ir TITE BHK: OMAITA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1011. N THE HOIVJt OF BETTER VALUES.' I m rm r D I TWO Be ear Ad on Ttf a. tr Sal Womin'i Wssh Drttaii D -1 a x 1 mm I f Concerts I S sturdsy II In cur Assembly Xoorn 13 soon and t p. m. 51k Hosiery Sale Women's - hosiery of plain, pure bright hilk, full fashioned, some with lisle soles, wide hem tops- tan, white and light colors actually worth up to $1.50, at pair Mi 8c Women's Pure Silk Hosiery Some with wide lisle garter tops, full fashioned, lisle soles, double heels and toes; black, tan and light colors actually worth up to 75c, at pair 39c Odd lot of women's mercerized Hale and cotton hoRiery, plain aid larta, also fancy embroidered boot patterna double aolea, heela and toea many worth 50c, pair. 25c Men'a fin rta teavy cotton and wool hosiery double heela and toes black, tan, light gray and oxford worth up to 25c pair, will go on Bale, pair Special Sale of Underwear Women's fine ribbed silk lisle vests, sleeveless, hand cro chet trimming pink, blue and white 98c quality, CQn at, each Boys' flno ribbed fleece lined cot- i Odd lots of women's fleece lined I ton drawers and shirts, 4Qf j vests and pants, white and 9Qf all sizes, at , wC , cream, worth 60c each, at. . v I Women's English Walking Gloves,' $1.25 One-clasp fastener Fownes' make gloves tan and black, spear point stitching all sizes, worth $1.50 a Qf OP pair; fitted to the hand; Saturday, at, pair vlt) Wide All Silk Dresden Ribbons at 15c Yard Also moire and statin stripes, all silk messaline, plain all tik taffeta black and all colors 5 to 6 inches wide worth 30c a yard bargain square, at, yard. 15c 33c All Silk Ribbons at 19c a Yard Black lustrous all silk hair bow taffeta ribbons number . 200 worth 35c yard, Saturday special in rib- 1 Qf bon department, at yard .IvL Women's Sheer All Linen Handkerchiefs Dainty open Madeira eyelet designs scalloped borders, also 1 1 ' J T Ai. I 1 .'. mm Annenian lace euges auu .uaueiiuerg lace hca effects, at each . . t , I NOON MUSICALE IN ASSEMliLY ROOM Delightful noon musieales at which talented local Bingers appear. No admission fee is charged. Satur day's program unusually interesting. I In theft "bargain days' youmust consider twt things quality and price. Our policy is straightforward, clean cut and liberal we guarantte our merchandise & prtces. A REMARKABLE CLOTIIIliC SALE EN'S SUITS AUD OVERCOATS All broken lots of suits and overcoats formerly selling ati $12.50 to $18, must go quickly.! Every garment perfect quality I and workmanship tha best For Saturday selling, one price.) 8(525 fez Boys' Lonf Put's Suits Sizes 30 to 36 small sizes, blg values worsteds and caftsl merea 17.60 to $10.00 values. A few men's suits tc fin Included b.VV i-i.v union onus reaucea 10 uvc Then are seasonable weights In splendid fit tint- derby ribbed sarments colore are rrey, ecru and flesh; re duced for (Saturday's selling to 60c Boys' $3 Knickerbocker Suits-special $1.95 A Traly Wooderfal Pacta Sale Here Is a good thing for wise buyers. A great sale of fine pants, all high grade, atyllah imiiu si an exceptionally low price. $4.00, 15.00 and $(.00 values at $2.95 $3.00 and $3.60 values (TJ Qg Winter Caps Tour choice of any Win ter Cap, values up to $1.60; while they Ofl. last, at 030 Corduroy Fur-In- 9Q Bnnd Caps I (Jvswg Cw4 CFsm& G?Jtf QpaNr. cAtj c5 C3 .7 ar v a la n At I "S. I .1 . n v j i rx rvrv n rv Omaha's Pure A UUtl La OUR CLEAN-UP SALE HAG STARTED THE PEOPLE OUR WAY L'Q eriy GOOD SHOES wre never before priced so low and never before sold so rapidly. Be getting your share of the bargains? If you've not, be sure to come here at once. We are d ft tennined to close out all the broken lines, and our deeply cut prices on all our good shoes wiJVl tell you how anxious we are to sell. i; MEN'S DEPARTMENT- Howard A Foster tana, button and bluchers, for. . . . $5.00 winter .... $3.85 Johnston & Murphy's $6.00 gun metal, lac and button, now S. ft M.'a $5.00 bluchers, double soles, now $4.45 patent colt ..