Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJIi: BEE: OMAHA.. SATTTIDAY. Fnr.TUWTlY 4. 1011.
Iowa House Votei to Seat Mr. Olion ot
Lyon County.
Prominent Farmer nf M ItrhellTllle
Fatally Hurt and Otner Injured
hy r.pliKo nf Home-lnu
rnnilf r.
Frnni a Staff Correspondent.)
PF.R miVF.f. Feb J. (Sj.wlal Tele
rrm .1 The house of representative this
afternoon voted to permit Representative
Olson of t.yon county retain his seat. The
committee lisd found a tie vote In the
county nrt reported that neither candidate
had been elected. Th democrats brouehl
In a minority reixirt to show that In fact
Olson had ft majority at the rl-etton and
after much dlcj"Plon thla report was sub
stituted and adopted It Is supposed that
the adoption means a deal for the adoption
next w eek hy ilemoci atle vote of the pe
clal primary hill.
no I Mine on Half Tim.
ties Molnea coal mines are now working
on a half time schedule because of an
overloaded coal market rnd tack of demand
for the product. At thla time last year
thv- sum wholly iinalile to supply the
demand and there a coal abort an alf,
throutfh the aiate, but because of the milder
weather a complete reveraal tf the uaual
order haa occurred.
FIve-Mlte I.I in It Favored.
A petition lTied by nearly all the stu
dents of the stat university at Iowa City
was presented to the senate today In favor
of passage of the five-mile limit, which
would prevent any saloons within five
miles of the university. " A hearlnn waa
also given today oh the hill and the stu
dents appeared and urued Its adoption.
Hour Chemist Killed.
Milan lllbha, prominent and wealthy
farmer living near Mltcliellvllle. waa
fatally hurt thla mornln by the explosion
of home-made blasting powder. A nephew,
with htm at the lime, had both eyea
. blown out and two children were badly
hurt. The kitchen, where the explosion
occurred, waa wrecked. Hlbbs waa at
work In Ihe kitchen when the explosion
took place, Me has been accustomed to
make a blaMin powder, which he uaed to
blow out atumpa. He was engaged In mix
ing the chemical when the disaster took
Another Suit to Set
Aside McHugh Will
Two Nephewi of Ida Grove Man, Who
Left Large Estate. Want Part of
Property. ,
!IA (1ROVE, la.. Fen. I. (Special )
Frances I.urklns and Mark l.urklu Man
ning, claiming to be cousins of the late
Alex McPussh of thla city, who died July 4
';. have brought suit through their at
torneys. John Conway Toole of New TorU
I City and Cliarles P. Macomber of Ida
drove, to set aside the will and give them
share of the estate MeHuah owned 1.9J0
acres of land In Pouth takota and ) acre?
In Iowa, apd mortgages, notes anj bonds
that brought the total of his estate to
The evening he died he made a will leav
ing all to his wife, and It Is nuw claimed
by contestants that the will should no;
stand because, they allege, undue influence
was brought to bear on him. because h
did not know what he was doing, because
his hand had to be held, while tie signed
and because the will was not properly
signed or wltnes-ed. The year he died
some twenty relatives, scattered all over
the country from Indiana to ln Angelrs.
brought suit to set aside (he wilt, and It
waa fought through the courts In two trials.
In the first the Jury disagreed, the vote
being 7 to 5 In favor of the contestants.
In the February term. the court di
rected a verdict for Mr. Mcltugli and sus
tained the will. To forestall further liti
gation the McHugh relate settled with
those contestants, and now two other, who
were not parties to the former suit, dispute
the will. Mr-Hugh was one of Ida county's
most prominent and richest citlsen.
he was called, was a well educated man and voted for I.orimer. Renator Hoot aaia
rnd in younger s attended school wlh 'that If motives of patriotism were Involved.
.overno'- Mix of New oik. at Ulen rh . ,.,,,., i, k.l in (lie bosoms
dSKAUmS -St, Valentines oar has
hem selected as the dale (if the. public
reception to be tendered John it White,
president-elect of the I'nlted Mine Workers,
at ( skal.Ksa. This announcement has been
made by Mayor I.. M. I 'aeon and Secretary
Frank Cameron of Ihe Iowa Mine Workers.
The Invitations are to be sent to all parts
of the stale.
