Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' 'mMV,-'mf
iiirrnh'i-:n.fAHA. ii O.Vi f a vn i '.i a r. it vfi. Tim!
Stirring Times Anticipated in English
Parliament Monday.
Report that If 1 II ot hn
Ihrmarhri la 1 nelr l.lklnn, Ibe
Hlat Will All Brrmr
!UNLkjN, Krh. 6 (Special t.'ablrgrani. I
Ministerial!! and oppoaitionlats are ready
to tackle tlo- ureal constitutional nirtuo
whlrh will be before parliament next e--k.
It will he a battle to the death, so far a
th ministerialist are i-onorned. The
abolition of the veto Ixiwit of the lorus
la their Iri'-dui-ihle minimum anl If tner
is any barkdnwn tha c-era win hava to
do It.
With loyalty to George V running hiKhrr
than ev i In lot e In an ki: o low mn,'
ciotn. now that he baa a,peaied a.iroea..
nilly lo the court aa "a man. a liiianaml
and a lamer. ' It w eP i. u ilml tn: av-
I I urHnre ol their majeatu a in parliament j
Monday will in' the kiKual lor an impns
Klvr ciemonhtiati,ti on tne pait ol tha Kifai
aaaemliiy. onjerttite la rue kj to ta
lot m the manlieKtatton will take.
I nlonista by a curious proo-a of reason
InK are pei auadinK thi inat I . that inn
plaiKiils ot llio people over the klnK'a vlnu.
tatlon judlcaliy w-iil inerrafe hB regoive
not lo le overborne In tu tonstltutionai
rlisla. They Intimate that tna
inula will uiarovcr lum to be ires wiium;
to be hettorto. into crvatmK peers to
swamp tne tory lorda, now that hv li
reveilnn in the ' atidoenly stirred affection
ot the whole cmjin .' 'I heir Idea la tnl
tha present la not the psycnolouical moment
for put tin (( piraNiiie upon tne nionarcn.
Pollry f I'slua'nla.'
Theorising of this sort la accompanied
by declarations that the unkontat policy
will be to amend In the commons the 'bill
for hamstringm tha peers." and If Mr.
Aaqulth will not accept the amendments
to hava the lorda "do their own duty fear
lessly." There Is a prediction that the laborltee
will vote with the torlea aicalnat the pream
ble of the veto bill on the ground that It
waa Inserted to "conrllate the whins in
the cabinet."
All arrangements for the momentous busi
ness of parliament following the stats
openlns by tha king next week have beea
completed by tha varlotta organizations la
both chambers, and the work of prepara
tion terminates with the four parliamen
tary banquets Klven tonight.
Thers la a tlaroa suuagla ahead; prob
ably a succession ot fierce struggles.
Through all sections of the radical coali
tion upon which th government relies
are Joined the greater by a supreme am
bition to "put tha lorda where they be
long." Mr. Asquith will be held by each
to the strictest letter of his promise In
every Instance. A small defection must
prove a grave disaster to his program. It
has coma to light that members of tho
Welsh radical parliamentary arty bave
bound themselves In wilting to revolt if
Mr. Aaqulth does not follow the veto lim
itation bill with a measure disestablishing
tha church in Wales. ,
First Plank In I'lalforaa.
Falling In this, the Welshmen will be
come "nationalists In the sense that the
Irish members are," Mr.. IJoyd-George Is
involved In tha pledge.
Payment of members of parliament Is the
first plank In the labor platform.
George N. Barnes, speaking for the labor
lies, warns Mr. Aaqulth not to bring a
"partial measure paying only poor men
and thua working out to tho advantage
of the rich."
T. P. O'Connor, speaking for the Irish,
says ha believes he "la at thla moment
earning my first quarter salary."
Tha brilliant Irishman holds that pay
ment Is a necessary condition precedent
to. "the creation of a body of professional
politicians, men with nothing to attend
to but politics, Ilka Peel, Gladstone, and
In our own day, Mr. Balfour." lie denies
emphatically that there Is any alliance be
tween the Irish and tha laborltes "except
such aa arises from a certain unity of
Speedr Relief from Kleiner Tronble.
"I had an acuta attack of Urlght's dls
raaa with Inflammation of th kidneys and
bladder, and d'.islness," aaya Mrs. Cora
Thorp, Jackson, Mich.. "A bottle of
Foley 'a Kidney Kennedy overcome tha at
tack, reduced th inflammation, took away
the pain antl made th bladder action nor
mal. I wish everyone could know of thla
wonderful remedy." Bold by all druggists.
(Continued from First Page.)
tha hous and as a result there seems to be
little chance for action on the ship subsidy
bill, which passed the aenat a few days
ago through the action of Vic President
Sherman In twice breaking tie votes. ,
Colonel Goethsls. chairman of the Isth
mian Canal commission, arrived her today
and will appear tomorrow before the house
commute on appropriations as to the
necessity for fortifying th Panama canal.
A majority of the house is believed to b
In favor of fortifications, but it la likely
that the question will provoke much debate.
How to cur a cold ts a question in
which many ar Interested Just now.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won
lta great reputation and immeni aal by
It remarkable cur of colds. It can al
ways bo depended upon. For aie by all
A Guarantee ot Business Prosperity-
To Be Advertising Columns.
The Weather
FOR NKHRAKkA-rnseUled.
Temporal ore at Omaha yesterday:
i a. in
( a. m
T a. m
S a. ni
t a. m
1 a. m
11 a. m
1! m
I p. m r
I p. m
5 p. m
p. m
6 p. m
p. m
T p. m
OMAHA, Feb. . Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
th corresponding period of th lat three
eara. 1MI UW, lao. iiv
Highest today ti HI 44 3.'
lowest today 27 M 31 t
Mean temperature M M M t4
Precipitation. l .IM (M .u
Temperature and precipitation departures
from th normal at Omaha sine atarvQ 1
and compared with the last two vears:
Normal temperature 21 degrees
Kxca for I lie dity degrvea
Total excess alnee March 1 SK7 d carve.
