-Bolen Co Murphy T"'' 4.868 CATTLE There were no cattle of any consequence here today, the receipts amounting to almost nothing. For the week receipts have been very liberal, show ing a gain of over 6.000 head as compared with the same week last year, but still falling a little short of last week's big run. The market from a seller's standpoint has not been very satisfactory either here or at other market points. At the beginning of the week entile showed some little strength, prices on Mon day being quoted anywhere from steady to as much as 10c higher In some esses. Com mencing with Tuesday the tide turned and values everywhere steadily worked down ward. Buyers were enabled with the aid of large receipts to bear down good and naiu Kim u me ciose or me week prlcea ' ....... 1 -J ,. , - J - 1 Btn .'a ijuoieu lower on prac tically all kinds of beef cattle. It would take an extra good bunch of fat cattle at the present time to bring as much as $6.25 with fair to right good kinds bringing $5.50 5.85. , Cows and heifers and for that matter practically all kinds of butcher stock have declined in about the same proportion as beef steers, being generally quoted 25c lower than last. week. Veal calves have suffered even worse than that, being fully 60c lower than last week. Good feeders and good stock cattle have both sold to very good advantage through out the week and jcomparatlvely little change has taken place on that kind of I atock. The best feedera have sold up as nign as o.uo; me leisny mna of feeders, such as packers and feeder buyers both bid on have sold lower In sympathy with the break on beet steers, the decline on that kind in many cases amounting to 16-0 23c. wuoiatlons on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $5.766 25; fsir to good beef steers, $3 fi0'cfu.76; common to fair beef steers, $4.7f.&s.60; good to choice cows and and heifers, $4.50rq,30; fair to good cows and heifers, $4.2tSii 4.50; common to fair cows and heifers. $3.25'a4.25; good to choics stockers and feeders, $5.305.90; fair to good stockers a.id feeders, $4.73a6 3o; common to fair atockers and feeders, $4.00 fc4.75; stock heifers, 33.7&tl4.26; veal calves, 4 Ufa! 23; bulls, stags, etc., $4 Onro.00. HOGS Fresh Improvement in nog trade was apparent this morning, but advances were small. The market In general was a strong to 5c higher affair, bulk of a light supply selling In very good season. Packers purchased more freely than shippers or speculators, but became rather Indifferent toward the close of the session. l,ate sales were weaker than those made early, final business Including a number of transactions Jan. 20.. Jan. Z7.. Jnn. 88.. Jan. 29.. Jan. 30.. Jan. 31., Eeb. 1... Eeb. 2.. b. 3.. Eeb. 4.. I 9 6 83 4 7$ 4 27 I 6 361 4 63 4 29 731 J 4 54 4 Oil 6 71 5 SWT 4 131 721 6 861 4 68 4 17 1 Begin yoMr lamd hiiiinit-Now! Get all the ifrmatin passible about the sections of country in whick you think you'd like to make an investment r build a ne.xr hme. Inquire about the erowij communitiea where investments of your savings will stam J ths b:st show to make wealth in the most reasablc length f rimr. Then when yu attend the Western Land-Products Exhibit t be held in Omaha, January 18 to 28, 1911, yu will be in a position t compare notes in an intelligent manner. Land taQSSB that appeared to be no better than steady. Heavy animals had to move at usual dis counts. $7 35 and less, buying Inada especi ally suited for lard manufacture. Mixed ruled around $7 40 and choice bacon grades reached 17.6"). Th's price Is a dime less than extreme tops a week ago. Receipts lately have been fairly liberal, almost 4S.00O head showing up this week. Trade haa been erratic, however, and pres ent values on all weights sre Just about a dime lower than those In force last Satur day. Trade reached Its lowest point at mid. week when prices were hammered for JO'i 23c decline. Some reaction since gives emphasis to the fact that cheaper winter cost is possible only with the consent of the growers! Representative saies No. 4... 