C'KF.KTON Following the third operation
In the last two months, Mrs. F.dnard, wife of one of the prominent
grocers of this place, died this morning at
Collate hospital. The third operation was
made last night as a last resort to save
her life. She was onlv about l"i year of
age. Hesldia her huslmnd and other rela
tives, she leaves a little daughter 6 years
old motherless.
F,8THF.VII.I.F-The Short Course pre
mium list Is being distributed this week
and shows up a very fine list of prizes,
mostly rnh. to be given on corn and all
ot.hrr farm products. In one class the four
adjoining counties to Fmmet will be al
lowed to compete with F.riitoet. In connec
tion with the short Course the firmers'
Institute will be held February 17-18. at
which a fine procrsm will be given.. One
of the features will be a lecture by the
Celebrated road builder, P. Ward King.
RIOrX CTTY Suffering for month with
almost the whole of his chin blown off. Bin
Jnmln Simons, aged 24. died yesterday on the
operating. table after undergoing operations
since November. He was Injured bv acci
dental shooting- while hunting. He hns
talked very little since and has been un
able to tell how It occurred. He was alone
and returned home In a fainting condi
tion. Shock of the discharge knocked nearlv
all the teeth from his head. It is not
known If he shot himself or someone nhot
him. '
Urmtu Dealers to Meet In Fort Dodge.
BIOl'X CITY. Ia . Feb. J.-The directors
of the Farmers' Grain Dealers' association
of lows, thlg morning decided to hold the
1912 meeting at Fort Dodge.
Mr. Catherine Burnett Adjadared Not
Fntltled to
(Continued from First Fage.)
CRE.STON". la.. Feb. 8. tSpeclal.)-A de
cision reached yesterday In the district
court at Osceola by Judge F.vans in the
f.imou Voorhels case, which haa been In
litigation for nearly two years, wa In fa
vor of the defendant. The case wa en
titled Catherine Burnett, F.llzabeth Hrariy,
John and Bernard Knnla and Marie Behan
va. ICllzabeth At well et al, and was one In
which plaintiff endeavored to prove their
relationship to Eben Voorhels. an eecentrlo
character who died intestate at .vlurray
about two years ago, leaving property to
the amount of flL'3.000.
The chief plaintiff. Mr. Catherine Bur
nett, I a resident of this place, and Kben
Voorhels had visited her here on several
occasion before hi death and had been
Introduced to a number of prominent resi
dent here aa her cousin. It was thought
she had a strong case but many complica
tion came up and at the first trial her
evidence -was claimed to be fraudulent -and
Judge Towner so ruled In hi finding and
the case wa dismissed.
Later new evidence wa claimed to be
f und by Mrs. Burnett and - the other
plaintiffs, and Judge Towner ordered a new
trial, which was held In December, 1H10
A trip to Wales) by the attorney for th
plaintiff and defendant wa found neces
sary and a quantity of new evidence In
troduced, but owing to much uncertainty
of It Judge Evans, who heard the second
trial, ruled the defense had made the
clearer case.
Mrs. Burnett wa represented by D. W.
Hlgbee of this place, and Hedrlck and
Touet of Osceola; the defendant by J. M.
Hampson of Michigan and O. M. Blaymaker
of Osceola.
low New Note.
KOTHEHVIIXE H. Bchtel Pons, pro
prietors of the West Side Lmmber com
pany of this c'ty. sold their yard to f. A.
reunion of Fort Dodge and C. J. I.tingren
of Oowrle.
TOLKI 0 James M. Csmery. one of
Tttma county's oldest pioneers, dbd last
night at the home of hi m, Kenton
Camery. In thl Mr. Camery had
been a resident of Tama county since Wl.
TOLEDO The Toledo Chronicle, a well
known central Iowa weekly, was sold to
day to Hugh B. of Toledo, on of V.
I. Lee. the former owner and editor. The
property was sold by the administratrix
of the Lee estate.
CRlvSTON-Presldent P. Miller of the
Burlington system arrived hefe this morn
ing In a special car with several other prom
inent railroad officials, with whom he la
making a tour ol Inspection of the lines
and Its branches. They cama In from the
St. Joseph division.
ESTHKVILI.K Fire of unknown origin
last night damaged the A. Fisher resi
dence on Fast Lincoln street to the amount
of about VkO. Practically none of the fur
niture was saved as no one was at home
when the fire started. Loss covered by
Insurance. . .
