Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1911, Image 5

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, kVoat mat XU '
T. 9. Craadoa fc Sona Coal.
Watch rapalrtaff. . Kdholm. Jawelar.
K. rattan, aaaiiat. Uty Nat Bk. Bide.
aa, Blaelrla flztntaa. aarfaaa-Oraaaaa.
Amtart klrtkartoaa. rlholm. Jaalr.
Tow Hnt; , raJnablaa la tha
American baia LtKalt Vaulta In Tha Dm
feulldloa. H. rant a boa, U a yaar.
Vaa Wa la Op a throuia tht Neb. Sav
ings Iyoa.a A'a to. aava monay. Waokl
an monthly payment may fca made; pay
per annum. 16i Farnam BtroaL
ftobara a4 SU may dattroy tha labor
of ft lifetime. A.W private aaf in our
big burglar ard fir proof Tault la parfact
aocurlty (or your valuable. Omaha Bafa
papoilt nd'Tri'r Co. Ikulrance lwi 'ar
nam eueet. i- ' " .-
afrrarattaa at Aeeembly aoom-Tln
auffregett aecttnn of the Women a Chrln
tion Tamperanra inlrtn Will bold the boards
hi tha Brandela artmtrly room Wednesday
during trra norm hour n1 will give a pro
gram of addreaunk and ntualr. Mlu Ullle
Kurnett, av well kmrwa Omaha eololat, will
(urnlah'tha entialo This will ha the second
tom-ert gfc'en toy Mia Burnett and will
consist principally of popular songs, with
a Gorrnua number. Uirr she will give a
concert uX clasnleat rnuatc whlrh will In
clude tha Italian eoruposws.
"Little Mother' Me gro to ftebool Only
years old and wnlghlng hardly eighty
Many Nations to Join in The Hague
Conference Next May.
Ha a
la ta "f Flared I poa Mor-
phlRr aid exatae, ae Well
as ntt Oplaaa the W orld
Jind HuMa !., a tired looking girl,
. the "LJtlta MMJir'' furher father. Anton
l-ng, a iHtmrer and two alstera, one older
and one younger thun.qhe. The frail child
accompanied hen faiher before Judge
Kennedy in the Juvenile court rlnturday.
There w8 otiip!alnV .that she did not at
tend acho ,and Vjf. reason of bring com
pelled to do all ot the family washing waa
undermining her health. , It was learned
that tha father earned llii a week and that
the oldor girl earned X a week In a laundry.
Tha father 'after much pressure had been
brought connented to atfow the girl to at
tend e hool. '
Martha Miller,
" "Friend of Man,"
Called by Death
Woman Philanthropist in Her Own
Genial Way, Diet at St. Jo
eph's Hospital.
Martha Miller, philanthropist In her own
email realm end friend of everyone she
knew, Is dead. The little womitn. who for
years has been seen going on her errands
of kindness, carrying a little bunch of
flowers or a pretty gift to some one of her
lea fortunate neighbors, died at o'clock
last night at Bt. Joseph' hospital, where
she went Tuesday to undergo and op
eration. Martha Miller was 62 years old. and had
lived In Omaha practically all her life. For
several years past she hss been a familiar
sight she and her little pet dog-In the
east part of town and her small notion
store at 614 North Fourteenth street always
has been the market place for many of
tofiae i)i small WRge. ' , . , , .. , , . . ,
, . . . . . Italy followed shortly after with tha de
nim e her store was robbed five years! . ... ... .
ago and she came In contact with the
polk-a department. Merlha Miller has made
frequent calls at the polli station. At
each of these she always has brought some
kind of "remembrance" soma flowers for
the dek sergeants or a hot lunch for the
captain. Kh was also a familiar linht st
the annual sale of the police department
and was a heavy bidder. Kach year she
took away th bulk of the things offered at
auction to stock her store.
Martha hss only one relative, a brother.
U, If rey Miller, who lives In Omaha. Ar
rangements for her funeral have not been
WASHINGTON. Feb. s.-iBpeclal Tele
gram The Plate department has In
structed the American delegstes to the
International Opium conference, which
In to meet at The Hague In May, to
urge a world wide fight against, not
only opium, but morphine, cocaine and
all other habit forming drugs.
The conference was originally Intended
to dlscUHS the opium traffic exclusively,
but a short time ago, at the behest of
tires t Britain, one of the powers to be
represented at tha conference, morphine
and cocsine were added to the aublects.