Normal prerlpitatsin (A Inch
r xcens for Hie day TJ Inch
Total rainfall March I la Inches
lieficiency since March 1 14 KS Inches
Kaoroa fur rair. vriiud. lli 4 incurs
1 H'licleucy tor cor. ieiiod. l'.J. . .40 Inches
Engineer Blown
From Cab Window
Fast Train on Burlington Has Narrow
Escape from Disastrous Wreck
Near Crawford.
rriAWFmi. Neh.. l-'eb. S. (Special
Telegram.!-riurllnaton Kljrr No. 41 be
tween I tllltnicx and Lincoln had a nili ai li
earnpe from a terrible wiTk today
to ar I'rovo. R
II .K..,.. tl.lrf,- ...II...
. ... - - I
of loir. ItunnlnK at n ii-d of
thirty- i
fl mllps an hour, a ateam pl
niKin bnrat. hlowlnn Knincr
IhroiiKh I lie rah window.
in t hp 1
w " '" .
(hi account of esianlng atpain and acalil-l'"
i . ! t.. . ... .
a " " ' ' 1 wir- in. man ' " '
Into th rnKlnpr'a aide of thr rah
rpmalned Icnorant of the fart that the en
xlnwr was not thprp. whll the train thun
dt rtd on.
Aa thp train iaard th apot where t!
rtm'lnerr bad faMpn. Superintendent Hob
blna of the Sheridan dlylaion. who waa In
a private car attached to the rear of the
trqln. hrar loud erlea and. thlnklnff arme-m-
had been run over, pulled the air and
broiiRht toe train to a stop.
It waa thon diaoovered that the train
wna luiinlnn without an engineer. Kn
Flnper Wilsun wa plekfd up and found
to be bmlly. but not fatally. Injurpd. An
other piifilh. wna put on at Crawford and
took the train Into Alliance.
I X MEftrtM K
Otto J. lc llaaah Given Jndsntent
Aaalnat M. D. Ilad4ek.
CKNTRAI, CITY, Neb., Feb. S.-( Special.)
After consuming the greater portion of
two days with the examlnntion of wit
nesses before the Jiidjre and Jury, and
when It seemed that the parties to the
suit were becoming more and more Ir
reconcilable, the action of Henry H. Fal
dnrf against Martin V. Scott In the dis
trict court wa settled out of court by the
agreement of the parties and th jury was
The stilt grew out of the construction
of the Scott block, occupied by the Platte
Valley bank and other business concerns.
Faldorf wa the contractor and Mr. Scott
claimed that much of the work and ma
terial on the building was defective and
refused to pay part of the contract price.
In the action of Otte J. McCullough
agHinat M. D. Haddox trial waa to the
court and Judgment waa rendered In favor
of the plaintiff for th sum of tl.19S.30.
Three Anbnra Flonrers Pea at.
ACBUKN, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special.) Mrs.
Syntha Grits, aged 81 years, died at her
home last evening. Her husband, Henry
Grits, died about a year ago. They were
old settlers of this county.
August Sayers, one of the earliest settlers
of thla county and about 75 years of age,
died at his home In Aspinwall precinct this
morning. He came to this county In the
'nOa and settled near the once town of Hills
dale, where he has resided ever since.
Mrs. May Gilbert wife ot Earle Gilbert,
died at their home this morning In Nemaha
City. Mrs. Gilbert had been In falling
health for several years. Hhe was a suf
ferer from tuberculosis and about two
years ago went to California, then to Old
Mexico and several other places In the west
In the hope of regaining her health, but
without avail and a few months ago re
turned home.
Date for Merrick Coantr Fair. ,
CENTRAL, CITT. Neb., Feb. 6. (Spe
cial.) The stockholders of the Merrick
County Agricultural and Fair association
have elected the following officer for the
ensuing year: President,. La C. Lawson;
vice president. William Ganta; secretary
Thomas Keefe; treasurer W. Chamber
lain; general superintendent, John How
ard; board of directors, Silver Creek, P.
11. Bell; - Midland. William Wegner
Claiits, John Lurosdue; Lone Tree, George
Wolcott; Mead, J. Mack; Prairie Island
Carl Jensen; Vieregg, John Wlegert; Loup,
J. M. Colborn; Pralrl Creek. Simon Si
mon. on; Central City, William McCul
lough. The fair will be held at Clark
September 13, 14 and 15.
Dally Paper for Broken Bow.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Feb. 5.-(8peclal.)-Beglnnlng
Monday, February , the Custer
County Republican will blossom Into an
evening dally, under the management of
Former County Clerk Joseph Pieman. D.
M. Amsberry still owns the plant, but has
turned over tha entire management to Mr.
Pigman. Tho policy of th paper will re
main the same a It ha for year. Several
year ago tho Republican was conducted a
a daily, but was discontinued at the close
of th Spanish-American war, when It
dropped back Into a weekly. -
Pick Oat Donne ' Ueknlera.
CRKTK, Neb.. Feb. S.-(Spec)al.-Inter-est
Is high at present at Doane college In
basket ball and In debating. Last night
the preliminaries for th triangular debate
between Cotner, Doane and Believue,
which Is to lake place on March 11. were
held In Whltln library. The following
were successful In the bill given: Mc
Neil. Kite. Hill Iiavlaon. Wilkinson and
Kellogg, with Dawes and Doughhete as
alternate. The Judges were Ralph Brown,
Mr. Deniaon and Prof. Burrage.
Overton Cannty 1'haaaplons.