('ROM WELL News of the maiTlage of
Mrs. Ellen Hathaway of Cromwell to John
McKee of Kohota, Mo., has been received
In hr home town. Both are' past the three
score and ten age limit, and the wedding
Is a oulmlnatlon of a romance begun forty
years ago when both were resident of
CRESTON Announcement wa made of
ficially Thursday that the Centervllle di
vision of the Burlington system would here
after be under the Jurisdiction of Ihe gen
eral superintendent of the Iowa district.
Section foremen of the Burlington Railroad
company have been given an Increase of
10 per cent In wage.
CRE8TON Rev. John T. Walker, the
new paotor of the Congregational church
her, arrived yenteray from Dowaglaa,
Mich., hi former parish, fn time to conduct
the funeral siirvlce ov'er-tbe late Cyru.
Htanehfleld, the pioneer railroad conductor.
Rev. Mr. Walker will preach hi first ser
mon to hut parlnhoner Sunday. v
' EPTHEVILLE Jaton L. Howe, a resi
dent of this city, aged about 4.V year,
dropped dead last night while going up
stairs to his rooms. Heart failure was the
cause. Mr. Howe, or "Shorty" Howe, a
do not think that atich a combination
make for Justice. But this case is not
the case of the Tribune; It Is the case of
this government: It la the government of
the' Vnlted State that I Involved."
I'a liter Asks Question.
At this Juncture the first Interruption
If came from Senator t'aynter of Ken
tucky, a member of the committee and
supporter of It views. He asked the New
York senator to specify some-of the wit
nesses he would have called that wore not
summoned at the instance of the Tribune.
Mr. Hoot said he would have compelled
the attendance of the cashier of the Hoist
law bank to aliow the financial operations
conducted there In connection with the al
leged bribery; the "Yarboro Bros., who are
supposed to have been present at some of
the Interview between Brown and White";
Governor Deneen and Speaker Shurtleff.
In regard to Governor Deneen we were
told that he could -testify only in reference
to the question of accuracy," said Mr.
men, reaponaea air. itoot, "you are
still folk) wing the Tribune as If that paper
were the guardian of the senate."
Admitting that Mr. Shurtleff had been
called Mr. Root said that his testimony had
been merely of a formal character, whereas
owing to the fact that he waa cloaeted day
and night with. Lorlmer, he should hav
been questioned most carefully.
Turning to the testimony before the sen
ate, Mr. Root undertook to how that even
though Incomplete, It did not Jusify the
committee's conclusion. (
Democrat Avho Voted for I.orimer.
Mr. Root, told of a democrat member of
the Illinois legislature who admittedly had
gone to Shurtleff room which were oc
cupied by Mr. Lorimef,-to arrange about
federal patronagd and rapidly passed to the
connection of Lee O'Neill Browne with the
case." This 'man was declared to' be Mr.
Lorlmer a chlel agent, - a. fact which rest
on the testimony of Browne himself, and I
not the aubject of dispute". he said. The
senator'' then undertook1 tb ' show that
Browne nad been instrumental In procuring
tb thirty d?nocratio fotea cast., for Lorl
mer. ' ' T. - .1 ,
Speaking of the' action of the democrats
who followed the leadership of y Browne
these motives were
of thoHe democrats and were not apparent
to his party colleagues
Describing the two meetings In St. louls
of Browne's followet In southern Illinois,
about whl-h It was testified that at the
first each member participating as paid
H.KO. and at the second meeting, held on
July 1&. each wa paid Mr. Root said
that the testimony of witnesses differed.
The New York senator showed that
thiee witnesses testified to recelvliw
each and one witness. Representative Wil
son, who was charged with making the
payment on behalf of Browne, denied that
any money waa distributed.
Wlllson' Testimony Hldleulrd.
Mr. Root ridiculed the testimony of Will-
son that thl morning was held (or tne
purpose of discussing the question of Rlv
ing a banquet for Browne and pointed out
that the two men were indicted on charges
of perjury before they would admit that
they had been present. The senator said
that liorlmer'a lawyers tried to shut out
all testimony concerning the .lulv meet
ing on the ground that the gathering wm
for the purpose of distributing a legisla
tive J'Jackpot" which had no connection
with the election of lorlmer.
"Back of it." exclaimed Mr. Root, "cor
ruptlvn having been going on so long that
minds had become accustomed to it. men
in the legislature had become so calloused
to the intciulty of it they Joked about II.
They nicknamed their corruption fund as
admitted by Mr. Lorlmer's own lawyer."