"A Wasp' la the 'fe'nexlhlne" to Re
Presented thurs'tlay .Mabt at
Crelghion I 'a I , A u( Hart am.
An amateur dramatic pfferlng of some
tntareat will be "A Wasp. In the Wood
bine," by William dlllctte, to be presented
by the Research aUih of Bt. Uerchman's
academy at Crelghton , university audi
torium Thursday .evening, February 9. Re
hearsals have been conducted under the
personal direction of Uoyd Ingraham,
who wllf also have ha principal comedy
role, John Weathcrby, , , ,
"A Wasp n the Woodbine" Is a society
comedy and tells a story of a young mar
ried couple who QuajrrL through tho Jeal
ousy of the wle, to the point of separa-
JaTjn. Tha ffLther anrl mritlier r,f iYtm, vminir
wife, who ljav lived' a life of happiness
for thirty years, pretend to quarrel," that
the young people may are how silly it ap
pear to others. To make up the quarrel
between the old folks, the young couple
simulate fYleiulsliip, ami the comedy sit
uations that 'arlae. are excruciating. Fol
lowing In the cant: ',
Oliver Went.'. Jack Mulvalilll
John Weathe)rhy.". ..'.'..I.loyd Ingraham
Thomas Wentherby James Blair
Kdwaid Marsh... t .Frank '1'homas
Rev. Lyman l.angley Franuea Warren
iDert rrltcnsra
Big Land Fraud Case
to Be Aired in Court
Charge of Homestead Grabbing Made
Against Cattle Barons in Deuel
Many homestead lands alleged to have
been acquired by fraud by cattle kings of
!euel county in southwestern Nebraska
will be the bone of contention over which
a legal war will he formally opened in
fedtral court Monday. The amount of
land involved is not ma large as that In
the L'omstock-Richards case, which re
suited In the conviction of a number of
rattle barons, but the hearing promises to
be spectacular at least.
In the case at hand It is alleged that
several thousand acres of fenced in land
was acquired fraudulently by the Western
Land and Cattle company, of wh'ch George
K. Townaend la the head. Benjamin Fox,
his manager, and Attorney W. .1. Miles
of Deuel county are also unde,? indictment.
The case will be aired before Judge T.
O. Munger. Sylvester R. Rush and his
assistants will prosecute for the govern
ment. Testimony will be given by about
twenty-five witnesses.
Mrs.. JuckMou.
Mlsa Jaukaon. .......
Mr. Breslln
Miss Ftts-Allen.:.:r
t'lara lHiral,.,.,s.
Mabel Floyd
MIhs Orurit
Mna Wilson:-. i.
Miss Parnell.
urtrudH West...
- ls. John VVeath
Julius P'estner
......Uretna Morgan
.,.....F1na BiHliop
Mr. Fratner
.Margaret Mulvalilll
.r. Alice Kngllsii
,.?atherine Carrick
..Catherine Murray
:. . -1 . Ma v 'O'Brien
.n.vMtry McKilgntt
Madeline O Connor
Merles of Proa-rams ft-rhedalrd
Effort to Pay Debt of l.yceaiu
t herhv . . . Veronica O'Connor
nna Adellna Oonxalcs: ...'.... .Eva Lovely
,irgarct .............)...... MarKaret Kelly
HiiHan ......Maude McAMIe
Miss Julie Langley... Margaret Murray
F.vcnt In Hoaor of Woisea Waa l.rave
IDhiu for Orient Held at
V. W. f. A.
The cosmorama of the Columbian club
of the Hacred Heart parish will be held
from February IS to 25 and will consist
of a series of entertainments, which in
clude features of various kinds.
Many special nights have been desig
nated. Opening night will be given over
to the Irish and Bohemians, when an ad
dress" wlfl be'"macl6 by ' T, 'j. Mahoney.
February 22 has been set aside as Ameri
can ntght. ' Nights for fraternal orders
will be determined later.
The proceeds from the entertainments
will be used to pay off a part of the debt
of tl.MX) against the lyceum hall.
maud that tha conference not only find
ways fo restrict the world's traffic In
opium and other drugs, but the desdly
cannabis or hasheesh made from Indian
hemp, which Is dealt In with smugglers
on Italian shores.
The Slate department, it la now stated.
commissioned delegates to the confer
ence, and will promulgate Institutions
covering the entire field of hablt-form-
lng drugs, so that the commissioners
from America will not only have full
signatory powers aa regards traffiu In
tha main drugs, which are threatening
tha manhood of the world, but will have
liberty to go as far aa any nation wishes
in Imposing restrictive measures on any
other drugs.
