THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY o, 1911. , .ff r g ; t r ii ypogy Kafe m wilWm OFFERED FOR RENT mkdh'm TRicv.n homf.r. llA 1S Ho. 10h St., 6-room corner flat 114 U.2T N. II at rM.. l-room cottage, jit f7th St., -room home. $IJ 8r Paul St., l-room cottage. 113 37"! Burt St.. four roomi upstalrt. I? i6 Wll r ft ; three room. ROHINHON WflLF., 4 Paxtoa 131. FOR RENT Four-room cottage On Mth Are.. Mar Douglas; III a month. Apply to Poster I Thoma. 411 Be Bldg. K2. -ROOM cottage; modern except furnace; beautiful lawn and treee. No. t. South ITd At. Rent only $.4 per mo. Telephone Douglas 404. FINS e-room, snodara seuaa. rot Call 'nraia..- ' Houe,Ina. Ringwalt. Brand! Ta. Bldr NEW, room all modern except heat, Vtn B. Hk Ave., 1 block south of Central boulevard and Vinton school. Tel. Tyler 17. COTTAGE, 1401 N. th St. Tel. Harny 6064 iTniia.fl n 'V Prta of the ctry. nouses .Cri,B Bon Co., Be Ban. TKTRTY-8DCOND and Poppleton. l-room modern brick tut, W RIGHT at LA8BUKY. 608 Ho, 16th 81 Phone lou(laa 161. FIVE-ROOM modern houae; very fine; eouth front; oorner. 2W2 Seward, 117.00. . VRW m tU Burt. Tel. Harney MM. FF.RRIN Exp. at Stores. 1U1 Cap.. D. IIS Cm. Van Btor. Co. packa, move, atorea On. Van aV 8totag Co. pac.ks.movea, atorea household gooda. Fireproof atorage; got B. lttk. Branch. lot S. 17th Tel. D. 4163. A-1336 BRAND new l-room bungalow at 1X Mender son atreet, phone Harney MM. M &KRN BRICK. ROOMS. ('hole Watlon for boardera and roomera; good repair. . Corner Wth and Dewel Ave. Phon Harney ttwv. neya at ziib nowwo. MARCH let. I-room, modern, residence. Park Ave., large lawn, mono narney w. 8-ROOM, all 'modern houae, good loca tlon. 114 N. 40th: rent M0 per month. l-room. all .modern, cottage, nicely deco- rated, lit N. 4lat St.: (n w montn. TUB a p.. MERCER CO.. Tel. Doug. l&M. .. 704 City Nat l Bank Bldg SEVFiN-ROOM house, an modern,, block from cam, Dundee. Phone Harney 2568. FOR.? RENT Ten-room modern brick dwelling on. paved street and Farnam car Una; gaa and electric lights; hot and cold eater, two bath, rooms; beautiful location; new furnace; recently decorated. 1740 So. loth St. Apply Mark Hansen Realty Co. Telephone Doug. 4:H3. I ROOM house, 711 No. 13d St.; bath. gaa. Ilti.. Water paid. Harney 1420. . ft I ores sin Offices. IN pew building, corner of 12th and Far nam Sta., an antlra floor, 44x112. Suitable for Jcbblng or light factory purposes. All modern, both passenger and fralght ele vator service. - it J. A. Free land. 111 Far nam St. HEATED' room for barber shop In new brick building at and and Arbor St. Ex cellent locaUon for good barber.- D. J. Hughes, Harney 4S26 M04 8. lid Ave. . TO LS1AAB, term f yeara." Fine corner, 112x131. near main poatofflo. Address, Y-le. care Be of floe. FOR RENT Office room. 611. located on top floor; facing court, no square feet, 4a ' eluding vault i renta for I. per month. THE BSBJ BUILDINO COMPANY. FOR ' RENT Modern storeroom, 1004 Douglas; steam heated reasonable rent. Telephone Doug. 4W0. DESK room, both phones; use of steno grapher If desired.' Ill Brandela Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE FINS weathered oak buffett and library table at sacrifice, Harney 4o6S. FURNISHINGS oY a five-room cottage for sale cheap. Ml 8. 23d St. 'typewriters. F.I Y an L. C. Smith Bros, typewriter, B. F. Bwanson Co.. Distributers, 1311 Far nam 8b : SECOND-hand typewrltere aold, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxchanga, 1607 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS. ALL. MAKES. CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! Prlcea low to get the rash. 1-4- to 1-1 regular prices: any make you want. Oat ona while Ihev MLsr. ft. elwANBON CO.. 1UI . FARNAM : ST. .. MUotllsstSs. FOR SALE New and saoond-hand bil liard and pool tables. Wo lead the world in : cheep bar natures; easy payments. Brunewlcki-Balke-Collender. 407 & 10th St. About 40 feet of 28-lncb diameter No. II gauge, galvanised pip, with four 44-inch elbows and T. Tble was usea lor ventilat ing purposes, and pipe le In good condition. The Boa Publishing Co.. ana rernero. SECOND-HAND MOTORS UC-BRON. Ill SOVTU UTII ST. FOR SALK-One Parker Bros, hammer lee, 14 gauge, twlet barrel, shot gun, and leather case. M0. On Parker Bros, ham mer gun. 10-gauge and leather case. I12.&0. One Smith et Weston. M caliber, hammer- leas revolver, 1 10. Address L C14. care bee. WE HAVE oa band a number of Ink bar- rela which we will sell for 50 cents each. They are fin fur. rain water or ashes. t ail at press room. Be publishing Co. "A FES Overstocked with second-hand sates, ail sue and makes; bargaina American supuiv vo, uie r am am tit. COAL. MO-U.M del'd. sUndltng. D.6I4S. SAWDUST. I have about two carloads of sawdust at t-owen, eo., that 1 would like to aell in lump or any amount to auit purchaser. K. S. IMcklnson. Columbus, Neb. 3CHOI.ARS1IIP In good local business celiege at a discount. Apply at Tha Bee office. PIANO, nearly new; must be sold at one, at a bargain. !J4 Locust. FCR BALE Brickbats, screened, &0o per yard on ground at Leavltt, Neb. Addreas J. J. Punk, Fremont. Neb. 1360 DIAMOND (ring); handsome stone; for 1360. H 713. Be. BALED HAY for ssle, fv miles from Council Bluffs postofflce: one carload t niothv. on carload bottom hay. on car load of atraw. J. 11. Schults. Dumfries, la. OSTEOPATHY KATHERYN NIKOLAS. 