Mr. Root asserted that "it wa perfectly
Immaterial" whether the seven "tainted'"
vote disclosed by the investigation were
deducted' also from the 202 votes cast on
Joint ballot. The latter method, he said,
would still leave Lorlmer a majority.
'-'What difference does it make?" he de
manded, "whether Lorlmer money wa
used to give Lorlmer a majority or to re
duce the totar-vole when either is ac
complished by means of corruption.
"The argument of supporter of Lorimer
is that If the 'tainted' votes are deducted
from the Lorimer vot of 108 they should
also be deducted from the total vote of 202,
which would leave the total 196 votes, of
which Lorlmer would have Itll."
When Mr. Root concluded Senator Hole,
the venerable republican enate leader, as
serted that ome one should come to the
rescue of the state of Illinois and say
whether the arraignment of her name and
fame had been warranted.
Hnlley Defend Illinois.
Tteplylng, Senator Bailey said that if Mr.
Roof proposition were accepted then there
has not been an honest election In Illinois
in many years.
Mr. Bailey went o far a to say that
mr. .uiiom. wno - nas served Illinois so
ably for many year, wa elected by such
legislature as Mr. Root described. Although
declaring that every one acquitted Mr. Cul-
lom of knowledge of corruption, Mr. Bailey
said If Mr. Root' proposition affected
Lorimer it affected Cullom likewise,
Rally Follow Revtfal Period, but K
Hope It Entertained for HI
t-1-iiL.ADK.L.niiA, teii. i. Following a
restful period, during the early hours of
the day, the condition of Archbishop Ryan
is slightly Improved. No hope of his re
covery. however, la entertained. The phy
sician Dunetin, issued at noon, was an
"The archbiuhop has rallied somewhat
thla morning, but the heart action still re
main feeble." ,
Dr. Ernest ijl Place, one of the attend
ing physicians, supplemented the bulletin
by saying:
"Th archbishop's heart Is growing
weaker and Is being stimulated to the
limit." -
Farmer Con to Aid of Lin,
Trouble ana Rata Big Fund t
v It.
ATLANTIC. la. Feb. t (Special Tele
gram.) Farmer of Klmbaltton hav raised
ttil.OOO to help save the Atlantic, Northern
at Southern from a receivership and an
effort will be made to run this list of sub
scription up to (12,000 with th help of
Elkhorn people tomorrow. The pronpects
for keeping th road out of a receivership
are brighter today than for Severn! fays.
Almost all of the money raised tuts beeu
subscribed by Danish people who live in
the northwest part of Cass and th south
west part of Audubon counties.
Our New Home
f . at .
ioutneast corner lotn
and Jackson Street,
Opposite Hotel Rome
Watch Iowa Fall Wll."
IOWA FALLS. Ia., Feb. . (Special.)
The annual meeting of the Commercial
Club of thla city wa held last evening,
and th following board of directors was
chosen for tha coming year: C. 11. Burlln-
game, 8. B. Stonerock, W. E. Welden, P.
D. Peet. 8. E. Huber, I,. Hexselwood. W.
V. Shipley. E. A. Westbury and J. C.
Gregg. The old board of directors, failing
to agree In the selection of a suitable
slogan from about two hundred submitted
t the contest, which closed February 1,
tha decision was submitted at thl meet
ing and resulted In the selection of "Watch
Iowa Fall Win" a the slogan to
adopted ln advertising the city. A clos
second wa "You'll Like Iowa Falls" Tha
winner of the biii was August Bwan-
atrorn of East Iowa Pall.
Murder Trial at la ton.
VINTON, la., Feb. J.-9peclai.) John
Donnelly, a prominent and well-to-do stock
buyer of Van Home. Benton county, was
today placed In trial for the murder of
Charles Andrew before Judge C. B. Brad
. shaw In the district court her. It I al
leged that while engaged In a quarrel
Donnelly struck Andrew over th head
Ktt'i a stake seised from a baggage truck.
Andrea after lying unconscious for sev
eral days died. The ras is attracting wide
attention owing to Donnelly's prominence
In th county.
till iflifff
Itf iwaKg,J l . K:; :.. . i
Saturday Specials
From the Big Hew
"Daylight" Store
Reliability is the keynote of this
store's unusual success. We are sin
cere in our advertising, our goods
are reliable in every respect, you
can not go wrong when you trade at
the "Union Outfitting Co." You
know that every article is guaran
teed that you can even try it in
your home for THIRTY DAYS AB
SOLUTELY FREE you know that
the price you pay is the lowest for
which the goods can possibly be sold.