America Itelecatea.
Two of tha American delegates to The
Hague will be Right Rev. Charles If.
Brent. Protestant F.piscopal bishop of
the Philippines, and Ir. Hamilton
Wright of the State department, both
of whom served on the opium commis
sion which met at Shanghai two year
ago. Charles D. Tenney, Chinese secre
tary of the American legation at Pekin,
who served on the commission, will ba
replaced by another delegste whom
rumor has It Is to be a person prominent
in American college circles
The nations which will participate in
the coming conference are. besides the
United States, China, Franca, Germany,
Great Britain, the Netherlands. Portu
gal, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Italy,
Slam and Perala.
China, tha nation which has suffered
the heaviest form ravagees of tha opium
evil, and which has hailed with satlsfac
tlon the good offices of the United States
In bringing about aid for '.ta campaign of
suppression, naturally ls In the fore
front of Tha Hague negotiations.
The Inclusion of morphine, cocaine
nd haaheesh as subjects of deliberation
has given China satisfaction, for tha rea
son the traffic in at least two of these
drugs is mora vital to the welfare of
the United tftates citlsens than opium,
and therefore there Is no danger of the
Americans losing Interest In the con
ference or stepping aside In deference to
Great Britain, from whose dependencies
In India is shipped a great part of the
opium consumed in China.
Tha growing agitation against opium
smoking, and the strongest regulations
which the United Statea baa placad on
Its Importation, both Into tha home coun
try and her possessions in the orient,
Is said to have been of wonderful aid to
China In coping with tha havoc made by
tha drug.
lied laWor for closed shops should receive
the support of public opinion." The boys'
tesm. consisting of A. H. Gelwlck, Clyde j
Hutchinson. J. I. McMullen and N. C., will have the negative side of
th- same question against the Kearney I
bos' team.
The Wane normal squad, consisting of
the Mioses Hells and Muelhels and
Charles Lively and I. P. Roberts, will de
hate the queetl'n. "Resolved. That the
United States should fortify the Panama
canal." at Wayne, the choice of sides be
ing left to Wayne.
The Warrensburg squad, consisting of
the Misses Martha Giltner. Grace Hobson
and Mes.ns Ira Crovak and C. A. Ander
son, will debate the teams from the War
rensburg (Mo.) normal at Peru the first
partof May. The question for this debate
has not yet been assigned.
Much interest Is being shown over the
coming basket bail game to ba played
here next Mouday evening between Coi
ner and Peru. Coach Brumage Is work
ing hard to get his men In shape to give
the fast quintet from Cotner a run for tha
Prof. A. M. Vance. Instructor In Instru
mental mimic here, was taken sick
Wednesday and the doctors pronounced It
a case or smallpox l lie piare waa ii
once put in quarantine, shutting up the
students alio roomed at that house, ex
cept three, one who had had the disease
and the other two having recently been
vaccinated. It is believed that the dis
ease will spread no rurtner. lor a similar
cn waa here about a month ago and by
careful action it was not allowed to
Outline of Fight in Cave in
Compares (wlaael laraaat an
K.arth mt laaarlaary Wright an
ssfsastry aasasfcerlag
I aaler Harden.
NKW YORK. Feb. I -Books formerly
owned and manuscripts written by "amuel
L. Clemens (Mark Twain) collected here
for disposal at auction at an early date
axe found to contain tome excellent Indica
tion of tha lata author's methods of work.
Aa Intereattng and eomparatlvely recent
document refers ta Colonel Theodore
One of tho early menu scrips is a page
f notes for aa outline of a portion of
Tom Sawyer," which relatea to the fight
a tha cave. Among tha notea are written.
quarrel, fight. Peter knocked dowa with
Tom's shovel. Joe rushes In and knocks
Or. Potter Insensible. Jo will bury doctor
Tom' hoi and wfll make Potter think
he I accessory. Find treasure goee and
hide It return and find P a p. No us
to bury body for Potter think he did It."
Among th manuscripts la na deaortbed
a "aa artiol In th Inauguration of
Railroad Executives
Asked About Rumors
President Willard Saya it Will Be Six
Yeart Before Smaller Road it
Taken Orer.
An elaborate lunchoon In honor of Miss
ltnth Taxson and Mia Fiances Taft, who
e to sail together for China soon, was
held at the Younf Women's Christian asso
ciation yesterday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. C. W.