634-1 BrandeiS Theater. Alice Johnsia. 108-1 Brandels Theater Bid PATENTS P O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 :ilRA.M A. STUKfJES. reg patent etty.J 4( Bren)e1e Theater Bldg. Douglas 344 TV I IX A R U EDDY, registered practlUon-r a l. Pat efdee. $U Paxtun Bia it. 3jjL PERSONAL n;n;;;an oriental miih, us m. iux. iiuijiuujj,,, Theater. D. M m?TSirVIw Maternity Home, private WU,L' bom for women during; con- ment. Box 117. Florence. Tel. Florence BlTPfTRri-fOl'S hair permanently re- MAGNETIC treatment. K. Brott, V 8. lkth Bt. tMTPrTlTT P". tc, cured; no knife; ""ijooii rree. Herman uoctors. (20 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. THE SALVATION ARMT aollclta caat-off clothing. In faot. anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and aell at 114 N. llih Bt.. for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Uouglaa 4laa and wagena will caU. , (nv. WASHHURN I book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book atorea. i'rlce 11.60. llATIiy Bait glow and maaaage. line I1KJ Iodae. Id floor, opp. postof flee. Mme, Allen of Chicago. Doug. JtwS. WE RENT and repair all klnda of cow ing machines. Ind. A-1663; Louglaa lbttl. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANX. IMh and Harney Bta. fAflNFnn treatment. Mme. Smith, HINDOO TABLETS will build, trace. Strengthen, sue BKLii URUU CO. PRIVATE HOMO during confinement: bablea for adoption. Good Hamarltan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. DR. EQOKRS, private confinement borne. tit Marina St., umana. lei. iougias OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramga Bldg. trim A TViTJV Massaae. ' Dr. Ritten- HiiJUiHUin house, X Old Boston Store. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 110 S. 16th. STRICTLY private Christian Confine ment home; best care, bablea for adoption. iuis Davenport. .TOUM HA MP. Tha Tree and Qrape- " " ' vine Trimmer, la In I town. 1101 B. zth Ave. Med. 7701 A-8S4I. WANTED For adoption, bright baby gin oy reuaoie couple, a. wtl. Bee. TOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as irangers ar mvitea to. vieit tne loung .......... hu ' " Seventeenth atreet and St. Mary a avenue. wnere tney will be directed to suitable boarding places i or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at tha Union station. 1 MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN'S. DR BAKER, MEDICAL OFFICES. Expert apeclaltata diseaaea of woman- Consul ta tlon and examination free. 210 B. 14th Bt., Corner Douglas, Omaha. Neb. PRIVATE maternity noma. Mr. Dr. King, U34 N, Mth. Web. Sf6; Ind. D-l34 WTftS " toups for men. Griffith, tVXUO u and lt FRENZER BLOCK. I MRS BTNDER has opened inaartnae tr ore In Th Dunaany, -room a, Vith and Plerc Sta., where she gives salt lew, oweoisn movement, vibrator and radiator I treatment. Pbon Douat. 43Mi BEST nerve bracer for men. Grav e Nerve Food Pills 11.00 a box. Postpaid. Sherman Sf McDonnell Drug Co. (Jiuaha. - MASSAUE; aolerttlflo treat. Mrs. Steel. moved to 107 S. 17th St., Id floor, room I. Adellght hair food grows hair: see Mm. Frayer, Megeath 8tat'y Co., 15th & Farnam FIT? UTTTJirP1. Specialist Diseaaea of men and women. . b.. I Cor. llth Douglas, Omaha. Call or write A HOME for women during confinement Rabies adopted and boarded. Bulldina modern. For terma address matron. Tin ley Home, J riancrort Bt. Phone Doug. 1V2S1. WILL Deranna who saw lxd v struck bv a riying aiKnooard on Wednesday, Feb. 1. net ween farnam and Douglas on street, please call Harney 6i4K? POULTRY AND PET STOCK DOGS, black and tan collies, water fowl and poultry. J. M. Maher. Fremont. Neb. 1 Dos. Brown Leghorn roosters, n each; eggs for Betting, fl. 14ul N. 17th Be W. 307K. CALL Webstar Z217 for fresh laid eggs. bwium terrier Puppies cnesp. t all at 1201 Farnam St. Will sell cheap If soldi quick. Screenings, II. iS per 100. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WHITE Spits puppies. Web. M78. mt N. 18th Bt. ROUP CURE rR-B Cures quickly worst forms. You can t afford to be without lt. Bob White. Box D, Ames Ave., Omahi PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Frinter.D on c as l'llS BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. R1E3-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1WO. 14th. Ind. A-Sbit MILLER JAMlEbEN. 1213 Douglas St uoia pnonea. 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for good Drlntina. Uygalad Printing Co.. lsih and Capitol A v. REAL ESTATE ABITHACTI or TITLE. Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abatraotera, 1714 Farnam St. PETER JESSEN, jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 1391 H. 11. Neale. 