7... 4... K... 6rt... W... M... 1... M... 44... I... 69... .. M... 74... 71... Tl .. )... ... 10... 4... 4... 1... 43... M... ... ... A. Sh. No. it tit sr. 7 n Pr. .. T 40 t SO T 10 !.l M 111 tv ... 1 f.S tut ISO 7 ts SD (0 7 ) ... 71... 4 ... t... 4 .. n... &... st ... 76... ... M... 71... M... 0... ts .. 71... !... 70... 74... tl.'.'. i... 240 7 40 r 1 40 7 40 7 4 :i .... mi ro t .... t 7 921 214 170 iri Ms Ill .... te tu tvi 7 .... JM US til Hl 1M m 1 M ...101 ...2? ...Vt ...3M ...10 .. n.i ...Ul ...t'l ...no ...m ...: ...ci ...! .. ...S11 ...ZM ... 1 IS ... 1 M ... 7 S 111 lli u lis ... 7 174 tU I 40 ... 1 40 40 7 40 ... t 40 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 ... 1 ... f 40 ... 7 40 . t 40 .. 7 40 .. 7 0 .. 7 40 .. f 40 .. 7 4 7 40 10 7 40 44 7 44 .. T 414 .. 7 44 .. 1 4A .. 7 46 .. 7 46 ... 7 45 .. 7 46 .. 7 a .. 7 (0 ..lb .. 1 to 1 40 7 40 T Hi too 7 4rt PO .ill 40 7 40 40 1 40 .m 7 10 tollEcl'- '1 tie siiccu aou .i market wak practically oare 01 orierings 01 any description tins morning, ao tiiat no new developments la the way 01 price changes were possiDie. Fullv normal receipts during the week have met rather uncertain demand and dally clearances nave been more or less dif ficult as a result. Bulk of supplies con sisted of fed western stock, ss usual, and long finish was the rule rather than the exception. Bearish feeling was pronounced from the tart, but declines were limited In every branch 01 me iraue, me marsei closing at levels about 154i2oc lower than a week ago. Demand for good sheep has been more re sponsive than lamb Inquiry, and wethers, of which shipments were Tery light, are finishing In very good shape, oesirabie handv wethers are quotable as high ss $4OOi4.10. but ewes would have to be strictly cnoice iu Luiiiumiiu eo.m hi present. Lambs snow an average oreaK ot almost a quarter lor me ween, mis reduction be ing warranted by cheaper cost and slack retail demand In the east. Choice grades are closing around $6.80. but heavier classes were avoided at all times and found an outlet only through the support of country buvers. More activity was evident In the demand from this source and competition, such as It was, helped much in making clearances. Quotations on sheen and lambs: Good to choice lsmbs, $5.63QE.90; fair to good lambs, H 65-1(5.65. handy weigh yesrllngs. $4.60Cf4.73; heavy yearlings. $4.25ff4 60; good to choice wethers. $3.8&U4.00; fair to good wethers. $3.5058.8.85; good to choice ewes, $.1.30453.76; fair to good ewes. $; sheep, culls to feeders, $1.5003.28, Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY", Feb. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts. 200 head .Including 100 southerns; msrket steady; native steers. $6.258-60; southern steers, $4.75ai6.90; southern cows, $3 25ff4.76: native cows and heifers, $3,260 6.00: stockers snd feeders, $4.50.n580; bul)s, $4 005.00; calves, $4.60i&8.00; western Stesis, $5 0(Vri.(iO; western cows. $3. 254e6.00. HotJS Receipts 3.000 head; market steady: bulk of sales, $7.434j7.65: heavy, $7.40(87.65; packers and butchers, $7.467.65; lights, $7.65517.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts none; market steady; muttons. $3 50Ki4.30: lambs. $3.2.cJii6.00: fed wethers and yearlings, $4.00 4f6.26; fed western ewes, $3.50(84.00. CHICAGO LIVE SiTOCK MARKET Demand for All Clauses of Stock Is Steady. CHICAGO. Feb. 4. CATTLE Receipts estimated st 200 head; market steady; beeves, $4.90tT6.80; Texas steers. $4.00.'a5.25; western steers 34 90f5.50: stackers Slid feeders. $3.70&6fio: cows and heifers. $3.60 Ur,.io; calves. $6.50S8.oo. HOGS Receipts estimated at lOOoO head: market steady; light. $7,501(7.83; mixed, $1 35 (jf 7.70; heavv, $7.03(7.55: rough, - $7.057. 