OVERTON. Neb., Feb. S.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) There w as a double game of basket
ball In the People'a Opera house Satur
day night between Overton jmd Gothen
burg High school boys ana girls. Both
games were bitterly contested from start
to finish. The score of the girls' game
was 11 to 13, la favor of Overton; boys,
U to 20. in favor of Overton. This gave
the Overton boys the county champion
ship, as they have not lost a gam this
trans no M round Dead.
WINNIPEG, Man., Feb" 6 (Special Tel
egram.) George Krederickson of Arapa
hoe, Neb., was found dead In Regina to
day. The police are as yet unable to ac
count for the death and are Investigating
tit caxe.
Sl rbr..ka . N
"JM Y'ORK Miss Nora York and Cyruajlng of fur seals for five years from and Franklin were unlaett (n inariiage yes-; after May 1. 1911. except by natives for
: I
" ' .".l ;.7 .nai.K:':,?
yo . v -. . . . . . . . Vi.liBIIU I
...... u k w . . .It . .
Diniuii, .-vu., wueiu iiu . in engage in t
'J, I business
J7 1 YORK Mies Grace Moore of the Y'ork
1 News was sppointed by Mavor K irk p trick
last evening to fill the vacancy in the park
BROKEN BOW The farmera' Institute
closed a suereful three dsys' session here
Saturday night. The Institute this year
was purely local, the lecturers being resi
dent of the county.
BLl'E H ILL The Houveye-Buachow
Poland-China hog sale Thursday brought
out a good crowd and th prices received
were good. The average price received was
ti-ao. the top being Sj'..
Iil.CH H ILI "Dad" Morris. s he was
familiarly known and called by evrryonr.
who for some year waa connected with
the livery liu.-lneaa In blue Hill, died at his
home at PelvUbury. Colo., tills week, lie
was years of age.
YORK The City National bank has pur
cnaaed the thrre-etorv brick building aa
joinlug on tit north, and owing to in. irae
In business c( ntcmplat either teat lug:
this building, down or remodeling. With I
lion iitwni ImililUiK they will hae
sted iut ;si
yeara, d led heie Ihuisday ol apoplexy, fol
lowing an attack ol grip, and whs ruined
today. lie wi an early settler hire.
I'l'.NTIiAI. '"ITV-Ihe t'hrtxtlan church
congregation of thl place ha extended a
tail to the paMoiate i the church to He.
ii-gtl I.. 8nirle ot Mlndcn. and the -all
haa been accepted 'I hi church ha been
without a lu.stur kIwf hv. I. A rutae.v
departed fur l hfti'r, Neb.. Jont before the
flint ot III year.
S1II.MTKK In a fiht over a .kei
ujiii at Niiitti Mrum i. ..hp ir th nariie
- - - '
wno not ine worat oi tn s. rap ni a
ml tiled. a- he auprMiaerl. at Jean
toil lilt .Mrtitlil Neiaen in the fore-
." l t
. It w... u.,n..lniF 1:1.. .1 Itt- f4lHflll
of l erlln liaa taken Mr. Nelaen to ail
Omaha hospital for treattn.nt. No nrrest
I'ecn matte as yet
f 'H k W I.-I III I I Tl,- annual ,mmI Inff ,f the)
. . .. .. - .,jli.... ... . v. il k.. . . . l. . . V..nM
riawrnr I o-i merative company was nein j
,,riiiir,ia Biiri imiiiii niio m
oiiirers were eiecieo: riTnuifni. r.. .
IW...IL ....a ... Hon. M.n H,W..Ir'
aorretai-v and trcamner. R. 1. Smith; man
ager. 14. ('. liriiinlaiugh . directors. John I
renra. John MorKrni ano jane v assen-i
YORK -Th York real eatate dealers have
niganised a York Heal Estate exchange and
meet every Wednesday noon at the rooms
of the York Commercial club, where a
thirty-minute business session la held and
then lunch is served. 8. A. Myera la presi
dent. J. Olmsted, secretary, and A. B. t hris
tlan. treasurer. 'I he object of tlie organisa
tion is to create closer mutual business
CHAW Ft)HI Memorial services in honor
of departed members were held Sunday
afternoon by Crawford aerie No. low. Fra
ternal order of Eagles. Services were con
ducted by members of Chadron aerie. Fast
Worthy President I,. .1. K. laeger having
direct charge. An addresa waa made by
Captain Allen G. Fisher of Chadron, who
spoke of the lofty tenets of the order.
W ot thy President Ed Houghton of Chadron
followed with a short but eloquent address.
AL'BTHN-Judgp Haper of the dis
trict court, held a short equity session
of that court here Friday and Saturday.
The motion of the plaintiff fcr a new trial
In the ca,ae of Perry against Ramsey was
argued and taken under advisement lnia
Is a rase where the plaintiff sued the
saloonkeepers of Johnson for damages for
causing the death of her husband. James
Perrv. The former trial resulted In a
verdict for the defendants.
BROKEN BOW An Equal Rights club
haa been organised here by barton O.
A vies worth of Denver. Colo., who delivered
three lecturee on the subject during his
stay In the city. Mr. Aylesworth is a
fm-rlhl sneaker and made many converts
after thoroughly explaining the Colorado
system of woman s suffrage. I ne orncers
of the new rlub are: Miss Elncoln Groat,
president: Mrs. C. H. Jeffords, vice presi
dent, and Theodore Hoyce, accretary.
CRAWFORD Real eatate was active dur
ing the last week, deals involving Beveral
thousand dollars being made. The largest
ot these had aa lta principals riam ewin
bank and P. P. Raben, who purchased the
Hall mill and Irrigating ditch for I2.(I
and 320 acres of deeded land from Fred
Macombcr for SU.0OO, or $fiO per acre. Ed
Rasher sold lfiO acrea, nine miles north of
Crawford, to Charles Peterson for S4.S0O.