Hayes and Miaa Susan Paxson, slater of
on of the guests of honor, were hostesses
of the affair.
Thirty-five women were present at the
lunrheon. The decorations were In red
ind whit.- utl the place cards were of
Chinese paper 'docorated' by local Chinese
boys In the oriental characters spelling the
names of th guests. Mrs. George Wicker-
ham sang several aelecttona. Miss Ruth
l'axson submitted a number of conundrums
mm4 Miaa France Taft sang several Chi
ne songs In the entertainment following
tha luncheon. Mlas Tatt waa born In China
and she speaks the language of the ori
ental aa well a they do. 8h told a Chi
nese story In romMuslon.
TM..l'a'i 'trains Step far Mewrat
Minnie Eel 1111 lo-r Is Fay ad
to. Attend Uylna; Patleal.
Mlsa Caroline ig Injnred Whlla
Cleaning; C'lotbes In Blase at
Vltnpathlv lastltnrr.
CINCINNATI. O.. Feb. 6. Four railroad
executives were in Cincinnati and the
rumor basket was overturned and emptied
on their heads. President Oanlel Wtllard
was asked If it were true that the Balti
more A Ohio la to take over th Clncln
natl, Hamilton V Iayton at once. He
said :
"Under the agreement we are supposed
to buy at the end of seven years. We have
six to go before a price can be fixed."
George U. Stevens, president of the Che
apeake & Ohio, who arrived with II. R.
Huntington, nephew of the late Col Us P.
Huntington, who owned th Southern Pa
cific, was asked:
"Is Is true that the Chesapeak V Ohio
Is Interested In some transcontinenta
scheme being arranged by owners of con
necting line?"
Mr. Stevens smiled and said: "We are
out on an inspection trip of Chesapeak &
Ohio properties. Mr. Huntington I
director of our road."
William Cotter, president of the Cinoln
natl, Hamilton A Dayton, was not visible
but his representative said:
"No, no; there I no union depot confer
ence, nothing of the kind; no genera
Second Vic President N. D. Maher of
the Norfolk A Western - also answered
present, but he said ba only came to On
clnnatl "to spend the night." He was on
an inspection trip, he said.
Miss Caroline Toung, a patient at th
Vltapathio sanitarium In th old Millard
rcHldence, Twenty-fourth and Harney
streets, received severe burns about the
head and face In a gasoline explosion yes
terday. Miss Young was engaged In clean
ing clothes with th gasoline when the ex
plosion occurred.
Mlsa Young was taken to the Wise Me
morial hospital. It ls reported the dam
age will amount to a considerabla sum. A
small panic among the patients took place
when the fire waa discovered.
Railroads are aceoifnted as very hard
hearted, but the Union - Pacific has re
ceived recognition for one good deed.
L Tuesday a report was sent from I 'air,
Colo., to Niiurj. Colo., that there waa an
X. jy'id man nearly tiytnt; for the lack of a
doctor. Arrangement Were made for the
Union Pacific fast mull IOC to stop at
Nunn to take on a d.K-tor for Carr.
The train stopped twelve minutes while
an attempt was made .to. find a doctor,
whereas it was under orders not to stop
at all. Flndlny no doctor this train passed
on its way ami train 101, which is also a
thiough train, was stopped twice, taking
Array f Celtic Beaaty Will timer
FnrthranalnaT at
Henshaw Hotel.
Great preparation are being made for
the Robert F.mmet banquet which is to
be held at the Henahaw hotel February t.
The Irish Fellowship club and the Emmet
Monument association have Joined forces
to take rare of the affair and make it one
of unlimited success In beauty and enter
tainment Considerable effort haa been given, it Is
snnounceil. to make the forthcoming ban
quet attractive to the large number of
women who shall attend. The bachelors
anticipate a trrat in the presence at the
banquet of Omaha's richest Celtic beauty.
Special waiting rooms, dressing rooms and
a tendants will be provided for the femlitn
e I guests.
Georgian Rendered Helpless by At
tack f Acala Iadlcrstlon
Resting; Bnally. Naav.
Fitted the
Is tailed
Beeley of Chlcaso. the noted trust
I expert. Is at the Hennnaw hotel and will
en the phyfiolnn at Nunn and leaving him ; rHllmn m Omaha seeral days. He says:
at Carr.
fcrrlry. Who
New England Joaraal Print Com
plimentary Wrltenp of School.