1; good to choice heavy. $7.25W7.55; pigs, $7.50 7.90; bulk of sales, $ . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts estimsted st 1.500 head: market steady; native. $240 64.30; western. $i:2Mi;4.30: yearlings. 6.50: Iambs, native. $4 23S6.10; western. $4.2o 4)6 05. Stock In Slgshl. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets y ester Jny: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 100 8.900 St. Joseph 100 8.000 100 Kansas City 200 8.O0O St. Louis 300 2.500 Chicago .., 200 10.000 1.500 Totals 900 22,300 1,600 St. Joseph Lire. Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts. 100 head; market steady; steers, $3.3VuS.23; cows and heifers, $3.253.50; calves. $4.003.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market dull, steady to 5c lower; top, $7.70; bulk of sales, $7.4(Vn7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head; market steady; lambs, $3.60(5.85. St. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUI8-Feh. 4. CATTLE Receipts 300 head. Including 100 Texans; market ateady; native beef steers, $o.00if7.00; cows Informatioii h well equipped to give rcliablc information concerning soils, climate, land values, crops and other advantageous conditions "in the most important communities of the states f Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Wash ington and California. ' Each inquiry will receive careful attention without charge. Send a stamped, addressed envelope for reply, Address Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska and heifers. $J.7MJ09; Blockers and feed ers $300(i4 75; calves, in car-load lots. $S 0ftfi 00. , Hi 1S Receipts. 1.509 hesd; market steady: pigs snd lights. 87 5t7 93: packers, $7"-B8O0; butchers and best heavy, $7 50 tl7 90. SHF.EP AND LAM US None. New York Mone Marvel. NEW TORK. Feb. 4-MONKY-On call, nominal; time loans firmer; sixty days, 3-rf $4 per cent; ninety daya, 3"i34 per cent; six months, 9 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE rAFER-tj44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 14 H33iV 4 8350 for sixty dsy bills and at $4 926 for demand: commercial bllla, $4. 82441' 4. 83. piiivr.n-tr, b24c; Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Government. ateadv: raiima.t firm. Closing quotations on bonds todav were as follows: V. I. rf. (a, rf....l(9Unt. M. M. 44t to emipon in jpn 4a Kss C. I. i. rc ln so 44 s do coupon 10t4K. C. so. 1st T5. C. 8. 4s reg 11SL. I db. 4a ltfl... WW So mm 1r;L.. N. tint. 4s n Alllt-Chal. 1st Is at. K. T 1st 4s.. rr4 Am. A. Is K sn. 44 rV Am. T T. . 4..1MV Pseinc 4a. mi Am. Tot coo 4a 4N. R. ot M. 44 Nu to sa IAS x. T. C. a. I4e M Armour Co. 44s.. M4 so ask 4 ta Atchison sn. it N. T.. N. K. H. o or. 4i lrt ev. a ( so ST. t. 110 N. W. 1st t. 4s.. At. C- U 1st 4s.... rt do rr. 4s lftS Bll. Ohio 4s 4No. PsctfW 4s IO04 o 14 ! to la 10 do 8. W. 0. g. u rfdf. 4s ts Rrook. Tr. t. 4(. ... S4 p.nm cr. IHs ll.. H ('n. of Os. H lot rtr. ton. 4a 10J lion, leather as M Reading ro. 4a 7 C. of N. J. f 6.....1M4 t. L. A S. r. ff. 4a I31t Chea. A Ohio 4H .1014 So fan. as (74 do rf (a. 9441. I- a. W. o. 4s... 714 rilrso A. 14a... 714 00 lat fnlt 4s K C. B. Q J. 4a W g A b. 40 T do stn. 4a tHSo. Paolflo ool. 4s... f C- M. t I P ( 34 93 80 r. 994 C. R. I. P. c. 4s. 14 do lat rot. 4s 9d 4 do rff 4a K4 8o Railway to I074 (olo. Ind. 6a 794 do tn. a. Tli 5olo. Mid. 4a tlut nlon Padna 4o looi C. 9 r. A e. 44s 4 do t. 4. 