Dawes Forbes sold the farm of ltW acres
known as the old Freeman place.
YORK Clinton Hire, a traveling sales
man; William Papman of Papman &
Chapman and J. M. Derrick have made a
complaint agalnat the York Foundry and
Engine works for obstructing the streets
with flasks used in the foundry. Mr. Pick,
manager, appeared and stated that It would
be Impossible for them to compete for busi
ness unless they were allowed the use of
space thai did not Interfere with anyone.
All parties concerned hav been asked to
appear before the next council meeting.
CHADRON A neat of tha Order of Owls
was organised here Monday evening with
the following officers: President. George
Dunoon; past president. W. I.. Best; vice
president, Fred Merrltt; Invlcator. L,. N.
Costly, Jr.; secretary, 8. W. Warner; treas
urer, Frank Plummer; warden, George P.
AVashburn; sentinel, George Maurer; picket,
Mr. Gowning; examining physician. Dr. E.
U. Vernon; board of trustees, Dr. E. L,.
Vernon. Stewart and Roy Bowman. The
order starts with 100 members, . ..
CRAIG Last night a Mrs. Ed Pond and
daughter, Stella, were going home from
town their team scared at some poles and
ran. upsetting the buggy and throwing
both out. Mrs. Pond received a blow on
top of th head that tore off piece of
th scalp aa large as a dollar, but it is
thought no deeper hurt was done to the
skull. She lay unconscious almost two
hours. She also received some barbwire
cuts. The daughter was also cut and
bruised some, but not seriously.
CENTRAL CITY Can a sufficient force
of men and teama be secured to build a
road acroaa Merrick county, forty miles In
length. In two days? Local good roads
enthusiasts believe - that it can be done,
and are organising for the purpose of
demonstrating their belief. A meeting has
been called to be held In the Schiller real
state office In this city on February IS. to
which all good roads advocates the county
over are invited to be present, 4nd then the
project will be formally launched. H. E.
(3 lat fetter and J. A. Hays are the local
promoters ot the Idea and axe meeting with
general encouragement.
TORK One of the longest and hardest
fights made Is the contest that haa been
going on for the last three years between
the Nebraska Telephone company and th
York County Independent Telephone com
pany. On of the Strongest ana largest In
dependent companies In Nebraska ia the
local company, that haa several thousand
telephones in use and besides owning ex
chances in other counties haa built toll
lines, and It Is because of the growth of
thla comoanv that the competition tor Dum-
neaa ia made hero in York county. Hun
dreds of farmers and some business men
own stock in the home company, and be
cause of regular dividends of S per cent per
annum and good management oi company
affairs, whenever money is needed York
county farmers subscribe for more stock,
it la now one of th largest companies in
the west. '
Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy
for backache, rheumatism and urinary Ir
regularities. They ar tonic In action,
quick In results and afford a prompt re
lief from all kidney disorders. Hold by ail
Dr. Ilorandny nnd Prof. F.lllot Attack
Preaenl Method of Carina;
for Anlntala.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. An attack on
th government's policy In caring for fur
seals on th Pribilof islands In Alaska, wa
made today by Dr. William T. Hornaday,
of tho New York Zoological garden, and
Prof H. W. Elliott. They spok for th
Campflr club of America before the
senate committee on conservation of
natural resources.
The speskers declared that under the
act ot last year, which cancelled the lease
theretofore held by the North American
Commercial company and gav control ot
the killing nf fur seals to the secretary of
commerce and labor, there had been no
ofsatlon of wanton killing.
The hearing was In connection with th
Nelson bill to prohibit absolutely the klll-
I food and clothing and manufacturing of
t- for their own use. The Department
ot Commerce and Labor,
Lemukey. opposed the bill.
through Mr
Culled from the Wire
Judge Julian W. Mack of Chicago was
sworn In aa a mem.ier of the new com
merce court Saturday.
Pr. Stanley D. Curran. a prominent and
well-to-do New Y'ork physician, abut him
self In the head. His wife found him lying
dead under a couch.
Henry M. Tllford has resigned from the
directorate of the Standard oil company.
I. J. Drake, bead of the company's mar
keting ie ai tmrnt, waa elected to succeed
Mr. Tllford
Grover Fish, who wsa charged with the
murder of tus falher-iii-iaw. Samuel
Welsh, a wealthy banker of ila.lisuu
county. Kenturkv, two years ago. was de
clared not autiiy by jury today. The
Jury found thai Fiaki was insane.
Members of Family Still Hope Post
master is Not Drowned.
So Rftwrn Katat for It-Mr
Hnmors of rrltttr Klnanrlal
Tronhln Urn led lcrh
Hat Object of rarrh.
! rmt.A iiF.i.rniA. ri
i Memhers of
.the family of fllchard I
Aiihurt post-
'" oi i nuaneipn... wno "-"W"' ,
Atlantic l ltv last MonJav nlaht. have not I
i-nm-itVtn up hope that he la alive or that ne i
did not fall or lump Jnto the o. ean fioiii j
the million dollar pier at the seashore as .
one theory " It. TJ1' entire laland at
Atlantic City has been searched both on
the hearh "nd' ' afonii"'th hftck channels,
mo m- fiinmrni nat-v unn rr,, i,,,,,..,. j
oasi KUHriia are FTlll WBirilin ine'pue uiiuiui'iiiiiru HI! iiniriiij
-....j k.i
f"r UPOe1 "O"
ueuei inpc ne may oe waiiorriua m'in i
some of the' large cities of the east
family la conslderine,. " It N said, the advis
ability of offering a reward for Informa
tion rtf his whereabouts.
Asserted Mot on Pier.