The lecture delivered by Mr. Bear of
Springfield, 111., Thursday evening under
the direction of th Young Men's Christian
association waa well attended and highly
appreciated by those who heard It. The
lectur waa full of humor, but d,ld not lack
In Inspiring truth.
Prof. George N. Porter delighted th
student at chapel Thursday morning by
slnalna in his usual nieaalnff manner a
I number of songs, responding repeatedly to
hearty encores. Tha normal school faculty
is remarkable for Its musical talent.
Dean A. W. Clark of the department of
education spent Friday and Saturday at
Sidney in conference with th county
superintendent of that section relative to
th supply of teacher and matter per
taining to certification. Dean Clark Is
working under the direction of State Super
intendent J. W. Crabtre, who la making
Important Investigation throughout the
state relative to the educational situation.
Miss Marlon William of th department
of domestic science attended a corn grow
ing and domestic science contest at Madison
lust Wednesday. Miss William gave a
couple of addresses and also aasltited in
Tha New England Journal of Education,
edited by Or. A. K. Wlnship and published
at Boston, In Its Issue of January at
presents an Illustrated article covering a
page and a half on th Kearney normal.
In this article Or. Wlnship speak In highly
complimentary terms of the school. In
speaking of th library, he says It con
tains T.OiXi volumes; each department selects
the books In Its line. The room ls 66x100
feet and ls the best appointed In this sec
tion of the country. He also aaya "In
location. In equipment, in professional
Initiation, In faculty scholarship. In th
character and seal of the student body, the
Kearney Normal school Is among the lead
ing normal schools in tha United State.
Or. Wlnship also says "the school is
fortunate In having a large number of
men, and they are urely atalwart men.
At one time there were fifty men in tha
school of whom no one was below six feet
in height. There is a photograph of the
group and it Is a lining up of fifty young
men the like of whom we have never
aeen In any other Institution."
WASHINGTON, Feb. B.ienator Joseph
M Terrell of Georgia lies In' h critical con
dltion tonight at George Washington Unl
verslty hospital, where he waa taken late
this afternoon after having become sud
denly 111 In nta room In the senate office
The senator had dismissed his secretary
and clerk for the day and was alone when
taken ill. When ha felt Be waa growing
sick he telephoned to Representative Oor
don Lea of Georgia, who hastened to hi
side. Mr. Lee found him sitting In a chair,
quite helpless, and summoned physicians
It was thought ha was suffering from
acute Indigestion and he waa taken to
hospital. Late tonight he was reported to
be resting easily.
President Taft and the detlerance of the
country from Mr Roosevelt." dated March
t. 1. A portion of It follows:
"Astronomer assure us that the attrac
tion of gravitation on the aurface of the
aim 1 twenty. eight time as powerful as
Is the force at th earth surface, ami
that the object which weighs !1T pound
elsewhere would weigh W pounds there.
"For seven years thin country has lain
smothering under a burden like that, the
Incubus, represented In the person of
President Roosevelt, the difference be
tween IU pounds and Ono. Thanks be.
we got rid of this disastrous burden day
before yesterday at last! Forever? Prob
ably not. Probably only for a brief
breathing spell, wherein, under Mr. Taft.
w may hop to get back some of our
health four years. We may expect to
have Mr. Roosevelt sitting on us again
with his twenty-eight time the weight of
any otker presidential burden that a hostile
Providence would Impose upon us for our
"Our people have adored this showy
charlatan as perhapa no Impost er of hi
breed has been adored since tha golden
calf, so It la to be expected that the na
tlon will want him back again after he
is dona hunting other wild animal heroic
ally In Africa with th safeguard and
advertising equipment of a park of artil
lery and a brass bfcnd."
Baraca Members
Lay Plans for a
Great Meeting
Thousands Eipected to Attend the
Convention to Be Held in Kansas
City Ifext June.
A Guarantee of Business Prosperity
Th Persistent and Wise Patronage ef
The Be Advertising Column.
NKW YORK, Feb. R. (Special Telegram I
The founder of the Baroa and Phllathea
Bible classes, which now muster over Jjo.fni
members, ha Just completed. In the Inter
est of these classes, a trip In which he
visited fourteen states west of th Missis
slppl. Including sixty cities.
Mr. Hudson took the trip In the Interest
of the fifteenth annual convention of the
world-wide Baraca-Phllathea association
which meets In Kansas) City. June -14. It
la said that hundreds at delegate will at
tend from the Pacific slope states of Cali
fornia. Washington. Oregon and Idaho as
well aa from Nebraska and Iowa, which
have already been visited. A chorus of
1.000 will lead the singing.