1044 D. H. ct. 4s l4 do lat ref. 4i.... MS D. Ft. O. 44 K V. B. Rubber B 1M do raf. It 914 tr. S ataol td aa 10 rtlatlllara' 6 74 Va -fur (liam. 60. .1014 Krlo p. I. 4a f. Wabash lat la 109 do in. 4a 7ft do lat A I 4a... S- do r. 4a. aor. A.. 74 Western Mil. 4a 4 do aerlaa B 74 W'aat. Rlee. tw. la... M Oan. Eire. tr. la 14 Wla. central 4a 111. in. lai rot. 4a.. I H Mo. Pe. cv. aa n Int. Met. 44a 794 Bid. Clearlna- House Rank Statement. NEW YORK Feb. 4 The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $35,624,650 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent re serve rules. This Is a decrease ot $3,740,576 In the proportionate cash reserve as com pared with last week. The statement fol lows: Daily Average Inr-eas. Loans $1. 90S. 692. 700 $:4.S.OUO Specie 297.675.100 9.trt3.SO Legal tenders 73.315 300 3.344.30 Deposits 1.341.062.200 40.2(700 Circulation 47,119.100 112.000 Reserve 370.990.400 6.319 60 Reserve required .... 335,263,560 10.OriO.175 Surplus 35.624,350 3.740.576 Ex-U. S. deposits In- 1 Included 1,631,900 8.900 Actual Condition Loans $1,309,183,000 $ 9.762.200 Specie 800,196.000 6.410,100 Legal tenders 73.233,100 3.343.1O0 Ex-Uepoalts 1,344.122 100 12.106,705 Circulation 47.140.700 'IWiiOO Reserve 373.429,100 8.007.000 Reserve required 338.090.620 3,026.426 Surplus 87,X8,575 40,575 Ex-C. S. deposits In cluded 1,690.900 .16,700 Summary of state banks and trust coni- fianlea In greater New York not report ng to the New York clearing house: Increase. Loans $1091.9.39.200 18,994.300 Specie 114.558.900 343.HOO Legal tenders 20.404. 900 843 400 Total deposits 1,179,984,400 29,043,700 Decrease London Stoek Market. I.ONDON. Feb. 4. American securities opened steady on the stock exchange here today and improved on covering In antic Ipation of a good New York bank state mcnt. The cloelng was steady, with prices rroni 4 to i nigner man yesterday New York closing. Ooniola, money.. 79 ll-lt Loularllle A N 160 do account so M.. K. T 114 Ama.1. Copper 7!4 N. Y. Cantral 118 Anaconda (4 Norfolk A W 110 Atchlaoa lot io aid 93 do pfd 1M4 Ontario A W 44 Baltimore A Ohio.. .1094 Per naylvanla i( l-auaiilan Pacific. ...114't Hand Mlnaa 4 Cbaaapoaka A O M Reading .Il Chicago U. W M Boutbam Hf 19 Chi.. Mil. A It P.. 1SS do pfd 74 D Boora 1 Southern Pacific... .1234 Denver A Rio O.... H Unlcn Paolflc 18.!4 do pfd 744 do pfd 9ri Brio 104 I). 8. steel 8-. do lat pfd 44 do pfd 123 do 2d pld 99 Wabash I64 Grand Trunk tf do pfd 7V Illinois Central 134 Staolah 4a to SILVER Bar, quiet at 24 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 2424 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 34153 7-14 per cent; for three months' bills, 3V34 per cent. New York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. 4. Closing quotations on the Mining exchange: aiio its i.ittio rniof t Com. Tunnel atock.. 5 Mexican iju do bonda 19 Ontario ''iai Con. Cal. A Va 100 Ophlr ns Horn Sllvar IS 'Standard no Iron Fllvar 140 Tallow Jacket Iradv1lle Con 10 Offored. A Guarantee of Ruslnets Prosperity The Bee Advertising Columns. FRESH CONFIDENCE EXISTS Union r.cific Double Tricking Give. Tone to the Market CAPITAL OFFERINGS ABSORBED Drop In altooal Hank Itepoaltt Factor In Af-rlvlna; at Ketlannto ot Conditions In Km at Improve snents In Steel. NEW TORK. Feh. 8 -Fresh growth ot confidence In the promise of the prosper ous outlook for business wss reflected In the renewed uplift of prices and expansion of activity In the stock market last week. Two Incidents of the week were of domi nant effect In shaping speculative . senti ment, the statement of the program of Improvement of the t'nlon Pacific snd the supplementary snnouncement of Chair man Gary of the I'nlted States Steel cor porstlon with the quarterly statement of earnings. The decision of the 7'nlon raclflc man agement to proceed with the double track ing of the svstem by the expenditure ol $75 000.000. extending over the next fl ' years, swept Into the Background moat ol the misgivings over railroad conditions which still remained This program snd the expression of confidence by the chair man of the Cnlon Pacific board proclaimed a sense of security for