The police authorities here and at At
lantlc City
lie City attach aome weight to the state-
nta at the million dollar plpr that Mr. i
Ashhiirst Waa not on the structure last Miss Sullivan said, with sn air of mys
Monrlay night, despite the statement of theitery. that she expected to remain In Chl
rolllng chair pusher who wheeled the post-tcago several weeks, btit not longer than
master from the Marlborough-Blenhi Itn I a month. She declines to say whether
hotel to Arkansas avenue that he saw him
enter the place.
Friends of Mr. Ashhurst are completely
mystified at his disappearance. In recall
ing his everyday life none of them could
point to a single thing that would cause
hi in to drop out of atght.
His relations with everyone at the post
office, It waa said today, were pleasant, and
what accounts passed through his hands
were In a aatlafartory condition. Rumors
that he had private financial troubles are
The belief that the missing postmaster
was drowned at the million dollar pier was
strengthened when word was received from
Atlantic City that an employe of the pier
tonight found a cane hanging on the rail
ing of the structure. .
This la said to bo similar to the one Mr.
Ashhurst used last Monday night. He wore
a derby hat when he was last seen and
this Is now being searched for.
Prominent nnd Wealthy.
Born a member of an old and wealthy
Philadelphia family. Mr. Ashhurst be
longed to the exclusive social element ot
the city. He was born In Naples, Italy,
while his family was living temporarily
abroad. He was graduated from the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania and waa a mem
ber ot the Philadelphia bar for flfty-ono
He served hi the civil war until dis
charged for wounds received at Gettys
burg, bavins; been breveted captain for
meritorious services at Chancellorville and
major general for distinguished gallantry
at Gettysburg.
Mr. Ashhurst was never active in politics,
but was appointed postmaster by President
Roosevelt and last year waa reappointed
for a second term.
Ten Years' Fight on
Dreaded Tuberculosis
Four Hundred .Institutions Waging
war Upon Disease as Besult of .
NEW YORK,1 Feb. ..-Simultaneously
with the announcement of Its next annual
meeting In Denver, "June 10 and 21, tho Na
tional Association for tha Study and Pre
vention ot Tuberculosis presents statistics
In a bulletin Issued today, which shows
the results of the crusade against con
sumption in tha United State for the last
ten year.
The seventh annual meeting of the na
tional association in Denver will be held
just before th annual meeting of th
American Medical association In Los
Angeles. The tuberculosis workers' con
vention will be divided into three sections,
under tha direction of Dr. William H.
Welch of Baltimore, president Dr. William
Charles White of Pittsburg will be chair
man of the advisory council of the asso
ciation, which will meet at th same time.
The three sections are, th sociological.
with Alexander M. Wilson of Philadelphia
as chairman; the clinical, with Dr. Charles
L. Greene of St. Paul aa chairman, and
the pathological, with Dr. William
Ophueis of San Franclsoo as chairman.
Tha report of th executive secretary. Dr.
Livingston Farrand, will be Incorporated
In a statement of tho results of the cru
sade against tuberculosis In the United
States for tha last ten years, which will be
transmitted to th International Congress
on Tuberculosis in Rome next September.
Dr. Farrand report will show that ten
years ago thor waa only one organisation
In the United State for the education of
the publlo about tuberculosis, 4 he Penn
sylvania Society for th Prevention of Tur
berculosls. By September, . lttu,, th na
tional association saya thr will be over
600 such bodies. Ten years ago there were
but fir special dispensaries or clinics for
tha examination and Instruction of needy
tuberculosis patients, three of these being
lo New York City, one in Boston and one
In Providence. Hy September, 1911, the
United States report will be able to list
nearly such institutions. In 1U00 there
were less than 100 hospitals, wards and
pavilions where tuberculosis patients could
be treated, with not more than 6,5ofl beds
all told. Th national association hopes
to report by September at least 4V) hoa
pltsl and sanatoria with an aggregate
capacity of at least 30.000 beds.
Commenting on , these possibilities, Dr.
Farrand says that th educational cam
paign I directly responsible not only for
th great growth in Institutional provision,
but that It will also result in the next ten
years In a striking! fall In the death rale
from tuberculosls He adds. "What we
need moat at the moment Is more hos
pitals, more dlapsnaai-ies and more visit
ing nurses. We are working fur these
definite ends, and th next ten years will
show results even more marked than those
nf the decad Just passsd."
Rumor Mrs. As tor
Will Soon Marry j
Report that Rich American Woman
is Engaged to Bardett-Coutts,
Member 'of Parliament.
LONDON. Feb, S (Special Cablegram.)
Rumor In the American colony Is sgain
busy with the future of Mrs. John Jaoob
Astor. It Is said on what Is good author
ity that her to A.-thniCad
Baitlett B unlet t-Ceu Its, M. P.. scon will
be announced.
Neither Mia. Astor nor Mr. Burdelt
Coutts will talk about the report. but
among society people it la believed it has
a mora solid foundation than moj-t of such
Miss Sullivan is
Still Inclined
Toward an Indian
Chicago Maid Says She Continues to
Love Plenty Hawks with a
Consuming Devotion.
rJHl'AflO. Feb. S (Special 1'rirtitm.l
Madeleine Sullivan, the ollng I.akr
vlew High school debutant, whom" u
tarininatlon to marry I'lentv Hawks, a
t'row Indian, she ilnlnrni, I- a strong
( fin a-T-it iliriTF!
na rvcr, ne ertlielrsa appeared on th
Sheridan road bridle path today, riding
... ... . i... - . - ..i
.J -"li H Jimb HII..1. one "
handaome cheattuit mare '
prP!ente (o nr i)V lPr n,other, Mrs. '
Minnie Kli-rhherg Hulllvan. I
Ml Sullivan wore A very up-to-date j
Mark-clotlj riding liablt. a derby bat
with a veil, gauntlet aloves and patent
l-,i. . I i i . t - f . ... i, .. .. I
irnmn iwi,iK ,i.uir,. ut? fuum i..i mni
i caparisoned as she waa herself, and the
. mmi? , r, n
j tlioy left the home of Mr Sullivan, S-'S
Crescent Place,
j "Nothing will ever change my mind
about the many virtue of Plenty
I Haw ks," said the girl. "I am enjoying
j my visit at home, but my mind has not
been changed on the original proposition.
atlll love Plenty Ha
i,,, dpvotion."
wks with a ennsum-
she would return to the Indian reserva
tion in Montana.