Arrangement are being made for a spe
cial train from th Baracg-i'hllathea con
vention at Kan -as City to th Interna
tional Sunday School convention at San
Francisco. It Is expected to take 110 on
this train, stopping at I.os Angeles en
The Key to the Situation Ke Want Ada:
"The Spermatic Shield Truss aa now used
and approved by the United States govern-
DEAF SEEK BIG CONVENTION ment not only retarn. any ease of rupture.
L ' 'affording Immediate and complete relief.
National Fire and the Men Frank
lin Company Poll Their
ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. S. (Special Tele
gram.) Certificate of merger of tha Na
tional Fir Insurance company and th
Ben Franklin Fir Insurance company,
both of Pittsburg, haa been filed with the
tat Insurance department, and Superin
tendent of Insurance Hotchklss today li
censed the merged company to do business
In New York under the nam of th N-tlonal-Ben
Franklin Fir Insurance com
pany of Pittsburg, Pa. The merged com
pany ba a capital of 1, 000.000.
Pnencaonla Follow a Cold
But never follow th us of Foley'
Honey and Tar, which chscks th cough
and expel th cold. M. Stock well, Hanni
bal, Mo., says: "It beat all th remedies
I ever used. I contracted a bad cold and
cough and was threatened with pneumonia.
On bottle of Foley' Honey and Tar com
pletely cured me." No opiates. Just a re
liable household medicine. Sold by all
I'KRl OK M AI. . OTK),
Local Association to Hold Rally In
Kffwrt to Nrruro National Con
traltos In Ouaaba.
Strenuous effort are being made by the
deaf persons of Omaha. Council Bluffs and
the surrounding oouatry to secure the na
tional convention of the deaf to be held
in U1J. To "this "end grand rally of the
various deaf asaoviallons will be held at
liarlght hall on February II.
Other large chit-a are bending all their
energies toward aecurlng this great conven
tion and Cleveland la said to be about h
trongeat couieUtor. Among the speaker
announced fur the forthcoming rally are
J. W. Stowall. J. H. Long. Waldo H. Roth
rt and F. If. McFarland.
but close th opening in ten day on the
average case, producing results without
surgery or harmful Injections." Mr. Seeley
has documentary references from the
United States government. Washington. !
C. for Inspection. Charity cases without
charge or all who call can see the truss
or be fitted if desired.
Constipation ls th rauaa ot many ail
ment and disorder that make ill mW
arahla Tiha :hamtrlalu's Stomsch and
sfTer Tablets, keep your bowels tegular
tad you will avoid tt disease. For
tala by all dsalara .,
Two llnndred lineal Attend aleadid
Affair nt tkssifcera' Academy
The Omaha guards' dance at Chsmbors'
hall on Friday evening was attended by
over WO of their friends, among whom were
the officers of the Blair Infantry company.
A splendid time was enjoyed by all.
'Pled of Psrsnsals"
is never written of those who cure roughs
and eolds with Or. King's New Otscnvery.
Guaranteed. i"c and $1. For sale by Beaton
Orug C
Tram Krteeteal to Represent Mrhool
in lnter-rhrool Debates.
The senior class of the Auburn High
school, accompanied by Principal Bates,
spent Wednesday at the normal search
ing the library fur material to be used in
their senior thesis.
I'rof. E. T. Houses family, nhlcli has
been quarantined for scarlet fever, was
released the latter part of tha week. So
(ar aa we know theie arc no other casra
of the disease in Peru.
Prof. J. E. Oelxell. deputy superintendent,
visited 1 lie normal Monday.
Miss Stnner talked on "The Individual
Part In Social Reform" at chapel period
The Oramatic club elected officers for
the second semester Wednesday, bernlce
O'Kelf being made president; John Weir,
vice president: A. P. Stoekdale, treasurer,
and Kthel Hoblnson, secretary.
The committee on intercollegiate debates
selected the following teams to represent I
the norma! this year: The girls' team that I
will debate the Kearney ttam consists of
the Misses F.lixabeth Folter, Marie Manila.
Buelo 1-ee and Alice Untx. They nlllj
have the affirmative side of the quratlou.
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tem. Writo I'rof. Muuyon, Uid and Jeir
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vice, absolutely free.
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Upon the Chalmers "30" and "Forty" is staked the future of
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When you buy a Chalmers you buy a guarantee of performance
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Will you favor us with an inspection of the 1911 models at
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