350 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. HklL tTATK UaALEHS. REED ABSTRACT CO. Est. WW: prompt service; get our prlcea "i Brandela Theater I REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg. nut bargain in nomas in Benson see Cliappell at Sons, iiuvt block. Tel. Ben. 71. CITY fHOPKHTY KO BALM FOR SALE Two lots. 13?xl40. on south lih Bt.. nar In ton; all apecial taxes paid Will sell aa ons piece or divide. Willing to sell at eecrafice. Apply at Iw6 South list street- Ftm QUICK SALE " A new 1-story fine prewoed brick build ing with 40-foot front, strictly modem; located rtht In luilness district of .x relnior springs. Mo. the great health auu pleasure reoit; leased to respotislhle par ties: annual Income H.fitA; price $C'). sub ject to a 14.000 mortgage at 7 per cent, due one or to eara hence: leaving an equio of IVMO, which la reailrmg over 18 per cent. Would take a second moitgage for a small amount, t an you make tula big per cent In busineea working haid dally? Reason for this great sacrifice Is e need ch. Aildress 1'. J Box U".', Excelsior prlnga Mo. Till: FINK BRICK REStl ENCF, 17iH S ;-;il Ave. failtiK Hansom I'aik. M km.iih, ahove full baxeiueut. furnace, two mantles. km fixture, all up-to-date, latK" barn: ! look at th e. tlu-n call me op and I II war rant you a liHrsain. John J. Muller. oaner. Til. I K.U 7'M1. TWO llili:s Ktilt SA I.K-Just built; I'elltial HHd ; nu take; rompletely I iiKKittu; a lo-.iiia. iut n paruu , laundry. Call G W Mior. 2418 Valley Bt., lei., Doug'as TiTf. REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPKHTV FOR 9AI.K (Continued.) NEW DUNDEE HOME By owner, very choice, 7-mom, modern. beet construction, brick and atuceo, ce ment porch, tile vestibule, large rooms, oek floors entire houae, beam ceilings. paneled dining room, rustic fireplace, three bed rooms. bath, linen closet. rlothea chute, complete In every detail. I6.UU0. Telephone Harney 3M2. tfcl UAit HI TVC! the 7-room. 2-atory .p-iow uvJAKj partlv mo(1,.rn house In Orchard Hill. Easy terma. Call or write. M. Hanson, 8841 Decatur. 10 ACRE FKUIT FARM S3.OT0 W'a ara offering this Ideal suburban home property at a price that la at least ll.WO leee than It should bring. On It you will find houae. barn. I chicken houeea. well, fruit trees of all klnda. grapes and berrlea. It la located !' miles northwest of Florence and has been worked by owner for the laal three yeara. 12,000 cash re- quired. No trade. THE WOOD-KEHM Co.. 571 Brandela Bldg. FOR BALE House 7 rooms, water, aewer. toilet etc; nice trees and shrubbery, Ul South Uat Bt CLOSE IN SNAP 12.200.00 for a two-atory. S-room home, mod ern except heat, In flrst-claes condition. 1F15 Burt St. This is positively a snap. This owner must raise money. ROBINSON & WOLF, 436 I'axton Block. NORTH Side nargaln Right-room house. modern; furnace heat. UAM- Tel. W. 427. 61X-ROOM modern cottage for sale oa eaay terma by owner. 2124 Miami bU 8008 Dodge. S rooms, modern: close In corner; easy terma. Doug. 3W63. $2,900Six-Room House MODERN, birch finish. 30th and Mercy; hall block three oar llnea. Harney 184. c. rred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for central bargaina. Ill Omaha Nafl Bank. T fOR SALE 130 acres with 40 acres lying within tha Incorporation of Wlnf red. B. D., and four blocks of postofflce. 1-nys like a floor; all woven wire fenced; new buildings. Including strictly modern cottage with hot water heating system. A 7-acre plat ad Joining cannot be bought for lens than IU.0OO. Owner Is compelled to sacrifice on account of health and must move away. He had planned on platting 10 acres of the 40 this spring for residence lots and was offered 100 to IMO for choice; Io0,ou0 spent in brick business blocks In Wlnf red this " besides many new residences. Town ooomlng. We are not speculators, but oner a luiieu 10 pariy ui svnxr u mvesi- ment does not prove a l,(m0 winner above purchase price wlUiln one year. MuBt b taken before March 1. Price, 1126 per ar ,uw uunn. Aouuire ranufiri div lnga Bank, Wlnfred, B. D. REAL ESTATE- '' FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Arlsoaa. FINE land can be Musht rhn n Cnma government and rellnqulshmenta: beat water In Arlaona and the flneat climate. Applea and other fruits grow to perfection. For particulars writ Wilcox Realty Co, wiiicox. Aria. Arkansas. FOR SALE At etc barr.lia. 8.K00 scree or Hon bottom land, above overflow. In southwest Arkansas; about 4.000 In cultlva tlon; few acres deadened and ready to take In; good storehouse and stock of merchan diss on R. R. system; gin, mules, farming Implements and corn and hay a plenty. Will sell for US per acre and give a bar gain in the personal property. want to sell ail to one purchaser. No agent need apply. Address A. W. Mills. fine Bluff. Ark. INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. Good InO-acre farm, belonaina- to heirs: must sell at ence: four miles out: 1 In cultivation. & timber, ltio level, no rock two seta Improvements; fin water; wheat. corn, oats, clover land: barxaln: M.Ouo. Address Trimble & Smith. Springdale. Ark California. crea of aa good land aa half mile from Huron Fresno county, 8 trains dally: not far rrem xuiar iaxe, where there la an abun Oanc ol water- ditch aulna: uaat thi land; ta worth 160 per acre; on account of alcknese thia land la offered at tSa per acre; 11,000 cash doan; will alvide land If requirea. u. w. uomstock, owner, Broadway. Los Angelea, Cel. j 8. APPLE land terma. 