the futuro which Is not impaired by the still undecided ques tion of railroad rate Increases, the anti trust cases before the supreme court and the suit for the dissolution of the Union Inctflc and Southern Pacific si stems. Ap proach of the time for decision of these questions threatened to bring them Into force ss repressive inftnanna clnl program. The In Ion Pacific announce ment proved a timely fsctor. whether de signedly or not, In counteracting this In fluence. Market for Securities. Restored confidence on the psrt of tail road managements may be trared to ths ready absorption ot new capital issues. Issues of new securities In Jsnimrv wen $2A60,000 In the New York money msrket. a new high record for that month. The prevailing sentiment of speculation was signalized in the resolute way In which the poor showing of the December quarter of the t nlted States Steel earnings waa Ignored In favor of the announced Improve ment since the first of the year. This statement said that the daily average of booking of new orders for the corporation had risen In January to SO.000 ton. Com pared with 32.000 tons In November ami December. The controller s shstrsct of national bank returns as of January 7 was notable for f .nu.of l9,l tC0')(' " Individual deposits In eight weeks, with a parsilel reduction of only I48.000.COO In the loan account New liL0." r',n J'T, T1'r'k -"counted for $lhJ.bO0.O00 of the shrinkage In deposits and decrease of $147,000,000 In their "exchanges at the clearing house" waa held responsi ble due to the fact of the call coming on Saturday with no Stock exchange trans actions figuring in the statement. Due allowance must be made, however, for the fact that the New York loan, remained Se. tc" deposits np to the middle of January, when the abundant In- f-TL a.?1? to corrected that fell In the banking position. I. oral Securities. Ths following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan, members New York Stock exchange. 216 South Sixteenth ..-. Omaha: ' '4. AaekJ. CD I rain santlary 4a tM . - 1 K k u. 1 . .m. 1 9-4 10S IIW 109 I0S in loo Cud.hT Pks. Co. la, (!4 aa .Vluuiuua. h. w , If n ai Corn Rxrhanfo Natl. Bank Fairmont cremery lat s er eoni 9J lllcka-Fullr-PIron (Sioux Ctt) ... ' Howall (Nab.) School h a, lfia Portland C'emant 1st aa at Kanua Cltjr 4a (Ma.) School sati kannedr Bulldlnf Co. ta M Kanaaa Cttr, Meilco Orlant pfd. it Kanaaa Cttr. Mastco A Orlant asm.. 10 Lron County (la $ ararraata ttu. Nabraaka Land A raoding aa H Kanra Countr (Nab.) 9 varraala . tt't Omaha Oaa is. 1917 a;u Omaha Water is, 1M a4 Omaha it. By. aa. 1914 a Omaha A C. B. St. Rf. aa, 1919 tf Omaha C. B. St. Rf. pfd. 6 p. .., ai Omaha A C. B. St. Rf. aero t L'nlon Stock Tarda alotk th trattoo (Neb.) Water Oa it loa 94 luo W4 99 Ikl 7 94 134 flunk t learlaaa. OMAHA, Feb. 4 -Bank clearings for to day were 33,30.818.63 end for . tha corre sponding date last year $2,569,779.43. v Dank clearings for the week ending to day were $14.1u.94.89 end for the corre sponding week last year, 315,f7,64U.24. Jaliy clearings: 11. 1911. Monday t 2.6,fK6.84 1 :,236,su0 42 Tuesday 2.278.62H.M 2.046.940.31 Wednesday 2,6V6,6X6.M 2.291,4o 9 Thursday 2.613,73.11 3.47U.600.71 Friday 2,4ti3.159.6 l'.713.387.S4 Saturday 2.669,779.43 2,390,6ls.61 Total $15.07,649.24 $14,158,94.8 lloaton Closlnsr Stocks. ROSTON, Feb. 4 Closing quotation S on stocks were as ioiiows: Allouei Amal. t.iopper . A. Z. L A 8.. Arizona Com. . Atlantic n. A C. C. A R M "Mohawk . u . is . 10V . 30 . T . 44 .ins . It', . (9 . n . S4 . 4 4 Nerada Con .... 36 Nlpiaalns Mlnaa .... 144 North Butts . ... 4, North Laka , M.. l4 "Id Dominion .... 19H tlaoaola .... 634 Parrott S. A C... ...H Qitnry . . .. It Shannon Butto Coalition . Cal. A Arliona.. Cal. A Hocla tvnttnnlsl Oippar Kanga C. Kaat Hulta C. M C 4i Suoarlor . ... 11 Superior A B. M . V