I.a tirlppe rcaski
Strain and weaken the system and if not
checked may develop Into pneumonia. No
danger of this when Foley's Honey and
Tar Is taken promptly. It la a reliable
family medicine for all cougha and colds,
and acts quickly and effectively In case
of croup. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all
Miss Tarbell Gives
Views Upon Women
First and Most Important Duty is to
State in Rearing- of Good
NEW YORK, Feb. 5. (Special Telegram )
The most valuable cltlxen in the world
is the woman who stays , at home and
properly bring up a family ot children.
"Women can serve the modern state In
every capacity, except as soldiers or sail
or. "Women have been the Indirect enactor
of some of th best laws In this country.
"Tha married woman should not do
wage-earning work outalda her home, un
less through actual necessity.
"To my mind the whole duty of woman
may be summed up in five words to stick
to her Job."
Those are some of the conclusions of Miss
Ida M. Tarbell, biographer ot Standard Oil,
author of a classic "Life of Lincoln," and
perhaps th clearest woman thinker of
"A woman's flrct and most Important
duty to the state," Miss Tarbell saya in an
interview, "is the same as It always has
been since th beginning of things the
rearing of good clUiens.
"The woman who doea her whole duty
to the children she brings Into the world is
herself the most important citlaen .of that
world. . I .can't make that too emphatic. -
"There Is no achievement, literary, artis
tic, what you will, which a woman can
perform that 1 of th came vital signifi
cance to the nation as a family of men
tally, morally, physically healthy boy and
girls. There is no profession containing
auch real honor for a woman as that of
bom making. And it th great natural job
for tho majority of ua. Let ua stick to it,
we can't do anything better.
"Of course ther ar women who give up
marriage for th sake of other people, for
smaller brothers and sisters or for invalid
parents. I don't think we realise how many
such sacrifices ar made and we certainly
may not blame these women for not ful
filling th duty of wifehood and mother
hood. "They still erv th slate In many
way. The highest service they can per
form is to become teachers."
"Do you think more women should be
trained for public service?" was asked.
"More of the unmarried and unlikely to
marry women should receive auch training.
A married woman, unless forced by neces
sity, should confine her labors to her home.
She will find enough to do there, unless
she is an exceptionally gifted person who
can perforin publlo and private dutlea with
out slighting either. A married woman
with children should always remember that
tha greatest possible servlc Is already laid
upon her."
A BnrnlnaT Mharne
Is not to have Bucklen's Arnica Palve to
cur burns, sores, piles, cuts, wounds and
ulcers. 25c. - For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
(From a Staff Correspondent. )
WASHINGTON, Fb. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Army orders:
First Lieutenants Calvin I). Cowles, Jr..
and Hiram A. Phillips, medical corps, will
report on May i- to Lieutenant Colonel
Henry P. Birmingham, medical corps, for
examination to determine their fitness for
First Lieutenant George B. Tut tie, medi
cal reserve corps. Is relieved from duty
at Fort Columbia, Wash., and will pro
ceed to San Francisco In lime 10 sail about
March S tor Honolulu, where he will report
tor duty. Grows of October 77 relating to
First Ueutenanl George B Tuttl are
Second Lieutenant Nathan C. Shiverick,
Third cavalry, Is relieved from present
duties and will join his troop.
Major Joseph T. Davidson, quartermaster,
win proceed on Februury 4 to Cincinnati
for duty in connection with the quarter
masters department.
The following officers of the medical
corps will report on dates specified to
Major William E. Purviance. medical
corm. for examination to determine then
lilnui. nrniiiiu Inn ' Anrll '?A Wirnt I
tenants Jol.n R. Barber, Mshlon Aahford !
and Edward G. Hubersion- July 10. 1-irat I
Lieutenant William 1.. ilsrt. I
By direction of the president Lieutenant
Colonel William A. Aichola. Thirteen! 11
Infantry, ia detailed as a member of the
general staff corps and will proceed to
Ihnver about March 2i and report to the
commanding general, liepartment of Colo
rado, for doty aa chief of staff.
Captain Ferdinand Schmltter, medical
corn, on return lo Fort Slocum. N. Y..
ano First Lieutenant William II. Allen,
medical corps, will proceed to this city for
temporary duty.
lave of f.baence for four months Is
granted Captain Pi lion G. Clark. Thir
teenth Infantry.
Two new members of the diplomatic
corps here were formally received bv
Pnsident Taft in the hlue room of the
While House this afternoon. They are
Count .lohann Ehrenavard. the newly np
IKilntrd minister from hvtn and Dr.
Helsarlo' Porras. who aueceeded .Jenor
Aroeeinara as minister from Panama.
Th uaual felicitations were excnangeil
the president and both minister pledging
their hearty co-operation to preserve and
lo strengthen the cnrdlal friendship and
good will that have alwuis characterised
in relations of th countries.
I Washington Affairs
Unusual Feature on the Bill at the
Decies-Oould Nuptials.
Arawr ot IVouIr tr at A rla
on tkr Finer Ibat Ike ItrMe Ha
Orderetl. that downs Mar
Me Henar.
NKW YOltK. Feb. S.-lPpeclal Telecn-nv I
While New York is looking forward to
the mnrrl.iM of Mlaa Vivien Goirtd, aei onj
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georue J. Gould.
to Iird liecles. aa the aortal event ot i
the aeaaon. an iinepneted feature hiia de-
eloped that Is rsualng much Interest.;
Anion it the young .men who are to htj
guest at the marHaKe are some young!
athletes, not th least of whom I the Hon.