10 acre t 136 per acre, o tracts, near Glen wood. within 71 miles from S. F. : when cleared brvah worth 160 acre; splendid aoli; good ioaa. plenty ot water. Jobn Dubuia, uieuwuou, bajiia trus cai. TULARE COUNTY I .AND for sale bv owner, A tract of 1,080 acrrs of firsilclasi land; suitable for alfalfa or trees; fine for subdivision; shallow to water; also share in ditch. Price, 60 per acre, with terms Have also 6M) acres at leaser price. Ail ol It In good location. Address A. F. Laney. t'laiey, vai. Canada. One million acrea land for sale, suitable for coloulxatlon or Investment. Improved farma and farm lands. Alberta. Saskatch ewan and Manitoba. Public sales In March. Writ for Hats. George Kdwarda, ti; Porage Ave-. Winnipeg. Colorado. COLORADO JOIN OUR EXCURSION TO THE IXJST1LLA lANDS Omaha, Tutsay, February 7th. Special lieduced Fares from Missouri River Points $1!UM) The Irrigated lands of the Costilla estate. couipriKlng lOft.tulO acres, in the famoua San l.ulx Sail. v. the greatest iron producing district of Colorado. ha lust been opened for sale. These ftrtile lanus. wlt'i best water rlKht. are now offered for sale at ( and $iiS per acre. Not an acre over six miles from railroad. NeiKhborlna lands command I1J5 to $17f per acre. This offers opportunity for choicest selection. Kor detailed Information, address Dept. C Shedd Investment Company Hell I'litme I). 42.")4; Auto riione A :!jn.i. .".'7 Ramjre I l 1 r. 15th mill Harnev Nts!, OMAHA, NEK REAL ESTATE FARM AM RANCH LAM) FOR BALK Ce lor ad OREAT AITCTTON UND 8AI.B. Who wants to buy good aotl. Irrigation water all you want aummer and winter; reeervolr 1.O0O.004 bare Is; a gold dollar for ten oenta. lo not miss It; come and aea, Mapa. Information. K. F. Mil ford, Oroner, We'd Co., Colo. FOll 8AI.B Flneat 1.800 sore Improved farm and ranch In Colorado for M per acre. Kvery foot of It rich and smooth; only 7 mnea lo iiogo; mv aires in cuiuiv tlon. J. C. Cane, owner. Hogo, Colo. COLORADO Improved ranch for sale, lo st d within six miles of Denver.. Roll equal to the best In the state: suitable for airy or gardening ae wen aa tor oioer pur poses. Ten acres in laii wneat. water tnia season. Will sell at a bargain. Address, Owner. P. O. Bo M7, Denver, Colo. (TTTtKN successive yeara of good oroM snake northeastern Colorado wheat laads the beat offering before Investor aa4 home buyers today. Prices advancing, bat ene crop sun paye iur me isao. nnis H. HeJnhardt. Sterling. Colo. sft-ACRB Irrigated ranch, Morgan Co., r-nin on the Burlington, l mile from depot; Improvements are modern in every particular; owner retiring. For full partic ulars address K. E. Braman. Brush. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA HOME) FOR SAUL ti acre well Improved land: good build- lnga; good aoll; I blocks to main busineea street; same to depot; up-to-data town. 1000 people; eiecinu usm uu waier works; would make an Ideal truck farm or fine private renldenoe and grounds. For parttcuiara saarr. ajhh evftiai vi Funlak Springs. Fl. FLORIDA LAND. Soli of best Quality, most desirable loca tion, finest and most healthful climate In V. 8. and where It is possible to become Independent from an Investment of 1210 at 10 per month. For particulars, see W. E, spencer, km n. iwnw at.. nKmi Kan Illinois. iHi ACRES fine com land mile from Independence. Ia., good ven room houae: barn tor eight horse and sight cows; room for 15 tons of nay; hog house; chicken bouse; granary for L600 bushels of small grain; crib for 1,000 buahals of corn; buggy shed; ateel tank and windmill; good feno lng; an Ideal farm for general farming or dairying: price 112.800. Trm. 16.000 cash. balance long lime e iwr ceni pnvueg jy ment. Address O. E. Bishop, owner, 1001 N. Evan Bt., Bloomlngtoa. i:i. Iowa. mil SALE OR EXCHANGE Several good quarter and -half section farms In Rock Co.. Neb. Clos to Baseett, a good town on th Northwestern railroad. Prioes range rrora i to oa ymr mm. Biu sis, Sioux City, la. BUY A GOOD IOWA FARM IN TUB HEAKl yJr isiiu K.snrt dbiUX. nn vou want to own a good farm In tha heart of th corn belt 7 If so, com to Cowrie, Ia.. and let vs show you. Our big list Is Just out. Writ for on if you ar In terested. Yours for business. Woodward Land company, uowna .. iniR oulck sale I ara offering a nice 10-aor- bom four en lies of thia town at th low price of 171 per acr. Addrasa, O. W. Gale, MoultOD. la. EIGHTY acr. Butler county. Iowa, farm clos to good town, to exchange for good general merchandise hardware, furniture or Implement stock. 1. C. Farr, Waterloo, 1. . EIGHTY acres Improved, good smooth land. 4 miles of Madrid; very easy terma; I per cent Interest; possession In 80 days. Kelgley Land Co.. nutaria. is- Want to Make Money! Wa have merchandise stocks, city prop erty, lands, etc to exchange In every part of th United. List your property with us. Ws will treat you square. Have some good propositions near Houston, lex- Tell us what you have ana want, w wiu ao th rent CONTINENTAL KJSAJjTr CO.. Box 163. Waterloo. Ia. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOB-120 acre n River Valley. N. D.. 86 mllea wat of Grand Forka. on tha N. P. Ry., and 4 mllea from good town; gooa son; no wet land. 11. D. Wlngert Cedar Rapid. Ia.