$3.85 Richard & Rrennan's $4.00 win ter tana, button and a nr blucher, now Boyden'a $6.00 patent gun metal, lace and button, now colt and $4.45 McDonald tt Kelley'a ent Run metal, lace and button, now $5.00 pat- $2.95 Howard & Foster $4.00 patent colt, lace and button, now All the broken lines of $4 and $3.50 patent and gun metal shoes go, at. . . 200 pairs small alzea $5.00 and $4.00 shoes, your tl tZ choice, for fll.Ta $2.95 $2.45 WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT- Laird. & Schober's $6.00 patent colt and gun metal, J button, now Wicket & Gardiner's $5.00 pat ent kid. French heel, lace and button, now Wright & Peters' sewed gun metal, button, now . . . $5.00 hand- $3.85 Ziegler Bros. $4.00 patent colt and un metal, lace M QC and button, now Jtt.aFaf Wright & Peters' $5.00 patent colt, lace and R5 button, now tPaJtOa 'All the broken lines of $3.50 and $3.00 gun metal and pat ent shoes go, S?9 JC at Eight lines of Fry's $4.00 and $3.50 patent colt and kid ahoea, lace and button, now All the broken lines of $2.50 kid and gun metal shoes, now 200 pairs women's $4 and $3.50 ahooa, amall sizes Of our choice, now $2.65 2.50 kid $1.95 BIO CUT ON MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S LACE SHOES. (Flilf 1K b5 LoVfgh? Wests Omaha's Pure Food Center "Specials" for Saturday Only Choice of all the samples and surplus stock of men's - negligee shirts fro man eastern manu facturer all aUea 14 to 18 some with soft collar and cuffs actually worth, up to $1.25, at, each.......1... Clearing sale of Manhattan Shirta at prices from. , 31.15 t $2.45 Men'a Fleeced and Ribbed Underwear t 35a u 50 Men's Fleeced Union Suits at. 69 Men's and Ooya' $1.60 Sweater Coata at.. 75 Men'a and Boys' 75c Sweater Coats at....25 rtrf Candy Specials Pompeian Room Fresh Maple Confectlona maple nut kisses, cocoanut balls, maple gem 8, cocoanut kisses, maple caramel glace, at, lb 20 Old Fashioned Hitter Sweet Vanilla, vanilla nut, maple, crushed fruit, strawberry and pineapple, at, lb 29 The Mellow White House Choco late Creams Kegularly 30c a lb.. t 19 Maple Penochla demonstration all day. Cut Flowers New Store South Side California Sweet Violets Saturday, bunch, , Q lilooniing Cyclements reg ularly $1.00 and rn. $1.50, at DUL Potted Poinsettas regular price 50c and 75c, 29 C Evaporated Pears, per lb lBo 10 )b. Hck Table Salt loo Orape-Nutr, per pkg lOo 3 lb aack fancy nice 5e 26c cans Apricots, Peaches and Plums, each aoo Per doxn, 12. 2S. 26c cars fancy White Asparagus Tips, each Hfi Per dozen. $1.70. 26c bottle muffed Olives (assorted) each lBo Mince Meat, per pint jar . . . .. ... . IM Per quart Jar, 46c Home Made Mince Meat tbuyk), per lb. .... XOO 16c Imported Sardines, per can., llo 10 cakes Beat 'Em All rtoap.... aoo 48 lb. sack Aberdeen "i-now White" Klour ,X.75 White or Yellow Cornmeal, per sack, at ISO Batter, Ears and Cbeeae Sept. "L.otus" Huner, (cartons) per lb. flo Strictly fresh from the Brati- dols farm, (not over 24 hours old) per doxen 86o Sountry Koll Butter, .per. lb., , IM .o aso Our Best Country Butter (In sani tary Jure), per lb 980 Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb... 830 Domestlo Swiss Cheese, per lb... 8So Hrlck Cheese, per lb 900 CotlHft Cheese, rer pkg. ...... lOo rresh rmlt and ratable Dept. 100 boxes sweet Navei Oranges, per doaen SOo Large, Juicy Lemons, pr doi.,..90o 8 plain Lettuce 100 hs. New LAyer FIrs, per 16. 