Koton Hubert Hrreaford of Ijondon.
In a Jocular way, while the pre-nuptlal ! alist.-iinc-r arc Htrong in tllclr nVctflra
gaieties were In progress. Hon. Mr. Heres- : tjoll thH, .IrtinkrniirSa frt a. nxnii. lmv
ford, who was aumlaui boning champion 1
of England, gave a challenge to Anthony I
J. Drexel. who married Miss
Gould, and Phillip o. Mills ' r
i boxing
bout. The challenge was accepted by Mr. j
Drexrl after he had gained permission from
his wife. It was thought the question
would end there as a Joke, but at the Kits
Carlton hotel, where Iorii Decles gave aj
dinner In celebration of his departure from
barhelurhood last night, Hon. Mr. Berenfoid
was naked if the bout would be fought,
now that the challenge had been accepted.
All "Marled In n Joke,
"Sine," he mild. "I'll meef either one
or both. Thin challenge Is the result of a
Joke. I don't know when It will he may
be tomorrow morning: mayl Monday, or
later. It's Just a bit of exercise and will
be a bit of fun for us all. I'll take a walk
some morning to the Gould gymnasium and
there have our bout. That's all there la
I to It."
Lord Decles' guests at his bachelor dinner
thla evening were limited to friends from
London, who are here to attend the mar- ,
rlage and to New Yorker who will be at
tendants. His guests were his beat men.
Lord Alastatr Grahame. Karl Perry, Ixitd
Camoya, Robin Gray, Monoure Robinson,
Anthony J. Drexel, Jr.; Francis W. Crown
Inshleld, Phoenix Graham, Robert II. Rus
sell, the Hon. Seton Beresford, Colonel
George A. Wilkinson and Captain Edward
Her are the six pretty maids who ar
to attend Miss Vivien Gould as brides
maids next Tuesday when she becomes th
wife of Lord Decles at St. Bartholomew's
Miss Hamilton and Miss Beatrice Claflln,
who officiated for Marjorle Qould. Th
other four are Miss Hannah Randolph,
Philadelphia; Mlas Louise Cromwell, Wash
ington; Miss Emetine Holmes and Miss
Amason Pierce. Miss Pierce is at the
Plasa at present. Her horn Is Oyster Bay.
One t nest Ion Not Decided. .
It has not yet been decided whether the
bridesmaids will carry boqusta or whit
satin covered Bible. They and the usher
were the guest of Miss Gould last Wednes
day at a luncheon at th Gould home.
Consistent with the plana for a green and
white wedding, the decorations at th
luncheon were carried out in spring colors.
The florist are to decorate the aisles with
wnit lines ana marguerme raised upon
standards, so that the wedding party will
mov through a fragrant white grove.
A wedding reuenrsal will be held tomor
row afternoon at t o'clock. The extensive
trousseau of Miss Gould la nearlng com
pletion. Fifty ' women ar embroidering
designs on th many evening and afternoon
gown ot th future Lady Declo. The
palest shades hav been used and ther la
much cream whit among th fabrics. On
hundred women ar making waists and
seventy-five men and women ar fashioning
skirts, the women working on the soft
skirts, the men making those of the
tailored suits. Thar are many rich wrap
and tea gowns, air of th aamo delicate
Prince George is
Accused of Being
in Plot to Murder
Charged with Trying to Blow Up the
Old Austrian Emperor and
Hiring Accomplices.
BELGRADE. Bervla. Feb. . (Bpi!a!
Cablegram.) Prince George is again in a
scrape and thla time under tba charge of
trying to blow up the old Austrian emperor.
Th prince, himself, absolutely refuse to
give any details, even to his nearest and
dearest friends, but hia supposed accom
plice, a gunsmith, a German and an Aus
trian, all In one subject, lias signed the
written accusatlona which the Austrian po
lice set before him' yesterday. These docu
ments charge the gunsmith, Buchele, with
high treason at the Instigation of Prince
Georfce and of receiving money from him.
One alleges that Buchele received S1.300
from the prince In return for a guarantee
that he would throw a bomb at the Aus
trian emperor; the othfr that Buchele paid
14.00 of the prince'' money tor certain Aua
tiians for "political purposes." Buchele
signed both documents and made no com
ment excel "th print- mad me do It."
Soma two week ago. Dr. Spates, chief
of the Semlin police force, reported to the
foreign ministry ot Vienna that he knew
Prince Orange waa In the habit of cross
ing over to the Austrian territory in a small
open boat after dark and taking Buchele
back with him.
Dr. Speiss found that George and Bu
chele, after landing safely on the Servian
aide, walked quietly up to the prince's own
private palace, where Buchele often stayed
until far tn th night when the prince j
would row him hark and deposit him safely 1
on the Austrian side In a field some way
from the town.
Orders immediately came to watch
Burhele'a next night trip, and arrest him
when he relanded on Austrian soil and th
prince had rowed away. This waa don
a night or ao ago, though nobody but Bu
chele and the police knew of It until today.
Speiss found ln rimlnatlng papers on his
prisoner and declares ther are many more
Pneumonia lo be feared more
than death from gun shot j
The freotient changes of temperature In th i
fall and winter siouiFh are t lie souree of uiui-n i
clitMxiinlcirt ana destruction of human life.
Haw. damp, cold air. snow, sleet and rain tat
turns at producing aeropof ixlii aad oouariia.
These lead to pneumonia. Nearly every ca I
haa its be-inmug la a simple couith and eol.l ,
II..I ..,!u,iA.i ii'k.........,.i,-....i. ji. 1
as a result. It la mora certain to result la
death than a wound from gun shot.