- Kanaaa. TWO TRACTS of 1,820 acrea each, cheap; one Improved, ona ' not, King-cry Realty Co., Klngery. Kan. ., I QUIT RENTING tan veara ago and came weat with r.san bought ICO acrea Kansas land am well fixed now and happy. 1 too. Cams twn years ago and have dune well In this fine climate. Good neighbors, school and church. I urge renters to com and see the alfaira, corn ana nog a sso doctor bills. Will mak you rich. It! acres. Improved. I miles county seat. 26 : terma. 640 acres. Improved. I miles county seat 111; terms. SWITZER LAND CO.. 812 Plsasant St. Des Molnea, la. 0 ACRES,-1 mL town. New ale mm bouse: barn, sheds. 89 plowed, balance fenced pasture, ail amootn. tillable. Rural rout, teiepnone. uooa roaa, oii. neigh bore. Crippled with ecintica. cause for aelllng. 23 per acre; xim ir wanted, ja, W. Albright. Brewater. Kan. FOR 6 ALE An estate in Labette county, Kansas, oi iw-acro sioca .arm; nne creek bottom, never overflows; I miles of Par. sons; has good Improvements, some Um ber, W acres In grass, clover, alfalfa, timo thy; plenty oi water; ncn black land. Terms on half at per cent, long time. Price, W per acre. Bugg Bros., Parsons, e-an. FOR SALE Farms and ranches In Orwen. wood county, Kanaaa tha banner caul county la tne worm, i cave i.aou acrea of blue stem paature land for exchange for merchandise to the amount of $12.uuu. Pries K!6 per acre, loc tJox v. eureka. Kan. I kJO ACRES, solid tract. 4 act Improve. ments; 1 muss town, best aoll; can't be duplicatea in state. 111. Best terms Kan-u-Coiurado lovcatmeat Co. bcoli city. Kan-- MR. RENTER Bargains In west central Kansas Nice loo acrea. improved. I mil station; easy terms; K.t. iju acre raw land. .-). t.d. Kwing. Dishton. Kan 760 At KKS. wen improved, adjoins R. R. town In southern Kansas. Alalia, corn, wheat ?t.-ck aud fruit farm, i'nee ln. beat of terms. W. 1. Carter. Sterling, Kan l Ai:KK8 wheat, corn and alfalfa land. ' utnern Kanass, a miles county sent; M acres wneat. su acree aitaira: well .Ira. (iroted 1'im loe. I. 1. Kiaer. El Doraiiix Kan - CRAWFORD COUNTY. K A NSAtv-Jlce. smooth, rich prairie with timber along the creeks, beet corn, clover and timo'.hv land in southeast Kansas Send for description list. James Wilklns. Wainut. Kan A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOON-W acres, good t-ruom house, large barn, other buildings, plenty fruit; grove 40 acres, pas ture lliu mow land balance cultivated; j miles town on good road: rural route, tele prune: plenty water, windmill and lank; L-oo rods new hog wire . lasv terms; would take some trade. W. b. HLBBAKl). Welds. Kan ev Mexico. I HAHHAIN to hotneae-Vers cr Investors; I Jm) acree flnet land in northern New Mexico one mile ftnm railroad x per acia C O. FUBcr. Raton, New Mexico. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAINCH I.AM) FOR l.K (Continued.) Louisiana. FOR SALE Lountana orange and fig tree ar money maker. Will aell you I acres of fertn land wttfe 100 orange and tig treee bearing In I year for 2Ti0; 120 monthly paymenus will culti vate and take car of tree and pay tax for I year; na Interest; title guaranteed trees this season In this section have netted from II to 10; Inducements on larger tracts. For further particular ad drees A. J. Oodard. Abbeville, Lev Minnesota. FARM land for sals; bargains In Im proved farm in southwestern Minnesota. Writ F. M. Young, DeOraff. Minn. 0 ACRES IH mile from Foxhora, Minn. Nlc grove, bouse lx24xl2; kitchen 11x14x17. or barn, Ix2x8: granary, 14x14x8; good bog bouse. This ia th biggest bargain ta seventeen statea. Price ftO. Will trad for an automobile. M0 aore la Wilkin county, Minn., with forty acre Umber on It; land la level; baa fin arainage; an aitcnea ana aitcnee raid for; farm la all fenced and cross enced; has about 60 acres cut over maple and oak. There la a barn 40x 80; will bold 100 tons of bay; bouse 12x20. Farm la eight mile from town; has rural telephon and mall. Pric MS per acr. Will trad for atook of good. BJura B. Ulslason, Mlnneota, Minn WB have for sal nln quarter sections of the best land In tha atate; wa wtU aell this land ona quarter to ona person only on th following terms: II per acr down and II per acre per year, covering a period of 18 years; optional payments at I per cent Interest. These special prices and In ducements are to locate nine families In this section of th state In short order. Call or address: NELSON DOOL1TTLT5. Crocker Bldg.. Dea Molnea. Ia. M Issonrl, STOP! Don't go a atep further tha Docglaa Co.. down 'n the beautiful Osarka Raise anything; corn. H to 66 buabat per acre; all other cropa In proportion; cheap est good land on earth; 6 to $26 par aora Free Information. Ulob Heal ntat ts, Ava, Mo.- FOR BALK Some of th best fruit land In th Koshkonong-Brandsvlll fruit dis trict, piioss lower than anybody. Also Jood farms at very low prioes. Write 8. . Cox Real Estate Co., BrandsvtUs. Howell Co., Mo. FOR BALIS 728 acre splendid Verno Co. (Mo.) stock and grain farm; every aor good, plenty of water. Price, 150 per acre; as good as siu low a iana ana iar oeuer allmate. Write for better description. H. E. Bpurgeon. Owner. Olathe. Kan. 13.60 to ISO for Oxark lands. Oxark Land Co., 4oJ Be Bldg. 1.470 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. Improved. Hog-tight. Clear. Owner, W, Root. Nevada, Mo. Nebraska. EASTERNNEBRASKA BARGAINS. POSSESSION MARCH 1. SA -, In niiltlV.Hnn . . ft. I n. nM. m .nt. .l hl.h ta hi Uhit mnA Ka m soil, SO acres of fall wheat which -oe with th place, three roue to gooa town, un of the choice 8v In thia part ol th eoun trv. Prtc. 1126.00 per acr. 1 124 acres, highly Improved and on main road. R. F. D. and telephon line, 4 miles to good town. 10 acr In cultivation. 