180 ga Grapes Mushrooms chokes Head Lettuce J1 V'm. 600 II i Mala A Artie 1J Spinach Knrilve Cauliflower Heels Carrots Turnips Hubbard Squash Uelleue Celery Fresh Pineapples Tea and Coffee Dept. Go where you get the best. Always fresh. Roasted dally. Courtney's 'Lotus AnKola' Coffee, per lb. i!5o 9 Ik. nw 1 (Ml Courtney's "Iotus" Japan T-a (guar- fi anteed to bo-absolutely free irum all coloring , per lb. pkg. .. 650 Per ft lb. pKg ' j Fine.t -ixitus ' hpice (put up in air- m tight cana), each, iOo, lBo, 8oo, 460 wi ..f iaiifr vtnttr t m ailc daily I. Mr la- ....... T.. IOO, 15o, 9SO, 460 n Bilk, per lb. ZOc. WIVES AID UQOOU t.ii I... i. Ai.rlmt !ni-tila I . . . . aoo Straight Whiskey, full quart.... eoo fbj Monograrr -Whiskey, full quart . .76 V Guckenhelnier uye, run U"11;- Z?hn O rxiir Brook Whiskey, full qt. 10 Atherton Whlakey. 10 years old. per quart Rockwell uye. iuii q i XT Ti K!i Federal Scotx-h Whiskey, bottle $1.15 fjg Dollar Pint Champagne ; White Tokay, full quart . . . . . . . 60o p California Orape Urandy, qt. J10O m , t.Niar Kritnch tiranay. uu.. . Port or Sherry Wine. 5 years old, ga - Ion $1.00 Hnttu arr. rreo A bottle of wine with each full iiunrt of our 8-year-old "Lotus" l Brand Whiskey $LO0 9 -ii.--. n-t.-i t nrrirM for Unuors to ml the amount of $3.00 and over. (33?B (JW CiCtWla QpiAfiift (V3WjB CWrf C" C'9wlMi Victrola Concert at 3:00 p. m. Saturday .We announce a concert In our assembly room In Pompeian Room at I o'clock Saturday afternoon on the Victrola talking machine. Lat ent and most brilliant records by world famous artlstB. Ask any floorinan for ticket. I hi Tin mi Brandeis Stores Mayden'o Weot Dept. Meat Prices Take a Dig Slump s Martin Reum has made a reduction in meat prices which have set the town to talking, llayden Bros., store has put smoked meats at the, lowest figure they had sold at retail for many months. Look at these prices and then come and lay in a supply. Fresh Dressed Chickens, Springs or Hens 12 'jC 10 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00 Hindquarters Mutton or Lamb GC Forequarters Mutton or Lamb 5c Mutton Chops, loin or rib 10c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for 25c No. 1 Steer Sirloin Steak 15c Pot Koast 8f, 7f, Gc No. 1 Hams No. 1 Cudahy's Rex Bacon 20c Plate Corn Beef- 5c Bulk Sausage 5c Pork Roast OVzC Uaydcn Bros, neat Dept. Saturday ISie Last Day of Drexel's Mid-Winter Cut Price Shoe Sale Of1 such high grade shoes as Hanan & Sons, Elwin Clapp, McDonald & Kiley, Foster's and Armstrong's. Cut Prices For Men $7.SO Hanan, heavy weight, leather lined tan bluchers, at $5.65 $0.50 Hanan, best velour rail, leather lined bluchers $4.75 $6.)0 Hanan, double sole, ve lour calf bluchers. . . $4.35 90.50 Hanan, kid, double sole, leather lined, lace ..$4.75 $7.00 Clapp, black Russia and French calfs, double sole and heel $4.95 $6.30 Clapp, tan and velour, dotible sole, button.. $4.85 $5.S0 MeDonald-Kiley, double sole, French calf, button ' at $4.25 $.1.00 McDonald-Ktley, double sole, velour blucher $3.65 KIO pairs $5.00, French calf, double sole, button.. $3.75 IOO pairs $(t.OO, heavy winter tans, blucher cut $3.85 Tha 0ti9 Bast Birgila For Men 100 pairs of $4.00 patent leather, button and lace broken lots to be closed out Satur- tf Qp day, at lru Cut Prices For Women $ft.50 Ilannn, flno velour calf, button, styllBh winter shoes. at $4.25 $(f.OO Hanan, patent colt, but ton, at . .$4.25 $5.50 Hanan, vicl kid, lace, broad toe. kid tip. ..