A sudden chill, riaing fever, sor throat,
hoaraeaeaa, runniiia Pose, headache, oough,
iHiiuful breaUimg ar tho forerunner ot
J A void the dang. Try the on, certain, re
(abl re rue. I f.r col. la ariJ eoughaiiiauiely.
r. Cull's Cough Syruu. ft uot eoxfai
5'iu uiiatn. it IS perfectly safe and reliable.
1 1 the beat remedy lor wxrftiliig and sub
duing the inflamed ouuditloiia of tha limn.
ehiartiiliea and lung". It check cough an t
ld quickly and cuarletely. TeM It first
byseuiliiiga poetal ("r a free nam Ho. Addiea
A. ( . Meyer A Cu Baltimore. MJ. But. to
lisv nouelnf
' get a rea-olar buttle of the rem
edy; price -jm , fn.ui your druggist today and
take no aul.atllui. This ia the beat advio
w vaa giv yuu Ut avoid iiituiuuua,
hill, a hi re lienrg
I'lenaant Surnrlar
follow a th first doap ;.r I r. King Sf
Life 1111. thp ! in I regulator .tl at
Htiengthcti oo. tluaiantre.l. ;.V. Kor tain
ti V IVaton I 'i uc 'r.
Only l-le fnatal I Irrki Hetnatnteil.
I III liON. S i.. I'eli. ..--( Special Tc-jgraml-Woirt
was n-i Hvfil tonialit that
(only five of the aiiapemtnl rail ay postal
clerks on th Ti acy-Plei re run Will b
irlnatatrd. Tlir.v ini- not dr.-ldi-d to rr-
aumo work.
'x(r Alonr Will nl Stow tlc
Krrslvf I'" of j lottof.
The trniporancT art via-a to nnrt. total
nd disgraceful hatiit. from ihlli any
. n.ll...... I.I If I...
vooiunii it'imu chii mvit imiim-ii u
tho exerclao of hia will power aloiio
Modttal moll, hv patient lom nti It,
, '. ,
hHX l' m-raled that .lrimkvi,i.oxs
I'uisonlnii antl that tlu dnuiKnr l
is olio 111 noe.l of medical attention
The WM(t nf ,,.,,,,.,. rau .,m.y
t cured, thank to tbo Neal treat-
inent, which has (lrtinmsl rslwd that it
la an mtalliblo remedy tttrikttig at on o
at the roots of Ihe troiiMe. 'I here h ts
always, been n deininul for Hie irent-nrt-nt
for habitual drunk run rut which
can le administered inlernully, with
out the use of danerou tiyinxieniito
Kxperlence lias taught that, no treat
ment other than the NeaJ J'ure lias
ever been successful In treating drunk
enness In loss than four weeks' time.
It makes no difference, how long - a
man has been drinking, how much or
how little he drinks, or w hat he drinks,
the Neal treatment has never failed
to rure In three days' time, and with
out the use of that devilish little tor
mentor of the flesh, the hypodermic,
syringe. Just bear In mind that there
Is no such thing, aa a "pet-ret cure'' for
drunkenneHfl, and you are taking great
risk In administering theso reined lea.
For booklet, "The Neal Wuy" and
full Information, address Neal Insti
tute, O. B., t502 South Tenth Street,
Omaha, Neb. ,' . '' .
A Homestead
240,000 Acres
Of Splendid Lands to be
Opened Subject to Home
stead, February 1st, 1911.
Reached Only By
Missouri Pacific,
Iron Mountain
Hooks, Pamphlets and
full Information on r
quest to
Saa. and Ticket Agent.
1S3 reman Mtrt, -or
Union Station,
Omaha. '
Asthma Catarrh
A tlaakt. ami n Saciit otnat M
cbMi UHlIn, nlikml aouag Ik Maaacs nils
;!. Xl4 nlik lateral (ar Itlny yean.
Ill air rra Mreafly aaawsnc, kiH''
Vila mrv kraalk, aiaka 'MWog cur, mUm
la ear UuM, ana up taa caik,awafin rciu
fat BlgaU. t rraai.a to lovalaabl M tbcra
wttk rua( ckllaraa ana s m m nfmn fteai
Saa at Baetal ff Kflnl Seklrt.
Try Craaolca AalU
rptic Tkiaal Tabid!
for lk tifitatas Uraal.
Tbay ar iala,act
Iva aaa aattaaatia. Of
ysr amrglM t nam ua,
loc Is HUM.
Vasa CrctoUa C.
si Csrllaa St., N. V.
KLST akj health to mother and CHILD.
Ms. Wikilov i ftuoTHiao Hvacr ha her
aaed f over B1XTV VEAHS by MILLIONS
TKFTH1NO, with ntltrKCT MH'CHHN. It
KOOTHKH the t HI1.D. fror'TKN the t.OMS.
AI. I. AYS all fAIN ; CL'RKS V.INU COI.IC. aa.i
ia the bet remedy for 1I A k k HiKA. It i ah.
aoluiely harmleaa. He sure aad ak for "Hu,
wiBalow's Mouthing Hyrup." and take no other
kind. Tweoty-Sve 1W.1 a bottle.
will hoist your -safe
to the roof
if you wish t.
Telephone 0-353
18 IS i-amam
ETkrin VI lit Hk and ntrimu inea
rXJXJU lUft wo find their power t
wurk and youtlirul vlgur
gun as a mu l of over.
aerk er mental irUon aliuul lak
GHAYK NtHVr: H.MU Bll.Un '1 hy
alii niak )uu ' aleep and t- a
lina aaaiu.
II Boa. S Boies Hi by Mai:.
gajcmatAX BacOOKaTELX. XUO CO,
Cor. lath aud Boos Street.
Cot. lata Sinn awe. Oava-aa aa
id' at th pa'a e oti the
1 1
j I