60 acr clover) ana aiiana, tin orchard. Land la all high table land, except about 61 scree, which is roiling sjnd is in pasture. About B acres natural timber In paatur: 11-room house and large barn. Frio. 186,000.00. o acre, wen improved, I mile from Bouth Omaha, all good land. 11 aoraa alfalfa, 16 a or a prairie hay, balanoa In cultivation. Brlce, :)00 per acr. 40 acree. on macadamised road. I mllea from Benson. All tillable, gently rolling land and mil In cultivation. Beat cloae-ln land bargain near Omaha, Pric, $ Lis. 00 Western iowa bargain. 130 acre On of th best and best Im proved farms In Fremont county, Iowa. All high land and all tableland except a amall portion of paatur, which la a little rolllnjr. Larg houae and tenant houaea. Barn 6oxfi0 feet with atau lor x Dorses, large blna, driveway and room lor 60 ton of hay double corncrtb 4ux0 feet, - larg cattle aheda. bay abada. aelf-feeder. hog houaea. two windmill and all bulldlnga neceaaarv for a modern, up-to-data farm; 11 acrea apple orchard and plenty of other fruit of different kinds and varieties. Fenced and cross fenced, moat of which la hog tight woven wire. Thia la certainly a floe atook and grain farm and la all ready for busi ness. Pric uo per . acr. Possioa Maron a. C. R. COMBS, Room 807 to 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Douglas Ull A-I7U. GRAIN, DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. Well improved, nearly level, 800-acr farm near Omaha; one-third cultivated, one-third extra fine native hay, one-third paatur. School and church adjoining. Trackaee for shipping can be arranged. Price, $) per acre, owner will take smaller larm or first mortgage on good land as part payment; ln'.ouo casn required. ARTHUR C. CROS8MAN, 31 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Douglas 5107. Omah EASY TO HANDLE. 180 acrea level farm land; a ll.OflO mort gage running 6 yeara at 4 per cent can be asaumed; ll.OUO cash, balance 5 yeara. at per cent; Jt an acre. W. A. Olive, Indian ola, la.. Owner. 1.000 ACRES rich, level Improved farm land ranch, $12 60 per acre; terma; no trade; owner C. J. Wlidy, tieiuingford. Neb. North Dakota. HO ACRFS etutsmaa Co.. N. D.. elear for good realdeno. clear, la Dea Molnea Price of land Iw per aora. 840 acrea, well Improved. S3 miles from Winnipeg, alamtoba. ror income. Pric 26 per aore, mtg.. $4.6(10 equity. Look Box 1U6, bpirit Lake, la SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about 6.000 acres choice farm lands In Burleigh snd Kid der Co.. No. Dak., and want 60 good rep- teeentatlves. others need not apply. Best of references W. E. Kunsy. Land Invest, nients. Bismarck, N, . Oklahoma. . FOR SALE Five, miles from Kremlin. Okl., all smooth black soli .good for alfalfa. 130 acres wheat, balance pasture; good bouse, barn and ui chard: would take I4.0U8 block of groceries In trade. m. Krauae, Kremlin, okl. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Send for prices anJ descriptions of farma Ira stout, t'uahing. Ok. - south Dakota. FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS. unlmnrnv l miuA oil .v.rv fnnl la aaA tillable farm land, easv terms; iJJ per aura, . L. Crosby. Boneeteel. B. D HI'Y Pi I'ak I'utiroed farms to 7; un a . or (,, .... ! to :'4 a . at from mi These places are bargains and are et to I0 lesx than reg price This pailv Iihh to seli. &iod leuHons This Ik In the corn I 1 1 and will li.ake lilce hiiines or I n v -t ment . Act iilck If oi v-aiil au of it Ken li & Weber 1'elnioiil. t D REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SAI.K k Dakota -Coatlaaed. fcPLJDNDtn Improved farm, W par aore. eastern South Dakota; will take nxarehaa diee aa part pay meat. Nelater, Sioux Falls. 8. D FOR SALIC 191 acres Lyman C. land, I mile from town; 41 sore broke, all fenced and cross fenced, good well and other Im- Sreveroents: 1140 If taken within thirty aya. Address owner, O. C. Uemeaway. Caps, 8. D FOR PALE OR EXCHANGE. The best 130-acre highly Improved farm In Brown county. South Dakota. All under cultivation except ten acre-grove; W worth of Improvements; only l miles from town; leased for 19U; all level land and free from atones. Address Bos P. P.. Frederick, 8, D. Texas. ABOUT lW ACRES Bra so eoimty, Texsa: I mile station; two-thirds bottom, balano upland; M per cent tillable; feooed, aevwral subdivisions; 200 cultivation; Meal for alfalfa, potatoes, cane. eora. etc.; bal ano timber; five houses, barn, everlaatin water; most Ideal hog ranch and stook farm In state; hogs on rangs will pay In ternet on M.0OI; bottom timber will pay for plaeei beet personal reasons for effee Ing tbls bargain at IM per acr for qulek sale; terms. Address owner, 8. W. Mara' lis, Muuoan. ORANGE orchards nsar Houston ar big Investment. Our five-acre orchards ar sold on essy monthly payments. Th Alvln Japanese Nurseries adjoin and tbelr ex pert develop and car for our orchards three yeara. Write today for Illustrated orange booklet. Federal Ind A Invest ment Co., Houston. Tex. TF.XA8 ranchea. farina. 