$3.65 $ff.50 Foatcr, fine velour calf, doth top $3.75 $5.50 Foster, patent colt, dull kid top $4.25 $0.00 Wright & Peters, full dress, patent colt, cloth top. button, at $4.25 $5.00 Wright & Peters, fine ve- , lour calf, button ... $3.75 100 pairs $4.50, Armstrong & .Cousin, gun metal, blucher. at $2.00 UOO pairs $3.30, kid, blucher and button, a great bargain, at $2.15 100 pairs $3, $4 and (5 shoes in broken lots, if your size la here, at $1.00 Ihe On a Best Birgain Fo r Woman $4.00, $5.00 and $0.00 wom en's patent leather shoes, . with fancy tops, ftft per pair Elavil and III Now's the hour' ft Burnt 4) ! THE BEER YOU LIKE I HAVE A CASE SENT I L HOME J JOHN NITTLER I 3224 SO. 24TH STREET J I ut Pricss For tho Little Folks Saturday we will give 25 per cent off on all boys' and girls' winter shoes. Including girls' high cut Jockey Boots and the popu lar Boy Scout high cut shoes, with buckles, in black an tan. DREXEL SHOE CO. Fornt9, Farnani St. 3 ff LI m Roliablo Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rorms Women Best Buyers The paper that it read by women brings beit returns to advertueri. Omaha Loan and Building Association Clow Located in Their lev Homo in cCagua Building II. 17. Corner I5ih and Dodgo Sis., -Assets $3,000,000. Mild, sunny weather, bracing pine scented mountain air, wholesome out-of-door pleasures golf; and drives, rides and climbs over the splendid Government built mountain roads you're bound to be. benefited by these ideal conditions for rest and recreation alone. Combine them with the most wonderful of all" cura tive hot springs (owned and supervised by the U. S. Government) and you could not ask a stronger guarantee of health or pleasure. You cannot stav ill long here. Every kind of accommodation, from the most magnificent hotel to cottage at all prices. The Frisco Lines take you to Hot Spring in the best time and the most com fort. Leaving Kinui City at 6:15 p. m., you reach Mcmpliii 8.25 a. m. and Hot Springs, via Kock Island Lines, at 3:55 p. m. next day and all the wjy you enjoy the luxury of ' Electric lighted through sleepers The Frisco dining car serves delicious Frtd Harry mrtlj. Let me tend you more information about Hot Springs, its splendid hotels and boarding houses, its healing waters and opportunities for pleasure. I will also tell you cost of ticket and make up a complete schedule from your home town. Write today. J. C LOVRIEN. Divuion Passenger Agent jHBctraa BUt: KuutCitr. Me. Sharpen Your Pencil and flaure It ut yourself. Jf "u buy your meiitH on credit your drMiIrr ha the limn of tlmp In keeping- rmolin. 1om 011 liuct accounts. ! i.l eNpeime of collection to muke up somewhere. If Mini' matt In delivered to your door thrre's another expense on lie dealer. Who puya tliln expense? Who rimkeM good the loan? Somebody In IohIiik money. Hath ne! s strictly for cash: no delivery. Yea ret the heneftt In lower prices and better qusllt. ln veHtlBUto. hurt now. Pork Loins 11 So 10 Hit. Leaf Lard $1-00 Chickens, lb lBo Fork Wioulders .10Vo Strictly Kresli V'esa SOo Home-made Pork Kausnge ...... lSlo Home-rendered Lurd IS Jos. Bath's G3S h Market 1931 riBHAH IT. M 1 M 0mM Tho Trua Follow Up System Wherever you go, let ITie Hee follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our cir-' dilation department and tho address will be changed ru often as desired. Getting The Bee is the game as get ting A Daily Le!fer From Hons Keeping you posted on what's doing among friends and aesoriates. It's the only up-to-date way. Let The Dee Follow You CANDY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 4 0: Assorted Nut Urlttlc, ier pound l5 GOc "PrlncettB Sweet" Cboetilatea per pound 39 Fancy Creams anuT Icca for par- tica and receptions. MYERS-DILLON ORUQ CO. ltth and rsrasm t. sftrLig-jBgs-!!'-i!ii m.vmn mul i i.hj uj. tfr a' I IVrhistcnt Adverti:.ig is the Koad to I5ig Ik-turns The Bi'e's Advertising C'oluinus Are That 1; oat Do You Drink? There I no harm In It If yoci drink our t eel Cut sua lft-d Coffe. tf. cieiiii Mild w lioJMonm 1 ree from dust end chaff. laTiyorstlng Blrshlar 'I line Is sTo Cofta la Ouifths prepait-u as Our Colfe Is pie,.u.-d. sloths Mittute. .1 I lit.. 11 Aij. l.kitlrtUi Uluud, 20c, s'j it,n, (1. uu. W. L. We8terman & Co. "TKB COrrEB MEM' svaistj at rustic Miam tmlO statu.