Your Credit Is Good at All Times.
S1Q50 Fora Massive $35
Bed Davenporl
Similar to Illustration and Is con
structed of American quarter-sawed
oak, highly rubbed and polished.
Effort to Fla Hraaoaslblllt r.
TOUT DODGE, Ia . Pen. S.-(8pclal Tele
gram.) After long Investigation In an at
tempt to fix the responsibility fur the
death of Louis Peterson by fall from an
Interurban bridge, the Jury gave a non
committal verdict of death by falling from
th mr tept of a limited Interurban car.
Th president of the Plymouth Uypum
company testified that Interurban officials
prumUed to have the car stop for Peterson
at Hhady Ouks. Interurban official deny
this statement. The car crew testified they
did not ie ivtrmon or know he boarded
the car.
$1950 F This Hai-
siva $18.53
Exactly like illustration
aud positively a most super
ior vtlue. It la constructed
of American quarter-sawed
oak, substantially finished
and constructed. Canopy top
has French bevel plate mirror.
S1R50 For a Beautiful $25
0 Wilton Ye!vet J!as
These handsome rugs are 12x9 ft. In size,
and are made of a special trade of Wilton
Velvet Carpeting, especially noted for Its fine
tex'ture and pretty patterns.
4i-a it v
'ill tl
AIL -11 1 UHs
A Few Purv.lture Specials
for Saturday's Galling
strongly constructed, selected
bevel-plate mirrors.
$5.00 Iron Bed, strongly constructed, hlgniy
finished In choice enamel, J295
116 uO Dreaers,
- stock. French
three roomy drawers, sale price
12 60 Chiffoniers, fiv large drawer. JJ KQ
French plate niliois, sale price
14.00 Farlor Kockers. strongly constructed,
choice of wood or cobbler seal. J I Of)
al prlc nw
$Q50 For this Handscns
0 $15 Pedestal i
tensisn Table
They are similar to illustration and
ate autisiantiall y conmructetl. and
have patent automatic opening attachment
i! t-v-.r-n nrNn.
7f ZSJiilui iil T
. ' ml ftiB urMMrflBii'-v r, a? afX i"" 1
is jacxson m. 't,
Consolidated Vilh
A s m seiss
i1 uwicm ccwswasr
J Lot I M
1 1
In the New City National Dank building
Our new fixtures will soon be hej-e
we must make room for them
j N order to reduce our stock at once
3;fe we will place on sale our entire line
ot heavy weight fancy 1
miQ TO
H 1 I 1
Beginning Saturday, February 4
Great Stock of Finest Clothes Made
's I .
SPECIALTY here is an elaborate
showing of very highest grade
suits and overcoats such goods as you seldom sec
in clothmg stores ready-to-wear.
HE PUBLIC, no doubt, realizes (hat our clothing
is all new and strictly up-to-date as our shop has
not been open over six weeks.
5 4
czr now
25 1
5 2
See them displayed in our windows.
A Marathon
Race, with its
grinding, wearing strain, demands tue
stick-to-it spirit, which is the highest type"
of courage.
To have muscles, brain, heart, nerves, all in tune
for his supreme effort, the Marathon
Racer and every strenuous athlete must ..
t .i i . r l iiif. i . . jx
nave tnc ngnt iooa ana annK. ior on qiy
these depend his strength ana nerve v
-x -v r a
rr tth. I
w. i t
makes the ideal beverage for the rsturdv athlete just as
it docs for the growing child, for it is the beverage that
jives vigor and vim. It is all nutritious our process
brings out all the wonderful nutriment in the cocoa
Dean, a greater percentage than any other f6od contain.
GhirardelH's Ground Chocolate is so delicious that it is the mot
popular of all table beverages. Try it. Today.
D. Ghirardelli Co.
Th Th tun
7o Do
If you lo your pochetbook. umbrella. rl h r
oni other article ot value, th thing to do I to
follow the example of many other people and adver
tise without delay In th lt and Found column of
The Hee
That Is what most people do when they lose
arlli-le of value. Teli-thone us and tell your Ioh
to all Onmha In a sinKle afternoon.
Put It In
The Bee
V It
1 1
Te Key to the Mtuatloa-Ve WVnt Ad:
m in
- J