10-aore orsnge nd fig tracts for sale. In fertile Gulf Coast rain belt on main railroad. Agents wanted. Robertson-Tuttl Land Co.. Victoria, Tex. Wasklsgtea. YAKIMA ORCHARD PROPERTY W have for aale. at an exceptionally low nro. th finest, beat located orchard oa Nab Hill. Th tract consists or 17 acres. Is near the Nob Hill car line. Is planted ta 1-year-old apple and pear tree, and can be subdivided Into 17 beautiful aor traot Ideally attuated for suburban homes. 6 pe dal prio for oash down. Henry Jeoosoa Raalty co., ntru t as. una, waaa. I , Jnlieellaaeoaa, WESTERN FARM LAND SNAP 400 acrea. whole or In part, partly im proved, all tillable, level land; fertile; great ror alfalfa, plenty or good water, good lo cation: $15 before March 1; good terms; railroad far to buyer. Other equally good farm bargains, Irrigated and aubirrlgated. K. W STANLEY, Hot Springe, 8. D. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. FOR LKASE. ' The beat 1.800-acr ranch, eighteen miles due aouth of Atkinson, Neb. Fenced and croaxed-f enced One-third hay land; ltX) acrea under cultivation. Balance good pa turn. Nine flowing wells. For particulars write owners, INTERNATIONAL LAND INVESTMENT CO., 210-12-14 Be Bid-., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 100 to $10,000 made nromptly. F. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always oil hand and for salu a .lounta irom s.wu to .i,""u. BENSON & MYERS 412 New York Lif Bldg. riARVIN BROS. Id floor N. Y. Life. $601 to $100,000 on unproved property, no oeiay. LOW RATES. BEMIS-C ARLBERG CO, $10-111 Brand! Theater Bldg. LOANS to home owner and home build era, with privilege of making partial pay menu semi-annually. w M THnMlR , 801 First National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO INVEST I have a few thousand dollars a trustee. Want to buy farm mortgages due within two years. Security must be giit-eogeu. Give full particulars. Including discount you will make. R. F. KLOKE, TRUSTEE, $01 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co. WANTED City loana and warrant W, Farnam Bmltn Co., mo Farnam Bt, $500 to $5,000 on Omaha home. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1011 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-Ziol. t il l Anu rAnoi. juni r.. r rtr.XNAii.rt REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a cash customer for Business property; Improved or unimproved; must be well located and well worth th pric aekea. O Nell's Real Estate eV Insurance Agsnoy lbut rarnam st. tsotn mono. I WANT to buy a home and will pay from 12.000 to 83.000 cash. . til ve description and location. B 724, Bee. I WANT to buy a lot In residence dlS' trlct; walking distance. A ,a. Be. SWAPS Exchanges, quick sales, larga Hat. Ad' dreaa rl. I, Continental Bldg., Omaha, Nab- WE exchange propartlea of merit. II H. Culver, 113-814 N. x. me uougiaa 7866. FOR BALE or trad five quartera farm land In xtatiiey and Lyman county. 8. Lt. for Omana or vicinity reaidence or business property, just lureeioeeo on theaa landa. W HI deal with ownere. no agenle Ne braska Loan Co . IM Be Bldg.. Omaha. A (ioul) five passenger auto wanted I exchange fur forty aires good land San LuIh valley, Colo Address W. Knight, Sutherland, Neb. FOR quick results (my exchange Hat). U. j. canan. ui J. r.. ., mug., omana. SEVERAL farma In Greer countv. Okl belonging to estate. Administrator wlahe to convert land for good clean merchandise. lri gooda. clothing and shoes preferabl Might exchange for good elore building Oscar wen, m. josepn, aio. AN IOWA FARMER wanta to buy some cheaper land, or b mlxht consider an exchange. What have you He e a reader of the Des 4olnes Capital, and tbe way to reach blm an thousands of others like blm is to adva Use In the want ad columns of the Cap! tal. Bate, i cent a woro per insertion I rente a word lor aix Insertions and 10 can I "ori D'r "nonth. . LAND FOR HORSES I 1 n N v-'- - ' T- ,S' lAramle 'county, vt joining, ana wisn to exchange same tor norse it ia gooa smooth land and woiih l& per are: eighteen miles iioitliexMl of t'heenne. fit miles from laliroad. I'esirll.e horses fully It. first let ter II II M. klnnti ) r lemlnii Blda. i lies Moines, la SWAPS (Continued. IT yttu wish to exchange writ NOW ATA LAND A LOT CO.. New York Lit Bid. 100-ACRK fruit form 111.. Ea. 14.0n0 fof western land or Income. . 4WI acre. Wheeler Co.. Neb. F.. 111.M&, for Income or land. 80 acres town limits. Thomaa Co., Neb. Eq. 12,200. for land or Income, 80 acres. Wheeler Co., Neb. Hq. $1.00, for cottage. 130. Kimball Co.. Neb. Nq. IT..S0O. for Omaha house. 74 acree. Barpy Co. Eq. 12,700, for South Omaha house IHO acres, Uncoln Co., Neb. $4,000 clear, for Income or land. Beautiful house, Tekamah, 7.MI0 clear, for rood Nebraska land. Three hundred more come In. HARRY H. CULVKR, 812-811 N Y. LIFE) BUILDING. OMAHA, DOL'H. 7. FOR SAI.K OR F.X CHANGE Quarter aectlon. well Improved, aevan miles from good town. Want cash or elear Income property. E. C. Slgler, . Paxlon hotel, Omaha. FOR TRADE 890 acres of wheat land In Canada for Omaha real estate. Addreas ti 28, Be. FRT'IT AND POULTRY HOME. 12 acrea, six acrea bearing fruit. 5-roorn ouse. 80 miles from Omaha, three mllea from railroad town; this will give anmeone dandy farm home, where money can be made, and the enjoyment of all the cont ort of home, school and church; are me t once about thin; sale or exchange. F. J. Schnorr, 118 Broadway, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO BORROW WOL'IJ like to hear from private par- tlea who are In the market for first clasa farm land mortgages drawing I to 7 per cent Interest. REYNOLDS INVESTMENT CO.. 643 Ramg Bldg. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Id-band furniture. carpets, clothing and ahoee. Tal. D. ftiiL AN Underwood typewriter In good condi tion; state price. W 7.2. Dee. WANTED TO RENT BY young man. alngl room, steam or hot water heat; hot and cold water; cloaa In; at at price. M-717. Bee. t ROOMS WANTED Will Walnut Hill family give professor vacant room In ex change for music lessons? K 71k. Bee. I 1 IjABI desires board and room; private. B. 7U, BeeJ WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as assistant bookkeeper, ledarer clerk, timekeeper, or any clerical posi tion. Best references. Address B 707, Be. IP TOU dealr a flrat-claaa. practical aura call Dougla 614a. YOUNG man desires Place to work fn board and room In private family while attending college. Boyles College. Both phones. GERMAN girl desires 'work In famllvi speak a German only, 73) No. 12th Bt. South Omaha. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NEBRASKA CITY. NEB., JAN. 81, I81L-. sealed bida win b received by th Sec retary of th Board of Education of Ne braska City, for tha erection of a High School Building at Nebraska City, Ne braska, according to plana and specifica tions oa rue at to oific of insher s. wrle. Architects, 110 Paxton Building. Omaha, Nebraska, and at th office of th Secretary of th Board of Education, Nebraska City, Nebraska, Aintll Monday, February 17, 1911, I o'clock p. m. Separata blda will be received on the general con struction, heating and ventilating and sewerage and plumbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for flv per cent of th amount of the same aa called for In the specification and bidder' a' blank furnlahed by the Archltecta. Tha right la reserved to reject any or all bid. i FZdlOt NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notloe Is hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the atockholder of th Bouth nana ULna company will b hsld at th office of said company at Lincoln, ieD., at u o cioca. a. ni., on ins iirst day of March, A. D , ml. O. ti. MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 10, 1SU1. ' ' JarOl dX SMALL BUT HANDY FIREBUG Blnale Oa ( the Fr let Ion Brand of Matrhea laaaed a Three Han 4 red Tkaasaad Fire, "Among the many Incendiaries destroy ing th property of th American nation, says Louis S. Amonson In Insurance En gineering, "none is mora active than th 'criminal' friction match. t In Harrlsbuig, Pa., a abort time ago, a friction matoh dropped on th floor of the cellar, was) stepped upon and resulted In a property loss of nearly $300,000. "Had this been a safety match Instead of a 'criminal' match no fire would hav occurred. In many up to date European countrlea th 'criminal' match which Ig nite on anything la outlawed and aafety inatchea ara required to be used exclu sively. "Such a law In each' ol 'the alatea of the union would save to the public and to tha insurance companies millions of dollars annually. Three hundred thousand dollars Is a high pric to .pay for one match, and friction matches are purchased every day In the year on that basis. "The property lose resulting from th 'criminal' match unfortunately Is only a amall part of the damage 'done. Thou sands of Uvea are lost; a whole armv has been burned to death from the use of friction matches. Women with their flimsy gowns are often the victims of matches that Ignite from being stepped on The universal Use of safety matches would save thousands of lives and mil llona of dollars' worth of property. "Safety matches cannot be ignited by rata or mice, by bring stepped on. by packagee or boxes falling on Hie floor or by any one of the numerous wava In which 'criminal' inatchea at present de stroy life and property. If every puhlla spirited cltlxen, Including audits, man agere, Insurance commissioners and Hi press, would enlist In this cause It would mean Increased safety for life and prop erty. The 'criminal' match should be legislated out of exlelence In every slat of the union." (.rossly M larritrraealrd. "Several of my friends have told me." roared the caller, a portly, paunchy Indi vidual with a fiery noe. "thai your pal er the other dav spoke of imp as the monumental demagogue cf the ae,' Win. ever lold , .u that " ' t mlferated the editor. "iulvering with lnl.Kniion. "uttered an Inramous falsehood: We suoke of you aa the monumental iKmn ut the aes.- l'lilcao Tribune